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Himalayan Salt

Himalayan Salt contains the same 84 trace minerals and elements that are found in the human body; that alone is quite impressive! A few of these minerals include: sodium chloride, sulphate, calcium, potassium, and magnesium. When consuming this salt, you are actually getting less sodium intake per serving than regular table salt because it is less refined and the pieces are larger. Therefore Himalayan salt has less sodium per serving because the crystals or flakes take up less room than the highly processed table salt variety. Another great thing about this salt is that, because of its unique cellular structure, it stores vibrational energy. The minerals in this salt exist in colloidal form, which means that they are small enough for our cells to easily absorb. What Exactly Are The Benefits? Some of the benefits that you can expect to enjoy by consuming this salt in place of regular table salt include:
  • Aids in vascular health
  • Supports healthy lungs and respiratory function
  • Promotes a stable pH balance within the cells
  • Reduces the signs of aging
  • Promotes healthy sleep patterns
  • Increases libido
  • Prevents muscle cramps
  • Increases hydration
  • Strengthen bones
  • Lowers blood pressure
  • Improves circulation
  • Detoxifies the body of heavy metals
Comparing Himalayan Salt To Other Salts Sea Salt While still a better choice than table salt, sea salt is becoming increasingly processed, and, let’s face it, our oceans are becoming more and more polluted each year. Because of the pristine conditions that Himalayan salt has been kept in, it is said to be the purest salt available today. Table Salt Regular, commercial table salt is completely stripped of the majority of its minerals with the exception of sodium and chloride. It is then bleached, cleaned with chemicals, and then heated at extremely high temperatures. The iodine that is added to table salt is almost always synthetic, which is difficult for our bodies absorb properly. It is treated with anti-caking agents, which prevents the salt from dissolving in water and clumping in the salt container. These agents then prevent the salt from absorbing into our own bodies, which leads to a buildup and deposit within the organs. This can cause severe health problems. Studies have shown that for each gram of table salt that is consumed that the body cannot process, your body will use 20 TIMES the amount of cellular water to neutralize the amount of sodium chloride that is present in this chemically treated salt. This is largely the reason why salt has gotten such a bad name over the years. It is not necessarily salt that is unhealthy for us, but rather refined table salt that is inferior for our health. Aside from that, many of us are consuming way too much processed food. These foods contain astronomical amounts of salt, and it isn’t the good kind. It’s not about limiting our intake of salt; it’s about consuming more natural, homemade, whole foods. This way we can add salt while cooking or sprinkle some on our meals without having to worry about high blood pressure and so on. Himalayan Salt Uses Cooking and curing — Always use pre-ground salt or grinders like any other kind of salt. Salt Slabs — Slabs will impart a better taste and mineral content. Chilled: use fruits, sushi, veggies, or cheese as a decoration. Frozen: cold delicious desserts and sorbets. Heated: slabs can be used to sear veggies, shrimp, fish fillets, and thinly sliced beef, and you can even fry eggs. Dense salt blocks conduct heat amazingly. What is even better, Himalayan salt is a natural anti-microbial product, and the clean up requires only a simple scrub or rinse. Bathing — Enjoy a detoxifying Himalayan salt bath. Its nutrients will stimulate your circulation and soothe sore muscles. Himalayan salt contains 80+ nourishing and skin-friendly minerals, so this bath will provide a healing and amazingly therapeutic experience for both body and soul. Air purification — You can also find crystal rock lamps on-line. You should be able to find this amazing Himalayan Crystal Salt at your local health food store or online. Much Love Tercy
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1. Love and truth are the corner-stones of the teachings of saints and of every religion.
2. Love is indeed the life of the soul.
3. He who feels as his own, the joys and sorrows of others is a true Yogi.
4. A seeker of Truth must possess faith, hope, courage, dispassion and self-restraint and burning aspiration.
5. Do not perform any action which your own heart feels shame to do.
6. What your heart feels no shame to do, what satisfies your conscience, is indeed righteous action.
7. Renunciation is renunciation of the ego, of selfishness and desires; but not of life.
8. Immortality is union with God or Brahman.
9. The end of wisdom is to realise the identity of the individual soul and the Supreme Soul 
10. The Eternal is the end of the Journey. He is the Supreme Goal. Wish you a Very Happy Sunday and Very very Happy Valentin's day with love & light. Tercy




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