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THE (237)

Daily practice for all round healing


This post will go through a list of actions which you can do to make yourself a much more healthy, aware, relaxed, easy-going, loving person.

Step one: Take a short walk to a quiet area, probably surrounded by nature. If you are not near a natural area, or it is not a nice day -- maybe just stay in your living room, or a quiet room somewhere in your house.

Step two: Sit down and relax, to steady your breathing. Maybe practice deep steady breaths, or alternate nostril breathing, to clear out your lungs.

Step three: Do a short yoga exercise, a example is salute to the sun;


Repeat this exercise until you feel relaxed, but not tiered.

Step four: Fill your chakras with energy, generally using Reiki, or another form of energy sharing; like Ethereal Crystals.

(You may want to call your spiritual guides/angels/archangels, to help with your healings.)

Step five: Ground, to relieve yourself of all negative energies.

Step six: Meditate for 10 - 15 minutes. I suggest a simple Chakra meditation, or Zen meditation, practiced in Zen Buddhism.

If you feel stiff between any of these steps, do a few stretches. Like stretching your spine or spinning your arms gentle around in their sockets.

Do this exercise daily, and make sure you have plenty of fresh air around you, so maybe if you are inside, open a window?

 Love & light,

Solomon Azulay.


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June 9, 2011
Burning Brightly
Allowing Your Soul to Shine

When we hide and try to be invisible and unseen by all we are only really hiding from ourselves.

At times, we’ve all wanted to crawl under a rock and hide away from the world. We may have preferred to be invisible rather than let other people see us or notice that we exist. This desire not to be seen often happens when we are feeling very hurt, angry, or simply weary of the world. And while we may console ourselves with the defense that we are shy, an introvert, or a loner, we may actually be hiding.

When we hide and make believe that we are invisible, we can think that we no one sees us even though, truthfully, we are only really hiding from ourselves. And while we may try to live life as inconspicuously as possible, we only succeed in becoming more conspicuous because people can’t help but notice that we are trying to hide our light. None of us are meant to hide; each one of us radiates a unique brilliance that is meant to illuminate the world. When we try to dim our light, we diminish the natural radiance of the Universe, and we deprive the people around us of the unique gifts and talents that we are here to share.

Stepping out of the wings and letting your light shine is actually a way to serve the planet. We each have a responsibility to contribute to our community, and we do this when we let ourselves be seen. It doesn’t do anyone any good when we try to hide. We are all beings of light and we are here to light the way for each other. When we let ourselves shine, we become a bright mirror that others can see their own reflected brilliance through, and they can’t help but want to shine also. Shine your light out into the world, bless those around you by sharing your gifts, and watch the universe glow.


10900585275?profile=originalJune 10, 2011
Begin with Yourself
The Journey of Finding a Relationship

The journey to finding a relationship is just that, a journey that uses all of our life wisdom and experiences.

Before we embark upon the journey of finding the relationship that is right for us, we may want to take the opportunity to refine our concept of who we are and our ideas of what we want from life. That way, we are clearer on the kind of person we want to attract into our lives. Part of the journey of finding a mate is learning how to become our own mate. When we can learn to meet our needs without relying on someone else to complete us, we don’t have to form relationships from the space of needing our emptiness to be filled. We can also discover our intrinsic value, separate from what someone else might be reflecting back to us. Getting to know who we are and learning to love ourselves creates a solid foundation of self that we can bring to any relationship.

We are fortunate to live in a time when relationships can unfold at a pace that is right for us and take unique forms. Friendship, dating, open relationships, long term relationships, long distance relationships, or committed relationships — we are free to choose the kind of relationships that we want. If you want to be in relationship, but haven’t found the right one for you, remember that the universe works in perfect order and, therefore, right now your life is unfolding exactly as it is meant to be. Maybe all this time has been part of your preparation period for meeting your intended partner. Even the relationships in our lives that haven’t worked out as we had hoped serve us by teaching us to make better choices in our next relationships.

Finding the relationship we want can come early or later in life. It may even happen again and again in one lifetime. There is no right or wrong for how to find a relationship nor is there a timeline that you have to follow. Follow your heart, listen to your inner voice, continue to become your own soul mate, and stay open to love. The journey of finding the right relationship begins with


10900585275?profile=originalJune 13, 2011
Plunging Into The Deep
Life Can Be Scary

No matter how brave, strong, or levelheaded we are, sometimes we all get scared.

Life can take us on a roller coaster ride full of highs and lows and twists and turns. Even for those of us who enjoy unexpected thrills, it’s frightening to suddenly find ourselves heading for a deep plunge. Yet, it happens to all of us. At these moments, it is important to remember that you are not alone in your experiences. No matter how brave, strong, or levelheaded we are, sometimes, we all get scared.

Our fears may revolve around our physical safety, particularly if we are not feeling well, living under difficult circumstances, or doing work that exposes us to hazardous conditions. Or, we may be experiencing financial woes that are causing us to be fearful about making ends meet. We may also fear the loss of a loved one who is sick, or we may be scared of never finding someone special to spend our life with. We may be scared to start at a new school, begin a different job, move to a new town, or meet new people. Whatever our fears are, they are valid, and we do not need to feel ashamed or embarrassed that we are, at times, afraid.

It may be comforting to know that everyone gets scared, and it is perfectly OK. Sometimes just acknowledging our fears is enough to make us feel better. And while it sometimes takes a lot more to ease our mind, we can console ourselves with the knowledge that life can be scary at times. Giving ourselves permission to be scared lets us move through our fears so we can let it go. It also makes it alright to share our fears with others. Sharing our apprehensions with other people can make our fears less overwhelming because we are not letting them grow inside of us as pent up emotions. Sharing our fears also can lighten our burden because we are not carrying our worries all by ourselves. Remember that you are not alone.


10900585275?profile=originalJune 14, 2011
Going Away to Go Within

Going on retreat is a time to cocoon so that we may emerge ready to return to our lives with a new perspective.

Occasionally, we need to pause - and step away from the hustle and bustle of modern life. One way to do this is to get away from our daily life and go on retreat. Far more than a vacation, a retreat offers us time to ourselves to rest, heal, reflect, and renew our spirit. It is a time to cocoon so that we may emerge renewed, refreshed, and ready to return to our everyday lives with a new perspective. A retreat gives us time for uninterrupted meditation so that we may go deep within and spend time with ourselves.

A retreat may offer quiet, solitude, and sometimes even silence. Retreats often take place in humble dwellings with simple fare so that our senses may be reawakened to the beauty of unadorned tastes and the sights and sounds of nature. When we spend days in contemplation, we can more easily hear our heart when it speaks to us. We also are able to really listen when a bird sings, deeply breathe in the smell of flowers, grass, or earth, and delight in a soft breeze blowing on our cheek. When we go on retreat we have time to connect to the sacred geometry of a labyrinth, discover epiphanies through asanas, or take a long, reflective walk through the woods where we can give each step our full attention.

Without the pull of deadlines, relationships, the Internet, or other media, we give ourselves time to go deep into our own solitude where we can fully reflect on our joys, sorrows, and fears, owning and releasing them as needed. We may even come to know and understand our life path more deeply. Hopefully, when we return home, we can take a little bit of this time alone back with us and create the space for deep reflection on a daily basis. We also may come back to our life renewed and ready to take on the world. The beauty of going on retreat is that no matter where you go or how long you stay, you’ll always meet yourself when you get there.


10900585275?profile=originalJune 15, 2011
An Invitation to Comfort
Creating a Happy, Serene, and Healthy Home

Include all 5 senses while making a home, doing so provides safe haven for your evolving body and soul.

Your home is your oasis. Through your efforts, your house or apartment can become both a private sanctuary and a welcoming, serene, and healthy place to live in and visit. An organized and comfortable home can have a calming effect on you, your family, and guests, as well as be your personal escape from the rest of the world. Creating this nurturing space isn’t difficult. Even a household that includes young children or multiple animals can be a serene and peaceful place. In just a few minutes, you can make a number of changes that can turn your home into a safe and comfortable haven that you can be proud to share with your loved ones and friends.

One way to fill your house or apartment with calming energy is to imbue it with a peaceful ambiance that nurtures all five senses. Soft lighting and soothing colors like blue, purple, and green can make a space feel warm and inviting, while pleasant and calming aromas such as lavender and vanilla can positively affect moods. Peaceful sounds, such as running water in a fountain or gentle chimes can uplift and clear the space, while clearing clutter and making the most of open space can ease internal turmoil and dispel negative feelings. The physical objects in your home as well as your home itself can retain the energy of previous owners and the object’s creator. You can give your household’s energy a lift by visualizing white light surrounding our home, symbolically sweeping out residual energy, or smudging your home with cleansing sage.

The changes you make to your home can be as unique as you are and may involve utilization of space, lighting, new furniture, decorating, feng shui, or ritual. But what you do is not as important as being clear in your intention to set up your household as a soothing and refreshing place to be. Make your home a place of comfort, and you will feel nurtured and cared for whenever you are there.


10900585275?profile=originalJune 16, 2011
Peeling Away the Layers
Trees Shedding Their Bark

Like a tree our growth depends upon our ability to soften, loosen, and shed boundaries and defenses we no longer need.

Trees grow up through their branches and down through their roots into the earth. They also grow wider with each passing year. As they do, they shed the bark that served to protect them but now is no longer big enough to contain them. In the same way, we create boundaries and develop defenses to protect ourselves and then, at a certain point, we outgrow them. If we don’t allow ourselves to shed our protective layer, we can’t expand to our full potential.

Trees need their protective bark to enable the delicate process of growth and renewal to unfold without threat. Likewise, we need our boundaries and defenses so that the more vulnerable parts of ourselves can safely heal and unfold. But our growth also depends upon our ability to soften, loosen, and shed boundaries and defenses we no longer need. It is often the case in life that structures we put in place to help us grow eventually become constricting.

Unlike a tree, we must consciously decide when it’s time to shed our bark and expand our boundaries, so we can move into our next ring of growth. Many spiritual teachers have suggested that our egos don’t disappear so much as they become large enough to hold more than just our small sense of self—the boundary of self widens to contain people and beings other than just “me.” Each time we shed a layer of defensiveness or ease up on a boundary that we no longer need, we metaphorically become bigger people. With this in mind, it is important that we take time to question our boundaries and defenses. While it is essential to set and honor the protective barriers we have put in place, it is equally important that we soften and release them when the time comes. In doing so, we create the space for our next phase of growth.


10900585275?profile=originalJune 17, 2011
Light Of The Party
Confidence In Social Situations

If you feel shy or awkward in social situations, know that many others are probably feeling the same way too.

If you’ve ever been to a social gathering where you’ve felt awkward and uncomfortable, chances are you are not alone. While social gatherings can be very enjoyable, especially when we are surrounded by people whose company we enjoy, there are social events that we attend where we sometimes find ourselves wishing we were someplace else. Such occasions can sometimes be the cause of much anxiety and self-consciousness. We may even feel like everyone else is having a good time except for us. Yet the truth is that everyone has felt shy and awkward on occasion. One of the best ways to overcome self-consciousness or get past your feelings of shyness at social gatherings is to focus on the people around you. If you can remember that other people might also be feeling awkward or shy, you might find the thought of speaking to them less intimidating or overwhelming.

The next time there is a social event you feel nervous about attending, you may want to try this exercise: Spend some time with your eyes closed and breathe deeply. When you feel ready, create your own zone of comfort by visualizing yourself surrounded in a warm white light that is protective yet accepting of others. Imagine people at the event being drawn to you because of the open and warm feelings that you are radiating. When you arrive at the event, take a moment to spread this same light of loving acceptance to everyone around you. Smile and greet people warmly. Try going up to someone who is standing alone and introduce yourself. When you radiate acceptance, openness, and receptivity, people can’t help but respond to you in kind.

Focusing on how we can make other people at a social gathering feel at ease can help us forget about our own insecurities. In the process, we end up making the very connections that we seek. The next time you attend a social gathering, invite people to join you in your zone of comfort that you have so lovingly and intentionally created. Let yourself enjoy being encircled in the warmth of their friendships.


10900585275?profile=originalJune 20, 2011
Staying Afloat amidst the Spin
Taking Things Personally

Try not to take everything personally, things that people say and do don’t always have anything to do with you.

Every time you interact with others, you have the choice to listen to, acknowledge, and let go of their words, or you can take what they are saying personally. Taking things personally is often the result of perceiving a person’s actions or words as an affront or slight. In order to take something personally, you must read negative intent in an individual’s words or actions. But what people do and say has no bearing upon you and is usually based on their own experiences, emotions, and perceptions. If you attempt to take what they do or say personally, you may end up feeling hurt without reason.

If you are tempted to take a comment or action personally, creating some distance between yourself and the other person can help you. Try to determine what is at the root of your feelings. Ask yourself if the other person’s words or actions are just reinforcing some insecurity within you or if you can really be sure that an offense was intended. You may even want to ask them what they meant. Finally, put yourself in the other person’s shoes. Instead of taking their words as the truth, or as a personal affront, remember that whatever was said or done is based on their opinion and is more reflective of what is going on inside of them, rather than having anything to do with you. You may have been an easy target for someone having a bad day, and their comments may have been offered with no ill intentions.

When you recognize that what anyone says or does doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with you, you will no longer feel hurt or attacked. While it’s easy to take things personally, you should never let anyone’s perceptions or actions affect how you see yourself or your worth. Your life is personal to you, and it is up to you to influence your own value and sense of well-being.


10900585275?profile=originalJune 21, 2011
In the Open Air
Spending Time in Nature

Because we instinctively know that nature is good for us on many levels, it’s not unusual to feel powerfully drawn to it.

In this modern age, we spend so much time indoors, focused on the busyness of our lives and disconnected from the earth. But much of what we truly need can only be found under the naked sky, alongside tall trees, on open plains, or in the sound of running water. Spending time in nature allows us to commune with other living beings and to find comfort in the nurturing embrace of Mother Earth. You can’t help but experience a different sense of self while walking in a wood or traversing a mountainside. Being in nature connects us to the earth, grounding us as we walk, unhindered by concrete, upon her. Surrounded by other living beings, both bigger and smaller than we are, we remember that human beings are simply one form of life in this vast universe.

Because we instinctively know that nature is good for us on many levels, it’s not unusual to feel powerfully drawn to it. Even if you live in a city or find it difficult to travel to a forest or the countryside, there are a myriad ways to reconnect with nature. When you step out of your door each morning, pause for a minute and close your eyes long enough to let your senses absorb your surroundings. Listen and breathe deeply, until you hear the wind rustling through branches, smell rain on damp grass, and see the reflection of leaves brushing up against windowpanes. If you have time, crouch down and closely examine any nearby grass and soil. The sights, sounds, smells, and sensations we experience that are part of nature can remind us of all the gifts Mother Earth grants us each day.

Spending time connecting with nature nourishes the soul, reminds you that you are never truly alone, and renews you by attuning you to the earth’s natural rhythms. Taking a walk under the stars or feeling the wind on your face may be all it takes for you to reconnect with nature. Remember, you are as much a part of nature as are the leaves on a tree or water bubbling in a brook.


10900585275?profile=originalJune 22, 2011
Reversed Perceptions
Being Projected Upon

When we take ownership of our thoughts we are less likely to project our issues or disowned qualities onto others.

We all have issues, as well as undesirable qualities or traits that we don’t like about ourselves. Most of us realize that we are not perfect and that it is natural to have unpleasant thoughts, motivations, desires, or feelings. However, when a person does not acknowledge these, they may ascribe those characteristics to someone else, deeming other people instead as angry, jealous, or insecure. In psychological terms, such blaming and fault finding is called projection.

When we are the target of projections, it can be confusing and frustrating, not to mention maddening, particularly when we know that we are not the cause of another person’s distress. Even people who are well aware of their issues may find that sensitive subjects can bring up unexpected projections. They may feel insecure about a lack of funds and thus view a friend as extravagant. Or, if they really want to get in shape, they may preach the benefits of exercise to anyone and everyone.

While we can try to avoid people we know who engage in projecting their “stuff” onto others, we can’t always steer clear of such encounters. We can, however, deflect some projections through mindfulness and meditation. A useful visualization tool is to imagine wrapping ourselves in a protective light everyday. At other times, we may have to put up a protective shield when we feel a projection coming our way, reminding ourselves that someone else’s issues are not ours. Although it’s difficult not to react when we are the recipient of a projection, it is a good idea to try to remain calm and let the other person know if they are being unreasonable and disrespectful. We all know that it’s not fun to be dumped on. Likewise, we should be mindful that we don’t take our own frustrations out on others. When we take ownership of our thoughts, motivations, desires, and feelings, we are less likely to project our issues or disowned qualities onto others.


10900585275?profile=originalJune 23, 2011
Gut Response
In Touch with True Emotions

Our bellies can be wonderful monitors of our emotional health and the truth can always be found there.

So often, emotions that we long to express get stored in our bodies instead. The space where this most often happens is in our bellies. Rather than telling people, our even ourselves, the way we truly feel, we may stuff our true feelings deep inside of us, where they take up space until we are ready to let them go. Stuffing our feelings in our bellies may feel like the “safe” response, since we then don’t really have to deal with our emotions. Yet, doing so can actually be detrimental to our emotional well-being and physical health.

One way to connect with and release your emotions is to do a focused exercise with your stomach area. Take a moment to center yourself with some deep breathing and quiet meditation, relaxing your body fully and turning off the chatter in your brain. With your right hand on your stomach, tell yourself three times: “Please reveal to me my true emotions.” Listen for the answers. Repeat the exercise as many times as you would like, allowing yourself to drop deeper into your body each time. Notice any physical response in the stomach area, whether you have a warm, relaxed feeling in the middle of your body or if you feel tight knots in response to any emotions that do come up. You may even want to write down any answers that come to you. Remember that the body doesn’t lie.

Releasing our pent up feelings from our bellies can prevent disease and allow us to live more authentic and expressive lives. Sometimes, if too much emotional energy builds up inside of us, a blowout can result that can cause discomfort. You can help to alleviate this compression by doing the same exercise and adding sound to your emotional release. The more guttural the sounds released through your mouth, the more emotions you are likely letting go. Releasing your emotions from your belly doesn’t have to be painful and hard; rather, it can be organic and effortless. It’s important not to judge whatever comes up for you. We tend to stuff our feelings in our bellies when we are ashamed of them or not ready to express them. There is nothing wrong with having feelings, whatever they may be. You can’t help your feelings; if anything, you can help yourself by acknowledging the truth of your emotions so you can set yourself free.


10900585275?profile=originalJune 24, 2011
Warning Signs
Paying Attention to Red Flags

Red flags often come in the form of feelings urging us to pause for a moment, listen to our intuition, and reconsider.

Just as the universe wants to provide for our needs, it also seeks to protect us from dangerous situations, destructive relationships, and even minor inconveniences. Frequently in our lives, perhaps everyday, we encounter psychic red flags warning us of potential problems or accidents. We may not always recognize the signs. However, more often than not, we may choose to ignore our intuition when it tells us that “something just isn’t right.”

Red flags often come in the form of feelings urging us to pause for a moment, listen to our intuition, and reconsider. We may even experience a “bad” feeling in our bellies. This is a red flag letting us know that there may be a problem. We may not even know what the red flag is about. All we know is that the universe is trying to wave us in a different direction. We just have to pay attention and go another way. We may even wonder whether we are paranoid or imagining things. However, when we look back at a situation or relationship where there were red flags, it becomes easy to understand exactly what those warning signs meant. More often than not, a red flag is not a false warning. Rather, it is the universe’s way of informing us, through our own innate guidance system, that our path best lies elsewhere.

We may try to ignore the red flags waving our way, dismissing our unease as illogical. Yet it is always in our best interest to pay attention to them. For example, we may meet someone who outwardly seems perfect. They are intelligent, attractive, and charming. Yet, for some reason, being around them makes us feel uneasy. Any interactions we have with them are awkward and leave us feeling like there is something “off” about the situation. This is not necessarily a bad person. But, for some reason, the universe is directing us away from them. Red flags are intended with our best interests at heart. No harm can ever come from stopping long enough to heed a red flag. Pay attention to any red flags that pop up. The universe is always looking out for you.


10900585275?profile=originalJune 27, 2011
Vibrational Imprints

Like you, the objects you encounter have stories to tell as the previous owners have left their vibrational imprint.

Because our bodies exude energy, we leave behind a vibrational imprint each time we touch or live in close proximity to an object. These imprints, which may be positive or negative memories, emotions, or impressions, can become part of the history of an item. Like you, the objects you encounter have stories to tell. Psychometry is the natural art of reading an object’s history in regard to the people and events it has encountered. The objects we associate with are by no means silent bystanders. A house in which a tragedy has occurred may feel cold or silent, while handling a much loved toy may make you feel good. It is widely believed that all human beings possess psychometric abilities. All objects vibrate at specific frequencies, and psychometry asks only that one tune in to those frequencies.

It is common to learn the art of psychometry by using items such as jewelry or a watch, because these objects spend much of their time in close physical proximity to its owners. Information sensed using psychometry usually has to do with an object’s owner and may be related to a location, a feeling, or an event. Emotions tend to be easier to sense, though it can take time and diligence to perfect your psychometric talents. To exercise your psychometric skills, relax and sit in a quiet place with your palms facing upward. Have a friend place one of their treasured possessions in your nondominant hand. Let your mind wander until you receive any impressions. Finally, relate what you have seen, heard, or felt.

By simply by holding an object in your hand or putting it to your forehead, you can sense an object’s past and vicariously experience the emotions, sounds, tastes, scents, or images that have transpired around it thus far. While psychometry is most often performed on small objects intimately connected to its owners, it is possible for humans to leave an imprint on a large object like a home or automobile and to receive impressions from these objects. Once you know an object’s story, you can release it of its memories or marvel at the wealth of information cradled within.


10900585275?profile=originalJune 28, 2011
Let It Flow

Tears are as natural to us as breathing and there is beauty in allowing yourself to be open to the pain of tears.

How wonderful it feels to give in and let tears flow when we are overwhelmed with emotions, whether we are happy or sad. Tears come from the soul, from our well of feelings rising from deep down. When we give in to the prickling behind our eyes and the lump in our throat to let teardrops fall from our eyes, we allow our feelings to surface so they can be set free.

Proud parents shed tears of pride in a child’s accomplishments, a baby’s first step, birthdays, and graduations. Long lost friends fall into each other’s arms, tears rolling down their cheeks when they reunite after years of separation. Tears may flow from us when we are witness to a commitment being made at a wedding or even while we are watching a love story. Tears of relief may spring forth from our eyes when we hear that a loved one has survived an ordeal, and tears may fall when we bow our head in sorrow over a loss or death. Tears born from heartache can flow like they’ll never cease, whether our tears are for a love that is over, a friendship lost, or an opportunity missed. We shed tears because of disappointment in ourselves, tragedy in the world, pain, and illness. Tears of anger can burn with emotion as they fall down our faces. Tears offer us a physical release of our feelings.

Shedding tears can sometimes make us feel better, although it can feel like the tears will never end once the floodgates are open. There is no shame in letting tears flow freely and frequently. Tears are as natural to us as is breathing. There is beauty in allowing yourself to be vulnerable enough to shed tears. Open up, release your tears, and let your feelings flow.


10900585275?profile=originalJune 29, 2011
Reflections of Self
We Are All Mirrors for Each Other

People you feel drawn to reflect your inner self back at you, and you act as a mirror for them as well.

When we look at other people, we see many of their qualities in innumerable and seemingly random combinations. However, the qualities that we see in the people around us are directly related to the traits that exist in us. “Like attracts like” is one of the spiritual laws of the universe. We attract individuals into our lives that mirror who we are. Those you feel drawn to reflect your inner self back at you, and you act as a mirror for them. Simply put, when you look at others, you will likely see what exists in you. When you see beauty, divinity, sweetness, or light in the soul of another, you are seeing the goodness that resides in your soul. When you see traits in others that evoke feelings of anger, annoyance, or hatred, you may be seeing reflected back at you those parts of yourself that you have disowned or do not like.

Because we are all mirrors for each other, looking at the people in your life can tell you a lot about yourself. Who you are can be laid bare to you through what you see in others. It is easy to see the traits you do not like in others. It is much more difficult to realize that you possess those same traits. Often, the habits, attitudes, and behaviors of others are closely linked to our unconscious and unresolved issues.

When you come into contact with someone you admire, search your soul for similarly admirable traits. Likewise, when you meet someone exhibiting traits that you dislike, accept that you are looking at your reflection. Looking at yourself through your perception of others can be a humbling and eye-opening experience. You can also cultivate in you the traits and behaviors that you do like. Be loving and respectful to all people, and you will attract individuals that will love and respect you back. Nurture compassion and empathy and let the goodness you see in others be your mirror.


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Pictures of the week: From a homemade boat in India to a colourful run in the Philippines

Here's our pick of the best pictures from around the world this week..

10900596067?profile=originalHot lava from Mount Sinabung volcano spews skyward in Indonesia's North Sumatra province. About 20,000 villagers have been evacuated since authorities raised the alert status for Sinabung to the highest level. (Reuters)

10900596092?profile=originalRow, row, row your boat: A fisherman rows a makeshift boat to fish in the Bay of Bengal at Visakhapatnam, in Andhra Pradesh, India (Reuters)

10900596297?profile=originalThe first koala joey to be born in the UK in May of last year finally has a name. Pictured here with a toy koala he was given a name after keepers found out he was male. He was christened 'Yooranah', an indigenous Australian term meaning 'loving'. (PA)

10900597291?profile=originalNo longer the 'Windy City': This stunning aerial view over Chicago shows the 'Windy City' encased in ice as a weather phenomenon known as a 'polar vortex' wreaked havoc across vast swathes of America and Canada. (Hank Cain/@WCL_Shawn/Twitter)

10900598290?profile=originalA large wave crashes over the promenade at high tide in Aberystwyth, Wales, as Britain endured more floods and winds. (Reuters)

10900598865?profile=originalStudents hold candles at a mourning ceremony for Run Run Shaw in front of a building donated by Shaw at the University of South China. The Hong Kong media mogul died on Tuesday at the age of 106. (Reuters)

10900599498?profile=originalThe beauty of the Northern Lights in Whalsay, Shetland. The Lights can be seen as a green glow on the left. They were also seen in southern England and the last time they were so clear was 151 years ago.(SWNS)

10900600276?profile=originalAnglers cast lines through holes into a frozen river during an ice fishing competition in Hwacheon-gun, South Korea. The annual event attracts thousands of competitors where participants compete with traditional lures or with bare hands. (Getty)

10900601075?profile=originalBright lights, big city: Visitors watch fireworks during the opening ceremony of the 30th annual Harbin International Ice and Snow festival in Harbin, in northeastern's China's Heilongjiang province. (PA)

10900601653?profile=originalFlying high: A participant prepares to fly a large tiger-shaped kite at the 26th International Kite Festival in Mumbai, India. Kite-flyers from numerous countries participated in the day-long festival. (PA)

10900602272?profile=original'What are you looking at?' The Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary Hospital in Queensland, Australia, has been inundated with tiny flippers at the start of the New Year. 18 short-neck turtles, no bigger than a 50p coin, have recently hatched at the sanctuary. (Rex Features)

10900602683?profile=originalParticipants throw coloured powder in the air during the 2014 Colour Run in Manila, Philippines. The event was founded in the U.S. in January, 2012, as an event to promote healthiness and happiness by bringing the community together. (Rex Features)

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The wonders of the world: Eight bizarre natural phenomena

Nature can behave in peculiar ways - and the following list only proves this. From destructive supercell storms that are terrifying to behold to the incredible sight of the Northern Lights, here are a few examples of nature's most peculiar phenomena.

10900597083?profile=originalThis awe-inspiring picture is of volcanic lightning while the Shinmoedake volcano in Japan erupts. The reasons behind the phenomenon are not well understood but scientists believe it occurs when charged fine ash particles emitted from the volcano clash with ice particles in the clouds - which in turn creates lighting. (Photo by Sipa Press/REX)

10900597473?profile=originalBioluminescent shores: The stunning blue glow seen in the waves here in California is the result of an algae bloom (or red tide). The other-worldly aqua colour is a product of the marine microbes which have gathered there, called phytoplanton. The micro-organisms glow blue when affected by stress - such as the presence of a surfer or when waves crash onto the shore. (Photo by KeystoneUSA-ZUMA/REX)

10900598653?profile=originalThe Aurora Borealis, or Northern Lights as it is more popularly known, has inspired millions of people to travel to the far north to see the shimmering spectacle. The beautiful dance of light occurs when particles from the Earth's atmosphere collide with charged particles from the sun. A similar occurance occurs in the southern hemisphere, called Aurora Australis. (Orn Oskarsson/Solent News/REX)

10900599257?profile=originalThis menacing cloud is a supercell storm. It is a thunderstorm with a mesocyclone - a rotating movement of air. A supercell storm forms where cold dry air meets warm moist air. It can produce tornadoes, hail the size of golfballs and heavy rain. The destructive phenomenon can last for several hours. (Photo by Marko Korosec/Solent News/REX)

10900600065?profile=original'Sun dogs' - halos, often with bright spots, that forms in the sky around the sun - behave in a similar way to rainbows. This beautiful sight is caused when sunlight is bent after hitting ice crystals in a cloud. The ice crystal acts as a prism and separates the sunlight into different colours to form a sun dog. When rainbows form it is because raindrops, not ice crystals, act as a prism. (WestEnd61/REX)

10900600480?profile=originalFire Rainbow: The technical term is 'Pileus cloud' and it appears when sunlight passes through ice crystals in a cirrus clouds. If the light and cloud particles are perfectly aligned the crystals behave like a prism and refract the light - in what looks like a rainbow. The sun needs to be very high in the sky for this phenomenon to occur. (KeystoneUSA-ZUMA/REX)

10900600882?profile=originalRed tide (or algae bloom) may look like the scene of a massacre - but it is when colonies of algae grow rapidly - causing the water to turn a deep red. Red tides can be harmful to marine life, birds and even people, either due to toxins produced by the algae, or a lack of oxygen in the water. (KeystoneUSA-ZUMA/REX)

10900601699?profile=originalThey may look like normal clouds but Asperatus Clouds are so rare they were only proposed as a 'new' classification of cloud in 2009 after extensive study. Typically found in Iowa, they look storm-like, resembling the surface of the sea, but they tend to disappear without a storm forming. (FLPA/Andrew Bailey/REX)

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Fiery 230ft crater nicknamed the 'Door to Hell' baffles scientists after burning endlessly for 40 YEARS

Originally a level surface, the site was identified by Soviet scientists in 1971 as an area that was believed to house a substantial oil field

Yahoo News UK

With fiery embers glowing deep underground, it looks like a scene from an apocalyptic sci-fi blockbuster.

But this huge crater is amazingly a real-life phenomenon which has been flaming away for more than four decades.

The 230ft-wide crater, known by locals in Turkmenistan as the 'Door to Hell', has baffled scientists since it first appeared more than 40 years ago.

Originally a level surface, the site was identified by Soviet scientists in 1971 as an area that was believed to house a substantial oil field.

However, the ground beneath the drilling rig soon collapsed, creating a wide crater that was believed to be releasing large quantities of methane gas, a potential danger to the nearby villages in Derweze, Turkmenistan.

Scientists decided that the most efficient way to solve the problem would be to burn off the poisonous gases -- by doing so, it was expected that all of the gas in the crater would be burnt off within days.

More than four decades later, though, the crater is still ablaze with endless flames and boiling mud - and hundreds of tourists flock to visit it every year.

The Karakum Desert, where Derweze is located, has one of the largest gas reserves in the world. Turkmenistan hopes to up its exportation rate around 75 million cubic meters of gas in the next 20 years.

10900598881?profile=original The fiery crater first appeared in Turkmenistan more than 40 years ago. (TORMOD SANDTORV / CATERS)

10900599096?profile=original The astonishing crater is 230ft wide. (MARTHA DE JONG-LANTINK / CATERS)

Will Keeping, a retiree from Buchlyvie, near Stirling, visited the crater last month.

Unaware of the Door to Hell's existence before he visited Turkmenistan, Will, 57, was told on his tour that the crater was one of the hundred most bizarre places to visit before you die.

Intrigued, he decided to ride across the bleak desert environment, not knowing what to expect.

Will said: 'During daylight, I was initially not impressed as it looked like a hole in a vast desert. As we got nearer and the glow from inside the carter became evident, though, I started to notice the size of the crater and wondered how could continually glow like that.


Bubbling: The crater has been nicknamed the 'Door to Hell' by locals in Turkmenistan. (MARTHA DE JONG-LANTINK / …

10900601467?profile=original Inside, the crater is filled with endless flames and boiling mud. (WILLIAM KEEPING / CATERS)

'As I approached on foot, it became clear that this was a large crater and that inside was like a huge open furnace. At first, it appeared that it might have been a natural phenomenon, but the sides of the crater contradicted that. I could see the bent and rusted remains of some sort of metal railings or structure, implying some sort of catastrophe having occurred long before.

'I stood there gazing into the crater, the sheer size and intensity of the fire inside became more and more apparent.

'As the sun began to set, the location slowly transformed from a large, isolated furnace in the middle of the desert into the centre of attention that dominated the surrounding area - the glow became more intense and lit up the area including the sky above. It was impossible not to be drawn to the crater, something that was just dominant over the surrounding area.'

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Follow the Path of Your Joy ~ A Message From Talia Of The Council For The Assistance To Earth ~ via Isis-Neith
Posted: 03 Sep 2013 08:30 PM PDT


I am Talia of the Council for the Assistance to Earth. Greetings.

I spoke last week about stepping out of the fear of what other people think of you and standing in your own power, but I feel that I must continue to talk to you about the freedom that this entails, because I realize that there are those who think that to step out of needing to please others is not a good quality.

I want you to understand that you are worthy of anything good and I want you to understand that when you put yourself second you deny the universe the privilege of giving you the good that you deserve because you are saying to it very loudly through your energy and matching actions that you don’t truly deserve the good it has stored for you.

What the universe looks for is someone who deeply feels through and through that they are worthy!

What the universe looks for and feels out for is someone who holds the energy of self value!
What the universe wants for every person is all the love and goodness that they desire to be part of their experience and a constant expression of their life. Not only a constant mental and emotional expression but a constant physical one too, and you should be living a life that is joyous and living to the fullest, not selling yourself short because another is not accepting what you want out of life when they are not even living your life. Only you are living your life!

Don’t make excuses.

When you want something deeply you find a way or you regret never finding it. Do not let other people stop you when they are not in agreement with what you value and want and hold dear to have for yourself. You are not another person, so don’t try to persuade another not to do the thing that they love either.

As a for instance and one that is a cliché on Earth and so you will most easily relate to it, the dancer who loves what they do more than anything including money and the parent who really wants the best for their child, but doesn’t understand that the best for their child is living joyously and the money must follow the person who lives full and joyously!

When you are full of joy you are a river overflowing with abundance of all sorts; you are destined to be in alignment with everything you are!

The river of joyous living and an abundant mind flows to the heart of the person who trusts their own desires and puts themselves in the places that give them more joy! Always follow your passion, no matter what anyone else wants from you or for you! Always follow who you are and put your joy above needing to give joy to others! Everybody is responsible for their own power, for their own love, for their own abundance, for their own joy!

Everybody is responsible for only themselves and not to complete another or give to another something that they haven’t found inside theirself!

Everybody is meant to find the river of joyous movement, meaning the river that never stops moving and that pushes you forward in the moment when you find your own power which is your passion and your joy! Your joy is your driving force, the force for living to the fullest you possible. Love is a high emotion, passion is a high emotion. If you want to move into a higher vibration you must follow the path of your joy!



For More Please Visit: Namaste!

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City of Love fails to woo the Chinese

City of Love fails to woo the Chinese

10900594864?profile=originalA farmer works in a field with the replica of the Eiffel Tower in the background (Reuters)

10900594887?profile=originalA resident stands on the balcony of his Parisian-style apartment. Construction first started in 2007 and although it is near completion and mostly open for business, local media regard Tianducheng as a ghost town (Reuters)

10900595661?profile=originalRows of white Parisian style homes can be seen in Tianducheng. The knock-off of the famous 'city of love' features a replica Eiffel Tower, an Arc de Triomphe and a Bassin de Latone (Reuters)

10900595698?profile=originalEuropean-style buildings are covered with Chinese lettering in Tianducheng. The development is supposed to house 100,000 people but so far is only home to 2,000 (Reuters)

10900596098?profile=originalPeople walk past a fountain with black statues of a chariot, horses and other animals in Tianducheng (Reuters)


A lightning bolt streaks across the sky above a replica of the Eiffel Tower in Tianducheng. The replica stands 108metres tall and is just one of the Parisian-inspired landmarks in the Chinese city (Reuters)

10900597093?profile=originalBrooms lean against a statue at the Tianducheng development in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province. This isn't the only European-inspired town in China: Thames Town near Shanghai is filled with Georgian terraced houses, a Chinese Dorchester in Chengdu is modeled on the Dorset town. German and Italian-style towns are also being built (Reuters)

10900597866?profile=originalTianducheng, a gated community near Hangzhou, capital of coastal Zhejiang province, was built to attract China's wealthy. Paris, French wine and designer labels and handbags are popular status symbols in the Asian country (Reuters)

10900598486?profile=originalA replica of the Eiffel Tower can be seen behind a farmer's house in Tianducheng (Reuters)

10900599859?profile=originalThe 108metre replica of the Eiffel Tower in Tianducheng, Zhejiang Province (Reuters)

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Everyone You Chose to Meet on Your Lifepath will Appear at Exactly the Right Moment ~ via John Smallman

Posted: 03 Sep 2013 08:30 PM PDT



Much attention is being focused on the troubling situation in the Middle East, and this is understandable because your compassion flows to those who are suffering there. But do not forget to focus also on being Love in action all day every day, while not judging those whom you think are causing those problems, because in truth they too are suffering and are equally deserving of your love and compassion. Only a constant flow of Love can resolve that situation, and you who are reading this chose to be incarnate on Earth at this time so that you could send your love to those who are suffering anywhere on Earth due to military conflicts, or for any other reason.

Suffering is an enormously powerful distraction that tends to draw you deeper into the illusion. It can lead you to forget to make your daily intent to be Love in action, while those involved in conflicts are frequently so distracted by their own suffering and that of loved ones that they find it almost impossible to enter their quiet inner space even for a moment, where they can access the spiritual help they so dearly need. Your intent to send love to those who are suffering is very effective and does help them to experience brief moments of peace despite the intense distractions of their unhappy environment.

As you know, the divine energy field in which everything has its eternal existence is composed of Love, so that everything that exists is therefore composed of Love. The limitations that are the characteristics of the illusion are the result of attempting to live without Love. . . separated from It. The power of Love is infinite, and by entering the illusion and attempting to separate yourselves from your divine Source you effectively reduced the power, the life force available to you enormously. It is as though, using electricity as an analogy, all the immense power flowing out of an earth-based electrical power station was available to you, but you chose to reduce it to the level at which it would barely light a lamp.

That is why it is in your best interests to wake up. When you do so you will cease to reduce the power level of the Love that flows through you constantly, and without which you would not and could not exist, but will allow It to flow without restriction of any kind, and you will then know yourselves as you truly are: beings of immense influence. . . of immense Light.

Awake and fully conscious, you could not even conceive of the way of life that you are experiencing in the illusion. It is truly beyond understanding, and yet you cling to it in fear, unable to conceive of life without it, with many believing that life ends permanently with the laying down of their human bodies. Nothing that God creates dies. Death is an illusory concept. . . merely a move forwards, a progression to a state of being that is way beyond your present severely limited experience of what life means. It is not to be feared.

The time at which a human lays down her body is not random. Accidents and illness are experiences on the lifepath that you planned, and everything that happens to you is part of your own personal plan. That is not apparent to you while embodied, although some of you are rather good at getting an intuitive sense of what your future path entails. The thing to be aware of is that you are each on the path home to Reality: the state in which Love fills you with the infinite power and joy in which you were created, and of which you are fully and eternally aware.

You are all destined for eternal joy in the eternal Presence of God, the loving Source of all creation, and your homeward paths have been uniquely and individually tailored for you to encounter precisely the experiences and lessons that you chose, before you incarnated, to undergo. Nothing that happens to you is by chance, although you may well feel that some of your experiences just had to be accidental because you cannot imagine any other cause.

However, once you accept that nothing that happens to you is a chance occurrence it becomes much easier for you to see and learn the lessons with which your lives present you.

And when this happens you will find life flows more easily for you with far less stress. This is because you have effectively made the choice to accept the situations that arise, instead of fighting against them and blaming others – or God! – for any misfortunes that befall you.

Wherever it is that you are experiencing life on planet Earth, it is where you chose to be for the lessons that you elected to experience and learn. Where you were born, to whom, and where you live are no more chance occurrences than any other events that “happen” to you.

It is impossible for you to understand these reasons while you remain on Earth as humans, and utterly impossible for you to make sense of another’s lifepath. You have no need to.

If you meet or become aware of someone whom you could help, then do so; it will be one of your lessons. But you do not need to go seeking out people to help. You may certainly choose to do so, but everyone you chose to meet on your human lifepath – for the lessons that you could learn together or teach each other – will appear at exactly the right moment.

Your lifepaths will always unfold just as planned; the fact that they may displease or delight you does not alter that fact.

Pay attention to each moment by living in the now as consistently as you can. Doing that is the most effective way to follow your paths and learn your lessons with the minimum of discomfort. When you created your lifepaths you built into them all kinds of allowances to enable you to provide for the myriad choices within each and every situation that comes up.

Think of all the choices you make, moment by moment, choices you could not foresee, and from which you had to therefore provide alternative routes forward. To proceed most efficaciously, trust the path that opens before you and proceed lovingly and compassionately along it. It is the most direct way Home.

Your loving brother, Jesus.

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What if the world's icecaps melted overnight?

What if the world's icecaps melted overnight?

New maps show how the world would change if the polar icecaps completely melted - rising sea levels would flood large parts of Britain, Europe and the US

By Chris Hall | Yahoo News


Yahoo News - In 5000 years' time, this is what Britain could look like as the polar icecaps melt. (National Geographic/JASON TREAT, MATTHEW TWOMBLY, WEB BARR, MAGGIE SMITH, NGM STAFF, ART: KEES VEENENBOS)

It sounds like the plot of a Hollywood disaster film - what would happen if the polar icecaps completely melted in one go?

But you could also see it as the eventual product of global warming - as levels of carbon build up in the atmosphere, temperatures will one day rise to the point where all ice on Earth has melted.

Luckily for the millions of people whose homes would be flooded by this change, scientists estimate that melting all the ice in the Arctic, Antarctica and Greenland would take at least 5,000 years. The total volume of ice on Earth is currently estimated at between 5million and 7.5million cubic miles. Melting all of it would cause the sea level to rise by a minimum of 216 feet (66m).
The impact of such a drastic change to the sea level is shown by these National Geographic maps. Some parts of the world would be largely unaffected, but every continent would undergo significant changes. In addition, Antarctica would emerge as a landmass for the first time in 15million years.

10900593696?profile=original Coastlines around Europe would shrink, with some countries disappearing altogether. (National Geographic/JASON …

The UK and Ireland would change enormously. The east coast of Britain would flood as far inland as Leicester and as far north as Harrogate. London and the Thames valley would all be underwater, with Kent and Norfolk reduced to a scattering of islands.

Much of western Ireland would flood, except for the highlands of County Mayo and Galway. Wales and Scotland would be less heavily affected.

In Europe, the Netherlands would be completely submerged. Denmark, Belgium, Estonia and Latvia would also be significantly flooded. The Black and Caspian Seas would connect directly to the Mediterranean, and huge areas of Russia and Kazakhstan would flood.


Much of the USA would be unharmed, but Florida and the Eastern seaboard would all flood. (National Geographic/JASON …

In North America, the eastern seaboard would all find itself underwater, and Florida would completely disappear. California would lose San Francisco and San Diego, and the Mississippi delta would become a large bay, but the rest of inland America would be largely unharmed.


Only the major river basins in South America would be significantly affected. (National Geographic/JASON TREAT, …

In South America, only the areas around the Amazon and Paraguay rivers would change significantly, with the mountainous western coastline protecting most of the continent.


China would be most affected in Asia, with an area home to 600million people being lost to the sea. (National Geographic/JASON …

Asia would see the largest number of people affected. Flooding in northern China and Bangladesh would leave more than 760million people without a home. Large parts of Cambodia and Thailand would be affected.


Australia would gain a sea, and lose all of its coastal cities. (National Geographic/JASON TREAT, MATTHEW TWOMBLY, …

Australia would look very similar but for the addition of an inland sea in South Australia. However, the coastal flooding that would affect the entire world would have huge repercussions in Australia, as 80% of the population lives on the coast.

According to National Geographic, this scenario could arise if humans were to burn the entire planet's supply of fossil fuels - causing the average temperature to rise by more than 20 degrees by adding 5trillion tonnes of carbon to the atmosphere.

As well as flooding great swathes of the planet, it would also make much of the world intolerably hot to live in. So don't feel too smug if you live on top of a hill.

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Mother Mary ~ Claim Your Rightful Place Amongst the Masters in Your Ability to Love and to Create ~ via Fran Zepeda
Posted: 09 Aug 2013 09:31 PM PDT


Hello dear ones. By now you have realized that you have reached a crossroads, a crossroads of true unequivocal belief in your divine nature. We have been telling you for quite a while now of the magnificent essence that is you, naturally and never-ending and eternally, and many of you have accepted it with open arms and true belief in your true nature.

However, there are many that still doubt this, and for you to move forward, it needs to be embraced fully and without any hesitation. Deep down you know of your nature, your Divine Nature. Deep down you know of its possibilities and its consequences. Deep down you recognize yourself more and more, as the veils are lifted from your hearts and as you accept yourselves truly and absolutely. But are you fully embracing it? Are you fully believing it? That is the question we pose to you this day, where you find yourselves continually inundated with purer and purer energy into your hearts, if you so accept it.

For many it is bringing up doubts and resistance. For many it is still bringing up those parts of you that still cling to old beliefs of what you think you are, of who you think you are. But beloveds, I come today to ask of you: let go more, surrender more; look closely into your hearts and see any remaining doubts and fears and beliefs that are holding you back from receiving and accepting this pure light of such magnitude, that nothing can hide now, that nothing can be in your way of expanding more fully into your new lives and new sense of yourselves.

But it isn’t really “new” now, dear ones, is it? You are indeed coming back to your true beginnings, your true center, and while it may feel sometimes that you are like a new fresh seedling newly sprouted and waving in the harsh winds of change, feeling very vulnerable, know that you are not alone and you can withstand it, that you can grow further and stronger into your true glory.

I come to you now to give you comfort and love in your treacherous journey, or so it may seem to you now. Hold fast to your center, dear ones, and see how much love you can hold without feeling like you are bursting. And bursting is ok, even so. For you are breaking the barriers of old paradigms for one last time and it is so – it is rightfully so - that you claim your rightful place amongst the Masters in your ability to Love and to Create.

The only thing stopping you, my dear ones, is belief and trust – belief and trust in your Divine Nature, in your Divine Essence, in your Christed Self, in your Lighted Ascended Being. You merely have to choose those thoughts and feelings that support that new level you have found yourselves in. It feels new, yes; it feels strange yes, but go with it. Allow it. You are almost there.

You are the Lighted Love-Bearers of the World. I have told you this before. You are fully capable of sustaining that role; you are perfectly capable of carrying forward as supreme examples of Lighted Ascended Beings, of evolved Ascended Beings, so full of Love and promise that no one can deny it. Don’t deny it, dear ones. Be with us in your full glory. Now is the time. Now is the Creation you have been waiting for – the creation of so much Love oozing within you and without you and for you and by you. Take it in further, dear ones. You are almost there.

We love you immensely, dear ones, we in the Celestial and Galactic Realm. That has never subsided. It grows and flourishes with each further acceptance of it. Let this Love and Light now illuminate any remaining dark patches that may prevent you from fully accepting that you are a Full and Lighted Divine Being, here to spread it further out than you could have ever imagined. For the dark patches are merely beliefs and fears and doubts you have accumulated to sustain you in the times of separation. But that time is closing dear ones. And you merely have to light them up and move through them like wisps of fog lingering before you on your path to full freedom.

You have my deep abiding love always. You have the deep abiding love of all the Celestial and Galactic Realm, of which you are one. Believe it fully, dear ones. Now is the time.

All my love.

Mother Mary

©2013 Fran Zepeda. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is posted in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this notice and links are included. (Blog) (Website

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May 11, 2011
Hovering around the Sun
Avoiding the Center

Quiet time each day is so important, but many are so out of practice that it’s almost unnerving to be in stillness.

It’s funny to imagine our lives as something we spend a lot of time avoiding, because it seems like that would be impossible to do. Our lives consist of everything we engage in, from showering to sleeping, but also a lot of busy work that distracts us and keeps us from looking at our lives. Experiencing our life from the inside means taking time each day to simply be alone and quiet in the presence of our soul. Many of us are so out of practice that it’s almost unnerving to have a moment to ourselves. As a result, we may have stopped trying to carve out that time to take a seat at the center of our lives.

One of the reasons it can be uncomfortable to sit with ourselves is because when we do, we tend to open ourselves to an inner voice, which might question the way we’re living or some of the choices we’re making. Sometimes the voice reminds us of our secret, inner yearnings, dreams we thought we had forgotten. When we already feel overwhelmed by our busy schedules, the idea of hearing this voice can be exhausting. However, its reflections are the chords that connect us to our authentic selves, and they are the very things that make our lives worth living. When we continually avoid connecting with our life, we risk losing out on the very purpose of our existence.

To begin the process of being more present and less absent in your life, you might want to set aside just a few minutes each day to simply sit with yourself. This doesn't mean watching a movie or reading a book, but taking time each day for self-examination to avoid the avoidance, to be with yourself in an open way. After a while, you may start to enjoy this part of the day so much that you make less busy work for yourself, so that you can spend more time at the center of your own life, rather than hovering like a planet around the sun.



May 12, 2011
Conscious Evolution
Being Aware is the First Step

Awareness is the first step to creating change in any situation, without it, there would be no desire for change.

Life is a journey comprised of many steps on our personal path that takes us down a winding road of constant evolution. And each day, we are provided with a myriad of opportunities that can allow us to transform into our next best selves. One moment we are presented with an opportunity to react differently when yet another someone in our life rubs us the wrong way; on another day we may find ourselves wanting to walk away from a particular circumstance but are not sure if we can. Eventually, we may find ourselves stuck in a rut that we can never seem to get out of. We may even make the same choices over and over again because we don’t know how to choose otherwise. Rather than moving us forward, our personal paths may take us in a seemingly never-ending circle where our actions and choices lead us nowhere but to where we’ve already been. It is during these moments that awareness can be the first step to change.

Awareness is when we are able to realize what we are doing. We observe ourselves, noticing our reactions, actions, and choices as if we were a detached viewer. Awareness is the first step to change because we can’t make a change unless we are aware that one needs to be made in the first place. We can then begin understanding why we are doing what we are doing. Afterward, it becomes difficult not to change because we are no longer asleep to the truth behind our behaviors. We also begin to realize that, just as much as we are the root source behind the causes for our behaviors, we are also the originator for any changes that we want to happen.

There is a freedom that comes with awareness. Rather than thinking that we are stuck in a repetitive cycle where there is no escape, we begin to see that we very much play a hand in creating our lives. Whether we are aware of them or not, our behaviors and choices are always ours to make. Our past and our present no longer have to dictate our future when we choose to be aware. We are then free to move beyond our old limits, make new choices, and take new actions. With awareness, our paths can’t help but wind us forward in our lives while paving the way for new experiences and new ways of being. It is through awareness that we can continue to consciously evolve.



May 13, 2011
Kundalini Energy
Tapping into Potential

We all posses a widely unknown powerful energy called Kundalini which sits at the base of our spine.

In the classic Hatha yoga and Tantra traditions, each person is believed to possess a great reservoir of dormant feminine energy. This raw creative energy lies tightly coiled at the base of the spine. It is often associated with the serpent. Kundalini energy is part of the life force, so there is always a minute amount flowing through your subtle body. Only when properly understood and awakened can it express its full potential, rising through you and energizing your senses. It is possible to awaken your Kundalini through different forms of meditation or yoga, though the process should be undertaken slowly. A hasty opening of the Kundalini center can cause headaches and other physical symptoms. Raised properly, Kundalini energy has the potential to spring forth as active kinetic energy that may result in altered states of consciousness.

Once you have tapped into your Kundalini, what you experience will be unique. Some people experience the rising of the Kundalini upward through the chakras as spreading warmth and a feeling of extreme well being. Others find they have more energy and libido and are consistently happier. If you awaken your Kundalini, you may find yourself getting sick less often. The results vary from person to person, but the benefits are generally positive. You may be thinking about raising your Kundalini on your own. One way to do this is to draw the Kundalini up through the Shushumna, the passageway that travels through the center of your body toward the head, by visualizing the energy as a serpent traveling upward. But only bring it up a little at a time and use caution. If you experience headaches or a burning sensation, you may be going to fast and should consult a teacher.

Though awakening the Kundalini can be a difficult experience, it can also be a rewarding and exciting one. As the raw energy of the Kundalini is transformed into a potent storehouse of refined energy waiting to be utilized, you will be tapping into a rich source of creativity and awareness.



May 16, 2011
Letting Your Voice Be Heard
Writing Your Story

Writing your own story can provide an outlet which can help purge any frustration, anxiety, or long-dormant feelings.

Everyone, at one time or another, has wanted to express his or her story. Writing a memoir to read privately, share with family or friends, or publish is an emotionally satisfying way to gain perspective on your experiences and to share your unique voice. We’ve all experienced feelings and events in our lives that we are longing to write down. Giving into that urge also can provide an outlet which can help purge any frustration, anxiety, or long-dormant feelings. No one else has to read it. You may even want to write your story without reading it afterward and put it away to read in the future. Satisfying the need to tell your story is not predicated upon your writing ability. It does, however take effort to write down the truth in detail. Your memories, captured on paper as descriptive scenes, sights, sounds, and scents, may at first seem disconnected or incomplete. But rest assured that you possess the ability to shape your recollections into stories.

Writing your story is different from journaling. Everyone wants to be heard and know that they matter. Reading your story to others meets the human need to be heard. Writing your story helps validate your life. We all want to know that what we have to say matters. And when you finish writing, even you may be surprised at what you have accomplished. Your story can encompass as much or as little of your life as you prefer. You may surprise yourself with new insights, or you may find yourself exploring your roots, your identity, and your future through your words. Allow your writing to guide you and write as truthfully as possible. Don’t worry about what others will think of your personal journey, your style of writing, or your words.

Research has shown that writing a narrative filled with feelings and perceptions can create long-term health benefits. As you write, remember to express compassion and understanding toward yourself, particularly when writing about traumatic events. If you are a young person, you can add to your life story as you grow older. Your writing may even help family members know you better or understand themselves more. Most importantly, in writing your personal story, you are expressing yourself in a permanent way, giving a gift to your future self, and letting your voice be heard.



May 17, 2011
Exploring the Soul
Living a Spiritual Life

Remembering who we really are is the first step in awakening to our spiritual path.

Throughout the journey from birth to death, many people choose to question life, strive for improvement, seek out knowledge, and search for the divine. Simply put, this is the essence of spirituality. One’s spiritual practice can take on many forms, because embracing the spiritual is a very personal pursuit. While many people do relate their spirituality to a God or Goddess, this quest for the divine, or oneness with the universe, always springs from within. It doesn’t matter where you find your spiritual path. We are all fundamentally spiritual beings and the essence of that lies in knowing one’s true self and finding a peace that comes from within rather than the outside world. It is in remembering this that we awaken to our personal path.

The spiritual path springs forth from a daily routine that reaffirms our personal connection with a purpose or a way of life. Practicing compassion, gratitude, appreciation, forgiveness, generosity, meditation, and taking care of one’s wellbeing can all be a part of one’s spiritual life. If you are new to exploring your personal spirituality, remember that this is a process. You may want to spend a few moments each day giving yourself a spiritual gift. Try a new form of meditation, visit a sanctuary, or explore a specific deity.

Accepting the importance of spirituality can be a healthy decision, because a spiritual practice tends to include habits that promote healthy living. Take the time to carefully determine the action, thought, and ritual that most speaks to your soul. Remember that your most profound spiritual experiences may also come from the simple intricacies that make up your life. See the interconnectedness of all things. As you explore your “inner work,” you will be walking your spiritual path and feeling your oneness with the universe.



May 18, 2011
Taking a Media Break

Taking a break from media in all forms is like a cleanse for your soul.

In this modern age, we seldom question the pervasive presence of the media. Television, radio, newspapers, magazines, telephones, and websites are part of most people’s everyday experiences. They enable us to stay informed while sometimes taking us on amazing journeys. But the content and experiences that these outlets offer also consume space in our minds that can have a profound effect on our emotional state. If you are someone who feels like your life is oversaturated with the “buzz” that comes from the media, you may want to consider taking a break. A media fast involves not watching television, reading any newspapers or magazines, checking or sending any e-mails, or even talking on the phone.

On the simplest level, undertaking this fast will free up thinking space. When you are constantly being bombarded with signals coming from outside sources, it can be hard to disassociate yourself, particularly if what you are hearing or reading is negative or stressful. Avoiding the media, for a few weeks, or even just a few days, can help you center yourself. The fast may even introduce you to creative aspects of yourself that you didn’t know existed, as you enjoy some quiet time and reconnect with other interests. We may feel like something is lacking from our lives during the first few days of a fast. But it is this emptiness that opens up the space for a more expansive and clutter-free life.

Research has shown that both news and television programming can have an intense effect on mood, even causing sadness and anxiety. Without the “noise” of the media running through your head, you are freer to focus your attention inward. Ideas will present themselves to you more readily, and you will find yourself available to revel in the small joys of your own life. You also will be freer to live in the present moment, rather than focusing on what’s going on in the news or your favorite soap opera. A media break can also help you develop a more conscious relationship with news and fictional entertainment. When you aren’t continuously subjected to the media, you are able to look at what you are seeing or reading more objectively. Taking a break from the media may also give you a greater sense of calm, balance, well-being, and a new perspective on life.



May 19, 2011
Hidden Treasure
Finding Another Vantage Point

Seeing the world from another perspective can introduce you to all sorts of hidden treasures.

The ocean can look very different, depending on whether you are standing at the shore, soaring above in a plane, or swimming beneath its waves. Likewise, a mountain can look very different relative to where you are standing. Each living thing sees the world from its unique vantage point. While from your window you may be seeing what looks like a huge shrub, a bird in its nest is getting an intimate view of that tree’s leafy interior. Meanwhile, a beetle sees only a massive and never-ending tree trunk. Yet all three of you are looking at the same tree.

Just as a shadow that is concealed from one point of view is easily seen from another, it is possible to miss a fantastic view. That is, unless you are willing to see what’s in front of you through different eyes. Seeing the world from another perspective, whether spatially or mentally, can introduce you to all sorts of hidden treasures. The root of the discovery process often lies in finding another way of looking at the world. The common human reaction to insects is one example. Spinning its web in a dark corner, a spider may seem drab, frightening, and mysterious. But seen up close weaving silver snowflakes between the branches of a tree, they can look like colored jewels.

Sometimes, there are experiences in life that from your vantage point may seem confusing, alarming, or worrisome. Or there may be events that look insignificant from where you are standing right now. Try seeing them from another point of view. Bury your face in the grass and look at the world from a bug’s vantage point. Explore your home as if you were a small child. Take a ride in a small aircraft and experience the world from a bird’s eye view. Just as kneeling down sometimes helps you see more closely when you are looking for lost treasure, so can standing back help you appreciate the broader picture of what you are looking at. In doing so, you’ll experience very different worlds.



May 19, 2011
Shores of Avalon
Tina Malia

Touring and recording as part of an expanding San Francisco grassroots music movement, songwriter–singer–producer and outdoor music festival mainstay Tina Malia could probably conquer the world with her heavenly, delicate voice if she wanted. Instead she prefers to keep herself just under the radar as an in-demand collaborator who has performed and recorded with everyone from Carlos Santana and Bonnie Raitt to Jai Uttal and India Arie. Her 2002 self-produced debut Shores of Avalon will surely draw comparisons to classic Joni Mitchell and Sarah McLachlan, but Malia has a spirit all her own: a gentle, soft, but solid singing voice, and a penchant for adding Celtic, Indian, and Middle Eastern accents and moods that open up her songs while keeping them as intimate and personal as a diary.

The title track finds Malia singing high notes plaintively over mellow guitar as chorus overdubs shade the approaching rain in a charcoal earth palette ("I am wastin' my life / In the eye of the storm"). "Lilac Blooms" climbs on a sinewy mix of growling bass, Indian sitar, percussion, and violins as Malia croons "under the night / Under darkest thing you know / There is a light / There is a light / There is an everlasting love."

Malia can be passionate and strong without compromising the gorgeous, refined grace of her singing, as in the breathless "Circle of Stones," which carries a wind-blown hair and galloping horses across the moors feel, while never feeling calculated for romantic effect. Indeed, there's nothing at all fake or untrue on the entire album, and if any sound or moment seems familiar, rest assured it's not laziness or imitation. Malia follows her musical vision without worrying whether it's too far out or too close to home. When she plunges into the icy gale of Celtic homeward-bound galloping, with frothy guitars and faithful strings racing at her side, you know she's not playing dress-up by the way your skin stands on end and every nerve is woken to the thrilling sound of hoofbeats in the sweet autumnal honey of her voice. Tina Malia was just starting out when Shores of Avalon was first recorded, but it feels like she already arrived and then some.

Listen to all sound clips from this CD

"Shores of Avalon" "Lilac Blooms" "Circle of Stones"


Buy this CD



May 20, 2011
Enjoying a Snail’s Pace
Doing Things Slowly

Take time to slow down, rushing never gets you anywhere but on to the next activity or goal.

Life can often feel like it’s zipping by in fast forward. We feel obliged to accelerate our own speed along with it, until our productivity turns into frenzied accomplishment. We find ourselves cramming as much activity as possible into the shortest periods of time. We disregard our natural rhythms because it seems we have to just to keep up. In truth, rushing never gets you anywhere but on to the next activity or goal.

Slowing down allows you to not only savor your experiences, but also it allows you to fully focus your attention and energy on the task at hand. Moving at a slower place lets you get things done more efficiently, while rushing diminishes the quality of your work and your relationships. Slowing down also lets you be more mindful, deliberate, and fully present. When we slow down, we are giving ourselves the opportunity to reacquaint ourselves to our natural rhythms. We let go of the “fast forward” stress, and allow our bodies to remain centered and grounded. Slowing down is inherent to fully savoring anything in life. Rushing to take a bath can feel like an uncomfortable dunk in hot water, while taking a slow hot bath can be luxuriant and relaxing. A student cramming for a test will often feel tired and unsure, whereas someone who really absorbs the information will be more confident and relaxed. Cooking, eating, reading, and writing can become pleasurable when done slowly. ! Slowing down lets you become more absorbed in whatever it is you are doing. The food you eat tastes better, and the stories you read become more alive.

Slowing down allows you to disconnect from the frenzied pace buzzing around you so you can begin moving at your own pace. The moments we choose to live in fast forward motion then become a conscious choice rather than an involuntary action. Learning to slow down in our fast-moving world can take practice, but if you slow down long enough to try it, you may surprise yourself with how natural and organic living at this pace can be.


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Bermuda Pyramid found in 2012 - Underwater Pyramid discovery pictures

MUST SEE | Crystal Pyramid Discovered In Bermuda Triangle

Atlantis Found Giant Sphinxes, Pyramids In Bermuda Triangle ½

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'The gateway to the Milky Way': Stunning star-filled snaps show Durdle Door archway below centre of the galaxy

Astro photographer Stephen Banks captured the stunning rock archway backdropped against the star-filled 'gateway to the Milky Way' in Dorset
Yahoo News UK – Mon, Oct 7, 2013


Yahoo News UK/CATERS - Stephen's stunning snaps show Durdle Door beneath the starry sky. (STEPHEN BANKS / CATERS)

With the natural wonder of Durdle Door lit up against the stunning starry sky, these are no ordinary beachside snaps.

Astro photographer Stephen Banks captured the stunning rock archway backdropped against the star-filled 'gateway to the Milky Way' in Dorset.

By setting his camera to a 30-second exposure time, and using a bright LED torch to illuminate the arch, the 24-year-old snatched the perfect moment.

His pictures, which he says are unaltered, show the centre of our galaxy as it passed through the rare rock formation of Durdle Door.

Stephen, who works in PR, said: 'I've never captured Durdle Door like this before and I've never seen a picture quite like it.

'I walked along the beach and carefully lined up the light in the distance with the 'door' of the arch.

'I drove through a lot of fog to get to this location, so I was adamant that the evening would be a complete right off. But luckily the fog began to clear as I made the descent down to the beach. Some mist was still present and, in the distance, the lights from a boat lit up the horizon.

10900591463?profile=original Another photo from Stephen's selection shows the archway with the sun rising underneath. (STEPHEN BANKS / CATE …

10900591492?profile=original Stephen has since been asked to submit his images for the Astronomy Photographer of the Year award. (STEPHEN BANKS …

'With a 30 second exposure, this had the effect of making the lights look like the moon or sun rising, but you can still see the stars in the sky.

'I could quite easily have given up and turned back to Bridport that evening, but I stuck with it and was very pleased that I did.'

Stephen, of Bridport, Dorset, has taken the astronomy photography world by storm - and was asked to enter his pictures for Astronomy Photographer of the Year award.

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Pictures of the week

Pictures of the week

10900586098?profile=originalA Greek firefighter runs to help a colleague as a forest fire rages in Marathon near Athens (Reuters)

10900586480?profile=originalIranians gather on the street to pray during Eid-al-Fitr celebrations (Rex)

10900587290?profile=originalA newborn albino wallaby takes a look at her new surroundings at Gumbuya Park in Victoria, Australia. (Rex)

10900587859?profile=originalThe financial district in Shanghai, China, where the world's second tallest skycraper, the 632m Shanghai Tower, is nearing completion. (Reuters)

10900588262?profile=originalThe sky over is illuminated by lightnings near Goerlitz, Germany. (PA)

10900588690?profile=originalBathers in the Volcano de Tutumo El Totumo mud volcano are left fully caked in mud (Rex)

10900589088?profile=originalHands up! Newborn panda cub Yuan Zai puts her paws in the air during a routine health check. (Rex)

10900589686?profile=originalA lab-grown meat burger made from Cultured Beef, which has been developed by Professor Mark Post of Maastricht University in the Netherlands.(PA)

10900589899?profile=originalA Greek army helicopter drops water over a forest fire in Marathon near Athens August 5, 2013. A wildfire fanned by strong winds raged near Athens on Monday, damaging homes and sending residents fleeing, fire brigade officials said. Reuters witnesses said the blaze had damaged at least three homes at a hamlet by the town of Marathon - the site of the historic 490 BC battle between Athenians and Persians about 40 kilometres (25 miles) northeast of the Greek capital.REUTERS/Yannis Behrakis (GREECE - Tags: DISASTER ENVIRONMENT TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY)

10900590856?profile=originalLance Bombardier James Simpson of the Royal Artillery, who lost both his legs in Afghanistan, during a training session in woods near Otley, Leeds, ahead of the Spartan Race, in which he is competing in September. (PA)

10900590289?profile=originalA female polar bear looks down from a cliff at birds below in Spitsbergen, Norway (Rex)

10900591272?profile=originalAn aerial image shows the flooding chaos over Herne Hill, south London, caused by a burst water main. (Rex)

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‎24 Doctors with the courage to tell the truth about Distilled Water...


Distilled water is THE water which runs through ALL water-based life forms.

I've put together the specific writings of twenty-four doctors who all support the benefits of Distilled Water. The first few pages of Dr.
Hanish's book (Doctor #24) at the end of this, are really quite stunning. If, after reading this, you think you would like to try distilled water, I
HIGHLY suggest you follow his instructions. EVERYONE we know, who has followed his instructions, has had results of a MOST SUCCESSFUL nature.


Everybody needs to switch their drinking water to distilled water.

A half gallon a day MINIMUM, most preferably a gallon, ESPECIALLY during the recovery period.

*** DOCTOR #1 ***
Here is what Dr. Allen Banik says...

"Distilled water is the greatest solvent on earth. (It is) the only water that can be taken into the body without damage to the tissues.

What we as scientists and the public have never realized is that minerals collected in the body from water are all inorganic minerals, which cannot
be assimilated (digested) by the body. The only minerals that the body can utilize are the organic minerals (from fruits and vegetables). All other
types of minerals are foreign substances to the body and must be disposed of or eliminated.

Today, many progressive doctors prescribe distilled water to their patients. All kidney machines operate on distilled water." - Allen E. Banik, M.D. Author, "The Choice is Clear"

*** DOCTOR #2 ***
Here is what Dr. Paul Bragg says...

"The greatest damage done by inorganic minerals (hard)---plus waxy cholesterol and salt---is to the small arteries and other blood vessels of the brain (75% water). Hardening of the arteries and calcification of blood vessels starts on the day you start taking inorganic chemicals (and minerals from tap water) into our bodies."

"When distilled water enters the body, it leaves no residue of any kind. It is free of salts and sodium. It is the most perfect water for the healthy functioning of the kidneys(83% water). It is the perfect liquid for the blood(83% water), the ideal liquid for the efficient functioning of the lungs(86% water), stomach, liver(85% water) and other vital organs. Why? Because it is free of all inorganic minerals. It is so pure that all liquid drug prescriptions are formulated with distilled water. Dr. Paul Bragg, N.D. Ph.T., from his book: "The Shocking Truth About Water"

*** DOCTOR #3 ***
Here is what Dr. James Balch says...

"There is only one water, and that is clean, steam distilled water. No other substance on our planet does so much to keep us healthy and get us well as water does."

Dietary Wellness; 1993 Dr. James Balch, M.D.

*** DOCTOR #4 ***
Here is what Dr. C.W. DeLacy Evans says...

"Used as a drink, distilled water is absorbed directly into the blood, the solvent properties of which it increases to such an extent that it will keep in solution salts already existing in the blood, prevent their undue deposit in various organs and structures, favor their elimination by the various excreta, and tend to remove these earthy compounds which have already accumulated in the body . . . There is no doubt as to the high value of distilled water used freely as a retarder of the ossifying conditions which appear to constitute the condition of old age." ---C.W.
DeLacy Evans, M.D., in his book, How To Prolong Life

*** DOCTOR #5 ***
Here is what Dr. Teofilio de la Torre says...

"Instead of drinking the hard water of springs or the chlorinated water of the cities, it will be to our advantage to drink distilled water . . . to prevent calcification of the body."

*** DOCTOR #6 ***
Here is what Dr. Charles McFerrin says...

"Distilled water is 'empty' water - a hungry water, a water capable of absorbing body poisons. You have had the experience of trying to use an old post office blotter on the desk. Everybody had used it and it is so full of ink that it will not suck up any more. So it is with a 'full' water, a water full of chlorine, aluminum, etc. Such water does not have the capacity of absorbing body impurities." ---Dr. Charles McFerrin, writing in the July 1955 issue of Nature's Path

*** DOCTOR #7 ***
Here is what Dr. Alexander Graham Bell says...

Dr. Alexander Graham Bell, inventor of the telephone, recognized the health value of distilled water, and claimed that its daily use prolonged his life. Afflicted and bed-ridden with sciatica, Dr. Bell could find no relief for the pain. The attack came just as he was investigating the deposit of salts in the human system. A well-known scientist had written a book in which he said that old age came from such deposits, and that the ills of advanced years were due to the lack of their elimination. He believed that when such deposits went to the joints, man had rheumatism. When they went to the kidneys, he had kidney trouble and stones in the urinary organs; and when they lodged in the arteries, they produced what is called hardening of the arteries. In the same way when such deposits coated the nerves, they caused sciatica. Dr. Bell wrote: "I knew that distilled water was pure. I thought that if I drank plenty of it, I could get rid of some of the salts that were covering my sciatic nerves. I tried drinking it and it worked like a charm. I have kept up my drinking of distilled water and I attribute my almost perfect health largely to it."
---Dr. Alexander Graham Bell

*** DOCTOR #8 ***
Here is what Dr. Robert W. Flinchbaught says...

"The evidence that distilled water acts as a solvent within the body, dissolving the inorganic mineral deposits, is very important. A growing body of evidence suggests that distilled water dissolves and removes these disease - causing minerals and flushes out the hundreds of dangerous chemicals that have been taken into the body as well. Distilled water is not only free from pollutants, but it apparently helps remove them as well from the cells of the body, thus purifying the body so that it can function as it should. ---Dr. Robert W. Flinchbaught, from "Pure Water is Life"

*** DOCTOR #9 ***
Here is what Dr. David C. Kennedy says...

"Even tap water invariably contains a variety of poisons such as chlorine, chloramine, asbestos, pesticides, fluoride, copper, mercury, and lead. The best way to remove all these contaminants is by distilling." ---David C. Kennedy, D.D.S.:
'How To Save Your Teeth: Toxic-Free Preventitive Dentistry'

*** DOCTOR #10 ***
Here is what Dr. Robert D. Willix, Jr. says...

"If you decide on bottled water, make sure it's distilled, (however), in the long run you'll save money if you clean your water at home. It's more convenient than hauling gallon jugs from the store. The 'gold standard' for purifying your water is a system that distills your water and filters it. You have the comfort of knowing there is no chlorine, fluoride, bacteria, viruses, pesticides, or lead. You get nothing but H2O." ---Robert D. Willix, Jr., M.D.:'Maximum Health'

*** DOCTOR #11 ***
Here is what Dr. John Yiamoyuiannis says...

"The home distiller is the best method and also the best way to get distilled water. It is the only reliable home water purification for taking fluoride out of the water." --- John Yiamoyuiannis, Ph.D.:'Fluoride: The Aging Factor'

*** DOCTOR #12 ***
Here is what Dr. Charles Mayo says...

"Water hardness (inorganic minerals in solution) is the underlying cause of many, if not all, of the diseases resulting from poisons in the intestinal tract. These (hard minerals) pass from the intestinal walls and get into the lymphatic system, which delivers all of its products to the blood, which in turn, distributes to all parts of the body. This is the cause of much human disease." ---Dr. Charles Mayo of the Mayo Clinic

*** DOCTOR #13 ***
Here is what Dr. Peter A. Lodewick says...

"The only type of water that seems to be fit for consumption is distilled water, which is water that is absolutely free of any minerals or chemicals. Distilled water is made pure by first being heated to the point of vaporization, so that all of the 'impurities' are left behind. Then, the water vapor is condensed. The process results in water that is in its purest form. Distillation is the single most effective method of water purification." ---Peter A.
Lodewick, M.D.:'A Diabetic Doctor Looks at Diabetes'

*** DOCTOR #14 ***
Here is what Dr. Norman W. Walker says...

People who say that Distilled Water leaches minerals out of the body are, therefore, correct only in this respect. This is only 50% of the truth. It is virtually impossible for Distilled Water to separate minerals, which have become an integral part of the cells and tissues of the body. Distilled water collects ONLY the minerals which remain in the body, minerals discarded from natural water AND from the cells, the minerals which the natural water originally collected from its contact with the earth and the rocks. Such minerals, having been rejected by the cells of the body are of no constructive value. On the contrary, they are debris which distilled water is capable of picking up and eliminating from the system. ---Dr. Norman W. Walker, from "Water Can Undermine Your Health"

*** DOCTOR #15 ***
Here is what Dr. John Christopher says...

"Water is so valuable to the entire system of the human body that it is wise to use only the BEST. Use pure steam distilled water for health and well being." ---Dr. John Christopher, from "Regenerative Diet"

*** DOCTOR #16 ***
Here is what Dr. Paul Conn says...

"When one drinks impure, dirty water, the body acts as a filter, trapping a percentage of the solids suspended in the water. A filter eventually becomes clogged and useless – fit only to be thrown away. The human body might well face the same fate.

But the basic point – that only distilled water avoids mineral buildups in the body – is an inarguable one. The deposits, which build up in a teakettle from repeated use, are traces of minerals left behind as the water evaporates. Distilled water leaves no such traces – in a teakettle or in the human body. It is true that in most hospitals distilled water is used for newborn infants; distilled water is prescribed for heart patients in many cardiac wards. And it is true that kidney stones and other mineral-like buildups in the body are much more common in the areas where the drinking water has high levels in inorganic minerals – and distilled water has none of those at all.

It is without doubt the best water available to man- and the only truly pure water available in our waste-laden society." ---Dr. Paul Conn, from "Not A Drop To Drink"

*** DOCTOR #17 ***
Here is what Dr. Michael Colgan says...

“The only water likely to be clean is distilled water.” ---Dr. Michael Colgan, from "The New Nutrition: Medicine For The Millenium"

*** DOCTOR #18 ***
Here is what Dr. Raymond H. Bishop, Jr. says...

"Distilled water is safe to drink and should have no adverse effects on your health. Distillation merely removes most of the dissolved materials, which are found in all natural waters." ---Raymond H. Bishop, Jr. M.D. Major General, Commander - Medical Corps. Department of the Army, U.S.
Army Health Services Command

Here is what Frank N. Hepburn, USDA, says...

"There is nothing about distilled water that would make it harmful for the body. It may be helpful to remember that distilled water is the only water
available for crews of Naval vessels at sea." ---Frank N. Hepburn, Chief, Nutrient Data Research Branch, United States Department of Agriculture, Consumer Nutrition Division

Here is what Louis Pasteur says...

"We drink 90 percent of our illnesses." ---Louis Pasteur

Here is what Nick Pavlica says...

"I have been drinking distilled water since 1981, almost half of my life, and given the choice, would not drink any other type of water. I recommend
distilled water to all my friends and relatives and would not do so if I didn't think it is one of the very healthiest things a person can do. After a full body scan, the doctor told me that I have the cleanest arteries of anyone he has examined of my age. And I have never had a broken bone in my body. (Contrary to quack assertions that calcium and other minerals are "leached" from the body!)" ---Nick Pavlica, Director, H2o Labs, Ltd.

*** DOCTOR #19 ***
Here is what Dr. Edward M. Wagner says...

"Chronic Fatigue Syndrome sufferers are instructed to drink distilled water." ---Dr. Edward M. Wagner, from "How to Stay Out of the Doctor's Office"

Here is what author Vicki Glassburn says...

"Distilled water is the purest form available. Distilled water helps to excrete excessive heavy metals from the body." ---Vicki Glassburn, from "Who Killed Candida?" 1991

Here is what author Jonathan King says...

"If properly maintained, distillers provide a constant supply of high-quality water. Filters and reverse osmosis units, on the other hand, are at their best when first installed, and efficiency inveritably declines with use." ---Jonathon King, author of "Troubled Water"

Here is what Jack Bell, American Medical Association, says...

"To the best of our knowledge, there would not be any adverse health effects from the continued ingestion of distilled water." ---Jack A. Bell - Assistant Director, May 17 1985; American Medical Association; Division of Personal and Public Health Policy;

*** DOCTOR #20 ***
Here is what Dr. Clifford C. Dennison says...

"There's no absolute medical proof that drinking DISTILLED WATER will cure arthritis, heart disease, high blood pressure, hardening of the arteries, or any other dozens of infirmities that humans suffer. There's no absolute proof that drinking DISTILLED WATER will remove kidney and gall stones, reduce cataracts or cure emphysema. But, there are hundreds of case histories of people who have enjoyed success in alleviating or overcoming these health problems when they began drinking DISTILLED WATER exclusively." ---Dr. Clifford C. Dennison, Ed. D., an Associate Professor at Lee College in Cleveland, Tennessee, and a lifelong water researcher and expert

*** DOCTOR #21 ***
Here is what Dr. Ron Kennedy says...

"Now as to the argument that distilled water leaches out minerals. This is true, and this is exactly what we want it to do. The minerals it leaches out are of the unusable, ionic form and we want these to leave the body rather than be deposited and cause disease. Distilled water does not leach out significant amounts of biologically available minerals because these are quickly taken up by the body on an as needed basis. If they are present in excess then they are filtered through the kidneys and this is exactly what needs to happen with all things which are in excess in the circulation. Distilled water cleanses the body through promoting healthy kidney function." ---Ron Kennedy, M.D.

*** DOCTOR #22 ***
For those that follow Dr. Andrew Weil, who has been drinking distilled water for years, here is a quote of his:

"You can try drinking bottled distilled water if you like. It's water that has been turned into steam so its impurities are left behind. The steam is then condensed to make pure water. The process of distillation kills and removes virtually all bacteria, viruses, heavy metals, and other organic and inorganic contaminants. Once distilled, the water is as pure as water can reasonably be. While it's true that distillation removes minerals as it eliminates various other contaminants from water, I don't feel this is a problem. We get our minerals from food, not water.

As far as acidity goes, distilled water is close to a neutral pH and has no effect on the body's acid/base balance. Distilled water is safe to drink, and the kind of water I use myself."

*** DOCTOR #23 ***
Here is Dr. Handley's article about distilled water...

The Importance Of Distilled Water In Aging

by Dr. Chester Handley

As our body begins to age, there are several things that happen. Cell don't produce as well, the body doesn't digest as well, the body does not absorb as well and the body does not eliminate as well. And areas of the body begin to feel pain and have sore spots that we never had before. One
of the major causes of pain is the over consumption of grain in older people. It is softer, easier to eat and appears to be more easily digested. Well the true reality is that it is no benefit to the aging body at all and leaves an acidic residue that gets deposited in the joints which is the number one reason for arthritic pain.

Many years ago when I was doing research on distilled water, I discovered that contrary to all the stories out there, distilled water does not take a single thing out of the body that the body needs. It never takes anything out of a cell. Everything that is cellularly locked remains within the body, but it is the greatest tool in the world for cleaning out the bloodstream, which is the only function water really wash out, cleanse and purify the bloodstream. Remember that the bloodstream is primarily an organ of transport. People think of it as a liquid rather than an organ, but it is an organ. It transports nutrients, oxygen and red blood cells throughout the body and carries away waste products and carbon dioxide.

Distilled water has been evaporated into a vapor, split apart into a molecule of hydrogen and oxygen, turning them into a gas that rises up in to the atmosphere, then cooled back down and condensed back in to water. The same process happens in a distillery when it distills water. It heats up the water in to a gas, all the impurities are left behind, all the waste products are left behind, then it is condensed and turned back into pure water and becomes the ultimate pure water because of one very important factor that is not present in any other is molecularly unstable. It means that when it goes in your bloodstream it breaks apart easier and latches on to debris, waste products and unwanted materials that are floating round in your bloodstream.

It is also one of the best ways there is for reducing blood pressure. I made up two charts years ago when I was doing my studies on body detoxification with distilled water, from 1865 to 1965. In 1865, diseases that ranked in the high 30's and low 40's became the first four killers in
1965...and they were all cardiovascular. I then made another chart from 1865 to 1965 to show the reduction in the use of drinking rainwater. The
two charts were virtually biometrically opposite. As people quit drinking rainwater, cardiovascular diseases went up. When the blood vascular system is clean you have less headaches, you have less pain, you have more oxygen and nutrients available for the body and more healing capacity for the body.

It has been almost twenty years ago now that a man came down to my office that had arthritis so bad he could hardly get out of a straight backed
chair. His pain was excruciating. We put him on the detoxification program, took him off of all grain in his diet, instructed him to eat only fruit, vegetables, protein and meat products, and put him on distilled water every half hour while he was awake. It is hard to believe a month later this same man was out working in his garden having the time of his life.

I cannot emphasize enough the importance of drinking distilled water for cleansing the blood stream, for reducing arthritic pain and lowering blood
pressure. It has also been known to reduce cholesterol and triglycerides. In fact, the only effect on the body is health.

There are rules of thumb on how much water to drink. The rule of thumb on a normal day is one half your body weight in ounces per day. If you are
sweating and exerting yourself you should drink more, not less. We have a tendency to grab pop, coffee, Kool-Aid and juices, but we need to get back to the habit of grabbing distilled water.

To give you an example of what this means, if you are a man and you weigh 200 pounds, you should be drinking a minimum of 100 ounces of istilled water throughout the day. There is an interesting side note for people that like to study. Job, which is the oldest book of the bible, I believe
it is in the 36th chapter, said God took up the water, distilled it, and poured it out abundantly on man. The logical argument is who knows better
what we need than the creator, and he gave us distilled water.

For those that follow the Bible...

The water God chooses to pour abundantly upon man is distilled water.

JOB 36:27

"For he draws up the drops of water,

he distills his mist in the rain which the skies pour down,

and drop upon man abundantly."

*** DOCTOR #24!!! ***
And finally, I would like to share with you the first 4 pages of a book from the early part of the last century written by Dr. Hanish,
"The Distilled Water Cure" by Otoman Hanish, M.D., D.D.

printed 1946 by The British Mazdaznan Association

"Often times the blood becomes tainted and needs to be purified. There is only one way of washing the blood and that is by means of dead water, undiluted water, distilled water which contains no life organism, chemicals or similar substances. It has to be dead water, i.e. water condensed from steam. Distilled water, by virtue of its weight: effects a one pound pressure upon the minerals and acids which clog the bloodstream; it
presses them right through the system. Even in a short time it eliminates appreciable quantities of impurities from the blood. There is no hard and fast rule as to how to take The Cure; it may be taken quickly or slowly, hot or cold. It is left entirely to the individual to decide according to temperament and physical condition. The main thing is to obtain the necessary pressure and to ensure that two cups are always taken at one time - a total of seven pints per day. This is quite easy of accomplishment if the quantity is systematically regulated as follows:

1. On awakening take two cups.
2. Another two cups shortly before breakfast.
3. Two cups in the middle of the morning.
4. Two more 20 to 30 minutes before the mid-day meal.
5. Two cups in the middle of the afternoon.
6. Another two cups 20 to 30 minutes before dinner.
7. The last two cups in the evening shortly before retiring.

page 2

If desired, two more portions may be taken one, two hours after lunch, and the other two hours after dinner. As regards to eating and drinking, it is a matter of individual choice. Nothing is forbidden and there is no need for fasting nor privation. One may eat and drink according to individual needs. One eats only moderately after having taken two cups of distilled water. The principle of The Cure must be maintained, i.e., seven times per day, two cups of water at one time - making sure to take two cups shortly before each meal.

It will soon be discovered that even at breakfast time one eats very moderately after having taken two cups of distilled water. After three days one observes a loss of taste for this and that and quite different desires assert themselves for dishes which one may have previously disliked. Day by day one eats less: soon only half and then only a third of what one normally takes. After three days the complexion becomes clearer and more rosy and a feeling of lightness is experienced. After two to three weeks, the eyes become clearer and more penetrating; one is able to think more clearly and one becomes less easily irritated. After three weeks, the thinner ones become a little stouter and the stouter ones become a little thinner. In case of

sufferings of an acute nature, The Cure need last but three weeks; in other cases five weeks. If The Cure be resorted to for from 5 to 12 weeks

in succession, 65 percent of all ailments become eliminated, and the other 35 percent will be eliminated if one continues afterward with a correct diet. By the time one has almost completed The Cure, one has become so accustomed to the drinking of distilled water that one likes

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and takes regularly a couple of cups before each evening meal. The adoption of this habit wards off all disease. The body is already composed of 85 percent water, and by adding thereto two cups of water regularly each evening, all acids and crystals are eliminated there from in a natural way and the bloodstream is not burdened thereby.
Three highly important effects are assured through The Water Cure:

1. The blood becomes washed and made free of all foreign substances.

2. It ejects a proper working of the individual organs and thereby that of the whole organism.

3. It provides a youthful freshness in a measure that often youth does not possess as the whole glandular system becomes normalized, thereby
increasing the brain power, and life becomes more joyous.

Always remember, therefore, to resort at interval to The Water Cure. If feeling unwell, start again for a few days or even weeks. Take The Water Cure as a serious treatment for five to seven weeks every three, five, seven, nine years, as it purifies the whole organism, and, becoming thus renewed, continuous progress is assured. Distilled water is therefore of the greatest value for the individual as well as humanity at large. After a few weeks on The Cure, one learns to choose the food that nature requires to build up the system; one begins

page 4

to live anew. Even after three days the purification and renovation of the bloodstream is noticeable. One does not necessarily gain or lose weight by taking The Cure. The purer the blood, the more normal the cells of the body become. If one gains too much weight one simplifies the diet by discarding butter and oils. The great advantage of The Water Cure is that one need ask no questions; one just takes it, everything comes lay itself so long as one resorts thereto. As a result of The Water Cure, one begins to think for oneself instead of asking questions, one becomes a thinking human being. The Cure is so simple one cannot make a mistake, not even a mistake in diet. The wonderful feature of it is that no efforts are required and yet the maximum of benefit is obtained. Moreover, one is sure of the expected result, whether one resorts to it for a weak stomach, indigestion, dyspepsia, constipation or a liver which does not function normally, or because the kidneys are affected; for the lungs, nerves, heart trouble, change of life or for growths.

All ailments have to give way to Distilled Water, and in the ordinary way nothing needs to be added thereto."

How to start acquiring Distilled Water...

You can buy it in plastic gallon jugs at first. Wal-mart tends to sell the best tasting. NOT because they make it the best, but because they move thru the most of it, and it spends the least amount of time picking up plastic flavor. Small drug stores tend to taste the worst, because it spends the most time sitting around. Do not worry that you are contaminating yourself with plastic, yes you will TASTE the plastic because it is running over your taste buds, BUT REMEMBER, that plastic is magnetically bonded with that water and it will pass out thru your excretory channels. ( of which, urine is not included ) I have numerous friends who have been on 'plastic-jug distilled water' for months and years and they are experiencing COMPLETE 'fountain of youth' type de-aging effects. It will take you a long time to realize just how powerful this water is. I have been studying it for years and it stills floors me everyday that such a calm, clear, unassuming liquid can work stupendous feats at blinding speed.

Once you decide you like it, you can buy a small counter-top distiller that is good for one or two people for about $200. They sell a cheaper one for $100, but it empties into a plastic catch, whereas the $200 model comes with a glass catch. They sell bigger, more convenient family sized ones for about $500. A carbon pre-filter is a good idea for most kinds of waters, but ESPECIALLY important for any municipal tap waters as they contain HIGH amounts of VOC's or Volatile Organic Compounds which have a lower boiling point than water and actually make it through the distillation process. So, the carbon filter catches the VOC's before they ever get to the distiller. The bigger $500 units come with a carbon pre-filter so that is great, but for anybody who gets the smaller $200 units which don't come with a carbon pre-filter, they need to filter it first with a brita, or a refrigerator door water dispenser, anything which uses basic carbon filtering. There are some waters which don't have any VOC's in them and you don't need any carbon pre-filtering, just taste a batch and see. If the water tastes like nasty plastic even after it has been distilled, then you are tasting VOC's and need to do the pre-filtering.

You can find them all over the internet like at,, and so on...

Next, I will list the Detox symptoms. It is VERY important that you do not confuse these with the idea that the distilled water is making you ill.

FOOTNOTE!!! One more very important thing to tell you...

Detox Symptoms


The body DOES NOT make mistakes...

When you read the different doctors describe how distilled water melts garbage inside of you, make sure you understand that this translates into
real world events. As in, garbage WILL start to pour out of you! It has to come out! But better out than in, right??? So this means, you WILL have detox symptoms. And everybody is different as to how they detox, where they detox, and what they detox. It all depends on what YOU have
ingested and inhaled your whole life and what routes your body chooses to eject the garbage.

It could be...


But these are all GOOD things, be thankful that garbage is leaving.

And know that is only temporary. You can dial in the speed too. If it's too much detox for you, back off on the solvent. Then come back to it again when you feel stronger.

Remember, when they say this is the greatest solvent known to the human body, THEY'RE NOT KIDDING!!!

Your friend,


‎Simple Facts...

Most people have no idea there exists a MASSIVE effort to suppress the knowledge of Distilled Water. If you Google 'distilled water' you find at about the third hit down a ridiculously titled article called, "Early Death comes from drinking Distilled Water." It is full of nothing but pure lies and obfuscation.

Drinking a gallon of Distilled Water every day will bring your body to its perfect state.

Distilled Water is magnetically attracted to all waste, debris, and inorganic substances inside you, which are then ejected. This is the ONLY type of water which will 100% perform this act, because it is the only water which is 100% free of garbage. Most people think spring water is awesome because it has "minerals" in it, but they generally never know that those are ALL inorganic minerals. Spring water, river water, lake water, well water, artesian water and so on, have been sitting in and flowing over rocks and sand and have picked up these dead minerals. These inorganic minerals will give you arthritis, cataracts, heart disease and so on, basically slowly turn you into stone over the years. You ONLY want organic minerals which come from live food. The inorganic calcium in spring water will get stuck in between your bones and give you arthritis, whereas the organic calcium in a live orange will REPAIR a spot in your bones. A human is ONLY made of, and can ONLY use organic minerals. There is zero position and/or zero use for inorganic minerals in humans.

Ask any mechanic what you should do when your car battery is weak. He or she will tell you to open up the little row of caps and to pour in DISTILLED WATER. Why? Because it is the ONLY water which is a 100% PURE BATH OF NEGATIVELY CHARGED MOLECULES. When your battery is weak it is in a positively charged ACIDIC state, a wasted state, a spent state. When you pour in the negatively charged distilled water it returns the battery to an ALKALINE, powerful, ready-to-go state. What's the point of this fact? It's to help you understand HOW distilled water is attracted to waste, debris, and inorganic minerals. These things ALL have a POSITIVE CHARGE and the NEGATIVE CHARGE of distilled water MAGNETICALLY sticks to them and rips them out of your body. Remember, OPPOSITES ATTRACT!

You don't want any of those OLD types of water, you only want NEW water which has not had time to pick up garbage yet. Where do I get this NEW water, you ask? Whenever Mother Nature produces new water she ONLY uses the process of distillation. She doesn't use reverse osmosis, uv filtration, carbon filters, ionizing machines, or alkalizing machines. NO, she ONLY uses the process of distillation. These new waters can be found in all precipitation (rain, mist, snow, dew and fog,) all live fruit and vegetable juices, and urine.

Machine-made distilled water is copying Mother Nature and is the next closest thing to any of these naturally made new waters. NO OTHER ARTIFICIALLY MADE WATER COMES ANYWHERE CLOSE TO THE PURITY OF MACHINE-MADE DISTILLED WATER. In fact, this is SO true that the WHO (world health org.) tells people NOT to drink distilled water. The WHO is part of the UN. The UN has a stated goal of reducing the worlds population by 80%. So, if you want to help the UN reduce the worlds population, by all means, STAY AWAY FROM DISTILLED WATER!!!




Aquarius the Waterbearer

‎Dear Water Based Creatures...

Urine will not only make your plants grow like crazy, it will supercharge YOU right out of the stratosphere. There's a book called, "Liquid Gold" which has all the info regarding usage on plants. Basic thing, for plants, is to cut it, 90% w...ater and 10% urine. Every plant goes wild on it. Greener than ever, bigger than ever. Pour it at the roots and/or mist the foliage.

As for you and your body/mind, it is the cleaner you always wished for. A liquid drano for human pipes. A chemtrail destroyer ( I don't care how small the nanobots think they've made themselves ). A 3rd eye de-calcifier (very nice). A constant water source when there is no water. Its how one would spend 40 days and 40 nights in the desert.

Look up "Urine Therapy" its all right there, waiting to be discovered. The bad taste is only from eating bad cooked food. People who eat just raw fruit have coconut water flavored urine as clear as rain water and it is a pleasure to drink. Believe it or not. On average, somebody with a terrible diet can achieve rainwater clear urine within 5-7 days of water fasting or fruit juice fasting, which is much easier AND a lot of fun!

Everywhere the Bible mentions, "The Water of Life" or "Rivers of Living Water," they are talking about none other than urine.

You know the amniotic fluid you all floated in for 9 months? It's urine. For the first 3 months its mainly your Moms urine, and then for the last 6 months its mainly yours. Why do you think they say, "the water broke?" Where do you think all of your pee is going while you are in there? There's no umbilical cord attached to your genitals is there? No, that cord is connected to your intestines which is where ALL waste goes. Remember how you breath like a fish while in the womb? Guess what you are breathing?? Yes, urine. Your lungs would not have formed without it, your entire body would not have formed without it.


This explains why you see cherubs and babies peeing into water fountains all over the planet. This is nothing less than a pictogram for the "fountain of youth."

They want you to think it's "lost" so you'll believe it can only be found out buried deep in the woods somewhere. When all along it's your own fountain, your genitals. There's not just one fountain of youth on the planet, there's 7 BILLION and counting! Everybody comes with their very own built-in water distiller! Do your really think the almighty creator would put you here without the complete ability to take care of yourselves?? No, of course not.

I'll tell you why it's called the "fountain of youth" as well. When people fast for 30 days on just urine, not only do they vaporize WHATEVER illness they had, but also by the time they are done with the fast they lose 20-30 years in appearance!!! In the more than 20 books available on the subject, there are over 1000 case histories of what happens to people when they do this, and over and over again, without fail, this is EXACTLY what happens to people who dip their cup into the... "fountain of youth."

Speaking of dipping your cup! Nobody needs to look any further for "THE HOLY GRAIL." There is no such thing as "THE" holy grail. Let me explain... Do you remember why anybody would like to find the holy grail? Well, it is said that long life and full health will come to anyone who drinks from the holy grail. Those are the EXACT benefits of drinking urine!!! The hidden joke is that it's not the cup that's magical, it's whats in the cup! You can never find "THE" holy grail because ANY cup or vessel or grail can become "A" holy grail if you start dipping it into the "FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH!!!!!" So there is no such singular item as "THE" holy grail.

So you see, my precious human creatures,

Urine is the ULTIMATE human growth medium. Whatever you touch it to, it restores it to its original genetic DNA instructions. If you put it in your eyes, it becomes your eyes. If you put it on a cut on your skin, it becomes your skin. It's living, liquid tissue!

Also, for those interested in ascension, the constant looping of YOUR water creates a circle of spinning energy which triggers your MERKABA to fire up. That's a nice bonus too, huh?

I hope you research this. This is delivered this with pure sincerity.

Here are links to two PHENOMENAL websites about the subject...

Here is a link to an incredibly creative and FUNNY 8-minute video...

Here are some of the 20 books from around the planet. They are not very big, because the instructions are so simple.

Some of the titles...

"The Water of Life" by John Armstrong

"Your Own Perfect Medicine" by Martha Christy

"The Golden Fountain" by Coen Van der Kroon

"The Miracles of Urine Therapy" by Moraji Desai*

*(former Prime Minister of India!!!)

"Auto-Therapy" by Charles Duncan

"Urine the Holy Water" by Harald Tietze

"Miracles of Urine Therapy" by Dr. S.K. Sharma

"Uropathy" by Martin Lara

"Urine Therapy" by Dr. John O'Quinn

"Shivambu Geeta" by Dr. G.K. Thakkar

( at there is a FREE pdf link for this book!!!)

"Manav Mootra" by R.M. Patel

"The Miracles of Urine Therapy" by Dr. Beatrice Bartnett

"Shivambu Kalpa" by Arthur Lincoln Pauls

Fear not, brave ones. Seize your power. It is time...

Love to all,

Aquarius the Waterbearer

There is no need to copyright truth.

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Extraordinary images of space have been shortlisted for the Astronomy Photographer of the Year competition 2013.

Extraordinary images of space have been shortlisted for the Astronomy Photographer of the Year competition 2013. A beautiful snap of the Milky Way from Dorset's Durdle Door competes with a close-up of the surface of the Sun and other incredible subjects thousands and millions of miles away. The entries will be whittled down to just a few category winners and exhibited at the Royal Observatory in Greenwich from September. We take a look at the best of the shortlist...


'Receiving the Galatic Beam'. The photographer has managed to catch the moment when the Milky Way appears to line up with the giant 64m dish of the radio telescope at Parkes Observatory in Australia (Wayne England)


'Leaning In'. Stars and constellations form a stunning backdrop to this windswept tree in Dartmoor National Park in the south-west of England. Just above the horizon is Sirius, the brightest star in the sky, followed by the unmistakeable outline of Orion the Hunter. Above this lies the triangular face of Taurus the Bull with the orange star Aldebaran, the disc of the Moon and the bright, compact cluster of the Pleiades (Anna Walls

10900585493?profile=original'A Flawless Point'. The photograph shows the Milky Way arching over Yosemite Valley in California’s famous national park. A lens-shaped (lenticular) cloud hovers over the distinct granite dome of Liberty Cap, which rises to an elevation of over 2000m, near the centre of the photograph (Rogelio Bernal Andreo)

10900585862?profile=original'Hunters Moon over the Alps'. As the full Moon sinks in the west, the Sun rises in the east, lighting up the snow-capped Alpine horizon in dazzling fuschia. Although both Moon and mountain are illuminated by sunlight in this image their different colours reveal the scattering effects of the Earth’s atmosphere on the white light of the Sun. The rays of the rising Sun pass through the full thickness of the air causing the blue, green and yellow light to be scattered in all directions and leaving only the red light to reach the distant mountains. The Moon is slightly higher in the sky, so its reflected sunlight is scattered less severely, and retains a warm yellow glow (Stefano De Rosa)

10900586092?profile=original'Orion Nebula'. Modern cameras are able to detect light which the human eye cannot see but many images capture faraway space in shades of grey. As such, astrophotographers must make practical and aesthetic choices about contrast, brightness and colour in their images. Here, the photographer has chosen an unusually subdued palette of colours to represent the Orion Nebula, replacing the familiar colour spectrum of reds and magentas with subtle greys and salmon pinks which emphasise the delicate structure of the nebula’s dust clouds (Nik Szymanek)

10900586467?profile=original'Herbig-Haro Objects in the Pelican Nebula'. The birth of new stars is a complex process which astronomers are still trying to understand in detail. One fascinating aspect of stellar formation is the production of jets of material which blast out from the poles of some new-born stars. Here, these jets, or ‘Herbig-Haro objects’, can be seen emerging from the thick dust and gas clouds of the Pelican Nebula, a stellar nursery in the constellation of Cygnus (Andre van der Hoeven)

10900586687?profile=original'Photographers on the Rim of Myvatn Craters'. Snappers stand in awe of the auroral displays in northern Iceland (James Woodend)

10900587894?profile=original'Full view of Noctilucent cloud'. Noctilucent clouds are formed of tiny ice crystals high in the atmosphere, around 80km above the ground. Their name means ‘night shining’ in Latin and they only become visible during deep twilight conditions. This is because they are not competing with the blue daytime sky and the more substantial clouds at lower altitudes. Here, despite the bright urban lights, they put on a spectacular display above the Pennine Hills of northern England (Mark Shaw)

10900587693?profile=original'Archway to Heaven'. The spectacular rock formations of the Durdle Door in this part of Dorset’s Jurassic Coast are more than 100 million years old. However, many of the stars that make up the Milky Way are far older, at up to ten billion years old (Stephen Banks)

10900588688?profile=original'Northern Lights XXIII'. To capture all of the different sources of light – the stars, the aurora light and the streetlights of the distant towns – is a tricky balancing act requiring great skill of the photographer (Mike Curry)

10900588874?profile=original'Comet Panstarrs'. Most of the light in this image comes from the Sun. High in the sky the bright disc of the Moon is shining with reflected sunlight, while a tiny smudge above the sea is sunlight reflecting from the dust and gas in the tail of Comet Panstarrs. Even the aurora’s ghostly curtains of glowing gas are ultimately powered by the ‘solar wind’ of subatomic particles given off by the Sun. Only the stars shine with their own light (Ingólfur Bjargmundsson)

10900589093?profile=original'Eta Carinae and her Keyhole'. The Carina Nebula is a chaotic region of star formation several thousand light years from Earth. In the central part of the nebula, shown here, dense clouds of gas and dust are lit up by the light of newly born stars. One of these is a true giant – the star Eta Carinae right at the centre of this image. More than a hundred times as massive as the Sun, and millions of times brighter, Eta Carinae is unstable and will one day explode as a supernova (Michael Sidonio)

10900589857?profile=original'Solar Max' A full disc image of the Sun showing detail such as dark filaments and sunspots which the naked eye cannot see (Paul Haese)

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Do Not Be Disheartened by the Violence Reported in the Media ~ via John Smallman
Posted: 07 Aug 2013 09:05 PM PDT


Jesus through John
I just want to reassure you of God’s infinite Love for you, for all of humanity, and that that is the most real thing that you can attend to and focus on. The reading you have just been doing, spelling out the horrendous activities undertaken by people of many different religious persuasions “in God’s name” throughout the ages is shocking.

But remember that the physical environment you experience as embodied humans is unreal, imaginary, illusory, and although the horrendous treatment of some humans by other humans, for whatever reason, is monstrous, horrifying, and unconscionable, it did not really happen.

That is very hard for you to grasp because you have built such a convincing illusion, and because your bodies can and do experience intense pain – physical, emotional, and psychological – when abused or tortured. Also, those who inflict pain on others are, themselves, suffering from the most terrible fears and beliefs, and are striking out in terror – terror that they refuse to acknowledge to themselves and therefore bury under a cloak of denial.

To be in fear is to be backed up against a wall with no hope of escape and no place to go. You have an expression for it: “To be between a rock and a hard place”. So you lash out! It truly seems that you have no option because you have seen others hurt and even killed when they chose not to defend themselves from forceful attack.

Fear dehumanizes, and it has been doing it for eons. When you are dehumanized you cannot recognize Love because It terrifies you; it is the antithesis of fear. But by no means everyone has been dehumanized – just enough to cause considerable harm and keep fear alive in just about everyone – and humanity is presently in the process of recognizing that the horrors it has perpetrated on itself over the eons out of its own FEAR of itself (all of itself, which is one) is due to the apparent absence or actual denial of LOVE during those activities. Those activities could not be entered into by anyone who is conscious, aware, and therefore open to Love!

As you embrace the Love that constantly surrounds you, your fear shrinks, dissolves, and dissipates, and it then becomes possible for you to see and understand the intense suffering buried unacknowledged in the depths of those perpetrators. Understanding allows you to feel compassion, and then offer them that instead of judgment.

As all in the spiritual realms keep telling you, and re-emphasizing, Love is the answer to every issue, problem, disagreement, or area of conflict. Humanity is finally learning that lesson and putting what it is learning into practice. In recent decades, despite their suffering, many are forgiving the perpetrators of hate crimes. Occasionally, the media do report instances of this, but mostly it passes unnoticed except by those directly involved.

This active and intentional forgiveness is an indication of the enormous changes in attitude that are occurring all across the planet. Everyone holding their Light on high, intending to live lovingly and then putting that intention into practice, makes a big difference, intensifying the field of Love that envelops you.

Do not be disheartened or discouraged by the violence and suffering reported in the media; instead, remind yourselves that the time for fear-driven ways of living are at an end, and send Love and compassion to anyone or any situation of which you become aware, and in which suffering, by victims or perpetrators, no matter how caused, is being experienced. It is effective, it makes a difference, and it alters the energy fields of those involved by reducing the fear and stress being experienced, enabling them to draw back from instant knee-jerk reactions and reassess the situation with less fury.

Making a conscious intent at the start of each day to live lovingly and to be an open channel through which Love can flow constantly is an essential aspect of the life path you chose before incarnating, and it further strengthens the flow to remake that intent whenever you think of it throughout your day.

Your path homewards is unmistakable when you make a conscious choice to be aware of it. Frequently, however, the anxieties that you experience in the illusion lead you to engage with fear and make a choice that is unloving, and which will then take you on a diversionary path where you will re-experience lessons that you had thought were well learnt and had been left far behind you.

It can be shocking and depressing for you, but it is not the end of the world; it is not a catastrophe, and it is not an irredeemable disaster. You do need to acknowledge the possibility that you made a mistake. . . no more than that. And then, if you ask, you will receive an abundance of assistance to regain your path.

Never fear that you might die in sin! Sin is of the illusion, it is unreal, but your belief in it can cause you untold concern and intensify any feelings of unworthiness to which you may be clinging. Feelings of unworthiness often lead to unwise choices when making decisions in your daily lives.

Nearly all your cultures have been most successful in establishing a sense of guilt or sinfulness in their members from a very early age, and some of you have much greater difficulty than others in shedding that invalid self-judgment. When you are aware of harboring and experiencing such feelings, tell yourselves very firmly, even forcefully, that they are absolutely false. This does not mean that you have never made errors or mistreated others; it merely means that God will never judge you unworthy or will that you be punished.

If you have been unloving, try, if possible, to remedy your unloving words or actions; if it is not possible, send a loving intent to the person(s) wronged, and then FORGIVE yourselves. To truly forgive removes the feelings of guilt, self-blame, or unworthiness, and allows you to move forwards lovingly once more.

You may need to make the intent to forgive yourselves more than once because the guilt has been so ingrained over many lifetimes. It is like a physical ache or strain that hangs on after you have overexerted yourselves, and which requires you to treat yourselves gently until the physical damage is fully healed.

And to forgive yourselves is to treat yourselves with consideration and gentle, loving respect. Give yourselves adequate time to heal because forgiving is a process of releasing old and outdated beliefs and habits which involved, and may often have seemingly demanded, that you engage in quite harsh self-judgment. When you cease judging yourselves harshly, then you can start to forgive others. If you are having trouble forgiving others, look inwards to discover what you find there that is unacceptable to you and release it.

Love is all-inclusive. If you exclude anyone, and that most definitely includes yourselves, it is but an imitation, a pretence of Love. When you are having difficulty with self-acceptance and with letting go of self-judgment, remind yourselves that God loves you unconditionally in every moment, and if that is the case, as it most certainly is, then you have absolutely no valid reason for not accepting yourselves just as you are: perfect children of God. If you still have difficulty, then remind yourselves of occasions when your own children misbehaved and you lovingly forgave them, and then open to the realization that God is infinitely more loving and forgiving than you, as humans, can ever be!

Your loving brother, Jesus.

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Prime Creator through Katheryn May says no more wars will happen. start 30 minutes into the call

To listen Online


you are love, you are loved, and I love you

Love and Light and Peace to you eternally in universal order

Prime Creator's Ten Commandments for Ascension-2nd Edition

Click here for More:

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Our Connection with God ~ In the Beginning ~ The Council via William LePar
Posted: 02 Aug 2013 08:06 PM PDT


In this quote from William LePar's spiritual source they tell us that those of us in the earth plane or the material manifestation have lost, to a degree, our awareness of our true godly state. It has been partially severed. We still need this connection to survive, and it is our goal to strengthen that connection until we have recovered all of our awareness that has been lost over time.

This posting is a little longer than most of my posts, but I think that you will find the explanation very interesting. The last portion was posted previously, so what you have here is a more complete picture of The Council's explanation.

Questioner: You said, "In the beginning, at the time of the Fall, it was necessary to tap into God for our essence to create," and, if this is so, is it still necessary, are we still dependent on that?

The Council: Most assuredly, you are still dependent on it. Now, what example could we give that would be easily understood? Suppose you were to take the electrical system of a home, now you have a wire from your power company coming to your home, and it goes into the house to a master box, and from that box then you have all sorts of other wires that run here and there. You may cut off any of the other wires and the rest will work properly. Or, from the point of that wire that you cut off, beyond the cut-off point anything up to that would run, anything beyond that would not. As long as the main line comes into the house, there is life in the house, there is electricity; but suppose that you did not sever any of the smaller lines but severed the main line that came into the house, what would you have running that used electricity in the house then? Nothing. In some way you could apply this example to the connection you have with the Divine; you see, you were acts of love and these acts of love, although you may consider them to be tremendous beings (in your physical mind, of course, you cannot truly comprehend) but in the spiritual awareness, each of you was a tremendous ball of energy that was formed and developed, but this energy was in its very, shall we say, fetus stage, so that it constantly needed nourishment for its further growth, much as a mother carries a child. As long as the child is within her womb, she must feed that child and it is the same with you. Your Divine Father constantly fed you for your growth. Before you were fully matured where you could go your own way under your own steam, you decided to cut the umbilical cord. Well, actually, you can never do that, but we are using symbols or figurative speaking.

Since you decided to sever the umbilical cord, you had not fully matured, so as it stands now you have severed only part of that cord, so that the full intensity of your godly awareness is not yours; that is by choice. You cannot exist if you sever that cord completely, for that which feeds you would not be there, and eventually you would, so to speak, burn yourself out: the same in the heavens, there are suns that grow in intensity, but in time they burn themselves out, and they no longer exist. Now, each of you are still babes: you are still in your mother's womb; and the Divine is still feeding you, giving you the nourishment that you so justly need for your existence.

Think of it in another way. God is the living essence of all that is created spiritual and material, and as this essence you simply feed off of it; you are suspended in this ocean of love, in this universe of love; you are similar to a beautiful goldfish in a bowl, but a bowl that is so tremendous that it encompasses all that is ever and ever will be created, and each of you are capable of having your own universe to work in. You cannot live or exist in any place without touching the life-giving love of the Infinite Father. As a beautiful piece of needlepoint or tapestry is developed, it is first constructed from a backing; the stitches are placed very precisely in certain places in this backing, and as time progresses then a beautiful picture is formed, and the backing is completely covered. You are the beautiful stitches; the backing that holds those stitches together is the Divine that is the basis of the tapestry; the stitches are of no value without the backing, but the backing has a value for anyone else who wishes to apply their stitches to it. The foundation is always the necessity.

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Archangeloi of the Elohim ~ via Karen Doonan

Archangeloi of the Elohim ~ via Karen Doonan
Posted: 03 Aug 2013 10:45 PM PDT


Beloved ones we come to guide and to support as you now begin to manifest in TRUTH and allow for the lower dimensional frequencies that have hidden deep within your BEing to be revealed in order to dissolve them fully. The movement of many of you now into the spaces in which you are able to FEEL and to heal to greater and greater depths is NOW. We guide for ALL to understand that the world is now a different vibrational frequency and that ALL has changed from the cellular level of your BEing outwards. No longer constrained by the old earth frequences, the human race is now able to move into place and join its brothers and sisters in the LIGHT of TRUTH in the UNIVERSE of 3.

We are here to explain in human terms that which is now unfolding across and within planet earth at this time, for there are a great many changes that will now unfold at human level within human society as a result of the increase in frequency and expansion of said frequency of mother earth in the UNIVERSE of 3. Expansion is the key to this process, we ask for you to allow for expansion in all areas and all aspects of this your very human life experience in the NOW. Expansion was the frequency that you were prevented from fully accessing under the old earth, this was done deliberately to keep you linked into the old earth and all its creations, for the creations of the old earth were a direct result of the vibrational space in which mother earth was kept by those who sought to contain and suppress her energy signature.

In many aspects the human race and all that they have endured is a direct result of the plundering of mother earth and her frequencies and not the other way around. Again the 3d earth trying to teach that the planet you have incarnated into and upon is a reflection of humanity, the smoke and mirrors trying to teach that you harm your mother directly when in TRUTH the harm to mother earth was always the goal. Those who sought to contain and suppress using the energy signatures of mother earth's children to further the lowering of mother earth herself. Do you understand our guidance beloved ones, do you see how the smoke and the mirrors work to convince you that YOU are the perpetrator against your mother when in TRUTH ALL are the result of the vibrational space in which planet earth was KEPT.

Now that the lower dimensional frequencies are dissolving and the LOVE that IS begins to anchor within and around planet earth then mother earth can find her balance and she can begin her expansion in TRUTH. We guide for you to connect to mother earth frequently for she is finding balance at all times, her energy signature fluctuating and moving until she regains her balance and can begin the process of expansion. Expansion is the creation of the LOVE that IS in TRUTH merged with the ENERGY that YOU ARE in TRUTH. The expansion process one of bliss, harmony, creativity and LOVE. For many of you this may be a time of tentative steps where you try out the ground beneath your feet. Much like spending most of your time on quick sand and having to be careful where you step, now many of you are realising how solid the ground is beneath your feet. From this realisation comes the confidence that has been stripped from your BEing. The confidence to allow the manifestation of your dreams, for that is why you came to this planet in this form, to dream your dreams into reality in your human form. This has never been achieved before as mother earth did not sit within the UNIVERSE of 3 and the expansion that is asked by your SOUL was not available.

ALL knew that this moment would occur for this moment was always to occur and hence you incarnated into this dimensional timeline in order to birth the dreams that sit within the heart space. We call out to ALL at this time and ask that you begin to focus once more on these dreams. For many of you the old earth may have tried to convince you that the dreams were outwith your reach, we are here to guide you that this is but the smoke and the mirrors of a dying frequency. Dreams are ignited when you pour the LOVE that IS through and within the heart space, the dream being placed within the heart prior to incarnation in order to protect the dream. For ALL were aware that the heart space was the only vibrational space that the old earth frequencies could not penetrate under the old earth energy signature. Here your dreams have been kept safe and nurtured, all the while nudging you and helping you to remember who you are in TRUTH.

NOW is the time to dust down these dreams and to pour life through them, the new earth now in a vibrational space that allows for the rapid manifestation of the dream in TRUTH. Each step that you now take is allowing for your expansion and we walk with you as you now remember how to walk and to play in the energies of the planet earth. ALL refer to you as "children" of mother earth for a reason beloved ones and we are here to help you remember the childlike qualities that will allow for rapid expansion at this time. Many of you have never had a "childhood" in the very human form that you take now upon this planet. The old earth teaching that to be "childlike" was to be ignorant of the ways of the world. Again the teachings springing forth to try to convince you that life on this planet is harsh and has to be endured. Beloved ones why would you incarnate into a form to "endure" when the very fabric of the universe is LOVE and the manifestation of dreams comes from the frequency of the LOVE that IS?

We appreciate and acknowledge that the lifetimes spent on this planet are convincing but we guide clearly for you to see beyond the smoke and the mirrors and to view the old earth as the "bully in the playground". The old earth knew no other way to exist and we ask for you at this time to continue to pour the LOVE that IS through your very BEing and out into the universe. LOVE is the highest frequency that exists in the universe, it is the very FABRIC of the universe and it will now work to show you TRUTH to new levels. Do not despise the old earth for in TRUTH that will continue to feed a dying vibration, we ask for you to have LOVE and compassion for a race that knew no other way and to understand that they too are on a path to ascension, as are ALL. Pour the LOVE that IS through ALL in your waking human life and work to find balance in these new higher frequencies and then allow the miracles to unfold around you, through you and within you, for in TRUTH ALL ARE ONE and ALL JUST IS.

We are the Archangeloi of the Elohim and we will continue to guide and to support as you now begin to find your feet and create within the new playground that is mother earth in the UNIVERSE of 3 in TRUTH.

Copyright Karen Doonan, all rights reserved

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