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                                                            You are a Lightworker

                                  It is your mission to understand and teach others about love.

                          You are here to awaken within you the memories of home and how much

                           you do truly love each other and feel the oneness while being separate,

                                  which is only an illusion you can play out in time and space.

                                                  It is like you are here on a vacation,

                                   so take the time to enjoy every minute of the journey.

                               Let it unfold as it should, do not try to rush to the finish line.

                       See the beauty and the wonder that surround your every moment and know

                                       that it will never come again in exactly the same way.


                        Cherish yourself, see the beauty you share with others, see yourself as your

                                                angels see you, see others as we see you...

                        a beautiful, wonderful spark of Creator light, trying to find your path to love.

                                   Let go of any fears or doubts and know that you are worthy

         of whatever you desire and there is indeed enough for everyone in this abundant Universe.


                                                            "I am wonderful."

                                                    *~* *~* *~* *~* *~* *~* *~* *~* *~* *~*

Have a blessed day and know you are loved and supported, always, the Angels

Thank you, Mahalo, Merci, Gracias, Vielen Dank, Grazie, Спасибо, Obrigado, 谢谢, Dank, 謝謝, Chokran,Děkuji,Kiitos

Article Copyright ©2012 by Sharon TaphornAll rights reserved.

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Hasten your heart to speak its language. Your heart's language is love. Languages are to be spoken. That is what they are for. Words are not the only language. Without words, love can be spoken very well.

You may be rusty in speaking the language of love. If your giving love has been squeaky, oil your love with practice. Practice the giving of love, and you will be a natural speaker. You will not know how to stop expressing love. It is natural to express love. Love is meant to be expressed. A cow gives milk. A heart gives love. Pump that heart of yours, and love will express itself.

If your language of love has been stored in the basement or in the attic, take it out now. Rub its joints. Massage it a little. Prime that pump. The time is now. The right time is now. The right time is not to be waited for. It is always a good time. It is always the right time for love.

If you were love, full love this moment, what would it be like? What would you be like?

If I announced you the King or Queen of Love, how would you begin? What would be the first law you would enact? Perhaps you would enact laws like these: No one is to go out the door without love. No one is to get out of bed in the morning without love. No one is to refute love.

Of course, all the laws in the world do not create love. The heart does. Love comes from the heart. Love comes from the mind as well. The mind can say to the heart: "Full steam ahead. Avast! Avast!."

The heart will answer: "I have long been awaiting a signal, and now it has come. Full steam ahead. Chug-a-chug we go."

Love has always wanted to be given its freedom. Love doesn't like to be held back. Love does not belong in chains. Love knows very well how to behave. Love is modest and just goes out on the town. It doesn't call attention to itself. It just does its thing. The heart is happy, and everyone the heart blesses is happy, and the whole world is happy because love came out.

Love was never meant to be held in reserve.

It has long been said that communication is the key to relationships. Yes, that's good, yet it is love that is to be communicated. Love shows up. Love is long-standing. Love can be felt, and love can be communicated. Sometimes love is communicated in silence. In silence does not mean that love is silent. Love is speaking wherever it is.

Now love is going to call out from the rooftops. Love is going to pronounce its name. Love is into love, not causes. Love proclaims itself. There is nothing but love to proclaim. There is no lack of love. There is lack of love expressed. There is lack of love thought of. There is lack of love felt.

How can it be that the mightiest power in the world is not shared profusely? How can it be that the greatest commodity in the world is not thrown to the winds for everyone? How is it that love cannot be rejoiced in as a daily event? It makes no sense for love to be withheld. What are you waiting for? Begin now. Just love and love and love and love some more.

Love is not new, yet love is always anew. There are refills of love abounding. Beloveds, there is nothing like love, and there is nothing else in the whole world but love. Even love withheld is love. But now, today, open the sluices of love in your heart. The dam has broken. Love pours out from your heart today, and love covers all the land with itself.

Copyright © 1999-Now Heavenletters™

Although Heavenletters are copyrighted, you are invited to share them, send them to friends, add to your newsletter, use as a signature, make bumper stickers, skywrite with them – whatever you like, and please include the Source!

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There Are No Separate Hearts

a message from God channeled by Yael and Doug Powell
Thursday, 5 April, 2012 (posted 31 May, 2012)
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Beloved ones, your hearts are being used. Your hearts are being used continually, for you are the presence of Real Love and you are bringing in the vibration of the truth that only Love is Real…simply by your presence here, oh, yes, but also by your consciousness and your choice to meet the illusion of the world, feeling the Reality of God.

Everything you experience then becomes the awakening of the consciousness of unity, that all hearts and all experiences are one. Whatever you face, you face for all and the choice for your heart, beloved ones, makes all the difference, and makes it immediately.

If you find yourself faced with something difficult, you know instantly that you are present in order to transform that perception of being part of duality into the Real experience of being God, joyously living in the Now and loving everything.

The moment that you make this shift, the energy changes everything. The vibration of Love is like a silent river that penetrates beneath the surface of the little minds that are perceiving a world in which things are challenging, are difficult. This River of Love begins to feed each precious soul, seeps into the being of everyone who touches your heart and brings to you not only the awareness of God meeting God, but the result of experiences that are reflecting the world of Love, and not the world of the ego mind.

There can be no separation now between anyone. It is not your problem or the problems of someone else. It is complete connection and service, heart to heart, spirit to spirit and consciousness to consciousness. Thus, you come to every day with a question: What is it that I experience now as an ego? What is it that isn’t flowing, isn’t joyous? Whatever it is, this is where you stand and make the shift to feeling Love in and as whatever it is, until you can walk through the world in ecstasy meeting everything as part of this dance of transformation.

So you are on the line right now, beloved ones, serving the world by dropping your own perceptions as an ego, by releasing your own story line and meeting everything that comes to your world as the presence of Love and nothing else.

In doing this, you will discover a whole new experience of meeting “problems,” of “solving issues.” As you walk as Love, your vibration changes everything, and what might have been the results on the level of ego are lifted up, made smooth and brought into the Reality that Love blossoms continually, no matter what the story is before you…no matter what the little mind creates and no matter whether it’s yours or it is someone else’s. It is before you because you have the strength to stand as Love, heart open, immersed in joy and to meet it head on, until you feel the truth alive in you, beloved ones, that it is only God meeting God.

I have said to you before that when you are in communion with Me, when your heart is that through which you live in the world, then you can walk literally through a mine field. You can stand in the middle of an experience of war. You can move into and out of blazing buildings because the Reality of Love is a different vibration from the reality of the world of duality, and thus, resonates in a different way and cannot be touched by the heart’s belief in other than Love.

It takes practice to be able to hold the resonance of this Love, to keep your heart open and to maintain this communion no matter what is placed before you, no matter what unfolds in your “movie,” no matter what old heart’s beliefs are up for transformation. Beloved ones, you absolutely can do this or you would not be reading these words. You would not feel this call with your heart. You would not recognize yourself when I speak of the heart of God, open, alive and in service.

Therefore, come into your heart and listen. Listen for Me and listen for the vibration of Love. Not only is it uplifting. It is recognized as the Source of your life, as the truth of your being and as the choice that you are here to make, until all that is perceived is God dancing… And dancing, beloved ones, in joy…

Does this seem a far cry from what your eyes now see? I tell you, beloved ones, it is not. It is so close. It is closer than your breathing. The world of Love already exists and the world of Love doesn’t need to change things. It simply is. By the experience, it is brought forth to be recognized as the only truth. Only Love is Real and every aspect is already expressed on Earth.

You have already heard all of these examples that shifting your vibration is like changing the channel on a television, that one moment you can be watching scenes of war. Turn the dial and you are watching a Love story. It is exactly this way when you make the shift to the heart from the ego mind. This is what I call you to this day, this moment, this hour, this Now, continually.

As you practice making this choice, you will be astounded. Things that once seemed so difficult and so intense, you move through now effortlessly with positive results and also with blessings that come through you, stand forth as the Love I Am, to radiate to every life that connects with yours. You will find yourself far beyond synchronicity. You will find yourself guided by this communion we share, moment to moment, absolutely impeccably.

Will you recognize that every moment is this choice, to be the heart of God alive in service? To be nothing else but this sparkling joy, this presence of Love, and the conscious acknowledgement that only Love is Real? That perception, right there, is everything. Often it is made on the feeling level, for the mind can’t truly know what Love is. No matter how it wants to believe, it really can’t touch it.

Yet, the reality of the heart is undeniable. It lifts you up and makes you feel free, even though your “problems” haven’t changed, even though the ego is still resisting things, even though the little mind keeps pushing you to get what it wants. When the heart is Real, the desires of the ego become encompassed by your true presence as the heart of Love. When you are here in this vibration, in this “space,” not only are your challenges transformed. The transformation is for the consciousness of humanity that still believes that life is difficult, that these challenges are real and somehow necessary.

Your hearts, beloved ones, know differently, and yet…please listen…your heart doesn’t care if this or that turns out a certain way. Your heart brings to everything the Reality of Love, and thus, embraces all that it finds, lifting up the resonance to what is Real and then moving on. The little mind keeps you constantly working to attempt to control this world of illusion but the truth of the heart simply unfolds by resonance, and it will affect your experiences in the world, most definitely.

But you won’t be attached, because you know that as you stand forth as pure Love, what Love will do as you is paramount. If that means, walking through that mine field, then, so be it. Love will do it perfectly, beyond the story of the wants and needs of the personality.

There is no time for separating out the issues. Everyone now transforms for everyone. Every choice for Love is now so powerful that with every day that goes by, it is amplified thousands of times. Every moment when your heart is in communion with Me and we celebrate the miracle of this relationship, every heart in the world is opened to receive this communion of Love with its Source, and to experience this vibration of glorious unity and the great gift of the facets of God loving each other.

So, is there something before you now that you find difficult? How wonderful! This is the place you serve. This is where you stand on the line and become the heart of Love, become the out-picturing of God, become that which forever exists in timeless joy and can easily encompass the world of duality. Nothing is too difficult for the heart of God, and nothing is beyond being loved.

Walking into whatever it is with your heart attuned to Me, with your energy field vibrating at the highest resonance will part the waters, literally, of the egoic dream; draw to you good just like a magnet; and lift up the whole hologram of humanity to the truth of Love. In that instant, your choice is that powerful.

You can trust that you have agreed to what you are experiencing. You have said, on the level of spirit, that you are “up to this,” that you are willing to stand firm and make the choice for Love, again and again, until it sticks…until you remember not to fall into the ego with its defensiveness, its resistance, its limited beliefs. Rather, to choose the heart until you feel this Love, until you are joy vibrating, until you feel yourself fully alive and supported in the Now Moment as you move forth to love whatever it is…

Do not judge your current circumstances by past results. To do so is to re-instate the old world, to bring back into being your old heart’s beliefs, your limited perception of how things go and of who you are as a personality – rather than moving as the heart of Love from which the ego’s perspective has fallen, washed away in this upliftment. Every step is taken as Love and every moment is Love’s experience being present in the world.

It is no longer time for individuals. It is time for the heart of humanity. It is time to practice holding the resonance of Love. Practice it when there is nothing challenging before you, and when there is, know that Love is up for it, and that Love has no judgment of bad and good… Love simply moves to greet what has been drawn and the greetings change the resonance, for Love is always stronger than duality. The truth is chosen, then delivered…ever new experiences of life, until Heaven on Earth is a Reality – not because it is ego-driven and you’ve chosen it from that level, but because, beloved ones, of the Law of Resonance.

As you live this Love, as you feel it moment to moment, then by that Law of Resonance everything shifts to sing forth the truth that only Love is Real, and that such Love makes manifest such good, such beauty, such an experience of life that it must be reflected as the world around you, even though the heart has no attachment. The heart still loves to celebrate and celebrate, beloved ones, we will and we do.

It is time to let your ego fall away, to shift into this wholeness, to feel this Love, to be aware that growth is Love multiplied, multiplying itself, because you are standing as Love in the world. It is easy to fall back on ego consciousness, to see this life as “your” challenges, to experience the continual judgment of the little mind. But with the shift to the heart, it is instantly different. That which, perhaps, you have been dreading, that which seems perhaps insurmountable, is suddenly a gift, an opportunity for serving as the heart of God, touching, merging and lifting everything that you encounter into the truth of Love.

With so many of you making this choice for the shift to the heart, stepping into your lives consciously, releasing the story line, the ego dream and being present as the Love I Am…that which has been reflected as the world of duality, as the crazy perception that something other than Love could be real…that world is easily uplifted as you walk through any challenges feeling the vibrational truth that Love is your every step, your every encounter, your every breath, your constant prayer of gratitude, that Love looks for nothing special but blesses all it touches easily.

Circle of Light have been given the gift of the Messages from God to bring forth to humanity through Yael and Doug Powell. We hope that you will share these Messages as widely as possible, including to any groups or lists you feel appropriate. We only ask that you retain our identifying information. © 2012 Circle of Light

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i wana shere some special pictures with you

I wana shere with you. In tuesday i wake up in the morning and on the my facebook page was the picture of the beach from my vision where i have a house and my studio

10900552471?profile=originalAfter that 15 minutes there was a picture from the picture i have travelled with tree moons

10900552484?profile=originalAnd after that half of our have a picture on my friend page of facebook a beach when i have first time seek my spirit guide El Morya


After that i send a bussines oportunity and get two projects for one industry of furniture.

I wanna shere with you only the great day i have


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I think by now most people will have become aware that we are passing through a very powerful series of Energy Adjustments and Recalibrations. These commenced with the Equinox in March and have been ongoing, building towards the Venus Transit on the 6th of June. Archangel Michael did say in the January transmission that the Venus Transit would be one of the two power points in this year, and it is surely proving to be just so.

It is the first part of the major Realignment that will take us through the 2012 portal and into the New Earth Reality beyond. And the key word is Realignment. We are all being realigned and recalibrated on the Light Body level so that we can raise our consciousness and our personal frequencies to the levels that will allow us to be comfortable and happy in the New Earth. So, what this means, in "real" terms, is that many of us are facing major challenges with regards to money, homes, relationships and work, all those very basic things in our lives in the 21st century.

This is because things are realigning for the New, and whatever is not in alignment with the new is feeling great stress, as it crumbles and drops away. If we are wise, we will realize that it is best to allow this process and to flow with it rather than trying to fight against it. Just know that in the place of what is being released, something far better and more in alignment with you and your life in the New Earth will arise to take its place.

These changes and challenges may be very intense, as this is more or less the last adjustment before the big whooosh as we move through the 2012 portal. I call it Radical, because at this point your Higher Self may be giving you that last push that says that this is not working for you, you need to let go and create something new. Of course, if you have been allowing the shifts and changes, then you may find that your life is opening up wonderfully into new levels of Creativity, Partnership, Relationship and Joy. You may be following your passions in your life and work and finding that flow of Abundance that is the energy of the New Earth. If not, this period of Radical Shift will bring you into closer alignment with what you need.

Venus is the Solar System level of Consciousness that resonates with the Goddess Energy, with Love and Relationship, with Money and with Passion and Beauty. At this time, all these issues are being highlighted and transformed. On a Planetary scale we can see how the Economic system is crumbling, especially in the "First World" of the USA and Europe, and how it is making space for the "New Economy" that will take us into a sustainable and co-operative way of living. On the personal level, many people are finding that they are making radical shifts in their attitude towards money, and that the desire for conspicuous consumption has been replaced by the desire to live in an balanced way and in harmony with the Earth. Money is simply a means of achieving a balanced lifestyle, where the focus is on living in the energy of beauty and harmony with all beings and with the Earth.

In close connection with this is finding work that ignites your Passion for life and is harmony with your soul purpose and brings you Joy. Many of you will be feeling the urge to let go of past ways of work and reaching out for work that is an expression of your Soul and your Passion.

As far as Personal Relationships are concerned, there will also be tension in partnerships whose basis is no longer in alignment with the purpose of your Soul and the energy of the New Earth. At this point, you will be guided to reconsider your contract in your relationship, or to simply move on to a new partnership that is more aligned with what you are becoming and what you wish to create in your life.

These energies and challenges will build towards the transit on the 6th, and you may find around that time that there will be some very deep and fundamental changes in your life. Don't panic! This is all leading you towards something better and deeper, and more suited to where you are heading in the time after the 2012 portal!

You may also be feeling quite intense physical symptoms as your Light Body makes its final adjustments for the Transit and for the later Portal transit. As you bring your Soul Star and Earth Star chakras "online", you may experience pains and discomfort in the legs, or dizziness and nausea and disorientation, or bouts of flu and colds. These are all part of the process as the DNA activates and the Light Body surges energy through the system to bring everything into harmony and activation. This also activates the Template for Human Divine Perfection in the DNA and activates the ability to go the "next step" in this ongoing process of Spiritual and Physical Evolution.

© 2006-12 Celia Fenn and Starchild Global

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In 2002 I asked an archangel what I thought was a simple question. I expected a simple answer. What I got was not a simpleanswer, but instead the story of “The Fall of Consciousness.” The answer is still not complete and the wonderful conversation continues.

How did the Fall of Consciousness occur? What was it? Who was involved, and how has it continued to unfold to this day? The story is told by Archangels Uriel, Zadkiel, Michael and Metatron.

Uriel starts by explaining…There was no war. There were no bad guys. There was no angel that betrayed Creator and ran off with all the knowledge. It didn't happen that way.

Let’s keep it simple... A long, long time ago the Creator wished to know itself more fully. So Creator reached into itself and created many new aspects of Itself. Aspects that you know as the Holy Spirit, the I AM Presence, the Christed Light and much, much more. Creator also reached into Itself and created an infinite number of beings known as creator gods. Creator sent them out to explore and create new possibilities. To assist with their creation, Creator developed and provided a blueprint or schematic and gave it to the creator gods to use. Thrilled, the creator gods created.

Using this blueprint they created magnificent creations with the Light of the Creator. They created universes, new aspects of consciousness and realms of thought and wonderment, all new and all very exciting. This went on for a very long time, although time as we know it did not exist.

At some point in the process something unexpected occurred. Somewhere in All- That-Is, a creator god did something new and unintentional. Instead of following the blueprint, which said put blocks one, two, three and four together, this creator god stacked the blocks differently. They were stacked three, one, two and four instead. At first no one really noticed this change and this new pattern became more widely used. At some point this new way of creating was indeed noticed. This discovery caused tremendous excitement within the creator gods. This was a brand new experience, something that had never been present before. All became very excited.

The creator gods went back to Creator and asked for even more ability to create even bigger and grander things. Creator agreed and gave them a new blueprint, one that was much more full, containing many, many more aspects of the Creator’s consciousness. This became known as the “Will” of the Creator; the first Ray of Creation. This Ray contained the intention of the Creator. It contained everything in total alignment with the Creator’s intention. This first Ray was very vast. One of the new components it contained excited the creator gods very much. It was called free will. Up until that point, free will was not available. The creator gods had always followed the original blueprint.

Equipped with these new tools, the creator gods went out and created in the most amazing ways. That was their job and they loved their job. The Creator also created another creation—the Archangels and the angelic realm. The Archangelic realm, according to Uriel, had a very specific purpose. It was created to be, in simple terms, the spectators, participants, and audience of the great creations of the creator gods. Their job was to go to the great theaters, in a manner of speaking, and enjoy the performances. They did their job well and they loved their

The creations continued, and continued. The creator gods not only created more, they also created more creator gods. They had all the capacity to do that. And those first creator gods created more creator gods ,and those creator gods created more creator gods, and the process continued.

The creator gods loved their creations and although all created within the Light of the Creator, some of the creators gods began to use more of their own light to create with, rather than the pure Light of Creator. As these creator gods continued to create, and create new creators gods, this experience of creating with their own light was passed on. As this was all still within the Light brought forth by the Creator this was not noticed at first.

But with this unfolding, small ripples and wobbles began to appear in the creations. This began to be noticed by many of the original creator gods and the Creator. These newer creator gods didn't have the same level of wisdom, knowledge and experience as the creator gods before them. Many of those younger creator gods were very enamored with their creations. Within their free will, they began to use more of their individual light and not the pure, balanced Light of the Creator. Their creations contained less and less of the Creator’s Light. They contained less of the intention of the Creator and much more of their own unique intention. These creator gods were very excited and they were having so much fun with their new abilities, they didn’t really concern themselves with this.

This continued to be noticed by Creator, as there were growing numbers of these creations made without the full, original Light. To bring about a correction and assist these creator gods to return to the use of the original blueprint, two new Rays of Creation were given to all of the creator gods. Because there was free will, it was only suggested they be used. These Rays provided opportunities to expand All-That-Is.

The second Ray of Creation was drawn from the first Ray. This Ray holds all color. Color, until then, had never been experienced. The second Ray also held the capacity to step energy up and step energy down, much like a transformer. This brought about many more possibilities of creating in larger and smaller ways.

The third Ray holds frequencies and sub-frequencies in many different configurations and arrangements. Energetics, they are called. These are enormous building blocks of constructive energy, which hold all possibilities. The first, second and third Rays were used during all steps of the creative process.

These three Rays were developed to uplift the distorted creations, raising them back to higher levels of Light. Creator wanted these distorted creations and the creator gods themselves to return to using the original blueprint that was in greater alignment with All-That-Is.

Other Rays were also offered freely by the Creator with the intention to bring all back into the original Light. Because of free will, creations cannot be taken back or erased.

A point was soon reached when many of the newer creator gods were using very little of the original blueprint to create with. Uriel explained that at this point, there was a line drawn and Creator said something very simple, “If you wish to create with the Creator’s Light all is available to you on this side of the line but if you are going to create with your own light, then you no longer have access to the Light of the Creator.”

Many understood the importance of what was being offered and they returned tocreate solely with the Creator’s Light and the Rays of Creation, but many did not. Those who did not return loved their creations. They were enamored with their creations, and they continued to create with their own light.

But you see, by this time the distortions and mutations had the capacity to replicate and regenerate on their own. The distortions self-organized and did not follow patterns of Light held within the Rays. They had a mind of their own ,in a manner of speaking, mutating into expanded distortions with even less Light. These distortions began to have a great impact on not only creations but also all creator gods.

The more they created outside of the Creator’s Light, the more distortions and mutations were in their creations. More wobbles and ripples appeared. This continued to be of concern to Creator and all those using Creator’s Light. Creator saw the potential of this pattern spiraling out into darkness. Therefore, more Rays were offered, with the continuing purpose to bring back all who were creating outside of the pureness of the original Light, as well as add to the expansion of possibilities within each creation itself. With every new Ray that was created, it
worked really quite well...

Until it didn't.

In part 2:
How and why the mutations and distortions that contributed to the fall started to occur.

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Dr. Steven Greer~~His latest Project
A Documentary Film based on the pioneering work of Dr. Steven Greer
It is time for the truth to be known: we are not alone in the Cosmos…and WE ARE NOT ALONE — HERE ON EARTH.
The Earth has been visited by advanced Inter-Stellar Civilizations that can travel through other dimensions faster than the speed of light. What we have learned from them about energy propulsion can bring us to a new era, but those in power have suppressed this information in order to keep us at their mercy. It is time for you to know…and this documentary will let you in.
Dr. Steven Greer, founder of the worldwide Disclosure Movement and the Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence is working with Emmy award winning filmmaker Amardeep Kaleka and his team at Neverending Light Productions to produce one of the most significant films of our time.
This film exposes the greatest story never told:
 The Earth has been visited by people from other worlds who are not malicious, but in fact concerned for the future of humanity.
 A cabal of military, industrial and financial interests have kept this contact and what we have learned from it secret for over 60 years.
 Their secrecy is meant to suppress the knowledge that can liberate the world from the yoke of oil, gas, coal and nuclear power and replace the current world order with one of New Energy and true Freedom.

I. The first section of the film will share the vast scope of evidence that ET’s exist, from official government documents, high-level witness testimony and audio and visual evidence. Disclosure and CSETI have the largest library of never before seen footage gathered over 20 years of study.
II. Next, we interview a group of brilliant scientists who aim to expose long-held secret technologies. They show us how energy can be derived from the fabric of space around us, and how industrial cartels have suppressed this information. What did Nicola Tesla know, and why did the FBI seize his papers upon his death? Man-made anti-gravity vehicles have been in use for over half a century, some even used to perpetuate the ET abduction hoax in order to control the masses. Now is the time for these technologies to be acknowledged and developed for peaceful energy purposes.
III. In the final section, we explore CONTACT: the CE-5 principles and how to build a bridge to a trans-dimensional universe. We will also share how the average person can make contact with people from other worlds. They are only a thought away…

No major media group or corporation wants to see this information get out. So that’s why we need you!
We the people are going to make this film. Not just fund or produce it, but also distribute.
Everyone has a stake in seeing this film succeed. With over 7 billion people burning up the Earth’s resources, the time is now to make this change.
Your financial support will help us develop the documentary which will expose years of witness testimony and evidence for the world to see. In addition, through the proceeds of this film, you will be helping fund independent research and development of the long-suppressed energy technologies so urgently needed by humanity. For your donations, you will have also access to a variety of exclusive materials, as defined in the campaign which you can see at Sirius~Never Ending Light
For more information on how to get involved with this project, go to Sirius~Never Ending Light

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The transformation from Fear into Love Intensive

Part 3 In Your 8 Part Series

The SINGLE-MOST Important "Golden Rule"
To get to know yourself .


Welcome to lesson 3 in our 8 part

In this lesson you and I will continue
building our knowledge on how claim

our rights back in our life...

I think lesson 3 is one of my favorites
because it finally "turns on the lights"
on why most people fail to succeed.

So, let's get to business... shall we?


You can access Lesson 3 by going to
the following link:


Dear Friends, Please go with the given link for details....

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Maa Durga

In less than a week the moon will be full again. It is Durga moon - the moon of the light warrior in Her feminine appearance and again the perfection of divine guidance is unfolding in the course of the moon ... 

Durga is the name of the Indian goddess who defeated the demon Mahishasura. She was given special weapons by all the other gods and after four days she finally beheaded the demon riding on a lion.


On June 6th the transit of Venus in the early morning hours marks the change of Venus from the Evening Star to the Morning Star. When Venus appears as the morning star she shows her warrior aspect: In Europe Venus as the Morning Star was known as LUCIFER. In Central America the Morning Star was known by the Aztecs as Quetzalcoatl- and his twin, the Evening Star, was called Xolotl. For the Maya he was Kukulkan or Gukumatz. And Bernardino de Sahagun wrote in the 16th century:

And when it [Venus] newly emerged, much fear came over them; all were frightened.  Everywhere the outlets and openings of [houses] were closed up.  It was said that perchance [the light] might bring a cause of sickness, something evil when it came to emerge."

In the attempt to propitiate Venus, the Aztecs offered it human sacrifices, a practice associated with the planet in the Old World as well.

Every 52 years the Earth-Venus conjunction announced the alignment of the Earth, the Sun and the Pleiades for the Maya. Exactly at midnight the Earth the Sun and the Pleiades are all aligned in a row, the Pleiades appearing precisely upon the meridian. This was known as a dangerous time because it was taken to be a signal that could potentially mark ‘the end of the world’. Precisely at midnight a human sacrifice was needed in order to ‘keep the world turning’ and prevent the heavens from cessation of motion.

Now: A transit of Venus is your normal Sun conjunct Venus we usually get, but in this case, Venus passes across the face of the Sun.

If we take all this information together, it becomes obvious that the Venus transit is not to be taken lightly - and Durga is ther perfect guide and protector as her victory over the demon Mahishasura symbolises the victory of LIGHT over darkness ...

Now, Durga's battly lasted four days - and interestingly enough, on June 3rd is Muruga's birthday:

"Muruga is an archetype. He represents the primordial energy force identified in every ancient tradition in their own imagery. To me, he is the photon light from the Pleiades that is going to start the Golden Age in 2012." ~ Dr. Pillai

Murugan is known by many other names, including ... Kārtikeya (meaning 'son of Krittika'), ...  Shadanana (meaning 'one with six faces'), Kumāra (meaning 'child or son'), ...Skanda (meaning 'that which is spilled or oozed, namely seed' in Sanskrit),[3] and others ...

Murugan - Kumara - Sanat Kumara - Kartikeya ...!

Sanat Kumara resides on Venus together with Lady Venus. He is known as the Ancient of the Days and he is said to have saved planet Earth when the light quotient of her inhabitants had sunk beneath all necessary parameters. What he did? He moved from Venus to the Earth where he resided at Shamballah - a place which his 144 000 light warriors built for him before he came ...

And June 3rd this year is his birthday.

June 3 to 6 make up 4 days - the 4 days of Durga's battle!

So I suggest that we prepare for this pivotal time each and every one in his / her own Divine Way and through our connection times at 11 am and 12 am CET. Before or on June 3rd I would suggest to build CRYSTAL GRIDS again to anchor the LIGHT on Planet Earth which will prevail on June 6th, the day of Durga's victory over Mahishasura!

The geometric form which I propose is that of the


which is based on the pentagram / pentagon:




I will translate the manual and instructions of how to build such a grid as large as 13 meters in diameter - but ANY FIVE POINTED STAR will do! 

For the most basic version you only need 10 crystals or stones - or a combination of both: Place them at the five points of the star - and the five inner angles. What you get are basically two pentagrams: one standing and the inner one inverted.


They stand for the Divine Masculine (inverted pentagram - symbolizes the SEEDING) inside the Divine Feminine (standing pentagram). 

The PENTAGRAM is the symbol of VENUS not only because the planet looks like a pentagram when you look at it with bare eyes in the night sky, but also because this is the geometrical pattern which you get when you mark each Venus Transit on a map - which is always when Venus and the Earth celebrate their nearest encounter:

Venus Pentagram Animation

I am looking forward to sharing more on this topic, soon, especially on how to build the FLOWER of VENUS in a field or a magical clearing in the woods,

Sonja Myriel Aouine

PS.: You are WELCOME to share this discussion with your friends, on FB and on other sites.

The more people who lay out Crystal Grids

in one of the ways mentioned above from June 3rd to June 6th

the better!

These grids will serve the purpose to

anchor the light firmly on our planet

so we can celebrate the victory of the light over darkness!

May this be a Venus transit without human sacrifice,

So BE it,


So it IS!


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Sci Fi Aliens

By: Staff 
Published: 05/25/2012 10:14 AM EDT on

Despite what the movies tell us, any aliens that visit Earth probably won't want to enslave or vaporize us, veteran E.T. hunter Jill Tarter says.

Hostile aliens abound at the multiplex these days, terrorizing our planet in films such as "Battleship" and "Men in Black 3." But science fiction is probably far from reality in its depiction of Earth-contacting extraterrestrials, said Tarter, who announced Monday (May 22) that she's retiringafter spending 35 years scanning the heavens for signals from intelligent life beyond Earth.

"If aliens were able to visit Earth, that would mean they would have technological capabilities sophisticated enough not to need slaves, food or other planets," Tarter, who is stepping down as director of the Center for SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) Research at the SETI Institute in Mountain View, Calif., said in a statement.

Tarter's confidence in aliens' benign intentions puts her at odds with famed British astrophysicist Stephen Hawking, who has warned that extraterrestrial civilzations may venture our way to strip-mine our planet for resources.

"While Sir Stephen Hawking warned that alien life might try to conquer or colonize Earth, I respectfully disagree," Tarter said. "If aliens were to come here, it would be simply to explore. Considering the age of the universe, we probably wouldn’t be their first extraterrestrial encounter, either."

Tarter, other scientists and a variety of artists and entertainers will gather next month in Santa Clara, Calif., to discuss such issues in depth. SETICon II, held June 22-24, will explore humanity's place in the universe and the future of the search for life beyond Earth, conference organizers said.

While Tarter, 68, is retiring from her long-held research role at the SETI Institute, she will continue to devote herself to the search for E.T. She'll fundraise full-time for the Institute, which had to shut down its alien-hunting Allen Telescope Array for seven months last year because of a budget shortfall.

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Warning: Parts of this FAQ contain statements not reviewed by the FDA. Further, certain procedures and healing techniques may be mentioned. Please see your doctor before essaying such.

This material was generously provided by Rob & friends. Please see end of article for contributors.

1. What are chemtrails? Aren’t what I am seeing just “contrails”? No, they are not “contrails” good people and in order to identify a chemtrail versus a contrail, with chemical analysis of what the spray contains; please go here.

There is a tremendous amount of information available on this site including pictures and videos that will make most clear what chemtrails are and what “they” – those who authorized such a thing – want you to believe.

Hasn’t the government told us that this combats global warming? They have told the people this, unfortunately, as “they” always do – they are lying.

First off folks, while it is true the earth is getting warmer, it has nothing to do with man-made effects (factories, cars. etc.). Instead the entire solar system is heating up. This is due to the fact that our little spiral arm of the Milky Way galaxy is, as we read this, passing across the plane of elliptic of the Galactic Center and we here on earth are entering into a positron cloud (for the first time in 26,000 years) so our entire solar system is heating up. And we will get to this later, but I would strongly encourage everyone NOT to worry over this.

The biggest proof of all regarding the fact that SAG is not to combat the effects of the Earth heating up; these chemtrail death dumps are only found over populated areas. If it was to combat global warming, they would spray over the deserts and other “hot spots” of NATO countries (which it seems are the only places where this spraying happens).

2. OK, we can discern the difference between “chemtrails” and “contrails, what can we do about it? This is the great thing. We regular people can do many positive things. We can eliminate this death from our skies, for a few dollars we can turn the cell phone towers, lakes, wind farms and so many other negative things into life giving energy.

3. How? This is the greatest thing; not only can we accomplish these things, but are – because of Gifters. Please go here and download the compendium about gifting:  and take look at the whole site.

Where is your “proof” that gifting is effective? For any of those whom live near the Los Angeles Basin (population of nearly 17M people) go there to see skies that are blue with real clouds – no smog, no chemtrails, nada- thanks to gifters. Please go here to understand “gifting .”

For those who live near Chicago, Lake Michigan (population nearly 10M people) and its environs. Please go there and see the same thing. Clear air and blue skies and again thanks to gifters.

For our friends in Europe, please see similar results in the French part of Switzerland. For our African friends, the same is true of parts of Tanzania.

4. We are convinced, how can we make a chembuster and get started with gifting?

In order to make a personal use chembuster, please go here. In this short (7 minutes) video you will see how to easily construct a personal use chem-trail buster. For those who are handy, please go here for supplies. As for the copper pipe being used that is expensive, you can go with thin-wall aluminum pipes far less expensively.

Or here:

What if I just want to buy (for those with money) artistic orgonite generators, please go here:

5. For those people who (like me) suffer from the negative effects of these death dumps, including getting or having relatives that are suffering the beginnings of Alzheimer’s, heavy metals toxicity and aluminum toxicity, “A bit more information: Chemtrail poisoning will be either through heavy metal poisoning (mercury, cadmium, etc.) or via pathogenic organisms such as anthrax, H1N1 viruses, AIDS, etc.”.

“You can read and/or download a copy of the latest edition of Jim Humble’s book The Master Mineral Solution of the Third Millennium if the link below doesn’t come through: . The Master Mineral Solution of the 3rd Millennium can be located on:  so you can read it for free there, but I encourage you to buy it to support Jim.”

“Zeo Gold is a formulation created by Dr. Garry Gordon, one of the best-known alternative MD’s in the world. You take it as directed on the container, one capsule a day, three or four times a week.” Please go here:

Finally, there is so much more information out there, including fighting these death dumps with your mind, this FAQ section cannot possibly touch upon all of it. I (Rob) would like to extend my personal acknowledgement to our friends Laurent (gifting) and Trugli Vartna (medical) for this information.

Editorial Comment 05/08/2012

This just came in, and is being included because it powerfully reinforces what we’ve been saying about the higher dimensional aspects of chemtrails.

Editorial Comment 05/11/2012

This just in!  Must see article “Chemtrails, Nanoaluminum and Neurodegenerative and Neurodevelopmen... by Russell Blaylock, M.D.

The perfect antidote for those who think this stuff is hooey!

Russell L. Blaylock, M.D.
Visiting Professor Biology
Belhaven University
Theoretical Neurosciences Research, LLC
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Comments: 1

This channel was truly a beautiful channel! It took place on evening of a total solar eclipse, at almost the exact time of the eclipse. As a result of that, the energies were really powerful. I found the Goddess speaking at length at the beginning, then there were several other times in which she referenced the eclipse and those powerful energies were anchoring all that we did into the earth and people.

These channels from the Goddess of Creation are through the feminine energies, but it’s always a balance of the masculine and feminine. During this channel, the Goddess has her masculine aspect come forth as God, then she herself as the feminine aspect. It was so beautiful to see them as they interacted. We first of all went into the energies of that which is masculine. We could feel through the way God spoke, how one could be masculine; yet still feel & express the feminine. We then shifted into the Goddess and again felt the foundation of feminine, yet the essence of masculine with the feminine.

As this took place, it gave everyone a chance to release old energies and open the balance for themselves. As we watched God & Goddess, we could see how they blended from the root center up through the crown and down into each cell. It was very powerful and beautiful to see!! The balance from that was then integrated from the level of our DNA through all parts of the energy bodies. This is a way to transition any illness you may have or whatever else may be going on.

As we were ready to leave the All That Is, God/Goddess sent a flow of love through everyone that was really beautiful!! It was about love, acceptance, allowing. While it came from them, ultimately it gave everyone the opportunity to open to self-love and acceptance.

I invite you to join in and enjoy the energies of the eclipse & this powerful integration and balancing of all of you.


Nama sika; venia benya I AM the one, I AM the whole

I greet you beloved family! And as we come together at this time I invite you to join me as we dance upon the energies. This is a very powerful time, and whether you are listening or reading to this, right in the now moment that it’s taking place or if you’re listening to it at a later time, you are still tapping into the same energies.

The solar eclipse that is taking place exactly at the time that this channel is taking place is amplifying a lot of that energy that has been coming into the earth for the last number of years. It is assisting people in finding a way to create their reality as they live their lives.

I know that many of you have been seeking to create changes in your life. I know that you have been seeking to manifest on many different levels. I know that ultimately what each one of you wants within your life is to feel good, to feel connected, not only within your own self with your divinity, but to everyone else around you. Ultimately, people are seeking to have connections with others.

As these continued influxes of energy are pouring into the earth, it is stabilizing the structure of the earth. Now, at times people may think the structure or the infrastructure is due to what is being built in a physical reality and that is one plane of existence. But since, especially 2008, as the world began its ascent into the fourth dimension; there has been innumerable times in which these influxes of the crystalline energies have had peaks and valleys.

With our last journey, communicating with Buddha and Wesak or Buddha and the Christ energies during Wesak; [The teleconference 05-06-12.] you all may have felt the shift that took place that allowed their energies to be even more readily available to you in your everyday life.

As this eclipse is taking place right now, what’s happening is that the hologram, if you want to call it that, or the structure of the light body which is primarily the crystalline energies, is finding a new alignment and is creating a stronger foundation into and around your world.

Some people may find that everything is exactly the way it’s been prior to this time, and they don’t feel any sort of a change or difference. Others of you may feel the physical symptoms such as the headache that that one person mentioned or other people feel other aches and pains in their physical body.

These are indicators that you on a physical level are integrating new energies and you have not yet found the balance that will ultimately strengthen and empower you. So, reach towards feeling balanced, reach towards integrating your energies.

Others of you may find that life is changing. You may find your desires have changed. You may find the ways in which you do things in your everyday life is changed. I could go on and on about what this is.

For now, you could take this as an opportunity to infuse throughout all of your reality these energies of expansion. Many of you enjoy this type of energy and that’s why you are joining us here upon this call.

I now invite you to consciously take in one more breath. Send that down throughout your being; send it down into the earth and this time as you send this energy into the earth take a moment and reach out towards whatever part of this earth energy has to do with the eclipse.

As you reach out in this manner you can find that there is more energy that immediately flows within and around you while you are still here focused upon the earth.

Alright, so allow your consciousness to now release from your physical body; feel as if you were shifting into the energies of the magnetic grid.

As you find yourself aligning within these energies, let yourself recognize that your higher self is here within this space open to the flow of energy as it moves around the world. Recognize that you are here as a part of this.

And then you take another breath and you let that go; you shift as if you move through the interlocking grid. In doing so, you find yourself within the magnetic grid, I’m sorry, within the crystalline grid. Here within the crystalline energies, allow yourself to feel the flow. You may have a sense of feeling as if this energy is even more electrocuted or electrified at this moment and it is because it is so directly involved with the eclipse.

You breathe in allowing yourself to feel that energy, allowing yourself to feel all the power that is here and available to you. Many of you may find that as you are here within this space, that the flow of energy expands even more.

Allow yourself to shift from here into the space of the soul plane. As you arrive within the soul plane, reach out to your I AM presence; reach out to your divinity. As you do so, you have a sense of embracing all of who you are.

As you merge with your I AM presence, you begin to feel yourself expand even more. Reach out as if to open up and align with the various aspects that are here and available to you. You have access to your entire divinity, but in most cases, the perception flows through at a level in which you are able to comprehend.

Take in a deep breath and breathe out.

I the Goddess move in and amongst each one of you. I reach out to embrace you as the individual in this lifetime; you as the individual in your consciousness. As we embrace you may find yourself shifting into the energies of the All That Is.

As we arrive within this space have a sense of looking around. This is the place of creation. This is the space in which you come on a very consistent basis. This is here in support of you. Open to receive everything that is here for you.

There is so much that I would like to talk with you about and to work with you upon this evening. I’m gathering the energies of all present, to see in which direction I’m going to go.

I believe, first off from this space of the All That Is, have a sense of looking out a window; but it is not a window of limitation, it’s a limitless window. There are no edges, or boundaries.

As you have this sense of looking through this window be aware of the constellations of your universe. Some of you may feel drawn to particular planets or stars. Others of you may feel just a sense of all that energy. As you look in another direction have a sense of looking at the earth.

You are here within this space right now, with a perfect view of the eclipse that has just reached its peak and is moving through. As you look, be aware of the energies of the sun and you can tap into the central spiritual sun. You can tap into the power, the essence, the energy of the masculine aspects.

Here within this space, you may also perceive the moon and feel the moon as if you are moving deep within the moon; you feel, see, sense, how it represents the feminine aspects.

And in this moment as you observe, you see the complete and powerful alignment of the sun, the moon and the earth. In this moment is amplifying the balanced energies of the masculine and the feminine. It is giving you the opportunity to experience yourself. Not only in this current lifetime, but in any lifetime that may be of importance to you in this moment.

I invite you to just bask in this energy and as we are taking this moment to experience it, I am going to have a sense of bringing forth the God essence. Some of you may see as if I am separating, others may see an essence that walks into the room with us all.

There are many different perceptions of how this can take place and each perception is another way in which you can look at yourself and think of it as your masculine and feminine coming into space.

As you see us standing here in front of you, you may recognize how my own way of communicating in this channel is coming forth in a little bit different energy, because I am flowing the energy of the masculine in a stronger space. This is in part due to the eclipse, but it is also in part due to what I am bringing forth for everyone this evening.

Now, as we stand here in front of you, I’m going to begin to flow the energy of communication in such a way that there may be times in which it is God speaking, times in which it is I the Goddess. At this beginning we will consciously separate so that you may feel what we would like for you to appreciate.

God Speaks:

Greetings beloved!

I am so much a part of the Goddess energies that to speak separate from her as if my own energy or entity it takes me a moment to shift the energies within this space.

She and I, as if within ourselves, are the two aspects that create the whole. People think of the ying and yang symbol, that’s a representation. People think of things that represent the opposite, light-dark, positive-negative, etc.

As we are having our discussion with you tonight, it is not about things that are opposite, but it is more so about understanding all that is within you that is making up the essence of you in this life.

No matter what sex you chose to take on in this lifetime, you have energies and strength that is masculine, you have energies and strength that is feminine. We are moving through a time in which all of this is shifting.

We are moving into a time of balance. That is what is so powerful about this eclipse taking place. It’s because it represents balance and it is amplifying, anchoring and infusing the earth with balance. You may think that every eclipse has done so and indeed it has.

Traditionally, when people think of masculine energies they consider movement, they consider it as a strength or they consider it as an energy that just represents a particular feeling that you may have within your existence; your physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, all of that that makes up who you are.

As you are feeling the flow of my energy right in this moment, I invite you to let that go through you. Allow yourself to feel what it is to be in your masculine energies.

As you find that opens up within you, then ask yourself, are you comfortable with this aspect within you? If there is anything that feels as if it’s out of balance when you think of your masculine energies, allow it to come up within you right now.

When you consider your masculine energies, does it give you a sense of strength, a sense of purpose, perhaps a sense of being? I am feeling that for some of you it makes you feel uncomfortable.

So, whatever it is that you feel allow that to come up to your consciousness. If it’s something that feels good, then amplify that feeling good experience. If it’s something that just feels awkward, then embrace what that is for this moment. I am feeling that there are some that now feel this as an awkwardness; it just feels different or strange.

Allow this flow of the masculine to move through you. As you feel these energies so strongly, then feel as if you are on one hand in that masculine energy of movement or that masculine energy, perhaps some would call it, of aggression or competition or whatever it is that it may be to you.

Let yourself bring that up and then still within this masculine energy bring in what is to be in the masculine and receive all your masculine gentleness or that which is the opposite of what you might consider those energies.

Now for some of you it feels as if I’m just shifting over into my feminine side. And perhaps that’s another way to look at this. Allow yourself to open up to your feminine energies and again the Goddess will begin to speak.

The Goddess Speaks:

I feel laughter in this moment. It’s just like an excitement that is bubbling up inside of me. And as I’m having this experience and sharing it with you, I invite you to allow your focus to shift into your feminine energies. You may ask yourself, what does that mean to me? What are my feminine energies?

So often it is about receiving the nurturing, that loving acceptance or that loving way that you think of the mother energies. And many people consider, “well that is my feminine side”. Indeed it is. Open up and allow that to become stronger and stronger within you.

Again, as with God, I invite you to ask yourself. How do you feel with your feminine energies? Does it feel secure? Is it a place of strength for you? Does it feel as if it is, loving, nurturing, supporting?

If there is anything at all as we consider your feminine energies that is uncomfortable or out of balance for you take a moment to acknowledge what that is and if there is anything at all to release then consciously take a breath in and let it go.

I am hearing from people that sometimes it’s difficult to accept the loving and nurturing energies because you can’t let your guard down. You have to constantly be strong. You have to constantly be in motion. This is your moment to let your guard down, to open up to your feminine energies letting them flow through you and integrating or accentuating all that is feminine and you breathe that down within you.

You can be within your feminine energies and still have that sense of motion. You can have that sense of being feminine and yet being strong. Just as you can have that sense of being masculine and being gentle.

You may have a sense of seeing God and I as two energies. We face one another and we have our hands clasped between us. As we look into each other’s eyes there is also an energetic embrace that is what you would call your chakra centers blending on every level of your chakras.

The energy around us, that’s that pure consciousness, that pure love, that light body and what we are amplifying for you is how I as the balanced divine feminine and God as the balanced divine masculine, we flow our energies back and forth. There is a constant flow that moves between us.

I the Goddess am open to receive, both from a space of feminine strength and feminine gentleness, the energies of my masculine side, and I God as the God energies, as the divine masculine infuse into the feminine all that it is to be masculine, all that it is to be both gentle, strong, whatever that may be to each individual and I infuse this energy into the divine feminine.

As we do this, each one of you are also working through aligning, shifting your own energies as masculine and feminine. And now, I as the divine masculine energies, I’m open to receive all that is feminine and I feel the flow of the Goddess energies.

I am open to receive the love and the nurturing that come through from my feminine energies and I can be here in this space of strength, this space of all that is masculine and I can be the pure essence of gentle, loving and nurturing.

We blended together as one, stand before you. We invite you to allow yourself to very consciously open feeling the flow as it moves through you of all that is feminine and of all that is masculine. And as these energies move through in such a way it creates a perfect balance and a perfect harmony within you.

You may feel this beginning with your root center in the very core essence. When you were created, you were created as a balanced masculine and feminine and then life took place and you may have found yourself in one direction or another. So you allow yourself to feel the balance and in doing so it may make you feel even more of your natural, be it, femininity or masculinity.

Shift into the Sacral Center and feel your sexuality. Allow this to come forth within you. Allow yourself to feel it in a way that strengthens you. Feel it as a means of opening up to creativity and to the expression of who you are in this lifetime.

As you move into the energies of your solar plexus feel what it is to be balanced, masculine and feminine. Open to how much intuition is here within this space, but open to one of the most powerful ways in which you process energies in your everyday life.

In your heart center feel what it is to be balanced. You may in some ways feel as if there is more of an opening to give; there is more of an opening to receive and it flows through you.

As you continue to merge these energies of who you are within your throat let that energy flow through you so that you may speak, so that you may communicate in whatever form is best for you.

From there we see you going to your third eye, but I invite you to go to the light body center at the back of your head. Here as you consciously create this link feel it in the masculine and feminine, because the light body energy is always a blend of both and it is always balanced.

From there as you allow your third eye to come into focus; for some it may be that being open to receive and strengthening that gives you a stronger ability to receive information through your third eye. Perhaps if you strengthen your masculine aspect of that you feel as if you could now see through it. There is no one or the other, there is only balance.

Your head center is always in complete balance.

As you consciously allow yourself to focus upon this in this moment have a sense as it becoming the ultimate blending, as if you start down at the root center and you have your masculine and your feminine and by the time they move through your entire body it is completely blended and there is only one.

Allow those energies to flow up and down through you. Allow yourself to feel how you can amplify or release whatever you need to in any given moment so that you can feel that balance the essence of who you are.

As we were speaking of this we could feel how for some, you were saying, “That’s what I want in my relationship with my partner. That’s what I want and what I have been seeking”. So indeed, by creating this within yourself, this very conscious balanced energy, you send that out to the world.

It creates a balanced existence in your everyday life. We can feel how you say, “but there is still that problem at work”, “there is still that problem in the family”, “there is still the lack of a partner”.

If you consider whatever it is that you may be seeking to manifest within your life, consider it now from this space of absolute balance. You breathe down the energies of balance allowing yourself to be more fully than ever before who you are in this lifetime and then you send it out into whatever you are seeking to manifest. You send it out in a flow and then you receive it back in a flow.

It may be that some of those things that you have been seeking to manifest will now come to you in an even better way than they had before. You are creating a new alignment. You are creating new potentials. You are opening to new opportunity.

Look around the All That Is. As I look at each one of you, I see that much greater balance. I see that for many of you it’s as if you know yourself even better than you ever have before.

If there is anything at all that you feel still needs to be transitioned within you then allow those energies to move through you in this moment and as they move through, allow it to move into whatever it is that you would like to resolve or you would like to transition.

You can feel how this will make a transition from every cell within your body. When you are having physical symptoms sometimes it may be something taking place in the moment, other times it may be that you have chronic illnesses, it matters not.

You can be in this state of completely balanced energy and it can create a new body in your physical reality. You allow your focus to be upon the balanced energies, beginning with you feminine and masculine, allowing that to move through so that every cell is then the essence of balance. And as each cell is focused upon that balance there is a movement forward within you and there is a movement of receiving or an energy of receiving.

It’s an equal flow, is gentle, is powerful, it’s infinite.

As I just said that it was infinite it’s like I saw each one of you exploding or like a star burst of energy exploded out from each of you. I see you as balanced, I see you as energize. I see you and I know you. There is great love in my heart for you always.

Breathe in accepting love. You may feel that you are accepting it from I the Goddess but I invite you to consciously accept it from yourself. This becomes a state of bliss, and I know that many of you would like to be within that state on a conscious or continuous basis.

I invite you to put forth the intention that it is very readily available to you through your breathing. That when you consciously breathe in the intention of being balanced and the intention of flow that it will automatically bring that sense of bliss. Now, when you are busy in your everyday life you may not recognize that the bliss is there. So, allow it to come into you in whatever form it may.

It may come as communication from another, it may come as things falling into place during your day, it may come in the very most subtle fashion or on a big deal communication. It’s all fun; it’s all a reflection of being in the moment.

I invite you to come back together as a group. As you do so, you may sense the hologram of the earth and as this hologram comes up within the center of all of you be open to see the energies of the new earth.

Be open to see the energies of the light body as is represented by this hologram and then as each one of you infuse the balanced energy of your experience this evening into this hologram you may have a sense of an even greater distinction coming forth.

This hologram is completely illuminated on many, many different levels. You have a sense of releasing it. As you do so, it moves down aligning first of all with the crystalline grid, it flows through there and then merges with the magnetic grid and from there it goes down anchoring within the physical earth.

And as this energy anchors within the core essence of the earth it is as if it becomes a magnet, not only drawing in the energies of the eclipse and anchoring all of that but it becomes a magnet to that balance that is represented by all of you and everybody else upon the earth that is in a state of balance right at this moment.

And that anchors within the earth and then radiates out from it so that the earth itself is at first receiving and then it is sending forth the energy, feminine and masculine in its own balanced manner. As that moves out it goes through the collective consciousness and the collective unconscious and it moves through on every level and in to every person so you as the human on earth receive those energies that are your own. Allow it to anchor you in your most balanced fashion. You can breathe it in and you can breathe it out.

You let go those energies and you allow yourself to begin to shift. Many of you have already shifted your consciousness but as you leave the essence of the All That Is you find yourself once more in the soul plain and you feel your connection to your divinity is even stronger than it’s ever been.

You have opened to receive this more powerful balanced energy of your own divinity and it’s here linking with you right now in this moment. You take as much of your divinity as you can within your consciousness and you shift your focus moving once more back through the crystalline grid.

This time you bring your consciousness with you as your focus is within this space. You may have a sense of connecting with the other aspects of your energy that are here and then again you allow yourself to flow down, moving down into the magnetic grid and then down into your physical reality.

As you come back within this space breathe gently and easily feeling as if your consciousness comes back down through your head center and as your consciousness is flowing through you allow it to activate each one of your energy centers within your physical body and allow it to move through so that it connects with each cell within your body.

So it goes down into every molecule, it goes down into your very DNA that makes up who you are in this lifetime. And as you are working with you DNA, you are supporting all that it represents to you and every part of that flows back up through you, through every cellular structure, through every organ, through your bones and out through your skin so that you in this existence can be the best that you possibly can be, so that you are balance, so that you are strong. You not only put that forth with your masculine energies but you receive and accept that with your feminine energies.

Alright, so as we are bringing this time to a close, we invite you to once more feel the embrace of God and Goddess as we are merged together as one.

We send our love to you, our balanced energy to you, that you may have that in your everyday life. We invite you to accept and we invite you to send forth that balance of who you are in all that you do.

We are ever with you and within you.


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