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We are Light and Love

We are carrying more and more Light. When this happens, old deep core issues, patterns and beliefs surface to be let go of so that more Light and Love may take their place. Anything within that usurps your True Self and your Power is brought into the Light. This includes fear, anxiety and all that does not belong

Receiving more Light will bring up anything you have been avoiding. This can be your “inner critic” and all ways you do not love and accept yourself. It brings up where you judge yourself to be “less than.” This includes old unworthiness, lack, perceived failures and any way you do not completely love yourself. Now is the time to honor yourself in all ways by making choices that upgrade your self-love. You see, if you feel “less than,” how can you possibly share your gifts; for you would second-guess yourself and denigrate your own worth, which robs everyone of the gift of you.

So amp up your Love and trust your guidance, for you are always guided to being more Love. Do not ever settle for being less than the Truth of you. You are not meant to settle for mediocrity for the sake of belonging in the old way of being. You are meant to shine brightly with no exceptions.

Notice the difference between who you used to be and who you are now. Are you diminishing yourself in order to keep the same friends or are you willing to be more? Do your friends support and love you or do they balk at the new you? Most who do not want to change will want to hold you back and yet, that is not your purpose. You need not please others to receive their approval and acceptance, for this does nothing for you or for them.

By shining brightly and authentically, you touch others deeply in their place of knowing that they are more than what they allow themselves to be. Be willing to let go and be who you truly are. Trust that those who do resonate with your vibration and consciousness will knock on your door. Anything that is not Love will arise within you and you can look at it for as long as you choose; in the end, you will decide to be all that you are or choose to stay safely in the smaller version of you.

If things seem to fall apart, rejoice! Surely, all disintegration leads to an upgrade of who you are. It is exhausting to hold yourself back and freeing when you authentically expose your True Self; your Soul; the being you essentially are. What fear do you still cling to that keeps you small? Where do you feel stifled? Where do you feel free? Move toward Freedom and let go of the old rules, whether they are self-imposed our outer-imposed.

If it feels as though you can't move forward, perhaps you have not learned what you need to learn in your perceivedstagnation. We do not move forward until we are ready and until we have transformed the little self. In your Stillness, keep asking “What more is there to let go of or what more is there to learn?” While you do this, also know that more and more Light/Love flows into you and when it is time (Divine Time) for you to take a step forward, you will automatically find yourself doing so. It doesn't take figuring something out or pushing yourself; it happens spontaneously; and when that step is taken, you may wonder, “How is it that I am here in this new space?” No need to try and figure it out; simply give thanks.

Do you wonder why you feel so whole when in Nature? Nature gives to us; we become One with it. Gaia and we are One. We are made of the same energy; the cells and DNA that are within Her are within us. When in Nature, we receive and we resonate as One. When in Nature, we give our Love and Appreciation to Gaia and She gives Love and Appreciation to us. This balances us and matches our vibration to Hers. All is uplifted. Gaia is uplifted as we are. She is the great Wholer and She shares Her gift with us so that we may share it with all others. She does not hold back; She shares all that She is with all of life. When in Nature, give thanks for all you give and all you receive.

Have you noticed that when you are dwelling in a lower energy, it doesn't overtake you? You can feel fear and at the same time, know of your Love and Light. It is not an “all this” or “all that,” for that is duality. We do not forget who we are just because one of our shadows emerges. We can use this Light to transcend and transform our shadows when they surface. We are powerful and this Balance continues till we are nothing but Light and Love.

Being all Light does not negate our physicality, for our purpose is to share Light and Love through all our bodies (mental, emotional and physical) on Earth. Ascension is not leaving Earth; it is demonstrating Light and Love in all that we are. This is the Transformation of the separate ego to the ascending ego, which is its natural place.

While we transform, we experience different phenomena. These can be pains in different parts of our body, as well as feeling the grief of moving beyond expected patterns. There are many changes we experience, which includes careers and jobs leaving or blocking us from them in order to have more meaningful work. We may experience withdrawal from family, friends and things we once enjoyed, because they simply are not aligned with our new consciousness. We continue to calibrate higher, which can affect how we sleep and eat. We may feel dizzy at times and off-balance as our DNA and cells calibrate higher. This can lead to feeling very ungrounded, so be in Nature, for that truly helps. If you feel you want to leave Earth and go Home, realize your Home is right where you are. Everywhere you are is sacred ground. Observe, allow and trust that whatever you experience is for your unique evolution.

Remember that where you place your focus is what is empowered. Do not dwell on what you don't have; be thankful for what you do have. Do not dwell on what is not working or flowing; focus on where you do flow, for that guides you. Don't worry that you're missing something, for you aren't missing a thing. All is revealed to you in the Moment and then you may choose what to do with it. There are no rules, shoulds or shouldn'ts and all is ordained for you. Simply commit to being all that you are. As you do, you are guided based on how something feels. Go with those things that uplift and inspire you; let go of those things that close your Heart and feel restrictive.

Life is so different now as you see the illusions clearly and move beyond them. It can be fun to watch the dramas unfold as things continue to transform. If these dramas frighten you, remind yourself of the higher Truth and release the fear of not knowing what's next. Trust that all is in Divine Order, even when the separate ego and outer world try to intimidate and seduce you into going back to sleep. The Truth is that all is Love.

If you are interested, I post every few days on my Facebook page: Ascension: The New. Feel free to join us there, if it resonates with you.

Copyright: Feel free to share any portion of the Ascension Notes. I would appreciate being credited.



God Math By Rick Baxter

Some time ago the concept I like to call God math came to me. What is it and how does it affect me? In its simple form in God math the answer is always one or wholeness. 

As an example, we all have the divine spark of life in us from god or consciousness, it does not matter how many times God or Consciousness divides itself it is always a complete copy of itself. What does this mean we as individuals have within ourselves all the creative potential, wisdom and knowledge of the creator. It is just hidden behind our limiting belief systems and patterns. Every great teacher has said go within, still your minds and listen to the voice of god. The creator has written into every atom of our being its potential. 
Know you are loved, you have limitless potential, therefore changing your energy, changing out your limited belief patterns for patterns in line with the creators desired patterns for your life and you will see miracles of healing, changed life outcomes and circumstances.
Go within, find that still small voice overcome your fears of change, cross the chasms of doubt and embrace your potential. Embrace love, gratitude and joyful abundant life. 
You are all the potential of the creator in flesh, if you have breath you are one with the creator and so is everything in the universe. 
Modern physics says every proton is a miniature black hole in instantaneous communication with every other proton in existence. So, it matters not if you are in spirit energy form or matter material form the communication of the full knowledge of the universe is at your disposal if you are willing to seek it and be the change you desire. Go within and program your change, surrender to what you were called to be by the creator. You are unique in all the universe. Shine brightly my friends.

Video: "Guided Meditation For Manifestation Your Soul's Desires & Healing By Steven Hutchinson" -




Phase of Chaos – Quan Yin by Jenny Schiltz

I am happy to have this opportunity to talk with all of you today. We understand that many of you feel the great flux that is happening in your society. You can tell that great change is upon you and some of you wonder if this change you are feeling is for the positive. Let us assure you, it is. At this statement some of you will feel quite incredulous and wonder if we are aware of what is happening on your planet. We are very aware and are able to see the bigger picture and that is what we would like you to understand.

At the moment of creation there is chaos that stabilizes and within that stabilization things can then be built or put into place, but first there is chaos. When your river are blocked by beavers, the river must force its flow in a new direction, there is chaos at first in the new direction, and then there is flow. This is where you are. You are in the phase of chaos. What one must hold onto is that once the chaos stabilizes, the new can be built.  It is for this very reason that we have asked you to not get swept up in the emotions of the outer world, for then you are simply resisting the bringing in of the new. We have asked each of you to look at what you are creating in your thoughts, words, and deeds for it is you who is being relied upon to stabilize the chaos so that a new flow can be established.

We understand that this is no small task. We are asking you to be the life raft of reason, the zero point if you will. We are asking you to return to unconditional love time and time again, when much of what you hear in your world is contradictory to this and designed to inflame. We are asking you to be open and see all sides, allowing even for a side that has never been seen before. Your society is built on conflict and misinformation, the truth has only begun to be exposed. You may ask yourselves why this has been done, it is simple. Outrage towards your fellow man may make one feel that they are taking a stand, asserting their core beliefs but it is actually an illusion of stepping into your power.  When one is able to love all unconditionally, and to not be triggered by another’s learning process, they are exhibiting the true definition of stepping into their personal power.

This does not mean that you cannot have an opinion nor a boundary, quite the contrary. It is understanding that your opinions are valuable to you and another’s is valuable to them and they do not have to match. It is understanding that all are moving through the process of awakening at different speeds and in different ways. If one chooses to awaken within by embracing fear and separateness for a time, that this is perfectly appropriate for their experience. We are asking you to allow each person their process, as you were allowed yours.

Many of you are struggling with the emotions of fear, anger and outrage in the collective. Your sensitive natures may become easily overwhelmed. If this is how you are feeling we ask you to step back and take a look at your immediate reality. Understand that at this time each person’s inner conflict is being mirrored in your sphere of conscious connections. Look at your closest relationships, your friends and family.  Is there harmony? Is their ease? Then look at your working relationships, your relationship with the greater public?  Where is there discord? Where are you being shown what must be healed within? This is your true reality, all else is what you allow to come in through outside sources.  It is not that we recommend that people put on blinders to what is happening in the outside world, but first you must be secure within your role, your relationships.

If you think of each sphere of connection as journeying further and further from shore, you will understand why it is important to continually build your boat bigger and bigger. If one is in a row boat, which may be sufficient to brave any discord from loved ones; they may find themselves waterlogged when attempting to transverse the waters of family or work relationships. As you practice your skills of neutrality and unconditional love, while working through all that moves you from this state of being, your boat becomes bigger and stronger.

Many of you are in important roles of stabilizing the new earth energies, the new grids and helping to heal your planet and inhabitants. You are the stabilizers for your particular area. These roles are very important and require you to be balanced within to achieve them. Maintaining your balance, even if it means removing yourself from all that disrupts this is not selfish, it is necessary.

With deep respect and admiration

Quan Yin

Conversation with Quan Yin

Me: I honestly can say I am shocked at the amount of venom that has been thrown at people over political opinions. The amount of narrow mindedness, sweeping generalizations and negativity really surprised me.  For me, part of this shock is my understanding of how thoughts, words, and emotions are things. Many weapons were created and thrown recently.

Quan Yin: When one is unconscious of this fact, they do not understand what has been created and used. It is very much like warfare. It is for this reason we have sent the messages for people to disengage, remove themselves from the battlefield.  It can be a challenge for a person to keep their energetic field clear in the midst of chaos. It can be done, but one should be in a very large boat.

Me: This 11:11 gateway packed quite a punch. At one point I felt as if the gateway was inside my body and was drawing all of my essence in. In my mind I felt like I was in a black hole, being propelled forward. I spoke with my highest aspect whom explained that this star gate was not “out there” but within each person. That I needed to be still, allow the process and to revel in the amazing process that was taking place.

Quan Yin: Yes, it is a common misconception that star gates and portals are outside of you. All is within and each person is able to activate each transition to the level in which they are able.

Me: Physically, many are struggling. Headaches are common. All of my children have had them off and on for the past two weeks. I found an Epson salt bath does wonders. Some are experiencing fluctuation in their hearing and eye sight.  Some have had hip pain and bloating in the lower extremities.

Quan Yin: Understand that all of this is normal as one attunes to the higher frequencies. All within you is shifting and changing. It requires regulation of your energetic and physical bodies.  This is most easily done in your sleep, which is why so many are finding themselves resting more than usual. Ensuring the body is hydrated and full of essential minerals such as magnesium is important as well.

Me: Thank you!

Quan Yin: I am happy to assist in this beautiful transition.

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Image result for images of thanksgiving

I am delighted to wish to all a Happy Thanksgiving Day filled with the Creator's Love, Joy, & Abundance....and may our gratitude extend to everything we have & experience in our lives, as well as to the Creator's ever-expanding Presence within each of us.

Shanta Gabriel just sent me this timely message below that beautifully summarizes the power of incorporating thanksgiving and gratitude in our lives. Enjoy with Unbounded Blessings of The Creator's Love & Light Divinely Perfect for each of you,


Shanta Gabriel:

Happy Thanksgiving

The qualities of Gratitude and Thankfulness can lead you to a pure heart. They change the energy fields, within and around your body, and transform your mental state by lifting your vibrational frequency.

The American celebration of Thanksgiving draws higher ideals into the forefront of people’s thoughts; the ideal of family and joining together in love, the ideal of abundance and the bounty that is possible and most importantly, the ideal of giving thanks.

When one is in the state of giving thanks there is such an elevation in consciousness that all appearances to the contrary begin to drop away. A sense of gratitude creates a high frequency of energy that is akin to a loving embrace from the Universe. There is scientific proof that gratitude can actually change your brain chemistry. Giving thanks can become a sacred act that calls forth all the Divine assistance needed for you to feel supported and cared for in this life. Sharing whatever one has is a part of the ideal behind Thanksgiving celebration. The creation of sports events and shopping days are modern distractions from the original intention of a day set aside for loving kindness and thankful prayers of gratitude for all that one has in life.

Even when life may not have demonstrated for you the ideals you hold for bounty, there are still things you can find to be grateful for. With this act those small pockets of gratitude build into a full life demonstration. Most of the demonstration, however, comes with your uplifted mental state that builds strength as you realize all the many ways you are being cared for by the benevolence of God’s Grace.

An ever-evolving life begins with your focus of attention, as well as your intention to live within the sacred heart of gratitude. When you can love what is, the void spaces begin to fill with Light. Filling all the empty spaces in your life with Divine Light creates a frequency of abundance and fullness. Your heart begins to feel full of love and creative opportunities begin to reveal themselves in miraculous ways. Increasingly there seems to be more and more to be grateful for, and the sacred vessel of your being becomes purified with the Light of your Gratitude and Joy. Every thought, every breath can open the way for clear light to bring purification into your being. Your willingness to bring greater Light and the attitude of Thankfulness into your being allows you to become a pure vessel to hold your Divinity.

Begin with the tiniest awareness and when you bring your gratitude to this, change occurs. Be grateful that you don’t have to tell your lungs to breathe and your heart to beat, and all the other miraculous ways your body serves you. Be grateful that there are trees bringing oxygen and water to the Earth and absorbing carbon. Be grateful for all the beauty and power of the ocean and the great lakes and rivers that nurture us so beautifully.

As you stretch to practice, the act of Gratitude will change your life for the better.

Here is a suggestion for Thanksgiving prayers.

Divine Presence:

Thank you for the many gifts you have brought into my life. Thank you for my heart that beats with your love, and this miraculous body that serves me so I may serve you on this Earth. Thank you for new ideas and opportunities that are revealing themselves to me every day. Thank you for the beauty of this Earth and the bounty that the Earth provides. Thank you for those who care about me and bring joy and love into my life. Thank you for showing me how much I am loved and for giving me new ways to give love.

Let my body hold the force of Gratitude in every cell and let that awaken me to your Presence. May I see your gifts in every moment and be grateful for all that I am given, no matter what it looks like. Let me respond in gratitude to every situation knowing that my soul’s awakening depends on my responses. As Gratitude fills my being, help me to flow this energy of love and thanksgiving into the world.

At the center of my being, I know all is well. For this and all my gifts, I say thank you, thank you, thank you.  And so it is.

May this time of Thanksgiving fill your heart with new awakenings to the loving presence within all things and bless every area of your life with pure gratitude.

Shanta Gabriel
with inspiration from Archangel Gabriel
November 22, 2016

Video: "Bob Marley - Thank You Lord (Original)" -

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Exploring Meditation Practices By Steven Hitchinson

The Christ Consciousness is an energy within you which is your essence and a  natural part of your being. In fact it is the most benevolent, compassionate, life-giving, generous, deeply loving and magnificent aspect of yourself. When you allow this aspect of yourself to be present if only for a moment, similar to a glimmer of light emerging from within, then you will begin to give yourself the freedom and free will to surrender, expand and accept this natural aspect of yourself into your everyday life. And Lord Maitreya is ready & willing to help awaken and expand the Christ Consciousness Energy within you when you call upon Him...And please enjoy and accept the Divine Energy from all of the meditations below with Unbounded Blessings of Love & Light, Steve

Lord Maitreya, I invite you to surround me in your deeply loving, accepting, forgiving, healing and inspiring energy. Lord Maitreya, please work with my soul and entire being to connect me with conscious awareness to the essence of my being where the Christ Consciousness resides within me. Please help me to connect with the most benevolent, compassionate, life-giving, generous, deeply loving and magnificent aspect of my essence, bringing these beautiful energies into manifestation within my mind, emotions, physical body, energetic bodies, and reality. Lord Maitreya, please support me in easily releasing all blockages, limitations, false ideas and perceptions connected to my essence, the Christ Consciousness and love, so I may surrender myself to the truth within my being experiencing it in every moment of my reality. Let a healing take place that is so deep it erases all resistance and fear connected to me accepting and returning to my original consciousness of love. I am present with the love that is within me now. Thank you, Lord Maitreya.’

Meditation With Lord Maitreya to Awaken the Christ Consciousness Within

I, Lord Maitreya, wish to invite you to achieve a meditation practice with me to support you in connecting with this natural essence/ love consciousness/ Christ Consciousness within you.

Begin by repeating my name, ‘Lord Maitreya,’ three times silently with the focus of your third eye chakra within your heart chakra. Imagine a soft pink light within your heart chakra, sense your heart chakra relaxing, softening and expanding as you focus for a few moments while breathing deeply in this area.

Imagine a golden sphere spinning gently above your head. See, sense or acknowledge a golden light radiating in all directions from the sphere.

Imagine that golden droplets flow from the base of the golden sphere, one by one into your crown chakra at the top of your head. The golden droplets seep into your mind, brain, and consciousness, filling your head with golden light which awakens a space and state of love within this area.

When you feel that your head is filled with golden light, let droplets begin to flow into your heart chakra.  One by one they begin to fill your heart chakra with golden light to awaken your true consciousness within you which is a state of love.

As your heart expands with golden light, let droplets of golden light flow through your lower chakras and into your earth star chakra below your feet, anchoring and awakening your true consciousness, your Creator love consciousness, bringing it into true manifestation within your being and reality.

Allow yourself to then meditate upon yourself as a complete golden being of light, connected to all remembrance and truth which is essential for you to understand and embody now as well as existing in unison with the entire universe of the Creator. Encourage yourself to melt into this space of pure consciousness, energy and truth allowing new perspectives, feelings and experiences of yourself and reality to dawn from within your being.

When you allow yourself to connect with the consciousness and well of love within your being you are transforming your cells, the way you perceive yourself and reality, you are expanding yourself beyond limitations and therefore your abilities to make a positive, loving difference upon the Earth. You are allowing yourself to move into a space of empowerment, accessing the power within your being. This is a positive transformation which will support your experience of your reality upon the Earth as well as allowing you to assist others in ways you could never have previously imagined.

Video: "Powerful Healing Meditation with Archangel Raphael's Emerald Green Flames"

Video: "Chloë Goodchild -Awakening through Sound" -

Have you ever had the unexplainable urge to sing at a restaurant or in the middle of an office meeting? It seems outrageous, but there is a voice buried within you that wants to do just that, explains Chloë Goodchild. This is your "naked voice"—the deep song of your heart that contains all your longing, joy, grief, and passion—the "raw truth" of who you are. With Awakening Through Sound, you will learn how to fearlessly engage with your own naked voice—to listen to yourself and others with "unconditional ears," to integrate heart, mind, and body, and to release your full creativity. Chloë Goodchild draws from 30 years of teaching thousands around the world to gently guide you through a full range of vocal and physical exercises. Join this pioneering sound healer for a daring curriculum that will help you break through your vocal limitations, access latent insight and intuition, and bring the gift of your true Self to everyone around you.

Free Weekly Wisdom. Visit

Video: "Theta Healing Muscle Testing for Subconscious Beliefs" -

Casey Campbell:

In this video I show you how to do two different types of muscle testing to discover your subconscious beliefs. This is helpful in a Theta Healing session, or even if you just are curious about what might be holding you back in life... According to Dr. Bruce Lipton, who wrote The Biology of Belief, 95% of our behaviour is dictated by our subconscious mind. Amazingly, our body can easily and effortlessly show what's held as true in our subconscious. Once we find the limiting beliefs, we can replace them with positive supportive ones that are in alignment with the highest truth, and life becomes so much brighter and better!

With Magic & Miracles,


Video: "Theta Healing for Intense Times" -

Video: "Gayatri Mantra" -

This video is a very beautiful rendition of the Maha Gayatri mantra. With the Gayatri mantra, we meditate upon the spiritual effulgence of that adorable supreme divine reality
Who is the source of the physical, the astral and the heavenly spheres of existence.
May that supreme divine being enlighten our intellect, so that we may realise the supreme truth.


Om Bhur Bhuvah Svaha
Tat Savitur Varenyam
Bhargo Devasya Dhimahi
Dhiyo Yo Nah Prachodayat

Syllable Translation:
Om: Para Brahman
Bhur: The Physical plane
Bhuvah: The Astral plane
Svaha: The Celestial plane
Tat: Ultimate Reality
Savitur: The Source of All
Varenyam: Fit to be worshiped
Bhargo: The Spiritual effulgence
Devasya: Divine Reality
Dhimahi: We meditate
Dhiyo: Intellect
Yo: Which
Nah: Our
Prachodayat: Enlighten

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The Syllable by Syllable CommentaryExplaining the Benefits and Advantages of the Vajra Guru MantraBy the great tertön Karma Lingpa (14th century)The Vajra Guru Mantra is the mantra associated with Guru Rinpoche, also known as Padmasambhava. This is a draft translation of a treasure text which explains the Vajra Guru Mantra. It was originally concealed during the time of Padmasambhava in Tibet and later rediscovered by Karma Lingpa (14th century) who brought it forth from its place of concealment and copied it down on reams of gold. It is simply known as "The Syllable by Syllable Commentary Explaining the Benefits of the Vajra Guru Mantra." It begins with an invocation and then goes into a dialogue between Yeshe Tsogyal, the spiritual consort of Padmasambhava, and Padmasambhava himself.And so, Yeshe Tsogyal begins:I, the woman Yeshe Tsogyal, having offered to you the inner and outer mandala on a vast scale, have the following request. Oh great teacher, Pema Jungne, you have been extremely kind to us, the Tibetan people, leaving for us a legacy that will benefit us now and in future lives. Your kindness is so great that we have never experienced anything like this before, nor will we ever experience anything like this in the future. In particular, so that now even though I am a humble person, I have no doubt that I will attain enlightenment.In the future, sentient beings will have very short attention spans and a great many things will clutter and occupy their minds. Their characters will be rough and difficult to tame. They will develop many wrong views towards the sacred Dharma. In particular, a time will come when people will cast dispersions on the Secret Mantra teaching of the unsurpassable levels of tantra. At that time, all sentient beings will suffer heavily from disease, famine, and war. Because of the spread of these three calamities, in particular, China, Tibet and Mongolia will experience the same kind of turmoil as an ant's nest when it is destroyed, and the time will come for thepeople of Tibet to suffer greatly. Though you have spoken at length of many skillful means to salvage what is possible from that situation, sentient beings in the future will not have the time to practice. Even though they may have some slight inclination to practice, they will encounter many great obstacles. Sentient beings will experience a great deal of disharmony. They won't be able to get along or reach any kind of accord, and in the wake of this, their behavior will become very impure. Bad times such as this will bevery difficult to avert. That being the case, what kinds of benefits and advantages would there be for those beings in the future were they to rely solely upon the Vajra Guru Mantra as their practice? I ask you to relate this for the benefit of individuals in the future who are not able to perceive this and therefore have to have it explained to them.Then the great master, Pema Jungne replied:Oh faithful lady, what you have said is so very true. In the future, such times will befall sentient beings and both in a temporary and in a long term sense, the benefits of the Vajra Guru mantra can be definitely be felt. Since my spiritual instructions and the methods of practice that I offer are immeasurable, I have hidden a great number of treasure teachings in the water, rocks, the sky and so forth. In these evil times, even individuals with fortunate karma will find it difficult to encounter these teachings. It will be difficult to bring together the necessary circumstances for these teachings to be revealed. This is a sign that the collective merit of beings is on the wane.However, at such times, if this essence mantra, the Vajra Guru mantra, is repeated as much as possible, a hundred times, a thousand times, ten thousand times, a hundred thousand times, a million, ten million, a hundred million times and so forth, if it is repeated in holy places, in temples, next to great rivers, in areas where gods and demons abound, if it is recited in these places by tantric practitioners with pure samaya, by people with monastic ordination who maintain their vows purely, by men and women whopossess faith in the teachings, if they give rise to bodhicitta on a grand scale and recite this mantra, then the benefits and advantages and energy of such practice are truly inconceivable. This will avert all of the negative forces of disease, famine, unrest, bad harvests and all bad omens and indications in all the countries of the world, such that the rain will fall in a timely manner for the crops so there will always be a plentiful supply of water for agriculture and for human and animal life, and all regions and areas will experience prosperity and auspicious conditions.In this life, in future lives, and in the intermediate state between death and rebirth, these individuals who practice in this way will meet with me again and again. The very best of these individuals will actually meet me in their waking consciousness. Those of middling degree of attainment will meet with me again and again in their dreams. Gradually perfecting the different paths and levels of their practice, they will attain to the ranks of the masculine and feminine holders of intrinsic awareness in my pure land in the continent of Ngayab. Have no doubt of this.If this mantra is recited a hundred times a day, merely a hundred times a day without interruption, one will become attractive to others and will effortlessly come by food and wealth and the necessities of life.If one recites it a thousand or ten thousand times on a daily basis, one is able to literally overwhelm others with one's brilliance, in the sense of becoming very charismatic and influential in exerting a positive influence over others, and one will gain unhindered force of blessings and spiritual power.If one repeats it a hundred thousand or a million times on a regular basis one will become capable of effecting an immeasurably great benefit for beings, exactly as one would wish to.If one recites the mantra three or seven million times, one is never separate from the buddhas of the three times and one becomes inseparable from me. All the gods and demons of existence will attend to one and offer their praises.In the most excellent cases, individuals will attain the rainbow body, and the final level of attainment in this lifetime. On a more middling level, at the moment of death, the mother and child aspects of radiant luminosity will meet. At the very least, individuals will behold my face in the bardo state and all the appearances of the bardo state will be free in their own ground such that these individuals will be reborn on the continent of Ngayab and from that vantage point, be able to accomplish an immeasurable amount ofbenefit to beings. Thus the Guru replied to Yeshe Tsogyal.She responded by saying:Oh great master, it is extremely kind of you to have spoken of these vast and immeasurable advantages of the spiritual energy of this mantra. For the benefit of sentient beings in the future however, a detailed explanation would be of enormous benefit, and so I would ask you to speak in a brief way about the different syllables of this mantra.To which the great master replied:O daughter of good family, the Vajra Guru mantra is not just my single essence mantra, it is the very essence or life force of all the deities of the four classes of tantra, of all the nine yanas, and all of the 84,000 collections of dharma teachings. The essence of all of the buddhas of the three times, all of the gurus, yidams, dakas, and dakinis, dharma protectors, etc., the essence of all of these is contained and is complete within this mantra. How, you may ask, does this work? What is the reason for all these being complete with this mantra? Listen well and hold this in mind. Read it again and again. Write it out for the benefit of sentient beings, and teachit or demonstrate it to beings in the future.OM AH HUNG VAJRA GURU PEMA SIDDHI HUNGOM AH HUNG are the sublime, essence of the principles of enlightened body, speech, and mindVAJRA is the sublime essence of the indestructible familyGURU is the sublime essence of the jewel familyPEMA is the sublime essence of the lotus familySIDDHI is the sublime essence of the activity familyHUNG is the sublime essence of the transcendent familyOM AH HUNG VAJRA GURU PEMA SIDDHI HUNGOM is the perfect splendor and richness of sambhoghakayaAH is the total unchanging perfection of dharmakaya, the manifest body of absolute realityHUNG perfects the presence of Guru Padmasambhava as the nirmanakaya, the manifest body of emanationVAJRA perfects all the heruka deities of the mandalasGURU refers to the root and transmission gurus and the holders of intrinsic awarenessPEMA perfects the assembly of dakas and dakinisSIDDHI is the life force of all the wealth deities and the guardians of the treasure teachingsHUNG is the life force of the dharmapalas, the protective deitiesOM AH HUNG VAJRA GURU PEMA SIDDHI HUNGOM AH HUNG are the life force of the three classes of tantraVAJRA is the life force of the monastic discipline and the sutra class of teachingsGURU is the life force of abhidharma and kriya (action) yoga, the first level of tantraPEMA is the life force of the charya (conduct) yoga, the second class of tantra, and yoga (joining) tantra, the third class of tantraSIDDHI is the life force of the mahayoga and anuyoga classes of teachingsHUNG is the life force of the ati yoga, the Natural Great Perfection (Dzogchen)OM AH HUNG VAJRA GURU PEMA SIDDHI HUNGOM AH HUNG purify obscurations arising from the three mental poisons: desire/attachment, aversion, and ignoranceVAJRA purifies obscurations which stem from angerGURU purifies obscurations which stem from pridePEMA purifies obscurations which stem from desire/attachmentSIDDHI purifies obscurations which stem from envy/jealousyHUNG in a general way purifies obscurations which stem from all emotional afflictionsOM AH HUNG VAJRA GURU PEMA SIDDHI HUNGThrough OM AH HUNG one attains the three kayasThrough VAJRA one realizes mirror-like pristine awarenessThrough GURU one realizes the pristine awareness of equalnessThrough PEMA one realizes the pristine awareness of discernmentThrough SIDDHI one realizes the all-accomplishing pristine awarenessThrough HUNG one realizes the pristine awareness of basic spaceOM AH HUNG VAJRA GURU PEMA SIDDHI HUNGThrough OM AH HUNG gods, demons, and humans are subduedThrough VAJRA one gains power over malevolent forces of certain gods and demonsThrough GURU one gains control over the malevolent forces of the Lord of Death and the cannibal demonsThrough PEMA one gains control over the malevolent influences of the water and wind elementsThrough SIDDHI one gains control over the malevolent influences of non-human forces and spirits bringing harm and exerting negative control over one's lifeThrough HUNG one gains control of the malevolent influences of planetary configurations and earth spiritsOM AH HUNG VAJRA GURU PEMA SIDDHI HUNGOM AH HUNG accomplishes the six spiritual virtuesVAJRA accomplishes pacifying activityGURU accomplishes enriching activityPEMA accomplishes magnetizing activitySIDDHI accomplishes enlightened activity in generalHUNG accomplishes wrathful enlightened activityOM AH HUNG VAJRA GURU PEMA SIDDHI HUNGOM AH HUNG avert all imprecations and cursesVAJRA averts the negative consequences of breaking one's samaya with the deities of pristine awarenessGURU averts the negative influences of the eight classes of gods and demons in samsaraPEMA averts the negative influences of nagas and earth spiritsHUNG averts the negative influences of gods, demons, humans, samsaric godsOM AH HUNG VAJRA GURU PEMA SIDDHI HUNGOM AH HUNG defeats the army of the five mental poisonsVAJRA defeats angerGURU defeats pridePEMA defeats desire/attachmentSIDDHI defeats envy and jealousyHUNG defeats the armies of gods, demons and humansOM AH HUNG VAJRA GURU PEMA SIDDHI HUNGOM AH HUNG brings about the spiritual accomplishments or siddhisVAJRA brings about the siddhi of peaceful and wrathful deitiesGURU brings about the siddhi of the awareness-holders and the lineage gurusPEMA brings about the siddhi of the dakas and dakinis and dharma protectorsSIDDHI brings about the mundane and supreme siddhisHUNG brings about the siddhi of accomplishing whatever one wishesOM AH HUNG VAJRA GURU PEMA SIDDHI HUNGOM AH HUNG transfers consciousness to the pure realms of experienceVAJRA transfers consciousness to the eastern pure realm of Manifest JoyGURU transfers consciousness to the southern pure realm of Glory & SplendorPEMA transfers consciousness to the western pure realm of Great BlissSIDDHI transfers consciousness to the northern pure realm of Excellent ActivityHUNG transfers consciousness to the central pure realm of UnwaveringIf a physical form could demonstrate the benefit of even one recitation of OM AH HUNG VAJRA GURU PEMA SIDDHI HUNG, the entire earth would not be sufficient to contain the merit. All sentient beings who see, hear, or remember this mantra will definitely be established in the ranks of the masculine and feminine awareness-holders. If it is the case that these words of truth ofthe Vajra Guru mantra do not accomplish for sentient beings what they wish to accomplish just as I have promised, then I Pema Jungne, am truly deceiving sentient beings. But I have not deceived you, so you should practice according to my instructions.Even if you are not able to recite the mantra for whatever reasons, you should mount it on the top of a victory banner, even when the wind touches it, and that wind touches sentient beings, it will free them without a doubt. Alternately, you may inscribe it in clay or carve it in stone. This will also guard the path upon which these syllables are placed and guard that region from malevolent effects. You may also write this mantra out in gold ink on dark blue paper and wear it as an amulet. When you die, if this amulet is burned with your corpse, rainbows will be seen and your consciousness will be transferred to the realms of Supreme Bliss. The benefits of writing out, reading or reciting this mantra defy any accurate measure and defy any standard measurement that could be applied. Having established this for the benefit of beings in the future, I am hiding this treasure. May it meet with a fortunate child of mine in the future who has good karma.Samaya. Sealed. Sealed. Sealed.Return to - Teachings - Main Menu
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