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Hello friends.

I would like to speak with you today about a topic that perhaps many of us can relate to. Perhaps you are a former radical or dreamer or revolutionary who settled down into an office job, or settled for a stereotypical kind of life.

You know what I mean. Way back in the day you may have thought about all the ways you would change the world and make things better, how you had so many ideas. But of course, you were weird, and at the time, not respected by your peers.

But over time, as you may have had enough run ins with the law to be scared of the consequences, or seen what has happened to other radicals, you began to lose hope and faith, and slowly gave up. Now you will settle for a wife, 2 and a half kids, a white picket fence, a two story house, a dog and a nice lawn mower.

You normaled out. You became integrated. But in the process, you lost a part of yourself. You feel it. You could have been a warrior, you could have traveled many nations. You could have inspired could have inspired yourself. see where your life is heading. Things become predictable. Your intellectual mindset is useful to corporate and you slowly get herded into the office careers. Soon you must spend so much of your time thinking about office work that you come back and are too tired to even think about anything else. You simply want to mellow out, simmer down, tune out, and repeat the next day.

But sometimes...sometimes, you catch yourself in the mirror. The real you, staring at yourself right in the mirror, ashamed and disgusted at what you have begun.

No; the you looking at your self is not the you which is disgusting. It is the real, core, you: the you which you could have and always wanted to be. And you gave it all up, and threw it all away. You see your faded youth, your sad frown, your collar and your expensive tie, worn like a leash and a noose.

Oh, but you know you aren't alone. Somewhere out there, you know there are a million other sad fucks just like you. And you know this because they were right there with you in the heyday of the internet and its insanity. Now they've got money and acquaintances, but too much soul to not know better. You know there's a million other former idealists, radicals, thinkers, dreamers, and warriors. But they gave in too. Because hey, everybody does it. And now? They can barely think or dream, and what they can think or dream about is so meek and mediocre. Even worse is that they are brutally aware of this mediocrity.

But time passes longer. You hit your forty's, your fifty's. You realize that death is soon upon you. Your most potential years are passed, and you spent giving into greed, lust, and anger.

Maybe...Maybe this person is me. Maybe I'm just 20.
Maybe I realize how much I've lost.
Maybe it's time I leave.
Maybe it's time I explore.
Maybe it's time I become conscious once again.


I saw this a few minutes ago... I knew this had to be spread. It speaks to me, and hopefully to us all.
Maybe this is exactly what we have all been waiting for. That one thing that is always just oven the horizon or around the next corner, all it is, is whatever we let reach that part of us we won't let be reached because we know that once we do... We will no longer be able to justify our inaction.
I've been waiting for so long... too long. I can't wait anymore. I NEED, to do something, anything, even if doesn't seem like anything at all. So long as it helps.
Are you with me?
(please re-post)
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Reiki classes in English and Spanish

Reiki classes in English and Spanish

Healing Today is proud that we have offered affordable Reiki classes to thousands of students all over the USA. Reiki is a natural healing modality and we believe that the actual practice is very simple and available to everyone. We present the classes in a realistic and practical manner.


In several cities we also offer the Reiki classes in Spanish. We have met many students who are more comfortable with learning about Reiki en Español.


The level 1 class is the beginner’s class and the total cost is only $75. This includes the class handouts, attunement, and certificate.


Please visit our website for more info and current class schedule.


Healing Today Reiki classes


Clases de Reiki en Español


Healing Today ofrece cursos y certificación para practicantes y maestros de Reiki. Los maestros de Healing Today han ofrecido cursos de Reiki desde 1999 y han iniciado más de 2000 estudiantes en Florida, Georgia, Texas, New Mexico, y otros estados.

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19 Votes


ISISHASRETURNEDOn June 21st a fantastic event has occurred on planet earth. The wheel has been set in motion and we will finally be able to breathe with release. On June 21st the Goddess that we’ve all been waiting for, for so very long, has returned! Isis, Inanna, Ishtar, she is known by many different names. One of the most powerful goddesses to ever have stepped foot onto earth. Finally she has arrived!


I was pulled into an experience on June 21st, the angles have once again raised their trumpets and beautiful music began to spread far and wide throughout the whole world. I did not understand at first what all of this commotion was about and then I saw her! She was magnificent, stunning, ever changing. It was rather unnerving at times to look at her, due to her many facets she kept changing from one image to another to show what she represents. Many know that she is not only the goddess of love, but also of war, prosperity, fertility, passion, and so much more. I found myself overcome with incredible tranquility and a thought “now everything will be okay”.


What I am being told is that Isis is pure energy of love and femininity. She is a representation of everything that is feminine, tranquil and yet powerful. Immensely Powerful. She is not simply a being, she is a gregarious being of light. Pure energy is what she truly is, and yet as an energy being she is able to transform and take form of various people in order to get the job done. She is the representation of our feminine side, regardless of weather you are a man or a woman. A part of her is in you and a part of you is in her. Every single being on earth and beyond has a particle of her in them, and she has a particle of them in her. She is the MOTHER GOD, the MOTHER SOURCE so to speak of ALL that there is. She is the feminine representation of the SOURCE.

What we are trying to say to you dearly beloveds, is that upon holding the disc you are engaging the energies of your sub atomic principles to step forward, and the vortex that has been created to pull your subconsciousness into the sphere, allowing you to pass through the zero point and return to your true state of being. And so, the disc acts as an accelerating device and an attunement instrument to cleanse your DNA from remnants and frequencies past which are affecting your body and your consciousness in a way that is against the good of your higher self. And as such allowing the ascension process to move forward without delay. Using this disc will allow the energies to be magnified and applied directly to the one in question, and tune the body of the beholder and attune the DNA of the beholder with the frequency of THE SOURCE entering GAIA.

So what happens now? What I was told is mind boggling, extremely exciting, and downright awesome.

Please note that I am told that those of us who are from “team Isis” will begin to feel her presence tremendously so in the days to follow. We will be called to “duty” and will find ourselves being pulled out of our bodies (meaning we’ll spontaneously go into meditation, for example dosing off at home all of  a sudden, etc. ) in order to meet with her and merge with her energies. So it’ll continue to be a dance, where many upon many souls who have come here under the Isis flagship will be merging together into ONE brilliant being and separating again to fulfill their duties only this time becoming much more powerful and determined. It will be a very interesting dance, as we settle into our new roles here on earth.  Our powers will increase tremendously. Every single person on earth will be affected, but those once again under her flagship so to speak will feel it the most.

Each time that this energy will be focused on a particular area of the world, portals will begin to open up and fantastic events will begin happening. Once again for many of us, this time will be, a very busy one! Especially for the ones that are physically located in the area of her “stay”. We’ll all be pulled to her when the portals or major changes are about to take place. So prepare yourselves for brilliant experiences in the next few months.

Each time that her energy will manifest itself in a place major changes will take place in that area. Changes that concerns various fields and ways of life. It could be political, financial, medicinal, scientific, religious, etc., etc., one things’ for sure, nothing will ever be the same again.

Her first order of business –VATICAN (June 24 – July 4th)she will make way to the Vatican.  The energy of ISIS will be so powerful and so strong there that the mind of those in charge will begin to shift into a new reality, allowing them to step forward with the truth about the true nature of things, humanity’s history and our Galactic Heritage.

10 days later  (July 4th – July 7th ) she will make her way to England, where she will spend 4 days opening up various portals that are there. There’s a huge shift that will occur after her visit, and it will be very interesting to see how it will all play out.

July 7th – July 24th We will find her energies prevailing in Russia. There she will be cleansing slate, purging and cleaning those who are in charge, readjusting their understanding of life, to allow more benefits for humanity in general. There she will also activate many VERY important portals. Portals that sit under Moscow and surrounding areas.

July 24- August 1st – She will come to Egypt, where she will mourn the destruction of the temples and pyramids, and restore the energy gateways that once were. She will open other such gateways and will embrace the whole land with love and light. Under her influence the artifacts of the “lost world” will begin to manifest themselves and the archeologists will not be able to hide this information from the people. This will truly begin to change the understanding of who we are, where we come from and why we are here.

August 1st – August 11th – She will be in Israel. Which should see a huge shift in consciousness. Many more portals are in Israel. This will be a very powerful visit, which will assist in stabilizing the energies in the Middle East and step by step bring peace to the world.

August 11th – August 13st – She will be in Greece, once again reactivating various temples and energy portals. She will especially be active at the Olympus, so if you will wish to connect with her energies, you could go visit Olympus at this time.

metatronsprotectiontool 1

Metatron’s Clearing & Protection Device – As told to me by AA Metatron – Activates automatically at 11:00 a.m. and 11:00 p.m. everyday drawing source energy into itself and then dispersing this energy to you evenly throughout the day. It protects up to 13 feet of space in every direction, remember that your own sphere of influence is 18 miles in each direction and coupled with this tool you will amplify this energy creating a vacuum of clearance which will expand exponentially. No matter what method you use in 15 minutes after you clear space, unless you have something in that space to keep the POSITIVE energy flowing to neutralize the negative, everything will come back. That is why its always great to have something near you that will neutralize this type of energy and bathe you in love and light

New York  - from August 13st – August 23rd . She will also activate a huge portal that sits beneath the city itself, and disable the one that is currently spewing so much negativity into the city. She will transform New Yorkers from inside out, and bring happiness and peace to their hearts.

Japan – August 23rd –  August 31st – Here’s a very interesting outcome that hopefully will come to pass. We should finally see some movement in regards to the Fakushima issue, as she works relentlessly with the hearts of those who are at the forefront of this situation.

China – August 31st – September 6th – Her stay in China will mark the beginning of historical events and fruitful relations between major world players. Her energy influence will open the hearts of many to reconsider their local and world policies, and allow for a more natural approach to “doing business” with the rest of the world. There are many upon many portals in China, which will begin to be opened one by one. However, she will come back to China at a later date to continue with the opening of the portals.

September 6th will find ISIS in Uganda, where she will once again be opening up a portal.

September 7th – September 19th she will make way to the United Arab Emirates there she will clean, scrub and activate all the little and big portals in order to bring feminine energies into this country. She will sweep the whole nation and all of the neighboring nations with fervor. And finally open the door for equality and balance within their hearts.

September 19th – October 2nd She will be spending time in Afganistan, where she will open the portals, and work to restore peaceful energies in that region of the world. She will also manifest various artifacts from the past, showcasing to the world once again the true nature of humanity and where they have come from.

October 2nd – October 21st she will visit Kirgistan, Moldova, Romania and Prussia

UPDATE: October 22nd – October 28th – She will visit Australia. She will come back to Australia in May of next year and spend a whole month there, working with various important portals. So May of 2015 shall find Australia ablaze with love and light of ISIS and her crew.

INDIA: She will visit south part of India November 13 – November 24. She will then leave and go to Galilee (a region in the northern part of israel, near Haifa). And come back to the Northern part of Indian on November 28th – December 3rd. 

She will continue to roam the earth moving from place to place until finally the BALANCE between the FEMININE and MASCULINE energies will be restored.

ISIS is here to stay, she is not going anywhere. The time has finally come that both energies YIN and YANG will merge and allow prosperity, health, abundance, joy, creativity, technological and spiritual advances to flourish on planet earth, but above all LOVE.

Once again be prepared to be called to “duty”! This time it will be a lot of fun! And finally after all the portals have been opened. And this will continue for a few years, as the ones mentioned above are only the major ones, then the restoration of planet earth and human psyche shall begin. Welcome to Phase II everyone! Exciting times indeed!

P.S. If you do not see your city/country listed here do not despair. ISIS and her loving feminine energies are now infusing the whole world and each and every single one of us. The reason for these dates and places is that on these dates and places her energy will be felt VERY strongly as the portals that are in those regions will be activated. However, if you feel that you wish to connect to ISIS or anyone else, all you need to do is ask, just go into your meditative state and ask to speak with her and you will be able to do so :)

~Anna Merkaba – Energy Healer- Channeler – Lightworker. To book a Healing or Pychic Session with Anna and for more channeled messages to help you on your journey to self discovery visit : Sacred Ascension – Key of Life – DISCOVER YOUR TRUE SELF THROUGH THE VIBRATIONAL MESSAGES FROM BEHIND THE VEIL –


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Sacred Sites of Gaia

Greetings, Everyone!

Have you found the website for Sacred Sites on Earth? If not, you must visit it:

Find sacred sites near you, that you've visited, or might discover to add to your travel plans. They are special, holding mystical energy in vortexes or vorteces, that one can feel or intuit when there. Just amazing how many there are.



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Patricia Cota-RoblesStephen: This is a very powerful activation that Patricia Cota-Robles posted as part of her most recent update – which Andrew originally posted here. But Patricia re-sent this part of it this week and I felt it may very likely be something you may wish to do during this weekend’s powerful June Solstice – which occurs at the following times around the world on Saturday, June 21 (which is already today for many): 8.51pm (Saturday, June 21) Sydney, 6.51pm Beijing, 4.21pm Mumbai,  1.51pm Baghdad, 12.51pm Johannesburg, 11.51am London, 6.51am New York, 3.51am Vancouver and 12.51am Honolulu.

By Patricia Cota-Robles – June 14, 2014 –

The following is a very powerful Activity of Light that the Company of Heaven has given to us at this time.

It is specifically designed to help Humanity take full advantage of this awesome opportunity. It is stated in the first person, so we will each experience this powerful Ascension process individually, but KNOW that simultaneously we are invoking this Light on behalf of ALL of our Sisters and Brothers in the Family of Humanity, the Elemental Kingdom, and the physical, etheric, mental, and emotional strata of Mother Earth.

This is a Gift from On High that will build in momentum as we invoke this Activity of Light NOW and THROUGHOUT THE REST OF THIS MIRACULOUS YEAR.

I AM Ascending Into My I AM Presence

I AM my I AM Presence and I AM One with the I AM Presence of ALL Humanity. As this wondrous Ascension in the Light occurs within me it occurs through every person on Earth, in perfect alignment with his or her Divine Plan and the highest good for all concerned.

I AM sitting comfortably in my chair with my arms and legs uncrossed and my spine is as straight as possible. I breathe in deeply and instantly I AM relaxed and peaceful. I empty my mind of all of the thoughts of the day and I KNOW, “I AM That I AM.”

I gently go within to the Divinity of my Heart and focus my attention on my Immortal Victorious Threefold Flame. Within the full embrace of my Threefold Flame, I realize that I have transcended the old Earth and crossed the threshold into the 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Frequencies of the New Earth. I have truly entered a New Day filled with the full-gathered momentum of Heaven on Earth.

Victory is mine! Victory is mine! Victory is mine!

With this inner knowing, I realize that I have the awesome responsibility of BECOMING the full manifestation of my I AM Presence while I AM embodied on the New Earth. This literally means Transfiguring my physical, etheric, mental, and emotional bodies into the 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Light Bodies of my I AM Presence.

This Divine Alchemy is occurring within me now at an atomic, cellular level. Every electron, every atom, every subatomic particle and wave of my bodies and all the spaces in between the atoms and molecules of my bodies are being filled with multifaceted 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Light.

My I AM Presence is now able to take full dominion of my Earthly Bodies. As this occurs, my thoughts, feelings, words, actions, memories, and beliefs reflect the Transfiguring Divine Love, Infinite Abundance, Eternal Peace, Bliss, Harmony, and Oneness of my Father-Mother God. My physical reality is transformed, and I now experience at every level the infinite physical perfection of the New Earth.

My I AM Presence claims full authority within my Earthly Bodies. I stand forth now as a complete God Being pulsating within the glorious multicolored, multidimensional radiance of my I AM Presence.

My feet are planted firmly on the New Earth, and simultaneously I AM One with all of the Ascended Realms of Infinite Perfection. I AM a God Being of resplendent Light, now realizing the fullness of that Light on every level of my Being. As I AM lifted up, all Life is lifted up with me. Therefore, I know that within my I AM Presence, I AM now ALL of Humanity standing forth and realizing that we are God Beings­—Sons and Daughters of God—on every realm associated with the New Earth.

Within my I AM Presence, I AM the Ascension Flame and I AM the full Divine Momentum of the Twelve Solar Aspects of Deity blazing in, through, and around every particle and wave of Life. I AM liberating every physical and chemical interaction within the Earthly Bodies of ALL Humanity, the Elemental Kingdom, and the physical, etheric, mental, and emotional strata of Mother Earth. The Ascension Flame is raising all of the energy bonds between atoms and within atoms into the 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Frequencies of God’s Infinite Perfection.

I KNOW and ACCEPT that contained within this flowing electronic pattern of Light is everything necessary to Transfigure the entire physical realm into the patterns of perfection for the New Earth. This unfathomable Light contains everything necessary to set straight the orbit, spin, and electronic charge of every cell, atom, and electron of Life on the old Earth. I feel all energy bonds within the atomic realm now Ascending in vibration toward the frequency of infinite physical perfection. Every cell of Life is now blazing with the full perfection of 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Light.

Within my I AM Presence, I AM the Ascension Flame and the 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Frequencies of the Twelve Solar Aspects of Deity blazing through every interaction within Humanity and all of the energy bonds therein—this includes the relationships of all people, organizations, races, religions, and nations—liberating these interactions into the harmony of a Higher Order of Being, expanding the Sphere of Humanity’s I AM Presence on Earth.

Within the Peace of the Great Solar Quiet, I AM aware of this Higher Reality. I AM now clearly receiving the Divine Promptings, Ideas, and Concepts of my I AM Presence. Daily and hourly, through the Gift of the Ascension Flame, I AM experiencing the Higher Reality of the New Earth within my heart and mind.

I AM now a living, Light-filled Temple of Vibrant Health, Eternal Youth, God’s Infinite Abundance, Peace, Harmony, Balance, Happiness, and Abounding Joy. I AM my 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Light Bodies of I AM Consciousness now made manifest on the New Earth.  And so it is.

I return my consciousness to the room. I become aware of my body, and I allow these Divine Energies to be assimilated into my physical, etheric, mental, and emotional bodies. I breathe deeply and gently as I absorb the bliss of this moment. (pause)

I AM Grateful, I AM Grateful, I AM Eternally Grateful.

Beloved Father-Mother God—All That Is—I AM.

Patricia Cota-Robles, New Age Study of Humanity’s Purpose  a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit educational organization www.eraofpeace,org

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Dear Friends you all are aware very well about all the thinks which you need from abandon the bed and to revert back on the bed. Though you can light any of the topic whether its related to health, education, business, sports, political, entertainment and other so many fields which are can not explain here in a single way. Do you know what exact it? Yes, All These are credited by up growing technology. Now days human can't live without help to the technology, because they has been depending on it. One more thing is there, Technology is a second life for human being which is going to parallel with natural life. Yes of-course it some is beneficial than some time dangerous. Some time before it had to wait for communication to one person to another, because we have not such types of medium which is help to do fast it. But same here now we are able to communicate less then one second. This is the result of up growing technology. Same for health department, entertainment department, Business department and so on.

For Entrepreneur, they used to so many traditional ways for promote their businesses which are suitable and which are not, but now days or we can say the age of up grading technology we can use the numbers of latest tools that are most catchy and appropriate for the business. Website design and Development is one of the most usable latest tool in the locomotion. With the help of web design and development you can promote your business accordingly.

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What is Mannequin Head?

10900625698?profile=originalMannequin Head:-

Mannequin Head called a manikin, dummy or lay figure) is an often articulated doll used by artists, tailors, dressmakers, window dressers and others especially to display or fit clothing. Mannequin Head are commonly used to display fashions, but customizing and dressing a mannequin is important in order to set a product apart from so many others.Small shops, accessory stores and decorators may not want to buy a whole mannequin, when they need to only display hats or accessories.

Mannequin Head can be created using the arts and crafts methods of paper mache and decoupage. Female Display Head are white, with features, and they are available at most arts and crafts stores. Many of them are already sized to fit hats or headbands. Miniature versions are also available. Mannequin Head are commonly used by hair dressers and jewelers.

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The Festival of Humanity is now arriving on June 13that 5:11 GMT (12:11 AM Eastern and June 12th, 9:11 PM Pacific) within the Sun  of Gemini opposing the Moon within Sagittarius. 


This moon represents our Lower Mind of thinking logically battling the Higher Mind of our intuition and wisdom.


This is the last of the ascension festivals which represents the ability to ground the higher levels of awareness and consciousness that we have received during the Wesak moon just one month ago.  The time that has passed since Wesak has given us an opportunity to take those lessons we learned and understand what we have gone through in the process of our mastery  which may be a challenge to face within our present awareness.  These energies will take us out of the reality we have been living under into a whole new perspective as we actively allow our Higher Self to be our ruling guide in each moment that we think, feel, and act upon this Earth.

The Ray of Love of Wisdom within the color of Golden Yellow was activated through GAIA’s Merkabah of Light during Wesak.  It is now time for each of us to fully integrate not only this ray of pure love from our highest perspective but to be fully grounded with it along with the Blue Flame of Will and Power and the Ruby Red and Gold Flame of Inner Devotion.  Life is changing on this earth; the integration of these powerful rays fully grounded will assist not only the entire planet but each individual to change their life path in a new and constructive manner.

With this integration of the Festival of Goodwill there will be a reconstruction in the following areas:

  • The Power of Will
  • The Will to Love
  • The Will to Action
  • The Will to Cooperate
  • The Will to Know and To Think Correctly and Creatively
  • The Will to Persist will become a human characteristic,
  • The Will to Organize


Our lessons will be centered upon each of the elements so that the choices we make will be reflected in every course of action we take.  We are now at the stage to reconstruct our lives on the of the Divine Will being manifested within our world.

This Wesak brought forth great changes in each of us.  Some of them are manifested in our outside world or within ourselves.  It does not matter which way it becomes obvious to each individual; the most important matter is allowing them to grow within us, change us to become the master we desire to be, and create our world accordingly.  This is truly about giving service to this Earth.

The aspects of this full moon only enhance the energetic exchange of this festival of light.  It represents our ability to communicate more clearly with a different sense of attitude within us.  It can create a sense of adventure in the actions that you take.  Gemini shows us conflict within our logic and Sagittarius brings us the illumination that we desire.

It truly helps us to bring forth the illumination of the Higher Mind to blend within the Lower Mind of the Physical Self so that there is more of a flow of ideas within our consciousness instead of the battling between the higher and lower energies within the self.

It is important to take time during this full moon to  your Higher Self within your physical existence by breathing in the Rays of God or Spectrums of Light.  Connect with your Higher Essence to see what you may need to  within your physical body so that these elements can be put into place within your pathway of light.

On June 11th, 2014 Walking Terra Christa is facilitating a Full Moon/Festival of Humanity  with Lords Maitreya and Kuthumi in the Crystalline City of Havalanchee located in the Etheric Earth over Mt. Shasta, California.  Mel and Mike, the hosts for this magnificent ceremony, hope that individuals will choose to join them.  Please check the Walking Terra Christa website for details.

Utilizing the Wesak Decree will assist in grounding the energies we are incorporating presently:


Inducting the Golden Yellow Flame of Love and Wisdom


The time is now upon us,

Of Celebrating Wesak in 2014,

Representing the Flame of Love and Wisdom,

To be fully integrated into GAIA.

This flame of the Golden Yellow,

Now joins with the flame of Ruby Red,

Representing Inner Devotion,

And the Ray of Will and Power,

Igniting the Deep Blue Essence of Light.

GAIA is now receiving these flames,

In her fully consciousness of the Merkabah Vehicle of Light She Is.

We, as the initiates of this Earth,

Have traveled far and wide,

Through time and space,

To be in the here and now,

As we receive these amazing flames of Light,

Within our Beingness.

As Love and Wisdom,

Represents Mental Illumination,

Of Allowing Universal Love,

To Be My Guide in all that I experience,

I breathe deeply within my Crown Chakra,

To Ignite the expansiveness,

That I AM..

I allow the Will and Power,

Of the Blue Flame to be fully ignited within my Throat Chakra,

I learn to speak my truth,

As I embody the strength and courage,

Of all my timelines to be fully accessed.


I feel the serenity and peace,

Of the Ray of Inner Devotion,

Within the flame of Ruby Red and Gold,

As it blends within my Solar Plexus,

I feel my Inner Power within me,

As I devote my pathway,

To understanding my Higher Self’s Journey Within Me.

I fully embrace all of these essences,

To be part of my physical existence,

As this is the way it is to be,

For 2014.

I extend my gratitude to the Source of Oneness,

Of the Brotherhood of White Light,

And especially Lord Buddha,

Our Planetary Logos.

He is assisting the entire essence of the Earth,

To accelerate our bodies,

So that they may meet with,

Our Higher Self, Monad, and I AM Presence.

The journey of ascension,

Can be very intense,

But so rewarding.

I breathe deeply,

As I feel the changes occurring within me,

I chant the sounds of,

“HAM” with “HE”,

For Will and Power within my Throat;

“AAA – OOO – MMM”,

For Inner Devotion within my Solar Plexus;

And the sound of “I” with “AUM”,

For Love and Wisdom.

All of these Spectrums of Light,

Now spin within me,

I ground them fully through my Earth Star,

As I send them into GAIA’s Merkabah Vehicle of Light;

As I receive the gift of these rays of light,

From the Elders Around the Throne of Grace,

I send them unto GAIA’s Core of Light.

The spinning of our Merkabah’s,

Are now in Unison,

As we Become One Beam of Acceleration Together.

I connect fully with all the Ascended Beings in Shamballa,

For Wesak 2014,

As we Become One,

With Lord Buddha as our guide,

Allowing All that I AM,

To be fully within all parts of my Being.

I feel it spinning within me,

I feel the connection of All Sentinent Beings,

As we Represent the One of the All.

I embrace all that I experience,

In this moment of Wesak 2014,

As my acceleration,

Is now grounded fully within me,

As I walk into a new doorway of Light.

I AM One with All that I AM

I AM that I AM that I AM

©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. Michael Aranathanara.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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DNA Upgrades and Activations

At present, humanity on Earth has 2-strand DNA in the cells of the body. Light (information)

expresses through the medium of what we call consciousness, and that consciousness is

encoded within DNA. The +/- polarities in light are comparable to the DNA-RNA, which could

be described as the polarities of human consciousness. This is also the reason that human

consciousness goes from light to dark.


Through the 12-strand DNA Activation, 10 additional strands are activated in the body cells.

The additional DNA strands are of magnetic, multi-dimensional nature and cannot be detected

by present scientific equipment. We assume from testing and response that the changes initially

occur in the etheric body. These additional DNA strands trigger the countless number of

cellular activities necessary to change our dense physical body into a physical-etheric body and

change our energy fields. It is these additional strands of DNA that trigger the change of our

total being into an Ascension Vehicle that will carry us into the fifth dimension. This is the

reason we have said that the DNA and the RNA are communication systems. It would be as if

DNA is the link to the Higher Self and the Soul and RNA would be the soul’s response.

Through this DNA upgrade process, awareness is brought into the consciousness and Intention

is set into motion. To strengthen the connection to your Higher Selves, new attributes will be

employed. You are in the process of changing a critical part of the biology known to you as

DNA. This new template allows you to walk in full unison with your Higher Self in every



The Meaning and Function of the Third Strand DNA Activation-

the death programming is

removed from the cellular memory.


The Meaning and Function of the Fourth Strand DNA Activation-

the fifth dimensional

light filter on the Third Eye is dissolved. This allows us to begin receiving the Light language

of the fifth dimension through our Third Eye. The Third Eye is like a receptor-prism of the

Light Language that carries instructions to the body’s cells about changing the physical body

into a physical-etheric light body. Additional information flows into our conscious mind

allowing life to be experienced multi-dimensional. Through massive light absorption our cells

remember their Divine Perfection and vibrate in absolute oneness with the Immaculate Concept.


The Meaning and Function of the Fifth Strand DNA Activation-

the fifth dimensional filter

on the heart chakra is dissolved. This means the information we access through our third eye is

expressed through action in a loving, heartfelt way. We have the ability to heal ourselves and

others, spontaneously and instantaneously as Divine Love and Truth radiate from our every cell.

The 4th and 5th strands go hand in hand.

The Meaning and Function of the Sixth Strand DNA Activation-

the Light language from

the sixth dimension continues to feed information to the body cells regarding transformation

into a physical-etheric being. Sixth dimensional information begins to flow through our

conscious mind as we plunge deeper into experiencing life multi-dimensionally. We remember

HOW to control the spin of our electrons. This activates our super human abilities.....such as

shapeshifting and bilocation....


The Meaning and Function of the Seventh DNA Activation-

the sixth dimension light filter

on the heart chakra is dissolved. Again, that ensues that the information we access through our

Third Eye is expressed through action in a loving, heartfelt way. We are radiators of love's

transfiguration...... we constantly transfer our perfected patterns to all life as we are ALL the

SAME particles of energy.

The 6h and 7th strands go hand and hand.


The Meaning and Function of the Eighth Strand DNA Activation-

The seventh dimension

light filter on the Third Eye Chakra is dissolved. The Light Language of the seventh dimension

feeds more information into the body cells regarding transformation into a physical-etheric

being. As seventh dimensional information begins to flow into our conscious mind, we are now

receiving instructions directly from the quantum Christ Realm.


The Meaning and Function of the Ninth DNA Activation-

The seventh dimension light filter on the Heart Chakra is dissolved. This ensures

that the information we access through our Third Eye is expressed through actions of

unconditional love. Through rhythm and constancy, we are masters of our emotional body. We

maintain a strong, steady and stabilized form. Our emoting frequencies are

joy.......peace.......tranquility and unconditional love... able to transform other energy fields

The 8th and 9th strands go hand in hand.

The Meaning and Function of the Tenth Strand DNA Activation-

your Ascension Vehicleactivates. In the Seventh Dimension Activation, the North and South Poles opened to the flowof quantum Christ energy surrounding the body in a 100-ft. diameter cloud. When the 10h

strand activates, what’s known as the Metatron Matrix forms around the cloud containing it like

a vessel so it does not dissipate. Your individual Ascension Vehicle is now completely formed.

You naturally attract everything that is needed and required to fulfill the Divine Plan. Through

your purity in the eternal now, you have the power to manifest instantly on the physical plane....

through thought and feeling alone.


The Meaning and Function of the Eleventh DNA Activation-

A Planetary Ascension Vehicle

has also formed around Mother Earth. Now, as the 11th strand activates, lines of light connect

your Individual Ascension Vehicle to mother earth’s from your North Pole to Earth’s North

Pole and from your South Pole to Earth’s South Pole. Your every thought, action, word, and

feeling is being guided by your mighty I AM Presence. We simply know that we are in perfect

alignment in every moment. Trusting in the Group Plan, we move forward in our daily lives as

a sacred instrument of God.


The Meaning and Function of the Twelfth DNA Activation-

As the 12th strand activates, your

Individual Ascension Vehicle is charged by a continuous flow of electro-magnetic energy

through the poles from the Planetary Ascension Vehicle. When Mother Earth shifts, everyone

connected to her through their Individual Ascension Vehicles will shift with her. We live,

breathe, think, and feel as ONE, entering into a relationship of perfect love and perfect trust

with every life form as we shine our radiant example of the infinite possibilities of God

embodied on Earth.

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DNA Upgrades and Activations

At present, humanity on Earth has 2-strand DNA in the cells of the body. Light (information)

expresses through the medium of what we call consciousness, and that consciousness is

encoded within DNA. The +/- polarities in light are comparable to the DNA-RNA, which could

be described as the polarities of human consciousness. This is also the reason that human

consciousness goes from light to dark.


Through the 12-strand DNA Activation, 10 additional strands are activated in the body cells.

The additional DNA strands are of magnetic, multi-dimensional nature and cannot be detected

by present scientific equipment. We assume from testing and response that the changes initially

occur in the etheric body. These additional DNA strands trigger the countless number of

cellular activities necessary to change our dense physical body into a physical-etheric body and

change our energy fields. It is these additional strands of DNA that trigger the change of our

total being into an Ascension Vehicle that will carry us into the fifth dimension. This is the

reason we have said that the DNA and the RNA are communication systems. It would be as if

DNA is the link to the Higher Self and the Soul and RNA would be the soul’s response.

Through this DNA upgrade process, awareness is brought into the consciousness and Intention

is set into motion. To strengthen the connection to your Higher Selves, new attributes will be

employed. You are in the process of changing a critical part of the biology known to you as

DNA. This new template allows you to walk in full unison with your Higher Self in every



The Meaning and Function of the Third Strand DNA Activation-

the death programming is

removed from the cellular memory.


The Meaning and Function of the Fourth Strand DNA Activation-

the fifth dimensional

light filter on the Third Eye is dissolved. This allows us to begin receiving the Light language

of the fifth dimension through our Third Eye. The Third Eye is like a receptor-prism of the

Light Language that carries instructions to the body’s cells about changing the physical body

into a physical-etheric light body. Additional information flows into our conscious mind

allowing life to be experienced multi-dimensional. Through massive light absorption our cells

remember their Divine Perfection and vibrate in absolute oneness with the Immaculate Concept.


The Meaning and Function of the Fifth Strand DNA Activation-

the fifth dimensional filter

on the heart chakra is dissolved. This means the information we access through our third eye is

expressed through action in a loving, heartfelt way. We have the ability to heal ourselves and

others, spontaneously and instantaneously as Divine Love and Truth radiate from our every cell.

The 4th and 5th strands go hand in hand.

The Meaning and Function of the Sixth Strand DNA Activation-

the Light language from

the sixth dimension continues to feed information to the body cells regarding transformation

into a physical-etheric being. Sixth dimensional information begins to flow through our

conscious mind as we plunge deeper into experiencing life multi-dimensionally. We remember

HOW to control the spin of our electrons. This activates our super human abilities.....such as

shapeshifting and bilocation....


The Meaning and Function of the Seventh DNA Activation-

the sixth dimension light filter

on the heart chakra is dissolved. Again, that ensues that the information we access through our

Third Eye is expressed through action in a loving, heartfelt way. We are radiators of love's

transfiguration...... we constantly transfer our perfected patterns to all life as we are ALL the

SAME particles of energy.

The 6h and 7th strands go hand and hand.


The Meaning and Function of the Eighth Strand DNA Activation-

The seventh dimension

light filter on the Third Eye Chakra is dissolved. The Light Language of the seventh dimension

feeds more information into the body cells regarding transformation into a physical-etheric

being. As seventh dimensional information begins to flow into our conscious mind, we are now

receiving instructions directly from the quantum Christ Realm.


The Meaning and Function of the Ninth DNA Activation-

The seventh dimension light filter on the Heart Chakra is dissolved. This ensures

that the information we access through our Third Eye is expressed through actions of

unconditional love. Through rhythm and constancy, we are masters of our emotional body. We

maintain a strong, steady and stabilized form. Our emoting frequencies are

joy.......peace.......tranquility and unconditional love... able to transform other energy fields

The 8th and 9th strands go hand in hand.

The Meaning and Function of the Tenth Strand DNA Activation-

your Ascension Vehicleactivates. In the Seventh Dimension Activation, the North and South Poles opened to the flowof quantum Christ energy surrounding the body in a 100-ft. diameter cloud. When the 10h

strand activates, what’s known as the Metatron Matrix forms around the cloud containing it like

a vessel so it does not dissipate. Your individual Ascension Vehicle is now completely formed.

You naturally attract everything that is needed and required to fulfill the Divine Plan. Through

your purity in the eternal now, you have the power to manifest instantly on the physical plane....

through thought and feeling alone.


The Meaning and Function of the Eleventh DNA Activation-

A Planetary Ascension Vehicle

has also formed around Mother Earth. Now, as the 11th strand activates, lines of light connect

your Individual Ascension Vehicle to mother earth’s from your North Pole to Earth’s North

Pole and from your South Pole to Earth’s South Pole. Your every thought, action, word, and

feeling is being guided by your mighty I AM Presence. We simply know that we are in perfect

alignment in every moment. Trusting in the Group Plan, we move forward in our daily lives as

a sacred instrument of God.


The Meaning and Function of the Twelfth DNA Activation-

As the 12th strand activates, your

Individual Ascension Vehicle is charged by a continuous flow of electro-magnetic energy

through the poles from the Planetary Ascension Vehicle. When Mother Earth shifts, everyone

connected to her through their Individual Ascension Vehicles will shift with her. We live,

breathe, think, and feel as ONE, entering into a relationship of perfect love and perfect trust

with every life form as we shine our radiant example of the infinite possibilities of God

embodied on Earth.

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Activating Humanity's Prosperity Code




We are Opening 44 Portals of Light in the Global Financial Sector


"As an awakened group consciousness, it's a proven fact that we are a major  
economic catalyst for the multitude. We are now ready to demonstrate this truth."
 Children of the Sun Humanitarian Foundation 


Call to Service


During the final phase of the Prosperity Plan and with the supporting rays of the Solstice Sun, we are being summoned into active service.


This next undertaking is crucial to catalyzing greater positive shifts in the global economy as we set into momentum the world prosperity encodement, in accordance with the unfolding Divine Plan.    


We are offering ourselves up as conduits for a world transmission purposed to saturate Humanity's higher mental body with illumined understanding.  


To maximize the potency of this seeding, we are opening portals of light at 44 of the most influential financial entities of the world.


This is an immense activation occurring through the Unity Consciousness Matrix and its grid of light.


All is free. Help us get everyone else on board!



Rise People of Goodwill  


Take Action 


It is through cohesive and unifying group activity, such as this Solstice Transmission, that the Universal Light Intelligence is grounding the perfected crystalline patterns of the new global economy.

We are boldly demonstrating the invincible power of a unified group with singular purpose.

As one voice, we are take our mighty commands deep into the realms of invocation to inaugurate the era of the "right use of money" for an entire planet and its evolving race. When we invoke, we give permission for Divine Intervention to come in and act for the greater good of all.


Now is the time for us to wield this power in response to the overwhelming appearance of world need. From Unity Consciousness, we are assisting the masses to shift into new perceptions of humanitarianism, equality and prosperity for all.


Rise people of goodwill! VICTORY IS OURS!



The Goal: Seeding the Realized Outcome


The primary goal of this world transmission is to anchor some of the necessary energetic foundations upon which the new global economy will be realized.


Rather than spending our precious moments calling out all that is in distortion regarding the world's money game, we are instead placing our focus upon seeding the 5th dimensional templates into the planetary Crystalline Grid while merging with the higher consciousness of all Humanity to support smooth economic transition.



Transmitting to the Global Elite


We are also transmitting to the top 44 financial controllers and global elite of our planet.  Our intention with the "List of 44" is to initiate a mass domino affect in all other financial related entities throughout the world.


Each of us will project our consciousness to one financial building or entity. From deep compassion and neutralized awareness, we will then serve as a human channel to transmit the unity codes plus help open a portals of light.


We will all do this together with a group of transmitters at each of these 44 locations thereby creating an impenetrable and cohered matrix of divine intent.


All transmitters are required to come to this event in the fullness of love and compassion towards the ruling global elite. Polarized attitudes and charged emotions will naturally void your transmission.





Opening 44 Portals of Light in the Global Financial Sector  






Please select one of these locations that will be your personal portal of light location and indicate this on the registration form.  


Please conduct further research so that you know your chosen entity very well.


List of 44 Controllers of World Finance    


 See the descriptions of these locations 


The following groups, organizations and entities have been carefully selected as they represent a huge conglomerate of the global super powers that are greatly influencing and even controlling the world economy.     

We have done our best to provide the most diverse cross-section of the financial elite in order to catalyze a positive mass shift in the use of money in our world. 


Our intention with the "List of 44" is to initiate a mass domino affect in all other financial related entities throughout the world.   





1.   New York Stock Exchange

2.   The NASDAQ Stock Market

3.   Tokyo Stock Exchange
4.   Shanghai Stock Exchange (SSE)
5.   Australian Securities Exchange (ASX)

6.   Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) 
7.   Intercontinental Exchange
8.   London's Financial District
9.   U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) 
10. China's Financial District
11. International Monetary Fund 

12. The Federal Reserve

13. U.S. Department of the Treasury 

14. Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation
15. BlackRock Inc.
16. World Trade Organization
17. India Ministry of Finance
18. The Vatican

19. The United Nations
20. NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization)

21.  The Pentagon
22. Business Roundtable 

23. Trilateral Commission

24. Club of Rome
25. Council on Foreign Relations

26. Chatham House - The Royal Institute for International Affairs

27. World Bank

28. Bank of International Settlements (BIS)  
29. European Central Bank

30. Goldman Sachs Group

31. JP Morgan Chase 
32. N M Rothschild & Sons

33. Bank of America

34. Wells Fargo

35. Citigroup Inc.

36. Central Bank of the Russian Federation

37. Central Bank of Brazil

38.  Exxon Mobil

39. Royal Dutch Shell

40. Saudi Aramco  

41. Walton Enterprises - Wal-Mart Stores

42. Brazil's Financial District (Paulista Avenue)

43. Central American Bank for Economic Integration

44. Buenos Aires Financial District    


Remember, beloved Avatars...  

It is through cohesive and unifying group activity that the Universal Light  
Intelligence is grounding the perfected crystalline patterns of the new world economy.


The poised and confident body of Unity Consciousness is a planetary redeemer.


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