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Part 159, Here Comes the Handoff- Get Ready to Carry the Ball

by Kathryn E. May, PsyD on 05/21/13

There are very exciting things under way.  We know that some of you became disinterested in the process of Ascension when it didn’t happen as fast as you thought it would, but the energies continued to flow across the planet to all of you, you to be awakened to your own talents and abilities and to the need for you to serve your fellows as this work continues. 

Many of you have listened to Zorra of Hollow Earth this week, and heard his pronouncements about what is coming for all of you.  It is true that the coming month is going to be a blockbuster, as you would call it.  May 25th will bring the lunar eclipse which will begin another flow of energy which will surpass the December 2012 energies which caused so many to have headaches and Ascensionitis, as we called it then.  This will be more powerful than that.  Those of you who are awake will feel the rising tide so strongly that you will feel you are being lifted off your feet.

Remember the feeling that some of you described as the sensation of dropping fast in an elevator, or the odd whirly feelings you get when you have jet lag?  You absorbed those energies already, and you will now take another step upward in the vibrations you can absorb.  You have acclimated well to the rising tide and are ready for the next shift.  Others who complained and suffered illnesses during the last round will probably feel difficulties this time as well, but you will be better able to explain to them and encourage them to meditate, concentrate on deep breathing, adjusting and opening their chakras, and relaxing into it in order to ride it out.

All of the month of June will you intense rising energies which are designed to lift all the people of planet Earth to the next level of 5th dimensional experience.  Little by little, you are accommodating to the new energies and the new life it requires.  All around you, more people are awakening, looking around them and realizing there is something wrong with the life they have lived, something wrong with the way your world is organized.  They are noticing the cruel practices and violent ways and questioning why it has to be this way.  More and more people are fervently envisioning peace, an end to the suffering and poverty caused by war, and an end to the stranglehold of powerbrokers who control the flow of money and use it to enslave whole countries.

The Citizens’ Hearings for Disclosure brought real results.  There was in attendance a representative from the U.N., who understood that the Disclosure process could not be left to any one person or country, but must be proposed to the entire General Assembly, as was suggested in the Hearings.  A plan was hatched:  the proposal will be to designate a day of meditation to invite the Galactics to come forward, to show themselves to us.  It was well understood in the meetings that there is nothing to fear – many countries have already acknowledged that – and that the problem has been the policy of secrecy and cover-up, especially in the U.S.

Now, all of you can have a powerful effect on the outcome of these continuing efforts.  Remember our request that you create another Harmonic Convergence?  Now is your chance.  It is very important that you begin by sending your group envisioning power to the members of Assembly of the U.N.

Here is what we propose:  Use the handy numbers 11:11 and 12:12 as your rallying times, so that at least twice a day all across the globe, people will be sending the strong suggestion to the representatives who will be asked to vote on this proposal that they enthusiastically support it and vote “Yes” to naming a Day of Meditation to Welcome the Galactics – soon!  Picture the gathering, the representatives smiling at one another, the lifting of hearts, and the positive sense of anticipation and joy at joining together to make such a thing possible.

Begin as soon as you read this message.  It will be your work – all of you who read this message, and there are many thousands of you – to join together to accomplish the first phase of this project.  Your previous meditation was effective; it spawned the hopeful idea in so many people that the Galactics are indeed friendly.  Now, take the next step.  Make it your purpose to join in placing the psychic “bomb” under the behinds, as you might say, of the U.N. members.  Blast them out of their seats, to clap and cheer for the proposal, and it will be done.

The following phase will be for all of you to pass the word to everyone you know to publicize the date of the Meditation Day and to keep the attention building.  So you see, you will have an ongoing job to meditate each day twice to create the monumental force which will carry the movement forward.  It may take some time – you know how large organizations move – but your persistence will create the sense of urgency to make it happen, at each step of the way.

You have gathered here to read these messages as a group, expanding your numbers with each passing week.  There are now enough of you – some 10,000 strong – to create a Harmonic Convergence of your own, if you put your minds and hearts to it.  Do not underestimate the power you possess as a living organism of Light, capable of changing the course of the world with the energy of your group mind in action.

This project will indeed test your patience and your resolve.  We ask that you begin now and that you continue to meditate twice a day for 5 or ten minutes with all the intensity you can muster, for as long as it takes.  Begin with the U.N. members, then later with spreading the word with your actions and continued meditations each day.  In this way you will keep the energy focused on the process with such intensity that it will be impossible for your intention to be ignored.

With the increased energies flowing across your dear planet, your intentions will be carried on the flow of Light and Love to every corner of the world, and others will begin to envision the celebration and joy of greeting their brothers and sisters and Twin Flames who will arrive on the ships.

Many of you have written to Kathryn or called in to the radio show to ask what your path is, what you can do to be of service.  You were unsure of how to proceed, but sensed that you have an important mission here at this time.  Well, here it is.  Do your part to change the world.  Do not underestimate for a moment the power you have as an individual to change the world by the force of your intention.  And do not underestimate the power of all of you together!

What a wonderful thing it is, to have this internet which can act as a lightning rod to send the message of peace and Light to every corner of the world!  We did not have this simple means of communicating in 1987, and yet it was possible for the people involved in the Harmonic Convergence to create such an energy flow on their own that they were able to create a wave which was recorded by the scientific instruments at the time, and it is still felt to this day.  This time you will have more help and more convenient tools to make it happen.

This request is a test of your Faith.  Are you serious about making your contribution to this historic Shift, or will you wait to see if it works before you are willing to believe in the power of Intention?  Will you work with the Universal Law as we have explained it to you, or will you sit back and watch to see what others accomplish before you will make the effort to put your shoulder to the wheel?

Some will scoff and say, “I’ll believe it when I see the ships land.”  Well, of course any fool will believe it when the ships land, no matter how blind they may have been previously.

So, Dear Ones, here is your chance to make your stand, between you and yourself, between you and your God.  Will you cast you fate with Us, and put your energies where they matter?  Will you create the peace and prosperity you have been demanding of Us?  Reach deeply into your hearts; join mind and heart to create a force of Love and Light such as has never been felt before on the planet.

We will be sending the energies to help carry your Intentions to fruition.  We are creating the conditions to make the Dream of Dreams possible.  All the Masters and Guides are working overtime to help create the conditions on the ground which will allow you to ride the rising tide to victory.

With your help we have assembled the most powerful team in the history of the planet.
Now we need for you to carry the ball to the goal line.

You are our great hope.  We love you more than words can ever describe.

Mother/Father God.

Via Kathryn May, May 19, 2013, 11 pm, Vendee, Quebec


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Michekke Manders


I have been compiling this newsletter over a period of a full week and because of the reams of information I have been given by Kuthumi-Agrippa I have decided to split it up into three parts, maybe four.. Rather than overwhelm you, I'd prefer you had time to digest it all and apply everything where needed. Especially the channellings he's suggested we work with listed in this newsletter, and those to come in the next two to three parts. There are approximately 40 channellings; another reason why I am splitting the information up into parts. He and Mary Magdalene have also instructed me to revise and reformat all of my channellings - over 500, so that they can recode them due to the amount of plagiarism of my work happening. This way they can ensure that all the new codes and upgraded energies are secure within the messages. Some of these channellings are only in transcript format because of poor sound quality on the original recording which were recorded onto cassettes. However, in the cases where a channeling contains a visualization I will record the visualization in my voice and add it as a product accompanying the transcript. 

This is a lengthy and in-depth newsletter, so I appreciate you taking the time to read through it all. It is worth it. Due to it's length I had to split the articles and publish them separately. Once you have read an article click the back button to continue reading this newsletter. Enjoy! 

It's been three weeks since my return from Bali  and already I am acutely aware of how different things are and how powerfully the energies have shifted in relation to the newest focus of the Ascended Masters and the Solar Archangels, which was made very clear to my group and I, in Bali.


The shift actually began in Egypt in December 2012  when I visited there with my group to conduct the necessary work in alignment with the 12:12:12  and the 21:12 Crossing the Threshold  celebration. Since that date Kuthumi-Agrippa and Mary Magdalene have been adamant about how important it is to overcome our personal debilitation and wounds, as our healing becomes our protection against darkness and negativity. It was also on this trip that they spoke of the 12 Core Groups of Lightworkers responsible for anchoring the complete new Golden Plan of Light and Earth's new Blueprint, and we (Palace of Peace/Soul Odyssey) are one of those groups.


In Bali they continued with this message and announced that my Soul Odyssey Pilgrimages , consisting of the Pilgrims and Guardians serving the Aquarian Rising 2020 Universal Projects of Light is the first group of the 12 being asked to step forward and work in the manner they were now proposing, under the mantle of the new energies post 2012. I was given the opportunity to see where my destiny is taking me and what it means to serve the light in a way many don't understand, and often reject, avoid and deny. I was speechless when I realized what was being proposed, yet it made complete sense and explained a lot of what we encountered in Egypt.


In Bali we opened a powerful new realm of energy enabling many of the original Portals of Light and Generator Crystals to be restored to their former purpose of anchoring Heaven on Earth, as well as the original Twin Flame Grids embodying the language of the most profound and purest love to ever exist on earth. Because of how pristine these energies are the portals and Generator Crystals were interfered with creating a reverse spin of it's essence thousands of years ago. Every 7 years these energies were reverse spun even further accentuating and accelerating the nature of profane and conditional love as we have come to know it, and Bali is "home" to one of 44 of the most powerful primary lust consciousness grids on earth. As a result, Kuthumi-Agrippa told Sean and I that there are 12 layers to these restoration activations and upgrades and cannot be restored all at once so as to ensure that the powers that originally interfered with the process don't get it right again. Thus, we will more than likely need to physically return to Bali at least 7 more times, over and above the other locations I have been given that house the 44 primary grids - reversing and scrambling their codes form part of the core purpose of my latest "job description."  


We successfully scrambled many of the codes and language programs the controlling systems governing the programmes containing every language and code designed to maintain the false matrix of abuse, fear, negativity and debilitation, and most importantly the codes preventing souls on earth from feeling and experiencing the power, essence and presence of true love in this primary grid, and they are now on high alert.


Kuthumi-Agrippa explained and showed me how our time line is now functioning on many expanded levels, and the "new" work we are doing is projecting our new operating systems through many paradigms of our personal and collective consciousness, which is attracting a huge amount of attention in the etheric planes. I never dreamt this was all possible, and neither did I expect what he was going to initiate me through in Bali to make sure I got the message and understood what was lying before me. I always know when there is a new shift coming for me personally and in relation to my work, because I see them as one and the same thing, and a few months ago, just before traveling to Egypt in December 2012, I felt one of these coming on. At these points I ask to be shown clearly how I can continue serving God/Goddess and humanity in the most empowering, loving and positive ways, so you can imagine my shock and confusion when I tell you what  occurred in Bali, which we got a taste of in Egypt.


What Sean and I, and some of my group saw and faced again in Bali was very challenging and forced me to look at aspects of myself that I felt might be bringing it on. I questioned everything that had transpired since Egypt and had to dig deep within to see if I had along the way unconsciously or unintentionally made a wrong turn. I was being pushed to look what serving the light really means in the new world, and that re-uniting heaven and earth is nothing like I or many choose to believe it to be. It was so intense I had to decide if I was going to continue doing this work or not, as now it was a totally different kettle of fish and I knew it meant harnessing powers within myself I didn't think I possessed as the experiences on both pilgrimages had rattled both Sean and I to our core and affected me very deeply.


I was being showed a part of the path of service I didn't up until now think was that important because I believed that to overcome darkness you focus on and use love to transform it. I still believe it. I also believed, like most Lightworkers, that by concentrating on light you attract and are only attracted to light. I still believe this. I believed that by choosing to align with and embody the highest levels of light and love I will be the vessel that radiates that quality of energy and that what I do in service will carry that energy and touch the hearts, souls and lives of everyone it reaches in the most profound and positive way possible.. And this is always without fail the intention I set before I do my work. It is these beliefs that left me feeling like I had failed as a Lightworker, servant of Mother/Father God and the people who believe in what I do and what I channel, because what was happening to me shouldn't be happening, so where had I gone wrong?


I have been feeling ashamed and afraid that there is something wrong with me. Why, now, am I being literally attacked by entities and such malevolent, dark energies? I felt betrayed and abandoned by Spirit and I could feel the rage rising inside of me as I reflected on what was happening because I believed I was protected and serving the highest order of light. This running through my mind a few mornings before we left Bali stopped me in my tracks when I heard a loud voice say: "That is why!" It then dawned on me, of course! It's happening because of the amount of Light I and my core group embody and the darkness is trying to and will try and stop us. I then realized that my whole life has been my training, preparing me for this, and that this destiny is more powerful than I ever realized. But that was as much of an explanation I was going to get until I got home.


Back in South Africa e-mails kept on coming in asking me how is it that this could be happening to me. Why am I not being protected? I saw how little so many people know about the darkness that exists in this world.. Again, I began questioning myself and Spirit just in case I had it all wrong. I was exhausted and with doing school runs, extra mural activities, homework, grocery shopping and all the other mundane responsibilities that come with being a wife and mother and trying to keep up with my ridiculous work load, it all became too much and my over-sensitivity to everything took it's toll. I felt drained and saddened by some of the e-mails, the constant questions and poking and prodding at my soul, especially when I was told by someone that the only darkness that exists is the darkness within and that basically this is what it was all about - it was my own darkness.. This, due to my already depleted emotional body, hurt deeply and in my overwhelmed state it felt like I wasn't being taken seriously and that no-one was seeing all the constant work I put into myself ensuring I walk my talk, and I withdrew. Having no integration time once I returned from Bali to digest all of what was happening and getting straight back into work and attempting to tackle the hundreds of e-mails in my inbox made the whole situation almost unbearable. I could feel myself wilting on the inside trying to keep everyone happy, answering all the questions, attending to my children's and husband's needs as well doing the work of at least 3 people for Palace of Peace. Working 18 hours a day including most weekends had become too much and people's expectations had driven me to shut-off and shut down as I felt no-one understood what it takes to do what I do.


All of this overwhelming energy was not lightened with the Greece 2013 project staring me in the face - the biggest and most challenging thus far, so how the hell do I do this feeling the way I do? So again I asked Spirit to show me the truth of what I believed, and affirmed that if I was deluded and on the wrong track that I would do whatever was necessary to change it, make it right and if it meant walking away from what I have been building over the past 17 years in the form of my work and service then I would, because I choose to serve only the highest order of light, as I believe this is what I embody and stand for and if people cannot see that then I must be doing something very wrong. Read more....  


This is a wild ride, however in 2010 Kuthumi-Agrippa alerted us this time was coming and was preparing us then already; just after I returned from Russia. This is why her refers to us as "Extreme Lightworkers." I suggest you read the free channellings I have added to my website called "Healing Dis-empowered Nations," as well as "Healing the Neglected Inner Child."   

Over and above the channellings listed in the side bar, Kuthumi-Agrippa has also suggested we work with the whole Unified Twin Flame Grid Upgrade and 22 Sirian Chakras series  if you haven't already, as well as the Unveiling Channelling - Kuthumi-Agrippa , the Law of Change - Cosmic Law 10 - Mary Magdalene , Law of Darkness - Cosmic Law 33 - Kuthumi-Agrippa , Law of Trust - Cosmic Law 14 - Mary Magdalene , and the Law of Authenticity - Law 9 - Mary Magdalene . Click on each link to read an excerpt from each channelling.  



What's Going On and What You Need to Know.


How the Darkness Operates

Understanding the nature of darkness is not easy and many most often than not reject this idea. This in itself is the main reason why darkness is able to so easily penetrate every coherent and incoherent system on earth. Thus understanding the nature of darkness in fact becomes very easy once you look at what feeds it. Negativity and fear.


There are millions of accounts of dark force interference experiences, but because of how scary it is in general we deny it's coexistence, therefore giving it free reign to do as it pleases. Our society of ostriches - head buried in the sand - makes manipulation and control in support of their agenda child's play for them. Denial is what will lead to the utter destruction of humanities right to experience love, peace and a joyful existence. I have seen and experienced first hand how non-love based entities operate. Read more... 

Parallel Realities


The average person has no clue of how our world and other worlds exist. The notion of parallel realities is alien to most and it is this level of ignorance that keep the cycles of darkness and suffering alive. As a result humanity has remained imprisoned in their ignorance leading to complacency, victim, poverty, lust and conditional love consciousness. Read more..... 

How Holograms are used

The negative forces have been using holography for thousands of years. For them it is the simplest and most effective form of control and manipulation because what the eyes see it believes. Seeing is believing is what humanity believes. Don't forget though that what we don't believe we often can't see either.. Holograms are effective and up until now it has been their primary weapon to keep their manipulation programmes running. However, the code determining the program continue running without a glitch is what we have successfully penetrated and the scrambling process is underway. But they're not going to take this lying down. They have too much to lose. We on the other hand don't, we have lived with loss for life-times. Read more... 

Improper use of Psychic Energy

In Kuthumi-Agrippa's Unveiling channelling  he briefly comments on the improper use of psychic energy. This is very important to consider as this also opens one up to unnecessary negative energy and psychic attacks. He says: "Using your psychic energy to direct others' lives enmeshes you in their karma. You do them a disservice. Read more..  


There is much much more to come on what I have written about. As I mentioned at the beginning of my newsletter I have broken this information up into parts.. In the next two parts I will share with you more on psychic energy and energy in general, the light and dark side of astrology and religion, children and how this affecting them, and how else we are being controlled and brain washed through media etc making it very easy for all sorts of negative energies to interfere. 


I will announce the new channellings coming through and share more on the nature of the new energies, how the new gridding system is being set up and lots more. There is so much! All of this is also the heart of the work we are doing in the upcoming projects for Greece, India, Bali 2014, and Hungary 2014. I trust you enjoy reading it all as much as I have enjoyed writing about it.


We are expanding our consciousness at an accelerated rate, so don't give up now. We have the resources to get through this collective initiation by supporting each other an collaborating as a collective body of light reflecting light.

Thank you for taking the time to read this lengthy newsletter and I trust you have extracted pearls of wisdom that will make your journey more bearable. I'd deeply appreciate it if you would please share my newsletter with others whom you feel will benefit for it so the word and self-empowerment messages can be spread.  

Much love,



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Message from Sheldan Nidle


Dratzo! We come again with more to tell you. Your world continues to fluctuate between the attempts of the West to spark a conflict capable of stemming the global changes which threaten the powerbase of the dark cabal, and the intent of Russia to force a new reality upon the West. This dynamic has ebbed and flowed during the whole of the last decade. And yet even when this strange power game approaches a point reminiscent of the start of World War I, it then recedes from this dire eventuality. The Agarthan’s liaison teams have also been very successful in defusing the situation in the Middle East. Nevertheless, this ongoing process of brinkmanship demonstrates the importance of bringing this volatile situation to a close. Heaven assures us that this constant political bickering is simply the last throes of a type of diplomacy long used by the Western states and that no conflict is to result from it. Indeed, the coming divine is going to transform this whole sorry mess. Meanwhile, more legal ammunition continues to be gathered for use against the cabal in the World Courts. The momentum for ‘accountability’ accelerates by the day, increasing the numbers of those already, and about to be, arrested.  

Your reality is dying as the economic system it is founded upon grinds to a halt. It is similar to a huge mill which is dependent on a river that is rapidly drying up. The owners, the dark cabal, comprehend what is happening and are intent on getting the last bit of work out of their flagging equipment. The cabal is hunting desperately for a solution to restore the falling levels of the river, but despite its best efforts no solution is found. We have informed the cabal on innumerable occasions what it would take to solve their dilemma and its response has been to proceed doggedly upon the same course. We have therefore moved forward with what Heaven has directed us to do. The cabal is fully aware that its time is up and still it increases its determination to pull some unrealizable miracle out of the air. We watch and marvel at its inane reaction to the inevitability bearing down on it. It is time for these dark-controlled governments to quit and disclose the truth to their beleaguered populations.

Our liaison personnel have just a series of information exchanges with several Western governments, in which we clearly showed them that their dilemmas are endemic to the entire global economic structure which is now falling down around them. The practical solution is to allow new governance to introduce the range of new economic and abundance programs, including the formal disclosure of our existence. We are therefore awaiting the time chosen by Heaven to act and reveal ourselves to you. This will also be the moment for the series of announcements by both the Agarthans and the Ascended Masters, who will be divulging what you need to know to get a reasonable grasp on what is truly happening in your world. These swathes of information will trigger a rapid change in your consciousness and introduce new ways for you to change your societies, enabling them to work creatively with each other. We clearly perceive the labyrinthine problems created by your present governments, which is why an entirely new structure has been agreed upon which can be relied upon to promote your new prosperity and your new realities.

We stand on the brink of the grand intervention decreed by Heaven. This will open the door to first contact and a new relationship between you and Agartha. The extent of the upcoming technology transfer will astound you! Your world is due to absorb a leap in capabilities that is greater by far than the advent of the laptop computer with its many offshoots such as tablets and smart phones. As an aside, these came with some serious health concerns! By contrast, some of the can boost not only your general health and vitality but also your levels of consciousness while connecting you more easily and effectively with your world. You will begin to view technology in general as ‘consciousness tools’ and will begin to use your time to absorb knowledge, to meditate, and to ponder on the coming miracle of full consciousness. As your mentors we will show you the immense significance of the abilities still largely dormant within you, as this is central to your comprehension of the next phase of your journey to your divine destiny.

Blessings! We are your Ascended Masters! We come on this auspicious day to make some important announcements. First, let us bless our space and Inner Earth families. They come now to set the stage for the next steps on your journey to full consciousness. Heaven decrees that each of you now needs to become aware that you are not alone in this magnificent, vast Universe. There will shortly be demonstrations in the daylight skies by some of the huge fleets that are to land when the Divine gives the sacred go-ahead. Second, we are to be able to manifest among you in great numbers to begin our teaching schedule. These teachings will show you how and why the Anunnaki purposely jumbled up the wisdom teachings given to you by some of our most respected grand masters. These messages will finally allow you to discover the truth about your origins and what Heaven expects of you.

Further, we are going to tell our secret sacred societies to release the prosperity funds that Count Saint Germaine and Quan Yin so graciously set aside for you. This constitutes the beginning of the new financial system which will institute debt forgiveness as a means to level the world’s financial structures. Newly chartered banks will temporarily distribute and somewhat regulate these funds. Once the Federation fleet lands, these banks, the accompanying financial system, and your perceived need for ‘money’ as such, will be subsumed into a type of precursor of your new galactic society. The intention, dear blessed Ones, is to use physical abundance for a short time to heal the dark manipulations which twisted you into believing in want and limitation rather than adhering to your divine responsibilities. The mass influx into your lives of your individual mentors will change all that immediately! We are then to introduce you to the responsibilities that come with higher consciousness and assist you to understand their significance.

Your primary responsibility is to become effective overseers of your precious home world. Mother Earth is gleefully looking forward to your wonderful ministrations. New technologies are to heal the surface world and prepare her for her grand transition to a fully unified, fully conscious globe. You are to play a major role in these initial proceedings, after which it will be time for the culmination of your auspicious return to full consciousness via the use of your Light chambers. Then, once you are acclimatized to the joys and powers of full consciousness, you will be ready to work together with us. We have joyously anticipated this most special time as we are destined to create a most heavenly star-nation together. Heaven informs us that what we have been told about is then to manifest and our long sojourn on this planet takes on a new and gracious path. Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

Today, we brought you another message about transforming the old and bringing in the new. It is the magic time when the dark leaves your world and a bright, fully conscious one begins to manifest. It is when the wonders and exaltation of freedom and prosperity return! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

Website: Planetary Activation Organization

Source: Galactic Channelings

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This is a link to a recording I made the other night. It is both a mantra/prayer of praise and I have intended and asked that a blessing of whatever form is best be delivered to the listener. (If it is accepted and for their highest and greatest good!)

I hope this is enjoyable and useful to any and All Life!


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Meredith Murphy

Friday, 17 May, 2013

Hello Dear Ones and Greetings to You,

We are most honored to participate with you in this soar fest. At this time on Earth there is an incredible intense process unfolding for you and so continually orienting to your higher levels and returning to the vibration of an ascending energy within your collective stream, is most beneficial.

More and more clarity is becoming expanding in your world. What this feels like to each of you will vary, but a lot of it is having moments of realization. You may find that within these moments of realization that you cannot still see the whole, the newness in a coherent way as it takes shape. You may be unclear what you life is headed into. How you will shape it, what you will be doing, how it will all work. Many of you are feeling a big upheaval and it feels hard.

Many of you are noticing that you also at the same time, have access to more high vibrational energy more often. Despite not knowing how life is going to work and in many moments not being able to see the pathway in front of you, you are nonetheless still experiencing more and more periods of high vibrational energy and your comfort with this higher energy has also increased.

Today is a day where we come together and we hope to explain some things to talk about some things which will further your sense of realization, because it is this ongoing realization process that is happening as you awaken to the expanded presence of your own fullness, which opens you up. In the moments of realization and in your trusting of them, you step beyond what was for you. You step out of what used to be for you. You simply move beyond it, into a new enlarged spaciousness that is initially disorienting, but which you gradually acclimate to. But it is as if you hardly realize you are acclimating because as you are acclimating and beginning to work within this newness another realization comes, and you may find these to be very seemingly small things, small insights, ways you realize you bought into an idea that limited you, ways you made something right and wrong within your life that you didn't need to, it could be a small thing reflecting on an interaction with someone you love, it could be a seemingly superficial thing like realizing you didn't see what was really meant by the person at the grocery store who irritated you, it doesn't matter…these insights and realizations are happening more and more now and what is happening in them is you are finding ways you connect to everyone. You are noticing how you can relate to everyone and everything. You are seeing beyond boundaries.

This is creating wave upon wave of openness in your experience, so what it feels like is often quite disorienting and quite like you are doing fine and you know you're fine, but you keep not quite getting settled, you keep not quite figuring it out and then it changes again. You keep not quite getting enough sleep. You keep not quite knowing what's next for you, although you sense things.

This is happening because you are empowering enormous infusions of all that you are to reorganize your presence here. And as this takes shape, as your presence is continually reorganized to accommodate and take guidance from the fullness of your being, as the lower levels integrate with the upper levels of your energy field in a peaceful wholeness, which is happening little by little, this integration, then you feel different and yet like you and like actually MORE of you. So we hope that by explaining this a bit you will begin to internalize this orientation to your experience and that it will soften up your desire to get so explicit in naming and understanding things in the ways you used to do things.

In the newness you are coming into and being as, you will not require the same detailed information about things to create things to make decisions to live and flow and move and shift and change and be here on Earth. You will actually operate from a more generalized sense of knowing that speaks very articulately to you in this exact present moment. So in the present moment you will have all the specificity you will need but in looking beyond the present moment you will only sense general direction and impressions. This is an empowered perspective. In being more fully present in the NOW, the eternal non-self-ness of you can come forth and your Royal Divine True Nature, the fine, incredible, expanded, SOURCE OF YOU, can come in and make things happen. Open up the world and the situation and your experience. This can only happen in the present moment and so it is through this total attentiveness to the fullness available to you in the present that you actually open up what's next as well as feel the fullness of your being.

And so we encourage you to begin to build a greater knowing about your way of being now and to see and feel that the world is really totally different for you as a result of your embodiment. And this is the beginning of feeling and knowing and orienting to physical reality in entirely new ways. This is the promise of Earth's ascension and your divine embodiment, coming together in through and as your presence in this incredibly uplifted human form.

Your bodies, dear ones, oh my word your bodies! Such incredibly intelligent systems of energy and light! informing you here and now so that you might facilitate your presence and our presence and all that flows through you to be here now in this physicality on this leading edge where no one has been before because it is only unfurling in this moment of aliveness and light and love and being and expanding WHOLENESS!

We are alive within you! We are alive within you and it is glorious. So do feel a sense of accomplishment and use your realizations to know you are continually opening into more spaciousness and realize you ARE this eternal non-self-ness and you are completely supported and safe and all is well all the time and you can really relax finally and there is no rush with any of this.

And you can just let your field fill up with all of you and you can take whatever time you need to get used to this new way of being in all this spaciousness.

And you can really celebrate all the insights and realizations you have which at this point are empowering your wholeness in realy substantial and significant ways, as they open up boundaries and former patterns, and the spaciousness, yes, it can be like not knowing what's up or what to do, but it can also be a new situation.

A new situation which will not need to be met in the ways you met the old situations in the old energies. In this new situation you don't need to be so in control. you don't need to micromanage your experience. You don't need to choose choose choose all the time. You can turn over your focus to all that you are and be in a pure state of experiencing being.

And loving the life that flows through you and trusting it to further your exploration and experience along this leading edge. And wow, how easy that can all get and be and what a light you are for everyone who is not here yet where you are. What a light you are. So reassuring to everyone and everything that it's all coming out into newness in a way that is encouraging and building confidence in those who are still trying to decide if they can trust their inner voice, their inner knowing, that inner call to greater being which is sounding throughout everything and everyone on Earth at this time. The greater energies of all that you are, are here within your planet and within each of you now and those of you who have opened to this, who are participating in this consciously, who are inviting this in, wow, wow, wow are you empowering and expanding wholeness.

We thank you for your realizations! And the ability it is giving all that is to stretch out into a new spaciousness and take it in, and feel the expansion and just reveal in the ease and the liberation of light into form.

We love you so very much. Please know this.

We are the Council of Light

Copyright (c) 2009 - 2013 by Meredith Murphy. All rights reserved. You may translate, link to or quote this article, in its entirety, as long as you include the author name and a working link back to this website: - Any other use of this article is strictly prohibited.

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What Are We Here For?



                                     ~     WE ARE HERE TO REALIZE WHO WE REALLY ARE      ~

After several decades of living this earthly existence, it became obvious to me that I came here to be who I really am. That is my story. Every soul will have or not have an inkling why they are here and what is the purpose of their life.

We are born into a ready-made society. We are born into an existence that dictates striving to survive. From our first breath to our last, we are striving to survive.

Depending on how aware we are when old enough to think about our life, most people live the life of action and reaction.........their whole life. And we have all been through that stage, but there comes a time when the daily 'ordinary' suddenly reaches a peak and a cry within begins to be heard. There has got to be more to life than this!

For the wealthy, this can mean a new car or a holiday abroad, although I shouldn't paint all wealthy people with the same brush, should I? Some people react by seeking a whole new way of life, like I have seen in my area over a few decades, from time to time. This whole new way of life has been to sell up and move to a more natural way of living, conducive to freedom from the hustle and bustle of city life and mundane jobs. Yes, many times the folks around here move a few hours west and head to the high country!

They feel a calling to go higher.......and raise their children on acreage with some animals and home-grown vegetables and fruit. The land west of here has been a calling for young and old for decades and even Hubby and I looked far and wide a few decades ago to see what was offering. And we were right, the land sellers told us that folks from the coastal towns and cities were selling up and moving inland, grabbing their acreage while the prices were cheap. And they were, too.

It makes me wonder what is within us that drives us to seek a life of freedom - communing with nature and talking to the trees. It wasn't until we bought some acreage ourselves and spent weekends there that we found out. Being aware of our spiritual selves, we couldn't help but notice how our auras expanded quite considerably when we were in the expanse of nature. We became much more alive and in tune with firstly the trees, which really surprised me when I started communicating with a clump of trees!  Felt totally normal up there, no one to stare and ask if i was alright ! The trees just loved to have us there, which is nice to know !

With a widely expanded aura, your spiritual self takes over. Life is a whole lot more meaningful when awareness is heightened. For one thing, answers come quickly, effortlessly. You see things through the eyes of your soul. You are at one with your soul. The 3D way of life where we were always striving to survive seems a very long way off, and in fact, doesn't even enter the headspace. Communication with higher vibration lightbeings is also easier, and utterly amazing. We can find out more when up there on the land, and sometimes connect with friends or family who have passed-over.

Nature is our spiritual family.

Gently guiding us back to reunite with it. When people feel that deep inner urge to pack up and move back to nature, it is like getting out of an artificial way of living and back to our roots. On the practical side of things, the only drawback in some areas is lack of services and paid work. If you choose your location carefully, doing your homework before moving, it may save future problems.

I guess I could finish up by saying - the reason we are here is to follow the natural calling of our soul.

That inner voice never lies!


                                                                                 ~      N A M A S T E    ~

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Dear Friends ~

Lately I have been trusting my guidance when I open a book to share something that may be of use to anyone here. I open at any page, and tonight I have opened Wayne Dyer's book - THERE'S A SPIRITUAL SOLUTION TO EVERY PROBLEM - on page 112 - Decontaminating Your Mind Fields of Energy. This excerpt is a few pages into the chapter.

Dr. Valerie Hunt further describes it in her book, Infinite Mind: " Thoughts are events in the mind field that are available not only to the consciousness of the creator, but also to other minds. " She explains that our thoughts are not private but rather "field-public." This means that you do not think in a vacuum, but that your thoughts are created from transactions with other fields. Thoughts can be passed on from generation to generation not just by photographs, print, or the spoken word, but also by the strength of thoughts remaining in your mind fields.

The more dynamic your field of energy, the more capable you are of communicating and impacting your thoughts to others, and in being impacted yourself. How do you go about making your thoughts so dynamic and creative? I quote Dr. Valerie Hunt again. "One does not dwell upon the process nor does one struggle to get answers. One trusts the process of higher creative thought ... Such is the capacity of great healers, lecturers, clairvoyants, physicians and spiritual leaders when they enter expanded consciousness states." You can do this. You have the potential to keep your field of energy uncontaminated, and the potential to radiate a dynamic spiritual energy. Simply by your presence alone, vibrating in this mind field of creativity and peace, you can impact others.

Your intellect might protest and attempt to convince you that mind fields and silent communication of energy are nonsense. But once you see this at work you'll know. The intellect itself is too disconnected from etheric energy forces to readily accept such possibilities, but I have seen it work over and over in my own life. When I am able to consciously project love, understanding, and compassion to those in my immediate life space, I feel the shift in energy. I surrender my judgment or my desire to make my point and the mind field energy changes. Gradually I watch that difference in energy affect the other and enjoy the change within myself. My wife, Marceline, is a master at this.


Namaste  ~  Tara Mary

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Another Line in the Poetry of Life


                                                              It was one of those days
                                                              Of a contemplative kind
                                                              Strolling through the park
                                                              I decide to sit and still my mind.

                                                              I sat on a park bench
                                                              And watched Life as it happened
                                                              Not thinking of today
                                                              Nor thinking of the 'morrow.

                                                              I sat and observed Life
                                                              As it unfolded, slowly,
                                                              Like a giant flower......
                                                              Each person a Petal.

                                                             I don't know how long I sat
                                                             And it didn't seem to matter
                                                             As what goes unfinished today
                                                             Will flow forward, like Time
                                                             And complete the Picture.

                                                              So what is the rush
                                                              I often ask myself
                                                              When Time is flowing forward
                                                              Each day a picture in the making
                                                              All a piece of this human-made puzzle
                                                              Of a civilization gone too far........

                                                              I'd like to take this place called Earth
                                                              And reverse the clocks to a time called Eden
                                                              Making this present day an old memory
                                                              Of a time in our distant past...............


                                                      Written by Tara Mary  ~  Have a Lovely Weekend

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In Faith, Believing

"I now believe," I said, and lo, the day
Was splendid with bright wings, and darkness fled
Before God's shining Truth; and all my way
Seemed colored by a rainbow overhead.

"I now believe," I said, and at the word
A door was opened to my eager sight
Where none had been before; and I was stirred
To follow in new paths of peace and light.

In faith, believing, obstacles were shorn
Of all their seeming power, and mountains stood
Aside like mist, and miracles were born;
And all things worked together for my good.

 Eleanor Halbrook Zimmerman

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We have had four Class X solar flares in a couple of short days. These are powerful very flares. (for the basics about solar flares, google it, or go to We feel solar flares just as they burst from the sun. Our technology feels the magnetic pulse about 48 hours after the solar explosion. This is so, because humanity is connected to everyone and everything in the universe, and our technology is not. As above, so is below. Humanity is ONE.

Today my heart is racing, my head is aching, and I am this from my cozy, pillow filled bed with my iPad. Many of you out there are having a huge range of odd , that by now I am sure you are all painfully aware of. But read on.... There is a reason for these events and our reactions to them. Remember . . . you are a spiritual being in an all too HUMAN body that is evolving and ascending.

The Star Elders say that these pulses of light (that we feel instantly), which are also infused with magnetic energy (that we feel 48 hours later), are part of the divine plan. With these multiple, layered flares, we are being infused and saturated with new light from a new paradigm. At least for now, we are not getting a break as this is the final stretch of a very long journey. These solar pulses stretch us beyond the form we are familiar or comfortable with. This is a part of the ascension process. When we can hold no more light, we feel like we are pushed to the very edge and feel like we could explode. These pulses of light are the framework for the new world we building. Only then, the following magnetic pulse helps us release all that is not needed for our future. The magnetic pulses bring up to the surface everything that does not fit within the collective divine plan. We purge, detox, and let go and surrender from our body, mind and spirit. This purging creates more space for more light.

Now the odd thing is that we are going through this ascension process all the while the outer world seems to be clicking along like business as usual. We didn't expect this. Yet inside our hearts, we feel like something big has changed within us, and the world feels very surreal. But if you look closely, you will see this shift in nearly everyone's eyes. You might see people with the subtle stunned look, with eyes like a deer caught in the head lights. Others will over compensate by being overly happy and enthusiastic, because they can't admit they are feeling strange to say the least. Then there are those that are agitated and rushing around like they can outrun this wave of light. Then there are those that are still in full on denial. Don't worry . . . they will catch up quickly. And lastly there is the rare few that have already arrived at the finish line, and the rest are only a heart beat behind them.

The Star Elders say it does not matter what you do now. You can try out all of the avoidances above, but you can not avoid, deny or out run this rush of light that we are in now. At least for now, we have no space in between flares to ground ourselves and rebalance. We planned it this way, because we knew our body (that holds history and memory) would run the other way like our life depended on it. This is the old fight or memory that we will no longer need in the new world. Just when we have a bit of space to begin to face our purging shadow side, another pulse of light (solar flare) slams into us, thus not allowing us to retract back into a more comfortable and familiar territory.

How to deal with pulses... Simple... Let GO and let GOD emerge from inside of you. I laugh now as the Star Elders show me that old gory scene from the movie Aliens. Yeah... Their sense of humor keeps me going, along with the support of all of you out there. The world is pretty strange right now. We don't know which way is up and its ok. We are being called back to basics, the core of spiritual truths and crave a return to a simple life. And what we thought the ascension might be is not quite how it is showing up. The Star Elders have always told me that when we arrive, there are going to be some great surprises. Well... "Surprise!"

So just breathe and know that we are being protected and fiercely guarded by a divine plan set into action. Our star family is watching over us, as we transform quickly into something we can't even envision now. So breathe, get yourself grounded as much as possible, and hang out with like frequency soul family. We are going to survive, there is no doubt, and we will have the surprised of a life time together.

Song for the day... Send Somebody... Colin Hay. P.S. that somebody is the God in us!

Aluna Joy Yaxk'in . . . A Star Messenger - Earth Oracle - Soul Reader -

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The space with no place to go

Ahhhhh, once again I find myself in this space.I used to call it a fog before but now it isn't like that anymore.There is no grayness in this place with no energy to go or do much.I have been sleeping and resting a lot.This is a slight rest period, probably preparing for the big moon that is coming.Going to set a lot of emotion in motion...I feel like I am in the lobby of a hotel.I am checked in.Got my bags ready to roll.The room is not ready.They have to finish making the bed.The big difference is that I used to sit in the lobby, anxiously waiting.Now I am draped on the couch taking a nap.if i then have energy, I'm going to walk outside and explore my grounds.When I come back my room will be ready.Or when I wake up.This is different than other times for me.Before I used to know that I still had a long road to go...Now I feel...not much left at all...just have to BE...I feel something has hugely shifted in the energy grid around me.An infusion of energy perhaps?Or that maybe I can access something new.Both inside of me and outside of me.I just don't know what it is but my heart says I am going to really like it...So if you are in the lobby with me...interesting times indeed.I think some have left the lobby already and a whole bunch are about to come!Whatever I do, whether I am resting and just being, or doing and being...I remind myself this is a process divinely orchestrated as a brand new a brand new way of being for me...A brand new experience as I create a new life for myself.One where I am me.The key for me at this time of waiting is to take very good care of my body.I drink a lot of water and take salted baths.I try to rest as much as possible.I (try) to stay out of dense situations and places with a lot of people.Heal my energy.I place both hands over my heart center and I verbally tell my body I love you.You are doing great.We are making it.Have to take care of my vessel...figured the ears can hear it and pass it you my light family for experiencing this path with me as together we create new.One thing I know about this divine process is that the only constant is change.Since The shift in December it seems I have to go within for information because outside of me there doesn't seem to be much that resonates anymore...I guess it's because I can no longer use old reference points.Oh well, a topic for another day...Keep shining my family.At this time, we don't even have to try.We just do.It's who we are.In Light and Love: )Marie
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Magatha from Agartha

Greetings beloved brethren of Earth.
It has been a while since our last connection and as always we are most delighted to step forward in the Now and to convey a message of Love and Light. As is commonly known, the current eclipses contribute a lot and are really the trigger for everything that is now taking place on Earth.
Shifts continue to occur and they go hand in hand with an inner cleansing, with transmutations and transformations which have become a daily routine for your Being. You better get used to it for a lot more is waiting in the wings as transformation is an unending process of Ascension which will continue to happen no matter what state of consciousness you have accrued.
As to your transformation, you are never really completely finished with it because you are an energy and energy moves and changes shapes and essences indefinitely depending on what your energy adopts, creates and chooses. Therefore the process of transformation and transmutation goes along phases to lead you from one point to the next, as you always evolve infinitely into something else. That is life, that is Being.
The reason why we wish to step forward today is to give you the next update about the current state of affairs in Agartha, in Telos and in all civilizations of the Inner Earth. Our civilizations mutually forge deep ties in order to guarantee increased cooperation for Gaia and for all Her lightbeings and by the latter we mean all of you. We too are evolving more and more into a collective and consciously aware civilization that wishes nothing else than Love, a civilization that is only motivated by Love.
That is also the objective which all of you strive for : 1 collective conscious awareness and Being. We are going to assist you with this together with all the other collective groups in the cosmos, which you call the Galactic Federation of the Light. As we have mentioned before, we also cooperate closely with the Pleiadian and with the Sirian Emissaries of the Light.
We now would like to give you a few names of civilizations tightly involved in galactic projects, amongst which is the Disclosure project and other important projects on Earth. Méline is involved but so are countless other souls in incarnation who are in the know. It is our deepest desire that humanity becomes knowledgeable of the facts that certain entities are eligible to bring forth great things officiating a trust and an unmistakable perseverance, what is now of the utmost importance.
The following groups are eligible to build and to realize certain projects in cooperation with our civilizations and Emissaries of the Light. These are just a few groups of a much largercollaboration that I am about to appoint and who Iwant to start with :
• The Pleiadian Emissaries of the Light
• The Sirian Emissaries of the Light and the Sirian Angel Kingdom
• The Altherians
• The Andromedans
• The Arcturian Council of the Light
• The Agarthans, the Telons and all civilizations of the Inner Earth
• The Mondrians and their civilization called Mondrianon. They bring the spiritual enrichment of light, they come from another Universe but do have a connection with the Pleiades.
• Luminianon, a civilization of the high Light originating from the Andromedan Galaxy (Luminians) They bring high technology into force on your planet.
• The civilization of the high Light of Orion; the Orion council of Light. There are fewcivilizations that are not of the Light, but this one is.
• The galaxy of Ontheon. Located near the RorstUniverse. They bring in assets through portals which include “Sason”: a high-techequipment that is incredibly valuable energy. This equipment provides a better environment, for example to remove Chemtrails.
• The Suprianons, a civilization of the Galaxy of Nebadon (our Universe) They want to connect with us, they are from the light and highly developed (9D), they wish to make contact soon.
• The Litheans, a civilization of a very distant star system called Lithiamos. They provide better conditions for the Earth, likealways feeling good.
• The Ascended Masters of the Earth Kingdom, well known to all of you
• The Archangelic Realm
• The Vega civilization
• The Ascended Beings of the Light Kingdom of Angels
• The All transcendent Source of All That Is, our beloved Mother/Father God force, the unconditional Love
By and large, this list comprises the major cooperation groups working with all of you incarnated on Earth. Be aware that all the groups mentioned above stand for Presences of the Light having each their specific goal and essence, contributing their part in this global, solar and even universal process of Ascension. The cooperation takes place in everyone of your consciousnesses and in your Being of essence, meaning that each and everyone of you is a part of all these energetic Presences, these groups and this cooperation. You are the aspects of each essence in incarnation and you bring everything further along in manifestation by grounding all those refined energies that you are and that you receive from us; all of us forming 1 giant cooperation. Each of you has the full integration of 22 Galacticgalaxies in your entire DNA, which means that there is a connection to each galaxy.
Can you see now that you are the ones that will bring everything further along with a little help from us?! You use your embodiments and your Being to bring all of this into your reality by integrating, creating and grounding it all. We provide you with the energetic force, with enlightenment and with guidance which afterwards you integrate, become aware of, know of and which you convert into reality. All of us are you in aspects of Being, your are a part of all of us whether we refer to Agarthans or to the Pleiadian Emissaries of the Light, or to Vega or to Andromeda. It doesn’t matter as we all form 1 giant group consisting of subgroups, shaping their own specific colour, consciousness and identity.
We observe lots of events and shifts happening in your Earthly reality and it becomes clearer to many Earth brethren that it gets ever more difficult to maintain duality. This leads many people to disillusionment but also to dispair, to the feeling of being lost. The reality that was steadfastly prevalent for so many centuries disintegrates and leaves altogether, as viewed from your stance and from that of everyone now present on Earth. One person will arrive at certain insights quicker than another and one process will evolve more smoothly than another but rest assured that everything evolves as you create it according to what is at present the best way for you to learn from.
Currently we see many lost souls trying to find their way to their own truth, in search of a certain hold that offers comfort. However, this hold is illusory because everything changes eternally and one has to be flexible and open to everything that comes one’s way, whatever that might be. As long as you stay in a positive energy, positive circumstances will be experienced by you. Be powerful and clear in your thoughts/creations in a positive way and always from the heart in the purest of Love.
Gradually we are becoming your reality because you dwell in a higher reality that allows for the merger with our energies. Be patient, let go of the notion of time as this still is prominently the obstacle holding you back : time! We advise you to rather live from day to day as if everything is in the Now and there is no tomorrow, there is no yesterday; all is Now.
With lots of Love and in heartfelt friendship we greet you and we say to you : until next time. I Am Magatha of Agartha.

Copyright © by Méline Lafont

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After stumbling upon this video I decided to come to my Family of Light to help victims of ritual sex abuse.

The woman in this video name is Toos, she was a victim of Ritual sex abuse since age 4.

After watching her story I began hearing TONS of entities in my head whispering the worst things to me.

I would get flashes of lower-vibrational creatures committing terrible acts.

It became over-whelming.

Now if this is what I got from her, imagine living in this poor woman's shoes.

Please send healing to her and ALL victims of ritual sex abuse.

Infinite love and blessings


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Dear Friends,


As you know, I do not like to “bother” you with messages about things I think are not relevant to your experience. So you can rely on the fact that I believe that the opportunity I am going to tell you about here --- it is free --- could be very helpful to you if...


-- you just don't feel well enough to engage fully with your life


-- you're cranky because it all just seems too hard


-- you are gripped with constant stress about money and getting bills paid


-- you have to face dysfunctional relationships at home and/or at work daily


>> If you see yourself here, you might want to click on this link right now <<


Here is what I have observed: When we are faced with a constant barrage of physical, energetic or emotional pain, we are generally in survival mode. We aren't really living, let alone thriving. We are just getting by.


I know that's not the life you want for yourself, and I want to let you know about what might be a powerful solution for you. My friend Jennifer McLean has compiled an impressive workshop delivering access to many of the world's spiritual teachers --- and it's completely free.


Jennifer has invited me to be one of those speakers and I am excited to share with you the details of “The Evolution Revolution” that I am encouraging, and how it can improve all of our lives for the better. Others on the presenter’s list include Wayne Dyer, Ram Dass, Panache Desai, Rikka Zimmerman, Mary A. Hall, and 22 additional transformational speakers.


Jennifer's Healing With The Masters has provided relevant and effective methods of permanent, profound and vibrant health and happiness to more than 500,000 people in 230 countries for 10 straight seasons.


If you are open to shifting into a life of peace, calm, abundance and health, I invite you to check out this free program. It could be the answer you've been looking for to reclaim your life.




Love, Your Friend,


P.S. If someone said they would give you a free ticket to the largest workshop in the world for creating vitality and wholeness, would you take it? You have that opportunity right now. Claim your free ticket.

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Greetings! This is Ashtar reporting from The Rainbow Bridge. Recently in Washington DC there was an disclosure Event called The Citizens Hearing on Disclosure. This Event was carefully orchestrated by Members of the Ground Crew working with the Ashtar Command. Mother Sekhmet, Archangel Michael, Archangel Metatron, Maitreya and St Germain were there amongst others unseen. This Event was in response to other times in the past few years when Disclosure was set to happen and something got in the way. This has happened multiple times in the last decade. This is why you always felt Disclosure was ʻA Moment Awayʻ and then somehow it didnʻt happen. No explanations were forthcoming and it caused a lot of depression for many.  

Some of you confused December 21, 2012 as a Disclosure Event. Instead, understand – this was a Celestial Event where Galactic Center and Cosmic Center aligned creating a passageway for energy to pulse into The Milky Way Galaxy. This energy had characteristics only produced under very rare circumstances. These pulses activated the 12 Strands of DNA in all who had not yet completed that part of their evolution. It also ignited Key Codes and Fire Letters in the next level of Consciousness Raising. March 28, 2013 was the next influx of High Magnitude Energy. This was followed by more very powerful and rare Cosmic Events – April 25, 2013 Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, May 10, 2013 New Moon Solar Eclipse, and coming a May 25, 2013 Full Moon Lunar Eclipse. These alignments bring in the Light of Antimatter first from our Parallel Universe of On, through the Great Central Sun Alcyone, through Sun Sol and to Earth. These Light Energies effect the Collective Consciousness on Earth, raising all to A Higher State of Consciousness. It is in this environment where the Planetary Community can assimilate new concepts that heretofor were too hard to integrate due to a lower vibrational field.

The next Disclosure Event will be President Obama in cooperation with his United States Military Commanders and Intelligence Agents saying together that for National Security reasons before now they hid their activities with Extraterrestrials but it was time now to share the information with the World. Millions of documents and hundreds of thousands of videos will be released for public scrutiny. Also, prepared education pieces will be televised all over the world. In turn, other Countries will release their ET files and films and share these with their Citizens and the World.

The greatest question displayed even among the witnesses at The Citizen Hearing was: Who Are these Extraterrestrials? What Do They Want? and Are We Safe? I would like to expand on these questions in reply.

Going back 65 million years we see the five root races of Extraterrestrials who have inhabited Earth in successive Epochs of Time. These ET races are described in the oldest texts on Earth one being the Vishnu Purana. Earth has never not been inhabited with Extraterrestrials and it remains so today. Earth has never not been visited by and closely monitored by Extraterrestrials since Creation. One should avoid the fearful notion that ET Visitors have their own agenda. This is a misnomer which I will explain.

Beginning in Earths first creation the ET Visitors to Earth were etheric in nature and not physical. This means they were composed solely of brilliant light. They came here from the Light Matter Universe On into this Dark Matter Universe called Nebadon. Dark Matter is the primary energy of 3D matter and within that is a Parallel Universe where the indestructible nature of The Soul Exists simultaneous to its Earth Avatar on this timeline. These Life Forms traveled to Earth through Integrated Consciousness. These conditions are explained in quantum mechanics. It was during this period when Mount Meru emerged from the Sea. We communicate all the time with our real existence in the Light Realms. It is from there we receive our Mission and our responsibilities to carry it out. One must avoid thinking they are The Body or The Personality. These etheric Anti-Gravity Life Forms are on Earth today, are imperceptible and not detectable by current scientific detectors. Many are capable of taking on a human physical form At Will for a day and return back to light to travel throughout the Etheric Realm.

In Earths second creation were Bio Plasma Forms made of liquid golden light. These are composed of complex plasma of non-standard particles. These thermochromic Extraterrestrials change color in different temperatures in the seen and unseen ranges of light (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet). They can therefore appear to materialize and dematerialize as they become translucent or transparent. Zero Point Energy propulsion is their mode of transportation as they suck in energy from the atmosphere and this causes drift. There have been Sightings of these Life Forms as well as video evidence when captured in their translucent form. These Ones were known as the Hyperboreans and it has been said that Sananda carries this DNA.

In Earths third creation were human Extraterrestrials known as Lemurians and they evolved into Human Forms with sexual reproduction as today. In Earths fourth creation were human Extraterrestrials known as Atlantians. During the time of Atlantis many experiments with DNA were performed including mixing animal DNA with human DNA. Also during these periods Angelic DNA was mixed with human DNA as well as Extraterrestrial DNA being mixed with human DNA. In Earths fifth creation saw the beginnings of the Aryan root race of Extraterrestrial on Earth. The Aryans included the Holy Kumaras ~ Sanat Kumara, also known as the Ancient of Days as mentioned in the Ahora Mazda and the Book of Daniel. Sananda Kumara, also known as Zoroaster and Jesus and incarnate now as The King of Swords or KOS – his code name. Sanaka and Sanatana. These are the Ascended Masters and Archangels who have incarnated as Extraterrestrial humans and Angelic humans. These Ones are alive today incarnate on Earth and others take on Human Form At Will. All of the above mentioned Extraterrestrial races – both etheric and physical continue to inhabit Earth today in Avatar forms.

Since the Great Wars which are outlined in the Vedanta, specifically the Mahabharata, there have been invaders who had conquest on their mind. They have been known to manipulate DNA of Earth Humans as well as steal vast natural resources for their own selfish uses putting Earth on the edge of destruction more than once.

Earth has man-made and Extraterrestrial-made tunnels to Inner Earth. Some are up to five miles deep and others go 800 miles deep into Inner Earth. In addition there are Bases that have been established in recent years by the Earth invaders.

The races on Earth now are often described as Black, Red, Yellow, White and Brown. This is only skin color and not a race at all. Likewise the Invaders have the same race attributes as some of the Galactic Federation Extraterrestrials. Often they have been mistakenly stereotyped all as negative Extraterrestrials. The fear mongers wishing to keep Earth in darkness maliciously spread this misinformation to keep Humans in the dark. From Planet Niburu originated the negative Annunaki. This was only a small part of a much larger Group spanning many Planets of Annunaki origin who are positive and here to help Humans.The same can be said for the Zeta Reticulans from the vast Orion constellation. There have also been negative Extraterrestrials from Dracos constellation. A small handful created mass havoc on Earth in the past 60 years and there are many others who remained positive and were not represented by this rogue element.

The Orion Wars are laid out in the Mahabharata. Those immigrants of war came from Lyra, Sirius, Pleiades, and Vega. A few of the other major players that have been involved from the beginning include Arcturians, Antares, Andromedeans, Procyon, Virgo, Ursa Major (Bear) Ursa Minor, Leo, Sag, inner planets Venus, Mars, Saturn, Jupiter; outer planets, Uranus, Mercury, Pluto, Neptune, and 100 million/billion galaxies, and Alcyone, Great Central Sun. This is a Planetary Ascension that involves all these and many more for which One may not remember or know the names.

There are over 200,000 species in The Milky Way Galaxy. Many are humanoid and look much like us. They do live on the streets of Earth now. Many are humanoid and look not much like us. There are those who are Avatar forms of animals mixed with humans like the Cat People, the Bird People and the Reptilian people. Artificial Intelligence Beings as well as Androids also play a role on Earth. The Earth StarGates are made of artificial intelligence which is sentient. There are about 16 million Adept White Knights who are Extraterrestrial which work with and are telepathic in real time with KOS. Their technologies are from 1 million to 100 million years more advanced than anything on Earth. They are working as Intelligence Officers, with the Alien Contact Intelligence Organization (ACIO) and assist Lord Maitreya, Archangel Metatron, Archangel Michael and Mother Sekhmet with St Germain in operations around Earth designed to bring Disclosure and end the Truth Embargo.

It was during The Citizens Hearing on Disclosure where some of the facts of negative Extraterrestrials looking very much like us came to light. The Galactic Federation gifted Earth scientists with nuclear fission for propulsion and for free energy and it was weaponized. We have to help Earth come back to Zero Point energy where no weapons will function. Hitler is One of these. He was a time traveling Extraterrestrial from the 24th Century returned to Earth to use Her resources for his own Plan. He came here through rifts in the Space Time Continuum created by science gone wrong as the Montauk experiment and altered the Timelines. These Timelines in 2013 have all been repaired. In 2013 the negative Extraterrestrials have all been removed from Earth and have not been here since November of 2009. The cabal humans who had been working with the negative ETs have also been removed from Earth. What you are seeing where they still appear in place are clones or solid holograms. This ET technology has been used by the dark and the light since a long time on Earth. When changeover comes they will be turned off by remote control. This is controlled by Sananda/KOS. He is the Admiral of The New Jerusalem of the Galactic Federation.

When President Obama makes his Announcements at the Disclosure Event then there will be an explanation of Extraterrestrials on Earth as well as the knowledge that none who wish humans harm are longer living on Earth or in Earth. The Galactic Federation has cleaned out all the tunnels, portals and StarGates and are in full command of such. Duality on Earth is over. We are in the 5th Dimension now. There no longer needs to be any fear of Extraterrestrials on Earth. Those who worked with negative ETs will be held accountable at the International Criminal Court and if found guilty of Intergalactic crimes of high treason, also at the Solar Tribunal. Following close on the heels of Disclosure will be the reformations of Earth.

With Disclosure comes the facts of ET Crash retrievals, the knowledge that some of these were forced to crash with beam weapons or shot down. Also the knowledge that ETs were kept in captivity as animals for 50 plus years. The truth about the Secret Space Program, the tunnels which connect countries under Earth and the Terra Drive shuttles. With Disclosure more about the negative ET abductions and animal mutilations come to light. We will learn the truth of how far our technology has gone into deep space without consent or knowledge and that present day Scientists and Astronauts work with Off Planet Scientists from the multiple International Space Stations.

It is time the Truth is Told. You are ready to handle the Truth. Salut! This is Ashtar through Elizabeth Trutwin, May 12, 2013.,

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Solar Activity Alerts...

The time has come to speak about and educate each other about the symptoms which affect everyone wether they know what is happening or not.

It seems to start with my digestion...and the nausea is so intense that it makes me violently gag.

My brain gets foggy and I have trouble putting sentences together.

A dull ache starts in the middle of my head and it adds to the confusion.

I feel off, my balance off, my body does not feel like mine.

I lay down exhausted but cannot sleep.

Sometimes my feet get very cold, my hands hot. I feel as if I am in a microwave.

That is what earthbound solar flares do to me.

Anything over an M-class flare starts to bring about these symptoms for me.

Two weeks ago when we had the M-Class flare after all the consecutive C-class ones, I lost my mind.

In the middle of the night.

I remember thinking somewhere along that endless night "thank god i don't have a gun..."

I forgot everything.

The thoughts running through my mind were disturbing to say the least.

Somewhere in the fog I realized that something was happening to me and at three in the morning I called a friend for help.

He was my lightworker that night.

He kept me seeing the light while I was lost in the darkness of my mind.

After several hours I was able to center and rest a bit.

Yesterday we had three X-class flares, they were not earth directed...(but what if they had been...?)

This last experience shook me up, to say the least, and I realized that as I continue to raise my vibration,I am becoming more and more sensitive to the effects of the solar storms and magnetic storms that are so active right now.

I know I am not the only one.

I realized I am so blessed to have had someone that could hold the light for me and to support me as these energies released the "madness" within...

For that is exactly what it felt like, like I released thoughts and ideas that were indeed insane from within me.

And then I thought...

What would I have done in that state of madness if I had NO ONE to reach out to?

And if it had been an X-class flare and ensuing magnetic storm had been earth directed...

What would I have done...?

So I researched and found out some interesting things...(there really is a ton of information out always,please use discernment)

This I found interesting: From

Russian scientist Oleg Shumilov of the Institute of North Industrial Ecology Problems in Russia researched activity in the Earth’s geomagnetic field from 1948 to 1997 and found a remarkable increase in the amount of depression, anxiety, bi-polar (mood swings), aggression and even suicides in the northern Russian city of Kirovsk over the same period.

And from the same website...

Cold hard evidence points to the fact that wars and international conflicts most often erupt when sunspots, the cause of these lovely solar flares, are rapidly forming or rapidly decaying. In 1915 Russian scientist Alexander Chizhevsky began work on a study that observed mass changes in human behavior correlated to sunspot cycles. Professor Raymond Wheeler, a historian at the University of Kansas, then took this observation even further in the 1930s, assigning numerical rankings to the severity of battles as they correlated to solar cycles. Edward Dewey then validated the existence of these war cycles but couldn’t make a provable connection to sunspot cycles because sufficient data at that time wasn’t available. By the 1980s it was.Wheeler’s data was analyzed in more detail and the correlation was proven valid.

The research points to a correlation between these solar flares and the ensuing magnetic storms and how they do indeed afffect us,our bodies,our emotions, our pineal gland(it's so sensitive to magnetic fields).

So I thought what if?

We have Amber alerts, tornado alerts, hurricane alerts...all types of alerts to help us to unite and prepare...

What about Solar Activity Alerts? (or something like that?)

I have a free app that alerts me to solar activity...everyone can have the information.

So imagine this...

You are a neonatal nurse with a ton of experience and you start to notice a new born who seems to be affected by solar flares...sensitivity to magnetic tell the parent...who starts to build a support system around this child so that in school their different behavior is isn't that they are "bad" they are just affected the individual grows up aware of their sensitivity and is not afraid of himself or afraid they could hurt others...their friends would know that in times of intense solar activity these sensitives need extra support to navigate the brain confusion and strange thoughts...

(Drinking a ton of water and taking showers or salted baths seem to help calm the body down.)

I believe education is key.

Making the public aware of these that if they are the ones experiencing they can stay out of fear...and if they are not they can help others stay out of fear.

I wish to spread this information far and wide my light family.

I ask for assistance from ALL.

As the vibrations of our Mother Earth rise, so will the sensitivity to solar activity by all life here on earth...

My heart guides me to help prepare so that those that begin to experience these symptoms can stay out of fear...

And step into their own Light.

Afterall we are love and love is all there is.

And what incredible gratitude I feel to know this Truth.

WE are all amazing.

In Light and Love

Shine Bright.

: )


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For This Day, How can I Be of Service ~


What a joy, dear friends, to be able to awaken each day with such gladness and love in our hearts.

To be able to offer yourself to the Divine Will by saying, " how can I be of service today? "

What do we have to do to be in this state of mind ? To finally let-go and allow yourself to be one

with the divine source of all life. To be in the universal flow and know from one moment to the next

what one's duties are, and where to go to be of service to your fellow human beings.


Do you look close enough to see that the man or woman or child you pass each day has the same

challenges in life as you do? Can you see that by helping others you are also helping yourself?

They are also divine incarnations clothed in physical garments. They have different names, different

families, different stories to tell. The one very important energy that links you all is the divinity within,

the divine spark that comes from our prime creator/source. It may glow differently from yours, but it

is of the same infinite family. The physical garment is the illusion that separates 'us' from 'them.'

Are you ready now to greet each day with offering loving service to your divine family?

What other activity could be more fulfilling than an outstretched hand to a fellow traveler in need !


                                                    *~*     Love and Blessings to All, Tara      *~*

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Bugs are food of the future: UN agency

Bugs are food of the future: UN agency
By Ella Ide | AFP – 2 hours 12 minutes ago

• AFP/AFP/File - A woman prepares grubs to cook in the kitchen of Insects Inter in Bangkok, September 12, 2002. Beetles, caterpillars and wasps could supplement diets around the world as an environmentally friendly …more food source if only Western consumers could get over their "disgust", the UN's Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) says less

A picture taken on August 30, 2012 shows a stag beetle, in Saint Philbert sur Risle, …

A restaurant in Mexico City serves up a grasshopper taco, on October 19, 2001. Beetles, …

A US Marine eats an insect during a jungle survival program as part in Sattahip, …

Beetles, caterpillars and wasps could supplement diets around the world as an environmentally friendly food source if only Western consumers could get over their "disgust", the UN's Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) said on Monday.

"The main message is really: 'Eat insects'", Eva Mueller, director of forest economics at the FAO, told a press conference in Rome.

"Insects are abundant and they are a valuable source of protein and minerals," she said.

"Two billion people -- a third of the world's population -- are already eating insects because they are delicious and nutritious," she said.

Also speaking at the press conference was Gabon Forestry Minister Gabriel Tchango who said: "Insect consumption is part of our daily life."

He said some insects -- like beetle larvae and grilled termites -- were considered delicacies.

"Insects contribute about 10 percent of animal protein consumed by the population," he said.

The report said insect farming was "one of the many ways to address food and feed insecurity".

"Insects are everywhere and they reproduce quickly, and they have high growth and feed conversion rates and a low environmental footprint," said the report, co-authored by the FAO and Wageningen University in the Netherlands.

But the authors admitted that "consumer disgust remains one of the largest barriers to the adoption of insects as viable sources of protein in many Western countries".

Mueller said that brands such as yoghurt maker Danone and Italian alcoholic drinks maker Campari used dye from insects to colour their products.

It suggested that the food industry could help in "raising the status of insects" by including them in recipes and putting them on restaurant menus.

"Beetles, grasshoppers and other insects... are now showing up though on the menus of some restaurants in some European capitals," said Mueller, as she showed photo slides of crickets being used as decoration on top of high-end restaurant desserts.

The report also called for wider use of insects as feed for livestock, saying that poor regulation and under-investment currently meant it "cannot compete" with traditional sources of feed.

"The use of insects on a large scale as a feed ingredient is technically feasible, and established companies in various parts of the world are already leading the way," it added, highlighting in particular producers in China, South Africa, Spain and the United States.

"Insects can supplement traditional feed sources such as soy, maize, grains and fishmeal," it said, adding that the ones with most potential were larvae of the black soldier fly, the common housefly and the yellow mealworm.

The report also said the insects most commonly consumed by humans are beetles (31 percent), caterpillars (18 percent) and bees, wasps and ants (14 percent), followed by grasshoppers, locusts and crickets (13 percent).

The report said a total of 1,900 species of insects are consumed around the world.

It said trade in insects was thriving in cities such as Bangkok and Kinshasa and that a similar culture of insect consumption -- entomophagy -- should be established elsewhere, stressing that it was often cheaper to farm insects.

While beef has an iron content of 6.0 miligrams per 100 grams of dry weight, the iron content of locusts varies between 8.0 and and 20 miligrams per 100 grams, the report said.

It also said that insects require just two kilograms of feed to produce one kilogram of insect meat compared to a ratio of 8-to-1 for beef.

The report concluded: "History has shown that dietary patterns can change quickly, particularly in a globalised world. The rapid acceptance of raw fish in the form of sushi is a good example."

"Not everybody is ready to pop a bug in their mouth," Mueller said. "It will probably take a while. But some people are already doing it."

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When you do not feel peace, it is because you are choosing to be part of the illusion

Here in the spiritual realms we are enthusiastically observing the enormous and rapid progress humanity is making on its path of spiritual evolution. This has always been the divine Will, so your rapid progress was always expected. Nevertheless, it is indeed a joy to see it happening. The very intense work that you Light-bearers and wayshowers are doing as you address and release the issues that are coming up thick and fast for you, and for humanity generally, is being most effectively implemented, and all on Earth are benefiting due to your efforts.

This is a momentous time to be experiencing life as a human. Many are depressed, as they suffer or observe the suffering of others, and feel quite helpless . . . unable to experience any form of consolation themselves or to offer it to others. The suffering seems too grave, too deep for anyone to bear. But the darkness will lift because there is only the Light! Deep within yourselves is the path to joy, to glory, and it is inevitable that you find it and follow it, because it is your path, the path that you chose and prepared for yourselves before incarnating. Hold on to your faith, your knowing that there is only Love – and It will find you!

Feeling lost, abandoned, is a state of mind that hides the Light from you, because you search frantically for an outside light to assist you, to comfort you, and yet the Light you seek is always within you, patiently waiting for you to slow down and return to your center where everything you have ever sought is enfolded in the Love that is your core, maintaining you, cherishing you, and supporting you through all the dreams and nightmares that have terrified you, seemingly for so long.

You are not lost souls adrift in an ocean of darkness; you are brilliantly shining jewels in the divine field of Love that is God. In your fear and your anguish, which are intense because you have made the illusion so real for yourselves, you have chosen not to see the Light of your souls, that inextinguishable Flame that is the eternal Light of God within you. You are eternally and inseparably connected to the Source of all being, your heavenly Father, where all consciousness has its existence. When you do not feel the peace and the security of that truth it is because you are choosing to see and be part of the fearful illusions that your mind has invented on your command.

The process that humanity is now undergoing is the release of all those old and stale images – images produced eons ago when you played mindgames in which you inflicted intense pain and suffering on others as you chose the experience of separation from your Source in an insane attempt to prove to yourselves that you did not need Him, did not need anyone, were complete in yourselves, and that you could live happily, productively, and most successfully without Him.

He is Love, and you decided to invent the opposite, but there is no opposite. Love is all that exists. So you effectively enclosed yourselves in a sheath or cloud of darkness – another concept that is impossible to create – which hid Reality from you so that you could play your games. And in that darkness you found doubt, dread, and terror. At first it seemed that you could impose these horrors on others at no cost to yourselves, and you got a certain perverse sense of pleasure or satisfaction in doing so. But it quickly became apparent that in the illusion no one was safe, everyone was in jeopardy, and in every moment conflict was present as catastrophe waited to engulf you.

And yet you continued to seek safety in conflict, convincing yourselves that it was possible to destroy those whom you believed were out to destroy you, and by doing so restore the peace and order for which you yearned. Finally, you have realized that conflict inevitably leads to further conflict regardless of the intent with which it was entered into. It is becoming undeniably apparent that to engage in conflict is to engage in it endlessly. And so you have chosen, collectively, to awaken from the horrific nightmare, but because of your experiences you find it hard to release the attitudes and behaviors which for so long you have believed were essential for your safety and for the safety of your loved ones. Attitudes and behaviors which tie you firmly to the illusion.

Nevertheless, you have realized that you must release all that is unloving, all that is in opposition to the divine Will of your Father, because only Love has any validity, any Reality, and yet you fear . . . . That is why you are receiving such an abundance of help from those in the spiritual realms. Release of all that is not in alignment with Love is the essential step you must take to break free of the entanglements of the illusion, and we are here to help you release the fear that encourages you to hold on, and even attempts to persuade you not to let go.

Collectively you have made the choice to embrace Love, and to release the unreality that seemingly opposes It. You cannot fail in your endeavor because you are fully, nay infinitely, supported in your intent by God, Whose Will is never in doubt because It is always achieved. Prepare yourselves for joy to surpass all joy!

With so very much love, Saul.

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