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Merkiva activation

I have found a site of explaning about the MER KI VAH and the activation of it.

There are also  translations in severall languages of the Chronicles of the Earth keeper speeking with Metratron. Maby easier to read if english is not your native languages.


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Dear Light Team, Grid Transmitters and GEO Teams,

With each day this week, as the Moon grows full, our heart-lights are expanding with pure love frequencies as we enter the days of the Easter holy season. This time of rebirth, transfiguration and ascension mirrors the focus of our Children of the Sun Group Soul and the air is full of the harmony of individual purpose and self-less service to Humanity.

However, many of our soul family are feeling the squeeze of conflict as we move fully into this portal year of 2012. Our planet trembles daily, long dormant volcanoes are awakening, weather is erratic and we are feeling the effects of geomagnetic pulses and the increased solar activity of our Sun. As Light Transmitters, our service to harmonize and ease the birth pains of humanity and our planet is critical so we may move gracefully into the higher frequencies of the New Earth. Together, we must draw upon the Platinum Light of Divine Union to build and strengthen our Group Christ Harmonic so we may transmit the light codes of Divine Perfection upon the Crystalline Grid this Full Moon.

As the Children of the Sun once again receive The Amazon Transmissions, now in full conscious awareness, let us also consciously transmit these codes so all of humanity may be purified, merge into Oneness in the Unified Field and be liberated into multi-dimensionality. We ARE the ones we have been waiting for...and our time is now!

Let our hearts be filled with the purity of the pristine natural elements of the Amazon during this full moon and throughout the holy days of rebirth, so we, ourselves, may be reborn as fully conscious Christed beings!

Blessed Children of the Sun, the Ascension is happening NOW!

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                                                Spirituality as a Living Awareness
                                             taken from The Edgar Cayce Readings


Although religion often deals with form, spirituality generally deals with an individual's application of his or her

individual knowledge or awareness. Since our natural state is spirit, reawakening to full spiritual awareness

is one of the purposes we all have in common.   In fact, in one reading (3357-2), Cayce stated that

"Soul development should take precedence over all things." From the readings' perspective, this development

is not achieved through some great deed or act;  instead, it is a gradual accomplishment which is attained

                                               "line upon line, precept upon precept."

What appears to be most important in terms of soul development is an individual's application of the things

of the Spirit in their interactions with others:

                      love, kindness, gentleness, patience, persistence, and consistency.

Since the purpose of life is to bring the spirituality of the Creator into the earth, attunement and application

are at the heart of spiritual growth. Attunement is the process of reawakening to an awareness of our spiritual

nature and our true relationship with God. As mentioned previously, the most frequently recommended

tools for achieving this attunement are the regular practice of prayer and meditation. Both prayer and meditation

are invaluable at reestablishing a conscious awareness of our spiritual source while inviting God's will to work

through us as a "channel of His blessings" in service to others.

Repeatedly, a core concept from the Edgar Cayce material has been stated: Spirit is the life, mind is the builder,

and the physical is the result. In terms of oneness, essentially what this means is that the one force, Spirit,

constantly flows through us. However, it is acted upon by the properties of the mind and then channeled

into our lives in accordance with our free will.

Regardless of whether or not an individual even believes in God, everything about that person is given life

through the properties of the one activating Spirit. What he or she does with that Spirit is a matter of choice,

and "crimes or miracles" may be the result.

This ability of personal creation, whether through thought, experience or activity, caused the readings to

identify the human soul as a cocreator with God. Because of this gift of cocreation, Cayce continually

advised individuals that one of the most important things they could do was to establish an appropriate spiritual

motivation (or ideal) for their lives, thereby directing personal choice into positive directions.  From Cayce's

perspective, too often, we are out of touch with the intentionality (the why) behind our everyday actions.

By consciously establishing a spiritual motivation, such as service, compassion, love, or Jesus,

as our pattern and then trying to make that motivation a greater part of our lives, real personal

transformation and soul development can result.

The soul, then, must return-will return-to its Maker. It is a portion of the Creative Force, which is energized

nto activity even in materiality, in the flesh...Then, just being kind, just being patient, just showing love for thy

fellow man; that is the manner in which an individual works at becoming aware of the consciousness or the

Christ Spirit. Reading 272-9  Just like in the story of the prodigal son (Luke 15:11-32), we were with God

in the beginning and, through choice and experience, found ourselves cut off from a complete awareness of Him.

In one respect, the fall of humankind was really our descent in consciousness from the realms of infinity

to those of time and space. However, this was not necessarily a "bad" thing or an erroneous choice.

Just as a child learns through experience, choice, and making mistakes along the way, our own experiences

through choice and will embody a maturation process that will enable us to come into our full heritage and

an awareness of our true spiritual nature. In time, as we bring the spirituality of God into the earth, we will

awaken to our own spiritual Source, eventually finding our way back to the Creator.

Not only is spiritual transformation our goal, but it is our birthright as well. With the proper spiritual motivation,

we will be brought into alignment with this perfect pattern by working with attunement, appropriate mental

attitudes, and a desire to bring our spiritual ideal into physical application.

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8 Steps To Becoming A Better Person

8 Steps To Becoming A Better Person

Becoming A Better Person On A Daily Basis
By Elizabeth Harrell
Published March 27, 2012



The mere fact you chose to read this article means you’re thinking you could be a better person. And who couldn’t? It’s not whether we need to be better, but whether we choose to be better. Becoming a better person means changing habits, taking some risks and thinking differently in the future. What an exciting challenge. Will other people notice? Sure they will! Will you like yourself more? You definitely will! So, what are you waiting for?


Step 1 – Consider Your Impact on Others
Everything you say and do has some effect, positive or negative, on the people around you. Even total strangers are impacted when you snap at a sales clerk or lay on the horn because the guy in front of you stopped at green light. Just as you affect them, they impact others, and the snowball grows. It’s a pretty powerful tool if used wisely, and just one step toward being a better person.

Imagine a bank teller speaking sharply to you, but your response is to smile and be friendly. It’s not what you want to do, most likely, but your response does not allow her attitude to negatively affect you. Not only that, your smile could change her attitude in return. It’s really not that difficult, but it takes one extra moment to respond, rather than react. Try it for one day, and you’ll find yourself a much happier person by nightfall.


Step 2 – Think Before You Speak
The fastest way to prevent hurting other people is to think of the ramifications of your words. More people are beaten down by words than fists. Do you really need to say something hurtful? How would you feel if it were said to you or about you?

Are you using honesty as an excuse to say something hurtful? When you’re hurt, does it really help you to lash out with your own hurtful expressions? Many of the wisest and most considerate people in the world are thought to be that way because they don’t impulsively speak. They allow themselves time to think first.


Step 3 – Be a Humanitarian
Serving other people immediately improves who you are – not only in their eyes – but yours as well. The emotions that accompany helping others will help you grow in ways you can’t even imagine. Teenagers who struggle with self-esteem issues and identity problems grow in confidence when put in a position to serve other people.

Often we are taught to have a false sense of self-esteem related to our appearance, our education or our income. Contributing your time, energy and money to others in need will strengthen your heart and build self-esteem faster than a trip to Macy’s or a pay raise.


Step 4 – Use Your Strengths
I have a friend who plays the piano like a concert pianist, but he never shares this gift with others. It disappoints me so much when I think of the joy he could discover if he gave lessons to underprivileged children or played for a local nursing home. He doesn’t recognize his skill as a gift because it’s his gift. Other people don’t use their gifts because someone once told them that they weren’t gifted.

Make a list of what you do well and figure out how to use it in creative ways. Don’t neglect your natural abilities or talents because they belong to you.


Step 5 – Recognize Your Weaknesses
Addressing your weaknesses is a huge step toward becoming a better person, but remember, the goal isn’t to be perfect. It’s the striving to improve that makes us better people.

Without being overly self-critical, make a list of your weaknesses. Note ways to strengthen those weaknesses when you have time. Focus on one at a time and create specific strategies for improvement. For example, if you tend to overwork, set aside time to relax and play. This will improve your attitude and your health.

If you have difficulty recognizing weaknesses, ask a close friend or loved one to gently break a few of them to you. Personally, I can be overcritical in my tone. I have asked my loved ones to let me know when I slip, but they are kind enough to do it in a loving way before I hurt someone. As they point it out, I am less inclined to do it. If necessary, ask a friend or family member to help you be accountable. Make sure you let them know that you don’t want a master list of everything you’ve ever done wrong.

Change takes time and you should revel in small victories along the way. Alway remember that you are a work in progress.


Step 6 – Take Better Care of Yourself
Women have a serious tendency to neglect themselves at times. Whether it is stress induced, relationship issues or poor self-esteem, we let ourselves go. It can even happen when we’re comfortable in a relationship.

When you take care of yourself, you demonstrate respect for yourself. Women who are concerned about their health and appearance on a regular basis tend to do a better job of interacting and serving other people. Your family, your spouse and your friends will all appreciate it.


Step 7 – Show Your Appreciation
It’s easy to take other people for granted. Your spouse always picks up the kids from school and spends Saturdays beautifying your yard. Your best friend never forgets your birthday and will babysit at the last minute. Your parents did the best they could and love you despite your weaknesses. Your employees work hard for you every single day. The mailman, the garbage man and your nail technician all hold you together on a daily basis. There are so many people who make our lives comfortable and complete, some of whom we rarely even see. How could you thank them? All it takes is a nice note, a hug, a plate of cookies or even a gift.

My father was a mailman, and I was always amazed at the people who thanked him during the holidays. That made a huge impression on me as a child, so I find ways to show my appreciation for those people in my life who work for me and are easy to miss.


Step 8 – Explore Your Spirituality
Faith allows me to get through some pretty challenging days. It also encourages me to improve myself and strive to make a positive impact on those around me. If you don’t have a spiritual life, consider exploring that option. Prayer, meditation, removing your thoughts from yourself and loving your fellow man can greatly improve who you are.

Following any or all of the eight steps can help you make major changes. Just remember to take on a little at a time, and do small things well before leaping into big changes. As you create positive habits in your life, you will become a better person. Soon you won’t even realize you’re doing it. The exciting part is that other people will definitely notice!


Are You Trustworthy?
It's hard to have a relationship without trust - at least, not a meaningful one. Keeping a secret, being a person of your word, following through on promises...all these character traits build trust. Can your friends and family depend on you? Take this trust quiz to find out.

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THRIVE lifts the veil on what's REALLY going on in our world by following the money upstream -- uncovering the global consolidation of power in nearly every aspect of our lives. Weaving together breakthroughs in science, consciousness and activism, THRIVE offers real solutions, empowering us with unprecedented and bold strategies for reclaiming our lives and our future.

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April 4, 2012


Three Questions
Beloved Ascending Ones,
Three questions that we, your higher expressions of SELF, hear you asking are:
Why am I here?
What is my Mission?
Am I doing enough?

We answer these questions by telling you that we feel how you miss us and how you miss the fifth dimension and beyond. We want you to know that we miss you just as much. Except, in our reality "miss" is not the correct word, as your higher expression of SELF is here with us. To put our answer into your sequential language, we say that we live in complete compassion and total understanding of your emotions as we share them within the NOW of our joint reality. We feel your sense of separation, as the gift that you share with us is the illusion of third dimensional separation.

Separation may not appear as a gift to you, but you are providing infinite, experiential information about how we can assist our ascending ones who are preparing for personal and planetary ascension. In fact, everyone that you help shares his or her lessons with us. Through you, we commune with everyone that you touch in any way. Because you volunteered to be an opened portal to the higher dimensions, you are choosing to share every moment of your reality with your higher dimensional family. Furthermore, as you serve as an opened portal to the higher dimensions, you are unknowingly showing others how to serve as opened portals, as well.

Why am I here?
Your personal portal, your pineal gland, remains opened because of your constant willingness to accept multidimensional light and unconditional love into your earth vessel. Your earth vessel IS an expression of Gaia and made of the same third dimensional elements and fourth dimensional Elementals as Earth. Hence, Gaia is one of your many higher expressions of SELF. Yes dear ascending ones, YOU are Gaia. Does that answer your first question: "Why am I here?" You are here NOW to assist your Planetary SELF with the process of ascension by serving as an opened portal of multidimensional light and unconditional love.

Your portal opens two ways. The inward flow into your personal portal allows you to receive the galactic light and unconditional love. You share this download of light and love with your Planetary SELF, Gaia. On the other hand, the outward flow of your personal portal allows you to share all your personal and planetary experiences with your higher dimensional expressions who are assisting you with your personal and planetary ascension.

What is my Mission?
Just as you all have the same answer for your first question, you all have the same answer for the second question: "What is my Mission?" These answers are the same because you, the ascending ones, are ONE. However, your individuality provides myriad versions of the same process. Your "same Mission" is to serve as mediators between your Galactic, Ascended and/or Celestial SELF and your grounded ego self. When you unite these two frequencies of your SELF, you can use your individual creativity to assist others to merge their higher expressions of SELF with their grounded, human self.

Once the illusion of separation between your human self and your Multidimensional SELF is released, the illusion of separation between you and "others" is also released. At this point the process of ascension is greatly accelerated because then the illusion of separation between your fifth dimensional Home and your physical home will be released. In this manner you will remember that the Home to which we are ascending is not a place. Home is a frequency of reality. Just as Home is not a place, ascension is not an action. Ascension is a rejoining with all that you have always been, but have forgotten.

Am I doing enough?
This leads us to the third question: "Am I doing enough?" Your "doing" is not as important as your "thinking" and "feeling," for your thoughts and emotions set your frequency of consciousness. In other words, you do not need to DO anything. We ask only that you BE your true, Multidimensional SELF. While you are resonating within the unconditional love of your SELF, you can remember why you chose embodiment, as well as how you promised to contribute to Planetary Ascension.

Since your Multidimensional SELF includes Gaia, your myriad Galactic, Celestial and Ascended expressions Know how you can best assist with planetary ascension. Moreover, you can easily remember to send unconditional love to EVERY person, place, situation and thing that threatens to lower your consciousness. When you send unconditional love to any experience of fear/darkness, you transmute that darkness into its natural condition of light. Yes, darkness and fear are simply the lowest polarities of light and love. As you continue your ascension, you are moving beyond the polarized world of the third and lower fourth frequencies of reality and into the unity with All That Is in the highest fourth and fifth dimensions.

Creating Your Reality

Moreover, your Multidimensional SELF knows that any difficult experience with persons, places, situations and things are illusions that you unconsciously created through some form of fear-based thoughts, emotions, intentions and/or reactions. When your consciousness is limited to your physical self it is difficult, if not impossible, to accept this kind of responsibility for your reality. Conversely, your Multidimensional SELF remembers that in the fifth dimension and beyond EVERY thing in your reality is YOUR creation.

Therefore, as you move into the fifth dimension, EVERY thought, emotion, intention and reaction will instantly create a chain of events that initiates the creation of a parallel reality. In this manner, you will travel back and forth between the path of fear-based creations and love-based creations. Fear-based creations will lower your consciousness into the polarized realities of the third and fourth dimensions, whereas love-based creations will expand your consciousness into the ONE of the fifth dimension and beyond.

Your Third Dimensional Operating System, which activates only the 3% DNA of your human genome, cannot recognize higher frequencies of light as perceptual data because it is beyond the physical spectrum of light. Hence, you are "flying blind" through a storm of polarities. Because of this, you will likely have difficulty staying in the Center Path of the ONE, and will likely over steer into the experiences of fear-based or love-based realities. Fortunately, once your Multidimensional Operating System, which activates your 97% Lightbody DNA, is fully operational you will be ale to connect your expanded perceptions with your physical perceptions.

Thus, once your Multidimensional Operating System is online and fully integrated, your Multidimensional SELF will be YOU and your ego will be the Captain of your earth vessel. With your SELF at the helm, you can easily place your attention and intention on the higher frequency waves of possibility to perceive and interact with higher dimensional realities. In fact, the perception of higher frequency realities is the Core of your Multidimensional Operating System.

Your Multidimensional Operating System can accept and incorporate all that resides within the matrix of your old Third Dimensional Operating System because higher dimensions can perceive lower dimensions. Therefore, with your new Operating System online and integrated with the neural systems of your Central and Autonomic Nervous Systems, the multidimensional portals of every chakra are opened to conscious, multidimensional perceptions.

It is important to remember that you can perceive around you only what you can perceive within you, as AROUND is a projection of what is WITHIN. Thus, your full ability to recognize and use the many portals around you follows your full ability to perceive and use the portals within you. The choice of accessing and using your multidimensional, creative powers while you are experiencing even a fleeting moment of fearful or ego-based intention will INSTANTLY lower you out of the fifth dimension and back into the physical world.

Your Multidimensional Operating System

To function as your full Multidimensional SELF, you must become the Master of Your Energy. In other words, every thought, emotion, intention and reaction must be love-based in order to maintain a state of consciousness that is high enough to read your Multidimensional Operating System. If you cannot read this system you will not be able to maintain your conscious perception and interaction with the fifth dimension and beyond. This is not a punishment, but merely the Law of Resonance. You must consciously calibrate your attention to a higher frequency in order to consciously perceive that which was formerly known as "Spirit."

Spirit is YOU on a higher frequency of expression. In order to remain in that frequency you will need to dock your earth vessel in that port. As long as your vessel is docked at the frequency of the port, you will experience that reality. If your resonance falls below the frequency of that dock, your vessel will loose its moorings and float away. Do you see how we are speaking in Light Language? We use metaphors because words that do not create mental pictures are separate and bind you to the third dimension. On the other hand, metaphors create thoughts, emotions and mental images that allow you to understand Light Language.

The higher light of the Galactic Center is now entering your planet and your earth vessels with great regularity. It is your personal portal of the Pineal Gland that accepts this light and shares this frequency with your Pituitary Gland, which in turn shares the new frequency with all your ductless glands. The ductless glands of your Endocrine System then share this frequency of light with your entire body via their internal secretions, which are released throughout your entire earth vessel.

The Sacred Triangle

The secretions of the Pineal Gland also channel the higher light directly into the Third Ventricle of your brain, which is known metaphysically as the Sacred Triangle. The Sacred Triangle is in the shape of an inverted pyramid, which is surrounded by the choroids plexus, seen in yellow, and the pineal gland in the center of your brain, above the brain stem. The Sacred Triangle is the physical manifestation of your Third Eye.

The choroids plexus is a group of nerves, such as your solar plexus in your Third Chakra. This region is the primary area where cerebrospinal fluid is produced. Within the human brain is a connecting system of ventricles, which are internal cavities of the brain that are commonly referred to as the ventricular system. Cerebrospinal fluid fills the ventricles, as well as the spaces around the brain and spinal cord, to serve as insulation and protection. Hence, the higher light that enters through the Pineal Gland enters and flows through your body via your cerebral blood and spinal fluid.

The cerebrospinal fluid also serves as a conductor of the electricity generated by the brain and the nervous system within the spinal cord. This cerebrospinal fluid flows from the third ventricle, in the center of the Sacred Triangle, through the cerebral aqueduct into the fourth ventricle. From there it flows into the subarachnoid space where it is reabsorbed into the bloodstream.

Ancient text states that when Kundalini has risen to the Brow Center, the Sixth Chakra, the Essence of the pituitary and the pineal gland will combine in the third and fourth ventricles of the brain to open the Third Eye. Once the Third Eye is opened you will regain your Galactic Consciousness. This expansion of consciousness will allow your resonant frequency to increase and your physical density to decrease. The process of consciousness expansion begins with your brainwaves and extends to your perceptions.

Russian Scientists, Vernetzte Intelligenz, Grazyna Gosar and Franz Bludorf, have discovered how higher frequency of light activate the 97% "junk" DNA:
"The Russian scientists irradiated DNA samples with laser light. On screen, a typical wave pattern was formed. When they removed the DNA sample, the wave pattern did not disappear, it remained. Many controlled experiments showed that the pattern continued to come from the removed sample, whose energy field apparently remained by itself. This effect is now called phantom DNA effect. It is surmised that energy from outside of space and time still flows through the activated wormholes after the DNA was removed. The side effects encountered most often in hyper-communication in humans are inexplicable electromagnetic fields in the vicinity of the persons concerned.

As the higher light moves into the lobes of the brain, your areas of cognition and perception are calibrated to perceive the higher light. Your integrated Multidimensional Operating System and read and understand this light message so that you can consciously perceive the dimensional shifts of reality.

Hence, your updated Occipital Lobe allows you to SEE the higher dimensions. The updated Temporal Lobe allows you to hear the higher dimensions, and your updated Parietal Lobe allows you to communicate with the higher dimensions. Your updated Frontal lobe assists you in making multidimensional decisions and your updated Cerebellum assist you to maintain your sense of balance and proprioception while in higher dimensional worlds.

There are also many symptoms of transformation that affect your bodies according to which areas of your body are the "weakest links." It is the weakened areas that will have the most difficulty adapting to a higher frequency for it must heal its third dimensional form before it can accept a higher resonance. Your bones can accept the higher light quite easily for the bone marrow carries your stem cells, which self-renew to produce more stem cells that can more easily contain a higher frequency of light. Joints often have a more difficult time integrating the higher light because the cartilage does not regenerate itself. Hence, a common symptom of transformation is joint pain.

Since the 1980's, your earth vessel has been being prepared to accept the higher frequency of light so that the Multidimensional Operating System could create multidimensional neural synapses. A synapse is a space that occurs between two neurons or between a neuron and another type of cell. These spaces are very important, because they play an integral role in neuronal communication. When a signal (message) needs to be passed from one neuron to another, either a chemical (called a neurotransmitter) or an electrical signal will be released by one neuron (called the presynaptic neuron) into the synapse. The second cell will then receive this signal/message.

Moving UP The Spectrum

Humanity tends to attend to that which is familiar, and what you attend to you can perceive. As your body adapts to higher frequencies of light within it, it can begin to attend to higher frequencies around it because you can only perceive around you what you can perceiver within you, as AROUND is a projection of what is WITHIN. As you expand your consciousness, you can more easily integrate the higher light into your brain function because the illusion of fear no longer forces you into the distraction of fear-based thinking.

With your consciousness expanded beyond the myriad illusions of fear that are broadcast into your third dimensional reality to distract you from returning to your true, Multidimensional SELF, you can think faster and more clearly. Furthermore, while in a higher state of consciousness you are no longer distracted by the worries of mundane activity as the joy and unconditional love of your higher consciousness opens your mind and expands your creativity. When your Multidimensional Operating System is fully integrated into your biological computer brain, new frequencies of perception will become "normal."

Just as it is normal for toddlers to notice the wonder of small bugs and flowers that are so close to their vision, it will become normal for our ascending ones to use their multidimensional perceptions. Hence, it will be "normal" to perceive the auras of all living beings, to hear telepathically, to move objects with your mind and to communicate with higher frequency beings. Then, you will no longer think of your physical vessel as YOU. YOU will be a Multidimensional Being and your physical earth vessel will be thought of as your portal into the third dimensional hologram.

As your multidimensional perceptions come online and are fully integrated with your third dimensional perceptions, you will be able to perceive the higher frequencies of reality at the same moment that you can perceive the physical world. You will no longer need to close your eyes and/or seek a quiet place to free yourself from the distractions of the 3D world, for it will no longer be a distraction. Instead, the third dimension will merely be the lower frequency of your multidimensional spectrum of reality. At first you will hold onto this lower frequency of your spectrum because it is familiar and safe. Then, eventually, you will find such comfort, joy and unconditional love in the higher frequencies of your spectrum of reality that you will begin to "forget" to attune your perceptual field to lower spectrum.

What Is "Normal?"

As a young child, you looked into the light and saw your Guides around you as a normal component of your reality. However, as you grew older you realized that others did not see this reality. In fact, they told you that that reality was not real, it was just your imagination. Therefore, you stopped focusing on that reality until, one day, you forgot it was even there. Now, with your higher perceptual field being activated in your mundane life, you will focus on the higher worlds because they bring you such joy and love. Simultaneously, you will increasingly choose NOT to attend to the fear and hardships of the lower frequencies.

Eventually, the higher frequencies of your ever-expanding perceptual field will become normal to you and the lower frequencies of reality will appear as the illusions that they have always been. If a top is spinning very quickly, it remains balanced and can "hum" as it quickly rotates. However, when the speed of rotation slows, the hum disappears and the top begins to wobble. That speed of rotation is like the third dimension, which is filled with much "wobbling" and not much "humming." It is wonderful that you, our ascending ones, have learned to love your lower frequency perceptions. In fact, it is this ability to love that which is so limiting that has greatly assisted your full awakening.

However, NOW you are free to believe what you knew as a child. Yes, auras are real. The Beings who hover around and just above you are real. The messages that you receive in your heart from these Beings are real, as well as the thoughts and emotions that you feel emanating from other humans. Yes, Gaia is an alive being and ALL Her plants and animals can communicate with you via the very imagination that was so maligned in your childhood. You are now adults. In fact, you are multidimensional adults who are gradually moving your attention further and further up the spectrum of vibrational realities.

As you move through life you forget what you have experienced so that you can focus on where you are and where you are going. Now your life will be much longer than you could ever imagine, and your aging is reversing. Your physical form may or may not reveal this reverse aging, as it will soon be replaced with a higher frequency version. Therefore, focus on the ever-expanding version of your SELF rather than the container that is quickly becoming obsolete.

You are all like hermit crabs that have outgrown your shell and are now looking for a new one. To find this new shell look up into higher frequencies. Your consciousness has outgrown your earth vessel and is ready to update into a new model of "form." Your Multidimensional Operating System has the ability to perceive and interact with many versions of reality within the same NOW. YOU are not your form any more than you are your clothes. Your form is just the "ship" that docks you into the Port that you are presently experiencing. You have many ships, which are simultaneously visiting many ports. Enjoy your new reality, for it is expanding with every moment.

A Message From the Mother

Twenty-six thousand years ago, I, your Mother Earth, was in front of the Galactic center, just as we are today. However, then I didn't have the added boast of the many other cycles that are closing now to assist me with my/our ascension. Furthermore, my humans were too young and had not learned all the necessary lessons to be able to awaken in the manner that you have now. Yes, in many ways my world was more evolved, but we were not ready for ascension.

My humans and my planetary body had to fall into the great depths of darkness from which we are now arising in order to have the maturity and the tenacity to focus our consciousness in the extremely disciplined manner that is necessary for a Planetary Ascension. Twenty-six thousand years ago I, Gaia, was also too young. I was not ready to release my form into the ONE, and my inhabitants were not ready to end their game of physicality.

However, after the long dark night, which we have survived, releasing our physicality is a joyful thought. The Game of being physical has not been very enjoyable for millennia, and the last millennia has been abhorrent to our pristine Spirits. Dear human ones, you can release the Game now and return to your true SELF. The process of ascension has begun and at long last we, person and planet, are returning to the higher expressions of our human and planetary SELF.

Nonetheless, we are not leaving our physical world; we are transmuting it into its higher and original frequency of the fifth dimension and beyond. Do you remember, dear humans how we chose to band together to create the form of my physical Earth body many millions of years ago? Some of you chose to be components of my earthen form, whereas others chose to live within my form, on my surface, in my waters and/or in my atmosphere.

Our Planetary Beginnings
We started our Earth lives at a fifth dimensional frequency, which gradually lowered into an upper fourth dimensional frequency. Our reality resonated at that frequency for millions of years. Many civilizations made a home on my body. Among them were the Arcturians, the Annuki, the Draconians, the Sirians, the Pleiadians, the Andromedans, the Antarians and many more. These early civilizations made the same mistakes that you, my humans, have made, but these civilizations eventually grew up and moved off my Earth. They became adults. Again and again, my children grew up and left me, usually leaving me alone to restore my form.

Now, I have become a great, great, great... grandmother. I have raised many civilizations and watched as they moved away to create their own lives. As many of my older humans know, it is more difficult to restore yourself as a grandmother than it was as a young person. I, Gaia, am a person too. I have a different body than you, but I am the sentient upon which many of you have experienced many incarnations. Now my body has become too limiting for me, just as your clay vehicles have become too limiting for you.

I, your Mother Earth, am now ready to be free of the dark polarity that incessantly pulls me off my Center. Besides that, I am tired of being a polarized planet and am ready to become a unified, fifth-dimensional Star. However, I am still your Mother, and I do not want to abandon you, my children. My plant and animal kingdoms are ready to transmute back into their original crystalline form. However, many of my humans are still asleep. Some of them have even become so dark that they will not be able to transmute themselves within their present incarnation.

My Lost Children
However, being a Mother, I don't want to give up on any of you. Therefore, I have called every civilization that has ever lived and evolved on my body to come home to assist you, my human children. Actually, you are their descendants and have learned many of your errant ways from your ancestors. However, the main limitation that the lost ones among you have is that some of you are still addicted to the polarities of the third dimension. These lost ones want to experience the highs that make them feel good, which result in a circle down into the lows that make them feel bad. In this manner, the polarities of good/bad, love/fear and light/dark continue.

In order for these lost children to free themselves of this addiction, they must release the roller coaster of their emotional highs cycling down into emotional lows and back up into their original emotional high. Dear children of my heart, I ask that you surrender the excitement and challenge of polarities so that you can stay in the comfort of peace and calm. Once the need for peace and calm settles in, you will no longer need to seek the high, which eventually drop into the lows.

It is then, dear children, that your roller coaster will gradually grind to an easy slope on which you can relax long enough to find and maintain your Core. Your Core is the center place in-between the highs and lows. Within the Core, you can feel safe enough to begin your process of transmutation. I, your mother Gaia, have been replacing my third dimensional carbon matrix with my fifth dimensional crystalline matrix so that I can align my physical Earth with my higher expression of New Earth. Many of my ascending children are doing the same.

Dear lost children of my body, I ask that you follow these ascending ones and turn your attention towards your multidimensional perceptions. Where your attention is, there you are also. Thus, when you focus your attention on your multidimensional abilities they will expand exponentially. Among these abilities is your return to multidimensional thinking and unconditional love. During your process of fully returning to your higher expression of SELF, you will remember that YOU are ALL the human representatives of OUR Planetary SELF.

Fortunately, there is no hurry for multidimensional thinking and unconditional love resonate to the NOW of the ONE. Therefore, there are no deadlines or rushes to the finish line. New Earth is HERE-NOW. I know, for I have pulled New Earth into my aura. As your loving mother, I share this aura with you, my human children. Hence all you need to DO is to remember to perceive that WE, persons and planet, are Home NOW!

Gaia, your Earth Mother


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Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. There is so much I want to tell you, but again, we start softly. We honor the energy in the room. We create a bubble around us of wisdom, so those who wish to hear will do so. We speak to many, not just those in the room. I want you to honor this moment, for it's for you. This is not idle information. This information has a profound, Human stamp on it. It means that whatever I'm telling you, you have created. I'm aware that this message is being given in two languages [Spanish and English]. The information is complex, yet simple. So we need you to listen to understand concepts prepared in advance for you by those on this side of the veil who know who you are.

There is a shift going on in this planet. If you are indeed an old soul, it is affecting you, and each of you has a different affectation. That is to say, each one of you will have a different way of responding to the energy. Old souls have something very interesting. They may be old souls, but that means that each of them has a vastly different experience of lives. So each of you is going to react separately and uniquely to the energy of the planet's shift. However, all of you are feeling something interesting. It's an enhancement of your wisdom and knowledge, and the feeling that the energy on the planet is moving in a direction that is toward your consciousness and not away from it.

This is the fourth channel in a series called "The Recalibration of Humanity." We've talked about how Humans are recalibrating, how Gaia is recalibrating and even how your DNA is recalibrating. Now there's one that you didn't expect - how the Universe is recalibrating. It's a difficult premise that I bring forward to you today, for it has concepts outside of three dimensions. And so I will go slow.

We start with the very predictions of the energy you are in. Let us say that you have a racetrack with cars on it. Picture a track that is very large... really large. Let us say that it takes years for the drivers to race around the track. They get tired. Sometimes they will get out of the car and put a new driver in. Sometimes the new driver will get tired and the older driver will come back and get in again. So the race cars are filled with some experienced drivers and some not. As they go around the track, it might take them years to go around just one time.

Let us say that there is a difficult portion of the track, one that is filled with holes. Some don't see them and the newest drivers fall into the holes. The older drivers know to go around. Now in your three-dimensional perception, it is not difficult for you to imagine such a thing. But this is a metaphor of time.

The track represents your 3D concept of time, except you think it is a straight road. It is not. It is in a circle. Unaware of the circle, now pretend for a moment you're one of the drivers in the cars. Also, let us say that you've been around the track many times. The new driver may think the track is straight and unending, for it disappears into the horizon. But as the old soul, you know that the track is really huge and the curve just can't be seen, much like the curvature of the earth. So as an old soul driver, you know where the difficult places in the track are. You also realize in this metaphor that as you drive forward and look out the front of your car, you are looking at a future and the past at the same time. This is one of the premises that a three-dimensional mind cannot grasp - that as you change the future, you are also driving over and changing the past. That premise alone explains how the predictions for 2012 can happen at all.

But 2012 is simply one of the difficult places in the track, and the ancients knew it was coming. They could prophecy a problem ahead on the track because it's part of the circle. It's well known in time, and those who might give a name to it would call it fractal time. In past Human history, some of the difficult parts had actually created the termination of humanity. Some have resulted in a start-over of humanity. The energy that you are in now had a duality in its potential. You could have started over or you could start something the planet had never seen before.

Twenty-two years ago, we told you this: "Get ready for shift," we said. "Get ready for the weather to change," we said. Those things have now come about. They came about not because Kryon or the prophets said they would, but instead because of old souls who saw the difficulty coming. They had gone around the circle of time before and knew where the issues were. It was "known" territory.

The most difficult thing I can tell you for you to conceive of is this: As you steer around these difficulties and move forward on the track, you change the energy of the entire track. Therefore, you change the past as you move toward the future. This is not an easy concept to understand; however, it explains so much to the linear mind of how these things can be. For in your 3D perception, you believe that your experience in the future is going to be a product of what took place in the past. You only go in one direction and your expectations alone are in a straight line. All you have is your experience in the past - and it's not good enough.

As you change the track, you change the rules of the track. So what I wish to say that is simplified is that there is a new paradigm ahead of you. Old souls will see it first, and they will plant the seeds for the rest of humanity. The young people will see it, for they have it in their Akashic inheritance. Slowly, Human nature itself will change and move into a new way of thinking where you're not guided only by the experience of things that took place in what you think is your past. It's an amazing potential. You are not the only planet who has experienced this. However, you are the only planet in your galaxy that is experiencing it now.
The Bigger Picture

Now I'm going to say things that are esoterically unbelievable. Your galaxy knows what's happening here on Earth. I'm not talking about life forms in your galaxy. I'm talking about the very physics of what you think lays there as the "rules." The Universe is cooperating with your shift - expected it - for this is why you came.

Now it gets difficult to explain. You think physics is simply the rules of the way things work? Let me ask you a question: How do you explain what astronomers have named "intelligent design"? Against all odds, the Universe was created for life. Physics is supposed to be random, following rules that are random. Yet it didn't happen that way. The better the instruments got of the astronomer, the more they realized there had to be intelligence in the design. How do you explain that? All they know is the math. What you see before you, which you call your galaxy, is equivalent to rolling a six on the dice 10,000 times in a row! And it makes no sense, since it isn't random and it doesn't follow the bell-shaped curve of nature. That is why they are saying what they are saying.

There had to be a guiding force of creation. Does that change your mind about physics or about what you see before you? So I will start to tell you how actual physics is beginning to cooperate with you. This time fractal has been known for a long time, and you could have gone many ways. In other words, you had many potentials of consciousness. Look at the prophecies of the ancients. They said you were going to have a world war. They said you were going to have termination. Many spiritual systems called for the end of the world where your souls would be collected. Many systems would have you believe a certain way so that you would be prepared and none of those things happened. Does that tell you a little bit about the shift before you? A different paradigm of thinking is coming. These paradigms will deal with problems you have that are currently seen as "unsolvable". So let us start with some unbelievable things.
The Magnetics of the Solar System

Now, my partner, I want you to go slow for both yourself and the translator. Twenty-two years ago, we told you the magnetic field of the earth was critical to your consciousness. Magnetics is a quantum energy. So is gravity, and so is light. You are surrounded by a quantum field, and that is the magnetic field of the earth. We said if Human consciousness is going to change, magnetics will change. It has to. It has to be a complement to what you are doing. It has to posture itself to receive what you are doing. How can the consciousness of this planet expand when the magnetics stay the same? It can't. So the magnetics must move.

So it started with an actual shift of the magnetic lay lines of your planet, and that's now recorded history and something I predicted more than 20 years ago. Now your compasses show you that all I spoke about is now here. Your magnetics has moved greatly since 1989.

Now, there has to be more. What else do you think could change the magnetics of your entire planet? It has to recalibrate, and in order for it to do so, it's going to need help. Your solar system is the engine of magnetic change for this planet. If you know anything about how the solar system works and the energies of it, then this will start to make sense.

In your solar system, the core is the sun. It sends out what is called the solar wind, which is almost entirely magnetic. It's a magnetic energy that literally blasts out from the sun and contains only what was generated from the sun. That magnetic energy has a name - the heliosphere. It "blows" that magnetic wind against the magnetics of your own earth, and that changes your planet.

For if the energy is always the same on Earth, then very little will ever change. For those who wish to get technical, you might say the magnetics of the sun blows against the magnetics of the earth and you will have two interacting magnetic fields. This creates something called inductance, which is a mystery to science. It's the "soup" of overlapping magnetic fields that allows for energy exchange of information and amplification without a power source. It's well used on Earth, but the attributes are seen as mysterious.

So here's what's going to happen. Watch for changes in your sun. You may call them solar storms, but they're just a recalibration for you, and they will worry you. This is because there are many sensitive electronics on and around the planet, and these instruments will react. You count on the magnetic field of your planet to remain the same, but it can't remain the same when there is a giant solar storm happening. Certain kinds of communications will be disrupted. Perhaps even the power grid could be interrupted.

Watch the sun, for it is in the process of shift. It is happening through intelligent design, the love of God and the Creator, changing things for your consciousness. It is a new way of thinking that is developing, literally touching the very DNA field of each Human. This changes the information within the DNA and allows the Human Being to capture and enhance attributes of a new reality it never had before.

Now I get even more physical: Something has been on the way for a very long time. The magnetics of your solar system itself is changing. So here's the challenge: Go find that fact. You'll see it, literally, as your solar system moves through space. It intersects certain attributes of space and this is changing some of the magnetics, which then becomes different from the way they ever were before. This then changes the sun. Do you see the cycle? One enhances the other in a fractal of circular reality. Your movement around the center changes your solar system. The solar system's new position changes the sun's attributes. The sun's attributes are sent to the planet via the heliosphere and this affects your DNA.

Now, the intellectuals will say, "Well, this does not make sense. Those processes ready to impact the earth have been on the way for eons, ready to intersect your solar system. So they haven't 'just happened.' In other words, this would have happened no matter what. It didn't matter if you were in a consciousness shift or not."

I accept this argument, but with explanation. Let us say in the 1600s, there was a spaceship that came by the planet broadcasting music, a radio transmission of music to the planet. Now let me ask you this: Was the transmission real? Yes, I just told you it was. Was the music beautiful and real? Yes. Had the spaceship been on its way for a long time? Yes. How many people on the planet heard the music? And the answer is: None of them! This is because the radio receiver had not been invented yet.

But in this example, the spaceship had always been on its way. Do you see the metaphor? The magnetic changes would have happened anyway, but if the earth had not been ready, then no person would have heard any music. There would be no reaction and Humans would be the same as they always have, if there even would be Humans at all - for some say that you were on your way to destroying yourselves yet again.

You are changing the past by changing the future. You are rearranging the energy of your solar system and also something else. This is hard for you to conceive, dear ones, but we give it to you anyway: Very, very far away from you, things are changing. You don't believe it because they're too far away for you to consider, and in three dimensions, things that are far away are not part of your bubble of reality. However, they're in a quantum state with you.

The entire galaxy revolves as one plate, in a very counter-intuitive way. The stars and the constellations do not orbit within the rules of Newtonian physics that you are used to seeing all around you in your own solar system. For the stars and clusters in your galaxy, distance from the center does not matter. All the stars rotate as one. This is because the galaxy is entangled with the middle of itself. In that state, there is no time or distance. The change of consciousness on this planet has changed the center of the galaxy. This is because what happens here, dear one, is "known" by the center.

It's interesting to us what your reaction to all this is scientifically. You saw that the "creative event" of your Universe is missing some energy in order for it to have formed as it did. In addition, the unusual way the galaxy rotates, as I just stated, was also noted. So you have calculated that for all this to be in place, there has to be missing 3D matter, and you have given it a name - dark matter. How funny! Did you ever think that there could be a multidimensional effect going on that you now can observe and calculate - that has immense power, but can't be seen? It's not "matter" at all and it's not 3D. It's quantum energy.

Let me tell you something about physics. Yet again, I'll make it simple. Everything your scientists have seen in physics happens in pairs. At the moment, there are four laws of physics in your three-dimensional paradigm. They represent two pairs of energy types. Eventually, there will be six. At the center of your galaxy is what you call a black hole, but it is not a single thing. It is a duality. There is no such thing as "singularity". You might say it's one energy with two parts - a weak and a strong quantum force. And the strangest thing is it knows who you are. It is the creator engine. It's different in other galaxies than this one. It's unique.

The very physics of your galaxy is postured by what you do here. The astronomers can look into the cosmos and they will discover different physics in different galaxies. Could it be that there's something going on in the other galaxies like this one? I'm not going to answer that.
Different Thinking

Dear Human Being, this is bigger than you think. Old soul, this is bigger than you think. This is why we plead for you to stay on this planet and to change your cellular structure, to mine your Akash and start looking inside. In other words, do not take the past and project it to your future reality, for you are able to do things now that you were never able to do before. Gaia is cooperating. The Universe is cooperating and Lightworkers are moving into a manifestation paradigm.

Personally for your own body, many of you are getting younger instead of older. You are creating solutions to problems you thought were unsolvable. You were told today that your population is expanding at a rate of at least a billion souls every decade. So what does your past tell you the problem will be? It will be global explosion of humanity. The result, you feel, will be lack of food and water, overcrowding and starvation. That is what your past tells you will happen.

Let me tell you what the assumption is, dear Human Being. The assumption to create this conclusion is that Human Beings are simply too dense to notice it and have no idea what to do to change it. That's the old perception, based on an old Human nature. Watch what happens. Watch...what...happens. You're going to figure it out and there will be elegant solutions to unsolvable problems of the past.

In almost every field of science, this is coming. It will help Human Beings live longer and healthier without war. There'll come a time when there won't even be terrorism, dear ones. Oh, there will be unbalance, Human Being. That comes with life. But not country against country, not spiritual group against spiritual group.

This is what you are planting seeds for now, and the Universe knows who you are. Your galaxy resounds with your victory! Death has no sting. I will tell you this: You're all involved for eons to come here. Old souls are starting to manifest the new reality. I have no clock. I cannot tell you how long this is going to take. But you've had 18 earth years to make a big difference, for that is the energy we see.
Recalibration of Systems and New Sight

By the way, what happens to the solar system when the magnetics shift? Now you start to see where astrology will begin to shift as well. There are those who will start to apply the quantum filter to astrology. It's happening now. What is your quantum sign? It's different than the three-dimensional sign. Oh, there'll come a day, dear ones, in science, where the scientists will be able to apply what I will call a quantum filter to alter what they see. This will be a filter developed for telescopes that involves a super-cooling of the filter itself. Astronomers will be able to look out into the cosmos and, for the first time, see quantum attributes.

The first thing they'll notice is two things in the center of the galaxy, not one. The next thing will be the colors around the Human Being. And science will start a whole new section called "The Study of the Human Auric Energy." All of these are coming.

How long will all this take? That is up to you. Meanwhile, plant the seeds of understanding, of peacefulness, of appreciation and of love. Become slow to anger, slow to create drama. Take on the attributes of the masters, and that is what your abilities are changing to right now. Soften in all things. Look at each other differently.

There'll come a time when there's no war. Those in this room and those listening will know I'm right. Watch for these things in your science. When they happen, remember this day when I told you how it really works.

Blessed is the Human Being who has understood this message as personal for themselves, not about the cosmos. It's about the inner being and the journey of the soul - and the Universe within.

And so it is.


The information is free and available for you to print out, copy and distribute as you wish. Its Copyright, however, prohibits its sale in any form except by the publisher.

Lee Carroll

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ARCTURIAN TEACHINGS: Group Mind Connections ~ IMPORTANT! This file was amended updated 3.28.2012 For the last several years Jefferson Viscardi, PhD, who lives in Brazil and I have been meeting on Skype to work on this book. Jefferson has been asking the Arcturians question, and I have been channeling the answer. We have greatly enjoyed this project and hope that you enjoy it, as well. If you have downloaded and/or read this in the past, you might want to do so again!
FREE Download

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The Vision alignment project

The Vision Alignment Project

A Vision for Humanity

It is our Intention that we are seeing Humanity in its Highest Light. Accordingly, we intend and envision a world where our children, no matter where they live, are nurtured and cared for as if they were the most precious gems on the planet - for, indeed, they are;

where the elderly are treated with dignity and the honoring they deserve as their right of birth in this world;

where the sick are comforted and healed, the discouraged find new heart, the downtrodden find new strength, the lonely are befriended, and the lost find their way home;

where our leaders are true leaders, worthy of their position, where our teachers prepare others to respect all of life; and where our businesspeople, everywhere, have taken a stand, firm and strong, for the Highest Good;

where soldiers and fighters are a thing of the past because all of Humanity has finally, without any equivocation whatsoever, seen that fighting and violence have never given them the results they were looking for.

We see a world where all debt has been forgiven and we have started over with a new system of exchange that insures equality and a high standard of living for all people everywhere;

and where, as true stewards of the Earth, we have risen up and out of our old ways into the light of a new day where people - each and every one of us - is helping, honoring, loving, and caring, deeply, for everyone else.

That is our Intention, for the Highest Good of All!

As you line up with this Vision, it becomes your Vision too!
You can align with this Vision
by double-clicking the "YES!" Button below.

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Weaving Your Garment of Light



              “Your religion is not the thoughts and beliefs in which you enclose yourself,
                           but the garment of light you weave around your heart.
            Discover who you are, behind those outer trappings, and you will discover who
                                       Jesus was, and Buddha, and Krishna.
            For the masters come to earth for the purpose of holding up to every man a
                                    reflection of his deeper, eternal Self.”
                                                                                          —Paramhansa Yogananda

             “In the divine plan, Jesus Christ was responsible for the evolution of the West, and
               Kishna (later, Babaji), for that of the East. It was intended that the West specialize
               in developing objectively, through logic and reason, and that the East specialize in inner,
               intuitive development. But in the cosmic plan the time has come to combine these two
               lines into one. East and West must unite.”
                                                                     —Paramhansa Yogananda, Autobiography of a Yogi


    In 1920, Yogananda came to America, not to “dogmatize you with a new theology,” as he
    later told his students, but “to teach you how to commune with God directly.”
    He lectured to hundreds of thousands across the country. His Autobiography of a Yogi,
    first published in 1946, has become one of the most well-loved spiritual books of the last
    century, and a classic of religious literature. He was devoted to helping unite East and West
    by bringing the original teachings of yoga to the West, and showing their underlying unity
    with the original teachings of Christ.
    He advocated the founding of what he called “world-brotherhood colonies” where people
    could live together in spiritually supportive communities.

    Yogananda means “Divine Bliss through Yoga” (union with God).
    Paramhansa, a title given to him by his guru, Sri Yukteswar, means “highest swan.”
    In Indian philosophy, the the white swan, or hansa, is said to have the power of extracting
    only milk (wisdom, enlightenment) from a mixture of milk and water (the mundane world),
    and is a symbol of spiritual discrimination.

         Sri Yukteswar (1855-1935)
    “He fitted the Vedic definition of a man of God. ‘Softer than the flower where kindness is
     concerned’ stronger than thunder, where principles are at stake.’ He taught by sublimity
     of example alone the true measure of a man.”
                                                              —Paramhansa Yogananda, Autobiography of a Yogi


                         " Love is the light that dissolves all walls between souls, families and nations."

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I, dear ones, am Sanat Kumara and I speak to you with great love and with great resonance--for Venus, my home planet is near to you on Earth and the empowerment of this transmission is greatly amplified by this presence, so resonant and infusing of my own energies.

Transmissions such as these empower you. They empower you because they validate your innate sense of your true nature, and they illuminate pathways of realizing this, noticing this, remembering this, so you might come forth into fullness in this lifetime, as you intended. Aho!

Thank you, first of all, for this opportunity to share and to connect with you.

I am so appreciative of you, in all your glory and in all your worldly experiences of the challenges of this great experiment on Earth. We knew in creating this experiment and particularly when it went awry--when bacteria entered this sphere via a meteor--that this experiment was by far the greatest gauntlet we had yet created. Yet the reward and the promise of this sphere is magnificent and I, like you, soar when I consider this magnificence. And so with this devotion to the ultimate aspiration of human life, we are completely in sync, in harmony and in devotion.

I say this so that you might see that I am just like you--a light of the light of lights, who shines forth in various spheres with the intention of expanding our experience and growing, stretching, my own abilities to remember and manifest in form. So we have that in common dear ones--this desire to evolve!!! Such a joy it is! And it is from this shared passion that I come to you today to connect, to talk to share what I am observing and to encourage you and also to celebrate you.

Do you realize all that you are? I know that we say this to you--we beyond the Earth's plane--and yet, I say to you my dearest friends, do you really hear us? Feel it? Claim your victory?

Life on Earth is an incredible experiment with vast implications for all of life. We did not know if what we intended was possible. We have had many false starts on the road to this ultimate destination of embodied remembering and the ascending arc of returning to Oneness together. Yet here we are, in this amazing year of 2012, when the galactic precession of the Equinoxes and the Solstices have built incredible momentum as they mark the many layers of this cosmic alignment coming into fullness…and we are in excellent position! Together! All of us! To achieve the great victory of Oneness.


I pause here now because this is stuff you know. This is stuff you think about, you have perhaps read and I dare say, that you believe in your heart of hearts. But I wish to talk with you about the experiences you are having now and what they mean and why they are happening and what the purpose of of them is, how you can harmonize with them and also bring forth your own intent in living them with grace.

You are gradually integrating incredibly vast streams of diverse experience!!!

Do you realize this?

Seriously, do you realize this.

Please take a big pause right now and sit with this statement and check in with yourself to see if you resonate with this. If you understand on some very deep level what it is that I am saying. This discernment on your part is essential to our communication so do not dismiss this dear one. Truly take time to check-in with you.


You have from within the All-That-Is existed as form and non-form in many domains of experience. Me too--we've all done this. It is the nature of being. And yet, what is happening now to those of you who are on Earth and are awakening, is that all of these streams of your being are coming on-line; surfacing gradually within the awareness of your human consciousness. As, of course, you are able to handle them, are vibrationally compatible with them. So as you access frequencies that correspond to many dimensions, are inclusive of many dimensions--9, 10, 11, 12th dimensions even--then these streams flow into awareness in your form-based experience. And it is THIS, this ultimate reunion which is facilitating the deepest, most profound experience of Oneness that we have ever collectively created!!

This is the ultimate purpose for your presence here. It underpins everything that you create, experience, are drawn toward and understand as true.

So my precious friend, well done! You are realizing in your own experience the threads of consciousness re-weaving into wholeness! And because we are simply extension of you, WE ARE REALIZING UNITY IN FORM as never before!!!

Can I say this exuberantly enough to get you to pause and say, "WOW!!! That is what I'm doing?? !! Yes! I see now. Oh--that feels so right and wow! The Universe speaks to me in deep knowing of my true beauty and my light and the benefit to All-That-Is that I AM!"

If so, then my conversation with you today has been successfully transmitted. If you doubt me, then I have failed my friends, not you, I have failed to find the way to say this, to share this, to speak your language so that you might feel this. For there is no doubt this is true.

To harmonize with this, it is useful and ultimately essential that you perceive that you are in fact doing this. As different streams of remembering, as different senses of who you are and who you've been, as layers of healing takes places and brings you into wholeness, as you claim all your lineages consciously and welcome them all regardless of discrete knowing you are creating this.

And, as an extension of you, my lovely friends I am here to hopefully make you aware: it is in your conscious awareness that we experience this, as might be called vicariously, but truly is simply a function of our Oneness. So as you believe in this incredibly complex soulful reality underpinning your experience, you allow our reality to enter your sphere and for us to share in this reunion with you and this is our deepest hope, collectively and as One.

For all that you are, there is nothing here for you but enthusiastic appreciation and awe!

And so, beautiful light of lights expressed in love and form. Claim all of this as your collective-own. With each of you from darkness to light we commence in the great dance of Union. And we are, infinitely endlessly INSPIRED.

As One, I AM Sanat Kumara

© 2009-2012, Meredith Murphy, Expect Wonderful | Modern Paradise Publications

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Greetings dear ones for I Am Kryon of Magnetic Service.

It’s wonderful to be here with you all this night, this very night. There is much love and much change in the air and the new world is just around the corner. In this room you are all healers and you will become very important overnight, at the end of the year, many many changes are coming to this planet; we’ve already spoken about financial systems, but many many systems will begin to be under a lot of pressure. Approximately ten percent of the people now are waking up; to awaken the human race from its deep slumber takes time. Most people are just listening to the news and watching the TV and believing whatever they’re told. The human race has to change its consciousness; you are living in a world, some people like to call this world “behind the veil”, but there is no veil.

The human race has been lied to for many many years now, on many different levels. There is one God and at the same time there are many aspects of the one God. There is one Universe, that’s what Universe means, but there are different aspects of the universe. You are living in a solar system within the Universe, and this solar system reflects you. We’re constantly telling you this: that the sun will be like the father, and the father’s mother and father, and the father’s grandparents. And the rest of the planets and the rest of the solar system will be different aspects of your father’s family. Planet Mars will be the energy of war and Mother Earth is the mother in your mother’s family constellation. It has been like this since the very beginning of time, nothing has changed.

Those who lead you have led you to believe that they lead you but they really rule you; and these that rule you are actually unconscious, they’ve never grown up, they’re still in their wounded child. That is why the problems on this earth just go on and on and on. It is the mentality of a child that is running your governments, your military, and that’s teaching your children. Every aspect of the hierarchy of this planet is reflected by the wounded child.

The days have gone where the elders, those who were whole and conscious, led their tribe. There is no respect anymore for those who are whole and conscious. The consciousness of this planet has been driven to the lowest levels and the consciousness is going no lower. There will be a polar shift on the 21st of December 2012. The polar shift will be on an individual basis; you’ll be shifting from negative to positive, and the love will begin to flow. There will even be love for your politicians and bankers. Everything is going to begin to change.

It depends very much on humanity itself as to how long it will take. Of course, those in power will want to hang on to their power, but slowly and surely they’re also being made conscious. The hierarchies in the child will also be healing and the earth plane will once again be led by loving, conscious, men and women. They will not have either need or greed inside their hearts; they will have only love in their hearts, and they will love you, and they will take decisions based on love.

This is a process of awakening and this has never happened before. Those of you in this room and for those of you who read this channelling have all lived lifetimes where you were whole and complete, and where you have ascended to Christ consciousness. Christ consciousness is the energy of the new world. That means you will be creating out of love, constantly creating out of positive energy, whereas in the past it has been the opposite, it has been mostly negative; your governments and your leaders have done everything possible to maintain these low levels of consciousness.

The easiest way to keep the world unconscious is through war; it disconnects the men from their fathers, from their families, and people get hurt, even if you’re on the winning side you get hurt. The day you sign the forms to say you’ve joined the army, on that day you lose consciousness, you disconnect from the loving God and you connect to the dark side. No matter how pure your intents are, war belongs to the evil. The military is evil; it is the lowest level of consciousness. There are many other ways to solve a problem than through war, and each individual is responsible for joining an army, especially armies that create pre-emptive strikes on sovereign nations. This creates great karma; the higher the rank you have in the military, the more karma you will create for yourself; you will create karma and you will live many lifetimes without love. This is the greatest cause of all karma; it says quite clearly in the Bible… an eye for an eye, a life for a life, a tooth for a tooth. So the greater the wrong that you do in this lifetime the more you will pay in other lifetimes.

The new world is coming dear ones, and as we move through into the new world karma will be voided. This will be a very difficult shift for many people. The top one percent of the population, the so-called elite, the ones that have all the money, they will not want to let this go. Money will dissolve in value, money will become almost obsolete, you’ll be able to create your own reality without needing money. The more whole and complete you are, the easier the shifting to this new world will be.

You have much homework to do. You have all been seduced into believing that the material world is more important than your inner world. It is completely the opposite, the inner world is the most important. When you are whole and complete and in harmony you create love and harmony in your life; you create the life of your dreams. When we say that your karma will be voided; there have to be lessons that are learned, when you learn your lessons your karma will be voided, and this will be a process for people to come to a new level of conscious. For some people consciousness will be automatic, for others they will have to work through their karma. This sounds contradictory but there is a band of time where the new world will leave the old world, and that period of time is for your karma to be worked though and voided.

Certain soul groups need to learn certain lessons. And those that manage to work through their karma in the old energies, it is your duty and your responsibility to make these other ones conscious. The military will be disbanded, this will also take time. This is a time of great learning and of great understanding. It is a time where new consciousness will pervade the earth, and it is also a time where those native and indigenous peoples who lost their land, their lands will be returned to them and they will also have a different consciousness.

There are many many changes coming to this earth and the love is here to flow. All of this will be done with love, completely the opposite to the dark side, and the love will flow through the hearts of all men and all women, and you will all be fully connected to Mother Earth and to Father Sky, and the consciousness of this planet will change completely. This is why there are so many people here on this earth; to witness this new event. Everything will go smoothly… the shifts will be as gentle as possible… the energy of love will flow. The energy of love is not what you think it is, for your intelligence will mix with the energies of love and the answers to the problems of humanity will be answered in a very different way. There is a big difference between intelligence without love and intelligence with love.

Around the world people’s upper heart chakra is awakening and this heart chakra will support the shift of consciousness and this move from negativity to positivity. We have said in these channellings that 144,000 people will move from negative energy to positive energy on the 21st day of December 2012. There are a few of you in this room that this will happen to, and the more whole and complete you are the easier it will be. The ones who this happens to have been doing a lot of inner work over a lot of time, and you’re already prepared for this, and around the world you all understand how to heal and what to heal. Only a few years ago healing was like a lottery. The more that you have healed yourselves and worked on yourselves, the more you know how healing works and you have all been a great credit to yourselves; the light workers are ready for the shift to happen.

The governments of the world are not ready; they don’t know what to expect and even if they did, they wouldn’t know how to deal with it. It is for you who are light workers to be prepared to help these people to go through to the new energies. And as we said earlier, it will be very difficult for powerful people to let go of what they own and what they’ve made. Slowly but surely the consciousness of this planet will begin to rise, and the consciousness will rise exponentially. In the beginning it’s a few, but as time goes by, consciousness will expand very rapidly, and the earth plane will become a very different place. All manifestation will be through love.

And it will become a loving world, a world where love is the answer; the human race will become much softer and gentler. And you will be in receiving mode; being able to receive love and receiving all those things that you dream of. This requires softness and gentleness; and as the inner father returns and you connect to the universe, then your mother will move into that motherly role and you’ll be connected to Mother Earth. The earth plane will be treated with love and respect during these times and with this energy.

The new world is coming, dear ones. This is what you’ve all been waiting for. Those of you who have done a lot of inner work, you will be getting closer and closer to becoming whole and complete and you will feel very different about yourselves, and you will begin to see that you are releasing your negative programming and becoming more positive and more light as time has gone by. And the lighter you become, the lighter you will become. And that is what light is, love and light they are the same thing. You will create a world of love and light; the more light there is on the inside of you, the less darkness there will be, until one day you are all light and no dark. There will only be a memory of the darkness. It’s as simple as that. The sun and the moon the stars and the planets, they are all moving into their perfect place for the energies to shift and change. Don’t waste your time in the material world; it is now time to put as much energy as possible into the inner world, just filling yourself with as much light as possible and allowing the love to flow. Where the love won’t flow, that is a dark place.

Step by step of the way, you will find your way into this new world. Follow your intuition not your intellect. The more and more you do this inner work, your head and your heart will connect, they will merge and flow together. There will come a time when you have to follow your heart and that time is getting very near. In the last months before the shift, spend much time listening to your heart, healing your heart and being with your heart. Your heart will lead you to the right place. Try to do as little as possible, but bring yourself to wholeness and to completion. When the planets are in place, then you have the opportunity to make this polar shift, just allow it to happen, go to sleep one day and wake up the next, and your energies will have shifted. The planets are always radiating energies but on the 21st of December 2012, there will be a specific configuration that will allow many people to move through and into the new world.

Those that are fortunate enough to move through; we’ll repeat ourselves, will have the responsibility of teaching the others how to get through to the new world. And anybody that tries to stop this process will face the most severe of consequences. This is a serious warning from Spirit World. The earth plane is going through a shift to a new dimension; this will be a beautiful world for everybody, it is for everybody to allow this world to awaken, supporting each other, loving each other and caring for each other. Those that want to attempt to stop it; you have to remember that you are human too, that you’ve been through an experience and your experiencing being in the hierarchy of this planet. Most people have also had that experience and let it go. It is time for the earth plane to shift into this new energy, into a world filled with love. There are so many special gifts waiting for you in the new dimensions.

So we just ask that you feel what you’re feeling like in this energy, allow the energies to go a little higher, just feel what the energy will feel like on the 21st of December 2012. You are slowly but surely being changed, from unconsciousness into consciousness, you are all awakening. Let the feelings come and let the feelings go. The decision is made in the Spirit World that all of planet earth will move to Christ consciousness. It might take a few years; once that is achieved, there is a new dimension and a new consciousness, and it is also scheduled to happen. You can’t turn the clocks back or stop the planets, the new world is coming.

Go well and God bless, for this Kryon signing out. Thank you all!

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Beloved ones, let Me hold you in the resonance of Love that is so strong that in it you will live each moment in the law of Love, in the oneness of God, not in the experience of duality.

Let Me attune your heart to this vibration that it might sing within you every moment, that you might feel this grand upliftment, this experience of joy in life. Rather than being buffeted with human emotions, you can live in pure delight experiencing truly Heaven on Earth.

Let Me hold you in the resonance of Real Love until all you feel is the heart’s freedom, that you might walk every step in grace and Love can light your way and make the world the shining revelation of the gift of life that it is meant to be every moment.

Let Me attune your hearts to Me that you might feel the truth, that every moment you hear the voice of the Spirit.

Let Me attune your hearts to the miracle that life is, that living on the frequency of Real Love all the beings of pure beauty, all the Angels who hold for Me the great and shining inspiration and devotion to Love, that every part of this grand and glorious communication that Creation is, may be part of the fullness of your life, every moment of every day.

Let Me hold you in this resonance of Love that you may walk in the world feeling pure joy that the path is clear before you for seeing only good and that by the Law of Resonance you are the entraining heart lifting everyone into this vibration that brings them freedom, gives everyone at least a moment’s respite from the dream of duality and becomes the door that opens into unity, that every heart may recognize its truth and all of Creation sing, “Amen.” The prayer of the heart will be fully answered and humankind has the resonance of Love to attune to, walking in the world as you.

Beyond the ego is the purity of the purposes of Love. In every moment a new view is created and a new feeling of joyous anticipation, of excitement to see what Love will bring, and how everything good that you have imagined can come to you multiplied in so many ways that the mind could never hold or even dream.

Beloved ones, come into this ever-present and joyous communion. Feel the truth of all that you are in Me. Recognize that you are already LOVE fully present, shaking off the dust of the old world and stepping into the spectacular and truly glorious full expression of the truth of Love that the heart is.

Let Me fill you with the vibration of joy and endless peace that becomes for you not only a shield but becomes the presence of living Love. In the fullness of this eternal Now Moment, your vibration “parts the waters” of the old world, every step you take is blessed. This is your inheritance, every one of you. This vibration of the heart is who you are and it is easy, beloved ones, to simply receive it…to allow it to attune your heart to the truth you are, that you might step free of the illusion in this Now Moment. No ascending needed. You are already there.

The truth of Love is the truth of Love, now and always and the moment you are ready, I Am here, bringing you full immersion in the true vibration that the heart is. With the vision of Love, dear ones, you find that you can actually see the shifting of the electrons and feel the air around you sing as you breathe. You can watch while everything begins to sparkle and you can feel the beam of Love that you are, expressed, so that the changes that the resonance of Love brings to the world are tangible, are deeply felt and are joyously accepted.

Let Me attune your hearts now to this resonance of Real Love, that where you stand is the Moment of Creation. All the power of Love, all the Light and all the glory is so present where you are that only ecstasy can even begin to express the feeling.

Let Me attune your hearts to the Love you are this moment. Give Me the “Yes” that encompasses your whole being. Then come into the present moment to receive the gift that Love can bring.

You understand the Law of Resonance. Now you can live it. You can allow this Love to wash away the sands of time. You can feel your heart in all its unfettered glory and watch the illusion fall away effortlessly, the illusion that said your heart wasn’t ready… wasn’t open, had some blocks, was holding your old beliefs. Let it all go and let yourself feel the vibration of freedom that right now you are bathed in the beauty and joy that you are.

As you accept that this is the truth of your heart and that how this feels is the feeling you are meant to have about life – that it is a mystery that comes to you bearing gifts of indescribable blessing, that you can walk each and every step in deep trust that Love will be your vision -- your outreach will be your body as the expression of God as perfect life.

You can feel your heart encompass everything that you are near, wrap around whatever holds your focus, pour forth this Love that is the very creation of life and expand your consciousness through the whole of God until you are cause.

You are My Creator’s Love. You are the forces of All That Is being “en-conscious-ed,” for I Am the one Cause, the movement of life, and there is no separation between us. There is only this miracle that encompasses the unity, the hologram and leaps forth in joy as you, each of you, the pure ray of indescribable Love, unique in your facets, in the ways that you shine this grace, this fulfillment of Love expanding.

Oh, beloved ones, let Me have your heart that I may attune it – up and up and up the vibrational scale until you are the song of life. You are the breath of God. You are the miracle of the whole and the expression of the diamond heart with all its facets, one of which is you.

Though words cannot encompass vibrational reality, beloved ones, it is the language of the heart and as you feel it, your whole being says, “Oh, yes…I remember this limitless Love that sings through every electron in this grand being… that speaks as the heartbeat of Twin Flame Love… that wraps itself forever in the womb of Creation, giving birth to more Love that sweeps forth as ecstasy, as divine feeling…and that brings this truth into the world.”

By the Law of Resonance, you are the fullness of God, the heart of Love entraining the world and giving life to the body of God that is humanity.

Beloved ones, let Me attune your hearts to this vibration of Love that is pure life, that is pure Love, that is the full acceptance of all that Creation is, bursting forth to be celebrated here and now as the hologram of life you are.

When you walk in the world, holding this resonance of Love, old thought forms dissolve in your presence, old illusions are gone. The insanity of duality dissolves and in its place is the deepest and sweetest heart-to-heart connection, regardless of what the ego mind might say. Divisions dissolve and the rule of the day is “both/and” – both the wholeness of Love and the individuated expression of divine feeling that you are.

Oh, dearest ones, your hearts are meant to sing this refrain, to sing with such gratitude that the whole of Creation joins in…that you are recognized by your vibrational signature in the realms of God I Am which is all of existence and all of it is a celebration.

Let Me attune your hearts to this Love and I promise you that this vibration will be the magnet that lifts the experience of life into caring and giving, into sharing and loving, into living in peace, into dropping all barriers and all divisiveness. In just one moment, all things can change and that which has appeared to be a world full of strife, can return to the truth of Love, now.

Let Me attune your hearts to the resonance of Real Love and you will see this Love shimmer all around you. You will feel it change the vibration everywhere you go and you will experience the heart’s entrainment of duality, bringing it back to this one expression of joy that I Am.

There is only one life and all divisions are of the mind. The miracle is how beautifully this life is expressed in its diversity, its beauty and its rich creativity which shines forth as all Creation and certainly as humanity.

Oh, dearest ones, your hearts are so magnificent that when you begin to feel this, this living vortex, when you feel the Love you are in every moment, your experience of life is going to be so different. Everything you touch you will feel the “Yes” -- “Yes” to deep communion and to the acknowledgment of Love; “Yes” to all the energy that Creation brings into your heart and into the world in you and as you, that you can be the instrument of Love’s fullness creating the world in beauty.

Can you feel divine Love sing you into being? Can you feel the song of life that is so perfect that each moment’s “Yes” to Love allows this new birth that you might step forth free and whole and perfect with no ideas of past or future, no baggage, no sub-conscious mind, no human identity…only the indescribable pattern of atomic Love that is your heart, your true identity and through which you feel the world and make it holy?

I Am with you in this communion of blessed joy and I Am in you as the Will of Love. I Am the true identity of everyone and everything. I Am indivisible and yet, I Am creativity, every bit of which is expressed as all Creation and every tiny increment is a-wash with Love. Each one is a perfect package of Love’s resonance and the unique perfection that each of you is.

Circle of Light have been given the gift of the Messages from God to bring forth to humanity through Yael and Doug Powell. We hope that you will share these Messages as widely as possible, including to any groups or lists you feel appropriate. We only ask that you retain our identifying information. © 2012 Circle of Light

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Note from Selacia: "As I prepare to offer a series of teachings involving soul connection and personal empowerment, The Council of 12 is speaking to me about the importance of expressing our soul and its gifts in the world. We are here now for a purpose during this important crossroads for humanity and the Earth. It is vital that we discover how to more fully integrate our soul or spirit into everyday life. No one can do this for us, but indeed we have lots of help from spirit and the people who touch our lives. As you read their words, The Council of 12 will provide you with insights and potent energy that can help you to be more connected to your soul, and to express your gifts more fully in the world. They are asking us to trust that there is a higher plan for us and the Earth. They ask us to make ongoing effort to remain in our center and to invite a connection with our soul so it can guide us. The Council of 12 is here to support us in doing these things, and in helping one another. That is how we shift our planet into light."

Throughout your life, your soul has wanted to get your attention. The nudges likely have become stronger in recent times. Right now, in this moment, your soul has a message for you - can you hear it?

If you could hear that message right now, you would know how much you are loved. Regardless of the message, the underlying energy would be unconditional love and support. Your soul or spiritual self is always there, seeking to guide you in taking the most productive steps. You may experience this guidance as a direct message, or an indirect one that shows up through other people and circumstances. Either way, it is real, to be treasured, and to be acted upon.

Not sure who is talking when you perceive an incoming message? To discern this is a skill that is developed over time with training, practice, and dedication. If it's your soul talking, rather than your personality or ego, the messages will be fearless and empowering. Your soul will not warn you of consequences or harshly tell you what to do. Your soul's communications will be without agenda and loving.

Many of the wake-up calls you receive are your soul's way of getting you on track and focused on what's really important. During one of these, it's common to feel disorientation or apathy about work, relationships, or yourself. Your soul is trying to wake you up to the need to change something. Only you can change what needs changing, of course, but your soul will patiently support you in discovering what needs to shift.

Some wake-up calls are more minor - like the need to change how you use your living space or the need to confront your shyness in select situations. Other wake-up calls are more foundational - like the one you receive when you are not fully expressing your gifts in the world.
Your Gifts: Music from Your Soul

You were born to express your gifts. There is music in you, just awaiting expression. What is this music and why is it so important now?

The music is the unique energetic expression of your soul. It manifests as gifts. Only you can express these. Only you can give them to the world. As you connect with and express your gifts, something amazing happens. The light within you expands, bringing an uplifting vibration into your energy field. As this happens, your frequency increases and your light radiates out into the world. This light becomes incorporated into your interactions with others; it provides a radiant spark to your activities.

The sound of your music is soundless from a conventional world view. However, this sound is boundless and vast - heard throughout the cosmos as your divine creative spark. It indeed has tones, from a spiritual perspective, but the sound cannot be detected with human ears.

You can express your music anywhere. It's not about your job, your career, or some other worldly marker. It's an expression of your soul - like a fingerprint, unique to you. The world needs your music, especially right now. The Earth is at a crucial tipping point, with humanity needing to choose a radically different way of life in order to survive.
Encoding of Divine Changemakers

You are, after all, a divine changemaker, alive now to help create a more loving world.

You are encoded at a DNA level to consciously and actively participate in the most astounding revolution of consciousness ever seen. The key is remembering - as you do so, you connect with your gifts and naturally desire to share them in the world.

This is not complicated, but you must do this to be fulfilled and to achieve your purpose of being alive during these auspicious moments.

As you continue the journey of discovering your divine nature, we surround you with our love and blessings. We are The Council of 12.

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12 Cauac, 13 Mac, 8 Manik

Dratzo! We return! Your world continues her shift to a new reality. The planet has moved nearly 2.0 degrees toward the ecliptic as a result of the increasing energies passing through your Sun from the galactic core. These energies are putting mounting pressure on the planetary grids, which also continue to shift. The same galactic core energies are creating conditions on the other water-worlds, which are moving them closer to the solar system’s sacred shift point. This is when your solar system aligns with the rest of your galaxy, allowing the galaxy to significantly alter its basic spiral shape, and permitting our galaxy’s reality grids to come into rhythmic alignment with the 350,000 or so galaxies that form this sector of physicality. We have been instructed by Heaven to increase our level of participation with the galactic Elohim in seeing that these adjustments proceed as decreed by the Creator and by the sacred Seraphim of AEON. This project coincides with the divine intervention now happening on your world.

This divine intervention is approaching a magical point! Currently, we are watching the final steps wherein your world’s reality is transformed from dark to Light. Heaven’s representatives, working in concert with a number of secret sacred societies and many of your Ascended Masters, are ready to roll out a great abundance. This universal prosperity kick-starts great changes in the way your global financial and political systems operate. It is truly to be a year marked by unprecedented and unique change! The most important aspect for us is, of course, a full disclosure by various major governments of our benevolent presence and of our mission here. We are very ready to proceed with the many activities on our agenda, which conclude with those that return you to your natural state of full consciousness. As we speak, certain prerequisite actions are being carried out by designated contingents of the world’s military and associated police groups. They are implementing the final stages of a mass global arrest process which will change your world forever. These arrests herald new governance and new prosperity for all!

This first extraordinary flurry of changes will lead to a series of ever more exciting events. We are working closely with the Agarthans to set up for you an optimum route to galactic society, beginning with many secret technologies which will be introduced to you by your new governments. These same governments will also deliver you from debt and disburse your new abundance. Then it will be time to face, globally, the very real fact of climate change, and this will necessitate totally changing your approach to your precious living planet. The continuing, massive destruction of your home world has to be stopped. New technologies will be made available immediately to sustain your planet and begin the restitution of millennia-long depredations. Our role as mentor includes adding our technologies to yours, and counseling you on ways to address your most pressing global needs. All this you have heard many times before; now the time has come to actually discuss how to carry it all out.

The Agarthans are very well acquainted with you; in fact, they have secretly lived among you for nearly 13 millennia, and therefore their wisdom is most important to us. The Ascended Masters have the sacred task of redressing the many falsehoods and innuendos woven into your religious philosophies by the dark. The truth needs to be voiced frankly yet in such a way that you can perceive the subtlety used by the Anunnaki to distort your religious works. The Masters can set the record straight, providing a basis for a complete recasting of your ancient histories and your myths about humanity’s origins. Also of prime importance is a massive readjustment in how you relate to the magnificent Being you reside upon. Your fall into limited consciousness veiled many things from you, and the road back to full consciousness can transform these mysteries into concepts that will quickly become part of your everyday knowledge of this world and of physicality itself. All of this begins with disclosure.

Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! This week we have been assisting our many associates to prepare several special projects for immediate activation. We have complied in every way with the sacred decrees of Heaven, and it is now accepted that your reality is fully prepared to shift. This shift will begin with a series of arrests and ‘resignations’ of major figures who serve the dark in government, finance, and international banking. This action leads straight away to two others: the deliveries of your prosperity funds by designated personnel, simultaneous with the transfer of political power in several major world governments to new caretaker governments. These two actions lead to a third: the series of official announcements explaining the new banking and financial system, full debt forgiveness, and the restoration of your sovereign rights.

These activities will signal that disclosure is next and is imminent. Regarding this latter issue, another major consideration is to be taken into account: our dear blessed world requires an urgent end to war as threats now exist that are jeopardizing her health. We have asked our Agarthan and galactic families to join us in restoring Gaia to health, but this activity necessitates a large amount of direct, open intervention on our part. Happily, this visible activity is to be authorized by the new caretaker governments, and so the need for the disclosure announcement has been brought forward on the agenda, from an issue to be handled in the second week of the interim governments taking office to one that is fully addressed along with our first announcements. The skullduggery of the dark can and will no longer be allowed. A new epoch for humanity has arrived!

The gist of this message is to assure you that a great deal of work has been accomplished by our associates to replace the dark governance and to distribute an immense global prosperity program. These are only some of the activities that have been planned in order to move you to full consciousness. The coming preliminaries will irrevocably change your world and provide a point of entrance for the Galactic Federation’s first-contact mission. We and our Agarthan sisters and brothers also intend to introduce ourselves to you at that time. While what is to happen can be shocking to you, it is in reality a beginning that will lead you to the blessed joys of full consciousness. Here, you will assist all of Heaven and us in unfolding the divine plan of physicality. These are indeed exiting times that you are witnessing and living through!

Today, we continued our discussion of what is happening on your world. A new golden age for humanity has dawned. The announcements of disclosure by your new governments will permit us to do a number of things that are vital for setting the stage for our mass landings. We await with joy the chance to formally meet with each one of you. Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

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