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Within you is a Divine connection to an all knowing consciousness that is beyond time and space and it is when you learn to trust in that connection and the feelings it invokes within your sacred heart that you see the results of your intentions, your purpose and your destiny fulfilled. Often-times these feeling defy the logical mind and seem to come out of nowhere and yet this force is far greater than anything you have experienced before. Trust what you feel in your heart as you are opening up your higher mind to dialogue directly with the Divine for guidance, understanding, and to help you to create and manifest what you came here to experience.You are being given opportunities to change your life. Do not hesitate to accept the messages and symbols that you're higher mind and sacred heart share with you to help to guide the answers to your prayers. You have outgrown what once was and it is time to prepare to receive that which is more suited to you now in this next stage of your growth and expansion. Trust the strange and mysterious at this time. You are tapping into an ancient wave of wisdom, you have been here before and you know instinctively what to do. Trust that you will act with right action, and that your intentions will manifest and take you further on your journey of remembering your magnificence and your mission.~~~I am guided by my sacred heart and higher mind and the signs and symbols I receive in my dreams and meditations are the messages to help to illuminate the path before me and I trust that this is so.
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However it comes your way.

Today's message is about self-examination and really getting to know yourself and who you really are and who you are becoming by your desire to expand your light. Sometimes on the journey of life you can get caught up in the images that others want you to be and sometimes personal integrity is compromised to fit in or go with the status-quo. Sometimes there is a need to compromise some activities to make those around you happier, however it is also important for you to be true to your own heart as you do this and this is often where the challenge lies.Life is a great mirror and the clearer the reflections of the world around you are, the clearer the path before you seems. It sometimes shows you what the world cannot see but what the spirit can sense. This can come to you through observing what is happening around you. It can come through your thoughts and feelings when you are meditating, through the words of those around you, or even through the words and feelings from the songs you hear on the radio, or it can come to you in a moment when you glimpse who you are becoming, through your dreams, visions, and flashes of inspiration and intuition. However it comes your way, do not be afraid to look at yourself and your life from the entirety of yourself and your soul. It is time to see the truth of who you truly and see yourself through the eyes and the love of your authentic self and your guides and angels are happy to help to guide you through this introspection and help you see the true magnificence of your light.~~~As I look deeper at my life, I can clearly see the me that I truly am and my authenticity. As I embrace the magic of myself, I see the truth of who I am and experience new levels of self-love, self-knowledge, and self-healing.
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In this moment trust that there is joy waiting to be felt, being offered, and found, no matter how hard that may seem at this moment, believe it to be so. Let go of any attachments to problems, people, or outcomes as much as you can and you will find yourself allowing. Take a moment and step back, take a deep breath, and allow the Divine Creator to take over and let all things sort themselves out. Even if you are amidst darkness or suffering, you can find joy, even if just for moment and sometimes that moment is all that is needed, that letting go, to help things get moving again, to feel inspired, and see that there is beauty, joy, and love all around you. See that you are being offered divine support to live a less guarded life, to let your true nature shine through any adversity and live in joy, regardless.You may think you see the whole picture, but sometimes when you look deeper you see something that brings you joy, hope and reassurance that all things will be okay. There is a more beautiful perspective that affirms, supports, and nourishes you and all involved. Relax and find the joy in your life as it was meant to be and soon you will be able to see this beautiful new perspective that would not have been so clear if you had not been looking for something more, reaching beyond where you were to go where you want to be. Soften your heart and ask to be shown the beauty in your life and let that vision come alive and you shall see what once was hidden and now it is being revealed, like a lotus flower opening its petals and all is well.~~~As I take a deep breath, relax and find joy, all is revealed to me at the most perfect time that is important to my life and all I need is to do the best I can and live my life.
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You have many gifts that have been given to you to assist you on the path called human and one of them is your psychic and spiritual abilities. To nurture this energy and have it grow, it is helpful to express your Divine feminine energy, which all of you have, male or female. This energy includes learning to trust and tap into your intuition, your nurturing qualities, and your capacity of love.Each of you also have masculine spiritual energy which helps you to be brave and strong, to keep your focus and hold the vision of what you want to create for yourself and your world.Use the power and gifts of both your goddess energy as well as your warrior energy and you will be a dynamic force that appears to create by magic. These experiences help to change how you see life, the Universe and everything around you.Allow your spiritual gifts to open and grow. Ask from Above to help you and be open to receive them.~~~As I foster and use my spiritual gifts of both my masculine and feminine energies, I experience my life in a new way that assists me in having a more magical journey,
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You are coming into your own power

There is no need to hurry or rush for things to happen, everything will unfold with the Divine timing of all that is. Everything is on cue and on time and you are exactly where you want to be to accomplish your goals and tasks, even if you can't see that right now. Trusting that all the right people and situations are in place is key.Take care and be gentle with yourself and others. Surround yourself with positive and supportive people, situations and environments as much as you can. If you are not currently feeling you are supported, ask your angels and guides to help you so that you feel stronger and more sure of yourself as you take each step. You are coming into your own power and it is a beautiful sight to see as you continue to move forward as the co-creators that you are.~~~I am always in the right place at the right time for the unfolding of my plans, dreams and desires. Everything is occurring in the perfect timing.
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You deserve to live an abundant life

There are always options and alternatives available. You have a complex decision to make and once you do, the movement you desire will happen. Do the research, make the choice and move on to something more challenging for yourself. It is time to get to work and get things done as these will lead you to the many options that are available to you and help you direct a stream of high-vibrating energy with your thoughts, words, and actions.Choose your thoughts and attitudes consciously and wisely. Focus on loving, abundant and successful outcomes in every area of your life. Ask from Above to help you and they will support your intentions and help you keep positive and strong though the changes and lead you to the desired outcome you seek. You deserve to live an abundant life, filled with all that you desire.~~~I am focused and getting things done to assist me in living my life abundantly. I easily make the decisions I need to make and I trust that there are options and choices available for me.
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I am at peace with myself

Today's message is about finding that peaceful place within you that knows, trusts, and believes in possibilities and inspiration. When you soften your heart and your mind you are more receptive, inviting, and open. You become a magnate for all that is needed for you, your loved ones and your world. A part of you longs for inner peace and harmony and it is time to honour that feeling and allow. It is time to be soft and let the subtle waves of your heart wash over you and become receptive to the Divine and surrender any feelings of always being the fighter and become the peaceful warrior.--Your angel guidance is to take some time for quiet reflection. Take some moments to replenish and allow your angels to help you. Let go of any perceived obstacles, feelings of less than, or perceptions of how things should be and be at peace with what is. Dream a little dream and let your imagination wander and wonder. Allow for the inspirations of your heart to surface and be open to receive it and believe in the potential of unlimited possibilities for you truly live in a limitless Universe with enough for all.
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As I awaken the joy

This is a time of celebration, a time of laughter and joy, to celebrate the rewards of your hard work, to gather together with community and regard happy relationships and family. Release yourself from any burdensome situations or energy and lighten your life by bringing in thoughts and feelings of vitality, joy, and zest.---Every cloud has its silver lining and so understanding that everything also happens for a reason helps to release those irrational fears and anxieties that only weigh you down from experiencing the sweetness that life truly has to offer. Sometimes what you are going through is to help strengthen you, to make you laugh, or to help you grow. Regardless of its purpose in your life, release any regret, and embrace the opportunities for happiness, love, and joy and allow them to touch your spirit and that of those around you. Laughter is contagious and so spread that virus of love with everyone you come in contact with and watch as the world around you changes and brightens.
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As I breathe in Creator Light

One of the greatest gifts you can give yourself is to experience peace and calm within. As you find this place within you, it helps to shift your outer world and creates a state of serenity, tranquillity, and peace by assisting you to soothe your mind and calm your nerves. Meditation can help you, and when you achieve and experience that inner stillness, it begins to reshape how you view and experience your world. Finding peace and calm increases your confidence by dissolving your fears and offers you patience, trust, and acceptance. Believe in yourself and your ability to find this inner peace, regardless of what is happening around you.---Spend some time relaxing, connecting with nature, and focusing on your inner stillness. Imagine beautiful rays of Creator Light moving through your nervous system, calming, purifying, and relaxing every cell of your body. Allow this light to permeate all of your being and then allow it to flow out through your pores and create a cocoon of light that allows you to stay cloaked in peace, calmness, and tranquillity, like you are gently floating down the river of life, enjoying and experience the beauty that surrounds you and relaxing every part of your being.
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