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Releasing Negative Energies By Steven Hutchinson 
I Am One with my 'I Am Presence' and a Master of Divine expression. I invoke the assistance of my 'I Am Presence & my Soul & monad, and the assistance of the angels and Archangels, Mother Mary & all ascended masters to help release from my being and world all of the following, or better:
By the intervention of Divine Grace and the power of God's Transfiguring Love & the Crystalline Violet Flame, and with my full intent, I choose to release now all separation and limitations that no longer serve my path of light.
I release all vows of poverty and limitations that I made in this and past incarnations.
I release all imprints, implants, negative thought forms, black magic spells and curses, negative patterns of the human ego, illness and disease patterns, and all energies that no longer serve my path of Light.

I release all energies of separation, limitations and all blockages to Source and the divine flow of the Universe. I ask for these energies be purified and transformed into the highest forms of Light.

I release from my being and world all level of energies that are less than my Divine Blueprint of Perfection and my eternal victory in the Light through my Ascension. I Am the Crystalline Perfection of my Soul made manifest in my Whole Being Now! I Am Free ! I Am One with God !

Thank You God ! And So It Manifests ! Beloved I Am. Beloved I Am ! Beloved I Am !
Infinite Blessings of God's Love & Light ^ Abundance to All of You,
Steven Hutchinson

Video: "The Goddess Isis / Sirius Star Transmission" By Steve Nobel
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Affirmations & Transmissions For Spiritual Growth By Steven Hutchinson

Let yourself be uplifted and experience your Highest Divine Self and download and embody ascension key codes and templates that are divinely perfect for each of you in these 3 meditation videos.

Infinite Blessings of God's Love & Light & Abundance to all of You,


Steve Nobel: It is time to birth heaven on earth and this is the way of miracle consciousness. 

There is a great magic inherent in all of creation. I am a drop in the great ocean of creative beneficial power. I feel this great creative power stir within me. This magical power, when awakened in a great many people will birth a new heaven on earth. I am the awakened power of light that transforms the world.....

What do the angels want you to know this week of the New Moon Solar Eclipse and Lions Gate Alignment? Melanie Beckler answers with another great message from the angels...

In this transmission by Steve Nobel we open a divine space with the six archangels and invoke the ascension and crystalline grids of light. Then archangel Gabriel opens a portal of light that takes you to the Temple of Neptune, the over-lighting Deva of the ocean...

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