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My Vision & Invocation For the New World We Are Creating ! By Steven Hutchinson
In the full Power and Authority of My I Am God Presence, I humbly come to the Throne of Grace in the innermost chamber of my Divine Heart to invoke into the physical plane of Earth the most intensified dispensation and activity of GOD'S LIGHT & BLESSINGS for the creation of our new 5th dimensional world with the manifestation of each Soul's ENLIGHTENMENT, HEALING, & TRANSMUTATION ever manifested in the history of time.
We ask the Legions of Light serving this Planet to extend this Divine Essence into every fiber of Gaia & every cell of every human Being, healing Gaia & every person, and project this Divine Radiance into the Heart Flame and conscious mind of every man, woman and child on this planet, including every person associated with all governments, corporations, institutions, monetary systems, and educational systems of our planet in any way, shape or form.
Blaze the Cosmic Flame of God's Rainbow Light & Violet Flame through each soul evolving here and clear away all destructive activities that might be directed against any of God's children and the Light for which we stand.
Seal the way our planet is run in the radiance of God's Enlightenment & Will.
Let the Illumination Flame reveal the Divine Purpose and Plan for each person on earth, and give to each person the Spiritual Courage to fulfill that plan perfectly.
Let God's Enlightenment & Will be manifest in, through and around all of the systems running our planet - NOW and FOREVER - SEALING EACH SYSTEM IN THIS DIVINE LIGHT & WISDOM.
Let the eternal victorious Light of God illumine and lead the way for every soul evolving everywhere on the planet so that we all come to live in peace, respecting each other as the Divine Child of God that we all are !
We consciously accept this invocation now in full power according to our Soul's Will & Divine and purpose. And so it is, beloved I Am, And So It Manifests !
Infinite Blessings of the Creator's Love & Energies of Unity Consciousness, Violet Flames, & Crystalline Rainbow Light with ever-unfolding Enlightenment, Divine Healing, Peace, Joy, & Abundance that are Divinely Perfect for Each of You in Every Moment !
Video - "Solstice Atlantean - Lemurian Triple-Grid Activation" By Solara An-Ra
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As we commence the celebration of almost 2 decades of amazing Lightwave Energy, get ready to receive the new Angelic ‘Diamond Star Celestial Power Matrix’ download, which will give you the power of a thousand Angels to transform, transmute, awaken and energize anything, anywhere at any time!  To use this power, a special sealed template will be downloaded, opened and activated during the first part of the session that will be personalized to you and merged with your original Lightwave matrix.  The special skill, details and steps to use the ‘Diamond Star Power’ will be given to you during the course of the session, so that you will feel confident and ready to go with this divine power.


“This gift to bring the powers of heaven to Earth comes with great responsibility and a huge amount of energy…

but it also arrives with the ability that few humans have ever been given!"  The Ashtar Command

Also includes the latest October 2021 'Updated' Ashtar Command 'Virus Shield' that helps to deflect illnesses and protect you wherever you go!


Transform Yourself into a Magical Energy Master with this Easy-to-Learn will give you the Ability to Upgrade, Energize, Heal and Protect Yourself & Others!

Welcome! Come join us for this new 'accelerated' Lightwave Training session and learn one of the newest and most powerful energy healing processes on the planet!  The technique was designed by the Pleiadians and enhanced through the energy of the Ashtar Command & beautiful accelerator technology of Bryan de Flores. The Lightwave procedure is easy-to-learn and produces immediate positive effects for both the beginner and advanced individuals. Lightwave works to restore optimum health and youthen the physical body while increasing your psychic gifts, healing gifts & manifestation powers. The Lightwave technique can be used on yourself and others as well as pets, plants and other living things. This process is the perfect addition to any other transformational modality and will blend with any technique you are currently utilizing.


The Lightwave method is energetic in nature and utilizes your hands as receivers and transmitters of the energy, in conjunction with your own intuition & instincts. Also, this new healing technology is very practical as it utilizes simple terminology and can be performed in any location or situation within hours of learning the technique. These training session will teach you how to transmit a multitude of high-frequency energy infusions to clear and balance your 7-point chakratic system and activate your 12-strand DNA for multidimensional ascension. This course includes the beautiful full-color 'Basic' Lightwave Instruction Manual, training videos and completion certificate!


Saturday December 18,  2021

9:00 am to 11:30 am (2.5 Hours)

Lightwave Training - Live! International Tele-Session

Includes a special "follow along" webpage with images and videos!

These Lightwave training sessions can be accessed from all countries around the world through your phone, cell phone or Skype.


New Lightwave Practitioners

Welcome!  If you are attending the energy training for the first time, it will be $195 (for the Basic training) or $240 (which includes the Lightwave manual).  Firstly, this training includes access to the LIVE! 2 ½-hour Saturday class/tele-session with me and the new ‘Diamond Star’ Activation.  Your training registration also includes all 'Basic Training' videos, the Basic training web-page and 2 extra special Lightwave technique tutorials for 7 days.  As an additional option, you can get the full color 'Basic' Lightwave manual if you like….just make sure to choose the $240 option if you want that.


Welcome Back Lightwave Re-Attunement Energy Workers!


Welcome back!  For all of  you have attended a previous Lightwave energy training, the cost of this class will be $65....this includes access to the LIVE! Saturday class/tele-session with Bryan, New 'Diamond Star' Activation & all Basic Training videos and web-page.


For more information please visit....



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Calling Upon Divine Intervention For Each of You and

For Gaia ! By Steven Hutchinson

I was inspired to make this channeling by answering a question a member asked me about angels and the virus, and I told her that angels, Archangels, Ascended Masters, and all the beautiful being of Light helping mankind and Gaia in our ascension will respond to your prayer or invocation - but only if you call upon them and ask for their help in whatever situation and for the divinely highest good of all.

It's usually best to do that in a quiet time and during your meditation. And I believe it would be good to ask for such help that addresses the underlying cause, not only of the virus, but the underlying causes of all the problems we are facing in our world. For example:

"I lovingly ask for Divine Intervention in healing and transmuting with the Creator's Violet Flames and Crystalline Rainbow Light all of the underlying causes that Gaia and every human being are facing in our spiritual growth and ascension, also including the underlying causes of all the viruses that we are facing. 

We are all now collectively invoking Divine Intervention for the Highest Good of All, calling upon All of the Archangels, angels, Ascended Masters, the Elohim, Light Beings & Star Beings who are helping Gaia and mankind - to work through each of us making this call, and heal each of us & Gaia, and transmute everything that's not of the Creator's Highest Love & Light within each of us and within mankind's collective consciousness.

So Blaze, Blaze, Blaze the Violet Flames and all of The Creator's Love and Light ...

Until all of Gaia and every human being are healed and awakened to The Creator's Presence within each person ... helping Gaia and every human Being experience Unity Consciousness !!!

Thank You Mother/Father/God and all You Beautiful Beings called upon for manifesting this Divine Intervention, which I know is now in action within Gaia and within Each of Us !"

P.S. I couldn't resist adding this beautiful little prayer that Matt Kahn shared with everyone on his mailing list:

"Because the ego lives in extremes, it’s easy to get overwhelmed by the amount of change you may notice is necessary.   And yet, because you are guided along by an infinitely wise and loving Universe, you neither have to do everything all at once, nor use that as an excuse to deepen attachments to 3D patterning.

Perhaps it begins by setting your intention and saying:

"Dear Beloved Universe, thank you for working through me, clearing away all disempowering patterns, so I may face myself directly, love myself completely, and learn to see others through the wisdom of compassion. Thank you Beloved Universe for helping me reclaim my power with love and joy as living blessings in support of the greater good of all. And so it is.”


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Live! International Tele-Activation

Saturday December 4, 2021  9:00 AM (Pacific Time) - $35

Join us on this magical journey to learn about the amazing abilities and gifts of multidimensional little people who exist and travel between many realities, including our own.  These beings work tirelessly to beautify and correct natural imbalances within the realities, while freely giving gifts to humans, animals and birds that live around our planet. Additionally, I have recently been made aware of a group of extra-terrestrials with light-green skin and optimistic personalities  who are quite gifted at monitoring, stabilizing and correcting timeline anomalies and interdimensional interference.  Please come to receive the gifts of the little people and share in the knowledge of those who have come from the stars to assist us!


For more information please visit....  



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