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Remember: Natural Dualism, Logic and Reasons for Darkness

Dear readers of,

this is a human to human message. My name is not of importance, but I believe this to be essential for our success, so I ask for ten minutes of your much needed attention. No other being except myself has influenced this text. Only my life experience and the many influences shaping it over the past 21 years since I was born lead to this.

In the name of those who have a little different thoughts, I am here with a probably strange message.

I can not promise you anything. I can not give you answers for that which is beyond human reasoning.
However, I can give you the warmth, knowledge and understanding of a soul, that’s just like yours. A soul that touched human extremes, cried out in extasy and pain, seeked for the light and the dark, felt useless and weak, powerful and perfect.

I will give you a story and a few of my thoughts. Please be careful with them, as they are parts of the soul and body that is me. It’s, so to say, a gift to you. And if you take, enjoy and explore the gift, that will be your gift to me. This story is of a being that seems far less than important. The story of a being on a search. The story of a being like you and me. It’s about us. In our world.

It’s not about existence. Remember: Existence is not as important as you think. If there wouldn’t be existence, you couldn’t even say the word “important”. You couldn’t even think. Oh you wouldn’t even have the soul that recognizes your thinking. Remember that: You can always rely on life itself. On everything that exists. Question all the things, question everything. but don’t question the ground we all walk on: Existence. Of course you can do it, in fact I have questioned it. But for those of you who like to learn from others: It’s a waste of time, as without it, you couldn’t even waste that time. There’s no need to question it, because the fact that you can ask the question is the answer already: It IS. All is.

What matters to us is: HOW is it? HOW do we grasp it? WHATS OUR WAY TO DEAL WITH EXISTENCE?

Currently, our way of thinking is called dualistic. The “dualistic range”, meaning the range of possibilities that can occur between two extremes, is the primary thought environment of our species. Or simply put: The usual way to think is between black and white. Imagine a long corridor. At one end, the walls are completely black. At the other, they are completely white. Between the ends, the color of the walls is fading from black to white, making them different shades of grey. In our society, we all are taught, that we walk in this corridor all the time. Sometimes we stand between the black walls, sometimes between the white ones, most often somewhere in the middle of the corridor, in the grey.

Before we look at the easy way out, let’s explain, WHY that happens. This is to regain understanding of that which is natural.

Here’s what usually happens in a human life.
We’ll have a look at it without any kind of judgement. Let’s simply notice what’s usually going on.

A human being is born. At that time latest, everybody knows about it’s gender. This puts the being into our first and easiest to see dualistic scheme, a scheme of nature itself: Woman and Man.
The being will sooner or later notice another essential scheme. The circle of day and night. It will get to know sun and moon. That’s another easy to see dualistic part of our everyday life. This cycle again is part of the nature around us.
The next very important dualistic system in human life is the distinction between good and evil. This one seems to be more tricky at first, because nobody truly knows if good and evil is a concept of nature or human kind itself. But let’s reduce it to the feelings, to our souls: In our souls, we FEEL good and we FEEL evil, don’t we? We feel pleasure. We feel pain. It’s human. I would say: It’s another part of nature. And why shouldn’t it be? As you can already see, nature on this planet is filled with dualism.
And now it goes on: Everything sorts itself into these ideas of one extreme (ie. the darkest night) and the other extreme (ie. the brightest day).

Think about: The worst luck. The biggest success. Rich. Poor. Love. Hate. Extasy. Emptieness. Poorly dressed. Looking like an angel. Uglieness. Beauty. Being awarded. Being sent away. Whatever “usual life stuff” you can come up with, it usually, one way or another, fits into the dualistic corridor.

And in fact, even before the being is born, it was CREATED in dualism. A human child is always the child of a man and woman. Only if that which is “broken up” unites, only if the two different parts of the same thing come together, a new ONE can be created. In human life, one plus one is not always two. In human life, one plus one can be three.

Isn’t that interesting? The most important in human life comes from UNITING the DIFFERENT of the SAME.

So now, we can see that dualism is in our very nature. It’s literally all around us, it is in us, it is in our solar system, in physics and in fashion.

Before we look at what might break that god given dualism up or if we have a way to go beyond it, let’s make another thought journey and think about the corridor again. Remember: We are all taught that we stand IN the corridor, we walk BETWEEN the walls, BETWEEN the colors. Now think outside of the box. Literally, instead of being inside of the corridor, look at it from outside, imagine that it is a box and you can look through the walls of it. I figure that many of you have already imagined the corridor from “above”, not standing inside it but looking down at it from a point above in the air. This is where you can see the ONE THING, instead of two ends of a corridor.

If you think from outside of the box, from outside of the corridor, you’re not stuck between the black and the white anymore. You can see the black AND the white. You can see that it all is the same thing, only the thing itself has differences inside. It’s like the human species: We’re all the same, but we have differences. It’s like good and evil: It’s part of the same, it’s a matter of your perspective and feelings. It’s like looking good and awful, there’s a difference but we all LOOK like something.

I think we shouldn’t forget the black and the white. Even if we are outside of the corridor, it is crucial not to lose your grasp on dualistic concepts. Not only because our nature currently is shaped that way and it defines our life. But also because it’s necessary to understand those, who are still stuck in the corridor of dualism.

So let’s hold this thought: Dualism is integral to our life, it is part of our nature. It is a view on life that is born from what we’ve experienced. However, it limits our perspective and makes us feel stuck between walls. So it’s useful to “raise above” duality and think about the whole thing again, the ONE, not just a shade of it.

That allows us to see more of everything because outside of dualistic concepts, we can think freely and draw conclusions more easily, without being prejudiced or limited by emotions. But there’s more in it. If we in ourselves break free from all the differences and grasp the unity of it, that leads to massive experiences and insights. I think, you all know what I’m talking about: The feeling of universal unity. I’m one hundred percent certain that everybody looking for the deepest answer will find this state at some point, so I won’t go into detail. I found it unexpectedly but I was looking for it, and so was it for all who I’ve spoken to. There’s no need to worry if you feel like you have no clue what I’m talking about. This insight and feeling I’m talking about doesn’t run away and it welcomes everybody. It’s always. You won’t miss it by any chance.

But see, all of that wonderful wisdom comes from experiences in our minds, our souls. But the physical world around us has duality imprinted on it. This is what’s REALLY hard to understand. You know, reaching certain levels of consciousness is one thing. Coming back is the other. Because even if you were at one point absolutely enlightened, you’d still have to cook yourself a meal and wash your clothes afterwards. Ridiculous, right? But it’s the truth of our current situation: Most of us have no POSSIBILITY to spend all of their time in a condition of absolute enlightenment. You can argue a lot about this, but it’s better to accept it right away, because many have tried and I’ve seen them in the worst conditions. Remember: Seeking for the highest can lead to the lowest. The reason is simple: Unless you’re a guru living in the mountains, the one moment you have no money anymore and no one to feed you and give you a home, you’re basicly dead. Try working in this world while being aware of it all. Try living this modern absurd life, while being connected to all that is, feeling so deep and so wide and understanding so much.

Of course, that’s what “they” always wanted. “They”, the dark ones, as we like to call them, meaning those who abuse us, profit a lot from unawareness, thus they try to increase it. It’s something a lot of lightworkers are working on and changes are easy to notice: 2011 and 2012 have been years of serious unrest on this planet. No matter who planned and started it, it has become a true matter of the people on this world and global revolution has become imaginable. Many of the “revoluzzers” fight with the spirit of the ONE in mind. I lived in the Occupy camp in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, for a long while and I can tell you that the movement is driven by many kinds of people. Some have no clue about spirituality or extrateresstrial life at all, yet almost everybody absolutely understands how important the matter of CONSCIOUSNESS is. And trust me: A lot of those who are part of active and dangerous protests every day, week and month of their lives, draw their power from knowing about the global change, knowing about the unity of mankind, this planet and the universe. Most of the people who I’ve met there have grown incredibly close to me and we shared so much knowledge and experiences with each other, it felt insane. Insanely good.

But let’s get back to topic. Permanent enlightenment is not possible for most of us at this point right now. And our physical world is very dualistic and it’s 3d. These are things we currently cannot change and it is good to know that when you explore the realms of spirituality and out of the box thinking. Because otherwise, you might just lose hope at one point. The experiences and insights you can have when you go further and further in understanding can shake the ground of everything you know. Again and again. No, it never stops. There’s no final level of consciousness (at least none we know about) and every time you ascend will be groundshaking if you can’t relate to your roots and the physical world your body lives in anymore.

So now let me end this long cycle of explanations. Hold in mind: Existence always is. Dualism is a way for us to grasp our existence. Raising above it broadens our horizons but can carry us away from what we can deal with. So it is not wrong to sometimes be dualistic, to sometimes be just natural and human, if you ask me. Balance and understanding is the key to a stable road to raising consciousness.

If you ever felt bad for losing your “high thoughts”, the insights you thought you had and all the enlightenment you might’ve had: It’s okay. It’s natural. You don’t even need to be forgiven because there’s nothing to forgive.

Even right now, in the midst of this June, at the beginning of the most exciting phase we all might experience in our lives, it is possible to feel shattered, alone and desperate for some people. But look at the weather outside: Do you think any plant could survive if there was ONLY sunshine? Do you think any plant could survive if there was only rain..?

Truth is: It has been raining for a loooong time on this planet by now. I arrived here in 1991 and let me tell you: I saw that we had a lot of problems when I was 5 already. Back then I asked my mother whether all the problems we have right now are only subsequent problems of previous wrong “solutions”. My literal words were something like: “Don’t the politicians only solve the problems they themselves created?” Look, if a five year old can understand that from the news, everybody can. And I was not the only one. Many became aware of the ridiculous way of our world in their childhood already. Many of us also started fighting very early. I feel with all of you who suffered from deep and early understanding.

What I’m trying to tell you is quite simple: Like the plant needs “good and bad weather” to bloom, the child needs man and woman to be born. And a fulfilled life needs darkness and light to become great.

And if a soul wants to become wise, joyful and old… Well you can imagine the road of lives it should take. And every time it becomes unbearable to go through all of it, just leave the corridor! Look at everything from outside and see the ONE. See the greater meaning, if you can’t see it: Imagine many greater meanings. See, every suffering has a beginning. Thus it must have an end. Same with happieness.

It’s really simple in the end: Something that is TRULY endless, has no beginning. If it had one, it wouldn’t be endless, because it begun at a certain point in time, but infinity is a circle, it has no beginning or end. If something has a beginning, you can be sure: It must have an end. And like small sufferings have their beginning and their end, so has the great suffering of us all.

All this rain the past. So much darkness. So much confusion. So much suffering. It’s time for the sun to shine again. We can already see that the storm of darkness beings to lose power. Look, even if everything stays 3D and dualistic, even if no one contacts us from outer space or anything, there’s something we can still rely on: the rules of the universe itself. In duality, which is our perception of the universal reality, there are beginnings and ends. There must be sunshine after rain. If we can have SUCH an IMMENSE global crisis, imagine what kind of a wonderful world we will create, after we got past it.

It’s in our power.
Now, with so much help from all different universal sources in our current situation, success is not a matter of questioning anymore. Because even in dualism and sheer human nature, we can find solutions. We are doing so already. It’s no surprise that we have the attention of the entire galaxy.

Alright sisters and brothers, I wrote a lot to you and I think, even if it seems all wild and mixed up, I got a few points across. Most important to me is to always be able to think outside of the box, when needed, but to never lose the box.

The coming times sure will be exciting, no matter what. I wish all of you the best. In fact, I don’t even need to wish you the best anymore, because in the end, we all get there. You just need to be aware of that which is beyond the end of the corridor and you’ll see it as well.

Oh and by the way: Logic and reasoning still work within spiritual and esoteric mindsets, please don’t forget that. I saw a lot of people give up clever thinking and much needed critical views because they got carried away by the beauty of the ONE. But the thing is: Yeah, you can feel it, yeah, you can see it, yeah you can even understand it, but: You’re human. Right now, it’s still 3d. It’s still the corridor to a certain extent. You need to be aware. Many are out there abusing the light mindedness of people. Use logic and reasoning. Otherwise you might end up playing the “dark ones’ game” by walking blindly, even with only the best in mind.

Learn about the laws of the universe, if you feel confused about reasoning outside of what’s usual. There are many good books on it, recommendations can be found all over the web. You might also want to get into quantum physics, as it opens all the doors to a entirely new understanding of everything.

So, with all these words, I leave you. Maybe a bit unsatisfied and “somewhere in the open”. But it felt right to write this. You might have noticed that English is not my native language. If it was a hard read for you, I apologize. I thank all of you who read this, because I find it important not to forget our root techniques and origins in this time of shift.

With all the love and realism, wishing you true sight and a soft heart in hard times,
Wolfram Siener

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