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The cabin and the trees within it

Today I had an aha moment.
It all started with Omni's orange tree sharing.
In humble gratitude, thank you Omni.

It triggered within me a great memory...I am so in the now that I forget what happened a few days ago...
(time is different and so is the past,future is blank now...)
I have been negatively triggered for so long that to have a kickass fantastic one come my way...
well what can I say?
These are the kind of triggers I want, I am tired of the negative ones now.
Letting them go.

I have just returned from gorgeous Colorado where Mother Earth bathed soaked me...
no... drowned me in healing...
It's like she went within me.
Makes sense?

I went into a beautiful wood cabin.
I have never been in one before.
I always thought "dead trees"
And since I have always loved,loved,loved trees and felt their energy...I thought the energy would be horrible to me.
So I stayed away from them.

But I got no fear I knew it was a trigger,was in the know?
I went in.
A showroom by the side of a major hyway heading to the mountains.
I felt the trees.
I felt their laughter and joy.
They are happy to be houses!... for all I felt was peace and love.
It's a different kind of tree party...on the outside those souls experiencing protection from the elements,on the inside protecting with warmth and security...together making a home.

A different type of life chosen by those specific souls.
A collective consciousness with infinite teachings,especially about patience.
And let me tell you they got patience down...
Been around a long time those bigger trees...
Unable to change one thing about the winds that brought them to the place they were seeded.
And once seeded,gotta stand and take everything that life throws at you...

The logs in the house I was in...some were big, some were small.
It was the showroom.
I should have been hit by a million energies but I wasn't.
All I felt was peace and love.
All meshed into one feeling, the one I am a junkie for, that of the love of Source.

For they knew they were fully expressing that Love.
Expressing their life's joy,their love for life.
They consciously chose to do so it seemed to me.
As a collective.
I wish to be like that.

The trees,they are masters at living life.
And they are here,right in our backyard so to speak...waiting to share with us all their observations of life on this planet.
And yet they are already gone... : )

They gave me the most beautiful message of love today.
I will post that next...

So my beautiful family...try and go out in nature as much as you can.
Reconnect to Mother Earth.

I feel that's why I have felt so ungrounded.
Before I had been connected to the earth through the very strong negative grid.
But it holds no energy anymore.
Now it is easy to go through it, like fog...soon it will be pure air...
And it was between the soul of Gaia and me.

But now I am reconnecting back straight to Her.
And let me tell you she has a hot line to Source,physically through the sun...
And the sun?
Well, it has a hotline to the Central Sun...which has a hotline to the Omnisun,the Source of All that Is and is Not...
Pretty strong stuff.
It becomes one strong laser of Light...


By the way...the about a different kind of lesson...hahaha
(No wonder I have been so emotional this past week)
I was in the Mountains! say the least!! hahahaha
Just waiting to explode it seemed...which I did...
Sorry to those I might have scorched...
Patience and raw emotion pulling at me...still have to work on patience it seems...

Blessed are those who have mastered patience so they can live their life in joy.
And the deepest gratitude that they are here to help me master it too.
...Like the trees and the mountains and the oceans and the air we breathe...and all the animals and fishes and plants...
Oh wait! I guess I should just say all of Mother Earth....hehehe.

In Light and Love
Shine on my beautiful family.

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Moving Beyond Limitation


Part I


These times are so filled with the Love and Light of Source that everything you are thinking and feeling is being amplified and put into motion much more easily than in the past. We invite you to ask your Presence to assist you in establishing such a powerful inner witness that it will allow you to see with your mind and feel with your heart whether or not your current choices and ways of living are truly supporting your living in Unity Consciousness, or are they simply expanding the old domains of your ego? Now is the time to pay close attention to how you want to live, create, love and live without the need to keep supporting anything in your daily life that is out of harmony with your Presence. For, in essence, beloveds, you are being given the opportunity to use the energies of these times to create what you would NOW like to see manifested in your lives on the Earth.

Those within the Orders of Melchizedek

You are determining your future as well as the future of humankind. As emissaries of your own beloved Presence, you are being called to establish, maintain and deepen the harmonic resonance that exists on the spiritual levels between all forms of life. To move into Unity Consciousness, this resonance must first take place within your own being and within each of your relationships. We invite each of you to become a deeply discerning witness to the play of your ego. Just as the ego eventually became a powerful influence over the mind, it became equally established within the emotional or feeling nature of nearly all human beings until nearly everyone forgot how to experience true spiritual intimacy or to live in authentic unconditional love. When the feminine, naturally loving feeling nature of the human being collapsed into the demands of the ego, an age of darkness ensued and only now are the veils of that age being lifted.

Love is the door and the only true entrance for moving yourselves into Unity Consciousness. As the foundational key to your next Golden Age, the love that is seeded within your heart and maintained within the higher feeling capacity of your Divine Feminine nature cannot be denied. For this level of your consciousness resides within both men and women and it must be nourished and supported during these transitional times. It can no longer be hidden in the closet like some unwanted child, for this precious part of yourself holds the key to your liberation!

Discover what truly nourishes you and makes you feel good beyond just the temporary pleasures of your world. Find out how to sustain your connection with the unlimited feeling nature of your Divine Feminine while being willing to look at any undercurrents that may be motivating you to remain in pain or separation from your Presence and the eternal joy that is the natural estate of your True Self. This is not asking you to eliminate the external, temporary pleasures of the ego, yet rather to embrace them for their temporariness.

Your ascension is inevitable; however, your conscious participation can greatly assist this happening now with ease and grace, rather than sometime or lifetime in the future. Being present within both the expanded mind of your Divine Masculine and the expanded heart of your Divine Feminine will assist you in moving out of the play of the limited ego.

We remain in gratitude for your ongoing willingness to live as your Beloved Presence upon the Earth at this magnificent time of your great awakening into the Self you truly are, both individually and collectively. You are truly the builders of your new Golden Age of Freedom and when each of you removes your support from any of the old ways founded in fear, lack, duality and separation, then they will simply fall away since it is only your attention and belief that has given them their reality.

Go forth and nourish only that which you truly want to see manifested for the good of all life, and then keep your attention only on THAT! You have the support of all of us in the ascended realms to once again manifest a new Golden Age on your Earth. You came into the world during your present cycle because it is within your Divine Blueprint to be a part of this grand manifestation and we are all dedicated to supporting you until living in Unity Consciousness becomes as natural to those of you on Earth as it is to those of us living in the ascended realms.

When you practice seeing the Presence in every situation and in all those you meet along the way, you will find that there is only the Divine in action and all else is illusion based on the temporary play of the ego.

To assist you in moving beyond limitation and manifesting your life as your True Self, we in the Ascended Realms are bringing forth 2013: Creating Your New Life and Manifesting AS Your Enlightened Presence. We invite you to join us. 

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By Merideth Murphy
Recognition of Where You Are
February dawns and we begin to realize where we really are: we're in the middle, each of us emerging into the new in perfect time. We're in the middle of bridging the old into the new. In the middle of crossing from one reality into another. in the middle of downloading and integrating all that is taking place, and all we've summoned.
We're in a moment of releasing ourselves to the wisdom of SOUL, recognizing that it is Soul--the expansive aspect encompassing the continuum of our own being, which is wisely orchestrating our participation in this here, this now. Rather then feeling this Soul as something separate, outside of us, dictating--mysteriously--this moment, that moment, we are beginning to remember that Soul flows forth animating this experience and we are learning the dance of this sentience.
The incredible dance of conscious, multidimensional collaboration with All-That-Is, in the form of our fully realized, most expansive, inclusive self--as Soul.
We're still connected to the old because we bridge from it into the new. We're continuing to release, to reclaim the fullness of our energies, and we've encountered one of the first conundrums of the New Reality: how do we concentrate in a new bandwidth of frequency, fully present, while not shutting down the expansiveness and freedom that's here and also that's still unfolding?
It's sinking in that we're on the other side of the completion of a major cycle in existence. The disappointment of the 2012 prophecies, and/or the subsequent joy of noticing the subtle energies have become a bit more familiar now and the process is deepening.
Everyone awake can feel that big changes have happened, but they're still coming forth in terms of meaning and understanding. The re-interpretation of the disappointment has helped some of us realize that subtler energies aka higher frequencies, in abundance were never going to show up in our lives with the explosiveness and fireworks some felt sure to happen and which we ourselves we may have anticipated at least on one day in particular.
We've let go of that wish for an explosive ending ushering in the new beginning, and perhaps we've even realized the gift in this pacing--more gentle, more easy to assimilate, less "frying" for lack of a better work <smile> and begun to allow ourselves to notice what has changed. This invites us into a elaborated relationship with self-trust and self-knowing; as we claim what we know, our vibration rises and our empowerment increases.
Our innate wisdom can narrate our journey for us if we can tune in, slow down and be present enough to listen. Of course, then we also have to trust what we hear. This new and most vital conversation, which opens up an awareness of our own ability to hear and trust ourselves, is a key in making the passage into higher consciousness--it's our compass.
To find our way once we're over the pass and into the promise land, we'll have to use a method of knowing, of aligning and of orienting, moment to moment, that is reliable and true. This can only be achieved through our inner connection. So even if we're in a new land, the ability to understand and make choices in this new landscape will only create a different experience to the degree we're able to let ourselves tune to this newness and orient with our inner heart-centered compass which is multidimensional and entrained to the rhythms and current of Cosmic Consciousness.
The Pass to Higher Consciousness
The ascent over the pass and arrival into a new dimensional domain of higher consciousness left us spent, exhausted and barely able to celebrate this incredible accomplishment. In addition to being very tired still, many of us experienced a feeling of not even sure how to celebrate anymore.
The meaning-void in which we arrived was so foreign, so unexpected and yet ironically, so liberating in it's refusal to dictate our experience, creating a void in which only we could create. For much of January this energy felt expansive, yet thick and unclear, and in that our old ways of establishing our structure in new beginnings feel flat and useless. It simply, to our Soul-relief, did not work.
Truth is, this is all a blessing and an indicator. A blessing in that it places us outside of our history, frees us from our prior creative patterns and modalities to live truly in the present, empowered and whole. It's also an indicator that we're in new lands, vibrationally. Lands, or domains, bands of frequency literally where things that worked somewhere else don't work here, a confirmation that stuff is different fundamentally even though on some levels of perception it still may look or feel similar.
As we begin to absorb the reality that we really have the option to live in this new domain of being, we're not necessarily comforted. Instead what arises is something we have perhaps touched earlier in life but which is nonetheless daunting. And for those who never encountered it until now, it's beyond intense; it's terrifying. We're introduced to the terrifying freedom and spaciousness of being able to make our own meaning.
The Terrifying Freedom and Spaciousness of the New Reality
One thing we never anticipated was the intensity of these subtle, higher vibrational energies of love meeting our memories, our histories, our existing consciousness patterns and our associations with all of these fields of information and energy and the patterns they created.
There was a blessings in dying,literally--physically--and being re-born into higher forms and states of consciousness in our human history: you came in with a clear slate. It's immensely disorienting and intense to release yourself from your own bounds of imprisonment and limitation and to re-establish your conscious relationship with reality. To create your own Map of the New Reality. This is, of course, what you did once already in this lifetime.
But there is no familiarity with living a life as an adult human with the same disorienting beginner status typically reserved for small infants or young children. Remind yourself of this when you want to lie down and are longing for comfort, but remain aware that you are gifted right now with an amazing opportunity: the chance to map the territory of meaning and life on Earth as a human being, the the dawn of the new golden age. Don't rush, don't use other people's insights, harvest everything at stake here by orienting through and with yourself.
The Challenge
The metaphysical and existential fear of realizing you create your own meaning is something most humans avoid. Despite the longing in all of us, innate, for freedom, the actual experience is more overwhelming then anticipated. I remember earlier in life in my 30's when my own religious beliefs dissolved over a series of experiences, insights, releases and new concepts of understanding existence and reality.
The idea that there was not a particular "purpose" that I needed to find within myself and then express shook me to the core. I understood that who I am includes innate qualities, yes, but that what I did with them didn't have a prescription that I needed to discovered and then followed. This shift was a formidable realization to integrate. It took me several years to get even get used to this knowledge being part of my life. Even then, I didn't live this truth to the fullness of it's potential--it was simply too overwhelming to attempt, much less accomplish.
I was happy having more freedom than I had before and used what was easy to access and which answered immediate drives for expression with a resounding, "Yes!" In hindsight now, I see that these existential insights and the accompanying challenge prepared me for now. They were a foreshadowing which tempered me for now, and I thank the wisdom of my Soul for this baptism, preparing me for this now moment. Even so, re-experiencing a much more elaborate version of this clear slate and incredible freedom has created a sense of elation, disorientation and even waves of depression for me as I sit in my "not knowing-ness" or what I think of as the meaning-void.
Gradually I am finding an authentic way to respond to this, as many of us are. I am opening myself to the deeper meaning of this insight now that the the New Reality has opened within my perception and on Earth. It is from a willingness to tap this deeper current of our lives that we open to the deeper feelings, deeper insights, deeper knowings and ultimately the deeper truth, the ability to align spherically across many dimensions…THIS is what we aspired to and summoned. I try to remind myself of this when the challenge feels intense and I want ease and comfort.
Your Relationship to Not Knowing
To play in the New Reality is not for the faint of heart. There will be many who we thought would come with us, who we always wanted the best for, who may stay put, waving to us from afar, choosing to live as they have, or perhaps as I did in the past--taking some strides into more stretched-out versions of life, but not yet ready to embrace their freedom as fully as it is being offered. This is more than okay--it's divinely orchestrated.
Some people will simply die, and with their death, de-energize old patterns from our collective current and gradually life on Earth will transform. Some will harvest what they wish to and that may mean continuing to play in the old game because there is still learning and healing, wholeness and insight to be gleaned there. This deep connection with Soul that arises from awakening is pushing and pulling all of us, regardless of how we're currently oriented. Trust. The departure of some will allow the light to buoyantly surface.
The continual harvest of others will create deeper pathways of awakening. And some of us are actively, courageously exploring and calling forth this expansion on the leading edge. Embrace all ways we're playing. Transparency and authenticity are clearly themes in the New Reality, yet living in this way requires a present-moment focus and choices that arises from that awareness, not from a target or goal "figured out" or chosen because it sounds or looks good or which someone else chose or which we used to want. Archangel Michael in his most recent message reminds us, "You ARE the Blueprint: Let Go and Be You."
Meaning--don't look for or create a blueprint for how to live, let your own innate structure be made manifest harmonically and energetically. The only way to do this is by showing up to live deeply and allowing your presence to accumulate and through this accumulation and relationships, seeing ourselves and experiencing ourselves more deeply. You willingness to live life in your own comfortable version of the relationship to "not knowing" is your way of perfectly participating in this now, and helping to establish the New Direction for life on Earth.
Knowing Ourselves through Relationship
As you show up, choosing over and over to live with a sustained awareness of the New Reality, you discover who you are in relationship to others. Abraham-Hicks reminds us often that contrast and our relationship with others, "makes you, you." We need each other in order to have a sense of what and who we are.
The contrast allows our uniqueness to be visible. Realize that the "others" might be people, relationships, situations, trees, animals, memories, that this takes many forms, but nevertheless it is through the combination of our individuated human perspective and all that we encounter that we wake up to who we are. Gradually we'll learn to participate in the New Reality in ways that are built upon our authentic expression, our true being, our freedom and the empowerment that is our true nature.
For those of us who came here, choosing to live through the pass over into the "promised land" this bridging of one experience to the next is a unique and challenging aspect of our ascension and divine embodiment as higher frequency humans. We came here to create the New Human from within the construct of physical form and while changing the very landscape and bodies in which we live and are focused. It's a different experience than those being born now into this new potential. We have to unlearn our old ways and patterns, and open to new ones, experiencing all that comes with such a fundamental metamorphosis.
Discovering & Releasing Attachments to Structure, Patterns & Vestiges of Identity
Despite being in new terrain, and Earth clearly having completed the transit, we're still going to discover and release structure, patterns and other vestiges of our old identity. That is because evolution is ongoing, even if the vibrational shift for the planet has now taken place.
Like all transitions there is a middle ground and like all of evolution there are tipping points and quieter moments, but the essence is ongoing dynamic change. We also know from life that we don't go from the old right into the new, when there is an ending. There is always a transition space, that typically is an uncomfortable time of standing in the middle of the road--not in the old, not yet in the new. We're actually bridging one reality to the next and with this, we'll eventually, I hope, entirely drop the associations with the bridging at some point.
I'm 50 now and I'm not sure how long this will take or if it will even happen entirely in this life experience. It may. It may not. I have to be honest and comfortable with my own not-knowing to live honestly within the New Paradigm, participating fully and letting my life stream be part of creating the New Reality. This means honestly acknowledging that this is a process, and my joyful frequency is best served by pacing myself as suits my own unique life.
Every experience I have of expansion, releases more of the bridge from the old. My comfort with freedom grows as I learn to live in not-knowing and allow myself to choose without winnowing my choices into duality: one being better than another. As I learn to live without the story of duality, without a program, a pattern, a project, a goal, being used to give my life identity, to create or define who I am, I open to the potential that I simply am valuable as I am. From this I allow myself to consider that what matters to me matter because I matter. At this intersection of meaning and truth, I can fully be all I came here to be.
I allow myself to use projects or ways I'm focused as expression--without some idea that they need to be perfect, but with a realization that they are perfect--they are what they are, which is intrinsically valuable. Things I do love and find beautiful are important because I am important--a vital aspect of Creation. It's as simple as that. This is a very different frame of reference than our old ideas of making ourselves beautiful, meaningful, valuable or even spiritual, because of doing, seemingly through accomplishments, with beliefs, because of "enlightened ideas" or behaviors.
To embrace that all of life is spiritual and shift into Unity is to move beyond this labeling of things and to let the old fall away. The truth of being--that each perfect expression of Source Energy here on Earth, including ME, is doing exactly what is needed for the evolution and delight of our soul--can then shift us into the expansive freedom available. We can brave this freedom with the support of one another, the wisdom of our Soul connection and in this newness we can begin to see just how far we can let ourselves go into that spaciousness and creativity and bless that--not needing it to be different. Letting ourselves do this our own way.
Our Ability and Our Willingness to Expand Our Comfort with Freedom will Grow
As we begin this deep, new, conversation we can take notice of our ability and our willingness to expand our comfort with this freedom and our trust that it will grow. Can we feel this? Can we allow this to comfort us and give us boldness and strength? Do we deeply know that this growth is natural and it's the momentum of life on Earth?
I invite you to consider that this unfolding is already happening, that we don't have to work at it, we just learn to relate to it with a willingness to let it evolve and develop. We give ourselves a break--letting ourselves use old patterns which give comfort and some sense of stability, as we need to--so we can stretch and open more and more to the newness.
Because we love ourselves so much. Because we know we can't screw this up. Because we know it's all perfect. Because of these deep truths, we let ourselves grow into this incredible spaciousness and freedom at a pace that feels right to each of us. We don't compare, we simply allow. We let ourselves be who we are right now--without some idea of needing to maintain consistency, yet realizing that a certain amount of consistency is familiar and comforting to ourselves and so we let ourselves experiment with all of this from a place--an ongoing place--of not knowing.
Empowering Approach: Live as a Creator. Revise Reality, Continuing to Make Our Experiences More Beautiful
In embracing our newness, we might find that one particular mode that supports our participation in the light coming, expanding, grounding and elevating, is to simply live as a curious, confident, can't-go-wrong, creator.
Although we may not feel this way in every moment, we can embrace the idea that we are a Creator, a natural expression of Source energy which gives form through focus and expression through information and structuring reality and return to it when we lose our way. We do this by choosing. By envisioning. With all the many ways we use our awareness to amplify, inform and build energy.
Claim Your Re-birth by Allowing Innocence, Hope, Idealism and Interest to Expand.
In the realization of our innocent child-like newness with things, we can allow empower ourselves and claim the truth our our re-birth by allowing innocence, hope, idealism and interest to expand. We can notice where we have passion and feel natural drive toward life. We can orient to these areas of interest and let these qualities expand.
We can give up being bored, which comes from habit and not being present, and instead remember how to be engaged, involved, how to step off the sidelines and participate. We can reclaim our interest in life and our enthusiasm. We can reflect on our experiences noticing how interested we were and how interesting everything feels to us. In relationships, we can meet one another curious and attentive, empowering sharing, connection, love expressed as attention. We can meet our own lives following the juiciness into expansion and as an impetus for creativity.
In this willingness to embrace our Creator-God Nature, we begin, in fact, to move in Unity with the current of our shared experience on this new Earth. We join in the process of setting the new direction and seeding the New Reality. You are doing this anyway. Why not make a conscious choice about how you're broadcasting and participating in the co-creation of life?
We can choose to contribute our sensibility plugged in and turned on, juiced up: harmonics of uplifted focus and form. Each time we have an experience that we love, we can really take notice. Each time we have an experience that we didn't love, we can choose differently. We can also pause for a moment and envision how it might be more beautiful. How we wish it would go. We can let our own preferences for the tonality and sensibility of expression shape life.
Each time we meet one another we can do so with an awareness that we might glimpse our unity in this connection, that we might feel and know the expansive diversity of our own wholeness. That we might have an experience which can grow our ability to allow our self, in all forms and versions, to have more freedom to be as we are without resistance. We can remove resistance from the flow of life!
We can, as reflections of this wholeness and in our relationship to our-self, allow. As we re-orient to ease and courage, giving ourselves freedom and permission to evolve, change, experiment and play we move all of life into more freedom, our permission goes to everyone and anyone who can claim it will benefit. Not needing the stability to come from others or even increasingly from ourselves let's us feel more playful and have more fun. Putting to the test the abundance of life by learning to rely totally on the inner compass for assuring our well-being and resources allows us to discover our Unity in a profound visceral way.
The Big Picture: Empowering the Continuum of Our Being Life is mean to be joyful. That is the essence of what amplifies our energy and grounds more light into this sphere of reality. In our joy we empower our Soul to transmit the essence of our being more fully into our human form. We empower the continuum of our being to express more fully in our human form.
We evolve the potential of intelligent life in human form on Earth creating new opportunities for participation throughout the Omni-verse and create wave upon wave of upliftment as we allow proliferation of our expression in new ways and the joyful awareness of this creativity.
In our willingness to embody these higher frequencies we initiate a direct conversation with our own relationships to freedom, power and and spaciousness. We are drawn into challenging new experiences that summon the courage and permission needed to let our identity go and let our way of being accumulate into a new-found presence in the New Reality. We create this reality which summons us then and supports us into, more wholeness. This quantum unfolding is brilliant, amazing and we're in the midst it all.
Realize that we will not do this at the same pace. It will happen for each of us as our energy evolves. What we're in vibrational relationship to, in resonance or harmony with, we will perceive, have access to and experience. Life and our experience of it is fluid. We will flow based on our focus and frequency and we will learn to embrace the freedom of choice available to us as well as the openings within each band of frequency which are so subtle and yet so broad we have not yet oriented to them in their fullness.
The diversity of experience is actually deepening and accelerating spherically in many directions all at once! Likewise, the breadth of your consciousness, your largeness, is "begging" to be acknowledged and set free.
You are not a singular thing to be expressed in a single identity. You are HUGE!
You are a vast, multidimensional field of light, expressed through human form in increasingly complex ways that are rich, unique, informed and capable. Allow yourself to have "many lives" within this one life. Perhaps you might begin by letting yourself soak all this up and consider that it's true, it's awesome and it's all going well. Notice how you continually let yourself have more freedom to choose without the duality of judgment narrating what's right or wrong, better or worse…notice when it's just your moment to moment preference making decisions, and celebrate!
Recognize these moments as you being a little more grounded in the New Reality and that in doing so, you release a little of the bridge and shift a little more into the new. Celebrate! Encourage yourself with love and a sense of the timeless journey of evolution and expansion you're coming into a greater understanding of and experience with. Know that the perfection of your journey and your choices is creating this experience for everything and everyone.
Allow yourself to not know what is happening when you feel that way and to deepen your ability to enjoy that. That is the key to your freedom.
The shift into a new state of consciousness, collectively, is underway.
It's uncharted territory, which is good--because it's constantly changing anyway, so a map would be obsolete quickly. And you, are connected to it all, creating it and playing with it from within and as the wholeness it is, all at once. What's happening is beyond conception so just feel your way into things.
Realize whatever map-like understanding of the New Reality is being created for you, by you, as you, day to day. Moment to moment. You'll discover what in this new domain is persistent and fundamental, and what is fluid and open to change and choice. You'll discover your favorite way of relating to this new "place" of being and what you love most, what's more challenging what's less interesting and how and where you wish to focus. As in all spheres of perception and experience, your focus and your frequency establish your standards for experience.
There is a perfect way to participate and be in alignment moment to moment and we know this by listening and feeling ourselves. This true way of being accumulates into an experience of presence which empowers our Soul to expand, be more aware of itself and through this collaboration, life unfurls into more LOVE.
Your feelings, sensations, insights, way of relating to yourself and all that is your life, is how you are establishing the New Reality--with your energy and your presence. Participate in the Light coming? You're doing it. If you wish to more intentionally engage, simply intend to become more present to you. With joy and love, and so happy to be here with you,
I AM Meredith
© 2009-2012, Meredith Murphy. All rights reserved. You are absolutely welcome to share and distribute this content with others as you feel guided. Please make sure to keep the integrity of this article by including the author & source website link. Permissions for use in print, media or other ways may be requested from by emailing
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The "Disclosure" Campaign is a Trap of Ego

 (True Disclosure is When You Open Up To the Divine Truth Within YOU) ~ Simon Nightstarr ~ February 3rd, 2013

By Simon NightStarr
The "disclosure" campaigns are truly organized by some of the most brave seekers of Truth on your planet, yet these campaigns are greatly distorted by the ego as well, for they rely heavily upon the actions of "others," such as politicians and government officials to "disclose the truth." The "truth" that most of you that wait for disclosure ask for is merely outside validation that your ego is "right." In other words, often you would rather be "right" than be HAPPY! You await the day when you can say, "I knew it! I told you so! You see, I was right about that!" You desperately want your ego to be validated in order for you to feel better. This is the TRAP of the disclosure movements. The ego knows that as long as it dangles the carrot of "disclosure" in front of you that it has you in its control, and you blindly follow along thinking "Someday... Someday," instead of being grounded in the Eternal Now. Once you hop onto the disclosure bandwagon, you are often in for a bumpy ride, and Divine Self sees nothing at all wrong with this choice, for it is a valid way for Truth-seekers to be more actively involved in their spiritual growth. However, sooner or later it is seen how futile it is to hope and wait for "others" to somehow enlighten the masses. The great irony of the disclosure campaigns is that THEY are the ones that are "enlightening" the masses with their information, not the government officials.
The greatest conspiracy is not one that was created by any secret government that you are aware of, but rather it is a Conspiracy of Illumination that is created by Divine Government, in which your Higher Selves, Angels and many Beings of Divine Light work day and night to help you AWAKEN from the egoic sleep of separation from God that you are dreaming of.
True disclosure is when you open up to the Divine Truth that is within YOU! It is when YOU decide to come forth with the Truth. It is when YOU step up to the plate and accept responsibility for YOUR OWN ENLIGHTENMENT. It is always the ego that desperately wants to "enlighten" the masses, the world, with its twisted interpretations of Truth. Your Higher Self is not desperate. It gently seeks to awaken you, going at your own pace, never forcing, never "campaigning" for your vote or for your support, nor for others to join It so that It feels better about Itself. The desperate approach is how the ego seeks your attention, NOT how your Higher Self operates, and the disclosure campaigns are riddled with feelings of desperation, waiting and hoping for SOMEONE ELSE, some "authority," to step forward and make an "official" declaration. This is why Mahatma Gandhi advised that you "Be the change that you wish to see in the world." Indeed, the disclosure campaigners are among those who are truly BEING the change, yet the cosmic joke is that they very often forget this and contradict themselves when they insist that "others" (such as their governments) must admit the "truth" that they want revealed to the world. This is a very naive, unrealistic attitude that creates much internal stress and suffering. No one "owes" you anything, dear seekers of Truth! No one has robbed you of your joy, of your Truth, but yourselves.
Beware those channeled messages that continue to claim that "disclosure is imminent!" I am not saying that such people are doing it only to promote their own human agendas, selling "snake oil" to make money, for they are indeed being contacted by Divine Intelligences that desire to assist humanity in its greater enlightenment. It is just that the majority of these channelers are so focused on the "external world," such as political and economic concerns, that they often neglect their own obvious spiritual truths. These types of channelings, such as the NESARA messages, are very much like "manic depressive channelings," where there is often so much talk of love and joy in them, which is contradicted by the sense of desperation that the channeler has for "others" (such as government officials) to "disclose the truth," enact new laws, etc. Such channelers feel victimized by their federal governments, yet often wear smiles and speak of love and joy. I ask such seekers of Truth to be more honest with themselves, first and foremost, and be more willing to forgive THEMSELVES instead of waiting, waiting, waiting for "disclosure" and other such events. Many of these channelers figure that as long as they keep saying that disclosure is just about to happen, that sooner or later they will be "correct" when an actual "official government disclosure" of some sort occurs.
Dear Truth-seekers, true enlightenment is not about the masses knowing who assassinated John F. Kennedy, or who really orchestrated the destruction of the Twin Towers on September 11, 2001, or that your governments are well aware that extraterrestrials exist and have even been contacted by them. Yes, these revelations would help people be more discerning, but they are not necessary in order for YOU to feel spiritually empowered and able to "be the change," to be the miracle. Such human "truths" are subjective, relative, trivial and illusory; they are not Spiritual Truth. Know the difference! REAL Truth is found within Divine Self, and nowhere else. Even if—and when—major "disclosures" come, you will find that you are not really happy or satisfied with these "facts" that come to light. Even if NESARA law was enacted, you would find that most people would not feel genuinely prosperous.True, long-lasting joy and prosperity come from your connection to your Higher Self, and never through politics. I ask that you be more willing to remove your politicians from the pedestals that YOU have placed them upon, and see them as EQUALS, as neither above nor beneath you, and send your Bushes and Obamas love, appreciation and deep spiritual support for playing the deceptive roles such "leaders" from a Soul level have agreed to play. A figure-head is not a leader. Your Higher Self is your True Leader!
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By Suzanne Lie, PhD

Mytre Speaks:
Mytria and I arrived at our next meeting in the holosuite wearing our lower-fifth dimensional Pleiadian bodies. The Arcturian was more than ready for us and instantly said, “Have you learned from your expanded consciousness that reality is relative to your state of consciousness? You may have thought that you needed time and space to put it all together, but now you have experienced that time and space morph and shift with each plane and sub-plane of every dimension. Hence, each reality presents its specific version of time and space according to its resonance and according to your state of consciousness.”
“Therefore, in order to grasp an all-encompassing version of reality, you will need to expand your consciousness beyond the need for form. This expansion of consciousness beyond even the form of a Lightbody is what you experienced in our last meeting. It is only through a formless state of consciousness that you can clearly perceive that time and space are specific to each version and frequency of reality.”
“We ask you to again expand your consciousness into your true, formless state of swirling energy. You will find that the more you have this experience, the easier it will be to understand it. Hence, please surrender into a repeat venture into your swirling pattern of Light. Remember that this expression of your SELF is the predecessor of your current expression. Thus, you are not creating this version of your SELF. Instead, you are acknowledging that this YOU infinitely exists and is always available for you to Surrender INTO. Therefore, let us now return to our swirling patterns of light…”
Mytria and I again observed as the Arcturian released its translucent shell and returned to its true expression. Again, we were quickly absorbed into this energy field like two small clouds blending into a larger one. At first, we only experienced the Arcturian’s energy, but soon we could feel our own swirling energy patterns. Mytria and I were so completely linked that I can speak of her experience as if it were my own. This time I realized that Mytria and I had very similar, yet slightly different, energy patterns.
“Your energies are so similar because you are Divine Complements. Hence, each of your patterns augment that of your Complement’s,” the Arcturian telepathically responded to my observation. “In fact, as you become accustomed to this expression of your Beingness, you will realize that every Being’s pattern is slightly different. This phenomenon is similar to Earthly snowflakes. However, the difference between each snowflake is not evident until they are observed on an atomic level.”
“We of the worlds beyond form can perceive the minute differences between our friends and companions within the ONE because our perceptions are both multidimensional and quantum. Hence we can perceive into the quantum world, as well as the Source worlds of the eleventh and twelfth dimensions. However, just as you must expand your consciousness to perceive our world, we must expand our consciousness to perceive the Source worlds.”
“We would like to display for you a picture of how your entire Galaxy, as well as other surrounding Galaxies, are expanding into higher expressions. These Galaxies are advancing their primary state of consciousness into the higher-fifth dimension and beyond. This expansion allows all the higher expressions of reality to also advance into higher frequencies, as well. For example, we Arcturians who have primarily resonated to the eighth through tenth dimensions are expanding our primary resonance into the Source of the eleventh and twelfth dimensions.”
“We are all shifting into higher expressions of our SELF. Just as you can also maintain a physical form while your primary resonance is the mid-and-higher fifth dimension, we Arcturians can still commune with our Ascended Ones from the eleventh through twelfth dimensions. However, you will eventually release most of your attention from the third and fourth dimensions, and we will gradually diminish our attentiveness of beings in the fourth and lower fifth dimensions.”
As I was receiving the Arcturian’s message, I could feel Mytria and I blending completely into ONE energy pattern of swirling light. We each had our own Divine Spark, much like the proton and the electron of an atom, but WE were fully merged into one “atom.” It was very comforting to feel how our feminine energy intermingled completely with our masculine energy. In fact, we experienced our SELF as being androgynous with perfect balance between our inflow/feminine and outflow/masculine expressions.
As ONE Being we observed as infinite swirling lights entered our perception. They were all ONE with us and with each other, yet each swirl had its own Divine Spark. As we communed with these Swirling Beings we felt a sensation of ever-escalating expansion, as the Swirls, including our own, extended their energy field into higher and higher frequencies of reality.
Within the NOW of the ONE we extended our consciousness into realities that were far beyond our former perceptions. Yet, all these realities had specific expressions of cosmic life. We were amazed at the variety of creation that lived beyond the conceptualizations of a being encompassed by form. We tried to remember every world that flowed around and even through us. However, we knew that a brain or even a mind could not contain this information.
Instinctively we knew that we could only partake in this emergence of variation within unity and inspired manifestations of life while in this state of consciousness. We now understood what the Arcturian had said about time and space, as it did not exist within this resonance. There was only the Infinite NOW and the Sensation of HERE. We had no desire to want change, yet all life wafted in and out of differing patterns of light.
Each pattern created a unique sensation, which we knew would have short-circuited our body, if we were wearing one. We had no curiosity or questions, as within our ever-changing swirl every question was answered before we could ask it. We flowed through different energy fields as they flowed through us. Just as the Arcturian had said, each Swirl of energy had a signature frequency that always felt familiar.
Then, suddenly our Swirl began to move away, and we knew that the Arcturian was teaching us a more advanced form of bi-location. Thus, we settled into the movement, which was simultaneously the stillness. Within this state of consciousness, all polarities were united into ONE, and we could simultaneously live every alternative and parallel choice. Through this experience we came to realize the true meaning of the ONE, and knew that the Oneness was completely natural and totally normal.
All of our old conceptions of reality were being released into a cohesive package of KNOWING. The sensations of bliss and unconditional love continuously flowed through our Beingness. Whenever a surge of bliss, love and total illumination begin to subside, a new swell would move into our consciousness like a wave on a planetary beach.
Oh, I thought of a world of form, and with that thought, we began to come down from the heights beyond heights. Mytria and I slowly flowed into two, yet totally connected, expressions of our one SELF. I heard my “I statement” and instantly missed being “we.” I felt Mytria’s agreement, but we both knew that we could no longer maintain that resonance.
“Yes,” spoke the Arcturian “That is enough for now. We suggest that you go back to your quarters and meditate together. In this manner, you can assist each other to deeply understand your joint experience.” With the close of that short communication, the Arcturian beamed away, likely back to its true Swirling Energy of SELF.
Mytria and I, now expressed as two separate, humanoid bodies, decided to take the long walk back to our quarters. We both knew that we needed to get grounded. In fact, we even stopped at the group Mess Hall, thinking that a hot drink and some food might make it easier to accept that we were again limited to a seemingly, old fashioned model of our SELF.
We both smiled at that description of what we once thought of as a very sleek lower-fifth dimensional form. As we walked up to the door to the Mess Hall, we realized how one experience could change the way we thought about everything in our life. Coming to a familiar place and greeting our friends was exactly what we needed.
In fact, we spent the remainder of that “day” enjoying the camaraderie of people with whom we had shared many experiences. In fact as we were leaving, a large group of friends from a Pleiadian convoy entered the Mess Hall. Of course we had to visit with them too, so we drank Pleiadian tea and a drink much like human’s beer late into the night.
Finally, Mytria and I returned to our quarters wondering about the amazing “coincidence” that our friends would arrive just before our mission to the timeline of the Ascending Pleiades. Did the Arcturian know about this, we wondered? Of course, we smiled. Was there anything that the Arcturian did not know? Laughing, we shed our uniforms and slipped into our bed. We went straight to sleep and immediately entered a dream; or was it a different reality?
We both blinked our eyes, wondering if we were sharing a dream or another inter-dimensional adventure. “Is there a difference?” we thought simultaneously, then looked at each other and laughed. Since our blending into ONE consciousness, we often had the exact thought at the same time. It appeared that our blending into ONE consciousness was a predecessor to blending into ONE form.
Either way, we found ourselves in a reality, which was totally unfamiliar. It was as if this reality was “in-between” where we were and where we were going. It was denser than the Akashic Membrane, but largely without form. “This is a bit disconcerting,” I complained. “I wish there was some differentiation between land and sky.”
Instantly, a distant horizon appeared and a cloud-filled sky was above us. Mytria looked at me with a twinkle in her eye and said, “I wish there was a huge tree with a still pond just before it.” Immediately, a tree and pond appeared before us. We walked over to the tree and found that it was dense to the touch with a rough surface. In fact, we both got sticky sap on our fingers. We went to the still pond to wash our hands and found the water warm and very inviting.
Within the same moment, we both jumped into the pool. Indeed, the water had a glorious feeling. We both had the impression that we could breath this water, so I tried it first and found it very enjoyable. Then, Mytria began to breathe the water as well, and smiled at the experience. We did not try to talk underwater because the water seemed to create an intense telepathic link between us.
This link was so strong that when Mytria mused, “I wonder where we are?” the very water seemed to answer, “You are here, within our forming reality. We are a reality that is in the process of being created. Hence, all of us Elementals are awaiting the thoughts of a Core Being to create a matrix upon which we can blend our forms.”
“A Core Being?” Mytria and I both queried.
“Oh yes,” explained the water, “A Core Being is a Being from Source. We are aware that we Elementals are components of Source, but we cannot remember coming from Source. We recognized your swirling energy patterns and knew that you have newly arrived from Source.”
Mytria and I looked at each other in surprise. Is that what we had experienced? Had we actually experienced a connection with Source? However, there was no answer as the Water Elemental was asking us to go out and create a matrix for the Earth, Fire and Air Elementals.
“We have been waiting for Beings such as you,” said the Water Elemental. We have been sent to assist with the formation of a new reality. We feel very honored to have been chosen to work in co-operation with the Core Beings to create a new world.”
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‘Beloved Archangel Gabriel and Archangel Hope, I call upon your loving presence to stand before me, enveloping me deeply in your unconditional love. As I receive and accept your love, support and brightly shining light I encourage my inner truth to become my outer truth unfolding from within my being.


Archangel Gabriel and Archangel Hope, I ask and allow you to pour your deeply loving energy into my entire being but specifically my heart chakra, as well as my planetary heart chakra, solar heart chakra, galactic heart chakra, universal heart chakra, multi universal heart chakra and my cosmic heart chakra. With your deeply pure angelic love I ask that my heart chakra is activated, awakened and expansively opened. My greatest wish and focus at this time is to connect with my heart chakra more fully, becoming one with my heart energy, with all that my heart provided and holds to assist me. I ask that my heart chakra is balanced, healed and that true clarity manifests so that my heart chakra is a crystal clear well of unconditional love.  Archangel Gabriel and Archangel Hope guide me and demonstrate to me how I may allow my heart chakra to be crystal clear with a powerful energy of clarity and truth.


Archangel Gabriel and Archangel Hope, I ask that you work with my soul to clear any confusion, misunderstanding and misconceptions that I may have about and towards myself and my heart chakra. Allow the energy or perspective that hinders me from viewing and understanding my heart chakra as a pure, clear well of truth, unconditional love and clarity. My heart chakra is divinely aligned, connected and at one with my soul, my heart chakra is a powerful source of guidance in my reality.


I no longer wish to walk my spiritual and physical path on the Earth blind to the guidance of my heart and soul. I no longer wish to experience blindness in my ability to see, listen and understand the divine and truthful guidance of my soul and heart chakra. My heart chakra is an expression of my soul, its guidance, wisdom and divine plan for me on the Earth. I now demand and choose to be at one with my heart chakra, listening, seeing, feeling and accepting all that is provided to me by my soul through my heart chakra.


Archangel Gabriel and Archangel Hope, working as one with my soul, heart chakra and my divine inner truth, please remove all blindness that doesn’t allow me to see the truth and clarity of my heart chakra and soul. Please remove all deafness that doesn’t allow me to hear and listen with crystal clear understanding to my heart chakra and soul. Please remove all energies and perspectives that inhibit me speaking, sharing and communicating the unconditional love of my soul and heart chakra. I no longer wish or choose to walk a pathway where I am constantly experiencing separation with my soul and heart chakra, I wish and choose to be at one with my soul and heart chakra, experiencing the divine guidance, voice, feelings and truth of my heart chakra and soul with crystal clear clarity so that each step, actions, decisions and thoughts I make and createare formed from a deep an d true knowingness, guidance and understanding within me.


I am completely and absolutely aware and conscious that it is now time for me to truly allow my entire being, energy systems and bodies, consciousness, chakras, mind and emotions to awaken to the truth of my being. More importantly it is divine timing that I now see, sense, acknowledge and accept my truth, inner guidance and clarity with ease in every moment of my reality. No longer am I surrounded in a mist of unknowingness, forgetfulness, illusion and confusion, I erase this consciousness and existence completely, choosing to accept myself as a being of truth, unconditional love and divine alignment with the constant ability to see, sense, listen, acknowledge and accept the guidance and clarity of my heart chakra and soul with complete ease in every present moment.


I now see,

I now listen,

I now acknowledge,

I now accept,

I now sense,

the truth, divine guidance and presence of my heart chakra and soul.


Beloved Archangel Gabriel and Archangel Hope, I ask you along with my heart chakra and soul to assist me in the most benevolent way. With deep gratitude.’


Beloved love beacons on the Earth; we come forward to you as the united consciousness and love energy of Archangel Gabriel and Archangel Hope. We deeply wished to share our invocation with you to support the development, constant awakening and discovery of your heart chakra. It is true that as a beacon and an example of the Creator’s love on the Earth that you can no longer walk or wander aimlessly, making decisions and choices from your desires, the mind or from habit. Now is the time to realise your heart chakra more fully and its divine purpose and role in your reality.  The word ‘aimlessly’ is extremely important because in the past you may not have experienced the aim, the driving force and the clear goal like energy that your heart holds of achieving what is appropriate and necessary. Now is the time to aim your energy from your heart as you aim your focus to the centre of your heart. It is time to attend to your heart chakra to remove the shields, mists and walls that may be hindering your sight and hearing so that you may connect more fully in oneness with your heart chakra and soul.


It is also essential to allow yourself to focus upon listening to everything around you as well as within you. There is an aspect of humanity that has become lazy and lacking in the skill and ability of listening. If you allow yourself to listen to the truth within and around your being you do not require any of your modern tools or technology to assist and support you in your reality. Allow yourself to listen to the universe of the Creator, all that you require, need and wish to understand is within the silence, the energy, the light and the love of the Creator’s universe. There is always an aspect of your being that is aligned and listening to the universe of the Creator but now this ability and natural instinct needs to be developed, enhanced and consciously experienced. By each person listening to the universe of the Creator you will consciously gather and manifest a conscio usness of wisdom, knowledge and understanding that allows you to illuminate and dissolve all aspects of reality that seem problematic, whether it is your personal reality or the reality you create with each soul on the Earth. Rather than drawing from your own perceptions, habits and thoughts to create the general consciousness of the Earth you could draw upon the wise consciousness in the universe of the Creator to filter into the general consciousness and general co-creations of humanity.


It is also appropriate to listen to the environment and people around you, often you are creating energies and attracting people into your reality and yet you are not listening to the messages that they are expressing energetically. Sometimes when you listen to the energies and people around you, even the environment of your home or work space you begin to notice harmony or disharmony. Maybe it can be as simple as certain colours are not serving you, or the vibration of people around you is trying to demonstrate to you certain areas where growth or attention is needed.


It is also a wonderful practice to listen to your inner energies, to listen to your outer environment and to listen to the universe of the Creator, observing free from judgment the similarities or differences that can be noticed. Remember that you are not completely listening with your physical ears but you are listening with your inner ears, akin your inner ability to sense or acknowledge, even your inner ability to know or understand. This can be achieved by retaining a space of peace, observation, alertness and awareness within your being. If you recall the last time someone read from a book out loud to you, even though your intention was to listen your mind may have been wandering with other thoughts, your emotions may have been processing unrelated feelings, you may not have been completely present, observing and connected to the person reading and the words being expressed. Mayb e afterwards you couldn’t even remember what was said. If you had allowed yourself to be fully present at that moment you would have heightened your experiences and would also be able to recall or replay all that you had understood and experienced. The process of focus and allowing yourself to be present and observing allows you to listen on many energetic levels in order to gain guidance from within, your heart, your soul, environment, people and the Creator’s universe. With the ability of listening, seeing, sensing your own heart chakra and the heart chakra of each person with clarity and truth a greater presence of love will manifest into the Earth’s reality for all to experience. The love experienced will be your creation, anchoring and manifestation. Each action, step, thought, process and reaction that you take influences the ascension of your own being and that of humanity so it is appropriate that you allow yourself to truly listen on a deeper level to all that is within and around you, then with discernment and inner knowingness choosing the steps and actions that you wish to take.


When we say listen we mean listen with your senses, listen to the energy or energetically.


With deep unconditional love,

Archangel Gabriel and Archangel Hope

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Telekinesis Documentary FULL

Telekinesis Documentary FULL
Published on 2 Oct 2012

Psychokinesis (from the Greek ψυχή, "psyche", meaning mind, soul, spirit, heart, or breath; and κίνησις, "kinesis", meaning motion, movement; literally "mind-movement"), also referred to as telekinesis (Greek τῆλε + κίνησις, literally "distant-movement") with respect to strictly describing mental movement or motion of solid matter, abbreviated as PK and TK respectively, is a term coined by publisher Henry Holt to refer to the direct influence of mind on a physical system that cannot be entirely accounted for by the mediation of any known physical energy. Examples of psychokinesis could include distorting or moving an object, and influencing the output of a random number generator.

The study of phenomena said to be psychokinetic is part of parapsychology. Some psychokinesis researchers claim psychokinesis exists and deserves further study, although the focus of research has shifted away from large-scale phenomena to attempts to influence dice and then to random number generators.

In September 2006, a survey about belief in various religious and paranormal topics conducted by phone and mail-in questionnaire polled Americans on their belief in telekinesis. Of these participants, 28% of male participants and 31% of female participants selected "agree" or "strongly agree" with the statement "It is possible to influence the world through the mind alone". There were 1,721 participants, and the poll had a margin of error of plus or minus 4%.

Psychokinesis is the umbrella term for various related specialty abilities, which may include: Telekinesis: movement of matter at the micro or macro (visible objects, life forms, etc.) levels; move, lift, agitate, vibrate, spin, bend, break, or impact. Speed up or slow down the naturally occurring vibrations of atoms in matter to alter temperature, possibly to the point of ignition if combustible (also known as pyrokinesis when speeding up vibrations, and cryokinesis when slowing them down).

Self levitation (rising in the air unsupported, flying). Influencing events (sports, gambling, election, prolongation of life, etc.). Biological healing. See also Category:Supernatural healing Teleportation (disappearing and reappearing elsewhere). Phasing through matter. See also Quantum tunneling Transmutation of matter. Metamorphosis Shape-shifting. Energy shield (force field). Control of magnetism. Control of photons (light waves/particles).

Thoughtform projection aka telepathic projection (a physically perceived person, animal, creature, object, ghostly entity, etc., created in the mind and projected into three-dimensional space and observable by others; for thought images allegedly placed on film, see Thoughtography).

Top Tips
1. Do not use wifi or microwave ovens at home

2. Limit the use of mobile phones and use the speakers wherever possible (rather than holding the phone to your ear)

3. Get outside in nature as much as possible (away from electricity pylons and cell phone towers)

4. Learn more about orgonite ...and its MANY uses... (including how it converts negative energy into positive energy)

5. Help counter-act the dangerous electro magnetic frequencies (EMF) by listening to the rejuvenating Schumann Resonance frequency 7.83 Hz

6. Share this important information

Schumann Resonance 7.83 Hz Products available at this store:

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Horizon: Neanderthal (BBC)

Horizon: Neanderthal (BBC)

Uploaded on 18 Feb 2012

In 1848 a strange skull was discovered on the military outpost of Gibraltar. It was undoubtedly human, but also had some of the heavy features of an ape... distinct brow ridges, and a forward projecting face. Just what was this ancient creature? And when had it lived? As more remains were discovered one thing became clear, this creature had once lived right across Europe. The remains were named Homo neanderthalensis (Neanderthal man) an ancient and primitive form of human.

The archaeological evidence revealed that the earliest Neanderthals had lived in Europe about 200,000 years ago. But then, about 30,000 years ago, they disappeared... just at the time when the first modern humans appear in Europe. The story has it that our ancestors, modern humans, spread out of Africa about 100,000 years ago with better brains and more sophisticated tools. As they spread into Neanderthal territory, they simply out-competed their primitive cousins.

But was Neanderthal really the brutish ape-man of legend, or an effective rival to our own species? And how exactly had he been driven to extinction? What could be found out about this remarkable evolution from the bones themselves? To begin the investigation a skeleton was needed, and no complete Neanderthal had ever been found.

However a reconstruction expert at The American Museum of Natural History in New York realised that it would be possible to create an entire composite skeleton from casts of partial skeletons. Gary Sawyer combined and rebuilt broken parts to create the most complete Neanderthal ever seen. This Neanderthal stood no more than 1.65m (5' 4") tall, but he had a robust and powerful build - perfect for his Ice Age environment. But would he have stood up to the cold better than modern humans?

Cold adaptation

The popular image of the Ice Age is a period of unremitting freezing conditions. But over nearly a million years, Europe has seen huge climate swings including warm as well as cold periods. For much of the last 200,000 years, when Neanderthals were alive, the climate was mild, sometimes even warmer than today's. But they did also have to live through periods of intense cold.

Professor Trenton Holliday is a body plan expert from Tulane University, New Orleans. After seeing the skeleton, he believed it had comparatively short limbs and a deep, wide ribcage. This body plan minimises the body's surface area to retain heat, and keeps vital organs embedded deep within the body to insulate them from the cold.

To see if this would have helped him to survive, anthropology professor Leslie Aiello from UCL, teamed up with Dr George Havenith, who runs a laboratory studying the way modern humans retain heat at Loughborough University. They subjected two modern humans with very different body shapes to cooling in an ice bath. One had the long limbed, athletic shape of a runner, the other had a stockier, heavily-muscled body plan closer to that of a Neanderthal.

The heavily muscled person lasted longer in the ice bath, so it seems that Neanderthal would have had an advantage. His muscle would have acted as an insulator, and his deep chest did help to keep organs warm. Even so, the advantage doesn't mean that Neanderthal could have survived the icy extremes. This was a polar wasteland and his heavily muscled body plan needed a lot of feeding - about twice as much as we need today.

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1941 Time Traveller Photo + Analysis
Time travellers like us? Something's not right about this picture. An overview of a 1941 archive photo. This is the original photo, and it was not edited in any way!
Evolved Game Theory.

1950s Time Travelling Teacher Evidence

Uploaded on 26 Jan 2011
This personally is the most convincing footage that i have ever seen in favour of time travel, experts have said that the video is clearly not faked this is evident from the general camera work, sound and picture quality throughout, there are methods such as sepia etc that enable you to make a video look older/old fashioned but there is currently no known technology that can recreate a piece this realistic, the clip appears to show the score of a sports game which will not be played until several years in the future, the ONLY other possible explanation other than time travel for this is that the teacher was conducting or had earlier conducted some kind of quiz of which they were playing the second game, two teams named 'giants' and 'rangers' achieved the same score as game 2 of the 2010 baseball world series between the Giants and the Rangers, if so what a coincidence?


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Chest Pain in Women: Heartburn or Heart Attack?

It May Be More Than Just Severe Heartburn
By Michele Bender, Special to Lifescript

A little heartburn may come after a big, greasy meal. But could that pain be a heart attack? Recognizing the differences between the two may help save your life. Read on to learn the symptoms, risk factors and triggers of each, and how to treat and prevent them...

In the middle of dinner, you feel a sharp chest pain. Is it a heart attack – or severe heartburn?

The pain may feel similar, but the potential consequences are a matter of life and death.

Unfortunately, too often women ignore the pain, making a potentially fatal mistake.

About 12 million Americans get heartburn once a month, according to the American College of Gastroenterology. Approximately 10,000 women 29-44 years old have a heart attack each year.

“People often confuse the symptoms of a heart attack and heartburn,” says Nieca Goldberg, M.D., chief of women’s cardiac care at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City and author of Dr. Nieca Goldberg’s Complete Guide to Women’s Health. “Unfortunately, they usually think they have heartburn instead of a heart attack – this can be a tragic mistake.”

Both heartburn and a heart attack cause a feeling of pressure and a gnawing or burning sensation in the chest. But that’s where the similarity ends.

A heart attack occurs when the artery walls narrow, severely reducing the flow of oxygen and blood to the heart.

Heartburn, however, has nothing to do with your heart; it's a digestive problem. Acidic liquid from your stomach backs up into your esophagus and inflames its lining.

If you’re not sure which one you’re experiencing, go to the emergency room immediately. But here are a few tips to figure out what you have and get the right treatment:

Heartburn or Heart Attack? Symptoms to Watch for

Heartburn: When you experience heartburn – or acid reflux, the backup of the stomach's contents into your esophagus – you may feel a burning in the chest, an acidic or sour taste in the mouth or a sensation that you’re full. Other people have nausea, a dry cough or sore throat.

Unlike heart attacks, heartburn symptoms are similar for men and women.

Heart attack: The image of a woman gripping her chest and falling to the floor really isn’t what happens with a heart attack.

“In fact, only half the women who have heart attacks have chest pain, which is the most common symptom for men,” Dr. Goldberg says.

Unfortunately, women’s symptoms are more subtle and easy to miss. These include:

• Pressure or burning feeling in the chest
• Unexplained, extreme fatigue
• Pain or discomfort that radiates to the arms, jaw, neck and/or back
• Nausea, dizziness and/or vomiting
• Breaking out into a cold sweat
• Shortness of breath

Still not sure which it is?

Here’s a tip: “Pain that can be reproduced by changing position, pressing over the area of pain or that can be brought on by deep breathing or coughing is unlikely to be related to the heart,” says cardiologist Elizabeth Klodas, M.D., author of Slay the Giant: The Power of Prevention in Defeating Heart Disease and spokeswoman for the American College of Cardiology.

Then again, you might not feel pain, says Mary Ann Bauman, M.D., of the American Heart Association’s “Go Red for Women” campaign. You just may not feel like your usual self and that may be your heart talking to you.

Are you suddenly breathless while climbing stairs? It could be a sign that your heart isn’t getting enough oxygen, Dr. Bauman says.

What Are the Risk Factors?

Heartburn: Being pregnant increases your risk. In fact, almost 50% of moms-to-be get heartburn, especially in the second half of pregnancy, according to the American College of Gastroenterology.

Initially, the culprit is high levels of the hormone progesterone, which cause the muscle located between your esophagus and stomach to relax. In later months, heartburn is caused by the growing fetus pushing your stomach (and its contents) up toward your diaphragm.

Weight also plays a role.

“Obese women are six times more likely to develop heartburn than women of normal weight, but simply gaining weight has been linked to increased risk,” Dr. Goldberg says.

Additional risk factors include smoking and drinking too much alcohol.

Heart attack: High blood pressure or cholesterol levels, diabetes , family history, older age, and being a smoker and overweight can boost your risk of heart disease and, thus, a heart attack.

“If you’re at high risk for a heart attack, you need to be more cautious about the symptoms you’re experiencing, especially if they’re new,” Dr. Klodas says.

In other words, don’t shrug off unfamiliar chest pain.

What Triggers Attacks?

Heartburn: The commercials for heartburn relief are right – eating can set off the pain. Certain foods can trigger heartburn, such as chocolate, peppermint, fried or spicy foods, sugar, caffeine, alcohol, and acidic fruits and veggies. These cause the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) muscle to weaken, which allows acid to flow up into the esophagus.

A peek into your medicine cabinet may also reveal possible sources.

“Both prescription and over-the-counter medications like aspirin, ibuprofen, Aleve, prednisone, iron, potassium can all cause heartburn,” Dr. Bauman says.

These drugs inhibit prostaglandin, a compound that protects the stomach’s lining from its acid.

Heart attack: You won’t get much warning with a heart attack. Often, they occur after exertion, such as shoveling snow, which causes blood pressure to rise and blood vessels to constrict.

But most heart attacks come out of nowhere.

Soothing the Pain

Heartburn: Although our instinct is to lie down and rest when we hurt, don’t: That exacerbates heartburn. Being horizontal causes stomach acids to flow back up into your esophagus.

Instead, stay upright for a few hours after eating. When you’re ready to sleep, keep your head above your stomach by resting on a wedge or elevating the head of the bed.

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Always seek the advice of a qualified health-care professional regarding any medical condition. Information and statements provided by the site about dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Lifescript does not recommend or endorse any specific tests, physicians, third-party products, procedures, opinions, or other information mentioned on the Site. Reliance on any information provided by Lifescript is solely at your own risk.

Mild heartburn symptoms can be soothed with over-the-counter antacids, such as Tums, which counteracts stomach acid.

“Some people find that drinking milk helps too,” Dr. Klodas says. But its relief is short-term: Milk may neutralize heartburn-causing acid, but its nutrients, particularly fat, will stimulate more production later.

Also, figure out which foods trigger the ‘burn, so you can avoid them.

Don’t chow down on a heavy meal before you hit the sack, eat smaller meals, quit smoking and "reduce stress because it increases stomach acid that can cause heartburn,” Dr. Goldberg says.

If you have heartburn more than twice a week, you may have gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), a condition characterized by chronic, persistent acid reflux.

See a doctor as soon as possible, because GERD is linked to more serious conditions, such as esophageal ulcers and bleeding, peptic stricture and Barrett's esophagus, which increases the risk of cancer. A physician can also prescribe stronger medications to reduce acid production.

Check out Health Bistro for more healthy food for thought. See what Lifescript editors are talking about and get the skinny on the latest news. Share it with your friends (it’s free to sign up!), and bookmark it so you don’t miss a single juicy post!

Get the latest celebrity health news! Find out how the stars get those picture-perfect, red-carpet bodies. Tune into Lifescript’s Hollywood Health Report, every week. Only on YouTube.

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NASA shows off stunning satellite photo of Britain under last week's snow
The natural-colour image captured by the satellite Terra shows a detailed view of the snows covering Britain on January 26.

The natural-colour image captured by Terra shows a detailed view of the snows covering Britain on January 26.

Instruments aboard a hi-tech NASA satellite have captured an awe-inspiring view of Britain blanketed by snow last week.

The natural-colour image captured by Terra shows a detailed view of the snows covering Britain on January 26.

The Terra satellite orbits at an altitude of 435 miles, and has been collecting data on our changing climate using five sensors since 1999.

Terra has previously captured some of NASA's famous 'Blue Marble' imagery of planet Earth seen from space.

"Snow blanketed most of Great Britain in late January 2013, stretching from London to the northern tip of Scotland," NASA's Terra team said in a statement this week.

"Terra captured this natural-color image on January 26, 2013. Only some coastal areas and the southwestern part of the island were free of snow when MODIS took this picture."

"Skies had mostly cleared by the time MODIS acquired the image, but some clouds lingered in the west, casting shadows onto the snowy surface below."

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Special Needs Sister Is Beautiful, “Just the Way You Are,”

Says Young Rapper — Sweet!

This is so touching! A young Atlanta-based rapper, MattyB, covers the Bruno Mars’s song, “Just the Way You Are” — singing about his little sister Sarah Grace, who was born with Down Syndrome. He writes, “Sarah is the most beautiful girl in the world and she is an absolute joy to everyone’s life she has impacted.” Beautiful! More at

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Dream meaning Keys



Dream meaning Keys

Common dreams about keys generally depict regular surrounding life door, lock and different keys.

The characteristics of the keys matter to great extent in its dream interpretations; along with their physical appearance the metal used for making of key is also significant in its actual analysis. Your actions with the keys are also important while depicting its meaning along with your emotions or surroundings. Dreams about keys can be of different types hence here you will find common dreams appeared to people associated with their meaning.



General guide over dreams about keys

Apart from above meanings, appearance of keys in dreams could indicate unexpected or sudden changes in your life.

To see dream of losing a key indicates unwanted circumstances or turn of events.

This dream also applies to quarrel or misunderstanding with your best pal which will be resolved later.

Loss of key also denotes to loss of status in life which will bring disappointment in your family. Same dream is synonymous to unpleasant frustrations or distress over loss of golden opportunity. Dreams of losing keys for women indicate dispute with partner or lover.

To see broken key, indicates separation from loved ones either by internal problems or natural cause like death.

If the key appears to be corroded by air then it indicates that you possess a talent that is neglected throughout the life.

To hear sound of keys rattling in bunch suggests that you are following right path in life and possess all the qualities required to achieve your goal.

To find a key in dreams indicates towards peace of life and solution for your troubles.

To find a golden key in dreams is the symbol of fortune and indicates that your bad days are over and soon you will experience a positive period of life.



Ideology after dreams of keys

If you get dreams of keys that imply to some negative meaning then you should act quickly to control its after effects.

The worst dreams as far as keys are concerned are loss of keys and such dreams indicate towards distress and disputes. These dreams are present to give you time to avoid these effects by constructing positive relationship with family. These are great warning signals for ladies, as they suggest difference of opinion and distress between two companions. These dreams suggest staying away from the person with whom you have been involved so that you can save yourself from frustrations and sorrows.



Suggestive dream about keys

Consider a dream where you are running on the street and being chased by a monstrous man from

behind. You find that the road is composed of many doors on both the sides and you are trying to

open them in order to escape this man. But all the doors are locked and not opening and when

you reach next door you find its key hanging from the lock itself. You open it and venture

inside to feel safe and secure.

This dream signify that you are running away from negative circumstance of your wake life, may be a

trouble marriage, tensions at work or similar things.

You really want to escape this tiring and frustrating situation and finding a key for happiness.

Be assured that at the end you will definitely find a solution for your problems that will make you

happy and satisfied again.




To dream of keys means unexpected or sudden changes in your life.

To dream you find keys means a happy solution to any pressing problems you may now have.

To dream that you lose keys means some unexpected unpleasantness, or disappointment in a friend.

To dream of a ring of keys means status, authority, and power. It also highlights your adaptability to a situation.

To dream of broken keys means a lost in status. You are denied access to a place where you were previously allowed.

To dream you hear the sound of keys rattling means that you have the right attitude toward life.

You are heading in the right direction and asking all the right questions in the process. It is also a sign of decisive action.

To dream of a bunch of keys means business dealings.

To dream of keys hanging from the lock means troubles in marriage.

To dream of three keys means that you will open the doors of wealth, love, and health.

To dream of throwing keys at a women means that you will get married.

To dream that you are holding wooden keys means that you refuse to help others. For a women to

dream of receiving keys means her marriage.

To dream that you are a keeper of keys means a position of authority.



Islamic dreams about Old Keys find dream interpretations. Meanings & explanations for Old Keys dictionary tionary!


Key Dream Explanation — The key symbolizes access to learning, especially the Holy Quran.

It also means benefits, a safe, blessings, and support.

Keys could refer as well to children, boys, messengers, money and the piercing of mysteries, or the pilgrimage to Mecca (Makkah).

Other interpretations include the man and the woman, the former penetrating the latter like the key in the keyhole, the wrapped up baby, and the dead in his grave.

Holding a key: God will respond to the dreamer’s prayers.

Seizing a key: Will find a treasure or make a fortune from agriculture. If the dreamer is already a rich person, this dream is a reminder that he should pay his religious dues and be good to the needy.

Holding the key to Paradise: (1) Will acquire knowledge and turn ascetic. (2) Will find a treasure. (3) Will make honest gains or inherit.

Holding the keys of the Kabah (the Muslims holiest shrine, in Mecca (Makkah)): Will become the chamberlain of a great ruler or an imam (Muslim spiritual leader).

A king or a senior official dreaming of keys: A reference to

countries, provinces, reforms, or victories.

Holding many keys: Will wield a considerable influence.

Holding a wooden key: The dreamer should be careful not to entrust his

money to anybody, as wood symbolizes hypocrisy.

An iron key: A powerful and dangerous man.

Holding a key without dents: The dreamer will be unfair to an orphan.

Opening a door or a lock: Will triumph over enemies, probably with the help of a strong man.

Opening a door or a lock without using any key: The dreamer will obtain what he aims for,

thanks to his prayers and good deeds or to his parents prayers for him.

Keys being thrown to a woman: Will get married.


Key Dream Explanation — A key in a dream represents money, a helping hand, entering the path of knowledge, or it could mean receiving divine guidance.

Carrying a bunch of keys in a dream means prosperity, knowledge and security against one's enemy.

Keys in a dream also represent one's children, emissaries, spies, servant, wife or wealth.

Keys in a dream also mean attaining one's goal, or fulfillment of one's prayers.

A key in a dream also may mean victory over one's enemy.

Holding a wooden key in a dream indicates the character of one who refuses to

help others, or if he holds their money in trust, it means that he does

not repay them, for wood in a dream means hypocrisy.

Holding to a key that has no teeth in a dream means cheating an orphan of his

inheritance, or becoming a guardian of an estate and deceiving its rightful heirs.

Holding to the key of Paradise in a dream means acquiring knowledge, lawful

wealth, or receiving an inheritance. Keys in a dream also represent the coffers they open.

Seeing a key in a dream also means performing a pilgrimage to Mecca.

A key made of iron in a dream represent a strong and a dangerous man.

It also means openness in one's life.

Turning a key to open a door or a padlock in a dream means attaining victory over one's enemies.

Opening a door or a lock without a key in a dream means attaining the same through prayers.

Finding a key in a dream means finding a treasure, or profits from a farmland. If a wealthy

person finds a key in his dream, it means that he owes alms tax and he should

immediately distribute what he owes, pay charities and repent for his sins.

Holding to the key of the holy Kabah in a dream means working for a ruler or an Imam.

If a woman receives keys in a dream, it means her betrothal.

Having difficulty to open a door, even with a key in a dream means

hindrances in one's business, or failure to attain one's goal.

A key in a dream also represents new knowledge for a scholar or a learned person.

Putting a key inside a door in a dream means placing a deceased person inside his coffin or grave, or it could mean having sexual intercourse with one's wife.


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Superstitions about Dreams and Meanings of Dreams

WHEN you had the dream:

Dreams at night are a devil's delight

Dreams in the morning, heed the angels' warning.

WHAT the dream was about:

ACORN Dreaming of acorns predicts pleasant things & that much gain is to be expected.

For a woman to dream of eating acorns denotes that she will rise to a position of ease & pleasure.

To dream of shaking acorns from a tree means that you will rapidly attain

your wishes in business or love.

AIRPORT In a dream the sight of a busy airport represents the desire for freedom and/or travel.
If the airport is empty and deserted your own travel plans will be changed or delayed.

Almonds If you ate and enjoyed them, you'll be lucky, but if they tasted bitter, you should delay any contemplated changes for as long as possible.

ANGELS A favorable dream forecasting success, protection, happiness, and rewarding friendships.

BABY To see a baby in your dream signifies innocence, warmth and new beginnings.

A love affair may be blooming for you in your near future.

You will also make new and fun friends.

If a woman dreams she is nursing a baby, she will be deceived by the one she trusts the most

BALLOON Seeing balloons in your dream indicates a dashing of hope on any and all fronts, business or love, as well as a general falling off of all kinds of businesses you may be involved in.
If you are ascending in a balloon this is an omen of especially frustrating conditions in your life.

BEAR To dream of killing a bear foretells liberation from entanglements.

BED To dream of a clean, white bed denotes the end of worries.

If a woman dreams of making a bed, there will soon be a new lover in her life.

BICYCLE To dream of riding a bicycle uphill signifies bright prospects.
To dream of riding downhill calls for care - misfortune is near.

BIRDS Flying birds are a sign of prosperity to the dreamer.

BIRTH If you dream of death it's a sign of a birth, if you dream of birth, it's a sign of death.

BUTTERFLY To see a butterfly among flowers indicates prosperity.

To see butterflies flying around denotes news from absent friends

by letter or from someone who has seen them.

CANDLES To see candles burning with a clear and steady flame denotes the

constancy of those around you and a well-grounded fortune.

CATS Dreaming of a cat is a generally unfortunate omen and it shows treachery as well

as a run of bad luck.

Cats attacking you represent enemies; if you succeed banishing them you will overcome

great obstacles and rise in fortune and fame.

CROW Seeing a crow in your dream means disappointment in everything, grief and misfortune.

CROWN To dream of a crown predicts a change in your life. The dreamer will travel

a long distance from home & form new relationships.

DEATH If you dream of death it's a sign of a birth, if you dream of birth, it's a sign of death.

DANCING To dream that you are dancing means that some unexpected good fortune will come to you.

DECEASED PERSON If you should dream of a deceased person and this person speaks

only to you, pay close attention to what the spirit is telling you as it could be very important to you.

To dream of seeing a deceased person is normally a dream of warning, and it tells you that the

influences around you at this time do not bode well for your affairs, and you should not

enter into any binding contracts or verbal agreements.

DIAMONDS To dream of owning diamonds is a very promising dream signifying great honor and recognition from high places.

DOG To dream about a dog indicates great gain and constant friends.
To hear the barking of dogs foretells news of depressing nature. Difficulties are more likely to follow.

DRAGONFLY If you dream that a dragonfly lands on your body then you

will have excellent news from someone far away from home.

If you see a dead dragonfly, then the news will be bad.

A dragonfly perched gracefully on some other object shows that you

will soon be having guests that may be hard to get rid of.

DRIVING If you dream that you are driving a vehicle it is a sign that you should be careful

to take no chances with your money, such as gambling, in the next two weeks or so.

If someone else is doing the driving you will find yourself in luck, money wise.

FACE To dream of a smiling face signifies pleasant new friends, experiences, and/or financial gains.

To dream of unpleasant or grotesque (unless amusingly so) faces portend loss.

To dream you are washing your face denotes a necessity to atone for some past indiscretion;

better make amends!

To see the faces of strangers signifies an approaching change of residence.

FALLING To dream of falling indicates a loss of emotional equilibrium or self-control.

It may represent your insecurity, a lack of self-confidence, a fear of failure or an

inability to cope with a situation.

If you fall a long distance in your dream and get hurt, be prepared for really hard times ahead;

but if you fall and are not injured your upsets will be minor and temporary.

WHAT the dream was about:

GANG To dream that you are confronted or threatened by a gang signifies circumstances or situations in your waking life which are overwhelming and you feel have ganged up on you.

GARDEN To see a vegetable garden in your dream symbolizes increased prosperity

will come your way through diligence and care. It also suggests of stability and inner growth.

To see a flower garden in your dream foretells of tranquility, comfort, true

love and happy home in your future.

To see a sparse, weed-infested garden denotes that you have neglected your spiritual needs.

GLOVES To dream of gloves means that you will have a lawsuit or business troubles,

but you will settle them in a manner that satisfies you.

To find a pair of gloves denotes a marriage or new love affair.

HAIR Dreaming about hair means that you are careless in your personal affairs and will lose advancement by neglecting mental application.

HAIRDRESSER For a woman to dream of going to a hairdresser shows she will soon be

entangled in some family scandal concerning the morals of a member of her family.

Should she have her hair dyed, she will narrowly escape imprisonment.

For a man to dream of a hairdresser will presage much gossip or a need to dominate

a beautiful woman.

HAM If you dream of eating ham then you will lose something that means a lot to you.

HONEY To dream of eating honey foretells that you will attain wealth and love.

ICE Sitting on ice in your dreams is a dream of the contrary.

ICE CREAM Eating, making, selling or serving ice cream suggests that you are feeling contentment and satisfaction in your life.

JAIL To dream that your lover is in jail signifies that this lover is deceitful and untrustworthy.
To dream that you are in jail signifies your feelings of confinement and suffocation.

JAM If you dream of eating jam you will suffer embarrassment at the hands of a woman through no fault of your own.

KANGAROO Seeing a kangaroo in your dreams foretells unexpected and exciting trips.

KEYS To dream of keys denotes unexpected change. If the keys are lost, unpleasant adventures will affect you. To find keys means domestic peace and success in business.

KILLING If you dreamed of killing someone, whether intentionally or by accident, it signifies a period of severe emotional stress during which you must make a heroic effort to control your temper.

WHAT the dream was about:

LETTER To dream of receiving a letter from a friend foretells their arrival or that you will hear from them soon.

LIGHTS A light shining out of the dark, or a flashlight beam, shows that you will finally find the truth in a situation or the answer to a personal problem that you have been searching for.

If the light is dim, you will only find part of the solution.

MAGIC Any form of magic in a dream predicts unexpected changes.

To dream of being mystified and/or amused by a magician indicates a reunion with a

long-lost friend or the rekindling of a past love affair.

MARRIAGE Dreaming of a marriage, or a wedding, is the sign of a death in the family.

If the marriage was between strangers, then the death pertains to a not too

close acquaintance or friend.

MICE Dreaming of mice foretells domestic troubles or that business affairs will

assume a discouraging tone.

If you dream of a mouse jumping on you or getting in your clothing,

then you will be involved in a scandal with a friend.

MONKEY To dream of a monkey denotes that you have deceitful friends who will

flatter you to advance their own interests.

NECK A dream featuring the neck is a sign of approaching money, unless the dream concerned

a broken neck, in which case it is a warning against mismanagement of your affairs.

NECKLACE If you dream of losing a necklace you will soon be suffering bereavement of a loved one.
If you dream your loved one places a necklace around your neck or that you are

wearing one, it shows an early marriage and a happy domestic life.

NEEDLE To find a needle predicts that you will have friends who appreciate you.
To look for a needle foretells useless worries.

OAK TREE To dream of an old, spreading oak means long life and prosperity. If it is filled with acorns you are due a promotion or some type of increase in your life.
If a newlywed sees many oak trees in a forest it foretells a long marriage and many children.

OCEAN If you dream you are standing on shore and watching the waves foam up as they break over the beach foretells that you will have some narrow escape from an accidental injury.

If you are far out on the ocean and hear the waves as they lap against the hull of the ship,

you will have setbacks in your business and a troubled domestic scene.

To sail on a calm ocean is always a good omen for all concerned.

OWL To dream of an owl denotes a narrow escape from desperate illness or death.

WHAT the dream was about:

RACCOON To dream of a raccoon warns you to be on your guard.. To see a raccoon in your

dream shows that people are presenting false faces to you in your everyday life.

To be chased by a raccoon shows that a person you thought a friend has turned on you

and now works behind your back for your downfall.

RAPE Take this dream as a warning. Take precautions, protect yourself emotionally and physically and don't engage in careless behaviors.

ROSE If a woman dreams of receiving a rose and places it in her hair then will she be

deceived by someone thought of as a good friend.

If she receives a bouquet of roses in the Springtime she will find true love

but if it is winter her search will be fruitless.

To see a rose bush in full foliage denotes a wedding in the family.

RUNNING Dream of running: a sign of a big change in your life.

SNAKES To see a lone snake and feel threatened by it shows that you have a bad enemy

that is working against you, it also a warning against bodily harm from an enemy.

To dream of many snakes in a pit is the foreboding of much bad luck in love or business.

Should you overcome and kill a threatening snake in your dream shows that you

will overcome your adversary and win out.

SPIDERS All spiders except tarantulas are omens of good luck.

The larger the spider, the bigger the rewards.

If you see a spider climbing the wall you will have your dearest wish come true.

If you see a spider spinning a web you will have an increase in your income due to hard work.

TATTOOS If you dream you are a tattoo artist and you are tattooing someone's body

you will soon break with friends or family over strange practices.

If you dream you are the one being tattooed you will become the target for a strangers jealousy

but if you see someone else with tattoos then you will take a long, hard journey from home.

TEA To dream that you are thirsty for tea means that you will be surprised with uninvited guests.

TEETH If you dream of having false teeth this indicates that you will have

unexpected help on a problem.

To dream of rotten teeth shows that you have been telling someone a lie or

using your smooth words for getting your own way.

If your teeth are rotten, crooked, and/or falling out this means that your lies are

hurting someone very badly and that you will soon be found out.

If you dream you have swallowed a tooth you will soon have too 'eat your words'

UMBRELLA Carrying a closed umbrella in the rain is highly unfortunate

for the dreamer and his business plans.

To dream of carrying an open umbrella in the rain is a very fortunate

sign that speaks of good luck in most endeavors.

A leaky umbrella denotes quarrels with loved ones.

WATER Dreaming of clear water is a sign of great good luck and prosperity, a dream

of muddy water foretells sadness or sorry for the dreamer through hearing of

an illness or death of someone he/she knows well.

Dirty water warns of unscrupulous people who would bring you to ruin.

YARN To dream of yarn shows you will soon become the wife of a wealthy man.

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Jason shares how he met his Hybrid Daughter at Rite Aid

Published on 17 Sep 2012

Jason has had MANY experiences since the age of 4. He's extremely knowledgable and researched on the subject extraterrestrials, UFO phenomenon, and hybrid children. More videos to come.

Human - Alien - genetics - ????? - ( 2611nacdan)

Published on 18 Sep 2012
Embedded the video on your Facebook ,
unfortunately youtube has the voice repressed
the wording can You read in show more ! ! !

But interesting is the background

it shall shows a ( Air Force Base level 6 )

what does this mean ???

the wording

Let me tell you what bugs me of the human endeavor

I've never been a human in question,

have you? Mankind went to the moon

I don't even know where Grimsby ?

is Forget progress by proxy

Land on your own moon ?

It's no longer about what they can achieve, out there on your behalf

But what we can experience Up

here... and of our own time

It's called ...mental wealth.

Hybrid Children Project ~ Blood Relatives
Published on 10 Sep 2012

Grey Zeta hybrid project, Lyran hybrid project, Annunaki hybrid project ~ many cross race mixed children. Hybrids are teaching us to love unconditional, be open minded and evolve body, mind and spirit.

'Our Alien Heritage' [Alien Origins] Lloyd Pye - Are we all Hybrids? Ancient Alien

Published on 28 Aug 2012
~Unslave Humanity Tactical Media: ~credits video: ~sub: - Discover Our Alien Heritage - Alien Origins by Lloyd Pye

~credits video:

Lloyd Pye is at the forefront of research into human origins from alien sources. His Intervention Theory proposes that human DNA is not of this world.

Using remarkable scientific analysis, Lloyd Pye makes a strong case in this presentation filmed at the International Scientific and Metaphysical Symposium in Australia.

A double feature, this DVD also includes Lloyd Pye's take on the mysterious 900 year-old skull of a child that shows evidence of an alien race once having walked planet Earth.

Judge for yourself the amazing and in-depth research and evidence brought to light by this incredible researcher.

* Did aliens once walk this planet?

* Are we the result of some ancient genetic plan?

* Is the evidence really there?

This video is [FAIR USE] under © COPYRIGHT LAW it is: 1 noncommercial 2 trans-formative in nature 3 not competitive with the original work 4 not effecting its market negatively FAIR USE NOTICE: This video contains copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in our efforts to advance understanding issues, etc. We believe this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes

'Our Alien Heritage' aka Alien Origins by "Lloyd Pye" Hybrids Ancient Alien Intervention "Ancient Aliens" UfoDisclosure2012 UFO OVNI 飞碟 НЛО ユーフォー ExoPolitics infopowerment DavidIckeNews JohnKuhles ExomatrixTV2012 EX0MATRlXTV

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Whip Up These Winter Soup Recipes

Whip Up These Winter Soup Recipes
Shelley Stonebrook - February 1, 2013

’Tis the season for soup — warm, hearty crocks of soup that simmer enticingly until the moment you can dig in with your spoon or a piece of fresh bread. Sweet, spicy, savory, smooth — the variations are endless. Here, you’ll find a delicious sampling of the many soup recipes we’ve published over at Mother Earth News over the years.

You’ll want to start with a good stock. These winter homemade soup stock recipes will help you make a satisfying, warming broth. You can also save vegetable scraps in a bag in the freezer, then simmer the scraps in water and strain to make a tasty vegetarian broth — the perfect base for your next soup creation. This technique saves money (no more buying stock at the store) and makes good use of what would normally just go to the compost pile.

After you’ve got a lovely broth going, you can start to add to your soup as you see fit. Vegetarian? Check out these meatless soup recipes, including creamed celery, creamy corn, tomato, garden, and red bean.

If you’re craving something hearty and fit for cold weather, try out these warming winter soups, including tomato tortilla and fresh garden minestrone. Or, how about this creamy vegetable soup with parsley dumplings.

Butternut bisque is also a smooth, warming soup that’s wonderfully flexible and delicious. Throw in chunks of veggies such as carrots and onions if you want some texture to this soup.

If it’s not too cold where you live, you may not need your soup to be so hot. Some soups, like this sorrel soup, can be served both hot and cold. Sorrel is a zesty, lemony green that goes well in soups and salads. Your opportunities for soup experimentation are never-ending!

You may also want to consider making a loaf of fresh-baked bread to soak up every last bit of your soup — you can go the simple route with our easy five-minute technique, or craft this whole-grain, flavorful loaf. Then, dig in!

Winter Homemade Soup Stock Recipe

He told the story at a party and may have been pulling everyone's leg. Still, it caused a stir—partly because it revealed something of the magic of soup making and partly because it sounded like a fairy tale. An anthropologist, he had done fieldwork in a small rural village in northern China before the Communist revolution. As far as he could determine from local records and lore, he said, the fire beneath the large, black, communal iron cooking pot in the village center had been kept going for at least 400 years. Each day—as they had evidently done for more than 15 generations—the villagers would toss in fresh greens, herbs, spices, rice, knucklebones, chicken feet, bird nests, what have you.

And each day the soup changed. He had nourished himself, he said, over an entire cold and bleak winter from that ancient pot. "Moreover," he added with a wink, "the special qualities of the soup undoubtedly account for the fact that I am now 120 years old."

Although there is plenty of magic in soup, and a good bowl of it can convince you that you will live forever, there is controversy over how long a decent one should be kept going. The truth is that after repeated beatings the vegetable fibers break down and become mushy, while herbs and spices lose the pungency that brought them to the pot in the first place. What had been a symphony of distinct flavors turns into homogenized noise. The French, who worship soup, would never allow one to go downhill, knowing full well that the key to a distinguished serving lies in utterly fresh ingredients: greens, herbs, and, in Marseilles, fish. The Chinese know this as well—despite the anthropologist's story—having raised the art of soup making to positively Zen heights.

Even in America, before the advent of canning and dehydration, self-respecting country cooks continually urged their pupils (usually their daughters) to make the time between garden and pot as short as possible.

Meatless Soup Recipes

Try these meatless soup recipes including homestead vegetable, speedy spud, read bean, creamed celery, good 'n garlicky, garden, love apple, tomato, creamy corn, curry corn and creamed lettuce soups.

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There are several meatless soups you can make with the vegetables from your own garden.


Heavy, meaty, high caloric main dishes gobble up more than 35 cents of the average American food dollar. I think that's too much to spend, especially on meals that are bigger and harder to digest than they ought to be.

For that reason, I've worked to develop lighter, less expensive — but still nutritious — meatless soup recipes for the meals I fix. And my favorite creations of all are soups made from nothing but fresh vegetables, clear water, and spices. Such comestibles are filling, warming, healthful and inexpensive. Plus — if, like many MOTHER people, you grow your own vegetables — these soups will cost you almost nothing!

Please remember, of course, that the following recipes are simply guidelines. Change them freely to suit your tastes and/or the ingredients you have on hand. Your only limitation in the gentle art of soupery is your imagination.

Experiment, have fun, enjoy. Above all else, enjoy. Pour yourself a glass of wine, tea, juice, or whatever turns you on, and have at it!

Homestead Vegetable Soup

1 sweet potato
1 carrot
1 turnip
1 parsnip
1 white potato
1 onion
1 tablespoon of butter
2 tablespoons of rice
2 quarts of cold water
1 bay leaf
1 sprig of parsley
1 root of celery
1 teaspoon of salt

Dice all the vegetables. Then melt the butter in a skillet, add all the vegetables — except for the white potato — and fry until the pieces are lightly browned. Dump the chunks into a soup kettle and add the rice, water, herbs, and celery. Boil the mixture 1 1/2 hours, add the white potato, and continue the boil for another 15 minutes. Season to your family's taste and serve.

Speedy Spud Soup

Potatoes (enough to fill a large pot)
Water to cover
1 quart of milk
Salt and pepper to taste
2 tablespoons of flour
1 tablespoon of butter

Peel the potatoes — make sure they're sound! — and cut them into pieces small enough to be eaten with a spoon. Rinse or soak the spuds well in cold water, then cover with water and boil. Next, add the quart of milk and season the broth to taste. When the 'taters are cooked, fry 2 tablespoons of flour and 1 tablespoon of butter in a pan, stir the combination until it turns brown, and then blend the mixture into the potato stock. Serve promptly. This soup may be seasoned with celery or parsley, too, if you desire. To make it still more delectable, beat up 1 or 2 eggs in a cup of cold milk, stir it into the soup, and serve.

Red Bean Soup

2 1/2 cups of red kidney beans
1 celery stalk
1 slice of onion
1 carrot
4 cups of water
Salt, paprika, and pepper to taste
Croutons, optional

Boil the beans, celery, onion, and carrot in the water until they're nice and tender. (Toss in a ham bone or some bacon, if you like, for the added flavor.) Then, add your seasonings, strain, and serve with croutons. Yield: 6 servings.

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Warming Winter Soups
Eat in season with these simple, savory winter soup recipes.

Soup season is right around the corner, and if you have a garden, the best ingredients are just a few steps away. Fresh produce from your garden or the farmers market is the key to flavorful homemade soups. Whether it’s a chilled berry purée, a light brothy soup or a thick, creamy winter warmer, once you’ve tasted the rich and comforting results of your labors, there’s no going back to soup in a can. Plus, homemade goodness doesn’t have to mean spending all day in the kitchen. With a good stock ready to go, basic kitchen staples and fresh produce, you can put a delicious soup on the table in about half an hour. And most soups freeze or can beautifully, so you can put a scrumptious soup together one day, and enjoy it for many meals to come. You may have heard that soup always tastes better the next day — it’s true! Homemade soups cost a lot less, too — especially if you garden. If not, look for great end-of-season deals at the farmers market, and stock up!

The All-Important Soup Stock

Soup stock is the often unnoticed foundation that makes a soup full-bodied rather than bland and watery. It’s a flavorful liquid in which vegetables, meat and/or fish are cooked slowly, in order to extract their full essence. Making soup stock is a perfect companion to gardening. Simply toss your less-than-perfect culls (complete with trimmings, leaves and peels) and those too-small-to-peel garlic cloves and potatoes, plus a few herbs and seasonings into a heavy pot filled with water. (I find that starting with cold or room temperature water helps the veggies exude even more flavor.) Then just let it simmer while you go about your day.

You can keep plenty of stock frozen and ready to use. If you have a little extra room in the freezer, you also can store veggie trimmings that would have ended up in the disposal or compost pile, until there’s enough for great stock.

Soup stock can be based on vegetables, fowl, beef, fish or even miso. Experiment with different ingredients to suit your tastes and use what’s in season and on hand. You don’t need to peel any veggies — the skins add nutrients and flavor. Just rinse the dirt off. With chicken, skin is optional; it provides more flavor, but also more fat. Simmered bones add calcium and other nutrients, but you can leave them out if you prefer.

After letting it simmer for a couple of hours, strain and discard the solids, then allow the stock to cool. Don’t let it sit around any longer than the time it takes to reach room temperature. If you don’t intend to make soup immediately, freeze or refrigerate the stock for later use.

Traditional Techniques

Soup stocks can be enriched or thickened by adding wine, cream, puréed vegetables, miso, or starches such as wheat or oat flour. If you’re inventing a soup with whatever is on hand, here’s a great way to begin: Sauté diced onions, celery, carrots, garlic and herbs in just enough oil or butter to coat the bottom of your pot. Brown the vegetables slightly, then deglaze the browned bottom of the pot with stock or dry white wine.

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A Hearty Vegetable Soup Recipe
Recipe for creamy vegetable soup with parsley dumplings.

Along with hearty vegetables, whole-wheat dumplings turn this soup into a full meal.

It's a damp, gray, chilly day, and your mood has begun to mirror the elements. What to do? Get out the soup pot! In no time at all, a bubbling broth will fill the house with rich aromas, lifting your spirits and sparking your appetite. And, come supper, there will be bowls of steaming vegetable soup, for warming icy fingers and cheering winter-weary hearts.

The recipe below, taken from MOTHER EARTH NEWS' Fresh Foods Country Cookbook, makes a hearty vegetable soup that, with its whole-wheat dumplings, is a meal in itself.

Creamy Vegetable Soup With Parsley Dumplings Recipe

3 cups water or broth
2 medium onions, chopped
2 celery stalks, diced
2 cups fresh or canned tomatoes (cut up tomatoes, include juice)
2 carrots, sliced
2 potatoes, diced
1 or 2 cups other favorite vegetables
1/2 cup margarine or butter
1/2 cup whole-wheat flour
Salt and pepper, to taste

2 cups whole-wheat flour
3 teaspoons baking powder
1 teaspoon salt
1/4 cup minced parsley
1/4 cup shortening
1 egg, slightly beaten
3/4 cup milk

1. In a large, covered pot, cook the vegetables in the water or broth until the firmest ones are barely tender (about 30 minutes).

2. Melt the butter or margarine in a small saucepan and stir in the flour to form a smooth paste. Mix in 1 or 2 cups of the hot broth to make a lumpfree sauce, add salt and pepper, then gradually stir the thickening into the large pot of soup.

3. For the dumplings, sift together the flour, baking powder, and salt. Cut in the parsley and shortening until the mixture resembles coarse meal.

4. Mix the egg and milk, and blend into the dry ingredients until they are just dampened. Drop the batter by spoonfuls on top of the boiling soup, cover the pot, and simmer for 12 minutes before serving.

Serves six.

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Butternut Bisque Soup
1/21/2013 11:11:26 AM
By Sue Van Slooten

We’re in the coldest part of winter, and that means soup. In this case, it’s just about my favourite all around winter soup: Butternut Bisque. Before we go any farther though, I have an admission: No photo of the soup. We ate the soup before I realized, hey, I might need a photo of that! So you can picture in your minds, an orange, creamy soup with herbs and onions. I also promised you all an update on the alternate fudge recipe, which had marshmallows. Not being a fan of marshmallows (others here like them), I look for ways to use them. Don’t bother. The recipe was harder, especially in trying to get the marshmallows and chocolate to melt. It tasted fine, but had nothing on the recipe I gave you last time. Stick with the tried and true, as they say. But back to the soup. This recipe is wonderfully flexible, because you can swap out the butternut squash for pumpkin or any other orange squash, and the liquid can be broth, milk, or cream, depending on the texture and “body” of soup you’re after. In other words, you can have it your way. Hopefully some of you took my advice from my blog on growing pumpkins last spring, and grew a few, or grow them anyway. Also, any squash/pumpkins from farmer’s markets, etc., that you purchased, pureed and froze, are fine too. What you will need to start is about 2 cups of pumpkin/squash puree. Here we go:

1 butternut squash
1 onion, chopped
2-3 tablespoons butter
½ teaspoon thyme
½ teaspoon salt (preferably the briny kind) or more to taste
¼ teaspoon nutmeg
¼ teaspoon pepper

2-3 cups of chicken broth (good if you counting calories), milk, or cream. I used milk.

Get out your meat cleaver or heavy knife, and cut the squash into 2” chunks. Place chunks into large pot and cover with water. Bring to a boil and simmer until tender. Keep an eye on it, because butternut cooks quickly. Alternatively, you could use the microwave, but for butternut, I prefer the boiling method. When squash is tender, drain and let cool. Remove the flesh from the skins, compost skins.

Put the peeled squash back into the pot, and mash, I used a potato masher for this.

In a separate medium glass/microwavable bowl, put your onion and butter. In the microwave, cook until onion is translucent. Add to the pot, along with the thyme, milk or whatever liquid you’re using, nutmeg, salt, and pepper. Heat gently, especially if you’re using milk. I used milk when I made mine, and took extra care to prevent the whole thing from curdling. If you feel extravagant and want to use heavy cream, go for it. Heavy cream will not curdle when heated. Use a whisk to blend the mixture, adding more salt and pepper if you like. Depending on the thickness of your squash/pumpkin puree, you may or may not need more liquid, but the nice part is you can add as much as you like to get the consistency that suits you. When soup is hot, enjoy. Purists often run the mixture through a food processor, but that is really not necessary. Also, the purists tend to top it with red pepper puree,or crème fraiche (I haven’t seen many places carry the latter, and when they do, it’s expensive).

If you want to gussy it up, a dollop of sour cream works just as well. Some hot biscuits on the side, and you’ve got dinner. Any leftovers can be reheated, gently, the next day. Usually there aren’t any.
Photo by Fotolia/Travelbook

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Sorrel Soup Recipe (Schav)
1/15/2013 2:19:13 PM
By Robin Mather

Sorrel Soup Recipe (Schav) Serves 4.

Sorrel Soup (Schav) is a traditional Russian-Eastern European soup of sorrel and potato that is refreshing served cold, and heartening served hot.


2 fistfuls sorrel leaves, about 3 cups, washed and spun dry
2 tbsp butter
1/2 large sweet onion, chopped
5 to 6 small fingerling or new potatoes, cut into chunks
2 cups chicken or vegetable broth
1 egg, lightly beaten
Salt and pepper, to taste
Garnish: Sour cream or thick yogurt for hot or cold soup and finely chopped cucumber and radish for cold soup


Stack the sorrel leaves and cut into ribbons. Set aside. In a large, heavy saucepan with a tight-fitting lid, heat the butter over medium heat. When the butter has melted, add the onion. Cook, stirring occasionally, until the onion is well-browned, about 20 minutes. Add the sorrel, potatoes and broth.

If the broth does not cover the contents, add a little water. Bring to a boil, reduce heat to low, cover and cook until potatoes are tender, about 15 minutes. When the potatoes are done, transfer half of the mixture to a blender or food processor (blenders give smoother results). Process carefully until the mixture is puréed and smooth. Repeat with remaining soup. Return the soup to the saucepan over low heat. Temper the egg by whisking it with about one-quarter cup of soup, then pour the egg mixture into the pan. Cook, whisking constantly, until the soup thickens, about 5 minutes. Do not boil.

If serving hot, garnish each portion with sour cream or yogurt. If serving cold, cover the soup tightly and refrigerate for at least 4 hours before serving. Garnish with sour cream or yogurt and chopped cucumber and radish.

Read more: Sorrel is a surprisingly spritely, bright green and lemony herb. Learn how to cook with this zingy herb in Sorrel Recipes: The Zingiest Garden Green.

— Robin Mather, author of The Feast Nearby
Photo By Tim Nauman

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Heavenletter #4452
New Music Is About to Begin ,
February 1, 2013
God said:
If I were to ask you this minute what you most want in the world right now, would you hesitate to ask? Would you be wanting to be sure you were asking for what you wanted most and not something less than optimum? Of course, you wouldn't want to waste this wish.
I have a feeling that if I were to ask you this right now, you wouldn't be so sure what to ask. Much of the time, you are so certain, yet, when put to the test, you might be more cautious.
If I gave you three choices, that would be easier, yet not necessarily a shoe-in.
Of course, if you had a sick child, you might well know without hesitation.
Of course, you would love one wish that would take care of everyone and everything. You think of world peace. You think of freedom for the world. You think of good health for all. And you think of good will for everyone and everything.
Whatever you desire, whatever you wish for, know that it is possible. As a matter of fact, in some cases, it is a certainty. I am not speaking of whim. I am speaking of deep desire. Perhaps you wish for the fountain of youth. That may not be your deepest desire, yet it may not be a superficial desire either. It may not be altogether an ego desire.
Of course, your desire to live forever is a fact. That desire is not in question. It is a certainty that you live forever, only that doesn't mean in the same body in the same situation forever. Just the same, you never pass away. You are eternal, and you are infinite. We could say that all the details are not up to you, and, yet maybe they are. Maybe they are.
Decisions are not always the easiest thing for you to make, and, yet, you make decisions all the time. You have hope, for instance, and then you decide to give up hope. You desire something deeply until you get it, and then you're not so sure any longer. Another desire has risen to the ranks, and you might substitute the newer desire for the one you already had. Desires are not always hard and fast. They can slip from your grasp.
Desires are something worth thinking about. We could say that desires are like the lantern a miner wears as he seeks treasures in a dark mine. What do you seek, beloveds? You might as well know what means a lot to you. Perhaps for a moment you want a firefly in your hand. Perhaps you want to learn to dance. Perhaps you want to paint a beautiful picture. Perhaps you want elusive happiness and to capture it forever. Perhaps you want to be a source of happiness for others. Perhaps you want to want.
Ah, beloveds, such a difference from coveting and truly desiring.
Wherein lies your happiness, and wherein lies another's? Wherein lies the course of your life, and wherein lies another's?
Life is not always as you think it is, nor is life always as you think it ought to be.
There are aspects of life that are sure things. You will live until you die. While you live, there most likely will be times you will feel like you are whirling within a maelstrom and other times when you will feel like you are sitting on a large rock overseeing a beautiful valley, and other times you will be swimming in the ocean with the dolphins.
Here's what I want to tell you. All the aspects of life are life and are a treasure. Every moment of sentient life is a diamond in your hand, and every moment you cannot be guaranteed what the next moment will be.
Here is what you can know, beloveds. There is something wonderful waiting for you, perhaps rushing to you. You haven't made all the discoveries yet. You don't know the whole story yet. Yet you can truly know without qualification that the best is yet to come.
This has to be so because you are someone who is growing in consciousness, and so, new music is about to begin.
Thank you for including this link when publishing this Heavenletter elsewhere.

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