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Healing Using The Flames of Your Personal Love, Light, & Power Bodies By Steven Hutchinson

Affirm:“I Am One with my 'I Am Presence', and my 'I Am Presence' is embodied in my Whole Being with my every breath. In joy, and with my every breath, my mind & my Whole Being are united in oneness & unity with my Joyful Soul... & with my Joyful Divine Self...and with The Joyful Creator.”( & also affirm "I Am My Joyful ___"with each of these - e.g. "I Am My Joyful Soul"...) .I Am Divine Clarity in manifestation ! I Am the Creator, and My Whole Being is reflecting the Pure Power, Love, Joy, & Light of The Creator that I Am with my every breath. 

My mind & Whole Being are One with the Flames of Love, Joy, Bliss & Fulfillment Of My Soul, & of My Divine Self, & of the Creator! ( & also affirm "I Am the Flames of Love, Joy, Bliss & Fulfillment of My  __"with each of these - e.g. "I Am the Flames of Love, Joy, Bliss & Fulfillment of My Soul"...) 


Your Personal Love Body includes your personal Flames of Love, Joy, Bliss & Fulfillment from your Soul, your Divine Self, & from the Creator. Start breathing in & out of your heart chakra, & Affirm: "I Am the Flames of My Personal Love Body anchored in my Higher Heart Chakra !"


Your Divine Power is your personal Power of the Creator that you can call forth that's within you & within everything in creation.  Invoke: "I now Call forth & feel  the Flames of my Divine Power that's within me & within everything in creation anchoring in my Higher Heart Chakra." Affirm: "I Am the Flames of My Divine Power anchored now in my Higher Heart Chakra & continuously manifesting in me & thru me for the Highest Good of All !


Invoke: "I Now call forth the Flames of My Personal Light into my Higher Heart Chakra, which includes the Light of my Soul, & of my Divine Self, & of the Light of the Creator. Affirm"I Am the Flames of my Personal Light Body anchored now in my Higher Heart Chakra."

Affirm: "I Am merged with the Flames of My Divine Love, Light, & Power Bodies anchored in my Higher heart Chakra. I Am Residing in the Divine Silence of My Soul & My Higher Divine Self in my Higher Heart Chakra. I surrender to the full manifestation of the Flames of my Personal Divine Love, Light, & Power in me & thru me for the highest good of all."


Affirm: "I now call forth The Flames of My Personal Love, Light, & Power to heal my Whole Being with my every breath, including my physical body, and my emotional, mental, etheric, & spiritual bodies. I Am continually breathing into my Whole Being the divinely perfect energies from the Flames of Love, Light , & Power that heals and restores the Divine Perfection of The Creator throughout my whole being. I Am healthy! I Am Joyful! I Am fulfilled! I Am The Perfection of The Creator in me!


Thank You God for this total & complete healing. And So It All Manifests!

Infinite Blessings of Love & Light to all of You !

Video: "Let Your Soul & The Creator Manifest Fully Through You ! By Steven Hutchinson" -

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