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experience (3)

This is a story maybe even a channeling, not sure. A friend of mine, a soul mate, activates my chakras all the time. One day when he activated heart chakra, this story  came into my consciousness so fast, like a flooding of information and I had to grab a pencil and my pad quickly to write it all down. I titled it:


                                                 "A New Light, A New Way To Experience Love"


He told me, He is The One.... He is the future.... He is The One who will foretell of a Great Event.

He is The One who will lay down the path to which we will All Become One.  He is The One who will shine His Light on All Humanity, for he as foretold this Event before, a very long time ago.  He is the One to show his Light come forth His Hand to wash over the Earth, in Beauty, Truth and the Way.  On Bringer of the Dawn, a New Light, A New Way for Mankind to Experience Love!

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MWF Experience

I take an elderly relative out on a regular basis and she likes to go to her home town. It is a town that holds a regular market day and there are often gypsies roaming it, selling trinkets, offering blessings and readings etc. Now I do not have any issues with these folks and have had good gypsy friends in the past, but one in particular I cannot tolerate to be around. My whole being goes on edge the moment I see her and I admit that I actively avoid her. Not very spiritual, I know, but she feels like pure evil and completely closed to the light.

As we were strolling around, I must have not being paying attention and we walked right into her. My being went immediately cold and I did not hear what she said to me, but I couldn’t stop myself growling at her……NO! My barriers came down and I tried to just carry on walking past. I couldn’t. I felt the curse and tentacles of evil coming towards and around me and that was it. Anger flooded me and a spilt second later I turned towards her and exploded with Monadic Light. It was one of the most shocking moments of my life, I physically jumped. I felt suddenly 15 feet tall and 30 feet wide. The anger simply disappeared and I felt like I was looking directly into her soul. My being was completely open and held her  and swallowed her darkness in its entirety.

She went white; she really did and mouthed a silent scream. I am so glad that there was no voice behind it, it would have been excruciating. She turned and started to literally run away from me, in her fashion, because she was clearly physically limited.


My being returned to normal and I was so full of joy and gratitude that I just couldn’t stop the tears. When I turned back to my family, my mother was also white as a sheet, mouth open in shock.

Later, I was told what had been done. My Monad (and hers I guess) had decided to put a stop too this ladies activities, whatever they had been, and give her a massive wake up call. She was literally stripped of every entity, lost/trapped soul, soul fragment, negative thought form, shadow and shade she had collected over God knows how many lifetimes. My being was used as the door to send everything back to where it should be. Every ounce of negative, dark energy and power was burned away. She must have been truly terrified; I pray that she is okay.


I’ve been back to this town several times since and the absence of the gypsies is glaringly obvious. When God decides to act, darkness beware; there are no half measures and if you choose to be an implement of God’s will, expect to be placed exactly where your being is needed to accomplish what is needed.  

Abundant Blessings,


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I just had an OBE last night. It actually occurred because I woke up at 4 or 5 am and then fell back to sleep. I've been thinking a lot about OBE recently and maybe it was engrained into my subconscious enough to become reality while sleeping. I don't remember leaving my body (maybe because I was too tired to focus) but I could clearly remember it and I know it wasn't a dream because I remember walking through a wide dark hallway and a female with dark hair teleported in front of me but then walked in front of me. I could see through them- like the ghosts you see in the movies. I was consciously trying to interact with this other person and at the time I didn't realize where I was (in an OBE) and thought it was a ghost. So I tried clearing the ghost by thinking- By the power of Archangel Michael....". I could telepathically communicate and think but then I wanted to speak the words. Then I couldn't speak. I was frustrated because I didn't know where I was. I could think the words but I couldn't open my mouth to speak in the OBE. I tried to touch the person on the shoulder but my hand went through the "apparition". They turned around (since I was following them) and they looked at me and smiled. Then I tried to speak again and was so frustrated I suddenly entered my body and heard myself mumble tongue-tied words while I woke up. I guess speaking with your mouth is a function of the physical body and not an OBE.

I read this here to confirm it:

"More rarely they also claim to be able to influence distant events, although the frustration of being unable to speak to people or touch objects is more common."

From this link:

I plan on buying either Robert Bruce or Robert Monroe's book on OBE/Astral Projection
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