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          COSMIC WASTE DISPOSAL: Clearing the clutter in our individual minds and collective consciousness

Something happened on December 21, 2012. Those of us who celebrated and otherwise marked this Birth 2012 event know that we moved through a cosmic portal into a new cycle, a new age where love, light and life are supposed to rule the day. So what, one might ask, are the evidences of this change? The world continues pretty much as it did before. Wars continue in the Middle East, parts of Africa and other places. Gun violence seems to be increasing in the United States. Financial tribulation still afflicts Europe and the U.S. Disappearing glaciers and polar ice confirm the reality of global warming.

Droughts, floods, devastating hurricanes, tornadoes and atmospheric pollution seem to be increasing. And from what I can observe, turmoil in individual lives has not abated. So where are we to look for any evidence of positive change and transformation that movement into a new age is supposed to bring?

The initial change, of course, occurs in consciousness, specifically in the consciousness of those who have awakened to the reality of the creative process that, contrary to all appearances, is still the controlling force operative on Earth. This change is for the most part invisible and vibrational, and though there are some external evidences of its impact in individual lives and in the groups to which they belong, objectively measurable change remains primarily below the level of physical observation.

According to a report that I recently heard on the radio, the vibrational rate of the Earth has risen in recent years from eight cycles to eleven. I have no idea how this is measured or exactly what it means, but I suspect it’s indicative of the movement of the Earth into the new cosmic context heralded by the Birth 2012 event.

So obviously something is moving, something is stirring, something is changing. The origin of this change is in human consciousness and the intensification of current that is occurring there. Though the measurable visible evidences of positive, life-enhancing change on Earth may yet be sporadic and insubstantial, the negative, life-destroying changes, the so-called “doomsday curves,” the unspeakable atrocities, are painfully obvious and there for everyone to see. And I submit that these graphic evidences of disintegration constitute the most incontrovertible proof that life is on the move, that something of tremendous intensity is shaking the very foundations of the planet.

     Andrew Harvey hits the nail on the head in this quote from his book Radical Passion:
     Sacred Love and Wisdom in Action.

In preparation for the birth of the Divine, the entire human race is now going through a global dark night, which will result in a new humanity that has been humbled and chastened by tragedy, so that it may open completely to the mystery of divine grace. This dark night cannot be bargained with, explained away, leapt over or mitigated. It is the destined crucifixion of a communal human ego now clearly revealed to be suicidal, matricidal, dangerous to itself and to the whole of creation. No one and nothing will stop Kali dancing Her terrible dance of destruction and re-creation. There will be no resurrection of an embodied divine humanity without a systematic, perfectly organized, brutally complete crucifixion of everything in us that keeps us addicted to the systems of illusion that are now rapidly destroying everything.

The creative process that governs all life and being in the cosmos is in essence an integrating process—bringing and holding all things together in a beautifully coordinated whole. But it also has a disintegrating or deconstructing aspect, a cosmic waste disposal system. Obviously the integrating work of the universe cannot be fully consummated if there are “systems of illusion” and pockets of resistance such as the self-seeking human ego blocking the way. Insofar as the body of humanity is concerned there’s a massive collection of trash and assorted clutter in individual subconscious minds and the collective consciousness accumulated through thousands of years of subhuman function on the planet. All of this garbage has to be disposed of in the cosmic recycling process. The intensified currents of life referred to above are now stirring things up in this subconscious realm, bringing all of this stuff—this grisly toxic effluent—up to the surface of consciousness and prompting human beings to act in extremely destructive and even barbaric ways. Hence the exponential increase of conflict and corruption, pain and suffering we’re now witnessing in human affairs.

All of this debris has to rise to the surface in order for it to be dissipated and dissolved; this is the only way to clear the subconscious mind and heart of humanity. No one is exempt from this clearing process; even those far advanced on the spiritual path, even those who could be considered enlightened, will experience these negative currents rising up into feeling and thought, bringing “dark nights” and Kali’s “terrible dance of destruction.” This puts those who have found their identity in the wholeness of life, in the truth of who they are, particularly on the spot. Knowing something of what is happening, it’s incumbent on them to override all of the negative and destructive energies surfacing in consciousness with the irresistible current and absolute power of unconditional love.

      I like the way Bill Isaacs describes what’s required in his essay The Ending of Separation.

I suppose everyone has had, at one point or other in their lives, a so-called ‘dark night of the soul’—a moment where difficulties have mounted, and where the intensities have seemed very great…. As things proceed it will become more and more important that there are those who are not only unwavering, but happily committed to including and letting be brought into the fire anything and everything that comes into consciousness. This has always been the missing ingredient—a truly safe place on Earth for the factors of distortion to be allowed to pass away. I suppose this is the unadvertised part of the experience of touching the invisible and magnificent nature of heaven. Initially there is joy and thrill, but as we know, what’s equally required is a fierceness of focus.

Yes, a fierceness of focus is essential so that everything that comes into consciousness is immediately exposed to the fire of love that burns at the core of being. All distortions and destructive energies are thereby consumed and the truth of love remains. There may be an inclination to fight or try to flee from the dark energies, but this would not allow the essential work of dissolution to be done. What is required is simply to stay focused, embrace everything that comes into consciousness and just let the fire of love burn whatever needs to be burned. This allows the remaining substance to descend to a level of the creative process where it can begin to ascend again.

It is all part of a grand creative cycle governing the cosmos and there’s no need to become involved in the disintegrative or waste disposal part of this process, no need to even think about it. It all happens automatically as long as attention remains centred in the integrating aspect of the creative cycle. David Karchere beautifully describes the spiritually mature approach in his piece The Rising.

Deconstruction is a natural thing. For the most part, it’s not our business. It seems to take care of itself…. There is something else calling, which is the creative process. There is creation calling; there is glory calling. Part of glory is the composting—part of the glory of the garden is that the compost gets put in the garden. But it isn’t all about the compost. It isn’t about the undoing of the human ego…. There’s something else to be passionate about and to be part of. There is a rising, there’s a coming together, and there is something glorious that’s coming through humanity. That’s the point!

Yes, the point for all who have to some degree awakened to the reality of the creative process is to be absolutely centred in the integrative aspect of this cycle as the beneficent creative power of the universe does its constructive and deconstructive work in birthing a new world. The intensifying currents of life brought by the new cycle may bring up experiences from the mass consciousness of humankind that are extremely uncomfortable and even life-threatening for individuals and humanity as a whole. No matter what the experience, if fierceness of focus is maintained and passion unwaveringly given to unconditional love, the inevitable outcome is glory. It’s as if the universe will say to the Earth and its inhabitants, “Welcome back. Let us join together in making all things wondrously and gloriously new.”


Jerry Kvasnicka, a graduate of Princeton Theological Seminary, has had a varied career as a youth minister, a radio news reporter, a writer and editor for several magazines and journals and a custodian with the Loveland, Colorado school district. Jerry currently edits and writes for The Mindful Word. He has lived at the Sunrise Ranch spiritual community near Loveland for twenty-five years. He can be reached at


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I am Safon of the Council for the Assistance to Earth. Greetings.
I come to you from the Sirian star system and I have seen planets overcome every obstacle and ascend. I have also seen planets give in to every temptation and descend.

We are always tempted to do things we know are not good for us. That shows a hatred for our self. Each negative physical action you take that is harming you, or harming the planet, or harming another person (animals and plants included of course) this is coming from a hatred of your own self. You cannot harm anything outside of you. You can only harm your own self.

People do not see it that way anymore because they feel so detached from everyone else. They see everyone and everything as a way to sustain their own survival. Everything is at their disposal and there to give them what they need. But everything you need comes from your own self. Every good thing contained within a billion galaxies is also contained within your own self.

Each action you take or word you speak comes from the depths of you and you had to have resonated with it in order to do it or say it. The things you primarily do show you how you are operating inside.

You can see that fear based actions, survival based actions, are coming from your DNA; they are your instincts. You can see that when animals attack each other over a food source. They are running on instinct in that moment. You can learn a lot about love from animals. They will be your closest companions. They will love you undyingly. But you can also learn a lot about fear and survival. However, you have a larger, more evolved brain than most animals have (not all but most) and you are able to choose between having to survive and understanding you are taken care of already.

Love is also instinctual. Animals easily love you unconditionally and they are very instinctual. Love is in your DNA. You are not going against yourself or your nature when you choose to help and nurture people around you rather than go against them, rather than compete with them or war with them. And when I say war, I can mean a world war or a simple argument between two people. Many people think that in order to love everyone they must go against their own egos or against their instinctual self, but that is not true; love is instinctual.

Without love you could not survive. You would never have existed. The world is truly going against itself and it's most primal instinct when it is acting out of hatred for itself and others. The world, I mean every person living here, the whole world, is operating falsely and going against itself. You are not going against yourself when you are operating from love and courtesy and kindness and gentleness. You must re-teach yourself to operate from your most normal frequency again.

Love is normal. It isn't a miracle. World peace would not be a miracle, it would not be abnormal, it would be second nature. It is your most original instinct, to love and to be love. That is why people seek out love and why they long for love. It is why every other emotion feels bad, and I say every other emotion because I consider every positive emotion to be love since it is love essentially. Every good emotion comes out of love. So again, that is why every other emotion feels bad besides love, because those emotions are not your most basic instinct. They are added on. You developed them. They evolved in your cells because you needed them to survive, or at least you thought you did. The human race and the animal races have evolved on earth in order to survive. But in order to continue evolving we must step out of the vibration of survival and fear. We must realize that we are eternal, that we can never not exist. When we truly understand that, we will do nothing out of our own survival and we will do everything out of love.

True love is the most powerful and primal emotion. It is the highest and strongest emotion that exists, yet many people would consider it a weak emotion. People are taught not to show gentleness or kindness, because they are taught that they must be strong, that strength is a necessity to survive and that by closing off from other people they are more protected. To hide your emotions then, is to protect yourself.

Self-protection is the reason that people want everyone around them to be the same. It is why people love formation and uniformity. It is why people look at differences and attack them. It is why people ostracize anyone who thinks with a different view or dresses differently. It is why people of one religion believe that all other religions should convert to their own. It is why women are subjected to men and why people of one race are enslaved to another and the dominant force is taught to be the strongest. But the dominant physical force may not be the strongest emotional, mental, or spiritual force.

Feminine energy for instance would be considered stronger than masculine energy on many planets. And on your planet you can see easily how strong and enduring women are. They have been subjected throughout human history to physical torture, to dogmas telling them that they are not equal, that they are second and not as good or as strong and yet there is a gentleness about women and an emotional openness that has remained. It is easy to see the emotional strength of women and they are praised, valued and encouraged to take positions of leadership on our planets. It is common place for men to follow women on our planets because we do not think of strength as coming from a physical force.

It is the individual. No matter who they are, no matter what planet they are from, no matter what species they evolved from on their planet, no matter what gender they are (including genders that you have never encountered, third and fourth genders), no matter what color they are, what language they speak, what religion they most relate to to connect to Divine Source. It is all secondary and based on individual choice. It has nothing to do with anyone outside of that individual person. It does not affect me and so as long as they are happy with it, I don't care.

If they want to learn about Sirius, if they want to learn my language, or learn about the deities I enjoy praying to and connecting with, or they want to taste Sirian water or Sirian food in order to learn, I would happily teach them and their knowledge would increase. If they have no interest in it it will not benefit them and I don't care if they want to know about me and my ways or not. They are not harming me by not taking an interest in what I am interested in. And they are not harming me by being different from me.

Let go of having to be right. Let go of needing recognition. Let go of having to know everything. You do not know everything and you will never know everything. I don't know everything and I am not on Earth or in such a low dimension. Part of raising your vibration is letting go and realizing that from your view as an individual you can only learn how to see things better for you. Your truth and what works for you will not work for everyone and therefore it will never be everyone's truth.

Everyone is unique. No one has had your exact existence. I am referring to this life that you are living, but also to all of your past lives. No one has had all of your incarnations. No one has learned to live from your point of view. I learned to live peacefully and people all around me are living peacefully, but for different reasons and with different practices. All that I care about is that they are living peacefully as my sisters and brothers and that they are not badly affecting me or those around them.

This does not mean that if someone is harming me or my friends or family or allies, that I do not see fit to take action. Self defence is often necessary in the Sirian star system. War is a part of our everyday existence. War with the Grays, the Reptilians, converted Sirians and those allied with them. We cannot allow those who do not live peacefully to harm those who do. We cannot allow the destruction of peaceful planets or the conversion of peaceful planets to a hate/war vibration. So there is a balance of tolerance and self-defense.

If someone is coming after you in order to harm, or kill you, certainly you will protect yourself in some way and it would not be considered wrong of you if it became necessary to harm that person or that animal that was attacking you. I am not saying, allow yourself to be harmed, or, never take action against someone or something attacking you or harming you or your family. I am saying, that should only be done out of absolute necessity.

My people have learned to live in peace with every other peaceful nation. We have learned to be at peace with ourselves. We have learned to allow every idea no matter how strange or different it may seem. We accept it as long as it is peaceful and not causing harm.

You may think, in cases where you have experienced something that truly benefited you, that you will help other people by trying to spread your own philosophy, and while it is good to learn and therefore to teach and to discuss opinions, it is important for people to understand that the people who resonate with what you believe will be drawn to your ways and you will not have to force anything. Allow your words of wisdom to flow while listening fully to the opinions of others, and taking from other's ideas what you resonate with.

I am Safon of the Council for the Assistance to Earth and I bow before you, Namaste.

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Be Your Own Teacher By Simply Being Aware


by Tara Mary

Dear Friends ~

All that you will ever need for your awakening journey on this Earth is your Awareness.
Many people, as you will notice, go through their days like mechanical beings just doing what needs to be done. The most wonderful gift we can give ourselves is to live our days being totally aware of our immediate surroundings which includes our inner life as well.

Thoughts come and go constantly throughout the day, and sometimes are likened to unwelcome guests. Thought is an energy and can float here and there within our immediate environment, even originating from the neighbor next door or the postman going by. Sometimes they are from our subconscious which holds all of our experiences that had impacted on our emotions, making a lasting impression. If a thought from the past keeps interrupting your activity, take notice of it and even write it down. It is a sign that something unfinished from the past is asking you to look deeper into whatever it is, and to try and resolve the issue once and for all.

Awareness is also mindfulness which is a very liberating tool for bringing every part of our attention into the present. What this does is keep our energy totally in the moment, expanding our light by being focused on the task at hand. It is only in the moment that the higher aspect of our self can make itself known. We can benefit tremendously from the awareness of the inner-voice coming through ever so gently! Mindfulness brings us into the present in order to best utilize our own resources.

Living in awareness alerts us to the finer details of our life and what is really going on inside of us. We become aware of every subtle change in our body as well as noticing how much our energy has increased by not being wasted on a mind darting here and there, taking vital energy away from what is needed in this moment. We learn more as well because awareness and alertness go hand in hand.

How many times has a memory come forward to show us something we had forgotten that will assist us in this present moment. Keeping our awareness in this moment is freedom for all kinds of stored information to reappear in our minds right when we need it.

Becoming the 'observer' in our life allows a part of us to step back and take an honest look at where we are now and where we have come from. If you are reading this, you are on a spiritual journey. That entails being honest with yourself and having the strength to see if there is any movement forward in your awakening process. It can be difficult to know just what to look for as the path ahead has not been tread yet, but a good sign that progress is being made is that you have given up any self-defeating habits. Gaining strength through adversity and using each situation that arises in life to strengthen one's character is always a step forward. One will know a step backwards if a feeling of 'poor me' starts to reappear, and being aware of this will be enough to trigger a positive response toward eliminating that type of self-pity. There is always someone in the world, or even our own street that is going through harder circumstances than our self.

Life on earth is a journey that we have consciously chosen. It may not always go to plan but it will always offer opportunities for personal growth. We are our own worst enemy if we don't use every opportunity to allow our self to shine, as that is our True Self. The lessons that come our way in life are our tools for self-transformation. Seeing others as fellow spiritual travelers, even if they aren't aware, puts us in the right mind when we have interaction with others. Stepping back from our earth personality and into the observer mode will enable us to see more clearly that we are all actors and have our own particular tailor-made part to play. Living in this awareness will greatly enhance our everyday experiences. Awareness of all we do, think and say will be a valuable asset on this journey.


                                     *~*      Wishing you All a Beautiful Day  ~  Tara Mary      *~*

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Aluna Joy Yaxk'in with the Star Elders
May 2, 2013


I was called to be on the Pacific Coast for the past 2 weeks, and I got very clear about a new experience which I have been having. This experience sparked this transmission from the Star Elders. I was told about this amazing time for many years, and, now that it is finally here, I still have a sense of disbelief and awe about it all. But myself, and others are having similar experiences in the last few weeks. The first signs of physical ascension are here.

Related Article . . . One experience I had about what it might be like when we go to the new world:

So . . . I was having these little episodes where I would find myself somewhere else, and then I was slammed dunked back into this world. This was not very fun by the way. It felt different from the dimensional shifts, OBE's, astral travel, etc… which I have experienced in the past. It happened a few times over the course of the last few weeks. When I would come back, I could not remember anything, and thus had nothing to share as well. It was frustrating to say the least.

One day, while camping at the ocean's edge, my partner Raphael and I, had a calling to go lay down on the sand. By the way, the sand in Southern California is silicon based and acts like an enormous crystal. We were both out almost instantly. It didn't feel like I went to sleep. There again, I found myself in another reality that was not yet complete. I saw what I would call a description of myself anchored there. There were a lot of other things that I saw that I could not describe to you now. 

Neither one of us knew how long we were gone, or if it was instantaneous. What brought me back into my body was a HUGE rush of energy that felt like it spun my brain around. I was massively dizzy, and it felt like I was going to fall off the beach. I grabbed a hand full of sand. This was followed with a huge rush of nausea. It was all gone in seconds. I opened my eyes and was confused to see where I was, and how long I had been gone. I didn't move and tried to remember as much as I could. Then the Star Elders wanted me to share this message . . . because it is time . . . 

From the Star Elders . . . 
2013 is ground-breaking territory, a renaissance of sorts, in so many ways that one transmission will not graze the surface. Yet there is something newly emerging in the world that we want you to pay attention to. It is so subtle that you might have missed it . . . or it might have hit you like a huge spiritual surge. Either way, the first signs of this new cycle show us that physical ascension is already manifesting within this cycle that is new to us all. 

These ascension experiences are similar to what others have experienced on their spiritual path. But what we are beginning to SEE now are not OBEs (out of body experiences), astral travel and dimensional shifts. All of these can have similar symptoms, but there is a big difference. With OBE's, you travel but are aware that you are out of your body, and you can see a cord or connection to your home base. Astral travel is nearly the same, where you travel with your higher light body, but you are not taking your physical body . . . like flying dreams. Also, remote viewing is similar to astral travel. Dimensional shifts are when you slip unknowingly into another frequency. This world looks and feels very different from our world. You can meet Ascended Masters in other dimensions and some people even go to Mystery Schools to learn, most of which you cannot remember when you come back into your body; though it does change your life. All these experiences have prepared you all for what it coming now. 

What is happening is this . . . You are beginning to wobble between the old world and the new one, but now with your physical body. This is hard work for you! You might feel like you need to suddenly lay down for a rest, only to wake up suddenly with great dis-orientation. You might get a fading glimpse of the framework of this new world. It looks and feels similar to this world but at a higher frequency, and it does not make much sense yet. This world is still under construction. There is already an identity anchored there for you now. This will be your new home base. It might look like a description of who you are as your ascended self. There is other frame works being built as well, but there is no way to use words to describe this to you as yet. physical-ascension2.jpgOddly, while this is going on, we expected to see more unity and harmony in your world. But the world feels like it is becoming even more polarized. This polarized field might make you feel isolated for a while. We expect this polarization to be temporary, and it will start to balance out as you adjust your physical body with the new higher energies. As you wobble, your history, patterns and un-resolved issues are being excessively magnified. We are so happy that those reading this have done a lot of clearing of their past. This will make it easier for you to maintain harmony and peace even though all your internal signals are racing wildly, causing some anxiety, depression and odd health issues. 

Light workers will now fall into two categories: 1) those holding a space of pure energy and bliss, and 2) those that are still working hard in the trenches regarding humanity's ascension process. Both sides are vital and indispensable right now. 

"Workers" . . . try not to take on too much in these days, and dial back your schedule. You will absolutely need to do this. Give yourself some peaceful space in your life. You will be feeling some very strong symptoms as much is being cleared through your body right now. The new world is being born through you. 

"Blissers" . . . you are holding the template for home base for this new world. You are lucky to have the space to really ground yourself on the Earth and swim in her natural waters. Spend as much time in nature as possible. This will help you maintain harmony and stay in bliss. We need you to stay in bliss as much as possible, as this holds space for your family of light workers who are still deployed in the fields working hard regarding humanity's ascension process. 

Gather together with like-minded ones as this will also give you clarity and support in this confusing time. In fact, this is one of only a few things now that will feel real to you. This world is feeing less real to you every day. Your like-minded soul family is your anchor and your base camp. They are your support system and your reality checkers. They will keep you sane in this energy that you might perceive as insane.

Others around you, who had not cleared themselves, may be exploding within and without in these exaggerated energies. The wobble will be confusing and disorienting to them. Remember these ones were working to keep the world turning as you say. They took on jobs that you didn't want, and they are working extremely hard to catch up. They are dealing with feelings of rage, followed by wild attempts to hang on to the past and what is familiar. They don't know they must surrender, and let go as you do. This will manifest, and fill your news casts with sad and violent acts, odd accidents and suicide, drug overdoses, etc…. You must send them love, when you have a bit of extra energy. Do not empathize or get distressed about these events. You will only feed and prolong that which is being stripped away. This is a necessary process. We expect their reactions to normalize and be temporary as well. Everyone on Earth is receiving divine dispensation and tremendous help from higher realms and Ascender Masters. 

Our advice to glide through this time is to stay grounded, stay as positive as possible but stay authentic to the moment, take care of your human vehicle, find your like-minded support groups, and go with the flow as much as possible. But most of all . . . know that all is well. You will succeed at this ascension in spite of the bumps that rattle your self-confidence. You are on a one-way conveyor belt to the next world now. You can't mess up at this point. Relax and let go, and keep your eyes open to all the experiences in front of you as you will not see this time come again. 
~ The Star Elders

Physical Ascension Signs/Check List . . . some people are experiencing . . . 
*** Waking up from dreams knowing that you were somewhere else that looked similar to Earth, but it was not; yet it felt as real as this world;
*** A feeling like you were somewhere else but can remember where;
*** Waking up confused, unsettled, and apprehensive; like you lost something or you are in the wrong place;
*** A strong sense that something is coming soon, but yet you are oddly comfortable with the feeling;
*** Feeling jolts of electricity racing through your body;
*** Strong and sudden nausea;
*** Feeling like you are imploding or like you are in a pressure cooker;
*** A loud ringing, buzzing in the ears;
*** Finding yourself on hold or waiting for something, but you don't know what it is; and 
*** Feeling like you are in a time warp.

"A human being is part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. We experience ourselves, our thoughts and feelings as something separate from the rest. A kind of optical delusion of consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from the prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty. The true value of a human being is determined by the measure and the sense in which they have obtained liberation from the self. We shall require a substantially new manner of thinking if humanity is to survive." 
~ Albert Einstein.

Aluna Joy Yaxk'in . . . A Star Messenger - Earth Oracle - Soul Reader - Sacred Site Junkie was literally born awake and in the company of her guides, the Star Elders. Today she has evolved into an author, spiritual life coach, sacred site guide, alternative historian, ordained minister and modern mystic. In the Inca world, Aluna is considered a Qawaq (cow-wak), a clairvoyant or seer of living energy. Aluna acts as a spiritual archaeologist using her clairvoyant / clairsentient gifts to excavate current messages from the masters of ancient, enlightened cultures to uncover what affect this has on humanity and the collective consciousness. She is well known for her down to earth, accepting attitude that makes each one feel like they have come home. She inspires and encourages others to recognize and accept their own authentic divinity and connection to the Creator. "Our groups are family, and each one is a teacher and also a student. We work together as a team to unravel the sacred mysteries of life." Aluna coined the term "sacred site junkie" because she is one herself. After her first trip to Tulum, Mexico, her life changed dramatically, and she was sent on an entirely different path in life. Since this time, her work has been influenced by uncountable shamanic experiences in sacred sites of Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, Honduras, Peru, Bolivia, Egypt, Greece, England, Australia and New Zealand. Aluna has been leading groups in the Maya world since 1986, the Inca world since 1996, and the Egyptian world since 2008, and the mystical world of Avalon (England and Scotland) since 2007. Aluna offers Star Elder Sessions, formulates Sacred Site Essences and a free newsletter. She is the author of "Mayan Astrology" and her articles have been published worldwide. Website: Facebook: YouTube:

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Hello there my friends. What would you choose to speak of today?

Warm greetings to you dearest lady and to all of those who chose to read these words. We would like to express our gratitude to you all for taking the time to read that which we have to say. Each one of you shall receive them quite differently … for each one of you are upon your own level of understanding. Therefore the depth unto which your soul and mind will accept that which we say … depends entirely on ‘where you are at’ within your souls disposition.

Yes, it is interesting how when one writes in … how they may or may not have perceived the latest channelling.  

Yet … to each one there is relevance … for they are designed in this fashion. It would not serve to be able to reach only those of a certain attainment within themselves and not assist those who are not yet of that Higher level. This is why we ‘appear’ to keep it simple … and yet there are many layers within that which we say … should one so choose to look in to them.

For instance … should it be that we say that ‘The circle of life continues on throughout eternity’ … that in itself is a hugely profound statement. Yet what does it mean to you?

It means … simply … that life goes on … after we leave this human form and forever more.

Yet you Blossom … just leave it at that and accept it.

Not a lot else I can do!

Yet there is.  You see, for another they may consider this statement in a much deeper format … contributing thoughts and wonderings far beyond that which you do by accepting it. Naturally  … we are not and would not be saying you are wrong to accept and another is right to ponder deeply … yet what we are saying is that each one of you ‘ticks’ differently … how else would you be such an amazing individual?

One cannot be inside another’s head. It simply is not possible. So you do not necessarily know how one is thinking about about something … even though they have expressed themselves and you think you do! You do not know how another perceives the colour red. You think they will see it exactly the same as you … yet maybe they do not … for they are not you.

Then consider that maybe the entire world looks completely different to another depending on what they are thinking and their attitude toward what they are seeing.  You could possibly consider that although one is living on the same planet … due to one’s perception of it … one could be living within many different planets … because each individual soul creates their own reality of the world that they are living in.

Yet, would it be for those ‘on the same page’ … ‘the same vibration’ … that they are living in the same perceived world as each other? … For they have the same perspective on things and seem to understand each other.

Not necessarily.  Another’s’ world will include you … and your world include them … yet your perception of each other … may be different from how you think they see you. For they cannot see you as you see you … for they can only see you from their eyes and senses.

This is why we give to you the importance of LOVING YOUSELF! That is what matters whilst you are here.

And Loving others of course.

Indeed … yet it is the responsibility of the individual to Love themselves and not rely upon others Loving them in order to FEEL GOOD. You cannot FEEL GOOD if you do not Love yourself .  By Loving yourself you ARE Loving others , because your ‘ natural energy’ … by Loving yourself … automatically goes out to ‘THE ALL’ … therefore LOVING THE ALL.

Could you please … as ‘kindergarten-ish’ as it may seem for some … give us some tips on LOVING OURSELVES? Sometimes with in this density it is not always easy.


When ones infant keeps you up all night … when your  toddler misbehaves in your eyes … do you not still Love them?

Of course!

Yet when you … any of you … do not ‘come up to scratch’ … how you punish yourself. Ridiculously so for some! Love every bit of you …as you would Love your own child. Yes … you may get annoyed at your childs behaviour … yet it does not interfere with your UNCONDITIONAL LOVE for them.


We do not mean of course … not to strive to be the best you can be. Yet make not your striving ‘out of your league’. Do not look at another and say  ‘ I wish I could be more like them’ … What you need to say is ‘ I wish I could be more like me’.  For you cannot be like another … You can be inspired by another … yet you cannot be like them … for you simply are not them.

Step by step brothers and sisters. Step by step do you become ever closer to the TRUTH of who you are. Even when you think you have stepped sideways or backwards … you are still making progress.

Yet what of the saying/feeling ‘one step forwards, three steps back?’ Where is the progression in that?

There is great progression in that.  When a student has to remain in a grade and repeat the curriculum … they are reinforcing that which they already know.

They are taking more time than some … because although the seed was planted … it was one that maybe needed special nurturing … one that needed more time to work out that ‘particular term’ … that particular issue shall we say. Therefore by revisiting it … when one had thought they had ‘moved on’ … and should be ‘beyond it’ … they are there to ‘deal with it’ in a more thorough manner .

One can only gain by feeling they are three steps back … because when they once again take the step forwards … they may find they are walking a different path from before and the new one takes them much further … in a shorter space of time … and certainly does not have any ‘snakes’ to slide down … yet only ladders to climb.

Thanks for that.  

Be kind to yourselves.


You are here to learn amongst many other things.

This may confuse … yet we would say …


Is it not that we have come to remember Love?

This is why we said …. ‘This may confuse’! 

Ahha! OOPS! Do carry on …


This we have spoken of many times. Everything that exists is an expression of Love.


And the expression of itself is depicted according to the vibration of energy that it is residing upon/within at any given time.  We will ‘try’ to give an apt example.

The invention of the telephone … look at its first attempts … the first creation of it … it was created ‘through’ a certain vibration . Now look at the communication systems you have today … IT HAS EVOLVED into a further expression of the telephone! It is on a Higher vibration … It has moved up … It has moved on! Yet … was there not much learning involved in the creation of the more modern technology? We wonder if that resonates with you in order to get our point across.


You are learning much about Love through your own experiences …


You are finding out more about it!




Shall we ever?

Indeed. Yet it shall come as you grow … and as FREEDOM is given unto you …

That is a day I shall look forward to!!!!  Sometimes I FEEL so trapped in the system … and yet at other times … my soul can FEEL free. Will we ever know in my life time TRUE FREEDOM? A world of freedom … a world that is not controlled ?

We are certainly TRUSTING so!

The plans that have been conjured to keep you down  … to keep you at bay … by those who have selfish agendas cannot continue .




I’ll happily go along with that!








Lift yourselves up Higher and Higher into the Glory of who you are …


And you’re not so bad yourselves!!!! Thanks for today … in Love Light and Golden Rays.

Website: Blossom Goodchild

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This channel really brought up some amazing energies!!  I know the intention I have and that the Goddess, Angels, Guides all share with me is about focusing on what you DO want and the vibration of positive intention.  During this channel, the Goddess created a space where she invited people to really explore their fears, angers, frustrations etc.  We could see how these energies that were denied or ignored were getting bigger and bigger.  I think sometimes when things don’t happen as we anticipate they will, it’s because of these unacknowledged emotions and energies. 

Perhaps ask yourself as you say “I am open to receive the abundance that is all around me!”  If you say it, but it doesn’t resonate or it’s not ‘real’ to you then each time you say that or something like it, you are emphasizing the lack because you say the words, but you send a vibration of the opposite. 

Sometimes it’s the unacknowledged energies that are stronger than the acknowledged!

She then spoke of compassion.  When there is resistance in our lives and we don’t want to focus upon it, then instead focus upon compassion.  Allowing compassion into our lives will transition ANYTHING that is going on with you.  It will neutralize energies that are out of balance. It will create a better feeling within you.  It’s also a way to shift the energies around you if you’re stuck with people who are focusing on fear or other lower vibrational energies.

Once that had shifted a great deal of what people were experiencing, there was a sense of a group of ET’s coming in.  There were some from the Galactic Federation, Pleiades, Lightbody and more.  They spoke of the transition taking place, stating that when there’s a lot of fear, it’s an opportunity to create transition.  You can do so by infusing compassion.  They spoke of their desire to assist in our transition. 

They even acknowledged the fear that some people have, that the ET’s will take over.  I almost laughed out loud!!! They said, we are here in a space of limitlessness, we know our divine selves, why would we want to take over people who are experiencing limitation?  Makes sense to me!!

Through this channel you can get in touch with resistance you have within you and then shift it through compassion.  You can also create an alliance with the ET’s and receive their message.  I invite you to be open to compassion in all parts of your life! 


Nama sika; venia benya I AM the one, I AM the whole

I greet you beloved family. I reach out to each one of you. I invite you to come with me, to join with me, to allow yourself to feel not only my presence in alignment with you, but to feel your own divinity as you allow that to be expressed through you the person you are in this lifetime.

As you are breathing gently and easily be very conscious that every breath you take in, allows you to have the intention of focusing inside of yourself. Every breath that you release allows you to let go stress, let go anything at all that is no longer serving you, so that each breath, each awareness, allows you to be focused within, to be focused upon all that you do seek to have within your life.

There are many, many changes and transitions taking place around the world. Every place within the world is shifting into a different vibration, a different state of consciousness, a different awareness. Because of that, it upsets the flow of energy and therefore creates changes sometimes that people are not expecting or that people are not ready for.

Now, when I say ready for change there is always a vibration or an energy within every single person that is in alignment to the change taking place. Therefore, if someone is not consciously open, consciously aware in their minds, they may not consider themselves ready for the change, but ultimately it’s going to continue to move on; is going to continue to happen, is going to continue creating the awareness, creating the concept or the experience for humanity.

I know that this channel will reach out and connect with many, many people all around the world. I know people find themselves in very different experiences because of the energies of what took place in the United States this past week. It’s a reflection of things that are happening not only in the states but in many different places around the world. And what I speak of is the violence.

Now, my intention is not to let that be the focus of the meditation tonight. But I do understand how it creates a sense of fear and how it creates many different underlying vibrations within a community.

Elsewhere in the world you are feeling the same thing. You are having a similar experience; sometimes on an ongoing basis, sometimes very randomly or for you it may be that you have fear in your life on a one-to-one basis, every day. You may have fear of creating change in your life, perhaps changing your job, perhaps changing a relationship. There’s always that fear of the unknown.

I speak of this while everyone is still grounded, because as we move through the journey we are going to take more and more time and energies to move beyond a place of fear, to move into the light, to move into the consciousness and the experience of living your life to the fullest.

You may wonder; are these things that create fear in your life going to overcome everything else? The answer is, ultimately no. The short answer is that you may have experiences on a day-to-day, minute by minute where that is your entire focus and therefore it gets bigger, bigger, bigger. Ultimately any time that you bring a light into the room the darkness goes away.

There is so much light upon the earth. Indeed, one hears so much about the darkness, if you want to give it a name perhaps that is so as to allow a greater amount of light to come in, in a very conscious fashion. Every one of you are a light, billions of children are billions of light, adults, all ages. There is way more light than there is darkness. Trust in that, believe in that. You yourself are a part of that, all of you through your very conscious intention, through your conscious choice.

I embrace, I support and I acknowledge all that each one of you are doing. Therefore, if it feels as if there is fear in your life or darkness or anything at all that that you feel keeps nudging you out of the pathway that you are choosing for yourself then remember that that expression, that experience of you expressing your divinity is once more reconnecting you as the light that you are.

And with that, I invite each one of you to once more take a deep breath in, where you breathe down within yourself sending that breath of light down into the earth. As you send it into the earth let yourself align with Gaia. Let yourself align with these energies of these vibrations, allowing all of that to flow up within you anchoring you within this space and from there you let go. You allow your consciousness to expand; you allow your consciousness to shift. It streams out from you and you find yourself within the space of your higher self. As you look around this space, take note of everything that you keep here, everything that you have at your fingertips as a means of assisting you in your daily life.

You move within this space each time that you seek to have information about something happening within your life. You move within this space when you reach out to your angels and guides. You move within this space when you reach out to communicate with others, therefore it can be very active with an immense flow of energy moving through.

From here, I invite you to release these energies. Allow your consciousness as if to expand into the space of the soul plane. You find yourself moving within these energies. Here within the soul plane you find your I Am presence. It may be as if it is a ball of light, it may be as if you recognize the essence or the energy of who you are. This is you in your entirety; this is you as the amazing soul essence that manifests on so many different levels.

I the Goddess moves in and amongst each one of you. As I do so, I reach out to embrace. I reach out and allow my love, my awareness, my energy for you to amplify all of who you are. As we merge it automatically shifts you into the energies of the All That Is.

Look around; see what is here for you. Allow yourself to just let the joy bubble up. Let yourself feel the pure conscious energy that is you.

It is as if there is still some of that energy of the celebration that was going on at the end of our last teleconference. It’s still here, you may tap into it if you so choose. Perhaps that’s what is creating all the smile and all this energy of joy.

Life is about experiences, life is about emotions, life is aligned by the thoughts that you have, but ultimately, with everything that you do, I invite you to choose love, choose joy, choose the easy movement in your pathway.

I invite you to consider your life. I tapped into it a little bit at the very beginning about things that may create fear within you. Without letting the entire focus be upon fear I invite you to instead consider the things in your life that are resistance. And by resistance, are there certain things that you have been seeking to manifest that as yet have not manifested? Are there certain deadlines that are hanging over you? Are there certain responsibilities that cause more pressure than joy? I could go on and on with the list of these things.

In essence if it creates a sense of anxiety, fear, resistance, pressure anything at all like that within you then I would like to go a little bit deeper into whatever that is. Consider the first thing that you bring up in this regard. For everybody it’s different. I’m hearing relationships, I’m hearing work, I’m hearing abundance, I’m hearing physical safety, I’m hearing a list that goes on and on.

Give yourself this moment to consider whatever that may be because sometimes when you are seeking to have thoughts that are on the positive outcome or you are thinking in a particular way with the intention that that’s what your vibration emanates what you adversely do is, you have a place inside of you, that is in such opposition to what you are seeking to say or change that is emanating a stronger vibration than the words that you are speaking. In other words, if you speak the words; “I am in the flow of abundance and I see it every day around me” and yet in your solar plexus or in your heart you are feeling; “Oh my gosh I don’t see any abundance” or you’re feeling “that maybe true for them but not for me, but I want it for me so I’m trying to get there”.

There may be various scenarios that go unspoken or unacknowledged within you in certain situations. This is your opportunity to peel away the layers to allow yourself to really truly acknowledge what that resistance is. We are not going to stay there, we are not going to remain in this energy for any period of time but for many of you it does need to be acknowledged. It does need to be something that you recognize as having an impact upon you. Let yourself bring that up at this time. If you have a fear, what is the worst case scenario? What is the very worst thing that can happen if it manifested that way?

As you take a step back from that, you turn as if in another direction and you ask yourself. If I really did let go of this fear what would be my best possible outcome?

Most likely, the experience that you will have will be something in the middle of that. If indeed it does turn out to be your worst case scenario then look around you. Look at all of your divinity that is here for you. Look at all of the angels. Look at all of the guides. You are not alone. If at times you feel that you are or if at times you feel as if you were doing this all completely on your own, let it go. Embrace the love and the support that is here for you.

Let’s go to the next thing on your list. As you consider something you’ve been seeking to manifest but have not as yet occurred for you; consider what it is you do want, consider where you are right now. Do you feel frustration, anger, irritation? I can hear some of you yelling and screaming in your minds. Go for it.  Let it go, let it go, let it go.

If you ignore these emotions or these energies and they get bigger and bigger and bigger it becomes that elephant sitting on your shoulder that everybody else is aware of, but you are ignoring and that ignoring of the elephant is what distances you from your divinity. Here within the space of the All That Is acknowledge it. Again, what is the worst-case scenario, the very worst that could happen to you? And you look around considering what that is.

If you can let go that anger, that frustration and you look to the other side and you ask yourself. “Can I really let this go? If I do, what will happen? How would that look? Can I really step up and accept myself and accept this potential?” For those that feel the anger and the rage, let it go. Recognize that again you are not alone.

What is something else in your life? I just heard judgment. How many people have judgment within their lives? Some of you may feel judged by other people. Some of you in seeking to create change for yourself may reach out to other energies or to other, other people, but then think they have this issue, they have that issue. Sure it might be nice in this time, but I don’t want to be around and you can fill in the blank.

One thing we have heard again and again is people saying they would like friends, they would like to meet people that are open to this new energy, to this new way of living their lives and as they meet new people the perception is, but they don’t do this, they don’t think that, they don’t understand this and as if in their face are the differences instead of the similarities.

Perhaps you are not aware that judgment is having an effect upon you. So, whether it is something that you are consciously aware of or not, I invite you at this time to take a deep breath in as if you breath down into your heart centers, if you breathe into your solar plexus as if you breath down inside of you and then bring up anything to do with judgment, bring it up, bring it up, bring it up ~~Whew~~ and let it go. That was a big shift with that.

Some if not all of the fear and the problems that have recently been experienced are founded in judgment. In people judging that some else is different from them therefore they should be eliminated. There are wars fought over this. People judging that they are right, the other is wrong and then fighting regarding that.

As you let go of judgment from within you, from within your heart, from within your center, open to feeling compassion. Compassion is any emotion, compassion is an energy that will instead not only fill you up allowing you to feel really good within yourself but then as that flows out to everybody else it creates a sense of acceptance, a sense of acknowledgment or awareness. Within that compassion it flows aligning everything else within you. Go back to what we first began speaking of, be it fear, rage, irritation, and most recently judgment. Indeed anything within your life that creates a sense of resistance or creates a sense of being disconnected, unhappy, has the ability to be transformed with compassion.

Take a breath in feeling up every part of you with compassion. You need not analyze, you need not focus upon anything except that vibration and that energy to create amazing changes within your life. Here within the All That Is, give yourself that moment. Allow yourself to acknowledge, whatever it is that you feel needs to be acknowledged. But when you let it go, really, truly, let it go, let it go, let it go, let it go.

As you find an opportunity to incorporate compassion within your life you may find that your focus shifts in ways that you did not anticipate. As you consider feeling compassionate not only about yourself but do so, say perhaps about the people that you work with. When you hear the arguing, when you hear the fear, the frustration, when you hear people talking about those things that keep them separated inside of themselves breathe in compassion ~~Whew~~ and let it flow out towards them.

You cannot change what anybody else thinks or feels. You can, transition its effect upon you through compassion. You are driving in rush hour traffic and all the people around you are focused and intent upon getting where they want to, breathe in a deep breath with the intention of bringing in compassion and send it out to everyone around you. You may find that there’s an ease in the flow of traffic. You may find that suddenly you are getting places a little quicker. We could go on and on about the many, many ways in which you could work with the energies of compassion.

We invite you to have a sense of looking to the side. There is an emissary, if you wish to call it that, of not only the light body energies, but the intergalactic brotherhood, the Pleiadians. There is quite a group that seems to be coming in. We thought it was going to be one or two but now there is a sense of 10 to 15.

I am going to shift the energies over and allow them to speak to you, because they all have messages. You’ve met them before. They were here as a part of this group several weeks ago and they wanted to come back and speak again.

Greetings earth energies, greetings humanity, greetings beloved brothers and sisters as we link with you in this manner. When we spoke with you the last time it was at a time of shifting energies that was opening up a vortex to the earth allowing greater amounts of light and energy into the earth. For the last two weeks maybe 10 days there’s been a deep integration taking place with these energies. Some of you may have found yourself disoriented, some may have found yourself walking between dimensions in a conscious way, others of you have been simply feeling out of sorts and out of balance and much more so affected by the people around them than they would normally be.

Every time there is a transition of energies, it creates an imbalance until it is integrated. This year 2013, as you call it, is a year of very large transitions taking place upon the earth. Underlying much of that is a steady stream of the rising consciousness. Intermixed with that, are large downloads of energy. That steady stream creates a foundation and a balance. Those larger influxes of energy then need to be integrated within that, which indeed takes time.

You will hear about things taking place on a global level that sometimes may push you into fear. These are people acting out for what they know not. They think , they know they have their agenda, but indeed, what is ultimately taking place is they are expressing the polar opposites of the energies that are coming in and as that comes out to be put in the bright lights, so to speak or to be brought into everyone’s consciousness. It then allows the energy of light, the energy of balance, to blend with that, neutralize it and create a shift that allows for everything to be left afterwards in a space of a higher lighter vibration. Some people may say; it’s an awkward way to go about doing this or horrible or they may completely disagree with us. It is all, but each individual’s perception or opportunity to recognize what is your truth.

The crystalline energies are becoming more and more anchored within and upon your earth with each one of these experiences. The time will come when there will be much greater solidity and balance of energies. Be at peace and entrust that ultimately the earth itself is going to survive, is going to prosper, is going to expand.

Let us speak of the crystalline energies or the light body energies for a moment. The crystalline vibration is comprised of many, many things. One of which are sounds and tones. It creates a harmony; it creates a vibration that is a response to tones. You will find that as you listen to music you hear the various layers and levels that are being conveyed. Music upon the earth is going to change in such a way that there are some, what you might call background tones or background sounds, that when you close your eyes, you shut off all the sound around you. You allow yourself to be very quiet and you listen. There is a tone or a vibration that you may be able to hear. This is your vibration. When you then invite that, to be in alignment with whatever it is that you seek, you may hear a shifting or a changing in the tones.

Our friends, the Dolphins and the Whales speak through tones. They create harmonic convergences that allow for transitions of thoughts, potentials, ideals. As you continue to integrate more and more of these crystalline light body vibrations, you are creating those changes in your DNA. your body takes on the energies and the vibration of these crystals.

If you find yourself moving, as it continuously off balanced or off-center, indeed grounding yourself is one way to assist with this. But we would also say to you expand inviting your light body of your divine essence to integrate more fully within you. That is what this is about. The expansion of the crystalline bodies or the light bodies into human reality is taking place through every person, it’s taking place through the animals, it’s taking place through the general atmosphere around you. You may find yourself making choices of certain things that will ultimately assist you in your life.

There will be many, many opportunities for us to sit and chat with you. There’s so much talk lately about the ET’s making themselves known, about the ET’s walking upon the earth as humans do, about the ET’s manifested into human bodies, about the ET’s taking over again. You can feel that fear. We have no desire to take over the earth. We live in the vast universe. We move within the galaxies. We communicate with limitless potentials. We know who we are and we understand how limitless we are. That is why we are here as humanity is going through this transition and beginning to step into that potential and that awareness of its own limitlessness.

Many of you are a part of this group. You have aspects of yourself from your divinity that are working as some of these intergalactic ET’s. Indeed, some of you that find yourself so very drawing and inviting in these energies is because it is either you or a very close soul family that you are seeking to align with.

The time is drawing closer and closer that will allow for this greater ease. There are still those that wish to keep us out, those are of course those people of control and manipulation. The more that each one of you focus upon your balance with your divinity, empowering yourself within that, sending it down into the earth, remaining in the space of compassion you create a stronger energy than any control and manipulation.

To some of us it is as if the changes on Earth take place in quicksand, it is so slow, but we understand, we are here in support. We love you dearly. We invite you to accept our embrace and to join with us whenever you so choose.


It is I the Goddess back once more. I so love to look out at all of you, especially after a group such as this has been speaking with you, because each one of you have shifted. You’ve raised your consciousness. You have stepped into a place of joy and excitement. You are looking for tangible ways to manifest or to see all of this happening within your life or in society. Open up to whatever that may be. Experience; experience yourself, experience yourself as the human being that you are. Experience yourself as your crystalline light body energy. Experience yourself as your divinity. That is exquisite. You are filled with compassion. You are filled with your divine energies. You manifested with greater and greater ease. It fills me up as I connect with each one of you and I thank you for that.

Beloved family I invite you to gather back together. As you do, so, you reach out, inviting that hologram of the earth to come up within you. The Galactic Federation, the light body emissaries, all of you and many, many more create a flow and that hologram of the earth comes up within. As it does so, it becomes infused with light. It becomes infused with energy and I invite everyone of you to infuse consciously compassion, acceptance, allowing into this space. As you do so, become aware of how the hologram itself begins to actually send out a vibration or send out the sparkles or send out these waves of energy and as it does so you let it go.

It moves down, as it comes into the crystalline grid work, it merges with that moving throughout the whole entire earth. It moves blending into the new earth, which are those higher dimensions now aligned. It moves into the core center of the earth itself.

As it links with the crystals within the earth it sets up a vibrational awareness. As that happens, it comes out from there, it moves upward, it comes up, up, up, up, up, and you may feel it coming up within your physical body. It comes up in and around your human cells, moving through all your energy bodies and creating a space that clears out everything you cleared out in the All That Is and instead it amplifies and it anchors the energies of who you are; you as the place of compassion, you as the place of balanced energies, you with the integration of your divine essence. You send that out from you. It also comes up through the grass, the trees, the water, and you send forth the intention that there is a vibrational alignment that moves out linking you and anyone else you come into contact with, so that there can be an easier flow and an easier balance. Feel that and allow it to come within.

From there, you shift your consciousness once more back up within the All That Is. You let go this space, you let go this energy. As you do so, you find yourself moving through. You pause for a moment within the soul plane, feeling the energies of the soul plane, your divinity. You may have a better perception of some of the other aspects of you and what you are doing right now. From there, you flow back through your higher self. You find yourself coming back down. This time, you are bringing your consciousness with you as you stream down through the energies; through the energies of you, yourself, anchoring them within you, perhaps sending it all the way down into the earth so that you may anchor yourself as you come back into this moment.

Take a deep breath in, breathing in gently and easily, breathing in compassion, breathing in your awareness of the light body and the ET energies, breathing in your conscious choice of how you wish to live your life. Bring it up within you now, creating the thoughts, the ideas, the potential, ~~Whew~~ and send it out so that as you move through your days you find yourself encountering what you seek to have. You find things unfolding with ease. Open up and allow that potential to be at the forefront of your reality.

And so with that we will bring this evening to a close. As you are moving through your days, as you live your life, I invite you to consider compassion any time that you find yourself shifting into a space of either resistance or something that feels less than good or less than joy or less than happiness.

If you hear things upon the news, if it’s on your computer, if it’s spoken of by the people around you, I invite you to again breathe in compassion and let it flow out to all involved or into any situation. Allow your focus to always be upon that which helps you to feel better and let go anything outside of that.

So, beloved family know that I am ever with you and within you.


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I am heartbroken.
I shared my heart with someone and they shared theirs with mine.
And the syncs and the signs were unbelievable.
We were both awake in the flow and creating such beautiful moments.
Sharing of hearts when both awake is indescribable.
Our communication was often telephatic.
The voice recognition tremendous.
The connection was unlike any I have ever felt.

And then with the intense energies of the moon it all changed...
Fear stepped in.
Logic took over.
The mind said wait!!!!!
And the heart closed up.
Hidden issues rose to the top to be cleared.
Fear took root in the fog...

Now because the love they feel is so strong they have pulled away completely.
Leaving me completely bewildered.
Breaking my heart in the name of too much love?

Now the fear is so strong for them that there is nothing I can do except step away from the relationship.
For they have closed themselves off to their heart.
And that hurts me.
I am done being hurt.
I cannot stay,even though it breaks my heart to go.

So I am going to say goodbye for now to the relationship that is no longer for the highest good.
Not because of not loving them, but because I love me and them too much to let them hurt me.
I let the relationship go with all my love.
The heart connection will always remain.
They are always welcome back as long as the new relationship is based on love and not hurt or fear.

I deserve no pain from love in my life.
That is an illusion,the belief that love hurts.
Love does not hurt.
If it hurts it is NOT love.
There might be love in there but it is mucked up with other non-love things.
I cannot accept a relationship in my life that hurts me.

The timeline merging between us, one that needed to happen.
The ending of many lifetimes.
Yet the love is still so deep.
And even though I will miss them so much, I also love them and I am so happy we came together one last time.
And we remembered each other.
And our hearts recognized each other.

And while I understand that this is all part of the process...I have to say I am tired.
Very tired.
The light within me wavering.
But I know that it will pass.
I know the release will bring such clarity.
I know I am loved and this will pass.

So know my light family that even in times of heartbreak there is always hope.
The light within us may feel dim because we are hurting, but it is not.
It is always within us and ready to help us heal.
Our Source of Love and Light within our hearts never wavers.
It instantly starts the healing process.

So does Mother Nature.
And so are ALL that love us, here and beyond.
I have to keep reminding myself to go within and allow myself to be healed.
And to ask for help with this heartbreak.

Love never hurts.
That is the illusion that reared its ugly head during these past week's(or so) extreme energies for me.
Thinking it was ok to be hurt in the name of love just because the heart connection was so strong.
And accepting others' behaviors that hurt me in the name of love... because they love me it's ok...
No it is not.
It never is.
It never will be.

However,when we feel pain in our hearts, it's ok to ask for help and show our vulnerability to others...
It's ok to cry and feel.
Feel the anger and rage for the pain another causes us...and then let it go.
I might be shifting and expanding, but last I checked feelings are what makes me human...daing it, I am feeling very human right now.
(Kinda sucks.)

But this WILL pass and the clarity will be enormous.
And that keeps me going, even when I have a broken heart.
I know this will pass.
The love felt was well worth it.
I would do it all over again.

And I do know that when I release those things which are not for the highest good of all, I get a ton of clarity and love which fills me and gets me closer to being one with my Source.
I'm holding on to that approaching moment right now.
I know it is on the way.

In Light and Love
Shine Bright my beautiful family


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Today a Reiki client after her session,said"Your going to think Im crazy but I felt like you were't alone.. like you had someone working with you!" I smiled & said no,thats not crazy thats Reiki! When we heal were never alone!

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