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The 12:12:12 celebration is linked to Alchemy Consciousness, as well as the Alchemy of
Consciousness. The days of “blindly” living your life have long ago ceased. You are living in a state
of higher awareness within a world embodying great potential. I, Kuthumi, stand in front of you
today, my energy graces the presence of your planet and I challenge you to stand up and say “no”
to the old ways of reacting to life and the old ways of creating the limitations of your past.
The 12:12 vibration is one of the most powerful in existence relating specifically to human

The reason why I say this is because on the 12 th of December every year the
attention of the entire universe is turned to Mother Earth, it is the Universal Solstice; the
celebration of the light soul that exists within every soul currently inhabiting earth.

You inhabit earth for a purpose. The purpose is not to be, or remain inhibited. The lessons that
have presented themselves to you on your earth journey have inhibited certain aspects of yourself.
That time of inhibition is now ending. You have entered a world where you have to truly
understand what it means for light to reflect light. If you have been one of those who have bought
into the idea that light and dark need to stand in equal amounts in order for one to truly learn and
master the lessons of light and balance, then I must ask you now to immediately erase that from
your consciousness. The choices that you have made are presenting you with this opportunity; the
opportunity to live your life expressing and reflecting light, and in so doing, attracting every aspect
of light that exists within you into your physical reality, and having it reflected back at you. This
may challenge many of your belief systems, especially when there are so many people out there
telling you that if you do not experience darkness you cannot continue to grow. Although that has
been the case in the past, it is now changing. Now you are facing the pain and suffering of YOUR
PAST so that you can live within the realms of light NOW, without having to constantly create
drama and suffering in order to feel you have earned your right to experience peace and

More in the meditation By Dear Lord Kuthumi


Be Blessed all

We are all one

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