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Know (8)

Today I will explain to you how to recognize the syndrome of a ghost in the family tree.

Ghost  or Spirit

It could also be called “replacement child”. For example, a child is born, his name is Antonio and he dies. After his passing, another child is born and the parents also call him Antonio. Antonio lives on Antonio’s mind. Furthermore, is very probably that the second child will never feel loved and recognized by his family and, even though he could receive tons of attention, he will still feel a lack of it. The reason for this is very clear: all what the parents are giving to the second child, unconsciously, they are giving to the first. The second child has no identity, not even he has his own name, but inherits the name of his deceased  brother.

Abortions are another form of ghosts or spirits.

I will use a metaphor to explain this: Imagine that conception is equal to buy a plane ticket. We all mostly know that, once we are ready to board the plane, we show our tickets and go through a sort of tube that leads to the aircraft (if you are lucky and don’t have to take a bus). In this case, the plane would be the birth, to show the ticket would be the conception and passing through the tube would be the pregnancy. When there is an abortion, the baby buys the ticket, shows it and goes through the tube… but when he gets to the end…. Surprise!… there’s no aircraft… And now what?… well, I will wait here. So, when another baby comes after an abortion, the baby buys again a ticket, he shows it up and while going through the tube, he finds his brother or sister waiting and, of course, he invites such brother or sister to board the plane with him. In other words, when there’s an abortion, the unconscious part of the unborn baby doesn’t gets lost and when his brother or sister are born, this one inherits the unconscious of the unborn baby. Again, a body and two minds.

Vertical ghost or spirit

 It is called in this way because it comes from the top, down. For example: your grandparents had a daughter that they named Maria and she died as a child. Your father, who’s Maria’s brother, calls you Maria when you are born.

Another example: Your grandmother (mother of your mother) had an abortion and after that she didn’t have any more children. You are her first born grandchild.

We find this kind of ghost or spirit syndromes through the death dates. When you are someone’s double because of their death date, and this person died before you were born, his/her unconscious lives in you. In other words you carry with the ghost or spirit of this ancestor. For example: your grandparents on your mother’s side had a child that died young, His name was Pedro and he was born on November 3rd 1984 at 5 months old. Your name is Juan, but you were born  on November 6 2012.

The last sample: Your great grandmother died on September 3rd 1975 and you are born on June 3rd 1980

To conclude, I’d like to tell you that sometimes a person can show the symptoms of the syndrome his/her ghost or spirit even though, this one doesn’t belong in his/her family tree. It could be the sample of a family member that dies in our arms. And sometimes this person doesn’t even belong to the family.  This fact is not very common, but it could happen. This would be the case of a death that you experienced closed to you and impacted you. Sometimes an accident in which you were involved or a friend that died while in your presence, etc. But , as I said, this cases are the less common.

Again I thank you for sharing this information. I sincerely hope you find it useful . Thank you.

This article was originally written in spanish by Saul Perez Sanchez who reserves author’s rights. For the original article please visit.

Knowing ourselves: What does the body want to tell us with diseases?

Look inside KNOWING OURSELVES (kindle edition)

Look inside KNOWING OURSELVES (paperback)

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The new scams you need to know about

The new scams you need to know about

Here are some of the most devious new ways that fraudsters are trying to use to empty your bank account…
Felicity Hannah – Fri, Aug 23, 2013 16:59 BST

We’ve improved at spotting online scams over the last few years. We know we’ve not won the World Wide Super Lottery.

We’ve come to accept that an exiled Nigerian princess who begins her email with ‘Beloved!’ probably doesn’t want to transfer $32 million into our bank accounts. We’ve even, mostly, accepted that we haven’t won a super yacht.

But as we get smarter at spotting scams, the scammers get smarter too. And with the scammers as desperate to get hold of our money as we are to protect our savings, it’s an arms race of ingenuity.

Here are some of the tricks and deceptions currently being used to try to steal from you. Forewarned really is forearmed.

The false police detective

If I hadn’t read about this scam, I know I would easily have fallen for it. Someone pretending to be a police officer phones your home and says your bank cards have been compromised.

They ask for your card details so they can freeze them – and get you to type your PIN into the phone, which they can record.

If you become suspicious, they ask you to hang up and call 999 to check they are who they say. However, because they stay on the line, they are still connected when you dial another number. They can pretend to be the 999 operative and verify the call is genuine. That’s the genius of this scam.

So you are connected back through to the fake police officer, ready to hand over your details.

According to some victims, the scammers even send a courier around to collect their bank cards and then kept them on the phone until their accounts were emptied and their credit cards maxed out.

See Video:

The fake bank official

The phoney police officer is a particularly compelling version of this scam, but crooks use this phone trick often. It’s very common for them to pretend to be calling from your bank.

What to do
If you’re verifying a call is from the police, a service provider or your bank then don’t just hang up and call back immediately. Call a number you already know, like a friend or the talking clock – just to check the line really is clear.

The call from ‘Windows Tech Support’

My mother is not a stupid woman; she’s a GP and she uses computers every day. But she fell for a scam where a concerned caller claimed to be from ‘Windows Tech Support’ to check that her computer was virus free.

The persuasive caller talked her through ‘checking’ her machine was virus free, by looking at her Event Viewer, which logs any error reports. It is perfectly normal for errors and warnings to be listed here, but my mother didn’t know and believed the caller when they said these were dangerous viruses.

She allowed the caller remote access to her PC and gave him her card details. Fortunately, her credit card company phoned her to check the enormous payment the scammers were trying to steal and then froze her cards. Making sure her computer was virus and spyware free took a full week.

And it's not just 'Windows Tech Support' that try to get into your computer - I know examples of people pretending to be from BT or offering free "security" scans of your computer.

What to do
Be aware of this clever scam, and don’t be afraid to run an internet search if you get a call that you’re not sure about. Most scams will have already been outed online.

Fictional tax rebates or demands

Unfortunately, the taxman has really played into scammers hands. There has been a lot of press recently about the fact that so many Brits are on the wrong tax code, meaning rebates or tax demands.

Scammers really play on this by sending fraudulent emails pretending to be from HMRC demanding payment or promising to make a payment if you just provide your bank details.

Hyperlinks within these emails take you to official-looking pages, where the criminals will relieve you of enough information to empty your bank account. Sometimes these emails pretend to be from your bank and they can look startlingly genuine.

What to do
A good habit to keep you safe is to never follow links, and to navigate to the official page by using a search engine instead.

The illegal pornography scam

This is really awful, because it frightens people and stops them thinking clearly. You receive a fraudulent email purporting to be from PayPal. It claims that your account has been implicated in an illegal pornography transaction and blocked.

It demands your financial details so it can lift the block and let you avoid a police investigation – and you may be so scared that you comply.

Perhaps you’re frightened you’ve accidentally accessed illegal material while downloading legal content; perhaps you think your PC has been hacked and used for nefarious purposes; perhaps you’re so upset that you don’t think that clearly at all. Instead, you hand over your account details to thieves.

What to do
If you really were in trouble, be it justified or not, handing over your bank details would do nothing to help you get out of it. Don’t let them intimidate you.

What’s the cleverest or worst scam you’ve encountered online? Did you fall for it? Share your thoughts with other readers using the comments below.

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On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that this is not the end, but the beginning. All endings
start something better. It is inevitable.

Here is God's promise: Life proceeds, it never recedes.

Life progresses, it never regresses. Not even death
ends anything, so how much can this particular event

It is true. When one door closes, another does open.

The movement of life is ever upward. Six months from
today you will know this. For now, trust it.

Do you think God does not know what She is doing?

Love, Your Friend....

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that you were created to create -- not to react.

Creation is the highest form of Divinity, and your
birthright. Truth is, you are creating all the time. The
central question in your life is whether you are
doing this consciously or unconsciously.

Conscious creation is what is needed now.

Stop moping.

And stop thinking negative thoughts. Just
get on with it! Tomorrow awaits your choice as to
how its going to be. Call the shots! Make it happen!

You're in charge here.

Love, Your Friend....

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that trust is not necessary when you don't want or
need anything.

If you are wondering whether you can "trust" someone,
look closely at what it is you think you need or want
from them. When you need or want nothing, trust is
not an issue.

And, of course, there is nothing that you do need,
from anybody, given Who and What You Are. You
are an expression of Divinity Itself, and Divinity is
your Source.

Thinking that you "need" anything, given that this is so,
would be nothing more than a misunderstanding.

Love, Your Friend....

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that life is a game of boomerangs. Our thoughts, deeds
and words return to us sooner or later
with astounding accuracy.

Florence Scovel Shinn said that, and she was right. So
before you think, do, or say anything -- imagine what it
would be like to receive what you are sending.

Then, go one step further. Decide ahead of time what
you would like to receive...and then send it. Quite
deliberately. That is, give to, or cause in the life of,
another what you would like to now experience. the magic.

Love, Your Friend....

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that nothing good is ever created by deception.
Not even the smallest untruth, not even the most
well-intended "white lie," will produce benefit in the
long run. So tell your truth as soon as you know it.

Yes, yes, I know...."But then...but then..." So you'll
have to decide which of the "But then's" you want.

There will always be a "But then." Yet shall it be one
you endure, or one you create?

If it's control you want, telling the truth puts you in
total control. Ever think of that?

Love, Your Friend....

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that if you ask an impertinent question, you are on the
way to a pertinent answer.

Jacob Bronowski said that, and he was right. Therefore,
never be afraid to ask the question that it seems shouldn't
matter. Especially if it has to do with religion or God.

CwG says, "The question! The question! Always live
within the question!" It is when you think you have
all the answers that expansion ends, growth stops, and
your arrogance begins.

What question do you wish to humbly ask today?

Love, Your Friend....

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that not everything has to turn out exactly the way you
planned in order for you to call it a success.

Sometimes all God wants you to do is to "get the ball
rolling." Then, She'll take it from there. So when things
turn out other than the way you wanted them to, don't
be so quick to say, "Bummer!"

Many a Bummer is a Blessing in disguise. Consider the
possibility that life is magic...and that there's a rabbit
in that hat.

Love, Your Friend....

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that just when it looks like life is falling apart, it may
be falling together for the first time.

I have learned to trust the process of life, and not so
much the outcome. Destinations have not nearly as
much value as journeys.

So maybe you should let things fall apart at this
juncture if that's what's happening. Don't hang on so
tenaciously. The nice thing about things falling apart is
that you can pick up only the pieces that you want...
...and you know exactly why I told you this today...

Love, Your Friend....

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that if you're doing something for someone else's
approval, you may as well not do it at all.

There is only one reason to do anything: to announce
and declare, express and fulfill, become and
experience Who You Really Are.

Do what you do, therefore, for the sheer joy of it,
for sheer joy is who you are. Do what you choose,
not what someone else chooses for you.

Love, Your Friend....

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that desire is a powerful force that can be used to
make things happen.

Marcia Weider said that, and she was right. Yet do
not confuse desire with expectation, or with need.

Desire has an entirely different quality to it. You can
desire something without needing or requiring it.

That little difference makes everything work. That
little difference is the whole trick. Desire, do not
Require. To desire propels. To require compels. Life
will not be compelled, but it can be coaxed...

Whoever or whatever you are trying to compel today,
stop it. Just...fall back into the soft cotton of desire.

Love, Your Friend....

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that life has nothing to do with what you are doing,
and everything to do with what you are being.
Be careful not to get caught in the "doingness" of your
life. That is not what you are here for. You are a sacred
soul, and you came here to the earth to Be something.

And not just one thing, but many things.

The wonderful thing is, you get to choose what that is.

And you get to do that right now. Always Right Now.

So what do you choose to Be right now? Happy?

Content? Safe? Peace? Forgiving? Compassionate?

Love? Go ahead, choose. As many as you wish!

Love, Your Friend....

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that the next step is the most important step. Take it
now. Do not wait.

Life is not going to come down there and sprinkle
glitter dust on your shoulders to let you know that you
are Good...or that you are walking the Right Path...or
that you are making the Best Decision.

Take the next step. Right now. Stop waiting for a "sign"
from the "gods." Your sign is your intuition, wrapped
in your desire.

Hesitation is not a stopping place on the road to heaven.

Love, Your Friend....

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that you are only one short step away from manifesting
what you need to reach your goal.

Do not stop now. Whatever you do, do not stop now.

Okay? Is that clear enough? Is that a clear enough sign?

You asked for a sign, didn't you?

So, is that clear enough?

Love, Your Friend....

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that the acknowledgment of your weakness is the first
step in repairing your loss.

Thomas Kempis said that, and he was right. Sometimes
this is the hardest thing for people to do. Yet self-truth
and truth with others about where you have fallen short
almost ensures that you will go a long way. Everyone can
see you anyway, why not admit what everyone is seeing?

You cannot let go of anything if you cannot notice that you
are holding it. Admit your 'weaknesses' and watch them
morph into your greatest strengths.

Love, Your Friend....

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that everything is perfect Right Here, Right Now. And
Right Here Right Now is all there is.

Forget about the past. It does not exist, except in your
memory. Drop it. And stop worrying about how you're
going to get through tomorrow. Life is going on Right
Here, Right Now -- pay attention to that and
all will be well.

Embrace the present moment with gratefulness and
wonder, and you will turn it into whatever you have
been waiting for.

Love, Your Friend....

Read more…

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that independence is your soul's natural state, and
Freedom is another name for God.

The Divine is that which is totally free, all the time.

Nothing constricts It, nothing limits It, nothing stops
It or prohibits It or denies It in any way.
You are exactly the same. Your soul is nothing
more than an Individuation of Divinity...and it is
absolutely nothing less. Act as if you are divinely
free today -- and watch your life change.

Love, Your Friend....

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that disappointment is your thought that God doesn't
know what God is doing.

That, of couse, is impossible. So try to not be
disappointed in anything. Know that life is showing up
perfectly in every moment.

Today's disappointment could be tomorrow's springboard
to all that you've ever wanted. In fact, it probably is.

You will not have to think very hard to know exactly
why you received this message today...

Love, Your Friend....

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that without knowing who you are and why you are
here, life has no meaning.

Seek, then, to study the questions. Work to experience
the grandest answers. Who You Are is an Individuation
of Divinity. Why you are here is to demonstrate that.

Today is going to offer you a perfect chance to do that.

Watch. Listen. Before the end of this day,
you will have a chance to be Divine.

Indeed, someone is counting on you to.

Love, Your Friend....

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that the fastest way to learn something is to teach it.

Do not wait, therefore, until you "know all about it" or
have "mastered" what you wish to share before you
begin to share it.

The world needs more of what you wish to learn
more of. So teach. Share. Help others. And do not
worry so much about what you "don't know." Worry
about what you don't do. Because you are robbing us
while you are waiting to become an "expert."

You know exactly why you heard this today.

Love, Your Friend....

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that he who eats till he is sick, must fast till he is well.

That is a Hebrew proverb, and it has to do with a lot
more than food. Look to see what behaviors you are
indulging in over and over again that are clearly not
serving you. Then, go on a "bad habit diet."

I mean it. I'm not kidding, Pick one bad habit, one
bad behavior a day for five days. You can do this.

Stop doing the stuff you're doing that obviously
does not serve you--or others.

This friendly "nudge" came from your Self, you know...

Love, Your Friend....

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that you have only just begun to discover your

This period of your life marks a New Beginning. You
can feel it. And you have only just begun to know the
treasure and the glory of You. And you have only just
begun to make your Real and Lasting Contribution.

So step into this day with zest and zeal! Go now and
give your gift. We're all waiting for you. And we need
the wonder of Who You Are.

Love, Your Friend....

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that no effort is ever wasted, although some pay
dividends later than you think.

Do not imagine that you "wasted your time" because
something didn't turn out right. There is no such thing
as "waste" in the Universe. Everything -- everything --
yields benefit.

It's true. And your life will show you this. So don't
decry the "effort that failed." All things lead to your
highest good. You just may not know it yet.
You know even now why you just read this...

Love, Your Friend

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that there are no guarantees in life...except that all
things happen for God's best reason.

If you need to know in advance that everything will
"work out" before you jump in, you'll never jump into

Yet "jumping in" is life's greatest excitement, its grandest
adventure. Don't deny yourself that. Just go for it. Trust
that Life will bring you benefit no matter what happens.

Love, Your Friend....

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that imagination is your greatest gift. Do not be afraid
to use it.
Imagine yourself as being okay right now. Totally okay.

Imagine yourself as Whole, Complete, and Perfect. With
nothing to change, nothing to "improve."

Imagine your heart as being open again, your life as if it
were starting over in the most important ways.

Can you imagine this?

Then you have just created Tomorrow.

Love, Your Friend....

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that fear is one of the main sources of cruelty. To
conquer fear is the beginning of wisdom.

Bertrand Russell said that, and he was right.

Elisabeth Kubler-Ross said, "Fear and guilt are the only
enemies of man." She was right, too.

And Franklin Roosevelt famously said,
"We have nothing to fear but fear

Love, Your Friend....

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that life is about your soul, not about your body and
not about your mind.

Most people work hard to keep the body happy. Then
they seek to stimulate their mind. Then...if there is time...
they look after their soul. Yet the most beneficial priority
has it just the other way around.

When was the last time you paid attention to your soul?

Love, Your Friend....

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that earthly possessions are not what you came here
to gather.

Do not worry about your earthly possessions. Place
your attention on your heavenly goal--the evolution of
your soul--and you will find peace even while on earth.

You will not have to think but a second to know
exactly why you received this message today.

Love, Your Friend....

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that the events of this very day will move you closer
to God.

That is what they were designed to do, and you will
experience them doing just that if you will allow
yourself to.

It is all a matter of opening your eyes to what is really
happening (as opposed to what it looks like is
happening). Judge not by outward appearances.

Love, Your Friend....

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that your security is guaranteed through the sharing
of your love.

The peace and safety for which you yearn is not a
matter of food, clothing, and shelter. It is a matter of
love. Love and be loved, and all else will be added
unto you.

The world will perform its magic when you step into
yours. That is the promise of God, and it will be kept.

Love, Your Friend....

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that your security is guaranteed through the sharing
of your love.

The peace and safety for which you yearn is not a
matter of food, clothing, and shelter. It is a matter of
love. Love and be loved, and all else will be added
unto you.

The world will perform its magic when you step into
yours. That is the promise of God, and it will be kept.

Love, Your Friend....

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that life will resolve itself in the process of life itself.

Let the moment play itself out. Try to not push the river.

Life knows what It has in mind. Trust Life.

It is on your side.

Do you know how I know? You are still here.

How much more proof do you need?

Love, Your Friend....

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that you can be happy right here, not tomorrow, not
in ten minutes, but now. You can be happy right now.

Byron Katie said that, and she is right. Happiness is
allowing yourself to be okay with what is, rather than
wishing for, and bemoaning, what is not.
Obviously, what is is what is supposed to be, or it
would not be. The rest is just you, arguing with life.

Somewhere along the way you will have to learn to
just Trust Life. (Read that, "Trust God.")

Why not start today?

Love, Your Friend....

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that rushing around to fix everything, or to "get ready,"
is not going to do you more good.

Move resolutely, but don't rush. There's a difference.

Rushing removes resolution, often replacing it with
panic or irrationality or, at best,
not well thought-out choices.

So keep moving. Don't stop. But don't rush. Don't
race around. Sure and steady gets you there
every time.

You know exactly why you received this message.

Love, Your Friend....

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that it is better to do now what you will have to do

You know, right now, what you will have to do
eventually. Your stomach is telling you right now.

You just don't want to have to listen to it; don't
want to believe it.

Believe it. The tummy knows. How many times in
your life must you prove this to yourself?

You will not have to think but a second to know
exactly why you received this message today.

Love, Your Friend....

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that every day--nay, every moment--
you will have a chance to be Right or
to be Love.

Your choice will define who you are.

Love, Your Friend....

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that any frustration you have is simply the result of
wrong thinking.

If you were thinking rightly you could not possibly
imagine that anything was going 'wrong.' You would
know that nothing in the Universe is working against
you. By definition, given Who You Are,
this is impossible.

Move, then, to gratitude when you encounter your
frustrations. And see every event as an Opportunity.

Love, Your Friend....

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that betrayal of yourself in order not to betray another
is betrayal nonetheless. It is the Highest Betrayal.

You are not avoiding betrayal by betraying yourself, you
are merely choosing whom to betray. In fact, there is no
such thing as "betrayal." There is only the truth,
finally spoken.

That is not betrayal at all. That is love.

For another, and for yourself.

Can you love that much?

Love, Your Friend....

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that you will benefit enormously if you simply strive to
be a good person. Strive to live rightly.

This will not always be easy. It will require real work,
real dedication, real commitment to the Journey of Your
Soul. Yet in the end, I trust in God that it will be so very
worth it, for the reward is Self Realization.

To know the Self as Who You Really Are is the goal
and the opportunity of each lifetime. To expand your
definition of that is the invitation.

I admire and deeply respect and salute you.

Love, Your Friend....

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that Freedom is Who You Are.

'Freedom' is but another word for 'God.' It has been
difficult to find words in human language to describe
That Which God Is, but 'Freedom' is one of them.

Another word to describe God is...You.

You and God are One. Therefore you, too, are Free.

Free to make choices, free to select your reactions
and responses to life, free to be your authentic Self.

You will not have to think but a second to know
exactly why you received this message today.

Love, Your Friend....

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that true ambition is not what you thought it was.

Bill, the man who co-founded Alcoholics Anonymous,
said that, and he was right. "True ambition," he said, "is
the profound desire to live usefully and walk humbly
under the grace of God."

What is your ambition for today? What is on the top
of your priority list? What are you hoping to do today?

What are you hoping to be?

Your answer to this question will create not just the
day, but you.

Love, Your Friend....

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that love tolerates human foibles, faults, and failings.

When someone does something you don't like, try
toleration. Tell them in your nicest way that you do
not feel good about what occurred or what was said,
but try hard not to cold-shoulder them, and block
them out of any warm connection with you.

All you teach them by that is to be afraid of you -- by
making them afraid of losing you...or at least the warmth
of their connection with you. This is, of course, what
some people say God does to us...

Give people the same break you would like God (and
other people, for that matter) to give you.

Love, Your Friend....

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that most dramatic conflicts are perhaps those
that take place not between men, but between a man
and himself.

Author Mark Moustakas said that, and he was right.

If we can win the struggle within -- the struggle that
Muslims call jihad -- we can win this human race.

What are you battling with right now? What unwanted
habit? What undesireable behavior? What old pattern?

Claim victory over these, and your entire life can change.

Love, Your Friend....

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that the word salvation in the Bible means perfect
health, harmony, and freedom.

Emmet Fox said that, and he was right. These things
are the will of God for man, he said,
and he was right again.

When you ponder how to achieve your 'salvation,'
make sure you understand, first, what 'salvation' is.

We are seeking here to save ourselves from our own
misunderstandings about Life and How It Is, and
about Who We Really Are.

Move into the fullness of your True Identity, and
watch your whole life change.

Love, Your Friend....

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that being "right" has nothing to do with it.

The idea that you call "right" is the idea that someone
else calls "wrong." The solution that you call "perfect"
is the solution that another calls "unworkable." The
position that you feel is unassailable is the very
position that others assail.

What will solve all of this? Not attack, that's for sure.

And not defense, either. So what is left? Simple human
love. The kind of love that says, "It doesn't matter who
is right or wrong. It only matters that you are not hurt.

And that we both can benefit. All true benefits are mutual."

Love, Your Friend....

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that you can only succeed, you cannot fail.

Failure is impossible; it is an illusion. Nothing is a
failure. Nothing. Everything moves the human story,
and hence the process of evolution, forward.

Everything advances you on your journey.

You will not have to think but a second to know
exactly why you received this message today.

love, Your Friend....

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that a hunch is angel talk, and
probably should not be ignored.

Listen to your hunches, pay attention to your intuition,
do not dismiss your random thoughts, inspirations or
ideas. Heaven talks in snippets, not in speeches. Angels
whisper fast. They have to when they're flying around...
Honor your Hints from Heaven.

They could be giving you the best advice
you ever had.

Love, Your Friend....

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that nothing is ever solved, or created, by standing still.

Movement is the process of the Universe. So move.

Do something. Anything.But do not stand still.

Do not remain"on the horns of a dilemma." Do not fence sit.

Put your foot down on one side or the other,
swing the opposite leg over and start walking.

You'll know before you take ten steps if
you're going in the right direction.

Not to decide is to decide.

Try to not make choices by default.

Love, Your Friend....

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that "Why is this happening?" is the most useless
question in the Universe.

The only really profitable question is, "What?" As in,
"What do I choose now?" This question empowers.

The "why" question simply perplexes, and rarely
satisfies even when it gets a good answer.

So don't try to "figure it out." Stop it. Just focus on
what you now wish to create. Keep moving forward.

There's nothing behind you that can possibly serve
you better than your highest thoughts about tomorrow.

Love, Your Friend....

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On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that beauty comes in many forms--and there is no form
more beautiful than you.

Just exactly as you are, this minute, right now, without
changing a are beautiful. Beautiful enough to
take God's breath away.

You do believe this, don't you? Oh, you must. You must.
How can I believe in my beauty if you don't believe in
yours? It's for me you must believe, not for you...

Love, Your Friend....

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that your thoughts create your reality. Your mind is
more powerful than you know.

Are you worried about something right now? Are you
feeling unsure about something these days? God invites
you to change your thinking. Miracles seldom occur in
the lives of those who do not consider them possible.

There could be a miracle waiting for you this minute.

Please make room for it in your thinking. Thanks.

Love, Your Friend.

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that nothing has to happen immediately, this minute,
or "right now."

It's okay to pause for just a moment. Just take a breath.
Then go quietly inside. Ask Life Itself to lead you to
your best outcome.

There's nothing you have to do, really, except get out
of your own way.

... know what I mean?

Love, Your Friend...

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that the truth lies within you—as does all the power
you will ever need to change the direction of your life
and the course of human history.

Wow. Can you imagine that? All the power you will
ever need to change your life...and the course of
human history.

And you may tap that power whenever you wish.
Today, if you choose. Indeed, you tapped it just now
in the sending to yourself of this message...

Love, Your Friend...

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that caution is not the same as fear, and observation
is not the same as judgment.

Use your good sense about things, and don't let
others talk you out of simple caution and observation
by telling you that you are in "fear and judgment."

An ounce of prevention is still worth of pound of cure.

Make sense?

Love, Your Friend....

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that the world is so much brighter, so much better,
because you are in it.

If only you knew all the gifts that you bring to others.

You would never feel sad again, but only rejoice in
how wonderful God has made you!

I would not say these things just to make you feel
good. The things I've said here happen to be true.

Love, Your Friend....

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that money is just as holy as meditation, just as
sacred as prayer. It is a wonderful part of God.

If you hold an idea that money is the root of all evil,
you may unconsciously keep it from you. You are
invited to drop that thought now.

All the money you need is coming to you now. Do
you believe that? You must, you know...

You will not have to think but a second to understand
exactly why you received this message today.

Love, Your Friend...

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that happiness and joy comes to you when it moves
through you. There is no other pathway--and that's
the miracle.

You will have a number of opportunities in the days
just ahead to be a vehicle of happiness and joy for
another. Step right into that. Be the source of that.

As you bring others to a smile, so, too, will you
bring yourself. The method is foolproof.

Love, Your Friend....

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
... that good things await you on the other side of this
ridge. This is a hill you can climb. Just put one foot in
front of the other.

If you feel a little discouraged right now, that's okay,
that's understandable. But give yourself permission
to journey on. Keep moving.

There is a positive result here.

Love, Your Friend..

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that you are on the right path; you are marching
straight to your own joy, and to happiness for others.

Did you need a "signal" from the Universe about this?

Consider that signal as having been sent...
Now it is just a matter of trust. Do you trust that God
knows what She is doing?

You will not have to think but a second to know
exactly why you received this message today.

Love, Your Friend.

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On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...

that there are few tools more effective or more useful in achieving deep knowing, true joy, and inner peace than daily meditation.

It would be very beneficial to take 15 minutes in the morning and 15 minutes in the evening -- more if you can find it -- to be quiet with your Holy Self. Your consciousness can be dramatically expanded over a relatively short period of time with true dedication to such a gentle discipline.

Are you meditating regularly? Is it the first thing you cut out of your day if things start off, or begin to get, hectic? It should, of course, be the last thing.

Love, Your Friend....






On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...

that when we do the best we can, we never know what miracle is wrought in our life,
or in the life of another.

Hellen Keller said that, and she was right. There is a situation in your life right now where you are being asked to do your best, your very best. Maybe it is in finding forgiveness for another. Or is understanding something that you just haven't been able to understand. Or in accepting what has to this point felt unacceptable.

Whatever that situation (and you know exactly what it is right now)...are you doing the best that you can? If you are, so be it, and good. Yet if you think you might do better, allow this little nudge today to be your gift from the soul. A miracle awaits if you will reach back now and do your very, very, very best in this.

Love, Your Friend....





On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...

that to find beauty in everyone you must see beauty in everyone, then announce that you see it, for in announcing it, you place it there in their reality.

Do not miss a single chance -- not one single opportunity -- to tell someone how wonderful they are, how special they are, how important to you they are, how incredible as a person they are, how beautiful they are inside and out. Do not miss a single opening in which to insert such a comment, genuinely felt and genuinely meant.

Make it your life's mission today to bring to the attention of another just how extraordinary they are. Say it. Say it. SAY it. Their heart is waiting to know that their own best thought about themselves can be believed.

Love, Your Friend....

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...

that every action is either strong or weak, and when every action is strong we are successful.

Wallace D. Wattles said that, and he was right. You know when the action you take is strong, and you know when it is weak. You can tell in your stomach. Endeavor to take no weak action whatsoever.

Run away from it. Reject it. Go for the strong action, the strong choice, every time.

You know, by the way, what is meant by all of this. You have been weak in some of your choices and decisions, and you have been strong. You have been both in your life. But no more, right? Only strong from now on, yes?

And you know exactly why you received this message today.

Love, Your Friend....

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...

that what is important in your life is what you decide is important -- and this decision will indelibly create who you are.

When you awoke this morning, what was the first thing on your mind? On your list of Things To Do, what is #1? As you contemplate your current priorities, is there a person at the top, or is it some kind of doingness ...?

Only you can know what is catching your attention, what is calling to you for your energy. Yet you can ask yourself a key question...

Where is love in all of this?
Love, Your Friend....

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...

that every action is either strong or weak, and when every action is strong we are successful.

Wallace D. Wattles said that, and he was right. You know when the action you take is strong, and you know when it is weak. You can tell in your stomach. Endeavor to take no weak action whatsoever.

Run away from it. Reject it. Go for the strong action, the strong choice, every time.

You know, by the way, what is meant by all of this. You have been weak in some of your choices and decisions, and you have been strong. You have been both in your life. But no more, right? Only strong from now on, yes?

And you know exactly why you received this message today.

Love, Your Friend....

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...

that life offers you an amazing opportunity in every single moment to see and experience Who You Really Are.

Watch yourself this day. Just watch yourself. Look at what you are doing moment to moment...and why. Ask yourself in the midst of it, "What does this have to do with my real reason for being here? Is this what I have come all the way to the Earth to experience?"

If the answer is a resounding Yes, keep doing it. If the answer is No, ask yourself, "What in the world am I doing?" Look at the words and consider them literally. What-in-the-world-am-I-doing? What am I involved in every day, and what does this have to do with my soul? It's just a question...just a question...

Love, Your Friend....

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...

that you need not be concerned about money. Be concerned, instead, about joy.

How much joy are you experiencing in this moment? How much joy are you bringing to this moment?

The joy you experience will be the joy you bring. If you are waiting for joy to be brought to you, you do not understand what you are doing here. And if you think that joy has anything to do with money, you really do not understand what you are doing here.

There is a person waiting right now, right this very minute, for you to uplift them. Do that...and you will be rich.

Really. I mean, really. I'm not making this up.

Love, Your Friend....

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...

...that it could seem like you are losing something right now, but do not be fooled. This is simply a turnaround orchestrated by your soul.

Even before this, you were. And even after all this passes away, you shall be. All the Rest Of It is stuff and nonsense. The accoutrement. The flora and fauna. Pretty, perhaps. Shiny and sparkling, perhaps.

But having nothing to do with anything.

Let it go. Release it. If it was not supposed to be removing itself from you now, it would not be doing so. It will never return to you in this exact form, and it is not intended to. If it returns at all, it will be in a higher form. That is the purpose of its leaving. All of life only improves itself. It can't do anything else.

This is called evolution. Trust it. And now, smile. Tomorrow is coming! Tomorrow is coming!

Love, Your Friend....

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...

that your job, your invitation from the Universe, is to give people back to themselves.

You can do this every day, in a hundred ways. Why not practice it with the first three people you encounter after reading this?

It is really a very easy thing to do -- yet it can affect a person mightily. All you have to do is look for the best in that person, and then show it to them, right then and there. Describe it. Admire it. Thank them for it.

Do this for three people every day and watch how your whole life can change. At last you will realize what you are doing here. All the rest will be just stuff and nonsense.

Love, Your Friend....

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...

that it is the sweet, simple things of life which are the real ones after all.

Laura Ingalls Wilder said that, and she was right. This seems such simple stuff, such simplistic knowledge, yet when we truly embrace it as our living reality, our day-to-day lives begin to change in very important ways.

So take a look today and this evening at what sweet, simple things of life you may be looking past, or right over, and neither seeing nor enjoying. Look closely. They are likely to be right in front of your face -- something you're looking through every day

Love, Your Friend....

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Scientists find an alien world '''like no planet we know of'''


Hubble team detects a watery super-Earth enshrouded by thick atmosphere Scientists have discovered a new type of alien planet — a steamy waterworld that is larger than Earth but smaller than Uranus.


The standard-bearer for this new class of exoplanet is called GJ 1214b, which astronomers first discovered in December 2009. New observations by NASA's Hubble Space Telescope suggest that GJ 1214b is a watery world enshrouded by a thick, steamy atmosphere.


"GJ 1214b is like no planet we know of," study lead author Zachory Berta of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics in Cambridge, Mass., said in a statement. "A huge fraction of its mass is made up of water."

Adding to the diversity

To date, astronomers have discovered more than 700 planets beyond our solar system, with about 2,300 more "candidates" awaiting confirmation by follow-up observations.


These alien planets are a diverse bunch. Astronomers have found one planet as light and airy as Styrofoam, for example, and another as dense as iron. They've discovered several alien worlds that orbit two suns, like Luke Skywalker's home planet of Tatooine in the "Star Wars" films.


But GJ 1214b, which is located 40 light-years from Earth in the constellation Ophiuchus (The Serpent Bearer), is something new altogether, researchers said.


This so-called " super-Earth " is about 2.7 times Earth’s diameter and weighs nearly seven times as much as our home planet. It orbits a red-dwarf star at a distance of 1.2 million miles (2 million kilometers), giving it an estimated surface temperature of 446 degrees Fahrenheit (230 degrees Celsius) — too hot to host life as we know it.


Scientists first reported in 2010 that GJ 1214b's atmosphere is likely composed primarily of water, but their findings were not definitive. Berta and his team used Hubble's Wide Field Camera 3 to help dispel the doubts.


Hubble watched as GJ 1214b crossed in front of its host star, and the scientists were able to determine the composition of the planet's atmosphere based on how it filtered the starlight.


"We’re using Hubble to measure the infrared color of sunset on this world," Berta said. "The Hubble measurements really tip the balance in favor of a steamy atmosphere."


Berta and his colleagues report their results online in the Astrophysical Journal.




A watery world

Since astronomers know GJ 1214b's mass and size, they're able to calculate its density, which turns out to be just 2 grams per cubic centimeter (g/cc). Earth's density is 5.5 g/cc, while that of water is 1 g/cc.


GJ 1214b thus appears to have much more water than Earth does, and much less rock. The alien planet's interior structure is likely quite different from that of our world.


"The high temperatures and high pressures would form exotic materials like 'hot ice' or 'superfluid water,' substances that are completely alien to our everyday experience," Berta said.


GJ 1214b probably formed farther out from its star, where water ice was plentiful, and then migrated in to its current location long ago. In the process, it would have experienced more Earth-like temperatures, but how long this benign phase lasted is unknown, researchers said.


Because GJ 1214b is so close to Earth, it's a prime candidate for study by future instruments. NASA's James Webb Space Telescope, which is slated to launch in 2018, may be able to get an even better look at the planet's atmosphere, researchers said.


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10 things to know about the world's first car

10 things to know about the world's first car

When Karl Benz built the first Patent-Motorwagen in 1885 (it was patented in 1886) he probably didn't realise quite the extent to which it would transform the world. So without further ado, here are ten things you might not have known about the progenitor of motoring.

It wasn't the first attempt at an automobile

Inventors were trying to put a 'car' on the road as early as the 18th century. However, all were attempts to automate the horse-drawn carriage, and were largely useless; the Patent-Motorwagen was the first automobile designed from the ground up to be powered by an internal combustion engine.

An American nearly got there first

American inventor George Selden was working on a horseless carriage at about the same time as Benz, filing a patent in 1879. Unfortunately it wasn't until 1895 that his patent for a 'safe, simple, and cheap road-locomotive light in weight, easy to control and possessed of sufficient power to overcome any ordinary inclination' was approved.

It took at least 12 years to develop

By 1873 Benz had developed a working two-stroke engine, and thereafter set about creating a useable carriage to put it in. The Patent-Motorwagen was complete by 1885 and officially unveiled to the public in Mannheim, Germany, on 3 July 1886.

It had a 0.9bhp engine

It was claimed that the first Motorwagen developed a heady 0.66bhp from its single-cylinder gas-powered engine. A later test showed that to be a conservative power figure, however - it actually had a mighty 0.9bhp. Let's put that into perspective: one of the cars on sale in the UK with the lowest power outputs today is the cdi version of the Smart Fortwo, with 54bhp, or 5,900 percent more than the Motorwagen!

The original prototype crashed

Difficult to control using a lever linked to the central front wheel, the 1885 prototype was crashed into a wall during a public demonstration. Fortunately camera phones hadn't been invented yet, so there was no hilarious footage to upload to YouTube.

It was rear-wheel drive

Drifting wasn't too easy with a horse and carriage, but the Patent-Motorwagen was the keen power slider's dream. Its engine powered the rear wheels via two chains linked to the back axle, good for some serious sideways action. Its tyres were solid rubber.

Karl Benz's wife stole one and went for a joyride

The story goes that Benz's wife, Bertha, took Motorwagen number three for a lengthy drive in August 1888 without his permission. With her two sons she drove the car 50-60 miles to her mother's house then returned three days later. The Bertha Benz memorial route between Frankfurt and Baden-Baden celebrates that historic journey.

Early versions couldn't climb hills

It was only after Bertha's trip that a second gear was added to the car, at her request; like an Austin Allegro, early versions couldn't handle even the mildest of inclines.

The first customers had to buy fuel from pharmacies

Of course, there was no network of fuel pumps in place when the Motorwagen first hit the cobblestones. Buyers had to fill up with small bottles of gasoline, at the time a substance used as cleaning fluid and available only from chemists.

Around 25 were sold

In a five-year period between 1888 and 1893, Benz sold 25 Patent-Motorwagens to wealthy pioneers. In 1893 the three-wheeler was replaced by an updated version with four wheels - the luxurious Benz Velo.

Mark Nichol

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