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Ringbolt hitching is a beautiful way to decorate a staff or wheel. Also called coxcombing, it was once a common tie used by sailors to dress-up items and parts of a ship. In the following video, JD of Tying It All Together shows you how to do it.



How to Tie a Single-Strand Ringbolt Hitch by TIAT



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Human race being terminated by 'scientific suicide'
Monday, May 07, 2012
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
Editor of

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NaturalNews) This is, without question, the most important article I've ever penned, because it discusses the idea that the human race is being destroyed in the name of science.

Stopping these "scientists" from destroying our world and our civilization must become our top priority if we hope to survive.

The entire Northern hemisphere is now imminently threatened by a massive, "global killer" radiation release from failing Fukushima reactor No. 4. ( Our world is right now just one earthquake away from a radiological apocalypse, and we were put into this position by scientists who promised us that nuclear power would be safe and inexpensive.

Even as we live under the immediate threat of Cesium-137-induced radiological extinction, another group of genetic scientists threatens the future of our world with self-replicating genetic pollution. These scientists work for Monsanto, Dupont and other biotech firms that have compromised the future of life on Earth in order to seek their own selfish profits. Bill Gates and all the others who have promoted GMOs and allowed them to be unleashed into our world are guilty of nothing less than crimes against both the human race and nature itself. They are a threat to the continuation of life on Earth and must be stopped.

In the realm of human biology, our very existence is now being widely threatened by toxic vaccines. Always promoted in the name of "science," these vaccines actually cause severe neurological damage and widespread infertility, compromising the ability of members of the human race to reproduce.

And in terms of our global food supply, the accelerating collapse of the honey bees is now solidly linked to the widespread use of chemical pesticides manufactured by pharmaceutical companies ( These pesticides, of course, are always promoted in the name of "science!" It's better living through chemistry, remember?

In fact, if you take an honest look at what threatens our civilization and our planet today, it's always something done in the name of science!
Death by science
• Toxic pesticides that kill the soils and rivers? "Science!"

• Toxic chemical medications that kill humans and pollute downstream waters? "Scientific!"

• The mass poisoning of the population with a toxic combination of industrial waste products called "fluoride?" It's all done for "science!"

• Nuclear bombs that have already decimated civilian populations? "Science!"

• Mammograms and other medical imaging devices that actually cause cancer? "Scientific!"

• Chemotherapy poisons, "preventive" mastectomies, cancer radiation treatments? It's all "scientific" of course.

• The mass mercury poisoning of children through dental amalgams? They call it "science-based dentistry!"

What's clear from all this is that the human race is being murdered in the name of science.

But underneath that realization is an even more profound one: Much of the so-called "science" is really just fraudulent science that's twisted, distorted and quacked up by greed-driven corporations.
Real science is the quest for understanding, not the quest for profit
Real science is a good thing, as it is based on the quest for knowledge. But today, there's not much real science being conducted anymore. Most of what takes place is corporate-driven science for the purpose of gaining power and profits.

In medicine, for example, the search for new drugs is not about helping humanity; it's about helping quarterly profits. But you already knew that. Only the most naive individuals today still believe Big Pharma cares about human beings.

In the world of GMOs, it's not about actually "feeding the world" as is ridiculously claimed by its corrupt, criminal pushers; it's actually about "owning the world" and using food as a weapon against the People of the world. He who controls the food supply eventually controls everything. Monsanto is hell bent on world domination, not world nourishment.

Vaccines, for their part, aren't about actually preventing disease and enhancing the health of the public. Infectious disease prevention could be easily accomplished through sanitation improvements and low-cost vitamin D supplementation. Vaccines are really about two things: 1) Population control, 2) Repeat business for the drug industry due to all the vaccine damage caused by inoculations. (Vaccines damage the liver, kidneys, brain and intestines, among other organs.)

The "science" practiced today is a science of domination and control. It is almost never carried out for humanitarian purposes to benefit humankind. Even the entire intellectual property "ownership" system of patents and trademarks is set up to grant corporate monopolies over innovation, thereby denying the People access to such innovations. Intellectual property laws have been twisted and exploited by corporate giants to hijack the innovation process and use it to crush competition. All corporations ultimately want a global monopoly over their particular industry sectors.

Universities, which once conducted research to benefit humankind, now use taxpayer money to develop patentable chemicals that are then licensed to drug companies (or pesticide companies) in exchange for royalties that enrich the university.

As a result of such trends, "science" has come to mean corruption, dishonesty, greed and death. "Scientists" -- the people who practice such science -- are death engineers whose innovations may deliver hyped-up short-term benefits, but they often ultimately lead to long-term death and destruction. Roundup herbicide, for example, kills crop soils and encourages the development of pesticide-resistant "superweeds." In the terrain of human biology, much the same ramification of death and destruction is happening with the widespread abuse of antibiotics and the alarming rise of MRSA and other "superbugs."

Such "scientific" innovations were, of course, developed by well-meaning people who didn't mean to cause widespread crop failures and antibiotic-resistant staph infections, but in doing so they only became experts in paving the road to Hell with good intentions.

Science is killing us. As a race, we are committing suicide by allowing science to dominate our medicine, agriculture and military industries. To the degree that we allow scientists to unleash their dangerous experiments onto the world without legitimate testing -- and no, flu shot vaccines are never scientifically tested for long-term safety -- we only accelerate the digging of our own graves. If we don't learn to restrain the blind ambitions of arrogant scientists who are all too easily enticed by the chance to roll the dice in their "let's play God" games, the blind pursuit of science without wisdom will only lead to our total destruction.

Because next we can count on the rise of the robot drones in the name of science -- a new race of Terminator machines (unmanned AI drones) with the capability to mindlessly unleash bombs and bullets on civilian populations. Such drones will be developed in the name of "science," of course, with all the predictable ego-driven fantasies of their geek-headed inventors who, with all their superior intellect, have still failed to study human history.

Even if the drones don't get us, nanotechnology may yet spell our demise. Scientists are already running dangerous experiments with nanotechnology, and if just one such experiment results in a self-replicating nanotech "grey goo," our entire world could be inescapably devoured by self-replicating microscopic machines that make GMOs seem tame by comparison. (
If we are to survive, we must force science to be bound by the Precautionary Principle
If we are to survive the endless greed, arrogance and ambition of today's scientists -- whose actions more closely resemble little children with flamethrowers than mature, adult individuals -- we must force science to abide by the Precautionary Principle.

The Precautionary Principle means that when we experiment with nature, we force ourselves to err on the side of caution, not profits. In practical terms, that means we should never unleash self-replicating genetic programs (GMOs) into the open world and let experimental seeds get blown across the continent by the wind.

We should never build highly radioactive nuclear power facilities that require power to run pumps in order to avoid a nuclear meltdown. Such facilities must be designed to run in a grid-down, self-shutdown format that defaults to an unmanned state of non-criticality.

We should never unleash synthetic chemicals across the world's crops and soils to kill insects, not knowing the long-term ramifications of such neurotoxins being introduced into the ecosystem.

The Precautionary Principle recognizes that human civilization is fragile, and science-sounding experiments can run amok in ways that simply cannot be anticipated by even the most brilliant and well-intentioned human minds.
Technology without wisdom is suicide
In the name of science, humanity has developed remarkable technologies. But as a species, humankind operates as infants in terms of wisdom and maturity. We are worse than children with flamethrowers -- we are children with nukes!

A typical top-level scientist working for a corporation or a government body is ethically under-developed, lacking wisdom and perspective. They may be geniuses in their absurdly narrow realms of technical expertise, but they have no understanding of the importance of restraining the application of scientific pursuits in the real world. Even now, scientists working at the Large Hadron Collider near Geneva are playing God with the universe, attempting to discover what they ridiculously call new "particles" even though such particles are not even particles in the first place. (

In their quest for what they claim to be scientific knowledge, they are playing a dangerous game with our world, risking the very small but catastrophically fatal chance that their experiment might create a planet-consuming black hole that devours our world. Sound like science fiction? Most conventional scientists dismiss such ideas as pure nonsense. But their colleagues also told us that nuclear power was safe; that GMOs are safe; that pesticides are safe; that fluoride is safe; that vaccines are safe; and on and on. If there's one thing we can scientifically establish as truth in our world today, it's that scientists vastly and naively overestimate the safety of their own experiments, often in ways that cause widespread harm, death or destruction to innocent people around them.

Scientists are a danger to our world, in other words. And they need to be immediately restrained before they utterly destroy the very conditions on our planet that make human life possible.

History has taught us that scientists have very little ability to anticipate the long-term effects of their present-day actions. The nature of the universe is more complex than even the most brilliant scientist can imagine, it turns out, and when they start to play God with the natural world, unexpected things can and do occur. Murphy was an optimist, as the saying goes. Not only will things go wrong if they can go wrong; they will go wrong in catastrophic ways that simply cannot be anticipated.
The sixth mass extinction on our planet may be caused by science itself
There have been five mass extinction events on our planet, the most recent being the Cretaceous-Paleogene extinction event (

The sixth such event may be caused by science itself, either with a global radiological release, a runaway genetic pollution event, a nanotechnology disaster, an AI rise to power, or something far more sinister that we can't even anticipate. We already stand on the verge of being inundated with radiation from Fukushima -- a precarious situation upon which "the fate of the world" now rests. What other great threats to our survival have been committed in the name of science?

Until the Wild West, "anything goes" approach to science as practiced today is held in check by a sense of self preservation, the human race will remain at grave risk of becoming an inadvertent casualty of well-intentioned science gone terribly wrong.

Let us take steps now to halt the life-threatening science that has put us all at risk and pull ourselves back from the brink of scientific suicide.
The top ten "scientific" projects threatening the survival of the human race right now
#1) Nuclear power (Fukushima in particular)
#2) GMOs (self-replicating genetic pollution)
#3) Nanotechnology (self-replicating microscopic machines)
#4) Bioweapons (self-replicating microscopic weapons)
#5) Atmospheric experiments (HAARP and high-altitude spraying)
#6) Artificial Intelligence (AI, when coupled with killer drone hardware)
#7) Particle accelerator physics experiments (Large Hadron Collider)
#8) Pollinator disruption chemicals (synthetic pesticides that destroy honey bee colonies)
#9) Nuclear weapons
#10) Weaponized vaccines (live cross-species viral material being injected into human targets)

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Become excited, dear friends. You are almost home. – Michael channeled by Ron Head
March 18,2012

My dear friends, we must talk now about something we take quite seriously, ascension. At this time you are feeling changes happening to your bodies, your lives, and your emotions, which should confirm for you that you are indeed on that path.

These will continue and accelerate. A great many changes have been promised to you, and we assure you again now that they are all coming. Not everyone will experience the same things at the same times, but they will all manifest those which are meaningful to themselves. Not everyone displays the same characteristics and talents now, and that is how it should be. It will be the same after ascension. But after ascension, if you should need or desire to learn something new, it will be taught to you easily and joyfully.

The only qualification is that you be desirous of it. Describing to you what your lives will be like is not possible, but the things we do tell you about are true and serve to motivate your actions. Most importantly you will find will be your freedom from limitations of any kind. All of the attributes that you have dreamed of in your current lives will be easily attainable. Knowing this as fact may eventually change some of your priorities.

For instance, when you no longer need to worry about money, your need to acquire wealth will melt away. Your need to impress self or others will disappear when you find that you and all others are magnificent creator beings. You’re most frequent thoughts will involve loving service and enjoyment. Anything necessary to those ends will be yours as sons and daughters of the most high.

We have promised personal changes and technologies to make your lives easy and enjoyable, but most wonderful of all will be your freedom. That, my wonderful friends, approaches rapidly. It may not be won smoothly, but have it you will, and soon. Begin spending a little time each day imagining what you will do when you have no limits. That little, fun exercise will only help speed along the process.

And if there are steps you can take toward those goals, take them now, no matter how tiny they may be. Imagine yourself a little bit closer to your goal and that process will be sped up as well. In fact, some are already beginning to see almost instant manifestations occurring. You see, you feel you are waiting, waiting, waiting; but in fact, you are moving, moving, moving. And the effects of the changes are building one upon another.

Do you feel like the same person you were a year, two years ago? No, of course you do not. Those changes will seem many, many times greater before this year ends. Our anticipation for you likely exceeds your own. We know what awaits you. Become excited, dear friends. You are almost home.

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"I recently ran into an inspiring story of a man who goes by Suelo. One day, he left all his money in a phone booth and walked away to live like a monk. On his website, he wrote, "I've been living without a cent to my name since the autumn of 2000. I don't use or accept money or conscious barter, and I don't take food stamps or other government dole.

Why? I simply got tired of acknowledging as real this most common world-wide belief called money! I simply got tired of being unreal." -- Rev. Heng Sure

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Reptilian Alien Face On Mars, in Same Photo As Woman Figure taken by Spirit Rover!

Mars pictures - They dont want you to see

What NASA is hiding from the world!!! Real!!

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Miniature Art on the Tip of Pencil by Dalton Ghetti

Many artists have used pencils to create works of art – but Dalton Ghetti creates miniature masterpieces on the tips of pencils.

Dalton, who works as a carpenter, has been making his tiny graphite works for about 25 years. A sculpture of Elvis Presley wearing shades, carved from a single pencil.

The 49-year-old said: “At school I would carve a friend’s name into the wood of a pencil and then give it to them as a present. Later, when I got into sculpture, I would make these huge pieces from things like wood, but decided I wanted to challenge myself by trying to make things as small as possible.


I experimented sculpting with different materials, such as chalk, but one day I had an eureka moment and decided to carve into the graphite of a pencil”

A tiny saw, using both the wood and graphite of a single pencil

Dalton uses three basic tools to make his incredible creations – a razor blade, sewing needle and sculpting knife. He even refuses to use a magnifying glass and has never sold any of his work, only given it away to friends. He said: “I use the sewing needle to make holes or dig into the graphite. I scratch and create lines and turn the graphite around slowly in my hand”

The longest Dalton has spent on one piece was two and half years on a pencil with interlinking chains. A standard figure will take several months. He said: “The interlinking chains took the most effort and I was really pleased with it because it’s so intricate people think it must be two pencils”

When Dalton, from Connecticut, USA, first started he would become frustrated when a piece would break before being finished after he had spent months working on it. He said: “It would drive me mad when I would be just a bit too heavy-handed and the pencil’s tip would break. I would get very nervous sometimes, particularly when the piece was almost finished, and then I would make a mistake. I decided to change the way I thought about the work – when I started a new piece my attitude would be ‘well this will break eventually but let’s see how far I get. It helped me break fewer pencils, and although I still do break them, it’s not as often”

Dalton, who is originally from Brazil, has a box full of more than 100 sculptures that have broken while working on them that he affectionately calls ‘the cemetery collection’. He said: “I have quite a few broken pieces so I decided to glue them on pins and into styrofoam for a display case. People might think it’s weird I keep them but they’re still interesting. I worked on them for months so they might be dead now but at one point I gave them life”

“I don’t make any money from it but that’s not what it’s about for me. However, I would love for a gallery owner in England to fly me over to put on a show,” he said Dalton hollowed out the centre of the wood, then carved the central column of graphite to create this hanging, linked heart

Carved from the graphite in a normal pencil: A tiny hammer

Carved from the graphite in a normal pencil: A tiny button

This carving shows a goblet being held by a hand, all carved from one pencil’s graphite

Carved from the graphite in a normal pencil: A highly detailed boot

A miniature graphite chair

Using the eraser end of a pencil, Dalton created a tiny cross sculpture from the internal graphite

A mini mailbox on a post

An intricately detailed screw, carved in one piece from a pencil’s graphite

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Our True Worth and Value Come from Being Created by GodOctober 13th, 2011Unfortunately the greater part of humanity has neither self-love nor self-worth. And those who actually have self-worth mostly base it on their accomplishments or outer success, whereas in truth our worth and value comes from within!Our self-worth does not come from what we do; it comes from who we are! Every human being is infinitely worthy and valuable because everyone in the world is a Son and/or Daughter of God. Can what God created be unworthy? Self-worth is our divine inheritance as a Child of God. It can be neither increased by our successes nor decreased by our mistakes. It is eternally unchangeable.The Integrated Ascended Master realizes his infinite worth and eternal value as a Creation of God and thus has full self-love and self-worth.So let it be written, So let it be done.© 2011, Dr Joshua David Stone and Gloria Excelsias,
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Nothing to fear but fear itself by Adrian Cooper

Nothing to fear but fear itself by Adrian Cooper

I am sure Roosevelt knew the True Meaning of this iconic quotation. So why do I raise this now?
Well, in recent weeks, as I have shifted the focus of this Newsletter from a “Higher”, Spiritual focus, to an Experiential physical World focus.

As we Quicken towards the Singularity of this Cycle of Human Consciousness, it has become incumbent upon me to switch my focus from Higher Aspects of our Divine Triune Nature and Being, to the physical, Experiential Aspects of Our Triune Being.

As mentioned in recent weeks, if we are to be balanced and prepared for that which is to be Experienced in the context of this Great Transition of Consciousness, we simply cannot neglect any aspect of our Divinity if we are to Evolve and Progress.

Now whilst I much prefer to focus on the Higher, Spiritual aspects of Life, and believe me I would, I cannot and will not selectively disregard my Inner Guidance for fear that some readers might not “like to hear it”. We must remain balanced.

The events “taking place” in the World today are not only shaping our Personal Experience but also shaping the Collective Experience of Humanity as we conclude this current Cycle of Human Consciousness and Transition to the next Cycle.

We Are In This Together, for better or for worse.

Not only therefore must we acknowledge current events, but we must become One with these events. Any conscious effort to “reject” or “distance ourselves” from these events, is a rejection of Our Very Being, for we Are those events and they are Us.

The point is this. I have received messages from readers of this Newsletter for many years who have expressed distress by the recent emphasis, and in particular question why I have “been turned to the dark side of the force” by “propagating fear”.

Well first of all let me say I am Grateful to receive all messages such as these.

Second let me assure Readers that I have not been “turned” to the dark or any side.

I said in the final chapter of my book, Our Ultimate Reality, Life, The Universe and Destiny of Mankind, and have said in many Newsletters:

I know what I write is True, because I know the Source of that which I share in this Newsletter, in the book, on the website etc.

However, never accept anything I say as a fact simply because I wrote it. Always listen to your own Heart and Inner Guidance, and only allow that which you Feel is True and of Value on your own Spiritual Path.

Now let us analyse this emotion called “fear” more closely.

What is “fear”.

Fear is an emotional response invoked by an Experience that we do not understand.

Fear, along with uncertainty and doubt is one of the most powerful weapons that the “global elite” who would wish to control Humanity and the World have in their emotional arsenal against Humanity.

This “fear weapon” is invoked in numerous ways, for example through the control of money and debt, and the conditions of its distribution for basic survival needs.

Another very major and pervasive deployment of fear is through the medium of religions, who portray a vengeful, jealous, capricious “God”, whose “wrath” you will surely incur if you do not obey the rules set out by God’s ambassadors -- the church.

The RC religion for example currently emotionally controls over 1 billion people through fear and guilt. The fear is of being “sent to burn in damnation and brimstone for all eternity”. Guilt is invoked through for example the “seven deadly sins” which, should you fall foul of, requires you to “attend confessional” and pay a “penance”.

Another, much more insidious application of control through fear created in the last couple of decades, particularly in and by the USA, is the so called “war on terror”, which seeks to make people feel fearful and insecure so that the “controllers” can exert all manner of onerous, oppressive and invasive controls over the people.

For example, after “9/11″, aside from invading Afghanistan for selfish reasons, the USA enacted the “Homeland Security Act” as well as many other controls, some by “executive order”, all designed to exert increasing control over their own people.

The “war against terror” is totally and utterly fictitious, but is designed to control the people, and to justify further strategic imperial invasions of countries for reasons that have nothing whatsoever to do with “terrorists” or “humanitarianism”, and everything to do with regime changes to control countries for military and natural resources.

Also keep in Mind that the “global elite” who would seek to control the World are practicing “satanists” who feed off and draw power from the fear emotion. The more fear they can invoke in as many people as possible, the stronger they become. To put it another way, these people are “vampires” who feed voraciously on fear.

Now we must, if we are to progress, rise beyond not only these false contrivances, but also, most crucially, It Is Absolutely Crucial to Transcend Fear Itself.

Let me assure you Dear Reader that it is virtually impossible to progress Spiritually if fear can be invoked within us. Spiritual Evolution knows no fear.

Fear is not only of a very low Vibratory Frequency, thus pulling down overall Vibratory Frequency -- a major strategic objective of the “global elite” -- fear also implies Spiritual “imbalances” or “disconnects” that can sequester that Crucial Inner Connection and Oneness with Higher Self and With Source.

Why is this?

Well the reason is profound yet beautifully simple.

Every Single Human Being, and All Life, Is Divine, Infinite and Eternal Expression of Source, Fully Inclusive of The Infinite Power of Source, the same Divine, Infinite, Eternal Power that Created the Universe and All That Is.

Each of Us Has The Universe Of All That Is Within Us, As Us.

Do you believe that Source, God, is capable of fear?

Of course not.

Everything that people are fearful of is already part of us, so to be fearful of anything at all is no different to being frightened at the sight of our own shadow. We are the very Experience that we would be fearful of. Are you “scared” of your-Self?

Let me then state this emphatically:

No-thing Can Possibly Harm You Except To The Extent You Believe It Can
One of the most Crucial and Glorious Truths and Meaning Of Life, Is To Return To Our Source Through The Realisation And Expression Of Source. When We, During The Path Of Evolution Become Source Through Our Own Spiritual Experience, Then We Become Source Absolutely And Reunite With Source.

Now of course Earth is but the first step on the ladder, but nevertheless and extremely crucial one, because, just like the child in the sandbox of kindergarten who must learn to control his or her newfound abilities before being “let loose” in the outside World, so too must humans before being let loose in the Glorious and Harmonious Spheres beyond the Earth playground.

Now, as I mentioned previously, we are not only our physical body. We are Body, Mind and Spirit -- Consciousness -- and we cannot, if we wish to progress, selectively neglect any one aspect of our Triune Being, otherwise would be Spiritually unbalanced, and dis-harmony must surely follow -- it is absolutely inevitable.

As Above, So Below, As Within, So Without, said Master Hermes Trismegistus.

If we harbour any Inner turmoil or instability, or react emotionally to that which we see or hear, then those thoughts, feelings and emotion must be reflected and Expressed in to your physical Experience.

Conversely -- if we stand strong and tall, in Full Realisation of Who We Are, Living In the Moment, Pure of Mind, a Mind Like A Polished Mirror, With No Thought, Simply Observing And Allowing All That We See and Hear To Enter And Leave Our Consciousness As A Leaf Drifting By In The Wind, Then We Are “Invincible”. No-Thing Can “Harm” Us, All Things Are Possible.

Ask Yourself This:

Can you stand in the middle of a battlefield, bullets, bombs and missiles flying all around you, without thoughts, feelings or emotions, and In Joy For Who You Are, Knowing That No-Thing That Is Part Of You Can Ever Harm You?

If so -- excellent. If not, ask yourself why.

Ask yourself -- “what is it within me that makes me feel uncomfortable or fearful?”

It matters not what news I bring to you of the “World”, or the TV news, or what you read on the Internet -- it is all part of the Human Experience which collectively is forging the Human Mind and Spirit in preparation for the Great Transition Which All Humanity is Quickening towards Right Now.

I will conclude this subject then with three most Wise and Enlightened quotations from Morihei Ueshiba, who invented “Aikido”.

Aikido is a “Martial Art” and like most Martial Arts is not intended to be about forging a Human Being to be a “deadly weapon” but is rather about forging a Human Being Spiritually and Mentally so that mere weapons become unnecessary and irrelevant.

So Aikido is first and foremost a path of Spiritual and Mind Development, but which also teaches that the best form of defence is no defence, because if you respond to an attack upon your person with force and aggression, the opponent will take the Energy of that force and aggression Energy and turn it against you.

However, just as darkness cannot make a Light room darker, but the Light can make a dark room Lighter, Inner Peace Always Prevails Over Aggression, But Aggression Can Never Prevail Over Inner Peace.

It will be clear therefore that total control over Inner Thoughts, Feelings and Emotions is absolutely central to this, and most other Martial Art Disciplines.

Aikido also teaches that no matter how aggressive or intimidating the “opponent” is, the best and only True Form of Defence is Peace.

Here now are three quotations from Morihei Ueshiba:

Each Day Of A Human Life Contains Joy And Anger, Pain And Pleasure, Darkness And Light, Growth And Decay. Each Moment Is Etched With Nature’s Grand Design -- Do Not Try To Deny Or Oppose The Cosmic Order Of Things.

Do Not Look Upon This World With Fear And Loathing. Bravely Face Whatever The Gods Offer.
Life Itself Is Always A Trial. In Training You Must Test And Polish Yourself In Order To Face The Great Challenges Of Life. Transcend The Realm Of Life And Death, And Then You Will Be Able To Make Your Way Calmly And Safely Through Any Crisis That Confronts You.

These are Wise Words from a Great and Spiritual Person, and I would agree wholeheartedly with everything he said in these quotations.

I would like to also note that the Occupy Wall Street Movement is a Living Expression of these Principles, day after day, week after week, month after month.

They Live in Peace, Harmony and Service, Even In The Face Of Excessive, Unjustified and Provocative Force By The Police. This is how It Should Be. (see video below)
This Dear Reader Is The Power Rising Inexorably Around the World Today, And It is The Power Of Peace, Love And Transformation of Consciousness.

Our Collective Moment is Now.


If you wish to receive Adrian’s free newsletter every Sunday, please do join him by adding your name and email address to the form at the top of every page on his Website:

(I’ve been a subscriber to his weekly newsletter for years -- Highly recommended for spiritual truth seekers -- Iain)

Please watch this extremely powerful video that highlights the hypocrisy of ‘the controllers’ …and the courage and determination of the people who stand for us -- the people (…and thank you Adrian for the link)

I AM NOT MOVING -- Short Film -- Occupy Wall Street

…would love to hear your views on the issues raised in this article and video…
I AM NOT MOVING - Short Film - Occupy Wall Street

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Twinkling star cupcakes

Prep time: 1 hr, plus 2 hrs drying
Cook time: 20 min
Serves: 12

Pastel pink and green icing and sparkling, glittery stars, make Angela Nilsen's pretty cakes perfect to serve at parties


For the decorations

• 250 g ready-to-roll whiteicing
• claret and mint green edible pastefood colouring
• small silvercoloured dragees
• edible glitter, such as Disco white hologram by Edable Art

For the cupcakes

• 115 g softenedbutter, cubed
• 115 g goldencaster sugar
• 2 large eggs
• 125 g self-raising flour
• 25 g groundalmonds
• ½ tsp almond extract

For the icing

• 250 g fondanticing sugar
• claret and mint green edible pastefood colouring


1.For the decorations: slice off a quarter of the ready-to-roll icing (wrap the rest to prevent it drying out) then colour one half of it pastel pink and one half pastel green. Wrap both colours in cling film.

2. On a work surface lightly sprinkled with icing sugar, roll out the reserved white icing. Cut out 12 white stars using an 8cm diameter star cutter. (You will need to re-roll the trimmings.) Place a 3.5-4cm star cutter in the centre of one star and cut out a smaller star, so you have a large cut-out star and a smaller star. Repeat to give 12 cut-out and 12 smaller white stars. Keep re-rolling the trimmings to give you enough white stars.

3. Press a few silver dragees into the smallest white stars and lay all the stars on a large board lined with baking parchment.

4. Using a 5-5.5cm star cutter, roll out the pink and green icings and cut out 6 stars from each colour. Lay them by the white stars, brush each one with a little edible glitter, then leave them all to dry and firm up, about 1½-2 hrs.

For the cupcakes: preheat the oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4 and line a 12-hole bun tin with silver paper cases.

6. Tip the butter, sugar, eggs and flour into a large bowl and beat together with an electric hand mixer for 1½-2 minutes until the mixture is light and well mixed. Using a large metal spoon, lightly fold in the ground almonds and almond extract.

7. Divide the mixture between the paper cases and bake for 20 minutes until risen. Leave in the tin for a couple of minutes, then lift the cakes onto a wire rack and leave until cold.

8. For the icing: stir about 2 tablespoons water into the fondant icing sugar to give a smooth, thickish icing. Remove half to a second bowl and colour one batch pastel pink and the other pastel green, using the edible food colourings. Spoon the icings over the cooled cakes so that the tops are almost covered and leave to set for a few minutes.

9. Arrange one large white star, one medium coloured star (using pink stars on the green iced cakes, and green stars on the pink iced ones) then one small white star on top of each cupcake, securing with a little of the fondant icing if necessary.

Death by chocolate cupcake
By: Lisa Harris

Prep time: 20 min
Cook time: 20 min
Serves: makes 12

Chunky chocolate chip sponge, a swirl of decadent frosting and a topping made from all your favourite chocolate bars – can you handle Lisa Harris’s Death by Chocolate cupcake?


For the sponge

• 100 g self-raising flour, sifted
• 145 g goldencaster sugar
• 40 g butter, at room temperature
• 20 g cocoa powder
• 120 ml wholemilk
• 1 largeegg
• 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
• 1 tsp instant coffee, dissolved in 1tsp hot water
• 100 g 70% cocoadark chocolate, cut into chunks

For the frosting

• 225 g butter
• 350 g icing sugar, sifted
• 50 g cocoa powder
• 1 tbsp wholemilk

To decorate

• Assortedchocolate bars, cut into small pieces (such as Mars bars, twix, flake, maltesers, chocolate buttons…)


1. For the sponge: preheat the oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4 and line a 12-hole tin with cupcake paper cases. Tip the flour, sugar, butter and cocoa powder into a food processor and blitz on a slow speed for one minute, until you achieve a sandy consistency.

2. Gradually pour in half of the milk and beat until just incorporated. Don’t worry if it looks a little messy at this stage – it will come together! In a separate bowl, whisk the remaining milk together with the egg, vanilla essence and coffee. Pour into the batter and beat for a couple of minutes until smooth, scraping down the side of the bowl to catch any unmixed ingredients as you go. Fold through the chocolate chunks with a spoon.

3. Divide the mixture between the 12 paper cases, filling each one up two-thirds full. Bake in the preheated oven for 20 minutes or until the sponge bounces back when prodded with a finger. Leave to cool on a wire rack while you make the frosting.

4. For the frosting: Tip the butter, icing sugar and cocoa powder into a food processor and beat until well combined. Add the milk and then beat again for a couple of minutes until light and fluffy.

5. When the sponges have cooled completely, carefully spoon a third of the frosting into a piping bag and use it to decorate the first four cupcakes. Repeat until you have finished them all. Alternatively, just use a palette knife to spread about 2 tbsp of frosting onto each cupcake.

6. Decorate as you like with different chocolate bar pieces.

Cooks Tips...

Leftover frosting? Try sandwiching two digestive biscuits together with a dollop for a quick pudding.

Don't worry if your cupcake comes out of the oven looking a little flat - it's supposed to happen! A flat sponge is ideal when it comes to frosting the cupcake.

Christmas cupcakes

These beautiful and classy little cakes make lovely gifts, and kids will enjoy decorating them too

Makes 12

Preparation and cooking times

Prep 40 mins
Cook 45 mins
Can be frozen un-iced


• 200g dark muscovado sugar
• 175g butter , chopped
• 700g luxury mixed dried fruits
• 50g glacé cherries
• 2 tsp grated fresh root ginger
• zest and juice 1 orange
• 100ml dark rum , brandy or orange juice
• 85g/3oz pecan nuts, roughly chopped
• 3 large eggs , beaten
• 85g ground almonds
• 200g plain flour
• ½ tsp baking powder
• 1 tsp mixed spice
• 1 tsp cinnamon

• 400g pack ready-rolled marzipan (we used Dr Oetker)
• 4 tbsp warm apricot jam or shredless marmalade
• 500g pack fondant icing sugar
• icing sugar , for dusting

• 6 gold and 6 silver muffin cases
• 6 gold and 6 silver sugared almonds
• snowflake sprinkles

1. Tip the sugar, butter, dried fruit, whole cherries, ginger, orange zest and juice into a large pan. Pour over the rum, brandy or juice, then put on the heat and slowly bring to the boil, stirring frequently to melt the butter. Reduce the heat and bubble gently, uncovered for 10 mins, stirring every now and again to make sure the mixture doesn't catch on the bottom of the pan. Set aside for 30 mins to cool.

2. Stir the nuts, eggs and ground almonds into the fruit, then sift in the flour, baking powder and spices. Stir everything together gently but thoroughly. Your batter is ready.

3. Heat oven to 150C/130C fan/gas 2. Scoop the cake mix into 12 deep muffin cases (an ice-cream scoop works well), then level tops with a spoon dipped in hot water. Bake for 35-45 mins until golden and just firm to touch. A skewer inserted should come out clean. Cool on a wire rack.

4. Unravel the marzipan onto a work surface lightly dusted with icing sugar. Stamp out 12 rounds, 6cm across. Brush the cake tops with apricot jam, top with a marzipan round and press down lightly.

5. Make up the fondant icing to a spreading consistency, then swirl on top of each cupcake. Decorate with sugared almonds and snowflakes, then leave to set. Will keep in a tin for 3 weeks.

833 kcalories, protein 9g, carbohydrate 139g, fat 29 g, saturated fat 9g, fibre 3g, sugar 125g, salt 0.44 g

Recipe from Good Food magazine, December 2009.

Christmas Tree Cup Cakes

Makes 12


1 quantity buttermilk sponge mixture

For the decoration

• 1 quantity meringue buttercream
• Green food colouring paste
• Edible green glitter
• Coloured sugar balls
• Gold and silver sugar stars


• 1–2 muffin tins, lined with 12 brown paper cupcake cases
• Large piping bag, fitted with a medium star-shaped nozzle


1. Preheat the oven to 180°C/gas mark 4. Divide the sponge mixture between the cupcake cases, filling them two-thirds full.

2. Bake on the middle shelf of the preheated oven for about 20 minutes, or until golden, well risen and a skewer inserted into the middle of the cakes comes out clean. Remove from the oven and leave to cool in the tin for 5 minutes before transferring to a wire rack to cool completely.

3. Put three-quarters of the buttercream in a bowl and tint it green using the food colouring paste. Leave the rest untinted and spread some of this over the top of each cold cupcake.

4. Fill the piping bag with the green frosting and, working from the centre, pipe pointed branch shapes towards the edges of the cupcake. Keep doing this, turning the cupcake as you go, until you have the bottom of a tree. Repeat with the next layer up, making the branches shorter. Carry on with more layers, making the branches ever shorter as you get to the top of the tree.

5. Dust with green glitter and decorate with coloured sugar balls. Top with a gold or silver star.

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A musical celebration of the concept of Time, by scienceandnonduality., produced by Symphony of Science."Our Place in the Cosmos", the third video from the Symphony of Science, was crafted using samples from Carl Sagan's Cosmos, Richard Dawkins' Genius of Charles Darwin series, Dawkins' TED Talk, Stephen Hawking's Universe series, Michio Kaku's interview on Physics and aliens, plus added visuals from Baraka, Koyaanisqatsi, History Channel's Universe series, and IMAX Cosmic Voyage.The themes present in this song are intended to explore our understanding of our origins within the universe, and to challenge the commonplace notion that humans have a superior or privleged position, both on our home planet and in the universe itself.RIP Dr. Sagan and Dr. Jastrow!Symphony of Science - 'Our Place in the Cosmos' (ft. Sagan, Dawkins, Kaku, Jastrow) A musical investigation into the nature of atoms and subatomic particles, the jiggly things that make up everything we see. Featuring Morgan Freeman, Stephen Hawking, Michio Kaku, Brian Cox, Richard Feynman, and Frank Close."The Quantum World" is the eleventh installment in the ongoing Symphony of Science music video series. Materials used in the creation of this video are from: for downloads & more videos!Symphony of Science - the Quantum World! have also produced other videos like Symphony of Science – “Children of Africa” (The Story of Us): “A musical celebration of humanity, its origins, and achievements, contrasted with a somber look at our environmentally destructive tendencies and deep similarities with other primates.” A musical celebration of humanity, its origins, and achievements, contrasted with a somber look at our environmentally destructive tendencies and deep similarities with other primates. Featuring Jacob Bronowski, Alice Roberts, Carolyn Porco, Jane Goodall, Robert Sapolsky, Neil deGrasse Tyson and David Attenborough."Children of Africa" is the tenth installment in the ongoing Symphony of Science music video series. Materials used in the creation of this video are from:BBC Incredible Human JourneyBBC Ascent of ManBBC Life of MammalsBBC Human PlanetBBC Walking With CavemenCarolyn Porco: HollywoodQuest for FireHubblecast 29AWhat Makes Us Human (Leakey Foundation)What Separates Us from Chimps (Sapolsky)ChimpanzeeNeil Tyson - Human IntelligenceGemini Observatory Time-lapsemp3: http://symphonyofscience.comSymphony of Science - "Children of Africa" (The Story of Us) musical celebration of the concept of Time. Symphony of Time available at"We Are All Connected" was made from sampling Carl Sagan's Cosmos, The History Channel's Universe series, Richard Feynman's 1983 interviews, Neil deGrasse Tyson's cosmic sermon, and Bill Nye's Eyes of Nye Series, plus added visuals from The Elegant Universe (NOVA), Stephen Hawking's Universe, Cosmos, the Powers of 10, and more. It is a tribute to great minds of science, intended to spread scientific knowledge and philosophy through the medium of music.Check out "A Glorious Dawn" by Carl Sagan, another Symphony of Science project! of Science - 'We Are All Connected' (ft. Sagan, Feynman, deGrasse Tyson & Bill Nye)
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Posted by Georgeta MunteanuAttracting ProsperityWorking with magic we have to learn to tap into the natural resources that reside within each of us, the planet is humming with energy, and there is no need for any man, woman or child to live an impoverished life, I believe that as individuals we can change our circumstances at any interval, changing one's circumstance is as easy as changing one's mind, flip the switch, and the light goes on, flip it again and the light goes off, so it goes without saying, that if you really open your eyes and take a look around, you will see the enormous potential to live a life enriched with silver and gold.Prosperity flows to us through many different avenues, one may prosper emotionally in relationships, while another may prosper in material goods. It is up to each of us to decide how we will prosper in this lifetime, each of us must develop a plan of action and implement it, here is a very good example, you decide to open your energy up to the idea of becoming wealthy, or at least marginally increasing your wealth, you outline your plan by writing it down, when you put words down on paper you breathe life into them, the very words that I write here today are a living part of my energy, I am connected to the message, the content is born of my will and I am responsible for the energy that is omitted, the written and spoken word is very powerful, as you write or speak you thereby project your will unto the universe, the words are the catalyst and your will the magnet, as you do, so does your will, so, if you live life carefree, you will live a life that is a lot less stressful, but, if you live life always expecting the worse possible outcome, you will always manifest a mess for yourself to cleanup, and you will always be hindered, and you will never reach your golden potential.Getting back to what I was saying earlier, developing a plan is useless unless you really implement it, outlining your goals by putting words down on paper will get the energy flowing, but it is not enough to manifest the fortune of your desire, remember that every action has a reaction, if you do not act, there is nothing for the universe to react too, writing this article brings back the memory of a client that I met a few years back, he complained always of his inability to attract money, he had been stuck in a dead-end job for five years that paid barely above minimum wage, in the process of talking to him I asked him besides going to work what else are you doing to get a better job or to attract money? He replied nothing, I just don't feel lucky, and then I asked him why don't you feel lucky? And he replied because the few times that I bought a lottery ticket I gained nothing, I played the scratch offs a few times, and nothing happened.Well, here is what I had to say to him, you cannot seriously believe that the powers that be would just immediately hand you the winning ticket, and it is rare to be walking down the street and a sack full of money just falls from the sky and lands at your feet, I believe that each of us must pay our dues and build our luck, now, this doesn't mean spending every last dime to play the lottery, after all it only takes one ticket, but, that ticket is not going to find its way to someone with an I can't attitude, nor, is it going to grace you with its presence if you lack a plan. My client above will in no doubt die a broken man, and it is really sad when you think about it, he spends all his energy feeling sorry for himself, clinging to desperation, when what he should be doing is searching for and embracing the solution, I think this happens with a lot of people, instead of searching for the fix, they spend all their time feeling badly because aspects of their lives are broken, and focusing on the broken aspects of our lives are not the answer, instead acknowledge the aspects that need to be fixed, and then spend that valuable energy in finding ways to attract the solution to yourself, like attracts like, what is broken, will crumble and fallout from beneath you like a bad foundation that a million dollar mansion was built on, but, repairing that foundation will only prove to make things better and your positive energy stronger, be strong in mind and pure in heart, for a strong mind and a pure heart makes for one hell of a strong magnet pulling and pulling your desires into manifestation!There are steps that we must take to get our prosperity energy flowing, first we must realize that winning the lottery is possible, hitting the jackpot at the casino is possible, snagging a jackpot at bingo is possible, experiencing a life changing event is possible, in fact all the above scenarios are possible, we are only limited by our own attitudes, and this is in all aspects of our lives and not just where prosperity is concerned, but, we can prosper in all areas, emotionally, we can attract a wealth of love, mentally, we can attract a wealth of knowledge, which by the way can lead to winning big in life, physically, we can attract a wealth of hot sex, great health, and a fabulous body, money is also a material manifestation, but, before we can manifest anything we have to first decide what we want, need and desire, and then we have to implement a way of materializing it, desire is fine, desire is simply not enough, desire it, energize it, live it, breathe it, sleep with it, become one with it, close your eyes and look inwardly with your minds eye, can you see it? Oh, come on now, your not blind, and even if you were sightless, your inner eye is never blinded, your inner voice is never silent, except when you ask it to be, you are already wealthy, look within and unlock the knowledge, and once you unlock that vault pull those tools from their crypt and use them!I know that most of my clients are gamblers, people who dabble in magic are notorious for playing their games of chance, but, just because you play the lottery doesn't mean that you will win, and even if you win, how long do you think that money will last, without a plan? I am currently working with a client who has some very specific and realistic goals, when she asked me to work with her on her prosperity I told her that I needed a list of goals, I instructed her to tell me what she would do with the money that she wins from playing the lottery, and the first list that she provided me lacked luster, so, I rejected it, and I ask her to rewrite her list and send it to me again, and so she did, now for her privacy I am going to call her Marie.Marie has incurred about 30 thousand dollars in credit card debt, all her accounts have been closed and she has a repossession against her and her house was foreclosed on, the great thing about Marie is that instead of focusing on all the debt that she absolutely could not even start to make a dent in, she acknowledged that she owes the money and she pledged to the universe her intent to repay her creditors, she devised a plan in which she will play the lottery, other games of chance, such as the slots, scratch offs and to keep herself afloat she has taken a second job, all which are very positive things, now, I do not go around advocating that anyone should play games of chance, that is a personal decision, but, I will say this, if you are going to gamble, approach the game with an open mind and a winning attitude and do not use the money that you would otherwise pay your bills with, remember that it only takes one ticket to win, a dollar investment could change your life forever, now, back to Marie.The second list that Marie submitted to me was exactly what I was looking for, and I could tell that she had really given some thought to her desires and that she had not simply submitted a random list of I wants to me, for her list contained emotion, her list contained motion, motion is the act of doing, emotion is the need, the words that she wrote sizzled on the screen, and her list was nothing more than any red blooded being could expect or want out of life. The first thing that she outlined was her commitment to payoff her creditors, secondly she wanted a new car, nothing fancy, as long as it was new and paid for and finally she wanted to purchase a condo for herself and pay cash for it so that she would always have a place to call home, Marie is single, no kids and she has never been married, she was the only child whose parents died when she was young, the last thing that she wrote to me was her desire to leave her money, car, belongings and condo to someone less fortunate on her passing, a selfless act of love and kindness, and I am sure that she scored a few very positive karmic points with the Gods, now, Marie is still a young and vibrant woman, fortyish or so, so I expect that unless there is a plan that I am unaware of she will be around for a very longtime to come.The only thing that I disagreed with Marie on was the fact that she limited herself by capping the amount of her winnings, for she estimated that she would need about 250 thousand dollars, and of course, the man would get his share and she would have whatever is left after the greed of bureaucracy violated her winnings. Like I told Marie it is okay to have an estimate in mind for what you expect to pay for your items at large, but, Marie limited the flow of prosperity by naming a certain number, and like I told her why settle for 250 thousand dollars, when the universe may try to gift you with millions and millions, to date Marie and I have worked together for about a year, and while she has yet to win the big jackpot, she has laid claim to some sizable pools of money, she has already paid off her credit card debt, and since I explained to her that when we use credit cards that we are actually borrowing from our future prosperity energy, she has made the decision to snip and clip the cards, life is better lived in the now, and if we pay our way today the cost of living only gets better!Marie defined her need, she then devised a plan of action, she carried out her plan by playing her chosen games of chance, and she followed through by paying off her debt to her creditors, in fact she has become so good at drawing prosperity to herself that she was able to give up her second job about three months after she and I started working together, the universe will rarely bless those individuals who create negative karma for themselves by incurring bad debt and then asking for success and luck all the while ignoring the fact that they owe money to those individuals or institutions that entrusted them to live up to their obligations and to pay their debts, Marie and I have worked on many magical endeavors together, it took a great deal of cleansing and a good bit of spell casting to create a positive flow of energy for her, but, spell casting and energy cleansing alone would not have worked, it was the entire combination of energy that was put forth that allowed for her financial return.Marie has not limited herself to playing the lottery alone, she lives in Alabama and she visits a casino that is about 20 minutes from her home, there she bets on the dogs, which as a dog lover I am really not for, but, hey to each their own, she plays bingo there and she plays a variety of slot machines, she sets aside a hundred dollars a week to gamble on, and in the process she has managed to create a way in which a second income flows through to her, being the nosey witch that I am I asked Marie about how much she averages during a weekend, she said that it varies, but usually somewhere between 600 hundred and a 1000 dollars, not too shabby for a woman who was one paycheck away from being homeless, but, nothing and I mean absolutely nothing would have worked out for Marie if she had continued approaching her life with an, I can't attitude! I am very happy that Marie has managed to create a second income for herself, she is finally doing something that she loves and it shows, you may as well say that Marie has developed a part-time weekend business for herself, and from what she told me in our last conversation she plans to take it fulltime very soon, and with that she has my blessing!There are many different ways that one can manifest prosperity, starting a business, working hard at a job that offers a potential of a greater return on down the line, but, whatever road we choose to travel we have to keep moving, and we cannot allow ourselves to become discouraged, I am a firm believer that what we project is what we attract, if we develop our minds and we discipline ourselves to live life as we desire, the life that we desire will embrace us, the life that we desire will flow forth from the land of ideas where our dreams reside and manifest into our physical realities, there is no harm in dreaming, providing that our dreams are realistic and that we avoid the bubble of pipe dreams and that we are willing to work hard to bring that in which we dream of into reality!Dream big and live large, for a life that is lived to the fullest, is a life lived well!Prosperity And Abundance!Blessed bethe author: Phelan
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How to Meditate For A healthy Mind And Body by Frank Iamin

Learning how to meditate is the same practice among many various cultures and religions. This stays true in every aspect of practicing meditation, from learning how to breathe properly, proper posture, when to meditate, picking the correct environment, planning your meditation and understanding our thoughts and emotions.

When you are just learning how to meditate don't worry too much about every little thing. Before you can begin to unwrap the many years of programming you will have to create within yourself a great desire and sense of urgency to want to change. It is necessary that you learn how to meditate the right way to get the most from your meditation experience.

Pick Your Environment

Find a room that is quiet and free from distractions and noise. Find a comfortable area that gives you a feeling of peace and serenity. The room you choose will begin to absorb the energy you create during your meditations so if at first you don't have a perfect spot don't fret you will be programming the spot you choose. This will help you to reach a deeper state of meditation in a shorter amount of time as you continue to program your meditation area

When Should You Meditate

It's a good idea to pick a consistent time each day to meditate. A good time to meditate would be in the morning before you've been bombarded with the stresses and demands of your day. Our daily responsibilities put us under a lot of stress and the demands make it harder for us to have a good meditation when we try to meditate and relax. Be consistent with your daily morning ritual and you will notice that your day will unfold in a much different joyful pattern.

A Meditation Plan

You must choose your meditation plan when you are just beginning. You must be in the right frame of mind to have a productive meditation. Don't meditate as soon as you get home from a long day because you will wind up spending too much time trying to relax your mind and body. A good idea would be to take a short walk to decompress from the demands of your day.

If you are tired than maybe you can take a cool shower or even an energizing fresh fruit drink. It is very important to approach your meditations with the best mindset and will help you get the most out of your meditations.

Best Position

There are many different positions you can use when you are meditating but when you are just learning how to meditate it is best if you were in a seated position. Sit on the floor on a cushion or in a chair that has a straight back. Picture the energy travelling from the ground through your body and out through your head. Envision an invisible string attached to your head, which is pulling your body upright. This will give the energy a free flowing channel to travel through.

Gently place your hands on your lap with your fingers relaxed and spread apart slightly. Tuck you chin down and begin to relax you jaw and your tongue. With your mouth open slightly put your tongue against the roof of your mouth. With half open eyes look out and relax your vision by seeing but not really focusing on anything.

Focus you awareness and picture yourself in a trance-like state. Do the same thing with any sounds you hear, you notice the sounds but you don't give them any importance. They become a background symphony for the experience of the meditation, having no more importance than the background noises we hear and ignore all day long.

The Breath

When you begin to learn how to meditate you will notice that your mind is jumping rapidly from thought to thought as our minds struggle to gain control once more. You must learn to let go of these thoughts and focus your attention on your breath. To stay focused on your meditation it is a good idea to count your breaths. As you breathe deep into your belly and then breathe out consider this a count of one. Begin by counting a series of 15 to 20 breaths, this will be long enough to help you to quiet your monkey mind.

Experience the Benefits Of Meditation.

You're starting to find that place inside yourself where you are in control and your thoughts and are guided by your intentions. That place within where the mind is no longer the master of your destiny and controller of your fate. You are beginning to relax and experience what it means to be in a basic state of goodness and joy, a boundless place of deep understanding and serenity.

A level of multi-dimensional consciousness that shows you once and for all that you are more than what you see on the surface. All your former illusions of self are now breaking down and you are on a journey to discover the truly divine being you are.

Become all that you were meant to be by learning how to meditate and let go of the self defeating beliefs you have built up over the years. Use these meditation techniques everyday for the best possible results.

After meditating for many years I can tell you that the benefits of meditation can't be denied. It is my opinion and the opinion of many studies that we all will live a longer stress free life if we just learn how to meditate . Start meditating today using the above meditation techniques . It may save your life......

Article Source: How to Meditate For A healthy Mind And Body

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Just In Time - Posted by Carol Anne Paradis

"I would like to share a message I saw the other day with you called Just In Time.

Novelist Vicki Baum once said, "You don't get ulcers from what you
eat. You get them from what's eating you." And what's eating us much
of the time is worry. It eats us from the inside out.

I wish I could always be like former baseball player Mickey Rivers.
He philosophized, "Ain't no sense worrying about things you got
control over, because if you got control over them, ain't no sense
worrying. And there ain't no sense worrying about things you got no
control over either, because if you got no control them, ain't no
sense worrying."

Maybe that makes sense, I'm just not sure. But even if it does, I'll
likely wind up worried anyway. Which is why I like this story
related by inspirational Dutch author and holocaust survivor Corrie
ten Boom.

Corrie learned a powerful lesson as a little girl. Having
encountered the lifeless body of a baby, she realized that people
she loved would someday die, too. She thought about the fact that
her father and mother and sister Betsie could quite possibly pass on
before she does. The thought frightened and worried her.

One night her father came in to tuck her into bed. Corrie burst into
tears and sobbed, "I need you. You can't die. You can't!"

Her father sat on the edge of the narrow bed and spoke tenderly to
his daughter. "Corrie," he said gently, "when you and I go to
Amsterdam, when do I give you your ticket?"

She sniffed a few times and considered the question. "Why, just
before I get on the train," she answered.

"Exactly," he continued. Then he gave her assurance that was to last
a lifetime. "When the time comes that some of us have to die, you
will look into your heart and find the strength you need - just in

Some years later Corrie and her family, arrested for sheltering Jews
and members of the Dutch resistance, were sent to Nazi concentration
camps. She, indeed, experienced the deaths of her parents and
sister, as well as numerous friends. She endured hardships that she
could never have imagined as a young child. But the words of her
father stayed with her and proved to be true. "You will look into
your heart and find the strength you need - just in time." She
always did. Regardless of the suffering or hardship she encountered,
when she looked inside her heart she found the strength she needed -
just in time.

If you worry and fret, or if you feel anxious about your future, you
may find Corrie's experience helpful. And if that thing you dread
should ever arrive, then you need only look inside your heart. The
strength you need can be found there - just in time.

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"Dante Gabriel Rossetti, the famous 19th-century poet and artist - Posted by Carol Anne Paradis"Dante Gabriel Rossetti, the famous 19th-century poet and artist, was once approached by an elderly man. The old fellow had some sketches and drawings that he wanted Rossetti to look at and tell him if they were any good, or if they at least showed potential talent.Rossetti looked them over carefully. After the first few, he knew that they were worthless, showing not the least sign of artistic talent. But Rossetti was a kind man, and he told the elderly man as gently as possible that the pictures were without much value and showed little talent. He was sorry, but he could not lie to the man.The visitor was disappointed, but seemed to expect Rossetti’s judgment. He then apologized for taking up Rossetti?s time, but would he just look at a few more drawings – these done by a young art student?Rossetti looked over the second batch of sketches and immediately became enthusiastic over the talent they revealed. “These,” he said, “oh, these are good. This young student has great talent. He should be given every help and encouragement in his career as an artist. He has a great future if he will work hard and stick to it.”Rossetti could see that the old fellow was deeply moved. “Who is this fine young artist?” he asked. “Your son?”“No,” said the old man sadly. “It is me – 40 years ago. If only I had heard your praise then! For you see, I got discouraged and gave up – too soon.”Inspirational Video - The Don't Quit Poem
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It's always a great idea to keep the front lawn looking tidy - Posted by Carol Anne ParadisIt's always a great idea to keep the front lawn looking tidy and to repair any problems. With this thought in mind, we had delivered a dump truck full of topsoil in order to fill in two large holes created when two old tree stumps were removed.The big, big mound of earth sat there dumped 200 feet away from these holes waiting for me to begin the process. What had started out as a great idea soon soured when I realized that this big, big mound of earth was not going to move itself and seemed overwhelming. All I could see, as I stood beside it with my shovel and wheelbarrow, was a dump truck full of topsoil; a mound of earth that looked more like a mini-mountain than a pile of earth that would be a simple Saturday afternoon chore. Oh my goodness, why did I ever think that this hole filling, lawn repair project, was something I would be able to tackle?After staring at this pile of topsoil for ten minutes wondering whether I should hire someone to do what I just couldn't see myself doing, an old Chinese proverb came to mind, "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." The translation of this proverb to the task at hand immediately became obvious. I needed to take one shovel at a time until a wheelbarrow was full, and then keep filling one wheelbarrow at a time and dumping it until one hole was full then simply repeating the process until both holes were finished.You see, what I had to remind myself was that what might at first appear as an overwhelming task, or something I couldn't see myself doing, would be resolved by simply taking one step at a time, or one action at a time, over and over again.Projects, problems, or one's own need to learn a new job or career skill has the same application. Every difficult goal that, at first, may be viewed as an insurmountable obstacle can be resolved when you implement a strategy that requires only one-step at a time. Each action taken moves you forward, continuous progress is seen, and the final goal is closer and closer until it is accomplished."
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