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Faith ...... a message from Ann Albers

My dear friends, we love you so very much.

Today we wish to speak to you on the subject of faith. God does not require your faith dear ones to love you. God does not require your faith to pour blessings in your life. God is always love. God is always sending you blessings. However, your faith is required for you to receive the love and blessings that are always there. Faith is, in reality a choice to believe in that which you do not yet see. It is a choice to believe in the goodness of the universe, and a choice to believe that the power that created you, the same power that plants dreams within your heart, will also work to fulfill them. Faith, technically speaking, is a choice to align your mental, emotional, and spiritual energies with that of love. When you have true, deep, abiding faith, you are like a radio tuning into the frequency of God's love, and therefore allowing yourself to receive this love in your life. When you do not have faith, you are like a radio that cannot find the desired station. Without faith, you are not always tuned into love, and therefore you cannot always receive it.

"But I had faith," some of you say, "and nothing happened." Dear ones, you must have faith in God's love unwaveringly, for in truth, if you really believed in the love of God you would act differently than you do when you put your faith in fearful outcomes. If you believed in the love of God, you would be financially responsible of course, but you would not waste your time on worry. If you really believed in the love of God, you would feel filled and loving towards others. If you really believed in the love of God, you would know that even if your dreams have not yet come to pass, God is working on the most benevolent outcome for your entire life.

God is not a human being, dear ones! God does not require you to behave a certain way in order to love you. God's love is the breath you breathe. God's love is the force that moves the stars in the heavens. God's love is the energy that turns the seasons, makes the sun rise, grows the plants, and yes, at times, allows forces of nature to wreak havoc so that new life may begin again. God's love dear ones, is always there for you. Will you believe in it? Will you search for it deep within your hearts and bring it forth to share with the world?

Faith is not idly sitting by and expecting to win the lottery, for in truth that is often based on fearful thinking. "I am afraid my dreams will not come true. I do not believe in God's miraculous ability to deliver them. Therefore I pick this one way that I may assuage my fears! I want to win the lottery! I want to have lots of money! Then I will be secure! Then I will have faith! Then I will be a loving person!" And dear ones, we do exaggerate a bit here, but in truth that is backwards thinking. If you want to win the lottery for fun, fine, create it! But put your faith in God's love instead! Put your faith in God's ability to manifest your dreams. Focus your attention on being loving to self and others, and then dear ones, whether your numbers win or not, you have already won. You have already filled your heart with peace, your days, with love, and your mind with the knowing that you are secure resting in the arms of the one who created you.

God bless you! We love you so very much.
-- The Angels
Message From Ann

I got the lottery speech last month :) I very rarely ask the angels about money, because in truth I know I am cared for; that all my needs will be met; and that when something comes up that I truly desire, the universe will provide. However, after the slew of home issues last year capped off by "the big leak repair" right before Christmas, I started wishing I had a little extra on hand. "Why can't I win the lottery?!" I asked the angels? It was such an unusual question for me. "Because you don't want superficial solutions this lifetime, Ann," they replied. "You really wanted to know and teach God's love and so you have to create everything from the inside out. You have to have faith." "I DO have faith!" I replied. "I have had faith through every single financial challenge I've had, and it always works out." "Then why do you need the lottery?" the angels replied. "There is so much more I want to do and create," I persisted. "And when you really want to do it, and create it, do you not believe the means will be there?" they asked me They had a point and I started laughing. Every time I need or truly deeply desire something, IN THE PRESENT, it comes.

I think at some point in time most people have wished for more of a buffer in the bank to assuage their fears, and yet at the same time God does provide. Years ago, way back when I was young and got married, we read a passage in the ceremony about how God takes care of the lilies and the sparrows and so much more all of us. I still have that knowing and life still works that way. I had an expensive computer repair a few weeks ago and a dear client who does regular coaching sessions decided to pay ahead for the year. There went the computer bill.

It ends up I needed faith once again this week. I thought the insurance adjustor had said they were "going" to take up the tile and fix the foundation. I was terrified then relieved. I made peace with that. Then I talked to the financial folks at the insurance company and realized that I had heard wrong - they are fixing some of it but "IF I have" to pull up the tile and jackhammer the floor that will be my responsibility. "How do I know if I have to do that?" I asked. The angels have already told me there was nothing life threatening going on but I also want to be sure my foundation is sound. "It will be your responsibility to hire a structural engineer," the lady told me. She gave me the names of a few reputable companies. Not cheap. I got off the phone and prayed, "God I want to make sure my home is strong and stable and if it is not please guide me as to how to make it so. Thank you."

I "happened" to be helping a friend that day. As I shared my concerns, she reminded me that her father in law was a retired structural engineer and would be willing to come out as a favor and take a look. I felt that warm wave of energy I have come to assosicate with God saying, "See I've got you covered!" And thank GOD, this dear man who has dedicated his life to making sure buildings are stable told me mine IS! My heart is singing! No breaking up the foundation, just tile repair and fixing a few cracks in the walls due to what he said was very normal settling. That is going to be much easier on me than I originally thought. I am so grateful. When we surrender, things change. When we trust God, help is given. But it takes mental muscle not to go down that road of panic when we don't have a clue how something will be handled.

Even if you have to give something up at some point in time, better always comes in the future. Years ago when I left a cherished home with my ex-husband during a divorce, I did so because I knew I knew how to manifest and I wanted one of us to have the home that I'd poured so much love into. I could have insisted we sell it and split the proceeds, but that wasn't what was in my heart at the time. So, for a few years I lived in a very nice smaller apartment that worked perfectly for that phase in my life. I needed to be free then to discover who I was and I didn't have time for mortgage or maintenance. Then, at the perfect time and in the perfect way, I found the perfect home for me. It was in fact, a newer model of the home I had left with my husband, made by the same builders, and with the improvements I had always dreamed of! God knew all along what I wanted, but first had to give me what I needed. It always works out that way.

If you are worried about money, by all means, do the responsible things that you know to do, but then relax. Give the rest to God. "God I want to pay the bills so please guide me. Bring me your miracles!" But make sure as you pray these prayers you choose to have faith. Choose to align your mind, body, and spirit with the truth of God's love. And then don't waste another minute on worry. Get on with life. Be kind and loving, and know you are loved and cared for. When a roof company quoted me $400 to fix one broken tile, I prayed and soon another friend recommended a wonderful father/son team who came up with an elegant and inexpensive fix, arrived on time, were fun, friendly, and honest. (Lance Lambert and his son Cris at 602-349-1054 not only do roof repairs but other general contracting type work and they are delightful)!

All losses are simply temporary on the path to better if you have faith. All seeming setbacks, are just building blocks on the path to your dreams. I'm experiencing all that quite literally these days! My foundation is sound as I root myself further in the truth of God's love. Amazing grace is always at work! Will you choose to believe in it? I hope so. It certainly makes life a lot more enjoyable.

Big hugs and a lot of love as we enjoy this school called Earth!

Please feel free to share any of my messages or posts. The only thing I ask is a small note: ©Ann Albers,

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May is the energy of relationship. It is the request, the honoring, the answer. May I? Relationship is a constant in life, for humans are give/receive mechanisms, a physical experience of form, movement, interaction and change. Your vehicle of change is perspective and choice. Perspective is the taking in of information (how it mingles within) and choice is the giving out of information. You inform The Field through your vibratory instruction. What you emit is your choice.

Relationship is your interaction with Life. Are you fearful, resistant, excited or engaged? All relationship begins within, for all relationship is specific to your perspective. As you receive life in (feminine energy – nothing to do with a female gender) you are courageously allowing Life to Flow – changing the Whole. This is the experience of allowing others their own experience without manipulating the world around you into a form that you will accept. This is the lesson of creating through sharing Self, no matter the chance of rejection, abandonment or lack of appreciation. As you give life out (masculine energy – nothing to do with a male gender) you are courageously Flowing into Life – changing the Whole. This is the experience of directing the Self with the grace of understanding the effect on The Whole (personal responsibility/response-ability). Directing out such that free will is honored for all. Directing out in a manner that propagates Freedom and Love without controlling the world around you into a form that serves the Self only.

Every second of your life is relationship. You are the Self relating to Life. Your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual body is the relay (relating) system through which Life is experienced. Perspective and choice are the relay vehicles that then manifest action. You relate with people (mates, family, friends, co-workers, politicians, people in the news, ancestors, etc.) and experiences through your emotional and mental system, that is how they are processed within. That is influenced by your spiritual flow and influences your physical flow. May brings the request, the question. Not just “May I,” but “Will I?” Will is choice. In most societies we have observed will as overpowering – an external proof of the power of Self relating to Life. As Lightworkers we are tasked to shine forth our Love into Life, illuminating Love’s path of creation. There are innumerable paths – all of them correct, valid and serving Life. Yet what serves the Self? For a Lightworker it is synonymous with what serves Life. Free will honored, requested and answered. You become Whole within and the relating has a strong foundation.
The Astrology

May has some exciting beginnings that will feed into the power of June. Saturn is still retrograde in Libra (2/7-6/25) urging us to relate through ease or feel the compression of resistance. Pluto is still retrograde in Capricorn (4/10-9/18) transforming rigid structure that stalls change into fluid structure that supports free will more easily. On 5/5 the full moon in Scorpio pulls the depth of shadow into the light. Scorpio is an intense emotional energy. You may be feeling vulnerable within, so be sure to balance that with your boundaries that serve your growth at the pace you need. Venus turns retrograde on 5/15 (until 6/27) in Gemini. Here we review and rebalance our dual nature within, uniting within the beauty of Love. Gemini is an airy energy of communication, which is our relationship with the world around us whether we communicate through thought, word, deed or most importantly, intention. This retrograde of Venus is about connection and Gemini offers the opportunity to connect the dots into alignment with Love. On 5/20 there is a solar eclipse on the new moon in Gemini. All eclipses are powerful points of resetting energy (release and activation); however, this one has some special points of interest. It aligns with the Pleiades, most specifically Alcyone. Our true heritage is brought to Light as we align son to sun. As the moon aligns with the sun in Gemini and the sun aligns with Alcyone, we meet at a point of no return that allows our dual nature to cohere into the greater Whole. June will host the second eclipse and the Venus transit, a powerful, rare occultation.
The Numerology

May is a month of 5 in a year of 5 (2+0+1+2=5). 5 is the energy of change. Expect change and welcome change. It has the ability to be relatively easy – it all depends on how you relate to it (easier said than done – I know!). You are a powerful Being. You are working with the Light (sun) to create a world founded in Love, joy, peace, ease, sharing, abundance, creativity, excitement, etc. This Light is within and change is how it manifests into form as you emit vibration out into the space/time of Life on Earth.
The Summary

May is your opportunity for profound relationship to Life. Right action, right relations are tenants of many indigenous cultures that honored Life in a way that we are returning to as we become aware of the Whole Truth of our relationships. Relationship brings change, for it is an inter-action with Life. May is your opportunity to perceive and choose such that your Life is transformed into a basis for Love’s growth. You are the opportunity for Life to shine through. In that way, you are the sun/son.

Have a blessed May!

Link to the Light Language video for April 2012

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We are into the 5th month of 2012 and as I sit with the energies scanning the past 4 months I see and feel erratic fluctuations pulling and pushing like a sawing motion, accompanied by drops in elevation down into sinkholes, then popping out like cartoon toast from a toaster boing-ing up and slow spiraling down to land gently on soft moss that soon morphs into mud and turns into a slurry that cascades us with it to the edge of a precipice and off we go because there’s no other choice and instead of falling, we’re floating and then suddenly falling and then going up and on and on it goes. Yikes!

At times I’ve also felt like I’m on a carnival ride – the Cup and Saucer. I’m sitting in the cup and it begins to spin and the larger saucer is also spinning, faster and faster, at different rates and sometimes different directions. Centrifugal forces are bringing up our issues for integration and lightening up.

We may be feeling a little dizzy or nauseous, experiencing digestive issues, sudden feelings of panic, or a general flat-lining feeling that leaves us staring into space. Surges of energy are entering our nervous system affecting our physical bodies, our emotional/mental body and blurring the lines of reality. I’m not even sure I can explain what that means, but so-called reality seems a bit fuzzy at times, along with the flow of time itself. And the sun… what’s up with the sun? The light seems different somehow and yet I can’t quite put my finger on it. It seems “old” or diffused… the shadows seem long even at mid-day.
That old onion analogy

Veneers of the old camouflage we took on as coping mechanisms throughout our lives continue to be brought to our attention through our thoughts and feelings. This can be so uncomfortable but is integral to our rising into the fullness of our being. We need to look at our “faults” and self judgments and bring them into our hearts as we would soothe a crying child. Learning to stop judging ourselves and others, knowing that we’re all on this ride together, helps to bring us back to ourselves and take care of our own process. This also gives rise to deeper compassion for those who seem to be freaking out or holding on to the old, splattering us with their dysfunction (triggering ours!). It’s all an opportunity to love ourselves..

Many people are making life-changing decisions at this time – many are moving to new locations – as one friend said, people are being “re-positioned.” Job changes and relationship changes are ongoing. Flare-ups in relationships, outbursts of anger, and abrupt changes in behavior continue to abound. We are all on notice to really practice not taking things personally.

Daily Drawings April 20, 2012
Slippin’ and Slidin’

This is a transitional time where that which is unresolved will be coming to the surface for completion. Loose ends could turn into whips so be sure to take care of any unfinished business and promises not yet fulfilled. Unexpected events from the micro to the macro are bubbling up. Trust that all is well and in alignment with the great shift and adapt a feeling of wonderment as you traverse the terrain of May. We are each on a path and those pathways can become obscured as winds of energy change the landscape. There may be times when you don’t know where you’re going because what once was clear has become cloudy. Uncertainty abounds. Make friends with it.

For some, the outer world may seem to remain the same, but an inner swirling of energy will be felt amplifying a feeling that provokes the question “what’s going on?” This is why having a feeling of wonderment as the world turns around us will help us maintain a state of witnessing the grandeur of life. This helps us to stay in our little boats as the seas churn all around. Conscious breathing and tuning in to love will assist us in stabilizing our equilibrium. This will be an ongoing necessity as our pathways become obscured and the ground underneath slippery. What once was there suddenly disappears and we’re in unknown, never before seen territory. This makes us nervous. But we still contain and embody the integrity of our essence and that is a profound knowing that brings us stability. Know who you are. Support who you are. Speak your truth and live your truth.

When nervous, panicky feelings come into us, we can know for sure that others “out there” are feeling it, too. Through our breath, we can bring in soothing, grounding energy and send it out into the collective consciousness.
Birthing our new lives

Living what isn’t our truth is becoming unbearable, so if you’ve lost your job or are in the process of releasing a relationship, know it as a blessing and an opportunity for you to align with something that brings you joy. Know that for every ending is a beginning.

Emotional currents, and thought forms that give birth to emotions, are swirling around among endings and new beginnings. If you are initiating a major life change, check in to know that you are following your heart, even thought it may waver at times. Us humans do resist change and all that is required to create change at the planetary level, but the heart-guided changes we make in 3D rise up through our dimensional frequencies and re-align us with the original vibration of our Soul. How can this not bring us fulfillment and joy at every level?
We’re not alone

Knowing that all of humanity is connected in the One-ness will help us to stay in the Light and find balance in uncertain and changing times. Reaching out, connecting with one another, calling a friend or going to a gathering can be soothing and supportive in times of change.

The Vastness of Being say, “We see you standing, feet apart, knees slightly bent helping you to stay upright and as the earth moves underneath you, you sway back and forth with the rhythm of the shifting. That is how the energies look at this time. Shaking ground, shifting sands, uprisings rising up.” We all support each other through the energetic web of light that links us to one another.

Daily drawing, May 5, 2012

Dimensional shifts are filtering down into the planetary 3D experience, creating cracks that can be seen in many of our lives and/or in the expanded global picture. New energies are released through the fissures giving us the opportunity to rise up, explore and embody new wisdom and experiences. We, as a collective consciousness, are all going through this together. The journey is all about self love and acceptance.
Resistance is Futile

We need to be as flexible as possible as the energies rock our world inside and out. Grounding into the earth and connecting our heartbeat to the heartbeat of the earth keeps us in harmony. This is our chance to strengthen our ability to remain in the present moment.

Sharing loving, happy moments in our day, radiating gratitude and appreciation, celebrating our friendships and loving connections helps to raise our collective vibration. In mirthful moments, we can send the energy that we’re feeling through the inner net, connecting with other humans… they receive it and feel it and radiate it outwards, others receive it and then send it forward, on and on… this creates a vibration of love energy throughout humanity. We literally pulsate the love vibe throughout ourselves and the inner net of humanity. We will see others being drawn into our lives with serendipity and synchronicity. Radiance is released through these moments of spontaneity and it will be like a party around you… a party of radiance around each of us… a celebration… a joyful energy.

Daily Drawings April 28, 2012
Don’t Look Back

Look to where you are in the present. Much is bubbling up around us. If we stay connected to our hearts and remember who we are – our energetic vibration is the energy of our Soul – if we nurture this energy that is our unique vibration, we will stay in integrity and be able to navigate the ever-changing currents. Joyful celebration with one another, creative expression of our divine gifts – saying YES! to who we are – strengthens the connection we have to one another. It’s like many people holding hands, feet firmly planted on the ground bracing against a strong current, gathering strength through our One-ness.

When we move through the times of uncertainty and maintain our inner integrity, we will find ourselves in new places living a life more aligned to our Soul’s highest path and purpose. Know that you are fully supported in creating your new life.


Nancy Ward
Aka: Lila
(pronounced Lee-la)
and my collaborators The Vastness of Being

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There is a saying “I can see right through you” and that has never been more applicable than now. It feels like everyone around us, including us, is becoming more and more transparent, as all of who they/we are – and who they/we are not – is laid bare. This transparency is happening whether we like it or not – it is not as if everyone is suddenly feeling urged to be totally upfront and honest with each other. It is more like a curtain that was once dense is now becoming sheer, and so there is nowhere to hide.

As this process happens, we may not always like what we see. We may have preferred the illusion of what someone or something was, more than we like the reality. Even if we had a fairly good idea of what someone or something was, the in-your-face transparency occurring right now is like someone turning the dimmer light switch up from medium to high. We may have thought we were seeing clearly a year ago or even a month ago, but it’s becoming a whole new ball game now.

The degree to which you are still attached to any specific illusion as opposed to its truth reality, (be it a person, relationship, cultural or religious belief), the greater the emotional trigger as the veil collapses. As something is revealed to you, in some cases for the first time in other cases for the hundredth time, you will feel anything from deep grief or intense anger on the ‘still attached’ end of the spectrum to mildly amused or barely interested observer on the ‘detached’ end of the spectrum.

If you are being triggered, it will be helpful to realise that the ‘truth’ you are seeing is actually serving you in being revealed to you. Your emotional reaction is simply the ego thrashing about, still wanting to be engaged in an old story or drama. However, if you stop for a moment and get back into your centre you can emotionally disengage for long enough to ask yourself a good question: “Is this truth I am seeing really bothering me, or is it actually quite liberating to finally see this?” If you are angry because certain people are acting a certain way, ask yourself: “Do I really want them to act the way I am saying I want? Or am I being given a gift here? If this is a gift, what is the gift?”

Our freedom lies in realising we don’t have to react, or at least we can consciously choose how or even if we want to respond. Our old karmic ties are ending and so we are not karmically obligated to continue playing out old roles or patterns, or engaging in old relationships and dynamics that are no longer serving us. If someone ‘makes’ you feel not good enough, or ashamed, or judged, know that it is you who is still choosing to stay plugged in to an old story. There is no value in choosing to stay plugged in anymore. It is time to consciously remember that others do not define us.

“What you think of me is none of my business.” – Terry Cole-Whittaker

In the old cycle we needed others to trigger us into remembering who we are, often by others treating us less than. We remembered via overcoming pain, suffering, repression and other difficulties. We had our heads turned from who we are, from source energy, from the fullness of our light, and so we bought into stories around lack, limitation, restriction and disconnection. In the new cycle we are becoming the ‘living awake’ humans. Our heads are being turned forward toward the fullness of our light once again. Image a hose that was twisted and the water couldn’t get through, but now it is becoming untwisted and so the water can flow freely once again. That is what’s happening to us in this Shift. We are stepping into and embodying our divine identity, power and abilities. Our upside down world is becoming right side up again, and just like those snow shaker things the flipping process makes everything look chaotic for a while, but know that things are becoming right way up.

Some of us are grieving the loss or death of people in our lives who never really existed. Of course, the physical being that they are existed and is still alive, but the projection we cast onto them, the identity that we gave them, did not exist. We are seeing that now, and it might be hard to feel and face.

You might be feeling like every day is an exercise in your buttons being pushed, and you are really over it. The only way to be done with this, is to finally actually get over it. Get over needing someone to be what they are never going to be, or not going to be yet, or don’t even want to be. Get over acting like you are responsible for other people’s actions and emotions. Get over feeling like others are responsible for your actions and emotions. It is time to take full responsibility for who we are and how we are, and unplug from the cords we have stuck into others and had others stick into us. It is time to unplug from the projections we have thrown onto others, and had thrown onto us.

One of the biggest projections occurring right now is the one we have collectively thrown over this year 2012. Many either believe it’s the end of the world, or the year that our star family finally come to save us. Both these beliefs deny any sense of self-responsibility or collective responsibility for the world we have created and are yet to create. As we cross the threshold of Dec 21, 2012 it will be a pivotal, empowering moment for humanity because finally we can be free of prophecies and the incorrect interpretations of them. Finally we can wake up from the illusion that it doesn’t really matter what we do because the world is either going to end or we’ll be ‘saved’.

“Midnight will come, nothing will happen except some softly falling snow, and people will awake the next morning to a planet that needs to be taken care of. The clearing of apocalyptical belief systems will be exceedingly painful because caring more about beliefs than about the planet must cease.”- Barbara Hand Clow, The Pleiadian Agenda

Barbara Hand Clow was referring to the start of the new millennium, but these words can apply to the end of this year also. There will be grief as the veil is finally and fully lifted, and people realise that no-one is coming to save us. Those Hopi’s were smart cookies when they said “We are the ones we have been waiting for.” Our star families are watching us, they are close by, and I’m sure they will come and visit. However to ‘save us’ is to defy the whole point of our evolutionary intention: to awaken, to remember, and to realise that we know how to save ourselves.

To the dismay of the doomsdayers, the only waves that are going to wash over the planet are high vibration energetic ones. These waves are impulsing us to awaken, to remember who we are, to remember our power and to remember our true, divine, galactic origins and identities. These waves are cleansing our energy bodies, bringing to the surface anything remaining of the old vibration. These waves are clearing our hearts, our minds and our eyes, making us see and hear and feel more clearly. The waves are not like a magic wand, cleansing and clearing regardless of your own personal participation. They are simply ‘truth-revealers’ – what we each do with our own truth, and how we each respond to the increasing truth we see, is up to us.

For some, this time of ‘revelations’ will feel like a nightmare. For others it will be bountiful bliss. This is why it has been so important to get as conscious as possible by 2012 – the more willing you are to face all this ‘truth in your face’ the easier the ride can be. It can still be challenging, but it doesn’t have to be painful or scary. If you are feeling pain or fear, ask yourself: What am I resisting? What am I not wanting to face? What am I scared of? Don’t judge or be afraid for people who don’t seem like they are on a ‘conscious’ path. There are lots of spiritual seekers who don’t want to look at their shadow, and so still have a bunch of truth to face, meanwhile there are folks who’ve never picked up a self-help book in their life who couldn’t be more ‘tell it like it is’, know exactly who they are and can see through anyone a mile away.

There will be celebration as the veil is finally and fully lifted, because all those who are ready and willing to take part in the building of a new earth will roll up their sleeves and start (or continue) doing something to make that happen.

“Before Enlightenment, chop wood, carry water. After Enlightenment, chop wood, carry water.” – Zen proverb

There are a lot of emotions, and there’s lot of energy, flying around the place right now, and it will become increasingly important to not get hooked in or distracted by that which doesn’t belong to you, or by that which isn’t even real (ie old projections or illusions). Remember that as we move into higher frequency energy, that which is not in alignment with the higher vibration has to come up for clearing so it will be more visible, it will be more in your face. This will make it seem like things are getting worse, but know that these are the very signs telling us that things are on their way to getting a whole lot better. We can’t know how to make things right, unless we become totally aware of where we’ve gone wrong. We can’t step fully into our power, unless we become fully aware of exactly how and where we have been disempowered.

On the topic of illusions and projections, there has been a long time rumour that the old powers that were will try to create a false flag event using hologram technology making it seem like we are being attacked by an ‘alien’ race or they’ll project faces of religious figures in the sky just to get some end of the world zeal happening. We know that they have this technology, we know that they aren’t beyond creating events to trigger fear and assume even more control, so this really isn’t that far-fetched. However, old reality intentions and energy are having a harder and harder time existing with each passing day in the higher energies so I’m not sure they could pull this off anymore. That said, it’s good to be aware that intentions like that exist so that IF something happens you can be prepared.

The best way to be prepared is to be familiar with your own true feelings, and this is yet another reason it’s important to unplug from constantly reacting to what other people are and aren’t doing. When you hear from one person ‘get on the spaceships if they come’ and you hear from another person ‘don’t get on’, what do you do? Listen to your own heart in that moment. You know who feels good and who doesn’t in your home or at a party or in the shopping mall, and the same applies here. There is not one type of star race, there is not one type of star ship, there is not one common intention among any visitors who may come. If they come and it all feels a bit controlling or patronising, you probably don’t want to join their party. If you cry joyful tears because you feel like you are being reunited with family, hug away! Listen to your own inner counsel and trust yourself.

As you witness that which you don’t like being revealed, use it as a catalyst for reminding you what it is you would like, what it is you would prefer. Find some small way to move toward that preference be it changing the way you think or act. Every single thing that we each do or don’t do right now will determine the kind of world we create with this ‘once in many lifetimes’ opportunity to create a very new reality. We are each one part of a huge 7 billion piece jigsaw puzzle. Your piece counts. Your piece matters. The question now is not: What kind of world are we going to have beyond 2012? It is: What kind of world do you want beyond 2012, and what are you doing with your piece of the puzzle to make it so?

(c) Dana Mrkich 2012. Permission is granted to share this article freely on the condition that the author is credited, and the URL is included.

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The energy of May began with a bang. January 1st 2012 was the last time we opened a month with such strong energy of new potentials. This May 1st Birth Energy lasted a few days, and has now quietened again as I finish writing this forecast on May 5th.

Many of you will have deeply felt it, been catalysed by it and felt a resulting surge of energy in you that was clearly new life emerging. Throughout May this birth energy will continually resurface, and so the experience of May will be of (faster than ever) expansion and contractions.

These are the labour movements/pains for us as a changing planet and people, as the baby is getting closer to its birth now. The baby being our new world. This means the contractions will be felt more deeply by those who were unaware they were birthing. So challenges for everyone in various areas of life are an ongoing theme, but if you are used to this theme and learning to stabilise it, you will easier breathe through the contractions and harness the heights available in the expansions.

In the expansion lies the energies of excitement and anticipation - an ever closer sense of the baby's arrival. This can also lead to the feeling of wanting to prepare and organise areas of your life. May will see many of you organising, tidying, and de-cluttering, to get your space fresh and ready for the new. This practise will lead to stronger manifestation so de-clutter with love and intention, for the highest effects.

Excitement and feeling truly alive in your heart center will be stronger than ever in May, as June will usher in a wave of greater heart energy than we have yet seen on our planet. So those of you who have already experienced the miraculous moments in recent months (synchronicities, heightened telepathic and sensory experiences, deeper sense of love and oneness) can expect a growth of this. And the better you get at supporting yourself through the contractions, the more regular the miraculous will become.

The contractions I speak of do serve us, even though some of you may be struggling to welcome them. They serve the need for us each to flush out what is dense and and out-dated in our lives. This 'flush' theme, which has been strong since 2012 began, will rise to an intense peak in May, with the 15th being indicated as a high point.

Many of you have completed this phase already and cleared through so much of the past. So for you, May will mostly be about new foundations for your future appearing to you, and being consciously built and directed by you.

More than at any time in our generation's history, these new foundations will be nothing like your previous ideas for life – perhaps even nothing like what you were planning to do as recently as 3 months ago. Trust this if this is your reality, as you are truly not alone. You are part of the world shift right now, and many others are riding the same 'sudden change' crest of the wave that you are on.

Where previously the parameters of our societies would bind and keep us herded, we are in a rapid 'out with the old, in with the new' period. So a desire to implement sudden change or taking impulsive action will reign more than usually for a lot of people. You may experience nervousness with this new boldness, and uncertainty about your choices will be a mental symptom from time to time. But know that these symptoms are part of the journey of your deeper awakening. You are stepping away from the road well travelled, and onto the road your intelligent body (rather than your mind) wants you to walk.

So remember, if you feel off centre or emotional at times (which is highly likely during these release periods), you can connect up into your higher self, or the greater spirit to re-empower yourself. Just close your eyes and imagine a column of light extending from the top of your head, up into the sky. Feel that connection and remember you are not alone. This column connects you to the universal life force, and can calm the body when it becomes too invested in what is going on horizontally on Earth and forgets that you are connected to everything.

For those of you who didn't experience yourself 'flushing' the past recently, the flushing experience may now be intense for you, and come in pulses. From April 29th onwards, a pulsing energy has been present universally, preparing us for the birth of June's greater heart energy. This energy ushers in a deeply creative and innovative time of renewal for the individual and the planet. This period will see a new and rapid phase of our society freeing itself from so many existent shackles. So there is a lot on the way, and we can all feel it.

Breathe. Remember to breathe.

You will know you are still flushing if challenges are manifesting regularly. These challenges take the form of pure feelings (feeling emotional or off balance with no identifiable external cause) or triggers in your external circumstances (something in your life which causes sadness or anxiety to rise in you).

The emotional journey of the flush is overcoming painful or difficult feelings from your history at rapid speed. This is often coupled with mental overactivity, as the mind tries to reassess previous actions and experiences, in order to resolve and move on.

Surrender to releasing the feeling, connect regularly with your higher self (your connection to everything and everyone), and physically nurture yourself at moments of greater stress or intensity. Thoughts are only thoughts, however persistent they may be, and an overactive mind is a response to an emotional energy field that is out of balance in the body. So dive into the body and the feelings to allow the rebalancing process. Several of these techniques may help;

Meditate (to clear the mind)
Sit or lie down and focus on breathing deeply and consciously into your belly, for at least 10 minutes at a time
Exercise physically/do yoga or similar energy practises
Feed the body with good and light nutrition and plenty of water
Create (paint, write, cook, sing, dance, build...the list is endless)
Communicate what needs to be expressed from within (write out your thoughts/feelings/reflections on paper)
Seek the company of good and easy souls, for playing or just being together

These methods will all help get you into the body and release an over expressive mind, particularly when choosing to practise several of them daily.

New life is birthing and in these first days of May, some of you will experience the rapid intensity of giving birth. Pre and post-natal depression or fatigue will be a symptom for the creative among you, so remember to rest between times of output. Output that will feel compulsive for many creators among you, as you will want to 'do' with the energy that surges through you.

This surge is also because the future, which in recent months held more of a blind spot than usual for many of us, is starting to open up again. The visionaries among you will feel as if you can see further ahead than you have in a long while, so dreaming and intending for the most peaceful planetary shift possible, will be a wonderful way to support our world and your personal journey right now. This intention will also be a wonderful support to the rising 'creator energy' on Earth, which is working to pave a new heartfelt road.

Finally, regarding communication in relationships, be conscious of the energy of war in relationships in May. Communicate through your friction points with others only when you absolutely feel you need to, as many of you will be in 'the flush' and simply replaying past situations and events in your life.

It will be better to try and clear through the unresolved memory or feeling in yourself before playing it out with somebody else. 2012 emotions are very heightened, as we are each moving fast through multiple timelines in ourselves, yet rarely at the same place as each other at the same time. Clashes can easily occur because everyone is feeling more passionately, yet we are all also more in our own worlds and personal timelines than ever before. So trying to replay the past with other people, in order to seek resolution, can spectacularly backfire on you in times like these.

So if you feel to play it out with someone, first ask yourself what will it achieve? If you are trying to resolve a lingering emotion inside yourself or a judgement on 'what happened', remember that the past is gone. So even if your mind insists that you were provoked by another, only you can help yourself by letting the lingering feeling flush through you. When someone has been on the receiving end of violence from another person, they do not go back to that person and ask them to heal the bruises they inflicted. They retreat and let the body do it's inner work. The same principle applies here for peace.

These memories resurface to teach us so we can let go for the future. They are not here to teach us that we got it wrong in the past.

Finally, laugh and smile as much as you can. We are manifesting new life on Earth, so let's infuse it with passion and positivity, for energy creates.

So choose what energy you want to birth in the world, and focus on becoming it. The potentials within you are infinite and the universal power within you, is being remembered.

And that is a very good thing.

In peace and love


Affirmation for May:

I Am Birth

I Am Birthing

I Am Birthing Light

I Am Creator

I Create

I Am Creating Light
(c) copyright 2012 - all rights reserved by Lee Harris Energy

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The New Holographic Matrices (Pleiadian High Council)

In your world affairs many are beginning to realize that the truth can no longer be repressed by the few who wish to dominate the land. A tide has turned and the current is too strong to swim against and many are losing the strength to resist the unyielding cosmic flow.

It is, however, with great honor and prestige that the mighty and the few who begin to rise to the surface now will be noticed for their glory in lieu of selfishness or greed. The story of the past can no longer precipitate the planning for the future, for the future beckons new perspective, new levels of consciousness that are rising to serve the planet as a whole.

The new stewardship of earth will be governed by those who have attained high levels of light and love within, those who emanate and radiate that light outward to restructure the very particles of matter in existence.

This new type of leadership is coming of age and all those who awaken to serve the new direction of the planet will be swept up in the momentum of the great upward spiral of evolution. Some of the changes will seem simple in nature, yet comprehensive in scope. Some will seem revolutionary.

The new stewards of the land are gearing up to lead the mass population to their destiny now, a destiny which has deep roots in ancient ways. These members of the galactic brigade for a new earth are seeded with the bio-genetic codes of the future and the once dormant receptors encoded within the strands of your deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) are now enlivened.

Activated by consciousness, these genetic triggers are timed by specific levels of electromagnetic frequencies which are now permeating the planet’s bio-sphere, emanating from earth’s central core and radiating from the new sun.

Adamantine Particles

The new earth is comprised of crystalline Adamantine particles that are restructuring the very form of matter as humanity awakens to the pure vibration of love. These particulates contain within them the intelligence of divinity in form; new ways of being and living in love.

All matter is composed of intelligent elementary particles responsive to consciousness. The particles of ages past held within them codes of survival mechanisms that resulted in polarity through separation consciousness. Adamantine particles have contained within them the encoded intelligence of harmony, wholeness, of resurrection and unity consciousness.

To access these intelligent codes one must give & receive pure love through the sacred vessel of the high heart. The high heart, directed & regulated by the thymus gland in the physical body, is the center for receiving and radiating the energy of love. This center must be fully charged, fully open and capable to surrender to the higher will to manifest spirit into form.

The higher will is the will of the highest good for all and is contained within the genetic blueprint of each and every incarnate. The purpose of the high heart is to map out the path of universal love for each and every living being through magnetic resonance.

The cocreation of divine love can only be accessed and magnetized through the purity of consciousness which is how those with pure heart will mold and restructure the new earth. What this means on a global scale is exponential, for the technological advancement of the species will be made available through these particles of pure intent for the purposes of global upliftment.

The restructuring process will be precipitated by a consistent flow of new intelligence that will permeate any lower existing thought forms contained within the grids of those holographic reality structures.

Those with pure intent will have access to this revolutionary intelligence contained within the advanced particulates of light and rendering much of the old planetary systems obsolete while serving to advance the species through higher intelligence.

Those with contracts to serve on higher planes of existence will in fact be anchoring the new vibrations of earth through the awakened DNA within their human biology. This will serve two purposes…. to fulfill contracts of service through the formation of information super-highways for galactic technology, and to form new holographic matrices for those preparing to embark upon the journey of ascended 5th dimensional living and being.

Many who have attained high levels of truth through the cleansing of toxic karmic debris will be serving in the final frontier. The final frontier is the code given to those who chose to bridge the gap between worlds, rather dimensions, as the examples and way-showers of the pure potentiality available through the matrices of universal love.

These way-showers will be stationed in visible locations as the pioneers of new earth. You who see clearly will be given tools to share your visions with the world. You who know the light and the way will be given the resources to implement those visions into form.

The time has come for those awakened warriors to take the first step in action of ascended living. The first brigade will lead by example and all who follow will continue to pave the way for the future of humanity. As the torch is passed along in service to mother earth and her inhabitants, the light will illuminate every dark corner and revitalize all in its path.

We serve as the council of light overseeing planetary affairs to propel the advancement of the human species through bio-genetic recoding.

Exciting times are upon you!

In gratitude,
Lauren C. Gorgo

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Third dimensional life has been quite interesting, rather challenging yet engaging, and definitely comprehensive since the full moon. In my own life, and in the lives of those I interact with daily, there has been a vibratory force of Self-realization shaking loose tensions, restrictions, limitations, etc. from the denser (astral, emotional, etheric and physical) levels of being. And there won’t be any relief from this latest cosmic clean-up until the next full moon/lunar eclipse on June 4th. If the current healing encounter has you attending to the Soul’s agenda rather than your human reality structure then be certain you are in “slow down” mode as this window of transformation continues to send healing energy to the very depths of your being. Pushing the envelope too fast or too far while the universe is up to its constellation clusters in ascension mischief will prove costly from the personality’s vantage point.

Clean up campaigns such as these continue to receive the good-housekeeping seal of cosmic approval because we are now “apart” from what we have always experienced as life on planet earth (Gaia). As of this year we have journeyed far enough into the New living field that we can start to experience the greater power of Divinity that resides within all. The call went out many years ago for Gaia and all her inhabitants to rise in consciousness to avoid devastation during this very intense cycle of change. The frequencies of higher love, harmony, understanding, inclusion, and compassion were waiting to baptize this realm of the galactic family and that order of business would guarantee that evolved consciousness would have its own dwelling place where it is able to grow and develop unhindered by the dismissal needs of such attitudes as greed, gluttony, and power.

Weeks such as this one serve as a reminder to choose enlightenment and spiritual authenticity. Yes, as we partake in the evolutionary workouts there are bumps and bruises but the dicey days are worth the end result of discovering the Soul’s treasure-trove of hidden truths. The illusions of a third dimensional existence are now too narrow and limited for those bonded with the Light that is evolving Love within its expression here. The ego, instinctual, and subconscious intelligences within the resume of human criteria are being revolutionized. The personality’s identity that includes these three layers of intelligence are in for a challenging period as polarity is dissolved from this corner of the universe.

Most people I encounter still have no idea that their ego’s “personality” is temporary and extremely limited to their own views of who they think they are. They get stuck inside the 3D ego game without using their Soul GPS (galactic positioning system) to navigate. More commonly they become paralyzed within the opposing opposites of polarity – do I choose love or fear? Give or take? Stop or go? And while in this state of confusion, they don’t even realize they have become inert. This inertia slows down the Being’s Soul evolutionary process, and they circle around in the game of Life unable to move past immature negative ego patterns. They do not know how they got here, much less who is actually running the ego intelligence. They do not know how to learn the skills (aka soul lessons) that graduate them out of the current Earth experiment.

And this is why we are still stripping away and cleaning up what no longer serves us as a Force of Love with an open heart chakra. All are growing out of being a human that experiences love as a mental or emotional concept. We have been trained to misinterpret the spiritual attributes of Love, limiting them to the ego’s perspective rather than sensing them from the experiential level of the Soul hence the sweeping energies that cause the uncontrollable weeping, the untamed frustration, foggy confusion, inexhaustible tiredness, physical injuries and other anatomical maladies.

Remember May of 2012 is about making you sensitive to the multi-sensory, multi-dimensional, multi-fielded creature that you really are. To do this efficiently your Soul is going to have to throw out the consciousness values that equate you with deeply ingrained third dimension negative ego mass consciousness. Can you understand that? Do you see why things are falling apart in order that the “realm of the soul” now fills all the space within your potential? Will everything still upset you when it’s revealed that the emotional and spiritual work you do today brings about the One true essence and power of Love that is needed by this planet?

Our awareness is being divinely and cosmically cultivated every day my friends! There is a harmony of unified energies that are racing to embody each of us and through your intention and devotion this Living Light of the One Source we can fulfill the divine plan for humanity. Strive this week to be a greater expression of Love than you were last week. Delve deeper into your Soul identity and infuse all your moments with the experience of being here as the Eternal Living Light of One Source. Prepare a physical home (your body) that welcomes this New inner alchemy of Christ consciousness so that it can be utilized as a channel of unified Source energy. Joyfully create and dance into every mishap and disappointment knowing that you are penetrating the Power of the greatest energetic principle of our times – the frequency of Universal Love.

Setting the stage for new potential,

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Music plays an integral role in the life of Native Americans. It is used for ceremonial purposes, recreation, expression, and healing. There are many different instruments used when making Native American music, including drums, flutes, and other percussion instruments. Perhaps the most important element of their music is the voice.

Vocals are the backbone of the music made in Native American cultures. Unusual, irregular rhythms and a somewhat off-key style of singing is used. No harmony is ever incorporated, although sometimes many people sing at once, and other times the vocals are solo. The Native American vocals are passionate, used to invoke spirits, ask for rain or healing, or are used to heal the sick. In most cases, the men and women of the tribes sing separate songs, and have their own dances. The men typically dance around in a circle, while the women usually dance in place.

Many researchers feel that Native American music is some of the most complex ever performed. The tensing and releasing of the vocals combined with varying drum beats makes it a very intricate form of art. Another interesting item of note is that every region of the country where the Native Americans had settled produced greatly varying forms and sounds of music. With so many different tribes, the music produced is always unique to its specific group. Generally, Eskimo music has been touted as being the most simple of all of the Native American music styles, while the Hopi, Pueblo, and Zuni tribes of the Southwestern part of the country have been known to produce much more complex sounding music. The emotion invoked from Native American music has been a great influence in modern folk music. In addition, tribal music is still very popular among music fans, and Native American CDs sell fairly well, even in today’s modern climate.

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Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright ©2012

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Dear friends, 

naturally, and especially on the important date of May 5th, which is a 5-5-5 day of great transformation, I connected deeply with Beloved Gaia, feeling Her radiant purity and exquisite beauty in my heart. My connection to Her is very old and leads back to the time when She was in the radiance of Her original Divine State, - many many eons ago. Especially today also the portal to the Galactic Center is open and It is pouring It's Radiant Light of Lights on Her (and all of us), and I can feel Their marriage in my heart and body, while I experience new Light-Codes being implemented into my being. In this moment the intuition that I always had, is confirmed to be true, as I feel directly my own origin in the Galactic Center. I believe that all humanity once came from there. 
I told Beloved Gaia how much I love Her and asked Her whether She would have a message for us, and She responded. Although She spoke to me at first personally, She actually spoke to each single on of her human children. And I am certain that She desires each one of us to connect with Her from the heart. Here is what She said:

My beloved child,
I hear you, I Am with you and love you very much. It is a while now that the seed of my original God-Consciousness has been restored and it is now expanding exponentially and powerfully every day. This had made me a Sacred Planet again. This is so because of the Divine Decree that I have been granted Ascension of all my bodies, including my physical body, on which you all live.
And it can happen, because the predominance of the races who do not respect other beings and who believe in lower vibrations and limited consciousness, is in the process of being removed for good.
My Ascension is also granting you all, who wish to come with me, your Ascension. This is the promise  which has been given to you before your incarnation here at this time, and that is the reason why you are here.

Your physical bodies which are made from my elements, must necessarily - as they shift with Me - change in a way that they resonate with My new vibration, into which I soon will transition. 
As your bodies transition, also your consciousness will transition. The lightness of you new bodies will allow your consciousness to expand, instead of being imprisoned in a dense body and merely being identified with its basic functions and environments. 
It is however one thing, that your body changes, and another one, that your consciousness does. 
In order that a sudden raising and expansion of consciousness will not be a shock for you, you need adapt to it before, step by step. Because without this gradual adaptation you would experience your new world as a loss, empty of the familiar things of your past. And this would draw you back to your old world. Therefore it is desirable that as many of you as possible - those, who desire to come with Me when I Myself experience the Great Shift, - start now to prepare for a higher consciousness, such a one that you would experience in the 4th or 5th dimension. 

You will do this by cultivating your presence in the heart which teaches you peace, timelessness and love.

Although you will still experience objects of an "external world" in the 4th dimension, you will be released from lower and  denser vibrations, which relieves you from identification with them and their respective objects, which you still at this moment regard as part of your self, or self-identification. 

But you will be lifted out from this prison-like state and acquire greater freedom and a new sense of object-less eternity in the center of your being. This is a very beautiful state of experience. But it can be frightening, because such freedom from denser limitations require you to be independent from your external world and to rely fully on yourself. 

In other words, you will start to experience that in reality  your external world exists in yourself, namely in your own heart-space. 

Later, when you transition to the 5th dimension and beyond, even the world inside you will exist only if you wish, because you have realized its illusion, and that it is no longer necessary. Instead you will experience pure light and radiance as being an innate expression of your consciousness. But of course, you can create and re-create such a world, whenever you choose, if this is your wish, just for the sake of experience, entertainment, experiment and joyful play. 

Those who do not yet desire to transition with me, will still have the opportunity later, when their time has come, when they are ready. Therefore they will not experience with me immediately the new freedom in consciousness, but they will continue to live in the illusion, that the external world, as they experience it, is separate from them and has nothing to do with them, except the value they give it by preference or bondage. 

But all you, who now desire to come with Me and to serve, will make the great difference in consciousness and will teach others who are starting to awaken in this new circumstance. Then your time has come to help humanity to develop their true identity and to awaken to Divine Consciousness, according to their own time-table. 

But do not be concerned that the adversities as they are now still existing for those who serve the light, will continue! All the Divine Powers will support you in your service from then on, as you will not have to work against the flow, but the winds of evolution will carry and support you.

The winds of evolution are my new wings as an ascended planet, but where still will be living a humanity who is not yet fully aware of who I Am and whereto I will evolve. But they all will be given the extraordinary opportunity in the next coming years, to join my consciousness. This is their reason why they incarnated here. 

All those who are now dedicated to the light and join Me, will be the future guides of humanity on all walks of life, and invisibly infiltrating from inside humanity with the codes of enlightenment and unity love-consciousness. This is what I Am already now. However, the structure of my physical body has still to conform to That. It is the process we all share, beloved ones, in this auspicious time.

And it is necessary that you rise up to that full Light of Love in time so that our transition together can be smooth and benign for everybody. This I am asking of you, my beloved. 
Let this be the gift to the whole beloved human family and all My kingdoms!

With all My Love,
I Am Gaia!

Message conveyed by Ute

Copyright©. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel, 2012
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without any changes. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.
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Beloved Ones,

This is a very powerful time in the line up of planetary configurations and the energetic influence from the Spiritual realms. Many special dispensations of blessing and Love are being offered to Humanity, all that is required is being open to receive. Another passage of the Cosmic wheel has been made and we now embark on our new journey into unknown lands of new potential. As these time codes open up the portals, the influx of Cosmic Love and the waves of Light being sent to the Earth will activate the awakening of greater masses of Humanity.

These are the times you have been waiting for, for it means that you are all getting closer to the remembrance of your reason for being here in this Cosmic moment of the cyclic movement from one age to another. From this point onward, life will take on an impetus of one revelation after another coming into the Light of each person’s consciousness. Many of you will have your ‘aha!’ moments as the pieces of the puzzle start to fall into place and all the mysteries of your life become more clear. There is now an unstoppable awakening Light that is inundating this Planet and it is a peaceful, loving and powerful energy.

Be open to receiving more of all that is good in your daily existence. You have each been sorely tested and tried as you went through difficult initiations that have been preparing you to embody the greater Light that you truly are. The things of the Earth, although you will enjoy them, will no longer trap or distract you from your true purpose. You will have more time to explore the joys of embodiment in a form that is becoming multidimensional in its capacities. Being open to new experiences and moving beyond your previous boundaries will bring freedom to you on many levels of your Being.

Rejoice in this lightness of your Being, for it means you are moving forward on your Spiritual journey and that you have released the majority of all that is not Love of the things that no longer serve you in this new place you find yourselves in. Each person will blossom in a myriad of ways that create a new template that will be boundless in its possibilities. If you are reading this, then you are One who has qualified to serve the Divine Plan at a greater level. There are always other roads to travel and worlds to discover and conquer. We speak here of the growth of the Soul, Dear Ones.

Take note of happenings around you and learn to read the signs. Many things are changing, many things will be changing and you must adapt and change with them. The greatest changes that we see is that you will take back your power from all discordant and distracting energies and events that have kept you locked into situations not of your making. Enjoy the ride on the Cosmic roller coaster as it gathers speed towards Earth’s new beginning. The Ascension is ON, Beloved Ones, remember this each time you are tempted to resume the old ways of your former life. Going back is not an option, therefore take your next steps in surety and grace. We are with you always.

Until next week…

I AM Hilarion.

Channel: Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace

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First there is a need to create a sacred space whether outside or inside, create this space

with your expansive breathing.

‘Butterfly Moon, I call upon your love and support, I ask that you oversee my energies

and meditation, ensuring my protection at all times. Please embrace my energies in

your loving light, as you do so assist me in breathing any blockages from the past

associated with my connection with the fairies. Help me to wash away all fears or pain

that I may hold within me associated with the fairy kingdom.’

(Allow time for this to occur.)

‘Butterfly Moon, I ask you to anchor into my entire being, soul, mind and heart the

energy vibrations of the Creator that the fairies need to distribute across the Earth. As

I imagine a multi-coloured beam of light flowing from the Creator into my crown chakra,

radiating into my entire being please assist me in sharing this energy directly with

Mother Earth as the multi-coloured light continues to flow down my chakra column and

into the Earth.’

(Allow time and focus to allow this to occur.)

‘I am aware that the multi-coloured light holds important vibrations of peace and

creation to support the ascension of the nature kingdom and therefore the ascension

of humanity. I acknowledge the multi-coloured energy as sacred and allow it to gather

with abundance into my heart chakra where my soul will energise the energy vibrations

of peace and creation further.’

(Imagine the multi-coloured light building in your heart chakra and your soul adding its own

sacred energy.)

‘Butterfly Moon, I ask you to call upon the fairy beings who wish to work with me and

wish for me to share my collected light with them. Let them gently gather around me

and send their energy into my being so that I may be aware of their presence.’

(Allow time and breathe deeply enhancing your sensitivity as the fairies who wish to work with

you gather around you.)

‘Butterfly Moon, please assist me as I focus on radiating and giving the energy

vibrations of peace and creation held within the multi coloured light to the fairy beings.

Let my heart expand and develop as I express these sacred energies, as I do so I am

aware that I am connecting my heart with the heart chakras and souls of the fairies

present creating a divine link and bond.’

(Allow time and breathe deeply through your heart chakra focusing on exhaling the multi-

coloured light)

‘I am aware of the fairies accepting the energy that I share and know that when they

are ready they will take flight to distribute the energy where it is needed. For this I am

truly grateful as I know that my energy will be carried in their heart chakras and given

to the Earth and nature kingdoms.’

(You may feel the fairies disconnect slightly as they leave to distribute the energy, wait until

this time and then become aware of your surrounding once more, you may offer up prayers of


‘Thank you, Butterfly Moon for your guidance and assistance.’

I hope that you truly enjoy this process of connection and expression,

Butterfly Moon

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We come to guide and support as those who are in a position of power are now unveiled
for who they are in TRUTH. We are here to show TRUTH and that TRUTH will be unveiled
to all who have eyes to see and ears to hear. There is much that is now happening at a
global level across the planet earth and those who have worked to keep the energies at a
low ebb will be revealed in their true colours.
The world is now moving into the new energies, these are in flow across and within the
planet earth and they do not allow for any negative energies to increase their hold upon the
human race. The chaos that will now begin to seep into the human life experience the
evidence of these new energies. For where there is chaos there is dissolving of the
teachings of distortion. It is this dissolving that will show as chaos, that which endures is
TRUTH, that which constantly changes and shifts is not TRUTH. Do you understand our
guidance and our words?
We are the Nephilim and we come to guide you through the next veil which is being
dissolved upon planet earth. The dissolving of this deep veil will enable those who are able
to see to see with expanded vision. It will herald a new way of BEing for many on planet
earth as that which has been controlling and submissive now works to show freedom and
expansion. Those who are ready to work with these new energies begin to move into place
for the world is being borne anew.
There are those who will trigger at our words, those who are blinded by the veils and who
will continue to state that the new is outwith their grasp. All is hidden in plain view and we
guide for you to recognize and acknowledge this TRUTH.
We wish to guide on distortion and of distraction, both are highly visible on planet earth with
many being pulled by many distractions away from TRUTH. Know that distraction is a tool
that has been used to suppress the human race for aeons, we work now with those who
can clearly see this tool to dissolve it for others to be shown the clarity needed to embrace
and to work with the new energies.
Distraction is what breeds the fear that is in evidence across the planet. Distraction will see
you moved from your vision by those around you who seek to distract and to keep the
vibration that you hold in check. For in doing so they believe that somehow they are
helping, those around you may be deeply asleep, it serves no one for the distraction to pull
you from the song that sings within your heart. Each individual incarnated upon this planet
for a reason, the timeline and dimension chosen for the growth and expansion of the
SOUL, it serves NO ONE for this to be negated.
As we guide and support many are in confusion, many are now allowing others to alter or to
try to dream the dream that is contained within. We are here to guide strongly this is
distraction, it is not possible to dream anothers dream. We guide in the dissolving of the
teaching that teaches that to support another you must forgo that which is inside of SELF.
The teaching of distraction is within the human race and is often referred to as
SELFISHness, we guide for you to look at this way of BEing and to dissolve that which no
longer serves. To be SELFish to be out of harmony with all that is around you, to be in
FOCUS is to be aware of that which attempts to pull you out of balance and allow it to
dissolve, stearing clearly towards the dream that is contained within your BEing.
We watch as many are allowing others to dissolve that which they are here to create, the
creation will then be diluted and the ability for frustration to build will be created. Frustration
is the growing of discomfort, frustration is the will at odds with the harmony that IS. Do you
understand our guidance and our meaning?
We wish to draw attention to the use of human words and the distortions that are creating
within the words. We wish to draw attention to the ability that many have fostered to create
the smokescreens that hide the fears and the anxiety within and we guide all to be aware of
this and allow it to dissolve. That which is distortion is not supported in the new energies,
the ability for the human race to use the same words in a different context to appear to be
new is vast and we guide all to be aware of this and to detach from this. The new IS, it is
not an attempt at recreating that which has gone before for that which has gone before is
not TRUTH.
TRUTH just IS and we guide for all to anchor this. TRUTH is what resides in the SOUL, it is
the knowing that is deep and is unshakeable. If you are in doubt then you are not in TRUTH
for TRUTH is pure and it is deep, it is the deepest part of SELF that KNOWS.
Much will swim to the surface for cleansing and clearing on planet earth for much has been
simmering under the surface of the human race and all the emotions of that race for aeons.
That which is not looked at will have the propensity to create the dramas that are now
arising within many of the human life experiences on planet earth. To KNOW SELF is to be
knowledgeable of ALL parts of SELF. Many are looking to the light parts of SELF and we
guide this is to be welcomed however the darker parts of the human psyche cannot be left
in the dark for they will begin to work against the light part of SELF.
Too many are not looking to the dark parts of SELF for they are focusing on the light, whilst
this is commendable in some respects it leaves the human SELF open to the whims of
others, for not knowing all aspects of SELF is walking blindfold into the new energies. The
ability to create is increasing, it serves no one to create without thinking and to create
without knowing ALL aspects of SELF.
Much drama is being created across the planet in those who have done no work on SELF,
there are many who are refusing to look at aspects of SELF for the teachings of distortion
have taught them it is not needed. The teachings of distortion were created to keep the
human race in suppression, it is not possible to expand and grow whilst a teaching of
distortion is anchored within SELF.
There is nothing that is experienced in the human life experience that is not for the growth
of the SOUL, there is nothing that is created that is not part of the journey. Many are not
understanding the lessons that the SOUL has created for they are not going within. They
are being distracted by those around them whos opinions can only be from a different
perspective, once more we guide strongly the only person who is experiencing this life
experience is YOU. Many may try to teach they can understand who you are but they are
not you and that is the lesson that many are refusing to accept.
Karma is able to be negated, it is possible to step out of the wheel of karmic law and to
heal, yet many are not able to see this nor do this for they are deep in the teachings of
distortion that tell them it is impossible. The limits you have in this human life experience
dear ones are the limits YOU SET FOR SELF. Many of the teachings of distortion are
deliberately limiting for the fear that is generated stops many from moving beyond to test
the fear response. Akin to an animal that is repeatedly told not to venture beyond the gate
and who is reprimanded constantly, soon the animal will stay away from the gate
instinctively, generations of this behaviour will see the gate as a boundary. Many would not
be able to remember why the gate is not to go beyond but the ancestral memory will be that
is it frowned upon. Do you see our analogy? Do you see why many are not moving past the
anxiety for they believe that something will happen, the belief so strong it negates the
knowledge that the gate is the doorway to the new?
We are here to guide and support, never to lead for that is not our purpose. We are able to
see the vast picture for we are not human, however some who are in human form are now
able to see farther than ever before, we ask for you to view these humans are the first
waves of light. Watch as they begin to move out of the shadows and move beyond where
humans have gone before. They are remembering and we ask that you no longer just listen
to words that are said but to view the actions that are taken. For in the actions is TRUTH.
Those who LIVE TRUTH are in harmony with TRUTH. Words are tools of both light and
dark and we guide for you to anchor this.
Do not allow the words of another to stop that which YOU ARE. For the words are but the
strings to hold back the energies that YOU ARE. There is a legacy on planet earth that
works against the light, be aware of this but do not feed it. It is but a context to place the
new energies within. The new will flourish but first it must be seeded. Do you seed the new
energies or do you give root to the old?
We ask for you to process our words through the heart, for the heart KNOWS TRUTH. The
KNOWING is the connection to SELF for it is the connection to ALL that IS, ALL that YOU
ARE. We are the Nephilim and we wish you good health and happiness. We will guide as
requested and needed by the inhabitants of planet earth.

Channel: Karen Doonan

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Little Freddy died today

Little Freddy was an extraordinarily brave little cat, after a very long illness which he fought with all his heart, today at 17.00hrs, he died...I request your prayers to release him to the highest heaven where he deserves a place..he was beautiful, beyond words..

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I call upon the Overlighting of Mother/Father God,
the Pleiadians, the Sirians, the Andromedans and the Arcturians, all of the Light,
the Archangels and Angels, the Trinity Lords of Light, Lord Michael, Lord Metatron and Lord Melchizedek,
the Chohans of the Rays: El Morya, Kuthumi, Serapis Bey, Paul the Venetian, Hilarion, Sananda, St. Germain, Lady Nada, Mother Mary, Allah Gobi, Quan Yin and Pallas Athena,
the Mighty Elohim,
the Melchizedek Brotherhood of the Light,
Lord Buddha, Sanat Kumara, Helios and Vesta and Lord Melchior,
the Mahatma, the Cosmic Avatar of Synthesis,
and all other Beings of Light I personally acknowledge,
as I now merge with my I Am Presence, the Highest Light that I Am within the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God.

I now call forth to Chohan El Morya,
to take me in an external Merkaba Vehicle of Light,
into the First Ray Ashram Ascension Seat within Shamballa,
so I may undergo this fifth initiation, The Revelation,
through letting go any areas of disempowerment within my Life,
and experiencing myself as The Chela on the Thread.

As I enter into this Ascension Seat within Shamballa,
I am surrounded in a beautiful Red Flame of Light.
Surrounded by the Ascended Masters, the Company of Heaven and my family and friends of the Light, I now affirm: "I take back the power I have given to my sub-conscious mind, my negative ego and to other people. I am an empowered warrior of Light and transfiguring Flame of Divine Love in Service to Mother Earth and all her Life".
Archangel Michael now places the sword of Holy Truth within my hands.
I now cut all ties holding me back from experiencing All That I Am in my magnificence and preciousness.

Lord Buddha now comes forward to embrace me.
In his Love my heart opens to the knowing that the challenges I have experienced or may still be experiencing have been to take me into deeper levels of compassion for myself and for all Life.

I truly understand how deeply I am loved, honored and revered for my Service work to Mother Earth and all her Life.

I now anchor and activate the fifth major Cosmic Christ Holographic Disc and two minor discs along the spinal column.

I gently move my body from side to side and backwards and forwards, facilitating the process of the cerebrospinal fluid and the recalibration of my nervous system, meridians and chakras.

Embraced in the radiance of the Ascended Masters and the Company of Heaven,
I now assist in wrapping Mother Earth and all her Life in this sacred Red Flame of Light through the First Ray of Will and Power,
lifting the veils of illusion and allowing all of humanity to experience themselves in empowerment, Love and wisdom.

I now find myself within the Pleiades constellation, in alignment with the Sun and Moon. Overlighted by the Pleiadian Emissaries of the Light,

I now activate the axiatonal lines within my body through the "Ring of Fire", and now assist in activating the axiatonal lines within Mother Earth's Light Body through the Crystalline Grid of Divine Love.
And now, the Fibonacci ratios within my chakras spin to the correct harmonic frequencies.
As this occurs, my chakras start to merge in one unified column of Light.

I now download the crystalline keycodes of Light through the New Earth Templates of Light as I merge with the Divine Masculine archetype within.
I now merge with my I Am Presence, and find myself within one of the first three ray ashrams to continue my service work on the inner planes.

I now find myself back in my sacred space,
grounding into the Crystal Heart of Mother Earth,
and the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God.
I am now surrounded in this beautiful Red Flame of Light,
and the Golden Flame of Empowerment and One Unity Consciousness,
Overlighting this sacred year of 2012.

I surrender to the Divine,
I trust in my Self and others,
I open to receiving with clear boundaries,
as I take on the mantle of leadership through dynamic right action.
I Am an empowered Warrior of Light,
a transfiguring Flame of Divine Love,
I Am All That I Am.

Invocation by Anrita Melchizedek

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Dear Craig,

I am honored to share my new video, spiritual messages and upcoming events with you!



Angelic Guidance
Internet Radio Programs

These Angel inspired Soul Teachings are shared to encourage you with knowledge and insight, empowering prayers, affirmations, guided visualizations, breath work and anything else that the Angels want to share.

"Refreshing My Soul" Soul Teaching
Are you tired of the journey you have been on? It has been a crazy wild ride and the last 18-24 months have tested our strengths. Come join me for some "lighter" energy. Let's just be together. Program is Monday, May 7th at 9pm ET / 1am GMT.

"To Be Announced" Soul Teaching
Living in the Now I don't receive a lot of insight into what I am sharing in our "future" times together. This is one of those times. When the Angels tell me what they want to share in this program, I will update the radio page and let you know too. I love the Angels working with and through me but sometimes wish they cared more about marketing and promoting what we do. ha ha! I am sure whatever the program is about it will be the perfect subject at the perfect time! Join me live on Monday, May 21st at 9pm ET / 1am GMT.

You can join in live or listen to these or any of the previous programs at anytime through my BlogTalkRadio page.

As we join together, we are powerful creators. Come with an open heart to each session to experience the power of your own soul.

Upcoming Live Events
Memphis, Tennessee - June

Studio City / Culver City area, California - September

Oahu, Hawaii - September

Send me an email if you would be interested in coming to a 2-3 hour workshop in any of these three places:

"Is Anyone Hearing You?"
One of my Blogs
With all the spiritual energies swirling in, around and through us as we move further into 2012, is it any wonder that we are having problems communicating? I have been hearing that people are talking but their messages are not getting through. This is a common problem for those on the spiritual path however; the Angels have some solutions for you.

First, you need to realize that the communication problem in most cases is not something that people are purposely doing to annoy you. They really cannot hear you! Let go of any frustration or anger over this. Second, visualize yourself on the 5th floor of a building. The people you are mostly talking to are on the 4th floor. Can you see how this would be physically difficult to communicate? Even though you can't see the dimensions, the same communication problem is happening. You need to be on the same level to communicate effectively. Since you cannot bring that other person spiritually up to your level, you have the choice of safely lowering your energy down to theirs for a few minutes.

All energy is flowing through our hearts now so the way to solve this issue is to take a deep breath in and think of your essence going into your heart. It will slow your speech down and you may even use different words / terms that the other person can hear and understand easier.

Another way is taking a deep breath in and calling forth your highest Angels to help communicate with the person. It is essentially the same thing as before because when you call forth your Angels, you are always going deeper into your heart. Since you are doing this through your highest Angels, it is safe and there are no side effects. When you are done speaking with that person or group, your energy will rise back up to your normal level.

You can do this for any situation because you are not violating anyone's free-will. Try this the next time you have a business meeting or a difficult family talk; any situation where you have found difficulty in being heard. Remember, you are not telling people what to do with the information you are speaking about; you are just having a better opportunity for them to hear and understand you.

Blessings of clear communication, Christina

"Strengthening Your Spirit Through Your Mind"
One of my Blogs

Hopefully by now, you are realizing that you are in control of what you think and speak. Your brain is just a computer; a very complex computer. The ego used to be at the computer controls but the stronger you are spiritually, the more control you have over the brain.

If you are worried or fear something, speak a prayer to take care of it and then when your mind talks to you and says this person or situation is a problem, you can remember your prayer and say something like, "I have already taken care of this. I let these thoughts of worry go."

Here is another suggestion for an affirmation about money to calm the mind: "I pray that I prosper financially in all things."

Or you can use this one if you need a financial breakthrough: "I ask the Angels to go to the four corners of the world to announce I AM ready to receive my financial abundance. I pray that I immediately see signs that my financial situation has changed for the better and my bank account is growing exponentially!"

Remember when these financial worries come back to your mind, you can state: "The Angels are already working on this for me. I have nothing to fear."

If you are ever worried, out of balance and need some extra help, listen to and / or sing "The Battle Hymn of the Republic." This music was channeled to get rid of fear. I am not sure the composer knew that at the time but it is quick and effective of shifting a person to higher energies.

Remember the key is that you have control over your mind. Be responsible at these controls for your mind. Be aware that you are now in the driver's seat and think and speak what you want instead of listening to what you don't want.

Here are some more affirmations for your strengthening your spirit through your mind:
"My mind is a powerful tool, which I use for good."
"My mind is now calm in the light."
"My mind is peaceful and quiet."

Thinking peaceful, loving, powerful thoughts ~ Christina

You can read more of my blog posts at: Angelic Guidance

***New Video***
With some good news for you!

The Time Is Now for Your Prayers to be Answered

It is an honor to share with you,



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Greetings, Beloved Family! As we proceed along the timelines of massive change, it is becoming quite evident that there is much unrest and unease in all of the World. The very energies coming to Planet Earth to support the changes are indeed shaking up humanity and, in turn, shaking out the fears and fearful programs which have been somewhat hidden below the surface, so to speak. It is most evident in extreme outbursts of violence. They seem to be so senseless, and are particularly distressing when they happen among family members, and often involve children.

"We are focusing here, not to spread more fear among you, but to emphasize the need for Peace within and among all individuals, families, communities and countries! This indeed might seem to be an impossible vision, and yet we can assure you that it is indeed 'just around the corner,' as you might say. It is the getting from here to there which we are here to facilitate, and we shall be discussing this in more detail when next we gather.*

"These incoming energies are literally removing the lids from all the programs which have existed on Planet Earth for eons, and as they are exposed, they are causing extreme chaos within the consciousness of many people, who then get caught up in the dark nightmares. Thus they do things from which they would otherwise be restrained by their own self-monitorings. There is a sense of new Freedoms which accompany the changes, and sometimes this adds to these violent acts, helping to push the doers 'over the edge.'

"Now, we tell you in all Truth that these energies are cause for celebration, but they do need to be balanced, so that the Freedoms they bring are not expressed in any but loving and peaceful ways. Thus it is that we shall be focusing upon this balance for all beings upon Planet Earth, with special emphasis upon humanity. Once again we shall join with Sekhmet in another of her empowering 'Yes I Can! 102' Exercises, celebrating the incoming energies which support all of the changes in preparation for Ascension, but with divine balancing of the Freedoms with Peace for all, from individuals to countries, upon Planet Earth!!! Salut!"

*Ashtar on the Road Teleconference, Tuesday, May 8, 2012.

Given through Susan Leland, May 6, 2012.
© Ashtar On The Road Publications 2004-2012. All Rights Reserved.

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Undistracted Energy
Pure Thoughts
The longer we are able to hold a positive thought, the stronger that energy around us becomes.

If we make no effort at all, our thoughts usually scatter in a vast array of directions. They start and stop and move in surprising ways from one second to the next. If we try to follow our thoughts without controlling them, we will be amazed at how truly inconsistent they are. Yet, if we apply our minds to a specific task, especially one that interests us, they gather together and allow us to focus our attention, creating great power and energy. This is what is known as pure thought, because it is undistracted.

The law of attraction—like attracts like—influences all energy, including our thoughts, and this is what makes pure thought so potent. Our undistracted thoughts create a powerful magnet that draws similar energy into our vibrational field. As a result, the longer we are able to hold positive thoughts in our minds, the more powerful the positive energy around us becomes. We don’t need to focus on action and controlling so much when we are surrounded by energy that draws what we want toward us. We can simply respond to the opportunities that naturally come our way. When this is the essence of our experience, we can go with the flow, knowing that we will be okay.

If pure thought is a body, it is our emotions that supply the heart that can really bring it to life. Our thoughts and feelings exist in relation to one another, and they form a feedback loop through which they communicate and empower each other. When we hold a thought in our mind without being distracted, we have achieved pure thought. When we have a positive emotional response to that thought, we enable it to dance and move and breathe itself into existence.

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