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Message from Altros, Lord Ashtar and Mushaba


Wake up Call: Altros, May 10, 13
I am here today in the company of Lord Ashtar and Mushaba. We are on the Nexus and we are seeing the creation of the Santa Fe Command Center as I speak. We are seeing the energy morph from here and there as the energies change in the thoughts and feelings of humanity on earth, and especially in the Santa Fe area. It is a vacuuming out of the old and the replacement with the new.

It is a valuable sight to behold, for it is showing us the progress that you are making at this time of much confusion and upheaval in so many of you on earth. We are seeing what a shift is coming about through the abilities that so many of you have to recognize that what you are feeling and experiencing is the result of your intention and allowance to clean out all of the debris that has settled within you throughout this duality experience.

As this happens you are giving of yourselves to the coming of the new world that earth and all of you are destined for. You are preparing the groundwork for the new Galactic Centers to come into being on your earth and within your outer vision. You will be aware of them, and at the same time you will realize the part you had in the creation of them. You will know that they have your energy of intent and Love within every particle of Light Love as you walk through them and partake of their wondrous destiny in your new life experience.

One thing that you will be aware of within the time that you await the appearance of them in your reality is that there is a new feeling in the areas on the planet on which the centers will be seen and brought into your lives as you integrate yourselves with what they represent. It is a matter of feeling the newness and allowing those energies to speak to you of the coming times. In this way you will feel that you are a part of the creation of them, and that with your part in it the centers will bear your inscriptions, and will be ready to welcome you to the knowingness that they will represent in how to go forth in the purpose for them being a part of Gaia and yourselves.

We realize that many of you have been wondering how you will contribute to the creation of these centers, and what to do in the meantime concerning them. We tell you now that it is a matter of seeing them in your dreamtime, in your meditations, and in the walking through, when possible, of the areas that you are led to that will be home to the centers on Gaia. You will contribute greatly by extending your welcome and connection to them and to bring their wholeness into being in your heart as well as in the potential that they represent at this moment. As the energies rise, and all of earth and humanity increase the vibratory equation of oneness, then all that is in the ethers for your coming experience and expression will be manifest in your lives.
We now speak our loving wishes for you to go forth into this day and to enjoy yourselves in the ways that you create and express, knowing that you are contributing your Loving energies to the coming into your lives of the centers that are already experiencing the process of creation that you are gifting them with. It is a time of great joy and effortless creation for all of us in conjunction with all of you, even those of you who are not aware of your part in it. It is the love in which you carry yourselves through your days that brings about the beauty that we see surrounding your planet and each and every one of you. It is a sight to be seen, and we love it and you tremendously. Blessings to you all!

Thank you dear Altros, Ashtar and Mushaba,
Love, Nancy Tate 

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