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Ho’oponopono, the Hawaiian system that heals oneself ... and the world, too

More than thirty years ago, in Hawaii, at the Hawaii State Hospital, there was a special ward, a clinic for the mentally ill criminals. People who had committed extremely serious crimes were assignated there either because they had a very deep mental disorder or because they needed to be checked to see if they were sane enough to stand trial. They had committed murder, rape, kidnapping or other such crimes. According to a nurse that worked there in those years, the place was so bleak that not even the paint could stick to the walls, everything was decaying, terrifying, repulsive. No day would pass without a patient-inmate attacking another inmate or a member of the staff.

The people working there were so frightened that they would walk close to the walls if they saw an inmate coming their way in a corridor, even though they were all shackled, all the time –but more than once this wouldn’t stop an agression. The inmates would never be brought outside to get fresh air because of their relentlessly threatening attitude. The scarcity of staff was a chronic occurrence. Nurses, wardens, employees would prefer to be on sick-leave most of the time in order not to confront such a depressive and dangerous environment.

Dr. Hew Len, the Teacher of Ho'oponopono

Dr. Hew Len, the Teacher of the healing system Ho'oponopono
Dr. Hew Len, the Teacher of the healing system Ho'oponopono

Enters Dr. Hew Len

One day, a newly appointed clinical psychologist, a Dr. Stanley Hew Len, arrived at the ward. The nurses rolled their eyes, bracing themselves for one more guy that was going to bug them with new theories and proposals to fix the horrid situation, who would walk away as soon as things became unpleasant, around a month later, usually. However, this new doctor wouldn’t do anything like that. Actually he didn’t seem to be doing anything in particular, except just coming in and being always cheerful and smiling, in a very natural, relaxed way. He wasn’t even particularly early in arriving every morning. From time to time he would ask for the files of the inmates.

He never tried to see them personally, though. Apparently he just sat in an office, looked at their files, and to members of the staff who showed an interest he would tell them about a weird thing called Ho’oponopono. Little by little things started to change in the hospital. One day somebody would try again to paint those walls and they actually stayed painted, making the environement more palatable. The gardens started being taken care of, some tennis courts were repaired and some prisonners that up until then would never be allowed to go outside started playing tennis with the staff. Other prisonners would be allowed not to be shackled any more, or would receive less heavy pharmacological drugs. More and more obtained permission to go outside unshackled, without causing trouble to the hospital’s employees.

In the end, the athmosphere changed so much that the staff was not on sick leave any more. Actually, more people than needed wished now to work there. Prisonners started gradually to be released. Dr. Hew Len worked there close to four years. In the end, there remained only a couple of inmates that were relocated somewhere else and the clinic for the mentally insane criminals had to close.

Another self-help book?

I have to confess that I don’t remember reading in my whole life one single self-help book. Titles like how to get wealthy in two simple steps or the sure road to love and riches or marketing with the stars or secure your health with this ancient secret of the mayas never passed from my eyes to my consciousness, I simply never payed attention to them.

So when my neighbor Norma, an 81 year young lady filled with strength, enthousiasm and New York witt, told me: “rosario, you have to read this new book by Joe Vitale”, I stared at her with probably a blank expression, and I asked “who is Joe Vitale?” The extent of my ignorance was too wide for her to try to diminish it, so she replied, “never mind, you have to read this book”. “It’s about a doctor who emptied a ward for mentally insane criminals in a couple of years, just saying a few words to himself.”

I asked, “could you repeat what you just said?” And she did. The book displayed all the signs of the self-help book: ZERO LIMITS, The Secret Hawaiian System for Wealth, Health, Peace, and More, but it was too late, I had heard about the doctor and I had developed an instant frenzy, a desperate need to learn what he had done with the crazy criminals, so I grabbed the book and rushed home and started reading, and I didn’t stop until the last word.

What did Dr. Hew Len do to the patients, how did he treat them that the results were so spectacular? He didn’t do anything. Not a thing to them nor with them, except looking at their files. He only tried to heal himself, applying an old, traditional community problem-solving system from Hawaii, called Ho’oponopono, adapted to individuals by his Teacher, the late Hawaiian sage Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona. And what was he doing to himself? In his own words: “I was simply healing the part of me that created them”.

Actually, he used to sit in his office and look at the patients' files. While perusing them, he would feel something, a pain, an empathy. Then he started the healing on himself, taking full responsibility for what was going on with a given patient. That's how those people got better, because their doctor had the strange view that it was himself who needed the healing, not them.


Simply put, Ho’oponopono is based on the knowledge that anything that happens to you or that you perceive, the entire world where you live is your own creation and thus, it is entirely your responsibility. A hundred percent, no exceptions.

Your boss is a tyrant? It’s your responsibility. Your children are not good students? It’s your responsibility. There are wars and you feel bad because you are a good person, a pacifist? The war is your responsibility. You see that children around the world are hungry and malnourished if not starving? Their wont is your responsibility. No exceptions. Literally, the world is your world, it is your creation. As Dr. Hew Len points out: didn’t you notice that whenever you experience a problem you are there?

It’s your responsibility doesn’t mean it’s your fault, it means that you are responsible for healing yourself in order to heal whatever or whoever it is that appears to you as a problem.

It might sound crazy, or just plain metaphorical, that the world is your creation. But if you look carefully, you will realize that whatever you call the world and perceive as the world is your world, it is the projection of your own mind. If you go to a party you can see how in the same place, with the same light, the same people, the same food, drink, music and athmosphere, some will enjoy themselves while others will be bored, some will be overenthousiastic and some depressed, some will be talkative and others will be silent. The “out there” for every one of them seems the same, but if one were to connect their brains to machines immediately it would show how different areas of the brain would come alive, how different perceptions there are from one person to the next. So even if they apparently share it, the “out there” is not the same for them, let alone their inner world, their emotions.

How do you heal yourself with Ho’oponopono? Three steps: by recognizing that whatever comes to you is your creation, the outcome of bad memories buried in you mind; by regretting whatever errors of body, speech and mind caused those bad memories, and by requesting Divine Intelligence within yourself to release those memories, to set you free. Then, of course, you say thank You.

There are seminars where they teach you many tricks to help this process, but according to Joe Vitale, Dr. Hew Len himself uses the simplest of the formulas from Ho’oponopono. Whenever a matter arises –and they arise incessantly– adressing the Divine within you, you only have to say: I love You, I’m sorry, Please forgive me, Thank You.

That we can obtain big things from Ho’oponopono has already been shown: the healing of an entire ward of insane criminals seems far more difficult a task than any of our personal troubles. There are, no doubt, piles of testimonies from practitioners. Dr. Hew Len says, however: this is not fast food. The cleaning of memories requires a lot of concentration and persistence and is an unending job. But the result is what he calls Zero Limits, a state where one is free from the past, and suffused with Divine Intelligence and love.

Rosario Montenegro

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According to the Documentary "The Pharaoh Show" The Crusades the last stronghold of the Templars fell on may 18th 1291, only 2 and a half months later Switzerland was founded on august 1st 1291 -- According to the documentary, The Templar`s treasure was hidden in Switzerland, with which the Swiss banks were founded and out of the Templars came the freemasons. The Pharaohs are still there and are ruling the world through secret societies, and the Pharaoh and his army disappeared in the sea" . . . The sea of peoples that is, through mixing they are amongst us on all key positions, and Switzerland is their biggest base; the home of the Templars. This is why their flag shows a simplified Templar`s flag in exactly the same colors, Santos Bonacci exposes this information...

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Channeler: Tom Kenyon (and the Hathors)

The Message

You are now entering a more volatile time in terms of planetary change.


Your Sun, the solar star of your planetary system, is increasing its energetic potential
and is entering a period of increased volatility, solar flares and magnetic storms.

While these actions will create real problems for you in terms of
your telecommunications and weather patterns,
there is also an immense evolutionary potential within this solar activity that we wish to discuss.

Like you, your Sun has an etheric body, a solar KA, if you will.

This etheric body of the Sun extends millions of miles beyond the boundaries of the Sun itself.

Your Earth is well within this auric field of the etheric sun, and,
as the solar flares and solar winds that drive charged particles
through your vicinity affect you physically, they also affect you etherically.

Indeed, these very charged particles that pose a challenge to your
physical dimension are a type of nourishment for your KA, your own etheric body.

Your mental attitude and emotional/vibratory state is what determines whether these solar particles
are a source of nourishment and evolution, or rather a source of annoyance and de-evolution.

In this message we do not intend to discuss the many physical challenges that will emerge for you
during this period of increased solar activity,
rather we will focus on things that will assist you to take the greatest evolutionary advantage
of what is occurring with the Sun of your solar system.

Just as there are eruptions of fire and photonic energy from the Sun during solar activity,
so too, there are bursts of spiritual or interdimensional light from within your KA body.

Indeed, from one perspective,
increased solar activity equates with an increased activation of your own personal KA.

There are several things we suggest regarding taking advantage of this evolutionary catalyst.

Solar Winds

This catalyst of which we speak will extend well beyond 2012
and has to do with the flow of what we call the solar winds.

These are distinct flows of photonic and magnetic energy that pass through and around your Earth.

By opening yourself to these distinct forms of energy, and by incorporating them into your KA body,
you strengthen your KA and greatly accelerate the ascension process for yourself.

As these solar energies increase, so will the volatility and uncertainty of your physical world,
as well as your mental and emotional worlds.

Irrationality and impulsive behavior will be on the rise.

Challenges to cognitive functioning and memory
will also take place during heightened cycles of solar activity.

Understanding Solar Energies

The first step in utilizing these solar energies for your ascent in consciousness
is to understand their nature and not to resist their effects.

It is important to understand that the causative agent in the increased solar activity,
at this time is not originating from within the Sun itself,
but rather it is originating from the Central Sun of your own galaxy.


This flow of highly catalytic energies from the Central Sun to your Sun is the primary reason,
for the evolutionary potentials of this particular cycle of solar activity.

In turn, the Earth herself is also being affected, especially through her KA—her own etheric body.

No Escape-Ride It Out-You Choose

So the first thing to understand is that there is no escape from this evolutionary catalyst.
You are here to ride it out, whether you like it or not.

So The First Step Is Not To Resist that Which Is Imminent.

The second step is to embrace it and to utilize these energies with mastery—
to ride the tail of the dragon, so to speak.

In this instance, the dragon is referring to the Sun itself and the tail to the solar winds.

You can ascend to great heights in this period, if you but find the courage and method to do so.

The third step in this utilization of the solar winds is to allow them to affect your KA directly,
through an invitation, and this is done through your heart.

Specifically you choose, through an act of personal will,
to enter into the vibrational harmonic of appreciation or gratitude.

It is important to understand why we are suggesting this.
You are not expressing appreciation or gratitude to the universe for the solar winds, per se.

You are choosing to enter into one of these high emotional states
because they will create an Energy Attractor.

In other words, you are entering into a state of appreciation or gratitude for pragmatic reasons.

These emotional states increase the receptive harmonics of your KA,
which transforms your entire KA body into a receptive vortex,
drawing to itself the photonic and magnetic energies of the Sun,
rapidly accelerating the rate of vibration within your KA, your own etheric body.


And it is through your KA that you enter into the ascension process.

There are, needless to say, many paths and ways to enter the ladder that leads upward
into higher states of consciousness, but regardless of how it is done,
or through what spiritual lineage it is accomplished,
the KA, your KA, is the foundation.

Creating an Energy Attractor

In this simple but highly effective method,
you place your awareness in your second body, your KA.

This energy body is the same shape and size as your physical body, but it is energetic in nature,
rather than made of flesh and blood. It permeates every space of your body,
and thus every cell of your body is within the KA.

Your KA is also highly receptive to subtle energies especially to all forms of light
and to the charged photons and magnetic energies that comprise the solar winds.

As you rest your awareness in your KA, you consciously and intentionally generate
the feeling-state of appreciation or gratitude through an act of personal will.

This shifts the harmonics of your KA to a higher vibratory rate,
which is necessary for it to become an Energy Attractor.

As you continue to hold yourself in the emotional harmonic of appreciation or gratitude,
know (realize) that you are immersed in the photonic and subtle energies of the solar winds.

You are literally bathing in these energies whether you are consciously aware of them or not.


As you hold this awareness, along with the emotional state of appreciation or gratitude,
your KA will automatically draw into itself the ascension-enhancing energies of the solar winds.

Spend as long as you can in this state of high receptivity, partaking from the solar winds,
and allowing your KA to receive these potent transformational and uplifting energies.

You will benefit greatly from the solar winds if you regularly and often engage this simple method.

The Crystal Palace Within Meditation

We also suggest that you experiment, from time to time,
on a regular basis, with the sound meditation we gave previously entitled The Crystal Palace Within.

Links to the instructions for the meditation,
which include the audio track for this sound meditation:

Link to the Instructions and audio file for the Crystal Palace Within Sound Meditation

Activate the Pineal – Crystal Palace Within & Open the Halls of Amenti

12-12 Pineal Stargate3 Adventure


As we view your current probable future, you collectively stand before a great storm.

The birthing of this tempest is from the very heart of the cosmos,
and is nothing less than the harbinger of immense change.

Do not fear its intensity.

Embrace it and ride it to the heights of your own consciousness.

By doing so, you will become a light to yourself and to each other.

Also see:

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Free JOTHI transmissions

Light… Light that fills the heart… Light…Light that is divine… Light…Light that purifies… Let the light come from Beyond …take us to the Beyond… beyond the Beyond…

We are talking about Jothi – The Radiant Light of Grace. Jothi is Light. Not only light, but also knowledge, movement, splendour, lustre, brightness, brilliancy and effulgence. The Divine in-dwelling Light, gives illumination and consciousness to all souls. The practice with Jothi induces the Light in you and bestows Grace, Divine  Knowledge and Enlightenment.

Swami Ramalingam (Swamiji) revealed the Jothi and its healing powers to mankind.  He said that humanity had lost it’s connection to our divine inner power, the Light or Jothi.  The inner power is always available and has always been available to humanity. He revealed a system to Pranasidhar, founder of Pranashakty, to be passed on to all those who want to reconnect to their own inner power.  This system consists of simple methods of bringing in the divine light which carries Swamiji’s blessing and also through the diksha that he bestowed onto Pransidhar.

We are here to tell you about Jothi and pass the light on to you so that you also can clearly see the way to the self realization. We will help you to establish a permanent connection between the cosmic body and subtle body and align it to have the Jothi flow freely. Relevant chakras and nadi will be activated to initiate transformational changes in the physical and spiritual bodies. It will also accelerate the journey towards manifestation of the Jothi Body (Suddha Deham).

Jothi penetrates the molecular structure of the cells of the body. It enters the heart of the genetic encoding on cellular level and transforms it. It literally obliterates the distortion of the original blueprint of the cell. These encodings and distortions can be traced back seven generations passed on either on the mother or father line or both. The manifestation of this distortion is at its most powerful in the third and fourth generations. When the transformation takes place in the cells it has a retro-active effect on all seven previous generations. It clears the karma for seven generations passed.

Jothi transforms the metabolic process of the DNA. It regenerates a new structure and system contained in the cellular memory of the DNA. This is a process that takes place and transformation is not instantaneous. The physical effects of this process include many of the symptoms already explained to you. During the transformation process a new cell is created. It is not merely that the cell changes. The cell is replaced by a new cell.(...)

As the Jothi manifests in the chakras, the chakras are transformed into higher vibrations. But the function of the chakras also change. The energy field and dominion of each chakra expands into the etheric bodies and their functions and powers change with each level. These are some of the effects as the chakras are transformed by the Jothi and the manifestation of those chakras under the power of Jothi.  This is not the same as spiritual transformation and the higher vibration of chakras due to spiritual practice. These are the drastic changes due to the work of Jothi.(...)

Follow the link to register and find more information ( instructions, mantra...)


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New Message from Matthew

New Message from Matthew 1 September 2012

1. With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Such excitement is in the air for all lighted souls—the countdown to the threshold of Earth’s Golden Age is months and weeks, not the decades, then years that followed the onset of her ascension!

2. Especially among newly awakened souls, but also some long-time dedicated lightworkers, there are differing perceptions about two aspects of this accomplishment that is unique in this universe: ascension itself and disclosure. Some view these as singular, unrelated events while others consider ascension to be a process and disclosure an event. We shall speak about our perspective of these ongoing processes as the two sides of a coin, so to say.

3. By your late1930s, economic depression had taken a heavy toll on your society and the rise of Germany’s Third Reich was leading to invasions of nearby countries. Gaia, Earth’s soul, knew what was brewing in her energy field of potential. She knew that her planetary body, which was nearly bereft of light, was too weak to survive the inevitable World War II and other savagery that would ensue due to the hold of darkness on her humankind’s consciousness.

4. That is why—and when—she cried out for help. The immediate response was the massive infusion of light from distant civilizations that enabled Earth to jar loose from deep third density and slowly start rising into a higher, yet still very dense, energy level. That was the beginning of her ascension.

5. Now we shall fast-forward to this year at hand. During its last days and the early days of 2013, the planet will travel through the celestial window between third and fourth densities, where the energy wisps of both densities briefly comingle, and it will enter fourth density, where Earth’s Golden Age begins.

6. But that glorious milestone is not the end of her journey. Ascension will continue until the planet is securely within fifth density, where Gaia originated in antiquity and so did her planetary body. After eons of being in the low densities that were commensurate with the collective consciousness of successive civilizations, Gaia’s body will have returned home.

7. Indeed, Earth’s exiting third density will be heralded throughout the lighted universe! However, knowing that this brilliant process will continue for long years to come will prevent despondency from befalling those who are expecting a dramatic event to occur on December 21st. When nothing of dynamic proportions happens that day or any other in that same narrow timeframe, how sad it would be if those who are counting on something spectacular become so depressed that they decide at soul level to join the others who also choose not to remain on the planet for different reasons.

8. Now then, let us speak about disclosure. Because this has been tied to an official announcement about your universal family’s presence, many lightworkers feel discouraged that this close to the end of your year 2012, still no such acknowledgement has come forth.

9. Although the Illuminati’s former power base has been shattered, they still have strong influence in some areas, and one is the media. By suppressing information they do not want known, they have prevented the majority of your populace from learning that souls from spiritually and intellectually advanced civilizations are surrounding the planet in thousands of ships or working side by side with you or living in Inner Earth. Thus, most in your world have no expectations whatsoever about meeting members of our universal family. So, in the collective consciousness there is a dearth of truthful knowledge about them and very few thoughts about welcoming them.

10. That, combined with the dark ones’ tenacious hold on some military sectors that can pose risk to you and landing parties, continues to delay an announcement and landings in numbers. But most assuredly, this has not diminished one iota the ongoing assistance of your brothers and sisters!

11. Essential strides in progress are continuing covertly on the ground and ships’ crews are continuing to use the technology aboard to reduce toxic pollution and block the functioning of powerful weaponry. They’re leveling out the effects of earthquakes, decreasing wind velocity and steering major storms away from heavily populated areas while still permitting the same amount of negativity to be released. Constant coordination between land and sky intelligence units is thwarting Illuminati “black ops” attempts such as organized terrorism and lengthy power outages or interruptions in communications systems.

12. So that you won’t dim your personal light by negative feelings because there has been no “disclosure” to date, we ask you to expand its definition, exposure or revelation, to include your expression “coming to light.” That is exactly what has been happening ever since Earth started her ascension course!

13. In those earliest years there was no evidence that anything unusual was happening, but as Earth’s journey continued and the light intensity increased, it started revealing despicable activities that formerly were known only to the malevolent perpetrators and those who were directly affected. As the long-time entrenched darkness was coming to light, without realizing that they, too, were responding to light’s vibrations, the peoples started opening their hearts and minds

14. Consider the worldwide change in attitudes about war. The allied forces’ unity of spirit during WWII—it is patriotic to kill and honorable to die—has evolved into global rallies and meditations for peace. Consider how much information has come to light about corruption in governments from community level to national, and in multinational corporations and financial institutions. Pedophiles have been identified in the priesthood and in organizations that at one time were considered havens for your children, and individuals once thought to be mentors or idols have fallen as their dark characteristics have been revealed.

15. Now put those disclosures and all others into their proper context—an integral aspect of Earth’s ascension. As the planet traveled through successively higher energy planes, more and more areas of criminality and abhorrent conditions that once were hidden have come to light. This was imperative so the peoples could see how darkness was controlling their lives, and in light of that realization, they were motivated to bring about benevolent changes.

16. The light energy of your civilization’s growing awareness, aspirations and actions has been lifting the collective consciousness all along Earth’s ascension journey. Only seventy-some years ago she was in death throes! Her transit out of deep third density to the point of imminent entry into fourth density is a universal achievement unprecedented in speed and scope!

17. By seeing disclosure as the essential and inseparable part of the ascension process that it is, there need be no disappointment or discouragement because official recognition of our family’s presence has not yet happened. Be assured, it will! Their public reception by specific world leaders will be the crowning point of the entire disclosure process, and like you, we are eagerly anticipating that momentous day!

18. We do understand that knowing When? is very important to you, and I have asked Hatonn if he can give us an update on that.

Thank you for asking me, Matthew. First I want to say that I concur with everything you said about disclosure and why an official welcome is still on hold. And I thank you for explaining that our crews in ships are doing whatever they can to help you while they’re waiting to land and our ground crews are holding up their end too. We’ve been in readiness for a decade to get this show on the road!

But getting on to when we’ll be “announced,” safety still is an issue, of course, but the new key is the November presidential election in the United States. It’s essential that the Obama presidency continues. This has nothing at all to do with politics in that country or any other! It has everything to do with the Golden Age master plan!

The plan is according to what Gaia, Earth’s soul, wants. She wants a peaceful world with everyone having a fair share and everyone respecting all of her Nature realm. The highest universal council chose as a major player a soul with highly evolved spiritual status, ancient wisdom and world leadership experience in many lifetimes. That soul is Barack Obama.

He was born with and has retained Gaia’s vision of Earth, and he has the inspiration and qualifications to achieve it. His reelection is imperative to the plan going forward because his opponent isn’t capable of or interested in making the changes the plan requires.

We are totally apolitical and we’re NOT belittling Mitt Romney! It’s that he and those who share his views aren’t motivated to change the status quo where money’s concerned, and that gross inequity of the few with billions and the billions with little or nothing can’t go on and it won’t. Earth will not allow that imbalance to continue.

I think more of the big picture is needed here. The master plan included that some individuals would cause the various kinds of suffering that gave many, many souls the chance to wind up their third density karma and balance other lifetime experiences so they could go along with Earth. When that part of the plan was completed about ten years ago, those individuals were supposed to join the light forces. They didn’t, and that’s why wars, prejudices, corruption, greed, divisiveness, terrorism and other destructive third density conditions still are going on.

According to the original plan, by now all of that would have been long gone. It was intended that when Obama became president, he’d have worldwide support in unifying people of all nations and leading your world into the Golden Age. The plan called for you and us to meet up ten years ago and work together to clean up the mess on your planet caused by greedy, uncaring power players.

Well, we’re still waiting and Obama’s efforts to get reforms going have been blocked by his foes in the Congress or the moneyed individuals who control most members. Through either death threats to his family or bloc voting, Obama has been forced into decisions that are against his conscience and his world vision. After he knew that he and his family had our protection, his mind was relieved of that deep concern, but he still has had to deal with unyielding partisanship and blatant lies or distortions of facts.

That’s what’s on center stage in the US right now and what should be there is how that nation will cooperate with other countries to fix the sorry state your world is in! If our making an appearance becomes pivotal to Obama keeping his position, we’ll do that in sufficient time before the election. If we see that his reelection is certain, we’ll show up soon afterwards.

Again, this is NOT political! Once we’re there, political differences won’t be an issue in any country. The truth about us and many other situations that will be disclosed will be.

Matthew, that’s as close as I can come to a date when we’ll be “out in the open.” Thank you for giving me this opportunity to speak.

19. Hatonn, we thank you for explaining the situation so clearly and for the assurance that whether shortly before or shortly after that election day, the official welcoming of our universal family is soon! That ends our concerns that souls might choose to leave when nothing dynamic happens December 21st—the spectacular drama will come with the introduction of our “space” family!

20. Beloved lightworkers, we know that your sense of urgency for public acknowledgement of other civilizations goes far beyond curiosity. It is your heartfelt desire for war and widespread suffering and acts of random violence to end.

21. As we have stated in prior messages, the continuance of those circumstances is due in large part to the prevailing vibrations that are magnifying duality’s characteristics and behavior—“good” gets better, “bad” gets worse. And in keeping with what Hatonn said about timing in the master plan, it called for only “good having become better” at this point.

22. While the extra years of darkness caused horrendous adversity to many people, the greater importance is how their souls have been affected. When a short lifetime, trauma and severe hardships were not part of persons’ contracts, divine grace gave them evolved spiritual status, and when the perpetrators’ acts were outside of their contracts, their status devolved. That is, the cycle of the eternal life of the soul was not adversely affected during those extra years of darkness, and many, many millions of souls took leaps forward spiritually and intellectually.

23. We feel that it is important to once again speak about the needlessness of feeling fearful about anything. You have seen that concerns about terrorism during the Olympic games were for naught. We urge you to put all other fear-filled claims and predictions and reports in the same category—they will not come to pass! This does not mean that the Illuminati have no intentions of trying to cause fear. It does mean that just as their previous attempts have failed due to the intervention of our space family above and on the planet, so shall all of their other plans meet that fate until all darkness has been vanquished. And soon it shall be!

24. This far along in Earth’s ascension, even the fears of many individuals cannot delay her steady pace or detour her course, but it can do that to the individuals’ growth in spiritual and conscious awareness. We are embracing all of you in unconditional love, that most powerful of all energies in this universe. If you will but accept this, you can be fearless about what is ahead and look forward with joyousness and excitement to the remaining days of this year and all years to come. Oh, let us “edit” ourselves here—there are no linear time designations in the continuum that you are fast approaching, so instead of years, we say all lifetimes to come.

25. Throughout your long journey in this lifetime, we have been traveling with you in spirit, and we are rejoicing with you that each footstep brings closer your victorious entry into Earth’s Golden Age.


Suzanne Ward

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Your time has arrived, dear ones. – Michael channeled by Ron Head

The topic we wish to discuss today is the opportunity you have at this time due to the opening of the nine-nine portal. The build-up we promised you has begun. You will have a full week of opportunity without precedent to realize more of the new selves you desire to be. Each of you has been working on different aspects of your lives.

Your Higher Selves, those immense beings of whom you are facets, know already what those are. In fact, more than likely you have been guided by them to those things. Some are trying to manifest new skills or talents. Some are trying to clear old habits. Some are trying to heal. You may stop trying now. Place yourselves into the care of your Higher Selves and your Creator. Make it your aim now to intake and assimilate all of the available love and light that you are capable of at this time. Understand that we are speaking of the consciousness of which you are made. Your prayers and desires have been heard. Your needs are known. We would guide you to open, allow, and trust. Breathe in all of these new energies that you can and, in gratitude, allow them to make all the changes in you that are needed.

If you have reached a point that allows you to feel the incoming energy in some way, imagine it flowing into you and increasing as much as possible. Who do you want to be? Imagine that. What do you wish to do? Imagine that. Imagine it in your hearts. If your mind is still raising reasons why you can’t be that, or why it would be difficult, remind it that the force which has created universes will have no problem with such small things.

Your time has arrived, dear ones. Most are picturing this portal as some kind of opening for incoming things, and perhaps it is that, but let it be for you a doorway home to your true selves. Enter it now with playful enthusiasm.

This short message is enough for today. We will speak several more times before this doorway closes. We are walking beside you each moment. Know we are here with you. Be well.

Copyright © Ronald Head.

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Powerful Quote

"Be patient with all that is unresolved in your heart. And try to love the questions themselves. Do not seek for the answers that cannot be given. For you wouldn't be able to live with them. And the point is to live everything, live the questions now, and perhaps without knowing it, you will live along some day into the answers."  - Poet Rilke


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About Abundance

From Lee Carroll who channeled Kryon in Book Ten: 

"You don't ask God for your abundance; instead, you create it. You create it daily by what you do, and with avoiding of fear through the realization of self-worth. Then, when you start to balance the energy around you, which we've called the Cosmic Lattice, abundance and sustenance take care of themselves. Maybe you didn't know that."

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DNA Upgrade through the Merging of Galaxies

A thorough explanation of how DNA and human consciousness are completely interconnected, along with how this is related to the merging of the Sagittarius Dwarf Galaxy and the Milky Way Galaxy.


The above picture shows the Milky Way Galaxy as seen from earth on a clear night. Since our earliest education, we have always been taught that the earth, our sun and solar system belonged to the Milky Way Galaxy. New scientific evidence clearly shows that not to be the case.
One of the greatest astronomical mysteries is why the Milky Way is at an angle when seen from earth. If our solar system emerged OUT from the Milky Way, we would be in line with the whirlpool disk but as it is, we reside at an angle to it.That long time mystery has now been solved.
A new infra red digital survey of the entire sky was made in 2003. Teams from the universities of Virginia and Massachusetts used a supercomputer to sort through half a billion stars to create a -- NEW STAR MAP showing our Solar System to be at the exact nexus crossroads where two galaxies are actually joining.
We are now joining the Milky Way Galactic community ... with all the implications thereof.
A sense of shock came as scientists announced that the Sun, the Moon, our planet and its siblings, were not born into the familiar band of stars known as the Milky Way galaxy, but we actually belong to a strange formation with the unfamiliar name of the Sagittarius Dwarf galaxy!
How can this be?
Using volumes of data from the Two-Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS), a major project to survey the sky in infrared light led by the University of Massachusetts, the astronomers are answering questions that have baffled scientists for decades and proving that our own Milky Way is consuming one of its neighbors in a dramatic display of ongoing galactic cannibalism. The study published in the Astrophysical Journal, is the first to map the full extent of the Sagittarius galaxy and show in visually vivid detail how its debris wraps around and passes through our Milky Way. Sagittarius is 10,000 times smaller in mass than the Milky Way, so it is getting stretched out, torn apart and gobbled up by the bigger Milky Way.

We are at an angle to the arms of the Milky Way Whirlpool Disk because we did NOT come out of the Milky Way but the Sagittarius Dwarf Galaxy which is now colliding with and being "eaten" by the huge Milky Way.

It has always been known that the Milky Way collects material from other galaxies and overwhelms the small ones. The Sagittarius Dwarf Galaxy from which our solar system came is very very small and being energetically consumed. We are about to join the Milky Way at the energetic level of the Whirlpool Disk.

The rings around the Milky Way Galaxy here are the remnants of other, smaller galaxies. You can see where our Sun is located and that it has been moving in an entirely different direction than thought. Trace the ring in which our solar system resides and you can see its path. Now it becomes obvious why the Milky Way is viewed at an angle from earth. And the coming convergence also becomes obvious as our solar system, from the diminishing Sagitarrius Dwarf Galaxy now joins with the Milky Way.
This is the energetic crossing that the Mayans were referring to with regard to December 2012 and the scientist have now confirmed that indeed that date is entirely accurate.
The Overall Biggest contributing Cause to Global Climate Changes, and the melting of the polar icecaps of -- both -- Earth and Mars (and Pluto) is caused by our arrival into the brighter, more energetic equator region of the Milky Way galactic disc ( where all the action is ) as we cross cut in from the clearly less energetic darker deep space.
With a little contemplation, it should become clear to anyone what is happening.
Actual Infrared Photo of Milky Way from Earth: nearly centered side view amidst glowing plasma region of whirlpool disc (fullest nearing 2012) [Image Credits NASA]
It becomes clear that approaching full alignment of 2012, Earth and her system will reach the critical climax and point of the full receiving of the maximum plasma energies as we are even now centering into the brightest, most energetic zone -- the beautiful glowing arms of the Milky Way disc.
Crossroads of Convergence

The many scientists studying these phenomena are telling us that this has vast implications for all DNA on planet Earth and her entire web of life. Big and sudden evolutionary changes are already beginning to occur.
These sudden and rapid changes have been called by evolutionary biologists a punctuated equilibrium.

Punctuated Equilibrium: The evolutionary process involving long periods without change (stasis) punctuated by short periods of rapid speciation.

At this moment we are beginning to undergo such a punctuated equilibrium.
The nature of our species, homo sapiens is now undergoing a huge shift. Some call it a transformational evolution, others call it the end of our old world and the beginning of a new one happening simultaneously.
Some can only perceive the negative side of it and are reacting with extreme fear over the loss of the familiar. They predict doomsday but, although many things in our old world are perishing rapidly, there demise will only herald a new age. A new age so different from the past dysfunction of thousands of years as to be almost incomprehensible from our present perspectives. The metaphor of a "golden age of peace' has been used many times and in many cultures to describe the aftertime.
Our physical DNA affects our personal human conscious awareness. DNA and human consciousness are completely interconnected, intertwined, commingled. What affects one affects the other. DNA is the material/physical aspect of human consciousness. Those who are becoming aware of the spiritual aspects, due to activating their energenic heart, are able to see the metaphysical implications as well.

This bombardment by the rapidly increasing energies now coming in from the Milky Way Whirl Pool Disk means rapid changes for human consciousness and it means genetic changes for all life on earth, as every quanta of matter and energy in our entire solar system is transformed while colliding with the many energetic frequencies, ions, radiations and cosmic dust pouring out from the Milky Way equator and rapidly engulfing our entire solar system, including The Sun and planet earth.
It was the work of Russian scientists that made us alert to the physical aspects of this convergence.
There is an institute in Russia which focuses on studying our Sun's Heliosphere. The Heliosphere is the huge magnetic field of our Sun which surrounds the entire solar system like an envelope. We are continually moving through space in a certain direction. As I understand it, when you draw this on a two dimensional graph, we are rapidly charging downward from Northeast to Southwest right into the Milky Way equator at an angle. We will cross it and come out underneath the Milky Way as we enter its lower western quadrant.
Left: Convergence of galaxies from an Earth perspective of the Milky Way Galaxy
The scientists themselves, both those in Russia and two independent astronomical studies recently carried out by two U.S. Universities, have calculated that the peak of the alignment is December 2012.This date has empirically confirmed the accuracy of the Mayan Calender which expires on our Gregorian date of December 21st, 2012. 11:11 AM GMT to be precise.
The meaning of this has long been contemplated. However, the Mayans themselves clearly explained it, as those who focus on the study of the ancient Mayan culture have told us.
Basically, the Mayans said that it is NOT the end of the world but our world's recycling and transformation into an entirely new world where peace will reign. It is the golden age long prophesied by many, many cultures on earth, although described in various cultures with different metaphores.
So, how do these Russians who study the Sun's Heliosphere know about this coming convergence?
Our Sun and solar system speeds through space surround by our electro-magnetic envelope called the Heliosphere. It is shaped somewhat like a tear drop with a blunt leading edge and a thinner tail. As the blunt leading edge encounters the energies, radiations and cosmic particles of space, it effervesces or glows due to the energetic plasmas produced along the leading edge.
Scientists have long known this and have measured the length of this plasma effervescence in astronomical units. One astronomical unit (au) is the distance between the Earth and the Sun. It has remained fairly constant up until now. The length of this effervescence along the Heliosphere's leading edge is now 1000% greater than what had always been considered normal. And, it is increasing rapidly the closer we get to the extreme energy of the Milky Way ecliptic as we plunge down into it and come out on the other side like a bunch of kids getting off the world's most exciting roller coaster ride with trembling knees, seeing the world according to their inmost heart's desire. Only in this case, some of the kids decided to go off on a different roller coaster ride to an environment they were more familiar with.
And, although no human being can do anything to stop it from happening, nor should we, those who are aware of it will definitely have a heads up as these tumultuous Earth changes increasingly build up until they can hold no more energy and all the quantum particles in our solar system suddenly and instantly shoot apart from each other and remain stable at that increased distance. This is a dimensional shift. It is a sudden density shift of all matter in our world from what is called third to fourth density.
Considering all the new insights concerning the nature of matter and time, I now increasingly understand this probability.
What then? What's the next step in evolution?
If one contemplates this, the answer is found in thousands of years of prophecy in all cultures from the beginning of humankind's awareness. These prophesies center on the emergence of a new era of peace while, at the same time, the old worn out and dying age completely recycles.
In a good sense, the dross is vaporized.
This has been foreseen in the prophecies of EVERY culture on earth, using different mythologies and metaphors of description, for thousands of years.
The cataclysms which are now increasing all over our planet will not come on all at once, but gradually and with increasing intensity while building up to that peak in 2012.
The earth changes have already begun, as many people now fully realize and other people are starting to realize.
Most folks are highly perplexed by it. Perhaps what I am writing here will bring some comfort as well as practical help.
Some of you reading this right now are aware of this through your inner intuitions. Like myself, your intuitions have sensed this change coming on for a long, long time.. many since birth. It is that inner gut feeling of expectation. An anticipation which includes both angst for physical survival, as the outer energetic intensity increases and, at the same time, the inner expectation for an entirely new paradigm to emerge upon our planet and its confused people who are so caught up in war, criminality, religious and ideological fanaticism, violence and control, all for various selfish interests.
We intuitively feel the pressure building and inwardly know that eventually something will give.
Those intuitive feelings about this coming change are accurate, although our interpretations of them vary. But, you are not alone.
We can call this emerging new state of our existence fourth density. When the term density is used instead of dimension it is referring to differing states of the quantum particles between one world dimension and another. It refers to the cohesion and oscillation rate of each quanta which is an expression of material density.
In this vast Universe, time and space are completely comingled and consist of many different ratios. All quanta vibrate (or spin) at different frequencies and the quantum particles exist in linear time at varying distances from one another.
In our present third density world, the quantum particles of matter have a certain known distance between them. Most folks do not have any conception of how incredibly small these basic quanta are and even less idea of how much empty space exists between each one.
What is the empty space between?
It is the field of infinite energy and intelligence. It is the time domain.
Presently, in third density, this distance between the quanta which make up everything, including light (photons), is analogous to the distance between a golf ball at one end of a football field and a second golf ball clear down at the other end.
In between the two golf balls (quanta) is lots of space indeed.
But, it is not "empty" space, but a seething energetic flux of both entropy and organization.
In the coming, and much finer, fourth density, these quanta are further apart. It should be understood that the quantum level is much, much smaller and finer than the gross atomic level where these various quanta congregate. All is energy. Matter is energy spinning in various configurations.
Albert Einstein stated: "Concerning matter, we have been all wrong. What we have called matter is energy, whose vibration has been so lowered as to be perceptible to the senses. There is no matter."

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“May you find serenity and tranquility in a world you may not always understand. May the pain you have known and the conflict you have experienced give you the strength to walk through life facing each new situation with courag
e and optimism. Always know that there are those whose love and understanding will always be there, even when you feel most alone. May you discover enough goodness in others to believe in a world of peace. May a kind word, a reassuring touch, a warm smile be yours every day of your life, and may you give these gifts as well as receive them. Remember the sunshine when the storm seems unending. Teach love to those who know hate, and let that love embrace you as you go into the world. May the teaching of those you admire become part of you, so that you may call upon them.

Remember, those whose lives you have touched and who have touched yours are always a part of you, even if the encounters were less than you would have wished. It is the content of the encounter that is more important than its form. May you not become too concerned with material matters, but instead place immeasurable value on the goodness in your heart. Find time in each day to see the beauty and love in the world around you. Realize that each person has limitless abilities, but each of us is different in our own way. What you may feel you lack in one regard may be more than compensated for in another. What you feel you lack in the present may become one of your strengths in the future. May you see your future as one filled with promise and possibility. May you always feel loved.”


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The Gift of Seven Extraordinary Days of Grace

The response to the May Salon introducing the subject of, The Gift of Seven Extraordinary Days of Grace, has been wonderful. It’s obvious that the subject of grace remains as intriguing now as it was two thousand years ago when the graces were first named and identified. It’s so fascinating that as a result of a leap in humankind’s spiritual evolution brought about by the advent of the great Divine beings of Jesus and Buddha (a bit earlier), and others not quite of their caliber, emphasis was turned to the exploration of the power of the individual in relationship to the Divine. As the Judeo-Christian tradition began to take shape, the spiritual powers of the merger of these two traditions likewise formed.

Not that you need a sort of “religion” class, but I think this information is essential and I present it not – repeat not – from the “religion” perspective but rather from the historic. In order to delve into the subject of grace, we must look to the history of grace. The teacher and great cosmic being, Jesus, modeled the fully-evolved human soul. He could heal and perform miracles, he had mastery over physical matter including death and disease, he could speak to anyone, he had the gift of prophecy, he felt energy flow through him that was meant to heal people – he was, in other words, fully present in his physical form while having a fully cosmic soul.

Realize that Jesus’ message was, “These and other things can you do.” He did not position himself as a Divine being, much less as the initiator of all the trappings that have come after him. His role, I believe, was to model the highest potential of the human soul. I will never believe he came here to found countless churches, but to inspire people to understand the spiritual purpose – and therefore spiritual power – present within the human experience. (Note: the only way people through the centuries could explain his “power” was to deify it.)

Jesus left a legacy of phenomena behind him. He baffled people, astounded them, and inspired them. He also left those early Christians in a state of awe as they continued to witness healings and miracles in a way that we will rarely if ever see. It’s not that such healings are impossible. It’s just that we do not relate to either the “spirit” or to the power of grace in the same divinely organic way that characterized people so long ago. Let’s say, before we became so “enlightened or rational,” miracles, healing, and the mystical nature of life were far more accessible. People did not demand that proof be provided before faith; rather, faith came before proof.

Stories of early Christians seem to reveal that people eagerly embraced the gifts of healing, prophecy, knowledge (or revelation), piety (profound faith), counsel (extraordinary intuitive abilities), wisdom (decision-making abilities/leadership), discernment (clear judgment), mercy, and the more mysterious “speaking in tongues.” But as the church developed into a more political and controlling organization (which did not take long), managing these precious gifts became an issue. I mean, how could everyone just qualify for “gifts” – just like that? Impossible.

Arrogance took precedence over humbleness and the rest, as they say, is indeed history. It’s no wonder then that today we live in a society that needs grace defined again and again – and yet, again. What is it? How does it work? But how do I know when grace has come into my life? What do I do to make grace come into my life? Do I need special prayers?

Let me make this easy on you. You are already accustomed to thinking in the language of “energy.” You are comfortable saying, “I’m exhausted. I have absolutely no energy.” Or, “That person drains all the energy from me.” Or, “When I walk in the mornings, I have energy all day long.” I don’t have to define “energy” for you at all, and yet, what if someone had no idea what you were talking about. What would you tell them? You can’t see, touch, taste, smell, or hear the “energy” to which you are referring. Yet, you know when you are energized and when you are not. You know when something, someone, something you’re thinking, something you’ve said or done either energizes you or drains all the energy from your system.

Just this morning, for example, I had to send the last section of my book to my editor. I completed it last week before I went off to a workshop and thought I had sent it to my editor before I left, only to receive this email from her while I was at the airport waiting for my flight: “C – did you send that file? I didn’t get it. M”

Panic set in within a nanosecond. Where did that file go? Did I send it to someone else? Did I delete it? I had absolutely no way of finding out until I returned from this workshop, which would not be for two days. Energy rushed out of me faster than a tsunami. My stomach turned over, my hands started to shake, and of course, my constant companion – the stress headache – showed up right on time. Ugh.

Now, undoubtedly all of you can relate to this in your own way. Let me introduce another perspective. Instead of calling energy “energy,” let’s imagine that you’ve had a mystical experience – just like that – out of the blue. Let’s imagine that in the midst of your panic attack, a deep quietude came over you that you did not generate. It came out of nowhere. Suddenly your panic ceased. Gone. Your thoughts turn inward, tumbling effortlessly into what can only be described as “effortless bliss.” This effortless bliss is not a “state of consciousness” that exists in some new portal in your mind that your stress led you to in response to an inner 911 call. Effortless bliss is a sensation of floating, of feeling transcendent of not only your body but of your immediate problems which seem to disintegrate, if not disappear entirely. You feel as if you are breathing cosmic oxygen not of this earth that is recharging you all the way down to the atoms in your cell tissue.

In this rarefied soul air, you glimpse the refined truth that “energy” is the word we use for “grace,” prior to realizing the constant presence of the Sacred in our lives. Were we to grasp the true nature of life and the constant Divine impulse of creation that is God, we would recognize that what we refer to as “energy” is actually the manifestation of “working grace” expressing itself through ordinary life. But that realization changes everything for you because you then have to acknowledge that you are in constant contact with grace through every breath you take, in every activity of your life, and in every one of your daily encounters with people. You are never outside the field of “working grace.” It’s impossible, just as it’s impossible to exist outside the field of energy.

It can be overwhelming to reside in a state of consciousness in which you try to relate to the world as a theater of grace. You would have to adjust your sites to include within your view all the contradictions, injustices, and evil that exists in the world as these, too, are part of this field of grace. Grace does not make evil evaporate or injustice go away. It does not make your physical body impervious to illness. Grace does not and will never have the power to make life what life can never be, which is perfect. Rather, the role of grace is to expand your awareness of why life is as it is. Instead of suffering because you want life to be other than the way it is, you may experience a moment one day – perhaps one of your seven days – in which you are given great capacity to accept something you never thought you could accept in order that you can move on with your life.

The role of grace is to continually ignite our restlessness so that we never cease asking, “Why? What? and How?”
The Elevated Graces And Your Chakras

We learn from studying great spiritual teachers that this is an orderly universe, not a random one. And we are a part of this orderly universe. Your soul is a high-functioning cosmic piece of equipment that becomes more extraordinary the more you absorb yourself into its nature. Your soul cannot be managed by your ego. I learned with great appreciation that the soul is “entered into” through prayer. It is that part of you which is transcendent of your five senses, craves detachment from ordinary life, and constantly feeds you images that keep you curious about your own life and why you were given the gift of this life.

The chakra system is how the Eastern traditions represent the presence of the spirit/soul in the body. I call it the spirit/soul because the chakras are really more representative of the “sacred energy” system of the body without the addition of the graces. That is, “sacred energy” is not rooted in the idea of a personal Divine Being with whom you develop an intimate, prayerful relationship. That is far more a Western idea. Yet, both traditions come together in the understanding that we resonate to a sphere of seven sacred stages of inner refinement, seven chakras, seven mansions in the castle (St. Teresa), seven sacraments, seven levels of the Tree of Life, and seven graces. And now we are adding the intriguing thought that each year, we are given the gift of seven extraordinary days of grace in which each one of the seven major graces is individually bestowed upon us when “heaven sees fit,” as the nuns used to say.

I’ve outlined the chakras in partnership with a particular grace, just to provide you with an image or an idea of how such a union might express itself. Mind you, there are as many examples as there are stars in the heavens, but I wanted to plant an image in your mind to make this real for you.

FIRST CHAKRA: Root/Tribal – The Graces Of Reverence and Owe

This is your physical life, which includes work, family, and the external world. This is the land of the unconscious, where you are prone to become an addict to time schedules, repeated activities, life pressures, and high stress. This is a world of pressure on your body and quite frankly, it’s where all life begins to break down. This is the first battlefield of life. If you were ever going to think, “My life is awful,” or “empty/boring/horrible/meaningless” or any other desperate description, this is the chakra-zone for it. This is the place for “hell on earth” and if ever you needed to become absorbed in the gift of being alive – just alive, without all the stuff attached to it – that is the essence of the grace of Reverence.

Prayer: “Just grant me the grace to feel grateful for my life and I’ll take it from there. Let me know you’re watching out for me.”

SECOND CHAKRA: Relationships - The Graces Of Piety and Mercy

This area of your body covers a lot of ground: sexuality, finances, power in all relationships, birth, creativity, destruction, vengeance, violence. It’s a busy chakra. This is a power center that can make or break the quality of your life given the issues that resonate to this center, to say the least. The grace of Piety does not refer to holiness, which is the classic understanding, but rather to your capacity to see the Divine in other people. It’s a rigorous effort at times – and maybe most of the time if you have a challenging work situation. But the opposite will break you in two. Mercy is a “saving grace,” literally and symbolically. Mercy saves you from your own dark thoughts and from personal anger. You may not imagine that you are capable of having “mercy on yourself,” but people do not realize how abusive they are to themselves when they harbor hostile thoughts or heavy memories that they could release.

Prayer: “Grant me the grace to see the goodness in others before I harm myself and them with negative thoughts. Let me do no harm to any life.”

THIRD CHAKRA: Personal Power – The Grace Of Understanding

This is your ego center. Need I say more? If you are an “All about Me” person, then you know this is a hot spot for you. You can get yourself into trouble from being oversensitive or from feeling that you need to take care of everyone. This is also the place where we suffer the consequences of having low self-esteem, getting that knot in the stomach from nervous stress. This is the first place in the body that people generally lose their energy when things go wrong. First of all, the Grace of Understanding is not about being understood. It’s about being granted the capacity to “understand the greater sphere of truth” in a relationship or situation in which you find yourself. This is a magnificent grace. Imagine that you are in a situation in which you are endlessly worried about a relationship, thinking, “I must have done something,” or “How will I get by if this relationship doesn’t work out.” Then suddenly a soft calm comes over you, and you understand deeply, completely, that no matter what happens, you will be just fine. You don’t know how things will work out; you just know they will. That’s this grace in action.

Prayer: “Grant me the grace of Understanding in those times when I am gripped by chaos and cannot see the truth. Keep me from harming myself and others because I do not understand what is happening.”

FOURTH CHAKRA: The Emotional Center - The Grace Of Fortitude and Healing

Obviously this is the chakra that absorbs all the emotional content of your life. Make no mistake – that is an enormous amount of content. From love, hopes and dreams and wishes, to despair and depression and anger – all of it resonates in this center. Oh, and let us not forget all memories of past injuries and injustices that you have yet to forgive. I’ve asked so many people if they dwell in positive or negative emotions most often, and so many admit to dwelling in negative emotions such as regret or sadness, guilt or grief. This can be the most difficult of all of your chakra centers, without a doubt. The Grace of Fortitude rightly belongs in this chakra because it takes profound courage to make the right emotional choices, both for you and for others. There is no such thing as emotional choices that do not hurt someone. (Well, there are of course, but not the ones that bring necessary change.) The Grace of Fortitude is courage beyond the boundaries of the moment. This grace refers to being granted the courage to not only take action but to handle the consequences of your necessary actions, which is what people so fear. Healing emerges from the courageous heart, not from someone who is frightened.

Prayer: “Grant me the grace to make the choices essential to my integrity and my healing.”

FIFTH CHAKRA: The Throat Center - The Grace Of Counsel (and the more mysterious ‘speaking in tongues’)

This is your center of choice and all that choice implies. You would have to go into silence for a month to even begin to contemplate the enormity of this power. The number of choices we make per hour is unimaginable and each one has endless consequences. The Grace of Counsel is a prayerful request for Divine instruction. This is more than “guidance.” Counsel refers to intimate instruction in which you position yourself not to say no. This grace is also given to you on behalf of others, to counsel people when their lives are at a crossroads. Perhaps you have had the experience of suddenly knowing you must do something, no matter what. Or you must speak up about something, and along with that feeling comes a sense of urgency that is relentless. That is how this grace often expresses itself. It can be “relentless guidance.”

Prayer: “Grant me your Counsel when I am standing at the crossroads in my life. Push me to take the path I would otherwise not choose for lack of courage.”

SIXTH CHAKRA: The Mental Center - The Graces Of Knowledge and Prophecy

Knowledge refers to a sudden knowing of something you had no previous knowledge of whatsoever. Teresa of Avila referred to this as, “Intellectual revelation,” a granting of truth or intuitive understanding, or a vision that you could not possibly generate through the talents or skills of the mind. Knowledge and Prophecy are two of the graces that can and have caused problems for people. They are extremely powerful, but in societies in which the rational approach to life rules, revelation is anything but popular. Historically, people – mainly mystics – with this gift have had to defend their “revealed writings” rigorously in order to prove that they were not fabricating their documents, or they were not insane, or they were not possessed. The graces of Knowledge and Prophecy are high risk, but they are profound graces that are very present in ordinary people who are guided through their intuitive gifts all the time. These are not graces to be feared, but rather to be used with great wisdom.

Prayer: “Grant me the capacity to hold in silence that which I see and understand until it is time to reveal it. Give me the strength to withstand the power of a single vision.”

SEVENTH CHAKRA: The Spiritual Center - The Grace of Wisdom

If there was ever a time we needed Wisdom, it’s now. The spiritual life is full of distractions and chaos. It’s a simple path, actually, but it’s not an easy one. You are here to discern truth from fiction in your life and to follow truth. You are here to become fully mindful of the power of your choices because you are held accountable for your choices. With each choice you make, you either set a cycle of grace into motion or you withhold grace. It takes Wisdom to discern the right choice, but it also takes Fortitude, the courageous heart.

Prayer: “Grant me the Wisdom to think deeply about my choices, to not respond from anger, to think larger than my small self, and to include the other people in my decisions who will be affected by my choices.”
The Ultimate Truth

We can barely make it through a day without doing something we regret. I suspect if we could see things the way they really are, we would observe the nonphysical world intervening in our lives constantly, though in mysterious and curious ways. One day your life is saved from a colliding vehicle and the next day, you fall down the stairs and break your leg. There is no rhyme or reason to the ways of the heavens, at least not from where we stand. And there never will be. We can only look through the magnificent spiritual teachings of the masters and glean those insights that are consistent and universal, and patch together a cosmic quilt that makes sense to our soul.

We are meant to learn about the inner workings of our soul. That is a spiritual fact, not a religious one. We are governed by mystical laws that are consistent with the order of life and nature; again, not a religious fact but one that supports nature and life – and the Tao. And, by faith and observation, I believe that the graces are “bestowed” upon us in full measure at various times during the year. Perhaps it is less than twelve months, or more. I don’t know if heaven actually keeps a calendar. Maybe it’s more. But the cycle of seven is universal.

I believe we are meant to awaken to the graces that are resonating in our soul and so the power of those graces is allowed to do something magnificent in our lives seven times a year, once per grace. Further, I truly believe that once we know that grace, we can call it by name through prayer and it will pour forth endlessly.

To learn more about the Seven Graces and the Seven Shadow Passions, and how to work with the mystical laws, please check out my recent book, Defy Gravity.



© 2011 - Caroline Myss is a New York Times best-selling autho

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MESSAGE FROM SAUL thru John Smallman

You are on the edge of a massive disruption to normal life

You are on the edge of a massive disruption to what you call normal life, which will be sensational in its unfoldment while inspiring and uplifting you. You have been working very hard to reach this point in your spiritual evolution, and you have truly earned the monumental accolades and honors that are shortly to be bestowed upon you. You know all this, but while you stay within the confines of the illusion the memory of that knowledge remains hidden from you. What is required of you is that you continue to hold the Light on high as you trust your Father to deliver all that He has promised you, as you truly know He will.

The Light that you are bearing before you with such forbearance and determination is a beacon to many who are aware that something strange is in the air, that all is not as it seems. Your constancy and imperturbability are amazingly effective stabilizing influences on all in your vicinity, and on all who know you, even though you yourselves are mostly unaware of the powerful and supportive presence that your loving behavior constantly demonstrates.

Love is the power, the energy, the creative potential that gives life its spark. Life and Love are one — a divine dependency that is infinitely fertile and infinitely abundant. Within the illusion, you experience only the smallest intimation of what this means. You have writers, painters, poets, composers, and performers who manage to pass on to you a mere inkling of the fantastic possibilities that life offers you, but until you dissolve your illusory reality and awaken fully, your understanding of what this truly means will continue to escape you.

You all have deep yearnings for so much more than life as you presently experience it can possibly deliver, and so you remain dissatisfied, disgruntled, in fact deeply disappointed with what it offers you. Many of you drive yourselves to achieve and, remaining displeased with the results, drive yourselves even harder, but to no avail. What you seek and so desperately desire is not of this world, which is one extremely good reason for changing it beyond all recognition, and that is what you are in the process of doing.

Pay close attention to the amazing plurality of information that is being increasingly promulgated all across the world, as more and more who are in positions of trust disclose much secret knowledge that has been hidden from you in order to disempower and control you.

This dictatorial secrecy can no longer be enforced, or even maintained, because those employed to file and organize information of any kind are being permeated by the divine Love field. They are awakening to the need for transparency in all interpersonal, interdepartmental, inter-organizational, intergovernmental, and international communications. As a result they are feeling spiritually inspired, motivated, and encouraged to take into their own hands the responsibility for releasing information that previously they would have absolutely refused to divulge in this manner to anyone unless expressly directed to do so by a very senior member of the corporate structure or organization for which they work.

The authoritarian and Byzantine groups who have been running the world and controlling its citizens are disintegrating. They never truly trusted one another, and have always taken enormous precautions to ensure their interdependency through dissimulation and concealment. There was never just one controlling authority, and now, as more and more secret information is released into the public arena, their distrust has intensified to such an extent that they no longer feel safe in supporting each other, and are going their separate ways. Confusion has become endemic and is leading them rapidly to their ruin.

You could say that the end game has commenced and that it is turning into a rout — a defeat of unimaginable proportions for those who would control and suppress you. They know neither where to turn nor where to run – indeed there is nowhere – and what is happening is totally beyond anything they could have foreseen or prepared for. They are in total disarray.

As you have been frequently told and frequently reminded, Love is the power, the energy, the wholeness of God. There is no judgment, vengeance, punishment, or restitution in Reality, for there is no need. Everyone is in total harmony and agreement, being one with each other and with God in an eternal state of transcendental superconsciousness. No one is lacking, no one wants to see another harmed or called to account, because no one would or could do anything to arouse such a desire in another.

Within your illusory unreality this is not the case. Your laws were framed to judge the wrongdoers and to provide restitution for the wronged – if they could afford to engage attorneys and employ the law! This inequity will change. The divine energy field enveloping your planet and intensifying is causing a realization to dawn that the old ways were self-perpetuating – your laws have been very harsh at times, and people nearly always fought back against unfavorable judgments – and could never bring true peace and harmony.

Nevertheless, while the illusion is dissolving, a means of containment is necessary to prevent those who control and punish you from continuing to do so. Containment means just that. It does not mean judgment or punishment, but merely the discernment and the competence to harmlessly hold and restrain those who intend to harm others.

While contained they will be lovingly cared for, like the apparently abandoned children they feel they are, and offered endless opportunities to understand why they are being contained and to understand that the way forward for them is to release their vast amounts of dammed-up pain and suffering about which they are in total denial. They will have all the time they need to do this, and they will succeed. When they have completed the release of all that toxic waste buried deeply within them, there will be an enormous space within their hearts that will fill very rapidly with Love.

Remember, that every sentient being is one of God’s beloved children, and that He never gives up on or abandons anyone. All will return Home. However, those very badly damaged ones, who are or who will become contained, will not interfere with the mass awakening towards which you have all been working so enthusiastically and determinedly. A marvelous and amazing future awaits you.

With so very much love, Saul.

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Blessings beautiful friend,

It's such an honor to reconnect with you once again. As the seasons begin to change and a gentle feeling of anticipation slowly fills the air once again. Up until the end of August, the energies had been relatively quiet. This brief pause allotted us some time to integrate with the intense energies that entered the collective consciousness back in July and first few days of August. Now, a general sense of anticipation is slowly building back up as we enter the final quarter to what has already been a paradigm shifting year.
The Wise Oak Tree

Recently, as I was going on one of my usual relaxing nature walks, I felt guided to take a different path than I normally do. While walking down the remote and off the map trail, I felt a sense of peace wash over me even though I had no idea where I was actually going. After walking for about 30 minutes or so, I noticed off in the distance a majestic looking oak tree that had to be quite a few centuries old. As I got closer to the tree, I noticed that the peaceful feeling I had earlier grew even more present within me. After a few moments of admiring and connecting with the wise oak tree, it hit me that I was sitting in the presence of Divinity itself. Everything from the grass under the tree to the singing birds and other wildlife playing off in the distance began to look and feel completely different. It felt as if I was observing everything through the eyes of the Universe itself.

Prior to this experience, I had always received glimpses of similar moments, however this time the shift felt more palpable and lasting. After soaking in the wisdom of the tree for about an hour, I thanked the I AM presence within the oak tree and began to head back to the trail. While walking back, I had a sort of epiphany: I realized that the oak tree was so present in its own Divinity, that it was able to awaken others who were ready and available to the Divinity within themselves. Wow, how awe-inspiring that such wisdom can come from an oak tree that has been standing strong for hundreds of years holding this sacred space for so many to potentially step into.

The experience with the oak tree reminded me that we are always supported no matter what form that support comes in. I realized that it's just about allowing ourselves to be open enough to saying 'yes' to being supported whether it comes from a close friend, a family member, a pet, community, inner feeling, spirit guide, or in this case from a wise oak tree.

Many of us know that the conscious journey we've chosen for ourselves sometimes feels a bit isolating. Of course choosing this path allows us to be self-sufficient and empowered, however, it's okay to ask for and receive support. The Universe is creating new ways to support us daily. We are never alone nor will we ever be. So if we are finding ourselves a bit overwhelmed or burdened, let's be willing to allow the Universe to support us in every area of our lives.
Beacons of Love

By now, it's no longer a secret that great personal and global changes are taking place. Some of these changes can feel blissful while others may feel the complete opposite. The key to moving through it all is to remain grounded in love.

We have the opportunity right this minute to hold a sacred space of love and compassion for the world as a whole to step into, even if many are still caught up in the seeming upheaval and fear mindset. Each one of us is powerful and fully capable of being able to hold this sacred space of love and compassion for the world. I've always felt that even if there was only one person on the planet holding a consistent space of love and compassion for the masses, eventually that one person will create a domino effect allowing the whole world to match the same vibration of love and compassion that the person was able to tap into. However, thank goodness we have an abundance of radiant beings around the world committed to holding a continuous space of love, which is allowing the collective transition to move more quickly.

The thing is, love is here now. It is not missing nor has it ever been. Love has the ability to remain neutral in all circumstances because it knows no judgment. We have that same ability because we are beings of love in physical form and with every beat of our heart. Peace, joy, and compassion are also here and available to us now. We don't have to wait to anchor them into our lives, because we have actually been these energies all along. No matter what is going on in the outside world, we can choose to free ourselves by connecting with these energies at any given moment. They are unconditionally available to us and are a part of our Divine inheritance.
Thanking it All

In order to move forward with more ease, we are currently being guided to get into a place within ourselves where we can fully be grateful from all our experiences past, present, and future no matter how 'good' or 'bad' they seemed. Every experience that we have ever had in our lives has brought us to the awareness that we have today. The experiences may have been extremely challenging to overcome or they may have been easy breezy, but they all brought us to this point in time of Divine remembrance. The experiences have brought us in alignment with choosing to be our most authentic self which has far outweighed being anything less. This awareness in itself is worth all that we went through to get here. With this understanding, it becomes easier to be grateful for all our experiences, because we recognize that everything we went through was a blessing. Even the most difficult situations become gifts that we would have never received if we had not experienced them.

When we are able to thank all our experiences, no matter how easy or challenging they may seem, we are able to release all attachments that may have prevented us from moving past the energies that no longer serve our greatest good, and into new adventures that feel more in alignment with the greatest vision for our lives.

Till next time,

Miraculously yours,


©2009-2012 Emmanuel Dagher

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The Energies of September 2012 Jennifer Hoffman

The journey of 2012 will be one that we will remember in many ways. For everyone, it will be an awakening into their greater potential but in ways that may not always be remembered as fun, pleasant or positive. Ascension is a promise and we are its fulfillment. How we fulfill it is the path we must decide on now. And as we say farewell to three months of emotional and spiritual dredging, we step into four months of deciding what we are going to do with what we have learned, then putting those decisions forward in the form of intentions that we can implement in our lives.

There are two big events in September, a Uranus-Pluto on September 19 , the second of a series that will end in March 2015. And a powerful full moon on September 29 in Aries that highlights this square. We can continue to search for answers or begin to implement the ones we have found to start making changes in our lives. The world around us is a question seeking answers; we are the answer. As we begin to see that we are either in a respond or react mode with the world, we can stay one step ahead of its changes so they reflect our energy, instead of us playing catch-up to what we see as an unending stream of chaos, control, weirdness and fear.

Wherever we are resisting change is where we can look more deeply within for the reasons. Our resistance is a treasure trove of information because within it lies our fears, where we are holding on to anything that we’re afraid to lose, or where we feel disempowered by the potential for transformation. When things ‘aren’t working’, is it because we’re not supposed to do that, or are we unconsciously sabotaging our growth and transformation? It’s a slippery slope as we learn to be in our power and step into our mastery.

One thing I noticed about the Pluto/Uranus square cycle is that one of the planets is always retrograde during the squares, except for the last one, where both are direct. This creates a push-pull effect as Pluto dredges up our inner world is and Uranus compels us to take action. Then we see the results of our actions so we can choose what to maintain or release, between what sustains us or what drains us. In September we can start taking steps forward once again, always ensuring that we are serving our highest good and our needs. Asking ‘Is this what I want to create?’ is a good way to stay aligned with your intention.

The keyword for September is fulfillment. This is not necessarily where you are in joy, peace, love and abundance, although we tend to think that we are fulfilled when we have reached the pinnacle of a wonderful, life enhancing experience. We are fulfilled when we are ‘filled full’ of something, so we can be filled full of joy, abundance, fear, confusion, doubt, anxiety, pain or joy. Where are you filled full? Do you like it, how long have you been ‘filled full’ of it and is it time to replace it with something else? As you go through your days this month, pay attention to where you feel full and it could be a situation where you have had enough or something you want more of. The energies around us are moving so rapidly now that manifestation follows thought very quickly. It’s the embodiment of mind over matter–it’s all energy so what is in your mind becomes the matter in your reality. Create what really matters to you. And on the subject of alien visitation, which I have predicted will happen in September, I believe we will be seeing some ET visitors on our upcoming Earth Keeper Crystal Adventure in Arkansas, September 21 to 23. We will definitely keep our eyes open.

Have a wonderful month and remember to set powerful intentions each day so you can use this energy to be ‘filled full’ of everything your heart intentionally desires for your life.

Many blessings,

Jennifer Hoffman

Copyright (c) 2012 by Jennifer Hoffman. All rights reserved. You may quote, translate, reprint or refer to this message if you mention the author name and include a working link to

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Brotherhood of the Star ... Cobra

Brotherhood of the Star

This blog post will be about the second positive group that has been working secretly behind the scenes for the benefit of humanity and liberation of the planet.

I have gained access to one of esoteric texts that was written by a member of that group and I am publishing it now in its entirety with full permission of that group.

»Brotherhood of the Star is a planetary oupost of the Blue Lodge of Sirius that is connected with Sirius via Jupiter and Jupiter Command. The purpose of the Brotherhood of the Star is to guide the evolution of the planet under the guidance of Sanat Kumara. The inner circle of the Brotherhood of the Star are Masters and Arhats that have reached their Ascension on this planet. The outer circle of the Brotherhood of the Star is the Esoteric Brotherhood comprised of disciples of the Ascended Masters that have reached the seventh subdegree of the third Initiation. The physical anchor of the Brotherhood of the Star is a vast subterranean kingdom of Shamballa, where the Great mystery school of the Transhimalayan Brotherhood is operating. The Esoteric Brotherhood represents its antechamber.

Brotherhood of the Star was never public since the time of Atlantis. It was working secretly through its discliples. Disciples of the Brothehood of the Star comprise the Order of the Star. Order of the Star is a community, a mandala of 144,000 star beings of the first, second and third Initiation that have incarnated on this planet with the purpose of occult triangulation of light and darkness. Members of the Order of the Star have been influencing the world situation based on telepathic guidance from the Brotherhood of the Star.

They have caused the flowering of Graeco-Roman culture aided with telepathic impressions from Brotherhood of the Star. They were active as Druid priests in Celtic culture. As Essenes they were collaborating in the project of Ascension of Jesus and Magdalene/Grail family lineage as a counterbalance against the thirteenth bloodline of the black nobility. They have founded Sufi initiation orders. In the 12th century they have founded Cathar and Albigensian movement which has revived Goddess mysteries through Troubadour poetry and have also revived Gnostic Christianity mysteries from the times before the Constantinian Christian cult. In the 13th century they have founded the Templar order which was based on discovery of Isisian esoteric texts in the crypt below the Salomon temple. Information on those scrolls has enabled the revival of the old Egyptian star mysteries and formation of freemasonry. Based on an impulse from the Brotherhood of the Star, hidden Cathar lodges have triggered the Renaissance around 1450 in Florence and this has shaped our western civilization as we know it now. This has fulfilled the conditions for arrival of first representatives of the Esoteric Brotherhood into Europe from subterranean Tibet.

Since then onwards a few dozen representatives of the Esoteric Brotherhood are working secretly behind the scenes in Europe. In the 16th century they were active mainly in Florence, Venice and Verona, in the 17th century mainly in London and also elsewhere in England and in the 18th centruy mainly in Paris. The Esoteric Brotherhood has transmitted the spiritual impulse for the beginning of the Enlightenment movement to the Order of the Star and this has reshaped the 18th century and set the basis for the scientific and technological revolution.

The Esoteric Brotherhood has triggered the creation of the mystery school through Comte de Saint Germain in Paris in 1775. This secret mystery school was active for about 100 years and then the Esoteric Brotherhood has triggered the creation of the Theosophical Society through H. P. Blavatsky in 1875. Through telepathic impressions, the Esoteric Brothehood has guided the progress of science, especially through Nikola Tesla.

Now Esoteric Brotherhood is not involved in the matrix of system on planet Earth. We live in undisclosed locations on the surface of the planet.

Esoteric symbol of the Brotherhood of the Star is the heavenly stone of Sirius, fire jewel, cinta mani, lapis ex coelis, which represents the jewel of our true Self (atma-buddhi-manas).

Esoteric symbol of the Order of the Star is a chalice of Moldavite, the heavenly stone of Pleiades, the holy Grail, sangreal, which represents our causal body and the star nobility, the mandala of 144,000 star beings of light.

Amor Vincit Omnia!«

Brotherhood of the Star is the last pure remnant of the mystery schools of Light from Atlantis. The Cabal tried to infiltrate it without success as they have very strict rules of admission. Alas, the Cabal was much more successful with infiltrating the more public mystery schools such as Jesuits were able to do with freemasonry in the early 1800s and as Theosophical Society was infiltrated after Helena Blavatsky died and her teachings were misused later by the Cabal. This is the cause of much confusion among the Lightworkers, but true teachings will be restored soon as part of Operation Dreamland.

For that reason, other members of the Brotherhood of the Star can contact me at

Victory of the Light!

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