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Lightworkers (3)

The alarm goes off. You press the snooze button and you lie there, listening to the seconds tick-tick-ticking in your head, knowing that they won't go away. 

The bright sunshine streams through your windows and across your face, nudging you to rise to the occasion. But you're struggling. You don't really want to awaken, you tell yourself. You enjoyed the comfort of the darkness, where you didn't have to come to action, or reaction. 

But the curtains are open, Lightworker, and it was you who opened them. It was you who felt the inner stirrings to help, to serve. It was you who finally found your purpose. So you can't shut out all the light, now that you're beaming with good intentions. 

Are you beginning to doubt yourself? Are you wondering how you got into all this Lightworker mess? After all, who are you to proclaim yourself a Lightworker? Who are you to say you are a healer? What makes you so special? 

Well, you can choose to pull the covers right over your head but eventually you will have to come out and greet the sunshine. And you will have to face a few more important facts about your Lightworker status, like how you're going to have to do a lot of forgiving. 

But let's not go there yet. 

I'm a Lightworker, too, and it took me over a half century to even say that out loud because I was afraid it would sound egotistical, almost as bad as proclaiming I was Mother Teresa. My own Lightworker story has been one long journey plagued with anger, fear, tears and doubt. Miraculously, all my traumatic experiences finally led me to becoming a color therapist, spiritual aromatherapist and teacher. I spent many years questioning my Catholicism, wondering why I never felt peace and joy when I came out of mass and believing there had to be something more. When I was a teenager in the early '70s, musicals like "Godspell" and "Jesus Christ Superstar" were popular and I found that they stirred something very strong within me--hope…and shame, mostly. 

At the time, my family life was very difficult and so I escaped the madness by hanging out at a coffee house for teenagers called "The Back Door", which was basically a large room connected to our Catholic church. This is where I played my guitar and sang "Day By Day" and it was dark and lit only with black-light posters and I felt safe there, like I was in a womb. This was also the time I began reading the Seth books and The Magic of Believing by Claude Bristol. That book made a great impact on me and was my introduction to creative visualization, although I now realize I had practiced it all my life. 

My "Jesus Loves You" period was short-lived after some family members ridiculed me, saying I was only pretending to be pious and so I spent the rest of my teens being angry at God and my agnosticism lasted throughout my twenties. Occasionally, there would be a friend who would try to get me involved in a bible study group--or even the Mormons or the Hari Krishnas--but I didn't want any part of it. I felt God had abandoned me--if He even existed at all--and I was so angry that I wouldn't listen to religious Christmas carols during the holidays or even allow a nativity scene or an angel ornament on my Christmas tree. 

I would love to tell you that one day a beautiful angel appeared to me and there was harp music as she told me I was loved and had to change my evil ways, and that's when I began my great spiritual journey. But my awakening was nothing that dramatic, although I do work with angels now. Actually, the most significant thing I can remember is the day I purchased You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay. I was about 30 then. Louise talked a lot about self-love and forgiveness, two things I desperately wanted--and sorely needed. Her book represented a turning point in my life, as did books by Sonia Choquette, Denise Linn and Doreen Virtue, which helped me improve my self-esteem and accept my healing and intuitive abilities. 

For the past 30 years, I have been working on the self-love and forgiveness. And how not to be a victim. Not the easiest things to learn, I can tell you. But I've read a lot, listened a lot and now I'm almost 60 and I feel happy because I know I am clearly on the right path. It's not the same path as yours, it's my path. And it feels right. It feels true. And I know that I am forgiven of all my sins (yes, all of them) and I am very loved. 

So now we get to the forgiveness part, and if this thought makes you cringe, I completely understand. Forgiving someone for doing you wrong is difficult. (After all, people write songs about it.) We get angry. We kick, we scream, we cry. We withdraw. And sometimes we just want to punch someone. Well, these are all natural emotions so you need to forgive yourself for thinking this way. But I guarantee that once you learn to forgive and fully accept your inner Lightworker, everything will soon fall into place. 

As you're growing accustomed to your Lightworker wings, you may find yourself turning to an "expert" for solace. That's fine. Whether a self-help author or spiritual guru, these people have inspired you and their truth may indeed seem like your truth. But please do not make the mistake in believing they are infallible. They are human, too, and they are experiencing their own personal journey. So yes, learn from them but refrain from worshipping them because here's the plain truth: you already have the answers within. 

Yes, you are a Lightworker. Yes, the time is now. So arise, you Sleepyhead--and awaken to your calling!


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Planetary ~ Shared by Rev. Christine Meleriessee

We have just experienced the most powerful Spring Equinox that has ever occurred within GAIA.  Not only was it intense during the acceleration, but preceding the event could be life changing depending upon your own pathway.

We have spent the last three months preparing for these energies with high activations occurring continually with the moon cycles and other planetary conjunctions.  It prepared us to receive the highest frequency that was possible for each individual.  Every lightworker on the planet was taken to a new level of their consciousness whether they were fully aware of the changes or not.  The Spring Equinox was unique as it made us look within ourselves to see what needed to be changed in order to receive the next level of awareness.  The timelines are being ignited from our Etheric body to help us move along the process as we become mutli-dimensional beings.  This is a challenge within itself as it is affecting us through the four body system so it can become one body of light.

So now we have arrived at a new juncture in our pathways.  It is time to reflect on where we were before, what we experienced during the transition, and allow the transformation to fully take place.  We are being asked by Spirit to remember our humble beginnings and allow those essences to be embodied within us.  The challenges are great so if you are having a difficult time of assimilating what is occurring, you are not alone.  It depends upon the level of healing that an individual is processing within themselves and how honest they can be of their own ability to get into the depths of their soul’s history.  A lightworker that is newly awakened may feel quite overwhelmed with the challenges that they are facing and it takes a strong commitment to fully stay on this pathway.  It is taking us deeper into the depths of our souls and the challenges never stop.  They will continue as long as we strive to be the best we can be.

The Ascended Masters within the Brotherhood of White Light have been conveying these energies to us for a very long time.  They want to assist us in this process, but they cannot totally understand as no species has ever acquired this level of acceleration in a group consciousness.  Each of us individually is on many levels within the initiations, and it is a different experience for everyone depending upon our consciousness, life situation, and the contract we signed up for previous to our incarnation.  Some may feel the need to catch up whereas others may feel they are tired of all they are going through.  I urge you to keep trekking onwards and upwards.

There is great responsibility to step into this pathway, but it is a rewarding job when you communicate with the Higher Beings as they talk with great emotion to the work that you have done.  Our time is coming to be with each of them in Oneness on the New Earth but we have a lot to do in the meantime.  This earth is not ready and will not be for quite some time.  So we have to be challenged in order to shower the way with our Light and Love quotient in order for the One’s that are following us that will be able to accomplish it in an easy and swift manner.  We have to live in-between worlds of Duality and Oneness.  It is part of the plan so that we can remember one day the journey that we took and how successful it was for everyone involved.

This is why this Equinox was so very powerful.  We must hold as much light as we can in order to assist GAIA in her acceleration along with the humans that just might be ready to wake up.  GAIA is readying herself to merge with Terra Christa, her male counterpart, and we are assisting in this transformation.

If we can think of our challenges in this manner of assisting her, then isn’t it all worth it?  Look how much we have changed as a species.  Yes, we still have a long road ahead of us but it is much smoother than it was just 5, 10, or 25 years ago.

So what is our next step in this process of acceleration on Earth?  It represents balancing the opposing energies.  Reflect back one month ago and the challenges that you encountered during the month.  How did you get through them and would you do anything differently? What tools do you use that truly assisted you?  These elements are creating our foundation of our new reality.  We will be going through highs and lows continually through 2013 so we need to reflect each time to help our lower minds accept the higher thought processes that are occurring.

On Wednesday, March 27, 2013 we experience a full moon cycle at 2:27 AM, Pacific, 9:27 AM GMT.  This moon represents opposing forces of Libra within Aires.  Libra represents compromise and Aries represents taking care of the Self.  So now we put into practice what we have learned in the last cycle of acceleration by creating balance and being in the flow.  2013 represents Synchronization, and now we are being tested to allow the light to guide us through the uneasy areas ~ Being in the Flow.

Take time on this day to create the balance you need with GAIA’s energy.  Walk the ground, feel the energies around you, listen to the birds, and feel the wind whistling in the trees.  In order to feel the movement, we need to continually do the walk no matter what we are encountering along the way.

Join us for a powerful call on Wednesday, March 27th at 5 PM Pacific.  Details are listed on our website,



We have just gone through a tremendous change in consciousness from the higher realms into the Earthplane levels.  The Spring Equinox was better received than we had hoped.  We believe it had to do with the lack of exposure within the media and not centered upon the doomsday effect as what occurred on December 21st, 2013.

This not only means about the changes but incorporating them within the consciousness of the planet.  Spring is always a very beautiful time of the year as the blooms will start showing from the ground; but that is not the question here.  We want to say that within the planet as a huge consciousness the energies were well received.  In the Southern Hemisphere they are moving into the Fall Equinox which still represents growth and abundance.  So it does not matter where you stand within the world, you are being affected greatly by the changes that are occurring.

Change is inevitable at this time and it depends upon your own ability to know thyself and how deep you are willing to travel to find the beauty of your soul’s history to be awakened into your consciousness.  This truly brings it to a point of reference.  Those that are not as challenged as some are definitely not willing to understand the process of what mastery may mean for them.  They may not even know they are on a mastery pathway but have come into this world with great gifts which they term as having mastery.  Not so, my Dear Ones.

If you as a Lightworker are utilizing powerful gifts into this world but yet do not know who your Higher Self is, not willing to go into the depths of healing to be a better person, or are willing to find balance within your Feminine and Masculine Divine, then you are on the wrong side.  You are tapping into timelines when you were quite gifted in a world that did not perform on the Universal Laws.  Many of the extra-terrestrial communities out of the Galactic Whole have been gifted with these abilities, but they are not working in harmony of the One.

We share this knowledge because many individuals are waiting for their lives to get better.  And that’s what they will do is – wait and wait and wait.  Mastery represents responsibility and gifts are not given to an initiate, they are earned deeply and honestly.

So we ask you?  How did you feel about this equinox?  Did you feel the pressure of wanting to change, awakening with dreams that seemed very unreal, and then feeling it within your physical body?  I am sure most of you experience this; possibly not every day but periodically.  It is because your Etheric body is healing so deeply and wanting to merge within the physical essence.  It cannot do so until the debris is removed of the old karmic ties that need to be acknowledged and healed.  This is true mastery ~ allowing the essence that you were to become who you are now and then knowing that the merge cannot be achieved without the removal of the energies that do not fit presently.

We ask you again ~ How did you feel this Equinox?  If you felt happy, go lucky and ready for spring to blossom or autumn to effect change, then we say to you, you are not ready yet for the change.  We bring this information forward not to judge as everyone has free will.  But those that want to be more, must aspire to the highest mountain that they can climb.  We share these energies as a lesson in awareness.  Learning what you are experiencing, how you can get through them easily and effortlessly, and seeing the progress happening within you is the best advice we can give at this time.

This equinox brought many emotions to the surface along with the thought forms associated within the emotions.  The Masculine and Feminine traits are coming more into balance.  The power of these energies was created upon the Earth to awaken individuals into the aspects that do not fit who they are presently.  So it is a personal experience in what is to be awakened.  The more you learn about your Soul’s Purpose and Essence, the more you can reject or accept into your awareness.  The timelines of the past and future crossed simultaneously to create the present to be balanced within each person that was ready to go deeper into themselves.

Presently, the challenge is to balance these elements that were brought to the Light.  Aspects that were not accepted readily need to put into Wholeness as they do not fit an individual’s Highest Purpose within their pathway.  Remember, this is different for each soul embodied upon the Earth and there are no judgments of an individual’s pathway good or bad.  Our purpose in these updates is to share how a person that chooses the Mastery Pathway can best help themselves to move further to create the Divine Love, Power and Wisdom of the Three-Fold Flame.  It is the choice of each Lightworker to stay within their present circumstances or to go deeper within their initiation levels.  Our goal is to assist everyone in understanding this process and just because you are a Lightworker does not mean you desire to walk in Mastery.  Initiates can stop and stay within a certain level while being very content and happy.  Learning to be an ascended master is a long pathway and only the strong can survive.

So in essence what we are saying is that this equinox represented these changes to occur.  In order to walk into the 5th dimension on a physical basis, you must decide to be on the Mastery Pathway.  You can be attuned in a consciousness level but it does not mean you will be able to create your Body of Light with the Three-Fold Flame activated.  Our desire is to have every One of YOU to step into this role and that is why we bring this message in such a direct manner on this day.  There is no time to waste.  The physical existence of your 5th dimensional self is awaiting you to be acknowledged.

Yes, we are intense because the time has come to get down and dirty within yourself.  Look within and understand what fits and what does not fit for you.  We have the power to do MORE with one another.  We reach out our hands to each of you – but you must acknowledge your Self Worth by sharing your Light and Dark essence with us.  We will help you get there, but you must acknowledge what aligns in Wholeness and what will be rejected within that frequency.

There is more to come.  This Equinox was the first of many accelerations for this year.  The next frequency to be prepared for is the Lunar Eclipse on April 25th which will represent expressing the Light to shine in the darkest areas of the Soul.  We express to you that it will take you deeper into the depths of your essence to learn who you are, what you are to create, how to find the aspects that stop you, and bringing wholeness to your existence upon this Earth.

So it seems we have a lot of work to do with each other.  Each of us in the Unified Whole Command had to go through the same process of admitting what we have done in the past may not serve the Greater Whole.  The equinox was just the beginning, but you are not on this journey alone.  Every human being is going through this same process no matter what level they are existing within their initiation and ascension process.  It is going to get more challenging the more you resist – it will persist.

So that brings us to this week.  We have laid down all the rules and what can happen if you do not do it.  But what about the other side of the coin.  What will occur by accepting to be more of yourself?

Well, accessing your Higher Self and I AM Presence is essential on a daily basis and many moments within that day.  They are going to assist you in feeling their energies physically and you will be able to flow through the day even if it becomes a challenging one to endure.  Laugh at yourself, smile deeply, and know that this is just a testing period.  You are the maker of your destiny with your Higher Self and I AM Presence.  You cannot do it without them.  This is the first element you need to realize and then go deeper by allowing the changes to happen within you.  Learn from your dream state and meditations what you need to do next.  You have these abilities.  We would not be speaking to you if we did not.  It is our time to shine together and we so look forward to see the transformative process within each of you.

We are standing by for your approval for us to work with you.  Ask for the Unified Whole Command and we will greatly assist you in learning how to be in Oneness within yourself first within your dream-state and then with meditations.

Honoring each of you deeply,

We Are the Unified Whole Command of Many Masters of Light

©2013 Walking Terra Christa, Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, 5th Dimensional Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved.  No use without prior written permission allowed except for sharing the post in its entirety along with the link to this page;

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Hilarion's Weekly Message, January 3-10, 2010

Beloved Lightworkers, The focus for this week is maintaining your integrity and keeping yourselves grounded into the core of Mother Earth. Those of you who have been working a long time with the new frequencies and energies are finding yourselves so far ahead of your brothers and sisters who as yet are unawakened, that you are finding it hard to relate and interact with them for any length of time. Many of you are finding that interaction with those who still abide in the lower unawakened, frequencies a painful exercise in transmutation and the processing of these energies that pull your Light and your higher energy from you. We say to you Dear Ones, that this is a part of your task in your everyday lives upon the Earth…it has always been so throughout your Earthly journeys, in this lifetime and other lifetimes that you have lived upon the Earth. You are helpers who came in voluntarily knowing full well how difficult your task of living upon the Earth in your veils of forgetfulness was going to be. Each of you have the great Flame of Love burning brightly within your hearts and it is this Light that has kept you in the forefront, ever cutting and blazing a trail of Light in order to light the way for those who follow, and follow they shall, Beloved Ones. In this coming year of 2010 there will be millions of people who begin to Awaken to the knowledge and awareness of their higher potentials. Your work and sacrifice has made this Awakening much easier for these Ones and so as this happens, the Light you have held for such a long, long time will begin to grow exponentially with each passing day. The more Light that begins to light up the Earth, the more people will Awaken. You might call the year of 2010 the year of the Great Awakening, as this is already occurring and will become more and more discernible as the days, weeks and months continue. As difficult as it has been for each of you as the Trailblazers in this regard, know that your efforts are now beginning to bear fruit and you will see this in all facets of your daily lives. Much that is transpiring behind the scenes will begin to come out into the open and will create a movement of change upon the face of the Planet that will reach the length and breadth of every corner upon your World. Change is the name of the game in 2010. There is much to be excited about, Dear Ones, much more for you to learn and overcome, still, we want you to be very aware that each of you have done this many times before and this knowledge will become a remembering for you very soon. The momentum of the Light has been building in greater and greater waves upon the Earth and is now blending with the great Cosmic energies that are inundating every particle of life upon the Earth and within the Earth. This Light creates, as each of you know, much that does not resonate with the Light to come to the surface for your review and release, and this is not a comfortable situation but a very necessary one, if you wish to continue on your Ascension journey. Trust in the process and call upon us whenever you encounter more friction within you and around you than you can comfortably deal with. We are all standing by, ready to give assistance to each of you who calls upon us and again, we remind you that we must be asked, for this is a Universal Law. Much assistance can be given unto each of you, but you must first ASK. If you could only see clearly the great Forces of Light that surround you, you would be dancing all the way through your Ascension process! We upon the Higher realms feel so very excited to see the leaps and bounds that you are making in your journeys of remembrance and tell you that you are very near to your goal. It behooves each of you to continue in your activism to bring about the changes for the greater good of all by daily working with the Light Beings and energies. Your decrees and affirmations has a greater reach than you can possibly know at this time …when you repeat a decree, especially more than once, there is a frequency wave that is created and this wave moves out into the atmosphere around the Earth and thereby creates positive change, for even that which could be looked upon as unpleasant changes in the end result become positive changes, for it is all about growth and the coming to greater awareness. I am here to tell you, Beloved Ones, that the days of learning lessons through suffering and hardship are coming to a closure, for the new way will be all about learning through and with Grace. There will be great joyous leaps in consciousness once this becomes fully established upon the Earth plane. You who are the forerunners are asked to move into this awareness and become the creators of this new way of learning and doing. It no longer has to be hard to create anything you desire, it can be a pleasure and a joy to learn and grow and explore all the new information and knowledge that is now awaiting your explorations. Seek and you shall find, Dear Ones. Until next week…. I AM Hilarion ©2009-2010 Marlene Swetlishoff Distributing this message in other forums, etc. is encouraged, please do so with the following guidelines: Include author's credit, copyright and website: Weekly Messages from Hilarion * Angelic Gems of Light Messages * To Subscribe Details at: * Much Light, Love and Rainbow Blessings, Marlene
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