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Greetings Masters! I am Metatron, Lord of Light, and I greet you in a vector of Unconditional Love!

It is 2013 , and we assure you that there is a new sun dawning, and it is indeed the sun of change. It brings the coherent crystalline light of the magnificent New Earth. And we do mean magnificent.

Dear Ones, we tell you again the Ascension of the Planet did occur, and humanity made it so. Even if much of humanity does not recognize it in 3d consciousness, the Earth has indeed changed, graduated into a new paradigm. The savant among you realize this.

And so we speak on the Aquarian Shift...
The Aquarian Shift / Anthropocene Radiation

Your scientist are aware of a unique phase of the earth in which most of your present biological life emerged. It is called the Cambrian Radiation. The Cambrian phase was one of great plasmic influx onto your earth, and it brought new life forms to your planet. Darwin, the renowned evolutionist, admitted that the Cambrian Radiation was the most valid argument against his theory of evolution. ( Darwin, the renowned evolutionist, admitted that the Cambrian Radiation was the most valid argument against his theory of evolution.)

This is also happening now. The current solar radiation became turbo-charged in 1989 and will continue. Incredible numbers of coronal mass ejections bombarded the earth with unimaginable radiation, ions and electrons.

The ionic radiation will absolutely up-shift your biology, change your DNA. You will become less dense.

The primary source of new energy on the earth is the massive injection of cosmic radiation on the planet from solar winds. We will term this the Aquarian Shift, although the channel prefers geologic vernacular , referring to it as the'Anthropocene Radiation'.
The Root Catalyst

The Cosmic ionization of the 'Aquarian Radiation' while perplexing to you, is the engine of change, and plays a requisite and benevolent role in the transition of the Ascension. It is not to be feared.

The radiation has done far more than rattle your magnetosphere and influence the tectonics and weather of the Earth. But we will add that it is this ionic penetration which is the absolute core catalyst for weather change, super-storms, earthquakes and the root cause of global warming.

Many of your conspiracy theorists may wish to place the cause of weather shift on humanity. We tell you it is simply not the case. Billions of tons of plasma has been bombarding the earth in the past 2+ decades, far more than any time in recorded history. To think the changes on the planet are caused by the relatively small atmospheric heater called HAARP is illogical. The technology to do so is simply not there. It is Solar Plasma ! It has shifted your earth and its biology previously, in that era termed the Cambrian Radiation.

We tell you that the ionic inrush is also going to affect your biology. It is the catalyst that will shift you from carbon base to silicon base beings.
DNA & New Life Forms

The Aquarian Shift, or Anthropocene Radiation will bring about new life just as radiation did so in the Cambrian Radiation some 580 million years ago.

What is occurring is not unprecedented, although it is unrecorded and not as yet understood. What differentiates the current radiation influx is that it is now in symbiotic relationship to the Crystalline (Ascension) Grid. (Windows 2012 !)

Higher dimensional life forms are becoming visible. These are new to the earth only in terms of being more 'tangible'. .. but they have been referenced in some of your religious texts. Ancient scribes have written in several of your sacred ideologies that life occurred in 3 formats: As clay ( Earth biology) , fire (devic electrical) and light (angelic) .

Within the synergy of the Aquarian -Cosmic Radiation and the Crystalline 144 Grid, parallel dimensions are now more accessible to you. The life forms, the beings referred to, exist in these dimensions as bio-plasmic, electrical and photonic. Does your bible not refer to Angels as Beings of Light ?

Certain of the orbs, lightning sprites, elves and photonic 'jellyfish' phenomena that began quickening in the past years are in fact conscious life forms of other dimensions and construct. Some of these have communicated to you in various means, including crop-circles.

The more advanced extra terrestrials are nonphysical light beings.
The Radiation Influx & Genesis

Two years after the 1987 Harmonic Convergence, a massive magnetic storm bombarded the Earth with billions of tons of charged plasma.

Your scientists and geophysicists have noted the effect. They recorded over 200 solar flares in 36 Coronal Mass ejections over a 2 week period. Eleven of these were X-Class. The Earths Aura, the magnetosphere was flattened to half its normal size, appearing something like a plasmic jellyfish.

The great magnetic storm created havoc. NASA lost track of space objects they were tracking, sophisticated computer systems crashed, oil platforms stopped drilling, global positioning systems failed, compasses failed, electrical grids shorted out leaving millions of people in Canada and North America without power. The MIR space station was abandoned.

This influx continued. The largest flare ever recorded to date took place in 2001, followed by 150 storms in 2003. More X-Class flares have taken place in the past 2 decades than at any other time in recorded history.

Unusual light phenomena began to occur. Rare red auroras were noted, auroras became visible during daylight, interesting phenomena of lightning called jellyfish, sprites and elves were reported more often than ever before. Crop circles evolved into far more complex designs, easily differentiated from the purported 'manmade' constructs.
The 6:1 Ratio Opens the Pineal

The astonishing ionic influx is symbiotic with the dimensional shift, and works in synergy with the Crystalline Grid. The new ionic resonance will allow you to more easily open the pineal.

Your academics have been aware for some time that shifting the magnetics of the ionic ratio has a powerful effect on human consciousness. The French scientist, Mesmer, was the first to stumble across this knowledge. He found that by placing subjects in a strong anionic (magnetic) field, the subjects were able to achieve incredible states of consciousness which facilitate communication with the 'Universal Mind'. We tell you this was done by ionic induction that opened the pineal.

Your indigenous societies often were attracted to areas they termed 'Holy Ground' specifically because they discovered visions could occur more easily in certain powersites. The reason is the mineralogy and telluric energies in these rare and special locales create an ionic ratio that is different, and allows for the opening of the pineal.

In recent studies, some of your researchers in universities have discovered that by using ion generators to shift the ratio of anionic to cationic to 6:1 , test subjects have 'out of body' experiences. Again the induction opened the pineal.
Ratio & Theta Creation

The bombardment of anions onto your planet is shifting the ratio in the same way, and this is working with and through the Crystalline Grid to allow the shift in your consciousness and indeed your biology.Your scientists and biologists are becoming increasingly aware of this. The recent 'Human Genome' project contends that that human DNA will alter/mutate according to not only environmental conditions but also belief cultural 'programs'.

Last year an utterly astonishing experiment took place that has shaken main stream science. It is opening new levels of potential, and it was conducted by a main stream academic, a Nobel Prize recipient, Dr Luc Montagnier. Two hermetically sealed test tubes, one of which contained a tiny piece of DNA, the other pure sterilized distilled water were placed side by side. Both were surrounded by an electromagnetic field of 7Hz. In the test a fragment of the DNA appeared to teleport, spontaneously form in the tube of the distilled water. The test was repeated without projecting the 7 Hz field, and the 'teleportation did not take place.

What does this mean? It means that the codes of life are coded in the 'Unified Harmonic Field' and can create life within a theta coherent vibration.

Take note of this. Study the nuances of theta and delta vibratory rates ! It is very important to note that creation occurs in coherent theta field.

The objective world you see has ever been the end result of consciousness. But up until the present, it has been projected haphazardly; for humanity has not recognized nor mastered their divine potentials. Thoughts and images can indeed be utilized for the creation of a 'New World', a world of Peace, Harmony & Love. 'Coherent Theta', crystalline resonant thought, can be harmonically utilized to form physical reality and become physical fact. Your Ascension, that of humanity can be propelled mentally into manifestation from a frequencial state termed theta-coherency.
Exploring Theta Coherency

Humanity in the present culture has placed great importance on the consciousness state of the 'Beta Frequency'. It is now time to begin exploring other states of mind. It is time to utilize the theta state for co creation of your reality. The Aquarian Radiation is the mechanism and indeed the result of the Planetary Ascension. It will offer to humanity the tools for the Ascension of Mankind.

The benevolent mechanism of what has taken place, and what will continue to occur, especially through 2013 solar maximum, is the massive injection of Cosmic Plasma into and onto the Earth. Billions of tons of ionic energy has been projected into your plane, and it is an incredible energy.

Your astrophysicists are now aware of collective jet streams of plasma that have begun in recent years to circle the Earth. This plasma is not only changing the ionic ratio, it is doing so in the theta coherent field. Theta is the doorway to divine creativity. Standing waves, standing pools of coherent theta energy are now being drawn to specific nodes on the planet. These can be utilized for 'creation centers', as the need for Spiritual Warriors to meditate in groups toward the manifestation of a harmonic planet becomes more viable !

Your planet has always been charged body orbiting in a plasmic field. The recent influx of solar radiation is exponentially increasing the influence and interaction of this radiation with both the earth and humanity. You academics now have scientific data to take a deeper look into Earth and Cosmic changes occurring, and reconsider their extent and their role . We tell you that not only do these changes have an impact on virtually the entire volume of the Earth, from its core to the atmosphere and magnetosphere. But it does not stop there, the ionic shift changes frequencies at which humanity's minds operate. They provide the interface to higher dimensional access.

How does this work? The energy that comes from the coronal mass ejections is being absorbed into the tectonic plates of the earth and increasing the vibratory resonance of the earth through that method. These work uniquely with certain power points and sacred sites, particularly those of geometric crystalline overlay. These changes from Cosmic radiation move through the entire node systems of the earth. If the plasma from coronal mass ejections create such a vibration, then the entire electromagnetic flow of the earth is affected. The collective mind & paradigm of humanity is also affected, how humanity creates the reality in which it lives as well as the credibility of the verisimilitude it believes. All of this is affected by that which comes from the sun, that which comes from the solar wind.

Closing of Part One:

Effects of the Plasmic Shift:

* Changing ionic ratio which will allow for easier access into coherent theta state
* Allows for easier opening of the pineal
* The tool for creative harmony manifestation
* Catalyst for shifting DNA and Biological Transition to Silicon Crystalline Biology (Quartz is silicon dioxide)

In Correlation with the Crystalline Grid the Plasma Shift:

* Assists in the expansion of the planet into 12 dimensions
* Allows for greater access into multidimensionality ( Photonic & Plasmic Life)
* Key role in requisite earth-changes
* Coherency acceleration
* Key role in formation of the New Firmament
* Enhanced Vibrancy of Powernodes, Vortexial Portal Sites
* Ability of Humanity to co create the New Earth

Dear Ones, we tell you again the Ascension of the Planet did occur, and humanity has made it so. Even if much of humanity does not recognize it in 3d consciousness, the Earth has indeed changed, graduated into a new paradigm. So it is time to let go of old energy, of FEAR. Our message is to tell you of your Divinity, and to tell you as a matter of fact, as a point of truth, that the planet is now in Year ONE of the New Earth.

Indeed humanity will follow and in rapid time, will also Ascend. You are absolutely on track for that to happen.

In this new era, it is incumbent upon the seekers to project joy, to project light, for in the expansion to Crystalline Harmonics, every photon of mental light you project is amplified. And this occurs more rapidly in the New Energy. So your roles take on a new benevolence, as your creation powers increase.

Many humans on the path of light contend that everything happens for reason. This is oft extrapolated to 'everything that happens is meant to happen....that all is as it should be.'

We tell you that from the higher stance, everything does lead to greater understanding, but the 'University of Earth' is purposed for learning responsible creativity. The leading professor is the doctor of 'cause and effect', and this doctor makes house calls.

If everything happened in the highest order on the first 'go-round' there would be no need for the learning and growth cycle of reincarnation. So there is indeed a learning curve and apprenticeship that allows for repeating the process. Humanity will continue to take the course until responsible creation is mastered.

Not every action, not every decision passes the test.

Your new matrix of 2013 and beyond offers a more concentrated matriculation criteria for humanity. In this advanced regimen more action is required for graduation.

It is now the time for focal co-creation. We tell you that individual and group coherent thought can and will change the reality of your planet. But you must understand that the most potent, most effective creative manifestation does not occur in 3-d brain, but in the theta frequency of higher dimensional mind.

There are so many things that you realize must be changed. So many mindsets are still focused in the erroneous trappings of the 3-d plane, including greed, man's inhumanity to fellow beings, and the seeking of power over love. In 2013 you can begin to unite and create a harmonic earth. Effort is needed, the clarion calls !

I am Metatron and I share with you these Truths. You Are Beloved."

...And so it is...And it is so...

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Be a child again. – channeled by Ron Head

AA Michael

Welcome to your new age. Is there not a feeling of newness around you? Some are having difficulty orienting themselves in such a different internal environment. You will have yourselves anchored firmly soon.

There is a feeling of the world holding its breath to see what will happen. Also, it seems that the whirlwind you lived in for so long had begun to subside. There is a feeling of calmness, of quiet. It is time allowed you for an assessment of who you are, of what you want to do, for a flexing of your internal muscles. Time to learn how to walk in your newness, dear ones.

For many, it is time to realize there is a newness. Some dear ones will be surprised at new feelings, at what comes out of their mouths. Some final adjustments are still being made. That is causing quite a few of you to sleep far more than you were used to. It will pass quickly.

You may begin now to remember more and more of what passes in your dream states. Formerly, you have been unaware of how you passed a great deal of your lives. That is not so necessary anymore. You have hidden a great deal from yourselves that will gradually begin to surface now. Also, the abilities of many to expand their awareness of what is around them will become more and more obvious. There is a wonderful newness and beauty to your world. We invite you to open to it.

Listen to your inner promptings and let the old restrictions that you accepted years ago to drop away. Be a child again. We are loving what we see as you begin to understand and get your bearings. Gather yourselves and assess your dreams anew. Begin to look at them as new possibilities.

Good day, dear friends.

Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:

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Children of the Sun Foundation

2013 Vision and Direction  


View our videos on YouTube  

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The Crystalline Seals have Opened!  
It is through the simultaneous and final unlocking of the Earth's crystalline seals, and also in many of us, that we are actualizing once again, our inherent Source of power. The focus of awakening through personal Initiation is what drives our direction out into the masses this next year and beyond.

The World Tour Drives our Direction  
The Children of the Sun are stepping out into the world, to assist in as many cities as possible and to open the portals of light while sharing the truth of our times. Our service is to positively influence greater masses of people through the influence of a new energy grid of consciousness while simultaneously harmonizing entire geographical regions. 

The Grid Transmissions are Expanding 
The activation of the planetary Crystalline Grid is now fully accomplished and fully launched  in relationship to its ability to support the accelerated advancement of the human race. In 2013, we are expanding the Grid Transmissions Program with energy transference to larger groups of the mass public and sending delegate teams "on location" to serve as transmitter portals. 

A Conference and Facilitator Training  in Mexico 
A Children of the Sun Conference and Facilitator Training will be held in early May in Mexico... the bridge between the Americas. We also will train grid transmitters and share with our community leaders from all over the world our global synchronization during the World Tour goodwill movement. The exact location will be announced soon.  

Adding Educational Facilitators to the Platform 
It is forseen that the demand for our work and delegate team representation will be very great. We are adding numerous educational facilitators as part of the Children of the Sun platform.  We are also developing a certification program that recognizes our active members as prepared and skilled educators and facilitators of the new consciousness.

Plans to Build Community  
We are now looking for land to build our first community and Center of Illumination in the Sacred Valley of Peru. NOW is the time! 


We are forming a Foundation for a Civilization of Light upon the Earth, a mass goodwill movement and a new global culture that is based on Love, Unity and Equality.

This is Group Consciousness which is based on Divine Heart-Mind.

It starts with groups coming together freely to pool their collective talents to create something far more than its parts.

This union of working together will surpass anything Earth has ever seen before.
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So, here is what takes place. When you are born into this Earth, all 11  dimensions come in at once. The crystal that divided you is the 12th dimension,  which we call your Higher Self. This is the part that remains outside of your  physicality but keeps you connected to Home all the time. It connects you not  just to Home, but also to the other 11 dimensions. Home is perfect always. There  is no imperfection up here. But if you cross that line and gain density,  everything here must be imperfect in some way in order to exist. It is part of  the guidelines that you have set up to learn how to play god on planet Earth. To  make this beautiful, a perfect ray of light hits this prism and it dances,  distributing imperfections or seeming imperfections into each one of these  beams. How does it do that? Well, you are perfectly balanced in all areas. You  are a being of light. You are not imperfect in any way, even though you believe  you are here to learn certain things and to improve yourself constantly. We  encourage you to go after that, for it is exactly where you are going – Home –  and that is how you are building Home right here. When your light hits that  crystal, your perfections are distributed unequally. In other words, one of your  beings is really good at something over here and another being over there really  is terrible at that same attribute. It is distributed in many different ways, so  the perfect being is all 12 of you and the imperfect being is any one  individual. Now, as you have been advancing all along, you have started to lower  the walls between the dimensions. Even today you have something called  bleedthrough where you feel something especially on an emotional level, or you  have what you call a bad day where you cannot simply stop crying and you do not  know why. It is actually not you, for it is the dimension right next to you that  is bleeding through partly. You are starting to feel all sorts of things that  are not from your origin and it is very confusing for most of you.

As those walls start to lower, you can gain information from the perfect  parts of you that you are missing. In other words, every one of your 12  dimensions starts to become more whole within itself. If you were to say that  this person here is working with four of her beings in other areas and trying to  balance those four beings, then she is living in the fourth dimension. If she is  working with six of those beings, which is very difficult to do at this point  (five is the most you can work with at the moment) then she would actually be  living in the sixth dimension and for this reason. These actually coincide in  ways you could not see previously. Now does that mean you can count all of your  dimensions? No, what we tell you is that as you are striving toward perfection,  you are creating it. It is working. You are balancing yourself. All of your  self-regulating systems for knowledge are now kicking in, similarly to the way  things work at Home with a capital “H.”  What is taking place is that more and  more people are now living in the fifth dimension in this way and showing you  what is taking place. Even your sciences   do not call it the universe any more,   they call it the multiverse because it makes sense for them. This is the only  part of the string theory and Einstein’s Theory of Relativity can actually come  together and support each other. It is happening right here, for you are  changing much of what you have previously known as your truths. You are starting  to step through this portal that you have created yourselves.

(The Keeper of Time stopped talking for a moment as off camera the stage  manager did her job of flashing the time remaining in this segment. He responded  to her.)

Oh, you are giving me the time! That is so cute! I am the Keeper of Time and  you are giving me the time. Not only that, but I must look at all of these  clocks. This is so wonderful to be here on Earth. I have never dreamt of that.  The beautiful lady holding up the time telling me how much time I have. Oh, that  is great. I must tell Elrah about that. Now what was I saying before I was so  rudely interrupted…oh, we have embarrassed her now.

The Portal

You stepped into the portal and you are going to find your own experience of  time starting to shift especially during the next months. There will be three  months of compressed time that have already begun. It is a wonderful way to go  through a portal, now here is what we highly suggest. If you look back at your  own history, you can re-member exactly where you were in that moment that you  first learned of this. You can re-member a time signature, an exact imprint of  the smells in the air, what your feelings were, and even what you wore. That is  about to happen here on the 12-12-12, for it is a time that you have created your magic to come to Earth. Now it is arriving in all sorts of ways, but it is  up to you to find the final destination and the uses of this energy. We tell  you, dear ones, that you are magic beyond your understanding and if you will tap  into that and act accordingly, act responsibly with your magic – of course you  would. But use it and stop being afraid of your gifts. Now is the time to  harmonize yourselves, for you stepped through this creation portal that you have  created and you are building a new world, one that will work with a different  set of physics than before. The transition between these worlds would have been  tremendously difficult, but you have already been preparing for it. You have  already made more than ne-third of the steps needed to reach this new world.  Yes, we have been telling you it has been coming. Now here it is, right in front  of you. We hope, dear ones, that you will open your eyes every morning and look  for the miracles of the new day. We hope that you expect more from yourself  tomorrow than you expect from yourself today. We know that you are so full of  love, and all it is going to take is for you to start sharing that love with  each other, for no one is on this path alone and none of you are originally from  Earth. You have all started throughout many quadrants of the universe for you,  dear ones, are the troubleshooters that were needed to be in a very critical  place.

Human Rights Return to Earth

Last month when I spoke to you, at the end of the message I shared I told you  that this group of very special beings is back together on Earth and you are a  very large group: You transverse the universe. You transverse the entire Earth  with your numbers, but you are also a very focused and specialized group of  beings. The last time that you have been together was almost 800 years ago at  the signing of something called the Magna Carta. Very beautiful. It was the  first human rights legislation you ever had on planet Earth. Now, why would you  need to know that? Well, it was not so much that your names were on the Magna  Carta, but there was an energy needed toward human rights and looking toward  humans as empowered beings. It was necessary to build a critical mass of people  on Earth that would support that, and it ended up in the signing of the Magna  Carta. Well, here you are back again. You have already changed laws; you have  already changed several of them even in the recent election here in the United  States. Are you ready to take your power, dear ones? There is a massive group of  very powerful beings here that are ready to give you back your power. All it  takes is for you to hold it and to find the uses for it in your own world.

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As channeled by Suzanne Lie
You may think that your world is the same, but if you look deep into your consciousness you will find that it as greatly changed. Whereas before you looked within and sensed the warning to be careful and even secretive, you now find the message that something has changed. You may not, yet, know what that something is. However, there is a feeling of safety where once there was a sense of alert.
Your body, which has been running on adrenalin for much of this life, in fact most of your Earthly incarnations, is now going through adrenalin  withdrawal. It is because of this withdrawal that you feel so exhausted and may even have episodes of anger for no apparent reason.
You awoke on 12-22-12 to a world that was apparently the same, but you did not know what a victory that "nothing" was. Great battles, both mental and physical, have been waged, and many lives were lost in the invisible battle to save Earth from the unseen  dark ones.
Hence, to awaken to find a world that appears to be the same is a sign that your consciousness has expanded into the resonance of reality in which the Light has won! Remember, ascension does not mean leaving a certain place and going to another. Ascension means attaching your Point of Perception to a higher frequency of reality. The underbelly of your world is still tainted with darkness and driven by unseen forces. However, you have ascended beyond the tentacles of that reality. You know this is true because whereas once your inner self felt a constant state of alarm, you now feel an inner safety. The years of 1996 to 2003 were the darkest times since the fall of Atlantis.
These times were even darker than your World Wars because these were times when your entire planet was on the edge of complete domination and/or destruction. That reality still exists, but at a much lower frequency. However, the lower versions of "life on planet Earth" are beginning to close. The area of Cosmic Space in which Earth is now traveling is too intense for those frequencies of reality. Hence, they are beginning to cease to exist. Dear Ascending Ones, it is because of your silent, and apparently individual, process of expanding your consciousness that this victory of freedom from darkness is yours. The mere fact that so many groups could openly and publicly gather to meditate and send love to Gaia is proof that you have expanded your Planetary Consciousness into a higher octave.
On the other hand, some of you had no idea of the true state of your world because you looked to your mainstream media instead of the Internet or your inner SELF. However, each day more and more of you are experiencing unexplained changes in your daily reality. These changes are not because Earth has changed, but because you have changed your Point of Perception into a higher frequency of Earth’s myriad versions of reality.
Releasing your third-dimensional habit of believing that your  life is outside-of- you is the KEY to holding your Point of Perception at a higher frequencies of your Multidimensional SELF. Your third-dimensional self is accustomed to looking outside of you to find out how your life is doing. "Are my bills paid? Do I have a nice house? Do I have a good job?” These are all questions based on the illusion that life is outside-of-you. Fortunately, you are beginning to realize/remember that the truest assessment of your life is found within.
Those of you who have been awake to the Truth for the last decades of extreme darkness, sought solace in your outer world because when you went inside to view life, you found fear and darkness. Hence, you often focused on your outer life of finding good jobs, nice houses and lot of toys to distract you from the fear you found within.
This inner fear was NOT a sign of your personal depression or mental illness. This fear was a true perception of how your world was in great battle with the forces of Service to SELF. However, if you consciously realized that your inner feelings stemmed from such a frightening truth, your resulting depression and anxiety could diminish whatever determination you had to carry on.
We now want you to know that NOW you can remove your cloak of denial. Your deep, inner fear was not based on whether or not you could pay your bills or would lose your job. The deep inner fear was a true reaction to the secret world that you were fortunate enough to not live. You, our wondrous ascending ones, did your parts marvelously. You pretended and/or believed that life was what it appeared to be while you sought to expand your consciousness into the higher expressions of your SELF.
Congratulations, you have been victorious. Not only have you remained attached to the fringe reality of the third dimension, rather than the underbelly of the battle for planet Earth, but you also expanded your inner awareness into the true, higher-dimensional expressions of your Multidimensional SELF. In doing so you assisted Gaia more than you can imagine.
Unknown wars were being fought inside of Gaia’s body. Auspiciously, the Lemurians resonate to their fifth dimensional expressions and could balance the darkness with the great light of their inner cities. Fortunately, now most of the dark ones have been defeated. Also, Earth is still intact, which is largely due to the service dwellers who held the Light of higher consciousness for Gaia through Her darkest nights.
Your choice to not consciously know what was happening was a good tactic, as it greatly diminished your fear. However, you paid the price of depression and anxiety, which appeared to be unfounded. We wish to remind you again that your fears were, indeed, true. As Gaia moves into higher frequencies of reality more of these facts will come into the light of day.
There are still many people who resonate just below your current Point of Perception that would rather doubt themselves than confront the illusions that seemed to offer them enough security to carry on with their lives. It is for this reason that many of the higher frequency facts such as our Galactic assistance, NESARA, withheld technologies and other advantages have not been released to the mainstream public.
Those of you, the Ascending Ones, who so needed to know the Truth that you sought out the terrible facts of the battle for planet Earth, are now being rewarded with the knowledge that you are not alone. You will, also, become increasingly aware that your world is on the cusp of an incredible transition. Because you could allow yourself to know the fearful truths, you can now know the glorious achievement that YOU have fulfilled.
We are sorry that the truth must still remain at a frequency that can only be known by those who expand their consciousness into that resonance. We understand that you tire of waiting. However, we remind you that you were NOT passively waiting for a new world to spontaneously rise up on its own. Now, you can realize that you have been brave warriors who had to block the hidden enemy of inner truth because it could destroy your resolve to continue and/or endanger your safety.
Therefore, you paced your reception of truth and only knew as much about the underbelly of reality with its myriad lies and deceits as you could balance with your daily life. Now your daily consciousness has reconnected with your Higher SELF, and you have achieved the safety of Unity Consciousness with other Ascending Ones as well as with Gaia. Hence, now we can reveal that you were not suffering a psychosomatic illness. 
Instead, YOU, our brave multidimensional warriors, were trying to ignore that which you could not change. Instead, you focused on what you could change, which was the resonance of your earth vessel and the Earth vessel of Gaia. Congratulations, our beloved ones, for you have been victorious.
However, we feel how much you want to instantly awaken to find New Earth outside your bedroom window. PLEASE maintain this constant desire. However, do not feed it disappointment. Instead, feed this desire Unity Consciousness, hope, anticipation, joy and unconditional love. You are learning to accept what you were waiting for during your myriad lifetimes. mpatience is understandable and even normal, but not effective in your manifestation process. You have just emerged from a dark cave in which shadows have been perceived as reality. Hence, as you step out of this cave, your perceptions are not yet calibrated to the frequency of light that is still blinding to your physical eyes.
Therefore, you perceive the reality to which you are accustomed. Just as you have tenaciously held on to an inner hope of salvation through the last years of the Kali Yuga, we ask that you maintain that hope while your perceptions re-calibrate to match the frequency of your expanding states of consciousness.
We understand that many of you do not know that your consciousness has expanded into the fifth dimension. However, if you find this message and can accept it, you HAVE indeed invisibly crossed that threshold. You see, our beloveds, YOU are New Earth. YOU are New Earth because you have expanded your glorious Unity Consciousness to encompass the entire planet.
Do you know how much Gaia is cherished in Galactic Circles? You are NOW within the reality for which you have fought and waited for myriad incarnations. However, your Point of Perception has been habitually locked onto the outside-of-you in the physical world. Therefore, open the windows of your Earth Vessel and allow the higher light to activate your inner perceptions. In this manner, you can look inside-of-you to find your highest Point of Perception. Then, attach your High Heart to this state of consciousness and open your Third Eye to see the New Earth that is YOU.
You have now come into the next phase of your reality. What has changed is the inner causation that creates the effect in your reality. Gaia is moving into the Causal Plane of the fourth dimension. Hence, the 3D lag time between cause and effect will increasingly diminish until your state of consciousness is instantly manifested to become the reality that you wish to perceive.
Most importantly, there is a dimming of the darkness and an expansion of the light. This expansion is felt within your earth vessel and within your daily life. Your bodies are changing more each day, and as they do so, more expanded perceptions will come online. Because the lag time between cause and effect is ever closing, your thoughts will appear as light, and oppositions will become fluid and timeless.
Your expanding perceptions are a shift that is 100% under your control.  Hence, there is no event out-side-of-you that can deter this process. Furthermore, the in-side-of-you is undergoing a slow but steady alteration. Your Lightbody grows stronger each day, which is why interacting with the third dimensional paradigm is becoming increasingly burdensome.
You are realizing how your consciousness is manifesting into creation. Verbal words are becoming restrictive and you yearn to live in unconditional love and peace. There are many components of your apparently third-dimensional life that have already shifted into the fifth dimensional resonance. You recognize these areas of your life because they are filled with, and/or create the sensation of unconditional love.
This unconditional love may not feel the same as the love that we, the Galactics and Celestials, can emanate from our Group Mind, but it is love that has no conditions. If you can remember to allow this unconditional love to guide you to surrender to all issues of life, you will be creating an aura of protection around you composed of that frequency of unconditional love. Whenever you surrender your life to your higher expressions of SELF without any conditions or limitations, you are creating an aura of unconditional love around you.
This aura of protection allows you to become very brave. Thus, you will gain more confidence in your SELF. It is not easy to put down your 3D reactive and protective shield to surrender into a situation. You have lived in a defensive mode for myriad lives. Thus, it is difficult to completely own your great multidimensional power so that you can release all fear in EVERY situation. In fact, one of your greatest challenges will be to KNOW that you are a Multidimensional Being who naturally resonates beyond the grasp of any 3D issue.
You may experience your Multidimensional SELF as a higher frequency, a sound, a color, a vibration, an energy and/or a higher intelligence. As you come to KNOW your innate protection, you will be able to easily surrender into every situation. This protective frequency of “YOU surrounding you” realizes that EVERY situation that comes into your life is your creation. If you are having a problem in your life, you created that problem so that you could learn and/or remember.
We know that these statements might sound cold to those who have not yet awakened to their true SELF. They still live in a reality where something can be “out of their control.” However, surrender is not a problem for your Ascended Master SELF, as the third dimension is below your base-line resonance. For example, if you are in the water and a shark comes, you can raise your resonance and become invisible to the shark. Furthermore, the shark’s teeth cannot harm you because they will just go through your aura.
Many of you are beginning to have experiences in which you resonate just a half octave above your environment. You are “in that place” and “with those people,” but you are also just above it, as if you were looking into a dream. In other words, your resonance is going “out of sync” with the physical world. At first, people will not notice this because they just saw you there and believe that you are still there. In fact, the same will hold true for you.
At first, you may still believe that you are resonating to the 3D, but feel strangely detached and “spacey.” Do not judge yourself when this happens or try to “pay attention.” Instead, make sure that your body is safe and grounded then allow your bodily sensations and attention to gradually shift. It is preferable to shift gradually, rather than swiftly, as fear can come into your consciousness if you change so quickly that you feel out of control .
Try to consciously recognize this experience. Stay calm and breathe slowly with longer exhales. If your body is unsafe, i.e. driving a car or walking on a road, pull your attention back to your physical body and 3D life. When you learned to drive, you first understood about braking and steering before you pushed the accelerator. The same rule applies here. First learn how to stop the experience and how to steer your body and consciousness. In this manner, you will feel in control and will not allow doubt or fear to stop you.
You are learning a new way of living. If you can meditate on a regular basis, you will gain more intimacy with your Higher Expressions of SELF. These Expressions of SELF will assist you to remember what you already know within your higher Point of Perception. Without their guidance, you may believe that you are learning. Learning is a long process, whereas remembering can be instant. Many will have an instant experience, but then doubt it so much that they forget about it until later when they have gained more mastery.
Doubt will be your greatest foe, as it is fear in disguise and lack of confidence in your SELF. When you feel doubt, send yourself unconditional love, unconditional forgiveness and unconditional acceptance. There is no hurry, as time is ending. Yes, your world appears to be the same in many ways, but do you really FEEL the same? You survived and even prospered in the physical world by listening to yourself and by keeping track of your instincts and interactions with your environment.
You will keep this tool and hone it to a sharper edge. As you interact with the higher frequencies of your environment, your instincts will greatly expand. No matter how much you learn from others, you are your own best teacher. You learned and/or remembered how to walk. You often fell, but you still continued. Now that you are learning to run, you may fall more often. However, you are in the company of many others that are taking their baby steps, as well.
Most important, you have constant guidance and protection from your Higher Expressions of SELF. Begin your day communing with your SELF, think about your SELF as often during your day as often as you can. Think of your SELF as you drift off to sleep and as soon as you awaken. It is only within your third dimensional consciousness that you think you should do it alone. As your consciousness expands into the Theta and Delta waves, you will feel the need to actively unite your consciousness with higher expressions of your SELF. 
As you grow to appreciate your own higher states of consciousness, you will want to share these experiences with another and/or with a group. You will also find yourself more attached to Nature, plants, animals, waterways and even the sky. You will be getting to know Gaia in a more intimate manner, and experience that Her entire planet is alive and happy to communicate with you.
Do you remember when you were a child and found great fascination in a spider on a web or a bird in a tree? You will begin to return to these interests because you will be returning to the innocence and purity of your Divine Child. It is the purity and innocence of your Divine Child that will heal your many wounds from your long sojourn through the third dimension. Therefore, perceive your expanding reality through the eyes of a child in order to find the wonder and adventure within EVERY moment of the NOW.
Congratulations Beloved Family
Welcome Home to your true SELF.
The Arcturians
Happy New Year
            Happy New Life
                        Happy New Earth
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As channeled by Natalie Glasson 
We come forward as a united consciousness of love and compassion to connect with your energies and to support your transitions at this time of ascension. We are here to lovingly cradle you in the light of the Creator so that further shifts and awakening may take place. There are many subject matters and issues that we wish to address today in our communication and connection with you.
The energy vibration that many of you are now consciously experiencing upon the Earth and within your being is the new energy vibration of the Earth and your physical beings. Your vibration and that of the Earth will continue to rise and evolve, quickening in speed over time but there is a need to allow yourself time to become familiar with the energies, to realise how they are influencing your being and to recognise the energies that are now activating within your being.
It is also important to understand that the way in which you are dealing with and experiencing the energies at this present time may change and evolve becoming more stable, comfortable and natural to your being. We, in the same way that you are, are experiencing a transition where our entire being is being realigned to the light and source of the Creator.
For some this transition may have already taken place while others may need days, weeks or months to become accustomed to the energies and to completely embody the new vibrations within every aspect of your being. Please be aware that this process of embodiment is continuous.
We can only describe this as moving from darkness into light, your entire being needs time to adjust and absorb the rays of light that are now not only activating within your being but are flowing from all directions into your inner source. This transition where you move into greater absorption and embodiment of light may bring up more unneeded energies, past patterns and programmed consciousness to be released and completely erased from your energy field, being and soul. Do not despair if your energies feel heavier, you feel less connected or if you feel that transitions are not taking place for you, every person is moving through an immense healing process and transition at this time which is being accelerated by the light of the Creator and your soul.
In order for true light to shine from your being, your deepest fears and attachments need to be erased completely from your being and consciousness. Many of you moving forward to the 21st December 2012 experienced a tremendous release on many levels of your being, now is the time for the energy that you released to be erased from your consciousness and energy field.
Releasing does allow for a freedom from that which you held onto offering greater space for light and true self radiation but there is also a need for consciously erasing the energies and aspects of yourself from your energy field in order to allow for the new vibration of love, unity and many blissful Creator energies to embody your entire being completely. Erasing unneeded energies and habits will allow for complete freedom within your being and reality, allowing for experiences of love and connection rather than fear and separation.
Erasing the influences of the past will come about through your acceptance of your truth, of greater volumes of light and connection with the Creator around and within your being. Consciously making a choice to allow and ask for all unneeded energies, habits, thoughts and consciousness to be completely erased from your energy will also assist you. It is a magnificent and major experience to erase the energy, codes and patterns of pain, suffering and so forth as it allows for complete freedom, meaning that no longer will energetic patterns replay in your reality, which can occur even after a realisation and release of the energies you may have been holding onto.
By allowing yourself to erase unneeded energies eternally you are assisting yourself, humanity and the Earth in completely aligning with the Creator completely free from restrictions. As the Earth and humanity are accepting and becoming accustomed to the new vibrations a release and cleansing of the Earth and your being will continue but it is in this reality that you are cleansing and healing not to release the energies as before but to erase them eternally which means that if a good number of people are able to erase certain consciousness and programming then they will be erased eternally from the entire consciousness of humanity.
Erased is to be eternally deleted. This means that we will see humanity rising in major steps to connect on a deeper level with the Creator over the next few years because of the erasing process that is taking place on the Earth at this time. In many ways this is a very simple process compared to the healing process that you have previously experienced on the Earth but it is a very key and essential clearing and reawakening of the Earth which can flow with ease from the hearts of humanity.
Essentially we are asking and guiding you to completely clear the Earth and your being of all past programming and unneeded energies, knowing that the work you achieve now allows for eternal deleting which will create a space and vibration on the Earth that allows for greater shifts similar to what you have just experienced but more magnificent when manifested.
It is as if the major work has been achieved and now you must recode the Earth in order to allow for higher vibrations to anchor, therefore truly anchoring and manifesting the era of love on the Earth. Please do not mistake us, the new reality and new beginning that you desired energetically is now here for you to experience but the old energies may still come forward to be eternally released and now is the time to realign the Earth and your being with the Creator.
This realignment we speak of is complete realignment, complete oneness with the Creator. Over the next few years and maybe twenty years, everything that you achieve and experience will allow you to consciously move into greater experiences of love and unity, therefore allowing the manifestation of bliss. If you have already shifted into a state and an existence of bliss then you will be able to observe the bliss within you grow hundreds of times in strength and expression over the next few years.
The energies that you are now connected to which anchored over the sacred month of December 2012 are extremely important, over the next few years you will allow yourself to embody, experience and express this new vibration from every cell and particle of your being, meaning that you have the opportunity to truly experience the higher and sacred vibration of your being and the Creator that have been activated.
This expression will allow for greater experiences of love, truth, unity and bliss, true and complete healing of the Earth and the manifestation of the Era of Love. Your choices now influence the ascension of humanity, your manifestations are extremely important in bringing greater light activations to the Earth and to allow the Divine Presence of Your Soul to come forward as the sacred Christ, Goddess, Messiah and Creator on the Earth in unison with every other soul upon the Earth, in oneness. This is an immensely powerful goal and vision to hold.
The energy that you connected with in December 2012 was of unity and love in order to erase separation and fear, you have connected with this energy, now there is a need to embody, express and experience the energy. So much is and will unfold as to what is occurring and has occurred at this time, guidance from within your being and other sources will allow for you and all of humanity to understand the next stages forward for ascension.
We sense the presence of bereavement among many on the Earth. The dates that your soul has long awaited have passed, the shifts that you have long awaited are now being experienced and yet the future seems so undetermined and uncertain. We wish to congratulate you for allowing yourself to reach this stage of ascension.
We are all entering into an era and time on the Earth which could be described as the True Experience or Creator Experience of the Present. This is in which you exist, act and experience in the present. You may feel as if you are already achieving this as if you have been existing in the present for some time but can you envisage, imagine and acknowledge existing in the present moment always, even eternally with complete and absolute focus of the present?
This is what we are being guided to share with you and to encourage you to achieve. It is to be constantly conscious, aware and observant in every moment, therefore being at one with the energy of the Creator. Allow yourself to be present in the moment of every person, recognising the oneness of the energy of the Creator in every moment.
This time that you are now experiencing is also a period for profound and immense love from your being to shine, it is appropriate more than ever for your powerful love to shine soaking the Earth and all souls. You will see the change that you wish to see on the Earth through your love for the Earth and humanity. In truth we are asking you to fall in unconditional love with the Earth, to fall in unconditional love with humanity and to fall in unconditional love with yourself.
Achieving this with conscious understanding and awareness will allow for the Earth to heal completely, for actions taken on the Earth to alter and align with love and for truth to prevail. When humanity falls in love with each other, the Earth and their own soul, then we will see the greatest shift occur on the Earth where complete embodiment of the Creator manifests.
With the transitions that lead to this major shift we will see humanity and the Earth becoming one in respect and honour for each other which in truth is one of the purposes of your existence on the Earth. The Earth demonstrates to you the Creator and yourself, a powerful energy that cannot be controlled but can exist in complete harmony and truth when true vision and comprehension manifests.
We encourage you to walk on dear light workers of the Earth; with every conscious step you are talking you are manifesting your greatest truth for the entire universe of the Creator. With deepest love,
Archangel Metatron, Lord Buddha and the Celestial White Beings


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As channeled by Tazjima
Note to Readers: This message came after a long hiatus. It took me getting back to my center and releasing all expectations and all fear. It also took me getting out of my own way, listening within and feeling the grins of my guides. They can be quite humorous and always are loving. Happy New Year, everyone!
Greetings! As the date December 21, 2012, has slipped into your “past”, your world is now slipping quietly into a new phase, a new age. The age of domination through fear is over; the foundations of the old rigid three-dimensional matrix have been removed. The powers that were, are no longer the masters of the earth – you are, the collective you who is humanity, star-seeds of the galaxy.
We rejoice to find you now willing to let go of your old ways of thinking, of being and of doing. Open to the new, the yet undiscovered parts of yourself. Open to the possibility that you are all ascending into the fifth dimension, along with your Mother Gaia, the conscious living breathing being upon which you all live.
In the days to come, you will begin to see and mostly feel the changes that are now slowly begin to manifest into your collective reality. You, the lightworkers, the starseed of this planet have brought the new world into being. For most of you, the new world still resides in the etheric, as yet unmanifested into the physical state. For those who have raised up your personal vibratory levels enough and have merged with soul and monad, you are now able to walk in the new world and partake of its peaceful and beautiful energies.
Even those of you who do not think that they have ascended, at least in part, will slowly begin to see a freshness in your surroundings; colors will be more vivid, sounds brighter, food will taste better. Your senses will come alive. Your psychic senses will begin to come online, especially if you open to the possibility that such a thing could happen. Play with your awareness. Listen within for your heart to speak to you.
Watch the skies for us, your brothers and sisters. We are there waiting for the time when it is safe to land. We monitor the fear levels on the planet. We will not arrive if there is the possibility that we will be greeted by panic or attacked, for your sakes as well as our own. We eagerly wait for our reunion, but it will come at a time when you are ready for us, and not before.
With the coming months, you will find there is now a new lightness in your heart, a new sense of well-being. As the frequency level of the planet increases and humanity responds to the all-enveloping sense of love permeating the atmosphere, you will find your friends, family and neighbors responding to you in much different ways than in the past. You might even find them asking pertinent questions. You do have the answers or at least can point these newly awakened ones to the right sources for information and comfort.
The planet will not overnight become free of war, pestilence, injustice, disease, environmental distress or economic hardship. Yet it will begin to change, gradually. When we can land and are accepted as those who can assist but not govern, then we will be able to help with the changes. However, most of the work must and will be directed by those who are well grounded on the planet. It must be so for both karmic reasons and for reasons of self-enpowerment. We will not interfere with the sovereign rights and responsibilities of a planet as it is an outright violation of Universal law. If we are invited, then we can help.
Do not expect your present governments to make such an invitation. The first changes must come from you the people of this planet, by taking your world back, peacefully but firmly. You are powerful, but do not realize that power. You are even fearful of taking on a powerful presence since you have been abused for so long by those who have seemed to be powerful. We are here to tell you that true power is balanced.
True power is never used to dominate but to work with in cooperation. There will be many changes in the way you govern yourselves, until such time when there will no longer be any need for a government, when all humanity can govern their own inner thoughts and outer actions.
Beloved brothers and sisters, there is much to look forward to and much to get done. We are here in spirit and in etheric presence around your planet. As your vibrations increase and you learn to live as sovereign beings, we look forward to the time when we can walk among you in peace and fellowship.
Call on us to take you in your meditations, dreams and spirit journeys to visit our ships, for relaxation and for teaching. Our brethren, the Arcturians can assist you in healing and raising up your light quotient to allow you to reach the level necessary for ascension. We are here to help in any way we can without violating your sovereignty and disturbing those who are still unprepared for our coming.
With the change in seasons many changes and challenges will come to be. There will continue to be severe challenges due to fluctuations in the weather of your planetary home. Gaia is adjusting her energies and cleansing certain portions of her physical body, through fire and water. Expect the unexpected. Be prepared, but do not go into fear. Whatever happens is what you need to experience in this lifetime.
Know that you are truly blessed, all of you who are embodied upon your rare and beautiful planet, who shortly will undergo a complete transformation into the fifth dimension, while retaining a physical presence in this galaxy. Remember the physical body of the planet is not the same as the third dimension, which is a particular limited mind-set or matrix in which you have all until now been submerged. Gaia is a multidimensional being, as are you, even if you are not aware of this at the moment. You will be, soon enough, as you expand into yourself, into an awareness of your true magnificence, each and every one of you.
We welcome you into the New Year and into a new world, filled with endless possibilities and new opportunities for growth and for enjoyment. There is much work ahead, but you will discover within a new zest and enthusiasm as the energies of unconditional love bath your bodies, minds and hearts. We wish you many blessings and look to see our paths crossing sometime in your near “future”.
Go in peace and joy! Namaste.
Thank you, beloved Council of Nine.
Copyright © 2013 by Elizabeth Ayres Escher. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included.

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As channeled through Susan Leland 
Ashtar's Post 12-21 Holy Days Message
"Well, greetings! It is I, Ashtar and I have come to answer questions that I know you have. Specifically, I have come to discuss our Mission. I know it has been a question. So we will say to this: Welcome to 4D and above! That's the first thing.
"If you have any doubts, believe me, you are on the ships with me and in all the Higher Dimensions in your sleep time. You occasionally travel up there when you are not even thinking about it. That is, you are just doing something that gives you some kind of pleasure in addition to sleep, whether it be meditating or relaxing, you have high vibe moments going on all the time - sometimes consciously, a lot of times, unconsciously. Remember there is part of you that is here and there and everywhere, anyway.
"So let's just be joyful about that, and move onto what you would call the nitty-gritty! You see there is a Unity of Oneness, always, in the realms that we occupy - what you might call, what we reside in. We travel just like you do. You come up; we go down. That is only a directional crutch because it is really all circular anyway. So what we are saying is, there really isn't that much difference in Dimensionalities except for the big sort of chasm that is growing ever wider between 3D and above. Oh yes, there are physical differences and all those kinds of things. And, there are utilization of capabilities, and so on and so on, but the leap from 4 to 5 is nothing like the leap from 3 to 4!
"Now your consciousness is much more in 4. And, you are going to find many, many proofs of that in the days to come. I am saying days, in your time, and I mean it - no dates. But it is that you will look upon events that you used to participate in and, for instance, say, 'No thank you!' You will look upon news that you used to pay attention to and say, 'I've been there; done that!' You will look upon your own activities and you will say, 'Done with that!' Whatever it is - you will find you have new appetites for foods; you will find you will leave a lot of food behind. You will find you have new gifts that you will be using. And the first time, it will come as a delightful surprise, much like opening a gift and finding exactly what you wanted inside the wrapping!!!
"This will extend to all aspects of your life, whether it be the use of the electronic gadgets, or learning to cook a different way, or learning a poem, or learning how to communicate more with everything, not just the Humans. Whatever it is, it makes no difference, you are going to have it all! These downloads that have been spoken about are happening all the time, not just in your sleep time. So one moment you may feel a certain way about something or have a certain attitude about it and the next moment, poof, it's gone or changed! So be at ease with all of this. This is all we are trying to say. Whatever comes is exactly right because you have called it forth!!!
"You will find that there is nothing coming to you in the way of energies or information or opportunities that you don't call forth. And you have already done the major shift, which is to step up and take responsibility for it! Do you not realize what a great, Grand Thing it is that Humanity is taking self-responsibility? This means two things: One you are creating and, two, we are able to do more in partnership with you! We have been talking about this for a long time, but we know some in our Beloved Family and many, many beyond haven't been listening and getting this particularly most important concept.
"Now - Missions, let's get right down to Missions: LOVE ALL AND BE ONLY LOVE!!! That is Number One. And it isn't that you have to be in perfection of Unconditional Lovingness about everything, because we understand that this is a bit tough, even now. It is to simply catch anything that is not unconditionally loving and say, 'Oops! I don't need to do that any more. I choose to let go of that attitude about - that person, or thing, or event, or whatever. I call forth the Energies of the Great Divine I Am and So It Is!!!' It is that simple. It can be complex, yes, but only if you choose to have an attitude that says, 'Well, this is too hard for me to do.'
"The recognition of the differences between 3D and 4D are part of the separation and thus are going to be so much more easy. They already are. And, you are going to be getting this realization very rapidly!
"So why is it that the Lightworkers are still here and didn't ascend up into 5D? Because you are needed here! Because you are not done yet, because you have phase two of your contracts. The first one is over. That has been lasting for millenniums. It actually has been lasting since you first came here to Earth and took the veil, and you know the story. We don't need to repeat all that. There are marvelous, marvelous tomes of information available on the internet for anybody who wants to look at the past and understand how we got to this place. But you already have that understanding, at least enough of it that you only need to know that you are creating your next moment now!!! And whatever has been of a down in the dumpies kind of experience, or remembrance of an experience, event, lifetime, identity, or whatever, is now to be let go of.
"And now there will be many opportunities for each individual, and for groups to find the ease and grace with which to do all of this, and this includes healing of anything that is in physicality. Yes, you are 4D Beings now, 4D Humans, those who read this, who get this. But you still have some 3D memories, including the memory of any kind of illness or disease or mental imbalance or whatever, because it is laid out for you very clearly to heal. And, many of you have already been working on this - in fact the Lightworkers have. And, that is everybody in this Family!
"It is all there in your energy fields but it might be only for you now to call it in, to call it forth, to make it real. To trust it! To believe in it! Because that's the difference between looking at something 3D from somewhat of a 3D perspective - which you know there is kind of a lot of helplessness there - and in looking at it from the Higher perspective! So we are talking about a big adjustment in your vision. We are talking about perception upliftment!!!
"You would be wise to journal your Ascension experiences. And this will cover everything from, 'I don't feel any different,' to 'Oh, WOW! I had a Big Bang go off inside of me! I literally exploded into stars and beams and Love!' and, everything in between. Because it is for each individual to experience. And it is for you to remember if you have already had a moment or two of bliss in your lifetime and experience, this happened as an experience in the moment. 4D is not about being in bliss all the time. It is about being blissful when the occasion is created, that you create by welcoming the blissful energies, and it is about continuing to serve. And, it is about evolving into bliss. But it does not all happen to be in this moment. And if you will step back and look at yourselves as you are evolving, that is plenty of reason to get into bliss. Anyway, enjoy!
"You see, the gamut of 4D has yet to be experienced."
Fran: "Can you list some of those?"
Ashtar: "The kind of experiences we are discussing? Well first of all, we will say this, CONGRATULATONS!!! Congratulations because you all - your Love - have brought Mother Gaia's consciousnesss into 4D and higher! In other words, Mother Gaia is done with 3D. Now that doesn't mean that there might not be some remnants occurring, because Mother Gaia does have Compassion and she does have a certain amount of Freedom.
"But the essence, the consciousness of the Planet is in 4D. What does that mean? It simply means more ease, grace and comfort. More doors opening for people to have the downloads, the intuition, the inspirations come through. This means that the children are much more free in their speech because people are starting to listen and say, 'Well, that is very good!' 'Oh yes, I agree with you.' 'Oh yes, I want to help. Yes, it is a simple request you have, my child, and I shall do everything I can to make your life more beautiful, or abundant, or whatever!'
"It is for the inner children, now this is their time. Where else but 4D for inner children to come out and dance and sing? And it is for the inner child in every person to be given the Freedom, to feel the Freedom, of the gifts that they have to offer to themselves, first and foremost! This is the era, if you will - the Golden Era has begun and this is where the inner children can come out and play, regardless of the age of the body of the being! This is Faerie Land, this is Avalon come to life, this is Dance with the Unicorns time!!!
"The alignments have taken place. The 26,000 years and so on have passed on your calendars. And it is now to facilitate the upliftment of the self-enactment, which includes realization with Trust. And enactment, whether it be in a single writing that is sent our Family, or our continuing calls. Yes, we shall be continuing. 'Here we are! Come and join us and let us dance and sing together. And let us meditate together. Let us uplift together. And let us be in enjoyment!!!' Because, the more enjoyment of the 4D experience - we are talking high vibes here - that we as a team on Ashtar On The Road can give to people, the faster they all are going to get there! Living 4D is the gateway to 5 and higher!!!
"That's it - 4D lifestyle, Golden Age, utilizing all presented in the Golden Age in the way of opportunities. That is all anybody has to do to move into 5D. Because with it comes the attitude, the trust, the unconditional Love - the enactment, and the vocalizing of unconditional Love. So that's it! It really sounds simple. And, you are saying, 'Aren't we already there?' No. The World is not already there. And as long as there is one being who is stuck, we have a mission.
"But what we can say is this: Yes, we haven't been very accurate with our time lines, and we realize that, but there was a lot of stuckness here that we did not anticipate. We thought when people heard our message, they would be thrilled and the uplifting and The Golden Age would start a lot sooner that it did for everyone, not just for a few. So, yes, we can say we did not evaluate, or discern, how long it was going to take, but now 'it's over Rover!' So let's not dwell there. There is no need to. The thing is that we have reached a plateau, and the energies are reaching out Worldwide!
"Let more of the energies come into you! Feel your own empowerment even more! We will say this also, this is a time - well, there is no time, but we will say roughly in Earth terms - this is a magnificent time of change, anyway it has been, in past history/herstory of Planet Earth and we are talking about this sacred Holy Day season. And, of course, on 1/1, that is a whole new calendar year. But the Golden Age has already begun officially. That is unofficial, insofar as some may say. But so it is, that whatever inspiration people have, 'Oh this year I am going to do this, I am going to do that...' They need to understand that they are more empowered than ever to do the things that are really from the Heart!
"A superficial kind of thing, 'I am going to wash my car every week,' is not what we are talking about. But they need to know that they are empowered more than ever because of the Helpers who now have, what you might call, the dispensation which was given by Humans. The Divine Beings are to come in and be in service to them because it is now service with them!!!
"You see, more and more are acknowledging, 'What can I do to help my neighbor?' or 'What can I do to help my brother or sister, or the stranger that looks hungry?' This is the season where these thoughts and feelings open up and then traditionally that window closes. Well, that window is now wide open! That window is wide open permanently and so it is that there is more opportunity than ever for people to understand the messages that are coming to them, the inspirations that they suddenly feel. And this giving of Love is not a window, it is a wide open doorway - gates are open!!!
"It is no longer that we are standing at the gates ready to welcome you - the people are streaming through and you have done your jobs with great beauty and Love because you have helped millions to come through these gates and fully enter into the Golden Age, even if they may not realize it. And so it is that it is to continue that realization of Truth within your Hearts so that all will get it, if not in this moment, then in the next. And that is the mission of Ashtar On The Road, and of our Beloved Ashtar Family!
"We are here together, finally, and there is no longer a veil between you and us. And if you perceive that there is, you are not listening. And you are only dragging up an old 3D memory which no longer serves. And it is to tell the World that this is how it is, because you came, and they came, with enough Love and enough energy and commitment to make 4D a reality, now, on Planet Earth!!!
"And all of these wondrous signs and attitudes and most of all, all of the loving outpourings which the world is seeing now will continue even more. And 3D will fade and fade and fade, because you've graduated. You've come through the gates and you have determined that you are staying on this side of the Golden Age. And there is never any need to go back because that is not the destiny that you, Beloved Ones, have ordained for Planet Earth or for yourselves!!!
"So if you get a wisp of 3D, just treat it as, 'Oh yes, I remember that, but now I choose to let it go because I have planted myself firmly here in the higher levels of 4D, and now I am connecting consciously with All That Is even Higher! So just be the Love, be the Service and find ways to be even more joyful with it!
"We stand ready to honor this commitment in new ways. So we will continue with the Mentorship. Sekhmet is even more exuberant, and the Arcturians are overjoyed to be in assistance! And, Kuan Yin is overjoyed, in the most gentle of ways, but nevertheless overjoyed because she is feeling the Peace that is being radiated by those who are feeling it now. And, of course you know that St. Germain is just bursting with abundance for all. And I, Ashtar, am still in charge of facilitating the Ascension Mission and it is Sananda, who is at the center of that Mission, and his role and his message is simply that of Love, unconditional, to be at the Heart of all that follows!
"So you see we have much to do. But it shall become easier and easier. You are flying with us! And, if you think you are having some disjointed dreams of a strange kind, it is not so much teaching dreams as it is letting-go dreams, and we are helping you. These disjointed, seemingly unconnected, out-of-reality dreams will be less and less, so do enjoy 'blankness' in your sleep times. You can give your intentions that more and more of your dreams shall be your visions you choose to create, because you've got room, because you are letting go of what you don't need any more - more and more and more letting go!
"Alright, well we have been quite wordy but we simply wanted to assure you that the best is yet to come. The Joy is already here! Our Oneness is already a done deal (thank you Sekhmet - she is so good at the slang)! Love, Compassion, Forgiveness, and Gratitude are well grounded here because Mother Gaia and you have brought yourselves up to where they actually, truthfully exist - all of the time and through out all Higher Dimensions! So there is no going back on your timelines! There is no slipping down into dumpydom! It is simply to go up, up, up from here. And, it is for each of you in your own way, to move and move and move into the upper levels of where you already are.
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I now joyously acept the fulness of the Mighty God Presence -- the Pure Christ.

I Am a Child of the "Light" -- I love the 'Light' -- I serve the 'Light' -- I live in the 'Light' -- I am protected, illumined, supplied, sustained by the 'Light,' and I bless the 'Light.'

Remember always:  One becomes that upon which he meditates' and since all things have come forth from the 'Light,' 'Light' is the Supreme Perfection and Control of all things.
 I AM the only Presence acting.
St. Germain
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As   channeled by Judith K. Moore


Archangel   Michael Speaks of the Union with Universal Oneness and the Re-Connection to   the Heavenly Realms and all Dimensions as the Veil Thins

tr.   Sean, ed. Sandra, M.*

JKM   12-30-12 Lord Michael Speaks of the Opening of the Veils of Creation and the   Evolution of the Consciousness of the Soul of the Realms, Part A & B

Judith   in Denver 7:00 am



I awakened with a considerable amount of intense brain energies. I open now to the Source of Infinite Wisdom and Universal Oneness and the Masters of the Universe.


The   energetic web of the connection in the dimensions is established. Once there   were barriers, impenetrable fields, that separated the realms and dimensions,   creating closed systems. These closed systems were unable to access the   forces of Creation and frequently drew upon the original energies, building   them into systems. Upon the collapse of those systems, the energy would be   used again. And each time, because it was a closed system, the distortions in   the holographic field became stronger.


Only   when a devotee disciplined themselves to focus on the Infinite Light within,   was it then possible for an opening into those closed systems that would   bring in the manna and the new life force energy to rejuvenate, create new   the frequencies fields that comprises the dynamics of the Living Hologram of   each realm and dimension.


At   times, the powerful force of Creator/Creation, the Infinite Oneness, would   permeate those dimensions. The realms would open, and for a time the veil   would thin, and there, the great Epiphany of Light would come upon the Earth   or into whichever dimension the God source reached into. And truly, at these   times, there would be a touching of the soul of consciousness, awakening the   ideals of the Way, and truly initiating the frequencies. (Sean calls in)

Part   B:


At   times, when the God force reached into the dimensions, the veil would thin.   And the soul's of consciousness, that comprised the realms and dimensions and   whatever Creator had created and Creation had manifested as in that realm,   would then receive the Epiphany of Light. The energies of Creation would   rejuvenate the Living Hologram, allowing existence to continue and   consciousness to expand, because it was a vital connection between the   consciousness of the realms and the dimensions, and what it manifested in   Creation as the soul. And whatever realm it was in, the soul exists. And   whatever realm or dimension Creation forms itself, it is formed of the   essence of the soul.


At   those times, the power of balance and unity would be known in that dimension.   And in some of the dimensions who had the capacity, because they were higher   frequency dimensions, to utilize this energy, and the veil being   thinner, they evolved consciousness of wisdom and peace. But in the Earth   realm, the veil being so thick, the souls were depleted of that light, and   reincarnational patterns began to develop on the Earth were souls had no   opportunity to go beyond the existence they had known in the 3rd dimension   that was filled with inconsistency and fragmented light, fragmented energy.   Thus the souls were incapacitated, unable to access the Light of Creation for   their evolution.


These   souls became depleted of Light, and lost the capacity to commune with the   Wisdom of the God Source. When the veils opened, the Epiphanies of Light   through the prophets & teachers - those were able to access enough light   in their soul that they could focus beyond the limitations of the realms and   the thickness of the veil - there, from that source, the Holy Divine Spirit   would fill. And in this filling of light, filling of the souls, there was a   hope for continued existence. Because consciousness must move towards the   center, spiralling like a universal pattern, spiraling like nebulae in   Creation, and draw from the Source and return into the spiral of the   Universal Oneness, to evolve and grow and expand and learn and give, in   exchange, Light with each conscious being in its realm. But then it must   return, return, return, return to the Source of Infinite Oneness to be made   new again by only that which is possible at Source Creation.


These   self-limiting systems in the realms and dimensions also impeded the ability   for the web of life, life force energy and manna to be shared between the   dimensions and exchange within the realms. Here upon the Earth realm, souls   continued in this closed system, with an occasional opening of the Epiphany   of Light. But many souls began to reincarnate in patterns that were   self-limiting systems, carrying ideologies from one lifetime to another,   whether the ideology be that of reverence or that of fear. As there became   less light, it became so, (that) the collective was lacking in the power of   the God Source. And as the souls transitioned out of the body, they repeated   the holograms of whatever trauma or grief they experienced, and brought that   grief back again to the same soul groups, to lock in ideologies that limited   the human experience of Union with the Infinite Oneness.


Thus   the demigods became manifest because they were lords over the lower realms,   and they developed an ability to permeate consciousness and to create, but   not from the level of Light of Creation. They could manifest within that   closed system, thinking themselves powerful because they were built of the   stuff of ego. Truly, the lower energies of ego-self generating greed and   despair were powerful energies that, in Creation, manifested the demigods   from these closed systems, devoid of the Light of the original source.


They   drew on the soul's light. They drew on the light of the souls as they   transcended the body. And within the body, the manna, the life force energy,   the light of Creation was drained, because the demigods were unable to go   beyond the thickness of the veil to reach to original Source, and really   attain God-self. They were manifested from a closed system, and thus ruled   with authority and capacity because of their connection to feeding themselves   of the light of the soul. This is the authority of the false gods. It is what   has ruled the devastation, the demise of human consciousness.


Now,   as the veil thins, through the solar lunar and stellar forces, through the Gateways   of Light, the Earth is illuminated. And truly the web of existence is   spreading throughout the Universal Oneness. And the Soul of Creation, the   soul of the consciousness of the human experience, the soul of Gaia, and the   individual soul, quickens, quickens with the Power of One, feeding itself   from the Light of Creation now.

The   new souls incarnating into the Earth plane are able to incarnate across   previous barriers that were obstructions between the dimensions. This is a   phenomena of the souls' evolution of consciousness that will bring the   greatest change upon this Earth. Because souls now are escaping the   entrapment of reincarnation after reincarnation when they were born   only to suffer.


Through   Michael's realms, they are being elevated through the dimensions into the   higher dimensions, to receive the light there, to be bathed in the light, to   be healed by the light. And the light flows as the souls connect to the   higher dimensions in near death experiences. Each time an individual has a   near death experience now, they open the realms, and receive the light of   their soul. And, of course, when they return, because their light is filled   now, they are an inspiration to others, and they are channels for that light   on Earth.


Now   the outpouring of souls who were trapped in other dimensions, some of them   lower vibration dimensions, like the reptilain dimension, some of them very   high dimensions, like Cosmic Beings of Light, those incarnational barriers   have broken down. Earth is no longer in a closed system.


Vast   numbers of souls are interchanging and incarnating in different places in   consciousness. And this initiated through the opening the Magi saw, initiated   with barely a few souls. But now, now as the dimensions open, the heavens   open, the heavens open. The dimensions are revealed unto each other through   the thinning of the veil. Now the souls of Earth become a rich pool of light.   And those existing here, their natural tendency is to feed of light because   Creation itself is permeated the realms of the demigods. The hand of God has   touched upon the Earth.


And   the dream that the alchemist had of the separation of the Hand of God, that   simply depicted the demigod's power and authority without connection to God   Source. And thus, in ruling those realms, they dictated what was allowed for   the souls. That Age of power has been permeated by the existence of Creation,   not in one epiphany of light, but in a surge of energy that interchanges life   force energy in a web of light, created in a great cosmic web, expanding   capacity for consciousness to be rejuvenated by the Original Source, and for   the soul to know of itself being the God Source, and generate that light into   the world.


This   time, this bridge, this bridge of time, this time of the bridge, spreads   itself. The new dimensions of time in the 2013 Galactic Time Spell,   organizing the fractals of light into formulas of life giving energy,   liberating the light upon the Earth and opening the soul to know, through   experience, the source of Love and the power of unconditional love. Thus,   your relatives on the other side, are able to love you, and the healing will   begin, because many of them have ascended into the angelic realms and will   heal you. And the healing of souls has been an element of this. The release   of souls has been an element of this. All of it is a mystery of Creation,   Beloved Ones.


I Am   Lord Michael. I have come today to speak of this, in a way that you may truly   understand the deeper dynamics into the Creation powers at work in your world   now as you are open to the Galactic plane, and the veils between the realms   and the dimensions thin, are permeable, and the power of the Force of   Creation is the Bridge of Light, Bridge of pure Love, known in the dream of   Jacob as Jacob's ladder.


And   that which is pure prophecy lives through the Ages and draws itself now from   the Source it came from, which is connection to the Universal Oneness. For   Jacob's vision foretold of this spiral that takes us beyond the limits of the   human realms and the powers of negativity, to ascend, to draw from Source,   and return, rejuvenated of the light, to give forth that which is blessed.   And goodness shall surely follow in all the days of mankind. For that which   is given by the Source of the Infinite Oneness is eternal.


Blessed   be, so be it and so it is. I AM Lord Michael.

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How to describe what everyone is feeling right now? We may as well get one of those round bowls that you find on many a metaphysical shop counter, filled with rectangular shaped cards each one bearing the name of a particular feeling: Calm, Angry, Excited, Disappointed, Grateful, Frustrated, Peaceful, Turbulent, Confident, Depressed, Motivated, Dejected, Committed, Betrayed, Happy, Sad. Some of you may be feeling more of the uplifting vibes, others are feeling sucked into a vortex of the heavier ones, while many of you have looked at the round bowl, tipped the whole thing upside down, pointed at all the cards and said: “Yep, all that, that’s what I’m feeling.”


Logically and in our hearts we know the ‘Shift’ is not a one day event, but a window of time during which we’ll see huge changes on every level, personal, social and global, as a result of an increase in consciousness that is influencing all Earth and humanity. We know that December 21 marked the final date of the end of a long cycle, significant but not necessarily heralding that something big and obvious would happen on that exact day. (Even in much, much, shorter astrological cycles like say a personal Saturn return of 28 years, you generally do not experience your big life changing event on the exact day that the transit is right on your natal planetary degree. In that case it’s an influence that spans across a year or so. So imagine when the cycle is 5125 years! Or 26000 years!). Yet, deep down, many of us hoped something, anything, would happen on or around this date as a kind of positive big bang entry into the new cycle, something to give us some sort of a sign that we are all heading in the right direction, that humanity is awakening, and that all of our inner and outer work hasn’t been for nothing.


We may not have even realised just how much we were hoping for that, until the day came and went, and many of us were left with a sense of empty anti-climax. Maybe not immediately. Maybe not on December 22 or 23, but slowly as the days have passed it is as if we all shouted 3, 2, 1 Happy New Year! and waited for the fireworks, but they didn’t come. So we waited a bit more, maybe there was a delay. We waited some more. More days and nights passed. People started leaving and grumbling; “Do you have any idea how much effort it took to get here, and there’s no show?”, “We came so early just to get a good seat, and now nothing!” “I want a refund!” “Well that’s the last time I ever believe in this company again. They can take their fireworks and shove it you know where!” Meanwhile other people, the faithful believers, are still on the blankets saying “No, don’t go, wait, the fireworks are still going to come. They’re just late, they’re giving us another date.” Others still are smiling and saying “Hey, look around you. It was never about the fireworks. Look where you are! How amazing is this planet! Think about all the wonderful changes that are happening. You get to be part of that!”


We’ve experienced wave after wave of intense energy surges all year, solar flares galore, what a build up! Yet on December 21....quiet, stillness, silence. Many, including myself, experienced it as a very mellow, calm day. Many, including myself, experienced multiple, amazing synchronicities in the days leading up to it and received answers to lifelong personal questions, in the most unexpected and subtle of ways.


One of my biggest questions to myself has always been ‘Am I doing what I came here to do, am I helping as many people as possible in the best way possible?” and one of my biggest fears used to be getting to the other side only to find out that I hadn’t done all I could of/was ‘supposed’ to! That question was for me clearly answered and that fear completely cleared in the most unexpected of ways, and it didn’t come from a wild cosmic download or eight minutes of meditating. It came via an email from a lady who had contemplated ending her life that day, and was looking up ways to do it on the internet. As she was doing so one of the lessons from my course had just come into her inbox, so she opened that up and read it, and whatever she read gave her the aha moment she most needed in that moment to move forward with strength. In her words, she was now “resting in peace, without actually dying.”


As soon as I read the email I cried and cried, good tears, thinking of this lady, grateful she had found whatever she needed to keep going. I cried, feeling as if someone upstairs had just given me a million dollar cheque with a graduation certificate saying you are doing enough, you’ve been doing enough, you are reaching exactly who you are supposed to be reaching. It is interesting, I often tell people you never know who you are helping, you never know how huge the smallest of actions can be to another person. I often share the story of the man who bumped into an old school mate years later, and thanked him for saving his life. He told him that one day he was on his way home from school, and yet again the bully kids were teasing him. The school mate stood up for him. He told his school mate “I was going home to kill myself that day but I didn’t because of what you did that day.”


I share that story a lot because I want people to know that we really never know just how much we are helping, nor do we even necessarily know who exactly we are helping. I receive lots of wonderful emails letting me know and I STILL clearly didn’t get the message because it took this one, graphic, emotionally honest email to really make me get it...deep in my heart.


So one of the things I really want to say about the beginning of this new cycle is, we may not have had the fireworks that many were expecting or even secretly hoping for but I hope that in some way you received some sign to keep going, even if it was small or subtle, and if you didn’t please consider temporarily using other people’s experiences as your source of inspiration to help you keep going until you do get your own personal ‘that’s what I needed to hear/see/know moment’.


On December 20 I experienced three amazing synchronicities, (you can read about them on my Facebook or Twitterfeed) and have since been experiencing an increase in things like synchronistic meetings, texting someone at the exact time they are texting me, or thinking something and receiving a near instant manifestation regarding it (from ask a question get an answer from unexpected quarters to resisting something and getting an immediate physical body symptom mirroring the resistance!). It is time to be super clear, conscious and mindful of our thoughts!


Lots of people have reported that they too are experiencing multiple or amazing synchronicities around this time, so again while this isn’t exactly a globally visible blast of light from the sky, we have to acknowledge that it does exactly fit in with what a more high vibrational life looks like on a day to day level. We are so clear on our visions regarding what an awakened society looks like (and think our current reality society looks quite different!) it is easy to dismiss what Florence Scovel Shinn called ‘the signs that land is up ahead even when you can’t see it’ - the twigs floating on the water and the birds circling the ship, letting us know we are heading in the right direction.


There is no doubt we are in a ‘reboot’ period, with many struck down since December 21 with lots of people reporting headaches, cold and flu’s requiring bed rest, power outages, flat batteries in the home or car, phones and internet down, and generally feeling a nothingness or flatness. This is a more extreme version of the in limbo feeling many have felt during 2012. During the year it’s like we were waiting for our new ‘programs’, whereas now the new programs have arrived and we are now going through the process of activation. As you know with your computer, when you install a new system you have to shut down your computer and re-start to activate the new software. Hence this feeling many are having of wanting to leave the planet or being in a big, black void of nothingness – this will pass. Your old identity is gone, gone gonskies and your new one is being uploaded and activated and part of you has no idea what that new identity is all about. The old contracts are finished and your new blank pages await.


For some the unknown is magical and a wonderful mystery, they are excited to unwrap it. For others the unknown is an overwhelming scary place prone to bring on anxiety and panic attacks or depression. If you are looking at the road ahead and just see nothingness, I highly recommend grabbing a pile of magazines and tearing out images that come to you. (I did this inspired by this creative nudge and found it personally very helpful). This is not meant to be a vision board, just a quick way to really determine where your own personal energy is at, and what your new/true self wants to tell you about what’s really going on in the centre of you, as opposed to getting caught up in the flurry of conflicting feelings and messages that are swirling all around you. You will more than likely be surprised at the images you choose. This will help your ‘head’ catch up to where your energy/heart is at.


As we move forward with our physical selves and physical lives on the higher vibrational reality plane, the old denser physical reality will still be around us as it goes through the transformative process we have already internally gone through. People ask, if we have shifted up into a new vibration how can old vibration reality still be present? The physical reality of our today, is the result of the energy reality of our yesterday’s. While our collective vibrational shift will start to show itself in more obvious ways in the physical in the months and years to come, for a time we are still living with the physical manifestations of our collective old vibration. Your personal life may be 70% or 90% ‘new vibration’ but even so you may still have to interact with people and systems that are in their transition stage. On an energy level they have been called to shift, but on a physical, visible level they are still acting out the old vibration.


The physical is like a system that has been fed loads of etheric coins in order to play. As each coin drops, the relevant tune plays. New high vibration coins are now flowing into all of our systems, but for some people there is a backlog of old vibration coins queued up, still playing the old tunes. Those tunes have to play out on the physical before the new tunes can start playing for those people, and for certain systems, situations, countries, etc. Others have spent a long time clearing their backlog, and started dropping new vibration coins into their system a while ago, and so for those people they are seeing lots of the new tunes already playing in their daily life in various life areas. It’s like when you introduce a new coin into the monetary system – there is a period when there are the old versions and new versions floating about, but as more of the new come in, and more of the old get taken out, eventually it’s very rare to see an old coin and the new becomes the new standard.


The amount of time you spend in old reality energy will be different from person to person and from day to day. It will depend on how much of your life you have already shifted on the physical and emotional level and how much you are yet to shift, for example are you working in a job you are in harmony with or one that is making you sick? Are you surrounded by supportive friends and family, or still hanging out with toxic people? Are you thinking thoughts and living your life in alignment with your truth and heart, or allowing yourself to drop into disempowering thoughts and actions? The energy disparity between the two will become more and more extreme, and so any ‘drop down’ into the old reality will increasingly feel harder, heavier and downright suffocating.


A note on this – this ‘drop down’ is more to do with your inner energy and less to do with your outer environment. For example, you can choose to be in a challenging environment with harmonious energy and be of great service that way. Likewise, you can also choose to be in a lovely, supportive environment with restrictive or hostile thoughts and be of great disservice to yourself that way.


Crossing the threshold of December 21 has triggered major feelings in all those who have long awaited this date. There is a feeling of release – release from old fear-based predictions and prophecies that were keeping many stuck and release from old, archaic energies that have long dominated this planet. There is an associated feeling of freedom and liberation – freedom to now truly do what we came here to do, free of old (perceived and real) restrictions, free of old beliefs, free of old karma, free of an old paradigm that is crumbling faster than we can say new reality.


There are feelings of disappointment, anger and confusion – Why aren’t things happening faster, (crumbling faster!) in a more obvious way? Why did so many people predict specific things that didn’t happen? (Mass landings, Nibiru passing, 3 days of darkness, etc). To the former: many associated December 21 with the time that the changes would have all occurred by, when actually it was more the marker of our turning point – the time by which we had to collectively make our choice. Would we keep going straight and hit a brick wall, or would we turn right and shift with the Earth, making the changes we need to make to keep living on her in a peaceful and sustainable way? As frustrated as part of my human self is at how far we have yet to go, my inner self keeps reminding me how far we have come and how much has changed even in the past year let alone the past 5 or 10 years. As much as I watch the mainstream media in disbelief as they continue with what passes for informative news, I am uplifted by the online alternative news media and thousands of inspirational people and sites that millions are now tuning into to gather truthful, empowering information. As enormous as the problems billions still face are, I am amazed daily by the numbers of people waking up, in their own ways, asking questions, yearning for more meaningful lives, wanting a more harmonious world, seeking and participating in solutions, demanding change, extending their hand to others in whatever way they can.


Although the Shift is not an overnight transformation, it is also not one that will take many generations to start to be made manifest in clear, visible, tangible ways. Of course, our grandchildren’s world will be one we cannot even imagine, for the better, but some of the real change we so deeply yearn for will be something we get to experience in our lifetime. How can I be so sure? Why would you even believe in anything anymore after the ‘non-event’ of December 21? Well for one thing, it’s already started for anyone who has their eyes truly open to it. Secondly, it does not make sense that so many of us would incarnate with such a clear focus, such a clear intention, such a clear mission, such a clear vision and such a clear calling to create a new reality, only to have the change we participate in be no more and no less than any other ‘normal’ change that happens every decade, every generation. This is the time of planting our seeds, and we are the star seeds doing the planting. We have always known we are here to do this, only in the old cycle our seeds had a hard time taking root in that particular dirt. The old cycle ‘dirt’ wasn’t compatible with our seeds that were programmed for new cycle ‘dirt’. It’s like when you plant a vegie garden, if the ground is not suitable, the vegetables won’t grow. We’re now finally in the time of rich, lush soil perfectly suited to our seeds, and so now is definitely not the time to give up or have a tantrum that you’ve had enough!


To the latter regarding specific predictions, I think we are to expect some wild cards, things that no-one has predicted, and it will happen on some random Tuesday when we least expect it, and it will be transformative in a positive way. Forget doomsday, forget living underground for three years, that timeline ship has long sailed. Throughout our history we have had a myriad of timelines going into multiple potential futures, and it is quite possible that people who were predicting specific happenings were tuning into a timeline that simply was no longer an option by the time we arrived at that time point. People have talked about there being two remaining timelines leading up to December 21, one of awakening and global transformation, and the other of destruction. This didn’t mean that either of those things would happen on that day, rather that humanity would ultimately choose one or the other of those two timeline train tracks as we entered the new cycle, no longer able to have both as an option. My feeling has always been that we knew a long time ago which timeline we would ultimately choose, the one of awakening and global transformation, and we have done that. Don’t take my word for it, look for your own evidence, go into your own heart and truth, seek your own counsel. If the ‘false’ predictions have taught us anything it is to use our own discernment, to go with our own intuition and gut instincts. Your own centre is the best place to go for a feeling of safety, clarity and guidance at any time.


My feeling on ‘mass landings’ is that no benevolent race would land here until they’re sure that a) we aren’t going to run screaming in fear/try to shoot them down and b) we don’t revere them as our gods or saviours. The message that came through after December 21 was that in a way the ‘mass landing’ did happen only totally not in the way we expected it to. As we now awaken (are activated) to even more of who we really are, (including the awakening/activation of previously dormant abilities) we awaken to the memory of ourselves as beings from the stars. The starship full of Pleiadians that you’ve been waiting for your whole life are actually those really lovely people you met at a festival last weekend. The Sirians you’ve always wanted to talk to are the people you sat amongst at that workshop yesterday. The Arcturians with powerful healing abilities are the bodyworkers and health practitioners you’ve been helped by. They don’t secretly go home and unzip their human outfit and recline on the couch in their light bodies. They don’t gather in conspiratorial groups and laugh about how the humans haven’t figured out yet that they’ve infiltrated the human ranks. They aren’t scary aliens any more than you are a scary alien. If you don’t resonate with this bit, that’s fine but if you do, then you are one of these star seeds, these star beings, who have come to Earth this lifetime, incarnating as a human, to help create the new world with your own special vibrational footprint, or lightprint as it were. The Hopi’s said it: “We are the ones we have been waiting for.” Do we get that yet?


I am the first person to say I cannot wait for the day the whole world acknowledges the reality of our galactic neighbours as a normal reality. Yet, to wait for star people from another planet to come and help us or save us, is to not acknowledge our own ability, and responsibility, to help ourselves and save ourselves and shift ourselves into a physical reality that is a worthy match to the vibrational reality we know we are capable of and that we are already actually holding. We have got to step into our power first. We have got to stop waiting for a date, for ‘ascension’, for disclosure. We have got to just get on with doing what we feel called to do, and now more than ever we get a chance to get clear on why we are doing it.


Disillusioned with the universe? Are you over your guides? Sick of channels and promises of a greater reality? Fine. So this is the moment to ask ourselves “Am I doing what I’m doing because of the universe/my guides/what channels are saying or am I doing what I’m doing because I can’t not do it? Am I doing it because I look at people and society and the world and see there can be new ways of doing things? Am I going to do what I’m going to do because someone has promised me there’ll be a mass awakening, or because my children and grandchildren will one day ask: “And what did you do to change things? What did you do with your ‘seeds’ and your awakened self?”


When my mum was diagnosed with advanced breast cancer and six brain tumours ten years ago, aged 50, a healer, an artist, I threw a huge tantrum at the universe. I said I’d resign if anything happened to her, and never believe in anything again! Well, in the three months of that very short journey before she passed I learned something that was a major turning point in my life. I learned that you can’t say everything happens for a reason, and then throw a tantrum when you don’t yet understand the reason. I learned that healing comes in many forms and that death is not a failure or an end, and nor are unexpected outcomes. I’m being reminded of that time in my life because I know a lot of you right now are screaming at the universe saying you’ve had enough and you’re going to resign and never believe in anything again. That time in my life was when I spiritually grew up and started embodying my truth, embodying what I knew and started really living it. As we transition from one cycle to the next, this is our time to spiritually grow up, to embody our truth and what we know, and really start living it. It is time to take a good look at what we are doing and why, and know for whom are we doing it. It is a good time to start fresh, taking only what really resonates with us as we move forward into our futures.


Yes, we do deserve something big and obvious and amazing to happen. Yes we all want a cosmic shower of love and awakening to spread all over everyone on the whole planet in a way that they can really feel it and know it. But at the end of the day we will still be left with the question...and then what? Well we have now arrived at the time where we have to answer that question, starships or no starships, global love wave or no global love wave. The time is here, the star people aren’t going to do it for us, the global love wave may have come and gone a hundred times already for all we know but it still isn’t going to do it for us. We have to do it for us. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. It is time to get that now.


(c) Dana Mrkich 2012. Permission is granted to share this article freely on the condition that the author is credited, and the URL is included.

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Reverend Angela ~ Morning Blessing 12/31/2012

2012 Farewells.

“There is a formula that goes like this: “Peace of Mind” comes when persons or a society are “centered.” Centered-ness comes from certainty. Certainty comes from only one place: the recognition of patterns. So when a person or society has recognized a pattern as great as all of Creation, there is great certainty and centeredness and there is great Peace of Mind.” – Ian Xel Lungold

Congratulations we have completed the initial stage of “Restoration to Wholeness”. You have opened yourself to new perspectives and manifested your part within the New Dimensional era. The year 2012 was about transforming consciousness, taking responsibility in helping to turn the tide, and finding balance within Self in order to get your human self and your Spirit communicating again. After lifetimes of Soul fragmentation from the immersion within duality it feels exhilarating to move toward the next transition and a new adventure here.

This is truly a time to celebrate all that has been accomplished by the performance of human consciousness. We have made the great leap. Individually and collectively we are settling into new vistas of reality – even while being less evident to many. The experiences you have had in 2012 were designed to help you find your inner balance and truth. As you were undoing the distortions that had taken root in the old story, you integrated concepts like discernment, detachment, compassion and universal love of Self and others.

You are beginning to write a new story, one in which you get to tap into a legacy of psychic powers and precognitive skills. Your task over the winter and spring months will be to constructively direct these energies into expressions of creativity, harmony and ease rather than into frustration or aggressive behavior. The field of consciousness within which you exist on this planet has re-structured, and you are now the co-creator of every experience lived. You’ll find in the not-too-distant future that time spent studying the laws of attraction, the principles of manifestation, mental equivalents, and the art of choice & consequence was time spent evolving your own Mastery.

The past year of adjustments and transitions brought a great influx of external energies to support your internal process of release and reconnection. Many spiritual studies inform that it is the interaction of these two forces – the internal and external, and your chosen responses that allow you to grow and evolve on earth. Last year was designed to for you to reconnect with you, all of you, in order to be the one you are; the leader in your life. This was necessary because before you begin building the New world, you must be clear about who you are and who you want to be, so that what you build reflects all of you and your truth.

Today closes the final chapter of 2012. The Cancer/Capricorn full moon that just passed (Dec. 28th) allows each of us to end the year on a high note. The energy it radiates gifts being able to manifest your greatest potential by feeling and knowing what your heart desires and is creating. And with the stellar information that got anchored last week you have an abundance of celestial support that is now resonating throughout your chakra system restoring your Soul dynamics. Stars transmit spiritual intelligence (the Language of Light) and the Divine Light structures sprinkled since the solstice have contained details and teachings from multiple star systems. Although most likely unaware of the process you will use this influence to navigate your Earth journey over the next few months.

If all this year-end charged psychic energy gets the best of you physically or emotionally I suggest stepping out of your usual routine and indulging in some pampered self care. Create an activity that soothes and calms your senses and body. With so much Light entering your system it can have your nervous system and adrenals working overtime producing anxiousness and dehydration. Be certain to stay hydrated – mineral water is especially beneficial for cellular hydration. Natural Calm™ is a wonderful supplement for soothing an overcharged nervous system.

The solar system of which the Earth is a part is pulsing its way towards a Light of a different order my friends, changing everything and inspiring an evolutional leap that is natural within the great scheme of time in which universes are measured. I don’t think I have to remind you that on the other side of the veil – in the unseen, just a breath away from “here” in time and space – there is a waiting line, several moon beams long, of souls who can’t wait for the chance to get here and experience the physicality of Soul! They long for the opportunity to do just what you and I are doing because when we are not in body, Soul is only a conceptual idea. It is a mental and spiritual component but it cannot know itself in form. For every heart beating “here,” there is a God legend in the making and you have no idea how long you had to wait to get back on the thrill ride of your Eternal Life.

While I can easily speak about all the potent possibilities of this new time, the fact remains that it will be no small task to transform our conventional reality. While a new configuration of spiritual energies has taken effect as the Sun moved into Capricorn, the material world is likely to lag behind. Replete with potential, this field of fresh energy offers support for planetary transformation but does not control it.

Thus, as 2012 rushes to completion you must commit to “being here now” as Eckhart Tolle teaches. Conventional reality will be ready to test your limits as global changes increase and tensions mount over an uncertain future. Remember to look compassionately on all rising conditions and situations, whether of a global nature or a personal level. Face them as if they are presenting themselves to you for some much needed transformation. Avoid getting lost in judging what has been and learn to see beyond the human distortions and rampant myopia that have resulted in the planetary crisis humanity now faces. From the depth of your evolving heart, vow to create a saner, kinder world for future generations.

Since you will undoubtedly be drawn into conventional reality all throughout 2013, approach it with caring eyes, an open mind, and a radiant heart. Put on your spiritual courage and do not turn away from what presents itself. Rather, learn to discern between what is and what only appears to be. The problems of a planet compromised by huge populations, dwindling resources, archaic institutions and the proverbial ticking clock are challenging ones. While these are the illusions of the closing era, they are nonetheless extremely compelling and have proven to be very costly.

As agents of planetary transformation, part of our task is to cut through the veils of illusion that shroud conventional reality. What is needed now is a new vision and a collective deepening into a vaster understanding of what is possible. The stakes are high and the creative field is powerfully charged. We, as creators of the next era on Earth, must see the bigger picture, enter the bigger picture, and become the bigger picture.

I’ll end this last note of 2012 by saying that it has been an absolute pleasure to pen my insights and daily prayers for The Morning Blessings every day for the last few years. I’ve enjoyed bringing you these bits of inspiration, direction, and edification each day to escort you into a more rewarding relationship with universal spiritual theory and practice, and am deeply grateful to all of you who participate, whether through sending questions and notes of appreciation, or simply reading the daily messages and taking them to heart. I have decided that it is time for a rest. I have been a public guide on this ascension path for a long time. Now that we have arrived safely in 5D I feel that I deserve some time to play.

My energy has turned to other paths over the recent months, and I have found it particularly challenging to write and communicate daily. Being mindful of all the advice I have given, I must follow my inner promptings and step aside to discover what is surfacing. I am opening to all possibility. Giving myself permission not to meet a deadline each Monday is going to unleash freedom within my world and I need that for now. I know each of you understand and I hope you can feel the well of gratitude I have for allowing me to share my writings with you over the years.

You’ll still receive a message each morning – they will just recirculate now. The energetic reads on Mondays will no longer be current; however I will keep in touch and give energy updates via my Facebook page.

Enjoy the mysteries of winter and be sure to spend some time gazing at the stars. When you reflect on the past year, and all the lessons that came your way, be sure to express gratitude and acknowledge the joyous and successful navigations of life, as well as where you have struggled to learn important lessons. Pay attention to the ever-growing incidence of synchronicities and set your sights on the horizon of a future where everything gracefully unfolds to enhance your experience on terra firma (earth).

Thank you for subscribing and adding your own particular energy, vibration, and purpose to these daily spiritual messages as you carry their message forward into your world. Your infusion of higher vibrational energy (via consciousness) is what brings it ALL directly here. You are the ones that are creating the new paradigm. You embody It, become It, and live It! You are the mile marker that is showing others the new direction to go in.

Blessings of Awakening fully to who you are, Rev. Angela


As the Divine Love of God flows through each soul’s heart center this holy season we consecrated by the Power of Light. Each, and all, feel one with the Divine Heart and Mind of God. Sacred siblings through which the Light of God pours Its presence. A global community embodying the Divine Intent.

Because miracles take place every day I call upon the angelic kingdom to shower all living hearts with trust and “open receptivity.” In an act of pure grace, we ask that you stabilize the aura of every person on Earth in order that we feel ourselves as Unity. Enfold us with an invincible forcefield of God’s protection that all may safely join as One heartbeat, One breath, One voice, and One consciousness of pure Divine Love. The time is perfect for even the most resistant to clearly remember that all Life is interconnected, interrelated, and interdependent. And I volunteer to assist in this endeavor by perceiving and acknowledging the Divinity blazing in the heart of every person I meet.  In all I do and in all I say I bear witness to the uncontainable, limitless power of Divine Love. My personal practice becomes the deliberate act of sharing Infinite Love and Givingness in every moment of this Life.

The Heavens rejoice as this New Hope is realized on Earth. My heart fills with peace and contentment as I hear the glorious praises of Love, Joy, Happiness, Prosperity, Fulfillment, Enlightenment, Eternal Peace, Harmony, Balance, and Spiritual Wisdom echo across the globe. It is done. And so it is.

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New Message from Matthew 29 December 2012


  • With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. December 21st, the date long awaited with excitement and musing about what would occur, has come and gone.

    Individual experiences that day were as personal and unique as each soul itself is. Nevertheless, the majority of sensations felt by lightworkers can be described as moments of heightened spiritual attunement for some; a sense of peacefulness and well being for others; and disheartenment for those who expected to see momentous changes. Except for the “doomsday” concept followers, the general reaction of the rest of Earth’s population who gave any thought at all to the Mayan calendar was, I knew nothing out of the ordinary would happen.

    Our beloved Earth family, something absolutely out of the ordinary did happen! Everyone in your world would rejoice with us if they knew that the powerful energy that was anchored on Earth during the solstice illuminated many millions of souls. They include those who have no knowledge of Earth’s ascension or are in the “fence-straddler” ranks or have been edging toward dark ways. Albeit unknowingly, all of them have intensified in the collective consciousness the desire and determination to right the wrongs in your world.

    You cannot see this from our perspective, of course, but you will be seeing the effects of that massive infusion of love-light energy. More than ever before, people around the world are deeply feeling compassion for those who are in shock and grief after mass or random shootings or are fighting and dying for freedom from tyranny or are homeless and hungry.

    Always there have been individuals who stepped up to assist others in whatever ways they could. What is new is, the Oneness of All that is known at soul level is rising into the consciousness, where a sense of connection with all who are suffering is gently emerging.

    The recent in-pouring of light created a unified soul-level intention to end violence in your world and uplift the lot of the impoverished masses. As thoughts and actions in line with this intention coalesce into the collective belief that this can be done, firm strides will be taken to achieve it.

    You know that in the continuum this is fait accompli. But most of Earth’s peoples have been in varying degrees of third density’s conscious awareness, and at that level possibilities are confined to third density senses, capabilities and what has been taught.

    Their heartfelt longing for a world of peace and goodness is real, but the limitations of their beliefs created doubts that it ever could become a reality. It is not widely known that the universal law that belief creates reality affects each and every person’s life, so it is understandable that before now the belief ingrained in most of your civilization was that the multitude of abhorrent situations in your world is far too formidable to be remedied. Now, soul level knowingness is moving thoughts from “it is impossible” to “maybe it is possible— let’s try!”

    Earth is passing through the celestial window where the last few wisps of third density are so feeble that they’re barely perceptible alongside the brighter, stronger first wisps of fourth density, where darkness cannot enter. While all light beings are jubilant about this glorious accomplishment, which is unprecedented in universal history, it doesn’t mean that suddenly Earth will be transformed into a paradise.

    Just as a violent storm leaves death and destruction in its wake, so too does darkness. But a storm lasts only hours and it doesn’t strike worldwide. Darkness has controlled life on Earth for millennia, and the state of your world today is the aftermath of ages-long devastation wrought by darkness. It left in its wake the damage it has caused to the planet and the influence it had on many minds.

    We know that some of you think that clearing away the debris left by darkness can come only after our universal family is on site. As much as they want to bring their technology and work alongside you, even the possibility of such assistance is not strongly registered in the collective consciousness. The positive aspect in this case is that souls on the planet are, and others very soon will be, taking the initiative to change what needs to be changed.

    Please do not overlook the changes that have been happening for some time. A great deal of deception and corruption has been exposed and in several countries the citizens have risen up to throw off the yoke of oppression. Where elected governments are failing to meet the needs of the citizens, growing grassroots movements are forcing change. People hard hit by tattered economies have developed ingenious ways not only to cope with hardships, but surmount them.

    It is true that extraterrestrials living among you have helped in these achievements, but please give yourselves credit for your part. Your godly actions and steadfastness in the light have been indispensable contributions! The power of your prayers, visualizations of a radiant Earth, sharing with those who are needy, and supporting organizations involved in environmental preservation and other worthy efforts is inestimable!

    Indeed a great deal more has to be done, and as endeavors continue and the momentum of the light becomes swifter and wider spread, you shall see plans and intentions coming to fruition. Resistance and belligerence will evolve into negotiations, cooperation and unity of spirit as your new year unfolds in consonance with your desire to live in peace and in harmony with Nature.

    There will be “fits and starts” along the way, trial and error and missteps, but rather than deter forward movement, those will strengthen the collective resolve to stay the course toward creating the peaceful, healthy, beautiful world you want.

    More of your universal family members will be joining you, to be sure, but it is your world and you are in charge. While some lightworkers are or soon will be in leadership positions, most of you are way-showers for the awakening souls and those who haven’t yet reached that point, and simply living the light you are is enough.

    The prevailing vibrations, which are at levels that haven’t been on the planet for eons, have correspondingly raised your vibratory rates, and the light of your very essence is beaming with greater forcefulness than ever before. This beneficially affects the thoughts and feelings of people whose lives you touch and flows on out to help transmute into light the remnants of negativity wherever they are.

    Your radiance will uplift your kindred spirits who became disheartened because their expectations on December 21st were not met. That is, world situations didn’t vastly improve that day.

    Let us speak about expectations. We come back to the universal law that belief creates reality and we add that the law has a provision: The belief must be realistic within its environment.

    For instance, someone may believe that even though he sees a speeding train only yards away, he can safely cross the tracks. He can’t, not in an environment like Earth’s, where the collective consciousness doesn’t include the belief that danger can be averted by dematerialization or translocation. So those are neither a reality nor a capability in your world.

    It is the same with those unmet expectations on December 21st. The vast majority of your populace only now is starting to believe that making your world a better place may be possible. Profound changes occurring throughout your world on any specific day is not in their belief system, therefore not strongly in the collective conscious, and the collective consciousness is the creative force of a civilization. So expecting major changes worldwide on any given day is not realistic within Earth’s environment.

    As for the beliefs of “doomsday” individuals, those were way “out of sync,” and not only with the collective consciousness. The belief that the planet would self-destruct or be destroyed is the exact opposite of Gaia’s vision of a Golden Age for her planetary body and all of its life forms, and God is honoring her desire.

    That is why in previous messages we could state with assurance that the day preceding December 21st would be much like that day itself and so would the following day. In jest, we mentioned that there would be no “ribbon-cutting ceremony” when Earth reached the beginning of fourth density, which was known to be around that date, linearly speaking. [September 9, 2011: As Earth ascends through the “last” wafting energy streamers of third density, which comingle with the “first” streamers of fourth, you won’t notice a dynamic difference from one day to the next. There will be no ribbon-cutting ceremony, so to say.]

    There is an additional element to the effects of the collective consciousness on a civilization regarding the arrival of our family from other worlds. You have been eagerly awaiting the landing of spacecrafts and meeting members who are living among you.

    However, not only isn’t your excitement about that shared by the vast majority of your society, but the actuality of “aliens” coming to help or already living on the planet isn’t in their belief systems. Furthermore, for the most part, their ideas about extraterrestrials are the monstrous beings invading Earth as depicted in films.

    As we mentioned in previous messages, the highest universal council formerly was responsible for arrival and introduction timing and now God is in charge. God relieved the council of the heavy responsibility of deciding when Earth’s peoples are psychologically ready to see spacecrafts landing in numbers and to greet unusual looking beings. God will say GO! when the meeting can be with welcoming, not fear, and He is just as eager for that joyous occasion as are all of us who know it is coming.

    God’s taking the helm in this is a change from what we reported in earlier messages. Changes happen at the peak of the universe just as they do in your lives! So it is not that we give you misleading information and later have to retract it—we tell you what is known at the time of our messages, and if later a significant change is made, we report that.

    Some of you have asked where we get our information. Some is our soul level knowledge that has emerged through self-discovery, or remembering, and it can be most aptly and succinctly described as “universal knowledge.” We have no more knowledge than does any other soul; simply, through evolving spiritually and consciously, we have had more opportunities to remember what is in that storehouse of knowledge than lesser evolved souls have had.

    Our information about what’s happening with Earth and on Earth comes from a number of sources, and when the information from several is in the same ballpark, so to say, we confidently share it with you.

    One source is God, who told us what we just stated regarding when He will tell the council to notify fleet commanders GO! The council is another source, and so is our good friend Hatonn, who is an intergalactic fleet commander and director of communications between Earth and the rest of the universe. We also are in contact with individuals in Nirvana who monitor activities on Earth and with civilizations that are so far evolved spiritually, intellectually and technologically that even at this station they seem magical.

    We have access to the Akashic records, the mass consciousness of the universe and the collective consciousness of Earth, and we know what is in Earth’s energy field of potential. It is in that field where possibilities become probabilities and probabilities become certainties, depending upon the amount of energy your collective thoughts, feelings and actions put into a particular potential happening.

    Now then, Earth’s passage from now on will be smoother than during the past several months, when natural changes in planetary alignment were causing strong energy surges in your solar system. While those surges gave Earth the leaps forward she needed to reach the gateway to fourth density, many of you experienced disconcerting physical, emotional or mental anomalies as your bodies kept adjusting to increasingly higher vibrations.

    Henceforth, the combination of crystalline cellular structure and the intensifying light along Earth’s ascension course will enable your bodies to stay on a more even keel. And you will be able to handle with equanimity, self-confidence and innate wisdom whatever situations arise.

    With few exceptions, your scientists see light in the context of astrophysics and technology, and religions see love as the province of the soul. It will become known that the light of science and the love of the soul are one and the same energy, and it is the most powerful force in the cosmos. Now that this energy is flowing more abundantly in your world than at any time since Gaia and her planetary body were created in God’s perfection, the wounds of her residents and of Earth herself can be healed.

    Enter your year 2013 knowing that lighted beings throughout this universe are, as ever before and evermore, your unseen supporters and assistants. What rejoicing there will be when you can feel the same unconditional love for us that we feel for you!

    LOVE and PEACE
    Suzanne Ward

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