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Heavenletters #3850 Make a Friend, June 10, 2011
Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.

HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:

* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *

God is always bringing us closer to Him.

HEAVEN #3850 Make a Friend, June 10, 2011

God said:
If you came across people with leprosy frequently, you might say to yourself: “What have I done to attract this?” You might take it personally, hold yourself accountable, karma and so forth, or you might not hold yourself accountable at all but be mightily annoyed that people with leprosy seem to gravitate to you. You see it that you are being given a hard time.

So now, here’s the difference between you and the Great One who helped to heal. He said nor thought any of the above. His thought was: “What can I do to be of service?”

He wasn’t thinking of himself. That meant he didn’t wonder how he might have brought people with this illness to himself nor did he find fault with them for having a disease that made them outcasts in the common world they lived in, nor did he resent them for choosing to come to him. His immediate thought was to be of service to his Heavenly Father through the needs of those before him. He served, and yet he did not take others’ difficulties to himself.

I use the above by way of example.

Now, let Us say that you suffer ill-will too many times from others. Others seem to be offended by you, and a sure result might be that you offend them back. It is like you are innocent and yet you find yourself in the same pickle time after time. The incidents you may come across can be compared to the appearance of people with leprosy. Your common response might me: “How come there are so many people who take offense at me? They shouldn’t behave this way to me. It’s always like this. This isn’t right. What is the matter with these people?”

You may see that somehow the world mistreats you. You recriminate the others for their lack of consideration to you.

There are others who see themselves responsible for the recurrence of situations, and, yet, they are still as helpless as the ones who cannot come to grips with the idea that they somehow contribute to the drama repeated in their lives again and again. These children of Mine may hold themselves guilty of doing something wrong, even when they don’t know what, and even may be an innocent bystander.

In one scenario, one person takes no responsibility, and in the other scenario, one dwells in guilt about it. In both cases, attention goes on themselves.

Better to get away from these scenarios and ask yourself the questions now: “What do I do? How do I respond to this? How can I repair the experience for the benefit of all?”

Let Us say that someone accuses you of being rude to him or unkind in some way, and you see this as an assault on you. Your reaction is anger. You are going to have nothing to do with this person in the future. That did it. He or she wronged you, and that’s the end of your exchange with that person.

That’s the end of that person in your life. You’re finished.

And so you punish the other person, and, in the process, you punish yourself.

In kindness and generosity, you could say to the person who was offended and who, in the process, offended you: “I’m so sorry. I had no idea. I was unaware. I would never want to offend you. I will be more careful in the future. I never want this to happen again.” How would it hurt you to say this?

Or would you rather be the angry victim?

We are talking about your being a true friend, not a happenstance one.

If, for good reason or no reason, you have alienated someone, don’t alienate them further. Make peace.

Better to make a friend than a foe. Better for all. Better for the world.

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Heavenletters #3853 Cheer the World , June 13, 2011
Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.

HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:

* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *

God is always bringing us closer to Him.

HEAVEN #3853 Cheer the World , June 13, 2011



God said:

The importance of your staying positive cannot be overestimated. It is incumbent upon you to set the sites of the world. Your thoughts produce the world.

Let Us say, for the moment, that you are a manufacturer of bottle caps. As the manufacturer of bottle caps, you know better than to say negative things about bottle caps. You wouldn’t say they aren’t made right. You wouldn’t say that the bottle caps you manufacture are foolish. You wouldn’t say, “Bottle caps. Tut tut.”

And, yet, about the world, you say, “Tut tut.” About the world, you give dire prognoses. About the world, sometimes you throw up your hands. About the world, you may say, “There will always be wars.” You may say, “History repeats itself.” And by your very statements, thought mentally or said aloud, you try to establish that what you say is true. So, when history repeats itself, you can say, “There, I told you so. I could see it. I knew it. I predicted it.” “And I won,” your mind says vacuously.

From now on, please shed light on the world. The world is of Our making, beloveds. It is Our baby. If you do not speak well of Our baby, who is going to?

The world is your infant. How you nourish an infant makes a difference. The world depends upon how you think of it and what you say about it. The world will change according to how you think about it.

There is the age-old topic of nature or nurture. The world which I gave birth to in love also depends upon nurture. The world depends upon your nurture.

Is it not well-known that how you think and speak of a houseplant makes a difference to its growth?

If you want your houseplant to be blooming, you bless it. If you neglect or badmouth your plant, it will wither. You can’t possibly think that the world is less affected than a houseplant you picked up at the super market.

There are truly good things you can say about the world, and you must say them. Say them, or be quiet. Either cheer the world, or be mute, but it is much better to cheer the world.

Without the world, you wouldn’t even have it to find fault with! The world is not be your scapegoat. The world is your opportunity. You have an influence on the state of the world. You cannot fling the world aside for the sake of your own declarations.

The world is a living breathing entity. It is well-meaning. It has no choice but to reflect you. Give it something wonderful to reflect. Be the world’s best cheerleader. Lead the world on to victory.

Consider the world your army, and so you give it its direction. Of course, the world can be an armed solider ready for war. Of course, the world can also be the loving Mother Earth it was designed to be. It is your call. You call the shots. Your thumbs up or your thumbs down make all the difference in the world. You are the designator of the world. You are the propagator of the world. You are the farmer who tills it. And you are the children who pick the fruit from its trees. Upon all of you, the world depends. It takes its cues from you. You are the mother of the world. You are its orchestra leader.

You are its champion. You support the world. Find that which to admire. And so you bolster the world. There is much in the world to love right now. Love it.

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Heavenletters #3857 The Bank of Love , June 17, 2011
Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.

HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:

* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *

God is always bringing us closer to Him.

HEAVEN #3857 The Bank of Love , June 17, 2011

God said:

The only thing you need in your life is more love.

You have more love to give, only you don’t really understand this, understand what this means.

You cannot manufacture love, yet you can give it. You can give it to yourself. It would be good for you to love yourself more. Love your Being more. Love your personality as well, and yet know that personality is a fleeting thing, often associated with ego. Concerning your True Being, there is no ego involved. As you love Me, you love your True Being.

Your True Being isn’t concerned with image. Image is concern with ego. Yet if you can love other people’s personalities, why not love your own?

You can keep your personality in place, and yet you can behold it with love.

What a singular thing to be a True Being housed secretly in the human aspects of your given name.

What a parade. What a charade.

Getting back to love, how do you give more even when your heart feels parched? How do you feel more love? Remember it. Remember love. Come back to love. When you feel more love, you will naturally breathe out more love. Is there a greater joy than love? I cannot think of one.

And every day you have occasion for love. Your love does not have to be humongous love. It can be simple toned-down love. It can be awareness of love. What does it feel like to love?

The passageways of your heart are cleared. You send out love without a big to-do. It is an easy-going thing to give out more love.

It is not that you psych yourself up to love. It is that you focus more on love than you focus on the matters you have been focusing on. Worries, for example.

Look, when you want to have more money, it’s unwise to focus on lack of money. When you want to radiate more love, it’s unwise to focus on perceived lack of love. The only thing you truly have to give is love. Acts of love may or may not be backed by the Bank of Love. Acts of love have their merit. An active flowing heart of love merits more. When it comes to love, it doesn’t matter how you box it and wrap it. It matters the love itself.

Love is energy, beloveds. Your True Nature is love. The love I filled your heart with cannot be overlooked forever. Instead of knuckling down to love, just idly paddle love as you would a canoe. If you are making your life a movie of love, you will not make an epic movie of love. It will be a low-key movie. It might even be a silent movie.

Let love be known to you. You do not have to profess love. Be present in love. Sink into the cushions of love. Lean back, recline, know that you are love and that you have love to give. You do want to give love, don’t you?

Give love from your heart. Be telepathic with love. Let your love go everywhere. Let the love in your heart emanate from there. Let love be your password to life. Let love be the path you walk on. Go arm and arm with love. Rather than profess love, allow your God-given love to be. You are not shooting your love out. There is no need for a barrage of love. There is just need for love to flow as naturally as you breathe.

Love is good. You are love. You are good. Love is the epitome of your life. Be a hot-cross bun of love. Be a provider of love on the corner. People will find you there. You don’t need a big sign. Casual encounters with love will do. Easy does it.

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Heavenletters #3860 To What Are You Beholden?, June 20, 2011
Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.

HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:

* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *

God is always bringing us closer to Him.

HEAVEN #3860 To What Are You Beholden?, June 20, 2011

God said:

To what are you beholden? Not to obligation. Obligation and responsibility are not the same thing. Joy is your responsibility. Love is your responsibility. Obligation doesn’t seem to carry joy. Obligation is a favor or an exchange. Obligation may be a bartering situation. Obligation is a loosely-written contract.

Such contracts often have repercussions. Obligation isn’t generous. As a matter of fact, obligation stints. Obligation is a miser and does not come from the heart. Obligation is a weight. Duty and obligation are not generous words, and, when enacted, they are not giving acts. Duty and obligation can be considered skinflints.

Responsibility and heart ride together. Duty and obligation are more like grimaces or gritted teeth. May you be spared from those who would serve you from a sense of obligation. Free yourself and others from obligation.

Obligation comes from outside you. It is like a rule you’ve heard. Responsibility comes from inside you, and is, therefore, timely. Responsibility is your decision. It is not imposed upon you. You accept it.

A mother comforts her baby. That is the mother’s joy. And so she gives joy to her baby. The mother may not like being awakened at night, but she wants to nurse her baby more than she wants to sleep.

She is responsible for her baby, and it is a responsibility that, by nature, she accepts. The mother blesses the baby, and the baby blesses the mother. It is not a trade. It is the will of both mother and baby.

Obligation is heavy-handed. Obligation may incur resentment. Obligation is simply not appreciated in the way that responsibility is. Obligation hangs heavily on your shoulders. Responsibility strengthens your shoulders. It makes you stand taller, straighter. Responsibility is not drudgery. Responsibility is an offering to the altar of life. It is not a formality. Obligation is a leech. Responsibility is an honor.

You may be a prisoner of obligation. Obligation is like being in a chain gang. There are fetters around your ankles.

Responsibility has no handcuffs. Responsibility is a free choice you make. You are responsible to yourself. Taking on responsibility is a gift to yourself, and it bears gifts to others. Being responsible is something you want to take care of. It is only a committed heart that reinforces responsibility.

Responsibility is an embrace. Obligation is like a forced march.

There is a fine line between responsibility and obligation. Remember, you are responsible for yourself as well as to another. If you are to treat others as you treat yourself, make sure you treat yourself well. What you may do from a sense of obligation obligates another. When you feel obligated, you may well be obligating another, and then you start measuring and counting what you are owed. You may not want to do this, yet you do it. Give others their freedom, and keep your own freedom of choice intact.

When you obligate another, you deny them their freedom. You may become a dunning debt collector.

Even when you don’t say a word about it, you are moiling over debts due you in your mind. You are adding up figures.

Be not an obligator, nor obligated be. Either way, obligation is not wholesome.

Responsibility on the other hand is wholesome. Responsibility is a lightweight. Obligation is a heavyweight. Responsibility is an opportunity. Obligation is a ball and chain. A sense of obligation has been thrown at you. Responsibility, on the other hand, is like carrying a torch at the Olympics.

Responsibility is a winner who carries the torch and runs with it.

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Heavenletters #3865 All That You Have Been Given, June 25, 2011
Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.

HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:

* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *

God is always bringing us closer to Him.

HEAVEN #3865 All That You Have Been Given, June 25, 2011

God said:

Give the thoughtful little acts. They mean so much. Visit the lonely, the sick, the poor, and give them occasion to feel better. Sometimes all it takes is a little attention. I will call this survival of the fittest, you being the fittest, beloveds. Survive by giving to others that which is yours to give.

You will find many occasions to bless someone, and so you are blessed. You are blessed twofold. You are blessed by your ability to give, and you are blessing by the deed of giving. Maybe thrice-blessed, blessed again that someone gives you the opportunity to give.

Do not overlook the power of the little things. A word. A glance. A deed.

Remember to give what someone wants more than you want to give something else that you favor to give.

Company may or may not be a gift desired. Sweets may or may not be a gift desired. Give what the receiver desires. Think of what the receiver desires. It could even be a bowl of lemons.

There are occasions where your presumed needs take a back-burner. Not what you want, but what means most to another.

When you are grateful for your own life, express your gratitude in the avenues of others’ lives. This pleases Me very much. Any kindness you give to one of My children, you give to Me. I thank you for your generosity. I thank you for taking care of My children as if they were your own. Of course, that is the case. Every child is yours. Everyone is yours, and therefore everyone is for you to care for.

In your awareness, skip no one. Just as you might total bills, tote up those who value a thought from you and can use it.

Once you had a narrow awareness. Now it has widened. Your awareness widens with your vision.

Soon your vision will be all-encompassing. In passing, you will take care of everyone. You will see out of the corner of your eye. You will see even that which the eye cannot see.

You will look into My eyes, and see through them. You will see all. You will hear all. You will be All.
Responsibility is not worry. Responsibility is awareness. Your reach is long. Your step is long. Your giving does not even feel like giving. It is where you are. And so you carry out every responsibility to the world and to yourself. It is to yourself that every generous act is directed. You skip no one.

It is that your mind and heart encompass all. You are a soldier of mercy who carries everyone to the light. There is no battlefield. You succor everyone. You carry a sword of light that mutes all darkness out in the field. You are the ray of light that eager eyes look to. You light up hearts, and those hearts light up other hearts. You lead the Light Brigade.

In so doing, you put out fires. They are so easy to put out. They never should have been. They submit eagerly at your feet.

And, so, the whole world becomes at your service. You who serve the world are served. Not a day goes by that you are not served. This is true for everyone, only what you are served may not be as you desired. Give more, and desire more. Everything is for you to give, and everything is for you to receive.

As you widen your eyes, you will see all that you have been given. This makes it very easy for you to give, and give you will.

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Heavenletters #3867 The Dawn Has Come, June 27, 2011
Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.

HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:

* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *

God is always bringing us closer to Him.

HEAVEN #3867 The Dawn Has Come, June 27, 2011

God said:

Heigh ho, a day has begun. The dawn lifts up its eyes and glances into yours. All is well. Heigh ho, a day has begun.

The whole world wakes up to a new day. Even in the skylines of New York City, the dawn, heralded by the rosy sun, has made its appearance. The dawn and the skyline are blessed by the sun. All that shines under the sun is blessed. And all shines under the sun.

Yet the sun has no patent on light. As mighty as the sun is, you have light within you that shines as brightly or even brighter. I think We have to say brighter than the sun. The sun, as enlightened as the sun is, is like a stalwart delivery truck that follows a steady route. The sun has a schedule to follow. It is always prompt.

You, on the other hand, have no limits to your delivery. You have no schedule. Your light is simply meant to stay on. No turning it off. Night or day, you can shine your light, and your light reaches far.

Your light has long fingers, fingers longer than the rosy fingers of the dawn. Your fingers of light have no end. This is the nature of the light that shines from your heart, or your eyes, or your smile, or from the evidence of your life. Plane down a board, hold a child's hand, lift up your eyes, your light pierces the world. Light from you isn't illusory. It is momentous. It is soul-brightening. It is heart-polishing. It needs no batteries. It runs on light that sustains itself. It needs no batteries, no storage, no timer, no winding like a clock, no unwinding.

The light of the sun is solar. Your light is soul light shining out just the way the sun meets the day. You are full of soul. No one is soul-less. Who on Earth would cover up his light? And yet this has occurred. And yet this has even become commonplace, as if the world were no place for light, as if Earth should have its shades pulled, as if there were no sun, no stars, no reflection on lakes and splashes of light entering the windows and makes itself at home indoors.

If My light is momentous, then yours is the same. You have great light within you. Awareness of the light you are is beginning to dawn on you. Simultaneous are the dawning of awareness and the dawning of light. They are reciprocal in any case. They let in the fresh air. Open your heart wide.

Through the windows of your soul, your light will beam across the horizon and enter hearts and nourish hearts. Light will touch their hearts, and the lighted people will not even know where the light came from. They will just know that the light has come. Even from furrowed foreheads, light can come, and light can land, and all on Earth can be light. All can be like light never seen before, like light never quite dancing like this before, like light like a huge chorus line. The dancers' feet never touch the ground. Light travels at the speed of light. Light multiplies itself, and the world is drowned in love. The world swoons in love, and anything but love is knocked out.

This is heigh-ho, the dawn has come. It is not ho-hum. It is heigh-ho, and off We go. We charge across the Universe, light leaping high, light leaving love everywhere to a tune that you have hardly dared dream of and yet is yours to see with, that blinding light of your heart alighted on love and nothing but love.

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Heavenletters #3872 You Can Inspire, July 2, 2011
Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.

HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:

* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *

God is always bringing us closer to Him.

HEAVEN #3872 You Can Inspire, July 2, 2011

God said:

Consider responsibility. Remember that you represent Me. You can be real and represent Me. Just remember that you represent Me. Consider how you represent Me.

You can inspire. You can authentically inspire even when you do not feel inspired. You don’t have to let everyone know what you are thinking or feeling at any given moment. Even when you feel like whining, you don’t have to. Who are you to whine? You have other alternatives at your disposal.

What does being a responsible person mean?

Certainly it is not your responsibility to discourage the world. Certainly it is not your responsibility to point out the errors of the world. Who asked you to? Certainly not I!

I never meant you to broadcast the newspaper headlines. I never asked you to speak ill of the world. I never asked you to air its foibles.

Because you feel disappointed is no reason to foster disappointment in the world. It doesn’t take much to be good at fostering disappointment. Be good at something else.

I ask you to go higher, and I mean now, not later, not just for when you feel like it. I ask you to spread light even when you don’t feel like it. Uplift even when you do not feel like it, and you will be uplifted. It is not for you to share the doldrums. If you feel you must be in the doldrums, then at least do not invite others in. What are you trying to prove? Are you trying to prove that you are a victim?

Why on Earth would you want to do that?

Prove that you are a hero instead.

Is it asking too much of you that I ask you, once and for all, to stop complaining?

The time for moaning and groaning is over. It is time to put a stop to it. There has been enough. The end of complaining has come. What was the purpose in complaining anyway?

What kind of accomplishment is complaint anyway?

Anyone can do it. There are probably some who can do it better than you, but why complain at all?

It is an old song. Be tired of it.

What is so revelatory about your disappointment and your disapproval?

What is it that prompts you to carry on with it?

If you have been complaining, stop now. It does not become a child of God to whine. Not at all. It is not necessary. Why would you gripe and gripe again when there are so many other choices before you?

Why would you gripe if only to yourself?

Do you really want to hear about it over and over again?

Is it music to your ears?

Are you really so in love with all the reasons why you are too straightforward to uplift the world?

Your mission in life cannot be to complain. I ask you to let go of pointing out wrongs, personal wrongs or otherwise.

Who wants to hear you moan about the rain or anything?

Be edifying instead. Look, can’t you find something interesting to talk about?

If there is something you have said once, don’t say it again. Well, don’t say it again unless it is far-seeing and opens the hearts of all those who hear you.

Why on Earth would you want to be a heart-closer when you have the opportunity of opening hearts and opening the whole world to itself?

When you can circulate love, why aren’t you?

I ask for your help in enlightening the world. Did you not know that?

If you did not know that, why didn’t you?

And if you know that now, well, then, act on it. This is your responsibility. It is your responsibility to inspire the world. This is what I ask of you. If you have to pull yourself up by your bootstraps, then pull yourself up by your bootstraps.

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Heavenletters #3874 Be the Glory, July 4, 2011
Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.

HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:

* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *

God is always bringing us closer to Him.

HEAVEN #3874 Be the Glory, July 4, 2011

God said:

Hear ye, hear ye. I am speaking to you. There is not a moment when I am not. There are moments when you hear. Will you kindly speak to Me?

Carry Me with you. Talk to Me as you would to a high-priced consultant. Here you have Me at your fingertips, as it were, and may not avail yourself of Our consultancy.

Even if you cannot hear Me in words, you can hear Me in feeling. You feel an urge to go in this direction or that direction. Something urges you forward or something stops you. Could it be I? Could I be at your elbow?

Certainly, there are times when you don't know what direction to take, and, yet, there are more times when you do know, and, yet, a little nudge from ego takes you down a path that does not serve you, or Me or anyone at all, well, except as a warning sign of a path not to go down.

One who steals justifies his stealing, as if stealing were just a slight turn in the world, as if your perceived need warranted it. If you steal in any sense of the word, you have made yourself needy. If you take honor that is not yours, you have stolen. If you take an invention that you did not invent as yours, you have stolen. If you take credit which is not yours, you have done a disservice to yourself.

You walk on hollow land.

Can you imagine that I would advise you to take that which is not yours?

And, once, you have done the deed, do you think I am no longer at your elbow?

I am right with you as ever, nudging you now. I will pick you up. I will embrace you as before.
No longer are you to hide behind any mask. Theft is a mask. Cruelty is a mask. Heartache is a mask.

Cleverness is a mask. Wit is a mask. Take off your masks, and you will find sincerity ready to come forth.

Sincerity is good. Sincere regret beats haughty pride, for regret shows recognition that you have passed a hurdle. Of course, let go of regret quickly. Regret is not a harbor. It is not an inn to stay in, not for even one night. Regret can also be a kind of pride. Pride at regret and pride of virtue are their own stumbling blocks, and are hard to get past. No longer rank yourself, and stop ranking others.

Confide in Me. I am with you now. Tell Me your story, not someone else's. There is no delight in making comparisons.

Come out of the shadows. Put down your defenses. Do you defend yourself from Me?

I know you better than you know yourself. I know in Whose image you are Made. You don't seem to believe it. You refuse to believe it, so inculcated have you been in the mirage of fault. You pick out your faults in a blink of an eye, and, sad as it is, you run away from the Wholeness that you are. Really, would you rather be a broken twig than a whole growing tree?

In Whose image do you want to be made other than in Mine?

And in Whose image would I want to make you other than Mine?

There is not even another image for Me to make you in. I am the only Image there is, and I am way beyond image, and you are greater than image. I am telling you that you are the real thing.

Take off your cloaks and masks, and just be the glory that I made when I made you.

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