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Reiki is simple and that’s okay

Nature with all of its magnificent power and perfection does not need any embellishments. Natural order, and all that is associated with it, is wonderful in its own right.

Reiki is part of that natural order. Reiki is a natural healing modality that is intuitive, instinctive, and very easy to learn.

Unfortunately our cultural experience has impressed upon us many unrealistic ideas. One of which is that something that’s simple is somehow of lesser value. When speaking of natural order and universal laws this idea is simply foolishness. If it’s natural then it can be simple and extremely valuable and relevant.

We are always healing. Our connection to nature endows us with a continual state of healing that affects our whole self. This life force energy that connects us to the source responds to our intention and focus. When practicing Reiki we focus our intention to healing and this helps to facilitate the natural process.

Yes, it is simple. Focus on healing and we get more healing. It’s simple, yet powerful and wonderfully perfect as with all of the magnificence of natural order.

Richard Fiallo


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Feeling Lonely An Incomplete Understanding


When we are feeling lonely, we have lost the idea that we are all one and none of us are separate from the whole.

We all have days when we feel lonely, but the very idea of loneliness comes from the false notion that we are separate and isolated parts in a world filled with other separate, isolated parts. In truth, we can no more be separate from our world than a fish can be separate from the water in which it swims. When we really begin to look at the boundaries we see as so solid, they prove to be, in fact, quite porous. For example, it is not clear exactly where our skin ends and the air begins when we consider how our skin is affected by changes in the quality of the air. When it is dry, our skin becomes dry, and when it is humid, our skin becomes moist and supple.

By the same token, it is difficult sometimes to distinguish the boundary between one person and another, especially when our actions tie us together so inextricably. Every move we make has an effect that touches all the people around us. On an even more subtle level, when we share space with another person, we often pick up on their energy, feeling how they feel and attuning to them, whether we mean to or not. This is what we mean when we say a mood or a feeling is contagious. We cannot help but be part of the realities of the people around us because we take form from the same energetic force, and this force unifies all life. This force is the light that all the great mystics and gurus encourage us to move toward, and it is the light we will dissolve into when we move beyond our individual egos.

If loneliness is a temporary condition based on an incomplete understanding of what we are made of, we can think of its presence as a catalyst for exploring our ideas about reality. We can respond by testing the boundaries we believe separate us from the life within and all around us. If we test them, we will discover that they are not so solid after all and that we can never really be alone.

Daily OM

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The Healing Power of Spiritual Light

The Buddha spent many years trying to understand evil and suffering. He eventually concluded that the only real power in the universe is the Creator and that all else is illusion and therefore has little or no power in comparison.

He then went on to counsel people to adopt the middle way in order to avoid being sucked into illusion and bringing suffering upon themselves. He saw attachment to things of the world as the source of suffering, so he advised people to be a part of the world, yet not attached to it.

His words ring as true today as they did 2,500 years ago; and yet, times have changed. Today's level of popular consciousness is far beyond that of the relatively dark times of 2,500 years ago. Today, detachment is still excellent advice, but now we can do so much more to consciously transform the old ways of darkness.

Physical darkness is the absence of physical light. The darkness itself is not real. It is merely an absence of something that is real. Likewise, spiritual darkness is the absence of spiritual light. Spiritual darkness itself is not real. It is merely an absence of something that is real.

Evil is an illusion because a shadow is not a real thing. Light is the real thing. A shadow is an illusion caused by the absence of light. The only reality, the only real power, is light itself.

Darkness can only exist in hiding from the light. When light shines in, it dissipates the darkness, making it obvious where the real power lies. Evil has no power in itself. It is only a lack of light. The real power is, and always has been, with the light and not with the shadow.

If you sense darkness, add light.

If you sense pain, add the light of healing energy.

If you sense hatred, add the light of love.

If you sense despair, add the light of hope and trust in the goodness of that from which we came and that to which we are returning.

The Nature of Spiritual Light

Spiritual light, in its fundamental form, is the omnipresent consciousness of the Creator. When intertwined with the unconditional love of the Creator and set into motion, it manifests as the universe.

Filters can block spiritual light. Such filters include fear, hatred, judgment, conflict and despair. That which engenders any of these is, therefore, promoting darkness. Darkness in consciousness affects mind, body and spirit.

When spiritual light is channeled through the human mind, it adds to the light of the world. Darkness can be healed through the addition of spiritual light.

While spiritual light is universally available in all frequencies, it has to flow through human consciousness in order to affect the human realm of consciousness. The effectiveness of sending healing spiritual light into an area that needs it is subject to the following two laws.

The Laws of Spiritual Light

1. The transformative ability of spiritual light is proportional to the frequency of the consciousness used to project it.

Explanation: Conditioning the intent with any agenda lowers the frequency. Projecting pure spiritual light for the unconditioned purpose of healing raises the frequency and the potential.

2. The amount of spiritual light projected is proportional to the degree of openness of the chakra through which it flows.

Explanation: Your thoughts flow from you to the outside world through the appropriate chakra. Spiritual practices develop the chakras, increasing your capability as a channel for spiritual light.

by Owen K Waters

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