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Emotion Code

 I wanted to share a healing method I recently came across called Emotion Code. It is an easy and effective way to release trapped emotions that you are storing in your body and also to release what is called a “heart wall”, literally a wall around your heart built of trapped past emotions. It’s very easy to learn and the information is free!
These trapped emotions can be the cause of many health issues, pain, and self limiting behavior. By releasing these trapped emotions you can not only help heal disease and pain, you can also open yourself up to allowing more good things into your life such as love, abundance, and joy.

Here is a video that is a good, quick way to learn the basics;
Harmony Healing's yt page. Her vid is here;

Here is one with the founder Dr Bradley Nelson showing how the emotion code method works;

Here is a video all about Heart Walls;

Here is where you can sign up and receive the Emotion Code starter kit free if you would like;

Or you can just read the book free here pdf;

If you go to the founder's website you can sign up for some free resources including the Emotion Code Chart that you need to do the Emotion Code technique;

To use the Emotion Code method you use muscle testing but I think you could use a pendulum as well if you are able to get reliable results with it. You can use whatever type of muscle testing method that works well for you.Here are a few good links to learn more about muscle testing, as well as tips and troubleshooting if you have trouble;

7 different ways to muscle test;

Help for if you're having trouble with getting muscle testing to work for you;

How to program yourself for muscle testing;

Here are three great links a friend shared with me;

5 tips for better muscle testing;

Self muscle testing troubleshooting;

Learning Self Muscle Testing article

Also Emotion Code method can be used to release trapped emotions in animals as well!

Two videos about using with animals;

I hope this information is helpful to many here. If there are any problems with the links please let me know!

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