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sophia (1)

Christos-Sophia explained




The path of Christos Sophia is the path of the heart. It is the heart that has been targeted and tortured and endured unspeakable pain and suffering in our world. The heart is the source of Life and creation and when it is manipulated and compromised the world becomes a dark place ruled by the lower passions of the unconscious realms of desire, fear and greed. Most human desire is not of the heart, although very few human beings can comprehend this. Humanity believes that they choose their own destiny and act according to their own will. Without the full consciousness of the heart, the life-force is run by the realms of fear and darkness that live for survival, pleasure and power, unaware of the greater interconnectedness of all human beings to each other and to the cosmos.

Through our misuse of love and sexuality, we have collectively devolved into the instinctual animal humans who have lost touch with the higher spiritual faculties of the divine human being. Our divine identity is one with Christos Sophia and we share her journey through this Underworld and are required to take part in her sacred alchemy if we wish to reclaim the purity, the creative power and the sanctity of the Human Heart - the jewel of all creation.


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