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How to Be a Good Listener

How to Be a Good Listener

12 Ways to Listen Closely…and Kindly

By Lori Hope
A magnificent array of diverse and unique individuals populate this beautiful planet, but as different as we are, we share at least one fundamental need: to feel heard and understood. Most of us would like to think we can easily satisfy that need with our friends and loved ones, but we often fall short. I know I do. I learned that when I had cancer, and instead of finding open ears, I often encountered open mouths eager to spout advice or share stories. I saw myself in those people, and consequently set out to do unto others as I wished they had done unto me. I wrote a book fundamentally about listening, and I discovered along the way a huge bonus. I was not only a better friend, but I was able to attract new ones. So listen up – learn the art of listening – and feel the love!


First, Practice Actively
Listening well is an art – a skill honed by practice, study, and observation. And though it seems passive – after all, people talk TO us - it is indeed an activity and can require great effort. Seeing genuine listening to be active listening will prepare you for the immensely satisfying work it takes to really hear someone.


Open Your Eyes
Good listening isn’t just about ears, it’s about eyes. Maintain eye contact, and don’t give into the temptation to glance around. I’ll never forget meeting John Kennedy Jr. at a reception in New York, and noticing that while I spoke, his eyes never left mine, even though we were surrounded by luminaries. I felt like the most important person on Earth. Also, read the speaker’s body language; if their eyes are not meeting yours, they may feel uncomfortable or could be hiding something.


Move Your Body
When you’re truly engaged, your body reacts by leaning forward, and your pupils dilate. Though you can’t control your pupils, you can show you’re listening by moving your body instead of your mouth. Nod; move forward in your chair; and if you’re close enough, physically and emotionally, gently touch the speaker’s


Keep Your Mouth Closed
“Keep your ears and eyes open and your mouth shut!” commanded a boot camp officer in a documentary I made years ago. When I’m about to listen to a friend who needs to talk, I think of that or “You have two ears and one mouth; use them in that proportion,” and remind myself to count to at least two before speaking. (By the way, keeping your lips together still allows you to give that most vital vocal sign, a soft “mmm-hmmm” that shows you are listening.)


Forget Yourself
It’s natural to relate what someone else says to your own experience and respond without thinking (I sometimes call that “blurting”), but considerate listeners keep their focus on the speaker. Even though you may have something important to say, try not to worry about how wise, clever, or empathetic you’d like to appear. Just concentrate on the speaker, which belies your wisdom and compassion more than anything.


Don't Interrupt
As tempting as it is to interject your thoughts, hold back. It’s insulting to cut someone off when she’s voicing an opinion, but it’s even more hurtful when she’s sharing a feeling, especially a difficult one. When you interrupt, it can feel like a denial or discounting of your friend’s emotions.


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How to Trick Your Brain for Happiness

The education of attention would be an education par excellence. --William James

How to Trick Your Brain for Happiness

--by Rick Hanson, Greater Good, Sep 15, 2012

There’s this great line by Ani Tenzin Palmo, an English woman who spent 12 years in a cave in Tibet: “We do not know what a thought is, yet we’re thinking them all the time.”


It’s true. The amount of knowledge we have about the brain has doubled in the last 20 years. Yet there’s still a lot we don’t know.

In recent years, though, we have started to better understand the neural bases of states like happiness, gratitude, resilience, love, compassion, and so forth. And better understanding them means we can skillfully stimulate the neural substrates of those states—which, in turn, means we can strengthen them. Because as the famous saying by the Canadian scientist Donald Hebb goes, “Neurons that fire together, wire together.”

Ultimately, what this can mean is that with proper practice, we can increasingly trick our neural machinery to cultivate positive states of mind.

But in order to understand how, you need to understand three important facts about the brain.

Fact one: As the brain changes, the mind changes, for better or worse.


Take this quiz to learn how mindful you are.

Register for our upcoming full-day seminar with Dr. Hanson on "Taking in the Good."

Watch clips from Dr. Hanson's Greater Good last talk.

Learn more about Dr. Hanson's work, including his books Buddha's Brain and Just One Thing, on his website.

For example, more activation in the left prefrontal cortex is associated with more positive emotions.

So as there is greater activation in the left, front portion of your brain relative to the right, there is also greater well-being. That’s probably in large part because the left prefrontal cortex is a major part of the brain for controlling negative emotion. So if you put the breaks on the negative, you get more of the positive.

On the other hand, people who routinely experience chronic stress—particularly acute, even traumatic stress—release the hormone cortisol, which literally eats away, almost like an acid bath, at the hippocampus, which is a part of the brain that’s very engaged in visual-spatial memory as well as memory for context and setting.

For example, adults who have had that history of stress and have lost up to 25 percent of the volume of this critically important part of the brain are less able to form new memories.

So we can see that as the brain changes, the mind changes. And that takes us to the second fact, which is where things really start getting interesting.

Fact two: As the mind changes, the brain changes.

These changes happen in temporary and in lasting ways. In terms of temporary changes, the flow of different neurochemicals in the brain will vary at different times. For instance, when people consciously practice gratitude, they are likely getting higher flows of reward-related neurotransmitters, like dopamine. Research suggests that when people practice gratitude, they experience a general alerting and brightening of the mind, and that’s probably correlated with more of the neurotransmitter norepinephrine.

Here’s another example of how changes in mental activity can produce changes in neural activity: When college students deeply in love are shown a picture of their sweetheart, their brains become more active in the caudate nucleus, a reward center of the brain. As the mind changes—that rush of love, that deep feeling of happiness and reward—correlates with activation of a particular part of the brain. When they stop looking at that picture of their sweetheart, the reward center goes back to sleep.

Now the mind also can change the brain in lasting ways. In other words, what flows through the mind sculpts the brain. I define the mind as the flow of immaterial information through the nervous system—all the signals being sent, most of which are happening forever outside of consciousness.

As the mind flows through the brain, as neurons fire together in particularly patterned ways based on the information they are representing, those patterns of neural activity change neural structure.

So busy regions of the brain start stitching new connections with each other. Existing synapses—the connections between neurons that are very busy—get stronger, they get more sensitive, they start building out more receptors. New synapses form as well.

One of my favorite studies of this involved taxi cab drivers in London. To get a taxi license there, you’ve got to memorize the spaghetti-like streets of London. Well, at the end of the drivers’ training, the hippocampus of their brain—a part very involved in visual-spatial memory—is measurably thicker.

In other words, neurons that fire together wire together, even to the point of being observably thicker.

This has also been found among meditators: People who maintain some kind of regular meditative practice actually have measurably thicker brains in certain key regions. One of those regions is the insula, which is involved in what’s called “interoception”—tuning into the state of your body, as well as your deep feelings. This should be no surprise: A lot of what they’re doing is practicing mindfulness of breathing, staying really present with what’s going on inside themselves; no wonder they’re using, and therefore building, the insula.

Another region is the frontal regions of the prefrontal cortex—areas involved in controlling attention. Again, this should be no surprise: They’re focusing their attention in their meditation, so they’re getting more control over it, and they’re strengthening its neural basis.

What’s more, research has also shown that it’s possible to slow the loss of our brain cells. Normally, we lose about 10,000 brain cells a day. That may sound horrible, but we were born with 1.1 trillion. We also have several thousand born each day, mainly in the hippocampus, in what’s called neurogenesis.

So losing 10,000 a day isn’t that big a deal, but the net bottom line is that a typical 80 year old will have lost about 4 percent of his or her brain mass—it’s called “cortical thinning with aging.” It’s a normal process.

But in one study, researchers compared meditators and non-meditators. In the graph to the left, the meditators are the blue circles and the non-meditators are the red squares, comparing people of the same age. The non-meditators experienced normal cortical thinning in those two brain regions I mentioned above, along with a third, the somatosensory cortex.

However, the people who routinely meditated and “worked” their brain did not experience cortical thinning in those regions.

That has a big implication for an aging population: Use it or lose it, which applies to the brain as well as to other aspects of life.

That highlights an important point that I think is a major takeaway in this territory: Experience really matters. It doesn’t matter only in our moment-to-moment well-being—how it feels to be me—but it really matters in the lasting residues that it leaves behind, woven into our very being.

Which takes us to the third fact, which is the one with the most practical import.

Fact three: You can use the mind to change the brain to change the mind for the better.

This is known as “self-directed neuroplasticity.” Neuroplasticity refers to the malleable nature of the brain, and it’s constant, ongoing. Self-directed neuroplasticity means doing it with clarity and skillfulness and intention.

The key to it is a controlled use of attention. Attention is like a spotlight, to be sure, shining on things within our awareness. But it’s also like vacuum cleaner, sucking whatever it rests upon into the brain, for better or worse.

For example, if we rest our attention routinely on what we resent or regret—our hassles, our lousy roommate, what Jean-Paul Sartre called “hell” (other people)—then we’re going to build out the neural substrates of those thoughts and feelings.

On the other hand, if we rest our attention on the things for which we’re grateful, the blessings in our life—the wholesome qualities in ourselves and the world around us; the things we get done, most of which are fairly small yet they’re accomplishments nonetheless—then we build up very different neural substrates.

I think that’s why, more than 100 years ago, before there were things like MRIs, William James. the father of psychology in America, said. “The education of attention would be an education par excellence.”

The problem, of course, is that most people don’t have very good control over their attention. Part of this is due to human nature, shaped by evolution: Our forbearers who just focused on the reflection of sunlight in the water—they got chomped by predators. But those who were constantly vigilant—they lived.

And today we are constantly bombarded with stimuli that the brain has not evolved to handle. So gaining more control over attention one way or another is really crucial, whether it’s through the practice of mindfulness, for instance, or through gratitude practices, where we count our blessings.

Those are great ways to gain control over your attention because there you are, for 30 seconds or 30 minutes, coming back to focus on an object of awareness.

Taking in the good

This brings me to one of my favorite methods for deliberately using the mind to change the brain over time for the better: taking in the good.

Just having positive experiences is not enough to promote last well-being. If a person feels grateful for a few seconds, that’s nice. That’s better than feeling resentful or bitter for a few seconds. But in order to really suck that experience into the brain, we need to stay with those experiences for a longer duration of time—we need to take steps, consciously, to keep that spotlight of attention on the positive.

So, how do we actually do this? These are the three steps I recommend for taking in the good. I should note that I did not invent these steps. They are embedded in many good therapies and life practices.

But I’ve tried to tease them apart and embed them in an evolutionary understanding of how the brain works.

1. Let a good fact become a good experience. Often we go through life and some good thing happens—a little thing, like we checked off an item on our To Do list, we survived another day at work, the flowers are blooming, and so forth. Hey, this is an opportunity to feel good. Don’t leave money lying on the table: Recognize that this is an opportunity to let yourself truly feel good.

2. Really savor this positive experience. Practice what any school teacher knows: If you want to help people learn something, make it as intense as possible—in this case, as felt in the body as possible—for as long as possible.

3. Finally, as you sink into this experience, sense your intent that this experience is sinking into you.

Sometimes people do this through visualization, like by perceiving a golden light coming into themselves or a soothing balm inside themselves. You might imagine a jewel going into the treasure chest in your heart—or just know that this experience is sinking into you, becoming a resource you can take with you wherever you go.

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Mars One finds more than 1,000 volunteers for one-way trip to planet in 2023

The Mars One organisation has revealed details of its plans to land four astronauts on the Red Planet in 2023, with four additional 'crew' arriving every two years.

The Mars One organisation has revealed details of its plans to land four astronauts on the Red Planet in 2023, with four additional 'crew' arriving every two years.

The organisation said that it had had more than 1,000 volunteers for the mission, who emailed in via the foundation's website.

Selection of the astronauts will begin next year, the Dutch organisation says.

The trip to the planned 'colony' would be one-way - and the astronaut volunteers will live and die on Mars.

Mars One aims to finance a mission to Mars via donations from corporations, people - and by creating a reality show-style 'media event' around the training and selection of its astronauts.

The Dutch company is backed by Nobel prize winning physicist, Gerard 't Hooft - and by Paul Romer, co-creator of Big Brother.

Mars One also announced that it had become a not-for-profit foundation.

"With more than 850,000 unique visitors to the website, Mars One has received thousands of emails," the Dutch company said in an email today.

"Among those emails were more than one thousand requests from individuals who desire to go to Mars--well before the launch of the Astronaut Selection Program. Furthermore, Mars One is supported by a large groups of advisers and ambassadors, among them an astronaut, a Nobel prize winning physicist and several NASA scientists."

Bas Lansdorp, co-founder and President of Mars-One offers, “A foundation more accurately represents how the Mars One team feels about this mission, and how the world has embraced our plan, even in this early stage.

"We receive so many kind and supportive emails, people offer donations or offer to helpin whatever way they can. The conversion to a foundation represents that going to Mars is something we do as a united world.”

In the first half of 2013 Mars One will launch the Astronaut Selection Program, a search to find the best candidates for the 'next giant leap of mankind'. The search will be global, open to every person from every nation. As a Foundation, Mars One will be the owner of the human outpost on Mars, the simulation bases on Earth, and the employer of the astronauts, both in training here on Earth, and those on Mars.

Arno Wielders, co-founder and technical director of Mars One: “Sending humans to Mars has been my dream for twenty years. Evidently, I am not alone--we have received emails from over fifty countries."

"People in thirty seven countries have purchased our merchandise, demonstrating their support for Mars One. Regardless of their background, people are positive about this optimistic event that we believe will bring people of Earth a little bit closer together.”

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China prepares to grow vegetables on Mars

China prepares to grow vegetables on Mars

Chinese astronauts are preparing to grow fresh vegetables on Mars and the moon after researchers successfully completed a preliminary test in Beijing, state media reported.


Four kinds of vegetables were grown in an "ecological life support system", a 300 cubic metre cabin which will allow astronauts to develop their own stocks of air, water and food while on space missions, Xinhua news agency said Monday.
The system, which relies on plants and algae, is "expected to be used in extra-terrestrial bases on the moon or Mars", the report said.
Participants in the experiment could "harvest fresh vegetables for meals", Xinhua quoted Deng Yibing, a researcher at Beijing's Chinese Astronaut Research and Training Centre, as saying.
"Chinese astronauts may get fresh vegetables and oxygen supplies by gardening in extra-terrestrial bases in the future," the report said, adding that the experiment was the first of its kind in China.
China has said it will land an exploratory craft on the moon for the first time next year, as part of an ambitious space programme that includes a long-term plan for a manned moon landing.
The Asian superpower has been ramping up its manned space activities as the United States, long the leader in the field, has scaled back some of its programmes, such as retiring its iconic space shuttle fleet.
In its last white paper on space, China said it was working towards landing a man on the moon -- a feat so far only achieved by the United States, most recently in 1972 -- although it did not give a time frame.
China's first astronaut Yang Liwei said last month that Chinese astronauts may start a branch of China's ruling Communist Party in space, state media reported.
"If we establish a party branch in space, it would also be the 'highest' of its kind in the world," Xinhua quoted Yang as saying.
The astronaut was launched into space and orbited the earth aboard the Shenzhou 5 spacecraft in 2003.



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This special meditation was recorded live within a full size pyramid under a rare blue moon and within a crystal skull grid with the Tibetan Crystal SkullAMAR while energized crystal skulls (including Nuummite - the oldest stome on Earth) to support transformation and ascension beyond 2012.

This guided visualization is designed to align your chakras and attune your energies to the higher frequencies of the crystal skulls so you can commune with higher consciousness and receive higher guidance. This meditation also connects you with the crystal skull grid, raising the vibration of the Earth and all living things, while raising your own vibration to the optimal level to support your greatest joy, prosperity and wellbeing.

In celebration of December 21, 2012 you can listen to this meditation as our gift. Click this link and scroll all the way to the bottom of the webpage to find the audio player to listen to the meditation for free:


" I did the [Crystal Skulls Opening] meditation. Thank you very much. I hope to do this everyday until Dec 2012 is over. When I was communing with all the Crystal skulls infinitely beyond the twelve crystal skulls in your meditation, I felt so empowered. I saw myself happily moved into a home in Texas, with my guy. I saw myself helping with the Ascension and helping others on the Path, as a Light Worker, a Wayfinder, a Shamangelic-type. It was moving, and I began to cry. I began to say, "I am a skull whisperer," over to myself a few times. Then, the name "Ixtar" or something like that, came into my mind, and then I was holding a very large, very clear crystal skull. I walked away with it down the crystal steps. Hmm.

Infinite Blessings back your way!"

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10 Ways to Use Psychic Energy

10 Ways to Use Psychic Energy
By Taryn Gale wind

Color is light. Light is energy. Energy governs everything we do and totally impacts how we feel. Each color of the spectrum has a frequency, and scientists know our brains and body chemistry react to those vibrations. Sensitives and psychics know our chakras react,too,and can be re energized by color.

Let’s look at ten simple ways to use psychic color.

1. Red Is Power. Every politician and corporate mogul knows wearing red when facing an adversary gives you an advantage. The richness and depth of red make you seem and feel like a stronger entity.

2. White, the great protector. White light combines all colors. If you feel anxious or are dealing with fear, close your eyes and surround yourself with a dome of white light. The dome keeps thoughts and energies pure and can protect you as you work through issues.

3. Pink secures wishes. Meditation teacher Shakti Gawain advises using a pink psychic bubble to obtain heart’s desires. Get into your deepest meditation state. Envision your heart’s desire in as much detail as you can. Surround it with a pink bubble – glowing, buoyant. Hold the bubble close for a moment, then let go. Watch it rise, disappearing into the universe. Don’t think of your wish again. Let your psychic energy handle it.

4. Create peace and harmony. Wall and environmental colors have a profound impact on your energy and power. Analyze your home. Make sure you feel centered in each room. If not, using visualization and large color samples, find out which colors strengthen your energy. Make changes.

5. Balance your chakras. In Sanskrit, chakra is wheel of light, so color is important here. In order, color association is: Root chakra – red, second chakra – orange, third – yellow, fourth – green, fifth – blue, sixth – purple, seventh – white. Use those colors in meditation and visualization to balance energy and life force, bringing you closer in tune with your soul and the soul of the universe.

6. Change your mood. Wear bright pink or green to enhance and lift mood if you feel depressed or morose. The reflected light touching your skin and stimulating your eyes will give your brain chemistry a kickstart.

7. Psychics know orange can change relationships and scientists may agree. Use orange to work on your emotional self, or someone else’s. That light frequency seems to be associated with social confidence and outcomes. Orange may create optimism and joyful relationships.

8. Find out what kind of love you need. Take yourself to your magical place of meditation and visualization. As you relax, enclose your body, beginning with your head and working down, with an aura of green light. Green connects you to every positive energy, from peace, to purity, to self knowledge. Inside your green aura, explore the qualities you seek in friends or lovers.

9. Soothe pain/treat illness. A holistic approach can include colored light, psychically or physically produced, as therapy. Long ago, blue was thought to affect pain and illness. Now, it isn’t unlikely to find medical staff wearing blue and clinical settings painted blue. Last year, Chinese doctors had success using blue chemicals to treat back pain. For mild pain or illness, try envisioning blue light healing the area. Consult your medical team for anything beyond the mildest condition.

10. Have an aura reading. Ask your psychic practitioner to conduct a reading, and perhaps a balancing of your aura. You may learn a lot more than your anticipated. Take your lover with you for a great couples’ experience.

Many believe our bodies contain a series of energy fields. When the energy is in balance, the body is healthy. We’ve already established that color is energy, so it’s easy to understand how using psychic color energy can have profound impact on you and your reactions to everything you encounter. Tomorrow, choose your colors carefully and see what happens.

"Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around. Have a beautiful sunfilled day...Carol Paradis

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National Geographic - Strange Days on Planet Earth - Part 1 of 4 – Invaders

Geographic - Strange Days on Planet Earth - Part 1 of 4 – Invaders

National Geographic - Strange Days on Planet Earth -Part 2of4- One Degree Factor

National Geographic - Strange Days on Planet Earth - Part 3 of 4 - Predator

National Geographic - Strange Days on Planet Earth -Part 4 of 4- Troubled Waters

Around the globe, scientists are racing to solve a series of mysteries. Unsettling transformations are sweeping across the planet, and clue by clue, investigators around the world are assembling a new picture of Earth, discovering ways that seemingly disparate events are connected. Crumbling houses in New Orleans are linked to voracious creatures from southern China. Vanishing forests in Yellowstone are linked to the disappearance of wolves. An asthma epidemic in the Caribbean is linked to dust storms in Africa. Scientists suspect we have entered a time of global change swifter than any human being has ever witnessed. Where are we headed? What can we do to alter this course of events?

National Geographic's Strange Days on Planet Earth, premiering in Spring 2005 on PBS, explores these questions. Drawing upon research being generated by a new discipline, Earth System Science (ESS), the series aims to create an innovative type of environmental awareness. By revealing a cause and effect relationship between what we as humans do to the Earth and what that in turn does to our environment and ecosystems, the series creates a new sense of environmental urgency. Award-winning actor, writer and director Edward Norton (Primal Fear, American History X, Italian Job) hosts the series. A dedicated environmental activist, Norton has a special interest in providing solar energy to low income families. Each of the four one-hour episodes is constructed as a high-tech detective story, with the fate of the planet at stake.

National Geographic

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Ac Tah, of the Mayan people, gave a talk in Santa Monica last month. In this exert he speaks about what is happening around December 21st 2012 and it's significance to the world. His heritage is authentic. Check out his website for lots more information and to see the work Ac Tah and a lot of other dedicated people are doing....

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On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that independence is your soul's natural state, and
Freedom is another name for God.

The Divine is that which is totally free, all the time.

Nothing constricts It, nothing limits It, nothing stops
It or prohibits It or denies It in any way.
You are exactly the same. Your soul is nothing
more than an Individuation of Divinity...and it is
absolutely nothing less. Act as if you are divinely
free today -- and watch your life change.

Love, Your Friend....

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that disappointment is your thought that God doesn't
know what God is doing.

That, of couse, is impossible. So try to not be
disappointed in anything. Know that life is showing up
perfectly in every moment.

Today's disappointment could be tomorrow's springboard
to all that you've ever wanted. In fact, it probably is.

You will not have to think very hard to know exactly
why you received this message today...

Love, Your Friend....

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that without knowing who you are and why you are
here, life has no meaning.

Seek, then, to study the questions. Work to experience
the grandest answers. Who You Are is an Individuation
of Divinity. Why you are here is to demonstrate that.

Today is going to offer you a perfect chance to do that.

Watch. Listen. Before the end of this day,
you will have a chance to be Divine.

Indeed, someone is counting on you to.

Love, Your Friend....

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that the fastest way to learn something is to teach it.

Do not wait, therefore, until you "know all about it" or
have "mastered" what you wish to share before you
begin to share it.

The world needs more of what you wish to learn
more of. So teach. Share. Help others. And do not
worry so much about what you "don't know." Worry
about what you don't do. Because you are robbing us
while you are waiting to become an "expert."

You know exactly why you heard this today.

Love, Your Friend....

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that he who eats till he is sick, must fast till he is well.

That is a Hebrew proverb, and it has to do with a lot
more than food. Look to see what behaviors you are
indulging in over and over again that are clearly not
serving you. Then, go on a "bad habit diet."

I mean it. I'm not kidding, Pick one bad habit, one
bad behavior a day for five days. You can do this.

Stop doing the stuff you're doing that obviously
does not serve you--or others.

This friendly "nudge" came from your Self, you know...

Love, Your Friend....

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that you have only just begun to discover your

This period of your life marks a New Beginning. You
can feel it. And you have only just begun to know the
treasure and the glory of You. And you have only just
begun to make your Real and Lasting Contribution.

So step into this day with zest and zeal! Go now and
give your gift. We're all waiting for you. And we need
the wonder of Who You Are.

Love, Your Friend....

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that no effort is ever wasted, although some pay
dividends later than you think.

Do not imagine that you "wasted your time" because
something didn't turn out right. There is no such thing
as "waste" in the Universe. Everything -- everything --
yields benefit.

It's true. And your life will show you this. So don't
decry the "effort that failed." All things lead to your
highest good. You just may not know it yet.
You know even now why you just read this...

Love, Your Friend

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that there are no guarantees in life...except that all
things happen for God's best reason.

If you need to know in advance that everything will
"work out" before you jump in, you'll never jump into

Yet "jumping in" is life's greatest excitement, its grandest
adventure. Don't deny yourself that. Just go for it. Trust
that Life will bring you benefit no matter what happens.

Love, Your Friend....

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that imagination is your greatest gift. Do not be afraid
to use it.
Imagine yourself as being okay right now. Totally okay.

Imagine yourself as Whole, Complete, and Perfect. With
nothing to change, nothing to "improve."

Imagine your heart as being open again, your life as if it
were starting over in the most important ways.

Can you imagine this?

Then you have just created Tomorrow.

Love, Your Friend....

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that fear is one of the main sources of cruelty. To
conquer fear is the beginning of wisdom.

Bertrand Russell said that, and he was right.

Elisabeth Kubler-Ross said, "Fear and guilt are the only
enemies of man." She was right, too.

And Franklin Roosevelt famously said,
"We have nothing to fear but fear

Love, Your Friend....

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that life is about your soul, not about your body and
not about your mind.

Most people work hard to keep the body happy. Then
they seek to stimulate their mind. Then...if there is time...
they look after their soul. Yet the most beneficial priority
has it just the other way around.

When was the last time you paid attention to your soul?

Love, Your Friend....

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that earthly possessions are not what you came here
to gather.

Do not worry about your earthly possessions. Place
your attention on your heavenly goal--the evolution of
your soul--and you will find peace even while on earth.

You will not have to think but a second to know
exactly why you received this message today.

Love, Your Friend....

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that the events of this very day will move you closer
to God.

That is what they were designed to do, and you will
experience them doing just that if you will allow
yourself to.

It is all a matter of opening your eyes to what is really
happening (as opposed to what it looks like is
happening). Judge not by outward appearances.

Love, Your Friend....

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that your security is guaranteed through the sharing
of your love.

The peace and safety for which you yearn is not a
matter of food, clothing, and shelter. It is a matter of
love. Love and be loved, and all else will be added
unto you.

The world will perform its magic when you step into
yours. That is the promise of God, and it will be kept.

Love, Your Friend....

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that your security is guaranteed through the sharing
of your love.

The peace and safety for which you yearn is not a
matter of food, clothing, and shelter. It is a matter of
love. Love and be loved, and all else will be added
unto you.

The world will perform its magic when you step into
yours. That is the promise of God, and it will be kept.

Love, Your Friend....

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that life will resolve itself in the process of life itself.

Let the moment play itself out. Try to not push the river.

Life knows what It has in mind. Trust Life.

It is on your side.

Do you know how I know? You are still here.

How much more proof do you need?

Love, Your Friend....

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that you can be happy right here, not tomorrow, not
in ten minutes, but now. You can be happy right now.

Byron Katie said that, and she is right. Happiness is
allowing yourself to be okay with what is, rather than
wishing for, and bemoaning, what is not.
Obviously, what is is what is supposed to be, or it
would not be. The rest is just you, arguing with life.

Somewhere along the way you will have to learn to
just Trust Life. (Read that, "Trust God.")

Why not start today?

Love, Your Friend....

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that rushing around to fix everything, or to "get ready,"
is not going to do you more good.

Move resolutely, but don't rush. There's a difference.

Rushing removes resolution, often replacing it with
panic or irrationality or, at best,
not well thought-out choices.

So keep moving. Don't stop. But don't rush. Don't
race around. Sure and steady gets you there
every time.

You know exactly why you received this message.

Love, Your Friend....

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that it is better to do now what you will have to do

You know, right now, what you will have to do
eventually. Your stomach is telling you right now.

You just don't want to have to listen to it; don't
want to believe it.

Believe it. The tummy knows. How many times in
your life must you prove this to yourself?

You will not have to think but a second to know
exactly why you received this message today.

Love, Your Friend....

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that every day--nay, every moment--
you will have a chance to be Right or
to be Love.

Your choice will define who you are.

Love, Your Friend....

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that any frustration you have is simply the result of
wrong thinking.

If you were thinking rightly you could not possibly
imagine that anything was going 'wrong.' You would
know that nothing in the Universe is working against
you. By definition, given Who You Are,
this is impossible.

Move, then, to gratitude when you encounter your
frustrations. And see every event as an Opportunity.

Love, Your Friend....

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that betrayal of yourself in order not to betray another
is betrayal nonetheless. It is the Highest Betrayal.

You are not avoiding betrayal by betraying yourself, you
are merely choosing whom to betray. In fact, there is no
such thing as "betrayal." There is only the truth,
finally spoken.

That is not betrayal at all. That is love.

For another, and for yourself.

Can you love that much?

Love, Your Friend....

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that you will benefit enormously if you simply strive to
be a good person. Strive to live rightly.

This will not always be easy. It will require real work,
real dedication, real commitment to the Journey of Your
Soul. Yet in the end, I trust in God that it will be so very
worth it, for the reward is Self Realization.

To know the Self as Who You Really Are is the goal
and the opportunity of each lifetime. To expand your
definition of that is the invitation.

I admire and deeply respect and salute you.

Love, Your Friend....

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that Freedom is Who You Are.

'Freedom' is but another word for 'God.' It has been
difficult to find words in human language to describe
That Which God Is, but 'Freedom' is one of them.

Another word to describe God is...You.

You and God are One. Therefore you, too, are Free.

Free to make choices, free to select your reactions
and responses to life, free to be your authentic Self.

You will not have to think but a second to know
exactly why you received this message today.

Love, Your Friend....

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that true ambition is not what you thought it was.

Bill, the man who co-founded Alcoholics Anonymous,
said that, and he was right. "True ambition," he said, "is
the profound desire to live usefully and walk humbly
under the grace of God."

What is your ambition for today? What is on the top
of your priority list? What are you hoping to do today?

What are you hoping to be?

Your answer to this question will create not just the
day, but you.

Love, Your Friend....

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that love tolerates human foibles, faults, and failings.

When someone does something you don't like, try
toleration. Tell them in your nicest way that you do
not feel good about what occurred or what was said,
but try hard not to cold-shoulder them, and block
them out of any warm connection with you.

All you teach them by that is to be afraid of you -- by
making them afraid of losing you...or at least the warmth
of their connection with you. This is, of course, what
some people say God does to us...

Give people the same break you would like God (and
other people, for that matter) to give you.

Love, Your Friend....

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that most dramatic conflicts are perhaps those
that take place not between men, but between a man
and himself.

Author Mark Moustakas said that, and he was right.

If we can win the struggle within -- the struggle that
Muslims call jihad -- we can win this human race.

What are you battling with right now? What unwanted
habit? What undesireable behavior? What old pattern?

Claim victory over these, and your entire life can change.

Love, Your Friend....

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that the word salvation in the Bible means perfect
health, harmony, and freedom.

Emmet Fox said that, and he was right. These things
are the will of God for man, he said,
and he was right again.

When you ponder how to achieve your 'salvation,'
make sure you understand, first, what 'salvation' is.

We are seeking here to save ourselves from our own
misunderstandings about Life and How It Is, and
about Who We Really Are.

Move into the fullness of your True Identity, and
watch your whole life change.

Love, Your Friend....

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that being "right" has nothing to do with it.

The idea that you call "right" is the idea that someone
else calls "wrong." The solution that you call "perfect"
is the solution that another calls "unworkable." The
position that you feel is unassailable is the very
position that others assail.

What will solve all of this? Not attack, that's for sure.

And not defense, either. So what is left? Simple human
love. The kind of love that says, "It doesn't matter who
is right or wrong. It only matters that you are not hurt.

And that we both can benefit. All true benefits are mutual."

Love, Your Friend....

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that you can only succeed, you cannot fail.

Failure is impossible; it is an illusion. Nothing is a
failure. Nothing. Everything moves the human story,
and hence the process of evolution, forward.

Everything advances you on your journey.

You will not have to think but a second to know
exactly why you received this message today.

love, Your Friend....

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that a hunch is angel talk, and
probably should not be ignored.

Listen to your hunches, pay attention to your intuition,
do not dismiss your random thoughts, inspirations or
ideas. Heaven talks in snippets, not in speeches. Angels
whisper fast. They have to when they're flying around...
Honor your Hints from Heaven.

They could be giving you the best advice
you ever had.

Love, Your Friend....

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that nothing is ever solved, or created, by standing still.

Movement is the process of the Universe. So move.

Do something. Anything.But do not stand still.

Do not remain"on the horns of a dilemma." Do not fence sit.

Put your foot down on one side or the other,
swing the opposite leg over and start walking.

You'll know before you take ten steps if
you're going in the right direction.

Not to decide is to decide.

Try to not make choices by default.

Love, Your Friend....

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that "Why is this happening?" is the most useless
question in the Universe.

The only really profitable question is, "What?" As in,
"What do I choose now?" This question empowers.

The "why" question simply perplexes, and rarely
satisfies even when it gets a good answer.

So don't try to "figure it out." Stop it. Just focus on
what you now wish to create. Keep moving forward.

There's nothing behind you that can possibly serve
you better than your highest thoughts about tomorrow.

Love, Your Friend....

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A Secret Scrolls #142 to #145

A Secret Scrolls #142

A Secret Scrolls message from Rhonda Byrne
Creator of The Secret

From The Secret Daily Teachings

You must be happy now to bring happiness into your life through the law of attraction. It's a simple formula. Happiness attracts happiness. Yet people use so many excuses as to why they can't be happy. They use excuses of debt, excuses of health, excuses of relationships, and excuses of all sorts of things as to why they can't use this simple formula. But the formula is the law.

No matter what the excuse, unless you begin to feel happy despite it, you cannot attract happiness. The law of attraction is saying to you, "Be happy now, and as long as you keep doing that, I will give you unlimited happiness."

May the joy be with you,

Rhonda Byrne
The Secret... bringing joy to billions

A Secret Scrolls #143

A Secret Scrolls message from Rhonda Byrne
Creator of The Secret

From The Secret Daily Teachings

There is a difference between feeling gratitude and appreciation for something, and feeling attachment to something. Appreciation and gratitude are states of pure love, while attachment contains fear - fear of losing or not having what you are attached to. When it comes to something you want in your life, appreciation and gratitude attracts, and attachment pushes away. If you are feeling afraid that you will not get what you want, or losing what you have, then you have attachment.

To remove the attachment, keep shifting yourself into a state of appreciation and gratitude, until you can feel that the fear has gone.

May the joy be with you,

Rhonda Byrne
The Secret... bringing joy to billions

A Secret Scrolls #144

A Secret Scrolls message from Rhonda Byrne
Creator of The Secret

From The Secret Daily Teachings

Begin your day by feeling grateful. Be grateful for the bed you just slept in, the roof over your head, the carpet or floor under your feet, the running water, the soap, your shower, your toothbrush, your clothes, your shoes, the refrigerator that keeps your food cold, the car that you drive, your job, your friends. Be grateful for the stores that make it so easy to buy the things you need, the restaurants, the utilities, services, and electrical appliances that make your life effortless. Be grateful for the magazines and the books that you read. Be grateful for the chair that you sit on, and the pavement that you walk on. Be grateful for the weather, the sun, the sky, the birds, the trees, the grass, the rain, and the flowers.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

May the joy be with you,

Rhonda Byrne
The Secret... bringing joy to billions

A Secret Scrolls #145

A Secret Scrolls message from Rhonda Byrne
Creator of The Secret

From The Secret Daily Teachings

If you have "needing money" in your vibration, then you will keep attracting needing money. You have to find a way of being happy NOW, feeling good NOW, and being in joy NOW, without the money, because those great feelings are how you will feel with the money.

Money doesn't bring happiness - but happiness brings money.

May the joy be with you,

Rhonda Byrne
The Secret... bringing joy to billions

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#5 How to Build a Geodesic Strawbale Dome - Placing the Bales

Fifth in our series of documentaries regarding the construction of the Kibbutz Lotan EcoCampus - home to our Green Apprenticeship programs. Check out for more information.


Cob Houses - Live Debt Free with Sustainable Development


How to live without money

Many people are learning to live sustainably, without money. In this video, they discuss their struggles, how they got to and developed kew bridge eco-village.

To find out more on alternative life styles visit:

Read more…

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that everything you have been thinking lately is to be
thrown out.

You're spending too much time "in your head" these
days. How about getting out of your thoughts and into
your feelings? You've analyzed it to death. Now it's
about moving from your head to your heart.

What are you feeling about all this? That is what really
matters. You are using your thoughts to try to parse
your feelings. You may want to stop that.

You will not have to think but a second to know
exactly why you received this message today.

Love, Your Friend....


On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that it is never safe to look into the future with eyes
of fear.

Edward H. Harriman said that, and he was right. Nothing
is fearful lest thinking make it so. I can honestly say that
probably 95% of the things I was afraid of, it turned out
I had no reason to be.

And even if the thing you fear what? Again,
95% of the time your world is not going to fall apart, your
life will not be in danger. So drop fear by the wayside.

Just... let it go. Then make way for a surprising tomorrow.

Love, Your Friend....


On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that the tiniest gesture -- a smile, a gentle look, a simple
pat on the arm, a soft word -- can change a person's life.

Before this very day is out, you are going to have a chance
to live in that possibility. Look. Watch.

See what this day brings you. And be ready.

If you believe I am exaggerating about this, please know
that I am not. Someone is waiting for that smile, that look,
that gesture from you right now.

Why do you suppose you just read this? Do you think this is
a coincidence?

Love, Your Friend....


On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that miracles do not, in fact, break the laws of nature.
C.S. Lewis said that, and it is an enormous insight. If
we think that miracles are normal, we will expect them.

And expecting a miracle is the surest way to get one.

Love, Your Friend....


On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that what you found was meant for you to keep.

You know exactly what this means, so stop trying to
figure it out. This was not brought to you so that you
could throw it away. Or ignore it. Or pretend it is
not there.

Look at it. Grab it and look right at it. Hold onto it.

There is more there, much more, than you think.

You know exactly why you received this message

Love, Your Friend....


On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that when you pray for anyone, you tend to modify
your personal attitude toward them.

Norman Vincent Peale said that, and he touched on
something truly profound. If someone is vexing you
right now, say a prayer for that person. Send them all
of your best energies.

Nothing changes the environment like one person
deciding to love another, no matter what.

Love, Your Friend....


On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that there is no such thing as a "bad omen," so you
don't have to avoid black cats today.

Or ladders. Or cracks in the sidewalk. Friday the 13th
can be the Best Day of Your Life So Far. And it will
be if you choose to see everything in your life today
as a miracle.

That includes the growing of the grass, the passing of
a cloud, the smile on another's face...and the beating
of your own heart.

Live the miracle that is Life today, and do not worry
about "bad omens." Remember, nothing is evil, lest
thinking make it so. (Wm. Shakespeare)

Love, Your Friend....


On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that you are perfect just the way you are.

Yes, yes, I and I have lots of the same
judgments about ourselves. But you know what?
God holds none of these judgments.

If you saw yourself as God sees you, you would smile
a lot.

So smile. And go forth now into your day, sharing the
wonder of Who You Are and who you now choose to
be. For we are blessed in you.

Love, Your Friend....


On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that there is no 'right way' to do anything, there is only
the way you are doing it.

Never be afraid to "try your hand" because you don't
want to might make a mistake or not do something
"right." Success in life comes from being willing to move
into Uncharted Territory.

Always remember: Life begins at the end of your
Comfort Zone.

You will not have to think but a second to know
exactly why you received this message today.

Love, Your Friend....


On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that morning comes every day; the sunrise does not
fail, nor the sunset.

Give it time. That is all that may be required. Just give
it time. Do not try to push the river. The cycles of life
present themselves, play themselves out, and make
smooth every passage and terrain.

Try not to get caught up in your story of the moment.
Look, rather, to the Long Story. Therein will be
found your peace. The cycles will redeem this
moment, if you let them, and even this shall pass.

Love, Your Friend....


On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that Life is conspiring in your favor.
It may not always look that way, but it is, I assure you.

Everything that is happening, is happening just the way
it must, in order for you to have the opportunity to
create the experience of your Self for which you yearn.

The idea behind all of this is to give you a chance to
become and to know, at the highest level, Who You
Really Are. This is God Work we are up to, you and I.
So keep on.

Love, Your Friend....


On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that your kindness has been observed -- and, more
than observed, deeply appreciated -- by another.

Sometimes it may feel as if we go through life and
nobody notices any of the "good" things we do, only
the "bad." It may seem that way, but this is not true.

Why, this very moment someone thought of you,
and of a kindness you have done.

Your soul may have even tingled a little just now.

(It does that when it receives good energy.)
So keep sending out those kindnesses, my friend.
You are becoming known for them...

Love, Your Friend....


On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that you are innocent. You are blameless. You are
without foible or fault of any kind.

I know you do not believe this about yourself, but do
you believe this of the three-year-old beautiful child?

And what makes you think that you are anything less
in the eyes of God?

Love, Your Friend....


On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that there's more where that came from.

This is a key teaching; a most important message. The
goodness of the Universe is not limited. When something
"looks as if" it is running out, do not fret. This, or
something better, is on its way.

Sufficiency is the natural order of things. Good never
runs out -- although it may change form.

Did you get that last part?

Love, Your Friend....


On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that it is not necessary to "prove yourself" to anyone.

Do your best. That's all you can ask of yourself. If you
did your best and things just didn't work out, you don't
owe an apology to anyone. And you certainly don't
need to feel 'bad' about it -- or, worse yet, guilty.

Stop beating yourself up. What happened is what
happened. You're not the 'villain' here, I promise.

It's just what happened. And there is a Soul Reason,
I promise you.

Love, Your Friend....


On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that you must be willing to lose it all before you can
have it all.

What does this mean? It means that until you can let
go of everything, you will find it hard to hold onto

Detachment is the key. If you are so attached to
something that you are deeply unhappy without it,
then you are not simply attached, you are addicted.

You will not have to think but a second to know
exactly why you received this message today.

Love, Your Friend....


On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that everything you see, hear, touch, taste, smell, or
sense in any way is an aspect of Divinity.

It is when you judge it to be something else that it shows
up as something else in your life. Therefore, judge not,
and neither condemn.

For that which you judge, judges you; and that which
you condemn will condemn you. Yet that which you see
for what it really is will see you for what you really are.

And therein will be found your peace.

Love, Your Friend....


On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that there is only one way to go, and that's up.

I know that it is possible for life to look, sometimes, as
if it's going downhill, as if everything is falling apart. But
consider this: When life is 'falling apart' things could
actually be falling together...maybe for the first time.
Try to not see things that are not there -- and do not fail to
see things that are...

You will not have to think but a second to know
exactly why you received this message today.

Love, Your Friend....


On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that the supernatural is the natural not yet understood.

Elbert Hubbard said that, and he was right. William
Shakespeare put it another way: There are more things
in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in
your philosophy.

All of which is to say, do not be too surprised by the
inexplicable. And if you've been wondering whether
you can trust this thing called God--the answer is yes.

Hey, you asked for a sign and here it is--literally out
of the blue. So smile. Okay?

Love, Your Friend....


On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that love is sometimes shown in the things you don't
say, don't keep track of, and don't notice.

The greatest kindness is often shown in letting things go.

None of us is perfect, but we can all be perfect friends
and perfect parters by allowing those that we love to
be imperfect.

Give those around you the "break" that you hope the
world will give you on your own "bad day" and you'll
never, ever regret it.

Love, Your Friend....


On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that you are valued more than you know, by more
people than you think.

It might be good to get in touch today with your true
worth. It is much higher than you often give it credit
for being -- and now is a perfect time to know, and
to gently assert, that fact.

This is not about arrogance and it is not about over
confidence. It is about a simple, dignified Knowing.

Love, Your Friend....


On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that you've got to have a dream if you want to have
a dream come true.

Denis Waitley said that, and he was right. So specify
your dream; clarify and quantify your vision. Do not
aim for a target that you cannot see.

And don't you dare reduce your dream to its smallest
component. Enlarge it to its biggest. You can have that.
You can.

Love, Your Friend....


On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that not to decide is to decide.
Letting something go until it "decides itself" is Life
by Default. You don't want to live that way.

So choose. Choose right now.

Stop worrying about what you can "lose" or how you
can "win" and just follow your joy.

Where does your joy say you should go?

Love, Your Friend....


On this day of your life I believe God wants you to know...
...that impatience will get you nowhere, fast.

If you insist on being in a hurry, you'll move very
quickly -- and often get nowhere. Take a breath.

Relax. Find your peace.

Don't require the Universe to move more rapidly
than it is. It is actually working perfectly, and it
will prove that to you if you will give it a chance.

Really. Trust me on this.

Love, Your Friend....


On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that thinking the highest thought is the safest mental

Do not be tempted to think the smallest thought or to
lower your expectations so that anything above that
will be considered a "win" for you. You will have
already lost...

Your safety will not be found in working hard to avoid
disappointment, but in hardly working to produce more
and more life. Aim high. Ride easy. Trust God.

Love, Your Friend....


On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that you've got to have a dream if you want to have
a dream come true.

Denis Waitley said that, and he was right. So specify
your dream; clarify and quantify your vision. Do not
aim for a target that you cannot see.

And don't you dare reduce your dream to its smallest
component. Enlarge it to its biggest. You can have that.

You can.

Love, Your Friend....

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We should be Good to our fine Friends here!


We should be Good to our fine Friends here!

The Buddha on the Universality of Friendliness:

I am a friend of all bipeds;
I am a friend of those with four feet,
I am a friend of the many-footed,
I am a friend of those with no feet!

Anguttara Nikaya 4.67

As I am, so are others... As others are, so am I...
Having thus identified self and others,
Never Harm anyone, nor have any being abused.
Sutta Nipata 3.710

Among tigers, lions, leopards & bears I lived in the jungle.
No one was frightened of me, nor did I fear anyone.
Uplifted by such universal friendliness, I enjoyed the forest.
Finding great solace in such sweetly silenced solitude…

Suvanna-sama Jataka 540

With good will for the entire cosmos, cultivate a limitless heart & mind:
Beaming above, below, & all around, unobstructed, without trace of hostility.

Sutta Nipata I, 8

Train yourself in doing good
that lasts and brings happiness.
Cultivate generosity, the life of peace,
and a mind of infinite universal love.

Itivuttaka 22

More on Friendliness (Mettā):
Metta, Buddha on Noble Friendship, Good_Friendship, United_in_Harmony,
Selfless Friendship is Sweetest, All Embracing Kindness, Blazing Friendliness,
Goodwill Encore, The Good Friend, Blazing & Bright, Kalyanamitta,Across_Borders,
Friendliness Frees, Blazing_Friendliness,Blazing_&_BrightBrahma vihaara,

Our Friends!
Have a nice & noble day!

Friendship is the Greatest!
Bhikkhu Samāhita_/\_ 
Related Buddhist site:

Group Home:

May all beings become thus Happy!
Friendship is the GREATEST!
Have a Nice Day!

Bhikkhu Samahita

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Reprogram Your Brain to Improve Relationships and Heal Past Wounds


If you’ve followed my work, you’ve probably heard me talk about or read something I’ve written that has talked about the skillful application of doing things that prime our minds in the direction of mindfulness, health and well-being. In fact, Priming the Mind is the third step of the 5 Step Cheat Sheet in The Now Effect.

It’s a way of influencing your subconscious mind toward what I like to call healthy reactivity. Most of the time our brains are making hundreds of decisions for us from moment-to-moment and we’re never going to be conscious of those snap judgments they happen too rapidly. However, just like our brains have memorized the procedures of walking, talking and eating, so too can we have the brain memorize procedures toward mindfulness, health and well-being.

Here’s one thing you can do right now to prime your mind toward greater compassion, which is directly connected to healing ourselves and making the world a better place to live.

Writing, even for a short while, is a procedure that can be practiced and repeated and influence our subconscious minds. Writing about kindness and compassion will have our brains tilt toward being more automatically kind and compassionate toward ourselves and others, improving our relationships and healing wounds from the past. Charles Francis and Mary Sovran founded the Mindfulness Meditation Institute and have developed a writing meditation that you can do for any amount of time to positively influence the brain.

Here is something they have created that you can begin today in as little as 5 minutes a day or more. The idea is to look over the lovingkindness practice below and write it down. You don’t have to finish it, just do it for whatever time you allot. Whatever judgments arise in your mind right now, just set that aside and allow your experience to be your teacher.



The Short Practice:


May I be healthy and strong. May I be safe and protected. May I be peaceful and free from mental, emotional, and physical suffering. May I be happy and joyful. May I be patient and understanding.

May I be loving, kind, and gentle in my ways. May I be courageous in dealing with difficulties, and always meet with success. May I be diligent and committed to my spiritual practice, and to helping others along their path. May my True Nature shine through, and onto all beings I encounter.
Everyone in your house

May every person and living being in my house be healthy and strong. May they be safe and protected. May they be peaceful and free from mental, emotional, and physical suffering. May they be happy and joyful. May they be patient and understanding. May they be loving, kind, and gentle in their ways. May they be courageous in dealing with difficulties, and always meet with success. May they be diligent and committed to their spiritual practice, and to helping others along their path. May their True Nature shine through, and onto all beings they encounter.



Your neighborhood

May every person and living being in my neighborhood be healthy and strong. May they be safe and protected. May they be peaceful and free from mental, emotional, and physical suffering. May they be happy and joyful. May they be patient and understanding. May they be loving, kind, and gentle in their ways. May they be courageous in dealing with difficulties, and always meet with success. May they be diligent and committed to their spiritual practice, and to helping others along their path. May their True Nature shine through, and onto all beings they encounter.



Your city

May every person and living being in my city be healthy and strong. May they be safe and protected. May they be peaceful and free from mental, emotional, and physical suffering. May they be happy and joyful. May they be patient and understanding. May they be loving, kind, and gentle in their ways.

May they be courageous in dealing with difficulties, and always meet with success. May they be diligent and committed to their spiritual practice, and to helping others along their path. May their True Nature shine through, and onto all beings they encounter.



Your country

May every person and living being in my country be healthy and strong. May they be safe and protected. May they be peaceful and free from mental, emotional, and physical suffering. May they be happy and joyful. May they be patient and understanding. May they be loving, kind, and gentle in their ways. May they be courageous in dealing with difficulties, and always meet with success. May they be diligent and committed to their spiritual practice, and to helping others along their path. May their True Nature shine through, and onto all beings they encounter.



The whole planet

May every person and living being on earth be healthy and strong. May they be safe and protected.

May they be peaceful and free from mental, emotional, and physical suffering. May they be happy and joyful. May they be patient and understanding. May they be loving, kind, and gentle in their ways.

May they be courageous in dealing with difficulties, and always meet with success. May they be diligent and committed to their spiritual practice, and to helping others along their path. May their True Nature shine through, and onto all beings they encounter.



The entire universe on all planes of existence

May every person and living being in the entire universe on all planes of existence be healthy and strong. May they be safe and protected. May they be peaceful and free from mental, emotional, and physical suffering. May they be happy and joyful. May they be patient and understanding. May they be loving, kind, and gentle in their ways. May they be courageous in dealing with difficulties, and always meet with success. May they be diligent and committed to their spiritual practice, and to helping others along their path. May their True Nature shine through, and onto all beings they encounter.


As always, please share your thoughts, stories and questions below. Your interaction creates a living wisdom for us all to benefit from.

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Documentary looking at the wildlife of the most stunning mountain range in the world, home to snow leopards, Himalayan wolves and Tibetan bears.

Snow leopards stalk their prey among the highest peaks. Concealed by snowfall, the chase is watched by golden eagles circling above. On the harsh plains of the Tibetan plateau live extraordinary bears and square-faced foxes hunting small rodents to survive. In the alpine forests, dancing pheasants have even influenced rival border guards in their ritualistic displays. Valleys carved by glacial waters lead to hillsides covered by paddy fields containing the lifeline to the East, rice. In this world of extremes, the Himalayas reveal not only snow-capped mountains and fascinating animals but also a vital lifeline for humanity.


Narrated By:Sir David Attenborough

Natural World: Himalayas (BBC)

Land of God & Goddess - Dev Bhoomi !!!

Discover the importance of Ma Ganga in this spellbinding journey to the Himalayas!

The epic journey to find the source of the Ganges . Reaching the temple of Gangotri - the place where Hindus believe that Ganges first appeared on Earth. Further on we will also trail Kedarnath, Valley of Flowers, Yamunotri and Badrinath.


Nanda Devi is India's second highest peak and shelters the Bhyander Valley, home to the remarkable Valley of Flowers. Covered in snow for the majority of the year, it is transformed when the snow melts during the short summer and the high meadows become carpeted in spectacular flowers of every colour. Fantastic cinematography from the epic series of Ganges.

GK Travel & Tours.




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On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that wisdom is learning what to overlook.

William James said that, and he had it absolutely right.

And someone in your life right now is hoping, praying,
that you will overlook their faults, their foibles, their
most recent mistake.

Will you?

The Universe invites you to say yes.

Love, Your Friend....


On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that you can change what you see. You don't have
to be trapped by it.

Nothing has to remain the way it is, and nothing is
the way it is forever unless and until you say so.

You really are in charge of your day-to-day
experience. Really.

You know exactly why you received this message

Love, Your Friend....


On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that enthusiasm is half of the journey to success, and
all of the journey to joy.

If you're going to do something, do it with gusto. Don't
do anything half-heartedly. That dishonors the doing
and the doer. So go for it. Hold nothing back. In life.

Or love. Or anything at all.

You will not have to think but a second to know
exactly why you received this message today.

Trust that your inner goodness will rule this moment...

Love, Your Friend


On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that kindness is one of your wonderful traits, but
where you really shine is in your generosity.

It is one thing to be kind, and you are that. Yet it is quite
another thing to also be unfailingly generous--with your
time, your talent and energy, your willingness to
"be there" for others, and yes, with your money.

You are a generous person, and that takes kindness
to a new level. Be happy in the knowingness of this.

Love, Your Friend.


On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know......

that life was meant to be FUN! It's hard to believe
sometimes, but it's true. It's all about point of view.

Even our most difficult moments bring us gifts. And so
life may call upon us to be a bit "philosophical" now and
then; to embrace the "low's" with the "high's."

The trick, of course, is gratitude. Therein will you find
both your peace and your joy.

Love, Your Friend


On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that your inner goodness is going to carry the day.

I know that you know what a good person you are.

Yes, we all make mistakes, but when everything is said
and done, you are a genuinely good person...and you
know it.

So here's what you should be told: God knows it, too.

Trust that your inner goodness will rule this moment...

Love, Your Friend...


On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that illness is not a sign of spiritual weakness, but of
spiritual strength.

When we fall ill there are some who will say, "Why
did you create that for yourself?" They might convince
you to see it as a sign of spiritual weakness or failure.

It is not. It is a sign of spiritual strength.

All challenges are a sign of spiritual strength, and of
the readiness of the Soul to move on;
to evolve even further.

Love, Your Friend....


On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that progress is not measured in miles, it is measured
in inches.

Do not wonder why things are "taking so long." In fact,
everything is rolling out exactly as it needs to, using
not a minute more than Perfection requires.

Rest easy and be at peace. Life is working its magic
even as you take your very next breath.

There. See? You could almost feel the Perfection,
couldn't you?

Love, Your Friend....


On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that how bad things may look right now means nothing.
It's how good you know they can look with God's help
that counts.

Life has a habit of changing itself completely around in
24 hours. Heck, in 24 minutes sometimes.

Don't you dare give up on Tomorrow because of the
way things look Today. Don't even think about it...

Love, Your Friend....


On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that obstacles are not opposing you, but merely and
gently re-routing you.

It is important not to view that which stands in your
way as your 'enemy.' It can often be your best friend,
sending you on a detour that takes you around what
could have been your biggest stumbling block.

Send a word of gratitude, then, for anything that seems
to be 'opposing' you now. All things in life happen for
good. Trust God about that.

Love, Your Friend....


On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that intimacy means more than sex, as you know. Tell
others that, for you, it is about the connection of souls.

It is the true union of two beings. It is about walking
through all moments, both good and bad, and never
leaving the other's side.

You are intimate when you are fully with another, no
matter what. In fact, this has very little to do with that
which is physical.

Love, Your Friend....


On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that you cannot tailor-make your situation in life, but you
can tailor-make your attitudes to fit those situations.

World famous motivational speaker Zig Ziglar said that, and
he was profoundly right. How you shape your attitude is not
a small part of how you shape your is the only part.

Does it sound as if I'm saying that attitude is everything?

Good. Because I am.

Love, Your Friend


On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that someone is extending love to you this day, and
hoping so dearly that you will receive it.

You have asked for someone to love you right now,
and God has answered your prayer. Look. Listen.
That loving person is right in your world. Open the
door for them to come in.

I promise you, I'm not making this up. Someone is
loving you right now. Look. Listen. Let it in.

There, I've said it twice. God wanted me to make sure
you really got it.

Love, Your Friend


On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that there is no need to be afraid. Even if you were to
die right now, there would be no need to be afraid.

This life, this wonderful life, is on your side. This universe,
this wonderful universe, is in your corner, supporting all
of life. This God, this wonderful God, places Divine
wisdom and power in your hands.

Trust that. Use it. And let it give you strength. Right now.
This day.

Love, Your Friend..


On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that there is a solution to all of this--and it is right
around the next corner.

A few weeks from now you will not even be facing
this problem. A few months from now, you will have
forgotten you ever had it. A few years from now, you
will wonder why you let yourself worry so much.

I'm not trying to make light of it here. I just want to
put it in perspective.

Okay? Trust God here. Trust life. And breathe.

Love, Your Friend.


On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that you can live a charmed life, and that there is a
formula by which you can make this work.

Here is the formula: You can live a charmed life by
causing others to live a charmed life. That is, be the
source of 'charm' -- of charming moments and
experiences -- in the life of another.

Be everyone else's Lucky Charm! Make all who you
touch today feel 'lucky' that you crossed their path.

Do this for a week and watch things change. Do it
for a month and you'll be a different person.

Love, Your Friend


On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that nothing is as bad as it seems. Nothing.

There is a benefit and a blessing hidden in the folds
of every experience and every outcome. That includes
every and any 'bad' thing that may be happening to
you right now.

Change your perspective. Know that nothing happens
ever that is not for your highest good. All that needs
to change for you to see your definition of
'Highest Good.'

Love, Your Friend..


On this day of your life, Melodie, I believe God wants you to know...
...that disappointment is temporary. Only your thought
it is permanent.
Change your mind about what has disappointed you
and you will change your life. All disappointment is
just Advantage, looked at from the other side.

You will not have to think but a second to know
exactly why you received this message today.

Love, Your Friend....


On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that the best argument you can make
is no argument
at all.

Do not argue with life, or with anyone in life. Life
presents itself perfectly in every moment, and every
person believe his or her point of view to be valid
and 'right.'

Arguing with any of this is pointless, and a terrific
waste of energy. Simply create what you choose next.

Love, Your Friend


On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that you've just had a really good idea!

Don't deny it! Don't cast it aside, or "put if off 'til
tomorrow," or in some other way give it short shrift.

Ideas are gifts from heaven. Don't dishonor them.

Jump right on it. Make it happen.

That's what ideas are for!

You will not have to think but a second to know
exactly why you received this message today.

Love, Your Friend


On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that perfectionism is the enemy of creation.

John Updike said that, and he was right. He understood
that nothing stops the forward march of any creative
endeavor like the need to do it absolutely perfectly.

And who is to judge what is 'perfect' anyway? What I
have judged full of flaws so many others have called
terrific. Maybe the definition of Perfection is something

that actually gets done.

Love, Your Friend....


On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that you should act like you expect to get into the
end zone.

Football coach Joe Paterno said that, and boy, did
he have it right. Nothing substitutes for positive thinking.

Nothing. It is more powerful than all the money, all the
influence, all the 'friends in high places' on earth.

You only need one friend in high places--and you already
have that. So go ahead, expect to get into the end zone.

You'll find that you do, 90% of the time.

Love, Your Friend....


On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that life begins now -- right now -- not tomorrow or
the next day or the next.

Every minute of every hour of every day, life begins
anew. That means everything can change in an instant.

It also means you can have a new beginning
whenever you want.

Why put off for one day that decision you've been
pondering...aren't you just putting life itself on hold?

Love, Your Friend


On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that it's okay to go ahead and take a risk.

There's no guarantee that everything will turn out exactly
the way you want it to, but there IS a guarantee that it
cannot possibly do so if you are afraid to even take the

"Nothing ventured, nothing gained" is not just a nifty
old-time saying. It's wisdom. Listen to it.

You know exactly why you received this message today.

Love, Your Friend....

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A Secret Scrolls #134 to #140

A Secret Scrolls #134

A Secret Scrolls message from Rhonda Byrne
Creator of The Secret

From The Secret Daily Teachings

When you close your eyes and you visualize having money and imagine doing all the things you want with that money, you are creating a new reality. Your subconscious mind and the law of attraction do not know whether you are imagining something or whether it is real. And so when you imagine, the law of attraction receives those thoughts and images as though you were actually living them, and it must return those visions to you.

When you are in the place where what you are imagining feels real, you will know that it has penetrated your subconscious mind, and the law of attraction must deliver it.

May the joy be with you,

Rhonda Byrne
The Secret... bringing joy to billions


A Secret Scrolls #135

A Secret Scrolls message from Rhonda Byrne
Creator of The Secret

From The Secret Daily Teachings

It is so important that you are grateful for everything in your life. Many people focus on the one thing they want and then forget to be grateful for all the things they have. Without gratitude you cannot achieve anything through the law of attraction, because if you are not emanating gratitude from your being, then by default you are emanating ungratefulness. Be proactive and use the frequency of your being to receive what you want.

May the joy be with you,

Rhonda Byrne
The Secret... bringing joy to billions


A Secret Scrolls #136

A Secret Scrolls message from Rhonda Byrne
Creator of The Secret

From The Secret Daily Teachings

The fastest way to become the Master of your thoughts and emotions is through challenging situations. If your life is going along fairly smoothly, there are not the same opportunities that enable you to strengthen your power and become the Master of your thoughts and emotions.

You see, even challenges are beautiful opportunities in disguise.

May the joy be with you,

Rhonda Byrne
The Secret... bringing joy to billions


A Secret Scrolls #137

A Secret Scrolls message from Rhonda Byrne
Creator of The Secret

From The Secret Daily Teachings

Another easy way to use the law of attraction for your benefit is this:

Every night before you fall asleep, replay in your mind the good moments of the day, and give heartfelt thanks for each one of them. Think about the next day also, and intend that it is going to be amazing, that it is going to be filled with love and joy, and that all good is coming to you.

Intend that it is going to be the best day of your life. Then when you wake in the morning, BEFORE you get out of bed, declare your intentions again for the day and give deep thanks as though you have received them all.

May the joy be with you,

Rhonda Byrne
The Secret... bringing joy to billions


A Secret Scrolls #138

A Secret Scrolls message from Rhonda Byrne
Creator of The Secret

From The Secret Daily Teachings

Each of us is attracting in every moment of our lives. So when you feel that the law isn't working for you because you don't have what you want, realize that the law is responding to you. You are either attracting what you want or you are attracting the absence of what you want.

The law is still working.

May the joy be with you,

Rhonda Byrne
The Secret... bringing joy to billions


A Secret Scrolls #139

A Secret Scrolls message from Rhonda Byrne
Creator of The Secret

From The Secret Daily Teachings

Be aware of the big difference between inspired action and activity. Activity comes from the brain-mind and is rooted in disbelief and lack of faith - you are taking action to "make" your desire happen. Inspired action is allowing the law to work through you and to move you.

Activity feels hard. Inspired action feels wonderful.

May the joy be with you,

Rhonda Byrne
The Secret... bringing joy to billions


A Secret Scrolls #140

A Secret Scrolls message from Rhonda Byrne
Creator of The Secret

From The Secret Daily Teachings

The law of attraction cannot change anything in your life that you hate, because hate prevents the change from coming. Since the law is giving us exactly what we are putting out, when you hate something the law must continue to give you more of what you hate. You will not be able to move away from it. Love is the only way.

If you focus completely on the things you love, then you are on your way to a beautiful life.

May the joy be with you,

Rhonda Byrne
The Secret... bringing joy to billions

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The Anywhere, Anytime Chill Guide to Insomnia
Ms. Mindbody Kate Hanley shares the breathing exercise that will calm you back to sleep.

BY: Kate Hanley



Mr. Sandman has lost your number and he’s left you crying for a little shut-eye. Insomnia takes different forms—either you can’t fall asleep to begin with, or you can fall asleep fine but you wake up in the middle of the night. This remedy can help with either type.


This simple breathing technique is particularly well-suited for helping you get back to sleep for three reasons: First of all, you can do it even when you’re lying in bed and exhausted, which is incredibly convenient. Second, taking a longer exhale requires a little act of surrender and helps you purge any tension you may be feeling.


And finally, counting the length of your inhale and exhale is just enough of a distraction to take your attention off your thoughts.


Taking a longer exhale . . . helps you purge any tension you may be feeling.



Extended Exhale Breathing



Two pillows-—one for under your head, one for under your knees

Time Needed: As much time as you like




Lie on your back. Place one pillow under your knees so that you feel extra comfortable and supported. This arrangement also encourages the muscles in your lower back and abdomen to release completely, which enables you to breathe more deeply. The other pillow goes under your head.


Rest your hands on your belly and spend a few breaths feeling your hands rise as you inhale and fall on the exhale.


Once this belly breathing has helped you calm down a little, begin counting the length of your inhales and exhales.


Inhale for a count of four, and exhale for a count of eight.


If this count causes you any stress or strain, modify it to a more appropriate length for you. The only parameter is that the exhale should be twice as long as the inhale.


Repeat until you feel yourself getting sleepy, verrrrry sleeeeeepyyyy...




If you’ve been at it for twenty minutes and you’re still not sleeping, get out of bed. On those long, dark nights when your mind won’t quiet down, get up, go in the other room, and write in your journal. It may not make any sense when you look at it by the light of day, but sitting and releasing all the thoughts that are swirling around eventually allows your natural urge for sleep to have its voice heard.





Soothes your nerves, which paves the way for the unrestricted breathing and total muscle relaxation that sleep brings gives you something to focus on besides your anxious thoughts and quiets your mind, making you more receptive to sleep’s gentle whispers




Other Remedies to Try:


Chamomile Tea • Open Your Inner Gate
Rescue Remedy • Supported Child’s Pose



Reprinted from The Anywhere, Anytime Chill Guide: 77 Simple Strategies for Serenity, by Kate Hanley. Published by skirt!, an imprint of Globe Pequot Press, Guilford, CT.



Learn more about Kate Hanley at her Web site


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The Most Inexpensive Weight Loss Ingredient Known to Man
Written by Dr. Steve | Date Posted:July 22, 2012


A recent study performed by Brenda Davey, Ph.D., of Virginia Tech University finally demonstrated what many people have been saying for years…

There is a virtually free ingredient that can accelerate fat loss.

And surprisingly, the benefit far exceeded expectations.


In a randomized, controlled intervention trial, 48 adults were divided into two groups. One group consumed two units of this ingredient prior to their meals. The other did not.

All of the subjects ate a low calorie diet during the study.


Over the course of 12 weeks, the group that consumed this ingredient lost 44% more weight than the group that did not.


1 Want to Know What This “Magic Ingredient” Is?

I bet you do!

The answer is… WATER… Pure H2O!!!



Just two cups of water before every meal increased weight loss dramatically.


How is that for a low cost weight loss solution?


Researchers are not sure why the results are so pronounced, but their best guess is that drinking water before meals leads to less calories consumed per meal.


I will admit that I am a bit surprised at how dramatic the results are… but the data is clear and convincing.


One thing to note is that the two groups were both consuming low calorie diets. I doubt you can use this technique and lose any weight by eating unhealthy, high calorie meals… so it is NOT a panacea.

Also, preliminary research indicates that the results are more pronounced in older adults than in people in their teens and early 20’s.


I would say this could be a healthy habit at any age — but if you are a mature adult it appears that drinking water before meals is a very smart addition to your current efforts to stay healthy and slim.



Action Steps and Final Thoughts

1) Keep a 16oz water bottle with you at all times. It makes sense that if you keep water with you, you’re more likely to drink it. On the other hand, if you get hungry and water is not close by, chances are you’ll just start your meal without it and miss this powerful weight loss opportunity.

2)If you go out, ask your waiter for two glasses of water upon arrival. Or if you get take out, order a 16 oz bottle of water with your meal and drink it before you begin eating. Over time, this will become habitual and second nature to you.


Last thing… Before we wrap this up, I’d love to hear any thoughts or questions you have on this subject.


Do you struggle to drink enough water? Have you discovered a tip or trick that makes drinking enough water, especially before meals, any easier?


If so – or even if you just have a question – I’d LOVE to hear from you in the comment section below.
Until next time, I wish you the best success in your journey!


Dr. Steven Sisskind, M.D.

1. American Chemical Society (2010, August 23). Drink water to curb weight gain? Clinical trial confirms effectiveness of simple appetite control method.

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Uploaded by sidddhartha89 on 5 Jul 2011




INDIA UNTOUCHED will make it impossible for anyone in India to deny that Untouchability is still practiced today. Director Stalin K. and his team spent four years traveling the length and breadth of India to bear witness to the continued exclusion and segregation of those considered as 'Untouchables' .


The film introduces leading Benares scholars who interpret Hindu scriptures to mean that Dalits 'have no right' to education, and Rajput farmers who proudly proclaim that the police must seek their permission before pursuing cases of atrocities on Dalits. The film captures many 'firsts-on-film, ' such as Dalits being forced to dismount from their cycles and remove their shoes when in the upper caste part of the village.


It exposes the continuation of caste practices and Untouchability in Sikhism, Christianity and Islam, amongst the Communists in Kerala and within some of India's most revered academic and professional institutions.


In an age where the media projects only one image of a 'rising' or 'poised' India, this film reminds us how far the country is from being an equal society. Traveling through eight states and four religions, this film is perhaps the deepest exploration of caste oppression ever undertaken on film.


Stalin K is a human rights activist and award-winning documentary filmmaker. He is the Co-Founder of DRISHTI- Media, Arts and Human Rights, Convener of the Community Radio Forum-India, and the India Director of Video Volunteers. He is a renowned public speaker and has lectured or taught at over 20 institutions ranging from the National Institute of Design and the Tata Institute of Social Sciences in India, to New York University and Stanford and Berkeley in the US.


INDIA UNTOUCHED is Stalin's second film on the issue of caste -- his earlier film 'Lesser Humans', on manual scavenging, won the Silver Conch at the Mumbai International Film Festival and the Excellence Award at Earth Vision Film Festival, Tokyo, and helped to bring international attention to the issue of caste.


NOTE:Copyrights belong to the owner of the video, I dont hold the copyrights, Video uploaded to propogate the fact, reality and truth of India. No other intentions. IF any issue let me know will delete it.


Jai Bhim
Siddhartha Chabukswar




India Untouched: Darker side of India: 1 [HQ]


India Untouched: Darker side of India: 2 [HQ]


India Untouched: Darker side of India: 3 [HQ]


India Untouched: Darker side of India: 4 [HQ]

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