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The Character You Play

Greetings! Greetings! Greetings! My Beautiful Beings of  Light. Have you been experiencing the new energies? How are you feeling about  your new forward motion?

My Beloveds the new energies are very different, you have  turned a significant page. Be kind to yourselves and allow yourselves to observe and feel, really feel the differences. The energies will continue to change My  Divine Beings of Love. Each new step up of Light will usher in new waves of  higher Vibrations.

These moments in NOW are about change My Beloveds. All have  been seeking Peace and Community, that is why you came at this time to witness  the evolutionary experience one on one. These wave changes will act as the  stepping stones, baby steps if you will, to eventually achieve Peace and   Community. Removing the negativity evolutionary process itself has been placed  on fast forward according to The Creator’s Divine Blueprint.

My Beautiful Beings of Grace be compassionate to All, most that have been on their Spiritual Path for a while will find that the parameters have been distinctly changed. It is time to learn to distinguish what emotions are yours and what belongs to someone else. My Beloveds so many of you are Empathic, learning to separate what is happening for you to clear personally and what belongs to another to take care of is paramount.

Many others will find that they can no longer hide in their  negative stories and falsehoods.

Perhaps some may will feel like their inner gyroscopes have  been turned upside down. They might sense that they are out of control and  feeling like they are in free fall without a parachute. Recognize the signs that  their fight or flight survival skills may be ignited send them love and pray for  the Benevolent Outcome for ALL.

Those that have not started their awakening, please send them  love, and understand that they may be in extreme emotional pain. Most are so far  in the shadows still, that they have no clue why they are hurting so much.

These changes are moving forward the need for personal  integrity and honor in all things. The energies are asking you to stand in your  own personal power and extend a hand to others trying to follow you on the  upward evolutionary ladder My Beloveds.

The Humans on the Earth Plane are at all different levels and  these new energies will be very difficult for those stuck in darkness and  negative back stories.

As a reminder you My Divine Light Workers, are only  responsible for your own actions and evolutionary clearing and releasing.  Remember that Forgiveness is a huge part of this clearing work.

If you personally feel that something is building pressure   inside, accept that this is an opportunity to allow it to surface to be released  and cleared. This is your personal work so that you can move forward with your  own Spiritual mission.

When stuff surfaces make it a habit to bring your awareness  to the Divine Truth that this is the human character you chose to play. These  are the lessons and experiences that you scripted for yourself before you  incarnated into this Earth Plane Play. You My Angel,  have all these contracts  and agreements with multitudes of other Angels that are all cueing up to go on  stage. The acts are following one right after the other just as if you lined  them up like dominos in the Heavenly Realm before you came into this body My  Divine Angel of Grace.

Yes, even those dark dark Beings are Angels, My Divine Beings  of Grace. They chose to play the parts that were needed to bring this  evolutionary processes forward. Do they like playing the villains and  betrayers……..NO, but their love for you was so great, and you wanted that  experience, so they agreed. Inwardly they were hoping that you could sense their  inner light amongst the darkness and recognize them from home for the Angels  that they truly are.

This is so hard for All to watch.

When something occurs take a moment to remind yourself that  you are not this human body but a Spiritual Being playing a human part. Look for  the spark within the eyes of those that you deem so dark. As hard as it is,  forgive them, for they too are of The Creator. Remember that The Creator has  only sent you Angels.

Having said that remember that they too are responsible for  bringing themselves back into the Light. They must do their own work, that they  themselves scripted before coming into this human character that they agreed to  play.

Understand that you are not here to “fix them” or anyone. It  is your responsibility to learn to walk away and tell them “I can’t help you,  this is your work to do”.  Your part is to send them prayers of infinite love  and grace and ask for the Benevolent Outcome for all , but anything else will  violate their Free Will Choice.

Forgive them My Beautiful Beings of Grace, for forgiveness is  not about making their actions right, it is about releasing the pain that the  situation has caused. Forgiveness is an essential part of releasing My Beloveds.  The act of releasing is not complete until forgiveness has been placed in the  equation. If you have things that you have released and thought that you had  finished with that string in your baggage, and it continues to pop back up again and again to be looked at, it is very possible that the step of forgiveness was  not completed to finalize it.

Allow this Messenger to take you on a mediation journey to  connect up with all of your Heavenly Brothers and Sisters, there is much  unifying to do.

Sit in a chair  or lie down whichever is your preference.  It’s time to be comfortable and undisturbed for a while as you journey within  yourself through meditation.

Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths in and out.   Visualize with each in breath, you are breathing in love and renewal. With each  out breath, you are breathing out pain, fear, frustrations and doubts.

With the last out breath feel your body relaxing. Allow and  give yourself permission to feel the calm, peace and serenity  of this safe  place.

My Beloveds ask your ego self to perch on your left shoulder.  Instruct your ego self that it is only to be an observer on this journey, it is  not to participate.

Through prayer to The   Creator please ask The Creator to share with you a translucent golden shield of  light. Visualize it all around you forming a bubble from head to toe protecting  you from all outside influences and giving you warmth, radiance, light and  power. Negatives will simply bounce harmlessly off your shield of protective  light.

My Beloveds, The Creator has responded to your prayer. Your  protective bubble has been supplied. The energies for this bubble will continue  to flow from The Creator, cycling back down through you again, and back to The  Creator in a continuous circular loop while you are in meditation.

You are now divinely protected at this moment and nothing can  even communicate with you, that is not for your highest good, without your  permission.

Breathe in deeply My Beautiful Beings of Light and sense the  lighter relaxed feelings of being divinely protected & guided into this  meditation. Breathe in deeply and know that you are breathing to the Pulse of  The Creator.

Breathe in deeply allowing, seeing and sensing within your  Spiritual Imagination your Guardian Angels and invited Spirit Guides as they  join you now.  The Angels take your Spiritual Etheric Essence Hands and guide  you out of your physical body. The Angels then direct you into your Etheric  Spiritual Heart Chakra. An Angel is staying with your physical essence until you  return from your meditation journey.

My Beloveds, You are visualizing, seeing, feeling and sensing  this within your imagination, Your Guardian Angels, Spirit Guides and special  invited guests are with you now within your Spiritual Heart Chakra. Your Angels  and Guides are helping you locate the Golden Door that says “To My Highest  Guidance Within”. In your imagination you have located the Golden Door and now  you turn the Etheric Spiritual Door Knob, opening the door as you cross over the  threshold knowing that you are on a Spiritual Growth Adventure.

You find yourself in a White Marble Corridor. Your Angels  whisk you down the hall to the three hundred and thirty third door on your left.  The sign on the door says “Heavenly Auditorium”

You open the door and cross over the threshold. You feel and  instant wave of love wash
over you. As you look up you see a sea of Heavenly  Energy Light Beings without end, in an infinite circle. In the middle of this  infinite circle you see a giant globe. You recognize the Earth Plane instantly.  Your Angels tell you that The Creator has called an ALL INCLUSIVE ASSEMBLY to  gather and beam Divine Love and Grace to Planet Earth. All of your Higher Selves  are in attendance as are all of the Angelics, Spiritual Advisors, Elders and  Spirit Guides. All of the Kingdoms are here. All are working towards the Divine  Evolution of Planet Earth.

Your Angels help you locate your own Higher Self. As you  greet your Higher Self you merge back into their presence for this mission. You  feel so good to be back with your very own Higher Self…just feel the love.

The Creator begins to speak to the Mass Gathering explaining  that for the next moments for each to please hold the intention and beam Divine  Love and Divine Grace to the Earth Plane. Never before has The Creator asked for  this intercession on behalf of the Earth Plane. The Creator shares that this  will continue to plant the seeds and further along the progress so badly needed  within this moment in NOW.

Through your Higher Self, you feel the urgency and commitment  to help in this way. You notice that each Energy Essence and All Attendees are  joined with all others, they are no longer their own separate spaces. In a  unified way you can feel and see with your Spiritual Eyes the energy emanating  from this Gathering beaming  Divine Love and Grace into the Earth Plane. You see  the colors of Pink, Love and Gold, Grace intertwined and permeating all of the  Earth Plane within and without. Everything within the Earth Plane down to the  tiniest particle and bit of matter and anti-matter and black matter are gifted  with this wave of Divine Love and Grace. This sharing of Divine Love and Grace  goes on until The Creator steps back up before the Gathering. The Creator asks  that this Gathering periodically continue this work until all are awakened to  Who They Truly Are.

The Creator thanks ALL for their work. Each is gifted with a  special Golden Badge of Honor signifying their Divine Love for the Earth Plane,  that tiny Blue Ball in the Cosmos.

The Gather is disbursed back to their own personal missions.  You separate from your Higher Self and thank the Higher Self for being part of  this very special project. Your Angels guide you back out of the Assembly Room  and back down the hall.

You instantly find yourself back  in the White Marble Corridor.

You catch a glimpse of your  glowing Essence in the mirror, you see yourself shaking you head in amazement at  what you were just a part of. Your Angels lead you back across the threshold  of  the Golden Door Within, back into your Spiritual Heart Chakra and then they  assist the return of your Spiritual Essence back into your physical form.

Take a deep breath to help you  reorient as you wiggle your fingers and toes. When you are ready open your eyes.  Go about your day remembering that your Inner Higher Wisdom and Angelic support  staff are always at your service working with you to help you reach your highest  most appropriate potential. Listen for those first thoughts that pop into your  awareness and know without a shadow of a doubt that you are receiving daily  spiritual guidance.

Beloveds you are blessed beyond  words and loved beyond measure, more than any Earth Plane language can ever  express.

I Am Archangel Michael, The  Creator’s Messenger, of Love, Joy, Wisdom, Light, Peace and Grace.

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Glimpsing into what is to come


future glimpse


One of the many gifts of the year 2013 is the ability to glimpse   into the possibility of what is to come. The true pure essence of want and   desire is as powerful as a star being birthed. The energetic degree that you   want (or desire) something is aligned mathematically and exponentially with   your power to manifest it. Scientists say that children believe in magic   because their brains cannot grasp the concept of limited natural law.

Each thought you have has its own consciousness. Within each   thought lives an electromagnetic field of possibilities. It is consciousness   within consciousness. These possibilities are magnetically drawn to other   energies of like vibration. When enough energies form a connection they birth   the object of your intention into matter. Every thought has a vibrational   pulse that magnetizes other like thoughts. As they respond to the energetic   clarion call they begin to pulse and then connect with the image of inherent   within each of them and create what they have agreed upon.

In other words all thoughts no matter what they are have the   potential to manifest. Belief creates a vibrational wormhole seducing the   thought into form. It has been proven that DNA has its own language very   similar to the language of humans. Human language is believed to be based   upon our inner DNA language. Every cell in your body listens to every word   you speak and think and then creates from that dialogue. Nothing is dismissed   by your DNA as a casual thought or a just kidding statement. Everything is   taken to heart and then on its way into form.

Your DNA believes you are commander-n-chief, it sees you as a   god in training and per the universal fathers instructions obeys your every   word and whim. ‘I am only kidding clauses’ do not live within the   intelligence of the DNA structure for it responds to all thoughts and words.   As we learn to communicate with our inner universe on the way to creating our   promised personal heaven on earth, it is important to take time to slow down   and park in your heart. The meditative state of alpha is achieved simply by   closing your eyes and looking within to that single point of pure Light.

As we enter the internal temple our dialogue with our DNA is   heard loud and clear with no outside buzz. As we move deeper into   communication with our cellular consciousness we find infinite pathways of   creation available to us. We stand within our inner temple looking at columns   of light and possibility. We ponder the possibilities and their outcomes. To   our DNA and cellular cousins everything and anything is possible. The self   censors our deepest desires creating a puddle to splash in instead of an   ocean to swim in. Who are we to stand in our own way and sabotage what the   universe has deemed us to do?

When we are in a refined state of DNA communication using the   light waves to surf on, we can travel to the past… the future…. and   everything in-between. We have the ability to transcend time and space. In   this place of truth that is connected to all time and space we can see what   is to come, heal the past, and connect with our deepest truths.

When we go within anything is possible. It is up to us to hold   that precious pearl of possibility and not drop it in our every day world. As   you visit the vista of all time and internal space hold tight to the   treasures of insight you bring back. These are cellular truths you bring   back. You are caretakers of what could be…. What was…? And what will be.   Honor them as your most precious treasures. They are worlds that are waiting   to be birthed.

by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

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  • Michael

    Synchronicities, feathers, coins, and signs of all kinds abound at this time. We are doing everything we can to get your attention. We are here and we are working with you in every way we are able. If you are open to the possibility, ask and you will receive all the signs you need that we are indeed with you.

    There is much, much more to reality than you know or even imagine. You have spent over a hundred years searching for the ‘missing link’. Did they but know it, it is at last beginning to be acknowledged by your scientists. Consciousness is that link. Consciousness is everywhere. Energy is everything. At its core, matter is no more solid than thought is. All is love.

    How much is understood now that was totally foreign to the thinking of mankind so recently. Of course in many places only the very few think of these things at all. But that is changing, as well. In your quiet inner moments, dwell on these things, dearest ones. More than things to pass through your mind, what do they mean?

    Could it be that nothing separates you from any other thing? Could it be that nothing really separates you from me? Could you possibly know what I want you to know before you read these pages? Is there a level at which we are indeed all One?

    What would that mean in the context of daily life? All are equal? Indeed, dear ones. All are worthy? All are loved? All are precious? No one and nothing is less than? Most of all you, in your being, are precious, worthy, and loved beyond measure.

    You are exactly as you need to be at this moment. It may take some time for you to allow this become your true belief and feeling, but we assure you that it must be and will be your truth at some point. Claim it now, it has never been untrue, even when you have felt so.

    All of the pain, all of the suffering, exist because you have allowed the belief of your being less than, of being undeserving, of being unloved and unworthy to live in your hearts. It is time now for you to awaken from that nightmare.

    Ask! Allow! Listen! Learn to love yourself as the son or daughter of the One. There are those of you who will feel these words deeply. We tell you that from the moment you realize this, we will walk with you and hold your hand as you find your way out of the dream. Your Creator has no interest whatsoever in seeing you suffer and never has had. You are deeply loved.

    Good day, beloveds. We will speak again shortly.

    Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:

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The Real Moon

The Real Moon

Obscure information coming from our moon, there is nothing more romantic than a walk on the beach at night for lovers under the moonlight, but did you ever wondered what is the moon ?

You take it for granted that is there but its not the natural satellite of earth as earth never had a natural satellite (as tought in school) and if it was, its orbit should be the opposite of what is it, its much older than what we had expected, his composition is very different from earth in its grades of composition of the minerals and this is... just a sample of some of the many anomalies (not all) , discovered on that odd place called moon... so be aware of that !

By the way, no counterparts can claim any copyright infringements, as the use of this data has been carefully researched and collected from various free resources from the web.

This video is an original unique collage made by Mirco Piccioli and produced solely for non-profit educational purposes !!!! When possible credits are given blatantly with no secrets !!! Silly comments will be removed I'm open to discussions however.

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Sir David Attenborough warns that humans are 'a plague on the Earth'

The 86-year-old broadcaster said the negative effects of climate change and population growth would cause disaster within next 50 years.

Press Association - The 86-year-old broadcaster said the negative effects of climate change and population growth would cause disaster within next 50 years.

Sir David Attenborough has warned that the human race has become a "plague on the Earth".

The 86-year-old broadcaster said the negative effects of climate change and population growth would cause disaster within next 50 years.

He told the Radio Times: "It's coming home to roost over the next 50 years or so. It's not just climate change. It's sheer space, places to grow food for this enormous horde. Either we limit our population growth or the natural world will do it for us, and the natural world is doing it for us right now.

"We keep putting on programmes about famine in Ethiopia - that's what's happening. Too many people there. They can't support themselves - and it's not an inhuman thing to say. It's the case.

"Until humanity manages to sort itself out and get a co-ordinated view about the planet, it's going to get worse and worse."

Sir David is a patron of the charity Population Matters, which aims to limit population growth through programmes such as contraception drives.

Sir David, whose landmark series are being repeated on BBC2, also said that his style of presenting would soon be extinct.

He told the magazine: "I'm not sure there's any need for a new Attenborough. The more you go on, the less you need people standing between you and the animal and the camera waving their arms about.

"It's much cheaper to get someone in front of a camera describing animal behaviour than actually showing you (the behaviour). That takes a much longer time.

"But the kind of carefully tailored programmes in which you really work at the commentary, you really match pictures to words, is a bit out of fashion now... regarded as old hat."

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8 Ways to Practice Self-Love

8 Ways to Practice Self-Love

Self-love is about knowing and honoring your needs, wants and wishes. It’s about understanding your inner world, including your thoughts and feelings. It’s about being kind and compassionate with yourself. Self-love is a spirit you carry, and apply to everything in your life. It is a daily practice consisting of nourishing and joyful activities. Here are eight ideas for practicing self-love in the New Year.

Respecting and honoring your needs includes knowing what’s happening with your body. But we often stop paying attention, especially when we’re pressed for time. To remind you, set an alarm on your phone for every hour or two hours, every day.

When it dings, ask yourself how you’re feeling and how you can respond to your body. For instance, if you’re tense, you might give yourself a massage or stretch your body. If you’re agitated, you might take a few deep breaths, meditate or walk for 10 minutes.

Whether you sit down every day or week, journaling is a valuable way to access and process your thoughts and feelings. It can be as simple as answering, “Right now I am feeling…” or “Right now I am thinking…”

In her book, Journalution: Journaling to Awaken Your Inner Voice, Heal Your Life and Manifest Your Dreams, Sandy Grason suggests exploring your emotions by listing all the things that trigger a specific emotion.

For instance, if you’re angry, write down, “I feel angry,” and, for two minutes, list all the things in your life that make you angry.

Knowing and living your dreams is a great act of self-love. Put away the shoulds, and consider what you really love to do. What activities bring you joy? What are your aspirations? What would you do for free? What did you love as a child? You don’t have to overhaul your career to live your dreams. You can channel your dreams into your days, whether it’s penning a poem before work or painting in the evenings.

Yoga is a safe and gentle way to reconnect with your body and your inner world. It also helps to cultivate kindness and acceptance. Practicing yoga isn’t about manipulating your body into a certain size. It’s about meeting your body and yourself where you are – and enjoying the movement and magic of your body.

Try a class at a nearby yoga studio, or find resources online. Anna Guest-Jelley, the founder of Curvy Yoga, has many excellent free resources on her website.

Boundaries are crucial for healthy relationships. As author Rosie Molinary writes in her book, Beautiful You: A Daily Guide to Radical Self-Acceptance, “There is never a day where it is better to be in a relationship that undermines, undercuts, manipulates, abuses or takes advantage of us than it is to be …in a relationship with ourselves that’s filled with self-love.”

But if you’re a people pleaser, setting and sustaining boundaries can seem overwhelming, or worse, impossible. So commit to creating one boundary, and seeing it through. Start small. And remember, as Molinary writes, “Being good, as it turns out, isn’t about pleasing. Being good is about being just to others while also being true to yourself.”

That harsh inner voice that criticizes your body or your intellect or anything else about you isn’t being realistic or telling it like it is. It’s spewing lies. Your own voice is kind, supportive and loving. So whenever the inner critic strikes, recognize that these self-critical statements are untrue, and replace them with something truly realistic, helpful or compassionate.

Many of us feel uncomfortable praising ourselves or even acknowledging anything remotely positive. But there’s nothing arrogant about appreciating yourself. (Don’t you appreciate your loved ones for their qualities?) Write a letter acknowledging your accomplishments, efforts and traits. If this is tough for you, put yourself in a friend’s shoes. What positive things would they say about you? Whenever you start to feel crummy, come back to this note.

Court yourself like you would a lover. What places do you love to visit? What activities put a smile on your face? What nourishes your soul? Spend time by yourself doing the things that make you happiest. In fact, go to your calendar right now, and schedule several dates this month. Every day self-love gives us an opportunity to tune into our needs and desires, and respond to them with care and compassion. It reminds us that we’re beautiful human beings, who make mistakes and try our best.

Just like we love our family and friends unconditionally, we can learn to love ourselves without requirements or shoulds, one step and supportive perspective at a time.

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Small Wonder

Small Wonder
by Barbara Kingslover

Barry Lopez writes that if we hope to succeed in the endeavor of protecting natures other than our own, "it will require that we reimagine our lives.... It will require of many of us a humanity we've not yet mustered, and a grace we were not aware we desired until we had tasted it."

And yet no endeavor could be more crucial at this moment. Protecting the land that once provided us with our genesis may turn out to be the only real story there is for us. The land still provides our genesis, however we might like to forget that our food comes from dank, muddy earth, that the oxygen in our lungs was recently inside a leaf, and that every newspaper or book we may pick up (including this one, ultimately, though recycled) is made from the hearts of trees that died for the sake of our imagined lives. What you hold in your hands right now, beneath these words, is consecrated air and time and sunlight and, first of all, a place.

Whether we are leaving it or coming into it, it's here that matters, it is place. Whether we understand where we are or don't, that is the story: To be here or not to be. Storytelling is as old as our need to remember where the water is, where the best food grows, where we find our courage for the hunt. It's as persistent as our desire to teach our children how to live in this place that we have known longer than they have. Our greatest and smallest explanations for ourselves grow from place, as surely as carrots grow in the dirt. I'm presuming to tell you something that I could not prove rationally but instead feel as a religious faith. I can't believe otherwise. […]

Oh, how can I say this: People need wild places. Whether or not we think we do, we do. We need to be able to taste grace and know once again that we desire it. We need to experience a landscape that is timeless, whose agenda moves at the pace of speciation and glaciers. To be surrounded by a singing, mating, howling commotion of other species, all of which love their lives as much as we do ours, and none of which could possibly care less about our economic status or our running day calendar.

Wildness puts us in our place. It reminds us that our plans are small and somewhat absurd. It reminds us why, in those cases in which our plans might influence many future generations, we ought to choose carefully. Looking out on a clean plank of planet earth, we can get shaken right down to the bone by the bronze-eyed possibility of lives that are not our own.

-- Barbara Kingsolver, in "Small Wonder"

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“Greetings Dear Ones, We are the High Council of Orion. Today we will continue and expand (no pun intended), the experience of working with the light-body and the light of who you are. For this is another essential piece to manifestation, to co-creation, to living in your heart. Living in your essence of light and living beyond the physical dimensions while still in the physical body, and of course there are no issues with having a physical body but after many many many lifetimes of living in a physical body, the memory has become quite dim of the light-body, and living from the place of the light-body and many of you know of the light-body. Here we're going to be working with it to enhance, not escape the physical reality. For always holding at the highest level the choice of your Soul to have this physical incarnation in this time, and in this place on the planet in which you find yourself. We ask that you hold no resistance about your physical incarnation and honor the Souls choice. And one way to honor the Souls choice and become more at peace with the reality of the human existence you have, is to connect to your light-body and allow yourself to begin to work with your light-body experiences. Let's begin today with a shortened version of connecting with the light-body. Take a moment to become present for yourself, present in your heart allowing your physical body to be in a place of comfort and ease, dropping your shoulders, breathing easily down into your belly, and when you feel yourself centered into your heart. Ask to be shown or experience the truth the reality the glow of your light-body, and feel that expansion beyond the experience of your physical. Each of you will experience it in your unique way, perhaps it becomes a tangible sense of expansion, perhaps there's warmth, or perhaps you see a change in the lights behind your closed eyes. Just honor how that shows up for you in this moment in time. As we did in our last conversation, as you connect with your light-body scan and look for places where the light might not be as strong, and without making judgments about what it is and what it might be and what it might mean, for it does not matter. Allow the light to grow through your attention, through your movement of light elsewhere you can think about turning up the light in that area. Whatever works to see the light equally bright in all ways, and in all directions within your light-body, and trust and allow in your imagination, for that is a source of creation for you. And as you balance out the brightness in your light-body, center yourself in your heart and in your breathing, and then ask and allow for your light-body to grow and expand. For now just expand further out in all directions, knowing that this is at your core the light of your Soul which is the light of source, which is a light of abundance, a light of health, a light of non-duality which means you are safe within your light as you expand it. Just sit and see and feel what this experience is like for a moment. Allowing your breathing to continue on in a relaxed way. Allow your physical body to be comfortable, and allowing your mind in its infinite busyness to sit in its quietude within the center of your heart. As you sit in this place of your inner balance point connected with your light-body, imagine it being your own personal counselor, your own personnel solutions bank, for your light-body as an extension of your Soul can work with you and for you in your human existence. So from this place of connection to your light-body, think of one thing that can be a simple thing, not the biggest most difficult issue in your life at this moment in time, but think of one simple thing that could be infused with more light. And by that we mean it could be an area of a little bit of energetic constriction or struggle, or something that you'd like a little more insight about our understanding, or you haven’t been able to solve the problem. Wherever it might be, something in your life that needs illumination. What in your life would you like to give some additional support from that Soul level consciousness to be eliminated, so that the solution energy and clarity and understanding can be brought to it? Allowing yourself to stay centered in your heart from this place of connection to the light of who you are, in this field of your infinite possibilities, ask to be shown or inspired or guided to find the solution energy with the illumination to that one issue. If you feel yourself moving into emotional reactivity or response, breathe and bring yourself back to your heart so that you remain in an open receptive place. Allow that solution energy to move forward, to illuminate, to guide, to shed light understanding, sometimes the solution energy might be a way you can reach out to someone else or something else for more information, perhaps your solution energy is shifting your point of view. Allow yourself in your field of infinite possibilities to not decide what that solution energy needs to be, but allow that easiest solution to come forward as you are connected to the light of who you are. Perhaps the solution will come in the form of a few words you hear in your head, perhaps you’ll see something different, or perhaps you'll have knowingness about a next step. In the field of infinite possibilities, solution energy can come in many many forms. For some of your human experiences that you would like to bring to your light-body, solution energy might take more than one time. Sometimes the information or the solution will flow forward in one session so to speak. We ask that you be patient, we ask that you work with this in the same the way you would work with this in learning any new skill, with loving guidance, loving patience for yourself, and living in connection in these moments with your light-body allows you to tap into the universal consciousness, where that state of oneness exists. As you spend time in this place of being centered in your heart and working with your life body, your experience of it will grow. The knowledge and information that you can access will grow and expand. Does it happen in an instant? No We ask that you be patient and have fun working with this, have fun working in collaboration with your Soul through your light-body experience. We also encourage you to spend time in your light-body experience without necessarily needing to bring a problem to it. You can move into your heart centered light-body experience, just to feel, just to allow yourself that time to reconnect with the essence of who you are and feel that expanded place. For it is very healing and rejuvenating. It is like a cosmic spa experience for you to rest in your light-body experience. Be Blessed. We are the High Council of Orion.”

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Lord Metatron

As channeled by Laurie Gilmore 
“I Am Metatron. I have been asked to serve by dictating information that will assist you in moving through the transitions that are ahead for the planet and all life on the planet during the ascension.
This planet, and all species of life on the planet are in the process of ascension. Ascension means that all first and second dimensional lifeforms will “move up” to third dimensional lifeforms.
Humans, or third dimensional lifeforms, will graduate to either fourth dimensional worlds or fifth dimensional oneness depending on their level of evolution and their intent.
The ascension is occurring now as a step by step progression, and will continue one way or another, for that is the will of all.
Normally, planets and the species of life incarnate on the planet are ascended via cataclysmic disasters that usher in a death-resurrection cycle.In this cycle, as was demonstrated by Christ, disasters create planetary death. Because this is the way ascension usually occurs, it is known and understood very well at the level of the Universal Mind.
That is why, since ancient times, there have been prophecies of terrible destruction to occur at end times.
The Resurrection Cycle ( Resurrection Dispensation ) Now is the Ascension, where all life begins anew, at a new level of consciousness in a Higher Dimensional World. This does not mean reincarnation, for that carries the concept of Karma with it, and before ascension can become a probability, all Karma must be cleared.
It does not mean existence only as a spirit in celestial worlds, ascension is also physical.
As a process, it changes the physical body while merging the body and the spirit into one being. This being is a perfected being of light, in a physical body of light.
This ascension progression actually began thousands of years ago, with the Exodus of the Israelites from Egypt.
The story of Moses leading his people out of bondage is a metaphor for the ascension progression. The incarnation of Jesus was a major turning point for the process because as an Avatar, Jesus was capable of taking on the “sins” or Karma of all humans and transmuting that energy to light.
Because of his redemption, a gentle ascension became possible. This ascension, evolves through a series of steps, until a state as a light being becomes possible. The redemption of Christ was the beginning step of the Light Body progression.
This first step took nearly two thousand years to complete.
Light Body was introduced as an experiment in 1988, only seven months after Harmonic Convergence.
It is an experiment because an ascension has never been attempted this way. This method, both a graduated increase of light within the physical bodies of all lifeforms and the planet and an increase in the vibratory level, has never been attempted before in ANY ascending universe.
There are theories within the Universal Mind about how that process will work out, but at times the results have differed from the anticipated.
In these cases revisions are made. As a foundation for the information I will give later, I must explain the Light Body progression to you.
You must understand this process first at a personal level. This personal level is how Light Body will affect you physically, emotionally and mentally. Then I will give information on how Light Body will affect the planet and how it will affect the structures of your society.
I consider the most important and exciting aspect of Light Body to be that this experiment transforms your physical shell into an appropriate vehicle to merge completely with your higher self, and happens concurrently with the physical process.
This merging is created by a series of descensions of spirit, which are timed by the amount of light you are holding within your cells.
The amount of light held by the physical cells is keyed to the level of Light Body, and the higher the level, the less dense the body.
The more light you hold in your physical body, the greater the level of spirit you can contain within the body. Toward the end of the Light Body process, just proceeding the shift into ascension, you will merge completely with your Higher Self. The descensions of spirit are the mechanisms used to bring in, or turn on, the spiritual gifts of the ascended masters.
Light Body has twelve levels or steps, and as each step is completed the changes that have occurred physically must be integrated in all areas of the life and the spirit.
Light Body is designed to bring up all your human issues as you progress, and each higher level brings up a deeper layer to the issues than the layer before it.
This is to assist you in becoming clear mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. As the issues emerge, you may allow Christ’s redemption to transmute it for you.
There is a void space at the end of each Light Body level that we call ego death, and it may manifest as depression or a sense of nothingness.
This void is to be used as a rest stop before you continue your journey. This void is an energetic place where nothing exists, and you are able to build a new picture of yourself and your life before you move to the next step.
The void is an integration chamber, or perhaps I could describe it as a cocoon, where you can rest and form the beautiful butterfly you are to become in your next step.
The first six steps of Light Body were structured for gradual change at all levels with regular spiritual awakenings interspersed with the physical, mental and emotional changes.
From seventh level through tenth level Light Body the progress changes and is focused on one area of your experience at a time.
For example, in seventh level most of you experienced your first descension of spirit, and a noticeable spiritual awakening with it.
You may have manifested clairvoyance, clairaudience, or a kinesthetic awareness of energy with the awakening. I am discussing this level in the past tense, because currently the planet is shifting into the beginning of ninth level. It is a very painful experience to be at a lower vibratory rate than the planet you exist on, which is the case for those who are below eighth level.
Because you are reading this article, I am certain you would be somewhere between the void of late eighth level, to eleventh level in the Light Body progression.
You would not have an interest in spiritually oriented literature if you were in the lower levels.
Eighth level Light Body creates body changes in some extreme ways.
Physical symptoms similar to viral syndromes are very common. During this level, you may have noticed that you caught a cold once a month.
Other symptoms are headaches (behind the eyes) as the optic nerve pathways for light are turned on and the pineal gland becomes activated.
You may have earaches, air pressure changes, itching inside the ears, as your hearing structures are rewired to decode light transmissions, and excessive perspiration or diarrhea as you drop density from the cells of your body.
One perspective on these changes is that you are adding a third physical strand to your D.N.A. For some, the body may resist the density drop because of the descensions of spirit. A symptom of that resistance is weight gain.
Human bodies have a tendency to try to cope with descensions by becoming bigger to contain the spiritual mass coming into it.The only effective way to stop the weight gain once it has started, is physical exercise. I mean very hard exercise such as weight lifting, bicycling, running, or swimming. The exercise must be sufficient to begin building muscle mass.
Creating muscle mass will protect your nervous system, for the energies coming in with each descension is much stronger than your nervous system is accustomed to. Adipose tissue cannot protect the nervous system as muscle does by accepting the overflow from the nervous system. Adipose tissue will “fry” as these energies overflow, and the result is damage to the insulin receptors within the cells.
This throws the metabolism out of balance, and the result is weight gain. The muscle mass created by exercise will take the overload from the nervous system, and will convince the body consciousness that it is “big enough” to hold the spirit. You may begin to notice flashing colors on your inner screen, geometric equations moving through your mind, or hear a hum.
This is the beginning of the translation facility, and will allow you to turn light code into cognitive understanding and comprehension.
The grids around the planet constantly transmit messages to the life forms incarnate on the planet. These messages come through in a form called light packets, and are coded. I call it “light code”.
This information must be “decoded” or converted to conscious thought, so you can understand it and use it in your life. These messages are designed to give instruction, and to explain what is occurring energetically at the higher dimensional frequencies.
If you are a sensitive who can hear the hum, a sharp tone, buzzing, please acknowledge this to your guides. They are trying to assist you to get the light code transmissions, but they cannot verify that you hear it unless you respond.
Your guides will try to assist you by turning up the volume and frequency of the audible light code until they see a response from you. The light code as a hum, can become very annoying and even physically uncomfortable. If you are experiencing this symptom, “ask” your guides to turn down the volume and calibrate the frequency so it will not be irritating or debilitating for you.
These eighth level changes can take up to two years for a human. It has taken three years for the planet.
Ninth level is about integrating the spiritual changes from seventh level and the physical changes of eighth into your physical life. In ninth level, relationships are your focus, for it is through relationships that you test yourself and the changes that have been wrought within you.
You may find that any relationship based on control or manipulation becomes intolerable, and many relationships end during this phase. You may also find that your work in the world changes as you integrate your new identity. The void of ninth level Light Body can be very painful, for after so much focus on relationships, this void requires you to ultimately be alone with yourself.
After all, the relationship you have with yourself is the most important relationship you have, is it not? Ninth level ends (and sometimes begins) with fairly massive descensions, giving you yet another relationship to integrate as a part of your process.
At the beginning of tenth level, life feels new, and you may feel newly born and very tender. Tenth level is the beginning of the spiritual awakening that will lead to your mastery of the abilities that mark the spiritual masters and adepts.
These abilities, or gifts of the spirit, will become stronger as you become energetically clearer. In tenth level the focus will be on manifesting these spiritual gifts, and then integrating the gifts fully so they are usable in your physical, everyday life. Your greatest natural spiritual gift will be the first to manifest in tenth level, and your other gifts of the spirit will open later in a gradual way.
You will be required to live by your spiritual gifts. If you are clairvoyant, for example, you must make decisions by what you perceive clairvoyantly - not by what you perceive physically.
Your clairvoyance will literally overtake your physical sight during tenth level. You may notice one day that you are very clearly seeing three curbs and sidewalks.
Deciding where to place your foot may be very confusing. You will be seeing the physical curb and sidewalk, the etheric curb and sidewalk, and the fourth dimensional curb and sidewalk. If you rely completely on your clairvoyance, not the physical sense of sight, you will know where to step. If you use the physical sense of sight you may trip a few times in a public place.
Eventually you will learn how to process this type of vision. The process of becoming clear is one of releasing stored energy from the emotional body and the mental body, and relocating that energy to the spiritual body where it becomes usable, through which miracles are created.
The only difference between an Avatar and an ordinary man is the location of the energy held within the energy bodies. An ordinary man has all his energy “locked-up” in stored emotions and memories in the emotional body, and beliefs, dogmas and thoughts in the mental body.
The ordinary man has a flat spiritual body, for there is no energy to spare from the demands of the emotions and thoughts. An avatar has clear emotional and mental bodies. All the energy held within an Avatar’s subtle bodies, is stored in the Spiritual Body.
For a Master, the energy associated with emotion flows into the emotional body from the spiritual body IN THE MOMENT, and is released to the spiritual body once the emotional stimulus has ended.
The energy associated with a thought flows from the spiritual body to the mental body, and then is released to the spiritual body as the thought is completed.
This leaves an Avatar’s energy free, to use according to his will. The spiritual energy is available to an avatar because it is not consumed by thoughts, beliefs, emotions, and memories. This is the energetic structure each of you must create in your energy bodies, during tenth and eleventh level Light Body. This will allow each of you to perform miracles such as manifesting thought into physical reality.
Eleventh level of Light Body is a natural progression from tenth, and many times the transition is so easy, the shift isn’t noticed. The spiritual abilities continue to grow, and the physical body begins to change in appearance. Your physical body becomes luminous, glowing, and appears very beautiful.
You might have friends and acquaintances suddenly remarking that you look younger, or that you have changed in some way that is indefinable. Eleventh level brings deeper levels of processing on your emotional issues. At this level you must deal with all your beliefs and thought forms around death and loss.
You might create disillusionment, or even find you are creating your deepest fears within your physical life so you can clear them completely by experiencing them. Any stored energy held in the emotional or mental body after tenth level is completed must be released to the spiritual body in eleventh level.
If you do not deal with those issues while you are in tenth level, you will manifest them in your lives within the eleventh. But, you truly have nothing to fear but fear itself when you are at eleventh level Light Body.
Twelfth level Light Body is the Ascension. It is marked by the movement of the Merkabah into the heart center of your body. The Merkabah can most easily be described as a golden ball of light. It is the Vehicle of your Ascension, and a major initiation for you when it happens.
That event is the beginning of your personal Ascension into a Fifth Dimensional world of Oneness. The Ascension can occur at an individual level, it can occur within a group, or it will occur as a part of the collective experience. You will Ascend when you are Ready, whether you do it alone, as a part of a group, or as a part of the ‘Planetary Shift’ yet to come.
There is not a period for the ascension in any way. At an individual level there are ascensions occurring daily.
Since Harmonic Convergence the energy has been available for the shift into a Fifth Dimensional Consciousness while in a physical body.
There are many beings, who are incarnate because they have volunteered to serve by testing the Light Body experiment. They are the first ones to move into Ascension. For the rest of you, the Light Body program will continue until you are ready, and then you will shift. Ascension is a very simple thing. It is a change that occurs in an instant, but you are still here.
The Sun will still shine and the Stars will still twinkle. The difference is Joy, your ability to live Joy and to feel Joy.
The easiest way to verify that Ascension has happened is to note the quality of joy in a person’s life.
The beginning of the Ascension is when a person begins living life by creating their fantasies as their reality. I, Metatron can define JOY as Nirvana, Ecstasy, or Rapture.
It is that state of ‘Oneness with God.’ It can also be defined as your center or being on your center. That clear space you can achieve in meditation where energy is flowing and you feel that absolute Cosmic Oneness with all. Whatever brings you pleasure or feelings of lightness, and whatever you would define as joy, is a pathway to that state.
If you are working as a part of a spiritual group, you will experience a series of faster shifts in your processing. When one member of your group notices the embodiment of the Merkabah, you all will have received it, and will soon become aware of it also. The individual members may not have noticed this occurring at first, but at least one member of the group was ready for it, and as a result the entire group will get the benefit.
A group working on Ascension has a tremendous advantage because Fifth Dimensional Consciousness is a consciousness of “Oneness” or in other words, the group is One. Working with a group creates enormous synergistic energy, where each of you is far more powerful than you would be if you were alone.
It also gives each member a chance to learn to relate both as individuals, and from oneness within the group. This is an essential fifth dimensional consciousness shift that everyone must make.
As individuals and groups focus on Ascension, they should focus on beginning to recreate their lives as absolute masterpieces of joy.
As they do so, they will begin to live from joy, and later, they will become Joy. As each of you does this, you will begin to shift everyone you come into contact with in your daily life, broadcasting the energy of joy to them and waking them up to that frequency.
The Mass Ascension will occur when the majority of ascending humans on the planet are existing in this state of joy, and not until. The reason for this fact, is that this planetary experience is one of free agency. In this Multi-dimensional Universe, free agency is Divine Law.
As individuals and groups focus on ascension, they should focus on beginning to recreate their lives as absolute masterpieces of joy. As they do so, they will begin to live from joy, and later, they will become joy. As each of you does this, you will begin to shift everyone you come into contact with in your daily life, broadcasting the energy of joy to them and waking them up to
that frequency.
The mass ascension will occur when the majority of ascending humans on the planet are existing in this state of joy, and not until. The reason for this fact, is that this planetary experience is one of free agency. In this dimensional universe, free agency is divine law.
When the majority of you are living from joy, the planetary experience will have moved into a world of love and oneness. When the majority of you have given up the game of polarity because you have learned all you could, and have by your own choices moved into joy and oneness, the mass ascension will occur.
Until that time comes, and it will, the Light Body progression will continue. The ascension will take as long as it takes, and humanity as a collective group, in the end, decides the timing of the great event. Free agency cannot be tampered with, not even for the highest of purposes, not even to create the ascension.
The point I wish to make with this information is that the greatest way each of you can serve God, serve all mankind, serve the planet, and to serve yourselves is to create your lives as masterpieces of joy. Be ruthless in evaluating your lives, and clear everything that does not bring you joy. Let go of old emotions and old issues, for they are consuming the energy you could be feeling joy with.
If you focus on this as the entire process, and focus on learning to live from joy as your path of initiation, you will become the adept or spiritual master you desire to be. You will assist everyone you meet, by your very presence, and you will be anchoring the energies of joy for the planet as well, to assist her in birthing a new level of manifestation for all.
This ecstatic state of union with God is a part of the potential that is open for all. This path of joy makes the ascension so very simple, for all that is required is for each individual to begin focusing on, and taking full responsibility for his life. Live life as a masterpiece of JOY.
The planetary changes that have been prophesied for these times you are living in are frightening for many. Since you have nothing to fear but fear, I will bring forth information about how the Light Body process has changed the probable future for the planet. I have described the process for you as it affects your physical self and your personal life. I will now explain how Light Body impacts the planet, for the planet is physical, and the entire basis for sustenance of your physical life.
As you become a being of light the planet also changes. The planet is becoming a sphere of crystal and light. When the Light Body experiment began in 1988, the planet was shifted into third level Light Body. The planet shifted into a higher level each year after; fourth level in 1989, fifth level in 1990, and sixth level in 1991.
The planet entered seventh level on Jan. 11, 1992 with the 11:11 gateway, and remained there until the next gateway opening which was 5/5/92. This gateway initiated the beginning of eighth level Light Body for the planetary process, and with that level of Light Body, earth changes were most probable. Planetary shifts have always been ushered in by a series of technologies I call gateways.
Gateways are energetic conduits opened from a higher dimensional universe to this one. These conduits bring through the energies necessary to pattern mass consciousness, change planetary vibrations, and to change dimensional frequencies.
A gateway requires the assistance of the space brothers and many beings on higher dimensional frequencies to create it and to refine the energies for the specified purpose. The purpose of a gateway, and its timing is the domain of the Light Councils, or Karmic Board, and the Ascended Masters of The Great White Brotherhood.
These councils oversee the progress, and assist when needed. The 5/5/92 gateway purposes were to forestall probabilities around cataclysmic disasters, which were most likely as the planet began losing density. The greatest probable disaster is a pole shift. The 5/5/92 gateway began the shift between the in-breath of God and the out-breath of God.
The shift between an expanding Universe and a contracting Universe. This gateway, 5/5/92, signaled the still time between the two directions. This still time continues until 2012 when the in-breath of Lord Brahma begins. This physical Universe has been expanding, fragmenting out into individuation. When the contraction begins (in-breath of Lord Brahma) it is the merging of the fragments into Oneness.
This Grid shift from Eastern Hemisphere to the West (Mount Shasta) was engineered to aid those who are known as lightworkers at this time of change, for the Grid shift allowed the planetary frequencies to shift upward into what is known as the lower fourth dimensional frequencies.
This brought the planetary vibration into what is known as the astral worlds. These worlds are still worlds of polarity and illusion, but they are far less physical. It makes it possible for each of you to begin opening potentials of joy for yourselves, and as you do, the disasters become less probable.
Those who are aware and those who are learning to use spiritual power to create in the physical can use the energies from the new grid alignment to create their personal version of “Heaven on Earth”.
There were many of you requesting this assistance, for many lightworkers wanted to be able to precipitate thought into matter.
The greatest way to release enemy patterning is to move yourself into a space where you believe there are no enemies. Move yourself into a space where there is no question about the need to protect your rights.
Move yourself into the attitude that, yes, you have the absolute right to possess and bear arms, but where would the necessity to use those weapons ever come from? This is a world at peace! This is one of the things that will be shifting drastically as a result of the Silent Revolution.
With the Shifting in Energy the illusion of having enemies will become less and less real, until it no longer exists. Become clear within each of yourselves about how you interpret these violent events, and what they are mirroring for you. Become clear within yourself about how you perceive the need to have arms, and what your values are.
Work through these issues on your own level, in your own life, until you can create a perception of an absolutely safe, stable world. For other people in your life, who have concerns and fears about these political issues, assist them by your ability to bring through energy.
Facilitate their efforts to process their beliefs, until they can arrive at a place where they are secure and without fear, and have the attitudes that this is the time of Peace, let us welcome it. If you can do these things it will be of great service to the light, your assistance in shifting the Mass Consciousness on these issues.
It is of interest that on the macro, people are willing to do away with nuclear arms. Destroy them, dismantle them, make their use illegal. But on a personal level, they will cling so tightly to their own firearms. Divine law is - as the inner, so the outer. It must happen at the personal level first, then it will manifest internationally. If you truly want to outlaw nuclear arms, begin within your own lives.
Normally, before the energy realigns itself in a balanced way, the pendulum will swing very far from side to side. The hope is that this issue is just a pendulum swing before the attitudes balance themselves. Other movements you are seeing politically are to create reforms in the Welfare system.
These shifts are the result of the gateway that opened on 6.6.94. That gateway was one of self-empowerment. But along with self-empowerment comes the requirement of self-reliance. This gateway brought through a new model for a Self Empowered - Female.
The archetype of the Goddess Athena is something each lady carries within her consciousness. An activated model of this archetype of an Empowered Female was beamed through the gateway from the ship Athena. This opened up a remedy for many social ills in the Western World, for how can you have an Ascending Planet or Species, if over one half of the population is in a “less than” position?
Many women are treated as less than, earning less than, less opportunity, less education, relegated to welfare, relegated to poor circumstances and unequal opportunities. To change that, women must also step into their power. The energy to support the feminine is available, and has been since the reawakening of the forces of nature at the 12.21.91 gateway.
Each of you who are aware and empowered must focus on filling the void with joy, and shifting the forms of your lives quickly and easily. As you do this, the transitions from the old forms to the new will be traversed quickly and easily by the majority as well. For those of you who are working actively on your own ascension, you are carrying a great burden.
That burden is in living impeccably. You cannot create something on the level of the macro (collective) without first bringing it into the micro (personal). As above, so below - that is divine law. You must first create within your own life what you desire in your society, social structure, and country. There are many of you incarnate, with the Divine Mission to realign the law to more closely resemble Divine Law.
You are here to shift the entire collective around the issues of politics, economics, government, and law. You must use and live by the principles of Divine Law in your own lives first, before you can bring them through at the mass consciousness level. Create a life without a need for defense or violence, without a need for political polarity, without the need for welfare programs, and without the need for treatment of disease.
Create your lives as a world of peace, joy, security, and equality. The outer world will follow your lead. This world you are living in is now a fourth dimensional world - an astral world. It is still a world of polarity, but there is a difference. That polarity is just an illusion!
There are stories from every path of initiation about “The Guardian of the Threshold,” and most often the Guardian is a terrible monster. When an initiate is developed enough to travel to the astral worlds, the first thing the initiate will encounter is the Guardian. The initiate must defeat the Guardian to make further progress on their Spiritual Path.
This is considered a Test, and the Test must be passed, or the instruction of the Master stops. Every Esoteric tradition has it’s method of how to deal with the Guardian, and overcome it. The one universal truth about this test, is that the Guardian is you. That terrible demon is an astral apparition of your worst fears.
A monster yes, but it is nothing more than an illusion. In every tradition the solution is for the initiate to release their fears and personal demons and then they will overcome the Guardian. It will just disappear.
That is why each spiritual tradition, or path of initiation, has always had a focus on developing clarity, and personal qualities such as humility, forgiveness, and love. These qualities are the only way you can pierce the illusions of the astral worlds. As in the traditions of old, and in the Ascension Progression today, the Upper Dimensional Frequencies are not opened to the initiate until this Test has been passed.
In an initiation, there is no failure. If the test is not passed, the lesson is merely repeated until the initiate gets it. This is the best metaphor I can give you to describe the experiences you are having in this dimensional frequency. Remember, the Guardian is just an illusion, and polarity is just an illusion. If you release those illusions and beliefs, release those fears, the Guardian disappears!
The world you experience will recreate itself around your new reality perceptions. The assistance of all the hosts of heaven is available to each of you, but you must ask. We cannot violate your free agency, even to assist you.
All the assistance you need to walk through these changes peacefully and joyfully is available to each of you. This information is given to you to assure you that all is well. My role is to shift your fears, to assure you of divine love, and to awaken you to potentials you may have to assist the collective. Each of you has only one responsibility in this lifetime, and that responsibility is for YOUR OWN LIFE.
Divine law is As Above - So Below; As the Inner - So the Outer. When you perceive difficulties, enemies, or bogey men, in the outside world around you, look to your inner life for they will exist there as well. If you clear these perceptions from your inner life you will find that magically, your outer life, your experience, and perceptions shift, this is divine law.
You can bring about the elimination of polarity very simply - by working on your own life, and that is all each of you are required to do. Go forward and create of your life an absolute masterpiece of joy. The tools are given to you, the power is given to you, and all the assistance and guidance that you could possibly need is available.
Each of you must actually DO IT, and as you do it you will transform your world and the larger world as well. You have nothing left to fear but fear itself - for fear is the last great evil that remains in the world.
Work on your fear, and eliminate it from your mental body and emotional body, and as you do so you will eliminate it from your life. Fear is the only enemy left, and that enemy is only located within each of you.
Truly, the great ones are those who are incarnate at this time of change. Your initiation is nearly complete. All that remains is for each of you to pass the tests of Joy.
Blessings to all, for we love you, we honor you, and we only seek to serve each of you.
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Struggling With the Evidence We Can’t See


by Miles Webmaster PAO

One of my tasks as Webmaster is to read some of your e-mails.   Lately, there have been a number of messages of genuine despair that bemoaned   the long wait for Announcements and Disclosure. “Where’s the evidence? I   can’t see anything,” was the lament of many writers.

Many years ago when I was in art school, a teacher quoted the   artist Gustave Courbet, father of art realism: “Show me an angel, and   I’ll paint one”. This line stuck with me as a reminder to not get stuck   in the left brain.

From childhood, our society trains us to be left-brained. We are   rewarded for learning by rote and excelling in school. We are applauded for   following rules and plans, and for accepting the word of governments,   scientists, doctors, and so forth. Scientific method teaches us that   everything must be proven to be true. We must have physical evidence.

We are conditioned to question, judge and ridicule spontaneous   decisions or odd-ball ideas that do not fit society’s established standards.   Increasingly, we police and punish those who do not fit into what is   considered “normal”. The system dictates conformity at all costs!

Surrounded by all of this control, how can we free ourselves to   tune in to our inner voice, our heart logic, our spontaneity, our   imaginations, our right brains? It is not easy to shed a lifetime of   conditioning fed to us by educators, parents, religious doctrines, media   hype.

Let’s examine some of the things we can’t see but that may point   to invisible evidence.

Gaia is surrounded by energy fields, as are we humans. Auras   encircle us. Cameras can film these emanations, and some gifted individuals   can actually see them. Within us, chakra systems govern the flow of energy in   our body. Up to this point, we have had 7 chakra points, which are now   evolving to a 13-point chakra system as part of our preparation for   fifth-dimensional reality. But I can’t see this, you say… This is a process   that can be felt, though it is not necessarily seen. At times we may feel   tired or lacking energy, a condition that can usually be traced to an   imbalance in our energy fields. Meditation and visualization exercises are   important because they serve to balance our chakra systems. Traditional   Chinese medicine uses these methods to balance our Yin and Yang energy   fields.13 chakra system


Twice a month I see an alternative medical doctor who keeps my   energy flowing and in balance, using acupuncture and visualization. She is a   gifted healer who can look at energy fields and know precisely what the body   needs at that moment. After a healing session and with energy restored, my   spirit rejoices at my body’s renewed harmony. Is this accepted by   conventional medicine? Can the change I experience be measured with special   instruments? It doesn’t matter. What matters is that I feel great: that is my   proof. I do not need to see scientific evidence.

Let’s look at the bigger picture: Why should we… accept what is   being said about benevolent visitors from outer space coming to mentor us,   coming to guide us toward full consciousness… believe that Ascended Masters   are helping the Galactic Federation to help us… embrace the concept that the   end of the Mayan calendar brought in a new era of light, which has diminished   the effects of the dark? Should we trust our dreams? Do we re-think our   Earthly origins, where we come from, and what our futures hold?

The time has come for us to cast away our 3D conditioning and our   reliance on left-brain thinking. We must learn to re-acquaint ourselves with   our feelings, our intuition, our imagination and the awareness of our real   selves. Left-brain thinking is a great tool that helps us function in the material   world. And, of course, we use this tool to be comfortable in that world as   long as we remember its real purpose. Peace of mind comes from a left-brain   right-brain balance.

I do not channel information, follow a religious path, or embrace   science. My special dreams, meditative insights and life experiences show me   the way, guide me to my truth. Right brain feelings and heart logic allow me   to discern the truth that comes in messages from the Galactic Federation and   the Ascended Masters. When you tune in to them, you just have a knowingness.   Learn to trust it. Free yourselves from the shackles of 3D conformity!

How lucky we are to be alive to witness and experience the Golden   Age of Light! The dark has diminished and we will soon realize our dreams   without interference.

One day we will awaken to the Announcements, and meet our space   family. Until then, our greatest contribution to Gaia and each other is to   hold the light, stay peaceful and be positive. Why should we not? What do we   have to lose?

And finally… Here’s a recent example of a spontaneous, and very special moment in my life: On the morning of our wedding anniversary last August, I felt compelled to   look out the window, which I hardly ever do early in the day. (It is usually   all I can do to make it to the bathroom in one piece!) But that particular   morning, I just had to look up at the sky. This is what I saw:

angel clouds:miles

Two very special angel clouds, floating romantically side by   side, like bride and groom. If ever there was reason to feel that we are   being shown signs of something special, this had to be it. My wife and I both   sensed that our joyful day had been galactically blessed. For us, this was   not an invisible experience!

Welcome the magic moment and embrace it – it really does happen   when you least expect it!

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As channeled by Meline Lafont pleiadedolphininfos.blogspot.beillimangel.jpg

(This channeling is actually a personal message to me. These Masters are known by the book of “Life and Teachings of The Masters of the Far East” by Baird T. Spalding, a wonderful book I was told that, unfortunatly, I have not read yet. They came in early November to give me guidance in my Transformation and Transmutation process that is still running. Since this guidance includes important tips in it, I decided to share my message with you all. Keep in mind that this is a personal message to me, and this can vary from person, and therefore there is a chance that this does not resonate with your person and heart. The entire channel consists of 20 written pages and is composed of parts from the entire channeling and includes steps. The first part was posted on January 9 and This is the second part of the entire message, the third part will follow later in the coming days. Much love, Meline ♥)

The second step in the process of this transformation is the knowledge about the transmutation itself. Transmutation implies that a certain energy is transferred into another energy by means of neutralizing it till it reaches zero point, whereafter it is given a new charge and molding it to conform your desires. Admittedly, this is the most difficult step of the transformation process in which you currently find yourself. Before starting the actual transmutation process it is required that you master the first step with the minor distinctions, that you accept it and make it yours.

(This is now as good as completed for you, dear Méline, preparing you for the final step of this process of Transformation. You have experienced a huge expansion of your consciousness which you compensate with what you want to achieve in the NOW. This gradation in the expansion of your consciousness will bring you many high facets of your self-knowledge which in themselves will lift you out of your current reality. Slowly but surely you dwell in the eternity of the NOW. You have reached the outer limits of your expansion of your consciousness. Do not worry, beloved Méline, you are very busy spiritually and also enriched ! Congratulations!)

We will continue sharing about this whole process of Transmutation :

1. Allow yourself the time to rest regularly and to spend time on yourself. This is very important to think about yourself in this most special time.

2. Try to establish a fixed pattern of meditation in your daily life and practice it daily, preferably several times a day.

3. During your meditations it is of paramount importance that you ground yourself thoroughly and connect with Mother Earth’s Being : more specifically with Her Heart portal and chakra. This chakra is the most purest form of Being and contains all the information, the Light and Love, the codes and the most precious activations necessary to complete your transmutation. Take this daily dosis in acceptance into your own portal and heartchakra. Finally, integrate these energies and transfer them in substances which will be activated and spread by means of the kundalini. It is your body and temple which are executing this transformation; so you are the one who does this and activates it.

4. You must become aware that you carry countless incarnations in your cells and they request a sharing of this information. Only that which serves you further on belongs here; the rest has to be released and cleansed.

5. The most efficient way to reach this is to share and to ask all of your cells in order for them to achieve their own mutation process and to already begin with it. Again : you are your body in manifestation so you are your cells as well. Those cells of yours will, to the extent possible, enlarge considerably to ease this process of cleansing and of releasing the outdated and useless information. So you are at liberty to again be free and to form more light. Your cells are your existence in this form and embodiment, so communicate with them and take good care of them.

6. Remain firm in your conviction that everything you do has consequences and yields results. This is the Divine Law and describes perfectly what you are doing now. In case you go through a Transformation, you are the Transformation also. In case you go through a Transmutation, you will also be this. However, in case you do not go through it, than there will be no results and none to expect. It all boils down to being confident and to know that you can and do it and just BE! Promise yourself to never let yourself down and to uplift yourself out of depressing circumstances. You have a personality, you are a BEING and you are connected to God. You are a reflection of God, you are a creation of God.

7. This is the most important part in the whole process and it deals with your self-image. Becoming aware, knowing and accepting who you are, who you are meant to be and who you always have been. You are You and nobody else. Nobody is You and nobody will ever become this : know this now and accept it as your true Self and as the truth. Nothing is further from the truth than denying your true Light. For once and for all, become convinced of your true Self and accept it. Know who you are and know yourself like nobody else can. Have faith and release your self-image of who you think you are in your incarnation. This paradox has been instilled and imposed upon you but it is NOT your true self in expression. Take good care of yourself by Lovingly accepting and recognizing your own true Self. Your true Self is on the brink of breaking out and expressing itself fully. You are presently going through this process, and duly reaching the end stage of it.

8. Always follow your heart, your true Self who communicates with you from Love. In all circumstances continue following your heart in Love and Enlightenment. Working and talking from this language you will not operate from your ego nor will you be misled. Feel your heart that uses a light language and a vibration when communicating with you.

9. The last part involved is one that may not be skipped over as it is inextricably linked. It seems contradictory as seen from all the previous parts. RELEASE ALL INFORMATION ABOUT YOURSELF AFTER HAVING ACCEPTED IT! To know is to accept but that does not mean that a kind of charge may be placed upon it. To know is a state of being in which you dwell. It carries no charge neither a denomination nor an ego. That’s why it is important to really release without there being any charge involved. Than one stays in a knowing and in a state of being.

In order to achieve a Transmutation, everything has to be brought to zero point. Zero point means no charge. And than we begin the last final step towards Transformation, which implies the knowledge of Transformation.

Copyright © by Méline Lafont. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material freely, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included. for Blogger and

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As channeled by John Smallman

With the growth and intensification of the new energies enveloping you all, your path to awakening is becoming both brighter and clearer.  The need to share and expand the Love within you, your eternal and unbreakable divine connection, is bringing to your attention the blocks or barriers to It that you installed out of fear eons ago, and which you are now realizing are preventing you from living life fully and joyfully.

You thought they were essential defenses against a cruel and threaten
ing world filled with potential enemies, when in fact they are cages or prisons which you built and into which you retreated in fear after you had imagined into being a state of separation from your Father.  Separation from Him is impossible, but because of the power of your enormous inventive capabilities you were able to build an imaginary environment in which to hide from the supposed anger that you believed was your Father’s response to your attempt to separate yourselves from Him and live unencumbered by the law of divine Love.

Fear is the absence of Love.  It is at best unsettling, and at worst utterly terrifying, and you have all had experiences of extreme terror during the eons you have spent shutting yourselves off from your Father’s loving embrace.  Life without God is impossible because He is all that exists, and you are all, therefore, inseparable parts of Him.  The knowledge of that divine truth is held within you, permanently, but you have for eons refused to acknowledge it.

You are now in the process of returning to the divine fold by allowing that knowledge to rise up into your awareness.  At first it is an unbelievable concept because you have become so conditioned to seeing and experiencing yourselves as small and insubstantial beings in a vast and uncaring universe, living short and increasingly painful lives which lead to sickness and death, a permanent state of non-being after which, for the most part, you will be completely forgotten.  It will in fact be as though you had never existed.  That is life without Love, and it is a terrifying prospect.  It is no wonder that talk of death, let alone acceptance of its inevitability, is a bit of a conversation stopper.

What you are engaged in is like the allegorical story of the prodigal son who demanded his inheritance from his father and set off to explore the world outside his father’s loving domain.  That experience became increasingly unsatisfactory, bringing him great suffering, and finally despair.  He wanted to return home but believed that he had cut all his ties, that his father’s love for him had died, and that consequently he would, with complete justification, refuse to recognize him let alone allow him to return home.  Eventually, in desperation, he decided to take a chance, return home, and throw himself on his father’s mercy in total and abject surrender.

What happened as he approached his home?  His father saw him coming and rushed to greet and embrace him.  You are all in the process of making that journey home, and when your Father sees you approaching He too will rush to greet and embrace you.  It will quickly be as though you had never left, which of course you hadn’t.

But most of you still dread that approaching encounter, and your earthly experiences, complete with your cultural and religious indoctrinations, encourage a belief that when you meet your maker there will be a harsh judgment during which the multitude of sins that you have committed will be shamefully re-experienced in all their wickedness.  That will be followed by an appropriate period of intense pain and suffering in reparation, before access to the heavenly realms is finally granted, probably quite reluctantly.  And when you do enter it will be at best as second-class citizens.  Not a very uplifting prospect, which is why so many, brought up with those kinds of beliefs, reject out of hand all forms of religion, and include the possibility of a personal spirituality in that act of rejection.

However, closing yourself off from all that is spiritual is effectively shutting yourself off from yourself.  It is a state of denial that leads to bitterness and cynicism, and encourages a dog-eat-dog attitude to life in which it is everyone for themselves, fueling the belief that in this world of scarcity he who dies with the most toys wins.  And that has been what many of you have experienced in numerous previous life times.

The new energies are breaking through that mind-set, connecting with your hearts, and helping to dissolve the massive tangle of fears and anxieties that have been wearing you down through countless human incarnations.  Most of you are feeling these energies, but have doubts about their reality, and because doubt has become so ingrained within you, you are finding it very difficult to release them.

My message to you is this: “Your doubts and anxieties are without foundation. Your Father lovingly awaits your return and longs to embrace you once more. Go within, allow those energies to make their presence felt, and relax into the loving warmth that they offer, knowing that you are indeed going to awaken into unimaginable joy.”

With so very much love, Saul.

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Refining Our Space in the New Vibrations


Last year we would receive downloads of high dimensional Light at certain times, like the New and Full Moons, Solstices and Equinoxes and during the thirteen Gateways, and then we would be given an integration and rest period. This year, however, there is a steady stream of this Light coming in constantly and we thus are always in this Flow, and we come to certain awarenesses in order to make certain changes in our lives to be more congruent with our Souls; our Divinity. As we receive this Light, it then radiates out from us as soon as we receive it and this is how we help all others rise in vibration, if they are resonating with our energy; whether consciously or unconsciously. This is Unity in action. We used to be prompted to send healing energy out to certain places and people; now it is automatic as we attend to our own consciousness and life. This also helps us let go of the doing and saving that we have been limited by for so long. It is how we co-create the New Earth…by Being; not controlling, but allowing the Light to shift us in any way that is for our highest evolution.

Know that as we take Responsibility for every thought, action and feeling, we move up in vibration. Taking Responsibility takes us out of being victims of life and it shows us where we may shift due to this Awareness and Power…and we honor this in all others; not judging others, but accepting that all are in their perfect place based on where they place their own resonance. The most powerful way we can help others rise in vibration is to keep our own vibration high; to stand in our Power and our Divine Sovereignty. In this way, we let go of what others are doing or not doing and step into loving Acceptance of all (including ourselves). As we accept others just for who they are, we may let them go if we do not resonate with their current vibration; and yet, love them unconditionally all the same. As we stand in our full Authenticity, others are inspired energetically. The thing that hurts us and them is if we lower our vibration to better fit in with others.

Realize that all thought is energy. Thoughts and words matter greatly, for they create. If your thoughts are negative, this is what you create more of. If your thoughts are positive, this is what you create more of. This is simple. Do you resonate with a higher expression of life or do you intend to keep your life the same; holding it in place? Listen to your body; where is it leading you; what are your feelings telling you and guiding you towards? We are refining ourselves and wherever your focus is, you create. Keeping your vibration high means you follow your feelings and align your life with Joy and Love. What you do not pay attention to dissolves. Don’t pay attention to the negative in the outer world; pull in your energy and know the Truth of your Soul; if you so choose, of course.

There is lots of change occurring and everything is based on your inner consciousness. When you take Responsibility for that, then you can make changes so that your world is congruent with your consciousness. Everything going on in your life is orchestrated by you. Everything is for your very highest good, if you will allow it to occur in your life. If your outer life isn’t according to your inner Soul desires, see what is still holding you back in the old. What beliefs and patterns are holding you in place? Release them in the Sacred Rose, and make adjustments that help you be aligned with your Heart and Soul’s Beauty. This can be challenging or easy; it depends on you. Any emotional dross or illness is a blessing, for it is helping you clear the old; it shows you where there is imbalance. Don’t judge yourself; just see it as a Divine message and make adjustments, all the while being gentle with yourself and having Patience as you shift.

If an issue resurfaces, just know that a deeper layer is being revealed and then release it. As we rise in consciousness, we can see more creative solutions and see what we might have missed before. We can do this without judging ourselves and by viewing it dispassionately, which helps us detach from it. And while you are releasing another layer, stay in Joy and Gratitude; and as you place your focus on how you’ve grown, the old releases its hold on you.

We are continually moving into a higher vibration, as Source energies continue to flow into us and onto Earth. Part of this New Life sets us free bit by bit from old fear, resistance and control. It is a slow and continual process, so wherever you are is perfect for you. Open up to the Infinite Love from Source and all who are aligned with Source Love. Feel the inner Joy when you do so.

Know that as part of our journey into being Ascended Masters, we are moving from the personal-I to the impersonal-We. What this involves is letting go of taking things personally and making assumptions; for this is ego-based; letting go of attachment to how another (or ourselves) should be and letting go of expectations as to how another (or ourselves) should be and coming to a place of non-judgment and Acceptance and Unconditional Love…Agape Love with no conditions or expectations or attachments. This is Unity Consciousness. You might be experiencing some or all of this as you come to realize you do not resonate with certain people, especially when they want you to be someone you’re not any more. Be true to you! Stand strong in your Integrity. Be in Allowance of Who you are and Who you’re becoming…and offer the same to others.

This year we are refining ourselves. We may fluctuate between highs and lows and varying degrees of emotion. We may experience certain changes in our physical bodies, and yet all this brings a great Awareness to us as to what choices to make; choices that resonate with our Souls. We may need more Silence and Solace. We may be unable to tolerate certain sounds or environments. We may even wonder if we’ve made any progress at all. And yet, know that we all are making great strides as we follow our Guidance and make adjustments according to what resonates within. Realize that we’re not in a race and that we truly can have this journey be gentle.

As we awaken more and more to the higher realms of consciousness; that of Christ Consciousness, we feel more and our guiding light is that of Love and Joy and Freedom. We are more in tune with everything and everyone. We trust that we are unfolding perfectly and in perfect ways, according to our Soul Plan. We know we’re never alone, even when so many people who were in our old lives are not in our New Lives. We are becoming more aligned with our Souls mentally, emotionally and physically. We are awake.

We see the energy beneath every conversation and every situation. And we realize that when one door closes, another one opens that is more aligned with our new vibration and consciousness. So we don’t fix the closed door, we bless it in Gratitude and release it in Love. This creates miracles as we joyously follow the energy. And so it will continue throughout this year and beyond; rising, rising in Love.

Copyright: Feel free to share any portion of the Ascension Notes. I would appreciate being credited.

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You KNOW You Downloaded New Physical Software

 Brenda Hoffman a message from Brenda Hoffman 

Dear Ones, This week will feel odd, maybe even hopeless for most of you. Not because you are not a Lightworker or that you are doing something wrong. But because you are adjusting to the energies of last week. This blip will be short-lived. Downloading new software, as you physically did last week, often feels counterproductive. Even the most common activities are cumbersome and time-consuming. Not because there is something wrong with the software, but because you do not yet understand how it functions. And so it is or soon may be for you. What was easy in the Old Age is no longer.Your physical form is adapting to your New Age software. Most software has more capabilities than you wish to use – as is true with your new physical being software. Everyone on earth also received “charges” of energy on 12/12/12 and 12/21/12. But not everyone is using that energy the same way – or at all. Excess energy makes most irritable or frantic. Some of you are mastering your new physical software. Others are building electrical charges – as it were – making you feel as if you need to do something, anything – but not knowing what that something is. For Lightworkers, it is a short-term feeling as you unlock your New Age software. For those frightened of the New Age, the next few days or even months will be uncomfortable. This week, most will feel and act out of sorts. Schedules will change without notice. Activities, once easy, will seem difficult. Nerves will be on edge. Such thoughts are not to frighten you, but to forewarn you that many will seem angry or confused. That confusion has little to do with you. This is the beginning of your new New Age role. You might also feel confused, especially at the beginning of this week, as you begin using your new software. But soon you will feel stable, more attuned to yourself. NonLightworkers might flounder for some time. You Lightworkers expected this physical shift. Those not familiar with the Lightworker journey will feel as if their world has turned upside down. Your role is to remain as centered as possible throughout the next few days so others will notice that even though your world is confusing, you are not frightened by the confusion. Perhaps this role seems too much for you. It is similar to the office computer expert who reassures others that they will appreciate their new software once they become familiar with its new features. For some of you Lightworkers, our request feels inappropriate, “Where are my things?” Did we not promise last week that you would create something of great worth or that you would know you were a Lightworker? So it is. For the very people who once questioned their Lightworker status are now upset that they have a role to play. Remaining as centered and as comfortable as possible during a chaotic time seems too easy and too difficult. Easy in terms of, “How can you receive accolades if you are merely being yourself?” Difficult in that you might want to “fall apart,” to become angry, to request the help of others – yet there is no one to ask for you are the Lightworker. Let us return to “Where are my things?” You transition in a specific order. First you transition spiritually, then emotionally and finally physically. While some of you have mastered the physical elements, most are just moving into your physical abilities, your new software. Those who mastered your physical piece prior to last week’s energies are manifesting your things. Those of you – and that is most – Lightworkers who are just starting to use your New Age software are not yet familiar with your new software capabilities. But you soon will be. That last thought is your calming piece. You KNOW you downloaded new software. You KNOW you will soon be proficient in applying that software. That is what you need to model for others. Others will feel as if they were comfortable with their computer, their physical being yesterday; only to return today not knowing how to turn on their machine. They will be frustrated, worried, concerned and feel as if all they have known has disappeared and replaced with something they do not like. Allow them to rant and rave – just as you would if you were the computer expert knowing they will soon master their new software – if they WISH. It is not a given that they will want to. But then, it is not your role to tell them over and over that all will be well if they practice. You are a role model, not a guru. A guru expects followers to hold them in such high esteem that they will not leave the guru’s circle. A role model expects others to observe what they are doing and use similar skills to create what they wish to create. Perhaps some just want to know how to turn on their computer. Others might wish to observe you as you meander through your new software finding those bits and pieces most comfortable for you. It does not matter – for you are not invested in their role. Nor are you required to sit with them as they cry in frustration. Perhaps such statements seem inappropriate. Did you not believe that once you had discovered the path, once you had mastered your physical software, you would hold class after class for those who wished to be just like you. AH. You are a role model – and even though that might include some teaching – the energies are arriving so rapidly you do not have time to help/teach everyone who wishes to learn. Some of you may feel the calling to do so. That is right and true. But most of you Lightworkers will wish to explore the next energy cycle, dimension or world. You will not find joy in teaching everyone who wishes to learn. So how will this new software be processed by those who are not Lightworkers? In whatever way they want. They can toss their new software in the waste basket, play with it to discover what works for them, ask for help from those assisting earthlings or to just expect they will learn how to use it – just as is true for you now. Some of you are concerned that you are not computer literate. You are all Lightworkers. You do not need a software manual, an instructor or any other 3D services. You KNOW you will access what you need when you need it. And so it will be for all those who wish to move into the New Age. You are their role model – an excellent role model indeed. But you will not stop your learning to make certain that all who wish to be Lightworkers are completing necessary steps. Rather, expect that those who view you as a role model will understand that you are showing them the possibilities by being yourself. You need not do more. And yes, all of you reading these materials will master your new software. Not in an Old Age fashion, but in your wonderfully enlightened way. Do not feel that you need to be part of the chaos that may occur in the next few days. You are an observer who has much to learn as you play with your new physical software. So be it. Amen. Copyright © 2009-2012, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc. But please keep the integrity of this article by including the author: Brenda Hoffman & source website link:

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Your Hearts Are Ready to Let Love Live You



My precious friends, you who share with me the awareness of our purpose  as the focused and functioning heart of the great I Am, that the  Creator's Love may live through us to be known intimately by everyone  and to be lived purely by us… Your hearts are ready to live this awareness, and every part of  you is resonating with this joyous celebration of life. Everything on  Earth is changing. An avalanche of Love is now occurring. Welcome it  with open arms and an open mind, that your heart may truly be its  conduit and that you might stand firm as the presence of God in this  world that is waking from a slumber and remembering the one truth of  Love. I am here joining heart and hand with you, assuring you that you  are ready and capable of allowing this vibration of pure Love to live  here as you -- that every moment you might find yourself in bliss, being  lived as the open heart of God. So much – so much now falls away -- all the old identities you  have held onto. All the stories that you have believed about yourself,  the things that you have heard from your little mind… All of these are  easily dissolving now, and what remains is you, stunningly beautiful,  pure and clear, alive and present, but filled with the joy of eternal  beings, completely consumed by the birth of Light shining forth to lead  humanity back into this remembrance for every precious one. It is a time of great honor for the heart of human beings for  all that has been lived, believed, endured and turned around. It is a  time when all the hosts of Heaven rejoice and uplift and support you  into the realms of Real life that everything that your heart accords as  the truth of God can be acknowledged also as the truth of you, that you  might live at this crux of the in-breath and out-breath of God – these  pure waves of Love that bathe this planet…that you might be the ones who serve this transition, carefully calibrating the pure bliss of  God, that it might fit into the hearts of human beings and lift them up  to freedom. Every heart on Earth knows the truth now and every heart is  bathed in endless ecstasy. Every life is returned to its firm foundation  in God. All that remains is to release the stories of the mind. Beloved  and precious friends, this can be easy. There isn't a need for lots of clearing and forgiving. There is  simply the call to the great turn -- to remembering the heart as the one  and only vehicle through which you are meant to live. If you do this,  and allow this Love to fill you up, then thoughts take their place  directed by Spirit only, and you are purely God's movement of Love  needing no control and having none of it. The illusion of control is born of the ego and each of you must  come to live each day in total trust that all that you need shall be  always provided for you and that which is your work shall come before  you as the Love of God reaches out and touches others. It is always  directed from deep in the heart and directed, my dear friends, in this  Now Moment. For some, allowing the mind to drop away is easy. The complete   and joyous surrender to Love is a blessing. To others, in whom the story  has taken deep root and the belief in separation not yet gone, it shall  take courage to release the mind and surrender to Love, that only God  lives here…only Spirit, and nothing else. And you no longer know  anything, nor my dear ones, do you need to. You are simply and  completely God- directed. In fact, there can truly be nothing else  because there is only God here. The turning of this time into the world of Love is the turning  away from the dream of the little mind or ego. It is the complete  surrender to every moment's discovery of what it means to be this unique  outreach of God and nothing else. You do not plan what needs to be  done. You simply surrender and allow your heart to be filled to  overflowing with peace, with Love, with joy and with this communion with  life that shows you that you are part of the wholeness, and in this  release you release all suffering. You release every bit of the little mind's story. You release  the things from which you have been "healing" for so long. You release  the need for life to be controlled by the mind, and you wait. Wait in  the heart held in God's Love, surrounded, surrendered, living in peace  and wonder, until and only until the Spirit moves you, not through the  mind. Only through the heart and only in the present moment. So there cannot be any previous knowing. There can be no  planning. And yet, there is communion that brings to you the guidance of  our Creator continually. Yet, every step comes about from within and  not from the little mind's planning. As you surrender to Love, your  heart will rejoice and show you the world of Love you live in. It will  show you the feeling of endless plentitude and grace. It will fill you  with the awareness of how deeply you are loved and fill up all the  places where the mind pretended that somehow, somewhere, something had been lacking.
In truth it is not possible to lack for Love. Let me say this to  you again for I know it so deeply. In truth, it is not possible for you  to lack for Love. The greatest hoax promulgated on humankind is the  hoax of the ego that created all the stories that say that Love has  somehow been lacking. All the time that you pretended to be lost and  alone, cut off, confused, turned away from this thing… all the while,  God wrapped you and filled you to overflowing, constantly asking "how much more can I give you…what, beloved ones, do you need?" Often, very often, God was ignored because the whole attention  was caught up in the ego mind's stories and all the feelings of being  separate and alone. All the while you were surrounded by so much Love  and filled with the Light of the Creator that would give you anything  and prove to you a million times a moment that you are loved beyond  imagining and that Love is yours for all eternity. All the while that you pretended to be alone, that you believed  in your human inheritance…all that time in a time that is continuing, of  course, you have been so loved and so supported. You have always had  more Love than you could possible need. So the great shift, my dearest friends, for all of you is at  last, at last, letting it in. This turn, this shift, this time of  awakening is simply the time of letting it in…just how much God loves  you, just how deeply you are part of The One who holds you, and supported by life that is endlessly and wholly beautiful. It is time to   let God's Love in and to allow your heart to show you the true Reality   -- that not only is Love the only Light, the only truth, the only  substance, but you are loved uniquely, wholly and eternally by our beloved Creator. You are loved, cherished, rejoiced in, held in harmony, guided  and constantly filled with abundance. You take every breath in the heart  of grace -- the recipient of God's endless and total giving. Now at  last, the time has come to let go of all resistance and to let yourself  be loved as you have always been, and allow the stories that you've  believed said otherwise to simply fall away. You heart rejoices in the  wonder and the beauty that you are.
It is time to remember what you are given, and that the giving  never stops. You simply must be willing to be the recipient and to open  to all the blessings of the heart of God, your one true identity, and  the end of all illusions of less than Love, of pain and suffering. When you come to live in the heart and to feel this deep  communion, to be present for the blessing of this eternal moment, you  are lifted far beyond the little mind's imaginings to the point where  they are just like distant images that one barely notices because you  are so completely infused with Love and so filled with gratitude. As you allow this to be your felt experience of life, as you  become fully present in your Real identity, then every breath truly is  the breath of God, and every moment's experience is one of beauty and  overflowing Love. Every moment is truly a discovery as you wait on God,  as you allow this Love to move you forth and to live as your heart  filled with all the mystery of grace, all the gifts of this endless and  holy communion. As you completely accept at last your true identity as the heart  of The One, the heart of the endless eternal and glorious fullness,  every moment is an experience of upliftment of more -- more of the Good,  the only experience of God I Am, and more of the resonance of joy that  your heart will show you as your experience of life, that then is made  manifest in the symbols of this world. Nothing is done by you, the you of the little mind. Everything  is done by YOU, the YOU of the heart, the great I Am. As you live this  grace, as you are held in God, as you breathe this Love into  manifestation, what you feel of your life is gratitude and so much  beauty and joy that the details of the little mind are purely secondary  and you are discovering what God is unfolding moment to moment,  completely free of the mind's planning. To do this, to live like this, give your heart completely to The  One in whom you live, in whom you exist and discover what it means to  be part of this communion of life in which Love speaks in all that you  encounter, in so many myriad ways. Your hearts, I promise you, are ready  to be the vehicles through which God is manifesting a world of Love in  accordance with the spiritual truth, a world of grace, of giving and of  plenty. First, my dearest friends, you must feel it deep within in the  core of your being, and feeling it, you know that you are wrapped in  Love, filled with God, continually shown your beauty. Love comes to live  itself in this expression that you think of as you. When you release  the little mind and all its engineering, what you feel is the expansion  of the Love of your heart, and you watch as the observer of what Love  brings forth. Every moment the mind's work is to sing in gratitude for every miracle and every blessing. The turn of this year is this cross between the out-breath and  the in-breath of God. Your surrender, your shift to the heart is the key  to everything. If you find yourself caught yet in the stories of the  little mind and its identity, call to me and I will keep you turning  into my arms, into my care, into this warmth and grace and endless Love,  until you can keep yourself pointing in the right direction, letting go  of the whole human identity and letting the heart not only be your whole identity but letting it be the Love that lives you and makes life  manifest here at this point in the holy matrix, this point in the  expression of God's identity that happens to be your heart. This time of the world, this time of the heart of humanity is  the completion of the remembrance of the oneness of God -- that each of  us has a glorious, unique expression of the Creator's Love but we are  all part of one thing, all a part of the great I Am. As such, all  concepts such as loneliness, fear, separation, wrath, or false  identities simply can no longer be sustained. What is sustained is  sustained by Love and it happens automatically. I have walked this path of reclaiming the full identity of the  heart of God, the heart of Love, unique and yet fully blended.  Therefore, I am delighted to be your brother and your assistant. Come  and take my hand and listen to me. I promise to keep showing you the  heart's true Reality and the release of the little mind into the pool of  Love that thought might become the expression of the movement of this  piece of God – this unique and glorious expression of Love that is part  of the whole for eternity. And yet, allowing the new expression of the  expansion of God's heart to come forth as you. What a wonderful, joyous gift it is. What a gift to be part of this… Aren't you excited to see what this reveals, as your heart  becomes your identity? As you leave behind the little mind and its  dreams of being separate or different? Oh, my friends, I know that you  are ready to release old identities. It's as easy as this – as making  the shift from the mind to the heart, from time to eternity, from  separation into the joy of unity -- breathing as one with the Creator,  and glorying in Love's expansion. I will stand with you through this time of change and I will be  more than a brother. I will be the truth of your heart being reflected  in mine. I will be the deepest joy beyond your imagining. I will take  you easily into times of silence where you can feel the truth of Love up  close and personal. I will be right here with you celebrating as you  breathe in the truth of Love and let Love breathe you out in service.  Every moment is an ongoing miracle, the miracle of life.

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I have been thus compelled to create a thread dedicated to the compilation of regiments, techniques, factors and proven aids with the goal of cleansing and optimizing the functionality of the pineal gland/third eye/ajna through methods which detoxify it (the supplementary result and necessity are its decalcification and removal of accumulated fluoride) and stimulate or charge it. To third eyes which have not been awakened, the intention is that following of the regiment presented will be to awaken it, and to those who enjoy the benefits of an already open ajna will experience enhancement of its capabilities and propensity to facilitate divine connection and generation and perhaps discovery of new ones.Transcendental MethodologyGotu Kola: The tea, extracts, and encapsulated whole herb of Gotu Kola is known to be a potent detoxifier and stimulator of the pineal gland and overall beneficial to the entire brain. I report tremendous success with it and noticeable enhancements in clarity, lucidity and intuition since taking it.Wood Betany: I have not personally taken it but have seen it always mentioned alongside Gotu Kola in regards to detoxification and stimulation of the pineal.Sandalwood: The essential oil of Sandalwood is known to oxygenate the limbic area of the brain and most notably the pineal gland, allowing better blood flow to it, also being high in sesquiterpenes, vigorously stimulating it. Its administration is best done dermally via application beneath the nostrils to allow inhalation and the area of the forehead where the pineal is located. In my experience, sandalwood has been highly effective and beneficial.Frankincense: Again, not something I hold personal experience in using but is always mentioned alongside Sandalwood for the same reasons and as having similar mechanisms.The reason for the high effectiveness of essential oils, especially those geared towards stimulation of the pineal gland, are known to be because of their unique ability to penetrate cell membranes, swift travelling throughout the body, decrease of the thickness of blood to enhance circulation, the increase of atmospheric oxygen and providing of negative ions, and most relevantly the stimulation of secretion of nerotransmitters, endorphins, hormones, and enzymes.Dimethyltryptamine: Perhaps the most important endogenous neurotransmitter to exist, holding the function of regulation and sustenance of all states of consciousness awareness including waking states, dream states, and mystical states. It is theoretically produced in high amounts during birth, the transition of death/near death experiences, the transition to dream states and in trace amounts during deeper states of meditation. While many are skeptical of the claims that it is produced in the pineal gland those who hold actual experience with it report a viscerally intense pressure surrounding the area of the pineal following usage via the smoked route of administration.While its availability is uncommon and possession deemed illegal by those negatively oriented authoritative groups that find enjoyment and believe the necessity in suppression of the natural abilities, freedom and divine connection of the masses, it is perhaps the most immediate and potent of supplements geared towards complete cleansing and stimulation of the pineal gland. It holds also the ability which no other aid listed above has of accessing and activating the various innate capabilities and functions of the pineal gland in extremely powerful degrees that cannot in any capacity be consciously accessed without the overloading of the pineal with this neurotransmitter, its possible functions including but not limited to extreme extradimensional perception and assorted macrocosmic experiences.The functions I listed however are most directly and immediately accessed from the smoked route of administration albeit the most optimal utilization is in conjunction with the ingestion of a monoamine oxidiser inhibiter or MAOI an hour prior to smoking, most commonly used sources being the seeds of Syrian Rue or the vine of Baanisteriopsis Caapi, in order to alter the experience from a brief and uncontrolled ‘flash’ of apparent visions and transcendent experience to an hours time of exploration of the dimensional region and abilities afforded which may translate to an eon or so of time in that state.Oral ingestion via the form of the sacramental medicine brew Ayahuasca, being the most traditional method used by indigenous cultures for millenia, takes on a much more grounded and spiritually cleansing nature. It is purgative, visionary albeit Earth-bound, powerful in its transmission of data/plant gnosis, and may be used to “charge” the powers of the imbiber. Phenomenon precursory of the 4th Density may be experienced, examples being that of the sharing of a group mind in a group Ayahuasca session (i.e. telepathy) or the possible creation and usage of projectiles of energy against another, although the latter example is included as a result of my personal and slight mischievously-influenced musing. Interesting to note is the depiction of UFO’s in several Ayahuasca vision paintings and the relaying of experiences where extraterrestrial contact occurs with natives in the period following Ayahuascic alteration, almost implying that the energetic empowerment and increased vibratory shift was sensed by and enabled direct contact with a higher dimensional sentient being.Be aware that the utmost of respect, responsibility and purity of intent must be held when approaching the experience. Recreational usage and highly frequent usage of DMT in any route of administration is considered abuse, misuse and an overall waste of potential growth, attainable benefit and knowledge, and is highly discouraged. It is entirely possible to become “locked out” of the experience if irresponsibility in ones usage manifests or due to lack of direction and purpose in using this technology. Irresponsible or aimless usage is a waste also considering its rarity, especially for those whose living situations bars them personal extraction which is high yielding and possible, as there exist numerous extraction methods/teks available on the internet. My small handful of solo Ayahuasca experiences and my several dozen smoked DMT experiences have proven it to be extremely effective in the goal of pineal optimization and ascertainment of direct esoteric gnosis, although I have had to resort to and settle with more natural methods for the past few months given its uncommon availability.Meditation: The most simple, basic, easily available, unlimited in utilization, easily performed and highly beneficial of methods is meditation where one’s focus is fixated in the area directly above and between one eyes where the third eye is located.I am going to cite a member of our community for it was his informative compiling of information which scientifically and biologically explains the process of stimulation of the pineal through meditation. A huge round of applause to Tenet Nosce is in order.(05-21-2012 08:44 PM)Tenet Nosce Wrote:  I went back to the basic anatomy, and looked at the neurological input to the pineal gland. I found there are four neural ganglia (kind of like mini-brains or relay stations) that feed into the pineal gland. Turns out each of them is activated by a different behavior or activity that is associated with meditative practices.One of them is located near the top of the cervical spine, right at the point where the neck flexes and extends when one is nodding. Thus, its activity is modulated by the specific angle at which the head rests upon the spine. Turns out the ideal angle is achieved by sitting with the spine fully erect, and the head positioned about 10-15 degrees below a line parallel with the ground. Just as the yogis recommend.A second ganglion is stretched across a little plateau of bone in the inner ear, and responds to vibration, such as is generated by chanting, toning, hitting a gong, or ringing a bell or one of those Tibetan bowls.A third one is related to the olfactory nerve, which translates our sense of smell as well as the sensation of air moving through the nasal cavity. Thus it is activated by the lighting of incense, and focusing one’s awareness on the tip of the nose where the air is moving in and out. Another nerve from this ganglion drops down through the head and emerges right at the point where the hard palate meets the soft palate- exactly where yogis advise to place the tongue during meditative practice.The fourth one is related to our perception of light and motion. Turns out that the perfect way to activate this one is to focus one’s gaze at a flickering candlelight in an otherwise dim room… again just as the yogis recommend!I am a doctor, so having a better idea what the technical jargon means makes the process easier. But- one doesn’t need any special resources other than the Internet.All I did was nose around on the net until I found a page which described the nervous input into the pineal gland. Then, I looked up the nerves themselves to see what physical pathways they traverse in the body. Then I looked up the ganglia, or relay stations, to see what kind of information was being passed through there. It was then I realized that each one carries information generated by a different behavior associated with meditation.The challenge with doing this kind of research is more due to having to pull bits and pieces from various sources, as no single source puts them all together. There are so many things like this out there, that I have to admit the most rational explanation I can come up with is that there actually are people out there somewhere with a clear intention to draw people’s attention away from certain ideas, and have enough control of the media sources to pull it off.I’ve trained my mind to look for the information that is limited or missing. Whether it’s a news report or a textbook- a part of my mind is looking closely at the boundaries of the information offered, and noticing if there are any gaps or holes. I find them all the time, and they tend to lead to fascinating places.The information he has presented has helped me make sense in why is it that certain aids I’ve long used have been of tremendous assistance especially in my constant exposure to the 432hz tone frequency when I meditate and my inhalation of pineal-stimulating essential oils right beneath my nostrils and explains also why the erection of the spine and the tilting of one’s head are considered crucial for proper posture in meditation. Given that the information he presented was initially disconnected and it was him that took the effort to connect the dots, the content is original, comprehensive and is significant enough to be presented in a thread geared towards the information I wish to compile here. Once again, thank you Tenet Nosce!Magnetic Stimulation: I have heard anecdotes which reference the supposed ability of extreme stimulation to the point of powerful psychic receptivity, phenomenon and awareness by applying the north or + side of a magnet to the area of the forehead where the pineal is located for a fair period of time each day for weeks at a time, although I have not experimented with this (yet) and thus cannot presently vouch for its validity or possible effectiveness. If anybody has experience and success with it, it would be much appreciated if you may be able to verify this claim.Iodine/Iodide Supplementation: A deficiency in iodine, a chemical element essential to the body’s physical and mental development, in a person’s diet with symptoms manifesting primarily as hypothyroidism. It is the single most common cause of preventable mental retardation and brain damage in the world. Its supplementation ensures the healthy and normal growth and development of the body and brain and specifically the thyroid gland. The relevance of my inclusion in this list is that, apart from being beneficial to supplement, it has been clinically proven to displace fluoride through its increased urinary excretion. With that said…Avoidance of fluoride: The primary cause of retardation of capability, inhibition of psychic prowess and skewering of divine connection is poisoning via the predominate culprit, fluoride. It is highly suggested to completely avoid fluoride, although if this is circumstantially impossible, diminish exposure to it as much as possible. It is added to most water sources and widely available as the active ingredient of most toothpastes. Following the above regiment will already guarantee that the detrimental effects of fluoride will be reversed and healed, and while the regiment is implemented exposure to fluoride will not be as effective in debilitation as it should be, but regardless it is still suggested to avoid it as much as possible, especially if no pineal detoxing regiment is being followed.AdditionsFermented Skate Fish Liver Oil/Cod Fish Liver Oil: Testimonials show that its usage can result in decalcification of the pineal gland and for having extreme success in doing so, credit to Oceania for bringing this up.Sungazing: The practice of sungazing, most notably before and shortly following sunrise although one may direct their pineal towards the sun without directly looking at it throughout the day, results in the energetic nourishment of not only the pineal gland but one’s entire field of energy. It has been reported also that endocrine secretions occur during the period of sungazing.Noni Fruit Juice/Extract: I have recently ordered some of the extract of the Morinda Citrifolia/Noni fruit after reading on its miraculous ability of greatly stimulating and empowering the pineal gland by providing the gland with its alleged main food, xeronine and literally feeding it its essential and primary nutrient. Here is a highly informative website on its vast and extraordinary benefits: all be blessed and successful in the pursuit of workings towards fully generating and manifesting the pleroma at the forefront of their being, for such an endeavor is the natural right and endeavor of mankind in transfiguration into their true identity
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