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Reiki is simple and that’s okay

Nature with all of its magnificent power and perfection does not need any embellishments. Natural order, and all that is associated with it, is wonderful in its own right.

Reiki is part of that natural order. Reiki is a natural healing modality that is intuitive, instinctive, and very easy to learn.

Unfortunately our cultural experience has impressed upon us many unrealistic ideas. One of which is that something that’s simple is somehow of lesser value. When speaking of natural order and universal laws this idea is simply foolishness. If it’s natural then it can be simple and extremely valuable and relevant.

We are always healing. Our connection to nature endows us with a continual state of healing that affects our whole self. This life force energy that connects us to the source responds to our intention and focus. When practicing Reiki we focus our intention to healing and this helps to facilitate the natural process.

Yes, it is simple. Focus on healing and we get more healing. It’s simple, yet powerful and wonderfully perfect as with all of the magnificence of natural order.

Richard Fiallo


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