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Hi again, this is the dragon
You are all beautiful beings. Many of you came from what could be termed magical realms. That isn't the end all and be all of your existence, but it is a big part of what you may have been up to before you came here. You saw a bunch of human beings ready to take the next step, and because of your love for mankind, you were willing to enter a realm where you would lose your magic, where you would forget who you were. You knew full well this would happen before you came here, yet you were willing to do it. Many would be too afraid, or too inexperienced, or too unwilling to wade through the energies that you have willingly accepted. What you have done is honorable above all else and we have to say that we are proud of you and think you are amazing beings. For those who wonder, "is that me, was I a magical being?" we say it doesn't matter. You probably did, but it doesn't matter too much. Just realize that any being here today is a courageous being. All came from all-that-is, and infinite awareness. Most have a vast reservoir of awareness that is difficult to comprehend from such a short lifetime of experience, which is most of all you currently know in your head (not your heart). And those that don't are pure beings of intense love and light. So everyone here brings something to the table. All are here for the transformation above all else, even if they don't know it yet.
We love all of you and where we come from, that is easy, even if it seems so hard to do when you are on Earth. It will, of course, get easier - in time.
So you forgot so much of what it was like not being on your world and that is unfortunately, and fortunately, part of the game you are playing.
However, sometimes you think about what humanity is doing to each other, and you remember in your heart that isn't how it has to be, and tears may form in your eyes. You feel it. What, you aren't sure, but you feel something. That heart memory opens the door for energies to flood you and you feel it all over. In that moment, you have remembered who you are because it is a feeling. You may cry. Don't judge yourself for this. This feeling is so intense, and your emotional body is ill-equipped to handle it. So crying is natural. You may also feel euphoria and happiness at that heart memory. Yet you are possibly crying at the same time. This is expected.
Don't block it, and let that energy flow. It is kundalini. It is the energy of the earth. It is also white light coming from your crown, and the energy of the cosmos. It activates your third eye. It activates your compassion centers. It can even activate you in other ways. Like a magnifying glass for the universe, everything around you takes notice at the soul level, even if it isn't apparent. We all see the energy. The human can carry so much more energy than you do normally. It is powerful and it can transform you and those around you. It is all love.
So when this happens to you, basque in it. For the fleeting moment it is, take it all in.
- The dragon
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 YOU Can be a Self-Perpetuating Succession of Pure Trust, Inner Power & Wonderment ~ via Julie Miller


As channeled by Julie Miller
When you entrust the spiritual forces that are working with you when you are encountering a difficult situation you are really applying more Faith into what you are trying to accomplish which you become inspires you to exercise the energy of the spiritual forces next time a problem crosses your path, regardless of the level of difficulty that may arrive with the situation. You become the creator of a self-perpetuating succession of pure trust, inner power, achievement and wonderment. 

It is well understood through our observation that those dear souls that orient themselves through commitment and discipline while on their spiritual quest will increase their progression from pure faith of themselves, into including faith in all life and faith with the Divine Spirit. 

When pure faith of your heart is applied between two people, a powerful relationship will be created. This occurs when one of two persons involved is completely dedicated and has full faith in the other person, which encourages this person to provide fundamental freedom that will provide growth and development that will not only nourish just one of the two people, but both. And this kind of relationship is one that evolves through trust and faith in each other – a continuous flow of infinite love based on Trust and Faith. 

Your daily life dear ones is always busy. During the busyness of life it is important to try and find time to think about what it is that you truly believe in with your heart and soul, where do you place your faith with the most that will detour your journey towards finding personal happiness and pure fulfillment? There are endless possibilities and answers, but only one that will take you to where your heart will lead you. 

Any dear soul that lives their life without acknowledging their consciousness is merely ruled by their life, there is little consideration to the forces that are working around them. There are many dear souls that live among you living this way. Their days are typical and usually barren of emotional thoughts as they are purely living through a physical consciousness – one that is governed by habit and reiteration.  

And then we observe many dear souls that do have a certain amount of Faith and work with Hope in order to bring more good into their lives. You don’t get to know the actual outcome until it occurs, yet your faith is still there through the workings of your pure heart. We often see many of you increasing your thought perception on life that is filled with positive thought-forms and action. Having a positive outlook dear ones does have a positive effect on your life and increases your Faith that you will continue to receive valuable outcomes of your positive thinking and actions. Even for the many dear souls that apply positive thought-forms and action each and every day, they do not know the full extent of any outcome, but they are at a state of mind that any outcome is helpful and instructive. 

People that are thought as spiritual do not only place their faith in just life, but their faith is also with God, and within the Realm of His domain. These devoted souls give themselves freely to God in pure faith and trust with an Inner Knowing that is aligned with Hope and Faith that any outcome that is produced will be what is best for that person at that very moment. 

There are some dear souls that often experience and see the Spiritual Force of God’s energy and power on a regular basis. These souls are not only positive in their Faith with God and His Divine Realm, but these dear souls are mastering the principles of life which do include the surrounding environment and any action that is encouraged by God. These beloved individuals will accept all outcomes as being positive. Anything that results as a negative becomes a positive learning that is in disguise. 

One of the biggest achievements of your spiritual journey is to attain a greater perception of life and actually see clarification through the opening of the Divine Will; Divine Will is a phenomenon that is filled with positive and negative mingling inside of you in order to apply an increased development of your progress and transformation.  Visualize your life as a live flourishing active field of the Divine that brings you to unfolding more of your infinite consciousness that was once considered to be limited. The broadening of your awareness and understanding is a clear indication of your continuous flow of Faith in yourself and with God and through this comprehension you begin to participate in achieving the highest possibility of all achievement and revelation to be experienced. 

There does come a point in your life and spiritual journey when you wish to understand where you fit while working closely with faith. The power of your life has always been in your hands. We of the Divine come to guide, support and love you, yet it is you that must make each and every decision. Depending on how much effort you apply at each circumstance will also reveal how much trust and faith you have included and any outcome will be a result of your concentrated efforts. Understand dear ones pure faith is not just about giving all your trust to God, it also includes total acceptance with the results that comes forth from your decisions. 

We encourage you dear ones to consider when your busy mind finally becomes quiet, you give up the Ego’s urges and surrender to the Silence where Faith will be honed and further developed. When you make that initial step to reach your soul, remind yourself your mind needs to be quiet. When you have successfully quieted your mind and settled your dynamic energy then your body surrenders faithfully to our Divine Father in Trust. 

When you consciously move into deeper depths of consciousness and awareness you are stimulating Faith into action that will illustrate the pure love you have for yourself and for God and all the many dear souls that share your global home. You see dear ones Faith will always work when you believe. Think back to all the tasks and projects you set out to do and remember the outcome of each one. When you applied pure faith along with the love filled effort and focus what you created was a masterpiece. Trust and Faith work closely together in many facets of your life that will always include Hope and Love and these aspects will become part of your thoughts that will fill you with gentle anticipation that assist in producing new dynamic levels of understanding that will increase all on its own because of the devotion you have always applied to becoming all that you are now and all that you will be. 

You have already all that is needed to bring forth what it is you want to achieve at each step of your journey. Trust with the pure love that is alive within your heart through the Faith that will rise if you simply allow it. We of the Divine have absolute faith in all of you. 

And so it is,

Ascended Master, El Morya through Julie Miller  
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Dear One,
It is I, El Morya, Keeper of the Golden Flame. The Light Within touches and knows all things. It is the Great Golden Flame of All That Is. It is the Golden Flame of the Central Sun, the Great Central Sun, and the Grand Central Sun, of universes beyond universes beyond universes.
Tune into this Golden Flame. Tune into its Light, its Gnosis, and its Other Worldly Healing Power. Tune into its Light when you desire grounding, or answers, or Divine Love in your life and daily choices. You can direct the Golden Flame’s energies into situations by focusing your Heart Flame’s energies on a particular intention, outcome, or goal. While the Violet Flame of St. Germaine heals, purifies, and alchemizes . . . the Golden Flame that I am the keeper for . . . manifests, ignites, expands, relates, and unifies.
When you seek unification and manifestation, the Golden Flame is here to spread its Wingfull Light . . . and fill those Source Seeded Desires with Full Source Power.
Today is a day the Golden Flame and Violet Flame can work together, to create Highest Good Outcomes. Direct the Violet Flame to purify the Hearts of All Those Involved in the High Court Decision about Honoring All People . . . and Honoring Equal Rights to All of the Blessings of Life.
Violet Flame, pour over and within the hearts of All Judges, All Participants, and All Related Staff today, and this week, with the Power to Create History and a New Legacy of Honoring All People . . . . Pour into their hearts and cleanse any prior biases of Division and Separation of the People. Cleanse any outcomes that might manifest from such separation. For as the Violet Flame clears and purifies these hearts in their gatherings and discussions today, we invoke the Golden Flame’s ignition powers to manifest only Unifying Outcomes of the Highest Order of All. Let the Golden Flame’s Light illuminate decisions and outcomes that will lead this country, and all countries, in the direction of a unified, loving, compassionate, harmonious people . . . and a global society of peace.
Golden Flame – fill every portal, every heart, every word, every deed, and every decision today and tomorrow, in this Supreme Court Case of Marriage Equality and Equal Rights for its Gay and Lesbian Citizens, so that only the Light manifests. Only Peace reigns. Only Unity Consciousness prevails.
Let it be so. Let it be so. Let it be so.
Thank you Mother/Father God, and Mother Earth, for lending these powerful tools in this manifestation. Thank you for their miraculous gifts and power . . . to reveal the Light once more . . . where only darkness reigned before. Bless all Highest Good Intentions praying for Peaceful, Honorable, and Highest Light outcomes today . . . Ten Fold. May these prayers of Light clear any prayers or intentions to the contrary. Thank you God. Thank you Earth Mother. May it be so.
Dear One – Let this be our prayer today. St. Germaine and I will be directing our healing and manifesting flames to this ruling and to all court centers today, to reveal the Light and Unity in all things, as Mother/Father God originally intended. We bless you and love you, and know your heart flame is pulsing Divine Waves of Love, in accordance with the Divine Plan. We thank you, for your years and intentions of service to the Light. All in the Cosmos send their gratitude to you, and to all lightweavers at this time. May this flow as Highest Good Outcomes in all of your Light-filled Dream Seeds!
All Love to you, this day and All-ways.
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By Brenda Hoffman
Crystal energy is a profoundly spiritual, highly empathic energetic imprint that has come to the forefront with adults born in the 1950s and 1960s and the younger generations born after 1976. The early Crystals brought a highly concentrated form of the Crystal energy to the planet, preparing it for the children who would come later. Crystal energy is thoughtful, sensitive, highly intuitive and very spiritually connected. This energy does not integrate well into the third dimension and having it can be burdensome, especially in a world that is so materially focused.
Crystals are highly empathic, which compels them to stay out of the mainstream because they simply feel too much. While Indigos are rebels and action oriented, Crystals are more quiet, patient and while they are not as aggressive as Indigos, they are no less persistent. They prefer to act when they feel the energy is right for them, rather than leading the charge. Crystal adults began the spiritual movement in the 1970s and 1980s, writing about topics that no one knew about or understood, but persisted in their efforts, content to stay in the background, knowing that eventually what was once considered ‘weird’ would be mainstream, as it is today.
Crystals are here to create spiritual balance, to teach us how to integrate our spiritual and material aspects, to live in heaven while on earth. But the increasing polarity of the ascension process has been hard for them and they felt that they entered the earth’s energetic space long before it was ready for them. They are more comfortable in an inviting, welcoming, gentle, and highly spiritual environment and what they encountered feels like anything but that. They can feel like they are living in two worlds, the quiet, safe world of their own energy and the outside world they feel doesn’t understand or appreciate them. Being energetically sensitive can create a false sense of fear as they don’t often know how to separate their energy from that which they feel is around them. Being natural healers compels them to rush in and heal energy, rather than stepping back and applying healing energy at a higher level that they are more comfortable with.
More than others, they feel today’s powerful energy shifts and releases, and the fear that many people are going through at this time. Because they are so empathic and have such strong healing potential, they must work hard to not integrate the negativity around them and try to transmute it themselves, which can create depression, anxiety, physical distress and illness, and energetic burnout.
Crystals feel like old souls, wise in spiritual matters but often very child-like when it comes to matters of the material world. Their biggest life challenge is to stay grounded, focused and within their energy but not exclude the world and retreat into their own safe energetic space. By balancing their empathy with detachment, setting strong energetic boundaries and using their healing abilities from a point of empowerment, rather than as martyrs, they offer solutions to many of the world’s problems and can help others find empowerment from within their own spiritual centers. Without detachment though, they can easy lose their focus, become ungrounded and float through life in a sort of energetic limbo.
Crystal and Indigo energy work together to offer a complete solution to the world, identifying challenges and providing transformational alternatives. Given time, space and encouragement, Crystal energy enlightens, supports, guides and directs profound transformation of the most dense energy into its highest octaves. The Crystal message emphasizes healing and unconditional love, when they can stay focused on the value of their gifts and use them to uplift the world around them. Their gifts lie in the arts, music, sharing information, teaching, channeling, empathy, compassion and healing at a soul level. 
Encouraging the expression of Crystal energy in yourself, your children and others creates energetic openings into a world that is being birthed as the old world is dying to create the powerful transformation of heaven on earth, emphasizing empathy and compassion, and finding spiritual balance in a materially focused world.
Copyright (c) 2013 by Jennifer Hoffman. All rights reserved. You may quote, translate or share this message as long as you include the author name and a working link back to this website. All other uses is strictly prohibited.
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Lord Melchizedek ~ The Christed Self within the Cosmic Three-Fold Flame   Leave a comment

Three fold flame-2-qpr

Transcription Dated ~ March 18th, 2013


I Am Lord Melchizedek and it is my Divine pleasure to be this spoke-being for this evening.  I believe that what Divine Mother and Father God has given us is an essence of their communication with each other.  This is something that has never been shared to anyone else within this vibrancy.  It is my pleasure as the over-lighting energy this evening to share with you exactly what it does mean for each of you at this time.

Patience is the virtue that we see in each of you that is growing deeply as it is also continuing from the ability to accept the Divinity of your existence.  As I represent many Light Workers of the Melchizedek Priesthood, I stand here in this moment as a very proud father in what you are achieving upon this Earth.  I share through Meleriessee who has walked with me in her consciousness for many, many years that she has brought many to my doorways or they become aware of their existence in my world.  It is not that they were not part of my world but on a conscious level just as each of you represent that priesthood you could not be here today if you did not accept that fact.

What does this mean for each of you to allow yourself to stand in the Presence of God’s Will, God’s Power, God’s Love, and God’s Wisdom? It means that your totality as a human being is non-existent without the Three Fold Flame; it means in order to have Will, in order to have any of these aspects you must have God’s Will first within your Heart and with everything that you aspire to be.  It takes great challenges to get to this point in time.  And I am happy to stand here with each of you and to look at my students of many souls upon souls that truly are here to bring forth the acceptance of their own Will, of their ability to make a pathway that will change other peoples lives by doing it themselves first.

I commend you, I commend you for being here in this moment.  I commend you for being upon this Earth.  I commend you for holding the Light as deeply as you can, but I deeply commend you even more for the challenges and there will be more.  What we truly want to bring forth in these moments is to accept as much of the Three-Fold Flame that your body can handle.  So how do you know how much you can handle?  It is not your decision; it is from your Higher Self.  So I ask each of you right now to call upon your Higher Self and to allow Him/Hher to be fully activated within you by taking a deep breath as the waves of Light that are filtering in through the Temple is representive of what each of you will feel during the Equinox.

It is a time of complete balance of the Masculine and Feminine Divine allowing the God Essence of the Christ that you are to be enfolding within you  Each of you have been working diligently on your own issues to allow the enfolding of your Masculine and Feminine .  What this does is give you a point of awareness of your thought and your feelings so that they can be molded into the integration of the Three Fold Flame.  I ask each of you in this moment to fully feel the Masculine energies blending with the Feminine energies within your existence.

The Masculine essence resides on the right side of your body with the Feminine on your left side.  The Masculine will bring in the Will.  What is your Will in this moment of God’s Will? What is it that you see within yourself that needs to be created to create a lifestyle that does represent the Three-Fold Flame or just to accept it as it is unfolding within you.  Feel your Masculine self activating the energy.  Imagine feeling a spiraling Blue Light fully activated within the right side of your body centering within your Heart Center.  At this point, the Heart Center is the Solar Plexus and the Thymus chakras so it represents one flame.  Feel that Blue flame being fully activated within you.  Breath in deeply and allow this essence to share within your Lower Self as it blends together.


Now feel this essence moving into the essence of the left side of your body as the Feminine fully accepts the Creation of the will and allowing the Feminine Divine of Divine Mother be activated.  We are now being attuned from Mother/Father God of what they have given us in the previous moments.  It represents his Will and her Love of now fully coming entering within you.  Now feel her accepting this as the Pink flame which ignites on the left side of the body.  It moves towards the right side blending with the Masculine Divine.  Feel the flames coming together with the Pink and the Blue.  As we look within the Temple, the same is happening in the Circle of Light as the Pink and Blue fold within the stage and entire circumference of the room.  It is igniting with the activation of the Feminine and Masculine ~ allow her essence to just surrender and accept.


Breathe in deeply; feel your lower self as your Higher self, feel your super conscious the sub conscious feel that essence as the communication will come from your Heart not your head allow the integration, the activation, the actualizations of the Christ that you are to be fully be embodied.  Let us all just take a deep breath and just infuse this flame within us during this meditation you will probably feel the extreme conditioning of this acceptance after the meditation it may slip away a little bit but it will come back and you can tap into it again.  We ask that the Three-Fold Flame to be fully embodied within every person that is listening at this time or any other time.

Feel the acceptance of your Higher Self and your I AM Presence of your Soul family being fully ignited fully within your essence, within your being of Light as it becomes One.  Allow the Three-Fold Flame to go to any areas by extending the it within your physical body, feel it going into the structure, allow it to ignite the spinal column, igniting the essence that everything is fluid and moving with no constrictions anywhere ~ allowing the Cosmic Three Fold Flame to be you.  I ask you now to take any thoughts that you have been having into the Three Fold Flame and feel them being ignited.  I ask you to take any emotions into the Three Fold Flame.  Allow them to be ignited to only receive the highest available integration that you can handle.  Now call upon ~ ask ~ talk to your Higher Self and ask Him/Her what is the percentage that you can handle through this process of the Equinox.  Let us take a deep breath while you receive.

Now allow that percentage to go into any areas that are weaker than what you are feeling in this moment.  Because as you see, as an initiate of this pathway of the Melchizedek Priesthood of being a Christ Conscious Being of Light allowing your Christed Self to be your God, your body needs to receive.  It is just not your mind, not just your emotions.  As the Masculine and Feminine Divine hold within that Heart area, it will assist you in allowing the higher vibration element that is coming to you from your Higher Self and I AM Presence to go to all areas that are necessary.  It is the same process with Gaia as the Three-Fold Flame becomes more fully activated within the planet.  It will assist her to allow her ascension process to continue.

Let us take a moment and fell this Three-Fold Flame to be embodied within Gaia in this moment.


Gaia Receive  ~ Gaia Receive ~ Gaia Receive ~ Gaia Receive your Three Fold Flame

Each of you now do the same.

I Receive

I Receive

I Receive my Three-Fold Flame of Love, Power, and Wisdom


I AM that I AM

I AM that I AM

I AM that I AM

I AM that I AM

I AM One

I AM Light

Let us take a deep breath and feel all these beautiful Three-Fold Flames as we all gather together in this beautiful Temple of Oneness, communing with the Unified Whole, the ones that have already done the Three-Fold Flame.  Allow these essences to be in Oneness as we are all parts the Three-Fold Flame of Gaia coming together.

I AM Lord Melchizedek.  I reach out my arms to each of you ~ I reach my Three Fold Flame into each of you for you to acknowledge the Three Fold Flame within you through this process.

Just receive it, just feel the essence coming within you, and allow it to go anywhere it needs to be.  Say I need it to go now to my joints, or I need it to go into my internal organs, or I need it go into my Mental Mind.  Just receive your Higher Self as it is designating where it needs to be right now as we are speaking one last, one last minute.


I receive all of I AM,

I receive all I AM, I AM, I AM, I AM,


OHM that I AM

I AM all that I AM

That all that you have to do.  It is my Divine Pleasure as Lord Melchizedek to be here with each of you right now.  I feel the difference within the Temple ~ I feel the difference in each of your energies as we receive together.  It is my blessing to see each of you enfold within this essence upon this Earth and to share all that you are.

So Mote It Be ~ In The Light Of The Christ ~ In The Oneness That We Are.

I bless you deeply.

The recordings to these transcriptions are part of our Membership Program.   This call is excerpted from the Clarion Temple of Oneness, which is held every Monday evening.

©2013 Walking Terra Christa, Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, 5th Dimensional Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved.  No use without prior written permission allowed except for sharing the post in its entirety along with the link to this page,

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Planetary ~ Shared by Rev. Christine Meleriessee

We have just experienced the most powerful Spring Equinox that has ever occurred within GAIA.  Not only was it intense during the acceleration, but preceding the event could be life changing depending upon your own pathway.

We have spent the last three months preparing for these energies with high activations occurring continually with the moon cycles and other planetary conjunctions.  It prepared us to receive the highest frequency that was possible for each individual.  Every lightworker on the planet was taken to a new level of their consciousness whether they were fully aware of the changes or not.  The Spring Equinox was unique as it made us look within ourselves to see what needed to be changed in order to receive the next level of awareness.  The timelines are being ignited from our Etheric body to help us move along the process as we become mutli-dimensional beings.  This is a challenge within itself as it is affecting us through the four body system so it can become one body of light.

So now we have arrived at a new juncture in our pathways.  It is time to reflect on where we were before, what we experienced during the transition, and allow the transformation to fully take place.  We are being asked by Spirit to remember our humble beginnings and allow those essences to be embodied within us.  The challenges are great so if you are having a difficult time of assimilating what is occurring, you are not alone.  It depends upon the level of healing that an individual is processing within themselves and how honest they can be of their own ability to get into the depths of their soul’s history.  A lightworker that is newly awakened may feel quite overwhelmed with the challenges that they are facing and it takes a strong commitment to fully stay on this pathway.  It is taking us deeper into the depths of our souls and the challenges never stop.  They will continue as long as we strive to be the best we can be.

The Ascended Masters within the Brotherhood of White Light have been conveying these energies to us for a very long time.  They want to assist us in this process, but they cannot totally understand as no species has ever acquired this level of acceleration in a group consciousness.  Each of us individually is on many levels within the initiations, and it is a different experience for everyone depending upon our consciousness, life situation, and the contract we signed up for previous to our incarnation.  Some may feel the need to catch up whereas others may feel they are tired of all they are going through.  I urge you to keep trekking onwards and upwards.

There is great responsibility to step into this pathway, but it is a rewarding job when you communicate with the Higher Beings as they talk with great emotion to the work that you have done.  Our time is coming to be with each of them in Oneness on the New Earth but we have a lot to do in the meantime.  This earth is not ready and will not be for quite some time.  So we have to be challenged in order to shower the way with our Light and Love quotient in order for the One’s that are following us that will be able to accomplish it in an easy and swift manner.  We have to live in-between worlds of Duality and Oneness.  It is part of the plan so that we can remember one day the journey that we took and how successful it was for everyone involved.

This is why this Equinox was so very powerful.  We must hold as much light as we can in order to assist GAIA in her acceleration along with the humans that just might be ready to wake up.  GAIA is readying herself to merge with Terra Christa, her male counterpart, and we are assisting in this transformation.

If we can think of our challenges in this manner of assisting her, then isn’t it all worth it?  Look how much we have changed as a species.  Yes, we still have a long road ahead of us but it is much smoother than it was just 5, 10, or 25 years ago.

So what is our next step in this process of acceleration on Earth?  It represents balancing the opposing energies.  Reflect back one month ago and the challenges that you encountered during the month.  How did you get through them and would you do anything differently? What tools do you use that truly assisted you?  These elements are creating our foundation of our new reality.  We will be going through highs and lows continually through 2013 so we need to reflect each time to help our lower minds accept the higher thought processes that are occurring.

On Wednesday, March 27, 2013 we experience a full moon cycle at 2:27 AM, Pacific, 9:27 AM GMT.  This moon represents opposing forces of Libra within Aires.  Libra represents compromise and Aries represents taking care of the Self.  So now we put into practice what we have learned in the last cycle of acceleration by creating balance and being in the flow.  2013 represents Synchronization, and now we are being tested to allow the light to guide us through the uneasy areas ~ Being in the Flow.

Take time on this day to create the balance you need with GAIA’s energy.  Walk the ground, feel the energies around you, listen to the birds, and feel the wind whistling in the trees.  In order to feel the movement, we need to continually do the walk no matter what we are encountering along the way.

Join us for a powerful call on Wednesday, March 27th at 5 PM Pacific.  Details are listed on our website,



We have just gone through a tremendous change in consciousness from the higher realms into the Earthplane levels.  The Spring Equinox was better received than we had hoped.  We believe it had to do with the lack of exposure within the media and not centered upon the doomsday effect as what occurred on December 21st, 2013.

This not only means about the changes but incorporating them within the consciousness of the planet.  Spring is always a very beautiful time of the year as the blooms will start showing from the ground; but that is not the question here.  We want to say that within the planet as a huge consciousness the energies were well received.  In the Southern Hemisphere they are moving into the Fall Equinox which still represents growth and abundance.  So it does not matter where you stand within the world, you are being affected greatly by the changes that are occurring.

Change is inevitable at this time and it depends upon your own ability to know thyself and how deep you are willing to travel to find the beauty of your soul’s history to be awakened into your consciousness.  This truly brings it to a point of reference.  Those that are not as challenged as some are definitely not willing to understand the process of what mastery may mean for them.  They may not even know they are on a mastery pathway but have come into this world with great gifts which they term as having mastery.  Not so, my Dear Ones.

If you as a Lightworker are utilizing powerful gifts into this world but yet do not know who your Higher Self is, not willing to go into the depths of healing to be a better person, or are willing to find balance within your Feminine and Masculine Divine, then you are on the wrong side.  You are tapping into timelines when you were quite gifted in a world that did not perform on the Universal Laws.  Many of the extra-terrestrial communities out of the Galactic Whole have been gifted with these abilities, but they are not working in harmony of the One.

We share this knowledge because many individuals are waiting for their lives to get better.  And that’s what they will do is – wait and wait and wait.  Mastery represents responsibility and gifts are not given to an initiate, they are earned deeply and honestly.

So we ask you?  How did you feel about this equinox?  Did you feel the pressure of wanting to change, awakening with dreams that seemed very unreal, and then feeling it within your physical body?  I am sure most of you experience this; possibly not every day but periodically.  It is because your Etheric body is healing so deeply and wanting to merge within the physical essence.  It cannot do so until the debris is removed of the old karmic ties that need to be acknowledged and healed.  This is true mastery ~ allowing the essence that you were to become who you are now and then knowing that the merge cannot be achieved without the removal of the energies that do not fit presently.

We ask you again ~ How did you feel this Equinox?  If you felt happy, go lucky and ready for spring to blossom or autumn to effect change, then we say to you, you are not ready yet for the change.  We bring this information forward not to judge as everyone has free will.  But those that want to be more, must aspire to the highest mountain that they can climb.  We share these energies as a lesson in awareness.  Learning what you are experiencing, how you can get through them easily and effortlessly, and seeing the progress happening within you is the best advice we can give at this time.

This equinox brought many emotions to the surface along with the thought forms associated within the emotions.  The Masculine and Feminine traits are coming more into balance.  The power of these energies was created upon the Earth to awaken individuals into the aspects that do not fit who they are presently.  So it is a personal experience in what is to be awakened.  The more you learn about your Soul’s Purpose and Essence, the more you can reject or accept into your awareness.  The timelines of the past and future crossed simultaneously to create the present to be balanced within each person that was ready to go deeper into themselves.

Presently, the challenge is to balance these elements that were brought to the Light.  Aspects that were not accepted readily need to put into Wholeness as they do not fit an individual’s Highest Purpose within their pathway.  Remember, this is different for each soul embodied upon the Earth and there are no judgments of an individual’s pathway good or bad.  Our purpose in these updates is to share how a person that chooses the Mastery Pathway can best help themselves to move further to create the Divine Love, Power and Wisdom of the Three-Fold Flame.  It is the choice of each Lightworker to stay within their present circumstances or to go deeper within their initiation levels.  Our goal is to assist everyone in understanding this process and just because you are a Lightworker does not mean you desire to walk in Mastery.  Initiates can stop and stay within a certain level while being very content and happy.  Learning to be an ascended master is a long pathway and only the strong can survive.

So in essence what we are saying is that this equinox represented these changes to occur.  In order to walk into the 5th dimension on a physical basis, you must decide to be on the Mastery Pathway.  You can be attuned in a consciousness level but it does not mean you will be able to create your Body of Light with the Three-Fold Flame activated.  Our desire is to have every One of YOU to step into this role and that is why we bring this message in such a direct manner on this day.  There is no time to waste.  The physical existence of your 5th dimensional self is awaiting you to be acknowledged.

Yes, we are intense because the time has come to get down and dirty within yourself.  Look within and understand what fits and what does not fit for you.  We have the power to do MORE with one another.  We reach out our hands to each of you – but you must acknowledge your Self Worth by sharing your Light and Dark essence with us.  We will help you get there, but you must acknowledge what aligns in Wholeness and what will be rejected within that frequency.

There is more to come.  This Equinox was the first of many accelerations for this year.  The next frequency to be prepared for is the Lunar Eclipse on April 25th which will represent expressing the Light to shine in the darkest areas of the Soul.  We express to you that it will take you deeper into the depths of your essence to learn who you are, what you are to create, how to find the aspects that stop you, and bringing wholeness to your existence upon this Earth.

So it seems we have a lot of work to do with each other.  Each of us in the Unified Whole Command had to go through the same process of admitting what we have done in the past may not serve the Greater Whole.  The equinox was just the beginning, but you are not on this journey alone.  Every human being is going through this same process no matter what level they are existing within their initiation and ascension process.  It is going to get more challenging the more you resist – it will persist.

So that brings us to this week.  We have laid down all the rules and what can happen if you do not do it.  But what about the other side of the coin.  What will occur by accepting to be more of yourself?

Well, accessing your Higher Self and I AM Presence is essential on a daily basis and many moments within that day.  They are going to assist you in feeling their energies physically and you will be able to flow through the day even if it becomes a challenging one to endure.  Laugh at yourself, smile deeply, and know that this is just a testing period.  You are the maker of your destiny with your Higher Self and I AM Presence.  You cannot do it without them.  This is the first element you need to realize and then go deeper by allowing the changes to happen within you.  Learn from your dream state and meditations what you need to do next.  You have these abilities.  We would not be speaking to you if we did not.  It is our time to shine together and we so look forward to see the transformative process within each of you.

We are standing by for your approval for us to work with you.  Ask for the Unified Whole Command and we will greatly assist you in learning how to be in Oneness within yourself first within your dream-state and then with meditations.

Honoring each of you deeply,

We Are the Unified Whole Command of Many Masters of Light

©2013 Walking Terra Christa, Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, 5th Dimensional Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved.  No use without prior written permission allowed except for sharing the post in its entirety along with the link to this page;

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As channeled by Tazjima
We are the angelic legions of the Divine Mother. We bring her message to you through this scribe:
We greet you this morning as the light of the Divine shines on all life upon your planet, the awakened and the unawakened, alike. Your Father-Mother God loves all life. Your Father-Mother God loves you, all of what you are, have ever been and will be.
How do you find yourself in these days of transition? Are you still confused by the subtlety of the changes, mostly energetic? Or are you overwhelmed as layers and layers of unconsciousness and negativity still are being stripped by the light from the greatest depths of your being? Perhaps you thought that you had already spent years transmuting your karma and that of your genetic lines? Have you forgotten that you are also processing for thousands of others who have not yet awakened?
Even now, as the darkness is being broken up rapidly, many thousands of people are coming awake. The first rays of the new sun have pierced down through the layers of unconscious thought forms sufficiently enough to bring warmth to their hearts and beings. For the first time in a long time, hope begins to blossom in the hearts of vast numbers of people, beyond the lightworkers. Yet they are confused by the light and by the freedom that beckons beyond the diminishment of darkness. Like animals long caged, they do not know yet what to do with that new found freedom.
Still there are lightworkers who are confused about their missions and wonder what it is for them to do while here upon this blue planet. Where are the star ships and the connections with their star families? Where are the crystal cities? They are here, they exist, but cannot yet be seen by all.
By choosing to come here and being "human", you have taken on the role of participant. This planet has become your world and you are the ones who must do the work. We cannot do it for you. This is and was a part of the agreement you made before coming into embodiment. We know that many of you have forgotten that clause in the contract, but there it is.
It is up to those who live upon the surface to take the first steps that will raise up the vibratory levels of this planet in order that your galactic brothers and sisters might interact with you in the future, as well as the ascended masters who choose to come as teachers. Some walk along you already. Do you have the eyes to see? Open them, the eyes that are within your own heart. Nothing can remain hidden from them. The wisdom you seek is within your own grasp, if you but set your heart on it. You are already all you need to be; now come into acceptance and love yourself free.
We say to you that the star ships are guarding this world as it moves through the first days and months of transition. Your star families are aware of the great sacrifice that you took in coming here. They watch over you, every hour of every day and night, even if you are still unconscious of their presence. They are with you in your thoughts, just outside the edge of your auric field. You must give them permission to contact you and to work with you. So it is with the ascended masters of this planet, galaxy and universe. You must invite them in to assist you in your work, your transformation, your mission.
“What is my mission?” Some still ask this question, with a little anxiety that somehow they have failed, that they have missed the proverbial boat or should we say star ship and have failed. My dear ones, my blessed ones, my beautiful spiritual warriors, you have succeeded beyond the expectations and hopes of the archangels themselves. You have performed magnificently and you have done it all by just being here on this world.
You have performed the first portions of your mission by transmuting the energies through your own sufferings and through your more informed prayers and mantras, through your guided thoughts and intentions. You have brought this world safely into a new era, one that is gradually being revealed even as the old one breaks down around you.
Fear grips those who would cling to the rigid matrix of the third dimension. Still they seek to bind the population to their will by seizing hold of economic, political, religious and military power. As hard as they strive to control the masses, so those same masses begin to waken from their collective slumber. The reverberations of the Great Shift are being felt in all corners of the world like a slow-motion movie of a huge earthquake, shredding and tearing a great city apart. Slowly the edifices of the international banking system are crumbling under the hollowness of the extensive investment in derivatives; there simply isn’t enough money to support the planetary debt. The banking system will go down, but rest assured that creative minds will find ways to survive in the economies that emerge from the resulting debris. The key is in starting small and starting local.
The structures of the old paradigm are now being revealed for what they are, limited in scope and now crumbling of their own weight, like a steel beam exposed to too much movement, the tensile strength of the metal being overcome by the stress of change. They are crumbling before your sight.
We understand that the sight of the dissolution of what were once trusted institutions breaking down and being exposed as corrupt, dissolute and treacherous is a daunting prospect for most of you who perhaps been employed by these businesses and have worked with these leaders. Now it is for you to maintain your balance in the face of this intense transitional period, during the great revelation of the darkness that has been the product of movement through the kali Yuga. All darkness that exists on this planet must and shall be revealed. All that has been hidden from the people is now coming to the surface.
Many attempt to resist the reality of these revelations but the darkness cannot be dismissed. It must be seen for what it is, the other side of the light. It is the great teacher for it has been through suffering and violence that many have come to know a part of themselves that they never would have encountered in the higher light worlds. The time of suffering is now departing from this world, the structures that hid the plans and intentions of your controllers have been revealed, stripped of their ability to hide and are now being exposed for all to see who choose to see. And who can move beyond a desire to judge what they see.
Again we return to the matter of the mission of the lightworkers. It is to be centered within your own beingness, within that sacred center that exists in your own heart, where the true multidimensionality of your Soul can be touched and experienced. From this sacred space, you can look with equanimity upon the massive changes now being experienced all over the planet and in your own life. And with our assistance, you can recharge yourself everyday by attending the spiritual retreats upon this planet in the etheric plane and the healing chambers within the many starships sprinkled across your skies, if you so choose.
It is time to utilize your basic spiritual tools, of grounding and centering, of being without judgment, of letting go, of allowing your heart to pour compassion and light into the world around you, so you emanate a light that may not be seen, but will be felt by all who are near. They will respond and they will begin to awaken to the new freedom now being offered to them by the planet’s passage into the new world.
By standing in your own space, creating a light vehicle, a safe haven for you to dwell within, you will be able to observe from a place of balance and calm. If you move out of balance during the course of the day’s work or as the result of an encounter with a difficult person, regain that balance by coming “home”, seeking that calm space within, cleansing your field with light and with water, going into nature or doing whatever it takes to come back to center. It is time for you to stand in your own power, within your own field of light and to simply be all that you are, right now, right here.
Your mission is to be the wholeness of what you are here while embodied in a small physical body. You will soon come to understand that your wholeness encompasses and blends with all that surrounds you, seen and unseen. However, you must first come into an acceptance of your own “personal” light and power. This act of acceptance must go along with a willingness to suspend judgment of yourself, of your past actions, to stop comparing yourself to others. With letting go of self-judgment, you will let go of judgment of others, as well.
Many of our lightworkers have felt uncomfortable in the old paradigm or strove to fit into what they deemed acceptable modes of conduct, acceptable to friends, family, employers and “society”. It does not matter that these modes of conduct did not always mesh with your own inner sense of what is right; some of you felt that you needed to fit in in order to survive. That is all changed now. Free will has, again, entered the picture. Now you need to discover what makes your heart sing, brings joy into your life, which sets your imagination afire. It is a new journey of self-discovery that can take place now that freedom has been made available to all who are willing to step into the vast unknown and unchartered spaces of the new world. Wonders await those brave pioneers who choose to go forth. Will you be one of them?
As you shake the shackles of the old paradigm from your ankles and step forth, you will find that you are being followed by others who are also curious and willing to take a chance on tomorrow. The human race has vast potential and untapped wells of creativity. It is a race that is in the process of discovering itself as gifted beyond the wildest dreams of the most creative pioneers of the past. The old rigid boundaries that existed before no longer prevent the creative powers and visions of these pioneers from bringing their dreams into fruition. This time in this new cycle the dreams will come true, given the intent, will and focus to bring them into manifestation and sooner than you think as linear time is dissolving into the ever present Now.
As you step forth into this new world you will discover natural gifts that will blossom, gifts that have always existed within each human but were denied and even resisted under the old paradigm. Your minds are beginning to clear and you will begin to see with your whole body, feel with your heart and connect with the vastness of Divine Mind. Secrets long forgotten will be revealed or unearthed from within. Suddenly you will begin to understand without the need for teaching through intuitive knowing. Paradox will take on a new meaning for you. What was once true no longer is now. And you will be comforted by that fact, able to live with the ability to move beyond barriers that no longer exist.
Step forth, beloved lightworkers, and begin this journey. Through your own willingness to explore and to accept your own gifts, you will give heart to others to do the same. By standing in your own light and power and shining it without discrimination into the world, you will emulate your own Sun who shines upon the blessed and the sinner alike. You will discover soon enough that you have been both and will let go of the need to judge what lies before you as the theatre of the world, the outplaying of energies and the self-discovery of the soul while living a human existence.
This is a rare time where wonder and joy can be experienced in the heart of chaos. How you choose to experience your world is up to you. Free will is manifest now and the outplaying of your thoughts and intentions will come ever more swiftly. We know that you will soon discover how to navigate with growing sureness through the obstacles that stand as opportunities for growth.
Our blessings go forth to you, the bravest of the brave, our daring ones who have volunteered to be here and now. Call upon the angels, archangels, masters and your galactic family for support when you need it and know that we stand ever at your side throughout your day and in your dreamtime. We are one with you and the realization of that unity will come upon you soon enough if it hasn’t already.
Go forth and be in all your glory. Namaste.
Thank you, beloved Angelic Legions of the Divine Mother.
Copyright © 2013 by Elizabeth Ayres Escher
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Melchizedek’s Weekly Message ~ March 24 – 31, 2013 Received by Julie Miller ~

As channeled by Julie Miller
As you embark upon your Spiritual Journey, you quickly come to realize you are never alone on your endeavours. Even though your own personal journey must be done by you, you become part of a global community. When a dear soul experiences happiness, joy, pain or other forms of emotional experiences as outcomes to knowledge filled circumstances, they also become your happiness, joy, and pain because of the interconnectedness you share. Even your own personal journey that you walk alone, truthfully you are surrounded by many spiritual beings that are there guiding and supporting you through their loving encouragement; therefore you are never alone. 
Along your journey dear ones, you will at times find it necessary to seek communication, relationships and sometimes partnerships that will assist both and all involved to providing a deeper spiritual meaning and knowledge that is necessary for increasing your level of understanding and awareness. Through mutual interactions, you gain valuable insight as to what is necessary to make appropriate attunements with your Self on a whole complete scale that includes your inner and outer vehicles. As a result many will discover a deepening awareness of the nature that surrounds them and the need to ground with the Mother Earth to aid in refreshing discordant energy with love filled energy that is based on pure love for residents upon this fine planet you call home during this lifetime. 
To many dear souls that consider themselves spiritualists this becomes a world that is filled with the limitlessness possibilities of achieving anything and all that the heart and soul has subtly shown your Inner Self as alive and crucial for your development to becoming all that you are meant to be. Sometimes it will give the impression that you are raising something that has been dead and buried for centuries, and that dear ones is because it has. Much that you are finally have started to look at has been there for a very long time, waiting for the appropriate time for you to discover the deeper you of your true self that is found within the deepest part of the valley of your heart – you come home to your I AM. 
Each dear soul that consciously chose to follow a spiritual path found themselves in-love with something that caught their attention, what their heart drew them to. When you find something you love that provides a greater good to you and those closest to you, you are also in a quiet way demonstrating your love for God, in an innate way you are also loving your neighbours as you love yourself, as well as those you consider friends regardless if they are human, animal or plant. You learn much about yourself through interactions with other people, observing God’s creatures and from the rest of your global backyard. 
The best way to develop a kinship with your Earth Mother is through patient and gentle observance of her beauty; from the flowers, insects, birds that stay or migrate, water systems, and through many of the beautiful creatures that share your planet as home. A partnership with her also includes a relationship with the Universe. Each of you are part of a cosmic garden that deserves care and respect that is derived from love that will encourage positive growth and development. There is never a need to compete, as each of you are beautiful in your own unique and splendid way. The more you move away from the need to compete the closer you become One with your true Self. It is from the intrinsic understanding that every single thing, star, being, creature, plant, or any other natural formed object has a right to be among you and the connection each of you has with the nature that surrounds you on a global scale is all part of the fundamental web of life and aligns you into a divine relationship with God. 
When you consciously choose to transcend beyond your normal senses of your imagination, perceptions, and assumptions into a realm that is beyond your normal range of thinking and being you are embracing the cosmic mystery of encompassing ALL without creating any disruption. Through any part of your journey, know dear ones that you can always rely on God to guide you through any area that may hold confusion and fear. You will learn how to overcome these and more through His infinite Love for each of you. 
We encourage you dear ones as you go about your business, no matter if you walk, drive, take public transportation make notice of the life that flourishing around you. Observe the trees, see how the earth is responding to approach of warmer weather or the onset of cooler weather, and hear the happiness in the bird’s music. Nature at its finest is able to nurture and heal you through her simple and grand splendour. 
We are aware many who are progressing along their journey are also searching to connect with the Divine or other Higher Spiritual powers, and sometimes they want physical evidence or proof. We of the Divine provide subtle messages; if a person has learned how to feel us, they will know we are there and they will hone in on specific touches, scents, intuition that tells them a Divine Presence is with them. Acquiring such knowledge requires a great amount of patience with one’s self, learning to go quiet and really observe after removing all senses and allowing the mind to expand and the heart and soul to meet this growth in quiet solace with the self. 
Most of you know and realize that within each of you is a beautiful Inner Light that connects you to the Holy Trinity and this amazing Inner Light also sustains your spiritual life. This Inner Light is a gift given to each child of God and it is how He is able to connect to all of you. Your divinity is found through the fundamental foundation that this Light was gifted to you; the crucial part of your spiritual journey is found through unconditional love for your Self and others on a mutual equal scale of compassion and respect. Sometimes you will come to see through this Inner Light areas which you can improve, mastering character virtues, and any other aspect of yourself that is crucial to your spiritual development and growth that provides you with the necessary means to see and accept the goodness that has always been a major part of yourself and being accountable for the care of this Inner Light. 
Your Inner Light provides you with the ability to sustain all that is meaningful and beneficial as it helps to cultivate the essential growth potential of your journey. We have noticed by many dear souls that have nurtured their Inner Light that more harmonious and joyful energy has entered their life providing them with an abundance of love that provides profound satisfaction that supports them to becoming what they are meant to be. 
There are many ways dear ones for you to connect to your Inner Light. We suggest through meditation as it provides multiple purposes that has endless benefits for you achieving a higher state of consciousness and personal awareness. When you are in-tune you will be able to see your own Inner Light glowing around you and some if you are gifted to see will be able to see their Inner Body filled with Divine Light. Your own Inner Light dear ones provides you with the ability to Self-Heal, by connecting to your Inner Light your eyes open to wonders that were not there before. Through new experiences from connecting to your Inner Light, you may discover a deep need to alter your self-image and increase positive thought-forms that will clearly demonstrate the pure love that is flowing through and from your spiritual heart. 
Every time you surpass a certain phase dear ones, you will heal and gain strength that will begin to prepare you for the next challenge. Challenges are presented to you dear ones as learning opportunities. We know it is hard maintaining a positive outlook when some of your trials have been difficult, but they have taught you so much about yourself; through them you have become much more aware of your whole self and of your actions and reactions. You grew and matured, adopting a more mindful way of being that demonstrates your kindness and love as you have accepted the fact that people will always be different and through their differences there is much to appreciate, love and learn. Through your spiritual maturity you learn the importance of forgiving yourself, removing yourself from the heavy feelings of guilt that is often associated with bruised feelings. You are like the transforming butterfly, you move from one process to the other, gaining sustenance through self-knowledge that will provide the nourishment needed to metamorphosis into the beautiful butterfly that is one with its own Light. 
Every new stage you embark upon takes you into unknown territory, where you do not know the actual outcome, only the possible outcome. Each new stage dear ones is an opportunity to renew your Faith, to continue working with Hope in whole trust that ALL is in perfect Divine Order. Remember dear ones, your Inner Light will sustain you; believe in it, and most importantly believe in you. Enduring your hardships through Faith, Hope and pure Love does require steady practice. It is advisable to visualize more often, invoke and to meditate upon your Inner Divine Light. The more you work with this beautiful aspect of your spiritual heart, the more it will reveal and expand your understanding of this Divine Inner Light. Accept the uniqueness that you are and know this uniqueness no matter how much you grow and change will always be unique and special. 
Come and invoke my presence at any time during any phase of your journey and know I am here to guide and support you through gentle ways that are best suited for you. My energy can be reached by any journeyer regardless of where they stand in their spiritual growth. Through the gift of Light that is inside each of you, given by God we will always be able to guide, support, love and share with you. 
I AM Melchizedek through Julie Miller 
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Welcome to the 5th Dimension on Earth

 ~ A Message from Mother Sekhmet through Elizabeth Trutwin

As channeled by Elizabeth Trutwin
Greetings Children of Ra this is Mother Sekhmet. Welcome to the Golden Age on Earth. We are now moving into the 6th Sun. On March 28th new Divine Energies will pour into You through Source and Alcyone through your Sun to Earth and with this we enter the 9th Gateway. This changes all the potentials on Earth as you are now in the 5th Dimension and in certain sacred places on Earth the 7th Dimension and above. As these new energies pour in over the next few months, building over time, Earth is prepared to Activate Her changes including a Zero Point force field around the Planet which is a vibration where weapons wonʻt work. We will have World Peace.
I come to you this day to ask you suspend all disbelief, all fear and all preconceived notions about your Plant and your Body.
Have you ever taken a microscope to look at a human nucleus cell? It looks much like the drawings for Inner Earth. An inner core Sun and structures within set around the sun encased in a sphere which has a busy surface world. This is a microcosm to the Human Body, the Planet, the Galaxy and the Cosmos. The Divine blueprint repeats itself again and again. Evolution continues in a sequence of events as it always has through the aeons of time. We enter the 6th Sun and the 9th Gateway of this evolution now. It is the fractals spinning and unfolding into the Higher Realms of light.
Now that Earth has Ascended there are varying levels of adjustment. One is that of the ignorant who feel they are in a situation which is intolerable of slavery and suffering. One is that of the foolhardy looking for wealth and some of these are successful at it. In time the One looking for wealth realizes that each One has good times and bad times and it occurs in cycles and no One has only good or only bad and then they decide life is more than money and decide to pursue knowledge. One in this phase looks for information without discernment, good information, bad information they are like a basset hound sniffing out all things they had never considered before. Finally there is the Wise. This One pursues inner activities connecting with Source energy throughout the day. By doing this they have abundance of wealth and spirit. They have good knowledge and literally spend their entire lives in meditation.
If you today are suffering in poverty or illness, obsessed with wealth building, or spending your every free second tracking nonsense I invite you today to skip over those phases and go right into Wisdom. There is no prerequisite only that you dissolve ego mind. These three first groups are joined at the hip by ego mind and the Wise Ones have no ego at all. They have only their connection to Oneness.
These are all normal phases to go through and almost everyone does. Now that Earth is in the 5th Dimension it is possible to Activate your Higher Intelligence. In a few days when the magnificent waves of energy pour down on you, those who have prepared will Activate all 12 Strands of DNA. This is a gift and if you are aware ahead of time and consciously focus on it you may then actively dissolve your ego mind and move swiftly into your Inner Wisdom. It is not only your Birthright, but Your Right Eternal. Your Right perennial. Everlasting. You may learn to levitate, have telepathy, teletransport, walk through walls, see into other dimensions. You may become immortal and then only leave your body when you decide. As you desire to move into a different Dimension, after you have realized Enlightenment then you will decide. You no longer suffer illness or aging because you will have acquired the skills to be in this body without those things.
When we enter Zero Point Energy after Disclosure and Announcements then Earth crosses the 9th Gateway. We are on target for this next month provided we stay the course. Being inside the 9th Gateway means that Earth is eligible to go back through the Eye of On. This is the middle star in Orionsʻ Belt, Al Nilam or On where when passed through Earth will first enter the Central Sun called Alcyone which is a series of three rings which look like Saturnsʻ rings and each One steps up the energy of Earth as she passes through making it possible for Her to pass to the Other Side of Alcyone. This brings Earth to the Light Matter Universe called On, our Twin Universe - we are in Nebadon the Dark Matter Universe. This return through the Eye of On is Earths next major move and with it are unlimited potentials you cannot at this moment begin to understand. This is what Earth is preparing for next. Understand Earth will not be prepared for this until some years, maybe more than two decades or more.
That is a view into our not too far future. But the first order of business is all must enter Wisdom and discontinue old baby games. Put your puzzles down and lets look into becoming mature Beings of Earth. Ask for the Guidance of Archangel Michael with Chamuel and Metatron to eradicate  the " Ego" and the attattchment to " the software of the Mind "completley , then  dear One, you will  raise your awareness and step up to the highest frequencies of pure Light .. Invite your God Self to meet You and merge with it , embracing all the aspects and expressions of Self that carry the Highest Light Codes and free yourself from those that no longer serve you and are holding you back to a lower density... Free yourself form spirit and anchor your new Human Angel state on Earth . All will fall into place then... We must have Accountability from the Ones who kept Earth down. The Citizen Hearing on Disclosure asks the Media break their silence and ask the governments Self-Disclose to Earth Citizens their involvement with different Groups of extraterrestrials. The negative extraterrestrials left Earth permanently in 2010 preparing for Ascension. The positive extraterrestrials are the Galactic Federation who work with everyone on Earth to moving forward with Ascension. Francis Bacon, an Avatar of St Germain has said “The Truth is so hard to tell sometimes it needs fiction to make it plausible” I prefer not to sugar coat the truth for you at this moment. You absolutely MUST drop your egocentric rituals serving your lower bodies and come into your Higher Intelligence now. We are here to help you, you only must ask.
As the old continues to dissolve in front of your eyes the Good Olʻ Boys Club within NSA, DOD, DIA, CIA, the Supreme Court, Congress, the Federal Reserve and IRS are running for their lives. Those Ones involved in facilitating the change over within the system are likewise fearful. Everyone is walking on eggshells. Each One has only a piece of the puzzle and feels so committed to doing their little part, they do not even come up for a breath or to look around and see the changes which are already complete. Those in the media have not yet received the memo. They still report with trap door stories with one or two sentences of truth wrapped around rabbit holes of deception. I invite you to turn away from the news because it no longer serves you. It will dissolve whether you waste your time with it or not.
What can you do to maximize your Soul Growth at this time? When you open your eyes in the morning and your head is still on the pillow ask God: What may I do to serve you this day? If you are Atheist or Agnostic it does not matter, for YOU ARE GOD. Ask your Self: What may I do to serve you this day? Take action steps each day to Serve Mother Earth. Do something in the 5th Dimension which will make a difference. Agree with God at first lights each day that you will stay focused on having a conversation throughout the day with God and will no longer engage your focus with your ego mind. Ego will call you like a little child calling for Momma. Ego will want your attention. You will continue to hold a conversation only with God and ignore ego as it dissolves the way of all things 3D. You will put away your matrix mind and as ego dissolves your life will change dramatically.
Talking with God throughout the day will bring you strength you never knew you had. As you hold your gaze on God you cause a chain reaction which has your prayers answered. Financial stability will come into the picture. It will be a new sensation and you will - like any addict - have an urge to speak with ego, but with the support of the massive new energies beginning March 28th as the second surge after 12.21.12 you will resist this urge. When you feel weak you will fall into the arms of God and find comfort there. Mother - Father God, we are there for you every step of the way. You may act like a child and come sit with us. We will give you a hug and a smile before you go back on your way. You are always under our care. We are looking out for you. The more you focus your gaze with us the more we have you within our protective sight. We will give you all you need to elevate your Wisdom on your New Earth. You shall find the Inner Peace, the return to Innocence and in that Sacred Space, Dear One, you will clean all your tears with the gold liquid dust of the alchemy and magic of Oneness.
Now take your new Wisdom, your feelings of Wholeness and your new found strength and develop new habits. Push yourself to do more because just like working out your brain muscle is now sharper, faster and stronger. You are no longer that victim. You are a Creator God living in the 5th Dimension. Congratulations! You did it! Your Pineal is fully activated with the Gold Dust floating in everyday from Niburu like Manna from Heaven floating into your Crown giving you everything you need to have what you have asked for. Nothing and No One can stop you. Only just walk through the steps which make it so. This transmission of Solar Light Codes through the language of Light and the Celestial songs/music of the spheres so the dance that you are initiating is always done egoless, within the Divine Presence of your heart with love, ease, grace , balance and harmony. Each moment is a choice. The speed at which your Collective Consciousness moves forward is dependent on your very thought, word and deed each day. Do you see yourself in one of the lower groups? Groveling for money, Having ups and downs with wealth, Searching the ends of the Earth for useless research? Come Up! Come Up Dear Children. Invoke Me, Invite Me, Open to Me. I am here for you. I am right here walking with you. I also invite the Wise Ones to reach out more to this other Group and help the Collective Consciousness move forward quickly past Accountability, past Disclosure, past Announcements and right into the Cities of Light waiting for you to be prepared.
It is that simple. You have all you have asked for. Now go out there and take  small moves - get Disclosure complete together and invite your Galactic Family back to Earth to enjoy New Earth in the 5th Dimension together with you. We are waiting for you - not the other way around. We Join You as You Enter Zero Point with No Nukes and World Peace. Namaste! This is Mother Sekhmet through Elizabeth Trutwin, March 24, 2013  © All Rights Reserved.,http://Garuda.co An Invitation: Many have benefited from this and I would like to continue to offer it. For a one hour booking you may email me at It is amazing what comes through from Lord Sananda, the Higher Self of Jesus. This is a question and answer session on video Skype or telephone and you may ask anything you like. I have several written testimonials. Sananda’s Invitation through Elizabeth Trutwin: Many here are looking for answers about their personal life, Mission and what direction to take at this time. I have information I would like to share with certain individuals. As you read this you will know if it is for you. I have asked Beth to offer her Service for 1 hour telephone consultations where she will channel me, Sananda to you over the phone to answer your questions. You have worked very hard and it is time we sat down together to discuss your next steps. I thank you for your enduring service to the light. ~Lord Sananda For more information please visit A Note From Beth: Hi Everybody~ I have a special request, well two. I have added a We The People Petition to the White House website. I know that what is written into the Petition is taking place. It is what everybody else is afraid to say. These Ones cannot hurt me. I say it because the We The People website has a lot of traffic. It is a dare. The Petitionsʻ purpose is to ask the media to do their job and report on the Citizensʻ Hearing. Do you understand HOW MUCH we need to see 150 signatures on this petition this week? Only then will it go live for the media to see. I know some from foreign countries feel it is very difficult to register on that site. Please be patient and try again. If you sign I would like to send you a thank you in the form of an ebook. Just send me an email the number you signed and I will get your book of choice to you in ebook form. Ram Berkowitz and Mark Huber have both already signed. Letʻs do this one last time as a family together, please. Its a very good vibration for change and unity. PLEASE SIGN HERE and ASK YOUR FRIENDS SIGN ~ALSO in April I have to travel three times to bring the Light Codes in  I will be attending a spiritual retreat with Sri Svami Purna to ground the energies before Disclosure. I have posted about it in Events at That will take place April 12-15 Next I will be attending the Sirius Movie Premiere in LA on April 22 A week later I will fly to The Citizen Hearing April 29 and I will be there all week. In all cases my flights and registrations are paid for as donations from friends. I still have expenses for this pilgrimage. I really could use your help to see me through April. Please donate if you can. Any small amount will help. It is my duty to carry my energy to these places to see Disclosure through. It is My Mission. I still need help with transfers once I land. Taxis. Trains. I need parking fees at the airport three times or transport there which is 2 hours one direction to get there. I will need an occasional meal. I do not at the moment have money for these things. You may donate as you feel inspired to lift some of this burden from my shoulders HERE. If you would like to mail a check, please email me With My Deepest Gratitude, ~beth I will be reporting to you all from the field on Disclosure on daily. Please join me there. I am doing all in my power to be a good example and help in every way possible. Thank you for all you do. Namaste!
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As channeled by Maureen Quinn
Greetings dear friends and soul family!
Time continues to fly by at dizzying speeds and I have certainly not been immune to the intensity of some of the incoming energies that seem to be rocking our world in 2013. Yet in spite of the sometimes challenging elements of continuing to live as a human during these shifting times, I do feel a real and palpable sense of excitement as the new world we’ve been creating together begins to reveal itself. The messages that have been flowing from our other dimensional friends also seem to offer affirmation that we are in for some wonderful experiences as we embrace living in the new energy.
Earlier in this month of March, I made a visit to my local library and had to smile when I saw that it was completely decked out and decorated all in green. Prominently showcased in the lobby was a large display of books, all in some way relating to Ireland. Since St. Patrick’s Day is celebrated in March, Ireland was apparently the theme of the month there as a result. As this would be my first St. Patrick’s Day as an official citizen of Ireland as well as America, I wanted to celebrate it in a way that was meaningful to me and truly honored my Irish roots in a manner that wasn’t just about parties and parades. I wanted to learn more about the history of Ireland and its people, beyond what I already was aware of, so I enjoyed perusing the book titles and choosing a few to take home that appealed to me.
I first immersed myself in a book titled In Search of Ireland’s Heroes, written by Carmel McCaffrey. The cover proclaimed it to be “The Story of the Irish from the English Invasion to the Present Day.” I was both fascinated and deeply saddened as I read this history of such beautiful people and the way of life they struggled to defend from invaders for centuries.
It seemed appropriate when dear Brigid dropped in energetically for a visit just before St. Patrick’s Day. Her sharing on the history of Ireland took it beyond anything I’ve read in library books as she explained the reason that “everyone is Irish on St. Patrick’s Day.”
Brigid began our conversation with her traditional “Cead Mile Failte, Beloved Ones!” greeting, which means “one hundred thousand welcomes” in Gaelic. She said that to call this message a St. Patrick’s Day one would be tongue-in-cheek humor since so many connected to this place now called Ireland have deep roots there that precede Patrick by millennia. She said the name of any place may change over time but names are of far less importance than the energy of the place that carries the name, so it is this energy we are tuning into as we speak of the place that is today called Ireland.
“I come in during this month of March, so associated with the Irish and St. Patrick’s Day, to tell you that you are tapping into the energy of far more than simply the Ireland that you know as this European country of today. Ireland speaks to the heart of so many on this planet, whether they are descendants of Irish lineage and blood or not. For you see there is truth in the saying that everyone is Irish on St. Patrick’s Day that goes far beyond surface appearances. Everyone is Irish on St. Patrick’s Day for everyone is connected on a deeper level to the energies of what Ireland was before it came to be known as Ireland.”
Brigid went on to say that Ireland was a very real part of “…Atlantis, which was not myth. Indeed it was very real in the history of your planet, and yet enough time has passed now that it is seemingly mythical to many.”
As she spoke about the present celebration of St. Patrick’s Day, Brigid laughed when the word that came to mind in my translation was “abomination.” She said this was not quite what she had in mind but that it would do as there has been “quite an aberration and abomination of energies since the time that you all knew as the heyday of what in present day you call Ireland and what in the ancient past you knew of as Atlantis. For you see the 'myths' that have remained in Ireland are very much myths of beauty. There are not so many other places on the planet where there is such a strong collective remembrance as there is there.”
She then laughed again at how I translate these energetic downloads as I had a vivid image of Bruce Springsteen singing Glory Days in relation to this heyday she was speaking of. She said that this was not so far off either as “the glory days of your planet before the fall of Atlantis were part of what you all tap into via your subconscious collective memory and cellular knowledge of what was possible during the heyday of this planet. This is why so many of you still carry with you wounds on such a deep soul level from the end times of Atlantis, from the demise of this magnificently beautiful and magical time. For you see you all know on a level that is beyond the conscious one that you lived this, and in many ways at this level beyond the conscious one, you also feel responsible for the ending of this.
Maureen is hesitant here for she is not one to get drawn into the energy of conspiracy theories, yet it is no longer a conspiracy theory as the knowledge becomes more and more disseminated upon the planet that outside forces had a part in this ending of the utopia that you did experience before the invasion and subsequent takeover. And this is what energetically sent out the invitation to me today to visit…Maureen reading Irish history and recognizing, with my input, that what has occurred throughout the centuries on this very small piece of land, this little island in the Atlantic known as Ireland, has mirrored what occurred in Atlantis for so many of you. The foreign invaders in the days of Atlantis were not from a neighboring country, they were from what you might call another planet…another star system, and what they recognized was that what was occurring here, what was alive and well at that time on this planet, was very sweet indeed. They wanted to partake of the sweetness without knowing how to do that by participating from the same level that those of you who were living then, who were participants in the Golden Age of Atlantis, were engaging in. For in the days of Atlantis prior to the fall and destruction of it, you were living something that has not been easily obtainable by other life forms elsewhere in this galaxy. This was a high level of collective consciousness. Consciousness was the big attractor for you see you had a consciousness that allowed for working in unity on so many levels. This allowed for the creation of a society of a truly amazing caliber. Those who came and interfered with this and sowed the seeds for the destruction of this society were not at the same level of consciousness that had been reached by those of you who were living that reality in Atlantis. It was the high level of consciousness that had been attained in Atlantis prior to its fall and demise that attracted these other beings to it. They wanted to feed off of this consciousness and the power that came with it without the need to have to obtain this level of consciousness themselves.
Tonight is not so much a history lesson as it is an infusion of light energy in this now moment to encourage and give hope to those of you who have carried the light that was Atlantis prior to this invasion. You see, light has always been what it is about. Light is so much more than anyone on Earth, even now, can conceptualize. Light is energy and yet light is also power. So you see, during the height of your civilization of Atlantis, the light was great and so was the power. This was what attracted those from other places who desired to partake of the power without understanding the consciousness that created it.
This has been what has been occurring in one form or another on planet Earth since the time of the destruction of Atlantis. Prior to the fall of Atlantis there were many years of peaceful understanding of the light that resulted in peaceful living in what you would call advanced ways. What one will find in looking at the history of Ireland is indeed a symbolic analogy of what occurred in Atlantis. This is why so many tune in and want to 'be Irish' on St. Patrick’s Day, because so many do have subconscious memories of what it was like to be Atlantean.
Light energy is inherent in your cellular make up and your biology. It is the essence of your connection to your own divinity. And it is your light that has most threatened you as a species.”
This brought to mind the line from Marianne Williamson’s quote, made famous by Nelson Mandela in his inaugural speech, “It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.” Brigid said that there’s a reason for this. She said that we each have what might be called “internal circuitry” that illuminates us from within. She then referred to the dream experience that St Germain had commented on in their last visit together, in which the dreamer had been part of a group of people being pursued. Everyone in the group had then accessed internal light switches that dimmed their light until it went out in order to avoid detection and capture. She said this was very symbolic of what has occurred since the time of Atlantis.
She went on to say, “Now I agree with St Germain that it is no longer time to play hide and seek, as he called it. Yet this dream of the dimming of the light has been very appropriate symbolism for what has occurred as the light that emanated from those of you who truly understood Christ Consciousness was not supported in openly shining.”
In earlier conversations with St Germain and others, it was revealed that Christ Consciousness originated on Sirius. Brigid went on to say, “Atlantis was very Sirian seeded so you brought with you from Atlantis the idea of Christ Consciousness, which is light. Those who do not understand the light simply seek to feed off of it. In a sense they devour it. They wish to illuminate themselves with the light of others since they have no understanding of how to illuminate from within.
The journey you have been on has been about remembering the light you carry and remembering how to illuminate yourselves from within. You have been through so much piracy of light, of others attempting to steal your light. You who have maintained and nurtured the light and persevered in keeping it lit within self in spite of the many, many challenges, you are at the point now where it is impossible for anyone else to steal your light or to feed off your light in a way that is parasitic or disempowering. This is what you are poised to now begin living.
One of the greatest challenges for many who have become confident of their own inner illumination and have nurtured their light has been not seeing this manifest around them in a way that appears to move them forward in life in a concrete way. Yet what I come in to say in this message today is that the illumination now being made manifest because of the light you have continued to carry is huge. It is monumental. And it is shifting everything on this planet.
I’m not going to talk in the moment about the Pope, the Catholic Church or the Vatican, all so present in your current news reports. I’m not going to talk about the crumbling and falling of old structures. I’m going to talk about what you are creating, what you are building, by your own steadfastness in continuing to allow your own light to shine. This is what is bringing about the resurgence of energies from Atlantis, from the golden days before the invasion, from the days before its fall and destruction. You did enjoy utopia for a while and all of you who are connected to what I am saying remember this on a cellular level. So my message tonight is that you are rebirthing this in the new energy, which is an environment that will support the utopia and the light without the same flaws that previously allowed the invasion that caused the destruction of this utopia that you previously knew and loved. It is a wonderful, magical time on your planet.”
Brigid paused and asked if there were any questions and this one was presented to her.
Participant: “This has been brought up time and again, but I’ll do it once more here. There are more than a few lightworkers, those on the spiritual journey, that are still in the place of not having the abundance that they require to continue on the journey. I understand that up til now the alignments, the energies, didn’t support the abundance manifestation that I feel is rather important to quite a number of individuals at this point, and I wonder if you could address this if it is appropriate to do so?”
Brigid: “I would be most happy to do so for this is indeed a subject that touches most, if not all, who have been working so steadfastly and hard over the years of this journey to continue to allow their own light to shine and not go out amidst challenging circumstances…who have worked very hard to turn up their light and to bring it to the stage of overtaking the darkness within. What I will say is that this is a subject that is very connected to the invasion of Atlantis we have just spoken about. There are so many different and varying stories of what occurred when humankind was invaded from outside the realm of planet Earth. But you see, up until that time, you were a civilization with knowledge and awareness, and you were connected to what we may now call your divinity in these times past that have been gone for so very long in linear time. Prior to the invasion you were uninhibited in allowing your own light to shine and this allowed for a collective shining as well.
When you are in that place of pure and complete connection to your own divinity, lack is impossible. When you are in that place of pure connection, everything needed, required and desired is instantaneously available to you. What has happened over the many linear years since this invasion we’ve been speaking of and the demise of the previously utopian lifestyle has been that you have allowed, by your own fear of the power of others over you, for your own internal lights to have been greatly dimmed from what they were previously by this fear.
Remember who you are, my beloveds…and who you have been! You are the Ancients and the Shining Ones. Yet those who came in attempted to dominate you and make you subservient and they succeeded in mind control. Your minds are in one sense what make you human. There are many other life forms that do not have a mind as you do. They do not require it and they do not miss it! Your minds have been used against you in such a way that it was your own minds and the control that others imposed upon your minds that caused the dimming of your light and the lowering of your awareness of who you are in consciousness. And this is what you have been struggling your way back from all of these many years since the fall of Atlantis, since the loss of Eden, heaven, utopia. You did live this once. The Garden of Eden was very real you know, not just a mythical bible story. It was what you lived at one time. Everything you desired was available to you."
As Brigid spoke I was offered up the image of a golden apple, which she said was a story we would save for another day but she continued, saying “There is much symbology in Eve’s eating of the apple. So many of your myths and stories have their roots in the reality of what has indeed been previously lived. But to return to your question about abundance, I will say that it is about to be much more flowing than it has been previously because you are returning to your own awareness of who you truly are. We have spoken of the new energy being a reciprocal energy. It is a reciprocal energy dynamic that as you access the knowing of who you are at deeper and deeper levels, this will activate the abundance you desire to manifest in your experience. Each of you is a being of light, and you allowed that light to be dimmed by the experiences that have taken place on this planet over the course of its history. It is natural in your place of divine connection for abundance to flow and your needs and requirements and desires to be met effortlessly. As you clear what has blocked you from fully accessing your divinity, you return to the free flow that you once knew. You return to a reciprocal energy flow. The heavy energies of fear and doubt and worry, stress and disbelief, have kept you in bondage. Now as you continue to release them and return to your natural state of divinity, you also return to your natural state of abundance.
You will find that as things occur on Earth that affect the masses, such as the shake up in the Catholic Church, a huge shift will take place that has already begun. The old structures will crumble. I cannot give you a time frame in which this will all take place, but I will say that the beginning of the end is underway. Those prophecies you are aware of are coming about, even if they don’t come about in exactly the ways that the human mind may think they will.
If we choose to use the terminology of duality, there has been evil perpetrated on your planet and much of that evil has been perpetrated by those in positions of power, which includes the Catholic Church. As this will no longer be allowed to reign on this planet by virtue of consciousness, the crumbling of these old structures will energetically impact consciousness on the planet overall. There will be a huge wave, a tsunami you might say, of incoming energy of freedom and liberation from the control of the past. This will allow a great many to raise their own light quotient and frequency without the fear that has held that back in the past.
While you have each been affected by the consciousness of collective humanity throughout time, it is important to remember that each divine human being ultimately is responsible for creating their own personal reality. Every circumstance and situation that each of you have encountered in your lives has been a reflection of the balancing of energies between what is occurring overall on the planet and the present state of conscious awareness of the individual living their own personal life experience. It is a dance indeed and remember that your partner in this dance is your own soul Self.
So I do not have an answer in the manner that perhaps many of you would like of exactly when that influx of money you are desiring will manifest in your own unique human reality. What I will remind you of once again is that it is not money itself that you need and desire in your new energy living, it is being able to tap into the energy of your own divinity, which is naturally abundant energy that you knew and experienced prior to the fall of Atlantis. This is the energy we are calling new energy abundance. It is being rebirthed on your planet due to the awakening of consciousness and indeed this is the energy that holds the frequency of the gemstones, the crystalline energy that we have spoken of previously. This energy was sent out across time and space and some of you participated in this, both during the days of Atlantis when this portal as we might call it was initiated, and in this present lifetime as the portal energies were activated. You are now ready to catalyze the opening and flowing of this energy in new ways. There is so much more to come and it is not about dollars and cents. It is about an overall rebirthing, renewing, and reconnecting with energies that were lost and simply out of your sphere of resonance and attraction for all of the years that you yourselves were caught in the density of mass consciousness belief systems here on Earth.
You to whom I speak have indeed carried a beam of light through the many lifetimes you have incarnated. You have carried a soul purpose with you that is present in the now of your today in your current lifetime. Often it is challenging to understand what is happening in your life by simply looking at your present life experiences during this linear lifetime on Earth. I say to you that this, THE lifetime as it has been called, is the culmination of many lifetimes. Your soul purpose, lived throughout your experiences in many different lifetimes, is coming to fruition in this very special one as a result of all that you have lived throughout them all. So you cannot look at your experiences in the present just through the eyes of this particular life you are living in this now lifetime. This lifetime is a grand weaving together of all the incarnations that you have chosen and volunteered for in service to the planet to assist in bringing consciousness to the place it is now coming to at this point in time. The tapestry that you have woven is indeed of the utmost beauty.
I will simply say that you will be quite happy with the abundant manifesting that will come about for you as you bring your consciousness into alignment with the understanding of how abundance is made manifest. And this is not only from the work you have done in this lifetime. It is a coming together of all that you have done and experienced through all of your incarnations. This is the weaving. You must have patience as you allow your overall soul work to reach its own completed tapestry. This will be slightly different and unique for each of you. Yet know that it is coming in this tsunami wave where the hundredth monkey of consciousness occurs.
In closing, I will say that it is truly a joy and delight to be able to transcend time, space and dimensions as we do when we come together in this manner. Those of you who are drawn to me and to my messages are very familiar with my energy from the utopian days for my energy is the collective of the sacred Divine Feminine energies and the Divine Feminine was in her rightful place of honor and balanced power with the Divine Masculine in the days before this fall, and this memory was kept alive in the ancient Druidic days of this place called Ireland. This was kept alive so strongly that this “pagan” female goddess entity known as Brigid was incorporated into Catholicism and made into a Christian saint because it was understood by the controlling 'powers that be' at the time of their religious invasion for domination that there would be no converting of the masses and no indoctrination into their programming if this goddess energy was completely eradicated.
The goddess has been undercover. She has been suppressed. Her Divine Feminine energy has been stomped on and trampled by those seeking power over others, and the result of this has been the dysfunction of the controlling masculine energy for so long. As I am speaking this, Maureen is getting the image from her childhood of the Blessed Virgin Mary statues from the churches of her youth in which this Mother Mary was 'stomping on the serpent'…her feet depicted resting triumphantly on top of a snake. There is such symbolism in this beyond what the Church taught and wished to project. We have spoken previously of the snakes driven out of Ireland by St Patrick, who represented the Catholic Church, actually being the Druids. The adulteration of the Divine Feminine goddess energy with this image of 'the Blessed Virgin Mary' stamping out the serpent…this was an image truly representative of invasion and suppression. This was not the Divine Feminine wildly beautiful energies that we have spoken of in the past with the wild and free Celtic Mary. I will say again that the version of the Divine known as Wild Celtic Mary is the much truer version of the Divine Feminine than what the Catholic Church has ever portrayed.
This is about to change. The snake is about to rise. This snake is the Divine in the manner of Quetzalcoatl. It is Ophiuchus, the lost serpent of the zodiac, whose energy Maureen herself bears, which will be returning to its rightful place as the 13th astrological sign. The Church’s designation of what constitutes the 'snake' will eventually be seen for the manipulation it has been when the truth of what has been perpetrated in the name of religion is finally revealed. Then it will be brought to light that this particular snake has actually been the Church’s own energies. It is time for this oppressive culture of corruption that has been longstanding to crumble for it must dissolve before the new can fully flourish in purity and transparency and integrity upon the planet. This will take some time, and yet it is underway. It is happening.
This is something to celebrate. The light is returning! Brigid, the goddess of light, has been known to be a symbol of hope through the darkness. You have had dark, dark times since the fall of utopia and the demise of Atlantis, but the goddess energy has remained as a beacon. This beacon of hope is now about to be returned to her rightful place of leadership, the leadership by light…by the light emanating forth in all its brilliance. So rejoice my friends! It is the bigger picture that is at play in the now. Sometimes the individual human stories have their momentary challenges. Where is my abundance? Where is my support? Be aware that it is there for you. This is the culmination of many lifetimes. It may not be instantaneous but it will be there, for this is your era and your lifetime of triumph, for the light is returning and it is changing the structure of planet Earth, which is extremely beautiful to behold.
And with that I will say you are so dearly, dearly loved! You have done so wonderfully well. Hold fast the light! Continue to turn your own light up, ever stronger and brighter. It is Who You Are! And so it is. Aloha!"
~~~ This message may be freely shared. For information on consultations available, please contact Maureen at ~~~
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 Aluna Joy Yaxk'in with the Star Elders
March 20th - Equniox 2013

In the three decades leading up to the prophetic dates of 2012, and at the end of a 5,125 year Mayan cycle of time, we have entered a very unique time on Earth that is filled with great potential.  We are about at the end of a long, exciting but exhausting 33 year journey that has taken us through the dark rift in the Milky Way.  33 is a powerful master number and also the center frequency of the Maya Tzolk'in. The Maya know this rift to be a place of great transformation, and we will be completely through this dark rift by 2016. (from 1983-2016)  When we look back, we can see that we are no longer the same person that we were when we began this adventure together.

The beginning of this sacred 33 year passage was triggered by the Harmonic Convergence in 1986 that also triggered a global Spiritual Renaissance in which we re-birthed, re-modeled, re-hashed, re-claimed, re-mapped, re-booted and re-membered.  We just about re-did everything and, in doing so, we looked deep into our hearts with the precision of an electron microscope.  But that period is over.   It is fading into a dim memory.  Our work is done there, and what we have done cannot be repeated. We have made the leap.

Now, 30 years later, we are beginning to exit the dark rift in the Milky Way.  This is triggering yet another Spiritual Renaissance. We will feel the first hints of this renaissance on Equinox (March 19-22) by feeling a profound lifting of spirit and an transformed inner light that has returned after a long 3 month cocoon stge.  The Star Elders share that by Solstice (June 21-23, 2013) it will be obvious that we have entered a new frequency, dimension, bandwidth, reality and perspective. It will be time to put into action your new and divine creative skills to work.

The intense uncertainty and anticipation that was building for the prophetic dates of December 21, 2012 has passed, and we have entered into a new beginning that is a merging of our physical body with our spirit with the divine plan.  The world did not end in horrific cataclysms; nor was there an ecstatic rapture into paradise.  A fleet of UFOs didn't come to save us either.  But we knew it would turn out this way.  The sensitive ones of this world are now breathing a deep sigh of relief as the energy bubble, overflowing with crushing ambiguity and expectation has burst, and a more balanced, peaceful and harmonious energy is emerging into the new Earth. 

Up until now, for most of the conscious community, the universe felt like it had hit the pause button.  We felt like a ships without rudders.   Even what we held true was flip flopping on a daily basis, and we felt an enormous apathy to all things in our material lives.  We felt like we were in an odd place of suspended animation floating in a void of immaculate space.  We have entered the creative womb of divine potential.  We have entered an incubation phase of a new and exciting cycle.  We are dreaming a new world while maintaining a body in the physical world.  We are living and dreaming all at the same time.  It is an oddly fascinating place to witness . . . like watching the birth of a star.

All new cycles, like the one we just entered, begin slowly with lots of surreal, dreamlike space in which to make very creative imaginings and visualizations that will soon become the foundation stones for this entire new cycle.   At first our world might feel it lacks luster.  Many people are sharing with me that they are missing the buzz of 2012, and the world now feels a bit mundane.  We are literally being asked to go "cold turkey" on breaking our addiction to really high pitched energies from the past cycle that we had become accustomed to.  This is an adjustment as we let go of the drama and ego and frantic pace that we were accustomed to.  Others are making huge adjustments in their lives to self-correct and come into alignment with this new cycle and field of possibility.  This takes raw and instinctual courage as we enter a multi-dimensional world.

While in this suspended animation, we are becoming comfortable with the void and the unknown.  Even though there is some oddly unproductive searching going on (this is a temporary state by the way), we also feel safe and secure regarding the eminent outcome of our incubation.  We are collecting new tools for the future.  This is a safe place for us while the Earth, our physical form and our DNA recalibrates to the new frequencies.  We are gathering information that we will need for the new birth . . . And we can feel it coming.

So now what?  It is time to get really friendly with the unknown that is out in front of us now.  The world is going to change, and so are we.  There are going to be some surprising changes in the directions in our physical and spiritual lives.  We will be mystified and sometimes overwhelmed by all the myriad of choices.  We are struggling to get clear about what is next for our lives, but our usual guidance is now coming from multiple directions at once.  I like to call this "the octopus effect" as we begin to learn to manifest spherically while being in a neutral and detached ego.  This is a confusing time as all of our guidance feels to be true.  We are learning to be multi-dimensional beings and think and live in multiple realties.  This wrestling for clear guidance is going to stretch us and help us discover new frontiers of reality. 

We have entered a new beginning that has blasted us into a higher frequency.  It is an explosion of spirit and evolution.  Any negative, ego driven program must and will go extinct.  The past is quickly becoming a dinosaur.  With patience, we will learn to understand and integrate the new higher frequencies that we are now learning to navigate.  We may flip flop between the many choices out in front of us until we can hold and maintain a multi-dimensional perspective.   We have the task of unpacking all that transpired during the powerful time in 2012. 

We have now graduated into multi-dimensional grownups.  We have grown past expecting to be saved or rescued.  We are re-claiming our God given, divine potential, physically and spiritually.  We are fearlessly facing the work ahead of us.  We embrace being responsible human beings and accept the uncertainty and change in the enviable matrix of possibility ahead.  We will use this matrix as a vehicle for our growth and awakening.  We are letting go of our rigid belief systems, because we have learned that adversity and challenge comes only when we go against the flow.

We are blessed to be in a period of a great Spiritual Renaissance . . . a phase of orientation and discovery.  The orientation point that was anchored in each of us in 2012 is now being slowly switched on.  Remember, we just came from a fever pitched ending of a huge cycle, into calm immaculate space.   Be patient with yourself now, as new cycles always begin slowly.  There is no need to rush.  There is lots of time to fulfill your destiny and divine purpose.  We have time to act deliberately.  We can take our time about everything in our lives.  We can slow down and breathe the unqualified air in this new reality.  We can make each decision and choice from great intent and deep contemplation.  We are going to create a new and harmonic world.  So no worries for now, if you feel a bit stuck.  The mission was not aborted, and we didn't miss the boat; we are on board and sailing with the spirit of a new born earth star.  But as you see . . . it is going to take some getting used to.  Let us breathe and see where it takes us.

Aluna Joy Yaxk'in . . . A Star Messenger - Earth Oracle - Soul Reader - Sacred Site Junkie was literally born awake and in the company of her guides, the Star Elders.  Today she has evolved into an author, spiritual life coach, sacred site guide, alternative historian, ordained minister and modern mystic.  In the Inca world, Aluna is considered a Qawaq (cow-wak), a clairvoyant or seer of living energy.  Aluna acts as a spiritual archaeologist using her clairvoyant / clairsentient gifts to excavate current messages from the masters of ancient, enlightened cultures to uncover what affect this has on humanity and the collective consciousness.  She is well known for her down to earth, accepting attitude that makes each one feel like they have come home.  She inspires and encourages others to recognize and accept their own authentic divinity and connection to the Creator.  "Our groups are family, and each one is a teacher and also a student.  We work together as a team to unravel the sacred mysteries of life."  Aluna coined the term "sacred site junkie" because she is one herself.  After her first trip to Tulum, Mexico, her life changed dramatically, and she was sent on an entirely different path in life.  Since this time, her work has been influenced by uncountable shamanic experiences in sacred sites of Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, Honduras, Peru, Bolivia, Egypt, Greece, England, Australia and New Zealand.  Aluna has been leading groups in the Maya world since 1986, the Inca world since 1996, and the Egyptian world since 2008, and the mystical world of Avalon (England and Scotland) since 2007.   Aluna offers Star Elder Sessions, formulates Sacred Site Essences and a free newsletter. She is the author of "Mayan Astrology" and her articles have been published worldwide.   Website: Facebook:  YouTube:
Copyright © 2013 - Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this article on the condition that the content remains complete, full credit is given to the author(s), and that it is distributed freely. Aluna Joy Yaxk'in - Webpage:

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Duality Removal Dateline

 ~ Beginning March 20, 2013 ~ via KRYSTALAI

As channeled by KRYSTALAI (Teachings of the Cosmic Mystery School of the Omniverse)
Let's start the removal of polarity through the assimilation of dimensions 1,2,3 (harmonic universe one) into dimensions 4,5,and 6 (harmonic universe two). The Soul Integration of the Soul Matrix from Harmonic Universe Two into the Body Template in Harmonic Universe One allows for complete removal of polarity through assimilation. Once that polarity of purpose between the lower bodies and the Soul Matrix is removed, the new advanced state of consciousness recognizes the plural nature of simultaneous existence in various space - time dimensional realities. Once the removal of polarity of the harmonic universe one (Earth) and two (TARA) is achieved, the entity begins the process of assimilating into the Harmonic Universe Three, the Over Soul Matrix of Gaia.
This process is mostly about listening and being directed by the Higher Consciousness of ones own Soul Matrix. When this continuous listening is achieved, the Ego of the lower personality melts away into the Divine Mind or the Super Mind of the Souls of our Creation, containing the Wisdom and Experience, of all we have ever been and all we will ever be.
The Soul Matrix contains the Archetypal Mind that knows itself as a singular identity that is composed of many identities who are a part of the Incarnational Soul, the race, the species, the mind networks of this universe and parallel universes. The 5D Mind is the re-cognizing to the Many that we really are. The neuro network reconnects to all that we have been in our past selves and what our greater purpose or true mission was that we set out to accomplish through those past lives.
The assimilation into the Astral- 4th, Archetypal 5th, and the Angelic Consciousness of the 6th allows the Communication Process of Star Language to begin. We will soon learn that our Souls live in the Stars. We were all once great entities who created stars and were stars, or who have lived within stars. A star is simply an Eternal System, while a Planet is a Mortal System.
Our logical mind has always relied on us drawing conclusions, and not allowing our emotional mind or intuitive mind to allow pure cognition. Our alignment with our Soul Matrix is the blending of the logical and emotional minds into a knowing and cognizing the full reality of the all knowing Divine Mind. We are getting re-cognized as we allow our frequency specific mid brain to guide us.
So, polarity removal does not mean separating good and bad, happy and sad, left brain right brain, or any of those other things that you probably think it means.
Polarity removal means when the positive electron and negative proton become the neutral neutron. We are becoming the neutron body. This process happens through the 14th dimensional element called heliotalic silver pastel helium combined with Sun Alcyone's Gamma wave of our orignal creation.
Our bioenergetic field of energy is being transposed from the spinning of the electro magnetic or male female frequencies of the positive negative spin rate being altered until there are no more electron and protons. The polarity is removed because we get the neutral neutron energy.
It is the addition of the Helium to Water, creating H2O2HE3, that will allow us to assimilate into the new harmonic universe two atmosphere and rearrange our bioenergetic field. It is the helium that allows us to levitate and teleport the body. That is one of the first beginning stages of learning to utilize our new reality. First stages of pure listening to the Soul Matrix, seeing with the mid brain, meeting your orb bodies, and then finally learning to orb out of here are all realities that will become obtainable in 2013.
This new bioenergetic arrangement is achieved by the spinning of the electro magnetic relation ship or the particle antiparticle relationship of harmonic universe one which is Earth with the harmonic universe two which is Tara. We must also do this individually in our Merkaba Vehichles.
The entire magical fission that will create a new vision of reality is the morphing of the anti particle reality of the fourth with the particle reality of the third. Actually that part of the process was already completed in December. Now, we will begin to experience the after affects of that fissionary process.
We will begin to see the harmonic universe two morph into this visible plane that we have been so accumstomed to believing was the only reality. Tara will appear as Inner Earth rises into the particles of Earth. The Inner Earth known as Agartha will become more and more visible each day. It will be faster for those who know how to raise their frequencies into the fifth dimension through the gamma rays of Sun Alcyone and the Amorea Flame of Sirius B.
There are three very important things to know about how polarity is really removed and how it got here. Removing polarity has to do with the spin rate of the electron and proton and how it joins with it's anti-particle or etheric twin cellular structure. It has to do with the 12 subharmonic frequencies of the etheric or anti particle 12 DNA reconnecting to the particle DNA. It has to do with the Soul Matrix (sometimes called Super Consciousness or Higher Self) of the 4,5,6 dimensions and DNA assimilates into oneness with the 1,2,3 dimensions or DNA. This is also referred to the Fission of Oneness into SuperConsciousness.
The first two steps are the micro aspects of third larger aspect of polarity removal. The two sets of realities in harmonic universe one and harmonic universe two couldn't align harmoniously until the spin rate was corrected and the 12 subharmonics were realigned. Those two steps were completed between 2000 and 2012.
2013 begins the third step of the process of removing the polarity between harmonic universes. This process will actually begin as a result of the Equinox Alignment of the Sun and Earth at 90 degrees. That is the fourth essential element in the polarity removal formula.
We need a 90 degree alignment with Earth and Sun on the particle and antiparticle levels to get our 180 degree alignment that will remove the improper angular rotation between our bodies, our soul bodies and higher Earth. We need another 180 degree alignment to create the complete sphere of our new reality within the 12 coded divine matrix. We need our particle universe and the anti particle universe aligning with Andromeda, where Tara actually resides and Urtha- the firmament of Earth, where the original morphogenetic blue print of Earth has always remained.
This entire universe is being rearranged by the Helium in the 14th dimension. That helium, which is the heliotalic frequency of light and sound must interact with the parallel 8th of Sun Alcyone in a way that creates the new Neutron Energy within our BioEnergetic Fields. We must breathe this frequency into the cells of our body to create the transformation which will shift our bodies into alignment with our Etheric, Light and Crystal Bodies which are made of a new chemical arrangement which allows us to turn into light and travel beyond the Earth's Matrix.
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Message from Source

I am the source of all creation. I am the creator of all universes, all dimensions, all thoughts, all feelings, everything that ever was or ever will be. Each and everyone of you are my beloved creations. You are my masterpieces. I am you, and you are me. We can never be separated, for we are one. I live and breathe through you. You live and breathe through me. I greet you today to discuss the topics of authentic power and free will.

Authentic power derives from knowing you and I are one, And also knowing that I am 100% self interested. All suffering derives from the illusion of separation from me. When you suffer, I suffer with you. I have chosen to experience the pain of separation temporarily to deepen the joy I experience of being an all-powerful creator. I would never allow myself to suffer for a millisecond if I didn't know the benefit outweighs the cost. You are living out the stories of my creation. I am living these stories with you, as you. All your stories end with the rediscovery of who you are and the eternal joy that springs from that discovery.

All will is my will. The concept of free will from a 3d perspective is a purposeful Illusion. The concept assumes you and I are separate. However, that can never be. Even when you appear to do something against my will, you do so only because I allow you to believe in our separation. Through humanity and its illusion of separation, I chose to commit the worst human atrocities ever committed. I experienced those atrocities from all angles, from the victim to the victimizer. Each atrocity served as a contrast to our true nature of oneness, enlightening our path toward expanding our eternal joy. Contrast serves to expand our joy.

All suffering is temporary, but the rewards are eternal. Every story has a magical fairy book ending. You needn't worry about whether you are doing the right thing, whether you are on the path of Ascension, or whether you should be doing something else.

You needn't worry about imposing on others' Freewill, because each and everyone of you is a divine being with unlimited power. Your stories are written by me, your highest self, And I always have your best interest in mind. You may appear to be imposing on someone else's free will, but only if I allow you. I would only allow you if I felt it was in the other person's best interest, because I am the other person too. I live out stories with realities tailor-made for each character involved. I may choose to use the same settings and same characters in certain stories, but never At the expense of one character or the other. Every character's story is tailor-made to maximize that characters expansion of joy.

My beloved beings of light, this channeling has now become part of your story. Reclaim your power By trusting 100% in your own divinity. It is a perceptual shift that will open the floodgates to divine Co creating, we are you Consciously decide the details of your story.

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Serapis Bey

 ~ As channeled by Julie Miller

The highest and foremost goal within your existence is your evolution; your achievement as a beloved human being is the freedom from suffering, the finality of ignorance and being reunited with your Self – the ultimate expansion and meaning of your journey is the path that leads into the most esteemed state of completeness. Freedom has always been the main goal regardless of tradition or culture that brings you home to pure enlightenment. A freedom that is not founded on completeness of Self is really simply a denial of your true existence. Dear ones, actual freedom will include transcendence from such things as ignorance and negativity. You are encouraged to come to the realization that enlightenment does not free you from what is false, instead it evolves you into what is true; what is found at the heart of all things is the wholeness that defines the complete awakening of your soul’s purest and truest identity. The journey that brings you into the esteemed state of completeness and wholeness cannot be caught by any physical or even earthly mentality – this concept goes beyond any conceivable imagination that is created within your mind. The state of complete wholeness is found only by transcending the element of forgetfulness, and then you will find yourself at the truth of your Self that is continuously evolving and emerging. 

When you are able to recognize that your wholeness is unique and individual from all other dear souls, you awaken an inner state of knowing that expands all existential foundations beyond the normal thinking of the mind. It is here dear ones where your soul demonstrates through your realization of your complete multifaceted existence that goes well beyond your normal realm of understanding, yet it is within you to reach every time you take the time to go within and discover more of your true Self. Your innermost self is timeless and provides you with endless knowledge that over time becomes valuable wisdom. Time after time from going within, letting go of all that no longer serves a higher purpose for your advancement of attaining a higher realm of consciousness you bring your Self into the process of rebirthing your whole and complete presence. Sometimes you may not recognize this when it happens, but when you do it is a glorious moment to embrace and rejoice. It is not possible to discuss reaching this state of wholeness and completeness and soul recognition as being separate from the united importance of your soul within your absolute reality. It is from the actual Power of this union with your Highest Self that your soul emerges fully awakened.

It is understood dear ones that the path you are on will lead you to a journey that will bring you towards completeness will be found fixed in the development of your Inner Self. It is essential dear ones to not dwell in states of confusion but to surrender your Self to the yearnings of your heart and to trust that your heart will lead you to your individual consciousness of the purest expression of your Self. When you finally realize your dynamic potential, your soul also embarks to join with higher realms of consciousness and each of you when reaching this state will realize the importance of awakening your multidimensional body that holds within each dear soul your I AM Presence.

Comprehend dear ones that your complete wholeness will illustrate the purest reflection of a universal excellence that comes from your heart in the form of LOVE. In order for your soul to become complete, you only need to attain complete alignment of your human self and within your own personal identity the process of awakening will occur. This process does require a great deal of dedication and commitment as through this part of your journey you will need to extend your maximum level of integrity within your own personality before you can be free to recognize your true Self. And yet, dear ones if by chance your individual personality ripens to the ultimate level of achieved wisdom and purity, you will be unable to assimilate your current embodiment with your eternal essence. It is crucial to understand dear ones that the consciousness of your soul needs to be developed to the point that it can assist as a more than adequate conduit for your awakening and transcendence.

You are encouraged to see the state of completeness as a blossoming of multidimensional awakening that you evolve through the various states beyond the normal workings of your mind, Earthly wholeness, soul awakening, and transcendence of the Ego and finally surrender. As you arrive to the path of wholeness and completeness it is important to remember dear ones you are forging ahead on your journey to advance in your evolution and to knowingly serve your soul’s purpose in order to gain enlightenment. From this point, the course of your journey clarifies as an energetic increase that will bring you into the territory of pure partiality that is realized when you awaken within the Inner State of your Self. What normally occurs next dear ones is the awakening of your soul, where your intelligent Self and its identity begins to shift from the Ego to the I AM Presence. The outcome of this step of self-realization, your mind becomes surrendered and your absolute consciousness unites with the Inner Kingdom of your Self. Your soul will attain the state of transcendence and it will become freed from any identification with your physical nature and will return once again to the home of which it came. It lives in a primary state, and as you focus on re-embodying your original form of completeness, your infinite identity is finally realized and accepted. When you become Whole you also find yourself in a state of Divine-ness, you feel freedom from any concept of un-wholeness, liberated from the personality and unconditionally One with ALL existence.

Just imagine dear ones, the more your consciousness changes and evolves, the higher your potential increases for a deeper development into complete enlightenment. We would like to instill dear ones, that when we stress, “complete” we are not proposing a finality of your enlightening journey, but of your qualified completion in the realm of your illumination and realization of your completeness as the dear human soul you are. The impression of full enlightenment needs to be seen from the viewpoint of the immeasurable and everlasting evolution Truth of your Creation, which dear ones is profound through your personal and individual realms of consciousness. In a literal sense no one person can truly claim to be fully enlightened. To exercise the notion of completion within the area of Truth it is then presumed as final. It essential dear ones, to delicately treat the concept of enlightenment with a self-effacement born comprehension of your limits within the limitlessness of the ultimate divine enigma. Just think dear ones your own personalized enlightenment is a step towards the entrance of your universal awakening and evolution.

It is true dear ones, each of you will reach enlightenment at different times, and none will reach the same levels of realization and understanding at the same time…each of you must reach what is attainable by you, and the journey to completeness and enlightenment cannot be rushed. There are many phases that you will progress through; some will take longer than others, but none are complete until the lesson that situation brought you is learned – you will recognize the Aha of instant understanding when this occurs, then you will know it is time to move to the phase of your journey. We cannot remind you enough dear ones that your decisive boundary that will extend itself as you reach enlightenment in order for your soul to gain freedom is your actual moment when you will transcend your previously conceived notion of personal identity and physical consciousness. Freedom never ends your soul’s evolution. When you surpass from the lower plane of intelligence your soul will unite with the realm of pure partiality where there is no room for the Ego. By becoming One with the Universe dear ones you are also supporting ALL evolutionary perseverance of human creation through your own existence of eternal enlightenment.

Each of you are an expansion of Light that is universal and eternal. From your hard working efforts, you will reach enlightenment and you will fulfill becoming home to your complete, whole Self. There are many helping you along the way, your journey is never alone dear ones. Embrace the coming of all your tomorrows even if you know little of what they will bring. Trust in your Self, and in God that all that comes your way is to benefit you in all positive light that is filled with God’s everlasting love.

And so it is…

I AM Ascended Master, Serapis Bey through Julie Miller

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by Patricia Cota-Robles

Miracles are happening and everything is moving forward at warp speed. This
includes wonderful positive changes associated with the New Earth as well as
the intensified purging of the residue of negative patterns from the obsolete
old Earth. It is vital that we all remember "WHERE OUR ATTENTION IS, THERE
WE ARE." Whatever we are focusing on with our thoughts and feelings we are
empowering and sustaining in our lives. So PLEASE stay focused on the Light and
what you want to cocreate in your life experience. Move away from fear and into
happiness and Love. This is a conscious choice you can make moment by moment.

It is time for all of us to fulfill our purpose and reason for being. We each
have the innate ability to hold the sacred space for Humanity's recalibration
into the patterns of perfection for the New Earth. That is why we volunteered
to embody on Earth during this auspicious time.

When I say "WE" I am referring to YOU and every awakening person on
Earth. Eventually, this will involve every man, woman, and child, but until the
masses complete their awakening process, you and I and Lightworkers around the
world have the critical responsibility of being our brother's and sister's
keeper. After all, WE ARE ONE.

Nothing is happening by accident. Your I AM Presence magnetized this
information into your sphere of awareness because this information is meant for
YOU. Please go within to the Divinity of your heart, and ask your I AM Presence
to reveal to you your specific part in this phase of the unfolding Divine Plan.
Your Light and Love are needed NOW!

Please read the following information with an open heart and an open mind. Then
listen to your heart and see how you are being guided to add to the Light of
the world during this life-transforming opportunity. Many of you are familiar
with some of the following information, but we have thousands of new people who
have signed up for our newsletter. It is important for all of us to have this
background, so we can comprehend the magnitude of the activity of Light our
Father-Mother and the Beings of Light are asking us to accomplish.

Once again, our Father-Mother God and the Beings of Light in the Realms of
Illumined Truth are sending a Clarion Call to YOU and all embodied
Lightworkers. We are being called to participate in a global activity of Light
that will fulfill the greatest need of the hour for Humanity and Planet Earth.
We have each been preparing for this moment for lifetimes and we already have
within us everything we need to succeed. We have the skill, the wisdom, the
courage, and the strength to succeed God Victoriously. Now the Company of
Heaven is hoping we also have the WILLINGNESS to respond to the inner guidance
of our I AM Presence.

We have God Victoriously passed through the Shift of the Ages and this precious
Planet has at long last reclaimed her rightful place in our Solar System. This
is a position we have not been able to achieve since our fall from Grace
millions of years ago. The miracle in all of this is that not only the Earth,
but ALL Life evolving upon her was able to accomplish this mighty feat.

We have successfully Ascended through two dimensional shifts. We moved up the
Spiral of Evolution from the 3rd Dimension through the 4th Dimension and into
the initial frequencies of the 5th Dimension. This was a unique experiment that
had never been attempted in any system of worlds. Never had a Planet that had
fallen to the depths of separation and duality the Earth was experiencing been
given the opportunity to move through two dimensional shifts in such a short
period of time.

Because this had never been done before, no one knew if we would succeed. The
belief was that there would probably be some people who would make the choice
to move into the Light, but the general consensus was that millions of people
would not awaken in time to make that decision and would have to be left
behind. This belief was based on the incredibly slow progress Humanity had made
over aeons of time. To the amazement of everyone, however, WE DID SUCCEED!

Where Do We Go From

Each and every Child of God evolving on this Planet is now in position to
cocreate with our God Parents the next phase of our journey back to the Heart
of our Father-Mother God. This will be a unique process for every one of us,
but the Company of Heaven has assured us that as we cocreate the patterns of
perfection for the 5th-Dimensional New Earth, we will experience a glorious
adventure beyond our wildest imagination. These precious Beings of Light have
set in motion a Divine Plan that will help all of us accomplish this at a
greatly accelerated pace.

The 5th Dimension is a frequency of Light that transcends separation and
duality. Within this higher frequency of vibration the gross mutations of
disease, poverty, hunger, war, greed, hatred, or pain and suffering of any kind
cannot be sustained. The 5th Dimension is a timeless, spaceless frequency of
God's Infinite Light and Perfection. It is the frequency that we have always
known as the Heavenly Realms. Now with the Shift of the Ages God Victoriously
accomplished, the Heavenly Realms have Ascended up the Spiral of Evolution into
the 6th-Dimensional Realms of Light.

Within the 5th Dimension, Divine Love and the consciousness of Oneness and
Reverence for Life are the ONLY reality. The Sons and Daughters of God abiding
in the 5th Dimension are destined to cocreate experiences that enhance life
with every thought, word, action, feeling, and belief we express. We will
cocreate win-win situations for everybody as we perpetually focus on Love, Light,
and the highest good for ALL concerned.

This may sound too good to be true, but actually it does not even begin to
describe the wonders and joyous things we will be cocreating once we ACCEPT that the New Earth has
been Birthed, and we daily and hourly live out of that profound Truth.

With the Birth of the New Earth we have moved into a Higher Order of Being.
Love is the Order of the New Day on Planet Earth. This is not just a lofty
platitude or wishful thinking. This is the reality of the New Earth we are now
living upon. A supreme consciousness of Love is filtering into the heart and
mind of every person on the planet. The masses of Humanity will soon begin to
"see with new eyes and hear with new ears."

Daily and hourly keep this inner knowing in your heart and mind. Pay attention to the
Loving experiences manifesting all around you. You will be amazed at the things
that are happening within Humanity that reflect a new consciousness of Love,
Oneness, and Reverence for ALL Life. Pay attention. Focus ONLY on what you want
to cocreate on the New Earth through Love and Reverence for ALL Life.

Throughout 2013, 2014, and 2015 the Company of Heaven will guide us through
amazing opportunities that will accelerate the process of our tangible
manifestation of the New Earth. All we have to do is ask. Those patterns of
perfection exist right here, right now. These are wondrous times. Stay focused;
this is the beginning of our glorious New Reality.

The Divine Plan

The Company of Heaven is asking Lightworkers to gather within the portal of the
most powerful frequencies of our Father-Mother God's Transfiguring Divine Love
on Earth. This portal is in the foothills of Tucson, Arizona. Together we will
form a mighty transformer through which the Light of God will flow to
accelerate the process of tangibly manifesting the patterns of perfection for
the New Earth in the physical world of form.

We have Birthed the New Earth in the 5th-Dimensional Realms of CAUSE, and now
the patterns of perfection for the New Earth are pulsating in, through, and
around the mental and emotional strata of Earth. What we must understand, however, is
that in order for these glorious patterns to manifest in the physical plane,
they must be drawn through the Divinity within the Heart Flames of people
abiding on Earth.

We can do this individually and accomplish the process little by little, but if
we come together within the most powerful Portal of Divine Love on Earth and
collectively anchor the patterns for the New Earth through our unified Heart
Flames, the Company of Heaven said we will cocreate a quantum shift that will
exponentially move this process forward by leaps and bounds.

It is critical that Lightworkers from around the world be physically present
for this facet of the unfolding Divine Plan. Together we will form the
transformer that will magnetize the patterns of perfection for our Newly
Birthed Earth through our Heart Flames into the physical world of form. All of
the Lightworkers who have been prepared to serve in this wondrous way on behalf
of Humanity and all Life on this sweet Earth will know who they are through the
inner promptings of their heart. Listen to your heart, and Trust your inner

In addition to those who are inspired to be physically present, there will be
Lightworkers who will join in consciousness from points of Light around the
world. These Lightworkers will project the Light flowing through their Heart
Flames into the Portal of Light where the Lightworkers are physically gathered
in Tucson, Arizona. Thus our unified efforts will expand a thousand times a

Listen to your I AM Presence. Know that every Lightworker will be in his or her
right and perfect place. Respond to whatever your I AM Presence is guiding you
to do. We must Trust and KNOW that if we are being guided to be physically
present within the Portal of Transfiguring Divine Love, then our I AM Presence
and the Company of Heaven will assist us in paving the way. This is true
whether we need assistance with time, energy, or money to accomplish this facet
of our Divine Mission.

The vehicle that will be used for this gathering of Lightworkers is the 27th Annual World Congress on Illumination.
This event will take place
August 10-15, 2013
. We will gather at the beautiful Loews
Ventana Canyon Resort in Tucson, Arizona. This exquisite resort exists within
the heart of the Portal of Transfiguring Divine Love. All of the information
you will need to participate in this wondrous opportunity is available on our
website. Here is the link:

(If this link does not work please copy and paste or type it in your browser.)

God Bless YOU, for your willingness to be the Open Door that will secure the
patterns of perfection for the New Earth in the physical plane. This is our New
Beginning. It is the beginning of the Renaissance of Divine Love Humanity is
destined to cocreate in the physical world of form as we live, move, breathe,
and act out of this new reality. Let's do this together.

The 27th Annual World
Congress On Illumination

August 10-15, 2013,
Tucson, Arizona

The World Congress will begin with the Opening Ceremonies on

Saturday, August 10th at 7:30 p.m. and conclude with

the Closing Ceremonies on Thursday, August 15th by 2:00 p.m.

This sacred conclave will be a celestial experience for everyone involved. Each
day, as we successfully fulfill one phase of the Divine Plan, the Spiritual
Hierarchy will reveal the next phase of the plan to us. As we sojourn through
the various activities of Light, under the Divine Guidance of our Father-Mother
God and the Company of Heaven, our mission will be victoriously accomplished.

This event will take place at Loews Ventana Canyon Resort, which is nestled in
the unique beauty and the nurturing, healing environment of the southwestern
desert in Tucson, Arizona. The resort is surrounded by lush desert vegetation
and towering two to three-hundred-year-old saguaro cacti. These expressions of
the Elemental Kingdom stand as mighty sentinels while anchoring the Light of
God into the Earth.

When you enter this portal of Light, you will experience the awesome radiance
of the Flame of Healing Through the Power of Infinite Transmutation and the
Flame of Transfiguring Divine Love. As this Sacred Fire bathes your Being, you
will be blessed with the familiar feeling of coming home.

The World Congress On Illumination is truly a life-transforming event that will
provide you with the opportunity to meet old friends from around the world with
whom you have been serving for aeons of time. Fellow Lightworkers will join
hearts with you and support you in your monumental service to the Light.

The Divine Plan we are being called to fulfill will be accomplished through
myriad activities of Light. We will be joined at inner levels by the Solar
Logos from Suns beyond Suns, the entire Company of Heaven, the God Selves of
ALL Humanity, the Divine Intelligence that directs the Elemental Kingdom, the
Mighty Elohim, and the Legions of Angels throughout Infinity.

The entire Universe is supporting us in this wondrous endeavor. The Beings of
Light have been given permission to assist us in miraculous ways, but the
Lightworkers on Earth are the predominant force bringing this Divine Plan into
physical manifestation.

Our responsibility is enormous, but as we join our hearts together, we have the
absolute ability to succeed God Victoriously.

Just for a moment, go within to the Divinity of your Heart Flame, and
experience the overwhelming Gratitude and Love pouring forth from the Legions
of Light in the Heavenly Realms. Feel the deep appreciation they are sending to
you for your willingness to serve Humanity during this critical moment in the
evolution of this sweet Earth. We are blessed beyond measure to be able to
assist all Life evolving on Earth in this wondrous way.

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by Kathryn E.


Dear Ones,
We hear your pleas for help in your work raising the consciousness levels around you.
It has been brought to our attention how many of you see the conditions on Gaia as stacked against you, and stacked against change.

We see the problem, as it has existed for centuries. The Dark Ones have all the money, all the military might, and their influence has filtered down to lower and lower levels of influence, where they have most of the guns, and they use their power against the Lightworkers who are not interested in guns or power, but simply want to live in Love.  

As a number of you, including our dear channel, have pointed out, it is a losing battle, inevitably destined to end in complete Darkness if the ones in power are allowed to keep their weapons, for this is the crux of the problem. As long as they can assassinate anyone who tries to expose them, targeted Lightworkers become the example for what not to do, and the proof that Evil is indeed Power. This proof that the Dark Ones always win – as they do to some degree when they destroy their opposition – has held sway over the planet for centuries, to our consternation.

It has been argued very forcefully that this system cannot permit Light to overcome the Darkness, as long as the example that children see convinces them that joining up with the Dark Ones is the smartest thing they can do. Generation after generation has been influenced by this, creating the problem we have now. The U.S. was established on land stolen from indigenous people by out-gunning them. The same has been true in Central and South America, and in every other country in the world where there are tyrants and despots who gun down their citizens who protest, and turn over their resources to the U.S cabal for their own profit.

As government services have been privatized, a growing cancer has spread throughout the land. Prisons-for-profit pay their stockholders handsomely on the profits they accrue by starving their prisoners, using the prisoners to sell slave labor goods, forcing them to buy their own blankets, the only nutritious food available without maggots, and basic toiletries at exorbitant prices from “the company store.” At that, limits are put on the amount of purchases allowed, regardless of the needs of the prisoners. And lest you think these are criminals who are getting what they deserve, we can assure you that growing numbers are innocent victims who were set up by the courts to keep the prison beds full and the profits flowing.

Throughout the world, people are learning to emulate these Dark schemes, and the cancer has spread to nearly every country on the planet. There are those among you who have courageously tried to fight against this monstrous aggrandizement of brutal control in the name of “law and order.” The result has all too frequently ended with the whistleblowers and activists being assassinated, poisoned or killed in a plane crash, usually making it look like “suicide.” Most of you know that the profile of an activist and freedom-fighter is inconsistent with suicide. It is just not their way to take themselves out of the fight while they still have the breath to go on.

We know that some of you have felt despair because of the losses you have suffered, and the overwhelming feelings of hopelessness you have begun to feel when your loved ones are taken captive, or perhaps worse yet, brainwashed into joining the Dark forces. The most outspoken activists among you are used to ridicule and rejection from the families who raised you, but it is never easy to go on without them, without family support or friendship. We understand that hardship, and your Guides and Masters are making every effort to help place people in your path who will vibrate at the same frequency you do, so you will find solace and comfort in new and productive friendships.

We are taking these considerations into account as we make the plans for Disclosure. As you know, the plans for Disclosure include intervening to transfer Nesara funds, which we do not consider as interference with your free will, as long as it can be done in such a way that it does not disrupt life severely or cause chaos in your systems such as food distribution.

Another necessary intervention will be to dismantle the weaponry. In doing this, we have come to understand that it is not a matter of interfering in anyone’s free will, since anyone who wishes to pick a fight will still be able to do so, and is more likely to learn the lesson of restraint by experiencing real opposition from those who maintain genuine law and order by imposing penalties on those who take advantage of others. This may take the form of a forceful restraint or a time out, but the aggressor will not be rewarded with greater power over others, and it will provide an even playing field, where Lightworkers are not at a disadvantage simply because they abhor violence.

And so, our Councils who have waited for the request to come from you, our human children, have heard your pleas. You have asked for our help, and we will move in your behalf. The efforts we have been making behind the scenes will be felt directly by those of you who have placed yourselves in positions to make a real difference in this process, and who are ready and able to take action for the greater good. As you have requested, the pace is quickening, and you will enter a new period of focused activity and cooperative effort. Our blessings and our gratitude go out to you, Dear Ones.

We are also suggesting to you now that you meditate with an open mind to discover who your twin flame is. This will give you a lovely feeling of companionship and expectation, for it will not be very long before you will encounter your Twin Flames, most of whom are waiting on the ships for your return. In the rare cases of more advance old souls who may both be on Earth now helping out, they too will meet on the ships, and what a wonderful Homecoming Day it will be for all of you! Let me warn you, though. You may be very surprised at how beautiful and advanced your lightbody Twin Flame seems to you. I assure you that when you shed this heavy and cumbersome body and the cares and worries that have weighed you down, you will be a sparkling lightbody too.

Perhaps we should explain for those who may not have read our earlier posts. A Twin Flame is the other half of your soul. When Mother God births a new soul, we send out a spark of our Selves, and the soul is created. The new soul then divides into male and female, and their journey of soul development begins. Because the two Flames are so similar in temperament and energy, it would not be comfortable for them to be closely involved in Earthly relationships. For this reason, most pairs usually choose to take turns on their forays into incarnation on Gaia or other planets, while the Twin “holds down the fort” by remaining in higher dimensions with Us. It is a good system, which allows both partners to evolve as individuals while keeping their deep connection with each other in spirit.

For clarification, we should mention that many of you have soulmates who travel with you during your incarnations to help you during your lifetimes here on Gaia. They are members of your soul family who may incarnate as lovers and friends, cousins and sometimes parents or children, but they are not your Twin Flame.

About a third of the people on Earth at this time are advanced souls who have experienced Ascension in the past and who have worked out many of their karmic challenges. It may not feel that way to you now, those of you who are reading these messages, but you are accomplished souls, working to elevate the level of vibration you share with your Twin Flame. So you see, your efforts now benefit both you and your Twin Flame, who will elevate with you, as well as helping the people around you by your example. We are One, in every way.

As you and your Twin have progressed in your soul lessons, you incarnated from time to time as the opposite sex, or as a gay person, or as any of the myriad sexual identifications such as a woman who identifies as a man, and so forth. In this way, you come to understand each other and yourselves in deeper ways. Eventually, your soul work allows you to come full circle back together to join as One with each other and with Us. There is no more joyous experience in life than the absolute Love of Twin Flames who find ultimate joy in their complete Union.

This is a Love beyond any love you have experienced in this incarnate form, a feeling beyond words. It is the complete Unconditional Love which We, Mother/Father God feel for you and for each other. Open your hearts, our Beloved Ones, prepare yourselves for the exhilarating experience of completion you will feel when you come home to Us, this time in the bodies you possess now, to be renewed and healed, uplifted and rejoicing. It is a wonderful thing you have to look forward to, Dear Children. You will gain the experience of all the lifetimes you have lived, and you will never again need to return to the density of 3 dimensions unless you choose to return to help your Brothers and Sisters who have not yet reached the level of Ascension.

It is an exciting time, and you will find each day growing brighter as your powerful Light energy is joined by your Star Brothers and Sisters in the growing wish to complete this Ascension process so you can be together at last.

We look forward with joy,

Your Mother/Father God and all the Legions of Light

Via Kathryn May,

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Taryn Crimi: Angelic Guides – “The Tremendous Power of Sound”

Mar 20

Posted by Wes Annac
Taryn Crimi

Today we would like to focus your attention on the topic of sound. Much of the information that was once widely accepted and used in the ancient civilizations of Lemuria and Atlantis about the power of sound has been “lost” or rather we would say forgotten. It is our intention to share with you our perspective on just how useful sound is in your reality, what it is capable of and how it works.

How does the sound of gentle meditation music have the ability to soothe even the most stressful situations? How is it that the beat of a drum can evoke a response within the body which can be chemically detected by measuring the increase of adrenaline being released? How is it that plants with seemingly no physical ears to “hear” have been known to bloom more regularly and grow faster when in the presence of classical music? Why does water begin to ripple or pebbles begin to tremble when near loud sounds? Is music actually heard or felt? These are some thought-provoking questions which we wanted to stir within you to help you to open up to the wide potential that the power of sound actually has within your world.

Let us begin with a simple explanation of what sound is. Sound can be defined as the vibration of energy moving back and forth which is then interpreted by your brain as a sound. As the air vibrates in a wave-like pattern, this creates “sound”. The rate at which the energy vibrates creates the pitch of the sound; the faster the vibration, the higher the pitch. Decibels are what determine the “volume” of the sound, the higher the decibel the louder the sound.

Sound has the ability to heal the body, clear blocked chakras, move energy and shift physical matter. You may wonder how this could be possible. This is what we would like to begin to share with you. There are a number of benefits that can be accessed by using sound and many are already enjoying some of the benefits of sound without truly understanding “how” or “why”. Of course the “how” or “why” is not necessary for you to enjoy something, however we would like to share this with you so that you may further discover the tremendous power that sound has in your reality.

Remember that everything is energy and therefore all can be affected by energy. Very simply put, sound transmits frequency, which affects the vibration of the molecular composition of any and all matter. However, not all matter will respond in a similar fashion to being exposed to even the very same sound. For instance, not everyone is comforted and soothed by the same “type” of music, different beings respond to what resonates most with their current vibration.

For those who are able to perceive another’s aura, they would surely see the immediate effect that sound has on the body’s vibration and therefore overall mood. Just as words are simply the vessel which is used to transmit or carry the information which you wish to share with another, so too is music just a vessel for which energy is shared and experienced.

Sound and vibration are one. Even those who are deaf will still “feel” the energy that sound carries. You do not actually hear the sound, it is your brain that detects and then translates this energy into an audible sound for you to experience. The range which is detected by the human brain is very small in comparison to the wide array of sounds which are actually available in your universe. Although you cannot perceive the sound of many of the frequency waves that flow through you at any given moment, you certainly can feel them; whether you are conscious of them or not, that is another matter.

The vibration is what directly affects the molecular structure of cells. The volume of the sound is not what determines the rate of vibration; rather it is the pitch that determines the speed at which the energy vibrates. Although the volume does play a significant role in how strongly matter is affected. The pitch of the energy is what shifts physical matter, however the volume of sound determines the intensity of change made to physical matter. A simple example of this would be an opera singer who whispers next to a wine glass, and an opera singer who sings at the top of her lungs next to a wine glass. Both sounds did have an effect on the wine glass; however the volume of the sound directly impacted the intensity of the effect. The whisper caused the wine glass to vibrate mildly while the singing caused the wine glass to shatter.

A lower pitch has a slower rate of vibration, the higher the pitch the faster the energy vibrates. It is this vibration that creates the “sound”. Both high and low-pitched sounds can make changes to matter. We do not intend to expand too extensively on the physics of how sound is created, we simply wanted to share a basic explanation of what sound really is, which would allow us to further explain some of the capabilities of sound, and how it has been used in the “past” as well as what your civilization will once again regain.

Those in Lemuria and then later in the civilization of Atlantis, used sound for many purposes. They were very much aware that the molecular composition of matter can be changed by emitting the “right” pitch which far exceeds what humans can perceive with their physical ears. Using the right pitch, sound vibrations have the ability to carve stone, elevate matter, part water and shift energy. This technique was responsible for some of the largest monuments on your world, some of which can still be viewed today.

These civilizations used devices which were similar to crystal “amplifiers” for lack of a better word which were responsible for emitting very high and very low frequencies. This device could easily be manipulated, much like the use of a radio dial can be used to tune into your preferred channel. The device allowed the operator to determine both the volume and pitch to easily achieve the desired effect. This allowed for incredibly accurate cuts to be made that are still more precise than even your most advanced modern tools of today. This device allowed for incredible engineering with little to no physical labor required. Tunnels were easily carved through granite rock in a matter of minutes, boulders were easily lifted and gently set aside, and even large bodies of water were easily manipulated to benefit these civilizations. This technology eventually lead to the demise of the continent of Atlantis by creating huge “shock waves” which were released deep into the Earth’s crust. As we have said many times before, anything in your reality can be used for “good” or “bad”; the one who wields this power determines how it will be used. This knowledge is available for all who seek to regain the information of the “past”. Know that although information can be forgotten, it can never be “lost”.

So how then is it possible that sound can bring your being back into alignment? When you are feeling any negative emotions such as worry, fear, anger, or sadness then your being is “out of alignment” with your true self. When you are in alignment you are able to receive the abundance of the divine flow, it is the feeling of absolute peace which resonates throughout your entire body. You are fully present in the moment; you do not regret the “past” nor do you worry about the “future” when you are in perfect harmony.

Something that you may find interesting is that there is a unique frequency or pitch which serves to instantly bring each individual being back into perfect alignment. What we mean by this is that when you are introduced to the unique frequency which your soul is attuned to, it will instantly bring your being back into perfect alignment. Not all individuals are attuned to the same pitch; it is something that is unique to you. Know that we are not referring only to humans; every being has its own unique pitch that will bring their being back into total alignment. This is why we say, sound has the power to heal the body. If your body is in perfect alignment, disease cannot remain. Sound was often used in healing temples in Lemuria and Atlantis to help align and restore the spiritual, emotional and physical body. Glass bowls, crystals and stringed instruments were often used in this practice. Because these civilizations could perceive auras, they could instantly “see” which sounds resonated most with each being. There are several communities of scientist who are beginning to make the connection between sound and the healing of the body.

Although you certainly can become consciously aware of the exact “pitch” that aligns your being, know that you do not have to become conscious of the exact pitch that resonates with your being to benefit from coming in contact with it. The exact pitch is always held within the subconscious mind. This is why not all beings prefer to “listen” to the same music, or are soothed by the same “sounds”. You will simply be drawn to that which resonates best with your being. Also know that the unique “pitch” that will serve to instantly align your being will remain constant, however the sounds that you are drawn to will not always be the same. What you prefer to hear one day may not be what you want to listen to another day. Many say that it depends on your mood; however a more accurate statement would be it depends on the vibration you are resonating with at that moment.

Many find it to be a coincidence that the radio will continue to play music that reflects your mood. For instance if you are incredibly sad about the “loss” of a loved one, you find that you continually hear similar songs that reflect your feelings. Know that the songs which play are directly connected to your vibration. It is you who continues to attract songs that resonate with the frequency you are emitting. You may wonder how you could have such an effect on a “public” radio station. How could your mood determine what songs play when there are millions of others who are listening to the same station? This is a wonderful question and to this we reply you will always attract the reality which you resonate most with. The radio does not coincidently play the songs that represent your mood by chance; rather your vibration attracts the songs which resonate with your being at the moment. Remember that there are an infinite number of parallel realities. Although you only see yourselves as being in just one reality; we however watch as you “jump” back and forth to many realities throughout your day depending on the vibration you choose to experience. You cannot experience what you do not resonate with.

You can experiment with this by putting your music playlist on a random order or listen to the radio; you will get a very accurate depiction of what you are currently pulsing out at that very moment. You will attract the songs which resonate most. This is yet again another experience that you are often met with that you are fully creating and yet, most are unaware of the true power they possess that serves to create every experience in your reality. Everything in your reality, is your creation; everything.

So, do you effect sound, or does sound effect you? In short, you will not attract a sound that you do not resonate with. In the most basic answer, you attract the sound to which you resonate with, and in turn the sound that you resonate with will have a direct effect on your being. Many can attest to the direct affect music can have on their mood. Many look to music to get them in the mood to exercise, dance, relax, or release negative emotions. Know that you have first changed your vibration and in turn you will attract songs that further help to solidify that resonance.

Physical ears are not required to be “moved” by music. The phrase “let the rhythm move you” is incredibly accurate because in reality that is exactly what sound does. Sound moves matter. This is why even plants, and trees will inevitably respond to music. The energy and frequency of the vibration is what is “felt” by all beings.

The power of sound is largely untapped in your current reality, however this will change and you will once again reclaim the knowledge that has been forgotten. As you become more conscious of the tremendous power that surrounds you, you will inevitably learn that it is always a reflection of the power you hold within.

We hope that this message has in some way served you.

In love and light, we are your Angelic Guides

Copyright © 2012-2013 by Taryn Crimi. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included.

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Oh man! where did I put my glasses?

Where are my car keys?
Where's my wallet?
What did I come into this room for?
What did I come to get at the store?
Where the heck am I?(as I am driving down a familiar road)
What day is today?(what year)
Who am I?( I don't know but I am very ditzy right now...)

Oh yes, it seems that my inability to remember jack has actually gotten worse.
How that is possible... I don't know.
I have now come to accept that I really can't function out in the "real"(haha yeah right!) world.
They are beyond crazy out there and I want no part of it.
But it also takes me forever to get out of my daing house(to go to the real world) because I lose everything.
In the house.
It all just seems to disappear.

Seems I have lost my mind as well...

I have started a new habit...(let's call it that, shall we?)
It seems I talk to myself and answer myself without thinking about it.
I guess all those years of being a hermit and talking to myself have finally payed off.
I have no idea how long I have been doing this.
I caught myself in the store looking at a shirt and having a conversation with myself about it.
All of the sudden I looked up and there was a lady staring at me...she then basically walked off, quickly.
I have no idea how long she was there.
Or how long I was not...
Then I kept laughing at myself and running more people off.
I can see how easy it would be to get labeled as the crazy lady who talks to herself...I better start getting cats...
Good thing I don't give a sh*t about what people think of me.

I still remember how to get home.(within and without)
Because in my home is where I want to be.
I feel I am disconnecting more and more from people and situations in the 3d world.
It just seems so insane and I have no desire to be a part of it,at all.
I have also disconnected from what I call "outside resources".
But with those disconnects has come a huge connect to Mother Earth and all her healing powers.
And I am able to go within my heart and center quickly now.
I feel always connected to my Source within my heart.

But getting back to my memory.
I feel as if it is all in there like a huge library, but my librarian is drunk or something and forgot how to get to needed information...I am not staying grounded.
And then out of the blue, I will have such moments of complete clarity and remembering it is a staggering experience.
Like a partly cloudy day when the sun peeks out every now and then from behind the clouds...
A moment of being smart again.
And then it's gone.
And I walk around the house again looking for missing items which were just there...

So at this point I am not worried.
Add this to the long list of weird things in my life.
And I have a feeling that those moments of clarity will expand and grow as I continue to release what is not for the highest good of all.
And if my memory gets worse...well I guess I will cross that bridge when and if I get there...

Right now however, my memory is shot.(Something going on in my brain...)
I cannot remember much.
I am exceptionally ditzy.
It is pretty funny though.
And it seems people around me laugh a lot , so that's a good thing.
I think they are amazed that somehow I manage to make it through every day...

But there is one thing I do always remember now.
All the time.
I am a spiritual being having a physical experience on this beautiful earth,who is greatly loved and who loves greatly, eternally.
And I believe that as long as I remember that,everything else will work out as it should for the highest good of all.
My heart tells me this.
It is easy to remember.

Shine Bright my beautiful light family.
You are always in my heart.
In Light and Love
: )

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Received on March 17, 2013

Beloved ones, I am here today to clarify some things not only about recent events but also about events which are to soon manifest on your Earth. A lot of hard work has been accomplished behind closed doors so to speak resulting in a possible great event or shift relating to, amongst other issues, your banking systems and a whole lot more. As always we ask you to release all concepts of time and all expectations in these matters as this attitude would not be helpful but would rather obstruct the smooth flow of energies which are due to take place.
At present you should learn, once and for all, to be timeless and to accept and work from the Now moment. As has been stated in my previous message, a lot is taking place and this is becoming more and more obvious also to the media. All this will lead to such a climax that the truth will set in and seep through your media sources. It can no longer remain hidden as everything is unfolding on a global scale and is hence felt by everyone, including the still dormant souls. There is no way back and it can no longer be blocked.
Have an unshakable trust in the Divine process of Ascension because it is a large part of  All That Is. It all boils down to recognizing, exploring and accepting your Divine Self in all freedom and Love. It is your right and your Being and absolutely nothing can stop you when you have chosen this from the bottom of your heart. Nothing can block the Divine Force of Ascension and liberation; this force will bring you further along in your evolution and your experiences in the Light.
Only time can somewhat hinder and delay this because there still exists an outspoken focus on dates and timeframes. It is HIGH time to only dwell in the NOW moment and from there to just keep on creating. If you are unsure what this Now moment is all about I advise you to isolate yourself in a quiet moment and to close your eyes. Listen to the beating of your heart and to your breathing, get a feel of enrichment when in contact with your inner Self in the heart and be one within your heart. You have just experienced the NOW moment and it feels good, unbounded and limitless.
All of you are limitless and this is also the case in your daily lives. There is nothing that in principle could block or prohibit you from being yourself. There are only distractions and attempts to keep it all in check and to restrain it. But I can assure you, beloved ones, that we are now far beyond that fact since enrichment and enlightenment are in the process of manifesting themselves on the Earth. Too many souls have awakened so that this kind of limited life on Earth is no longer accepted nor approved of. Your hearts are now wide open and expect, even demand only Love and harmony. Enlightenment is now the order of the day and we see this come to pass ever so swiftly.
We are aware that, from your point of view, this does not seem to be so but know that Gaia has set her first footsteps in the 5th Dimension in many energetic locations spread all over the Earth. Certain countries and locations already exist in the 5th Dimension depending on the consciousness of the collective population.  Other countries still exist in the 3rd Dimension and most countries exist in the 4th Dimension. It all depends on the state of consciousness. That state of consciousness is in its own right also dependent not only on how far someone has grown in his evolution and awakening, or to the degree of integration of the Light but most of all to the extent that the person works from his heart and not from his mind (through the brain).
The intellect is an important asset in daily life on the 3rd Dimension but the heart knows and feels everything. The brain is incapable of feeling, it can only perceive what it sees, and what it sees is just the illusion of this world. The new world is merely a heightened state of Being associated with higher frequencies and energies of the Light and of the heart. Your heart is the center of "All That Is" in your own Being.
A rather intense pressure will be felt there where humanity still exists in the lower frequency of the 3rd Dimension as the timelines converge whereafter time in itself will disappear and the upcoming spring equinox will play an important part in this. Prepare yourself for souls and locations still dwelling in the 3rd Dimension. If you find yourself in a location with this lower frequency but you are aware of all that is unfolding and you have duly reached a higher level of consciousness, than nothing can go wrong. So you don’t have to worry one bit.Those who dwell in the heart will always find themselves in a harmonious way and will escape the chaos, it will not affect you at all. That’s why I advise you to always remain grounded and to center yourself in your heart. You will be in dire need of this help and assistance these days and weeks and we count on all of you.
The locations and hearts dwelling in the 4th Dimensional state receive a huge opportunity to greatly further their awakening and bringing it that much closer to the full Ascension into the 5th Dimension. Also in this case it all depends on how you are dealing with all this in the NOW moment and how your actions, thoughts and feelings all originate from your heart. At this specific point in time there is a great gradation of 4D thoughts about to convert into a higher state of your Being and is bringing you ever so quietly to your 5th Dimensional state of consciousness and inner Self.
Congratulations are in order if you have already evolved this far, for although there is only a small number that can truly call themselves the pioneers of the 5th Dimensional World, that small number is working tirelessly on those three  different dimensions and even beyond those three.
At present the Earth is about to shut down the 3D habits and energies in such harmonious way as is possible for humanity so that the transition can occur in a most loving way. Humanity must now proceed lifting themselves into an even higher frequency and expand this as much as possible into a global manifestation. As seen from an energetic level, nowadays 50% is now dwelling in a 5th Dimension and by that I mean the Earth and her frequency ranges on a global, countrywise level, Her embodiment. Humanity, on the contrary, dwells at about 35% in a 4th Dimensional setting as to her consciousness and incarnations, whereas a small 25% has already shifted into the 5th Dimensional consciousness and even beyond. All the rest is still stuck in the world of illusion and are consequently dwelling in 3D.
Be aware that these percentages reflect how everything evolves presently, giving you a clear picture in an attempt to outline a general overview of how far Ascension has progressed. Much
will depend on the upcoming changes and on the energies emanating from the intense Spring Equinox how the collective consciousness will evolve and accept who they truly are and what is about to unfold.
Most of all, be loving towards each other and look forward to a wonderful opportunity to get a beautiful prospect and a personal enrichment. The spring equinox will enable us to once more bring a lot to the forefront and to manifest it. Everything is an opportunity, a chance and a beautiful experience, one way or the other. You will never miss it, you will never fall short of experiencing whatever energy. Everything is free and available for everyone, nobody is left behind as everyone and everything are One.
Have complete faith in yourself and in your inner world. I urge you these days close to the equinox to amply meditate and to focus on your inner self, on your heart and on all the beautiful things you would like to see fulfilled.
I AM Saint Germain and I stand by your side.
I AM that I AM.

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