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Prayer by Adama ~

Offering of The Broken Heart ~

Beloved Presence of God I Am, with surrender and humility,
I come to the altar of Mercy to offer my broken heart.
This day, I offer my sorrows, my tears, my fears, my worries, my pains, my grief and loneliness to the altar of Love, knowing that it is only through drenching of the Heart into the fires of pure Divine Love that all human attributes of the broken heart can be miraculously healed and transformed.
As I offer my broken Heart in total surrender and acceptance, I know, that my Heart will be softened..I also know that my pains and sorrows are a learning tool, the cleansing catalysts that will help me perfect the Divine Gift of Love that will open wide the realms of Light upon my Soul.

As I allow myself to feel the pain with surrender, I also allow myself to release it, to be transformed into the most wondrous gift. …. Beauty in all its Celestial perfection, health in all its full magnificence, wisdom in its unlimited glory are the gifts bestowed upon those who possess this GREAT LOVE.”

The Love of God, the Love beyond all gifts, I now pray with all the energy of my Heart that I might be possessed by this Christ-like Love. I let this great love sing as a melody of Grace, Gratitude and Thanks Giving, from my Heart, each moment that I live.
And so it is, Beloved I Am.

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Paramagnetic Alignments



An incredible experience you will never forget!

This is a set of four paramagnetic alignments plus activations given directly to you by Bryan. This session will create a dramatic realignment and activation of your four lower bodies (mental, physical, emotional and spiritual). During these alignments each individual will experience personal healings, inner initiations and massive soul retrieval. The alignments include:


Mental Body Recalibration….which releases confusion and conflict patterns within the mind, allowing the higher mental body to operate without interference.


Emotional Body Realignment…which will clear and stabilize the feeling and desire bodies & assist with emotional detachment and compassion. You will also learn how to clear and release instantly & permanently any lower emotions such as hate, anger, fear, stress, depression and anxiety.


Physical Body Realignment…which is a series of healing energetic infusions, designed to upgrade the current condition of the physical body and clear any limiting patterns currently being experienced.


Spiritual Body Recalibration…which is an activation of the Golden Christed ‘Angelic Shield’ and ‘light language’ force-fields in, through and around the body. When operational, this protects you from distortional energies and external programming.


Come join us!

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Milky Way Time-Lapse Video Wows The Web

Video from KarmaTube


Some things are worth losing sleep over. Norwegian landscape photographer Terje Sorgjerd trekked to the highest mountain in Spain (El Teide), camped outside without a tent or sleeping bag, and slept only 10 hours over the seven days it took to capture this breathtaking time-lapse footage of the Milky Way galaxy. Sprawled out over the lush landscape, the stars seemed close enough to reach out and touch. A tribute to the majesty and beauty of both heaven and Earth.

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The world peace invitation and release of technology

Category: News
The text below is the copy of the official invitation to the leaders of your governments through their embassies in Belgium.
These emails will start leaving the Foundation and will be forwarded to every ambassador in Belgium in the next two weeks.
We will publish the name of the country and the email address used so that you can follow the progress of your government’s response.
From now on it is up to you to see that the implications of this technology are understood in your country of origin.
The world peace invitation and release of technology

Following the meeting of the Keshe Foundation with the world ambassadors invited to Brussels on 21 April 2012, now our invitation goes to the nations of the world through their ambassadors and their leaders to attend a gathering on 6 September 2012 at the Keshe Foundation Center in Ninove, Belgium (or in any other place the nations may choose).
As your Excellencies have been aware, we invited representatives of every country to the first presentation of our technology on 21 April 2012. The ambassadors of some nations attended this meeting and others chose to ignore the call, due to pressure from other nations, and decided not to attend or withdrew at the last moment.
With this second invitation we directly and unequivocally invite the leaders of your nation to appoint qualified individuals who can take part in the upcoming meeting at the Foundation on 6 September on behalf of their governments.
The reasons for this invitation and the meeting are as follows:
On 21 September 2012 the Keshe Foundation will release the first phase of its space technology and the gravitational and magnetic (Magravs) systems it has developed, to all scientists around the world simultaneously, for production and duplication.

From that point on, international borders will cease to have any real significance. This is because, once the first flight system has been built and put into operation for the public, the time of travel for example from Tehran to New York will be about 10 minutes maximum.

The new airborne systems will enable every individual to make the same length of journey in the same time and at hardly any cost from any point on this planet. The craft will not be detectable with present radar technology.

The energy crisis will be resolved at a stroke, and once the technology is put into practice the powers that control energy supplies and through them the present financial structures will find their hands empty.

The world water shortage will be addressed and resolved by presenting this technology to the public soon after the release of our energy and space technology.
How we have done this?
For the past six years we have used the international patent system to make sure that every nation and major scientists around the world have a copy of our patents in their possession. (Please check the European patent and international servers downloads for number of downloads.)
Thus we have prevented any possible blocking of this technology by any individual or group and now most nations are in possession of our patents for energy generation, medical systems and space travel.
In this way the methods used in the past to prevent international development have been circumvented and now all nations have the same opportunity to work together to see that this technology is developed safely.
The principal point is that our technology is intended to be freely available to every government for the benefit of all its citizens. Through the systems we have developed every nation can have access to as much energy, water and food as they need, as well as to new methods of health care and of transport, all at very little cost.
According to its charter the Keshe Foundation and all its technologies are owned by the peoples of the world. The patents are the assets of every individual on this planet and cannot be claimed by any one person or organization or nation. This means that all income generated by the technology belongs to the nation that makes use of it.
We will release the list of countries invited to the meeting on 6 September 2012 and the full e-mail addresses of those who receive invitations, so it will be up to you as a government to make it known who from your nation will be attending this meeting.
By the time this email arrives at your embassies a copy will be posted on the Foundation forum and website so your citizens will be aware of the offer that has been made to you. Then it will be for you to make your response known to them, as well as to the Foundation, and we will gather the names of the delegates appointed and let your officials know where and how to meet.
Following this meeting, the presentation on 21 September 2012 will be the first step in the Keshe Foundation’s teaching program to share its knowledge and put it into the hands of the people worldwide. Once these new technologies and their benefits are known to the general public, the leaders of every nation will need to decide how they are going to implement them for the betterment of everyone.
At that point there will be two choices: either we all work together to change the life of everybody on earth for the better through the correct patterns of conduct, or the advanced nations of the world will see in the near future a flood of immigrants in tens of thousands flocking to the major cities.
We are prepared to present the technology to your representatives in any setting so that they can understand its implications and the changes it will bring about.
From now on, we can make sure that no child or adult will die of thirst or hunger and that no nation will be attacked by another, because the potential military applications of the new technology are so horrendously destructive that we will have no choice but to accept that fighting over the resources of the planet is a thing of the past.
There has been nothing wrong with protecting national assets, but now as the leaders of small regions of the Earth it is your responsibility to see that its resources are available to be shared, and that with the help of our technology everyone’s basic needs for energy, water, food and health care are met.
The Keshe Foundation takes no account of color, nationality, religion or political affiliation, thus our call is going out to every government to appoint a team of scientists to come and see our technologies at first hand. Then they can decide whether or not to make use of them. If you ignore this invitation your nation will soon have no choice but to follow the lead of the nations who have decided to develop them.
We call on your nation to start the process of world cooperation as soon as possible because once these systems are in operation, the frontiers that separate one country from another will have no meaning.
We have set the scene for a change of course for humanity and in the coming months we will see it through. In the near future people will come to realize that we are here to serve each other and not to be served, as all resources will be available to everyone at the same time and in the same measure.
M T Keshe
The founder and caretaker director of Stichting the Keshe Foundation

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Nama sika; venia benya I AM the one, I AM the whole

I greet you beloved family. I reach out to each one of you extending my love, extending my awareness, inviting you to be open and allow my energies to move within and around you.

There is so much transformation taking place upon the earth at this time. There is a lot that you’ve been doing; there’s a lot more that will be coming through. As I was there listening to all of you talking beforehand and as you spoke of feeling as if time was shorter in some instances and time felt longer or you tried to work with it in a similar way; these are but a few of the ways in which life is shifting.

As you join with me for these meditations or journeys, whatever you’d like to call it; it gives you an opportunity to just let go and I invite you to do that right now, let go, let go, let go. Whew ~~~ Oh…already I can feel the difference that’s taking place.

In your life, you have a lot that is happening. You have your daily activities, you have your relationships, you have your responsibilities, you have your hobbies, the things that you love to do and these are but to name a few. When you consider the many different ways in which you are pulled in your everyday life, sometimes it’s not surprising that you feel distracted, pulled, moved in different ways.

When I have spoken of the thinning of the veil, I’ve spoken of that that separates you from the higher dimensions or the other realities. In particular I’m speaking of the universe, the Omniverse, the soul plane, the All That Is and those many other planets and systems that are available to you. You in your everyday reality have a much greater ease as you reach out to any one of these places of consciousness.

I wish to have a conversation with you about all of this while you were still here on the earth plane so that you could be in a space of considering what it feels like, right now, in this moment.

I now invite you to take one more deep breath down, breathing down, sending that energy through yourself, through your physical body and down into the earth. As you send this down allow yourself to link with the energies of the earth and then reach up as if you are sending your consciousness out from you with the intention of aligning within the magnetic grid.

The magnetic grid is a part of the veil. It is also a part that has been transformed in many ways over the past 20 years. Here, the grid work is affected by the gravitational pull of the Earth. So you may have a sense of pathways that follow in a specific direction. They can always change direction, but an impulse goes from point A to point B and then it may go in whatever direction would like. Let your senses absorb all that’s coming through here.

I then invite you to have a sense of expanding into the crystalline grid. As you move within this space, you are letting go the gravitational pull of the earth and shifting into a space of consciousness. This is filled with many different levels of energy and it was not available to people until perhaps the last 10 years. Well, let me rephrase that; it was always available to people, but without the ease of consciousness or without the definition that it has right now.

So this is a result of all that energy work that the many millions or hundreds of thousands of light workers have been doing. So here within the crystalline grid there are levels of energy and when you send out an impulse be aware of how it shifts and spreads in many different directions as opposed to just the one direction from the magnetic grid.

As you allow yourself to become aware of all that is here, you may feel as if even more information flows through you. The day will come, and it is not so very far away, in which this crystalline energy will flow easily all the way down into your everyday reality. This is why it is so helpful for you to take the opportunity to experience it and to create your own personal alignment within.

I invite you to let go the energy of this space. Allow your consciousness to shift into the space within the soul plane. As you move within this space, allow yourself to reach out towards your I AM presence. This is your divinity. This is you in your entirety. This is the unconditional love and acceptance for you in all that you are, in all that you do.

As you reach out towards this energy allow yourself to merge completely and as your consciousness is moving within, allow yourself to feel the expansion of who you are. With the last teleconference, you integrated many of the different aspects of yourself that were ready to come back and blend into this full essence of who you are.

Some of those aspects were a part of your life. Some were aspects that you are less conscious of; but here within your divinity, all is included, all is balanced and all is available to you whenever you so choose. Therefore, the transformation that took place as a part of that journey allows you to have greater access so that you may feel the deeper alignment from the person you are right now.

I the Goddess begin to move in and amongst all of you. As I do so, I reach out and embrace each one of you. As my energies merge with yours you may feel yourself shifting into the All That Is. Every time people arrive within this space it’s as if you expand into an even greater awareness of who you are. It’s who you are in this lifetime, it’s who you are as your divinity, it’s who you are as reflected by myself the Goddess.

As I am gathering the energies of all who are present, I reach out to invite each one of you to have a sense of opening up a door within you, and by this I mean, open up so that you may have a greater clarity about who you are.

Many of you are conscious of other life existences. Some of them may be living at the same time this life is, some of them may be in the past, but you have that sense of being in different places and having different experiences.

As more and more of the crystalline energies, which are also the light body energies, become integrated within the earth you will have much greater access to the flow between yourself and your divinity or yourself and other potentials that you have created. So by opening up this door and allowing yourself an even deeper access or an even deeper flow within you, let yourself just feel the wash of energy as it moves through you.

I am taking this opportunity to assist you in clearing out anything at all that may keep you from being able to access within yourself.

In the conversation before this journey began, people were speaking of feeling the differences in time, sometimes that time was shorter, sometimes longer. Other people were speaking of feeling themselves in more either right brain or left brain and as if it was harder to have the two merge together. Still others, speaking of the inner knowing, the real true belief of other realities and yet not having that manifest for them.

All of these things of which I speak are examples of the way in which you are straddling multiple dimensions. For some of you, it is as if you are becoming very conscious of living your life throughout various potentials at the same time, almost as if a part of you is having the same experiences but with different outcomes. Others of you are feeling very stuck with where you are knowing in your heart of hearts that there is either something more for you or something different for you and yet when you wake up every morning it’s the same as what it’s been.

These experiences and these energies, of which I speak, create a sense of frustration within you and it creates a sense, in some regards, of depression. Some people may even go so far as to feel as if they are a failure. No matter where you are within your life or where you are within this spectrum of which I’m speaking, I invite you to just breathe down inside of yourself and as if you are scraping up every last little bit. Allow yourself to bring up anything at all that you may be feeling, whether it’s frustration, depression, irritation, sadness, anything at all. Let it come up now and you pull it up, pull it up, [Deep breathe] and you let it go.

I also heard from some of you say something along the lines of, “why can’t I have what I want? Am I being punished?” and if this is anything that’s having an effect upon you I invite you to focus upon that because this is based in your personality or your ego or your humanness.

And so, reach towards that part of you as if you are bringing it up. Bring it out from your mental body, bring it out from your emotions, bring it out if it’s stuck anywhere within your physical body, just bring it up, bring it up, bring it up ~whew~ and let it go.

As we speak of these various things that I see you releasing, that I hear your voices speaking to me; as I’m listening to that and I’m speaking for all of you -- let yourself again just reach down towards any limitation even if it’s something of which you are not aware. Just reach down inside your consciousness, let your awareness go to work wherever it may go within you and then you’re going to bring it forward; bring it up, bring it up ~whew~ and again you let it go.

As I look at each one of you, I’m seeing that there is a much greater opening or perception that flows within and around you. As you allow this to expand, you may begin by seeing it as a small point of light that gets bigger and bigger as you allow the expansion to come within your consciousness.

It feels as if there’s a great deal of emotion waiting to be released. As if people are holding on to any motion because if they let it go it’s overwhelming. If this does not resonate with you then let it go past you, but for anyone that’s feeling emotions, that feel too big, too much, too deep, too anything, allow yourself to reach for what that is and then let it come up, come up, come up ~whew~ and let it go.

It’s a fine line for people sometimes as you are living your life. There are times in which you are caught up in, perhaps thoughts, perhaps emotions, perhaps experiences in which you are unable to quit thinking about or feeling or analyzing. As a result of that it’s like you are going around and around in a circle, experiencing it again and again.

This is an opportunity for you to have a sense of putting out a stop point. I have to chuckle because I saw several of you where you put down a gate so to speak and then all of those things just kind of slammed up against it and it became like a damn that was holding back.

So let this gate, let this wall, let whatever is within you be there as an endpoint for that place inside that’s being going around and around. Let it be an endpoint, let it gather up everything that’s been stuck and then again you bring it in, bring it in and let it go. ~whew, whew~ And I swirl my energies through each one of you assisting to clear out all that is there, alright.

With what you are releasing you are also letting go of past experiences, perhaps energy. It feels as if there are many levels that have been associated with all of this. And so as you are letting it go, recognize that now within you, you are becoming more transparent, and by that I mean, you are able to integrate more and more of the higher vibrations or a deeper alignment within the higher dimensions.

So, have a sense of looking to your side and as you look to the side become aware. Perhaps it’s another part of your divinity, perhaps it’s another potential, but this is not only your light body energies it’s also a higher vibration of you in your current life.

I heard a few people say, “Why do I need a higher vibration? Why would I want to go there? I want to be able to get along with others and be in communication and life with other people.” That is a very valid statement for everybody living upon the earth.

The more that you integrate and feel that closeness and feel that awareness of these lighter finer vibrations it will also help you become more present in your everyday reality. It gives you more opportunities to align not only with your own self but with others.

And so allow yourself to reach out towards this part of you and as you reach out feel as if you embrace; embrace your light body energy, embrace your vibration. As you bring it into your consciousness it may feel to you as if it’s a swirling energy. Breathe deeply, breathe it down within you. Breathe and let yourself feel what it is to have this place opening and aligning within you.

As I see it merging within your consciousness I can also see how it’s moving through the various parts of your everyday life. So take a moment and think about that or allow yourself to align with it. Perhaps it’s relationships, perhaps your work, perhaps your responsibilities. Allow yourself to think of whatever that may be and then consciously invite this flow of energy to begin to move and swirl through you. It is as if it’s helping to illuminate all that is happening within your life.

If you feel as if you would like to do so, reach towards those thoughts that may have been stuck within you. Reach towards any part of you that’s been feeling uncomfortable, perhaps you have had some physical symptoms.

As you have this opportunity to consciously blend, not only your light body energy, but the parts of your divinity that are here in support of you are also moving through your consciousness and you can take this all the way down through your mental body, your emotional body, your physical body.

As you feel this consciousness flow through, you recognize how the light body and the spiritual are very similar to one another but yet there is that subtle distinction.

Be gentle with yourself, be loving with yourself, be accepting. Allow for all of this to wash through you and as it does so just so you are creating a new beginning.

As you are looking at all of these energies and as you are integrating, I invite you to send that stream of consciousness down, so that you allow your focus to shift from the All That Is back into your physical presence. For many of you, this may be very grounding to you; you may feel as if it brings you back from that space.

My intention is that you are able to continue to be in the space of the All That Is and yet allow your focus to be on the person that you are here on earth, so that you can create any subtle adjustments that may be needed as this flow of energy and potential is moving through you.

As if you are looking down upon yourself, send waves of energy out from you in every direction and let it clear out anything that may feel as if its debris, anything that may feel as if it’s blockages, let it go.

As you continue to breathe gently and easily you allow this deeper awareness to go into the aura around you and let it go all the way down within your physical structure. And by that I mean, go into each cell within you.

Your cells are the foundation of your physical reality but they are ultimately adjusted and fine-tuned through your vibration and that is in response to your consciousness. There is not one part that is completely separate from the other and while I am simplifying this to a degree if you allow your focus to be between these different parts of who you are as a human, you will begin to see how you can create changes in your vibration.

I also invite you to take this moment to see just how much your consciousness-- if you allow yourself to be as if on the earth looking towards the All That Is, look at how much you are able to perceive and so too, as you are in the All That Is looking towards your physical reality be open to what is seen and this is when I was speaking of as I mentioned the veil is becoming thinner, and there is more that you have access to.

You breathe in, gently and easily, and the flow becomes stronger and more available to you.

Allow your consciousness to once more return more fully into the All That Is. As you do so take time to integrate your perceptions that you just opened up to, from your earthbound into the All That Is. This alignment has always been there and available to you.

What’s becoming different and easier is your awareness of it and not only that but the ways in which you may work with it so that it strengthens you in your everyday life. Ultimately that is the reason for all that we do upon these journeys; is to assist you as you are creating in your everyday life, to assist you in manifesting, to assist you in being able to live your life in whatever way it may be that brings you joy.

If there is anything that’s been outside of joy then consciously let it go. You’ve already let go, the majority of that from earlier on, but as you come back around let go of anything at all that keeps you outside of joy.

I heard that, some people feel as if they don’t trust that they can find joy, they don´t trust that it is a potential for them. It doesn’t feel as if it’s something that can be a consistent everyday reality. Reach towards whatever it is that you can feel, see, sense and as you reach towards whatever that may be then allow yourself to take those small portions and let your focus be completely on that.

Right now within this space I see all of you in a place of joy, a place of awareness, a place of love. So let that be your template for your everyday reality.

I invite you to come back together as a group. Even though you have already anchored these energies within your own self, I still invite you to infuse this energy into the hologram of the earth.

As you do so, you see this earth coming up within you or this hologram, coming up within the group of you. As you open to this flow or this awareness, allow yourself this moment to infuse into it, that not only you in your everyday life but everybody else will be able to have a greater ease as humanity is moving through the integration of all this energy.

As you feel it, allow yourself to find that alignment and then recognize how by putting the intention for everybody else, that it’s going to even more so amplify your own ability to move through this time of transformation. Breathe in gently and easily and breathe out.

You release that hologram. As you release it, it moves down blending with the crystalline grid first and foremost shifting in both those directions going out to the new earth and down into your own earth.

It moves through the magnetic grid and it goes down until it anchors within the core essence of your physical earth. From there the energies of this hologram move out, let it move out creating a stability in the physical earth itself and from that stability people are able to find a greater ease within their life.

The energies continue to expand and you allow your focus and to once more come back within your consciousness, in your awareness, here within the All That Is.

Before you completely return your consciousness, I invite you to take this opportunity and consider; can you accept your greatness? Is, I suppose one way to say this. Can you accept that you truly are living between dimensions? That you truly have access to your magical ability? That you truly can be as big as you would like?

Again, here in the All That Is, it is sometimes easier so, send that belief down into yourself and as you send it within your physical consciousness, be open to accept it, be open to take those steps that will take you where you need to go. Be open to receive the messages, the support, the impulses; whatever it may be and from whatever source it may be. Take a breath in, and you breathe out.

Allow your focus to now come back more fully. You may feel your energies as you yourself move through the soul plane. You may have a sense of letting go some of the essence of your divinity but you consciously create that stronger alignment so that even more of your higher vibrations flow with you. They move through the crystalline grid, they move through the magnetic grid, and in doing so it creates within this space of your higher self a space, so that it’s more easily accessible to you in your everyday life.

Allow yourself to then create a greater expansion around your own physical energies. As your consciousness is coming fully back within you, already you can feel that shift from when you were here and had created a link from the All That Is.

So as you are allowing your consciousness to anchor back within your physical body, allow it to flow through you. It moves first of all, through all your energy bodies. It moves down through your physical body and into every cell within you. And as that happens send it down into the earth.

As all of this moves into the earth, it’s anchoring it, it’s expanding, not only your potentials but your balance in your everyday life. Allow yourself to be fully present. Allow yourself to be anchored. Allow yourself to accept that you can flow between or through these various dimensions and therefore create a greater reality.

Let it all come into place. In some it was as if it was like two pieces of a puzzle that snaps together. Let yourself anchor it, let it be integrated and allow for this new potential to be within and around you.

Alright beloved family; I send my love out to each one of you. I let it flow throughout the earth, throughout the various levels of consciousness and dimension

I invite you as you move through these next days and weeks to remember to find that place of ease, find that place of love, find that place of awareness.

And if your life is about struggle, then consciously let go the struggle, consciously ground those higher vibrational energies and let yourself find a new path, a new awareness and a new beginning.

I am ever with you and within you.


This is Shelly Dressel channeling the Goddess of Creation; the feminine aspect of source essence, for the free teleconference offered on the first and third Sundays of each month. All rights are reserved. You are welcome to share this information; we just ask that you keep it intact. For further channels and information on both the Goddess and Shelly please see our website:

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Greetings dear ones for I Am Kryon of Magnetic Service.

It’s wonderful to be here with you all this night, this very night. There is much love and much change in the air and the new world is just around the corner. In this room you are all healers and you will become very important overnight, at the end of the year, many many changes are coming to this planet; we’ve already spoken about financial systems, but many many systems will begin to be under a lot of pressure. Approximately ten percent of the people now are waking up; to awaken the human race from its deep slumber takes time. Most people are just listening to the news and watching the TV and believing whatever they’re told. The human race has to change its consciousness; you are living in a world, some people like to call this world “behind the veil”, but there is no veil.

The human race has been lied to for many many years now, on many different levels. There is one God and at the same time there are many aspects of the one God. There is one Universe, that’s what Universe means, but there are different aspects of the universe. You are living in a solar system within the Universe, and this solar system reflects you. We’re constantly telling you this: that the sun will be like the father, and the father’s mother and father, and the father’s grandparents. And the rest of the planets and the rest of the solar system will be different aspects of your father’s family. Planet Mars will be the energy of war and Mother Earth is the mother in your mother’s family constellation. It has been like this since the very beginning of time, nothing has changed.

Those who lead you have led you to believe that they lead you but they really rule you; and these that rule you are actually unconscious, they’ve never grown up, they’re still in their wounded child. That is why the problems on this earth just go on and on and on. It is the mentality of a child that is running your governments, your military, and that’s teaching your children. Every aspect of the hierarchy of this planet is reflected by the wounded child.

The days have gone where the elders, those who were whole and conscious, led their tribe. There is no respect anymore for those who are whole and conscious. The consciousness of this planet has been driven to the lowest levels and the consciousness is going no lower. There will be a polar shift on the 21st of December 2012. The polar shift will be on an individual basis; you’ll be shifting from negative to positive, and the love will begin to flow. There will even be love for your politicians and bankers. Everything is going to begin to change.

It depends very much on humanity itself as to how long it will take. Of course, those in power will want to hang on to their power, but slowly and surely they’re also being made conscious. The hierarchies in the child will also be healing and the earth plane will once again be led by loving, conscious, men and women. They will not have either need or greed inside their hearts; they will have only love in their hearts, and they will love you, and they will take decisions based on love.

This is a process of awakening and this has never happened before. Those of you in this room and for those of you who read this channelling have all lived lifetimes where you were whole and complete, and where you have ascended to Christ consciousness. Christ consciousness is the energy of the new world. That means you will be creating out of love, constantly creating out of positive energy, whereas in the past it has been the opposite, it has been mostly negative; your governments and your leaders have done everything possible to maintain these low levels of consciousness.

The easiest way to keep the world unconscious is through war; it disconnects the men from their fathers, from their families, and people get hurt, even if you’re on the winning side you get hurt. The day you sign the forms to say you’ve joined the army, on that day you lose consciousness, you disconnect from the loving God and you connect to the dark side. No matter how pure your intents are, war belongs to the evil. The military is evil; it is the lowest level of consciousness. There are many other ways to solve a problem than through war, and each individual is responsible for joining an army, especially armies that create pre-emptive strikes on sovereign nations. This creates great karma; the higher the rank you have in the military, the more karma you will create for yourself; you will create karma and you will live many lifetimes without love. This is the greatest cause of all karma; it says quite clearly in the Bible… an eye for an eye, a life for a life, a tooth for a tooth. So the greater the wrong that you do in this lifetime the more you will pay in other lifetimes.

The new world is coming dear ones, and as we move through into the new world karma will be voided. This will be a very difficult shift for many people. The top one percent of the population, the so-called elite, the ones that have all the money, they will not want to let this go. Money will dissolve in value, money will become almost obsolete, you’ll be able to create your own reality without needing money. The more whole and complete you are, the easier the shifting to this new world will be.

You have much homework to do. You have all been seduced into believing that the material world is more important than your inner world. It is completely the opposite, the inner world is the most important. When you are whole and complete and in harmony you create love and harmony in your life; you create the life of your dreams. When we say that your karma will be voided; there have to be lessons that are learned, when you learn your lessons your karma will be voided, and this will be a process for people to come to a new level of conscious. For some people consciousness will be automatic, for others they will have to work through their karma. This sounds contradictory but there is a band of time where the new world will leave the old world, and that period of time is for your karma to be worked though and voided.

Certain soul groups need to learn certain lessons. And those that manage to work through their karma in the old energies, it is your duty and your responsibility to make these other ones conscious. The military will be disbanded, this will also take time. This is a time of great learning and of great understanding. It is a time where new consciousness will pervade the earth, and it is also a time where those native and indigenous peoples who lost their land, their lands will be returned to them and they will also have a different consciousness.

There are many many changes coming to this earth and the love is here to flow. All of this will be done with love, completely the opposite to the dark side, and the love will flow through the hearts of all men and all women, and you will all be fully connected to Mother Earth and to Father Sky, and the consciousness of this planet will change completely. This is why there are so many people here on this earth; to witness this new event. Everything will go smoothly… the shifts will be as gentle as possible… the energy of love will flow. The energy of love is not what you think it is, for your intelligence will mix with the energies of love and the answers to the problems of humanity will be answered in a very different way. There is a big difference between intelligence without love and intelligence with love.

Around the world people’s upper heart chakra is awakening and this heart chakra will support the shift of consciousness and this move from negativity to positivity. We have said in these channellings that 144,000 people will move from negative energy to positive energy on the 21st day of December 2012. There are a few of you in this room that this will happen to, and the more whole and complete you are the easier it will be. The ones who this happens to have been doing a lot of inner work over a lot of time, and you’re already prepared for this, and around the world you all understand how to heal and what to heal. Only a few years ago healing was like a lottery. The more that you have healed yourselves and worked on yourselves, the more you know how healing works and you have all been a great credit to yourselves; the light workers are ready for the shift to happen.

The governments of the world are not ready; they don’t know what to expect and even if they did, they wouldn’t know how to deal with it. It is for you who are light workers to be prepared to help these people to go through to the new energies. And as we said earlier, it will be very difficult for powerful people to let go of what they own and what they’ve made. Slowly but surely the consciousness of this planet will begin to rise, and the consciousness will rise exponentially. In the beginning it’s a few, but as time goes by, consciousness will expand very rapidly, and the earth plane will become a very different place. All manifestation will be through love.

And it will become a loving world, a world where love is the answer; the human race will become much softer and gentler. And you will be in receiving mode; being able to receive love and receiving all those things that you dream of. This requires softness and gentleness; and as the inner father returns and you connect to the universe, then your mother will move into that motherly role and you’ll be connected to Mother Earth. The earth plane will be treated with love and respect during these times and with this energy.

The new world is coming, dear ones. This is what you’ve all been waiting for. Those of you who have done a lot of inner work, you will be getting closer and closer to becoming whole and complete and you will feel very different about yourselves, and you will begin to see that you are releasing your negative programming and becoming more positive and more light as time has gone by. And the lighter you become, the lighter you will become. And that is what light is, love and light they are the same thing. You will create a world of love and light; the more light there is on the inside of you, the less darkness there will be, until one day you are all light and no dark. There will only be a memory of the darkness. It’s as simple as that. The sun and the moon the stars and the planets, they are all moving into their perfect place for the energies to shift and change. Don’t waste your time in the material world; it is now time to put as much energy as possible into the inner world, just filling yourself with as much light as possible and allowing the love to flow. Where the love won’t flow, that is a dark place.

Step by step of the way, you will find your way into this new world. Follow your intuition not your intellect. The more and more you do this inner work, your head and your heart will connect, they will merge and flow together. There will come a time when you have to follow your heart and that time is getting very near. In the last months before the shift, spend much time listening to your heart, healing your heart and being with your heart. Your heart will lead you to the right place. Try to do as little as possible, but bring yourself to wholeness and to completion. When the planets are in place, then you have the opportunity to make this polar shift, just allow it to happen, go to sleep one day and wake up the next, and your energies will have shifted. The planets are always radiating energies but on the 21st of December 2012, there will be a specific configuration that will allow many people to move through and into the new world.

Those that are fortunate enough to move through; we’ll repeat ourselves, will have the responsibility of teaching the others how to get through to the new world. And anybody that tries to stop this process will face the most severe of consequences. This is a serious warning from Spirit World. The earth plane is going through a shift to a new dimension; this will be a beautiful world for everybody, it is for everybody to allow this world to awaken, supporting each other, loving each other and caring for each other. Those that want to attempt to stop it; you have to remember that you are human too, that you’ve been through an experience and your experiencing being in the hierarchy of this planet. Most people have also had that experience and let it go. It is time for the earth plane to shift into this new energy, into a world filled with love. There are so many special gifts waiting for you in the new dimensions.

So we just ask that you feel what you’re feeling like in this energy, allow the energies to go a little higher, just feel what the energy will feel like on the 21st of December 2012. You are slowly but surely being changed, from unconsciousness into consciousness, you are all awakening. Let the feelings come and let the feelings go. The decision is made in the Spirit World that all of planet earth will move to Christ consciousness. It might take a few years; once that is achieved, there is a new dimension and a new consciousness, and it is also scheduled to happen. You can’t turn the clocks back or stop the planets, the new world is coming.

Go well and God bless, for this Kryon signing out. Thank you all!

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It is becoming clear now, regarding the energies of this year of 2012, that we have the critical point on our evolution. We all have been waiting for this time. This is our time. As old souls, incarnated and still ones un-manifested in this physical reality, we come at these precarious junction points, at the end/beginning of ages, because we absolutely love it.

Now you . . . that are already in physical form, you are having to deal with your rapidly morphing DNA and beyond that, adjust to the actual laws of nature that are changing right under your feet. You will feel like the carpet has been ripped out from under your feet. But remember . . . this is your time, and you came here for this time. SO MANY have come to experience this rapid evolution and rebooting of an entire system. Your body IS going with you. This has been the plan for eons. Atlantis was only a dress rehearsal, and we know that it didn't go so well. But you have all learned and grown through this age, and this time . . . is your time. We can see from NO TIME, and we can see that you have completed the job. You are victorious, and you are celebrating in the most extraordinary style. Hold this dream of victory as you pass through this year with all of its tidal waves of energy that are coming.

There is no doubt that your body will feel rocked and surprised by this year's energies. But your heart and inner truths are unshakable now. Rely on this inner truth when your body is telling you differently. No one will be immune to this process. There are going to be a lot of mixed signals in the outer world. Don't listen to them.

There will be medical experts out there telling you to drug yourself with anti-anxiety and anti-depressants meds. This won't help you as you are going to reboot anyway. Fighting the process will only make it less joyful. There will be well meaning alternative healers as well who will tell you to eat this, or do that. Again don't listen to them unless your heart is in full resonance with their suggestions. Everyone has a unique past that comes from your spiritual ancestors. We are not talking about your genetics; like who are you parents or grandparents. We are talking about your spiritual past. This is an akashic past that is much more potent than that of your genetic past. Listen to your heart, your core, your inner constant. This is your orientation point in a world that is wobbling like an out of control gyroscope. Fighting the transformation at this point will only make it harder and less joyful. There is no escape. If you are in a body, you will re-boot and re-celebrate. Remember . . . this is great fun for you spirit and soul. This is why you came here.

In these coming waves, you are going to feel out of sorts and your body is going to give you weird issues that seem to come and go. You might feel like you need to hunker down and lay low for these shifts and changes; but we do not suggest this, although it is your free will to do whatever you want. Let us explain . . . You know when you sit in a chair too long, you get stiff. This is what will happen if you don't KEEP MOVING while these waves wash over you. You will not find the answers you need while hiding in your home praying for solutions. The world is moving into a unified field of collective manifesting. You cannot do this by yourself. Pieces of your solution to this transformation are out in the world with other like-minded souls. All the pieces to this transformation are spread out among all of you. This is why you need like-minded ones around you. These waves are too large to surf alone. You must do this together.

There are going to be a lot of huge waves in 2012 that we will be surfing together. This is a good time to gather with like-minded soul family that live in a place that is centered in the heart and not from fear. Surround yourself with FEARLESS beings. We love the logo "NO FEAR" that you wear, because this is what we are asking you to BE now; FEARLESS and full of LOVE, TRUST, and a deep knowing that the big celebration is nearly upon you all.

The following are some of the energy waves that, at this point in our no time perspective, we expect may come to you. This does not mean that it will happen as we say here. The future is not real and can change at any moment as you evolve. There may be other waves that are coming as well that we do not see today as Aluna transcribes this for you.

The first wave will be on your Equinox. GATHER TOGETHER and celebrate this beginning wave of your great transformation. Equinox will bring a much needed balance in your world that will be necessary for what comes after this date. Balance yourselves in preparation as you will need this later. We can't say this strong enough. Please hear this, and do as your heart calls. This ballance will be essential in the days to come.

From Aluna . . .
On March 21st, we will enter the Maya year of 2 KAN (Kiche long count) and 10 EB (Yucatan Haab count). 2 KAN is about balancing duality, but Kan can also bring up survival issues. I think this is why the Star Elder are speaking strongly about gathering together with like-minded souls, so your collective positive intent will soften the duality and the body issues that might raise survival issues. Negative and fearful friends and family, etc… will be toxic to you now. The year of 10 EB is about the awakened human finally arriving and anchoring. We are finally going to put our feet down on a new foundation to a new world. 10 is all about manifesting in a real physical dimension. EB is about exuding outer peace, but inside there can be inner turmoil. The outer peace is our heart knowing and truth. The inner turmoil, fear, etc... that we have inside is the last of the old programming fading away. If we do not feed it, it will starve. Feed the Love, starve the fear.

Go to for suggestions for the Solar Wave Equinox Global Celebrations.

Back to the Star Elders . . .
The next large wave we see that you might experience profoundly is a total solar eclipse on May 20th ( In the path of this total solar eclipse, your dimension will begin an entire reboot of its operating system on your Earth. As the sun is blocked so perfectly by your moon, in this very still, no-time place, a new operation system will be created and uploaded into your body as well as your world, solar system and universe. Remember that this is a universal shift and recalibration . . . not just a planetary one. We are shifting with you, as well as Ascended Masters and Angelic Realms. We are all transforming together as ONE in unity. If you are in the path of the shadow of this eclipse, the download will be quicker, more complete and graceful. You will become the living messengers for this new download for the rest of the world that did not have the luxury to travel into the eclipse path. This new operating system will begin to spread across the Earth over some time (a month or two). Again we strongly say, gather with fearless ones on the days surrounding this reboot. Gather with ones that come from the inner knowledge of Love, trust and truth that this transformation of our reality is already victorious.

Another large wave we see that you might experience profoundly is the June 6th Venus transit. For the last 8 years, your collective consciousness has been building a model for a unified, universal heart. This process began on the last Venus transit on June 8th, 2004. This new unified, universal heart model will be downloaded into the new operating system. The collective unified heart will be anchored. Any place where there is not love expressed, it will be shaken to its core. This will cover everything including your personal relationships all the way to global governmental systems. This new down load will make selfish acts nearly impossible to achieve. In other words, we will begin to think, act and live in the knowing that there is no separation and all life is connected. We will not be able to make a choice without considering the whole and future generations. This new heart model will take several weeks before it is fully anchored. The universe is loving and kind and will allow this heart transformation download slowly so you can readjust with each daily heart pulse. Breathe . . . surround yourself with loving, positive, like-minded souls. This will make your heart transformation a joyful experience instead of a painful one. But we see that this will be somewhat uncomfortable for everyone to a certain extent, as this new heart program has never been experienced in a human form before. This program has been long awaited by so many of you that already consider your actions and the future reproductions of these actions. Thank you for holding this space open for this program to down load. You are and will be successful.

The next big wave we see will be on November 13th . . . the second total solar eclipse ( Now that the heart model has been fully anchored into your new heart, as well as into your world and our universe, this eclipse will be quite important and very potent as it makes necessary adjustments based on our collective consciousness. This will make the universe self-justifying. What we are saying here is that anything that is still not in alignment with unified love will be reprogrammed to make adjustments for human error. This is not a judgment on humanity. But we know that holding a perfect love space in your wobbling world will be hard to accomplish 100% of the time. So the universe is giving you a break for any mis-qualified energy you may have anchored. We also tell you this to be easy on yourself. It is difficult to hold perfect space in a radically morphing world. Relax and just be your truth as much as you can. The universe will clean up anything you might have done that came from anything but love. In this eclipse path, there will be a temporary no-time space in which to reboot all the upgrades. This eclipse will be quite intense, and we are glad that most of the passage of this eclipse is over the ocean to soften its impact. During this time, we can see that there is going to be a lot of upgrading. Stay in a place of peace and neutrality as the reboot washes across the Earth. Now you are running on a fully upgraded and re-calibrated system. It is time to give this new world a test run. You have been ready for this for eons.

The next wave will come in mid-December on 12/12/12 which also falls on an important celebration day for the Maya 8 BATZ. For the Maya, this day is a recalibration of their sacred calendar, and it will set off an explosion that will light the fire under the new programming that we have helped download this entire year. Essentially the Maya Elders will be plugging it ALL in. This comes almost 2 weeks before the December 21, 2012 date that so many of you are aware of.

More about this Maya calendar go here

The last wave of the year comes on December 21, 2012. All you old souls will be celebrating in love and peace. Any that have not allowed this recalibration to take place, and were strong enough to hold it off , will hit an extreme crisis point. Your job is to anchor love and positive intent in celebration, and THIS ACTION will bring these last hold outs into alignment with the new program. This is not a judgment for these souls. They were the last hold outs to keep the old world running up to the very last second, and they did this for us. This was a very hard job for them. ALL souls on your Earth are pieces of God. So don't forget this.

So, with this said, we suggest and hope that you will gather in HUGE numbers on December 21, 2012 around the Earth to celebrate no matter what the outer world is doing. Remember that you are living in the no-fear all-love zone. You are opening portals to your heart, the Earth and the universe. Be out on Mother Earth and under Father Sun. Go to your sacred sites, celebrate and be in love with all your soul family. This is your time. You have waited and prepared for a long time. So allow yourself to celebrate this victory and revel in the glory of the shining God that is in YOU and now anchored in the world and universe.

Be in Love and Peace and know all is well.

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DailyOM - Translating Our Feelings

DailyOM - Translating Our Feelings

June 8, 2010

Translating Our Feelings

Are You Excited Or Scared?

Often times when trying something new, we feel scared when in actuality we may be excited. Reframe your thoughts.

When new challenges and opportunities show up in our lives, we may diagnose ourselves as feeling scared when what we really feel is excited. Often we have not been taught how to welcome the thrill of a new opportunity, and so we opt to back off, indulging our anxiety instead of awakening our courage. One way to inspire ourselves to embrace the opportunities that come our way is to look more deeply into our feelings and see that butterflies in our stomach or a rapidly beating heart are not necessarily a sign that we are afraid. Those very same feelings can be translated as excitement, curiosity, passion, and even love.

There is nothing wrong with being afraid as long as we do not let it stop us from doing the things that excite us. Most of us assume that brave people are fearless, but the truth is that they are simply more comfortable with fear because they face it on a regular basis. The more we do this, the more we feel excitement in the face of challenges rather than anxiety. The more we cultivate our ability to move forward instead of backing off, the more we trust ourselves to be able to handle the new opportunity, whether it’s a new job, an exciting move, or a relationship. When we feel our fear, we can remind ourselves that maybe we are actually just excited. We can assure ourselves that this opportunity has come our way because we are meant to take it.

Framing things just a little differently can dramatically shift our mental state from one of resistance to one of openness. We can practice this new way of seeing things by saying aloud: I am really excited about this job interview. I am really looking forward to going on a date with this amazing person. I am excited to have the opportunity to do something I have never done before. As we do this, we will feel our energy shift from fear, which paralyzes, to excitement, which empowers us to direct all that energy in the service of moving forward, growing, and learning.

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How do we speed up our Ascension? Dedication to love and service to others brings love and light closer to you in your life.

I highly recommend asking your Higher Self for help fast tracking your progress, also God. They have infinite power to help you.

Here is an example you can pray- "My Higher Self and God, Father, of the highest love and light, I intend to be of service to others. I have made the choice and dedicate my life to love and service to others. I dedicate my life to releasing the suffering of all life on Earth. Please support me in all areas of this request and provide your guidance and resources to make it so. God's Holy will be done! And so it is!"

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Hello Friends!  

I hope you are enjoying your weekend.  I have just received the new high-energy Psychic Food Frequencies, Accelerator Combination & Position of the Fleet for January. Also, the 1st Astar Command Update for 2024 is coming up on Jan 20! & go to the Starseed Arcade & Classes page!  

Have a great day, Bryan


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Service is the hallmark of the Age of Aquarius. As humanity moves into this new and dawning era, service is understood more broadly than it has been in the past. No longer is it exclusively directed to giving assistance to those most in need. Instead, service is understood as inclusive of all events and circumstance. The Aquarian Age advocates the notion that all situations are opportunities where service can be rendered. Given this, it is true to say that all people who are selflessly making an uplifting contribution (in some arena of life) are agents of service. Today such people are found within every country, culture and racial group. In their totality, they are called the New Group of World Servers, and their work offers the promise of a better world.

More information at

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Unified Chakra Meditation

I breathe in Light 
Through the center of my heart,
Opening my heart 
Into a beautiful ball of Light, 
Allowing myself to expand.

I breathe in Light 
Through the center of my heart, 
Allowing the Light to expand, 
Encompassing my throat chakra 
And my solar plexus chakra 
In one unified field of Light 
Within, through, and around my body.

I breathe in Light
Through the center of my heart,
Allowing the Light to expand,
Encompassing my brow chakra
And my navel chakra
In one unified field of Light
Within, through, and around my body

I breathe in Light
Through the center of my heart,
Allowing the Light to expand
Encompassing my crown chakra
And my base chakra
In one unified field of Light
Within, through, and around my body.

I breathe in Light
Through the center of my heart,
Allowing the Light to expand
Encompassing my Alpha chakra
(Eight inches above my head)
And my Omega chakra
(Eight inches below my spine)
In one unified field of Light 
Within, through, and around my body.
I AM a unity of Light.

I breathe in Light 
Through the center of my heart, 
Allowing the Light to expand 
Encompassing my eighth chakra 
(above my head) 
And my upper thighs 
In one unified field of Light 
Within, through, and around my body. 
I allow my emotional body to merge 
With my physical body.
I AM a unity of Light.

I breathe in Light 
Through the center of my heart,
Allowing the Light to expand 
Encompassing my ninth chakra 
(Above my head) 
And my lower thighs 
In one unified field of Light 
Within, through, and around my body. 
I allow my mental body to merge 
With my physical body.
I AM a unity of Light.

I breathe in Light
Through the center of my heart, 
Allowing the Light to expand 
Encompassing my tenth chakra 
(Above my head)
And to my knees
In one unified field of Light
Within, through and around my body.
I allow my spiritual body to merge
With my physical body,
Creating the unified field. I AM a unity of Light.

I breathe in Light 
Through the center of my heart, 
Allowing the Light to expand 
Encompassing my eleventh chakra 
(Above my head)
And my upper calves
In one unified field of Light
Within, through and around my body
I allow the Oversoul to merge
With the unified field. I AM a unity of Light.

I breathe in Light 
Through the center of my heart, 
Allowing the Light to expand 
Encompassing my twelfth chakra 
(Above my head)
And my lower calves
In one unified field of Light
Within, through and around my body
I allow the Christ Oversoul to merge
With the unified field. I AM a unity of Light.

I breathe in Light 
Through the center of my heart, 
Allowing the Light to expand 
Encompassing my thirteenth chakra 
(Above my head)
And my feet
In one unified field of Light
Within, through and around my body
I allow the I AM Oversoul to merge
With the unified field. I AM a unity of Light.

I breathe in Light 
Through the center of my heart, 
Allowing the Light to expand 
Encompassing my fourteenth chakra 
(Above my head)
And to below my feet
In one unified field of Light
Within, through and around my body
I allow the Source's Presence to move
Throughout the unified field.
I AM a unity of Light.

I breathe in Light 
Through the center of my heart, 
I ask that the highest level of my Spirit
Radiate forth from the center of my heart,
Filling this unified field completely.
I radiate forth throughout this day.
I AM a unity of Spirit.
I AM a unity of Light.

From "What is Lightbody" by Tashira Tachi-ren

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The death of self desire leads to self love (acceptance) which leads to love for others (compassionate service- the way of Love), this purifies the emotions, which leads to self light (understanding), this purifies the mind, which leads to light for others (the way of Illumination), which leads to the Soul which is love and understanding. Love and Light are the magnetic and electric aspects of Source that bring humanity home to Source.

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Our Energy Connection

10900642679?profile=originalOur Energy Connection

Understanding and respecting our connectedness to all matter, all living things, will greatly improve our relationship with the earth and each other. Mindfulness of the unity of all life will impart honor, well-being, and greatness to the individual and to the Universe.

Much of the way we think about ourselves is gained through distorted information we accumulate from our culture and our mundane lives. Sadly, these misconceptions regarding our essential nature have caused many to develop poor habits that deny them an opportunity to experience true spiritual awakening.

To better understand self one must become familiar with the multiple dimensions of our being and the intelligent energy that works through these dimensions of spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical self. This understanding will lead to embodiment, realizing the divine self within and then manifesting it in our physical form. The enlightened self is able to make use of this power for healing, personal growth, and experiencing a better connection with the creative source.

This path of self discovery begins with accepting and engaging the multi dimensional self and the energy that moves through it. The physical body is made of the same matrix of energy that surrounds and composes all matter. We are part of a quantum field that is present everywhere with the potential to manifest as a material substance or the energy around it. All physical matter is simply a more dense concentration of this energy field. Because all matter including ourselves is connected, we are able to affect and be affected by one another and the whole of the universe.

The individual consciousness is able to engage the essential energy of all creation for a wealth of personal power. This empowerment allows us to create the life that we desire and the ability to share unconditional love with the all of existence.

Take back your power


The New Universal Church

A nature based church with focus on healing and self empowerement.

Please visit website to learn about our Reiki classes and minister ordination. 

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Multidimensional Reality Inside 3D

We don't have to think that the world is literaly more than 3 dimensional to understand spiritual planes of reality and physics. A '2D' hologram has information about a '3D' world. I say the 3 dimensions exists inside the 2 dimensions! Same apply to 'Multidimensional Reality' in our 3D 'space'.

But we still can understand this more than mere analogicaly! Every atom forming the objects of our world can revolve around a tiny, microscopic circle as it moves. Points along the circumverence of this circle is de-facto, 'points along another dimensions'. So planes of reality are interlaced together in the same 3D world much like several pictures are interlaced in the same paper in the technique termed 'lenticular printing'.

In lenticularly printed photograph, you may see a girrafe when you view it at one angle. When you change the angle of view, the girrafe disapears and a lion emerges. Same applies to Multidimensional Reality.

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