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#3955 (1)

Heavenletters #3955 Shining Light, September 23, 2011

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.

HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:

* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *

God is always bringing us closer to Him.

HEAVEN #3955 Shining Light, September 23, 2011

God said:

When you carry resentment in your heart, you are not free, for resentment lugs you around. You are at its mercy. Resentment carries you over its shoulders and bumps you into walls and bruises you.

You have a heart that is meant for love, not resentment. You have a heart meant for softness, not hardness. This is true even when someone, in her own distress, seems to despise you. Her distress is contagious, and she would like to pass it on to you. It is a hot potato.

You need not accept everything that is handed to you. Another's rough edges do not have to rub off on you. Do not latch on to another's hard-heartedness. It doesn't belong to the other person either, but for convenience, let's say it belongs to them. They will dispense with it by and by. It is for you to dispense with now. Dispense with it now and forever. You want to be free, don't you? Give up resentment then.

The person who resents you wants to give you her resentment in exchange for your good will. She wants to steal from you. You have something she wants. It could be your good name. It could be your good fortune. She will not like the person she wishes to steal from. Do not allow yourself to sit on the seat of the other person's teeter-totter.

Do not steal your good nature from yourself. Do not give it away. It is precious. Do not let someone knock you down from your perch. Do not let them walk all over you either. You do not seem to know how to balance such difficulties. Meanwhile, you fall down. Now pick yourself up.

Do not give one resentment toward another. Do not amass resentment. Do not hold it close to you. You are more wonderful to refuse to accept another's judgment of you than you are to forgive. Get the one who resents you out of your mind. Let them go. If someone wants to resent you, let them. It is their business. Dirty looks do not have to hurt you.

The only person who can hurt your feelings is yourself. When someone is unfeeling or negative toward you, you don't have to burn in the fire.

You don't want anyone to shove you aside, nor should anyone try. Most of all, do not let anyone shove aside your peace of mind. Do not give another a piece of your mind. Do not tell them off, not even in your mind. Do not fragment yourself because someone else is fragmented. Do not cut your heart into little pieces. Your heart is precious to Me. It is, indeed, My heart. Would you stab My heart?

Get anguish out of your heart.

"But how," you say. "How do I do it? My heart is stubborn. It won't let go."

Your heart is willing to let go. Your heart wants to let go. It does not want to collect debris. It is your unrelenting mind that will not let go. Free your mind and your heart will be absolved of resentment. Free your heart from the past. Shake it loose. Think of other thoughts instead of the tormenting ones that have been going through your mind ad infinitum.

Find a way to escape thinking of yourself as wronged. Or, acknowledge that you have been wronged and walk away from it. Otherwise, you wrong yourself. You undercut yourself. You sentence yourself to despair. You override yourself. You eat poison. You can help yourself. Do not drink that last drop of bitterness. Toss it away. You are greater without it. Be My shining light.

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Heavenletters #3958 Believe in God, September 26, 2011

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.

HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:

* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *

God is always bringing us closer to Him.

HEAVEN #3958 Believe in God, September 26, 2011

God said:

On a cloudy day, life goes on just the same. As for you, My darlings, when skies seem dark for you, don't let the clouds dim your view. Keep on going just the same.

In life in the world, nothing has happened. You may feel you are undergoing tremendous change, that life as you know it is falling apart, and so on, and yet nothing is happening. It is a changing world you live in. Everything has changed, and, yet, nothing has changed. From your perspective, everything has changed. Nevertheless, the rug cannot be pulled from under you. Once you were a participant in life with a certain rug under your feet. Now you are a simple participant in life without the familiar rug under your feet. And you are you, and even if you are changed, nothing has changed.

If you put two eggs into a bowl, and you whip the two eggs with a fork, you still have the same two eggs in the bowl. What is the difference? A little stirring, that's all.

Whatever seems to have transpired, consider that you have climbed a ladder. You didn't sink. On the contrary, you are rising. You are climbing a ladder of the past. You step on the rungs. You have passed a milestone, even if it is a milestone you didn't want. You longed for a permanency that doesn't exist.

Perhaps you say: "Permanency exists for others. It used to exist for me."

Be glad then. Be glad you had even what now has left.

Adapt the philosophy that, although nothing has happened, perhaps something happened. Your feelings say so. Then consider that what happened, happened for your benefit. There is something good for you even in this change you resist. You wanted everything to go on as it was, even though you knew you were on slippery sand. Now you know. Now you have landed, even though it seems to you to be on a barren land. The land is not barren. You feel bereft. You have berefted yourself. You may feel you can't live through this, whatever it is, and, of course, you will. You have been through, even to your insatiable mind, worse than this.

What you were attached to is a fantasy. Wasn't it? And this upheaval that you are going through is also a fantasy. Nothing has happened. We can put it this way:

"I, God, am all that there is." You could say that I am the only kid on the block. You are never going to lose Me. Everything in the world can seem to change. Always you have Me. Can I not be enough?

Can it not be enough that I am with you? We have walked together for many eons. Actually, more than that. We have walked through Eternity. There is nothing else to walk through. Whoever else in your world is with you or not with you, I am with you.

Would you trade Me in for someone else? Would you really? Would you really choose another over Me?

If you must hang on to someone or something, hang on to Me. You won't even be hanging on. You will be right where you are meant to be. You will be at My side, and I, at yours.

You can stop putting so much attention on that movie screen you can't take your eyes off of.

Remember Me. See Me standing before you. Stand on my shoulders. You don't really need that rug under your feet. You don't even need a floor. You have everything you need, Bright Star. You have Me. I am shining in your heart. I am shining in everyone's heart. You have lost nothing. There is no loss. I understand very well that you believe in loss. You even believe in death. Believe in Me. Will you believe in Me?

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Heavenletters #3962 Willingly or Unwillingly, September 30, 2011

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.

HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:

* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *

God is always bringing us closer to Him.

HEAVEN #3962 Willingly or Unwillingly, September 30, 2011

God said:

Savor life to the fullest. Listen to its messages. Life is supporting you in every way. And when life seems to leave you in the lurch, then it is supporting you most of all. Life is nudging you to get up and out of where you have been sitting.

When life seems to let you down, it is like the way children are sometimes taught to swim. They are tossed into the water, and they learn to swim. They find themselves swimming. You have been tossed into the waters of life and are learning how to swim right now.

Life is not all about lessons, and yet life does teach you how to swim whether you want to or not.
Be grateful to life and all that you learn and all that you give. Be grateful.

Life is blessing you at every moment. Rain or shine. Life is blessing you at every moment.

You know by now that I am blessing you at every moment. Even with what may seem to be tragic to you, I am still blessing you. In the long haul, you will come to see the blessing in what you now see as tragic. In the short haul, you don't. In the short haul, it is a different story altogether. In the short haul, you tend to wind up saying, "How can this be? How can God do this to me? How can God allow this to happen?"

You are in a stream of evolution. Best to swim with the tide and not against it.

You do not have to protest against life and its hurdles so much. Best just to swim over the hurdles and not look back. Don't investigate. Don't hesitate to leap across deeper waters. Do not hesitate.

What is in front of you is in front of you. You may not like it, yet you are being offered a generous leap in consciousness. Accept it and move on. Move forward. There is nothing else to do. Nothing else to do that serves you, that is.

Whatever obstacle life serves you, it frees you. You are freed from something. It is better to be free than bound. Unbind yourself from whatever has held you back in life.

It is okay to change. Willingly or unwillingly, you have to anyway. Willingly or unwillingly, you have to go along with the changes in life. You cannot change the changes back. This is not a surprise. It was always so. What else is there for you to do but go along? Catch up with life. Don't drag your feet.

Protesting amounts to dragging your feet. Stubbornness avails you not. Be amenable to life.

Say, "Okay, God. I will get on with it. I will walk forward into life. I am enamored with life, and I look forward to the next installment. Thank You for preparing me for what is to come. Thank You for opening my eyes and my heart. Thank You for helping me behold life as the gift You created it to be. I know I am in a play. I am one of the characters in a play. And I play my part. And, yet, my part can change. I can change from a scaredy-cat to a tall hero. I do not always have to play the same character. I can open the windows of my life. I can move from one scene to another. I can slam doors or close them quietly. I can be all You gave me to be. Thank You."

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Heavenletters #3966 God Says Now, October 4, 2011

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.

HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:

* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *

God is always bringing us closer to Him.

HEAVEN #3966 God Says Now, October 4, 2011

God said:

I hold a cup to your lips, and I say, "Drink from this cup," Yet you are busy on other matters. Take a moment. Sit near Me, and drink from the cup I offer you. This is a wonderful time We will have. Sit knee to knee with Me, and drink the nectar I offer you. Would you refuse? You would not refuse. Yet you may be in such a frenzy with other matters that you aren't aware of Me. You may even think you have to get ready for Me before I would appear before you. You may think you have to be a new improved you before I would sit down with you.

Yet I am here right now.

You do not have to kneel before Me. I invite you to sit before Me, and let Me gaze at you. Let Us gaze at each other as if We were each other. We are One, so when you gaze into My eyes, it is your eyes you are seeing.

It is all yourself, yet that is spectacularly hard for you to believe. Of course, you think you know yourself so well. You are certain there is a wide parting between us, an impasse, a gauntlet you must run, a wonder you must perform, a cleansing, a preparation, an initiation, a technique, an assignment to fulfill, a tribute to make, an obeisance and so forth. The obeisance is to sit with Me, and let Us be friends who hobnob together.

Yes, I want to hobnob with you. Is that asking so much? Apparently, it is, for you have all kinds of reasons why not just yet. You are waiting for a better you who feels worthy to sit near Me. Whether you feel worthy or not, come sit with Me, and you will soon know your worthiness. It is not so momentous as you think to sit with Me. It is the most beautiful moment of all, and yet it is not momentous. It is expected that you will sit with Me. Even if you have just come in from working in the garden, just come sit with Me. If your hands are wet from washing dishes, never mind. Just come sit with Me.

Do it for Me. You can imagine how much I want you near Me. You might say that My heart is aching for yours. You could say that, yet the fact is that your heart is aching for Mine. If you will assuage My heart, then come to Me for My sake. You will come, you know. You may come from an unexpected route, and, yet, you will come.

You may drop from the ceiling! You may climb the beanstalk! You may run up to Me. You may edge over to Me slowly. Do you think I care how you come to Me? I care that you come to Me. In fact, I say, "Make it snappy. Let's sit together and all the treasures find."

Explore Heaven with Me while you are still walking the Earth. C'mon. What do you say? Want to shake on this?

If you tremble, then come to Me trembling. If you falter, then come to Me faltering. If you stride to Me, then stride to Me. If you climb a ladder hand over fist to Me, then climb a ladder hand over fist to Me. Leap to Me. Arise to Me. Arise just means to get up and come to Me. You do not have to be a special personage. You don't have to wear a special robe. All you have to do is to come to Me. That is what I ask. Come to Me. Come to Me. Come to Me.

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Heavenletters #3969 God Before All, October 7, 2011

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.

HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:

* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *

God is always bringing us closer to Him.

HEAVEN #3969 God Before All, October 7, 2011

God said:

As I come more into your awareness, you don’t exist quite so much. As you remember Me more, you remember yourself less. I mean you remember less that ego self of yours, the one who does all the racing and running around, the one to whom so much is all-important, for, of course, as you begin to remember Me more, you remember Your Greater Self more.

What used to be so important to you is no longer so important, not so urgent, not so overwhelming, not so prepossessing, not so essential, not so much a star in your life. My existence takes the ascendant. Your existence is happy to serve more in the background. It doesn’t matter so much to you who notices you, who takes you into account, who considers you of the utmost importance, who adulates you, who pays great attention to you. Beloveds, it is a pity that more do not, yet being adored is not so high on your list. I am high on your list, and you are more than happy for attention to be on Me.

When I rise in the morning, so to speak, for I am ever risen, you are waiting for Me and rise with Me. You walk along with Me, happy to be walking in My shadow, happy for Me to be first. You are happy for this, following in My footsteps, keeping up with Me, attributing yourself to Me, and this is how you come to find yourself in My light. Forget you, remember Me.

You establish yourself in the Kingdom of Heaven by putting your little self in the background. You no longer have a call for fame or even acknowledgment. The acknowledgement that matters to you is Mine, and, then, as We go along, you no longer have to acknowledge yourself to the degree that you once did or even much at all.

Who was that person who used to take up all your time and focus? Who was that person you used to run around with and gossip with and find fault with and put before all else? Who was that person you used to know and hang out with and put before all else?

Ah, now that person has receded. And now that person has made way for God, cleared the path for God, strewn rosebuds on the path for God, happy to sweep the path for God, finding out that as you follow God, as God is ahead of you, God is also following you. And, then, wonder of wonders, you blend, and you and I are One walking tall on the horizon.

Who or what else is there to know? That personality that you once thought was everything? Perhaps you thought you were the cat’s meow. Now you can’t even recall what you used to think about that little self you used to be so wrapped up in. Probably that was when you used to follow the crowd. Now you follow Me. This puts you in a wonderful position. Oh, yes, a follower be when you follow Me. A leader be to the world when you follow Me.

Then, as I say, We blend into Oneness. You understand that this was always the case that We are One, only you blinded yourself from view. You were so caught up in the soap opera, you forgot it was only a show. You kept looking at the screen and neglecting what was behind the screen.

Now, by forgetting your starring role, you have indeed become a star. Stars shine. That’s their favorite thing to do. Stars take delight in shining, and, yet, it is not for themselves that they shine. They shine for Me. Therefore, they shine for all. They resemble Me. Once in a while, the resemblance is seen, not that you care about that the way you once used to. Now it is God before all.

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Heavenletters #3972 Hold This Day High , October 10, 2011

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.

HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:

* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *

God is always bringing us closer to Him.

HEAVEN #3972 Hold This Day High , October 10, 2011

God said:

You have held onto bubbles that burst, and so it seems that life has disappointed you. Bubbles burst. That is the nature of bubbles. You just can't hold onto them. Why be so attached to bubbles on solid Earth? Enjoy the bubbles, and let them go their way while you come to Me.

You wouldn't trade Eternity for a bursting bubble, would you? And, yet, it seems that you do. It seems that you have. You count on that which cannot be counted on. Such is life in the world. It is a soap opera. Those soap opera people have one disappointment after another. Will they ever learn?

Have big dreams. Have dreams as big as you can make them. But the same as you don't have to have the apple at the top of a tree, you don't have to have it. You can have an apple closer at hand. Or choose a star in the sky. It will be there for you whenever you look up.

Life in the world does not have to be your piece of cake. Nevertheless, you can make the most of what you are served. You make the most by going forward and leaving the snows of yesteryear behind you. Where are they now anyway?

In the sentient world, today's newspaper quickly becomes yesterday's. Why are you so surprised? What is lasting in the world of impermanence?

And is the worth of something how long it lasts? It lasts while it lasts. What else can be said for it? Life in the world seems to be a landscape of rolling hills wherever you look. The level ground does not last forever. The world offers much, but not everything according to your will.

Can you not love life anyway? Can you not let it be a ship, and you give it its sails? The wind blows in the direction it blows, and then the wind changes direction. Must the change in direction influence your joy so, or your unhappiness so? Be happy when the winds of time take you where you want to go, and be happy when the winds change direction.

Life in the world is not a framed photo that stays in place where everyone remains in position and never moves. You really would not like to be locked in place. Life in the world is about movement. It is not about staying still. You cannot stay in kindergarten forever. Life is sliding along as We speak.
Let that be all right with you, for, all the while, you are stationed in My heart.

Let heartbreak go now. You don't need it. You don't need to hold onto it. The past is not to be held onto. You do not lay down the laws of life. Nothing has to be what it was. It simply has to be what it is. It doesn't have to be what it isn't. Face front.

What you hold onto is gossamer. You cannot hold onto it. You have to let it go. There are tides to life, and you cannot stem them. What does this not apply to? Time is not true, and, yet, time marches on, and you are not excepted. That is, your body is no exception. Events in your life are no exception.
And yet you, yourself, are eternal, and joy can be eternal. Why not love the life that is yours as it rounds the corner?

The good days are now. With or without what you wanted and had counted on, the good days are now. Today is a good day. What more do you need than this day that is before you? Hold this day high.

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Heavenletters #3976 Your Beautiful Ripe Blossoming Heart, October 14, 2011

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.

HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:

* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *

God is always bringing us closer to Him.

HEAVEN #3976 Your Beautiful Ripe Blossoming Heart, October 14, 2011

God said:

I have asked before: Why must your heart ache so?

Sometimes your heart aches about you know-not-what. It aches without reason. It aches because it aches. You may be an habitual heart-acher.

Something clutches your heart, and tries to take your beating heart away from its normal state of love. Your heart would rather love than anything else. It is not your heart that does this aching as if on its own volition. No, you put your heart in this state.

Why? What do you think would happen if you loved your heart and allowed your heart to love as only your heart can love? Your mind cannot love. Your mind is too distracted to love. Your mind is a cat that pounces while your heart is a cat that lies on its back and likes to be petted. What have you done to your heart to make it ache so? What has your mind done to your heart? What have you permitted your mind to do to that beautiful ripe blossoming heart of yours?

Take care of your heart now. Love it as you have never loved before. I gave you My heart in trust. Make My trust founded. Take care of the heart I have entrusted you with. Nourish it. Never let it go hungry. When it comes to hearts, fasting is not a good idea.

Throw your heart into the center of life. Never withdraw it. Hug that heart of yours and love it as you have never loved it before. Think of what you are doing.

Imagine now that you take your heart in the palm of your hand and you toss your heart up to Me? You toss your heart high? It reaches Me, and I toss your heart back to you. We do this several times. Do you see how happy your heart is? How awake your heart is?

Now nestle your heart back where your heart belongs. You have given it new life. You have taken away imagined scars. Your heart is refreshed. You have a new-born heart. Take care of that heart of Ours. Love it. Love it beyond distraction. Savor that heart that beats in tandem with My pulse. Beat, beat, beat goes the pulse of My heart, and the beat stirs your heart. Love is signaled, and love arises in your heart. Your heart beats fervently. How else should a heart of God's beat?

Let your heart become a perpetual lover and no longer an aching heart. Aching is old-fashioned. It is out of step. Catch onto a faster beat now. Keep up with Me. Our hearts click. Our heart are in synchrony. Our hearts love. Our hearts love. Our hearts love. Rain or shine, Our hearts love. Our hearts beat love. Our hearts are the Pied Piper. All the children follow Our hearts, and this is where everyone belongs, deep deep in My heart.

Hearts never get lost in My heart. In My heart is where hearts are found.

Your life on Earth is founded on My heart. Your life on Earth is established in My heart. Your heart and My heart are One beating heart, One heart beating love, sending love out, heralding love, love thrown, and love caught, and love circulated round and round and back again and back again from where love began.

What nonsense is this to let a heart of Mine ache? Heal others' hearts, and heal your own. Life is for healing, not hurting. Life is for love, not awayness from love.

Your heart beats for Me, and never forget it. Never forget for Whom your heart beats.

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Heavenletters #3979 Come Closer to Understanding , October 17, 2011

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.

HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:

* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *

God is always bringing us closer to Him.

HEAVEN #3979 Come Closer to Understanding , October 17, 2011

God said:

The world is a circus, didn't you know that? Everything is thrown up in the air, or juggled in the air, comes down, and is returned again. Everything is up in the air and upside down and backwards/forwards and inside out, and nothing is what it seems. Is this not a valid description of life?

How would you describe life in the world? Easy-going banter? Solid, reliable? Just what you expect? No, the world catches you in a vise and then drops you unexpectedly, and you fall through thin air.

The thing is: I catch you. I well understand that you may think that I too often drop you. No, I catch you every time. Only you don't always know what is in your best interest. Even that which is intolerable to you is ultimately in your best interest. Truly, you are unable to grasp this no matter how hard you may try. This, you can only take My word for.

Even your greatest disappointment, your greatest loss, your greatest heartache, your greatest tragedy -- all have had your best interest at heart. We are talking the long haul. If We are talking only in terms of your short life on Earth, of course, you can only see tragedy as travesty. There is no possible way such heartache or so much heartache could be to your advantage. Of course you cannot see. No one can see. Even uninvolved strangers would say, "What a terrible thing," and, yet, here am I right with you and you right with Me, but, for all intents and purposes, so far as you can see, I am sitting on the other side of the fence, or, rather, sitting in Heaven where you do not fathom that you are with Me as well.

Let Us say, just to come closer to understanding, that you have a wondrous picnic planned. You have thought of everything. And then, despite predictions, there is a torrential rainstorm, and everything and everyone is soaked. The food is rained on, the decorations, and there are puddles to walk through. The predicted picnic is ruined. If the picnic were all there was in your life, that would be one thing. The fact is that there is more to your life than this picnic. You can't gauge your whole life on the merits of a picnic.

In terms of your life as a whole, if you must judge your life, then focus on its merits and not let the demerits weigh so heavily as they do. Get over them is the advice given, and yet that is far from an easy stint for you. Yes, there is something to be said about putting life in perspective. You can put a broken tooth in perspective. You may even be able to put the ruined picnic in perspective, and, yet, how can you put some occurrences of the world in perspective? Where do you put starvation, war, and domination into perspective? There are those matters which are beyond ego.

It is hard to live in a world where there is strife. You don't have to go to a war-torn country to know what strife is. It is hard to live in a world where you are hungry. It is also hard to live in a world where your tummy is full and there are others who didn't have any supper and no one knows what to do about it. Even if someone knows what to do, he may not know how to accomplish it. This is hard for you to bear, and impossible to understand and accept. It is not all right. It is not just. It is not fair. Something is out of balance. This is true. And yet, as hard as it is to fathom, bodies and death are not the sum of life on Earth.

Will you conceive that love from your heart and from many hearts will cure even starvation? More love will balance the world. Life on Earth does not have to be a spectacle. You can get it back in shape. Love will do it. Love can solve the difficulties of the world.

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Heavenletters #3983 From the Font of Silence , October 21, 2011

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.

HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:

* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *

God is always bringing us closer to Him.

HEAVEN #3983 From the Font of Silence , October 21, 2011

God said:

Tell Me frankly, is there really anything but love that you crave?

You associate many things with love, and yet, they are not love. Without love, they are nothing.
Some things that represent love are money, food, candy, jewelry, flowers, a smile, a pat on the back, time spent with you, invitations, a ride. Yes, these are very nice, yet without love, these are nothing. A dandelion held out to you by a child's hand is always real because the gift comes fully from the child's heart without prompting. The other samples may be or may not be real. You want the real thing. Of course.

Love can be given in so many ways, and you, hungry as you are, want all of them. Sometimes, or often, or all the time, you cannot get enough, for you feel love is lacking. You look for it everywhere and may find it nowhere. You may have received real love in the past, but where is it now? You forage for love. You seek and do not find.

Perhaps you are looking for your worth in the attention of others upon you. This is a losing feat. You have to give to yourself the love and approbation you seek. Otherwise, you are clingy. And clingy means that you are demanding. You cannot demand love from anyone. Love has to be its own.

Meanwhile, in a land of plenty, you may not discern love. And, yet, dear ones, there is nothing else real in this world but love. The proof of love you seek is an endless search, however. There is no badge to love. There is no token of love that can fit the bill.

You also are not certain that you have love to give. You may give it, and it is received, and yet your heart feels hollow. You feel bereft of love. You seek it in your own heart and find it not. Where lies this pot of gold that you seek? It seems to be beyond you.

If this is your situation, stop hunting and just give the love that your heart wishes it had to give. Give away every vestige of love you have. Give the thought of love. Keep giving it. Empty the love in your heart, and you will be filling your heart up with love.

Love is not a commodity. You cannot pick it up with your fingers. You cannot bind it in ribbons. You cannot hang it on the wall. You cannot distribute it like a handshake. You cannot pick up scraps of love. You cannot sew them together. As soon as love is gathered, it is flown. It escapes your reach.

And yet I tell you and tell you again that there is naught in the whole world but love. Where is it then?

Where does it exist?

Consider love energy, beloveds. What does science say about energy? They say it is never lost.

Energy is. Energy exists. Without the energy of love, you could not lift your hand. You could not read My message. Without love, you wouldn't be alive in your body.

Will you now please accept that you are love, and that you are love complete? You can stop searching for love, for you yourself are an embodiment of love. You are an embodiment of My love.

My love, like energy, cannot be gainsaid. It cannot be undone, nor can it be forsaken. I made you from love. Accept this one thought and make it your own. Do this, and you will be revolutionized, and you will stir the world to greater heights. Love exists, and you are love. With or without your body, you are love.

You and I are One Love. We are All That Is. We are energy. From the Font of Silence, comes energy.

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Heavenletters #3986 God's Greatest Blessing, October 24, 2011

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.

HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:

* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *

God is always bringing us closer to Him.

HEAVEN #3986 God's Greatest Blessing, October 24, 2011

God said:

You are a wonderful balm to My heart. I bet you thought it was the other way around. Accept the fact that you are good for Me. You are a blessing I gave to Myself. You are My very Being. I love to look at Myself everywhere in everyone. I see you. I see Me. Oh, I see Myself everywhere, and I see love, and I feel love, and I am love.

And when you feel Me, sense Me, you also feel love, and you feel a love grander than any other. We have a mutual love that transcends even the greatest human love.

You never perceive Me in need, do you? As the song says, All I need is you. I already have you in My awareness, so I have no need at all. I am your Perfect Love, and you are Mine. Our whole vibration is love. Our essence is love, and We are, after all, the same essence. We have nothing to prove, beloveds. We are, and that We are is phenomenally wonderful. And what We are is phenomenally wonderful. There is nothing more to say. We are the permanent of the Permanent.

On Earth, everything is temporary. Like a play in the theater, life on Earth is temporary. A play ends. Life on Earth ends, yet life is a diamond that lasts forever.

There is no going on or off the stage of Eternal Life. The curtain never closes. It never opens as such.

It is always open. We could say that True Life is open-ended, yet it is more accurate to say that it is never-ending. Not only is life eternal, it is infinite. Infinite possibilities. Within the Oneness that We supremely are graze infinite possibilities. I ask you, how is it possible that I created Oneness and Uniqueness all in one masterful stroke?

To take the question closer to home, how could I create you and Sally next door? How could I create man and woman and the infinite birds and fishes? How could I create even one inch of Earth. Think about it. All that I did was have a sound come out of My throat - yet I have no throat - and yet I sing.

All I did was have Creation come from My breath, and yet I have no lungs. From Nothing I created Everything, and yet the Nothing I created from was already Everything. It must be that I pointed to whatever already was, and so it blossomed forth. Yes, maybe all I had to do was point, and you appeared, and yet, with what finger did I point? I ask unanswerable questions. Look at My Creation.

Really look, and what question is there to ask?

Instead of asking questions, exclaim instead:

"O God, what wonders, beauty, and utility did You create! In a trice, You created All That Is. The most wonderful thing of all is that You created me. You created me! You molded me out of clay. You breathed upon me the same way as you breathed upon the Entire Universe. You breathed me into life. And what did I do but scamper away from You? I retreated. I discovered ego, and I played it to the hilt. I was going to have everything my way. What foolishness. Now I know that I can have Everything Your Way. Give me Your Way, God, and I will gladly follow. For a while, I lost my place, and now I have found my place with You. I am humbled and proud at the same time. I am grateful and thrilled that I have found my way to You, and my way to You is, after all, Your way to me. I thank You, God, for all Your blessings upon me. You are my Great Blessing, and now I am Yours."

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Heavenletters #3990 The Creator of Free Will , October 28, 2011

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.

HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:

* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *

God is always bringing us closer to Him.

HEAVEN #3990 The Creator of Free Will , October 28, 2011

God said:

Many of you think of Me as a Boss, someone Whose bidding you have to kowtow to. You think of Me as a great Authority Figure, a Judge, a Punisher, a Criminalist out to get you, find you in a misdemeanor and so on. Better to think of Me as a Benefactor, beloveds.

The fact is I am your Holy Servant. No One serves you as I do. No One is at your beck and call as I am. No One kneels before you as I do. No One listens to your every breath as I do. No One listens to your heartbeat as I do. My ear is to your heart. I am in service to you. I am indentured to you. I am in your employ.

I am your Servant. I take the cards you deal Me, and I do your bidding. You have had it backwards. You thought you did Mine. I am your disciple. I serve All. I have a lot to take care of, and, yet, I never have too much to do.

Serving you is My pleasure. It is My choice. I choose to serve you.

Sometimes you tie My hands, as it were, by your vision. You may see it that I throw you a bone every once in a while. It is not like that. I give you everything. All the time.

You rule Me, beloveds, do you see what I mean?

I love you more than you love Me, yet I do not tally points of your love. I simply give you all of My love. Take more of My love. Believe in Me as I believe in you.

There are times when you feel you are cheated. A loved one's body dies, and you are offended.

Accept once and for all that I am never opposed to you. I give you diamonds and rubies and emeralds of love, and you pick out baubles of glass or pebbles and say I don't love you. You can take Me personally, but everything that happens in life you cannot take personally. Life is not hopscotch. I cannot toss up the world like a bouncing ball. All in life is not a toss-up.

I created the Universe, and I created you. I gave you free will. I have a domain. In one sense, I have the most Free Will in the World, and, yet, that does not mean I always follow your will. Ah, but, of course, you think that is what a Servant is supposed to do. You think it doesn't matter what you tell Me. You think I have to do it. You want Me to run upstairs and downstairs, and you may give Me opposing orders.

I am at your service, and I am also at the service of the Universe. It appears that I, the Creator of Free Will, cannot always grant your wishes the instant you ask. I am a Fulfiller of Dreams and yet, it seems, not always. I do not always give you the candy you want or even return your loved ones to you as you would like Me to.

You do understand that I have unlimited vision, and you see only so far. This does not mean I disobey you. The thing is I have never taken loved ones away from you.

It is like you ask Me to wash dishes that are already clean. Or it is like you are a man who cannot see, and you ask Me to move a piece of furniture where you want it, and it is already in the place you wanted it to be.

I do not apologize for My vision and your blindness.
Now, let Us bend to each other without bumping Our heads.

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Heavenletters #3993 Make Peace Now , October 31, 2011

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.

HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:

* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *

God is always bringing us closer to Him.

HEAVEN #3993 Make Peace Now , October 31, 2011

God said:

You are Don Quixote who duels with windmills. When you battle, odds are that you are battling with yourself. You conceive a battle that you are fighting. You may have desired a battle. You were ready for a fight, and so you found an object.

Battles are manmade. They are not of My making. I have other things to do, like to love and love more and love again and again until you get My love into your head. Your heart is not lacking My love. Your heart is filled with My love, and yet your mind finds ways to contradict the love in your heart. The mind may look for ways. Foolish mind. Foolish ego mind.

It may be that you love a good fight. You feel victorious. Even when you lose, you may feel victorious because your opponent is such a bad guy and you are so virtuous. You may be bruised, and you may sniffle, yet you came out superior. Your ego cheers you.

Feel virtuous without a battle. Be virtuous. When you cannot love the one you see as an opponent, then love someone else. Give yourself over to love. Love someone somewhere. Never be a derelict of love. Let your anger go. There is not advantage to anger.

True, anger lets you know that you are alive. Be creative instead, and you will know that you are alive.
I have to ask you, what purpose does anger serve? Is it really wonderful to be all riled up? Does it take talent to be angry? What is so wonderful about your justifying anger? Be not an anger-monger. If you must justify something, justify love. Be a gardener of love. Plant seeds of love rather than seeds of anger. Plant flowers of love and let go of the armament of anger.

Anger zaps your energy. It may fire you up for a time, but then you are left with heartburn. Ashes of anger do a number on you. Anger simply isn't good for you. It isn't good for anyone. It is self-mutilation. You are responsible for your anger. It is your anger. Anger is a waste of your time. It is more worthwhile for you to twiddle your thumbs than to be angry.

Life in the world is too short to spend on anger. Anger will deplete you every time. Even when you think you have won, you have lost energy. You have thrown yourself away on anger. Anger short-changes you. There are no exceptions to this.

Anger is not honorable. It is dishonorable. No matter how righteous your anger may be, it is self-righteous. Besides, all wars are civil wars. You can only be fighting with your brother. All are your brother or your sister. Don't you have something better you can be than angry? Don't you have something better to do?

Anger is kicking your foot against a wall and wounding yourself. Ultimately, anger is directed to yourself. You are not even fighting windmills. You are fighting an image in the mirror. All opponents simply represent you. They are you.

There is no need for you to come out on top. It is meaningless. You see good guys and bad guys. You do not know what another's life is and what their perception of the world is. I make no excuses for anyone, and I make no excuses for you.

Peace be with you, not anger. Peace be with you. Peace be with you.

The peace of God is within you. You can find it. You can find it now. Find it. Make peace now.

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Heavenletters #3997 The Greatness That You Are , November 4, 2011

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.

HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:

* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *

God is always bringing us closer to Him.

HEAVEN #3997 The Greatness That You Are , November 4, 2011

God said:

You are growing. That means you are growing up. Your personal needs are no longer the most important thing in the world. I am not telling you that you don't matter. I am saying that you matter very much. You matter so much to the Universe and to Me that now you let go of holding onto your personal needs.

This often means that you keep quiet. It is not so urgent any longer that you express yourself, or, rather, it is imperative that you express yourself in new ways. Sometimes you have to hold your tongue in the interests of all concerned. Understand that I am not diminishing your role. I am telling you that you have a bigger role to fulfill.

When I spoke to the Great Spiritual Ones in the world, they did not say: "But, God...." They did not say, "But, God, I don't want to leave my personality behind. I want to settle my irritations with certain people and certain situations. I want to express myself and my personal needs. I want to settle everything."

If the Great Ones had spoken so, I would have said to them:

"Walk away now. Walk away now from your need to have anything settled the way you believe it has to be. From your limited view, you are right, yet you are leaving your small self behind now, and you are going beyond. Small self is selfishness. You think you have certain needs that have to be responded to, acknowledged, revered. Why, you have bigger fish to fry. You have greater needs than your own to take care of. You have peace to give. You have a bigger pond to live in now. The pond you are meant for is the Whole Universe.

"It is not that you are here to concede. You are here now to stride across the horizon of the past and your attachment to it. You are to take a leap and come with Me as My right hand and bring out Greaterness in everyone. No longer do these unmet needs of yours matter."

I would say to you now the same.

Do you remember the Hobbit who did not want to leave his cozy Hobbit house and his breakfasts and his creature comforts? But what happened is that an X was put on his door. He was chosen to go on an adventure. Despite his personal requirement and reluctance, he went on the adventure. This is how he became a hero, not by staying home and living off the land. He did not stay at home. He left the familiar and entered the Unknown.

We could say that he left his small territory for a far greater one.

This does not have to mean that you must travel, although it may. What you have to leave behind you is the idea that your personal rightness and your personal satisfaction and your personal ego, have to come before the Wholeness of the Big Picture. Let Me remind you again that this step forward is not forced upon you. It is a recognition that you come to. It is your graduation from littleness. You give up your ego and choose greater than yourself. What you are doing is losing your specialness to yourself.

This is how you become great.

It may seem contradictory to you that you grow greater by letting go of your singular importance. What We are talking about here now is not a new concept to you. It is inevitable. In order to find yourself, you must lose yourself, your little self, that is.

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Heavenletters #4000 Rise to God , November 7, 2011

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.

HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:

* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *

God is always bringing us closer to Him.

HEAVEN #4000 Rise to God , November 7, 2011

God said:

Remember that wherever you are, whatever location or condition, I am with you. Remember Me, and a greater sense of peace will be yours. Let Me be a balm to you. Whatever is upsetting you, better to vent on Me than anyone else.

The reason for this is that I can take it. It doesn't matter to Me what you say to Me. Your negativity is no more than a ping pong ball to Me. I said your negativity. You, on the other hand, are fully important to Me. You matter to Me deeply.

When you vent, even just within yourself, the individual you are venting on receives your thoughts and gripping emotions and may not be able to deal with them. He may not know from where the negativity comes, but he will sense the negativity and be discomfited. For the sake of the world, I ask you to vent on Me. And if you can do without venting altogether, that will be a boon for you and a boon for the Universe.

You may feel that no one is listening to you. I am telling you that the whole world is listening to you.

It's unfortunate that everyone doesn't give you their full attention. If they did, if they knew to, if they saw you as I see you, if they heard your heartbeats as I hear your heartbeats, then you might not be having the negative thoughts and feelings you may presently feel bound to vent. And, yet, just the same, you are responsible for any and all negativity you have thumping in your heart.

If I were you - and, of course, I am - I wouldn't wait for your worth to be recognized. Others may overlook you, discount you. They may not give you the importance you are entitled to, yet that doesn't mean you are to give them such importance as to ruin your day or even a moment of your day. What someone thinks of you or doesn't think of you isn't worth the time of day. Shake off their thoughts and emotions. Focus on something else. Focus on something that gives you even a shred of happiness.

Even a shred of happiness is worth ten thousands more than a barrelful of negativity. Negativity is a negative. It's not worth anything. It is a minus. You might as well take poison as to accept negativity from yourself or take anyone's negativity into your heart. Watch whom you spend your time with. Look for people who think grander than you may have been thinking.

Yes, very definitely, I am for positive thinking. I am a Positive Thinker Myself. Will you give attention to positive thinking? Positive thinking isn't a fad. It isn't an application. It is place for you to climb to. It will put you in good stead.

You can always rise higher, and yet rising higher is not an option. Decide once and for all that you will rise above your previous thinking. Your rising higher is no longer an option for you. It is a definite.

Make life easier and note opportunities to rise higher. Do it for Me. You will gain tremendously, yet do not rise higher for the sake of gain. Rise higher because I ask it of you. Rise higher, for there is a next step for you and rising higher is it. I hold nothing against you, yet I do not applaud your clinging to a lesser platform. Because I ask you to change doesn't mean I don't honor you now. I honor you very much. You occupy My heart. Rise with every beat of My heart and yours.

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Heavenletters #4004 The Perch of Life , November 11, 2011

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.

HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:

* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *

God is always bringing us closer to Him.

HEAVEN #4004 The Perch of Life , November 11, 2011

God said:

On Earth, you are not playing in a high-stakes' game. You think you are. Sometimes you feel desperately that you are losing. Life is important, yet what occurs in life is not of the utmost importance. You are capable of letting go of terror in life. All the very events that are so serious to you - must you take them so seriously? Life has its own way of doing things. It does not behoove you to spend your life on Earth in making objections.

Please do not cluck any more about what occurs in life. Forget the word tragedy. Forget the word terrible. Forget the word intolerable.

You cannot change what has already occurred. You can change the effect events have on you. You do not have to beat your chest. You do not have to be distraught or overwrought. You do not have to be overcome. You do not have to be laid low.

While you are alive in your body on Earth, pick yourself up from despair, and keep going forward. Do not dig yourself a hole and keep yourself there. Whatever befalls on Earth, get up from it. Don't linger there. Don't imprint it. Don't use it for a virtuous excuse from engaging in life and making it better, for yourself as well as others. Do not lie down on a bed of nails. You can give up grieving. How long do you think you are supposed to protest against what life has delivered?

It is commonplace for bodies to die on Earth. It is commonplace for events you object to to occur.

Impossible as it seems, one day you, too, will not live on Earth in your body. You will fall off the perch of life and continue life in other dimensions. All your woe signifies nothing, beloveds. Let go of woe.

You don't need it. You don't need to be knocked down by what occurs. Somewhere along your way in life, you bought the proposition that you have to be wracked by what occurs. What you have to do is to stop feeling wracked, downtrodden, miserable and so forth by what appears. Get up.

You have no excuse for misery. Oh, yes, the world says you do. The world has even provided systems for dealing with misery. Nevertheless, misery is self-imposed, beloveds. If you would let go of your precepts, you would let go of grief. You would not hole up with it. You would not take comfort in it. You would not feel justified to be miserable. You wouldn't choose it.

However dismal aspects of life may seem to you, you cannot stay there. You have to move on.

Life is not meant to be regrettable. Whatever transpires in the world is no more nor less than life in the world. There is more to life than what you think of it. There is a bigger vision that will hold you in good stead.

All right, let's compromise. In regard to what you find intolerable in your life, give up the intolerance.

When it comes to others, give them their mourning, but mourning is not for you. Life on Earth with or without a loved one is not to determine your life. While you are in life on Earth, you simply have to let attachments go. Love and be not attached. A form is a form. The demolishing of a form of a loved one does not demolish the loved one.

When you lose your job, you have lost a job. That's all it means. You do not lose opportunity unless you buy the propaganda that jobs are scarce and you won't find another one.

There is no advantage in becoming disheartened. There is always a new way for you. Don't think otherwise.

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