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We are still feeling the effects of the Virgo Full Moon from Monday, February 26th.  What a powerful energy we are receiving.  This moon represents our balance so the past can be gone and the future may be revealed.  It has taken us into a tailspin of energies that will affect us through the four body system.  Some of us experienced releasing old timelines from previous lifetimes that were ignited through our Etheric Body before the full moon and others are experiencing those effects presently.  Whatever is the case, each of us is expanding deeper into our Higher Essences for them to be the defining factor in our relations with ourselves and others.

What are some of the symptoms?  Intense energies, tiredness, cannot get enough sleep, extreme headaches or other areas of the body reacting, because they are being infused with the higher energies of light.  Our multi-dimensional bodies are trying to interact with our physical existence of the NOW.  It is important that we take care of the elements that do not serve us as it is changing very quickly which we are learning to move through it all.

The power of these energies cannot be measured by anyone as we have never experienced it before within any planetary function.  We are the pioneers moving into a new paradigm of experiences as we are trying to ground the energies.  The rest of this week we need to take time to allow what we are feeling to be fully activated within us.  When we have the periods of extreme uncertainty, it means that we need to take further steps to feel comfortable within ourselves.  We cannot stress enough how important it is to act within your Higher Self motives and remove the programming that has kept us stuck in dysfunction for way too long.

The fact that we may feel uncomfortable is because we are the new-born essence finding our way in a world that does not support the upgrades that we are receiving.  So it needs to happen for each of us in the way that we can handle it.  The Emotional and Mental bodies are on overload as they are not accustomed to feeling and acting in a new way.  We are the Children of the Light and must act accordingly.  Going too swiftly or slowly is not going to serve any purpose.  The most important pathway is “what is right for you in this moment”.

Express yourself through your feelings with compassion and love.  It is very important for us to speak our truth but understanding the other’s point of view.  It must not be in anger or aggression of the lower energies, but allowing the beauty of who we are to illuminate out to the world around you.  Connecting with the Mental body is essential, but it is important not to get into the states of “worrying” to the point of being judgmental to the self of why, how, and if statements.  Instead use the breath to connect with your Higher Self to activate the Divine Essence you are into your physical creation.  Allow yourself to be in an awakened meditation continually.

As Dr. Joshua David Stone always said, “Fake it till you make it.”  Use this technique to help align you with your Higher Essence within the physical body.  Eventually it will become a practice you don’t even have to think about.  Then the emotions will flow much easier especially in times of high energy exchanges like we are feeling presently.

It is important to utilize your Higher Self continually.  We are now in Mercury Retrograde which is a testing ground for allowing your higher essence to be your guide.  The cycle of Mercury in Retrograde can be challenging to communicate to others but think about how much better you will feel by accessing your Divine Will continually.  We, then, will not feel as challenged with the planetary interactions as we do when living in a physical world only.

Think about it ~ if you are living as if you are meditating, it is going to affect all of your life circumstances including working with computers, and all mechanical ways of communicating.  If you are traveling during this time, do not let the understanding of Mercury Retrograde effect the way you are living, but use it as a tool to rise above it.  It is a perfect time to work through the old timelines that you have been trying to remove out of your consciousness.  The world of communication becomes very acute during this cycle, but we don’t have to be enmeshed within it.  We can use it as a tool to move through the energies as we are doing with the higher vibrational changes.

2013 will have more of these challenges to help us walk into the world of the 5th dimension.  Most of us do not realize the depth of our essence that needs to be changed in the process.  We are going through a cycle of Rebirth.  Take an inventory of where you are presently to understand what needs to be changed and allow the energies to help you do so.

Each of these weeks going towards the Spring Equinox is assisting us greatly even though it may feel as if you are being challenged continually.  Nothing can stay the same and if you are on this pathway, “Congratulations” as you are going to help many others that will follow.

March is going to prove to give us more of the same so it is important to understand that each stage of growth there will be a short period of integration which will take us to the next level of advancing our physical bodies to receive the higher essence.  Embrace the change and it will embrace you.



What a beautiful week it is!  Each of you are experiencing such an expansion of the Light emanating from the Higher Forces of Light into the planetary existence that it probably has been quite challenging physically.

Grandmother Moon has been holding these frequencies for the past two weeks which is a direct result of what you have been feeling within your bodies.  As the energies have shifted greatly, between the Sun and the Moon they aligned within each individual person a new expression of balance.  These essences were ignited last week, continuing through the Full Moon of this week and allowing it to settle into each individual person.

What does this mean?  More equilibrium is occurring within the Masculine and Feminine energies.  It is common knowledge that physical humans have a tendency to be imbalanced in either the Mental or Emotional bodies.  This is due to your previous timelines that are being activated along with the lifetimes of karma you have endured.  It has nothing to do with the fact that you are a woman or a man.  We want you to understand that fact.

Where are you in your balance of the subtle bodies of light?  Do you have a tendency to be emotionally centered or masculine-oriented in your approach to life?  Do you think quite a bit before you speak along with worrying about every detail and needing more information for each task that you perform?  Are you more flowing and allow your Feminine Divine to assist you in the process of solving problems through your intuition?  Do you cry at the drop of a thought or emotion?  Or do you think about it deeply?

These are the elements to think about this week as the energies are taking each of you into a deeper level of yourself.  It is important to realize that what you are feeling or thinking is important but the flow of ideas must come from the Mental body into the Emotional body so that it is aligned in its true identity.

A perfect example would be:  You are thinking about a project, something to study, or a problem that needs to be solved.  So you sit and write an outline of a list of items you need to consider.  This is coming from your Mental body.  Do you then stop and reflect on who to create the process for the work you need to do?

If you are running in a Mental level, you probably would re-write the list, cross out things, and ponder for a long time.  Then you are not quite sure how to get started so you just jump into the process without looking at other variables.

If you are within the Emotional level, you might feel the thoughts intuitively but then become emotional of how to get started.  You know you can do it but the thoughts are not coming to you, but you see the vision, The Overall Picture.

Someone who is in full balance within the Masculine and Feminine Essence would take some time to meditate on the project or problem.  Get an understanding from the Higher Self or Guides to help formulate the process.  Then upon finishing the meditation, they would sit with their Higher Self intact and write the list.  During this time, they might be activating their Higher Self with the breath as they are bringing forth the ideas.  This is the crucial phase as now the Emotional Level can be activated through the breath.  The visions will come and the ideas will flow more easily.

The Masculine Divine initiates the energies by bringing forth the ideas, setting the groundwork; whereas the Feminine Divine then activates the process to occur through the ability of visionary work allowing the process to be created.

This is exactly what the present energies represent.  Last week we talked about the timelines being purged and ignited.  Now the balance is coming into effect.  Not everyone is going to accept their internal equilibrium to be ignited due to elements that are too strong or weak on each side.  The process of changing it into a balanced state is not easy and each of you is being challenged to do so.

So what do you do about it?  First acknowledge which side of you, the Emotional or the Mental has the deciding rule.  Then, look at the characteristics that support the balance and rid yourself of the weak ones by activating your Higher Self in the process.  Learning which aspects are not fitting your highest purpose will help you, the physical being, to accept the process.  We guarantee you that the effects you are feeling from these energies are trying to help you accept the Divine Union of the Masculine and Feminine to be incorporated.

Also, look at the areas you are being affected physically.  Check which chakras need to be aligned and infused with more light or need to remove the parts that do not fit this higher essence.  It is important to realize that your chakras need to be cleared fully in order to receive the higher chakras.  If you are feeling ill in any of these areas, then attention must be put to the physical conditioning.  Each of your chakras represent the masculine and feminine within them so they must be balanced.  Breathing deeply through them daily will help align the energies.

Then take what you do not need and give it away through the Violet Flame, through Gaia, through the Rocks, Trees, and the Lands.  They balance themselves continually and when you ask for their assistance it will be given.  Then you show your gratitude by giving them a portion of your Light that you are receiving.  They will be very grateful and will flourish within the essence of GAIA.  Then, each of you is collaborating with one another.

The changes are going to be getting more intense and some land areas will be affected.  The most important aspect to remember is to not embrace the lower energies of fear and anguish.  But use your Masculine and Feminine Divine Will of God within you to decide what you need to know and embrace.  If you feel the need through this essence to relocate, then do so.  It is all about knowing what you need to do in each moment and be prepared but with balance of both aspects within the Love, Power and Will that you are.

We know it is a challenge presently and more will be coming.  But in between the moments of increased energies, think how much better you feel, are interacting, and accept the multi-dimensional self that you are.

We embrace each of you with the Arms of Light

The Unified Whole Command representing Many Masters of Light

So Mote It Be in Oneness!

To ignite your chakras with balance, check out Walking Terra Christa’s powerful series, Integrate the 22 Rays of God Into Your Chakras which is available for download.

©2013 Walking Terra Christa, Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, 5th Dimensional Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved.  No use without prior written permission allowed except for sharing the post in its entirety along with the link to this page; Walking Terra Christa/NewEarthFreq Update 2-28-13


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The Pleadians

~ You Have Chosen to be Human: A Message of Encouragement


Many have incarnated here with many options, and choices before they came into body, and yet, you who are here now on Earth have chosen to show up in human form. You may have cellular blending of other beings within your DNA, and you may embody many lineages, yet, you are holding human form.

Being human is no small feat. It requires a great deal of strength and light to live in these limited bodies here on Earth with the day to day struggles the illusion can sometimes reflect. This message today is to support and commend you for all you have done. You are a keeper of great light. You are indeed a grand being to have come here.

Oh we see you, yes we do. We see how you deeply desire to act from love in every moment, and yet your forgetting at times your true nature sometimes halts you. We mostly see this halting when it comes to love towards yourself. You have mastered not projecting out pain at others the majority of the time.

Yet, we see how you are still mastering unconditional love towards the self. This frustrates you, but you continuously try over and over again because you are a powerful light holder. You, specifically who have chosen to be a wayshower, a lightworker, one who walks first through every door: we celebrate the amount of light that you emanate out into the Universe while still holding a body, as some of your souls connect as deep as the 22nd dimension.

You have walked in this form many times before, and now is a special time for you. You are leaving many of the old ego tricks behind, and this is causing great peace within even when things appear on the outside as chaotic.

In the times when you shed tears, we see that you are always aware of this consciousness that rests behind it all, just watching peacefully. We see you accessing this more frequently and we jump for joy. We literally dance, and let our energies vibrate with joy as you more and more allow your true nature to take over for we are your dear friends.

It is so simple, and so many have made it so hard for so long. In fact, we would like to transmit light codes now to you for the next level of the true nature of the mind awakening to activate in your cells, spirit, and etheric body.

We specifically are bringing these codes in now also for the emotional body within you, for out of all your multidimensional bodies, we see this brings you the most suffering. The final piece for most of you is to actually completely release all “negative” reaction. We use the word negative only to explain what you decide these lower vibratory reactions feel like.

Even this word “negative” needs to leave the human vocabulary for it is filled with judgment of right and wrong. Breathe in the light codes now that embody you being and knowing you are the witness to all of creation.

As you move through your Earthly interactions, and experiences, we do not envy you. You have much to bare. Many of you are constantly giving and sharing love, and still those that are learning send malicious and harmful energies your way.

Yet, you know no other way then to send more love to them. Sure, you may feel pain and hurt, but it is because you no longer understand this way of coming from harm. Even when people accuse you of harm, you know inside, that none of your actions come from that intention.

You continously live life with many around you that still vibrate with qualities of either jealousy or blame. You see, they see the peace you have, and they deeply want it too. So, they send to you this lower vibration as a cry for help, and yet they believe it is about you.

And you watch knowing this is all a circus, an experience, and that none of the things people are all worked up about matters, really. So, at times, you may find yourself in a lonely place. Those that have awakened, are the keepers of many of the records of this planet, and existence.

Knowing this information can sometimes make you feel like you are an outsider around many. And so we commend you for holding the codes, and information so when others cry for help, even through hurtful words and action at you, that you cannot help but respond by releasing the codes of light.

Even if you hurt or feel anger, you are still a keeper of the codes of light, and your heart acts as a transmitter of these energies without you even trying. It is what you came to do. You feel lonely at times, and then at other times you feel one with all. You go back and forth and this is a normal part of the process of being a keeper of the codes of light for you cannot always be with the group when you need to be the helper.

Know, every time you truly need support, we come in with the tingly sensations you feel to realign you, and bring you back to your blissful nature. We are one with you and you with us. We feel when you feel. It is again, another trick of the ego when loneliness ensues.

This is one of the reasons why you are on Earth. Yet, you are also here to play in the experience of being able to feel energy more powerfully than many other planets and realms. Here on Earth, your human self gets to see itself over and over again in different forms through your planets law of reflection.

This is amazing and wonderful for your soul dances with vibrancy when it gets to experience the creativity of being a human. But it is time now to wake up the other dormant parts of your brain and to bring in the codes that align with your true nature; not just simply discover new experiences.

We love you, our human brothers and sisters, and know that within these dormant parts of the brain rest the deep memories of all that is. In these awakening parts, you hold your sacred soul gifts. You are truly a telepathic species with abilities beyond what most on your planet allow themselves to feel.

You can live off of the light here, and mostly fruits and vegetables, feeling an even greater light quotient. There is nothing wrong with eating other things, but you eat those only out of habit, and for experiences of flavor and taste. Your being has all it needs within itself. Soon your world will have no need to excrete in the way you do to release toxins.

As these dormant parts of the brain awaken, you access unlimited power to transform all energies within, including food. As these other parts of the brain awaken, you also have the ability to pierce the veil by seeing nothing is truly solid. This is how the Yogis and Saints can put handprints in a wall. This is not far from your reach either beautiful ones. Prepare yourself to embody your Siddha gifts. It is time now for all illusion to be shattered. You are embodying home.

We are one., Copyright 2013. Geplaatst door Méline Lafont pleiade dolphin op 9:09 PM Source:

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The pineal gland (also called the pineal body, epiphysis cerebri, epiphysis or the “third eye” is a small endocrine gland in the vertebrate brain. It produces the serotonin derivative melatonin, a hormone that affects the modulation of wake/sleep patterns and seasonal functions. Its shape resembles a tiny pine cone (hence its name), and it is located near the center of the brain, between the two hemispheres, tucked in a groove where the two rounded thalamic bodies join.

The Secret : What they don’t want you to KNOW!

Every human being’s Pineal Gland or the Third Eye can be activated to spiritual world frequencies and enables you to have the sense of all knowing, godlike euphoria and oneness all around you. A pineal gland once tuned into to proper frequencies with help of meditation, yoga or various esoteric, occult methods, enables a person to travel into other dimensions, popularly known as astral travel or astral projection or remote viewing.

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"Ascension & Vegetarianism"


Ascension & Vegetarianism





Sooner or later, once a person is on the path of ascension long enough, they may become a vegetarian. This happens naturally, and the person may experience the following:

The person may not desire meat at all anymore. Since meat is a lower vibrational food, the body does not feel like it needs it anymore neither. When a person's energy vibration increases throughout the process of ascension, they may instead find themselves craving higher vibrational foods such as fruits, vegetables, seeds, and nuts.

In addition, a person who is far enough along the path of ascension may also begin to experience digestive problems when consuming meat. They may feel nauseated, have heartburn or acid reflux, aching and pains in the stomach and intestines, diarrhea, etc.

A person who has proceeded far enough along the path of ascension eventually feels at one with not only humanity but with the entire animal kingdom and all of nature. Animals are loved and respected as intelligent beings and as their sisters and brothers. As a result of this, the person may experience emotional issues while consuming meat. For example, they may feel a strong wave of sadness or even be brought to tears while consuming meat. The thought of consuming a being that was once alive and then killed for consumption becomes difficult to bear. Compassion for the animal that is being consumed may also be experienced.

Eventually the whole concept of a reality system having been created in which humans and animals need to kill one another in order to survive may begin to bother a person who is far along the path of ascension. The whole system of violence and brutality of the 3rd dimension Earth becomes harder and harder to bare. Wanting to live in a place that is in a high enough dimension in which society does not kill others in order to survive may become a strong desire. This should come as no surprise, as it has been said that in the higher dimensions beings consume pure energy or light rather than food. Similar to this would be the 3rd dimension Earth equivalent of getting enough exposure to sunlight in order for the human body to contain enough Vitamin D.

So, if you are on the path of ascension, and all of the sudden, you find yourself not desiring meat anymore, you now understand why. Our energy vibration is increasing, and we eventually do not need to consume the lower vibrational foods any longer. We begin to crave foods that are more in alignment with our increasing energy vibration.

Copyright 2012, (the website that this article came from)

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Illumination Mind Elohim

Understanding the Ray of Love & Wisdom

From The Elohim Masters Appollo & Lumina

When we embrace the energies of Love and Wisdom through the Essence of the Elohim Masters, it brings forth a feeling of gentleness and understanding of the Golden-Yellow Ray Spectrum of Light.  Elohim Apollo and Lumina share with us a feeling of understanding how to fully allow the aspect of Perception and Wisdom to be experienced within the human condition.  They both ground this energy for each of us within the Earth including Gaia.  It is through their understanding to us that we start to allow our Divine Wisdom to be illuminated within our world.

Apollo and Lumina are also known as Cassiopea and Minerva in various esoteric teachings.  They represent the Divine Flame of Illumination which allows the Mental Mind to surrender into the concept of receiving and acting upon God’s Divine idea and direction of understanding how to manifest it.  Lumina is the Goddess of Wisdom as she personifies the essence of God through her extending her hand of knowledge to each of us so that we may see our own Divine Will being manifested within our Wisdom of the Self.

Both Apollo and Lumina share their extensive knowledge and expertise with the Divine Flame to show us our way of understanding it and accepting our divinity upon this Earth.

We are, Apollo and Lumina, keepers of the Divine Flame of Illumination for Love and Wisdom.  It is our divine pleasure to speak to you in this moment.  We ask of you how many times during the day do you express your breath to accept your own Divine Flame?  This is a very important question to ponder as the energetic exchange coming from your Higher Essence into the body cannot be felt unless you command it to be so through your breath.

The breath is the divine connection of the Source of Light and many times it is forgotten unless you are completing a task in which it is important, like walking, running, exercising, deep periods of meditation, and exerting your physical energies.  But it is more important to reflect on these elements in your day.  You body cannot survive without the breath and the deepest reflection that can occur happens through this action of your physical self into the spiritual self and then back through the physical essence.

This will help the Mental Mind to surrender into your highest wisdom of light.  When you start to meditate, don’t you take deep breaths and allow your body to relax?  Yes, of course you do; and if you don’t, then you are missing a very good point in your acceleration process.

This is the entry point of you learning how to create and allows the Mental Body to accept the process of illumination.  Trying to do it from just the mental thoughts will never work as you are a supreme being of light so that source of light must be manifested from your Higher Self.  How does the Higher Self find the illumination it is searching for?  By allowing the frequency from God’s Source to come within the mental thoughts through the frequency of the breath.

It is so very simple to remember but yet, many of you forget time and time again.  If you think of yourself as beam of light filtering into all areas of existence, that light is manifest by the pure essence of its arrival.  When it enters the body, how does the physical self know what to receive?  These are the questions that you must ponder when realizing the essence of Illumination.  We cannot feel illumination from within the physical as we are just acting within that response of experiences.  As you come within the physical body, you bring the fluidness and light of God’s Will in your breath.  By allowing yourself to breathe through it, you are accepting you have acquired Wisdom that needs to be shared and acknowledged to the Earth.

This is when the Mental Mind becomes the Higher Mind, and you accept the definitive light within your totality.  Thoughts can become reality as you perceive it from the higher sense of yourself and not the lower self trying to create the changes necessary.  This is where Love and Wisdom is acknowledged within your physical reality.  Perception of the moment is a necessary aspect to allow the initiatory response to be fully active within your consciousness.  It can only work in this manner by activating it through your breath to the Higher Mind into the Physical Self.  This is the chain of events that must be created in order to have the illumination of the mind within your physical creation.  This will then help you to understand your Wisdom allowing the depth of Love that is being given to you in each of these moments.

We know that the transition of learning this process is not an easy one but once you acquire it and fully act upon it in all of your moments, then you will be able to perceive your life as the Light and God Force that you are.  You will see that God’s illumination is truly yours.  You can accept, acknowledge, and embrace it fully.

We honor each of you for walking this pathway of Light and want you to know that we will help you to honor yourself in the process.

We are the Elohim Masters of Love and Wisdom,

Apollo & Lumina

So Mote It Be, In The Light of Oneness


Written & Channeled by Rev. Christine Meleriessee

©2013 Walking Terra Christa, Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, Ascension Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved.  No use without prior written permission allowed except for sharing the post in its entirety along with the link to this page; WalkingTerraChrista-Elohim Appollo & Lumina, 2nd Ray of Love & Wisdom.

22 RAYS Challenge is a powerful email course to understand and incorporate the Rays of God by receiving background information on each ray with an attunement.

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From Where Does Judgment Come?



Heavenletter #4476
From Where Does Judgment Come?,
February 25, 2013
God said:
When you feel negativity in your heart in the presence of someone or in the presence of a thought of someone, know that negativity you feel comes from your mind. Your mind has judged and drawn a conclusion.
When you feel negativity toward someone, your mind has established that the person is not the way you think he should be. You have judged him wanting, and you close your heart down.
When you feel positivity toward someone, your mind sees that person as being what you think he ought to be. Therefore, your mind thinks highly of him and signals you to like him.
When your heart takes signals from your mind, pro, your heart warms up to the person or, con, your heart distances itself.
What it comes down to is that you feel good about yourself when you think of someone you like. And when you think of someone you don't like so much, you don't feel quite so good about yourself. You blame the other person. In order to feel better, you look down on the person who doesn't come up to snuff, and, therefore, for a little while, you raise yourself in your own estimation. You tip the scale in your favor. You like yourself a bit more. You feel better about yourself, and life seems better.
This is what is meant by conditional love. It depends upon something. It depends upon how another appears to you. According to the state he appears to be in, you apply a status to him, and you put a stamp on him: Excellent. So-so. Doesn't pass. Not to my standards. And so you sink your heart or you lift your heart. You, who know better than to judge, judge right and left. Judgment does not feel good, beloveds, not to you, the judger, nor to the judged.
How you feel about yourself pretty much determines your stance toward another. One who judges lacks good judgment.
Unconditional love is a term bandied about, as if you can instruct yourself to love without making requirements. Awareness of love isn't an Act of Will. Yet judgment is.
The real question is how to get away from judgment. The real question is how to get away from ego. Without ego, what would be the necessity for judging anyone up or down?
And, so, the real question to ask yourself is: How can I love myself at all times? How can I be less influenced by the conditioning of my own mind?
When the Great Spiritual Ones met someone, they met the person in freedom from past impressions. They did not condemn nor did they extol. The Great Ones did not appraise. They met with their heart of understanding intact. Their minds did not say: This person is great. That last one was not.
Their minds went more along the line of: How can I best serve God through this person? Of course, they did not really think this for this was natural to them. They didn't have to think anything.
The Great Ones served God on all occasions. The question never arose in their minds: What is this person worth?
No, their question, if We can call it a question, was: How do I bless this person in God's Name?
Look, they simply blessed. This is what they did. And what they did, so can you. With a full heart of love toward yourself, you will bless all who come before you. Know that all who have come before you, have come to receive your blessing. Give it.
Thank you for including this link when publishing this Heavenletter elsewhere.

Copyright © 1999-Now Heavenletters™
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From Where Does Judgment Come?



Heavenletter #4476
From Where Does Judgment Come?,
February 25, 2013
God said:
When you feel negativity in your heart in the presence of someone or in the presence of a thought of someone, know that negativity you feel comes from your mind. Your mind has judged and drawn a conclusion.
When you feel negativity toward someone, your mind has established that the person is not the way you think he should be. You have judged him wanting, and you close your heart down.
When you feel positivity toward someone, your mind sees that person as being what you think he ought to be. Therefore, your mind thinks highly of him and signals you to like him.
When your heart takes signals from your mind, pro, your heart warms up to the person or, con, your heart distances itself.
What it comes down to is that you feel good about yourself when you think of someone you like. And when you think of someone you don't like so much, you don't feel quite so good about yourself. You blame the other person. In order to feel better, you look down on the person who doesn't come up to snuff, and, therefore, for a little while, you raise yourself in your own estimation. You tip the scale in your favor. You like yourself a bit more. You feel better about yourself, and life seems better.
This is what is meant by conditional love. It depends upon something. It depends upon how another appears to you. According to the state he appears to be in, you apply a status to him, and you put a stamp on him: Excellent. So-so. Doesn't pass. Not to my standards. And so you sink your heart or you lift your heart. You, who know better than to judge, judge right and left. Judgment does not feel good, beloveds, not to you, the judger, nor to the judged.
How you feel about yourself pretty much determines your stance toward another. One who judges lacks good judgment.
Unconditional love is a term bandied about, as if you can instruct yourself to love without making requirements. Awareness of love isn't an Act of Will. Yet judgment is.
The real question is how to get away from judgment. The real question is how to get away from ego. Without ego, what would be the necessity for judging anyone up or down?
And, so, the real question to ask yourself is: How can I love myself at all times? How can I be less influenced by the conditioning of my own mind?
When the Great Spiritual Ones met someone, they met the person in freedom from past impressions. They did not condemn nor did they extol. The Great Ones did not appraise. They met with their heart of understanding intact. Their minds did not say: This person is great. That last one was not.
Their minds went more along the line of: How can I best serve God through this person? Of course, they did not really think this for this was natural to them. They didn't have to think anything.
The Great Ones served God on all occasions. The question never arose in their minds: What is this person worth?
No, their question, if We can call it a question, was: How do I bless this person in God's Name?
Look, they simply blessed. This is what they did. And what they did, so can you. With a full heart of love toward yourself, you will bless all who come before you. Know that all who have come before you, have come to receive your blessing. Give it.
Thank you for including this link when publishing this Heavenletter elsewhere.

Copyright © 1999-Now Heavenletters™
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We All Hold the Key


        Anyone can understand and experience their spiritual potential without years of a particular
        training. A focused and sincere heart and a direct mental focus are often enough.

        The purpose is simply to comprehend the underlying spiritual nature of all things.
        From this develops a way of manifesting freedom, peace, happiness and consciousness.

                                               " All of us are wise. All of us have access to inner truth.

                                                 No one holds a single key to truth above all others.

                                                 Rest in your emerging divinity and consciousness.

                                                 Do not grasp for it.     Receive it and enjoy it. "

                                                                         ~ Author Unknown


The above is taken from:
The Tibetan Art of Living by Chris. Hansard ~

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Being Your Own Best Friend


Make Yourself Irresistible
by Deepak Chopra ~

When you exhibit positive and negative qualities, you are not flawed; you are complete. When you are comfortable with your shadow, when you embrace your shadow because this is how the infinite consciousness made you, then you are attractive beyond measure, and your life is an adventure. You are natural when you are comfortable with your ambiguity, and nothing is more beautiful than being natural.

When you are comfortable with both your strengths and weaknesses, you radiate simple, unaffected humanity. This is the essence of being lovable because you are not subject to behaviors that drive love away. You do not constantly look for approval by getting caught up in thinking: What do others think of me? Am I superior, am I inferior? Do people like me, or do they dislike me? You don’t constantly compare yourself to an ideal that doesn’t exist. Your ego doesn’t say to you, “I’m not good enough. I’m not pretty enough. I’m not handsome enough. I’m not rich enough.”

If your experience of yourself is object-referred, it is fear-based and resistant to what is. If your experience of yourself is self-referred, it is love-based and accepting of what is. Self-referred people are natural and unaffected by the opinions of others. They are innocent, simple and childlike. Thank you, God, for making me just like I am. I have good things, and I have bad things; I have all things in me. I am complete. Self-acceptance, total self-acceptance, means self-forgiveness. When you forgive yourself and stop judging yourself, then you won’t judge others, and there will be less conflict in the world.

All relationship is a mirror to the self. Identify the qualities that attract you to others, and the qualities that repel you. Write them down on a piece of paper. This is who you are. And if you accept yourself as you are, and love yourself as you are, you become immensely attractive because you are natural.


Adapted from Power, Freedom, and Grace by Deepak Chopra (Amber Allen, 2006).

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The Importance of Our Inner World


~~* Our inner world sets up the way in which we relate to the world around us. It guides us to all of the achievements and success in our lives. It is the inner world that decides all our needs and desires as they really take place, because our inner world is who we really are.

~~* Without an inner world that functions in an integrated way, we do not have a life, simply an experience of living spattered periods of unknowing, powerlessness, and the sudden need for control. When life seems more powerful than you do, your inner world needs healing.

~~* Nearly all of us pass our lives floating on top of our inner world, sublimely unconscious of just how unknowing and how lacking in personal empowerment we really are. Yet, if we have the courage to explore within, we will discover among the fear and anger an endless beauty, an eternal light that shines from within us into a world and universe of endless possibilities. At the core of our inner world beats an endless love that needs no language or intelligence to be understood, just a heart that is ready to be humble. *~~


The Tibetan Art of Living
by Christopher Hansard ~

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Angel Wisdom

“At the break of the day, And a little child is asking Will the roses bloom in heaven Tell me momma tell me pray Will the roses bloom in heaven Are there any gardens there Any violets and clover Way up with the angels there.”

- Will the Roses Bloom in Heaven

“Ask the angels to heighten your perception--absorb spring's beauty into your soul.”

- Terry Lynn Taylor,
Angel Days

“Round us, too, shall angels shine, such as ministered to thee.”

- George Hunt Smytten,
"Forty Days and Forty Nights"

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8 of the Quietest Places on Earth (Slideshow)

8 of the Quietest Places on Earth
Katie Waldeck - February 16, 2013

There are fewer and fewer places on our planet that are free from human intrusion. Popular national parks are packed with tourists in the summer. The sound of honking horns and car alarms drowns out bird calls and howling wolves. But there are places so remote that human noise is practically nonexistent. This isn’t to say these places are silent. In fact, nature can be loud when left (relatively) undisturbed. Click through to check out some of your planet’s quietest places.

1. Samboja Lestari, Borneo

For decades, the tropical rain forests of the world’s third largest island were logged at an alarming rate. In the town of Samboja, deforestation, climate change, floods, droughts and fires ravaged this precious ecosystem — it was so bad, that the flora and fauna native to the area were on the brink of extinction. That is until, in 2001, when the Borneo Orangutan Survival Foundation began buying up land in the area and began the process of returning it to its natural state. Though the forest has not been fully restored, it is one of the best places on earth to hear the howl of the native orangutans far away from the noise of logging and farming.

2. Selous Game Reserve, Tanzania
This 21,000 square mile game reserve, one of the largest of its kind in the world, is home to exactly zero permanent human settlements. The Tanzanian government strictly controls all human activity in the reserve, so almost all of the noise that you’ll hear comes strictly from the animals. Elephants, crocodiles, hippopotami, and zebras, just to name a few. On a trip to the area, perhaps the loudest sound you’ll hear is the roar of a lion!
Image Credit: Murky1 via Flickr

3. The Hoh Valley, Washington
Washington’s Olympic Peninsula is home to some of the most undeveloped national park land in the United States. The picturesque beauty of this virgin temperate rain forest, the largest of its kind in North America, is also considered to be the quietest place in the United States. Is it any wonder, then, that it is also one of the largest areas in the continental United States without roads?!

4. Kronostky Nature Reserve, Russia
Thousands of acres protected land and not a road in site. This nature preserve is located in remote Far Eastern Russia — closer to Alaska than it is to Moscow. Save from the 3,000 tourists allowed into the park for 5 hours at a time via a pricey helicopter ride, only scientists are allowed to explore this vast, unique landscape. It’s home to the country’s only geyser basin and Eurasia’s highest active volcano. Though you won’t hear much in the way of human activity, the park is home to incredible animals, including some of the largest brown bears on the planet.

5. The Kalahari Desert, Southern Africa
The vast expanse, over 350,000 square miles, of the Kalahari desert crosses into a whopping six different Southern African nations. But it’s home to very, very few people — in an area that’s considerably larger than the state of Texas, there are only 20,000 people. As one of the most remote places on earth, the Kalahari Desert is also one of the quietest. Better to enjoy the endemic animals like meerkats and the Kalahari lion, of course!

6. Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Alaska
You’d be hard-pressed to find a place more remote — and more difficult to get to — than the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in far northeastern Alaska. Nearly twice the size of Massachusetts, there are no roads within or leading to the refuge. Most visitors — all 1,500 of them each year — arrive by aircraft. Though there are a handful of tiny villages, most of the noise comes from the area’s vibrant wildlife: polar bears, caribou, and wolves, just to name a few.

7. Sinharaja Forest Reserve, Sri Lanka
Deforestation has devastated many of the world’s most incredible ecosystems — but not this one. Its remote location means that the dense forest is virgin, and home to an impressive array of endemic wildlife. Limited human activity in the area means that you’re far, far more likely to hear the chorus of tropical birds than the sounds of traffic or construction.

8. The Science Lab: the (Artificially) Quietest Place on Earth
There is silence and then there’s silence. This Minnesota-based laboratory blocks out a whopping 99.99% of all sound. It’s so quiet that you have to sit down, because the sounds you make when you’re moving are blocked out and make it difficult to balance. The longer you’re in there, though, the more you can hear your body’s internal workings: your heart beating, your stomach gurgling, maybe even the sound of your lungs. As cool as that sounds, visitors to this anechoic chamber find it deeply unsettling. In fact, the longest anyone has ever lasted in the chamber was 45 minutes. Your brain begins to hallucinate sounds afteer some time in such utter silence.

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Wisdom from Akshay Nanavati

Wisdom from Akshay Nanavati

Gail Lynne Goodwin - February 20, 2013






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Fear is not your enemy. Fear is your friend. Embrace it, welcome it and push past it to find your true destiny that lies waiting for you on the other side.

All growth springs forth from venturing out into the unknown. Out there beyond those fateful frontiers of your perceived limits lives your greatness. The infinite possibilities available to you in life lie waiting for you in unchartered territory. You simply have to choose to embark upon that voyage.

To get everything you want in life, you must be willing to do something you have never done and be someone you have never been. Where you are in your life right now is a result of the choices you have made in the past. And you will continue getting what you have gotten unless you do something bold. Something new.

Whether it be skydiving, starting your own business, running a marathon or public speaking, go out there and do something that makes those butterflies in your stomach go wild.

This action does not need to directly relate to your life goals. The action just serves as a metaphor for your limitless potential. Every inch out into the unknown builds a rock solid, unbreakable spirit that cannot and will not be shattered.

Self confidence results from successfully having survived a risk. Thus the form of the risk matters less than the level of courage it requires to face it. The greater the required amount of courage, the greater the rewards on the other side.

As C.S. Lewis said, "courage is not simply one of the virtues, but the form of every virtue at the testing point."

Any worthy risk will induce fear. It is only natural. Expect it, so you don't let it stop you. Then embrace your only freedom: the space that lies between a stimulus and your response to it by choosing to focus on the pleasure on the other side of fear, not the possibility of pain on this one. That choice is the spark of courage.

It takes courage in the face of fear, not the absence of it, to take a leap into something magnificent.

Each step through fear pushes your comfort zone out one inch further. This constant process of mental, physical, spiritual and physical growth transforms success from uncertainty to inevitability.

As a result of the compound effect of those incremental steps over time, you will achieve a level of self confidence that will make you unstoppable in the face of any challenge that comes your way.

The only enemy you have is your choice to be paralyzed by fear. Should you remain stagnant though, you will continue floating down a lazy river that leads to nowhere.

If, on the other hand, you choose to live your greatness, in the raging rapids of life, you will hit rocks.

Rest assured, as long as you aim for the stars, life will beat you down. You will encounter failure. But the unbreakable spirit that is forged in the fires of facing fear will guide you through every obstacle and into success.

Today, at this moment, you get to choose your destiny by taking that first step.

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If We Are in the Matrix Who Controls Us? The Truth May Be Surprising
Uploaded on 9 Feb 2011

( ) Morpheus told Neo that he was a slave. A slave to whom? The matrix. Now, what exactly is this matrix and who runs it? Did the movie The Matrix give us clues about our own world and how it works? Or, was it just entertainment and fiction?

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All we see & seem is but a dream within a dream

All we see & seem is but a dream within a dream

"All we see & seem is but a dream within a dream": the illusory nature of physical reality, creative consciousness & the universal mind. Featuring Fred Alan Wolf, Nassim Haramein, Amit Goswami, Jim Al Khalili, Greg Braden, Bill Hicks & David Icke.

(music: Rachid Taha "Barra Barra")

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The Universe is an Illusion, But Consciousness Isn't.

Quantum Physics

Energy is not continuous, but comes in small but discrete units. 1
The elementary particles behave both like particles and like waves. 2
The movement of these particles is inherently random. 3
It is physically impossible to know both the position and the momentum of a particle at the same time. The more precisely one is known, the less precise the measurement of the other is.4
The atomic world is nothing like the world we live in. 5

There is a new branch of science called Super String Theory or M Theory, which is further demonstrating that the material universe is just an illusion. Every atom and particle is not solid but made up of what theorectical physicists call strings of vibrational energy and they are so small that if an atom is the size of the Solar system, each one of the strings that make it up would be anywhere from the size of a tree on Earth or the size of an atom compared to the size of the atom, which has been extrapolated to the size of the Solar System. If there is no solidity whatsoever then it is easy to understand how the entire universe can expand from the point of the Big Bang.

In former times scientists thought that light consists of waves and that electrons, neutrons and protons are particles. But Scientists have discovered that sometimes light has got a wave character and sometimes light has got a particle character but not only light also the other particles which I mentioned sometimes have got a wave character. There is an experiment which shows that light can have a particle character. For this experiment we need a metal plate. When we irradiate this metal plate with light it can happen that some of the electrons of some atoms will leave their atomic shell.

But when no electron leaves the atomic shell a classical physicist would say that the intensity is to low and what we need a stronger light source or that we must give the light nearer to the metal plate. But this would not help, because light consists of photons and when we have got a higher intensity there are more photons which bombard the electrons, but one electron can only absorb one photon. This means that the energy of the photon is responsible, wheather an electron leaves his atomic shell or not. The electrons are holded by the positive charged atomic nucleus and so they need a certain energy to break out. So we need radiation with a shorter wavelength to give the electrons enough energy.

If the wavelength is shorter the energy and the frequency are higher. Which wavelength do we need depends on the atoms. Simple light is to little so that we need ultraviolet light for example. All this is called photoelectric effect. The best possibility to make this experiment is with an electroscope. There is also an experiment which show us that electrons can have a wave character. It is the double gap experiment which I will describe later, because he is the most important experiment for quantum physics and the consequences of him might change your conception of the world.

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The Illusion of Reality ~ consciousness & quantum theory

"All matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration. We are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively. There is no such thing as death, life is a dream, and we're the imagination of ourselves."

~ Bill Hicks

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Pill to Gill: Antianxiety Drugs Flushed into Water May Be Making Fishes Fearless

Levels of human drugs commonly found in the world's waterways may be altering the way fishes behave

By David Biello

Creek Redfin - European Perch

Redfin/European Perch
Perca fluviatilis
Lake Eildon

Levels of human drugs commonly found in the world's waterways may be altering the way fishes behave.

Antianxiety drugs may be making fish more aggressive. New laboratory tests reveal that even extremely low concentrations of the calming drugs benzodiazepines—more commonly known as Valium and Xanax, among others—cause fish to become less timid and to feed faster, among other effects.

"This is an essential drug that is used around the world," said chemist Jerker Fick of Umea University in Sweden at a press conference preceding publication of the research in Science. Benzodiazepines calm people with anxiety by stimulating the GABA receptor, enhancing the sedative effect of that neurotransmitter. The drugs are then excreted in urine, often as the compound oxazepam—a compound that is produced when the body breaks down some benzodiazepines as well as a drug in its own right. Then there are all the compounds are flushed down the toilet.

But humans are not the only animals with GABA receptors. "It is present in almost all vertebrates. All fish have these," Fick added.

A previous survey revealed that low levels of such antianxiety drugs contaminated Sweden’s waterways, reaching levels as high as 0.58 microgram per liter. Oxazepam in particular proved long-lasting because even sunlight failed to break it down. As a result, the compound built up in the tissue of wild-caught perch, reaching levels of 3.6 micrograms per kilogram—or more than six times higher than in the surrounding waters. So the Swedish researchers decided to run some experiments to see how these low levels of drugs might be affecting fishes.

The researchers used 90 juvenile European perch, Perca fluviatilis—the same fish whose levels in the wild had been measured. They tested their behavior in clean water: recording how active they were; their risk-taking behaviors such as entering an unknown and open stretch of water; how they interacted with their fellow perch; and even how quickly they fed on prey.

The researchers then either kept some of the fish in clean water for a week, exposed them to low levels of oxazepam (1.8 micrograms per liter, or three-times environmental levels) or high levels of the drugs, 910 micrograms per liter. The effect was obvious, says ecologist Tomas Brodin of Umea University, who led the research. "They became more active, they became asocial and they became risk-taking," Brodin explained at the press conference. "We do daily care on these fish. On day three, without knowing [which fish was in which group], I could tell which fish were exposed."

That's because the unexposed fish would cower in dark corners or swim around nervously whereas exposed fish quickly explored new, but possibly dangerous aquatic territory. The exposed fish also ate prey faster—it took 75 seconds for unexposed fish to decide the coast was clear enough to eat zooplankton, as compared with 25 seconds for fish exposed to low levels of the drug and just two seconds for fish with the highest levels.

Drugged fish are not likely to impact humans: "You'd have to eat four [metric] tons of perch from the river to get one tablet of the drug," Fick explained at the press conference. "It's not a human health issue, it's an aquatic issue."

And it may be that the levels actually found in water—about one third of the exposure levels in the lab—are low enough that no impact is seen. "We need to reduce the exposure concentration to see where we don't have any effect," Fick admitted. But "we can see profound effects at low levels, at levels that correspond to levels we actually find in surface waters."

For an individual perch, a little less anxiety may be good if it leads to faster feeding. But such alacrity may also have unintended consequences, either by setting off a cascade of faster consumption of algae-eating zooplankton throughout the food web, thereby allowing more algal blooms in the ecosystem or simply by exposing individual perch to more predation. Fish without fear are fish that quickly get eaten by larger predators, such as pike.

It remains to be seen what the overall effect of the pharmaceutical contamination may be, although it has been going on for decades since benzodiazepines were first prescribed in the 1960s. But instead of flushing old drugs, the better bet is to return them to pharmacies for proper disposal as well as, potentially, develop new treatments for sewage facilities that can filter out the drugs coming into the water via human urine. "There are several ongoing research projects that try to develop more efficient removal techniques, such as using ozone," Fick told Scientific American in an e-mail. Otherwise, human antianxiety drugs may provoke yet more anxiety about the environment.

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Spinach Recalled in 39 States


Spinach Recalled in 39 States

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WebMD Health News by Lisa Habib

Reviewed by Brunilda Nazario, MD

Feb. 19, 2013 -- Spinach that might have E. coli bacteria contamination is being recalled in 39 states.

Taylor Farms Retail Inc., says it is voluntarily withdrawing organic baby spinach sold in 5-ounce or 16-ounce salad trays under five brand names that have a “best by” date of Feb. 24, 2013:

  • Central Market Organics
  • Full Circle Organics
  • Marketside Organic
  • Simple Truth Organic
  • Taylor Farms Organic

The spinach may be contaminated with E. coli,but the company says it knows of no one who has gotten sick. If you have this spinach, Taylor Farms says you shouldn’t eat it -- throw it away. The company does not say how E. coli might have contaminated the spinach.

The recalled organic baby spinach was sold in these states:

  • Alabama
  • Alaska
  • Arizona
  • Arkansas
  • California
  • Colorado
  • Delaware
  • Florida
  • Georgia
  • Hawaii
  • Idaho
  • Illinois
  • Indiana
  • Iowa
  • Kansas
  • Kentucky
  • Louisiana
  • Maryland
  • Minnesota
  • Mississippi
  • Missouri
  • Montana
  • Nebraska
  • Nevada
  • New Jersey
  • New Mexico
  • New York
  • North Carolina
  • Oklahoma
  • Oregon
  • Pennsylvania
  • South Carolina
  • Tennessee
  • Texas
  • Utah
  • Virginia
  • Washington
  • Wisconsin
  • Wyoming

More information about the affected products is available on the Taylor Farms web site or by calling the company at 855-293-9811 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting                         855-293-9811 FREE end_of_the_skype_highlighting.

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News release, Taylor Farms Retail Inc.

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