Saturday & Sunday September 4th & 5th, 2021, from 9:00 AM - 12:30 noon each day!
Intuitive Signature Training
In this part of the course, your psychic journey will continue with a fun and easy tutorial on how to follow and connect with the many different intuitive and instinctual signals you receive every day. These range from cosmic, extra-terrestrial telepathic transmissions, to finding missing people/children/animals to simply navigating through daily complex legal, medical, financial documents/processes and to the best personal options and healing formulas throughout your week. Whether you are a scientist wanting to build an anti-gravity spaceship, a historic researcher looking for an elusive sacred object, a conspiracy theorist looking for hidden clues regarding government cover ups or a mother or of three small children looking for natural alternatives for health and wellness for her family…this course will fulfill these desires and more!
The Psychic Nutritionist
This session will give you an extra boost of psychic energy by transforming you into an excellent and innovative ‘food intuitive’ and teaching you the secrets of how to eat anything you want without any problem…even if you have certain food allergies or are on a low-cal diet! It will show you new psychic information tricks of how and when to prepare all types of food, so you can enjoy an abundance of savory delicacies and decadent sweets without suffering any negative consequences….basically you will be able to have your cake and eat it too! Your friends and family members will be amazed as you give them amazing new recipes & help them quickly and very magically overcome their food intolerances and ‘social situation’ food fears and subsequent avoidance of so many enjoyable foods. FYI….this has little to do with clearing your food with energy!
Psychic Medium Course 1 - Saturday
Come join Bryan for this exciting 'do-it-yourself' Psychic Medium course! Bryan has over 20 years extensive experience as a medium, psychic and channel for Spirit. He has done thousands of personal sessions, group channelings and tarot readings for people all over the world and will teach you how to how to easily embody the gifts of a true psychic medium. This training class will give you the power to do accurate readings and channel messages from those souls who have crossed over, both for yourself and others. In addition, Bryan frequently makes connections with and brings messages through from both living and departed famous mediums and celebrities, which he will demonstrate in this fun and amazing psychic adventure.
Talking to Departed Love Ones
In this session, we will begin with the history of psychic mediumship and explore the fascinating world of mediums, how they work and the various methods of communication used to connect with the departed. You will learn simple, unique processes to help you easily establish strong connections with your own loved ones & others who have crossed over, as well as be able to offer comfort, guidance and support to your family and friends. During this fun training, all of your psychic gifts will be activated, allowing you to receive clear and specific messages from the other side. Additionally, we will discuss some of the fascinating elements of the journey of soul's crossing over and answer many questions about the afterlife.
Tarot Card Reading
In this session, you will learn the basics of giving accurate, exciting and insightful tarot card readings. We will also discuss how working with Tarot cards will strengthen your intuitive abilities as well as bring you insight into the many aspects of yourself and others.
Pendulum Divination
In this session, we will explore the many ways to utilize a pendulum for guidance, information and forecasting. We will also discuss the proper steps to receiving direct confirmations and options for personal growth & empowerment.
Crystal Healing
This session will teach you how to utilize the power of crystal energy to enhance your psychic abilities, increase your spiritual healing powers and help you to establish a strong etheric connection with the other side.
3 Psychic Activation's for Strengthening your Mediumship Abilities
In these activation's, all of your telepathic centers and psychic circuitry will be turned on and any blockages, fears and limitations regarding utilizing your natural abilities as a medium will be cleared....and open you up to new possibilities and opportunities to be of service, comfort, assistance and an inspiration to others.
Psychic Medium Course 2 - Sunday
String Magic: The Magical Art of Magnetizing Your Dreams Into Reality!
This is a Magical tool that has been used for thousand of years by psychics, mediums, wizards and magicians to locate missing items, pets and people. It utilizes etheric energy and a golden key to make connections that will trace and/or attract money, happiness, dreams & wishes, new connections with people, a new home, business opportunities, a new job...the sky's the limit!
New expanded Psychic Symbols & utilizing the “Psychic Signpost”
This includes some new, exciting picture symbols that enhance the psychic dictionary, as well as taking you deeper into answering the many aspects of a psychic question and setting up your personal psychic signpost to receive clearer messages.
Intuitive Signature Training & The Psychic Nutritionist
This unique accelerated psychic medium training gives you the tools to easily, effectively and accurately access the spirit realm!
You will be able to amaze your family and friends with your new-found ability!
These classes will include written course materials, a certificate of completion and an easy-access dictionary list of
symbols for connecting with souls who have crossed over.
For more information please visit....