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Being in this Space of Grace, of Beauty, of   Light and Bliss, all names for Love, there is no thing, that can touch me,   because all of this is one single equilibrium. Everything in balance, while   the room is radiant with invisible Light which is visible to and felt by the   spirit.


With my eyes wide open, there is no above or   below, there Only Is Presence and Radiance. While the world plays its music,   and runs its course.


Peaceful my body, my mind, joy in my heart,   there is only Heart and only one chacra, so to speak. That Heart contains all   and is Living all, there is Only One Existence. There is no separation and no   difference. Only One Radiance. In it the body is embraced and the mind’s   vibration peacefully floats in It.


Nothing to seek, just everything to enjoy. A   contentment, ah! A satisfaction. No effort!  And everything falls into   place.


This Radiance is stainless, it is Purity,   untouched. And it is Bright. It is sweet, It is soft, the body luxuriates in   It. Every cell attuned in harmony.


Such is the Greatness of Divine   Consciousness, It has no beginning and no end and That One merely Exists.   Motionless. Although things move. Freshness pervades me, a cool breeze of   eternity which is Now, timeless.


And It is so simple. Nothing   "holy". One without another. Brain functions only to manage the   simple things, no complex figuring out. The knowledge and the Knowing seem to   come from another place, from the depths of Being, naturally without asking   or “thinking”. It arrives from the reservoir of all knowledge. It has Its own   Intelligence.


Such is the Greatness of our own Source. Ah,   and this Clarity! Not of the mind, but of Being, Unspoken and Un-thought,   Self-Existing. It washes the surface of the rough streets of worldly   struggles and makes everything appear Divine and feel smooth. Even like silk,   inhale and exhale. Breath an infinite Space. The movement an illusion.


Where is Ascension?

It does not exist, other than as a mighty   shift in the appearances of things. But I am outside of it, there, where I   am, I do not have to suffer it! It is the primary space which does not   change, but in which changes happen.


I know that there is nothing beyond, the   Beyond is already here, with us, if we are willing to feel It, to notice It,   to appreciate It.


Is it spectacular? No it is not. It is most   natural and appears quietly. Nothing happens. So many  will not like it,   although it is primordial Happiness! There is no agitation and perhaps you   think it is boredom. But only if you are seeking suffering it appears perhaps   to be. Here is no suffering. None. And it is awake.


Here search ends, and enjoyment starts. Real   enjoyment, without reason, just because of the IS that Radiates. It Is   perfect Beauty and Freedom.The Substance of all makes us free! All things   bear in their heart this Substance, or this Substance bears all things, and   no thing encloses this freedom and beauty which cannot be contained.


Am I lost for the "New Age"   adventure? I think somehow I am because this equanimity is beyond all strive   and wait, upward move, wanting to gain, to make better, to accomplish,   because there is nothing to accomplish. The Joy is already here, the   Happiness.


It is Grace and it is Wonder.

I am deeply in   gratitude. I enjoy as long as it lasts. When my last vasana (latent   tendency) is transcended it will Be forever.
  With love,



Copyright© 2012. All   rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
  Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and   without  changes. If you have questions, please contact me via   Thank you.



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I bring forth and demonstrate to you unity to activate a greater sense of strength within your being,

I bring forth and demonstrate to you peace to activate a greater sense of serenity within your being,

I bring forth and demonstrate to you discipline to activate a greater sense of devotion within your being,

I bring forth and demonstrate to you joy to activate the innocence of the Creator within your being,

I bring forth and demonstrate to you contentment so you may express divine gratitude from within your being,

I bring forth and demonstrate to you the existence of being, so you may find your pathway of enlightenment and mastery, allowing it to emerge from within your being,

I bring forth and demonstrate to you the way of the Master because you are already walking this pathway with ease.

These energies I bring forward with an open heart, soul and being, with a clear mind and an aligned consciousness. What is mine is yours and I give to you willingly in order for you to experience and acknowledge within you the freedom of mastery. I wish to demonstrate to you only what is within your being that vibrates as the divine Creator, as oneness and truth. Let us together cast aside all unneeded energies that cause distraction; let us exist as a pulsating living source of light together in supreme joy. It is my mission to bring forward and demonstrate to you the divine simplicity of your being and your reality; it is through your acceptance of simplicity that you will accept the sacred complexity of the universe and all that is the Creator.

I wish to bring forward and demonstrate to you the path of mastery so that you may strengthen with greater confidence and courage the pathway you have chosen to travel upon in order to return to truth. Mastery is a process of recognition, in order to recognise or see yourself as I, the Masters, Archangels and Creator view your being there is simply a need to devote yourself to recognising yourself more fully with each day. There is a need for you to make space in your reality for the walls of illusion to tumble down and your essence to grow in strength and power. When I speak of space in your reality I am not only talking of time in your day but also clearing space in your mind for you to simply be as you are. The mind greatly influences the many energy bodies of your being; if the mind is chaotic then your energy bodies will be filled with distracting energies, thoughts and manifestations drawing you away from the path of mastery. I ask you to find time in your day to build the presence of space within your mind and therefore clear and cleanse your energy bodies thus creating simplicity and allowing recognition of yourself and mastery to unfold. I encourage you at this time to devote yourself to meditations, sacred words or breathing in order to create space in your mind and therefore your reality for the divine Creator to enter into, existing harmoniously within your being and reality.

There is a window of energy beginning now for the next twelve days which will act as an amplification of your mastery. It is energy of tremendous peace that is being reflected onto the Earth with a mission of heightening consciousness and vibrations. The peace is being directed into the mental body and mind in order to bring forth the Creator's energy of truth as well as dissolving fears and old consciousness. During this window of beautiful opportunity you have the chance to create more space within your mind and being; your creation will be amplified by the energy wave of peace thus allowing a greater transformation within your being. With the combination of peace and the space you create you will open within you an additional window allowing you to recognise yourself more fully. You will be able to recognise yourself as the Master that you are allowing for a greater familiarity to blossom. It is for you to anchor your self recognition into your being and consciousness therefore altering your perspective as well as heightening your thoughts.

During this time of sacred recognition and the refection of peace onto the Earth, many people will find they are able to let go of old consciousness which may have been limiting or hindering their mental body and reality. Again this will clear more space for the soul and inner truth to emerge and be within all beings. It will also manifest a distinct change in the general thought patterns of humanity as a level of fear will peel away to allow an igniting energy of faith to emerge, faith in oneself and in the Creator. This is a preparation for the further ascension of all.

The vibration of peace will be reflected from many ashrams, planets and stars on the inner planes onto the Earth creating a great source of peace that combines many vibrational levels. If you allow yourself to align with the vibration of peace coming forward and devote yourself to creating space within your mind and mental body, you will discover you are able to integrate many if not all of the vibrational levels of peace being reflected at this time. This would signify a powerful release of illusion from within your being and a magnified experience of alignment and attunement with your truth and the Creator. Remember your truth is the Creator, everything is one.

Please follow your heart and inner guidance as to how to connect with the reflection of peace, drawing its energy into your being. Simplicity is always the greatest tool, and intention a powerful action. Please also be aware that by simply allowing yourself to accept the reflection of peace from the inner planes on this occasion is not enough, there is a need to develop a devotion to creating space within your mind and mental body, therefore your reality. This is also a need to activate your devotion to recognising the divine master within you. Rejoice in the experience of becoming familiar with the divine Master within your being, allowing all aspects of this sacred energy to be explored, understood and express with tenderness and gratitude. With focus upon acceptance of peace, creation of space and recognition of your inner master and path of mastery you will allow yourself to blossom in loving support.

My message to you is sent in the presence of simplicity so there is little more for me to say, but my heart swells with love and will share with you now all that cannot be shared through the limits of language. I believe myself to be true to my word, read my words of introduction to you at the beginning of my communications, these are true and real. I bring and demonstrate to you unity to create strength, peace to create serenity, discipline to create devotion, joy to create the innocence of the Creator, contentment so you may express gratitude, the existence of being so you may find enlightenment and mastery, the way of the master because this is already your truth. You may also wish to read my words at the beginning out loud and know that you are achieving the same for humanity. You may wish to call me forward during quiet time to work with your energy and to demonstrate to you the energies I have spoken of so you may activate, ignite and recognise the same within your being, recognising yourself as a Master.

One of the greatest lessons in recognising the master within your being is to realise the same within others, when you see the master within your being you will view it in others. When others view the master within your being you will recognise the master within you more fully also.

With divine simplicity and love,
Yogi Babaji

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                                                                     Thoth ‘the Atlantean’  

As received by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan


I am He who advances on the waves and the intricacies of wisdom that is held shadowed and hidden from the self that sees not. I am He who unfolds himself in each of the atomic structures of your body. I represent all that is hidden within your thoughts, within the angles of your heart and the perspective of your motives. I am Thoth. The Atlantean.


 I come on this day as I see each of you reaching outward to become more, reaching upward to longitudes of knowledge that you once sat upon. You will become sublimated on levels of knowledge drawing the moisture of your wisdom into a place that has been parched and dry of truth. Contracting as a spring that pulses upward and then bounds out to places unknown and unmapped.


You shall dwell in the caverns of your own thoughts, of your own ideas of what peace shall be, of what love shall be, of what your future shall be. For as the ancient scrolls that hold your Akashic history, you re-write the story of your existence. You compound what has been stretched and sought by the Light within, condensing it into a structure that is easy to house.


Your body and its energy systems represent a microcosm of the Great Pyramid of Giza. The Queen’s Chamber, in the center represents the human and divine heart. The King’s Chamber represents the third eye, Eye of Ra. The Invisible capstone, the Apex represents the crown chakra. Think of that divine pyramidal structure and all of its heavenly alignments and chambers of attunement.


In upcoming time there will be an initiatory surge of frequency within your own biology as well as the dormant hidden chambers within the Great Pyramid. There will be an opening of your High Heart, your Christed Heart. It will awaken as directed by an atomic cellular clock. As it awakens, the Chamber of the Son/Sun (Christ chamber in-between Kings and Queens chamber) within the Great Pyramid of Giza will also experience a molecular change.


The point above your human heart awakens from a timed sleep and begins to know itself again. It is the place that holds the vibration of the 'Quantum Christ'. It is in this place that a stellar 'Second Coming' is activated.  It is a sacred point, an opening, a chamber that houses wisdom.  Wisdom goes beyond truth and you each are guardians of these 'Chambers of Wisdom'.


You of earth are guardians/ keepers of sacred encodings. They will open as a flower that has been in bud too long seeking to know itself as a flower. Your dreams of old have fallen off you like petals on a plucked rose they no longer serve who you are becoming. This new molecular instruction will allow new direction for your light. You will move naturally toward vibrations that instruct you into a different knowledge that serves the new shift in consciousness.


I, Thoth, come to awaken you to the cosmic by-pass of the heart. Your heart has gathered too much debris of your own making.  You have scooted to the back of your heart trying hard to keep it all out of your way. As the Quantum Christ Is Awakened within your high heart and the Chamber of the Son/Sun is awakened within the Great Pyramid, you will be lifted above the gathering of earthly conflict, confusion, and debris. It is from this point that you will be able to dissolve the tears and the fears that have followed you in shadow dance.


You No longer need sit in the shadow of what could have been, what should have been.  Energies and programming of old try to keep you hostage in a prediction that no longer exists. Step out of time and step in time with what seeks your approval. The pictures of life do not reveal the whole puzzle.  Celebrate the birth of the Quantum Christ within yourself and see from the top of your light what is possible. I am Thoth keeper of what is to come.

Other recent channelings on the high heart and its alignment with the upper chakras:

Throat Chakra Activation by Anthena Arcturus Natalie Glasson




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Hackers reveal 10 PC security mistakes we ALL make
Yahoo! News – Thu, Sep 13, 2012

Anonymous supporters: But we all play into the hands of hackers, by making elementary …No one knows security mistakes better than hackers - because for them, tiny errors in security are the ‘keys’ that allow access to home PCs and office computer systems.


And hackers are clear about one thing. Computer users make mistakes all the time - and often the same ones, over and over again. Two hackers - one ‘ethical hacker’, who tests computer systems by attempting to break into them, and one ex-hacker who now works in security - lay bare the ten errors that crop up most often.


‘People are too trusting,’ says Tom Beale, who has worked as an ‘ethical hacker’ for 10 years, protecting corporate and government systems by finding weaknesses.


‘The human element is always the weak link in the chain. People are very easily distracted - and particular attackers prey on that.’


‘People are just getting more and more stupid,’ says Cal Leeming, an ex-hacker who was convicted for a cyber crime, but now works in computer security.


‘They want their stuff to be protected, but they expect someone else to do it for them. People don’t want to know. Even for companies, computer security isn’t a priority, because it’s not a primary source of income. It’s only once the company’s been hit that they realise, "Oh we should have paid more attention than that".’



1. Don’t use the same username everywhere
‘People often upload photos of themselves to an online library, say,’ says Cal Leeming, a former hacker who works in security at Simplicity Media, ‘But they use a username they use on other sites. They don’t realise that people can use Google to connect them across all the different worlds they visit, and then work out a way in.’


2. Don’t trust public wi-fi
‘When you go on a public wi-fi network you have no way to determine whether it’s a real network run by a reputable company, or a fake run by a spotty guy next to you,’ says Tom Beale of Vigilante Bespoke. 'The problem’s particularly bad on mobile, where you really can’t tell if you’re on a fake network set up to steal your data. If you’re going to use public networks for business, use a laptop, because the browser will warn you of security breaches - your phone won’t.’

3. Be careful about who you friend on Facebook
‘Facebook has been basically forced to implement privacy settings,’ says Cal. ‘But people still get it wrong. They randomly friend other people, not realising they are giving away information that could be useful in a cyber attack - for instance names of pets or family that might be a password or security question.’


4. Don’t trust people you don’t know
‘I always tell people to do an ‘offline test’ - ie would you do the same thing if you were offline? So for instance, if you’re chatting to someone online, and you tell them some information, would you give that information to someone you’d just met in a bar?,’ says Tom. ‘Online, you’re even LESS safe - because you may not be talking to who you think you are. People just seem to lose all concept of reality when they’re on a PC.’


5. Use two-factor passwords when you can
‘People resist this except when they’re made to do it - like by their bank,’ says Tom. ‘But it does add that extra layer. It does offer protection. People accept that their bank will use tokens or keycard readers, but when other sites add it, people resist it - they just want quick access.’


6. Don’t re-use your email password
‘This isn’t going to be a problem that goes away any time soon,’ says Cal. ‘People don’t realise what are the risks of using the same password. If you reuse your email password, you’re handing out the keys to be hacked and breached - giving hackers access to the information they’ll need to hack your bank account and other networks you use. People use simple passwords for convenience - memorising too many is just a pain.’


7. Don’t be fooled by ‘cries for help’
‘Some of the most effective attacks are "cries for help" from friends - sent by email from a compromised machine. It’s incredible how many people respond to that,’ says Tom. ‘If it’s someone who travels a lot, and their email is hacked, it’s more convincing when you get an email saying that they are stranded abroad, and need money. They target people with a scattergun approach, but when they find someone who IS abroad a lot, it’s very effective.’


8. Use antivirus software
‘I can’t see any reason why you wouldn’t run AV software,’ says Tom. ‘It’s not a Holy Grail, but it helps you to deal with most known problems. Browsing without it is like driving without a seatbelt. It’s your first layer of defence, whether you’re using PC, Mac or Android.’


9. Remember that funny videos can be very unfunny
‘Facebook’s system doesn’t filter for malicious links, so they can be very dangerous. Often a ‘video’ link will try to fool people into visiting an infected site or downloading something in the guise of video software or fake antivirus software. Your only defence is to think, ‘Would my friend really post that?’ so be careful about people you only half-know. Facebook and Twitter need to inform users better.’


10. Set everything to auto update
‘Attackers will be actively looking for vulnerabilities - not just in your operating system, but in your browser, in plug-ins such as Flash and Java. Be sure that all of those are up to date,’ says Tom. ‘If you don’t, you are leaving security holes. Most updates don’t add functions, they just fix holes, and if you don’t get them, you still have the holes.’



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Alpha Spaceship – 9/14/12

Sep 14

Posted by Wes Annac

Thanks to:

Note from Wes: I could not find the channeler of this message on the link above I received it from.

Greetings from Alpha Spaceship! ♥~

Until now you had been raised to think, at the most, whether God exists and He created the Universe, or whether it formed itself from a big explosion. This is the deepest divide you can have in your actual state of consciousness. However, when you have ascended beyond the third dimension or the density in which you live, no longer will there be any more questions like this, since your connection with your Higher Self, being accentuated and improved, will give a capacity of understanding of who you are, where you come from, what are you made of, and where you come from, more in keeping with the truth.

Your philosophical, medical or scientific approaches will come to a total and absolute turnaround; not 180, but 360 degrees – to give you an idea of how you are going to change internally. You will become the closest you have to angels represented in your terrestrial archetypes, as they move on to become beings of great purity, wisdom and love.

Can you imagine what it would be like, to travel to any part of the planet, or even the Universe, simply when you want to? Are you aware of how you are going to progress, being able to contact us and many other inhabitants of worlds like Earth?

Can you get an idea of the state of inner happiness that you will feel, knowing that you are always fulfilling the instructions of your inner God, who will tell you at every moment how to act and when?

And when that happens, when that time comes, and believe me it is already very close, then you will become members of the Galactic Federation, and thus enjoy all the benefits and rights of being a member of the Federation. mIt’s like when you walk past a public pool, but you are not club members and therefore you can not access it; but one fine day you decide to become members and, after paying your admission fee, you are granted the right to swim in the pool whenever you want. Of course, in accordance to certain standards that have been set by the management of the public swimming pool, such as available times for bathing, if you can eat and drink while bathing, or whether you should be clean [before entering the pool].

Already there are many people on this planet who are becoming aware of the step they are about to make, hence our presence in these times of great change for all of you, to help as many men and women as possible to learn about the quantum jump you are about to experience, and you can in turn help other human beings to understand it and to give it to them, without any trauma and with the knowing that whatever happens is necessary for this evolutionary leap that you will live and enjoy here and now.

I pray that most of you manage to take advantage of the enormous impulse that the Heavenly Father is sending from the sacred place from which light energy is projecting to you from His Being.

I embrace you all, dear men and women of this wonderful blue planet, Gaia.

♥ Peace & Love ♥

Source: Commander Sohin

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The Arcturians Speak on the Structure and Function of Time - Part 2 By Dr Suzan Caroll / Suzanne Lie - September 11, 2012

Part 2 - The Function of Time Allow us to take you through the function of time on the third, fourth and fifth dimensions. First off, we remind you that the dimensions of one, two, three and four are within the paradigm of TIME and individual, separate consciousness in separate forms.

On the other hand, the dimensions of five, six, and seven are within the paradigm of the NOW and Individuated, Unity Consciousness in mutable forms. On the dimensions beyond the seventh, all consciousness exists as ONE within the infinite NOW. No form is necessary and is only worn while traveling in the lower dimensional worlds.

Third Dimensional Time The primary function of time in the third dimensions is to create the illusion of separation. If it takes a long time for you to travel to visit a person, then you are separate from that person. You know that you and that person are separate because something “else” that is not you is in between you and this other person.

You walk, drive, ride a bike or take a bus to get to that other person. The more time it takes to get to that person, the further away they appear to be. For example, if it takes an hour on a plane to get to this person, they are not too far away, and you hold less different perceptions while you travel, such as the airport, the inside of the plane and the sky.

On the other hand, if you drive to that person, it may take 6 or 7 hours, and you will have many different perceptions on the way to meeting that person. Therefore, that person appears to be much farther away if you drive than if you fly. But they are both the same distance. The only difference is the time it takes to travel that distance.

Another option is to phone this person or even see them on Skype. Then they are not far away at all. They are right there with you on your computer. This other person could be in another time zone or on the other side of the planet. Yet, you can experience an instant sense of unity with that person because it does not take “time” to travel across “space” to interact with each other.

Your Internet, which was designed by your Galactic Family, is primarily responsible for your increasing Unity Consciousness because you can experience unity without taking time to get together. Therefore, unity with all life is becoming more imaginable for your consciousness.

In fact, your Consciousness has expanded enough to embrace not just your Personal Consciousness, but your National Consciousness, your Planetary Consciousness and even your Galactic Consciousness. When your consciousness expands, time becomes less important in your life, as you are experiencing interactions with Beings outside of your 3D concept of time or space.

Fourth Dimensional Time Your most common means of experiencing the fourth dimension is through your dreams or meditations. As you are all aware, forth dimensional time is much different than third dimensional time. For example, you could have a long dream in which a certain song was playing on your 3D radio throughout the entire dream.

Then, you wake up to find the song only half over. The song was only 3 minutes long, whereas your dream may have encompassed many years of experiences. Furthermore, in the fourth dimension it does not take “time” to travel from one place to another. You may find yourself in one place, than instantly switch to another place. Also, you can change your shape within a fourth dimensional dream or vision. You could be a person, then instantly shift into a wolf, then back into a human.

Therefore, the function of time in the fourth dimension is to confuse your third dimensional thinking enough for you to begin to release your attachment to time. Your dream and meditation life also allows you to release your attachment to your current third dimensional form. In your fourth dimensional realities you can change forms many times throughout one dream and/or meditation.

Furthermore your consciousness is very different in the fourth dimension than it is in the third dimension. In the physical world your consciousness is something that keeps you awake to the physical world. Conversely, in your dreams and meditations your consciousness is the component of yourself that can travel free of all physical limitation.

Also, your state of consciousness greatly influences how you perceive the passage of time. For example, when you are engaged in a creative venture and/or doing something that you love, there is little sense of the passage of time. What may seem like 15 minutes could be 2 hours when you look up at a clock.

On the other hand, you have all noticed how the clock ticks VERY slowly when you are doing something that you perceive as boring, difficult or “work”. On the other hand, someone who enjoys that activity may perceive the passage of time to be only minutes to your hours.

When you are engaged in an activity that you love or that is a creative expression of your true SELF, time seems to stop - that is until you see a clock. However, do you want to believe the physical counting machine or your SELF? Do you see how time is not real? Time is created to organize your thinking to match the matrix of third dimensional Earth. Once you shift your thinking into a fourth dimensional matrix, your sensation of time is greatly altered. Then, when you experience the fifth dimension you are able to move beyond time completely and experience the NOW.

Fifth Dimensional Time The only time in the fifth dimension is the NOW. Time is NOT the NOW, as the NOW is NOT a frozen moment of time. The Now of the fifth dimension is that which creates time by reminding you that you can align your higher dimensional thought with a third or fourth dimensional matrix if you wish to experience time.

The NOW can, also, be used to align your consciousness with higher frequencies of reality by focusing your full intention and attention onto higher frequencies of reality. In other words, the NOW is the medium for your Energy Field (your thoughts, feelings, actions and behaviors) to choose ANY state of consciousness and ANY dimension you wish to experience.

However, if you are involved in the fifth dimensional NOW, but your focus falls into time by thinking about something that you need to do tomorrow - or you forgot to do yesterday, your consciousness will fall out of the experience of NOW. Once you fall out of the experience of NOW, your consciousness goes back into the time-bound realities of the lower worlds. Therefore, the final function of time is to remind yourself that you can transcend time by aligning your Energy Field with the NOW.

Aligning with the NOW If you can remember that time tells you that you are in the lower worlds, you can use the experience of counting time to determine your current state of consciousness. It may seem that defining your state of consciousness is an easy task. But what if you are trapped in a “boring” project that you “dislike,” but you NEED to do it in order to feed your family.

What will you do? You will put on the happy face and “act as if” it is enjoyable. However, if you take the “time” to check in with your SELF, you will NOT be able to lie to yourself any longer. That means you will have to change. And what will you change? You will change your mind!

You will determine NOT to lie to yourself any longer and note that if something takes a “really long time,” you probably do NOT like doing it. Once you realize your Truth, close your eyes and use your imaginative consciousness to take you on an inner journey into doing and being what you LOVE.

Remember, when you are doing something you love, time ends. Therefore, you may only gaze off into space for a few minutes, but it can feel like a lifetime. In fact, it just may be an entire lifetime in a world beyond time. Before you leave this place, memory, vision, state of consciousness align your Energy Field with the NOW of that experience.

Continue this exercise again and again. Once your Energy Field is permanently aligned with the NOW, you will have completed your cycle of incarnation into the lower worlds. Then you will live within your fifth dimensional time-less reality and only interface with the lower dimensions to help and heal members of those worlds.

Breaking the Habit of Time We hear you asking how you can align your Energy Field with the ONE. Your Energy Field is created by the thoughts that you allow to rest in your mind and the emotions that fill your body. If your thoughts and emotions are bound by the duties, limitations and fatigue from the illusion of time, you will remain primarily aligned with the third and fourth dimensions.

On the other hand, if you can use your thoughts to focus your attention on the NOW, and use your emotions to perceive your reality via imagistic, sensate pictures, you will gradually free your Energy Field from the limitations of time. Then, once you are free of time, you are in the NOW, and the NOW is in the ONE.

By thinking and speaking via images, your consciousness can travel in circular patterns that weave in and out into interacting patterns. Hence, remember to loosen your mind from the strict habit of sequential thought and reactions to your outside world. In fact, view reality not from your body, but from within your Core. Your Core is at ONE with Gaia’s Core and serves as your personal portal into the fifth dimension and beyond.

When you view reality through your Core, you are free of external illusion as your primary perceptions will come via the emotions and interactive consciousness with your higher expressions of SELF. Your higher expressions of SELF are components of your Multidimensional SELF who has copied and pasted their/your Essence into your current earth vessel. Speaking and thinking in an imagistic manner that is free of time markers such as distance, limitations, separation, gender and polarities will greatly assist you to break the habit of time.

Also, if you fully partake in every moment of your Present and release all thoughts of the illusions of the past and future, you will slowly calibrate your thought patterns to the fifth dimension. In the fifth dimension and beyond, patterns of thought and emotions travel in circles of multidimensional light and unconditional love. There are NO separate lines with myriad intersections. There are only flowing energy fields which travel in progressively creative fractal patterns.

We await you within these patterns of the NOW, Your higher expression of SELF,

The Arcturians and our Galactic Friends

tags: Dr Suzan Caroll, The Arcturians Posted by Andrew Eardley

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Anunnaki-Human Hybrids (Adam & Eve )

In this fireside discourse* Almine describes how Adam and Eve were the first successful Anunnaki-Human hybrids. She clarifies that these were not the first humans, who happened to reside in the Inner Earth at that time. Nor were they the savage neanderthal-like beings that were the remnants of prior genetic experiments by those that came from Orion.

*Recorded at the Shamanic Bootcamp 2012

Continuing the Adam and Eve story, Almine discloses the identity of the Serpent in the Garden of Eden as a member of the original caretakers of humanity (who eventually corrupted into the so-called Secret Government). These Ashanta Serpents had determined that if the Anunnaki were going to create a new human offshoot, it had to be more than just a worker slave. In other words, this human race was to have intelligence, vision and longevity - qualities that the Anunnaki did not deem it worthy of.

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Sending peace to all parts of the world

Dear friends! 

Each week, we are sending Light, Love, Peace and Energy to a particular area of our Mother Earth, daily from 22:00 to 22:05 or longer if somebody wants so.

As for our personal increased vibrations, as well as increased collective vibrations of humanity itself, it is now possible to affect changes on Earth in a far wider range then ever before. It is possible to alleviate some disasters, and some even to be prevented.

Anyone who whishes to participate in this service to the world, is wellcomed to join, regardless of what technique they practice, to which spiritual or religious organization they belong, or which method of sending Light, Love and Peace they use. Be it Reiki, mantras, prayers, light work and the like, it is only important to have a positive focus on a particular area at that time, not a passive meditation.

As EACH soul is unique, it is expressing its inimitable qualities and carries specific talents and gifts in its core, therefore, ALL of you are invited to give unique impress to this planetary change, through which we all are passing right now. :-)

This project was initiated by Ananda Roshi and The Master Yoga school and, whoever feels the need to contribute to this project for the world, is wormheartily welcomed.
This weekend is Israel i wil inform for next week
Love and light to all
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, September 13, 2012

Hello we are Lona and Rai of the inner Earth, we are from what is termed Agartha. We have been communicating with all of you for eons and like any communication it is important to listen and discern for yourselves if the information coming through is a truth for you. You all have the ability to measure what is a truth for your selves and what may not be a truth.

We have chosen Patrick to communicate our messages outwardly and allow him to post these messages, these communications with brothers and sisters you have been acquainted for from millennia and beyond. We use his blue beam of light sent within the inner planet so he may feel grounded to the earth and also so that we may send our love and strength to him and those that are willing to receive that love and wisdom. Through his third eye Patrick sends his blue beam into the sun for his own balancing of being in these moments of communication.

We do this not to force upon you of the making of a decision without your choice considered in this matter, we lovingly send these communiques to the surface so that others may have a perspective from our Earth our Gaia from those that have been living within the planetary realms within the planet, on the planet and above this planet. The formless ones have been the jump starters of this movement and have assisted past civilizations in knowing and assisting with information and artifacts to assist those that are now in the present moment. This is something that those who have chosen to control; those that choose power over others have done their best to conceal. With the light as it is now the concealment is not necessary as those that work with and in the light know intrinsically that the truth cannot be hidden.
As for the ascension or the growth of those on the surface of Gaia that has been foretold, this is well underway, and you all may have an inkling (we like that word) that there is something different within yourselves and also on physical outside of yourselves that transmits and transmutes into the ether and into the physical world that you are now and have been exposed to. Let us talk about how this will all occur. There will be nothing new within the body of this information, within our communique in this moment of the now that has not been revealed except some fine details that that are now being constructed.

You may see disarray however please choose to see the movements around you as a following by the wayside for the new to be catapulted into place. Often in the 3rd dimension of where you now reside it often takes a grave illness or a tearing down of one’s health so that that one may realize a new way needs to be chosen so that ‘I’ may continue on in a healthy manner. The old is now an illness that is being remedied so that a new and beneficial way may be imparted to replace the diseased parts. The medicine for the illness correction is your light, which shines ever and ever brighter and your love you send out which is expanding at enormous speed.

One thing that may not have been communicated is that the growth you are experiencing on the surface of Gaia is not limited to those of you that do inhabit the beautiful surface of our planet. And when we say our planet we are discussing the attributes that we are all one and that we are all here to experience the growth that has been handed down through a divine decree of oneness. This is the unity consciousness that all of you are moving into, the feeling of lack of separation from anyone or anything, even to those that choose to harm and choose to thieve. There are choices now to not allow this to occur.

Your movement in your 1960’s created fear within the elite and powerful on the planet. How could the people have mobilized so quickly and allowed us to make changes we did not want to? The dark ones asked themselves this whilst scratching their heads. This was a great time to numb the masses through methods that have not even come into the light of your current knowledge and we do not need to discuss these items here as we choose to focus on what shines brightest, your inner beings and your creative energy.

Our growth within Gaia is also occurring at a rapid pace. We are physical as yourselves yet we within this beautiful planet have evolved to where time is non-existent and space is a dimension that you choose to occupy, it is not something we view as ‘out there’. As our friends, the formless ones and those of our space brothers in the higher dimensions that are evolved we are able, as you are, to be in multiple spaces at the same ‘time’, if you will, and that ‘time’ is without a sense of separation. This is why you experience channels on your internet from the different benevolent beings from several different sources that channel messages and perhaps all on the same day and even at the same time.

Why we are communicating at this time with Patrick is to let all of you know that planetary alignments, energy from the sun, spatial shifts, pole reversals, electromagnetic energy is all here for your benefit, for your universal growth. Your religions and governments have chosen to teach ridicule for others that believe in these beneficial and beautiful actions of a creator that loves each and every one, each and every animal, tree and so on. As you also well know that ridicule has also been passed down by religion and governments so that your ET friends, ourselves included are a farce. WE see that many of you have attempted to speak with loved ones, with friends and have seen the glaze on their eyes. Even though there is and has been a multitude of physical evidence.

Our brothers and sisters are not here to force anything upon anyone an as well that is not the job of any one because we are now on the verge of a growing show-of-hands on the planet that are without doubt and without fear of what is termed the ‘unknown’. In ultimate reality there is nothing unknown there is only remembrance, how well will you remember who it is you are being?

We know that those of the light are now aware of this beautiful phenomenon of planetary and star alignments, energy grids within and on the surface of Gaia. We also are aware of some frustration you have at attempting to talk of these things even when empirical proof exists. This is okay as there will be plenty of physical proof coming in the next few days, weeks and months to make even the most fervent non-believer one with the light. We say this not to force anything upon anyone for that is not why we are here, there still exists free will from our creator and it is also how we here within Gaia have chosen to live within our communications, our communities and within our spirit of one.
We say this so that soon when the events are physically unfolding your choices to be in the light and assist others will be that more loving and gentler toward those whom have chosen to continue on within the heavy confines of the 3rd dimension. We see your eyes that are within you, they are opened and you look forward with anticipation and excitement and a knowing that all will be as has been communicated from the various sources you all have chosen to positively vibrate with.

It is important that you continue to smile as you are, that you maintain your excitement, as you are, that you continue to choose to believe as you have been for that is where creation resides, within the smile of your inner being, within the believing that you are indeed more than you have been led to believe.

The old order is stumbling, there is but naught infighting and a few public skirmishes that are placed into your press to continue with the fear, however just as one of your American football teams that is desperate in the last few moments of a game to get that last point to overtake their opponent, they take a big risk and it rarely pays off, it is a gamble and not well thought out. It is an attempt to ‘win’ by creating a last ditch effort. There is a difference in the ascension, the growth of your Gaia and yourselves…there is a plan for those in the light and those that choose to harm have no more play book but to revert to tired and worn tactics that all now see through. Once again scratching their heads thinking they ‘were too big to fail’. Whoops, forgot about that pesky light and love that is permeating throughout.

You are now protected and have always been protected. The weapons designed to kill the masses, the nuclear ones and the secret ones are offline and will not be allowed to be used against our brothers and sisters. There is nothing that can cease our expansion into the higher realms. My flame, his name is Rai, and myself, I am called Lona and our brothers and sisters within Agartha, on the surface of Gaia and in your space above you, the formless ones as well as the creator we have chosen to ascend to a higher realm as well.

There will now be no end to the growth you have chosen to experience, the growth of your inner selves. From within so it is without.

We are Lona and Rai from Agartha and we welcome your presence within our thoughts and within our beings. We choose to connect on the Equinox coming up and you all know who you are. We send our love to you, that is our gift, it is also All That Is and is from All That Is.

We come with love and we offer our love, do so with your brothers and sisters, if you choose, as we know appreciation is there when a deliberate choice is made to send your beautiful light and love out to those with you on this journey.

We will be together again.

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The Transmutation of Souls:



The Transmutation of Souls:

Channelled through Pat Grabham.

Beloved ones, as we look at earth’s humanity today and over recent years, it brings great joy to us from the Higher Dimensions, for Earth has evolved to such an extent – peoples’ vibrations and consciousness far succeeds what it has been, and as this year comes to its conclusion, even greater shifts in awareness and realisation, receptivity to the Higher Planes, will have come ever more to the surface.

It has been many centuries in the planning and conception of the shift of inner sight. Spiritual and psychic faculties have gradually speeded up over the last forty years, so now today, the Apex of the Pyramid can be seen by Seekers of the Pure Light of the Spirit.

The Apex beckons and draws you ever forward – it is like a magnetic pull – for as souls are drawn to its Apex, Memories of the Past resonate ever more within the Aspirant.

All Knowledge awaits as those stepping stones are climbed.  One by one, but sometimes three or four are speedily travelled.

Initiatory stages are experienced, often during the sleep, dream experience, where the Window to Our Worlds is easier to see through, for the Ego has been left aside, the Mind has been quietened, and instead the Higher Mind is able to listen and act upon Higher Insights and Realisation, which is alas not always available during the day.

If you could see Beloved Ones the Colours of your Auras as your Inner Being strives, searches and succeeds in transversing further steps upon Your Pathways which have been Pre-Set.

The soul, has reached that particular point, when nothing else will fulfil it – except to rewind its Life’s Journey and Return to its Source, those Planes of Light to which you call Home.

Such is that pull, it brings to us insurmountable joy to see a vast band of travellers all working together, yes, at times individually, but each in your own unique ways - but that message rings loud and clear, and reaches Us in our Worlds, and is like Nectar.

The Transmutation from younger, seemingly unaware souls, to ones who know there is more, who, having recognised this in their inner being cannot help but pass on their light, love and understanding – which in turn, inspires and encourages others – who also search for the Meaning of Creation.


Life and Eternity are but two sides of the same coin. Nothing is lost, as each life of many, has been lived.  All the myriads of happenings, both joyful and otherwise, are as a tapestry and make up the Transmutation of each soul’s life’s journey towards completement and attunement, back to the Source of its Being.

As the soul grows it cannot help but take others of the Light with it – like attracts like, and none more so than upon the Pathway of Light and Immortality.

To see those in our Worlds, who, due to time long gone since last they walked the Earth, is to be aware of just what awaits each of you – untold joy and ecstasy, elation of the Dream which the Creator had, and that delight, as step by step, through the many stages of Earth incarnations, have your souls understood much of what had been known but was forgotten.

Once learnt after much angst and inner and outer heartache, the soul, having taken note of all that is on all the many Levels and Planes of Being, has got to that Initiatory Stage where, those memories now are in full flow – the Diamond of the Soul has been polished and it shines dazzling and bright, not only to the fellow travellers upon the Earth Plane, but to Us in the Divine Spheres.  Those Lights shown, light up the Sky, and are as a Myriad of Stars, each giving off their own Special Colour, Note, Sound, upon the Ethers of Light.

Each of you have your own Guardian Angel, Angels, Guides and Teachers, as well as other Higher Energies, which you are able to Work and Communicate With.  It all depends on how the soul upon Earth relates to subtle hints, impressions and teachings, which we give out from our Planes of the Highest Light.

True Transmutation of the Soul happens, when the soul is able to listen, hear in whatever way suits them, sees as and when inspired, reflects upon that understanding and awareness that this is not me, these Teachings and Awareness are given from the Higher Planes.

As we send to you all upon the Earth, our Higher Awareness of the Actual Reality of All That Is, we are overjoyed, when, our love and patience has been acknowledged, and that Greater Learning and Awareness from those on Earth has Taken Place.

You could say from your Earth perspective, we would seem to have an insurmountable task, but we would say – nothing cannot be achieved or conquered, for with that Great Inner Awareness and Realisation to God’s Great Plan for Humankind – nothing seems too much trouble, for the soul is Lifted up by Angelic Wings Higher and Higher, the more the soul has become aware and understands the Meaning of Creation.

The Transmutation of a Soul, merely means the soul whose Memory and Consciousness has been Awakened, Activated, and the Soul is in reality taking Steps back to The Creator, and the Home from which it has been gone for what seems like forever.


We would say, Trust Your Intuition, Listen in the Silence so We can be Heard.  Accept Imagination  is the Gateway to The Creator, and as you progress ever forward, We will Walk Beside You, Speak to You and Show you Visions of Long Ago – Places and Times – for you to Process, and thus the Transmutation of the Soul takes Further Steps Day by Day, as it Joyously Returns Nearer to The Creator, and to those Planes of the Highest Light, which Aeons of time it left, to traverse many life times on Planet Earth, which has such a much harsher and lower vibration. But as the soul has transcended the darker and denser vibration and energies of Earth, its Transmutation becomes Nearer Completion, and is in fact Ready to Travel to Other Planes of Existence in the Universe, Ones of a Much Higher Vibration of Light and Energy.

Thus the Traveller Returns Home, through the Many Planes and Levels of Being, till it Stands Proud and Tall, in Front of The Creator;  its many journeys through the Centuries have finely tuned it, so that the Diamond Shines Bright, all the Facets have been Polished and Shine Brightly, and that Beloved Ones, is the Role We Play – and have done so, through the Many Aeons of Time Since We Were Together, as One.


And so it is and will be again.

13 September, 2012.


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We begin today’s message by noting with chagrin the current squabbles about different channels. We see no positive potential in such conflict. Channels receive information from whomever they resonate with. Readers choose which to read or not read. The ultimate choice is with the individual reader. Discernment is urged when reading all channels. At this point in your journey, you should be able to make such distinctions for yourselves, either between channels, or even between concepts from the same channel. Please see that, in the developing conversation between our dimension and yours, you are growing and progressing daily. It is not that we are coming to your rescue, dear ones. It is that you are approaching the dimensional awareness which you have been estranged from. You are, of course, free to hold whatever opinions you choose. We ask, however that you not indulge in conflict between lightworkers. This is not productive, and in many cases is taken advantage of by negative energies, if not indeed instigated by them.

On to happier thoughts. We are very pleased with the flood of light engulfing your planet at this time, and even happier with the way you have prepared for it and used it. There are still many millions of souls who have no conscious awareness of these things, but for those of you who do, the influence is becoming quite unmistakable.

Some are experiencing differing kinds of discomfort, fearing that they are not receiving or that they are ‘doing it wrong’. You cannot do it wrong, my friends. It is a new experience for you, and you must begin where you are.

Imagine you are learning to surf. Some are up on the board in a few tries. Some take a bit longer, even a lot longer, but their joy at riding that first wave will only be greater when they finally get it. And do not feel you have to do it alone. There are many around you now willing to give you a hand up, just as you will do yourself soon.

Many also are experiencing turmoil in their lives and forgetting to equate it to the clearing out of old energies which they have read about repeatedly of late. This will pass, my friends, if you do not give it the energy it is used to receiving from you. Thoughts are only your thoughts if you claim them with your attention. And if thoughts are things, then things are thoughts, no? Situations are beliefs. Beliefs are causes.

But, at this juncture, you are receiving so much loving light from your Creator that you might just as well allow these things to pass. Their frequency can now be surpassed by you and they will just cease. We know that you are not used to that way of dealing with things, but you have never traveled this way before.

Begin to grasp now the power of who you are and where you are headed. Understand the love and the trust your Creator has in you to allow you to do this amazing thing without interfering with your free will. Try to see for yourself the awesome being we see when we look at you. Don’t worry about your ego. When you truly begin to grasp this, we promise you it will be a humbling experience.

Enjoy each experience now and relish each forward step. We are, as always, by your side ready to help however we can. Good day, dear hearts.

Copyright © Ronald Head.

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Published on 10 Sep 2012 by ireneaura

End of time.
I became inspired to create this based apon yet another scare tactics video on the tube,based upon the approaching asteroid and if it misses earth this time around there is a strong possibility of impact in a few short years anyway.
Maybe that is why so many humans treat this planet with total dis-respect.
Ok,the leaders have their own agenda,but the rest of humanity too,must be held accountable for their own actions.
From the smallest act of respect by not leaving the ground littered with half used take-away wrappers, re-cycling and being aware of many everyday products on the shelves that have been tested on animals,causing pain and death.
To Seals being clubbed to death to Dolphins and Whales killed without a thought.
I vow from this moment on to do my very best to buy products that are earth and animal friendly and to give blessings for the food given to sustain my life.

Music: by Eamonn Karrann


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Healing Anxiety and Fear

Healing Anxiety and Fear

How proper breathing can help manage and eliminate panic

I always feel very confident when I am approached by a new client who suffers from anxiety, fear, phobia or panic attacks. I have helped so many people with these problems and everyone was able to completely eliminate these painful feelings within a matter of weeks.


How can I be so sure that I can help anyone who suffers from anxiety? It is because chronic anxiety and related feelings are not really psychological problems. They may have started at some point from a psychological trauma but, in itself, chronic fear is the result of breathing in a faulty way. So, all I have to do is to show my clients how to gently correct their breathing and use simple visualisations such as seeing themselves in a bubble of light. The chronic fearfulness will almost immediately lessen and be completely eliminated after only a few weeks.

This is not just a theory. Even people in the throes of an acute panic attack have regularly experienced almost immediate relief by changing their breathing and simple visualisations. It never took longer than a few minutes until the panic had completely disappeared.

When I explain my approach to curing anxiety to my clients many have trouble believing it because they have a feeling that there is something deeply wrong with them on a psychological level. But that is not true. There is nothing particularly wrong with their psyche. They have only developed a detrimental breathing habit that has changed their body chemistry in a negative way, resulting in chronic anxiety.

What is this faulty breathing habit? To put it simply, it is over-breathing – inhaling too much and too fast. Inhaling too much and too fast for a long period of time changes the chemical balance in our body in a very destructive way. Just like chronic over-eating has many negative consequences, over-breathing creates stress and anxiety symptoms, even panic attacks.

So, what does the breathing technique look like that will cure our chronic anxiety?

Simply put, we need to breathe less. Once our breathing has slowed down the oxygen in our blood will be delivered even more efficiently to our brain and inner organs. And what is most important, you will feel calmer and your anxiety will disappear.

Is this advice too simple? Sometimes people dismiss this quick solution to their anxiety problem because they just cannot imagine that it could be so easy. But nobody has to live with anxiety. You can get rid of it quite easily.

To learn more about eliminating anxiety please refer to Tara Springett's book The Five-Minute Miracle. Tara holds an M.A. in Education and has post-graduate qualifications in gestalt therapy, body awareness therapy and transpersonal therapy. She is a fully qualified and licensed psychotherapist and counselor. Tara has worked as a drugs counselor, counselor for adolescents and general psychotherapist since 1988. Tara has been a dedicated Buddhist practitioner since 1986. In 1997 she received encouragement from her Buddhist teachers to teach meditation. Tara is the author of several self-help books. She has been featured in numerous publications and has appeared on various radio and television shows in Europe and the United States. Her website is:




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THE AWAKENING is the awe inspiring main stage presentation in Children of the Sun Foundation’s World Tour. This performance is specifically designed to inspire and impact the audience with the all powerful frequency of love which has been masterfully crafted into every aspect of this dynamic presentation.

This dramatic, multi sensory experience humbly endeavors to be a life changing event purposed to magnetically spark participating hearts into full unified resonance.

A Journey of Remembrance This 90-minute multi-media, sensory immersion experience has been created for a 21st century audience, offering a unique combination of music, stunning projected imagery, inspiring song and dance sequences that illuminate a magical journey of the soul and its highest potential.

This deeply moving transformational journey of self discovery portrays our universal origins, from the beginning of creation to our current existence and into the awakened future. As the audience shares in the multi-sensory montage of nature’s rhythms and timeless gems of wisdom, their memory may be awakened to the interconnectivity of all things.

This all takes place within a large dome theatre which is built in an attempt to convey an intimate sense of caring, inclusiveness and unity.

Artistic Vision of Immersive Entertainment This is a ground breaking artistic vision of giving long lasting impression through immersive style entertainment. Every person is gifted with the opportunity to direct their attention inward, potentially opening their hearts and minds to the real possibility of positively shifting their perspective of this common experience we call ‘life’. It is our deepest hope that everyone will leave feeling inspired that the world can be changed for the better, beginning with a shift of our inner world first.

The theatrical presentation of “The Awakening” assists us all in the conceivable unlocking our full potential as a united and loving global family, and to assist others to do the same.

Dramatic Scenes With Full Sensory Immersion













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"The Emergence" has begun.

The prophecy says, 'Let the dawn come.
Let all the people and all the creatures have peace,
let all things live happily, for love must not only be
between humans, but between all living things.

They said, 'We are the Children of the Sun,'
and we are... Awakening As One.

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The following is the 12th message that we received in Avalon (England and Scotland) this past June/July 2012 over Solstice. You can find our other messages on our website at under the "Articles for Personal and Planetary Transformation" link. It might be a good idea to read them in order as each message builds upon the previous one. We are sharing this message here with you just as we received it, in present time, with very little editing. We do this for a very important reason. We know that the messages that we receive are not just for our groups, but are for others as well. The Star Elders and all the others that joined us, assure me that the message and the corresponding energy will be transmitted to you as you read them. So as you read this, you might want to imagine that you are with us. Also, always view the photos on the website that we share, as photos also hold some energy of the sites.

Upon arriving at the Camelot Castle Hotel, my first impulse was to immediately go down a trail to the cliffs overlooking King Arthur's Tintagel Castle and Merlyn's Cave. But being the responsible group leader, I needed to see that everyone got checked into the hotel. When we checked into our room, I immediately began to feel anxious, unwelcomed, and was receiving some strong psychic attacked. I felt a presence that was not happy I was there. I looked around the room and could not see how I could ever sleep in that bed. The energy I felt in the room was very conflicted. It was like heaven and hell all in one place. I paced around the room, trying to clear out the negative energy. I pulled out all my tricks… It wasn't working.

I knew I was becoming unbalanced very quickly. So after trying to clear the negative energy out of the room, I felt an urgency to go outside and walk down to the cliffs. I needed my feet on the ground; I needed to rebalance myself. Raphael and I left our room and started walking down the path to the cliff overlook. As we were walking down the path, I began to feel a full-body past life overlay come over me. It was unlike anything I had ever experienced before. The overlay and I were merging. It was an amazing feeling that no words can describe: so clear, with a powerful focus, and there was so much heart, love and oneness.

I was about half way down the trail to the cliffs edge, when I felt like I was spun around and pushed off of my feet. I was airborne for what felt like a long time. I landed hard, solely on my left scapula, and facing in the opposite direction. (now how did I do that?) I heard the pop as a rib cracked under the pressure of my entire left chest area being compressed flat as a pancake.

A group member had a dream a few nights before about me. In the dream, I was sucked under a bus and was smashed flat. This dream went through my head as I lay there… crushed flat and feeling like a bus had hit me. This experience reminds me of something that the Mayas and the Incas also know about. One of the ways to radically shift energy is through a shock to the body. Well this shock was working on me big time.

The urge to go to the cliff's edge was still very strong, so after a few minutes of gathering myself up, I summoned enough energy (probably adrenaline) to get up and go down to the cliff edge as planned. First, I felt a deep ancestral past-life rage I have never felt before. It was clear that this rage was not personal, but came from a huge un-known, or sub-conscious, past tragedy. It felt as though my heart had been ripped out of my chest. I could not stop crying. I didn't have any sense of myself at this point, for I was lost in this powerful goddess-like being with whom I had merged.

I gave Raphael a (light) punch in the chest and said, "You died on me … you let me down… why did you do that?" Again, as the words flew out of my mouth, I knew they were coming from this past life overlay. Raphael looked a bit shocked to say the least. Poor guy.

Underneath the quickly fading rage, there was nothing but pure unconditional love and a sense of oneness, unity, unlike anything I have ever felt before. I wanted to stay in this state of awareness forever. It was pure, clear and unhampered from wounds, fear and ego. I knew this awareness was highly important. In spite of the mounting pain with each breath I took, I was also blissing-out. I could not stop crying, and the tears came from all the places being activated inside of me.

As the adrenaline wore off, I was rendered immobile and struggled to breathe. I don't like drama… but the paramedics came to see if I was okay. I had cracked a rib and ripped the muscles around my heart.... The ripples were already spreading through our group like a tsunami… Yeap, it was shift central… but shake ups awaken things, don't they?

The next morning, we felt it was necessary for our group to re-group and to understand what had happened and what was still going on. We like to leave the message untouched, but this one was so very personal to our group to share it word for word. We also felt the message would not translate well as is. So I will summarize our meeting and following ceremony held, literally, in the mists of Avalon.

By the next morning, I had a deeper understanding about what had happened and also what the group had experienced. I still was merged completely with the past life overlay and in a very open and vulnerable space. I shared everything with tears running down my face. I am not usually this emotional, but for some reason spirit had called me to be in this process with arms wide open and not hold back, no matter who was watching. I had to go for it, just like we all have to go for it these days of major transition. There is no more time to procrastinate. We are leaping into the future. I was so thankful for our group who were very supportive of this process. I needed to share from my cracked open heart, as I hoped to unravel what this meant for me, our group (and the readers of this message).

After I had fallen, the first thing that surfaced was really deep, righteous rage that came from a great loss. It was the deepest rage I have ever felt in my life. I have had many things to be mad about my life in the past, we all have. We have all suffered losses and betrayals. But his rage was much deeper and triggered by a great loss and betrayal from a collective purpose. This was rage in its pure raw form. It was intensely clear, powerful and righteous. It felt like this energy came from the power of nature, the power of the Earth, the water and the cliffs, the stars in the sky, and even the universe. The loss and betrayal were causing me to feel like we were losing something precious (in this past lifetime). We were losing a pure creative potential and power that was of universal proportions. We were at the end of the road.

So when I walked to the edge of the cliff and felt the rage, I felt like I wanted to jump. Now … I'm smart enough to know a past life memory from the current life, so of course I didn't jump. But quite a few others from our group had felt like they were being pulled off or wanted to jump or felt very unstable at the edge of the cliff as well. Now I knew this was not just about me, but about our group's energy and ancestral past.

During this process, I felt like my heart had broken; my chest was empty. But, surprisingly, with all these feelings, with all this rage; there was also an awareness of limitless, immeasurable, infinite LOVE. I never have felt that much love in my life, not even with the birth of my babies. Even now, as I am sharing this with you, it is hard to relate to the depth of the immersed Love I was feeling. This Love was impersonal and unconditional and felt like it came from the collective consciousness and the creative power of the universe. It was a very cosmic feeling. This love came from ALL of us (our group and those being drawn to read this). I wanted to stay in this open space as long as I could, because I knew that there was, and still is, something here for us to learn. A few years ago (2007), Raphael and I were in England. We did not have enough days left to make the trip to Tintagel. I now realize that it was not the right time. What we experienced here had to do with divine timing and the right family, not just me.

Within the awareness of this love in the collective consciousness, I began to realize that the shock to the body needed to happen. I felt that somehow I took the shock to my body was not just for me but for our group and maybe all those reading this today. Shocks break up old, stuck energy.

Humanity has been scattered and separated over this dark time from which we now are emerging. Maybe we needed to be scattered, in order to let go and allow the light to pour through. Maybe this scattering created room for us to collect all the different pieces we have stored inside of us, so we could come back to finish the job. I hope you can feel the love and urgency of this love I feel today and a knowing that we need to work together in this sense of community, unity and love.

We can no longer can do this shift of the ages alone. It is time for the like-minded communities to come back together. It is time to come out of hiding and bare your heart and soul and allow that impersonal and unconditional love energy untouched by ego come forth from you. I hope you are hearing this message.

There was more… I also felt like something completely flipped around inside me. It felt as though I had an internal polar flip. Maybe that is why I fell in the first place. Flipping poles could make us feel wobbly, and I guess an internal one could also do the same thing. So why a pole shift now? I have been traveling to sacred sites since 1986. Why now?

Over the course of our pilgrimage, we had spent much time talking about the HINGE between what was, and what will be … and we felt that shift was on the summer Solstice June 20, 2012. Now everything is reversing and coming back into balance, step by step. I can see now that this is going to take a bit of getting used to. There is going to be an adjustment period.

There was something amazing, familiar, and yet unknown, blooming inside of me as I walked down to the cliffs. Her presence was so powerful, and she had an indestructible, immortal, eternal feeling about her: it was a fierce tenacity. She would have said.... "I am back, and you (negative forces) aren't winning this time." There was a deep commitment, no fear and amazing focus as well.

I think we all can feel something stirring inside us that is a super deep commitment to our destiny, even though it still may be an unknown to us. It doesn't matter if we know what it is or not. It does not matter what it takes to get the job done… we are going to do this. No matter what they (negative energies) do to us, we will still survive and we have. So I am saying here, with all of you as my witnesses, I don't care what it takes. (gulp) And I hope you make that commitment as well. I feel what we are doing today on this planet is beyond our knowing and enormously and vitally important. We want to get the job done, yes? I hope you are on board with me here.

The group began to share what they had been feeling since their arrival to Tintagel … Here is a very brief bit of the ancient history we unraveled together…

Back in ancient days, there was a time when a gathering of really strong divine creative (feminine) presences (we might call "Goddesses" today). They were in Avalon and all over the Earth. They were protected and guarded by the men (we might call them Knights Templar today). These Goddess were the creators of the earth's grids and ley lines - an energy network in which to keep the balance on Earth as humanity evolved. It also was use to transmit new energies across the earth for the further evolving of the Earth and humanity.

The Goddesses' job was nearly done, but other lower vibrational beings that were committed to the darkness and inauthentic power found them out and knew what they are doing. The dark ones realized that this meant that they would lose control of humanity if they succeeded. The Goddesses, all the while protected by the knights, worked quickly to finish the grid. They worked to the very last second. But the job was not done, and they were pushed to the ends of the Earth.

So that all their work would not be for nothing, they leaped into the ocean and anchored the ends of the ley line into the earth on an acupuncture point under the sea. Even though they knew it was time for the Earth to go into a cocoon stage (transformational darkness), they still felt a traumatic and terrible loss. But they knew they would come back to finish the job in the distant future. So they willingly, with all their power, leaped into the sea, not as victims, but as victors. They were totally in their conscious power when they jumped into the sea. You can still feel this awareness and energy on the land.

The knights fought a brutal and fatal battle to hold off the enemy until the Goddesses anchored the ley lines. Now here is the strange thing … None of us remember the Goddesses dying in the leap to the sea, but neither do we remember how they were able to live. It is a mystery we are still working to remember and unravel. Maybe this is how the myth of the Silkes came into being.

The Mayans and Inca knew of this transformational darkness - the cocoon stage of the Earth. They knew there was going to be a time where the Earth had to go into almost total darkness. There were many Light Keepers that maintained little light portals upon the Earth to keep it alive (and all of you reading this), so the Earth wouldn't end up dead like the moon. We kept it alive, but just barely. Just enough breath, just enough light, so the Earth could regenerate and evolve to this new place.

The Sun has nearly passed through the galactic center / dark rift (milky way) now, and at the end of this year, we will begin to exit the rift. This dark riff is the doorway between the old ways and the new ways. As mentioned, the Solstice (the middle of 2012) acts as a hinge in this age and this year. We have crossed to the other side now; we have flipped a page… everything is changing / reversing after Solstice.

On our group's pilgrimage through Glastonbury and other areas, we felt we had been collecting, or gathering up, bits of wisdom, remembrances and pieces to a big puzzle. Maybe we were walking on the same lines that those ancient Goddesses had created. We brought these pieces back to Tintagel to the culmination leaping point, the end of the ley lines that are on dry land - where the Goddesses took their leap into the sea. Most of our group was mysteriously and inexplicably attracted to the sea on the cliffs of Tintagel and Merlyn's cave. I have never felt anything like it before.

Merlin is anchored here at Tintagel as a Mer Line, a ley line to the Mother, the Mer, which is the vast ocean of human consciousness. We felt that our group (and those reading this) had come here to reclaim this vast ocean of human consciousness and finish a job. Also, the Celtic tradition believed that the Mother, the Earth, could be reached best through the sea. The true Mother Earth actually was most available through the sea. So now the story is really coming together.

I feel that we (and many of those reading this) have been slowly pushed to what we feel is the edge of the world (3D reality), and when get to the edge of this world, the only thing left is to jump into the sea (the great creative void). There has been a lot of negative energy that has attempted to stop us from doing this job. They failed, of course. I think this applies to the entire light worker community. These are clues that we are opening up to something very big.

Beings that are committed to the darkness and inauthentic force/power will try to come to stop us when we are holding onto new amazing pieces of this grand puzzle. We are particularly vulnerable at the point when we receive these pieces, because there is an integration period in which these pieces may be vulnerable to contamination and even theft. But these negative forces will fail again of course. We are still here, and we are about to finish a huge job to re-anchor the ideals of Avalon and Camelot and bring about a higher level of unity, community, and love back in full force on Earth. There is nothing that can stop the completion of this job. The momentum is too strong. The light has already won.

So as our group remembered these things … we plotted the return of this energy together in a ceremony...

We needed to walk out to the cliff edge, anchor our pieces back in the stone, and allow them to rise back up out of the sea, whole and complete, and be activated into the Earth grid again. Then, as we (and those reading this) go back out into the world, we will carry ley lines back out into the world. Those of us that continue on to Rosslyn will be taking the ley lines all the way to Rosslyn Rose ley line.

At this point we realized what a wild, "out there" pilgrimage this has been. But we can't be afraid to feel the depths of our truth and purpose, no matter how wild it may seem. This is our destiny as light workers: to BE and LIVE our truth. We had to hide ourselves and the depth of our creative love, our strength and our creative power. Now it is time we hold our ground with unbending tenacity. Back in the past, we had to learn to let go of holding our ground. Our work had to go back into the sea and go into sleep-mode for a time. But we are back now!

But the bottom line, the most important thing I have learned from all of this, is being able to feel the full force of pure love all the way, and allowing ourselves to be brutally vulnerable. An Australian sister of mine always says … we have to live with arms wide open. We must rip our hearts open, and say, "World here we are!" and live in the world raw - totally exposed.

When I hit the ground, whatever was blocking me from living wide open got knocked out of me. A least for now, I don't feel like I have to hide anymore. (Sadly, after about 18 hours passed, my heart close a bit. I tried to balance my inner and outer worlds, and I didn't feel the amazing wide openness that I felt before. Yet, I never returned to my original form either. I know this experience is in my memory now, and I will be able to access it anytime it is called for.)

I feel as though we are the ancestors returned. We are the ancestors coming back to get the job done this time. We are a part of something bigger than just one-self; we are a collective of creative power. Those Goddesses of the past knew that it was not the end of their world but an opportunity for a new beginning sometime in the future. They had no concern about self-preservation because their job was much bigger than any one person. It's not like they didn't value their lives, but they understand they were part of a greater cause. Our soul life continues. We are in their shoes now.

Tintagel - the ceremony overlooking the sea.

As the group walked down to the overlook point, which looked out to the sea, a mist surrounded us so completely that we could no longer see the hotel above the cliffs. All we could see was our circle of family. That was it… And no one could see us. It was as though the clouds came in like the spirits of the Knights Templar to protect us once again. Then it started to rain sweetly. And as we approached the overlook point, it rained harder and harder. But we didn't mind.

The ceremony…

We call upon the Earth and ask that the knowledge we have long forgotten - the wisdom that we anchored into the sea - be returned to us with all of its clarity, depth, compassion, integrity, wisdom, honor, strength, courage and feelings. We ask that this knowledge be returned to us now, together with the knowledge of all those who had walk these ley lines and anchored their knowledge and wisdom into the sea.

Where we stand today is the center point. Everyone in their mind's eye, anchor your sword down here. (the one that Archangel Michael gave us at Brentor) We need to make a huge new, acupressure point for all the knowledge and wisdom to be brought back up to the surface for all of humanity. All for one… one for all. This is as it should be.

Group member came over to me and gave me a stone. She said "This is a representation of your heart. This is your heart stone from the Pluto cave in Mt. Shasta. This is yours to do with as you wish."

I said …. "It needs to be thrown back into the ocean, but I can't throw that far today. So Raphael throws it into the ocean." As Raphael threw the stone back into the sea, the group let out a loud scream. This scream never made it past the protective mist that surrounded us. We were in such a protective space.

Now that we have thrown the heart stone into the ocean, we ask that our hearts be returned to us in their full and impeccable glory, as in the days when we understood truth and never questioned for a single moment our hearts calling. This is the power that we hold inside of us. We ask that we walk each step in this power from this point on. We ask that we can now remember and feel that we are as close to being immortal as a human being can be, and know that nothing can destroy the energy we carry. We may have had to bury this energy in the ocean for a while, but now it is time for it to be re-birthed to the entire planet. (Aluna stomps on the ground.) And that is my contribution and my sword.

Blessings in this moment. Blessings on our hearts. Blessings that we have made the journey all the way to this place. We are here. We did it.

So this is now the place where the new ley lines begin, and the new ley lines are our path returning back home - like ribbons of light. The group teased me and said it was going to be named the … Aluna line. But I didn't like this because it was all of us that did this work (and those reading this). But we didn't come up with a name in that moment, in the mist and pouring rain…. But for now, I will call it the name we decided for our group: "The Well-done Ley Line" (well done… Get it?)

We went back up to the hotel to dry out and warm up. The clouds parted and the mist cleared, telling us that the job we did was, in fact, well done.

I want to send heart felt blessings to everyone who took the time to read this message. These events changed my life in ways that I cannot describe, and I am sure our group felt the same. I hope the energy translated to you in magical mist-ical ways. I know that if you got to the end of this message, you surely must have been a part of what this message contains. Like-frequency attracts like-frequency. So you must have been with us in spirit as we traveled through Avalon. Thank you for your support.


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