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Going Deep Within a message from Ann Albers

My dear friends, we love you so very much.

Be gentle with yourselves. As the energy on your earth continues to intensify and the waves of light wash into your planet, they will, like large ocean waves, wash up whatever is buried in the depths of your soul. Much like cleaning out your physical closets you will find the hidden treasures, the forgotten dreams, as well as the energies you have stuffed deep within. Truly it is time on your planet to face yourselves, with courage, compassion, and great love. It is time to embrace all that is rising up from within.

Some of you will feel your soul's desires rising up very strongly. In this case, take time in quiet to ponder and allow the guidance to arise within you. How can you begin to fulfill your dreams, one step at at time. Give your soul room to breathe in your own life and take the steps necessary to go down the paths you long to travel.

Some of you will feel old pains, upsets, and fears arising from within. Rather than running from these feelings, embrace them. Pretend you are embracing a child in pain or an upset little one within you. Pretend you are comforting the scared child within. It is not longer possible to run from yourselves dear friends. There is too much light rising up within all of you and it is flushing everything to the surface.

As you go through this phenomenal and beautiful growth, celebrate! You - the real you, the loving divine soul that God created you to be - is coming to the surface. Anything less than your truth is being revealed so it can be healed. You are not going "backwards." You are going "inwards" and you are allowing yourself to learn to love all that has been within you.

Be kind to yourselves. Be gentle with yourselves. Be honest with yourselves. From that point of compassion for self you can communicate and interact with the world in a much more loving manner. 2012 my dear friends is not the end of the world at all, but rather instead a grand and glorious opportunity to release the past and recreate yourselves in wonderful and beautiful ways.

God bless you! We love you so very much.
--The Angels
Message From Ann

I had a long talk with the angels recently. The articulated what I had not yet been able to say. They told me I was restructuring my entire existence, from the inside out. It is true. Passions I have long held within and the projects that result from them can no longer be ignored. The desire for balance in my life has out-weighed the old patterns of trying to pack too much in. I have finally had to admit to myself the desire for more time alone, after my work of connecting with my clients and all their loved ones so intensely. It has been a beautiful process, and I'm happier and more peaceful than I've been in ages.

It is sometimes hard to be deeply honest with ourselves, because then we have to be even more honest with those around us. It has always been a challenge for me to disappoint anyone. It has been my lifelong lesson to let that go of that discomfort, and to just be true to what God puts in my own heart. So when I was concerned lately about hurting friends feelings when I knew I needed more unplanned time, the angels told me rather strongly that I was being ridiculous. They reminded me that real friends would understand and celebrate me honoring my guidance. They were, of course, right. I am blessed by incredible people in my life.

It has not always been this way. In the past when the "need to please" was so strong within me, I attracted people that needed me to please them. Years ago, when I quit engineering a woman I thought was my best friend there came unglued and yelled at me. "How can you leave me? What kind of friend are you? " Never mind that I was following a God-given dictate to change my life and honor my calling. She made it all about her. And she mirrored well my feelings that I existed to satisfy everyone else. I tried to reassure her that we could still keep in touch and go to lunch, but that wasn't enough. She was used to having me there on a daily basis. The friendship ended on that sad note, but in lieu of pleasing one person I have been able to uplift thousands.

When a former boyfriend left in my thirties after I asked him to treat me more kindly, he did so yelling that I was "just too much work!" Today I look back and grin. Had I been who I am now I would have held the door open for him and and blessed his retreat, rather than beating myself up and trying to see what I could have done differently. Sometimes by our very nature we will find we are not a match for others, but if you are true to your own heart, then everything and everyone will shift into its right place in your life.

God's love is rising up within all of us saying, "Hello! I love you! I want you to experience what your soul wishes to be this lifetime. I want you to know my love. I want you to express my love in a way that gives you joy. I want you to look fear in the face and know love is greater. I want you to look at your angers and make necessary changes. I want you to give me your sadness in exchange for your joy." We must remain true to our internal compass, no matter what because that is where we find our joy and make the biggest contribution to the world. And when I say "biggest" I am not talking about the number of people we overtly serve, but rather the biggest ripple of love in the cosmic pond.

So in these changing times, pay attention to the desires within, confront the other energies that stand in their way, and know God lives and breathes within you, wanting to pour His love into the world - to you, through you, and from you.

Bless you, I love you all!

Please feel free to share any of my messages or posts. The only thing I ask is a small note: ©Ann Albers,

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Beloved ones, you are pure Love, open, endless and alive. You are pure joy in the experience of being one with life. You are also pure gratitude. It is the truth of your awareness of the gift of life, of relationship, of the miracle of this moment that is – this moment that contains your limitless freedom and contains your communion with All That Is.

This moment, your being is immersed 100% in gratitude. We have spoken many times of gratitude and have brought it forth in our communion again and again. Yet, beloved ones, in this time of transformation, of the awakening of humanity into Love, gratitude is not only an important key. It is the doorway to freedom itself.

Often you have thought about gratitude and chosen things you are grateful for in your life. But, beloved ones, that is gratitude from the perspective of the mind. The mind says some things are worthy of gratitude, and many things are not – and that the consciousness of a human being gets to choose what it will be grateful for.

I am lifting you into a new relationship with gratitude that is the full expression of pure immersion in the gift of life -- gratitude that has nothing that is outside of it, nothing that is not included because I Am continually in endless gratitude for the absolute astounding miracle of this awakening to Love. I Am in endless gratitude for this life I Am becoming fully aware of itself and the absolutely miraculous eternal gift of relationship to all that lives within this Love I Am.

Every tiny experience of life is celebrated and the whole of God I Am is a song of Love so grateful for this experience of giving and receiving that every moment is a “thank you,” every moment is pure gratitude.

When you allow gratitude to live you, to become the flavor of your experience of every breath…then not only do doorways to the unity of life open to you. The ego mind also must acknowledge a vision of life beyond its perceptions of bad and good, beyond, beloved ones, all resistance.

This is what is so important about gratitude in this moment of your full awakening to the power, beauty and truth of Love. Every breath is a gift of indescribable magnitude and we are continually all one and perfectly, endlessly in Love with each other. It is a Love Song that is never done.

How can we not be grateful for this? Beyond the ego’s perceptions of what life is -- its definitions of suffering and grace -- is the extended experience of God I Am in pure gratitude for the miracle of conscious life. This is the truth of your being.

When you fall into your grateful heart, doors open that you have never seen before that lead you directly into immersion in pure Love. You are granted the many communions of the heart of God with every expression of the gift of relationship and every experience of the continual and endless prayer of gratitude that we share.

When you open to this gratitude, beloved ones, it is far beyond your perceptions of the human being. It is so big, so bold, of such glorious magnitude that it lifts up the very concept of duality. It washes you free of the little mind and its desire to pass judgment on your experience. You recognize in your heart, as your truth, that every moment is a miracle and your heart is a continual prayer of gratitude.

Resistance, as you already know, is what keeps the ego in place and builds continually this dualistic world. It keeps you imagining that there are things that can keep you from your endless good, and keeps you turned away from Me and from this grace that is the movement of Love.

The moment you become this prayer of gratitude, then you are flying free of your story. You are acknowledging the gift of life that is given to you in this Now Moment for all eternity. It brings the human drama into perspective and it also releases you from the hold that the ego mind creates in its resistance to life that keeps this Love from being able to manifest here and now as you.

The ego mind keeps you distant from the abundance of God and keeps you perceiving a separate world. Gratitude can take you effortlessly beyond all this and give you the freedom that you are, not only to experience pure bliss but to also become Real consciousness that can see beyond the story lines of the ego mind… can see beyond the labels of bad and good, can see the endless gifts of Love that come from your experience in this life and fill your heart and then your mind with grateful peace and endless joy.

When you are grateful as a person, you always pick and choose – no matter how hard you try not to. You are grateful for this thing that you like but can’t bring yourself to be grateful for the experience of pain – or what you perceive as suffering. But oh, beloved ones, when you allow gratitude to show you the song of your true being, you are the perspective of the hologram in which every particle is life embracing life. Suddenly this human experience is all good because it is the gift of Love awakening.

So I Am calling you to a new experience of gratitude, a new resonance of the grateful heart. I Am calling you to be the prayer for gratitude for life that will shift humankind out of duality into the recognition of life as pure good.

The moment, the very moment this is your reality, you are released from those things that had you locked in to constantly recreating the experience of duality because you labeled them “not good,” and thus, the focus of your heart continued to recreate the dance with whatever it has been that you couldn’t be grateful for. Thus, the experience as a limited human being had to continue.

Let this gratitude sweep clean the temple of your heart. Let it dissolve every resistance to life. Let it lift you into a new perspective on what a life is – how important, how delicious, what a miracle, and how every experience when it is loved is a doorway Home to me – home to your experience of who you are as the limitless and joyous heart of God.

Gratitude is far beyond a request for your participation in shifting your view of that which you live. Gratitude is the truth of your being when the ego mind releases its judgments and joins in the prayer of gratitude for the experience of life -- gratitude for the miracle of being God, gratitude for the breath you breathe in unity with all and gratitude for this magnificent experience of pretending that you don’t remember all that you are and that you don’t remember Me.

Gratitude is part of this communion when you truly feel this Love we share, when you recognize not only that you are here in service but that all of humankind is part of My joy in the delicious experience of awakening Myself as each and every human heart.

Gratitude is not a decision. Real gratitude is not based in thought. It is, instead, beloved ones, an experience that is completely felt in the heart. It moves you beyond resistance and boundaries and makes you part of this streaming Love that is free from being locked into any perception, including the perception of a human being. It is instead the sound of Creation laughing as in ecstasy we all shout, “It’s all good.” That which has been perceiving itself as separate from Love is swept into this song of gratitude for life and every resistance to life is then dissolved.

Dissolving this resistance is your key, beloved ones. This you already comprehend. But gratitude is the perfect means to accomplish what you are longing for, what you feel deep within – that every moment is meant to be pure joy and that your heart is your mode of perception. The heart, of course, embraces everything it encounters in life. It takes it in and loves it. Whatever it is, there is no resistance, and thus, by the Law of Resonance, it is returned to the awareness of the perfection of God I Am as the truth of all beings.

Gratitude is part of your heart’s experience. All of you already know this. Any moment when you meditate, when you are lifted free, when you have an experience that stops the little mind, don’t you always feel so grateful that there is no way to even begin to describe all that your heart feels?

Well, this experience is yours any time. When you claim it by becoming this prayer, you are lifted effortlessly beyond the ego mind, beyond all those things for which it has resistance. You are lifted into a place where you embrace life fully, that all of it can be loved and all of it is thus free to recognize itself as the one Love I Am.

It is time to leap into this stream of gratitude, to become as free as the wind, to let gratitude take you to view everything, all that you have perceived as bad and good, that you might experience life beyond the story line, beyond the bubble of consensual reality.

You can find how inclusive this Love is and how this gratitude for life makes your perspective of every experience totally different, that you can rejoice in everything now and thus be released from those things you continue to create through your perceptions of not good and the judgments of the ego.

Gratitude, Real gratitude, can infuse everything, even the experiences of profound pain and bring you to a place where you can feel the truth of just how you chose this awakening and this element of service to Love as humanity, service to the awakening of all together, service by the Law of Resonance.

But even beyond the need for such perspective is the greater awareness that gratitude brings, that when you can zoom out to the biggest picture, the experience of life that is humankind is a moment of remembrance of the truth of God as the reality of all life. It is the turn Home to Me that releases the energy that has been tied up, beloved ones, for so long in creating a world that is separate from Love.

The shift to the heart can transform it all and transform it effortlessly. It is simply another vibration, another level (for lack of a better word) for perceiving life. When it is found, it can bring the world effortlessly back into the celebration of truth. It can change greed and violence. It can bring, as has been proven in many experiments, dramatic change with only a few hearts that are fully immersed in gratitude for life, in the truth of Real Love.

For each of you, gratitude as the truth of your being can transform your experiences of resistance to pain. Whether that pain is experienced as physical, emotional or seemingly circumstantial, opening to gratitude brings it into the heart that we all share, that every particle of energy that has been trapped in the reversal can be released and begin to move.

You gain new flexibility, new abilities to live Love and new awareness that the prayer of gratitude is not only immensely powerful; it restores you to the truth of God which is only Love and only good.

As long as you have resistance, you are locked in, recreating that which you want to change. The power of gratitude can unlock that “paired spin” and restore you, bring back your ability to breathe as the breath of God.

You already know to remove your attention from those things you don’t want more of. I can promise you that the continual prayer of gratitude makes it unnecessary to even “go there” and lets you move to a whole new resonance, freeing you to perceive Real Love and to live it by opening every doorway of life with gratitude.

Gratitude is so much bigger than you’ve imagined. It truly is a deep experience of God. It takes conviction to bring yourself into the Now so you can begin to perceive with your heart the truth of this life we are grateful for. There is so much more than the mind can access. When you become this prayer of gratitude, it is like saying, “BEHOLD!” Behold life in its limitless magnitude of joy that is appearing here as this tiny spot of whatever it is you have perceived to be grateful for…

The moment a prayer of gratitude sings in your heart, oh, that is the truth of whatever it is. That thing is suddenly available and you can dive in to experience the reality of limitless life and each extraordinary stream of God made manifest to your heart and through your heart to your eyes.

You have not yet learned to pray gratitude. Oh, yes, we’ve been making progress -- to state it in terms that the little mind can comprehend. But now, dear ones, we are throwing wide the door and leaping into this life stream of pure joy that sings gratitude through All That Is, that becomes new riches and new depth to this life, because gratitude creates more Love, and more Love increases the riches of God. More riches, more to be grateful for… And more gratitude creates more joy and more and more to be grateful for.

Without the story of resistance to Love, gratitude is your true name. It sings you forth into this moment continually and shakes you free to experience joy. I know, beloved ones, that you are ready and this endless stream of gratitude is your true blood. It is the energy of life that flows through your whole being and sings you forth, that you might love Me as I forever love you.

The world is filled with jewels of God. Nature is rife with them. A grateful heart sees every one. It misses nothing. It knows the truth. So, come! Dive into your hearts, beloved ones, and join Me as this endless prayer of gratitude.

Circle of Light have been given the gift of the Messages from God to bring forth to humanity through Yael and Doug Powell. We hope that you will share these Messages as widely as possible, including to any groups or lists you feel appropriate. We only ask that you retain our identifying information. © 2012 Circle of Light

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"06/06/2012 Venus Transit" Celia Fenn

"06/06/2012 Venus Transit"

Celia Fenn with Archangel Michael and the Dolphin Masters, and special guest Johann Kotze present FREE WEBINAR "Aligning with the Venus Transit 2012 Energies: Harmony Peace, Beauty and Love.... the Signature Energies of the New Earth"

Celia Fenn is a Channel for Archangel Michael and Mary Magdalene, Spiritual Facilitator, Writer and Speaker/Performer, and the Founder of Starchild Global

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For the majority of May the energies were unrelenting! We were pushed, prodded, forced, challenged and driven to move beyond our past history and detach from our old patterns, beliefs and attitudes. In June we are in for several more Earth changing Cosmic alignments, which will gift us with many opportunities to release, realign, reconstruct and rebuild our foundations for heart centred living. The alignments in June will complete this current cycle of enormous transformation….and on a good note this may well be the best month of the whole year!

June starts in an eclipse cycle that began with the Solar Eclipse in May, which brought in a strong, yet positive energy to initiate further releasing, shifting and changing. This eclipse cycle will conclude with the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on the 4th of June. This Lunar Eclipse will balance the power of the Solar Eclipse and with the Moon in Sagittarius and the Sun in Gemini you will be encouraged to remember to balance your logical mind with the desires of your heart.

At the time of the Lunar Eclipse we also have Neptune, the planet ruling our intuition, beginning its retrograde motion in Pisces until early November. During Neptune’s retrograde period you can expect your creativity and Spirituality to slow, which will gift you with the opportunity to really consider your path, where you are headed, what you are doing and ultimately what is best for you. You will be encouraged to move deeply into your inner knowing, to tap into your intuitive abilities and receive new Divine direction and creative inspiration, which will support any of the Spiritual and or psychological changes you are required to make.

The mix of intense energies and planetary alignments this month is greatly influenced by the Venus Transit. The power of the Full Moon phase will swiftly intensify the energies to purify your heart and awaken you to Divine love enabling you to fully align with the energy of the Venus Transit. Venus has long been considered the planet of love and holds the ability to reflect the full force of the Divine Creator’s love to all of the planets within our Solar System. Every 100 plus years Venus infuses the Earth and all Her inhabitants with Divine love via what is termed the Venus Transit. In a transit Venus crosses the face of the Sun enabling the power of the Sun’s energy to amplify and powerfully transmit Divine love to the Earth. This Venus Transit is the last of a pair, the first of which occurred on the 8th June 2004.

All these planetary alignments are powerfully impacting the Earth’s rhythms and shifting and transforming Her energy quite significantly. As the power of Divine love floods the Earth via the Venus Transit, a new energetic grid is activated, which will greatly influence the energetic make up of all of life. As this new grid is processed, assimilated and integrated into the Earth’s mantle a realignment of all life upon the Earth is initiated. This realignment is rapidly increasing the pace of evolutionary growth and development, which in turn is speeding up the healing and the awakening processes of all humanity.

While integrating these energies you may encounter a range of different experiences, which are guaranteed to challenge you to shift and expand your awareness. As the new grid becomes more and more energetically active dormant areas of the brain and the physical body will awaken. Ancient knowledge, which has been stored within the cells of your body, will be released, significantly influencing your healing and Spiritual awakening. As this process unfolds it may produce some uncomfortable emotional and physical symptoms - emotional outbursts, stiffness, back and neck pain, skin rashes, digestion problems, headaches and exhaustion. As uncomfortable as these symptoms are, they are a good indication that you are awakening, realigning and rebalancing your entire being. Get the support you need to ease this process!

New Moon in June will occur on the 19th/20th with the Sun and Moon both in the astrological sign of Gemini. This New Moon has ties to both the eclipse of the 20th May and the 4th of June and as such will support you in opening to new ideas and thoughts that will birth a new trust in your inner knowing and guidance.

On the 20th of June we have the Sun moving into the astrological sign of Cancer and the Summer / Winter Solstice. The Solstice is a very powerful time of shifting energies. For those in the Northern Hemisphere it is the longest day and the shortest night of the year, a good time to deeply connect with your life, review your outward journey and observe who you have become through the impact you have made in the world around you. In the Southern Hemisphere it is the longest night and the shortest day of the year. A time of rest, to go within, to release the past, prepare for the future and empower your Spirit.

With this Solstice we move into a more fertile and grounded energy that will support us in reconnecting with our needs and our ability to nurture ourselves. It will deepen our connection to the Divine Feminine, the Earth, the Oceans and the waters of our emotional life….gifting us with the ability to intuitively sense the next step on our path.

With the entire frequency of Earth’s vibration changing, the very framework of life on Earth is transforming. As this month unfolds you will move through many internal and external shifts and changes, which will alter your connection to your inner self, the Divine and the Earth. As you move even further away from the old fear based patriarchal systems you shift more and more into the power of your heart. You will find as the month progresses your personal power merging with your heart centre to activate and awaken your Higher Heart. Your ability to project your will into manifestation will change to enable you to transfer all your thoughts, actions and deeds through the filters of your Higher Heart. This process will birth a new sensitivity, which will awaken within you greater intuitive abilities and gifts. You will find yourself more inspired to realign your life to incorporate new, heart centred ways of living and being. As this new way of being develops you will learn to balance your power within a constant state of grace. You will gain the ability to preview the consequences of your actions and choices before making them. This will enable you to employ the virtues of Christ Consciousness when making choices and decisions, thus making it possible to act from a place of unconditional love, compassion, peace and hope.

This is the shift of the Ages where the prophecies of the ages will find fulfilment, where the Cosmic cycles of the Universe merge to birth a collective integration of awakened consciousness. This is a time where a new era is being born…a reunion of the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine, which is birthing a world conceived in love. Remember that you are here to anchor a new wisdom and a new way of being upon the Earth. You are here to assist in the expansion of consciousness. You are here and have made a commitment to bring in and anchor the love and light of the Divine through the act of physically manifesting your Soul into this world. You have worked so long and hard to get to this stage of your evolution. You have cleansed, purified and exhausted yourself on every level of your being and now you stand poised to fully embody your Divine essence.

Trust your inner knowing and remember that all that occurs and all that develops is supporting and encouraging the full embodiment of your Divine essence. Hold your integrity in all that you do. Know that there is nothing left to fear. Remember that you are here to follow your own path and apply the virtues of forgiveness, love and compassion.
This article may be republished as is, with no changes made and all links active © 2010 Kate Ann Spreckley

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"The recent energetic years have ushered you into the dark abysses and crevices of your fears and doubts. You cannot be allowed the pleasure of doubting. You cannot doubt your work, your thoughts and intentions, or your choices. Dispense with what keeps you less than. Dispense what keeps you from loving another. Dispense with what keeps another from loving you. Stop using the excuses of your past to keep you immobilized in the present. " - Quan Yin through Gillian Macbeth-Louthan.

Opportunities mix with challenges during this bi-polar type week of ups and downs giving each of us our mastership training in attuning to a new lens of perception that is quite different than the former lens that much of humanity has used during past and current incarnations. Though this new view may be the cause of some irritation, even jolts of depression and confusion, it's a blessing. I promise you. Be patient, be curious and don't turn your back on your Light dynamics as it is attempting to adjust itself.

This next phase of discovery brings with it more - yes, more intense paradigm-shattering energy than we are accustomed to. If you are looking for one of the more uplifting times of the entire year, it's just arrived with a celestial fanfare (June 4th). By the way, this was the same day that Barack Obama became the clear candidate for the Democratic Party in the United States. The invisible dimensions of awareness and expanded consciousness have made it to the planning tables of all social and public activities. And by the way, as a new vision of perception and responsibility utilize us for a higher purpose you can expect an increase in tensions and anxieties as the old forces of power resist the impulse for spiritual evolution. They are invested in continuing their lies through the misappropriation of information in order to retain control. Their job, however, is getting much more difficult.

Personally for each of us this new perception of creation will bring up new inquiries as to purpose, mission, the illusion, belief systems, current life situations, jobs, partnerships and more. We are learning how to use the grand tools that our multidimensionality affords us. Piece that together with all aspects of our soul on all levels of Creation and we are inclined to stop chasing down Truths from outside sources and live a more peaceful coexistence that no longer compromises the Divine expression that we are . . . thus the search for truer answers.

Now more than any other time in our numerous earthly incarnations there is the greater need to deeply come to understand ALL of the intricacies of our multi-dimensional nature and our souls in ways we have rarely if ever done before. Subconsciously feeling this, many are realizing that we must take lengths of time away from our day-to-day activities to reflect on who we really are, what we truly desire, and come into rapport and repair with our body, mind, spirit, and emotions far away from the programmed minds and influence of others. Why? Because we can no longer afford, or tolerate getting trapped in an illusion that has been set up to keep us separate from our authentic identity.

When we call forth the Soul each day with the intention of connection to collect, honor, embrace, love, acknowledge and reintegrate all of the parts of it that have split off due to its many, many, many karmic journeys we become clearer. When we proclaim and hold as TRUE that we are Spirit's Pure essence individualized in human form and deserve to be free of any and all entrapments then we shatter paradigms of compromise and sabotage.

This life is about seeing through and then taking apart (not just piercing the veil) a masterfully planned illusion so we can know for the first time in human history what it means to be liberated while in form. Divine Masculine, Divine Feminine, Divine Everything is ready to be RE-MEMBERED, RE-STORED, RE-ACTIVATED. This life is about making it one to be harmonious with, powerful with, at peace with, proud of and in awe of!

So it is time to enter the gauntlet of initiation knowing who you truly are, protecting who you truly are without fear, calling forth all memories and records that belong to you and claim dominion and responsibility over all your creative expressions. No more compromising with your Life Force. No more allowing chaotic energies to interface with you. No more 3-D grime on your lens of perception. All your energy and focus no longer dissipated by negative forces and technologies. You are now able to move forward into totality, into your very preciousness, into placement of honor, and placement of Light to sit at the summit of your humanness.

June has just delivered an energy field where entire levels of consciousness are transformed and transferred into the next level of their journey. Be content to coast this week - get a sense of what is un-doing and completing in your domain. Notice the new subtle vibrations that encircle you transmitting the Allness that you have forgotten you are. Take moments to experience the flowing trueness of your Being without end. These are the conscious steps that will help to integrate the latest evolutionary swells of wisdom, light, and love on Earth.

Get ready to become what you are in truth my friends,

Rev. Angela


The beacon has been lit! The One Life of God stands in a place where it can see a panoramic view of all that it has been and all that it is destined to be. As part of the fullness within this One Self, I recognize the holy vessel that I am. My Presence participates in the success of the Shift of Ages.

The portal of Divine Consciousness from the heart and mind of God has opened and humanity is now being guided, encouraged, and enlightened as sacred knowledge flows forth as viable solutions to the challenging times we find ourselves in right now. It is a time of lifting. A time when great currents of Light flood from the heavens. A time when, together, we are cocreating every facet of the Divine Plan. The Whole of Us is reawakening to the greater reality behind the one we all accept as true. We all are catching It and escorting it into purification.

I am thankful for a heart that can love who we are at this very moment, and yet get giddy with excitement over the place of greater light that we are headed. I bless all those connected to the global challenge of self-awakening for their graciousness as they bring spirituality to the forefront of the public's attention. Expansion for the populace. And so it is.

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Greetings dear ones, for I AM Kryon of Magnetic Service.

It is wonderful to be with you all this night, this very night, for there is much love and much change in the air and you can expect that the energies intensify as we head towards the end of the year. The new energies are coming and as the new energies come you can expect to release a lot of negativity along the way.

Yes, dear ones, the New World is coming and you are being supported by the Solar System, and we are here in bigger and bigger numbers; the Spirit World is here in immensely bigger numbers than at any time ever before. As this time goes on you can expect to feel tired and have some aches and pains as you release negative energies, negative emotions and negative thoughts; you are on a journey to transmute your energies from negative to positive. Eventually every human being will go through a polar shift where they stop creating through negativity and they start creating through positive energies.

Many of you who have been working on yourselves for many years; your day is dawning, initially a hundred and forty four thousand people will ascend to the new levels of energy, and within the next year or two after that, you can expect between ten and a hundred times that amount, of people moving through into these new energies.

Another world is coming dear ones; it is time for you to get excited. The New World will be led by loving and conscious men and women. The New World is the opposite to the Old World; the Old World is being ruled by the dark side; Darth Vader, or the King of the World. The New World will be ruled by the loving God, and the rules and the laws of the loving God, and you will be filled with love and with light, you will feel and fill with joy, love and passion for your life.

So just allow yourselves to feel comfortable, and relax; not just for tonight, get this way for the rest of your life. Most of you have been seduced into believing the material world is important, and the most important world of all is the inner world, the more time and the more energy you put into the inner world, the sooner the material world will fall into place and be exactly the way you want it; but you cannot force these things, you have to allow these things to change. If you like see yourselves as a Rubik’s cube sometimes you have all five sides fully complete, and in order to get the sixth side whole and complete you have to undo the whole project, and this happens within you and within your energy, over, and over, and over again.

We say to you just relax and use your energies to go inside and resolve your inner world. Re-write that DVD that is projected into the material world with a message of the life of your dreams, you cannot do that if you are constantly struggling in the material world. Do what you have to do to survive in the material world, and do it without any expectations. Just allow the inner world to transform and transmute and you will be amazed of what can happen and eventually your abundance will flow.

There is a lot of love in the Spirit World flowing into everybody on this planet, everybody is being supported and everybody is being loved; and, some people simply cannot receive love. It takes a lot of inner work and meditation to allow love to flow on the inside of you; nonetheless allow it to flow, take your time, take it easy, things will begin to fall into place. We always say this, Dear Ones, that the New World is just around the corner, it can get easy for some and very difficult for others, but the less expectations that you have of the material world the easier things will become.

So once again, this night we're in the garden at Kapoli and this channelling is been supported by the spirit of the trees and the garden, and the spirit of the two streams that merge at the bottom of the garden. Just allow yourselves to allow these energies to support you, and take yourselves deeper and deeper into yourselves allowing for the healing to happen, for the sooner that you are whole and complete then the sooner your abundance will flow and the sooner you will create a world filled with love. Just allow the love to flow, from your heart to each other’s heart, connecting with each other, and becoming one with each other. Where there is resistance in this connection, accept the resistance, and hand the resistance over to Kryon, who is here to make you whole and complete so that you can create a life like the one of your dreams.

As always in these channellings from now on we will be taking you to the energies of 21st day of December, 2012. So just allow the energies to go higher and higher within yourselves, and Mother Earth is also supporting the process. Just allow the love to flow, allowing your energies to go higher and higher, and Dear Ones your Spirit Guides are very, very, close by and they are here to support you, to love you, and to care for you. Just allow the love to flow wherever it needs to flow to. Love flows to wherever it is needed, in the same way that the mountain streams always end up in the ocean, the love always ends up lighting up the dark places. So just allow the love light up the darkness and let the feelings come and let the feelings go, and just drop deeper, and deeper, and deeper into your bodies.

We are also bringing the energies of Mother Earth to an ascension state so that Mother Earth can also help you ascend to this new level of consciousness. The New World is coming and Christ consciousness will be there to greet you. In these last days the Anti-Christ will be revealed, in fact, it is revealing itself as we proceed through life. The Anti-Christ is becoming angry and greedy, even more so than at any time in the past, and it will reveal itself and in this revelation of itself it will be totally disempowered. Dear Ones, there is nothing to worry about, there is much to be excited about, for in the new energies your body will be light and free, your aches and pains will go away, and you will feel so much freer, and you will feel your connection to the Universe; you will feel the sun and the moon and the stars and you will feel their harmony, and the harmony will be flowing through you teaching you to be harmonious within and creating harmony in the outside, in the material world.

We know you feel much emotion, and much pain, but accept those, and accept that it is just only inside of you. Do not fall out with your partners, or the people that make you feel bad, but escape from them, and find out what it is that's on inside of you that you are reacting to, and put love into that dark space, and treat everyone of your family as an individual person on the inside world exactly like the outside world. The only difference can be that some of your ancestors would be dead in the material world but their energies live on within you. So treat each one of your ancestors as an individual and bring each one to wholeness and completion, just allow the love to flow, working with those aspects of your family that are most masculine first. This does not intended to negate women, some things are just the way they are, both men and women have masculine energies, but we are looking for the ideal constellation here, where the men and the women of your father’s family are whole and complete, so they can hold your mother just like the Sun holds the Earth.

The New World is coming dear ones and the sooner you have your family constellation in Divine Order, the more contained and filled with love you will be. Just know, that love always has to flow, for love is Divine and it is a beautiful thing, and it is the answer to all of your problems. Just allow the energies of the room to go higher and higher, just let the feelings come and let them go, and know that you are dearly, dearly, loved. Just allow the love to constantly flow, and be in your hearts, feel what your heart feels like for right now we are at the 90% of the energies of 2012, December 2012, and get use to these energies for you have to live in them, and do things a little bit differently. Just allow your energies to go higher and higher, higher of what they had gone before... just allow the energies of the room go higher and higher, allowing your own energies to go higher and higher and just allow the love to flow, and just feeling the Solar System, and feel your connection to the Solar System, and feel the harmony of the planets, the Sun, the moon, the Earth, and the stars... and just allow the love to go higher and higher, and allow your energies to go higher and higher, becoming like sponges sucking up the energies of Kryon, and sucking up the energies of December 2012.

When you have any aches or any pains in your body just hand them over to Kryon, we are now at 95%-96% of 2012. Just continue to feel the Solar System, and continue to connect to the Solar System, allowing the love to continue to flow... we are 97-98%, even 99% of the energies of December 2012, and just observe this World, and observe your bodies, allowing your bodies to get use to these energies, allowing your bodies to relax, to be at peace. Just feel the Universe, the Solar System... just feel and see the harmony of the Solar System... allow the energies of harmony to flow through you, bringing harmony and peace to your inner world, just knowing that you will never ever be the same again... let the feelings come and let the feelings go, allowing your mind to be upgraded from this 3D world to a 3½D world, and allowing your mind to flow and to be activated so it can function in the new energies... just observe the New World, and just observe your minds receiving this upgrade... just enjoying your feelings, knowing you will never look at this world the same again. You will be filled with two kinds of wonders: wonder and amazement of the Solar System, and wonder of how you manage to live so well and in such unconscious conditions in the past.

Just let the feelings come and let the feelings go, allowing and enjoying this activation, allowing your heart and your mind to come to the same level of consciousness, allow all of the cells and DNA of your body to begin to activate, going to a polar shift, from negative to positive. The positive being love, and the negative being the energies of the past; the anger, the sadness and the pain. And just allow your consciousness to accept yourself as a dualistic being, and allow yourself to go on a journey back to the Star where you came from in this Solar System, and meet your Spirit Guides and your Spirit Family that are supporting this upgrade in consciousness. Just be with your Spirit Family knowing that you are not alone... and let the feelings come and let the feelings go and just allow your mind to upgrade, and knowing that you are loved for absolutely no reason whatsoever. Just sit in this energy and suck up this energy, allowing your body and your mind to become used to this feeling... allow your physical body to relax in these energies.

Go well and God bless you for this is Kryon signing out. Thank you all.

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Searching for Greater Understanding


by Tara Mary  ~


                           How can One understand Ascension if One does not know the Self?
                        What part of YOU is ascending? and.........where are You ascending to?

                           These are fundamental questions in finding out who you really are.
                         You came to Earth and were given a name........which you can change
                                    when you are old enough. But, where does your essence
                                         reside and how do you become more enlightened
                                                               about YOU ?

                           Many souls who have incarnated have asked these questions and
                         decided to find out...........and many have chosen to stay ' as is! '
                                 Now we find ourselves in a world that is rapidly changing.
                              We feel we are also changing inside, but how is this possible?

                         It does not matter what religion you follow, you can always do your
                                spiritual practices, your meditations and prayers, in the
                                 way you always have. If you like to sit on a chair and
                                                meditate, then continue to do so.

                      Some happy souls like to show their prowess by standing on their heads.
                                Some like to sit cross-legged and intertwine their legs.
                                       It all depends on what is right for You........
                                                       Every-one is unique!
                        But, we all possess the ability to search and find our true essence,
                                                     the divine spark within.

                    The search for the Atma, our spiritual essence, is a very personal one.
                        Some souls choose to seek advice from Ones who already have
                                             attained that state of awareness.
                    Finding One's Atma is like finding the most precious treasure there is.
                         Within the Atma is everything you need to know about Divinity.

                    Knowing and connecting with our Divinity is our connection with Source.
                                We do not know ourselves at all until we have found it.
                                Nor do we know where we are going from there.......
                                      and how to expand upon what we have found!

                                    So............where are you going when you ascend?
                           Ascending from a physical awareness to a spiritual awareness
                                    is a good start, and many are already aware of this.
                      The Dimensions are planes where One lives according to their vibration.
                               The higher One's vibration is, the higher the Dimension.

                 When humans let-go of the created physical life and mainly the attachments
                    to all of the 'traps' of this world, they can start to raise their vibrations
                                         by going within and starting the Inner-Journey.
                          It is only physicality that is covering up who you really are, within.

                     Physicality, or slower vibrations, was devised for the soul to experience,
                                      and to work its way back by living in adversity.
                      Some people are aware that their inner-self is guiding them through
                          many difficult experiences because it will make them stronger.
                                      One cannot find strength if living an easy life;
                          an easy life is only temporary, but the awareness gained through
                                    experiencing adversity and hardship of any proportion,
                                                  is invaluable for the soul's growth.

                         All knowledge about Self gained through a physical life is never in vain.
                                           Embrace every opportunity to know your Self
                                               And to Love your Self unconditionally.


Love, Light and Peace, Tara Mary *~~

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A Descension occurs when a vaster part of a person's own Spirit comes to reside in the body. Descensions of Spirit are an integral part of the Lightbody Ascension process. Everyone will experience this at some time. Often, as Spirit descends into body, a person feels magnificent ecstasy and bliss. There may be a sense of revelation, expandedness, clarity of purpose, and the sensation of seeing everything through new eyes. The subjective experience spans from a pleasant bliss state to complete disorientation. How dramatic a descension feels depends upon the degree of Light that a person has integrated previously, the rigidity of a person's beliefs about who they are and why they are here, and how extensively the Spirit chooses to re-pattern the bodies at that time.

When a Descension begins, the first change that is noticed is usually the sensation of heat, tingling, or electricity around the physical body. This is caused by a massive infusion of Light into the etheric blueprints to activate dormant Lightbody structures. This immediately changes the spin and overall motion of the geometries of the mental and emotional body. At the same time, it signals the physical body's cells to increase production of ATP. The DNA then receives the higher Light encodements from Spirit and mutates to actualize more of the Lightbody.

The physical body's vibratory rate often raises dramatically from this strong infusion of Light at the cellular level and releases old patterns from the emotional and mental bodies. Sometimes, a person actually feels like the molecules of their body are separating. With these radical shifts at all levels, often a release of density is triggered from the physical form, resulting in headache, nausea, fatigue, diarrhea, fever, body aches, and dizziness. This usually passes within seventy-two hours.

Sometimes individuals feel disoriented because the old answers to, "Who am I and why am I here?" are no longer available. Despite any discomfort, most people feel exhilaration, ecstasy and freedom. As psychic and multi-dimensional awareness blossoms, a new vaster sense of identity and purpose manifests. Spirit provides the activation for a complete break with referencing to the past and an invitation to live NOW, as the vast, limitless, and multi-dimensional Light Master that you are.

The focus of a descension is to get all of that vastness of Spirit right into the cells, to release the limitation patterning and to get the new patterns firmly in place.

Body's reaction: In a Dimensional Descension, a discreet facet of your Spirit from a higher dimension comes to reside in the body. This facet has identity, life context, and its own description of essence and function. It may have a species planetary, or star orientation, as well as, be able to recall where it came in from. People who have experienced a Dimensional Descension are often confused with walk-ins. The body has usually felt like something is coming and may be in dread. Often there is a feeling that they are going to come apart at the seams or that they are losing molecular integrity. This is can be frightening from the physical perspective.


When the individuated, embodied part of Spirit: the Soul, has completed what it set out to accomplish in a lifetime, it has three basic options: take on a new life goal, die, or walk-out. If the soul chooses to walk-out, an agreement is made with another soul to walk-in and continue the embodiment. This is neither "Invasion of the Body Snatchers," nor possession. It is not a requirement that a person be a walk-in to ascend. It is simply an individual agreement and another way of entering onto the planet. The walk-in experience is so very individual that it's difficult to give a definitive description. Here is an overview of possible experiences.

Usually, there is a "try-on" period of a few days or weeks when the new soul tries on the body before the actual transfer. The personality may or may not be aware as it often occurs while sleeping, meditating or channeling. There may be a feeling of someone hanging around or loss of time. This period lasts for a few days or weeks. The new soul is getting the feel of the body. Remember, some beings coming in have never been in physical bodies and may need to get the feel of being so densified. The new soul is also reviewing the DNA encodements and the existing energy patterns stored in all of the bodies and deciding what to keep or release.

Sometimes, right before a walk-in, the personality may feel a sense of completion with the lifetime. This may manifest as extreme fatigue, severe depression, or suicidal feelings. This is the personality's way of interpreting that a transfer is about to occur. The personality made or may not be conscious during the actual walk-in. If unconscious, the transfer often occurs during a deep trance or sleep state. On occasion, the soul chooses to manifest trauma to the body such as, accident, illness, coma, concussion, or emotional shock. This allows the new soul to more quickly integrate to a deeper level. Because all of the body's systems are disrupted from the habitual patterns by trauma they are, therefore, more receptive to the new soul. In the past, this was the most common route the two souls would undertake for the transfer of energy. Nowadays, the walk-in process is somewhat easier for several reasons. Everyone on the planet has begun the Lightbody mutation. For a walk-in, this means that the physical body is better able to accept a new energy at the cellular level and the personality can adapt to a new identity. More and more walk-ins are fully conscious through the whole transfer.

At the time of the walk-in, the old spiritual, mental and emotional bodies are released with the original occupant and the new spiritual, mental and emotional bodies are attached to the physical one. New patterns and emotions are brought into the etheric blueprint bodies and some old patterns are released. The etheric and physical bodies, as well as, the Keepers of the Legacy, are what keep some form of continuity.

The overall feeling for the previous life experiences is one of neutrality. Most walk-ins retain life facts without emotional attachments. Memories of the previous soul's experiences are much like watching a movie with the emotional sound turned off. This neutrality often means a feeling of detachment from emotionally significant people such as: mate, children, parents, and friends. The old issues, unresolved situations and personal difficulties of the previous incarnee, are often easy for the new walk-in to handle. They are likely to leave the unsatisfying marriage or unfulfilling job that the previous occupants could not resolve.

Much to the dismay of the people around them, a new walk-in often goes through strong changes in the personality. The personality is completely malleable at this time and the new soul tries on new character traits until a good combination to serve the new life goal is found. Also, changes in personal preferences are common such as liking different foods, colors, clothes, and lifestyles than the original occupant.

A new walk-in is like a newborn baby. Because the emotional and mental bodies are "new," they have not yet been imprinted from the environment. Like a baby, a walk-in is a sponge for the emotions, traits and beliefs of the people around them. It is vitally important that a new walk-in choose carefully the people they spend time with for they will be imprinted with those people's qualities and biases good and bad.

The most difficult situation for a new walk-in is to be around people who pull on them to be or be like the previous incarnee. This can be very tough because those people were usually emotionally significant to the previous soul, i.e., mate, parents, family and friends. They may not realize or believe that a transfer of souls has occurred. When these well meaning people project their emotions and pictures of the old occupant on to a walk-in, an overlay of the old energy called "ghosting" occurs in the new energy bodies. Clairvoyantly, it looks like a double image. This is so stressful to the physical body and personality that the walk-in may become ill or feel quite crazy.

The bottom line in the process of the integration is the physical body. Most of the body's consciousness has nothing in its cellular memory banks for the walk-in experience except, "I'm dying." If the body strongly believes that it is dying, it may begin to shut down the entire system. Also, the body may reject the new soul at a cellular level, much like it can reject a new heart or liver. This usually manifests as rheumatoid arthritis symptoms and the pain, swelling and inflammation can be sudden and severe. In extreme cases, partial paralysis can occur. The other common manifestation of body rejection is severe allergic reactions to food, soaps, clothes, plants, household cleansers, the environment, and yourself. Sometimes, usually in the very beginning, a new walk-in may have epilepsy-like seizures as the brain waves and electro-magnetic functions of the brain change.

Most physical and personality symptoms of rejection and disorientation pass very quickly with a little integration. But the process of releasing the dysfunctionality and obsolete pictures of reality of the previous occupant may take years. Strong grief states are common as the body releases these old energies. The trick is not to resist and express the grief fully as it comes up. Then it seems to pass quickly.

If a walk-in was unconscious, there is usually the feeling, "I have something very important to accomplish-if only I could remember what it is." As frustrating as this feeling can be, having a veil over the life goal for a year or so can be a blessing. It allows time for integration of the body, personality, and the lifetime.

When a walk-in is a fully conscious one, he or she often hits the ground running, so to speak. Usually, the veil over the life work is not present so, they may not take the time to integrate the body. Often, "burnout" occurs and they may become sick at about the one year point.

Some walk-ins never know what really happened-just that they went through a dramatic life change. The range of awareness spans across the board. Some souls may just have a major karma that they wish to complete. Others, perhaps coming in from other dimensions or universes, may be here to assist in this planet's transition to Light. There are many reasons for a soul to walk-in but the main one is that it is usually quicker to integrate a new soul into a new body then it is to grow a body from scratch.

Reincarnation in the Same Body (RSB)

This is one of three choices that a soul has when it has completed its life goal: die, walk out, or reincarnate into the same body. RSB's take on an entirely new life goal, shift the personality to experience the goal, and restructure the DNA to bring forth new skills and perceptions for achieving that goal.

Once again the change in personality, tastes, habits, identity and focus can be so intense that it looks like a walk-in. RSBs intuitively know that they are not walk-ins. The changes put everyone around them in a tailspin and they often go off somewhere alone for a couple of years.

Oversensitive, overwhelmed, alienated, burdened with karma, in the void, purposeless, forsaken, and lost are all common descriptions given by people after an RSB. They keep the same energy bodies because it's not a total shift in occupancy of the physical body. Therefore all of the karma matrix, emotional body attachments and mental closed systems are still there to be dealt with. They don't get the Grace period that Walk-ins get. RSBs spend a lot of their time and energy clearing those patterns in the two years in the Void. They do lots of completions with family members.

A near death experience often triggers the RSB. A choice was made on the part of the soul at that time. Not all RSBs have near death experiences, but most do, and these commonly feel like they're living on borrowed time.

About three quarters of RSBs are wrapped in an etheric cocoon for the two to three years of integration. They are blessed by this. The few RSBs without the cocoon feel like they are walking around with no skin. Everything is over stimulating and they often get sick. The truly frustrating thing during those years of integration is a feeling of having no purpose. They pretty much get no information from Spirit on what the new goal is until the cocoon is off or the integration is complete. They may feel suicidal at times and may have trouble with astral entities hanging on them.

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How You Love Being Dazzled

Heavenletter #4217
How You Love Being Dazzled ,
June 11, 2012
God said:
Let the fires in your heart settle down. Let the embers cool. Be at peace. Fires have to burn out. Peace and love stay cool. Peace and love witness themselves quietly. Peace and love do not work up a storm. It is something else besides peace and love that work up a storm.
If you saw peace as better than conflagration, you would have peace. You don't have to be fired up. When you do not feel a need to be fired up, then you would know peace. Peace would become a cooling stream for you. You would no longer be hot under the collar. You would sit on a lounge chair in front of a cooling stream. Peace would wipe your brow. Love would stir you and cool you down.
Peace and love put out fires. With peace and love, fires wouldn't start. There would be calm. You would be calm, and your calmness would reach far, and you would be a peace-giver.
Love and peace are not overshadowing. Infatuation is overshadowing. The thing with overshadowing is that it cannot last. Love can.
Peace and love are not steaming pots that rattle their lids. Love, like peace, is cooling. Love is not unsettled, nor is love unsettling. We are speaking of love and not crushes. Unless love is love, it is a crush. If you feel beside yourself with love, then that is a crush. Love lasts. Crushes don't, so I hear and so I see.
In crushes, everything is more wonderful than you dreamed of. Everything goes your way. Of course, you love being the subject of intense attention. Of course, you love being the object of love. Of course, you love being dazzled. Dazzlement doesn't last. Love does. Dazzlement always needs more fuel. Love carries its own self.
Love is much more like the still waters. Still waters run deep. Mad splashing on the surface is not love, not as I know love. Love is cream and milk. Love isn't boiling water too hot to pick up. Love is just right. Its temperature is medium.
It is wonderful when someone pours you cream and milk. It is also wonderful when you pour the milk and cream. Let milk and cream flow from your heart. You don't really want to be just a pretty object. You want more. You want to give more. You are not sitting in front of a camera. You are not posing. You are not having your picture taken. You are often behind the scenes where you serve.
You deserve all the appreciation in the world. You also deserve to give that same appreciation.
Being in love is not the same as love. Being in love is tremulous and tends to burn itself out. Love is tremendous. Being in love is fly by night. Love sticks around. Love is not lightning fire. It is not drama. It is a quiet walk down a road.
Love is appreciation. If today love cannot quite appreciate, then love can be grateful for all the love that it gave and all the love received, and so you ride over bumps because that is what love does. This is what your love does. Love is in it for the long haul. Love is not starry-eyed, and yet love comes to the fore, and you share the love from your heart the way you would share a spoon.
You are grown-up now, and you are a giver of love in perfection and in imperfection. You are a Divine Being. You do know love and how to give it.
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The following is the 6th and final message that we received in Peru, last September, on Equinox. You can find our other messages on our website at under the "Articles for Personal and Planetary Transformation" link. It might be a good idea to read them in order as each message builds upon the previous one. We are sharing this message here with you just as we received it, in present time, with very little editing. We do this for a very important reason. We know the messages that we receive are not just for our groups, but are for others as well.

The Andean Masters and the Star Elders assure me that the message and the corresponding energy will be transmitted to you. So as you read this, you might want to imagine that you are with us. Also, always view the photos on the website that we share, as photos also hold some energy of the sites. … P.S. We made a sacred site essence here. This was the only essence we were asked to make during the entire pilgrimage.

Ollantaytambo is sitting in a very unique geographical place. Three canyons and three rivers are coming to one point, and this creates an energy vortex. It is a sacred trinity. The mountain behind us is a solstice marker. When the sun rises on the solstice, it rises on one side of this mountain, and rises on the other side at the opposite solstice. Today, we are on the Equinox. So we are in that center point between the two solstices where the sun rises and sets . . . a balance in the trinity.

I will take a look now to see what is going on . . . . The first thing I see is that we are being rained upon by little droplets of light. I also see the face of a very big being. He is Father Earth. He recognizes us. He has been waiting for us. He is in control of nature. If you have noticed, the wind has changed direction three times now in just a few minutes. There is a blessing in this wind that is coming to us from all directions. It is blessing the center of who we are.

He says that we are like rooted trees. We have anchored in a new world that is yet to be fully manifested. What we are being offered by Father Earth is the strength of a tree. No matter which way the wind blows in our lives, we will never lose our center. This blessing is giving us strength, centeredness and a perseverance to hold true to what we are inside of ourselves, no matter what. They are inviting us to anchor the roots of our base camp (read past messages about base camp) into this new earth.

The Andean Masters are now here and are offering us a new geometry that is the foundation for the new world. They are offering us (and to all those reading this) the gift of this new geometry to be encoded inside of us. You must give inner permission for this to take place. This is something that we may or may not see or understand at this moment, but as we take further steps into this new world, it will make sense.

We are building a new world in stages. First we must envision this new world. We must create it in Spirit with our hearts and our minds. This part has already been completed. Next comes the process of making this vision a part of our physical world. This new geometry is the framework on which a new physical world will be built. This geometry is the building blocks to our future. Geometry is the framework; then comes sound as a frequency. Once that is done, our intent will begin to take hold.

The Andean Masters anchored the Earth's geometry here in Ollantaytambo. This was more evident when this site was active. It has been destroyed and dismantled, and it is ruin now. The locals tore up the walls to build the village here. In the past age, when the Andean Masters were living here, their core alchemy was based in geometry and solar alignments. What we are seeing now is a new geometry, and I expect, with the Earth having shifted by ten degrees this past year, that we will have a new solar alignment as well.

Our minds are not wired to see this new geometry yet; but we will. This geometry is the basis for a new world that is being built inside of us as well. We are making the shift of the age; not only with the Earth, but with our human bodies as well. We have never done this before. It is a grand experiment that has been planned for a long time. All of us must go together as ONE, or we do not go at all. I think this is why we are feeling so compelled to gather in groups. Working as ONE helps us assimilate and anchor this new geometry which will help us bring this new world into being.

Speaking about working as ONE, in every one of our ceremonies during this journey, we have had no structure or rules. We simply sit down, and we start creating something together. That is what The Star Elders are talking about . . . we work as ONE, each equal, no one better, lesser, or more important than the other . . . all of us working together as a team; as ONE unit. I was just feeling the appreciation from the Star Elders as you were setting your sacred objects down.

No one needed to ask if this was the right or wrong thing to do, because everyone was being respectful for each other's space and sacred items that they had placed down. This is the way the new world is going to operate. There won't be a structure; not the way we are used to anyway. There will be no rules; only truth and respect, and being aware of each person's sacred space.

There will be a new structure in the new world, but it won't seem like structure to us. It will feel like a great freedom to us. The other day Willaru was saying that there are less laws when we move up into the higher dimensions. The reason why there are less laws is because we will have become more self-aware and responsible; therefore we are allowed to have more freedom. Having less laws gives us more freedom to express our mastery and our natural, God-given talents. When we are less responsible, we can devolve as well. When we are less responsible, the universe literally takes care of us, by making more laws to keep us safe.

So this is how you make a new world with fewer laws . . . by being respectful for each other, and having that inner sense of knowing exactly what to do. We won't need government. We won't need regulations. We won't need techniques or processes anymore because we will be beyond that. We will be living from the heart.

So what the Andean Masters are giving us today, if we are willing to accept it, is our personal, awakened and empowered new level of free will. If we allow this blessing of this new sacred geometry into our spirit and body, this will be a new framework within us for our new dimension. This allows us to become a tree in a land that we don't understand yet; but we will. It takes courage to allow this.

Because we now have this new geometry inside of us, we have gone another step just now! That was quick! Now there is a pathway beginning to form out in front of us. It is not a solid path like you would walk on. It is sort of a new direction in and empty, undefined space. In the the last few months, we have not been able to see a direction at all. So this is awesome.

I can't tell you which way it goes, because north, south, east and west do not work with what I am looking at. It is a new path in a new dimension. The Star Elders and the Andean Masters are telling me that, when we get home, we are going to find that some new and subtle doors have opened. These doors are ones that we did not expect and may not look particularly practical in our old mind set; but there will be doors.

Archangel Michael would like to help you SEE these doors, because they are rather subtle. If you ask him, he will tap you on the shoulder to get your attention, so you will not miss them. Once you see them, the Star Elders and the Andean Masters won't tell you what to do with them. They won't tell you where to go, or won't tell you how to do it. They will only help you discover the doors. It will be up to you if you decide to go through them or not. This is so because you are taking your first steps into being a living master.

OK . . . I don't even know how to explain this one but, I am going to do my best. Do you know the flower of life symbol? I see it spinning. But each flower petal is spinning, and it is making a different kind of matrix . . . a new fabric of time. It is like a fractal. They are saying that the flower of life, as we know it today, is the basis for our current 3-D world. It is now evolving into a bridge between an old geometry and a new one. It is brilliant like a rainbow laser light.

The Star Elders and the Andean Masters are saying that they are weaving a new fabric of time with this geometry. This is really out there. I am sorry (Aluna laughs). They are telling me that this is brand new. It is a new fabric of time in space, and we will create a new dimension to place it into. The new world is actually starting to form in the physical. We have been creating and dreaming this world in Spirit for decades.

So, for this to actually manifest as a physical foundation now . . . well . . . this could take years for this finish. BUT . . . the Star Elders burst in and said "No. It is NOT going to take a long time." Now that we have the vision put in place, it will happen very, very quickly now. They are not giving me a timeline, because time doesn't exist in the place they are talking from, but they say quickly. Knowing them so well, "quick" could be years, months, weeks, or tomorrow.

The best I could do with an image to show what I was seeing.

They are showing me the spinning flower of life matrix outlined in red and gold. There are little flowerets all spinning inside of themselves. The flowers were made out of gold, and inside was this red, kind of primal fire energy. It looks very three dimensional. It is all spinning down to a center point. There is a wormhole going through the middle of this matrix to someplace else. Inside of this wormhole, there is a lot of blue light. It is very beautiful. This spiraling down into this blue spot is the direction that they would like to take us. You need to give internal permission that this new direction be anchored into you. This will help give you a new compass in the outside world.

Remember . . . this new way might be something that you don't expect. It could be a surprise. But also remember that Archangel Michael will give you that little tap on the shoulder saying "That is it." Much of this new world will have an element of unexpectedness about it. It is the first step into a new era. When we arrive fully to the other side, we will be back in kindergarten again. We will be babies. We will get to be children again. We have all been working toward letting out our inner child. We will get to be children again in a world that has less laws and more freedom. In this new world, what we imagine, dream and conceive in our hearts can actually manifest. It won't be just a wild, wishful dream anymore.

When the Andean Masters lived here back in the era of Lemuria, they didn't have to eat unless they wanted to. They manifested with the alchemy of imagination for what they needed, and when they needed it. They planted flowers, and they played and functioned from One Mind and One Heart. All the miraculous things that we imagine or fantasize about that we think we can do, we will be able to do. With less laws, there can be the ability to do astonishing things . . . like astral project or bi-locate. What if you want to be in two places at once, or do fifty things at once? Can we do all that? They always tell me "Yes, you can." But it is crazy when we think about it in this dimension, because we can hardly keep up with our lives right now.

We all have these places inside of us where we feel stuck or jammed spiritually. We know that there is more, and we can't quite get to it. This inner knowing is your heart knowing what is truly possible, and that memory is why you feel jammed. We are going to get our freedom. We are going to be set free. They say that we only have a few more days before this bridge is complete. Of course, their days are different from our days. I have learned this the hard way over the years. Their time is different from our time, but for them to say "days" instead of "months or years" is a big thing.

This freedom is coming very soon. So, the Andean Masters have sent us this blessing to help us prepare. They have anchored within us a new geometry. They have started anchoring a new direction or path. The Andean Masters will not let us see too much out in the future on this path, because, at this point, we can still mess it up. We would revert back into our 3-D, linear thinking out of habit. So, this shift is going to be a step-by-step and moment by moment process.

The further out that I get out on that path, the more joy and excitement my heart feels. I think we all have that place where we know where we should be, but we haven't quite gotten there yet. If we didn't have this yearning to find this place inside of us, we would never find it, because we would be satisfied and quit searching. But everyone in this group (and those reading this) have come here to be a bridge to a new world.

This is why we never quite fit in the world that we were born into, and we never quite fit into the world that we know we belong in. We are always in between, because we are the bridge. This is why we always feel that there is something missing, and thus we keep searching. This deep un-comfortableness, that we only feel as we start to wake up, gives us the gasoline to advance us to the next step.

We will open up the bridge to a new world for everyone else that follows behind us. We know that these others are not really behind us, because we are all going together. This is just a 3D way to explain this. We could not be a bridge to the future without ALL the people around us; those people that cook our food, do our laundry and drive the bus and train. We have all been doing this together. So we want to give thanks to all the people that made this pilgrimage through life possible for us, because they gave us this opportunity to do our job.

When I was doing a lot of sessions, the Star Elders and I started running into places that didn't make sense in this reality. That is because we are already partly on the other side so to speak. We are just now getting little inklings of what is on this other side. It is still very vague, and it is very difficult to describe. I know that the frequency is shifting us anyway. Yet our minds like to know, because we do need to integrate the head with the heart.

This is why we must do what feels right in our hearts no matter what. Our heart is our compass. In each and every moment, there is something that is shifting and changing. The more that we make the heart choice, instead of the head choice, the easier it will be for us to stay on the new path that they just gave us. If we use our heads, this could be a little more uncomfortable, because we will become out of sync with the emerging future.

This is why they are working with us today to sync our bodies with our spirits. So, the more that we follow our hearts, the less we will find ourselves in uncomfortable places. If we don't use our hearts, we will move off the new path. Once we move off the new path, we will have to make course corrections. These course corrections can be big and, at times, painful leaps to get back in sync with the new frequencies.

P.S. If you are alive, and in a body, you are shifting. You can't avoid it. There is no stable or constant place right now, except your base camp. We are receiving divine help from the Andean Masters and the Angelic Realms. We have so much divine help helping us to adjust and keep "in time" with what which is coming. They are watching very closely. Our time lines have been out of sync. Our physical timeline has been out of sync with our spiritual timeline, and we have not been able to get it synchronized. This has already self-corrected.

So we want to send thanks to the whole planet, and all living things, for helping us on this journey. It is an exceptional time on the planet. Each living thing has played their part, taught us a lesson, given us a hand, lifted us up, and torn us down. Some have tested us with fear and others with corruption. All beings on this Earth have given us all that we needed to get to this point in our evolution right now.

We have passed many tests. Now we can manifest a consciousness that can hold the new geometry which will allow us to build the bridge to the next dimension. We want to thank all the other spiritual groups around the planet that have gathered at this equinox time who are also doing this work. It is going to take many, many villages to get this dimension up and running.

Now just BE who you are. Be your authentic self. Be honorable and impeccable. Follow your heart no matter what the outer world says. Your heart will never steer you wrong . . . but your head will. Your head will get you in all kinds of messes, because it is your 3D programming. But if you listen to your heart, you will stay aligned with your unique path.

P.S. All paths lead to the same destination. There is no way you can get lost. So live bold and with courage to be that one who breaks the old paradigm and frees all living things in the process.

We made a Sacred Site Essence at Ollantaytambo. This is the only essence we were asked to make on our 2011 Peru Pilgrimage.

"Ollantaytambo - Sacred Geometry of the Future Essence".

ALUNA JOY YAXK'IN is an internationally known author, spiritual life coach, sacred site guide, alternative historian, ordained minister and modern mystic. She inspires and encourages others to recognize and accept their own authentic divinity and connection to God. In the Inca world, Aluna is considered a Qawaq (cow-wak) Clairvoyant, or seer of living energy. Those who know Aluna, call her a modern mystic and/or a psycho-geographical healer. Aluna simply considers herself a Spiritual Archaeologist using her Clairvoyant/Clairsentient gifts to read ancient history of sacred sites.

She helps others to tune their inner ears to hear, and also brings forward to modern times the wisdom and teachings of the past. She speaks on the subjects of Spiritual Archaeology and the Awakening of Spiritual Consciousness through the guardians and masters of ancient cultures of the Maya, Inca, and Egyptian/Atlantis worlds. Aluna's work has been influenced by a life long interaction with the Star Elders combined with a series of shamanic experiences that accelerated over 2 decades of travel in the sacred sites of Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, Honduras, Peru, Bolivia, Egypt, Greece, England, Australia and New Zealand.

Aluna acts as a cross cultural Spiritual Guide on unique pilgrimages to Mexico, Guatemala and Peru, and occasionally Egypt. She is a carrier of one of the rare Stones of Ica from Peru. She also offers Star Elder Sessions, formulates Sacred Site Essences. She is the author of "Mayan Astrology", "The Mayan Daykeeper" and "The Mayan Time Decoder". Her articles have been published worldwide since 1994

Copyright © 2011 - Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this article on the condition that the content remains complete, full credit is given to the author(s), and that it is distributed freely. Aluna Joy Yaxk'in, PO Box 1988 Sedona, AZ 86339 USA


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Healing Fountain Radio show


Get ready to call in to Jane Dawson this Monday,

for a  Super Psychic Summer!

Jane is a spiritual medium, soul reader, angel therapy practitioner and numerologist who has trained with some of the top teachers in the world, including Doreen Virtue, Gordon Smith and Tony Stockwell.

At 5Pm Est 10Pm Bst

Call in No 001 (outside U.S.A)

646 (929) -0461

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This Is the Way of Flowers


Heavenletter #4216
This Is the Way of Flowers,
June 10, 2012
God said:
There is a flower out there that we could say represents you. This flower grows in a field of unsurpassed beauty, perhaps a field of daisies, or it may grow in a woodlands all by itself, a surprise of color popping out behind a tree, or it may grow in a pot outside someone's kitchen window, or it may grow in a pot inside the house. It may be watered daily, or it may be neglected. In any case, the flower that could represent you, no matter what, in sunlight or in shadow, grows. You are growing, and, like all flowers, you are growing toward the sun. It is inevitable. This is the way of flowers.
They live their lives rising higher. They lift their heads. They drink the rain. They blossom rapidly, or they blossom once in a lifetime. How common are flowers, and how rare are flowers. And all flowers grow to the magnet of the sun, the same way you grow to Me.
Fish swim to the same shore year after year in order to spawn. The magnet of a certain ocean side pulls them.
Where does this pull come from? It doesn't come from the outside. There is an outside, so to speak, that the little fishies and flowers bow to, yet where does the pull come from? Flowers, fish, and you have such pulls and urges from within. There is something within you that pulls you to Me. Of course, I desire you, as the sun desires flowers, and the sea its fish, and, yet, the common desire lies within you. It is built-in. It is natural.
Some would say it is in your DNA. Some would say it is in a little empty place in your heart. Some would say it is a little echo from the past. What would you say?
Where does your urge for Me and more of Me, and, therefore, more of your Self come from? What oars propel you? What boat do you sail on? From where do you come, and to where do you go? What is now, and what is thence, and so forth? Who are you? What are you? What is this life that you are so embroiled in, and who is it who is so embroiled, and what, after all, are you embroiled in?
You are the teller of a story, and the writer of it, and the reader of it, and the actor of it. You are the star of it, and, yet, you, the individual do not quite exist. You seemingly exist but more as an idea, for you, yourself, don't really know the tales of your existence or what they mean or how the imagined you came into existence, or if you came into existence at all or always existed or never existed.
Were you once a flower who practiced growing to the Sun, a fish who swam to a shore he knew not why but only that he must, and are you a human being or are you a Divine Being temporarily stationed in a human body? When all is said and done, what are you made of? Surely you are not the muscle and sinew you appear to be, nor are you the vitamins and minerals your body is made of. Somewhere within you is the Real You that is not physical unless you call a spark of light physical. You are more than electrical as well, and yet you are light, brilliant light, far-shining light, monumental light, not fractal but light itself, My light, in fact, My light in a prism of light, colorful light, the same way flowers looking up at Me and fish swimming to Me are My beautiful creations.
Thank you for including this link when publishing this Heavenletter elsewhere.
Copyright © 1999-Now Heavenletters™
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Do Not Become Discouraged


     Do Not Become Discouraged ~

     Your efforts are never in vain, and sometimes, most times, your efforts will bring you the clarity
   you so desperately seek.............for You are not the only One in your journey, you are never alone!

       You can never lose your inner-light but it can become dimmed by losing faith, judging yourself
                   harshly, and thinking you will never find the happiness and freedom you seek.
                                   All spiritual aspirants have felt the same.........
  Yes, and it is through giving yourself the love you deserve that keeps that inner-light shining so that
                                     you can find your way Home..........within.

                     The higher-love you seek is not in anyone else, it is within You.
                                            That is the same for every-One.
                               Do not look outside of yourself and compare.........
                                For their's is a different journey, unique to them!

       Celebrate You and all of your unique ways and your struggles, because it is in loving Your-Self
   as you are, that you will settle into Peace.........and in those moments of Peace, it will be revealed
    to you what you may need to change, for how can your Higher aspect of Self come through and be
                                               heard if the mind is in turmoil...?

   Love is the answer, All~Ways

       handingrosethrupc.jpg                                                              Much Love to All   ~   Tara Mary

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Montague Keen – June 10, 2012



The truth of this statement cannot be emphasised enough. I have tried, since my passing, to encourage you to determine the truth of who you are. Until this is uncovered, you will remain in the control of those who set out to take from you and use you as slaves, and blind you to this fact. I told you, eight years ago, when I passed to Spirit, that the Cabal were planning to create a recession; that they would use this to take complete control of your planet. The few countries which were free of bank debt had to be brought down by sending mercenaries to them to create upheaval and unrest and to pretend an uprising was happening, thus creating an excuse to invade and bring those countries to their knees. Invasions only happen in DEBT-FREE countries. It was all coldly planned and calculated to ensure the ‘banksters’ gained control. That so many lost their lives was of no consequence to them. Their plan is to reduce the population by two thirds.

Because the real truth has been kept hidden from you, it is understandable that you are confused. All that you had believed, regarding your history and religion, is total lies. Your whole world was turned upside down to ensure you never found out who you are, and more importantly, WHO THEY ARE. They created an illusion. You meekly accepted what was put before you. It is through history that you will get the full picture. It is all there, waiting to be discovered. Your complicity helped to create the prison which you now live in. But you are in a position, at this time, to open the prison gates and enter the Light.

They are using satanic rituals to try to keep you under control. You watched in horror the satanic rituals as they unfolded last week. London is a place of darkness where much of the control resides. Stop being sheep, believing what you are told to believe. Think for yourselves for a change.

The people who control your banks are the same people that control your media, your governments and your religions. They succeeded in controlling your lives also. They even believe they have the right to control your planet. The fact is that they have no right to be on your planet at all.

They stole their history from Ireland. More proof of this fact is being exposed every day from Egypt. There are scientists researching this all over the world and they are getting very excited at what they are uncovering. They are asking themselves how they could have been taken in by the false history that was forced upon them. You will not find the truth in your schools or universities or in any official “history books”. Gifted men, from time to time, have followed their intuition and uncovered the truth. It’s all there, if you take the time to look for it. You have to hand it to them, they did a good job of hiding everything. They wrote the Bible and ensured they made themselves stand above all others. They created money to enslave the masses and to ensure the people were always in debt to them. They own and control the drug companies to ensure that you get medication which human bodies cannot cope with. They put fluoride in your water to keep you docile.

If only you could see, as we see, just how controlled your lives are, you would be horrified. You were born into it, so you accept it as the norm. But I tell you, IT IS NOT.

You are waking up to the fact that you are powerful beings of light. You are seeing the corruption for the first time and you are willing to do what it takes to remove it. Innocent people are suffering at the hands of these treacherous creatures which need their “FIX” of energy, created by your suffering and bloodshed, in order for them to survive. Stop for a moment and think what your world will be like when you banish these creatures from the face of the Earth. The crimes they have committed against you will go down in history as a lesson for future generations not to unwittingly fall into such a trap again.

Ireland. Land of the Pharoahs by Andrew Power, is a wonderful example of how one man followed his intuition and uncovered so much more than he ever expected. He wrote his findings in such a way that he painted a picture of truth that has left you in no doubt about the true history of that time. The hearts and minds of people are waking up. They are seeking truth. The knowledge of the ancient Irish was beyond anything in your world today. They understood the universe. They were in contact with other planets. They knew the Earth was round and so they sailed all over it, confident in the knowledge that they would not fall off the edge. They built structures that have stood the test of time and are a testament to their knowledge and expertise. What was stolen from Ireland and placed in another part of the world has created the illusion that you have been trapped in for 2000 years.

This is why it has to start with Ireland. “Ireland is the key that will reveal everything”. Always remember that. It is there, that the FALSE WORLD can be dismantled forever. Now is the time to ensure that it happens.

They interfered with humanity and almost destroyed it. We cannot allow this to happen. Their plans to kill thousands at the London Olympics are blatantly displayed on their web sites. They feel so sure of themselves and their control over you. It is time to find your voice and say “NO. We refuse to give you permission to sacrifice our people!” Too many have already been sacrificed in their illegal wars and bombings.

The missing elements in your world today are LOVE and COMPASSION. When you have love in your life, you cannot kill or harm others. You will see yourself in others and respect them. You have been lied to for so long, that now you are awake, you will not fall for such lies again. Your eyes have been opened. Your world is changing for the better. Their satanic games no longer produce the results they want. They have been rendered powerless.

You are right, my dear, the space ships are getting closer. They are showing their support for you. It will be good to reunite with your greater family. Look to the solstice for some surprises. Everything is falling into place as promised.

It was a difficult week for you, but no matter what they throw at you, you never give up. That’s my girl.

Always your adoring husband, Monty. Website: The Montague Keen Foundation

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This is the Millipede Survival Paracord Bracelet I thought of and invented. It is way better than the cobra paracord bracelet. This bracelet holds around 13 feet of paracord, looks great and takes SECONDS to unravel unlike other that you have to unweave. If you have any questions just comment or send me a message. Please LIKE and SUBSCRIBE. Everybody have a nice day.


Please also share this video and get it around so people know about it.





How to make a Millipede Survival Paracord Bracelet (the newest/best paracord bracelet) THE ORIGINAL






How to make a paracord bracelet with a fishing kit inside. In this "how-to" video I share an idea that I developed to integrate fishing tackle into a standard, cobra weave paracord survival bracelet while still maintaining the original look, feel, and functionality of the bracelet. This survival bracelet includes standard 7 strand 550 cord, 25 feet of braided fishing line, split-shot weights, and 2 fishing hooks. I demonstrate the entire making of this "fishing bracelet" in a step by step manner so that you can make one for yourself if you so desire. While the inner strands of paracord can be used for fishing line in an emergency, nothing beats the real thing... and the addition of hooks and sinkers could be invaluable! As an added benefit, you can utilize the braided fishing line in situations where smaller cordage is needed without sacrificing your main length of 550 cord. As you can see in this video there is virtually no difference between a standard paracord survival bracelet and the bracelet I made which includes the fishing tackle. I hope you find this information useful!


* I also created a paracord bracelet which incorporates a few small survival items. If you are interested in seeing a demo on this, please feel free to let me know. Thanks!


Also Available For Purchase At:


Paracord Fishing & Survival Bracelet







Parachute cord (also paracord or 550 cord) is a lightweight nylon kernmantle rope originally used in the suspension lines of US parachutes during World War II. Once in the field, paratroopers found this cord useful for many other tasks. It is now used as a general purpose utility cord by both military personnel and civilians. This versatile cord was even used by astronauts during STS-82, the second Space Shuttle mission to repair the Hubble Space Telescope.


The braided sheath has a high number of interwoven strands for its size, giving it a relatively smooth texture. The all-nylon construction makes paracord fairly elastic; depending on the application this can be either an asset or a liability.


Despite the historic association of paracord with Airborne units, virtually all US units have access to the cord. It is used in almost any situation where light cordage is needed. Typical uses include attaching equipment to harnesses, as dummy cords to avoid losing small or important items, tying rucksacks to vehicle racks, securing camouflage nets to trees or vehicles, and so forth. When threaded with beads, paracord may be used as a pace counter to estimate ground covered by foot.


The yarns of the core (commonly referred to as "the guts") can also be removed when finer string is needed, for instance as sewing thread to repair gear or fishing line in a survival situation. The nylon sheath is often used alone, the yarn in the core removed, when a thinner or less elastic cord is needed. Ends of the cord are almost always melted and crimped to prevent fraying.




DEMONSTRATION: Survival Paracord Belt Prototype



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