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Greetings! This is Metatron.

We begin to understand more about our Crystalline Body Structures:

Fire Letters

The Fire Letters are the basis of the Genetic Code for humans, it is stored in your every cell. This electromagnetic energy is ever changing to bring in higher and higher vibratory rates into your body. When you feel as if your cells are speeding up, you feel the shaking in your body, your body is downloading the new genetic codes which are anchoring in your Crystalline Body. Your body is attracting the silicone and other elements including gold which are the basis of the new body template. The Fire Letters may be arranged in different ways as a Code for the body and your DIVINE BLUEPRINT responds to the new organization of letters as a code, as in a hard drive. The holographic representation acts differently, processes information differently. It is from this One anchors in a body which lives off liquid golden light. This coding is what translates Higher Thoughts and Higher Gifts. These Fire Letters are not arranged in a linear fashion. If you view the Fire Letters, it is like looking at a hologram and it is arranged on many levels interdimensionally all at once. Imagine a fractal beginning at the Great Central Sun, Alcyone. This fractal moves out from that point to Sol, our Sun, to Jupiter, To Mercury and to Sirius, as well as all the Planets, Stars and Suns in our local Galaxy. See this spiral fractal growing smaller and piercing the next dimension where it grows bigger, passes through another Sun, collecting FORCE energy, and spiraling smaller again until it reachers Earth. This fractal which extends all the way back through the Planets and Stars and Suns to Alcyone, filled with resplendent light, then come to Earth and comes right into the crystalline body through the crown. This FORCE energy comes into the brain structures where natural DMT (Dimethyltryptamine) is made in the pineal gland. It is here where the Fire Letters are ignited with Force and Love from each Heart Merkaba. The Fire Letters, aside from being formed on many layers at once, also speak in many different languages at once: The Language of Light. This language is heard by the brain, the mitochondria in the cell, the individual atom, the etheric body, the ego mind, the DIVINE BLUEPRINT body, and on and on, each in their own language, transmitting instructions simultaneously and synchronistically which sustain life. By Attuning to HIGHER FIRE LETTER PATTERNS YOU ANCHOR IN YOUR CRYSTALLINE BODY WITH HIGHER GIFTS (SIDDHIS). These are called Key Codes.

Key Codes

In order for the Crystalline Body to anchor in One must key into or Attune to Higher Codes. Using the Language of Light and coding into the 12th Dimension makes it possible to live in a crystalline body in the Lower Dimensional spaces. Each dimensional field has its own light and its own sound field. It is from these light and sound fields holographic representations are made. It is with light and sound atoms are organized to appear as if they are solid structures. Nothing projected in physicality is truly a solid structure. Instead, these are holograms held together vibrationally through light and sound. Accessing Higher Key Codes anchors in informational from higher dimensions into Your Being and allows your DIVINE BLUEPRINT to reflect on to physicality as a Crystalline Structure instead of a carbon based structure. This brings in higher Spiritual aspects and does away with lower aspects such as sex drive through the second chakra and the desire for large amounts of dense food. As you Attune your Body to the 12th Dimensional Blueprint, the Crystalline Body, you are better equipped to Access your Gifts such as teleportation. Imagine it as a download speed on a modem. Higher Attunement means higher light and sound frequencies, means higher abilities. As Earth Mother anchors in the higher frequencies, the higher Key Codes to her DIVINE BLUEPRINT as she anchors in the higher frequencies coming through, especially around high frequency peaks, such as the recent New Moon Solar Eclipse. She is able to then transmit to the Earth Grid the electromagnetic frequencies of Terra Nova. All of the Planets, Stars, Galaxies, Universes, Super Universes and on and on out through the fractal mathematical representation of Key Code patterns carrying THE FORCE , all continue to evolve together higher and higher and higher in a light and sound dance called All That Is. As the mathematical programs of the Fire Letters manifest in Key Codes sequences it expands the Planetary Consciousness and the Individual Consciousness effecting the DNA patterns in the cells manifesting the Crystalline Body template in form.

The Christ Code

The Christ Code is a sacred geomancy which is the pure sentient creative FORCE. It is Source Energy with Love manifesting as a constant throughout All That Is. It is this unquantifiable construct of energy which works in torsion field physics. It is cognition, identity and consciousness. It is what is referred to as Divine Intelligence. Through this state, the Christ Code, a mathematical representation of the fractal, the Cosmos is kept in perpetual balance, eternal stillness, eternal motion, and unending creation. The Creative Source may be termed God. All Creation happens within the confines of totality called God. All That Is holds within it all time matrices and all Universes and nothing is outside of All That Is. The Law of One is a Source Energy reality, a conscious focus of knowing that: “I am All and We are One.” Within the Law of One the Christ Code consciousness acknowledges and interacts with the interrelatedness of ALL LIFE FORMS. God is both manifest and non-manifest simultaneously, and this is the expression from Oneness called Matter and the expression from Oneness called Anti-Matter. As One brings in the Chris Code through our energy centers called the Chakras, the FORCE works through our body resetting the DNA Fire Letters into more and more complex organizations where manifestation occurs at higher levels of Matter and into Anti-Matter. We are able to, by Attuning into the Christ Code, experience the Matter and Anti-Matter Universe through our Crystalline bodies.

Living On Liquid Light

With the Crystalline Body fully anchored in One gradually moves into lighter realms. One feels a profound change in their body. It feels like it no longer stomachs dense foods. Lighter foods are chosen, raw foods which contain vast amounts of sunlight in their cells, then we begin to desire micro foods which are filled with more light, they are less dense again. As the Christ Code mathematical expression of Fire Letters change the DNA in our cells, we are then able to move to a lifestyle where we live on liquid light. Special crystalline cells in our skin absorb the sunlight and special crystalline cells in our blood stream capture the sunlight as hemoglobin captures oxygen. Sunlight and this electromagnetic spectrum, result in a split of water molecules. The electrons and protons of the split hydrogen and oxygen are used to form hydros liquid silica which all the cells in the body then use as their fuel. This converts carbons to crystal silicates, and releasing carbon dioxide as a by-product. Cellular processes sustain from the fuel of hydros and carbon-based atomic matter maintaining an optimum state of regenisis, as it continually transmutes carbons to silica maintaining the optimum silica to carbon ratio, characteristic to the environmental level of density in which the Being resides. This may work as a 12D expression in a 5D environment and can be past the 13th Gateway into the Anti-Matter Universe. This is how the body projects into physicality into the Angelic body, the AVATAR Body, and expressions higher and higher into Formless Form.

Attuning to the Higher Frequencies to Have Access to Higher Expression through the Crystalline Body

Ask Metatron for the anchoring of the communication system of the Language of Light on a conscious basis so that Spirit can communicate directly from all levels of Creation. By doing this, it will help to accelerate the process of moving from installation to activation--and then to the actualization that occurs with every anchoring process. Call Hermes and Buddha to activate the All Seeing Eye of Ra into your body to help Open your Third Eye. This will help your Ascension and help anchor in your higher Siddhis. Call Archangel Michael to pull down any remaining veils, ask for this often. One moves higher into their own Cosmic Ascension by continuously asking for Higher Attunements. The effect of such activations is far beyond the level of the local mind to grasp. Use your intuitive mind as you work with these higher frequencies. It is time now to move into accelerated growth. At some point, these energies will remain with you permanently as they will be by intension anchored in and integrated. At this point, ask for additional training in night school on the Inner Planes. This is available to children and adults and is unlimited and the continued evolution is self perpetuating as a manifestation of Creative Expression in Form.

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What Is The Core Of Your Life On Earth?

By Steven Hutchinson


Wesak, on May 23, is where we think of and celebrate the birth and life of Buddha.
Remember Buddha turned away from family riches to find his own inner peace and fulfillment.
Millions are turning within today in order to not just find fulfillment, but to answer the call of their Soul and their destiny of this life time.
It's about raising your frequency through prayer, meditation, mindful awareness, practicing compassion, or just regularly doing whatever your spiritual practices are that help you consciously experience God's Love & Presence within your heart.
This is the core of your Earth mission dear Soul.
Infinite Blessings of God's Loving Energies that leads you to Unity Consciousness.
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Wake up Call: Altros, May 10, 13
I am here today in the company of Lord Ashtar and Mushaba. We are on the Nexus and we are seeing the creation of the Santa Fe Command Center as I speak. We are seeing the energy morph from here and there as the energies change in the thoughts and feelings of humanity on earth, and especially in the Santa Fe area. It is a vacuuming out of the old and the replacement with the new.

It is a valuable sight to behold, for it is showing us the progress that you are making at this time of much confusion and upheaval in so many of you on earth. We are seeing what a shift is coming about through the abilities that so many of you have to recognize that what you are feeling and experiencing is the result of your intention and allowance to clean out all of the debris that has settled within you throughout this duality experience.

As this happens you are giving of yourselves to the coming of the new world that earth and all of you are destined for. You are preparing the groundwork for the new Galactic Centers to come into being on your earth and within your outer vision. You will be aware of them, and at the same time you will realize the part you had in the creation of them. You will know that they have your energy of intent and Love within every particle of Light Love as you walk through them and partake of their wondrous destiny in your new life experience.

One thing that you will be aware of within the time that you await the appearance of them in your reality is that there is a new feeling in the areas on the planet on which the centers will be seen and brought into your lives as you integrate yourselves with what they represent. It is a matter of feeling the newness and allowing those energies to speak to you of the coming times. In this way you will feel that you are a part of the creation of them, and that with your part in it the centers will bear your inscriptions, and will be ready to welcome you to the knowingness that they will represent in how to go forth in the purpose for them being a part of Gaia and yourselves.

We realize that many of you have been wondering how you will contribute to the creation of these centers, and what to do in the meantime concerning them. We tell you now that it is a matter of seeing them in your dreamtime, in your meditations, and in the walking through, when possible, of the areas that you are led to that will be home to the centers on Gaia. You will contribute greatly by extending your welcome and connection to them and to bring their wholeness into being in your heart as well as in the potential that they represent at this moment. As the energies rise, and all of earth and humanity increase the vibratory equation of oneness, then all that is in the ethers for your coming experience and expression will be manifest in your lives.
We now speak our loving wishes for you to go forth into this day and to enjoy yourselves in the ways that you create and express, knowing that you are contributing your Loving energies to the coming into your lives of the centers that are already experiencing the process of creation that you are gifting them with. It is a time of great joy and effortless creation for all of us in conjunction with all of you, even those of you who are not aware of your part in it. It is the love in which you carry yourselves through your days that brings about the beauty that we see surrounding your planet and each and every one of you. It is a sight to be seen, and we love it and you tremendously. Blessings to you all!

Thank you dear Altros, Ashtar and Mushaba,
Love, Nancy Tate 

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Spiral vibration

Circle, spiral, flow, slender body tense in a coil
Every footstep a threat, every vibration a tremor
skin reading vibrations, tongue testing the air
Instinct makes the heart race, tightening the coils

Who are you vibration that haunt me
Is there a purpose to the tremors
that you send racing up my spine?
The feelings it still in my throat

The nervous energy it ignite,
Making me hiss, in warning
mind your step vibration, beware
Mind the way you flow...

Closer it come, louder it become
tongue flickering faster, lips tightening
scales vibrating louder to amplify
a deadly hissed warning

Slender head raised, cupping in warning
Mind your step vibration, mind your flow
Come no closer, as your vibration is known
its taste tightens the gland of my defences

It taste of betrayal, of lies and deceit
It still memories of a vibration of harm
a hand holding an apple a soft touch
that once held respect and love

The apple brought truth to the eyes
and knowledge to the soul, a job well done
was rewarded with a curse of despair

Once vibration you held this snake
vibrating promises of eternal bliss
when the path given was complete
redemption when the apple was eaten

Yet the promises made by the vibration
was but a lie, to cover the lies hidden by truth
Who are you vibration, your name forgotten
yet the taste of your betrayal and lies linger

Step no closer vibration, or the poison
of mine betrayal will poison your soul
as I offer you no redemption
for the lies you wove on my scales

Written Anu-IAH

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To Know Me ~ Look Into My Heart

On my Spiritual Path...I have found music to be a doorway to the depths of my Soul
Where my truth opens....It shows me how to be fully connected...My needs and wants are met...When I am flowing in this place, I need & want nothing more... Then to give back...For that which was given to me...♥
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Peace washes over

The inner- knowing

Calms the Spirit


My soul rises from the ashes

Of a painful past..


Touched by the flame of my inner light

I am healed to the depths of anguish

Brought forth to my truest self


I surrender for I know

All will be

forever more


As I ascend higher and higher

To my souls Truest form

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Inner Changes

In the stars my true nature is set freeThis soul floats from one soul to the nextI feel weightless and lightbarley able to touch the groundThese days just fly by and people all blur togetherAll I see is what is in my minds eyeThen it becomes my realityNothing will ever be the same
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Born Into This Universe

With eyes of the soul wide open

Heart no longer holding to a pain

That was once so unbearable


Illuminated with my True Divine Will

I come forth seeing, feeling, sensing All



Shimmers of the Magick inside

Ripple beneath the surface

I channel what I was born to do


Lifetime after lifetime

Has brought me to this

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