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On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that this is not the end, but the beginning. All endings
start something better. It is inevitable.

Here is God's promise: Life proceeds, it never recedes.

Life progresses, it never regresses. Not even death
ends anything, so how much can this particular event

It is true. When one door closes, another does open.

The movement of life is ever upward. Six months from
today you will know this. For now, trust it.

Do you think God does not know what She is doing?

Love, Your Friend....

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that you were created to create -- not to react.

Creation is the highest form of Divinity, and your
birthright. Truth is, you are creating all the time. The
central question in your life is whether you are
doing this consciously or unconsciously.

Conscious creation is what is needed now.

Stop moping.

And stop thinking negative thoughts. Just
get on with it! Tomorrow awaits your choice as to
how its going to be. Call the shots! Make it happen!

You're in charge here.

Love, Your Friend....

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that trust is not necessary when you don't want or
need anything.

If you are wondering whether you can "trust" someone,
look closely at what it is you think you need or want
from them. When you need or want nothing, trust is
not an issue.

And, of course, there is nothing that you do need,
from anybody, given Who and What You Are. You
are an expression of Divinity Itself, and Divinity is
your Source.

Thinking that you "need" anything, given that this is so,
would be nothing more than a misunderstanding.

Love, Your Friend....

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that life is a game of boomerangs. Our thoughts, deeds
and words return to us sooner or later
with astounding accuracy.

Florence Scovel Shinn said that, and she was right. So
before you think, do, or say anything -- imagine what it
would be like to receive what you are sending.

Then, go one step further. Decide ahead of time what
you would like to receive...and then send it. Quite
deliberately. That is, give to, or cause in the life of,
another what you would like to now experience. the magic.

Love, Your Friend....

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that nothing good is ever created by deception.
Not even the smallest untruth, not even the most
well-intended "white lie," will produce benefit in the
long run. So tell your truth as soon as you know it.

Yes, yes, I know...."But then...but then..." So you'll
have to decide which of the "But then's" you want.

There will always be a "But then." Yet shall it be one
you endure, or one you create?

If it's control you want, telling the truth puts you in
total control. Ever think of that?

Love, Your Friend....

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that if you ask an impertinent question, you are on the
way to a pertinent answer.

Jacob Bronowski said that, and he was right. Therefore,
never be afraid to ask the question that it seems shouldn't
matter. Especially if it has to do with religion or God.

CwG says, "The question! The question! Always live
within the question!" It is when you think you have
all the answers that expansion ends, growth stops, and
your arrogance begins.

What question do you wish to humbly ask today?

Love, Your Friend....

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that not everything has to turn out exactly the way you
planned in order for you to call it a success.

Sometimes all God wants you to do is to "get the ball
rolling." Then, She'll take it from there. So when things
turn out other than the way you wanted them to, don't
be so quick to say, "Bummer!"

Many a Bummer is a Blessing in disguise. Consider the
possibility that life is magic...and that there's a rabbit
in that hat.

Love, Your Friend....

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that just when it looks like life is falling apart, it may
be falling together for the first time.

I have learned to trust the process of life, and not so
much the outcome. Destinations have not nearly as
much value as journeys.

So maybe you should let things fall apart at this
juncture if that's what's happening. Don't hang on so
tenaciously. The nice thing about things falling apart is
that you can pick up only the pieces that you want...
...and you know exactly why I told you this today...

Love, Your Friend....

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that if you're doing something for someone else's
approval, you may as well not do it at all.

There is only one reason to do anything: to announce
and declare, express and fulfill, become and
experience Who You Really Are.

Do what you do, therefore, for the sheer joy of it,
for sheer joy is who you are. Do what you choose,
not what someone else chooses for you.

Love, Your Friend....

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that desire is a powerful force that can be used to
make things happen.

Marcia Weider said that, and she was right. Yet do
not confuse desire with expectation, or with need.

Desire has an entirely different quality to it. You can
desire something without needing or requiring it.

That little difference makes everything work. That
little difference is the whole trick. Desire, do not
Require. To desire propels. To require compels. Life
will not be compelled, but it can be coaxed...

Whoever or whatever you are trying to compel today,
stop it. Just...fall back into the soft cotton of desire.

Love, Your Friend....

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that life has nothing to do with what you are doing,
and everything to do with what you are being.
Be careful not to get caught in the "doingness" of your
life. That is not what you are here for. You are a sacred
soul, and you came here to the earth to Be something.

And not just one thing, but many things.

The wonderful thing is, you get to choose what that is.

And you get to do that right now. Always Right Now.

So what do you choose to Be right now? Happy?

Content? Safe? Peace? Forgiving? Compassionate?

Love? Go ahead, choose. As many as you wish!

Love, Your Friend....

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that the next step is the most important step. Take it
now. Do not wait.

Life is not going to come down there and sprinkle
glitter dust on your shoulders to let you know that you
are Good...or that you are walking the Right Path...or
that you are making the Best Decision.

Take the next step. Right now. Stop waiting for a "sign"
from the "gods." Your sign is your intuition, wrapped
in your desire.

Hesitation is not a stopping place on the road to heaven.

Love, Your Friend....

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that you are only one short step away from manifesting
what you need to reach your goal.

Do not stop now. Whatever you do, do not stop now.

Okay? Is that clear enough? Is that a clear enough sign?

You asked for a sign, didn't you?

So, is that clear enough?

Love, Your Friend....

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that the acknowledgment of your weakness is the first
step in repairing your loss.

Thomas Kempis said that, and he was right. Sometimes
this is the hardest thing for people to do. Yet self-truth
and truth with others about where you have fallen short
almost ensures that you will go a long way. Everyone can
see you anyway, why not admit what everyone is seeing?

You cannot let go of anything if you cannot notice that you
are holding it. Admit your 'weaknesses' and watch them
morph into your greatest strengths.

Love, Your Friend....

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that everything is perfect Right Here, Right Now. And
Right Here Right Now is all there is.

Forget about the past. It does not exist, except in your
memory. Drop it. And stop worrying about how you're
going to get through tomorrow. Life is going on Right
Here, Right Now -- pay attention to that and
all will be well.

Embrace the present moment with gratefulness and
wonder, and you will turn it into whatever you have
been waiting for.

Love, Your Friend....

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