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The purpose of this teaching is to show The Way to God. These are my experiences that I experienced on The Way. It is important to note that each individual path is different and there are many paths to Oneness with God, so your experiences may vary. We are all children of God, and we seek to return to the Home of Our Creator. We are all equal Divine sparks of God. We are all equally worthy of returning Home. May these experiences guide you as an example and for inspiration as you experience the path of Ascension and returning on The Way Home. The goal is that we all return Home to Our Creator. Our Creator has decreed that all paths eventually lead to Home. May this teaching help you find The Way at an accelerated pace. May these experiences resonate with you.

In 1996, I longed to understand what the Holy Spirit was. I was in Church Youth Group and wanted to understand the Holy Spirit, because it wasn't well described in the Bible.

In 2001, I dated a woman that I was attracted to, but I could not get along with her personality. I prayed for the perfect future partner that was attractive in both looks and personality.

In 2003, I got married to a German woman at the courthouse when I was in the military in Germany. I felt the marriage was rushed and prayed for a perfect wedding whenever it would happen in the future.

In 2004, I lived in a house in the military but did not own it. I prayed to own my own home in the future.

In 2005, my child was born. I felt human joy for the first time holding my new baby.

In 2006, I received my first Reiki healing and this was my first experience with the Holy Spirit, an answer to my prayers from 10 years earlier. Later that year I left the military and prayed for success in finding a follow-on job. In October 2006 I found the job through prayer after living off of my 401k for two months.

In 2007, with a renewed interest in Reiki, I received multiple Reiki attunements starting with Steve Murray's DVDs and books, and then moving into ordering attunements online from Reiki Masters such as those attuned by Ole Gabrielsen. In 2007, my third eye began to open and I connected to the spiritual world. I began to see the astral plane. I read Near Death Experiences to understand Spirit further. I began to meditate with intent to connect to Spirit more. 

In 2008, I was guided to learn about the Law of One and found the website which answered many of my questions about why we are here. I also asked who am I? I began to learn my purpose through downloads from Spirit. I was here to connect others to the Holy Spirit via Reiki Attunements. I was also here to heal others via Reiki (The Holy Spirit). I was also here to follow the path of Jesus/Jeshua, to follow The Way to Eternal Life. I was here to connect others to The Way so they can find Eternal Life. This was the first initiation, the overcoming of physical desire. I saw glimpses of my Soul (Higher Self) and my teacher Master Kuthumi of Love-Wisdom. Also saw Master St. Germain as a Master of Alchemy of Transformation and received training from him too. St. Germain was teaching me on the inner planes how to attune others and heal others remotely using Violet Flame and other energies. I was initiated in the First Initiation (Birth of the Disciple) and my heart began to open. There was much clearing in my root, sacral, and solar plexus chakras- clearing out human shadows from this life and past lives. My kundalini rose to the heart and it began to open. This was my Spiritual Awakening.

On August 22, 2009 (new moon), I was initiated into the Second Initiation (Baptism of the Disciple- overcoming emotional desire). My heart exploded in warm fire and I felt the joy of bliss for the first time from Spirit. I saw my Soul (Higher Self) as a Golden Light being that looked like a perfect version of me but was floating and smiling. I felt my kundalini rise from the heart to the throat for the first time. Master Kuthumi used the rod of initiation, just like the previous initiation, but I could follow along with the initiation this time as I was closer to Spirit. As the result of the initiation and its integration, I began to embody the 2nd initiation by starting the City of Shamballa website in September 2009 as a Reflection of the Great City of Shamballa where Master Kuthumi initiated me. The City of Shamballa was a Point of Light where Ascension teachings could be shared world-wide. I attuned others remotely to Reiki (The Holy Spirit) and posted the attunements to the website for the members. I also posted healing sessions as I was guided. As a result of the second initiation, I experienced nirvikalpa samadhi for the first time. I never felt bliss and ecstasy so strong until that initiation.

In 2010-2011, I was guided to share the attunements further and placed them inside of books, becoming a pioneer for such delivery systems via books. The earlier Reiki systems were not reaching a mass audience to align with Ascension, and I felt my calling to do this to bring others to Love and Light. The books ended up reaching people all across the world.

Alice Bailey in her books mentions that there are 3 love petals, 3 knowledge (wisdom) petals, and 3 sacrifice petals (9 total) that must be opened to become a Chalice of God, an instrument of God's Holy Will. The love and knowledge petals were opened as I did good works on Earth via Reiki healing and attunements and acquired knowledge of ancient wisdom via reading sacred texts and other books, as well as sharing the energies and insight with others. The sacrifice petals are more difficult, as they require cleansing of karma from this life and from past lives. In my past lives I was controlling, unkind, egotistical and stealing from others. Those are the themes I had to overcome by doing the opposite.

My first sacrifice petal opened in 2006 when I lost my well-paying job in the military and took another job at half of the income because I couldn't find another well-paying job. This was humbling.

My second sacrifice petal opened in 2013 (7 years later), when I was uprooted from my 11 years staying in Germany and had to return to the US. I prayed for a job, and miraculously through prayer, had a place to go to in Colorado. However, my German wife did not want to go with me back to the US. In 2014, we divorced and she retained custody of our child, as I lost the battle for custody in the German courts. I lost my family at this time. This was again humbling.

From 2013-2022, despite the obstacles, I served diligently spreading Love and Light on Earth via the City of Shamballa website and my blog. I wrote a few books during this time. However also during this time I met my new American wife (my prayer answer from 2001) and we married in 2019 having the perfect wedding, which was my prayer from 2003. In 2021, we bought our house in Colorado which was the answer to my prayer from 2004.

On March 22, 2022 (full moon), after a period of dedicated service to God and the Law of One, I was blessed with the third initiation (overcoming mental desire), officially becoming an initiate or adept. This was my Transfiguration/Confirmation. Sanat Kumara, the Lord of the World, presided over this initiation. The Rod of Initiation he used was powerful. My kundalini rose from my heart to third eye and crown, igniting a Great White Light that flooded my entire body with God's Grace. I was Christed at this initiation, this was my entry into the Spiritual Kingdom (connection to Eternal Life), and my Ascension began. My thoughts ceased to exist on their own, and I felt a great Peace that I never felt previously. I was One with God. I was One with all of Creation. I knew that all beings, all plants, all animals, and all life were cells in the body of God. I became an embodiment of Divine Love-Wisdom and found out that was my Monadic Ray. The White Light was my Oversoul or Monad touching me. I entered the Buddhic plane at this time. I continued to provide Reiki to others for love and acquired wisdom from sacred texts and Theosophy texts to share with others. I was embodying love and wisdom. I entered ongoing samadhi, called Sahaj samadhi, where the mind is forever free of intrusive thoughts.

My final third sacrifice petal opened in April through June 2022 (9 years after the second petal). As my Judas betrayal experience, another Reiki Master did not like that their name was mentioned in my earlier books. I agreed to pull all of those older books from publication. This was the sacrifice of the self- the ego. This was the Crucifixion of the lower self for the Higher Self. This was humbling beyond measure.

I however continued to show my dedication to Love and Light and published many more books after that.

On July 26, 2023 I was blessed with the Fourth Initiation (Crucifixion of lower self and Matrimony) where I reached Hieros Gamos, the perfect merging of Divine feminine and Divine masculine energies within. I heard cracking as the Soul's causal body (repository of karma), and the individuality barrier was broken. I transcended the Soul as my Higher Self guide and was released from karma through God's Grace and forgiveness. Sanat Kumara presided over this initiation again. I became an Arhat at this time. I became an instrument of God's Will in action. I became One with the Oversoul as my Higher Self. I entered Group Consciousness fully. I heard Heavenly Bells and Music of the Angels during this initiation. Many cheers were heard from the Heavenly Realms. The Oversoul (or Monad) as my Higher Self became my new guide. 

On August 1, 2023, at the full moon, I was blessed with the Fifth Initiation (Annunciation- Revelation), where I connected to the atmic plane and the ether for the first time. I also connected into the Akasha and was given easier access to the Akashic records. The light of the Akasha connects all things and records everything. Through this hidden light we are all One with God. Sanat Kumara presided over this initiation again. I was shown that I would be working with other masters in Shamballa on the Path of Earth Service in the spiritual kingdom. I finished the Ascension process, or Harvest in the Law of One, and became a Master at this time. I entered the Atmic plane at this time. I entered Christ Consciousness fully. I experienced the void and was able to see myself beyond physical form. At this time I felt that I was in two worlds at the same time, both human and spirit simultaneously. At this point I started working with the Ascended Masters of Shamballa directly, seeing them in white robes. 

On August 15, 2023, at the new moon, I was blessed with the Sixth Initiation (Communion- Decision) where Sanat Kumara used the Rod of Initiation again, welcoming me as a Teacher of the Ray of Love-Wisdom. I was shown that I would be in the Path of Earth Service in Shamballa and then transition to The Path of Sirius, to balance love-wisdom to become my Higher Self (Oversoul). I agreed to the path and made my decision for eternal life after the human life. I was embodying my Oversoul of Love-Wisdom. The Oversoul (also called Monad or I AM Presence) has no form, but rather is a pure White Light, a Star, a Sun of Divine Love and Light, beyond all form. Also began to train under El Morya to learn all about Divine Will, learning a new ray, the First Ray of Will. 

In 2024, I was given a dharma mission to write a Book of Healing and Book of Wisdom to balance love-wisdom. I also helped others connect to their Higher Self (Soul) for the first time. Also learned that my Cosmic Evolution after the Path of Sirus would lead me to being with Archangel Metatron and Archangel Michael by God's side. 

The Seventh Initiation (Resurrection- Cosmic Consciousness and Rainbow body) is destined for the future once I complete the dharma on Earth.

That is my Ascension process. God's Will shall determine the next steps. Every day I feel more and more of my Higher Self integrating with this physical body. It is my sincere wish that sharing this process has been an inspiration for you to continue the journey to Ascension to Oneness with the One Creator. If it happened to me, it will happen to you. As God has told me, all are destined to ascend. Seek God and you shall find God. My advice is to follow these steps- Open the heart. Follow the Golden Rule. Perform Service to Others. Open the 9 petals. The rest will take care of itself. We are all children of God, and we seek to return to the Home of Our Creator. We are all equal Divine sparks of God. We are all equally worthy of returning Home. May these experiences guide you as an example and for inspiration as you experience the path of Ascension and returning on The Way Home. God bless you all as you follow The Way to freedom and Eternal Life. This is my testimony. Praise God. All Glory to God. God bless you all.

About initiations:

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When you compare the teachings of Jesus/Jeshua, Buddha, Yogananda, and Seraphim of Sarnov you will find many parallels. You can also research Mother Teresa and Peace Pilgrim. They all speak the same truth which was spoken after each was transfigured in God's Light. You can find Jesus/Jeshua's sayings by reading the Book of Matthew in the New Testament. Buddha's, Mother Teresa's, and Peace Pilgrim's sayings are found easily by searching quotes on Yogananda's sayings are found in the book "Sayings of Paramahansa Yogananda."

Seraphim of Sarnov's teachings are here:

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Egyptian Symbolism



This is an analysis of Egyptian Symbolism through interpreting the designs of Pharaoh's coffins.

The left image is from Wikipedia.

Look at the right hand. It is crossing the left hand. The right side is the Divine Masculine in Kabbalah. The left side is the Divine Feminine in Kabbalah. The right side is the transmitter/giver. The left hand is the receiver. Notice the crossed hands extend from the solar plexus to the heart to the throat. This is balancing the pillars of Mercy and Severity- The Middle Way, most especially at the solar plexus and heart because then awakening begins. Also the shepherd's cane is in the left hand (feminine/mercy/nurturer/fertility) and the whip in right hand (masculine/severity/law/authority). They are crossed at the heart indicating balance (Will to Good). The beard extends from heart across throat to head. This is crossing Da'at (from knowledge to life) in Kabbalah. When you look at the head you see a cobra head. Each side of the cobra represents the balance of male and female energies, an overcoming of duality for unity. Look at the cobra and bird located at the third eye/crown. The cobra represents the kundalini to the third eye/crown, the vulture represents resurrection starting at third eye/crown. Gold is actually a color of Ascension- The Golden Realms of the Buddhic plane onwards, which is why gold was often used. Gold is Solar (Soul) Light which transfigures all shadows. Blue is the color of service to others.

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If you truly loved yourself, you could never hurt another.

- Buddha

I recommend Bentinho Massaro's Empowerment II course for a detailed discussion of Love-Wisdom Balancing.

Love is Service to Others.

Wisdom is knowing when Service to Others is best applied.

Check out this link for more detailed information:

Richard Rudd's book, The Gene Keys: Embracing your Higher Purpose has a description of Love and Wisdom paths.

Gene Key 52 is the Siddhi of Stillness which is the Buddha or Avatar path (Wisdom with some Love).

Gene Key 58 is the Siddhi of Bliss which is the Bodhisattva or Christ path (Love with some Wisdom).

These paths will get you to 4th density of Love and 5th density of Wisdom, which are higher evolution. Upon reaching 6th density Love-Wisdom must be balanced, therefore Love must be balanced by an equal amount of Wisdom, and Wisdom must be balanced by an equal amount of Love. The Higher Self resides in the middle of 6th density, so if you want to truly embody your Higher Self, it is important to learn to balance Love and Wisdom, even while you are in 3rd density physical incarnation.

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No one saves us but ourselves. No one can and no one may. We ourselves must walk the path.

- Buddha

I recommend Bentinho Massaro's Empowerment II course for a great overview of the Law of One, Ascension, and application to daily life.

Concepts discussed in his course include:

7 Universal Densities of Love/Light as mentioned in the Law of One

What is the Higher Self?

Effective Use of Catalyst

Service to self vs. Service to others

Balancing Love with Wisdom

Balancing Will with Faith

You can take all 14 lessons starting here:

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Christ Consciousness is the embodiment of the Higher Self. It is the activation of the Threefold Flame of Love-Wisdom-Power in the Holy Heart. Love is Devotion and Gratitude. Wisdom is Discernment of truth vs illusion and Understanding of Divine Laws such as Cause and Effect, and Power is Faith in God and Surrender to God, surrender of all ego for the highest and greatest good. Power is Divine Will. Power is described when Jesus/Jeshua says, "not my will but Thy Will be done." It is not personal power, but rather alignment with God's Will, the Will to do good, that brings Divine Power. Christ Consciousness is the balance of Love-Wisdom-Power.

In the awakening stage first comes love in the heart (soul embodiment), then service to others leads to wisdom in the third eye (oversoul embodiment) which leads to surrender to God's Will which leads to power in the crown (avatar embodiment). The opening of the heart-third eye-crown chakra triangle opens the secret portal to ignite the Holy Heart behind the heart chakra. Once the Higher Self is fully embodied in the Holy Heart, the rainbow body dawns, and the physical vessel is the container for the full expression of Christ Consciousness on Earth. The physical vessel is now the full embodiment of the Higher Self on Earth. The human now awakens that it is the Divine child of God on Earth. The expression of the Presence of God on Earth. An instrument of God's Holy Will.

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12 strands of DNA

12 strands of DNA activation make you a fully realized child of God, also called a Christ, Buddha or Avatar. This is the dawning of the rainbow body and the 7th initiation as mentioned in Theosophy. Humans start at 3 strands. Then the heart opens and it activates strands 4-6 as a triangle at the heart. Initiations 1 and 2. You can call this the awakening stage. Then strands 7-9 activate as a triangle in the head. Initiations 3 through 5. This is when you live your purpose and do good works. You can call this the service stage. Finally strands 10-12 activate over your crown. Initiations 6 and 7. This is when you realize you are fully One with God. You can call this the surrender to God's Will stage. Surrender of the lesser self for the Greater Self. This is enlightenment or self-realization.

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Mastery comes through alignment with God's Will. When people say Master or Teacher or Guru or even Lord, it is not that a human has mastered life through their actions. It is because the human has transcended human limitations through alignment with God. Never forget that God is the Source of all Love, Wisdom, and Power. A Master is simply a child of God, as are all of us. Every child is worthy of blessings from God. The Master simply seeks God and aligns with God, nothing more and nothing less. You can do that too. You are all children of God. God's blessings upon all of God's children. May the children reclaim their Divine inheritance and be welcomed Home to the kingdom with open arms.

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Bring Glory to God. Do good works on Earth. You are an instrument of God's Will. Be devoted to God, surrender to Holy Will and allow God's Will to shine through you. Bring forth the Love, Wisdom, and Power of God on Earth. Let the heavens roar and the Angels sing with God's Glory upon the Earth. God's Will be done. Shine on my brothers and sisters!

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Christ Consciousness is a real thing. Ascension leads to Christ Consciousness. The following music is inspirational for manifesting Christ's love on Earth. We are all Christs, use Jesus/Jeshua's way as inspiration for you to do Holy Work on Earth. We are all children of God full of Holy Love, Wisdom, and Power. Let your life's work and purpose be a reflection of the Creator's Love, Wisdom, and Power on Earth. 

Devotion/Faith/Surrender/Gratitude will bring you Oneness with God. May the music below inspire you to new heights. Shine on my brothers and sisters!



What a Beautiful Name (with Break Every Chain) by Hillsong Worship

Waymaker by Leeland 
Rooftops by Jesus Culture
Love Has A Name by Jesus Culture
Breathe / What A Friend I've Found by Hillsong Worship
Jesus Have It All by Jeremy Riddle
His Name is Jesus by Jeremy Riddle
Oceans (Where Feet May Fail) by Hillsong Worship 
I Surrender by Hillsong Worship 
Goodness of God by Jenn Johnson
Counting my Blessings by Seph Schlueter 
There was Jesus by Zach Williams and Dolly Parton
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Soul-trap Theory

As I write this, I wanted to dispel the theory of the Soul-trap / Re-incarnation trap that seems to be spread across social media. In 2024 I first came across this theory and even read a book on it. This was never thought about in my ascension journey, but I am sure you all have questions about it, so I wanted to discuss it.

Bottom line, discernment is needed to escape all illusion. What resonates with love is truth, what resonates with fear is illusion. The Soul-trap / Re-incarnation trap is illusion. The further from God consciousness/awareness, then the more illusion that prevails. This is due to free will choice that is specific to humans of the physical world. Every being has free will to choose love or to choose fear.

To free yourself from Soul-trap illusion (also called False Light and Imposters of the Astral Plane), I recommend the following advice. Release attachments (desires) for the material world. The material world is a place for physical experience for Spirit, but it is not the only dimension of existence. Once you connect to Monad level you will eventually only have the desire for God, nothing else. You will want to share the desire for God with others, to help them awaken to their Soul, and also help them connect to God.

For those that choose fear, the Soul-trap / Re-incarnation trap is quite real. There are areas of the astral plane and mental plane that contain pockets of fear and illusion. Up through the mental plane (mind), there are lower beings that feed off of energies of fear. Also in the lower mental plane there is a matrix of mind control that programs human minds to be fearful. News and social media are some of these tools. Movies and music are also tools. So be very careful what you consume, because that is what you become in vibration. It is all free will choice. Do you want to remain in the matrix (fear/duality) or to transcend the matrix (love/unity)?

The lower astral and lower mental beings are called Archons in the theories. Basically, they feed off of planetary miasma (suffering- trauma- addictions) and use humans that are influenced by their shadow-pain bodies as batteries and then keep humans in a hopeless state. Once the humans pass from the physical world, they are pulled by the gravity of their unresolved traumas to reincarnate in order to heal the trauma. If a human remains with unresolved traumas and does not connect with Christ Consciousness such as doing shadow work, following the Golden Rule (Law of One), and does not commit to Service to Others, they do not connect to their Soul and remain in the reach of the Soul-trap theory.

However, once a human awakens to their Soul, they bring in a love vibration that transcends all fear. The Soul is also observer consciousness (connection into zero-point God consciousness) and this brings in discernment which overcomes all illusion. As an embodied Soul, there is small a chance of needing to reincarnate to resolve shadows that are not cleared, but once the Oversoul becomes embodied (connection to the Monad), the human becomes a Christ on Earth and literally is freed from all need to incarnate. This is called the Ascension (or Harvest in the Law of One teachings).

In 2006-2008 I first connected with the Soul and transcended the illusion of the Soul-trap. I began transcending the astral and mental planes through strong desire to find the Soul through exploration of love and wisdom that connected to the reality of the Soul. In 2009 I merged with my Soul in a mystical experience and literally transcended the Soul-trap at that time. However, humans that exist without Soul-connection are still under the influence of the Soul-trap. That is why it is important to enter the heart and transcend the mind. Once the mind is transcended, then illusion is transcended.

Love is the key to remove all illusion. Love is truth. Stay focused on Love and you stay focused on God which transcends all separation. Discern all reality for love. If there is no love, then it is illusion.

Ascension glossary came up with a map called Consciousness Corridor, that maps the phases of consciousness. Human ego personality is subject to being caught in the Soul trap, but once the Soul is embodied on Earth through an open heart, the Soul-trap illusion is transcended.

Basically in human physical life there are three levels of consciousness. Personality matrix then Soul matrix then Monadic matrix. Personality matrix is having a separate body, emotions and mind. Soul matrix is your life purpose and first connection to Spirit. Soul matrix is the realization that "I am a Spirit having a human experience." You can call the Soul matrix awakening.

Monadic matrix is becoming Christ on Earth, which is full connection to Spirit. You can call the Monadic matrix ascension. In 2022, I connected to my Monad (my ascension or enlightenment) and started to become a Christ on Earth. This is embodying Christ Consciousness. When people talk about the I AM or I AM THAT, they are talking about Soul. When people are talking about I AM THAT I AM or I AM Presence they are talking about Monad.

The Higher Self is the Soul first, then the Higher Self becomes the Monad next. The Higher Self is the greater fractal of you that exists from the Causal plane for the Soul or from the Monadic plane for the Monad. The levels above mind- Causal (5D lower), Buddhic (5D higher), Atmic (5D highest), Monadic (6D) and Logoic (7D) are all levels that transcend the Soul-trap. As mentioned before, the Soul-trap theory is only valid in the mental plane (3D/4D) when a person does not have connection with their Soul (5D).

Re-incarnation is still a possibility in awakening stages (soul matrix- depends on amount of soul embodiment) but no longer necessary at ascension stages (monadic matrix). Incarnation is literally gravity to material plane, but if you manifest Christ Consciousness on Earth (monadic plane) through removing all desire and attachment to the material world (release all desire except to desire God), incarnation becomes unnecessary because your center of gravity is at spiritual planes (Causal plane and higher) and you can move to higher evolution. Center the consciousness in God/Spirit and you become free.

This is the link to the map of the Consciousness Corridor. Notice the progression from most negative beings to human unawareness (human default setting) to most positive spiritual beings (awakened/ascended beings).

I also recommend reading about Stations of Identity to understand the different levels of fractals of consciousness that exist from human to God.

Much love and blessings to all of you. May God's Love always guide you on your ascension path.

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Recently I read a book titled Sayings of Paramahansa Yogananda.

In the book you will notice Christ Consciousness coming through his words.

If you want to observe reality from a God-consciousness perspective, I recommend reading the quotes in the book.

Check out Sayings of Paramahansa Yogananda (1980), available on Amazon Kindle.

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I'm location 4+. Literally life is, The All is the One and the One is the All, God is, existence is, focused on present moment

Regarding locations, it is important to note that location 4 begins transcending the human, so if you have human obligations ask Source to retain fluidity in locations 1-4. For example location 4 is great for oneness and meditation and channeling but not so great for running a business or social interaction. Everyone has their own timing, but in my experience if you have kids to raise or a career to establish it is better to have the flexibility to shift locations. Location 1/2 are more mind focused, Location 3/4 are more heart focused. Locations 5+ transcend humanity all together and begin special powers like levitation etc. You do still need to use the mind and heart to interact with humanity, once you dissolve into the ether it makes it much harder. It depends on your life experiences, purpose, many factors what location to center your consciousnesss in.

Location 4 and up are no sense of agency, so it is important to be fluid- you can't do errands, pay bills, do house/car maintenance, take kids to school etc. once you lose sense of agency (drive to do things on Earth). There is a time and place for doing and a time and place for being. The key is to integrate the two and remain adaptable.

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In the paraphrased words of fellow master RJ Spina- "Create your outer life from your inner life...when there is peace in the inside there will be peace on the outside, don't accept reality from outer to inner, but accept reality from inner to outer. Never occupy your mind with something you can't control. Everything our attention is upon becomes our reality."

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The Gospel of Thomas was found in the Dead Sea Scrolls and contains teachings from Jesus/Jeshua that reflect Oneness and Ascension. Here are two powerful quotes from The Gospel of Thomas.

Quote 1

Jesus said, "If your leaders tell you, 'Look, the kingdom is in the sky,' then the birds will precede you. If they tell you, 'It's in the sea,' then the fish will precede you. Rather, the kingdom is within you and outside of you. When you know yourselves, then you'll be known, and you'll realize that you're the children of the living Father. But if you don't know yourselves, then you live in poverty, and you are the poverty." - The Gospel of Thomas...It is important to note that the kingdom is both within you and outside of you. Love the inner and love the outer by accepting yourself and accepting others, and you will find the kingdom.

Quote 2

Jesus said, "If two make peace with each other in a single house, they'll say to the mountain, 'Go away,' and it will." - The Gospel of Thomas...Once you unite male and female within, you ascend and can move mountains through faith alone.

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Decrees For Your I Am Presence By Steven Hutchinson


I Am my I Am Presence and now call into action the Violet Flames to heal and transmute all limiting beliefs, traumas, blockages and attachments that are preventing me from living an Enlightened, Prosperous and Happy life, and all of these are now healed, transmuted, and released into God's Pure Light.
All connections and energies that do not resonate with the Higher Vibrations of my I Am Presence are now healed and released, and the Divine Light & Intelligence of My I Am Presence now guides me.
I Am Worthy and Love myself as I Love others, and my Whole Being is vibrating in this eternal moment of now in perfect Alignment with the Divine Energies of the Universe that draw to me & manifest in my life all forms of Divine Abundance,
I Am my I Am Presence and now call into action Golden/White Light from the Great Central Sun, and as this beautiful Light Energy flows and spirals through me..... I Am now freed from all buried blockages of fear, guilt and insecurity, making room for courage, self-confidence, and joy of living.
I recognize my Divinity in my I Am Presence, which is the Highest aspect of my Soul. I now assume my personal power through my I Am Presence. I Am my I Am Presence creating a reality in my life of Divine Peace, Love, and Fulfillment.
With my I Am Presence guiding me, I choose now and always to live in a state of Divine Peace, and Divine Harmony with every person that I interact with.
I Am my I Am Presence living and anchored in my heart and mind and always radiating Causeless Love, Peace, Joy throughout my Whole Being .
I Am living my life merged with my I Am Presence and in harmony with the Divine Flow of the Universe that supports me and attracts opportunities, wisdom, and love into every area of my life.
My Divine Heart and Divine Mind are anchored in my I Am Presence, with my mind anchored in Father/God's Mind, and my heart anchored in Father/Mother/God's Heart.
I Am my I Am Presence now accessing Cosmic Creative Intelligence and creating Divinity in all aspects of my life.
Thank You God! And So It Manifests!
With Infinite Love & Blessings of Your Own I Am Presence,
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Regarding Will, one side of the spectrum is free will and another is Divine Will. Basically two points on opposite sides of the same line. Basically closer to Source is Divine Will and further from Source is free will. 

Souls are projections of Oversouls which are projections of Source. Individuality experience begins at Oversoul and is further defined at Soul. Individuality is even further defined in the human experience of the body/mind. 

But the flip side is also true, Oneness/Unity begins at Soul and is further defined at Oversoul and even further defined at Source. Free will is individual will which is common further from Source, while closer to Source is Divine Will. Free will is individual choice. Divine Will is collective choice. 

As one connects to greater fractals free will merges into Divine Will. Soul = individual purpose. Oversoul = collective purpose. The word soul has to do with an individual color ray of soular (solar) light while Source is the sun of all rays of light. The individual is given room to explore and choose but Divine Will is always guiding in the background, that is what the higher self is, an aspect of Divine Will that guides in the background. 

The higher self first is the Soul, then the Oversoul, then Source itself. It depends on the elevated consciousness of the body/mind upon what fractal can be merged with.

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Self-Transcendence Scale

1. Ha‎ving hobbies or interests I can enjoy.
2. Accepting myself as I grow older.
3. Being involved with other people or my community when possible.
4. Adjusting well to my present life situation.
5. Adjusting to the changes in my physical ability.
6. Sharing my wisdom or experience with others.
7. Finding meaning in my past experiences.
8. Helping younger people or others in some way.
9. Ha‎ving an interest in continuing to learn about things.
10. Putting aside some things that I once thought were so important.
11. Accepting death as a part of life.
12. Finding meaning in my spiritual beliefs.
13. Letting others help me when I may need it.
14. Enjoying my pace of life.
15. Letting go of my past regrets.

1=Not at all‚ 2=Very little‚ 3=Somewhat‚ 4=Very much

Generally, 15 to 30 is considered to be a low level of self-transcendence; 31-45 is moderate; and 46 to 60 is considered high levels of self-transcendence.

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