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Fear of Poverty - Chris. Hansard


The fear of poverty that so many have is an ancient fear inherited from previous generations.  In the West few people suffer from true poverty  -  that is, a lack of the basic essentials necessary for survival.  But many people feel themselves to be poor because we live in a society where the pressure to be rich and to own many possessions is great.   Many more live in fear of losing what they have, so that rather then enjoying it they cling to it like a drowning man to a rock.  Fear of poverty attracts poverty and can stop us from creating a life of financial security, emotional balance and spiritual happiness.

When you fear poverty you become trapped by obstacles that are attracted to your inner unskilful thought energy, blocking you from prosperity and material and spiritual success.  It is important to remove these obstacles from within and to free yourself from the fear of poverty, which can create great stress and unhappiness.  The fear of poverty affects not just individuals but mankind as a whole.  Businesses, large and small, banks and whole communities are affected by this fear when it is powerful enough.

Poverty and its attendant obstacles take on many forms and because all the people of the human race share the same planet, poverty shifts like the seasons from one form to another.  As the poverty-stricken peoples of Africa experience physical deprivation, so poverty in other places takes on an emotional and spiritual form.  In the West, though most people have shelter and enough to eat (maybe not in these days of FGC), there is a great deal of spiritual poverty.

Poverty is thought energy of an intense and ancient significance and, as with war, it a thought energy that connects us all directly.  All of us are linked by our own personal thoughts, the thought energies of the ancient and recent past, the present, and the possible future that awaits us.  It is vital, therefore, that all of us work to overcome the fear of poverty both in ourselves and in the world.  We can help those who suffer physical poverty not just by giving food, medication, education, peace-making and political intervention but through the skilful thought energies to support them and create prosperity.


                               Typed from:  The Tibetan Art of Positive Thinking by Chris. Hansard

                                                 Tibetan Bon Medical Practitioner and Author, Teacher.

                                 Written and Published in 2003 by Hodder and Stoughton, England.

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BASES 20 The New Humans with Mary Rodwell

BASES 20 The New Humans with Mary Rodwell

Published on 28 Jan 2013
Mary Rodwell provides an update on the New Humans in this 2013 update from her original 2010 interview, at the International UFO Congress, at Laughlin, Nevada.

The DNA of many of our children is different, and these evolved children are being suppressed deliberately by our education systems to "Shut them down"

This is the 3rd edition, sorry for repeated uploads, to correct minor errors.

The current edit schedule does not allow for the independent reviews for production errors

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The Ways of the Archons - James Gilliland

The Ways of the Archons - James Gilliland

We have spoken earlier about the archons, the regenerate ETs, astral beings, at the lowest james_gilliland1level some real dark serpent beings. As I write this article they are really pissed off hitting me with some real sickening painful energies. They were working last night in my dream state creating extreme negative scenarios with old lovers, family and friends. As I speak I am laughing at them. Before I continue with this article I have to clear them to insure the information is correct.

There, now that that is done we can continue. I hate to burst the bubble of many new agers, yet there is a war going on. It is an interdimensional war, which is acted out as above so below. The below is the gross uneven dispersal of wealth, the planned obsolescence, the enslavement through dependency, the pollution and destruction of the environment, as well as the manipulation and mind control through various mediums.

The above is the archons who feed off of the negative emotions, the pain, suffering, sadness, sorrow, etc. They have manipulated humanity through the network, which is filled with false dreams, the American Dream, desires, wants and needs including the need for acceptance and approval by social consciousness through external means. These manufactured desires are all external designed to keep everything external, trapping souls in the physical 3d reality. They focus on the first three chakras survival, sex and power, now even using those close to you to hit you in the 4th chakra to take you out of love and into confusion, pain, and suffering.

There is a story of Buddha’s awakening where the dark lord uses fear, tsunamis, hordes or demons fires, his sexy daughters, his own wrath all to pull Buddha from his center. To trap him back into the 3d reality he was transcending. This is happening on a grander scale, because the archons are loosing their battle with the 5th, 6th, and 7th dimensional beings, the very Source itself. They are pulling out all stops, using everything at their disposal to keep the awakening Gods, “YOU” trapped in be ‘lie’ ving your 3d reality is all there is to you and in this lies your security. Many are falling, going back to what they believe is security, trying to recreate the past, completely sabotaging their awakening, agreements with their higher selves, their spiritual families, and the very source itself.

In some cases those observing on high are just shaking their heads almost in disbelief at the self-sabotaging choices and actions carried out by wounded egos. These higher beings know soul evolution will not be stopped, the reactions to actions against universal law cannot be avoided and try as it might, the wounded egos will experience the lessons no matter how hard they may be to get back on track with soul evolution and spirit.

These higher beings also know it is not the destiny of Earth to neither fall into the hands of the archons nor be under the control of their network. The saviors need to trust, allow those who have chosen the path of the ego, the false security of the external to have their lessons no matter how hard they may be. It is time to practice loving detachment, set some firm boundaries and be an example by refusing to participate in the dramas of those who have chosen to act in ways that are self serving, impacting those around them, humanity and the Earth in a negative manner.

It is time to know who the dark forces are, their ways and buck up for battle. The ultimate power is love, many will fall even those closest to you yet now is the time to rise up to the new 5th dimensional energies rather than join those who have chosen the downward spiral. Know that this too shall pass, it is a process and hopefully when it all gets sorted out after some real hard lessons you just might see those who fell on the other side of this shift. It is up to those who are not seeking help, choosing not to participate in the awakening and healing process and continue with the ego driving their destiny to save themselves. We no longer have the luxury of dragging them along nor should we. It is time to step out of the archon network, know it for what it is, realize it is on the way out yet it will do everything in its power to create as much chaos, pain and suffering possible to maintain its sick little world.

Hang out with and support the real wayshowers, the ones who are empowering you to make your own personal God/Spirit/Creator connection, break the bonds of enslavement due to external means, the need for acceptance and approval outside of self, attachments to people places and things.

The old external 3d ways are coming to a close. The balance between internal and external, Christ consciousness where God knows itself to be man/woman and man/woman know themselves to be Gods is coming. It is time to flow with it, become it. In the days to come trying to hang on to the past, the old ways, the old world will become the greatest insecurity and hold the hardest lessons. It is a time for right living, right choices, right actions. Be well.

James Gilliland

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Channeler: Valerie Donner

Greetings, I am Mira. I welcome you into my heart and into the heart of the circle of Pleiadian love and Light enfolding the Earth. We realize that you need an extra boost of love energy from time to time. You are working hard on multiple levels. We have never seen such diligence in any previous ascensions in which we have participated. You are remarkable beings of light serving our Creator in a most dedicated manner.

We know that many of you are experiencing trials and travails in your lives. We observe your challenges for we monitor all that is occurring on the Earth plane at this time. We also work with the inner Earth for they are participating in the ascension process to. In fact, there is not a single place in all of creation that is not affected by what is going on with the Earth right now.

If you will recall the Earth is a lynch pin for ascension throughout creation. This explains why your work is so important. Even if you feel like you are at a standstill may I assure you that this is far from the truth. What is needed most are your energies, love and Light. This is what makes the ascension process work and why you are powerful beings who chose to come to the Earth to lend your support.

This process can be onerous. It is complex and your linear brains cannot fathom what is going on with the shift. Your consciousness is impacted by every thought and feeling. Monitoring your own thoughts and emotions can be a full time job. Then there is the assessment of the outcomes of your thoughts and emotions. If you do not like the results you must re-think and re-create what you are doing.

In addition to being a complex set of conditions and energies, the ascension process can be subtle yet variable. There are ebbs and flows. You may be experiencing some of these energies in your lives currently. Everyone working for the Light needs time to integrate the energies and the work they are doing as well as the work that is occurring on the Earth. This may require more quiet time than usual and rest. Water is crucial so you must make sure that you consume enough of it for it affects the consciousness.

Every new realization and awareness that you have in your life is significant. Ascension is a compilation of changing focus and energetics. The heart is the key to your new lives in the higher dimensions. Are you living from your heart in love while letting the God within direct your life or are you holding onto the old 3D reality and acting like it is still serving you?

Asking this question of how your current behavior is serving you is pivotal for your ability to maneuver through the changes. They will be amplified as this calendar year of 2013 progresses. It will take a few more years to manifest the utmost progress. Being patient and living a simplified life will carry you through. Stay in your hearts and live in unconditional love and peace as well as you can.

We can communicate with you and the Earth most effectively when you are quiet within and listening to us. We can supplement your thoughts and emotions with positive language if you will listen and let us come through.

We are always in your skies giving you a wink or directing love your way. Either way we are attentive to you and ask that you do the same. This is how we can assist you the most.

The Earth Council is busy focusing on balance and quelling the hot spots. We need your prayers directed to those places that are particularly vulnerable right now. Follow your heart and use the Light that you know how to use so well.

We are grateful to you, our ground crew, for the blessed beings that you are and all that you do for the Light.

I love you. I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council.


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The Life we are Living, Now - Tara Mary


Hi everyone ~ You know, everyday life is, well, about living.......and not only being grounded in our thoughts and actions, but also within our Being. Life is what we make of our situations and also how we manage them. We can't always control everything in our lives, but if we have the right tools within our Being, we can at least find the inner-strength we need to get us through those tough days.

Everyday life for individuals isn't always about the latest headlines or what sensationalist discovery has been made about this one or that one. It really does not matter about others' activities and how they conduct their lives, what really matters is what we do with ours. We chose to incarnate to experience a physical life and expand our awareness of the vastness of our divinity within, through experiencing good and bad life situations. Yes, there is a grand plan for all the times we incarnate, each one expanding another aspect of our divine Self.

At some stage through our life some people are fortunate enough to realize why they incarnated. It does not have to be visible to others, but it makes life more focused if we know why we came this time. One reason may be to use one's higher vibrations of Love to quietly assist in raising those vibrations within their own communities and then adding theirs into the collective love energies for the whole world. How wonderful is that? The way the world is right now it could use as much of that higher vibration of Love for the many who are suffering throughout the globe.

Unfortunately, for some people, they are getting caught up in the rising negativity and disharmony around the globe. What you align your thoughts with is where your consciousness is. So if negativity is drawing you in, then it can affect your whole life. It shrinks your aura instead of expanding it through love and light. And you also do not attract the positive things you need in your everyday life. Depression rises and in severe cases, so does extreme drug use and even suicide. Don't allow yourself to be pulled down, that is not the way of ascending to a higher vibration. What one focuses on expands, so negativity increases the more people that focus on it.

The same when you align your thoughts with the energies of Love and Light and caring about others. The Love energies around the globe increase. The less focus on negativity will see negativity decline.
Of course, this is more noticeable in our immediate environment, but every thought and action is of a particular vibration - so living within the higher vibrations of love, light, compassion, in fact altruistic thinking for all, will raise the collective vibrations. I know it's difficult for many to give love to others they do not know, but if you can see that each person that crosses your path in a day is going through similar day to day struggles including loss and grief and sickness at some stage in their lives, and in that thought-frame we can see they are not so different from us. Everyone who incarnates originates from Source/God, so on a higher level we are all Family.

Blessings of Love and Peace to All, Tara *~~

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Solar Eclipse on July 22 May Be Most Viewed Ever
Rebecca Carroll
for National Geographic News
July 20, 2009

A total solar eclipse passing over some of Earth's most densely populated regions on Wednesday, July 22, 2009, may become the most viewed eclipse ever.

Solar Eclipse on July 22 May Be Most Viewed Ever

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About Boston


This is Lord Ashtar who serves The Most Radiant One (the Christ) on His Mission of Love.

Greetings Beloved Family,

When you all started on your journey, your path, you were lovingly informed by your Creator of who you were, of your existence, of what you must learn from the lessons on the Karmic Wheel and that you would continue to incarnate until you had mastered all of them. All Ascended Masters did this, and you, too, upon completion, will be Ascended Masters. You will have come to the end of your evolution and, to your Ascension.  

Therefore, the purpose was to learn to control Energy; understanding that everything is energy. This means that you are to use every one of your God-given abilities constructively, for the betterment of all humanity. Abide by the Universal Law: Do No Harm!

Dear ones, with these gifts, you came to exercise your free will – free will without boundaries. Other planets have limited free will. This was an experiment on the surface of your planet. All other civilizations dwell inside of their planets; confirming that all planets are hollow. You volunteered to come for this experience; to help Creator with this plan.

Now here is where the matter of understanding lies — some men/women got off their paths and forgot their reason for coming to free-will Earth. They got into greed, hatred, lust, covetousness, jealousy, and all manner of destruction, so that the surface of the Earth was destroyed… many times over.

Thank goodness for the intervening you prayed for, of the Ascended Masters, Lightworkers, Aghartans, those from other Star Systems and others who are helping to lift Gaia to her and to your upcoming Ascension!

I do love you so much and I am informing you, with love, with the Truth which my beloved Twin Flame has represented over the ages and still represents. The TRUTH is what it is — it needs no defense!

Now to answer your question about the event… the tragic event that happened in Boston. Remember the word “RESPONSIBILITY.” This happened, dear ones, by the free will of those living in that area with their collective consciousness still locked in unresolved fear… fear that has been carried over from the past event in Connecticut!

This is what happens when we go into fear. Like the old saying goes, “What you fear the most, you bring upon yourself!” You have a choice — to choose or not to choose. It is how you choose to control your energy! Remember: Love is the letting go of fear.

Beloved ones, yes, as we did say before, “There won’t be any more of these outbursts of destruction and harming of others.” And at that time, you were in that positive position. But… man can change his destiny by his choices.

Dear ones, remember on one of the Hollow Earth Conference calls, Master Zorra, being a very wise man and being the Great Master that he is, told you that there are still some spokes left on the wheel (the dark ones) to do their naughties. Well, it is true, my dears.

As we have said, “We cannot interfere with man’s free will.” There are just too many circumstances to consider, like some of those who signed in their contracts before incarnating, to sacrifice their lives to help humanity, in some way, as required at the time. We cannot intervene, because of the Universal Law which we all choose to obey! So rest in knowing all is in Divine Order.

Therefore, sweet ones, all of our messages have been suggesting that you all show Love and BE LOVE. And in so doing, you will stop all these tragic events from happening.

Humbly, I suggest, with Love from my heart, that it is for you to exercise control of your free will energy and to continue to BE LOVE everywhere you go, radiating the bright Light that you Are to everyone and, with your beautiful smile, wake up those who you meet!!

Dear ones, in closing, all of us up here want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your responses and for your attention to our messages… for your listening to all the information that you have been given and for the faith that you show.

Not knowing all the facts is what happened. Please accept our apology for not being more clear. And mostly, please understand that understanding is not always understanding!

Sweet ones, I love you more than words.

Always, your beloved Galactic Brother,


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Good morning! Well I have certainly found my mind to be in some miserable places lately … yet today FEELS so much better , so I thought it best to pop in for a chat whilst the going’s good. Someone asked if we would have integration with you within our life time … (don’t know if they were 75 or 15 … guess that could make a difference) yet you surely get the gist ?

Welcome to you and your more chirpy persona. We would answer your question with a definite ‘yes’. Over these next few years the changes that you are all to encounter will be widespread and phenomenal. The more the soul merges with the Higher vibrations the more quickly ‘plans’ can come about.  

Yet … do we not have to wait for a certain percentage of ‘man’ to wake up? So many feel that they are being held back because of this.

Yet as the energies rise and remain … so many more WILL wake up. There are many more now that have chosen to. Especially since the month of Dec last year. They FEEL an urge to express themselves differently and matters that were once ‘off the radar’ are beginning to interest them and each in their own time shall ‘come around’.

What one must accept is the duality pull. It is in its heightened position at this stage and hence many are feeling so ‘pulled apart’ … so out of sorts. We would suggest ‘going with the flow’. Neither fight it or deny it … just accept it. Keep within your soulself the Knowledge that this is part of the plan. We would also suggest that there are matters that concern all regarding the cementing of certain ways into their BEING.

What ways do you speak of?

Ways of mastery. Ways of diligence. Ways of taking back control. The more you assist yourselves in harbouring within your Being the ways that are of LIGHT … the ways of TRUTH … the ways that MAKE YOU FEEL GOOD … the ways THAT MAKE YOU KNOW YOU ARE ON TRACK … then the stronger your SELF becomes and in these NEW TIMES … these NEW ENERGIES … you will find by doing so … that you are reaching stars that felt so out of reach.

As you learn and accept the integration of the Higher energies of yourself ‘moving in’ … you will certainly be astounded at ‘WHO YOU HAVE BECOME’.

I understand what you are saying.  At the moment I am very aware that what I am ‘putting myself through’ is all for a reason and that when I come out the other side … I will have become the soul that I am creating through these experiences. There is such a KNOWING that we are moving up … yet the signs seem to be pointing in the other direction … on the surface.

And that is exactly right Blossom. All that you are experiencing … all that many of you are experiencing … is TRULY only surface stuff.

 Really? … Try telling my face that!  For that which I have been experiencing of late seems really deep … some ‘dark night of the soul’ stuff going on … it doesn’t FEEL at all like it is surface.

We would suggest that it has ‘come’ from deep within and is having its final display of ‘holding on’.

Yet it has a pretty deep grasp!

Not at all.  Because of where it comes from … your mindset FEELS as if it is of the deepest networking.

Networking? Not sure I get the use of that word.

Because dearest soul …

THIS IS A TIME WHEN YOU ARE RELEASING ALL THAT NO LONGER SERVES. Is it not so that much has accumulated over time regarding issues and feelings and put downs that have deeply scarred?

I guess so. Yet I feel, as do many … that we have dealt with much of these ‘traumas’…for want of a better word.

And you have! Let us put it this way. You may have dealt with them on a deep level and they removed themselves from the deepest place within … to the outer rim if you like . They ‘play around’ now and then … and it can take you by surprise … for you thought you had let them go.

This is what we mean by networking. For it is as if each of ones ‘misdemeanours’  … each ‘trait’ or experience that left a scar to be dealt with … is now on the surface and hanging on for dear life. It is as if they are ‘networking’ amongst themselves in order to ‘gather strength’ for they know they are on their way out … for good.

This is why so many of you are FEELING as you do. The Higher energies that are entering your atmosphere and indeed your BEINGS is STRICTLY making it quite clear they have ‘served their purpose’ and that it is now time to leave. It is up to the individual as to how long they desire the ‘splitting of ways’ to prolong.

What suggestions do you have to speed the process up?

As we stated earlier. 


You not only came to this planet to be of service to the planet … but to be of service to yourselves


You can FEEL inside of you THE CHANGE … and as with ALL CHANGE … there is an interim period. It is full of swirling whirlwinds and one knows not … once caught up in it … where one is going to be put down.

All we ask is that you hang on to the KNOWING that lies within you. That KNOWING … that although can sometimes confuse ‘the surface stuff’ … on the other hand … fits like a glove!

As time passes … you will ‘see for yourselves’ the changes. They will become apparent/transparent. It will not be as it is now.


Understand what?

Where you are. Where you are going. Where you have come from.

Dearest souls you have come so very far already. If you could only have the means as humans to ‘look back’ and see how far you have come.

Yet I wonder if we could … would we … as a consciousness … not be totally ashamed?

No. For you would UNDERSTAND the why’s.

The whys of war and famine and hatred? Only today a bomb exploded in America … one could think ‘Ascension … yeah right!’

Yes … you would understand the ‘why’s’ of these things. You would see the journey you have travelled (and you shall ) … as the bigger picture. There is nothing that takes place that does not have a purpose.

That’s a bit hard to comprehend.

And yet it is so … one season following another. Each action has consequence which leads onto another action. Where that takes you … as each action adds on to each consequence … is how you learn to BECOME WHO YOU ARE.

We speak again … that ‘ALL IS AS SHOULD BE ‘ … and ‘ALL IS NOT AS IT SEEMS.’ 

I accept this … yet could you … in order to assist … give us a prime example?

We are showing you a spinning top. When it is motionless … it ‘appears’ to you to be ‘one thing’. Yet set that same top into motion and it ‘appears to be’ another. It’s the same thing , yet appearing as two totally different things depending on its action .

 How would one KNOW which is the TRUTH of it . Which ‘appearance’ is the one it is not ?

Neither .

Here we go! Where’s the valium??

You see … it is appearing to be both … for it is both … the issue is … which ‘action’ is the one that takes precedence. A spinning top is KNOWN to spin … that is its function … yet when motionless it is still KNOWN as a spinning top.

Sorry … but I have no idea what you are talking about . It doesn’t really make a ‘good example’ of the question I asked.

Oh yes it does.

Then please can you explain to me … for I can’t see it.

Precisely.  You can’t see it … all is not as it ‘see- ms’.

To be honest …  I might have to leave that there … maybe other people reading may get your analogy … but the more I pursue it the more I am losing the link … as my confusion is blurring the lines. I have learned to do this over the years … otherwise nothing comes through and then I get frustrated.

We shall leave that ‘article’ there then as you suggest … yet we KNOW it makes sense.

Jolly good . May be the penny will drop for me later.

Dearest souls … do not lose sight of your goals. There is despondency in the air … yet it is you that can dissipate it . You that can release yourselves from it.





For when you do … as you do … your strength, knowledge and understanding returns.


We offer you encouragement …

Speak to us in your hours of all moods. Connect with us. In years gone by on your planet … one could not have conceived of communication by a telephone … look how far that has advanced for you can now speak face to face via a screen .  So … KNOW that it is not long now before we can connect in whichever way is most suitable to start with … and we would say this is by telepathy … for now .

Many are so keen to speak with us and receive information … do not get despondent … Again we say ALL IS AS SHOULD BE … and ALL IS NOT AS IT SEEMS.

Best not pick that little puppy up again today!



End of session I feel. Thanks guys. It’s good to keep in touch through these times … however bumpy!


Website: Blossom Goodchild

Source: Galactic Channelings

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 "Greetings, Beloved Family! We come to you with news of a most heinous nature, but it is nevertheless necessary Truth for you to hear. As always, we ask that you use your own discernment, and that you each trust in yourselves to know to what extent this Truth resonates with you. In other words, some of you might be reluctant to accept it, but it is to look into your own Hearts, so that each of you can know its authenticity. Then, how much focus and expression you give to it will be according to your own discernments.


 "We are referring to the bombs which were set off during the event called the Boston Marathon on yesterday's date of April 15, 2013. As many of you have already discerned, this was a 'false flag' black ops event, planned and carried out by the dark hats whose intention was to 'show us' that they still have power, and to re-instill fear in your Hearts, because, in Truth, they are afraid of you and your ever-expanding LoveLights, Beloved Ones.


 "We understand that your question to us is, 'Why did we allow this to happen?' We can tell you that we had 7+ billion reasons - all of them having to do with the people of Planet Earth reaching a new level of knowing and accepting the Truth of what has been going on for 13 millennia - and even longer. In other words, it is to give everyone the opportunity to look into their own Hearts, and to see what they are able to discern and accept. To be successful means turning off the mainstream news media, which is only speaking propaganda. Even those reporters of high level intentions are being kept from telling you the Truth, although many of them know it full well.


 "Please keep in your Hearts and minds the knowing that we have indeed stopped numerous events of this kind - some of them on an even larger scale, even including the setting off of nuclear bombs so as to start major wars. This does not in any way diminish the horror of what has occurred in Boston, for it is that we share your feelings of the tragedy of this event.


 "However, it is for us together to look beyond grief, and to come together as One, in Love, Compassion, Forgiveness and yes, even Gratitude to all involved. This is how we can best honor the brave ones who were injured and traumatized, and most especially those who left their bodies. Their service in helping the World to change its warlike ways cannot be overstated, for they are truly among the leading Peacemakers of Planet Earth!


 "The full story of how this bombing happened, and who ordered it, may not yet be in the mainstream, but you have it, Beloved Ones, and the time for it to be made public is soon at hand. With this Truth becoming known, it will thus make it easier for those who are still sleeping to face the entirety of what the dark hats have been doing! This includes the Truth of many recent events, including 9-11, as well as the whole history/herstory of their dark agenda and programs.


 "We ask that you be prepared to teach, from your own Hearts, the loving appreciation for all involved over these past millennia, for this is indeed the Highest service and honoring you can give to all who have sacrificed, including you, yourselves, Beloved Ones! Thus it is that, even though it might be difficult to regard them in this manner, the bombs have been a powerful wake-up calling to Peace on Earth, fueled only by Love and its High Energies!!! We thank you, and We Are One With You! Salut!"

Given through Susan Leland, April 16, 2013.

©Ashtar On The Road Publications 2004-2013. All Rights Reserved.





Ashtar: Trust Yourselves to Know Truth

Ashtar On The Road Teleconference - April 9, 2013


"Greetings Beloved Family!  We are in a state of joyful celebration!  We understand that this hasn’t quite filtered down, although we know that you all have glimpses or experiences with it in your high vibe moments.  But, yes, the news is full of gloomy doomy kinds of topics and it is difficult indeed to know what is there that is really important to know and what is there that is what is called propaganda?


"As a general rule you can just figure that you need to listen to reporters who are outside of what you call the mainstream.  Tara and Rama* certainly are - there is nothing mainstream about them is there?  And we honor these brave ones who speak the Truth and who present sometimes the most horrendous of pictures to you, but it is necessary to have understanding of what has been going on.


"We will say this also: These goings on are not outside of anyone here in attendance because these goings on have been moving onward for about 13 millennia, and the program has been the same.  It has been expressed differently as different methods of communication have evolved, as different inventions and technologies and lifestyles have evolved, but essentially the program has been the same, and that is to keep you in disconnect from your Divine Selves!


"When you connect with your Divine Self, that’s when you know the Joy, that’s when you know the Bliss, and that’s when you get that wondrous, calming, yet excited, Peace - excited because it’s high vibe, excited because you can feel the 'all-is-well' permeating your being!!!  That is so different from the fear-based messages which are being, literally, thrown up on every news program you can find, and in your newspapers and so on. You will find much more Truth upon the internet, but it is confusing, is it not?


"There are messengers and there are messengers.  And some of the messengers, quite frankly, have made a career out of confusing and spreading fear, and their messages are cloaked.  You’ve heard about the wolf in sheep’s clothing?  Sheep are generally regarded as peaceful animals, where wolves are generally regarded as fearsome animals.  Yes?  So you can be absolutely certain that many of the messages that are popular on the internet are some form of a wolf in the clothing of a sheep!


"There are many messages which are going around saying what The Voice calls, 'today, today, tomorrow, tomorrow.'  Whether they are well intentioned or not, it does have the effect of turning you away from the Truth of all matters, because it is so easy to get into the dumpies, and that’s a downward spiral.  It can be very fast, when 'today, today, tomorrow, tomorrow' doesn’t happen!


"And yet if you were listening to the report,* we are so close, we are in the quiet before the storm!  And yet it’s not really quiet because you are hearing many, many, stories and it is all sometimes very confusing.  So, what are we saying anyway? It sounds like we are taking you around in a circle, does it not?  Yes we are, because we want to come back to you, because that is where the Truth starts and ends!


"It’s all very well and good to take responsibility for all of the 13 millennia of mistreatments and enslavements, and so on and so on, as a collective.  This is true.  But as an individual you are saying a very loud message and that message is, That’s enough, we’re done!!!"  Now, sometimes it seems as though these messages are not getting through, and as Beloved Tara has said, it is time!  Stand with us, you are not alone!  And there is no such thing as a helpless human because you are Divine in your being!!! Yes!  Each and every one of you!


"So there is really, shall we say, no reason for you not to be in discernment of Truth, other than if you want to put some blinders on, of course you are welcome to do that.  If you want to stay asleep, of course you are welcome to do that. ,But Truth is coming at you on the internet and with the messengers who have the Courage in their Hearts to speak up. And make no mistake, those messengers are protected!  Yes, occasionally something happens but that is by mutual agreement on a much higher level than human.


"Sometimes messengers become what you call martyrs.  In fact it might be said that today’s martyrs are the messengers.  Whether it is the children whose innocence speaks so loud, or whether it is a messenger who is silenced, it really is all the same.  If you listen to truth, if you listen to your own Hearts and if the message resonates with you, then go with it, accept it as your Truth.  But if there is any little hesitation at all - check in!!!


"You know, you have these wondrous beings of Truth who are always in accompaniment with you.  Ask Archangel Michael: 'Archangel Michael I call upon you to know if this message is Truthful for me.'  You’ll get an answer.  It might be a little buzz, it might be a little breeze blowing across your face, it might be a word, or the color blue – Archangel Michael waving the sword Excaliber - and that’s the blue wave of Truth.  However it comes to you, get to know how you know what is Truthful!!!


"Get to know what resonates with you within your own being. Get to know your guidance group, because who’s in charge of your guidance group?  Who’s the leader of your guidance group? it is who you call your Higher Self, your Divinity!!!  You’re not going to find a better source to listen to than your Divine Self, because after all your Divine Self is your Godself!  And you know Mother/Father God doesn't mess around with untruth, and doesn't mess around with lies. He/She is Truthful and He/She - can help you to be Truthful, to be more accurate.


"Trust that you know your Truth, trust yourselves, Beloved Ones! Trust your like-minded friends, but sometimes like-minded friends have a little block, temporary or otherwise, in their discernment of Truth.  So do not blindly accept what someone else tells you as Truth, rather, check-in with yourselves, get in the habit!  You can carry on dialogues all the time while you are going about your lifestyle business or busy-ness, however you want to put it.  It is so very important!


"Look at all of the Truth that is coming out.  Do not underestimate the importance of this Disclosure seminar, this meeting is going to have beings from all areas who really know what they are talking about!  It will be an upliftment for the entire Planet because the energies that are broadcast from this will be permeating the entire atmosphere of Planet Earth.  Yes, tune in!!!  Tune in on your computers.  Tune in with your Love!  Start sending energies right now of Love and appreciation for all the participants, so that they in turn can not only broadcast with the technologies, but they’ll be broadcasting to everyone on Planet Earth - below, on and above - from their Hearts, which are full of joyful excitement!!!


"This is huge!  And the more participants, the more who tune in, the more you’re sending the loving message to them about the Truth that they have to share!  And some of it might seem a little outrageous, some of it might seem difficult, particularly for those of you who have just removed your blindfolds, or are not quite sure you want to let all that Light in – that’s okay!  Your own Hearts will tell you if you are getting Truth, and we expect a lot of Truth to be broadcast and radiated!!!


"Trusting yourselves, Beloved Ones, is key.  How can you stand up for what you believe in, in a positive way, if you don’t trust that you know the Truth and that the Truth needs to be coming out?  But, yes, there needs to be - beyond hearing Truth - which sometimes is difficult, there needs to be that great Love!  'Okay, I participated in this,' or, ‘I socked Johnny in the eye and gave him a black eye in third grade, and he never forgave me but I’m going to send him Love, Compassion, Forgiveness and Gratitude for his part in it, and I am going to forgive myself!'  There’s all kinds of Forgiveness that is waiting to be called forth, shall we say.


"Cultivate Compassion - Compassion for all living beings on, below, and above Planet Earth and beyond, out through the entire Universe.  Then when you do happen to get a bit of news which is difficult and yet you know it’s true, and yes they really did this or that, bring that Compassion up.  It’s not only appropriate, but it is entirely justified.  How will you know what needs to change unless you know what’s been going on?


"Just don’t wallow in it.  Don’t allow yourselves to get into fear, or down in the dumpies.  Know that the ones that have been perpetrating are being contained.  To be very Truthful with you, while their containment, the containment of all of them, is not quite complete, it is very close!  That’s when you need to stand behind your family members or neighbors and so on - people who still have their blindfolds on - and catch them because they’re going to fall over. They’re going to be in shock!!!


"The enormity of what these people have done is going to be, not one, but a multitude of shockwaves worldwide.  It’s all very well and good to keep yourself from getting emotionally entangled in Truth as it all comes forward.  That, again, is where you need to trust yourselves that you can be the Compassionate Observers and move in to a Higher level which is called Forgiveness.  It all starts with Love.  Love is the ultimate energy destination, shall we say – don’t leave home without it!!!  You’re not going to get up into the Higher Dimensions that you want to get into without Love.  If you take nothing else with you, take Love, so that you can be Love.  That is absolute Truth and it’s fundamental!!!


"It’s Who You Really Are, anyway, so why not let the Truth of Who You Really Are shine forth?  And if you feel yourself flipping into a lower vibration, remember Who You Are, and trust that you know how to express Love, because that is all You Are!!!  Don’t let anyone get you down in the dumpies with any kind of derision or criticism that is intended to be cruel and cutting, or predictions or storytelling of any kind that is fear- based.  Love them for who They Are.  View them with Compassion and Forgive them for wanting to spread that kind of energy.


"If you have a loved one or friend, or you meet someone who is obviously stumbling around with a very heavy blindfold on, just beam them. ,You may ask, 'Can I help? Would you like to hear a happy story? ,Would you like to talk about being a loving being?' Or you may not, you may just know that the Truth of it is they are just not ready and that is fine.  That is where you come in later!  For now, you can send those energies out any time that you choose to, and you don’t even need to do it in the talking manner.


"This is huge, Beloved Ones, this is huge!  Yes the White Knights, the Ashtar Command, the sovereign militia, and so on and so on, and the courageous messengers are out clearing the way, so to speak, for the Golden Age Lifestyle to be available and real to everyone.  But you, Beloved Ones, are the support team and it is for you to beam your Lights, beam your Love, and to evolve into self-trusting, Divine beings in expression!  As you do that you will know the Truth in all things!  You will have no fear because there is no room for fear.  When you bring in Love, it literally transforms fear into a no-thing.  It’s like taking fear to a zero point and replacing it with Love.  You just can’t be afraid when you are loving!!!


"The chaos that is going on in the World right now, and all of the lies and the untruths and the distortions, whether intended or not, are crashing.  They are coming to an end.  And all of you Beloved Lightworkers are highly instrumental in this happening. So stay on track, stay on the Path, keep your LoveLights shining, and know the Truth of it is, that this is the way to the Golden Age Lifestyle!  Fear is not coming along.  and there is no fear when you get to that destination!   It just is not a part of the atmosphere!


"So you might just as well clear yourselves out right now, bring in the Love, let go of the fear, and know that this is the Truth of Who You Really Are and how you came here to be, and to express!


"We shall hear from Sekhmet, who shall lead us in a Crystal Exercise to empower your Trust and your knowing of Truth so that you will be feeling more comfortable and more secure as you follow on your Paths, as you follow the Light, as you beam the LoveLight, and as you move into the Golden Age, which after all, is what you Beloved Lightworkers have called forth!

'Thank you for being with us, for bringing your great love and your great Lights.  And so it is!  Salut!"


* Tara and Rama's News Report,


**Ashtar's message was followed by Let Us Remember to Dance, and Sekhmet's Crystal Exercise was followed by The Blessing, both composed and sung by Lei'ohu Ryder.  Scroll down here:


Transcription by Brian Coe.


Given through Susan Leland, April 9, 2013.        

© Ashtar On The Road Publications 2004-2013.All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered or deleted.


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Are We Ready For Off-Planet Contact?

  • by Ray Bilger

    On July 19, 1952, at 11:40 p.m., in the skies over Washington, D.C., nine UFOs darted about, reversed directions abruptly, and drifted over the White House, at times reaching speeds of 7,000 mph as calculated by Andrews Air Force Base (see,_D.C._UFO_incident ). The activity lasted until sunrise, then continued for several days. This was also picked up and observed on radar at Washington National Airport.
    The entire incident made the front page in newspapers all across the country. The Cedar Rapids Gazette (Iowa) read in large black letters SAUCERS SWARM OVER CAPITAL.
    President Harry Truman, concerned about the incident, called Capt. Edward J. Ruppelt, the supervisor of the Air Force’s Project Blue Book, who told the President that “the sightings might have been caused by a temperature inversion.” However, Lt. John Holcomb, a U.S. Navy radar specialist, said that the inversion was not “nearly strong enough to explain the ‘good and solid’ returns” on the radarscopes. Jets had been scrambled as well, and one of them was surrounded by the saucers. Around sunrise, E.W. Chambers, a civilian radio engineer in the Washington suburbs, observed “five huge discs circling in a loose formation. They tilted upward and left on a steep ascent.”
    All of this took place over two consecutive weekends and several days in between, and was witnessed by numerous military top brass, civilian and military air traffic controllers, countless witnesses on the ground, military fighter jet pilots, and civilian airline pilots both on the ground and in the air. This whole event is what can be termed a highly credible sighting, or series of sightings, unless everyone was suffering from a mass hallucination shared by all, and that was simply not the case.
    This is only one of many many similar events that have happened since the end of World War II, including more recently the so-called Phoenix Lights of 1996, where thousands of people saw a huge silent triangular craft drift slowly over the Phoenix night sky; and the 2008 incident at Stephenville, Texas, where dozens of highly credible witnesses saw a mile-wide craft slowly drift just overhead (see ).
    So, what was the meaning and purpose of the event over Washington, D.C. in 1952? It would seem obvious that the UFOs were not from this planet because they operated outside of the laws of physics that we are familiar with. Thus, it seems safe to say that the UFOs (or flying saucers, as they were called at that time) were from some off-planet civilization that is advanced, or is certainly using advanced technologies, and that they were operating under intelligent control.
    When speaking about those operating the UFOs, and asking what was the meaning and purpose of the event, it would seem that they were showing us that they have advanced technological capabilities, and that they are here to observe what we are doing — they were letting us know that they are present, and for all we know, they may have been present in our world for a far far longer period of time, perhaps for thousands of years.
    Of course, the military response is always to presume these encounters to be from hostile ETs(extraterrestrials), but the truth is that these ETs have never shown any hostile intentions whatsoever, while we always scramble our fighter jets up to try to intercept the UFOs.
    If we as a species can move beyond our hostile, negative response and move instead toward an attitude of curiosity and wonder, then we may not scare the UFOs away, and if we really wanted to see and know more about them, they can certainly sense our thoughts and know that, and maybe, just maybe they might land and we could become friends and they might show us some of their technologies, which certainly seem like they might be just what we need at this critical time of us having used up much of the valuable resources of the planet only to pollute and poison our Mother Earth.
    We need help, no doubt about it, and these ETs from afar happen to know that, and they have come here specifically to help us — not to do it for us, but to help us.
    Our planet Earth is a highly evolved, living, breathing, conscious organism functioning on a level beyond the comprehension of most Earthlings. Off-planet cultures are intimately aware that our planet is in process of cleaning up what we Earthlings have done to poison and pollute her. You would do the same if you were infested with fleas, and ticks, and other organisms that were destroying you. Off-planet civilizations monitor all planets with humanoid-type life under these and similar circumstances (because what happens here can affect outer space), and they are here to assist us in understanding all this, but they can only make planet-wide contact where they are welcome. And our scrambling of fighter jets to greet them is just plain wrong, and serves only evil purposes for these beings who have only ever shown us their peaceful intentions.
    If we are ever to advance ourselves as a civilization on this planet it would be wise for us to realize that we are part of a greater galactic and cosmic community of planets that do not thrive on wars, but live in peace, and that if we ever want to become an active participating part of that cosmic community then we must change our warlike ways to peaceful ways. Otherwise that cosmic community, with all they have to offer, will have no other choice but to simply leave us to ourselves as we self-destruct under the weight of our hatred and greed, which most surely is destroying the world.
    That is not a pretty picture, but it is one that we should think about seriously, because if we don’t want that then we need to let our government leaders know, in no uncertain terms, that we want to live in a peaceful Universe, and we want to meet our cosmic neighbors, now!
    Is it time for off-planet contact? Off-planet cultures appear quite ready to befriend us, so the answer to that question really depends upon us. Are we ready to live in a futuristic dream world, or are we happy with the world in turmoil that we have today? It is up to us to decide the destiny we want, and then do what needs to be done so that we may live it.

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Attunements, Initiations, & Empowerments
differences in:


When 1 person Attunes another the process is
changing the electrical network of the person being attuned.
Usually attuning them to a Different or Higher Frequency.
The person being attuned must be open to allow this to happen,
and the person doing the attunement must already be attuned to
the energy they are passing on.


Being Initiated into a System is different then
an Attunement because all the initiation does it being forth
what that person already has within them. After being Initiated
the person is tapping into a resource that has existed all
along, but the person didn't realize it, they for making it
known so they can now use it. Most Initiations are passed down
though someone already Initiated into the system.


This is completely different then both listed
above. Being Empowered to an Animal, Flower, or Crystal/Stone,
helps you to pick up the qualities of the thing your being
Empowered too. These Qualities already exist inside you, but
this makes those qualities stronger. Also you have control over
what qualities of these, you want to bring forth and start
using. Empowerments happen in 2 ways: A lot of Empowerments are
Self-Empowerments, because you read and study the item you wish
to be Empowered too, them making a Statement with Intent will
be enough to bring these qualities forth. You can also be
Empowered by someone else, at which time the person during the
Empowerment will pass the qualities though a statement of

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Feeling at Home on Earth

Dear friends, dear men and women,

It fills me with joy to be with you on this clear morning. We are old friends. Our paths have crossed in time and space many times before. Feel our old friendship; we are part of the same family. Cherish for a moment this feeling of familiarity, of coming Home. Simply relax and let go of all tension inside yourself. Visualize how the tension flows into the Earth and is neutralized. Feel how your body relaxes and becomes heavier. Receive the healing energy returning from Mother Earth and let it encircle your feet and your legs and flow into your waist and belly. Feel supported by Earth; you are safe.

Feel the rhythm of Earth; it is slow and steady. This is the rhythm you seek. Your soul comes from a different realm, and when it descends it has to adjust to the rhythm of Earth. Your soul has to dwell in a body and has to learn how to use a mind, and it can become confused because of that. The soul is on a learning path. It is not just you as a human who is learning, your soul is learning and growing as well.

In your soul, you carry painful memories about being on Earth and, therefore, it is not evident to you that you can trust Earth and surrender yourself to it. There can be a blockage in your body preventing you from relaxing and feeling safe here. This blockage is an energy, it is not something just physical. In reality, this blockage was not caused by Earth, but by what happened to you in the human world: the negativity you experienced here, the pain of rejection and not fitting in. This has made it difficult for you to feel at home here.

I want to remind you of the true nature of Mother Earth. She is an angel herself. Think of the beauty of the forests, the oceans, the flowers. That is the true nature of Being on Earth, and you are part of this majestic reality. You are like a flower yourself, but a flower cannot open unless it is firmly rooted. You have to feel at home on Earth in order to be able to express yourself, your light.  So I now invite you to connect to Earth, the angel that she is. Feel her energy deeply within your body; you are her child and you can relax.

Imagine you are now walking in a beautiful place in nature. It can be a forest, or near the ocean, or in the desert, and make this vision very real and alive for yourself. Feel the elements of nature, the wind, the sun, the air. Feel the ground beneath your feet. Then sit down and put your hands on the ground. Allow Earth to affect you, to heal you, and to remind you of your partnership with her. Your soul wants to be here, even though your soul has been wounded on Earth, especially by the fear and the struggle that is present in human society. But as a human being, you are also connected to nature and to the harmony and the rhythm that is there. And if you embrace nature, both without and within, you can clearly hear the message of your soul.

So you are still sitting on Earth. Feel how an energy comes to you from above. You are very well able to receive it, because you are now connected to Earth and her energy. These two energies are meant to be together. Let this energy from your soul now shine on you like a sun. Just enjoy it for a moment.

Often, when you connect, or try to connect to your soul, your mind interferes. You want to have concrete, practical information about your life. But to receive real information, you have to first shift your consciousness, because the need for information, the need to know what to do often arises from fear. You first have to relax completely and be in a state of alert fantasizing or imagining. So go into that state now.

Imagine you are completely free, not bound by the laws of human society. You are an angel, and like a butterfly you go from flower to flower. Ask yourself: ”What gives me joy in my life?” Do not think of the results it brings to you, just focus on the feeling of joy and inspiration. You can receive inspiration from very simple things like taking a walk or having a quiet moment for yourself. It is important that you recognize the language of your soul. It does not speak in an obvious voice that you are used to. You are used to speaking very sternly to yourself. You criticize yourself a lot. You have a mental picture of how you should be and you constantly compare yourself with it and feel that you are failing. But it is in fact the judging that is the real problem. This type of judging, or this tone of voice, does not come from nature.

The language of your soul is very different. It is very gentle. It offers suggestions, but never wants to force you to do anything. So simply ask your soul: “What is it I need right now?” And you might receive the answer as an energy and not necessarily in words. Let go of all expectations. As a human, your problems are often caused by the fact that you have a blind spot. You have some persistent beliefs of which you are not really aware and your soul wants you to step out of those beliefs. This means you have to let go of your deepest convictions and be open to something entirely new. You have to let yourself be surprised by your soul.

So whenever you have a quiet moment and you long to connect with your soul, let go of your mind and connect in a spontaneous, playful way. That is the way of nature. You can see it in all the animals and plants that live on Earth. They joyfully go along with the rhythm that is theirs. They do not think of the future, yet they are perfectly aligned. You are part of Earth and part of nature.

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Ascension Symptoms- April 2013

Every time I think of the word ascension I imagine Jesus softly floating up to the sky.
Waving and smiling to all his loved ones, until he disappears of into the distance.
What can I say?
I was raised catholic in Argentina...

But the reality is that the symptoms experienced when our body's vibration is rising can be very overwhelming at times.
So I went looking to see what others were experiencing and found an article that was truly right on for me.
I thought I would share it, and add what I have experienced so far.
This is indeed a Divine process and a path that is being experienced by many in this world at this time.

I feel the more information we can all share, the better we help each other to stay out of fear.

This information is from the website :
Remember that not all of these symptoms may be due to the ascension process. Please follow your own inner guidance and consult a health care professional as needed. If you are experiencing a majority of these symptoms it is a good indication that you are experiencing the ascension process more fully.

Ascension Signs & Symptoms
You just 'know' or sense that something is happening to your body and you feel different. Your body doesn’t respond as it did previously to physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual patterns. Your body just feels “different” for reasons you can't explain. 
(This was very obvious to me, I KNEW that something different was going on inside of me, but I had no idea what.My mind could not comprehend what was happening because the experience was outside my reality)

Changes in eating habits, food tastes and digestion. You may fluctuate between feeling hungry all the time to the inability to ingest food or lack of appetite. Sudden cravings for particular foods; suddenly liking foods you never liked before and sudden aversions to foods you used to enjoy. 
( I was born in Argentina and meat was the main staple in my diet, I am now unable to eat meat, and this is one of many things my body can no longer ingest) 

Body aches and pains all over or in particular areas; soreness in joints, muscles and bones for no apparent reason, and not due to physical exercise or fatigue.
(This morning I woke up and my body hurting everywhere. My best friends this morning were a very hot bath with dead sea salts, a ton of distilled water, and a natural salve to help with soreness.)

Feeling out of breath, like you can’t breathe deep enough, or breathing too fast for normal comfort; sometimes noticing you are holding your breath a lot. 
( This started for me after December, but it seems to be tapering down now. I feel it is almost as if I am learning how to breathe correctly again.) 

Blurred vision when reading or looking at long distances. Light sparkles or flashes of light in the peripheral vision from time to time, even after any eye problems have been ruled out. Awakening of the Third Eye (inner vision).
(This happens to me all the time, but of course when I try to see it all disappears. I feel I am trying too hard to "see" with my 3d eyes as opposed to seeing with my inner vision. I'm working on this, I am ready to see what I have been missing) 

Rapid heart rate, heart palpitations or flutters that occurs from time to time spontaneously and not related to physical exercise or emotional upset. Awakening of the Heart Chakra (heart-centered consciousness and love).
(I had an EKG done three months ago, and all results came back negative.My doctor was amazed and told me I had the heart of a twenty year old.But please make sure and get everything checked out, it also helps to accept the symptoms and stay out of fear if there is physical proof that your heart is normal,or any other medical concern)

Pressure and pain in or around the head and face area, including skull, eyes, ears, sinuses, teeth and gums, often times shifting from one side to another.
(This I experienced, especially in my teeth and the back of my skull) 

Irritable bowl symptoms or changes in digestion; fluctuating between periods of diarrhea and constipation; Increased gas, bloating or a feeling of 'fullness' not necessarily due to diet.
(Yes I know it is icky,but it is an amazing way of releasing lower energies from our if you ingest anything of a lower vibration which your body can't handle, you better start running to find a bathroom...that's all I'm saying...) 

Feeling ungrounded at times for no apprent reason; feeling disoriented, confused, spacey or lightheaded or dizzy.
(Yes,yes,yes.Big issue with me. I feel it is because as I connect more to my Source,that is where I want to hang out, so part of me is there and part of me is here...I get lost driving alot.Best way to ground for me is to go out in Mother Nature,for she has amazing grounding and healing properties) 

Weight gain or loss, suddenly or slowly, especially in the abdominal area, even if there are no changes in your diet.
(In the beginning of the process I gained about twenty pounds. Made me deal with a lot of self-esteem issues.In the last year I have lost that weight and probably about ten more.I feel too that many times I gain water weight to help regulate the intense energies which are flowing through me, and once I begin to integrate them, I lose weight from one day to the next.Sometimes as much as three or four pounds). 

Back aches in any or all areas, pain along the spine, pain or soreness in the neck and shoulder areas.
(Especially along my spine, used to have intense pain along my shoulder blades but that has subsided) 

Changes in body temperatures; increased sensitivity or intolerance to heat or cold.
(This is one of the toughest ones for me.I can be freezing inside and hot and clammy on my skin, or vice versa,often with unbelievable chills.Or burning up and being drenched in sweat.I feel that this is all part of the hypothalamus and the pineal glands starting to come back "online")

Frequent headaches or migraines that don't respond to medicine; sharp pains or strange sensations that suddenly occur in the head/skull area, often in one particular spot or side, often alternating sides.
(Another of the toughest for me. The headaches are absolutely debilitating when they occur. Sometimes if I feel one starting I take aspirin((with nothing else in it)) and this seems to help with the intensity Often times I end up in bed and ask for help(I call in my medical team) with the pain, shortly afterwards I fall asleep.When I wake up it is gone.) 

Feeling of intense or uncomfortable head pressure, often at the skull/crown area as if your head is being squeezed. 
(For me especially at the bottom of my skull)

Moments of memory loss that may occur on and off or for short periods of time; brain freezes or brain fog, forgetting why you've walked into a room; often forgetting simple words during conversations or forgetting what you are about to say. 
(What? I forgot what I was going to say...24/7)

Clumsiness, lack of coordination control at times, bumping into walls or objects more often at times.
(Nothing is funnier than to see a full grown woman walk into the wall.Or the table.Or the chair.I have to remind myself that we are multidimensional beings of light and I am remembering that.At the moment of impact I was in another place, there was no wall,but here there is one.It is a hard wall.Got it.)

Tingling sensations or 'falling asleep' of limbs, particularly the arms, hands, legs or feet, but sometimes feeling this sensation at the top of your head or in other parts of the body that are uncommon.
(My hands tingle a lot,this has been pretty constant for me.) 

Experiencing moments of audio dyslexia where someone is speaking but it is as if you can't process the information or understand what they are saying; periods where words seem to lose their meaning or don't make sense in the same way they used to. 
(This is weird la-la-land stuff.I see their mouths moving but the words coming out are not connecting to my ears because I don't understand them.Or I think I understand them but it is a million miles away from what they were actually saying,and when I answer everyone looks at me like I am a goofball)

Bouts of crying for no apparent reason; bouts of hysterical laughter for no apparent reason.
(Yes,still, both are very intense but I feel such clarity afterwards because it is such an intense release.All emotional release for me is always welcome, especially as I cry I release issues,thoughts,paradigms,ideas,etc...,all which are no longer for my highest good or for the highest good of all.I try to drink a lot of distilled water afterwards so that I don't get a headache, because if I cry a lot it can bring on bad headaches due to dehydrating myself.)

Sudden itching all over or in various areas of the body for no reason; also, skin rashes, swelling, and other unusal skin changes.
(I have had skin rashes lately as well as a lot of itching.This is something new for me.As I scratch my head uncontrollably, I tell my friends that my lice are acting up...) 

Changes in hair texture and even slight changes in color or highlights; thinning or dry looking hair that suddenly returns to normal; hair and nails frowing at a faster rate than usual. 
(One day my hair looks and feels great, the next day I have dead hair.Lately my nails have been growing very quickly)

Feeling unsual vibrations or a vibrating sensation within the body; periods of unexplainable nervousness or anxiety that comes and goes spontaneously for no apprent reason.
( I feel that sometimes the feelings of anxiety are not mine, I am just transmuting them for the collective) 

Unusual, intense or wild dreams or visions that can be pleasant, or even frightening; reoccuring dream themes or certain people appearing in dreams often; bizarre abstract dreams that are difficult to explain. Periods where you can not recall any dream activity at all. 
(I have always had prophetic dreams, even as a child, but since December I pretty much have no recollection at all of any dreams)

Periods of extreme fatigue for no apprent reason that happens out of the blue, or upon awakening although being fully rested; also, periods of feeling wide awake and energized despite lack of sleep.
(This is common for me.When these times occurr it is impossible for me to stay awake.I will usually fall into a deep sleep between 1 to 2 hours.I feel these are times when I am receiving information, or downloads as I call them) 

Changes in hearing or unusual sounds; ringing in the ears, hearing beeps, pings, tones, frequencies, whoosing or pulsating sensations. Periods of extreme sensitivity to sounds where they appear louder than usual, and periods where sounds seem more muffled.
(Lately I hear bells,or tones, but when I pay attention,of course they disappear.I feel that, as with all my senses which are expanding, I am starting to develop enhanced hearing,or clairaudience.Another of the skills we possess, which we have forgotten) 

Cold/Flu like symptoms that appear and then dissapear without actually developing a cold or flu.
( This usually happens to me if the place where I am is not a confortable vibration for me, sometimes this is called a "vibrational flu") 

Hot flashes or night sweats; feeling heat sensations throughout your body for no apparent reason, or sometimes unsual chills that come and go.
(This is one of the first symptoms that I had.I went to the doctor at the time but all my hormones were normally balanced.I feel this happens as the body burns off the dross from lower energies which are being released.) 

Increased psychic awareness and sensitivity, clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, heightened intuition, prophetic or precognitive dreams or visions occuring more often.
(As we expand our consciousness we also expand our senses.We are able to see,feel,taste,hear and smell  more than what we used to be able to do with our senses) 

Noticing shimmers or sparkles of light within the environment, especially in nature, a strange haze, halos or aurus around people or trees, plants and animals. Lights may suddenly appear more bright and intense, or unusual. Objects appear to fade away or dim in and out of focus.
(Adjusting to a new way of seeing...our third eye opening) 

Causing interference in electrical appliances; electronic devices behaving in an unsual way or malfunctioning within your presense, especially when you are in a heightened state of emotion such as anger or sadness; having light bulbs blow out or flicker when you are near. 
(This is getting expensive.Blew out another hair dryer.I blow out electronics often, too much energy transferring between me and electronics I think...)

The feeling or perception that time is speeding up or moving faster; feeling that you can't accomplish all that you want or experiencing a sense of urgency or that 'time running out'; also, a feeling that 'something is about to happen'.
( I no longer have a sense of time, but I did indeed feel a sense of urgency in the beginning of this process for me.I no longer feel this.) 

Changes in sleep patterns; sleeping for shorter periods and then awakening and falling asleep again; awakening often between the hours of 2 am - 4 am for no apparent reason.
(We process so much during our sleep that we need to wake up to take breaks.Early morning is when it is quiet and therefore a great time to integrate these new energies flowing through our bodies. Don't let it upset you, try to find something that you enjoy doing and use that time to do it) 

A feeling of detachment or wanting to withdraw suddenly from family, friends and coworkers and habitual patterns that once excited you. The feeling is not due to depression, but more from a sense of wanting to be in your own space or not being able to relate to them in the same way as before.
(As our body's vibration rises ,it becomes more and more difficult  to be around lower energies.We withdraw from all that is no longer in alignment with our new,shiny selves) 

Feeling as you don’t belong, as if you are invisible to others, or as if you are a total stranger. Strange moments where you feel others can’t hear you, or you can’t hear or see them.
(Also many times people will walk into me as if they don't see me.My guess is that I am in between spaces and so in a way they really can't see me) 

Looking out at your environment and feeling as if you are experiencing a dream world or alternative reality, that it’s not real or something looks 'fake', out of place or unusal.
(A very unusual feeling, to look around and have the world look not quite right. I feel that once again I am adjusting to seeing the world with my new "senses")

A strong feeling that you are lost and don't know 'who you are'. A feeling of being someone other than you thought you were before. Periods of wanting to 'find yourself'.
(Yes this is still me to an extent. For I am nothing like the person I was for 47 years,everything about me is different, and therefore I am starting to discover this new self) 

A sudden feeling of being connected to nature and animals like never before; an increased sensitivity to plants, trees, flowers; a deep understanding and appreciation of nature and animals, and more natural or serene environments.
(This is amazing for my connection to nature is unbelievable now. All I need to do is step outside and my vibration instantly rises.I feel such incredible love for this earth)

Abrupt changes in job, friends, hobbies, interests, or living environments, or a sudden feeling of wanting to relocate or being drawn to a particular area.
(If it is not for your highest good, it is not for the greatest good of all,for we are all connected.It will be released one way or another and abrupt changes will occur to help you get back in alignment with your true self)) 

Profound sense of connection with angelic and cosmic beings and an Increase feeling of Divine Love; moments of deep revelation and appreciation for life; a feeling of love, peace, understanding and interconnectedness.
(When we connect and realize that we have never been alone, the sense of peace and love is amazing) 

A sudden increase in synchronicity - meaningful coincidences that occur when you least expect them. You may notice 11:11 and other repeating number sequences such as 111, 1212, 333, 444, 144, etc., popping up in your day-to-day life in unusual ways whenever you 'happen to look'. 
(Yes,yes,yes! And this is so amazing,for signs come to us in the form of numbers to give us guidance and support.The message conveyed? You are on the right path.Keep going, for you are amazing.)

Increased "self talk." You'll find yourself talking to your Self more often. Experiencing more telepathic communication with close friends and family, and even animals. Moments in conversation where you feel energized with extremely clear and profound speaking and then not being able to recall or repeat it the same way or with the same clarity, as if it were profound wisdom coming from your higher self.
(I talk to myself all the time.Incredibly connected to my dog Sally, our relationship seems to have changed because I do communicate with her so easily now, and she with me.Telepathy starting to develop between me and soul family members.I have had instances where I said things which I had no recollection of, which later I am told have really helped others.The first time it happened it freaked me out for it felt as if I was standing beside myself hearing myself speak,but now the integration is smoother) 

A deep longing to go Home. You may experience a deep and overwhelming desire to leave the planet and return to Home. This is not a "suicidal" feeling. It is not based in anger or frustration. 
(When you finally connect to the Source of Light and Love and remember that love is the answer, it makes us want to leave this dense planet and return to our Source. Eventually this feeling changes as instead of thinking of home "out ther, you think of home inside your heart and therefore always with you.However the feeling of wanting to go Home still pops up for me,but it is getting better to handle emotionally)

Lately I have also had bouts of extreme nausea,especially during solar flares and magnetic storms,sometimes making me throw up, other times making me dizzy.
Also lately I have developed what I call a "honeybadger attitude"( this is a very funny video on youtube which explains how honeybadgers don't really care about much except eating and so even if they get stung a million times they just don't care...) don't really care about rules or laws or whatever, at this point my goal is to raise my vibration so I can ground the light and help support the raising of the planet's vibration, in which ever way is for the highest good of all.

Now with this heavy list I will give you the light list,here are more signs that you are raising your vibration...

Feeling inner peace
Looking younger
Wanting to play,play,play
Heart Centered
No judgment
Good health
Completion of your Soul Journey
Feeling One with All

Shine bright my beautiful family of light.
We are doing a beautiful job, for we are divine in everything we do.
Don't forget that this is a process, therefore eventually these symptoms do pass as we release more and more of who we are not.
And as we release, we make more room within us for more light to fill us...connecting us more and more to our Source of All that Is.
All we need to do is stay in our hearts and remember to ask for help when needed,for this is a free will planet, and our light family cannot actively help us, unless we ask for help.
And don't forget to love yourself through this, after all you are here, and you are doing it, you are helping raise the vibration of this planet. 
How amazing is that?
How amazing are we?

In Light and Love
: )

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Kali Body To Satya Body , The War On Earth

14 April 2013
Channeler: hilarion

Kali Body To Satya Body , The War On Earth
Lord rama, Lord Shiva, Lord krisna, Lord Om
The War Ocurring On Earth at this time, yes, i said that,
There is a war ocurring all through earth at this time.
If you end up thinking why didn't i hear about this,
then also may you use the opportunity to again consider the importance of working , even as a little at any time, but keeping the theme alive, to develop your innr contact with the divine, and your different part's of you being able to sense and communicate.
Now this takes ongoing practice, however to think as if it is not so important is to miss the point that you can control and be aware of your own perceptual filters better than any other, so, in a way,
eventually, at least theoretically, you could end up being the most effective channel on the planet in regard to yourself? Amen:) ? Amen.
Now about the war,
let me make it concise and simply but accurately worded.
The war is within each one's many levels of existence as everyone's chain of existence is being affected by the solar winds so to speak, really galactic and more, but all,
as the feeling is that the very fabric of one's being can be actually torn apart or wrent.
Now this is ocurring in both cosmic and physical space, and in between, in each one's self,
as they react, as their bodies from here to there react to, undergo the effects of ,
being sort of , not exact, blown into by these winds, these cosmic galactic winds of change, of energy waves/
Imagine you were at sea, ship, circa 18th century, storm very rough , very little feeling of control.
And this is because all of the , most of the spiritual bodies from physical up toward source self,
are being really challenged by the mere, not quite sheer, forces being exerted upon them.
The people, not understanding this began to panic, over some time.
Then believing that they had learned alot, began to create structures at the frequency levels of those understandings, then they developed an allegiance to these structures,
and so became tied and tethered to certain ways of thinking and being.
This is what is meant about the kali and satya bodies.
Both are yours, however, i would say that it is incorrect to look at it as the kali body you have used, this includes all the physical and energetic sheath incarnations and between and even beyond,
will actually be transformed into your satya body/bodies.
They are different, of entirely different vibrational existences,
thinking that you might kind of pop into the major change, i feel, is mis apprehending that
that is not exactly how it happens.

it is more like you allow flexibility of energy and realities for each energetic body, reality within you, and the rest af all your parts also, and then your ego and then your mind,
to become as not, as other 'more fit' massively higher frequencies of self take that place.
But most are trying to carry kali bodies into satya world, satya body, which is not possible,
the only way to pass is to accept the lessening of contraction organization of being and feeling,
and accept it's dissolution as the energies swing in to expansion.
Expansion of the complete being is not possible if all this is not permitted, and that is dissolution, feeling of being wrent apart- allow it - permit it- and then a finer expression of your self will take it's place.
Yes everything is particles, but the particles are not being lost. However, the programmed conscious existence records will be depowered as no longer needed, job complete.
Part of your Satya Body takes it's place every time you make these type of choices .
People just inherently don't feel that these higher impartations are them, their highest spiritual being calling to them, that they are needed to be redefined, 'will you hear', and the people by and large said ,say no, it is too much, i cannot be redefined even unto nonexistence. That is just too far to go. And so the Kali Yuga remnants hold on as islands in the zone, zone of people, zone of part of soul.
An unpleasant alternative is to lower consciousness into the third dimension and below and seek to 'wait it out'. I do not think this strategy toward eternal unification will bare completeness in the long run, I do not believe it will ascend your world, but rather create suitable zones of frequency vibration and reality to live within. This is a burden the earth will have to carry, as it appears to us at this time.
Use non duality consciousness, a real state that exists, to allow you to function within 3D earth, even higher, and still maintain your inner spiritual connection as a complete, or more complete unit.
There is probably a place better than you have found. Have Faith, and allow for it.
It is up to you to find your way out of the matrix, but the 'sad' truth is that you will have to give up,
the existence of what you up to now think and feel you are.
A Paradox.
May your journeys be full.
Position yourself to let parts of you go, stop needing to be, and see if you can, see if you want to,
see what happens. Good journeys, always drop and ascend to succeding higher ,deeper really, realities, as you feel and recognize that for yourself.
After you complete that, let 'yourself' go, will you be one of the few?
It is open to every incarnate functionong soul on earth. Truly the choice that each one wishes to make at this time. However, due to the energy situations, it will be even more difficult later, even if you can still vibrationally connect with thr choice, as the forces may increase. and so on.
So choose your reality at this moment in space, just own that your decisions either feed or limit (retard)your freedom.
Everything is possible, but full unification has it's price.
Good afternoon, etc, across this world. The change has barely just begun.
All manner of nuts will battle , using restored powers.
It will go on, until they every one realizes that they are all nuts, nuts for ever taking the less real for the real., the part for the whole.
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Dear Dr. Sohini,

I'm doing another no cost distant energy healing for everyone who wants to join and all their friends, families and anyone else who reads this. The main healing session is

on SATURDAY APRIL 20, 2013 from 6-7pm Pacific Daylight Time or same as Los Angeles, (7-8pm MDT), (8-9 CDT), (9-10pm EDT-same as New York).

You can join this fr'ee distant energy healing session by using your intention to be included. If you wish to join, just close your eyes for a minute when you read this and mentally say that you intend to join the session and want to be included. That is all you have to do to connect with the energy and you don't have to do anything else. Healing energy can begin to flow to you once you do this as many people who have done this before have reported.

There will be unscheduled daily energy adjustments leading up to the main session. You can receive a lot of healing energy before the main session on APRIL 20.

For those who want to know more about this work you can read the website

I was the past Secretary of the International Tibetan Qigong Association and found I had a gift for distant energy healing after recovering from a spinal cord injury.

This is not a telephone or Internet session. All you do is just relax and sit or lie down during the session and notice what is happening in your body. Even if you are busy you can still get good results. Because there are many people in the session, I please ask you don't email to join. I wouldn't be able to handle all the email unless it's done this way.

You join simply by using your intention after reading this email. Also because this is a big group I won't be able to answer questions before the session and you'll get the details you need in this email. Please feel free to email your experiences afterwards.

Besides the main healing session there will be daily unscheduled energy adjustments leading up to APRIL 20 for those who intend to join before the main session. You can begin to notice effects of the energy adjustments soon after intending to join. Sensitive people can feel the effects of this adjustment period strongly before the main session. Here are comments from people who felt the energy working soon after intending to join.

M, "This is my first experience with this type of healing and I was skeptical. I am sensitive & from the time I joined I have felt this flow of energy and coolness. It's quite interesting."

Hi, "just the minute i intended to take part, while reading the e-mail, i could feel the energy! i felt waves and waves of energy. thanks so much for sharing this blessing with us!" anna

"I just joined for the session and soon I started to feel tingling sensations in my upper arms and legs. And when I set back in the chair, it encompassed my entire body." Linda

Michael, "Shortly after I signed up, I started to feel some tingling sensation around my feet. The vibration got stronger and started to work its way up into my ankles, calves and thighs. And now 24 hours later, I'm still feeling the effects of it. If this is what you call unscheduled intermittent adjustments WOW. I can't wait for the main session to start. Thank you very much" Verna

The energy works on many levels, physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. Even though it's a group healing, the energy works with everyone individually. The energy is intelligent and knows best how to work with your energy system. The energy infuses light and energy into your energy field and can help clear and balance the acupuncture meridians, chakras and other energy channels. The energy won't weaken with a large group and can even get stronger with more people. Distance isn't a problem and you can receive this energy anywhere in the world.

This is not a telephone or Internet session. To receive the energy you just sit or lie down and relax on SAT. APRIL 20 from 6-7 PM Pacific Time-same as Los Angeles (PDT) or 9-10pm New York Time (EDT) and receive the energy. Even if you have to be active during the session you can still receive great results. People in other countries can use: . Use Los Angeles as the city of origin. You can also use -7GMT to convert the time.

I ask for your help and please forward this to anyone you think may be interested. Anyone can join even if they haven't done this work before. You can post this wherever you think it would be helpful, message boards, blogs, Facebook and other social websites, chat rooms, Twitter, etc.. It's better to copy and paste this email into another email rather than forward this email because others can unsubscribe from this newsletter for you if they receive this original email. You can also just give them this blog url.

To get notices on Twitter:

You can help many people by forwarding this email. Because we are in a time of major transformation predicted by many different ancient cultures, it is easier than ever to transform negative beliefs and energy patterns.

Many spiritual traditions teach that we are all connected and now some Quantum Physicists are saying the same thing. These ancient teachings often mention the most important thing we can do is help others. When we help others we are also helping ourselves because we are all connected.

In Chaos Theory there is a term used called the butterfly effect. It proposes that small actions or variations in a system can affect giant and complex systems. It suggests that possibly a butterfly flapping it's wings in one part of the world over time could create a tornado in another part of the world or change its direction. If you send this email to others we don't know how it will affect the bigger picture. You could send it to your friends and they could send it to their friends and it could affect hundreds of people or many people could read it on a blog, message board, other social media site etc..

Once someone has received energy from the free session I'll be able to send energy to them if they're in a disaster area to help them get through difficult times. I'm only a conduit for the energy and not the source and give all credit to the Divine, Universe, Spirit or whatever term one wants to use. The energy helps people to adjust their energy field so they can heal themselves. I believe all healing is self healing. I'm very grateful for this gift and happy to share it.

I liken this to the transmitting antenna of a radio station. I'm not the source of the energy and just the conduit for the universal energy and frequencies. When you use your intention to join the session it is like a radio tuning into a radio station. When you post and email this to your friends then you are transmitting the healing energy to them. We will all be broadcasting healing energy to many thousands of people all around the planet. Letting others know can help enhance your session.

"Hi there my brother sent me the email about (the free) distant healing an as i closed my eyes i felt energy come into my head ....and then each time i sent the email to someone else the energy intensified and continued for sometime...thank you...absolutely amazing!" kind regards, Marie

A few other people wrote these comments after sessions.

Maureen Moss is the Executive Producer and host of World Puja Network, which is one of the oldest and largest holistic global Internet programs. She is the author of several books and wrote this about Michael's work; "The power of his work has continuously astounded me and shifted me! Michael Mohoric is one of the best energy healers I have ever had the pleasure of working with in my life... Michael is a Master Conductor of Energy!"

Sandy Johnson is the author of "Mystics & Healers, Travels Into The World of Mystics, Shamans, & Miracle Makers", a book about healers with unusual abilities including John of God. She wrote about this energy work after the book was published; "Even with all my exposure to healers of all types, this work leaves me amazed."

Ingrid Bacci has authored best-selling books, CD's and DVD's on self-healing and is a respected healer. She is a former professor and graduate of Harvard and Columbia Universities. Ingrid wrote the following about this work.

Hello Michael: "I want to thank you from my heart for the session Wednesday, the first I have experienced with you. As a 'healer', or facilitator of energy flow from the Universe, I recognized immediately the purity and effectiveness of your work. Before the session started, on Wednesday morning, I could feel some old emotional toxins come up and then clear. During the session itself, I felt first some 'kriya' spasms, then very strong images of gushing blue water, and then felt the energy working to open up my entire cranium and rebalance me at a deeper level in that area.

I am well aware that the more 'open' our system, the more energy we can both receive and transmit, and your work felt truly profound. I also found the work very 'instructive' in the sense of guiding me to where I need to work within myself to receive at deeper levels, and a higher energy for helping others heal. Feel free to share these comments if you like. I look forward to working together more with you. Blessings, light, and many thanks," Ingrid
You can include other people in the session by following the instructions in this letter. You can print this out and mail it to friends who don't have email to join the session. You can also read this to people over the phone if they don't have email and they'll get the energy when they use their intention to join.

For those in foreign countries you can translate this into your native language and send it to your friends to include them. Just try and stay as close and true as you can to the meaning of this email. This could be a great service to your countrymen. You can leave out the testimonials in your translation and just copy and paste the first sentence of this newsletter to the bottom of your translation.

How to Include Others

If you want to include other family members living at home in the session then just write their names on a piece of paper and put "Energy Healing" at the top of the page. Leave the paper out in the open on a counter or desk. Please don't send me their names in an additional email. You should get other adult's permission to be included (don't tell me). You don't need to get your children's permission. Anyone else outside your home will have to join by reading this email and using their intention to join. You can also include your pets by putting their names on the paper. Animals love the energy and respond very positively.

This is not a phone session. You can be anywhere and receive the energy. Your intent to join is the connection. You could be in your car or on a plane and still receive the energy. It's best to try and be quiet during the session on SAT. APRIL 20 and just notice what is happening in your body. You can sit or lie down. You can still be active and get good results during the session but best results are obtained by being quiet during the session.

It is ok to sleep during the session. It's helpful to not bathe right after the session, wait until the next morning. Try to avoid cold drinks the night of the main session & the next day. It is also good to take it easy the next day after the session and if you exercise do it very moderately. It is best to use the energy for healing and not for a lot of activity. The energy can continue to work in your body several days or more after the session and some people can continue to see changes weeks after the session.

I like to hear from people afterwards. Please feel free to email me your experience.

If you are not on my email list and would like to receive notices about other free sessions and the monthly newsletter then you can sign up through the website. You don't have to be on the email list to receive the energy.

If after the session you would like to do more intensive work with me then you can sign up through the website. You can get a monthly healing program for $99.

There is no set time for the unscheduled adjustments before the main session on APRIL 20 and you can receive this energy at any time. The unscheduled adjustments before the session can be a very powerful time. You may notice many things before, during and after the session. Some people may feel peaceful, energized, centered, balanced and sleep better. Others may be more emotional, restless and lethargic as they detoxify, which is very good. There can be a lot of purification happening on many levels during this time, emotional, mental and physical.

Before and during the session people can feel different energy sensations working in their body. Some of these feelings can be tingling, electrical, vibrating, heat, coolness, cold, pressure, lightness and other things. If you feel very cold then this is a sign that old negative energy is leaving your system. Try to stay warm if you feel very cold.

It is ok if you have to be active during the session. Many people have to work or take care of their families during this time. It can still be very beneficial if you aren't able to be quiet. It reduces the effects some but it can still be very effective. You can also sleep during the session. Sleeping is good way to receive the energy because you are very relaxed.

Try not to work on anything during the session, just be receptive and let the energy do its work. The energy knows where to work where it is most needed in your system. Thousands of people have done this and I get many reports from surprised people when the energy often finds their blockages even though they haven't told me their symptoms.

Usually a great majority of people have very positive results. Some people are more sensitive and can feel a lot of energy moving in their body. Others may not feel the energy but will notice good effects. After the sessions people can feel calm, centered, energized and balanced. They can also feel their pain greatly reduced or eliminated. Like any modality this won't work for everyone but most people see significant results.

Don't worry if you feel odd pains come and go leading up to the main session. This is good. As the energy clears the blockage in an area it can result in temporary pain. Also people can feel extra emotional during this time, which is also very good.

From a Qigong and Traditional Chinese Medical perspective much dis-ease is caused by emotional repression. The energy from these repressed emotions get stored in the organs and tissues of the body. The energy from the sessions can help to release these stored emotions. When we release repressed emotions then we can bring about deep healing. It takes a lot of energy to hold down the emotions and when they are released we can have much more energy available to us.

Sometimes people can have very beautiful and peaceful dreams during the sessions. Others can have some strange dreams. This is also beneficial. The sessions can help people to release old negative energy. The energy works like a virus detection program on a computer and can neutralize negative energy patterns, beliefs and programming.

Some people will notice some of their old negative ways of thinking will simply be gone and sometimes addictions fall away. Don't worry if you have scary dreams during the sessions. As one releases old repressed fear out of their energy field then the mind can give it a symbol. The symbols and fear are coming from your own mind. The energy work isn't causing anything, only helping to release old energy and emotions.

The energy helps to purify, cleanse and detoxify the body and mind. As the energy works through the energy blockages it can cause toxins to be released that are stored in the area. Some people may feel achy or tired at times leading up to the session. This is good and very, very helpful in the healing process. Feeling unusually tired is a sign that the body is using a lot of energy for healing.

Many modalities recognize the positive effects from detoxification. You may also find that you have to go to the bathroom more as you release toxins. During the purification process your organs of elimination will be energetically supported to help them release the toxins. I have done this process with thousands of people and the energy always works for people's highest good. If you don't feel good some of the time, try and hold the thought that you are healing.

The time leading up to and a little while after the main energy session can be a little bit like a roller coaster ride. You can feel very energized one day and then tired the next day as you release more toxins. Just realize that every time you don't feel good that it is a powerful time for healing and that you are raising the vibration of your energy system. It is good to stay hydrated and drink extra water (warm not cold) during this time.

I am very grateful for this opportunity to work with everyone.


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How to Attract Helpful People into your Life

Erica Sofrina

April 11, 2013

Attracting helpful people is an important key to success in both our personal and professional lives.

The art of Feng Shui addresses all of the main areas of our lives and teaches that our homes can be useful tools for attracting all of the things that we desire on our deepest level.


Form School is a particular school of Feng Shui that uses what is called a Bagua Map. It is a map that is put over your floor plan that identifies the nine key energy centers (the “Helpful People” section is one of the nine).


Using the Bagua Map is similar to creating a vision board. It gives you a physical place in your home to place the visual affirmations that you are working with. Once you locate a specific energy center, you place objects there that represent what you want to bring into your life, as well at the things you want to keep on flowing. Just like a vision board, the messages you planted there in the form of physical objects are registering in both the conscious and subconscious mind and are sent out to the universe like radio signals.


As in the law of attraction, like attracts like. The more powerful the visual affirmation (i.e those fused with positive emotions) , the more powerful the thought form. The strength of the thought form is what focuses the chi ( energy) in the desired direction. In working with energy enhancements, make sure to choose the objects that have the most meaning for you (if you make them yourself, even better!). Feng Shui is not about hanging a talisman in your space that mysteriously brings you good fortune. This is a trite quick-fix approach which is unfortunately promoted in many Feng Shui books, giving it a bad name.


At its deepest level Feng Shui acknowledges our profound connection to our physical surroundings and the interconnection between the seen and unseen worlds. It teaches that in aligning our outer environment with our deepest desires (our inner environment), we bring our lives into balance.


In Feng Shui Helpful People refers to the angels who appear in our lives just when we need them. It is about synchronicity, being in the right place at the right time and knowing that the universe will send us the necessary helpers to assist us on our path. A chance meeting with a stranger links us to finding our life partner or connects us to a dream job, etc.


The Helpful People area is also about Travel . This is a great place to place pictures, books, postcards and other objects depicting the places you wish to travel to as well as affirming that everything will go smoothly when you do.


You may want to enhance this area if:

  • You want to attract teachers, clients, colleagues, customers, employees, a nanny, gardener, contractor, or helpful people of any kind into your life, or if you are planning to relocate either your home or job.
  • If you desire to travel and intend that it to be safe, easy and synchronistic.


How to Locate and Enhance the Helpful People and Travel Area of your Home

This part of Feng Shui comes out of the teaching of the Bagua, the source of which is the ancient Chinese book of wisdom and divination, the I Ching. To read more about the Bagua, I will refer you to my prior article: Where is Energy in your Home.

The ancient Feng Shui masters felt there were certain energy centers of our homes that correspond to all of the key areas of our lives. We can locate these energy centers by overlaying what is called a Bagua map, onto the floor plan of our living space. Once we locate them we want to:

1. Take a look at what is going on there and see if it connects to what is going on in our lives at present. (You may have some ah’hah moments!)

2. Clean it up, clear it out and make it an attractive place to spend time in.

3. Add enhancements to encourage the chi (energy) to become activated along with environmental affirmations that represent what it is you do want to have happen in this area of your life. These can be collages, vision boards, meaningful objects, pictures etc. What ever invokes a sense of excitement and passion around the desired object or outcome.


Next: How to enhance the Helpful People and Travel Area


Here are some suggested enhancements if you would like to activate the Helpful People and Travel area of your home:

1. Objects, statues, posters or vision boards that represent your own personal spiritual guides such as saints, angels, gods, goddesses, deities, nature, power animals, totems, etc.

2. Posters, paintings, collages or photos of special places you have traveled or would like to travel to or objects from places in the world that have always inspired you.

3. Pictures and objects that represent the living ‘angels’ in your life.

4. Items pertaining to helpful people such as clients, customers, employees, teachers, benefactors and mentors that you want to attract into your life or keep in your life. You may be working with attracting the perfect nanny or gardener or handyman, or even volunteers for your non-profit.

5. Create a ‘helpful angels’ garden outside or a nook in your home. If you are missing this area from your floor plan, create the garden in the area outside where this would be located in the home. Add the symbols that are the most personal to you. (Please note I am not promoting we have our yards look like ‘My Big Fat Green Wedding,’ with huge statues of Athena in the front yard!)

6. Find a box you love and turn it into an affirmations box and place it in this area. Write an affirmation about what it is you desire to bring into your life in terms of Helpful People and Travel. Write it with gratitude, in present tense as if it is true now. Date it and read it frequently, visualizing clearly what it is you are requesting and feel it as if it is happening in the present.

7. Accessories in the colors of white, gray or black. Please don’t paint the walls black, just have some accessories in these colors which represent both the water and metal elements connected to this area.


If you are trying to sell your home, you may want to put cards of Realtors in your Helpful People Affirmations Box. If you are looking for a new home, pictures and affirmations of the ideal place would go here, placed next to your vision


Next: The Bagua Map — how to locate the helpful people and travel section of the home

How to Place the Bagua Over the Floor Plan of your Home.

Click Here for your free color copy of the Bagua Map

1. Draw a sketch of the floor plan of your space. This should be the birds-eye view as if you are looking down on it. Include all built-on decks, stairways and attached garages. If you live in a condo, apartment or one room, draw the shape of this as if you are looking down from above.

2. Draw a square or rectangle over the floor plan in the shape of the Bagua map. Stretch it out into a long skinny rectangle if need be. All of the areas of the home (or space) need to be within the square or rectangle. If your home is an irregular shape, still draw the rectangle or square around it. Not all homes are square or rectangular, so you may very well be missing some areas of the Bagua. Instructions on how to deal with this are below.

3. Stand at the front door with the map parallel to the floor with the Entrance Quadrant touching your stomach. This will tell you the direction to overlay the Bagua map onto the floor plan of your home.

4. Now divide your home with the Bagua map overlaid on it in nine equal sections. This will identify for you where all of the key nine areas are of your home are. The wealth area will always be the far left quadrant of the home and the Love and Marriage the far right section, etc.

5. If your home is not a rectangle or square, you may be missing areas of the Bagua. If this is the case, you can do a mini-Bagua for each room of your home and enhance the HP & T corner of each room. Treat the main entrance to the room like you would the front door of the home and lay the Bagua accordingly. This energetically brings back into the space the missing area. If this area falls in the yard, create a Helpful People garden if appropriate.

6. If you have more than one floor of your home, what ever is below is above. You do not turn the Bagua differently for each floor. In which case you may have more than one H P & T area, the same rules of enhancement apply to all areas!


Note: I practice and write about Western Form School Feng Shui, which works with the Bagua map and is a different school than Classical Compass School Feng Shui, which uses a Chinese compass along with Chinese Astrology to determine chi or energy flow. I suggest you choose the approach that resonates the most with you and stick with it.


For those who would like a copy of my Free Color Bagua Map with instructions on how to lay it over your home floor plan click here.



Erica Sofrina is the author of the book Small Changes, Dynamic Results! Feng Shui for the Western World , and is the Fonder of the West Coast Academy of Feng Shui, which offers Practitioner Certification Programs and Seminars both nationally and internationally.

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Aurora Borealis 2013-03-17

Aurora Borealis 2013-03-17

Published on 22 Mar 2013

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Watch this aurora in virtual reality:

This video shows what happened on Mars 17 when an CME (Coronal Mass Ejection) hit Earths magnetic field. Two days earlier, sunspot AR1692 had produced a M1-class solar flare that resulted in the CME that hit Earth.

This time lapse shows what happened during four hours over Östersund here in Sweden, between 19:20 and 23:35 UT.

The time lapse consists of 2464 raw images for a total data amount of 30Gb. The photo of the Sun is a hydrogen alpha mosaic I've made from 10 images that was captured on Mars 16. Total of 10 Gb data. So all in all this movie contains over 40Gb of data that I've been processing over the last 5 days. Hope you enjoy it.

Music: I Am a Man Who Will Fight for Your Honor - Chris Zabriskie (

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200,000 Year Old Annunaki Cities Discovered in Africa

Published on 15 Oct 2012

Publisher and producer Michael Tellinger discussed his study of ancient ruins at the southern tip of Africa, which he believes were associated with a vanished civilization that ET visitors, the Annunaki, brought together over 200,000 years ago, when they came here to mine gold. The ruins, which he's investigated along with Johan Heine, consist of thousands of stone structures over a large area. The structures show evidence of their extreme antiquity through erosion and patina growth, he detailed. One of the most important ruins he referred to as "Adam's Calendar," a monolithic stone calendar that could mark time out by the day.

The Annunaki tinkered with human genetics to make their mine workers, Tellinger said, referencing the work of Zecharia Sitchin. Among the ruins are hexagonal shapes clustered together like honeycombs, which he speculated could have been used as cloning tanks. Further, he suggested that many of the structures, made out of stones that contain quartz, were used as energy devices to power the large settlements.

By studying the area using aerial maps, Tellinger determined there were three great cities, some 60 x 60 miles each, one of which included Great Zimbabwe. Among the ruins, the first pyramids can be found, and details carved into some of the rocks include the Ankh symbol-- thousands of years before the Egyptian civilization used it, he reported.


Michael Tellinger is a scientist in the true sense of the word, never shying away from controversial issues and scrutinizing every clue meticulously. After a 30-year long obsession with the origins of humankind and the genetic anomalies of our species, he wrote Slave Species of God. When Johan Heine exposed the mystery of the stone ruins of South Africa to Michael in 2007, they began an irreversible process of research that led Michael to some startling scientific conclusions and the completion of two more books, Adam's Calendar and Temples of the African Gods.

The Anunnaki (also transcribed as: Anunna, Anunnaku, Ananaki and other variations) are a group of deities in ancient Mesopotamian cultures (i.e., Sumerian, Akkadian, Assyrian and Babylonian). The name is variously written "da-nuna", "da-nuna-ke4-ne", or "da-nun-na", meaning something to the effect of "those of royal blood" or 'princely offspring'. Their relation to the group of gods known as the Igigi is unclear — at times the names are used synonymously but in the Atra-Hasis flood myth the Igigi are the sixth generation of the Gods who have to work for the Anunnaki, rebelling after 40 days and replaced by the creation of humans.

According to later Assyrian and Babylonian myth, the Anunnaki were the children of Anu and Ki, brother and sister gods, themselves the children of Anshar and Kishar (Skypivot and Earthpivot, the Celestial poles), who in turn were the children of Lahamu and Lahmu ("the muddy ones"), names given to the gatekeepers of the Abzu temple at Eridu, the site at which the creation was thought to have occurred. Finally, Lahamu and Lahmu were the children of Tiamat (Goddess of the Ocean) and Abzu (God of Fresh Water).

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Pictures of the week: From a hungry gorilla to North Korean border guards in high heels

'Motaba' the gorilla is bananas for, ahem, bananas, but 6-year-old Ella O'Brien and her 4-year-old sister Bridget are safe from the ape thanks to a glass partition (Newspix / Rex Features)

Lost in a sea of brilliantly colourful flowers at the appropriately named Flower Fields in Carlsbad, California (Reuters)

This otherwordly image of a waterfall in California was created by colourful glow sticks placed under water as well as long exposure photography (Sean Lenz/Kristoffer Abildgaard/Rex Features)

Unlikely friends: Cindy, an 8-week-old kitten, has found an unusual friend in Harvey, an 8-year-old golden retriever. Dogs and cats are normally enemies - think Tom & Jerry - but old hound Harvey has become protective of the young tabby at the Lost Dogs Home in Melbourne (David Caird/Newspix / Rex Features)

Like others this week Louis Maier was affected by the news of Margaret Thatcher's death. But the tattoo-enthusiast paid an unusual permanent tribute to the former Prime Minister - by tattooing her face onto his leg. His tribute to the Tory leader refers to claims she helped invent the Mr Whippy ice cream when she worked as research chemist exploring the effect of emulsifiers (SWNS)

Gun check, hat check, high heels, check - these North Korean soldiers are ready to report for duty at the border with China along the banks of Yalu River. The hermit kingdom is said to be preparing for a further missile launch further heightening tensions in the region. (Reuters)

A woman and child pass graffiti daubed on a wall on the Falls Road in west Belfast. In life as in death Margaret Thatcher polarised opinion and in parts of the country 'street parties' celebrating the former Prime Minister's death were held. Those held in Bristol and Brixton, London, ended in violence (Reuters)

An orphaned polar bear pulls a quizzical look at the camera with a teddy bear by its side. This young polar bear cub was left an orphan after its mother was shot dead by hunters. But the adorable animal has become a global sensation after it was rescued by an Alaskan zoo and built a relationship with some of its current occupants - teddy bears (SWNS)

Russian President Vladimir Putin lies on the snow while playing with his two dogs in Russia. This image is the latest in his photoshoots which put the leader in decidedly macho poses, such as riding bare-chested on a horse or swimming in a lake (Reuters)

Let there be light: This dramatic image of lightening was taken of the night sky over Patterson, Arkansas (Reuters)

Two years ago a destructive earthquake devastated the New Zealand city of Christchurch, claiming 185 lives. Now the city has found innovative ways to rebuild such as using giant shipping containers for small business start-ups (Caters)

'Marooned' by Steve Brockett shows villas surrounded by a sea of greenhouses in Spain. The picture was an entry to the Environmental Photographer of the Year Awards (Steve Brockett)

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