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First Message

I had a long dream in which I was in some one else's house and realizing it was time for me to leave and go to my own house. Suddenly, I woke up with the words, "Transmissions from Home" in my mind. It was 5:55 am. When I heard the words, "Transmissions from Home," I saw a man sitting at a desk, like a newscaster. He was blond and had on a uniform, which I think is one of a Galactic Member. His uniform was white with a gold insignia over his heart. There were also golden adornments on his shoulders like a military uniform. In fact, it was like a Dress Military Uniform, but not from our military.

I got up and went into my office to get this transmission. I sat down at the computer and said," I am ready to receive your transmission."

Dearest members of Earth,
We the members of the Galactic Federation speak with you today to tell you that our landings have begun. We come first to our awakened ones within their dreams and meditations. We speak to all of you to prepare you so that you can prepare others. You have been hearing many messages from your Internet about the great changes that are about to commence regarding the removal of those who have created harm and chaos due to their selfish ways. These words are true. This is why we have come to you today, yes, we have come into dreams and meditations of grounded/ascending ones to validate that "yes, we are coming."

We are coming first into your consciousness in such vivid fashions that you cannot deny it, call it a dream or your imagination; even though the formal commencement of your Return Home has long been your dream and that which you dared not imagine. You dared not imagine that the time was here because it would be too painful. You discovered that it was "just" your imagination-just a dream.

We tell you NOW that your dreams are correct. This day/night of 4-11, we are broadcasting this message to ALL our ascending ones and telling them to prepare for their return. Yes, we instantly hear in your hearts: "But we have heard this words before and prepared so many times. How can we build our expectation and then be disappointed AGAIN?"

It is because of these thoughts that we have read in your minds, that we have come into your dreams and meditation to speak to each of you in an individual way, to say:

Get ready dear members of our Earth Team, for the process has begun in earnest. Today, 4-11, the arrests have begun across the world, and those who have sought for eons to have power over humanity have LOST! Yes, they have lost their power, they have lost their money and, most importantly, they have lost their ability to strike fear into the hearts and minds of humanity.

Of course, there are still those who choose to linger in fear rather than accept that what they always dreamed of is NOW theirs to behold. This is why we have come to you today in such a vivid fashion. We have come into your consciousness to tell you to prepare for the changes with LOVE. Do NOT allow ANY fear to enter your being, for that is the tool of the dark ones. Hence, we are speaking personally to all of you, as doubt is the best tool of fear.

We know that many of you will not realize that you have received this message-YET, but be patient and you will remember that you have personally received our guarantee that "IT HAS BEGUN." We know that there are many levels of that simple statement, so we will give you more details. What has begun is the removal of those who have stood in the way of your joy and ascension since the time leading up to the fall of Atlantis.

Atlantis was to be an opener of Portals so that the next 13,000 years would lead up to Planetary Ascension. It was the Divine Plan that there would be myriad personal ascensions when Gaia was "at the back door" of the Galactic Center. In fact, many of you did return to the fifth dimension when Atlantis fell, but you did so as wounded warriors and carried that wounding throughout the next 13,000 years of your incarnations. Worse yet, the dark ones-the Brothers of Biel-appeared to have won the battle between light and dark and planetary destruction reigned for many millennia and the "herd was culled."

This culling of the herd was the dark ones' intention again. However, this time, YOU the Forces of Light, have won! You, our grounded warriors, have been joining us night after night in your finer bodies to assist us with our plans and arrangements. Then, you have awakened in the morning to find your earth vessel and began, yet, another day in the third dimension. Do you see now why you have been so very tired? Your sleep has not been restful because you have chosen to assist us in your finer bodies, while your third dimensional form regenerated.

We want you to know that you all will begin to feel better soon! There is just the "mopping up" to be done, which you are all happily joining in on while your earth vessel sleeps. However, very soon, your "sleep" will NOT be spent battling the forces of darkness, but preparing New Earth for IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY. Yes, we do mean immediate, for YOU our Earth Warriors who have tenaciously served our ranks to complete this cycle of destruction will be spending your "sleep" time constructing New Earth.

Many of you have chosen to NOT remember your dreams, as they were of your great service to Earth and working to remove that which has tried to halt Her transmutation. Therefore, you needed to forget your "night shift" as you had to awaken to the third dimension and go back to WORK. Do you see why you have all been so very tired? Many of our grounded warriors have been experiencing illness because of their constant service. On the other hand, your illness has also been symptoms of transformation.

Your service to the ONE has begun your return to Lightbody. Hence, your physical forms are feeling like a skin that has grown too small for you and is very restrictive. Therefore, like snakes, you wish only to rest to "shed your old skin." In fact, we encourage you to rest as much as possible because those of you who are conscious of the Planetary Ascension will be called upon to calm the fears of those who are un-awakened and un-aware.

We need you, the Earth Based members of our Federation and Angelic Realms, to hold the ever-accelerating Light and channel the unconditional love that you have opening received for your fellow incarnated ones. The uninformed may suffer from fear, and the best antidote for fear is TRUTH and LOVE. Therefore, we send to each and every one of you the TRUTH of Planetary Ascension and the unconditional love that streams from our hearts, as well as from the Galactic Center.

Our Milky Way Galaxy is being cleared of polarity and Earth, the schoolroom for myriad inter-galactic civilizations, is a pivotal planet in this "righting of the ship." With the release of polarity, the wobbling spin of Gaia can be corrected and Earth can "spin" into the higher frequencies of New Earth. Our message today is to tell you that the tide has turned. Release the fear and restrictions of the old NOW and Embrace your joy of creating New Earth. Your personal and planetary ascension is well underway NOW!

Second Message
Speaking Light Language

Dear HOME, wherever and at whatever frequency you are, I did not have a dream last night. That is I do not remember having a dream about you, but today seemed like a very special day. I have been working with groups, and we have been learning ways to create New Earth. However, we also know that New Earth has always been created. So, I guess we are actually creating our return to New Earth. I realize that third dimensional language is becoming increasingly insufficient to express and/or understand timeless, multidimensional communications.

Dear ONE that I saw in my dream, your face is forever imprinted on my mind. I have the idea that you are a member of the Galactic Federation, and you look as though you may be Pleiadian. You may also be Arcturian, as I have only experienced the Arcturians in their Lightbodies or in forms that are not very similar to human. It is for this reason that I imagine that you are Pleiadian. I don't remember talking to you last night, but perhaps I could talk with you now?

Dear Suzille,
You are talking with us all the time, as you have a higher SELF right here at our table. We want you to share this message with your blog because many of your readers are our dear friends and companions. We ask you all, please do not measure yourself by your third dimensional earth body. We assure you that you, yes ALL of you, are a grounded expression of your great, Multidimensional SELF.

We ask each of you to allow your imagination to perceive how you appear in our fifth/sixth dimensional reality. Please, go ahead and take a moment to do that NOW...

For those of you who see this message in the nighttime, please take this exercise into your sleep. For those of you who receive this message during the day, please leave yourself a reminder by your bed to imagine how you appear to us, the members of the Galactic Federation...

Of course, you have many higher dimensional realities, which is why we ask you to imagine, and/or visit, your expression that is here with us. Our Galactic Federation is huge, and only a percentage of us are currently holding a human form on ascending Earth. Therefore, it is extremely likely that you are drawn to this message because it reminds you of Home! The particular Home we are speaking of is the Galactic Home which you are representing in your current Earth life.

We apologize for our somewhat confusing language. As stated above, third dimensional language system is extremely inadequate to effectively interpret multidimensional transmissions. Because of this, it is important that you remember Light Language, as much of our message gets "lost in translation." It is for this reason that there are often conflicting "channels" from the higher worlds. To alleviate this problem, we will continue our transmission by speaking in the metaphorical manner of Light Language.

As the sun sets on that which you have known as your reality, you feel the welcoming glow of a new manner of perception and interaction. This glow fills your being and encourages your sleeping Lightbody to burst forth into the Light of your dawning world. You rub your eyes to release the cobwebs of forgetfulness from your memory, so that the seeds that have lain dormant within your consciousness can begin to sprout. These seeds are similar to the Fire Seeds that remain inactive in the forest soil, and are only brought to life by a raging fire.

Now the fire of transmutation is raging in full force. Just as the Fire Flowers create a sturdy ground cover to protect the naked earth from erosion, you-our grounded emissaries of light-will hold the foundation of your world so that the many changes will find a sturdy format upon which they can grow. Then, just as the Fire Plants last only one season and return home to their soil, your service will last as long as needed. Then you too, will return to HOME to be with us again.

We feel your impatience. However, we are confident that you will stay your course for as long as necessary. Think with your Heart and love with your Collective Mind. Feel the polarities blending within your being and walk the Center Path. With each footfall your Path changes, so center your awareness upon where you ARE. Each decision you make sets into motion an alteration in your course. Hence, you must ONLY BE where you are NOW.

Release the burden of time to feel the NOW grow within you. The strongest tree can be felled by a wind that only bends the small blade of grass that offers no resistance. BE the grass, BE the wind and BE the Path that prepares itself for the pressure of your next step. Release the habit of being third dimensional, and stand naked before the nothingness. Your life is a blank canvas awaiting the first brushstroke of your new life.

Walk alone in nature, listen to music, read poetry, and don't speak a word for hours. Release the skin that has become too tight, and protect the delicate membrane that encompasses your consciousness. Treasure EVERY moment as if it were your last. Time is ending. There is only NOW!

Third Message
Cracking the 3D Matrix

Dear Ascending ONES, the love and light of our messages are constantly flowing from our frequency into yours. You have heard of many impending changes, which will soon be revealed to the general public. We say the word "soon," as from our frequency of "no time" we choose not to give dates. Also, the information that will be released (and is being released) will only be perceived by those who are ready to receive it, as well as when they are ready to perceive it. Fortunately, because of the steady flow of this information, and your choice to accept it, you are beginning to shift in and out of myriad versions of Ascending Earth.

Once you experience other frequencies of reality, you become aware of the many dampers in your consciousness that you had to (unconsciously) create in order to perceive ONLY the third dimension. With the awareness of these constraints to your perceptual field, you begin to see through them to perceive higher expressions of reality. In this manner, the illusions of your physical reality are breaking down, and you are left with the matrix of many possible realities that have always been underlying the third dimensional illusions.

Your true nature is much like a search engine on your Internet in which you "type in a key word" and have your choice of many versions of reality. Then, once you "click" that choice, you are able to explore that version of reality. Also, just as the other options on your Search Engine do not disappear because you have chosen to open a certain file, the myriad realities that you did not choose to "click" still exist. Just as the many temperatures of water intermingle in your oceans, these many possible realities intermingle in the vast Cosmic Ocean of the ONE.

When you chose to enter the third/fourth dimension, you turned off your ability to access your personal "search engine" so that you could remain on the physical world. We can guarantee you that most of you would have chosen to click-place your intention on-a higher frequency of reality if you had conscious access to it. However, now that you have downloaded and integrated your multidimensional consciousness, you are beginning to see through the illusions that once seemed very real. Of course, all reality is "real" while you are experiencing it. Then, once you shift your intentions away from that world, it becomes a "potential reality."

Those of you who have placed your attention and intention onto our constant flow of information, are beginning to perceive the "bleed through" of parallel and possible realities. When you are "working," your attention is focused on your physical responsibilities and your myriad possible realities are forgotten. However, once your mind is free to wander and you choose to do that which "feeds your Soul," your multidimensional consciousness returns to the forefront of your awareness. It is then that the many possible realities become conscious, and you experience the bleed through of higher frequency expressions of your life.

For example, the grounded expressions of our Galactic Federation are completely ready for our landings and for the precursory changes in your reality that will make a peaceful landing possible. Therefore, many of you are going to the search engine of your Internet to see if there is any new information. We wish to tell you, that you can begin to release the need to access the physical Internet to gain your information, as we are able to speak directly to any of you that calibrate your consciousness to our frequency of reality.

Conversely, we do suggest that you share any information that you gain from us on your Internet, as it serves as a hub in which it is safe to express your Multidimensional SELF. Those who still do not believe in their inter-dimensional abilities will choose not to read your information, whereas those who are hungry for messages from Home will eagerly "click your message." This sharing of your experiences via a safe and anonymous hub is your rehearsal for sharing your experiences in your daily life. By sharing what you have received via your inter-dimensional communications, you make them "real" to your daily life. In other words, you make these inter-dimensional communications NORMAL.

When one of you takes the risk to honestly share your multidimensional nature with others, you make it safe for them to share their multidimensional experiences with you and with others. As more and more of you KNOW that their Home is beyond the confines of the third dimensional illusions, you begin to "crack the 3D Matrix." By this term, we mean that the hold that the third dimensional paradigm has had on your consciousness for more incarnations than you can remember, is loosening.

Once this hold on your consciousness begins to loosen, the definition of "normal" begins to change. It will become normal to receive inner messages from your higher dimensional Home. It will become normal to release your desire for fame and recognition in a reality that is closing its doors. It will become normal to look through the 3D Matrix to see your true reality. At first, this vision may be much like looking through gauze curtains. You can clearly see that there is something on the other side of the loosely veiled window, but it not clear to you until you pull the curtains open.

More and more there will be visions that come into your awareness just beyond that veil of illusion. At first, you will ignore them because they will distract you from your "work." You will be too busy to bother with your imagination. Then, you will begin to realize how VERY tired you are of the work, and how much you long to take just a quick peek through that veil. When you dare to pull that "curtain" aside, your emotions will burst forth in remembrance of Home. You will want to tear down the curtain and open the window. However, you have work to do! You have responsibilities to others and to your world. How can you take out time from your busy life to "day dream" of a better reality?

That question, once asked, cannot leave your mind. Furthermore, that feeling of Home will not leave your opening heart. So, why not just take a quick moment, perhaps during your break, to take a quick peek through that veil? You take a moment to close your eyes to the illusions of the physical world and pull aside the curtain that has kept your true reality distant from your daily life. No, you can't see a thing today. Yes, you knew it! It was just your imagination. There is no "other world." You are just here. But where is "here?" If your physical world is all that there is, why can't you stop longing for a life that is lived in love, creativity, camaraderie and spiritual fulfillment?

Perhaps, there will be some news on the Internet about this yearning that will not cease. You pick up your smart phone and go to your favorite sites. Yes, sure enough, there is more news. More things are happening that you WANT to be true. You want the fighting for survival to end. You want the debts to be forgiven and your home to be assured. You want to travel through nature and enjoy what is left of your third dimensional experience. Oops, there you have thought it. There you have admitted to yourself that you DO believe all that you have been hearing because you WANT it to be true.

But how many things have you wanted to be true in your physical world that never happened? Yet, it feels different now. You don't exactly know how, or maybe even why it is different, but it IS different. You feel it. You know it. You want it to be true so much that you remember again and again to "imagine" yourself living that reality that you glimpsed through the gauzy curtain over your mind screen. You cannot forget the feeling of unconditional love and total freedom to express your SELF in every moment. Thus, you hold those thoughts and feelings in your consciousness where they begin to take root and grow.

It is then that your choices begin to change. Maybe you don't need that thing that was your reward for working so hard. Maybe you would prefer to go to the park with your family, pet your dog, hug your children or embrace a good friend. Maybe having stuff and/or gaining recognition is not so important anymore. In fact, it is getting increasingly difficult to do anything that does not fill you with peace, love and even joy. What is wrong with you? You have bills to pay, things to buy, your boss needs you-even though you hate your job. In fact, you hate "working." Oops, you said it, you thought it, and you admitted to yourself that you are tired of working. You want to be more creative. You want to enjoy your life. In fact, wouldn't it be wonderful to be part of creating a whole new way of life?

Now you have admitted it! Now you have chosen to look out that window rather than attend to that thing you are doing so that you can make money. Now that you know that YOU are working long, hard hours to eke out a living while others are stealing your money, repossessing your house, laying you off and taking your retirement. NOW you are angry. But anger is not always bad. Anger can assist you to DO that thing you always wanted to do, but you were a good person who was working to contribute to your society.

However, now you know that is NOT your society. It is the society of a very few people who NEVER worked. Are you going to continue with that life when there is reality based on unconditional love and unity consciousness just on the other side of your mind? Or, are you going to follow your heart into that which was formerly impossible? However, NOW it is REAL. However, it is only real if you click that link.

Fourth Message
We Are Closer Than You Think

It is I, your Pleiadian Friend from the Galactic Federation. I/we do serve on the Violet Ray, as well as on the Star Ship Athena. Thus, we are friends. In fact, all ascending ones are serving in some capacity in the higher frequencies. How could they not, for you are all Multidimensional and resonate to many realities within the NOW of the ONE? It is the connection to your own higher expression that is most helpful for you at this moment of your ascension process.

Knowing that you are connecting with a higher expression of your SELF assists you to release your human habit of worshiping Beings from the Higher Worlds. If there is worship to be done, is should be of us for you. You, our grounded ascending ones, have made the great sacrifice of incarnating on Gaia during the final years of Her third dimensional expression. Hence, you all have been facing myriad challenges as your old society breaks down in preparation for your Planetary Ascension.

In other words, all that has stood in the way of Planetary Ascension must be released from your society. In the same manner, all that has stood in the way of your personal ascension is being released. Therefore, you are asked to face major alterations and transmutations in your personal world while you are also facing major social changes. Do you see now why we, your higher dimensional expressions, are so very proud of the magnificent transformation you are creating?

Yes, your Galactic Family is assisting Gaia in many ways, especially now that our Divine Deadline has been reached. However, we are surrounded at all times by peace, calm and unconditional love. Furthermore, we are in constant connection with the Unity Consciousness of the ONE. On the other hand, many of our brave grounded ones are facing personal, domestic, professional, social and geographical changes that appear far beyond their control. However, you are continually meeting every challenge with courage and love.

Therefore, we wish to "take our hats off to you," to speak in your Earth vernacular. We want you to know how very much we respect you. We hold you in our every thought and constantly send you our unconditional love. Please take a moment to take in our love and respect. Feel our energy as it encircles your earth vessel and caresses your heart. Listen as we tell you of your life here among us. Allow your imagination to remember your life here with us on the Starships, in the Celestial Planes and/or in the fifth dimension and beyond.

Remember that YOU are not just the small earthen vessel that presently appears to be your body. Your physical earth vessel is merely your login point through which you can interact with the third/fourth dimension. We direct you to look into your High Heart to find the login point through which you can consciously interact with us in the fifth dimension and beyond. Use the great power of your imagination to believe that which you perceive. For believing in your higher perceptions will allow you to find your Path through the many changes and challenges that you will confront in the final leg of your long journey.

Most of all, remember that we are always in your heart. Feel the great love that we feel for you. Hear our words as they guide your every decision. See our faces when you look into the mirror and call upon us to assist you to remember your nightly visitations to our Ship. Yes, we see you often. However, we realize that it would be too difficult to return if you always remembered your visits with us. Therefore, most of you forget. However, just because you don't remember doesn't mean you were not among us.

To best remember your visits, try automatic writing. Your mind has been trained to lie so that you can live within the third dimensional illusions. However, your hands are connected to your heart and only know the truth. This is how our scribe receives many of our messages. Most of all trust that you, yes YOU-the one who reads this message, is "good enough" to be the great, Multidimensional Being just as we are.

We, who await your return to our Ships, New Earth and to worlds beyond, are higher expressions of your own clay earth vessel. YOU are here with us, as well as on ascending Gaia. YOU are our "away mission." YOU volunteered for this tour of duty and you are doing a magnificent job.

We stand as ONE and Salute you!
Your Galactic Family

I imagine that most of you are also releasing more and more of your addictions to the third dimension. I know that I am. By "releasing 3D addictions" I mean that many things that used to be important to me are no longer important. There are books I once enjoyed reading, television shows I once watched, places I liked to go to, conversations I wanted to have, etc. etc. that no longer hold my attention. Oh yes, there is also food I once enjoyed that is no longer important now. However, it is not just that I do not enjoy those things that were judged as "bad" and now I only do those things that were judged as "good." Instead, it is just that I have very different desires and needs.

Of course, there are still many things that are still very important: nature, my loved ones, writing, talking with people about spirituality and doing art. I think there is a process here where I no longer enjoy things that are "just 3D" and want to spend my time doing things that are of a higher frequency. I especially only enjoy people that I can be open with about my spiritual experiences. I spent so much of my life hiding out that I have no tolerance for situations in which I must mute myself or be less than myself so that "they" will not judge me.

In fact, I don't care at all if "they" judge me. If that is how they wish to express their fear, that is their choice, but I do leave their presence. However, I don't have to leave their presence because it just does NOT come up. That judgment that I spent so much of my life worrying about, just never happens. I mean I am sure it does happen, but I don't attend to my desire to experience it, so I don't have to experience it. Perhaps, because I no longer judge myself, others do not judge me either. Energy out is energy back, and everyone in our life is a mirror through which we can see our self.

I guess I am so busy looking into my multidimensional mirror that I have lost interest in my 3D mirror. Of course, I dress appropriately for the situation and put on makeup etc., but my concern is gone even though the effort is still made. When I remember to look, I am seeing more and more of the 5D bleeding through into my daily life. I see the 3D fine, but if I remember to look, I can see lights and, mostly, FEEL that there is some one or some thing just over there that I can't quite see-yet. However, I must admit that I forget to "look" unless I am relaxed. When I am hurrying to some place, I lose the journey and become the task.

I am learning how to release the task orientation and live more in the experience. When I remember to do that, my body calms, my consciousness rises and I feel love for life. In fact, that love of life is growing every day. That is a big thing for me, as I spent most of my life hating the 3D and wanting-wanting-wanting to go Home. That is unless I was in nature, meditation, being with loving friends or family or engaged in a creative act. Now, I have moments of that feeling as I walk through the grocery store, or do nothing, or do some mundane action.

Interesting, now that we are returning to that Home that I so missed, I am beginning to really enjoy where I am now. In fact, I don't want to soar off into the highest dimension to which I can ascend. Instead, I want to stay with Gaia and assist Her in creating New Earth. The very planet that I so wanted to leave is the very place where I want to stay when I can finally leave. Very interesting! Life does have a way of surprising us, doesn't it?

I remember one time when I was a teenager and locked in the bathroom (I would lock myself in the bathroom where I had total privacy and cry, cry, cry to please take me home), I was sobbing, and I saw a small piece of paper in the trash. I think it was part of a calendar or something. I stopped my hysteria and picked up the small paper. It said,
"Happiness is not getting what you want. Happiness is wanting what you have."

Perhaps, many decades later I have discovered that truth. Also, I have discovered how I have the power of choice, and the most important choice I ever made was to listen to Spirit. It was always there. I played with it as a child, and it comforted me when I was a teenager. It assisted in raising my children and learning to be married, and guided me through my EVERY life choice. It is not that I never made mistakes. In fact, I made many mistakes. It is just that my best friend, Spirit, always forgave me.

Perhaps that forgiveness was the very best gift from Spirit. The guidance was, of course, invaluable, but the forgiveness allowed me to learn from my mistakes. And, the main thing I learned was-ALWAYS stay connected to Spirit. Always believe that my inner-conversations were real and always listen to the small voice of Spirit over the shouts of doubt and fear.

So here we are. It does appear to be happening. I mean, the ascension the ascension does appear to be happening. I can say "it" because the process of ascension has been so forefront in my mind and vocabulary that it is the "IT" that I have been waiting for, hoping for, working for and calling for my entire life. My gift/curse (as gift and curse are often in the same package) is that I forgot to forget. Therefore, I knew what I was missing in my myriad higher dimensional realities. Also, I felt the pain of my other parallel third dimensional lives as well as the pain in this life. Fortunately, as I finally transmuted the pain of my other lives, I felt the joy in those lives, to amplify my joy in this one.

We all have a gift/curse, which is that thing that drives us crazy if we try to ignore it, and forces us to grow up so that we can use it. Our gift/curse keeps us discontented from 3D dramas and reminds us over and over that there is more to life if we just pull back the curtain of illusion. Now, those curtains are being ripped off, ready or not. If we have spent our lifetime getting ready, the clear view of reality is a blessing, a validation of what we always knew - but forgot.

Well, the curtains are down and the light is shining in. The darkness is leaving and the moment is NOW! Therefore, it is time to look into the mirror of our SELF and say,

How many of you are ready to ascend-whatever that means to you? In fact, lets have a show of hands. In your comment section say:

I AM ________ AND I AM READY!

I will go first:
I AM Sue and I AM READY!

Email me at if you are ready.
Take what is left of "time" to make a statement to your SELF.


Dear Ascending Ones,
May is an important month this year, much as every month is important in this year of 2012. But there will be special surprises this month that will fill your heart with joy. In a reality that has been ruled by the illusion that "others" have power over you, how can we say that for sure? We can say that because NOW you are free of the need to be led by someone outside of your SELF. Now, you are free of the need to have others tell you what to do, or tell you that you "did a good job."

What do you choose?
It is this freedom from the concepts of "others" having power over you that gives you the choice to ascend. Ascension is, indeed, a choice, and some of you may choose it. Some of you are not complete with the experience of time, polarities, separation and limitation. However, it is not likely that YOU, the one who is reading these words, will make that choice. Because YOU have chosen to read our message, you have already chosen to move into the unknown of ascension.

However, is ascension really unknown to you? As the veil of third dimensional forgetfulness is released from your daily life, more and more of you will remember your immense multidimensional abilities. Off to the corner of your eye, you will perceive higher dimensional beings, portals opening into other worlds and higher expressions of your own Multidimensional SELF. Your Inner Voice will become louder in your consciousness and more important than the voice of your ego-self telling you what you should do. In fact, the concept of "should" will begin to dim from your reality, for you will know that YOU are the creator of your life. YOU can DO and BE however your heart guides you. For, as your Ascension Path is revealed, you will remember your "reason for embodiment" that you chose before you were born.

As you increasingly feel your SELF within yourself, reach out with your heart and mind to look into the eyes and soul of each one that you meet. Also, look into the mirror to see the reflection of your true SELF, and BE that SELF in your daily life. Time is ending and there is only NOW. Within this NOW, embrace what you want to perceive. If you want love and peace, embrace it. If you want freedom and creativity, embrace it. We understand that after myriad lives of indoctrination that you must be who you are told to be. It is a challenge to BE your SELF.

We tell you that it is now safe to come out into the world as your true, Multidimensional SELF. You have the opportunity to create a new reality. However, to embrace the new you, you must release the old. We have assisted many beings, civilizations and even planets to transmute their frequency of expression into a higher dimension. In fact, most of you who find this message have experienced these events in another expression of your Multidimensional SELF. However, in your third dimensional Earth lives you learned to fear the unknown. However, the matrix for that paradigm of reality is swiftly closing, and your only enemy now is your own fear.

What is your inner enemy?
There are many of our ascending ones who have been facing the outer enemies by dealing with the Illuminati and all who have taken your freedom and caused you problems. There are also many who are communicating with the Galactics and Celestials, to receive and share information about the ascension process. On the other hand, there are many of the ascending ones who are dealing with the enemy that strikes within-fear. It is those of you who are clearing ALL your patterns, habits, addictions, thoughts and emotions that resonate to even the smallest degree of fear that are the unsung heroes.

Fear stands in the way of personal and planetary ascension because it binds you to the perceived safety of what "appears to be." Hence, releasing fear allows you to perceive the True reality that YOU are creating. Many of you may think, "What can I do for planetary ascension? I am just a normal person with people that depend on me. I don't have time to meditate or channel. Our response is you are the ones who have the special job of clearing fear. Your contribution to ascension is to clear fear from its myriad hiding places in your thoughts, memories, emotions and reactions.

Clearing your own fear is how you clear fear from those that you care for, those that you work with, those who live nearby, those with whom you communicate, your pets that you live with, the gardens that you tend and the planet that supports you. This clearing of all residue of fear is extremely important because there are many changes that will start to happen in your reality. Fear is the part of you that resists change, that can't move forward or do something different. Fear traps you in a holding pattern that keeps you stuck where you are and makes you feel you cannot move into something better, or even different.

There is the crippling fear of depression and anxiety and the ticking fear of negativity. However, all forms of fear lower your consciousness and trap you in a reality that cannot, and will not, change. Do you see now why clearing your fear is one of the most important things you can do to assist in planetary ascension? Whether or not you are aware of it, you are already uniting with each other, the animal kingdom, the plant kingdom, everything that you encounter and the atmosphere that you breathe.

What can I do for ascension?
If you hold onto fear, you spread that fear with your every breath. On the other hand, if you clear your own fear, you assist in clearing fear in every person you meet, place you go and situation you encounter. Think of life with NO fear. Is that not the foundation for ascension? Therefore, for those of you who wish to know:
"What can I do for ascension when I can barely make it through daily life?" The answer is, "Clear your fear."
"But I am stuck and I can't move forward."
"Clear you fear."
"But I am unimportant and don't know how I can assist with the many changes."
"Clear your fear."

Fear masks out love. Everyone, even the worst member of the Illuminati, has fear. Everyone, even the meanest person you have ever met, has love hidden behind his or her fear. If there were no love at all that person would cease to exist because love is what binds you to the matrix of your 3D reality. Only people who are afraid of themselves want to induce fear in others. People who live in love want to create love in others. Fortunately, love is the antidote to fear. And this love must begin with yourself, for how can you give to others what you do not have yourself?

Furthermore, love for yourselves gives you the courage to face your fear and clear it. Initially you may need to receive that love from the higher dimensional expressions of your SELF who resonate to the flow of unconditional love of the ONE. Eventually, you will be able to hold that unconditional love as a constant antidote to fear. Fear is the dirt that gets your clothes dirty and makes white clothes brown. Fear is the pollution that gets into your air and makes blue skies muggy. Fear is the conflict that destroys your day and lowers your consciousness. When you clear your fear, you clear your aura, your workspace, your home, your neighborhood and your atmosphere. Most importantly, you clear your planet and assist Her with her ascension.
How do you clear fear?
In order to clear your fear, you must consciously observe yourself in the act of experiencing fear. You must catch fear in its every hiding place, and heal it with the power of your love. If you drop coffee on your shirt and immediately wipe it off, it goes away. However, if you ignore it and don't wipe it off, the small spot become a stain. Fear is much the same. If you notice it and clear it with love, your aura remains clean. On the other hand, if you are not conscious of your fear, others will see it, they will react to it and you will wonder why everyone around you is afraid.

However, when your aura is filled with love, you reject fear. You do not wear a white shirt to roll in the dirt, nor do you choose to engage in fear when your aura is clear. Love clears fear. Begin with loving yourself. Remember to love your wounded ego, for it is the part of self that needs it most. Once you truly love yourself, you can love your home, friends, community, state, country, continent, hemisphere and planet. Then, before you know it, you begin to change, and you live in love for longer and longer periods of time.

Then one day, you forget to be afraid. You are so distracted by the freedom and creativity of your ever-expanding love that you forget to experience fear. How can you forget to experience fear? You forget to experience it because you can no longer perceive it. Your consciousness has risen above the frequency of fear and you are surrounded by love. In fact you ARE love, and you ARE New Earth. Do you see how important you are? All you did was clear your fear, but when you clear your fear there is only love.


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  • Dear Craig,


    I like & Love Suzann Carol's work.....


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