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As channeled through Wes Annac

Imagine and feel that you are Creating the grandest of change that can be Created in your increasingly-evolving third dimensional reality. Imagine and know that this change is being Created by each of you in your own unique ways, and imagine that what you are doing now is to greatly impact the Lives of every dear soul on Earth.
We have wished for you dear souls to know that what you are doing is setting the stage for the events that will bring about planetary abundance among so many other things, and we focus on this element specifically because we wish to make known that you are contributing to the Lighted energies helping to bring about abundance on your world.
Humanity as a whole is recalibrating and readjusting to a continually-pure state of consciousness and the increased inner-cognitive senses many of you will begin to find, will be among the many things showing you that you are working toward something real. Indeed, the validations that are simply too real to disbelieve will make their way to you and if you make the efforts to attune to such things as much as possible, you will increase your ability to perceive them in a quicker and realer manner.
Everything happening at present entails a continual readjusting to increasingly-pure states of consciousness as you begin the quite rapid travel through the realms of the fourth dimension.
For those of you who may be wondering; you have indeed began your ventures within the fourth dimension as a collective and while much of your collective is indeed still anchored in dimensions lower than and matched with the third, the actions of the Lightworker collective in holding the Light and anchoring the pure vibrations of Source unto your world is having a massive influence on the collective energies and is allowing Gaia’s planetary collective to begin your surface travels through the realms of the fourth dimension.
Many of you have been learning fourth dimensional lessons for some time, and those of you who have already been able to Master the lessons of compassion, understanding and the need to avoid self-martyrdom will handle the coming weeks and months quite gracefully as you will find yourselves breezing through repeated lessons that are only being repeated within you because the entire collective is (and will be) experiencing such fourth dimensional lessons.
Your resolve and ability to remain centered will indeed be tested, and we mean this for all of you. Every last bit of you will be and have already been undergoing the necessary testing that truly displays to you if you are ready to embrace ascension and your continually-unfolding reality if the external circumstances do not always seem pertinent to do so.
You are indeed being given the choice of how much faith and involvement you place in your ascension from here on out and many of you are passing these tests with much ease, while others are finding considerably-more difficulty.
It was anticipated that the Lightworker energy could take a dive after the 21st period because of the nature of change expected and the nature of inner-change delivered but not felt by all, and we wish you all to know that the brazen manifestations many of you have looked toward are completely within your sphere of ability to pull into your personal vibrations and manifest.
The collective, mass energies are required to move something along in a much more grand manner, but you can all begin to radiate your personal vibrations toward the disclosure of your Galactic brethren’s existence and presence on your world as well as a plethora of other things, such as abundance being delivered to your entire world and the wealth being restored to its proper owners; each and every citizen of your Earth.
There is so much good to look forward to and you all have the ability to attract such good to yourselves, which is why we ask you to do so as a collective. Collectively mediate on the initiating of disclosure, the giving of abundance to your world and your collective finding ascension.
Truly feel and radiate your vibrations toward everything you have worked for, for you are the prominent Creators and experiencers of your reality and your personal (and collective) vibrations determine more than anything else, what is to happen on the surface of your world.
We continue to reiterate that your ascension and the events to come with your ascension are and have always been assured, but we must still ask you to continue to make your effort to attune to the fifth dimensional reality many of you can begin to feel, because there is so much for you to witness and experience and you are just at the beginning of your journeys.
Indeed, from an Earthly standpoint you are at the end of a long journey within the lower dimensions, but you now begin the most exciting and incredible part of your Earth journeys which is, of course, bringing-forth Light and change on a mass level on the surface of the Earth for every single soul on your beautiful, pre-Galactic planet to benefit from.
Can you dear souls believe that your actions are affecting the Lives of everyone on your world?
This is truly so and this is why we ask you all to continue to place the importance in your ascension processes that many of you placed before the 21st alignment came and went.
We ask you to remain as focused and excited for the manifestation of wonderful ascension-related events in your Lives as you were before this timeframe for indeed, you still have many more dates and timeframes to pass through that, while not solely important or crucial to the manifestation of brazen or bold events and should not be looked toward in such a manner, will still serve to greatly benefit those who have continued in their inner-search and found an attunement to your ascension energies.
There are so many things we can feel you dear souls wondering about, and we wish to calm your fears, apprehensions or anxieties and remind you that everything is, has always been and will always be okay. Yes, there is still mass separation and hatred manifested on your world on a day to day basis, but you would be surprised to learn of the dissolving influence of such lower energies even right now.
While they are still manifested on a massive level in your current moment, more and more Earthly souls are responding to the continual work that the higher realms have been doing on their evolving bodies and spirits and they are finding the personal revelations and inspirations from spirit that are seeing them change their lifestyles into ones that match the happiness and wholeness they wish to feel in their Lives.
Please know, dearest Lightworker collective, that your actions are greatly benefitting the Lives of every Earthly soul and you are helping everyone to begin adjusting to and assimilating while benefitting from, the energies being delivered to your world at present in increasing purity.
There are so many beings doing all that they can to continually increase the purity of energies Creating your reality, as there is much going on within the realms past your conscious perception. Everything is being rebuilt and reformatted on an energetic level, to fit the expanded and evolved environment you will soon all exist within more fully and purely again.
There is oh-so much going on and we wish we could detail every last bit of the progress that has been made since the alignment of the 21st but for this current moment, we can only ask you dear souls to prepare yourselves for all that is to happen because as you can see, events have taken quite a long amount of your time to manifest and are reaching the point wherein they simply cannot be stalled any longer.
Yes, this has been said before and there have been many instances wherein the Company of Heaven has chosen to step back on matters for necessary reasons, and this is why we continue to implore you dear souls to Create as much positive and Lighted change as you can in your internal and external realties, because our actions are based on your choices and experiences whilst on Earth.
Everything you do or express toward others is fed to your collective consciousness in the form of a specific energy, and the general energy given out by your entire Earth collective in each moment determines the ability of the Light energies to match such energies and soak-into your collective conscious and subconscious, benefitting you all.
When negative actions, emotions or choices are fed into this matrix of consciousness, the Light energies are filtered and restricted from coming through and we are thus, unable to work with a landscape that is too dense for our intervention.
As you’ve heard, we [as well as the Galactics] cannot interfere with your freewill and we have no desire to do so, which is why so many Lightworkers and starseeds have incarnated unto your Earth to feed the collective of your world the most positive and harmonious of energies possible; to help give the Light energies a way through to your collective consciousness so that the Earth collective can be initiated into the pure states of consciousness your beginning Age of Aquarius is to call for.
You have so much awaiting you and yet, for some of you the spiritual road could not seem bleaker as you perceive yourselves as being duped or fooled into thinking something grand would happen, one too many times.
We understand that some may not feel comforted by our requests to keep the faith and hold strong to your vision, but as you are Creating your individual and collective experience in every single moment and your Creation determines our ability to intervene and assist, we are asking as many of you as possible to do so and the importance of your positive and Lighted energies simply cannot be overstated.
Everything that you have heard about is real, dear souls. We know that you can feel this and we know that you know this. To those who have attuned, nearly endless validations have been given and we can personally attest to meting so many of you in your dreamscape, during interactions that you may not likely remember because of your non-lucid state of perception during such moments.
There is so much Divine interaction taking place beyond the realms of your conscious perception, with us and you all and the Lighted change you are Creating even while your bodies lay sleeping and you hold meetings with us, your Galactic brethren and a plethora other souls and collectives, is indeed enormously-pure in scope.
There are so many important manifestations riding on your ability to stay positive and centered, as you are all literally forming bridges and holding open portals for the energies of the higher realms to come through yourselves.
While some of you are experiencing a final surfacing of doubt and fear in yourselves, others are benefitting greatly from your ascension energies and those of you who are benefitting could help greatly in consoling those who feel as if the higher realms, the Universe, we Ascended Masters or their personal guides have somehow abandoned them or left them, as they perceive of their ascension having not happened.
We are absolutely here for you dear souls and we will continue to make our presence known to you, in the form of synchronicities and many other things we will do to attempt to get your attention. As always, pay attention to the messages of spirit because there are so many ways we can get ahold of you, and some of them may indeed surprise you.
We wish to make our presence more personally known to each of you who feel as if you are cut off from the higher realms or as if the higher realms have abandoned you, because you have so much good to look forward to and as has been expressed, you are and have been in the home stretch, viewing the landscape of your fifth dimensional Eden whilst knowing your role of holding the space and helping the entire Lightworker collective to evolve before then finding your own heroic evolution back to the realms of the fifth dimension.
And oh, don’t even get us started on the wonders that lay beyond the fifth dimension.
Your processes are to continual eternally, and your growth and learning will be everlasting from the fifth dimension. You will experience lessons, growing and learning that will ready you for even purer sub-planes, planes and dimensions of consciousness and each dimension you experience will offer unique challenges, lessons and frames of perception.
Everything you experience will serve to show you aspects of yourselves that have been forgotten as you traversed the lower dimensions, and you are to find that you are and have always been the Creator in an increasingly-distorted form with each lower dimension you had fallen to in an attempt to traverse such dimensions.
You have all traversed the lower realms with a heroic might that you are strongly looked upon for, and we personally thank you for your efforts up to this point and for the efforts you don’t yet know you will be making in the time ahead. You are so important to Earth’s ascension, dear souls, and we wish for you to know this with every bit of yourselves for if your power is given away, you cannot experience the enlightened perspectives that show you the reality and awesomeness of the developing higher realms in yourselves.
You can all begin to channel the energies of your rapidly-developing fifth dimensional New Earth and we encourage you do so, for there is so much wonderful vibration and energy for you to attune to and find within yourselves and every last bit of it is happily and graciously awaiting your realization of it and its presence within and around you.
The brimming vibrations of Source are expressed in a very pure yet still distorted manner in the realms of the fifth dimension, as the purest energies of Love and Light are as well considered the purest of “distortions” and the building-blocks of your realities.
Your reality is a moldable and changeable energy that so many der souls have begun to learn to work with to help bring about the best intended results and experiences they seek, and we say that your Life path will garner in you, the understanding of working with your reality and finding for yourselves, the situations and experiences you desire.
You will be led increasingly with the events that manifest in your Lives, to take control of your Life paths and begin to Create for yourselves that which you truly desire, and some of you can perhaps notice these very catalysts playing-out for some around you at present. Every one of you are being led toward the revelations and epiphanies in yourselves that show you your ability to find happiness and wholeness in your Lives, rather than continue to put up with the same old limitations or distortions you had previously allowed to form the basis of your conscious experience.
You’re now being given the full opportunity to turn away from and transmute the lower and dissatisfying aspects of your Lives as they stand at present, because you dear souls have wanted the realms of the fifth dimension and you must first receive them in yourselves. The unawakened Earth collective who cannot yet feel these energies will be able to [receive them] because of your actions in anchoring them and holding the space for them to come forth.
As you hold this space, you will continue to realize that your own reality is refining and you will increasingly see matters playing out in your Lives from a different vantage point, a different perspective. You will begin to feel the hollowness of many aspects of your reality that have been fed up until this point, and many of you may find yourselves seeming to drastically change the ways you have Lived or the direction your Lives have been heading in, in favor of a reintegration into a more fulfilled and happy state of being.
One cannot ascend if one is still trapped within self-employed limitations and we can only do so much to help you realize such limitations as sometimes, even pointing out a limitation or employed density to an Earth soul can be considered a violation of their freewill-ordained right to believe that what they are doing is not harmful to their Life paths.
Humanity is feeding as a collective, the very same dense and negative, outdated energies in various different forms and facets. Sarcasm can be a destructive energy if used in a destructive way, and humor specifically has been distorted to a certain extent on your world. There is indeed humor in the higher realms, and you will occasionally find even one of us cracking a joke or two as we do indeed Love to laugh.
We Love and radiate out naturally, anything that feels good or is of a good vibration and when we speak of humor being used for ill gains, we speak of the humor that is employed and attached to darkness which can come in the form of sarcasm or ridicule. Finding personal gain because of the misfortune of others has become rife on your world, but the pervading energies of Oneness will see humanity realizing the need to put such a distortion to an end.
Of course, it would be a generalization to claim that all of humanity is feeding the select few mechanisms we have discussed here but overall, the prevalent few energies of darkness are fed and established massively on your world at present through a plethora of different souls.
Your media continues only to reinforce the negative and keep every person attached to it in a state of illusion and separation from their Godsource, and many of you will notice the purposeful violence and lower vibrational material put forth in nearly every aspect of your mainstream media. So very many television shows have been produced, unknowingly fulfilling an agenda of filling humanity’s minds and hearts with the continual vibrations of anger, violence, lust, sarcasm and most of all, separation.
One will notice that humanity is painted in a very negative Light in the majority of movies and television shows given on your world at present, and what is currently meant to keep one from fashioning a connection with One’s Godsource will soon be utilized to bring-forth truth that all of humanity needs to be reintroduced to, so that you can properly view your Earth through a lense of knowing all that has happened.
You are taught to view a world that is only physical and that has never experienced any wonders past what physical reality teaches, but so very much has happened that if you knew about, would display to you that your world has always experienced miracles and things that the majority of people in your current society would simply write-off.
The fact that much that’s been hidden from you would be unaccepted as reality by the majority of your world at present should not faze you dear souls, because your world is to be reintroduced to the concepts that drive a higher dimensional experience and in doing so, will see that they have allowed themselves to be held back in many instances.
The choices humanity has made has contributed to holding humanity back and among the choices you can begin to make to help cleanse yourselves of the negative vibrations of illusion and lower dimensional Life, are choosing the proper nutrients to feed your ever-evolving bodies in the form of healthy food, drink and interaction with your reality.
It is important now to find the most Lighted of foods that will not serve to block up your chakras or keep you in a state of lower dimensional discomfort.
Meat production of any kind is to become a thing of the past so very soon, as you will find yourselves sustained in a different manner and less accustomed to the mindsets that would teach you to desire meat or pleasure within flavor, as you will feel constant bliss all around you and you will contribute to such bliss with your own blissful energies.
It has been discussed that you will still be able to replicate your favorite heavy foods with the technology of your Galactic brethren and with your own Creative abilities which you will learn to utilize with the assistance of Galactic technology, and it should be expressed that you will likely need or want much less for such heavy foods despite your ability to manifest them.
The fact that you will indeed be able to have them will see them lose their perceived luster that some would perhaps imagine when thinking of not being able to enjoy their favorite lower dimensional pleasures, and despite the pleasure meat can provide for some souls, it is still vastly disrespectful to and un-allowing of the freewill of the animal collective who are forced to give up their body temples; usually in very violent ways and in ways that are destructive to their souls.
These souls really do seek peace and salvation from the twisted-up energies they have felt by losing their body structure by the hand of a human being in a violent manner, and to those of you who are eating meat, we would humbly ask you to bless and thank the spirit of the animal you would be consuming before doing so.
You can send your healing energies to the animal collective as a whole and to the individual sprits of each animal who has been forced to exit their incarnation in the name of becoming food, and all of humanity will realize the need to come together with the animal and even plant kingdoms, and you will no longer utilize them for nourishment as you find all of your nourishment provided to you and by you, in ways that do not require utilizing the sacred temples of any soul.
You are all Loved so very dearly and it is hoped that we have been able to offer a glimpse into your already-unfolding New World and New Year of 2013. 2012 will forever be known as the starting-point and the rest of your experiences from here on out will continue in the intensified manner they are beginning to play-out in.
We ask you to employ hope and balance when looking toward your future, and remind you that only you can bring what you desire to yourselves.
Thank you to the Ascended Masters.

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BBC - Supernatural Science - Previous Lives (English)



Supernatural Science: Between Life and Death (Season 1 Episode 7)

Published on 15 Mar 2012

Thousands of people claim to have had near-death experiences. Do these experiences offer proof for the existence of an afterlife?

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10 Ways to Use Psychic Energy

10 Ways to Use Psychic Energy
By Taryn Gale wind

Color is light. Light is energy. Energy governs everything we do and totally impacts how we feel. Each color of the spectrum has a frequency, and scientists know our brains and body chemistry react to those vibrations. Sensitives and psychics know our chakras react,too,and can be re energized by color.

Let’s look at ten simple ways to use psychic color.

1. Red Is Power. Every politician and corporate mogul knows wearing red when facing an adversary gives you an advantage. The richness and depth of red make you seem and feel like a stronger entity.

2. White, the great protector. White light combines all colors. If you feel anxious or are dealing with fear, close your eyes and surround yourself with a dome of white light. The dome keeps thoughts and energies pure and can protect you as you work through issues.

3. Pink secures wishes. Meditation teacher Shakti Gawain advises using a pink psychic bubble to obtain heart’s desires. Get into your deepest meditation state. Envision your heart’s desire in as much detail as you can. Surround it with a pink bubble – glowing, buoyant. Hold the bubble close for a moment, then let go. Watch it rise, disappearing into the universe. Don’t think of your wish again. Let your psychic energy handle it.

4. Create peace and harmony. Wall and environmental colors have a profound impact on your energy and power. Analyze your home. Make sure you feel centered in each room. If not, using visualization and large color samples, find out which colors strengthen your energy. Make changes.

5. Balance your chakras. In Sanskrit, chakra is wheel of light, so color is important here. In order, color association is: Root chakra – red, second chakra – orange, third – yellow, fourth – green, fifth – blue, sixth – purple, seventh – white. Use those colors in meditation and visualization to balance energy and life force, bringing you closer in tune with your soul and the soul of the universe.

6. Change your mood. Wear bright pink or green to enhance and lift mood if you feel depressed or morose. The reflected light touching your skin and stimulating your eyes will give your brain chemistry a kickstart.

7. Psychics know orange can change relationships and scientists may agree. Use orange to work on your emotional self, or someone else’s. That light frequency seems to be associated with social confidence and outcomes. Orange may create optimism and joyful relationships.

8. Find out what kind of love you need. Take yourself to your magical place of meditation and visualization. As you relax, enclose your body, beginning with your head and working down, with an aura of green light. Green connects you to every positive energy, from peace, to purity, to self knowledge. Inside your green aura, explore the qualities you seek in friends or lovers.

9. Soothe pain/treat illness. A holistic approach can include colored light, psychically or physically produced, as therapy. Long ago, blue was thought to affect pain and illness. Now, it isn’t unlikely to find medical staff wearing blue and clinical settings painted blue. Last year, Chinese doctors had success using blue chemicals to treat back pain. For mild pain or illness, try envisioning blue light healing the area. Consult your medical team for anything beyond the mildest condition.

10. Have an aura reading. Ask your psychic practitioner to conduct a reading, and perhaps a balancing of your aura. You may learn a lot more than your anticipated. Take your lover with you for a great couples’ experience.

Many believe our bodies contain a series of energy fields. When the energy is in balance, the body is healthy. We’ve already established that color is energy, so it’s easy to understand how using psychic color energy can have profound impact on you and your reactions to everything you encounter. Tomorrow, choose your colors carefully and see what happens.

"Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around. Have a beautiful sunfilled day...Carol Paradis

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Blue Dragon Journal

Blue Dragon Journal

a starseed's journey

Message from Sanat Kumara – 18 Dec 2012, by Tazjima
Posted on December 19, 2012

Sanat Kumara – 18 December 2012 – Breaking Through to the Other Side, by Tazjima
Not having any messages come in for the past week or so, I thought I might experiment and call in a master and see what happens. This past week or so has been an interesting one for me. I’ve had high highs and low lows. I’m sure quite a few of my readers can say the same thing or have similar experiences. I started out with a short meditation, invoking a tube of white light for protection and then:

I am invoking the Presence of beloved Sanat Kumara, Planetary Logos.

I AM here. I AM Sanat Kumara.

Yes, I can feel you in my heart. My heart chakra was burning hot as the Master began to come in.

I stand in the heart flame of all who live upon this planet.

Thank you, Raj.

What can I help you with tonight?

I want to thank you for leading me to the J. Stone books. They have helped clarify some issues for me. And I am enjoying making some of the invocations that are listed there.

Understand, dear one that the ascension preparation given out in those volumes is no longer valid in terms of what most people are experiencing these days. The directions were given during a time that has long since passed. The dispensations given out in the book still apply, but few people, even lightworkers are using these volumes so we approach ascension in many ways now. It is not necessary to even know about ascension in order to be qualified to take the step now.

How is that so, Raj? (Raj is a nickname which the Master prefers to be called than by his full title.)
Those people who live good lives, in service and peace, will ascend, even if they have never heard of the term. Many of these people are lightworkers, but who have not consciously woken up to their missions. They are vaguely aware that there is more to life than what they have already encountered, but are unable to discover what that might entail. Due to circumstances, some care for family members and work long hours to make a living, and do not feel that they have the luxury of making their own spiritual journey. They have made their steps along the path of ascension mostly unknowingly, yet they will rejoice when they discover one day that they have come into a new land, one filled with peace and love.

What has been my path?

Do you not know? You have forged ahead, leaving husband, family and friends behind. Nothing could deter you from your spiritual quest. You have questioned, learned and let go of teachings time after time, seeking your own way through what was offered in the world. You have learned to listen to your inner voice, to your heart. You know how to test the spirits by listening and feeling within. You have come far; you will go further along the path than many.

Yet we tell you now (including my readers) that ascension is not a contest. It is a personal journey and a collective one that at least a portion of humanity is undergoing currently. It is a process and will continue, even when you break through to the other side and into the fifth dimension. When you arrive there, you may decide to rest, but sooner than later you will begin again to move forward on the path, through service, through learning, through the many ways that will be offered to you.

There are many now in these last days who still doubt that they have “the right stuff” to make ascension. Fear not, beloved ones, for all of you are loved. It is your own thoughts and emotions that keep you down and continuing in feeling the separation, the disparity, perhaps even despair. And certainly you might feel confused about all the conflicting opinions and information that is being presented within the lightworker community. This is why it is so important to approach any information, including these messages, by using your own inner discernment as your guide. The time for the outer teacher is coming to an end; it has ended. There are no captains, no leaders in this movement. It is a movement and a journey made up of individuals, all following their own paths, yet it is also a journey that will take many in the same direction, to the same destination.

Know also that ascension is not a one-time initiation. There are many steps to ascension, not just one. Those of you, who choose to move on beyond the first baby-steps of ascension, will find themselves being mentored by ascended masters and angelic beings. It is a grand and vast world that you are in the process of entering. The multiverse is far more than you can possibly imagine after being relegated to school-room Earth. There will be much to re-learn, but you will discover great pleasure in doing so for you will begin to re-member what you left behind when taking embodiment so long ago.

Your planet is currently in the throes of the last days of the Dark Age, of the Kali Yuga. Soon you will move beyond these lower vibrations, only touching them briefly if it is your desire to teach and lead those who will not cross the bridge of swords at this time, at the Shift. Archangel Michael recently stated (see 2012 Scenario for more information) that ascension will remain open for those who are close until the end of this lifetime. Those who go ahead will contribute to the raising up of the vibrations of the planet which will clear the way for more to follow in their footsteps. Some of the wayshowers will become gatekeepers, keeping the connection between the two worlds open to facilitate the passage of others. And many of the first to ascend will take up a life of service, helping those friends and family members who remained behind, assisting them to understand the benefits and possibilities that ascension into the fifth dimension can offer.

For many of our initiates this has been a time for undergoing a life review. You may have seen episodes of your life play out in your mind’s eye or remembered long lost friends or relatives. Some people have returned back into your lives, also, perhaps to see if a lesson forgotten or unfinished has been learned. It is certainly a time to let go of what is no longer necessary; nothing that is of a lower vibration can be taken into the new world – it will be left behind. This list includes relationships that are unhealthy, jobs that do not allow for creativity, as well as anything excessive and unbalanced. It is also a time to learn to forgive yourself for those things that you feel you have not done as well as you could. Forgiveness, letting go, listening to your heart, and being at peace are most important considerations.

The world that is being left will make its bid to keep your attention, to bring up fears, to create distrust between people through the misuse of the media and propagation of lies from governmental bodies and various institutions, including the medical field, religions, education, science, economics, and other international corporations. Leave it all behind you; they cannot follow you into the new world unless they, too, let go of their fears and step into the light.

For those of you, who fear that you are not suitably prepared for ascension, know that you can still have issues to resolve, still have emotions to work on, still have physical conditions that need healing.

You do not have to be perfect in order to be able to ascend. You do need to be open to expanding your world view to include the diversity of humanity, as well as those galactic and intergalactic beings, ascended beings and angelic realms, which will be more apparent to you as you become more acquainted to your new world. There is much to explore there and much to learn.

In the passage of cycles, eventually all of humanity will pass through ascension, just not now. Not all are ready for in the past it has taken lifetimes to prepare to take the first steps leading up to becoming an initiate on the path to ascension. Those who are undergoing ascension during this present cycle have either prepared for a long time or are starseed who have embodied for this very purpose – to act as wayshowers and to create an energetic pathway for those of humanity able to follow in their footsteps. Many of the starseeds have ascended on other planets and in other solar systems, galaxies, even in other universes. Some of the starseeds and lightworkers have come from the highest heavens and will return once their work here is done. There is a great variety of helpers here on hand to assist in this birthing process for both the planet and her cargo, humanity.

In these last days of this present cycle, spend them in quiet contemplation and meditation if you can. If not, keep mindful during your day of the energies and call on us, the ascended masters and angelic realms, for our assistance. We are here to help, to serve, as it our means to further our development as we, too, are moving up in our responsibilities and expanding in our service to the Universe.

Expand your mind to include the whole of this planet as your body. See all of humanity as one being; in truth you are one. You are experiencing this process from several points of view to gain experience which you will pass on to other worlds in your turn, as we have assisted you in ours. Know that we are your brothers and sisters and are here to assist. Call on us and we will be there, to lend our energies, light and love to give you strength in moments of doubt and weakness. If you feel that you have stepped off the path momentarily, forgive yourself and continue on. Keep a close internal focus on how you are feeling, what you are feeling and how you would like to feel. Keep a journal of your inspirations, dreams, meditations and practice communicating with your higher self. Have faith that you will break through those last bits of darkness that seem to keep you from your goal. We will assist; we are here to help – just remember to call for us and we will be there.

Forever in the Light, I AM Sanat Kumara.


Copyright © 2012-13 by Elizabeth Ayres Escher. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and you are love, you are loved, and I love you

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Dealing With Difficult People

Dealing With Difficult People

Learn how to deal with difficult people from a spiritual perspective.

BY: Tara Springett

Virtually everybody knows people who seem to be put into their lives for the sole reason of making it difficult. They either have excessive demands, are unnecessarily contrary or even outright mean and nasty. How can we deal with this all too common problem from a spiritual perspective?

First of all, we need to understand that difficult people are having a difficult time. Nobody who is genuinely happy and has a loving and fulfilling life is nasty on purpose. Real joy generates love – the wish to share one’s joy – so if someone behaves in a selfish or unloving way it is a sure sign that they are unhappy in themselves. This is true even if they appear to be happy. As a therapist, I have the opportunity to talk to thousands of people in depth about their feelings and I have found that people only get angry and demanding if they are under some sort of extreme stress.

The second thing I found is that virtually nobody acts nastily on purpose. The average person almost always believes that they are doing the right thing with a good motivation. This may seem unbelievable if we are at the receiving end of some very egotistical behaviour but it is nevertheless true. The real problem is ignorance – people believe they are doing good when in fact they are hurting other peoples’ feelings.

These two insights – that difficult people are unhappy and unaware of how hurtful they are will help us to be more compassionate and patient with them. Once we have that little bit of inner distance, we can then apply the ultimate remedy to dealing with difficult people. This remedy is to send love first to ourselves and then to the person who is stressing us out.

If you are one of those people who easily believes that everything is your own fault it is paramount that you take a lot of time to envelop yourself with loving light and wish yourself to be happy like a loving mother wishes for her child. Once we have done that, we need to do the same with our adversary. We need to envelop the difficult person with love just like we have done with ourselves. This may seem contrary to all human inclinations because, after all, why should we send love to someone who has harmed us? The answer is that love is the sublime healer of the universe and will restore peace and harmony to all our relationships or help us to end them in a harmonious way.

In my own life, I have worked in this way for many years with every single person who has made my life a misery: with boyfriends and ex-boyfriends, noisy neighbours, nasty colleagues, mean landlords, difficult friends, rebellious children and everyone else who caused some unpleasant ripples in my mind. I can say with confidence that sending love has never let me down and has restored peace and harmony to the most difficult situations within a matter of days. The same is true for the hundreds and thousands of clients who have used this ‘method’ for a multitude of conflicts.

To learn more about relationships please refer to Tara Springett's book Soulmate Relationships. Tara holds an M.A. in Education and has post-graduate qualifications in gestalt therapy, body awareness therapy and transpersonal therapy. She is a fully qualified and licensed psychotherapist and counselor. Tara has worked as a drugs counselor, counselor for adolescents and general psychotherapist since 1988. Tara has been a dedicated Buddhist practitioner since 1986.

In 1997 she received encouragement from her Buddhist teachers to teach meditation. Tara is the author of several self-help books. She has been featured in numerous publications and has appeared on various radio and television shows in Europe and the United States. Her website is:

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I Am Merging With My God Self Now!!


So, beloved ones, let us now gather our energies as we guide you through the dimensional portals, through the energy and into the center of this Ascension Wave therefore, please straighten your spine, draw your shoulders slightly backwards opening your heart chakra. Take a deep breath in through your nose, exhaling through your mouth, take another deep breath in exhaling through your mouth and relaxing your body. Imagine a powerful gold and red flame of energy running up and down your spinal column. This is your life-force; the empowering energy that has always existed within you.

This energy becomes more tangible now and you become more conscious of it because many veils have fallen and many outdated beliefs, attitudes and perceptions have been released. You have already acknowledged aspects of yourself that you never knew existed, and this was not such a long time ago.

I want you now to take a moment to give thanks for every challenge you have experienced, for every tear you have shed, for every moment of woe, of grief and sadness. Give thanks for every dark night of the soul you have endured, for it is all of these experiences that have made the cracks in the walls of defense and burnt through the veils of illusion and broken down the constructs of ignorance and revealed to you your inner wisdom, revealed to you your inner tutor and shown you the higher intelligence of the advanced aspects of your divine self that have guided you, guarded you and gifted you.

The "Earth Walk" is one of the most challenging any soul can choose to undertake. It is the most stringent school of learning and is a place where the soul is stripped bare, left with nothing but the potential to gain everything. Your journey into reclaiming the treasures that exist within love and wisdom and empower you as a spirit and as a being of light is now before you. Feel your energy as it moves from the dams, along the streams and the rivers and into the lakes, and feel your energy moving into the great oceans, becoming one with the vast body of divine wisdom and love represented by the seas and oceans of your Planet.

Breathe in deeply as these Beings connect their energy field to yours. These marine creatures hold within their energy signatures a vibration so pure, so pristine, that it is able to penetrate the densest human ego motivated and base, ignorant and dark part of self. Feel these energies penetrating this part of you, and you find now that you become suspended within the water surrounded by these energies, which amplify the presence of light existing within you. These energy pulsations penetrate all the alternate and parallel aspects of yourself, the most dark part of yourself, and the most evil deed you have ever committed in any of your life experiences is now penetrated by this pristine energy of pure unconditional love, light, wisdom and intelligence.

Lord Poseidon enters this field of energy and hovers in front of you and twelve Mermaids accompany him. These beings also begin to emanate sound vibrations that can only be perceived through the body of water, which opens the emotional body inside of you and allows the dark aspects of yourself to be touched and penetrated by this love.

One hundred and eleven Seahorses begin dancing around you. Their dance creates another beautiful energy pattern, which is a system of communication being given to them by your Monad. This is the first time this pattern is being encoded into your energy field and allows your emotional body to move beyond the paradigms of the old world; specifically the Piscean Age, and as this fluid body of yours steps into this safe place of knowing that you are being motivated by this part of you that is one with God/Goddess, a wall of defense falls away.

As this wall drops you are not left fragile and vulnerable, you are left strong, empowered, revitalized, re-energized and reconnected with this powerful part of you -- your Monad. Take a deep breath in exhaling fully. Now notice that deep in the depths of this water a light begins to emerge; a golden light, and the marine creatures around you begin to energetically pull you into the depths of the water, Lord Poseidon and the Mermaids following you and the Seahorses still moving around you.

As you are taken into the depths you move deeper and deeper into the realms of your most intelligent self, into the depths of love that exist beyond the human lower-ego, beyond the human personality and identity, beyond the human nature and into the sacred energy of you; that which exists beyond human form. You now enter a world of exquisite light, a world so filled with the most profound......


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Wisdom from Psychopaths?

Wisdom from Psychopaths?

A scientist enters a high-security psychiatric hospital to extract tips and advice

from a crowd without a conscience
ByKevin Dutton

Image: Niklas Asker

In Brief
Life Lessons from the Inside

• Psychopaths have personality traits that, in moderation, can offer significant benefits. These typically terrible individuals may thus have a lot to teach the rest of us.

• The triumvirate of charm, focus and ruthlessness that psychopaths possess can predispose a person for long-term life success.

• A psychopath's proclivity to live in the moment can arm against anxiety and bring joy.

Adapted from The Wisdom of Psychopaths: What Saints, Spies, and Serial Killers Can Teach Us about Success, by Kevin Dutton, by arrangement with Scientific American/Farrar, Straus and Giroux, LLC (US), Doubleday Canada (Canada), Heinemann (UK), Record (Brazil), DTV (Germany), De Bezige Bij (Netherlands), NHK (Japan), Miraebook (Korea) and Lua de Papel (Portugal). Copyright © 2012

Kevin Dutton

“Got anything sharp?” the woman at reception barks, as I deposit the entire contents of my briefcase—laptop, phone, pens—into a clear, shatter-resistant locker in the entrance hall. “Now place the index finger of your right hand here and look up at the camera.”

Once you pass through border control at Broadmoor, the best-known high-security psychiatric hospital in England, you are immediately ushered into a tiny air lock, a glass-walled temporary holding cell between reception and the hospital building proper, while the person you are visiting—in my case, a psychologist assigned to escort me to my destination—gets buzzed by reception and makes his way over to meet you.

It's a nervy, claustrophobic wait. As I sit flicking through magazines, I remind myself why I'm here—an e-mail I had received a couple of weeks after launching the Great British Psychopath Survey, in which I tested people in different professions for psychopathic traits. One of the survey's respondents, a barrister by trade, had written to me. He had posted a score that certainly got my attention.

“I realized from quite early on in my childhood that I saw things differently than other people,” he wrote. “But more often than not, it's helped me in my life. Psychopathy (if that's what you want to call it) is like a medicine for modern times. If you take it in moderation, it can prove extremely beneficial.

It can alleviate a lot of existential ailments that we would otherwise fall victim to because our fragile psychological immune systems just aren't up to the job of protecting us. But if you take too much of it, if you overdose on it, then there can, as is the case with all medicines, be some rather unpleasant side effects.”

The e-mail had got me thinking. Might this eminent criminal defense lawyer have a point? Was psychopathy a “medicine for modern times”? The typical traits of a psychopath are ruthlessness, charm, focus, mental toughness, fearlessness, mindfulness and action. Who wouldn't at certain points in their lives benefit from kicking one or two of these up a notch?

I decided to put the theory to the test. As well as meeting the doctors in Broadmoor, I would talk with some of the patients. I would present them with problems from normal, everyday life, the usual stuff we moan about at happy hour, and see what their take on it was. Up until now it had seemed like a good idea.

“Professor Dutton?” I look up to see a blond guy in his mid-30s peering around the door at me. “Hi, I'm one of the clinical leads at the Paddock Center. Welcome to Broadmoor! Shall I take you over?”

The Paddock Center is an enclosed, highly specialized personality disorder directorate comprising six 12-bedded wards. Around 20 percent of the patients housed there at any one time are what you might call “pure” psychopaths. These are confined to the two Dangerous and Severe Personality Disorder (DSPD) wards. The rest present with so-called cluster disorders: clinically significant psychopathic traits, accompanied by traits typically associated with other personality disorders—borderline, paranoid and narcissistic, for example. Or they may have symptoms such as delusions and hallucinations indicative of psychosis.

Suddenly, reality dawns. This is no drop-in center for the mocha-sipping worried well. This is the conscienceless inner sanctum of the Chianti-swilling unworried unwell—the preserve of some of the most sinister neurochemistry in the business. The Yorkshire Ripper is in here. So is the Stockwell Strangler. It's one of the most dangerous buildings on earth.

We emerge from the mazy, medicinal bowels of the hospital to the right of a large, open-air enclosure, topped off with some distinctly uncooperative razor wire. “Er … I am going to be all right, aren't I?” I squeak.

My guide grins. “You'll be fine,” he says. “Actually trouble on the DSPD wards is relatively rare. Psychopathic violence is predominantly instrumental, a direct means to a specific end. Which means, in an environment like this, that it's largely preventable. And in the event that something does kick off, easily contained.

“Besides,” he adds, “it's a bit late to turn back now, isn't it?”

Getting to Know the Locals

We enter one of Broadmoor's ultrasequestered DSPD wards. My first impression is of an extremely well appointed student residence hall. All blond, clean-shaven wood. Voluminous, freshly squeezed light. There's even a pool table, I notice. A man named Danny shoots me a glance from behind his Nintendo Wii. Chelsea are 2–0 up against Manchester United. “We are the evil elite,” Danny says.

“Don't glamorize us. But at the same time, don't go the other way and start dehumanizing us, either.”

Larry, a gray, bewhiskered, roly-poly kind of guy, takes a shine to me. Dressed in a Fair Isle sweater and beige, elasticized slacks, he looks like everyone's favorite uncle. “You know,” he says, as he shakes my hand, “they say I'm one of the most dangerous men in Broadmoor. Can you believe that? But I promise you, I won't kill you. Here, let me show you around.”

Larry escorts me to the far end of the ward, where we stop to take a peek inside his room. It looks like a typical single-occupancy hospital room, though with a few more creature comforts such as a computer, desk space, and a raft of books and papers on the bed. Next is the garden: a sunken, gray-bricked patio affair, about the size of a tennis court, interspersed with benches and conifers. We then drop in on Jamie.

“This guy's from Cambridge University,” announces Larry, “and he's in the middle of writing a book on us.”

Jamie stands up and heads us off at the door. A monster of a man at around 6′2″, with char-grilled stubble and a piercing cobalt stare, he has the brooding, subsatanic presence of the lone, ultraviolent killer. The lumberjack shirt and shaven, wrecking-ball head don't exactly help matters.

“So what's this book about, then?” he growls, in a gangsterish Cockney whisper, arms folded in front of him, left fist jammed under his chin. “Same old bollocks, I suppose? Lock 'em up and throw away the key? You know, you've got no idea how vindictive that can sound at times. And, might I add, downright hurtful. Has he, Larry?”

Larry guffaws theatrically and clasps his hands to his heart in a Shakespearean display of angst. Jamie, meanwhile, dabs at imaginary tears.

“I happen to think that you guys have got something to teach us,” I say. “A certain personality style that the rest of us can learn from. In moderation, of course. That's important. Like the way, just now, you shrugged off what people might think of you. In everyday life, there's a level on which that's actually quite healthy.”

Jamie seems quite amused by the idea that I might be soliciting his advice. “Are you saying that me and Larry here have just got too much of a good thing?”

Back at other end of the ward, Danny has just been named Man of the Match. “I see he hasn't killed you, then,” he says casually. “You going soft in your old age, Larry?”

I laugh. More than a little nervously, I realize. But Larry is deadly serious.

“Hey,” he says insistently. “You don't get it, do you, boy?” He looks at me. “I said I wouldn't kill you. And I didn't, right?”

And it hits me that Larry may not have been bluffing. The curtain comes down on the football game.

Danny zaps it off. He leans back in his chair.

“So a book, eh?” he says.

“Yes,” I say. “I'm interested in the way you guys solve problems.”

Danny eyes me quizzically. “What kind of problems?” he asks.

“Everyday problems,” I say, and I tell him about some friends of mine who were trying to sell their house.

Ruthless People

How to get rid of an unwanted tenant? That was the question for Don and his wife, Fran, whose elderly mother, Flo, had just moved in with them. Flo had lived in her previous house for 47 years, and now that she no longer needed it, Don and Fran had put it on the market. Being in an up-and-coming area of London, the house had drawn quite a bit of interest. But there was also a problem. The tenant. Who wasn't exactly ecstatic at the prospect of hitting the road.

Don and Fran had already lost out on one potential sale because he couldn't, or wouldn't, pack his bags. But how to get him out?

“I'm presuming we're not talking violence here,” inquires Danny. “Right?”

“Right,” I say. “We wouldn't want to end up inside now, would we?”

Danny gives me the finger. But the very fact that he asks such a question at all debunks the myth that violence, for psychopaths, is the only club in the bag.

“How about this, then?” rumbles Jamie. “With the old girl up at her in-laws, chances are the geezer's going to be alone in the house, yeah? So you pose as some bloke from the council, turn up at the door and ask to speak to the owner. He answers and tells you the old dear ain't in. Okay, you say. Not a problem. But have you got a forwarding contact number for her, cuz you need to speak to her urgently?

“By this stage he's getting kind of curious. What's up? he asks, a bit wary, like. Actually, you say, quite a lot. You've just been out front and taken a routine asbestos reading. And guess what? The level's so high it makes Chernobyl look like a health spa. The owner of the property needs to be contacted immediately. A structural survey has to be carried out. And anyone currently living at the address needs to vacate the premises until the council can give the all clear.

“That should do the trick. With a bit of luck, before you can say ‘slow, tortuous death from lung cancer,’ the wanker will be straight out the door.”

Jamie's elegant, if rather unorthodox, solution to Don and Fran's stay-at-home tenant conundrum certainly had me beat. The idea of getting the guy out so sharpish as to render him homeless and on the streets just simply hadn't occurred to me. And yet, as Jamie quite rightly pointed out, there are times in life when it's a case of the “least worst option.” Interestingly, he argues that it's actually the right thing to do.

“Why not turf the bastard out?” he asks. “I mean, think about it. You talk about ‘doing the right thing.’ But what's worse, from a moral perspective? Beating someone up who deserves it? Or beating yourself up who doesn't? If you're a boxer, you do everything in your power to put the other guy away as soon as possible, right? So why are people prepared to tolerate ruthlessness in sport but not in everyday life? What's the difference?”

Winning Smiles

Jamie's solution to Don and Fran's tenant problem carries undertones of ruthlessness. Yet as Danny's initial qualification of the dilemma quite clearly demonstrates—“I'm presuming we're not talking violence here, right?”—such ruthlessness need not be conspicuous. The dagger of hard-nosed self-interest may be concealed, rather deftly, under a benevolent cloak of opaque, obfuscatory charm.

Psychopaths' capacity for charm is, needless to say, well documented. As is their ability to focus and “get the job done.” It's a powerful, and smart, combination.

Leslie, another inmate, has joined us and has a rather nice take on charm: “The ability to roll out a red carpet for those you cannot stand in order to fast-track them, as smoothly and efficiently as possible, in the direction you want them to go.”

With his coiffured blond locks and his impeccable cut-glass accent, he looks, and sounds, like a dab hand. He also has a good take on focus, especially when it comes to getting what you want. Leslie realized from a rather young age that what went on in his head obeyed a different set of operating principles than most.

“When I was a kid at school, I tended to avoid fisticuffs,” he tells me. “You see, I figured out pretty early on that, actually, the reason why people don't get their own way is because they often don't know themselves where that way leads. They get too caught up in the heat of the moment and temporarily go off track.

“Jamie was talking about boxing there a minute ago. Well, I once heard a great quote from one of the top trainers. He said that if you climb into the ring hell-bent on knocking the other chap into the middle of next week, chances are you're going to come unstuck. But if, on the other hand, you concentrate on winning the fight, simply focus on doing your job, well, you might just knock him into the middle of next week anyway.”

The triumvirate of charm, focus and ruthlessness can predispose someone for long-term life success. Take Steve Jobs. Jobs, commented journalist John Arlidge shortly after the Apple chief's death in 2011, achieved his cult leader status “not just by being single-minded, driven, focused …

perfectionistic, uncompromising, and a total ball-breaker.” In addition, Arlidge noted, he had charisma. He would, as technology writer Walt Mossberg revealed, drape a cloth over a product—some pristine creation on a shiny boardroom table—and uncover it with a flourish.

Apple isn't the world's greatest techno innovator. Far from it. It wasn't the first outfit to introduce a personal computer (IBM), nor the first to introduce a smartphone (Nokia). What Jobs brought to the table was style. Sophistication. And timeless, technological charm.

Apple's setbacks along the road to world domination serve as a cogent reminder of the pitfalls and stumbling blocks that await all of us in life. Everyone, at some point or other, leaves someone on the floor, so to speak, and there's a pretty good chance that that someone, today, tomorrow or at some other auspicious juncture down the line, is going to turn out to be you.

Neural Steel

Psychopaths, lest Jamie and the boys have yet to disabuse you, have no problem whatsoever facilitating others' relationships with the floor. But they're also pretty handy when they find themselves on the receiving end. And such inner neural steel, such inestimable indifference in the face of life's misfortunes, is something that all of us, perhaps, could do with a little bit more of.

Studies of psychopaths have even revealed a brain signature for this relative indifference to setbacks.

Anthropologist James Rilling of Emory University and his co-workers scanned the brains of those scoring high in psychopathy after these individuals experienced having their own attempts to cooperate unreciprocated. The scientists discovered that, compared with “nicer,” more equitable participants, the psychopaths exhibited significantly reduced activity in the brain's emotion hub, the amygdala. This diminished activity, suggestive of a muted emotional reaction, could be considered a neural trademark of “turning the other cheek,” a response that can sometimes manifest itself in rather unusual ways.

“When we were kids,” Jamie chimes in, “we'd have a competition. See who could get the most elbows (rejections) on a night out. You know, from girls, like. The bloke who'd got the most by the time the lights came on would get the next night out for free.

“Course, it was in your interest to rack up as many as possible, right? A night on the piss with everything taken care of by your mates? Sorted! But the funny thing was, soon as you started to get a few under your belt, it actually got f— harder. Soon as you realize that it actually means jack, you start getting cocky. You start mouthing off. And some of the birds start to buy it!”

The Feel-Good Emergency

Mental toughness and fearlessness often go hand in hand. Of course, to many of us lesser mortals, fearlessness may seem quite foreign. But Leslie explains the rationale behind this state—and how he maintains it. “The thing about fear, or the way I understand fear, I suppose—because, to be honest, I don't think I've ever really felt it—is that most of the time it's completely unwarranted anyway. What is it they say? Ninety-nine percent of the things people worry about never happen. So what's the point?
“I think the problem is that people spend so much time worrying about what might happen, what might go wrong, that they completely lose sight of the present. They completely overlook the fact that, actually, right now, everything's perfectly fine.

“So the trick, whenever possible, I propose, is to stop your brain from running on ahead of you.”

Leslie's pragmatic endorsement of the principles and practices of what might otherwise be described as mindfulness is typical of the psychopath. A psychopath's rapacious proclivity to live in the moment, to “give tomorrow the slip and take today on a joyride” (as Larry, rather whimsically, puts it), is well documented—and at times can be stupendously beneficial. In fact, anchoring your thoughts unswervingly in the present is a discipline that psychopathy and spiritual enlightenment have in common. Clinical psychologist Mark Williams of the University of Oxford, for example, incorporates this principle of centering in his mindfulness-based cognitive-behavior therapy program for sufferers of anxiety and depression.

“Feeling good is an emergency for me,” Danny had commented as he'd slammed in his fourth goal for Chelsea on the Wii. Living in the moment, for him and many psychopaths, takes on a kind of urgency.

“I like to ride the roller coaster of life, spin the roulette wheel of fortune, to terminal possibility.”
A desire to feel good in the here and now, shrugging off the future, can be taken to an extreme, of course. But it's a goal we could all perhaps do with taking onboard just a little bit more in our lives.

“Settle in okay?” my guide inquires as we jangle back to clinical psychology suburbia. I smile.

This article was originally published with the title Wisdom from Psychopaths?.


KEVIN DUTTON is a research psychologist at the Calleva Research Center for Evolution and Human Sciences at Magdalen College, University of Oxford. He is author of Split-Second Persuasion: The Ancient Art and New Science of Changing Minds (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2011).

(Further Reading)

The Mask of Sanity: An Attempt to Reinterpret the So-Called Psychopathic Personality. Hervey M. Cleckley. C. V. Mosby, 1941.

Without Conscience: The Disturbing World of the Psychopaths among Us. Robert D. Hare. Guilford Press, 1999.

Snakes in Suits: When Psychopaths Go to Work. Paul Babiak and Robert D. Hare. Regan Books, 2006.

Psychopathic Personality: Bridging the Gap between Scientific Evidence and Public Policy. Jennifer L. Skeem, Devon L. L. Polaschek, Christopher Patrick and Scott O. Lilienfeld in Psychological Science in the Public Interest, Vol. 12, No. 3, pages 95–162; December 2011.

Take part in the Great American Psychopath Survey and learn much more about psychopaths at Dutton's Web site:

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Very Touching..... God Bless These Families!

Very Touching..... God Bless These Families!

twas' 11 days before Christmas, around 9:38
when 20 beautiful children stormed through heaven's gate.

their smiles were contagious, their laughter filled the air.
they could hardly believe all the beauty they saw there.

they were filled with such joy, they didn't know what to say.

they remembered nothing of what had happened earlier that day.

"where are we?" asked a little girl, as quiet as a mouse.

"this is heaven." declared a small boy. "we're spending Christmas at God's house."

when what to their wondering eyes did appear,
but Jesus, their saviour, the children gathered near.

He looked at them and smiled, and they smiled just the same.

then He opened His arms and He called them by name.

and in that moment was joy, that only heaven can bring
those children all flew into the arms of their King
and as they lingered in the warmth of His embrace,
one small girl turned and looked at Jesus' face.

and as if He could read all the questions she had
He gently whispered to her, "I'll take care of mom and dad."

then He looked down on earth, the world far below
He saw all of the hurt, the sorrow, and woe
then He closed His eyes and He outstretched His hand,
"Let My power and presence re-enter this land!"

"may this country be delivered from the hands of fools"
"I'm taking back my nation. I'm taking back my schools!"

then He and the children stood up without a sound.

"come now my children, let me show you around."

excitement filled the space, some skipped and some ran.

all displaying enthusiasm that only a small child can.

and i heard Him proclaim as He walked out of sight,
"in the midst of this darkness, I AM STILL THE LIGHT."

Written by Cameo Smith, Mt. Wolf, PA
See More
— with Stanola Dorsey

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Incredible Photos From History

Incredible Photos From History

Last four couples standing in a Chicago dance marathon. ca. 1930.

Three Princeton students pose after the Freshman, Sophomore snowball fight. 1893. Princeton, NJ.

"Get the hell out of my race and give me those numbers." After realizing a woman was running Boston marathon organizer Jock Semple went after Kathrine Switzer. Other runners blocked him and she went on to finish the race. 1967.

The only known photograph of an African American Union soldier with his family. c1863-65

Russian peasants getting electricity for the first time in 1920

Johnny Cash performing for prisoners at Folsom Prison – Jan. 13th 1968

Cow shoes used by Moonshiners in the Prohibition days to disguise their footprints, 1922

"The Long Walk" British Army EOD Tech approaches a suspect device – Date Unknown

Tereska, a child in a residence for disturbed children, grew up in a concentration camp. She drew a picture of "home" on the blackboard, Poland, 1948

A Native American looks down at a newly-completed section of the transcontinental railroad. Nevada, about 1868

Microsoft staff photo from December 7, 1978

Jewish refugees, approaching allied soldiers, become aware that they have just been liberated, April, 1945

New York man reads a newspaper, headline reads "Nazi Army Now 75 Miles From Paris." May 18, 1940

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A man named Bob May, depressed and brokenhearted, stared out his drafty apartment window into the chilling December night.

His 4-year-old daughter Barbara sat on his lap quietly sobbing. Bob's wife, Evelyn, was dying of cancer Little Barbara couldn't understand why her mommy could never come home. Barbara looked up into her dad's eyes and asked, "Why isn't Mommy just like everybody else's Mommy?" Bob's jaw tightened and his eyes welled with tears. Her question brought waves of grief, but also of anger. It had been the story of Bob's life. Life always had to be different for Bob.

Small when he was a kid, Bob was often bullied by other boys. He was too little at the time to compete in sports. He was often called names he'd rather not remember. From childhood, Bob was different and never seemed to fit in. Bob did complete college, married his loving wife and was grateful to get his job as a copywriter at Montgomery Ward during the Great Depression. Then he was blessed with his little girl. But it was all short-lived. Evelyn's bout with cancer stripped them of all their savings and now Bob and his daughter were forced to live in a two-room apartment in the Chicago slums. Evelyn died just days before Christmas in 1938.

Bob struggled to give hope to his child, for whom he couldn't even afford to buy a Christmas gift. But if he couldn't buy a gift, he was determined to make one - a storybook! Bob had created an animal character in his own mind and told the animal's story to little Barbara to give her comfort and hope.

Again and again Bob told the story, embellishing it more with each telling. Who was the character?

What was the story all about? The story Bob May created was his own autobiography in fable form.

The character he created was a misfit outcast like he was. The name of the character? A little reindeer named Rudolph, with a big shiny nose. Bob finished the book just in time to give it to his little girl on Christmas Day. But the story doesn't end there.

The general manager of Montgomery Ward caught wind of the little storybook and offered Bob May a nominal fee to purchase the rights to print the book. Wards went on to print,_ Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer_ and distribute it to children visiting Santa Claus in their stores. By 1946 Wards had printed and distributed more than six million copies of Rudolph. That same year, a major publisher wanted to purchase the rights from Wards to print an updated version of the book.

In an unprecedented gesture of kindness, the CEO of Wards returned all rights back to Bob May. The book became a best seller. Many toy and marketing deals followed and Bob May, now remarried with a growing family, became wealthy from the story he created to comfort his grieving daughter. But the story doesn't end there either.

Bob's brother-in-law, Johnny Marks, made a song adaptation to Rudolph. Though the song was turned down by such popular vocalists as Bing Crosby and Dinah Shore , it was recorded by the singing cowboy, Gene Autry. "Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer" was released in 1949 and became a phenomenal success, selling more records than any other Christmas song, with the exception of "White Christmas."

The gift of love that Bob May created for his daughter so long ago kept on returning back to bless him again and again. And Bob May learned the lesson, just like his dear friend Rudolph, that being different isn't so bad. In fact, being different can be a blessing.


Enjoy has an expiration date!

you are love, you are loved, and I love you


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Beautiful Photos of the Day: Frost Flowers

Beautiful Photos of the Day: Frost Flowers

I love to explore the beauty of nature and I am always on the hunt for interesting images from nature to share with my husband Nazim who is a painter. In my quest for just such imagery, I came across some photos in an article entitled “Suddenly There’s a Meadow in the Ocean with ‘Flowers’ Everywhere,” by Robert Krulwich and there I found some absolutely wondrous images that I simply had to share!

Krulwich describes the scenario that led to the capturing of the images which took place when a grad student named Jeff Bowman was on the deck of a ship with a University of Washington biology team on their way back from the North Pole. Apparently it was bitter cold and as the dawn broke, this young man could see what appeared to be little crystal flowery things, growing on the frozen sea.

Out of no where some delicate, flower like snowflakes forms, appeared as if they were growing like flowers in the dry, cold air “like a meadow spreading off in all directions.”

Apparently every available surface seemed to be covered with them. He asked people in his group what they were. And the answer he received was “Frost Flowers!”

They aren’t really flowers but are more like ice sculptures that grow on the border between the sea and air.

Krulwich reported:

On Sept. 2, 2009, the day Jeff’s colleague Matthias Wietz took these pictures, the air was extremely cold and extremely dry, colder than the ocean surface. When the air gets that different from the sea, the dryness pulls moisture off little bumps in the ice, bits of ice vaporize, the air gets humid — but only for a while. The cold makes water vapor heavy. The air wants to release that excess weight, so crystal by crystal, air turns back into ice, creating delicate, feathery tendrils that reach sometimes two, three inches high, like giant snowflakes. The sea, literally, blossoms.

Krulwich continued:

Jeff’s professor believed that as the poles warm, there will be more and more of these meadows, because there will be more and more open sea that turns to thin ice in winter.

But as beautiful as they are, scientists prize frost flowers because they are so salty. These blossoms suck up seawater, concentrate the salt and have three times the salinity of the ocean. You could think of them as beautiful pickles.

Krulwich added, “If you take a frozen flower and let it melt,” and that’s what Jeff and his colleagues did …

… what you get is about “one to two millilitres of water.” That’s simply very salty little puddles.
And yet, he said, “when he and his colleagues checked, they found each frost flower housed about a million creatures. ‘That’s 10 to the sixth! A million bacteria.”

Did that surprise you? Krulwich asked Jeff:

Aren’t bacteria everywhere? “No,” he said, “not when the environment is so extremely salty, not when these bacteria are sitting on the icy surface exposed to ferociously cold air, much colder than they’re used to in the sea, and not when they are bathed in sunshine, which they don’t see that often and shouldn’t like.”

Apparently these amazingly adaptable bacteria are happy in their salty, sunny, freezing environment, doing their thing — well, that’s the next question: What are they doing?

Professor Deming and her team are eager to figure that out.

Could they be ingesting something? Exhaling something? If these frost flower meadows are going to spread, that might be interesting to find out.

I found the imagery fascinating and I am happy to be warm and dry and enjoying learning about this phenomena from my comfy desk chair.

Photos courtesy of Matthias Wietz

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Planet Alert January 2013

Planet Alert January 2013

By Admin on behalf of Mahala, on January 1st, 2013

Happy New Year everyone, may this be a wonderful year with surprises everywhere. Remember, we are still in the year of magic and miracles. This past year was very challenging. It was a number five year and five rules change. This year will be a number six year. Two plus thirteen (2013) = fifteen/six.

The tone of 528 hertz is the vibration of love. The number 528 adds up to 15/6. With this number in affect we will see many people moving into unity consciousness, and this is the year when people will start thinking with their heart. It is also a number 13 year which is the number of the Goddess energy that is within everyone. Thirteen is also the number of transformation.

How did you experience December 21, 2012? Did you think nothing happened and life goes on as normal? That was not my experience. I felt waves of energy come in one after another which connected me with a higher frequency. I have heard from many people who had different kinds of experiences. Some cried for days, some felt the earth’s resonance jump in frequency and others felt the energy of the lay lines change. The crying part was around the time of Christmas and lasted until the full moon of December 28th. What a good way to open your heart chakra.

December 21st was just the beginning of the 12 days of Christmas. First we had the alignment with the galactic center and then the three suns lined up which are Alcyone in the Pleiadian system, Sirius, the central sun of the Milky Way and our local sun. Check out this link It is the best video I have seen about December 21, 2012.

In the eighties there was a movie that came out called The Dark Crystal. This movie talked about how the crystal had to be in place before the three suns lined up and then the change would happen. The movie was based on Atlantis and its destruction. It was also about the search for the right crystal to activate the earth so a new age could start where there was no more war and everyone lived in peace. After I saw that movie years ago I tried to figure out when the three suns would line-up and couldn’t figure out when that would happen so I finally gave up. It wasn’t until I watched the above video that it all came together for me.

The crystals were activated in Arkansas on December 12, 2012 with about 500 people attending an event held by ( Ark) Arkansas is crystal heaven, and it lines up with the Galactic Center. They have lots of beautiful crystals there and a mine where you can go and dig for your own crystals.

My friend Mona was a speaker at that event. She also stayed until December 21st so she could do an activation ceremony on that day. Shortly before the ceremony a large electrical storm came over the area where she was staying. Electrical energy really activates crystals so the stage was set for the final activation of the crystals. Many people I know also used crystals in their ceremonies around the world.

This was symbolic of the activation of our crystal light bodies. We are now ready for ascension.

We have been on a roll since the summer solstice of June 21, 2012. This is when I first felt a time shift.

The energy has been increasing in intensity since then. On October 26th the Ark of the Covenant in heaven (a higher frequency) was activated. Then the storm Sandy blew in and the veil came down. The veil going down has been an interesting experience. Now we are being exposed to everything. There are all kinds of realities floating around and it’s your choice which reality you choose to experience. This has been very hard for some people because they don’t know what is going on in their life and in the Universe.

When the veil went down we were exposed to all kinds of negative thoughts that seemed to come out of nowhere and we had to transform those thoughts. It was not only our own thoughts but those of mass consciousness. This was a very hard time period where it seemed like the dark was in full control, although that was just an illusion because the light has won. There will still be dark stuff coming up to be transformed into light for those who are still in the transformation phase.

Actually, it is all about balancing the light and dark within us. The light can’t exist without the dark. We needed to balance our brains so we can become one and manifest Unity Consciousness. The skull and the brain has been a major part in the Mayan calendar. Anyone who has studied the calendar and the pyramids in Mexico know that our skull played a big part in this change. In the Christian church there has been a big deal about the head of John the Baptist and there are pictures of Mary Magdalene with a skull on her lap. This was all symbolic about the changes that had to happen to our brain before we could ascend to a higher frequency.

Some people have lost their memory at times because of this brain activity. With Uranus in Aries, which rules the head and brain, there have been many brain or head challenges in the past year or so. The brain doctors have been very busy trying to figure out what is going on. The magnetic field going down has also affected our brains. How many times have you looked for a word that you just can’t seem to find? It can be very embarrassing at times.

Now we are in a time shift. Time has ceased to exist. We have reached zero point energy. The new element for the fifth world is Ether. What is Ether? Ether is the space between particles in our atmosphere. We all have an etheric body which looks identical to our physical body but functions on a higher frequency. In fact, it is the same frequency as the ether. Is this the body we are going to ascend to? In ether, thought is reality. Thought is transferred instantly through the ether. This means we better think with our hearts because what we think will be what we experience instantly because time is collapsing.

Have any of you had trouble breathing lately? This is because our air is changing. This is not because of pollution or chem-trails or anything like that. Our air is literally changing to a new frequency and it is becoming very dry. The birds have been falling from the sky because they can’t breathe. We need to process this new way of breathing because if we don’t we will have trouble. People who can’t adjust to this higher frequency will start leaving the planet. Have you been coughing? Chances are this is due to changes in the air. Maybe it would be a good idea to talk to our bodies and say something like ‘I love you and I breathe with ease and joy.’ It’s also a good idea to drink lots of water because that helps our body transform.

We have just completed a cycle that started when our solar system was created and that was about 13 billion years ago. That is a long cycle. Our Universe was created in duality so we would have the experience of seeing what duality was like. Then we got caught in the circle of karma and many have been working on getting off that wheel for a long time. When we crossed over the wall of fire and came here we became separated from source. We have spent a long time looking for home. Now is the time we can find home, which is the spark of God within us that is connected to all there is. Welcome home!

There will still be Earth changes, political changes, money changes, and changes within us. I have more information to share so this article is part one with part two on the way when I have time to write it. My friend Mona channeled for me last night and the information about our air changing came from that channeling along with some other information. Lots of love to all of you and create a great year. So Be It!

* * * * *

The Sound of Love 528 hz solfeggio harmonic vibration frequency

Solfeggio Harmonics 528 hz Miracles + Love Frequency + Ascension Soundtrack

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Message from SaLuSa for 4 January 2013


  • In your many lives through the cycle of duality, you have faced immense challenges and as a result grown all the more at a spiritual level. Now duality such as you have known it is losing its power over you, as it recedes into the background. Yet as you wrestle with its influence upon you, and clear yourself of your links to the lower energies, you are facing a strong challenge. We know it is difficult to throw off attitudes, ideas and beliefs, based on what you have been brought up to believe. However, within you have all knowledge and you should look there for the truth, and do not hesitate to move to a new understanding if you are in any doubt. It was easy in the past to be judgmental because that was how people acted, but now you want to move to a new position where instead you see all souls as part of the One.

    Separation was a game the dark Ones played to keep you at each others throats, but now you can refuse to continue living their lie that you are all different. Forget the physical differences, customs and religious beliefs, as behind all of that are beautiful souls of Light exactly as you are. In recognizing the Oneness of everything you are taking your place along side of those ready to move further along the path of Ascension. You know now that your search for perfection is never ending, until you finally return to the Source of All That Is. Yet in your own way you have succeeded in overcoming all attempts to keep you from the truth. You have recognized that you will always be a part of the One Truth of which your contribution is as important as anyone else’s, as without you it would be incomplete.

    You may be leaving behind some unfinished business, but that no longer matters as 2012 saw the completion of the cycle of duality. Karmically speaking you will have dealt with your important issues already, and since the Law of Grace operates at such times all is as you might say “forgiven”. You have learnt your lessons that have lifted you up, and made further experiences in duality unnecessary. The year 2013 thus becomes a year of fulfillment, as you establish a new and more meaningful connection with your Higher Self. It means that unlike the past you can tap the fountain of knowledge that your Higher Self holds, and will no longer need to rely on others for your knowledge or understanding.

    Have we not told you that you hold all knowledge within. Believe in yourself for guidance and you will know intuitively whether you are making the right decisions. This year will be one of immense gains for you, as you accept the ever flowing stream of high energies that continue to reach Earth. Everything is speeding up even faster, and time will gradually cease to have the same relevance as previously. The next part of your Ascension is with Mother Earth, and with our help to create a new Earth that is befitting souls who are growing exponentially and becoming fully conscious Beings. You will then be able to call yourselves “Galactic Beings” and the doors will open to even greater opportunities than you have ever experienced. Your rate of progress is entirely up to you, and once you have made your decision you will have plenty of help from us.

    The most important person on the Earth is you, as it is you who determines where your journey takes you. You choose from the various options available to you, and that is why care is taken to ensure you know what they are. Taking care of yourself and your own needs does not mean that you ignore others, as part of the work of all Lightworkers is to also tend to the needs of others as well. Each soul now has the responsibility to prepare to receive a greater amount of Light, so that their consciousness level keeps expanding. It will keep you firmly on the path to a higher understanding, and help you to continue moving into a higher dimension. The path is there before you and you progress at precisely the speed that suits you. As we have said previously, you are immortal and have all infinity in which to evolve. You are under no pressure to progress except at a rate that you feel comfortable with.

    You have done the hard work by releasing most of the lower energies that have tied you to duality. Now you can be more ambitious and set your sights much higher than previously. The effort you have put in since the Millennium, and particularly during the past few years has yielded much success. There is no need to feel that somehow you have failed simply because Ascension did not meet your expectations. It is in fact quite the opposite, as you lifted the vibrations so that incoming energies could be grounded through you. That set the grid in place that is now able to lift you even further and “Love” is taking over, which is your assurance that you will now advance more quickly and receive the advantages of the New Age. The many delays and the many obstructions that the dark Ones used to hold up progress, can no longer be continued. They do not have the power or the organization to do so, and their activities are being recognized for what they really are.

    We ask you to continue your life with the same focus that you had before, and think positively as all exists in the “Now” waiting for you to manifest exactly what you desire. At different times you have been given sufficient details to know what to expect, and as the new paradigm takes over you shall have every opportunity to benefit from entering the New Age. The present period of uncertainty will be short lived, and soon you will both notice and feel the changes taking place. What you should register is the result of a general upliftment in consciousness levels, because it will bring about a new attitude and willingness to move your civilization into the New Age with all speed. Accept that some inconvenience is inevitable, as the scale of changes is going to be quite far reaching. However, we of the Galactic Federation are ready as ever, always adjusting our plans according to your coming needs. Once we commence rapid advancement will be made, far beyond anything you are currently able to do.

    I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and pleased that your overall reaction to Ascension has been one of acceptance, and you understand that you have not lost out in the Ascension process. All proceeds as ordained and your wonderful future is assured, as you will experience in due course. Our love goes with you wherever you may go, and will ever be.

    Thank you SaLuSa.
    Mike Quinsey.

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It is Dec. 26, 2012, five days after the end of the Mayan calendar, and five days into the dawning of Earth’s Golden Age, and it may be time to clear up some misconceptions that could potentially lead people to believe that nothing is happening, life goes on, and it is business as usual, from our governments on down. Nothing could be further from the truth.
To begin with, there has been talk to the effect that the end of the world predicted by the Mayans never happened. This is the first misconception that needs to be cleared up. Anyone who has studied the Mayans to any extent realizes that they spoke of the end of one world age and the beginning of another. Dec. 21, 2012 marked the end of the world “as we know it.”
Most people would appear to welcome that. We have had enough of hatred, and violence, and war. We need love, peace, and joy, now more than ever before, but it doesn’t happen overnight (as you will see as you read on). And some people say, What happened to the Mayans anyway, Where did they go. Again, a little research reveals that there are approximately 6 million Mayans still living in Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula, Guatemala, Honduras, Belize, and in the United States of America.
The Mayans were considerably more advanced than others in their science, religion, and astronomy. More than 2,000 years ago they were able to accurately predict solar eclipses, and lunar eclipses into the future that we see happening today. The Mayans saw “life as an integral, holistic, and complete dynamic. Science and Religion for the Mayans are not separate disciplines; both constitute a unity.” (see Secrets of Mayan Science/Religion, by Hunbatz Men, Bear & Co. Publishing, Sante Fe, New Mexico, 1990) For the Mayan, spirit and matter are one and inseparable; the seen and the unseen in harmony throughout the universe.
For those who expected some great and unmistakable changes to happen overnight, they may have missed the more subtle energies at work. When we look at history we find that great advancements with civilization have not happened overnight. A good example might be the birth of the Renaissance coming out of the Middle Ages in Europe.
The Middle Ages (476 A.D. – 1450 A.D.) was marked with a barbarity not seen before, with decapitations, boiling people in oil, people being stretched on the rack, and burnings at the stake. This gave way to the Renaissance (14th – 16th centuries), which began in Italy and spread throughout Europe, marked by a revival or rebirth (or birth) of art, literature, music, and culture.
This great and momentous change did not happen overnight, with someone suddenly proclaiming one day, “Enough of all that brutality, now we will have art, and classical music instead.” No, didn’t happen like that. The change happened gradually over an extended period of time. But once it was underway there was no turning back, for the world, and civilization, was evolving to a higher and better way of existence.
What we are witnessing today, however, and what we are on the way to experiencing together, makes all prior world changes pale by comparison. For there is no comparison, no other frame of reference that can even begin to encompass the magnitude of changes we stand on the threshold of experiencing together.
All prior major changes the world has witnessed concerned themselves with changes to society and civilization in conjunction with things that were already a part of the Earth, a part of life on Earth, and art and music on the Earth. What we are preparing ourselves for now, and what we have already embarked upon, with no turning back, is the introduction of things – science, technology, and cosmic understandings – not of this Earth, but millions of years beyond anything we think we know.
This may well be the most difficult part of what we are going through right now, and for modern man to comprehend, simply because we have no frame of reference. It would almost be like having an amoeba (a one-celled organism) try to comprehend a doctoral thesis, at Harvard, on theoretical physics. That’s where we stand. How can people comprehend this?
We must begin (where many people still are in their minds) with grasping the very real concept that we on planet Earth are not the only intelligent civilization in the universe. Granted, that is a big step for some people to make, but even our scientists are now acknowledging this fact.
Once we have moved past that milestone, we can then come to grips with the fact that we may not be the most advanced civilization in existence, and a growing body of available, well-documented information and testimony from thousands of highly credible scientists, military and government officials, doctors, teachers, and others clearly indicates that not only are there other civilizations “out there,” but that they are here now visiting us, and very likely have been doing so for a long time.
Some will dismiss this as mass hallucinations, or swamp gas, or the planet Venus, but if one is able to truly keep an open mind, and look at the growing body of evidence and testimony of thousand of credible persons, one will have to come to the inescapable conclusion that something is happening that simply defies all logical explanations. There are craft doing things that break all the rules of our current understanding of physics.
So, where exactly do we stand in all of this? We are in the midst of a Renaissance of a very different sort. Our planet is being readied for its introduction into the cosmic and galactic age, an age which will constitute nothing less than Earth’s Golden Age. We have to be able to comprehend technologies and civilizations millions of years more advanced than anything we know. In a very real sense we are like that amoeba. It is almost like we know nothing, so advanced are those we are about to encounter.
The problem, if such may be perceived as a problem, is the fact that the huge leap we are about to make is so monumental that it will simply be too great a chasm for some to cross. But an even greater problem is the fact that certain dark elements, or dark influences, which have ruled the world from behind the scenes for thousands of years, appear to be firmly entrenched and unwilling to give up their status as masters over us, whom they consider their slaves; slaves that keep the world turning, under their command. This is perhaps the greatest stumbling block before humanity that keeps us from our destiny with the stars.
This is where we find ourselves today, caught in the middle of forces and energies that, on the one hand would hold us back from the greatest changes the world has ever known, and on the other, seemingly divine energies that will help us build together Heaven on Earth, for that is what Earth’s Golden Age is really all about, establishing Heaven on Earth.
Fortunately for us, the incoming high-frequency energies are not going away, they are increasing. They are here to stay and appear to be part of a mission and a purpose, of higher sources, that will prevail. And like a tree root that grows under a concrete sidewalk, and slowly grows, and grows until it causes the concrete to crack, and buckle, and push up, and finally break, the great cosmic energies now influencing the Earth and everything on it, will cause the old entrenched forces to crack, and buckle, and break apart, because these roots go deep and very far back in the history of this planet. We are not alone in the universe, and we never have been!
What we are witnessing today then is part of a process that has been going on for a long time (perhaps 26,000 years, according to the Mayans), the culmination of which will see the old fall away, and the birth of a new world whose features we will scarcely be able to comprehend.
It is thus a very bright future we face, ruled by Love and Light, where there is no room for darkness, and it only awaits the final push that humanity will provide (working as co-creators with Creator Source) as we come to understand that what is happening today is meant to be. Have no misconceptions about this: The future is simply today becoming what it was always destined to be.
Ray Bilger

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Earthkeeper Power nodes and solistices





The Sacred WESAK Full   Moon   is THE full moon of the year. And in 2013 is embellished by   a Lunar Eclipse !


This May 25,   2013 Wesak Moon  is known as the sacred time in which the guardians   of humanity transmit the energy of enlightenment, and yes, there is the   belief that the Buddha realized enlightenment on this full moon. 











March 20 2013 11:02 GMT


September 22 2013 20:44 GMT






June 21 2013 05:04 GMT


December 21 2013 17:11 GMT







- Lunar & Solar Eclipses in 2013 -


Lunar Eclipse Apr 25 2013 at 05° Scorpio 46'

Solar   Eclipse May 10 2013 at 19° Taurus 31'

Lunar   Eclipse May 25 2013 at 04° Sagittarius 07'

Lunar   Eclipse Oct 18 2013 at 25° Aries 46'

Solar   Eclipse Nov 03 2013 at 11° Scorpio 16'






Planetary Retrogrades

Jupiter turns direct on   30 Jan 2013

Saturn turns retrograde on 18 Feb 2013
  Mercury turns retrograde on 23 Feb 2013  
  Mercury turns direct on 17 Mar 2013
  Pluto turns retrograde on 12 Apr 2013
  Neptune turns retrograde on 7 Jun 2013 
  Mercury turns retrograde on 26 Jun 2013   
  Saturn turns direct on 8 Jul 2013 
  Uranus turns retrograde on 17 Jul 2013 
  Mercury turns direct on 20 Jul 2013
  Pluto turns direct on 20 Sep 2013 
  Mercury turns retrograde on 21 Oct 2013 
  Jupiter turns retrograde on 7 Nov 2013 
  Mercury turns direct on 10 Nov 2013
  Neptune turns direct on 13 Nov 2013
  Uranus turns direct on 17 Dec 2013
  Venus turns retrograde on 21 Dec 2013 





2013 Power Dates -   Comprehesive Astrological Events


January 3, 4 - Quadrantids   Meteor Shower. The   Quadrantids are an above average shower, with up to 40 meteors per hour at   their peak. The shower usually peaks on January 3 & 4, but some meteors   can be visible from January 1 - 5. The near last quarter moon will hide many   of the fainter meteors with its glare. Best viewing will be from a dark   location after midnight. Look for meteors radiating from the constellation   Bootes.


January 11 - New   Moon. The Moon will   be directly between the Earth and the Sun and will not be visible from Earth.   This phase occurs at 19:44 UTC.


January 27 - Full   Moon. The Moon will   be directly opposite the Earth from the Sun and will be fully illuminated as   seen from Earth. This phase occurs at 04:38 UTC.


February 10 - New   Moon. The Moon will   be directly between the Earth and the Sun and will not be visible from Earth.   This phase occurs at 07:20 UTC.


February 25 - Full   Moon. The Moon will   be directly opposite the Earth from the Sun and will be fully illuminated as   seen from Earth. This phase occurs at 20:26 UTC.


March 11 - New   Moon. The Moon will   be directly between the Earth and the Sun and will not be visible from Earth.   This phase occurs at 19:51 UTC.


March 20 - March   Equinox. The March   equinox occurs at 11:02 UTC. The Sun will shine directly on the equator and   there will be nearly equal amounts of day and night throughout the world.   This is also the first day of spring (vernal equinox) in the northern   hemisphere and the first day of fall (autumnal equinox) in the southern   hemisphere.


March 27 - Full   Moon. The Moon will   be directly opposite the Earth from the Sun and will be fully illuminated as   seen from Earth. This phase occurs at 09:27 UTC.


April 10 - New   Moon. The Moon will   be directly between the Earth and the Sun and will not be visible from Earth.   This phase occurs at 09:35 UTC.


April 21, 22 - Lyrids   Meteor Shower. The   Lyrids are an average shower, usually producing about 20 meteors per hour at   their peak. These meteors can produce bright dust trails that last for   several seconds. The shower usually peaks on April 21 & 22, although some   meteors can be visible from April 16 - 25. The gibbous moon could be a problem   this year, hiding many of the fainter meteors in its glare. It will set   before sunrise, providing a short window of dark skies. Look for meteors   radiating from the constellation of Lyra after midnight.


April 25 - Full   Moon. The Moon will   be directly opposite the Earth from the Sun and will be fully illuminated as   seen from Earth. This phase occurs at 19:57 UTC.


April 25 - Partial   Lunar Eclipse. The   eclipse will be visible throughout most of Africa, Europe, Asia, and   Australia.

April 28 - Saturn at Opposition. The   ringed planet will be at its closest approach to Earth and its face will be   fully illuminated by the Sun. This is the best time to view and photograph   Saturn and its moons.


May 5, 6 - Eta   Aquarids Meteor Shower.   The Eta Aquarids are a light shower, usually producing about 10 meteors per   hour at their peak. The shower's peak usually occurs on May 5 & 6,   however viewing should be good on any morning from May 4 - 7. The crescent   moon will hang around for the show, but should not cause too many problems.   The radiant point for this shower will be in the constellation Aquarius. Best   viewing is usually to the east after midnight, far from city lights.


May 10 - New   Moon. The Moon will   be directly between the Earth and the Sun and will not be visible from Earth.   This phase occurs at 00:28 UTC.


May 10 - Annular   Solar Eclipse. The path of annularity will begin   in western Australia and move east across the central Pacific Ocean.


May 25 -   Wesak Full Moon. The Moon will be directly opposite the Earth from   the Sun and will be fully illuminated as seen from Earth. This phase occurs   at 04:25 UTC. Wesak is the most holy of days in Buddhism, the birthdate of   Lord Buddha & considered the time in which the guardians of Earth   communicate with humanity and offer enlightement.


May 25 - Penumbral   Lunar Eclipse. The   May 25  WESAK full moon eclipse is extremely potent, occuring at   the apexial completion  point of the 2013 Lunar-Solar-Lunar Eclipse   Triad. The lunar  eclipse will be visible throughout most of North   America, South America, western Europe, and western Africa.


May 28 - Conjunction   of Venus and Jupiter.   The two bright planets will be within 1 degree of each other in the evening   sky. The planet Mercury will also will also be visible nearby. Look to the   west near sunset.


June 8 - New   Moon. The Moon will   be directly between the Earth and the Sun and will not be visible from Earth.   This phase occurs at 15:56 UTC.


June 21 - June   Solstice. The June   solstice occurs at 05:04 UTC. The North Pole of the earth will be tilted   toward the Sun, which will have reached its northernmost position in the sky   and will be directly over the Tropic of Cancer at 23.44 degrees north   latitude. This is the first day of summer (summer solstice) in the northern   hemisphere and the first day of winter (winter solstice) in the southern   hemisphere.


June 8 - New   Moon. The Moon will   be directly between the Earth and the Sun and will not be visible from Earth.   This phase occurs at 15:56 UTC.


June 23 - Full   Moon. The Moon will   be directly opposite the Earth from the Sun and will be fully illuminated as   seen from Earth. This phase occurs at 11:32 UTC.


July 8 - New   Moon. The Moon will   be directly between the Earth and the Sun and will not be visible from Earth.   This phase occurs at 07:14 UTC.


July 22 - Full   Moon. The Moon will   be directly opposite the Earth from the Sun and will be fully illuminated as   seen from Earth. This phase occurs at 18:15 UTC.


July 28, 29 - Southern   Delta Aquarids Meteor Shower.   The Delta Aquarids can produce about 20 meteors per hour at their peak. The   shower usually peaks on July 28 & 29, but some meteors can also be seen   from July 18 - August 18. The radiant point for this shower will be in   the constellation Aquarius. The last quarter moon will be around for the show   and may hide some of the fainter meteors. Best viewing is usually to the east   after midnight.


August 6 - New   Moon. The Moon will   be directly between the Earth and the Sun and will not be visible from Earth.   This phase occurs at 21:51 UTC.


August 12, 13 - Perseids   Meteor Shower. The   Perseids is one of the best meteor showers to observe, producing up to 60   meteors per hour at their peak. The shower's peak usually occurs on August 13   & 14, but you may be able to see some meteors any time from July 23 -   August 22. The radiant point for this shower will be in the constellation   Perseus. The near first quarter moon will set before midnight, leaving   optimal conditions and dark skies for what should be an awesome show. Find a   location far from city lights and look to the northeast after midnight.


August 21 - Full   Moon. The Moon will   be directly opposite the Earth from the Sun and will be fully illuminated as   seen from Earth. This phase occurs at 01:45 UTC.


August 27 - Neptune   at Opposition. The   blue planet will be at its closest approach to Earth and its face will be   fully illuminated by the Sun. This is the best time to view Neptune. Due to   its distance, it will only appear as a tiny blue dot in all but the most   powerful telescopes.


September 5 - New   Moon. The Moon will   be directly between the Earth and the Sun and will not be visible from Earth.   This phase occurs at 11:36 UTC.


September 19 - Full   Moon. The Moon will   be directly opposite the Earth from the Sun and will be fully illuminated as   seen from Earth. This phase occurs at 11:13 UTC.


September 22 - September   Equinox. The   September equinox occurs at 20:44 UTC. The Sun will shine directly on the   equator and there will be nearly equal amounts of day and night throughout   the world. This is also the first day of fall (autumnal equinox) in the   northern hemisphere and the first day of spring (vernal equinox) in the   southern hemisphere.


October 3 - Uranus   at Opposition. The   blue-green planet will be at its closest approach to Earth and its face will   be fully illuminated by the Sun. This is the best time to view Uranus. Due to   its distance, it will only appear as a tiny blue-green dot in all but the   most powerful telescopes.


October 5 - New   Moon. The Moon will   be directly between the Earth and the Sun and will not be visible from Earth.   This phase occurs at 00:34 UTC.


October 18 - Full   Moon. The Moon will   be directly opposite the Earth from the Sun and will be fully illuminated as   seen from Earth. This phase occurs at 23:38 UTC.


October 18 - Penumbral   Lunar Eclipse. The   eclipse will be visible throughout most of the world except for Australia and   extreme eastern Siberia. (NASA Map and Eclipse Information)


October 21, 22 - Orionids   Meteor Shower. The   Orionids is an average shower producing about 20 meteors per hour at their   peak. This shower usually peaks on the 21st, but it is highly irregular. A   good show could be experienced on any morning from October 20 - 24, and some   meteors may be seen any time from October 17 - 25. The gibbous moon will be a   problem this year, hiding all but the brightest meteors with its glare. Best   viewing will be to the east after midnight. Be sure to find a dark location   far from city lights.


November 3 - New Moon. The Moon will be directly between   the Earth and the Sun and will not be visible from Earth. This phase occurs   at 12:50 UTC.


November 3 - Hybrid   Solar Eclipse. The   eclipse path will begin in the Atlantic Ocean off the eastern coast of the   United States and move east across the Atlantic and across central Africa.


November 17 - Full   Moon. The Moon will   be directly opposite the Earth from the Sun and will be fully illuminated as   seen from Earth. This phase occurs at 15:16 UTC.


November 17, 18 - Leonids   Meteor Shower. The   Leonids is one of the better meteor showers to observe, producing an average   of 40 meteors per hour at their peak. The shower itself has a cyclic peak   year every 33 years where hundreds of meteors can be seen each hour. The last   of these occurred in 2001. The shower usually peaks on November 17 & 18,   but you may see some meteors from November 13 - 20. The full moon will   prevent this from being a great show this year, but with up to 40 meteors per   hour possible, this could still be a good show. Look for the shower radiating   from the constellation Leo after midnight.


December 3 - New   Moon. The Moon will   be directly between the Earth and the Sun and will not be visible from Earth.   This phase occurs at 00:22 UTC.


December 13, 15 - Geminids   Meteor Shower. Considered   by many to be the best meteor shower in the heavens, the Geminids are known   for producing up to 60 multicolored meteors per hour at their peak. The peak   of the shower usually occurs around December 13 & 14, although some   meteors should be visible from December 6 - 19. The radiant point for   this shower will be in the constellation Gemini. The gibbous moon could be a   problem this year, hiding man of the fainter meteors. But with up to 60   meteors per hour predicted, this should still be a good show. Best viewing is   usually to the east after midnight from a dark location.


December 17 - Full   Moon. The Moon will   be directly opposite the Earth from the Sun and will be fully illuminated as   seen from Earth. This phase occurs at 09:28 UTC.

December 21 - December   Solstice. The   December solstice occurs at 17:11 UTC. The South Pole of the earth will be   tilted toward the Sun, which will have reached its southernmost position in   the sky and will be directly over the Tropic of Capricorn at 23.44 degrees   south latitude. This is the first day of winter (winter solstice) in the   northern hemisphere and the first day of summer (summer solstice) in the   southern hemisphere.




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Message from Cosmic Awareness


Cosmic Awareness, Will Berlinghof, Interpreter


The More WE Change, the More THINGS Change

QUESTIONER: Is there an opening message please?
COSMIC AWARENESS: This Awareness welcomes one and all to this brave new world, the world that
is now the reality of one's experience. There have been many shifts in energies, many events that
have occurred: upheaval, confusion; many will not even remember this, for in their new reality it will
be the same reality that they were experiencing previously. Many may even wonder if anything at all
happened--what the buzz was about, what the flap was about.
This is because, for many they successfully transversed the timelines, creating for themselves a
continuance in their consciousness, one where events and circumstances have supported the
realities they are experiencing in a manner that they did not seemingly experience any events that
created for them an ending of the old and a beginning of the new.
For those on such timelines who do not know any difference between what was and what is, for
those who are experiencing a continuance of their lives, having gone through some perplexing times,
some changes, but not any of a nature that were so damaging, so devastating, that their worlds came
unglued and the shift happened in the most obvious way, a way they cannot deny; for those ones this
Awareness says, "Your reality is that which you have created in continuance with what you were
holding before."
Many are to continue now, still moving forward in their life's journey, still seeking experiences that
will teach them and guide them, and that will give them the opportunity for growth and
development, or not. Not all learn from the lessons that they receive in life. Not all learn from the
experiences they undertake. They still will need to learn.

You Have Successfully Created Your Own Reality
For those who have experienced continuance with no understanding or visible awareness of
extreme changes that were promised, do not think that changes did not take place. Do not think
that on other timelines, events were not of such magnitude that the worlds of those who had
such timelines were utterly and completely destroyed, altered and changed in the most
outstanding of ways.
Simply understand that you have successfully created your own reality and have forwarded your
own timeline in such a way that you can continue with your life's journey after the energies of the
past few months and years that did not seemingly manifest as you might have thought they would.
The objective is still the same in that you are still a spirit having a physical experience whereby you
can grow, whereby you can learn, whereby you can come to higher levels of understanding and
It is just that certain energies will not be as present anymore in your life, and it will be of a subtle
nature, one that may not even gain your attention. Thus, you will continue experiencing many of the
things you were once experiencing, that you were experiencing during the time of shift and upheaval,
and it may even appear that all the players are still in place, those who were on the stage before that
period of Ascension that has occurred on many timelines.
With time you will begin to truly see that the world is not the same place, that more and more
sanity has returned and that the world is a better place, one where it seems now people are genuine
and truly concerned with creating a more harmonious future. You need always to make this so in
your own life. This is why information that this Awareness will present will still be valuable in
learning how to do this, learning how to cooperate between the low self and the High Self.

There was a buildup of energies leading to the event that was Ascension and this has completed
itself and now you are in the settling down period. As there was a buildup to the completion of the
Ascension process, so will there be a general gradual letdown and therefore, there will be a period of
several years at least before those old forces are completely neutralized and no longer the Powers
That Be.
It Takes Time for Petty Dictators to Change
The majority of those who were the Elite, those who were the Powers That Be, have departed but
some of their minions have not, nor will they be of a nature where they will simply take over those
roles, for it is a new reality that you are experiencing, and it does take some time for bureaucracies to
change, for petty dictators within a bureaucratic system to change and come away from the old ways
into the new ways. But almost immediately, one will find that it is not as bad as it once was, and as
the new energies of Planet A/B start to truly assert themselves and the shifts start to go to new
levels, those that were catalyzed by the Ascension process will awaken and society will begin its
subtle transformation.
This Awareness is primarily now speaking to those who are reading these words at a time of
aftermath, after all of these events are completed. It is not addressing those who are not any longer
available to these new timelines where this Awareness will continue Its work of teaching and
informing, and of presenting information that will benefit individuals at different levels.
Therefore, this Awareness is still available, even to those ones who may be disappointed that they
did not experience the grand predictions that were made by so many, and even this Awareness spoke
of events that would happen for those who needed to experience those events, those whose destinies
were to undergo them and to undergo the transformational process that went hand in hand.
This Awareness speaks now to those who have shifted their reality in a way that they did not even
realize that they had done so, but this Awareness has always said that if one successfully creates the
timeline, or moves oneself into a timeline where they do not experience the upheavals or the
corruptions, then they are truly creator beings. This Awareness would add that they lack the
conscious awareness of how they have done this.

How You Managed to Shift Your Timeline
By having stayed positive and hopeful, and holding to the highest perception that change was
coming; this is how many have shifted their timelines and are now experiencing the brave new
world, the new potential Planet A/B of balance and harmony that this Awareness has long talked
about, and it is those that are now reading these words of Awareness. It will continue to be a voice
and to guide, and to assist all those coming forward in their journey toward higher awareness and
higher understanding.
This Awareness will continue. This Awareness also says that the old format where a forecast was
made will not be followed at this time for this new month and this new year for much is still
unfolding, and while this Awareness is addressing those who may be reading these words in the new
year of 2013, as this Awareness is giving this message, It is also straddling many timelines that have
not yet manifested themselves, many different events that may still occur on the many timelines, and
the many futures seen and known by this Awareness.
It is only addressing the one set of timelines which is that of continuance, that which was a
transition from old to new without extreme upheaval or even apparent notice of any great shifts, or
anything major happening, but at this time, as this Awareness presents this information, It sees so
many timelines, that until things have settled down substantially after the completion of the
Ascension process, that It chooses at this time not to present forecasts, not to deviate at this time
from the energies that are presenting themselves as multiple futures. When the time is appropriate
and things have settled, then this Awareness may again present forecasts, but not at this time.

Therefore, to conclude this opening message, this Awareness says to those who are reading these
words, who have gone through their shift apparently without the upheavals so often spoken of:
Congratulations! You have, in the most economical of ways, gotten yourself through a period of
extreme change and shift and are now moving forward on a new timeline, a new planetary
consciousness that has just been given birth to and is at the very beginning of a new experience, a
new experiment in consciousness.
This Awareness will have much more to say over the months and years ahead, but at this time It
simply wishes to congratulate one and all for having gotten to this moment in time and in space. This
completes the opening message for the January 2013 newsletter. This Awareness asks now for the
energizer Joan Mills to present the questions that you have.

QUESTIONER: Thank you very much. The first one comes from BC. He writes, "In reference to the
Galactic Federation, Cosmic Awareness states this about them in the 2012-5 newsletter page 10,
"Their intent is earnest, and those who choose to have this experience may well have that experience
of being taken up into the ships to view the events that unfold on the planet earth below from the
heights of the atmosphere of Mother Earth and be returned back when the shift is complete to carry
on with their ascended lives on Mother Earth."
He writes, "Since this option wouldn't seem to apply to Earth A candidates going to a pristine Earth
A and "Ascended lives" automatically rules out Earth B, my question is whether this statement is in
strict reference to Earth A/B candidates being temporarily beamed to ships and then being returned
to the new balanced A/B to continue their lives. If this is in strict reference of A/B why does Cosmic
Awareness make reference to the 'Ascended lives' as I thought only those going to Earth A or higher
would be considered as having ascended. In other words, I'm wondering if Cosmic Awareness really
meant something like "improved lives" rather than "Ascended lives." Your thoughts please?
COSMIC AWARENESS: This Awareness meant Ascended lives, not improved lives. Furthermore, this
individual suffers from assumptions that are erroneous, for this Awareness has never said that one of
the pathways to Ascension could not be through the participation with their Galactic counterparts,
for many who are on the planet at this time, that being before the Ascension process is completed,
are also those who are of a Star Nations’ background, or a stellar background. They are Star Beings
who have volunteered to come to this planet, to be born as human beings to assist during these times
where the Ascension process has been underway, where Mother Earth was to undergo an Ascension
in her own consciousness, creating a new template of her own being on that higher Ascended level,
and even bringing forward the Planet A/B scenario, leaving a shell behind that would house those
who would intend to continue to have experiences of negativity and separation from the Divine.
There are many ways one will be able to Ascend and this Awareness has spoken of the many ways.
It has spoken of those who are complete in their earth mission who will simply go through portals/
vortexes/ energy fields, to return back into the higher states of consciousness, transmuting the
physical body and allowing themselves to return back into the higher states of consciousness. This
Awareness has spoken of those who by the process of many lives and their own personal journeys in
this life have reached high levels of inner comprehension and awareness, and even that which is

The Internal Portal
It has spoken of that which is the Internal Portal, the way to ascend through the acquisition of this
higher state of awareness, due to their inner work, both within themselves and without. This
includes those who have taken on the challenge of dealing with the ego, of finding true balance and
alignment with the low self and incorporating the energy and the consciousness of the High Self so

that they will be able to transmute, transmogrify their bodies without necessarily going through an
external portal or vortex.
Then there are those whom this Awareness referred to a moment ago as the Star Beings, who have
come and volunteered to be on the planet at this time. Many who will ascend will be of this nature.
This Awareness would even say that all those who ascend at the higher levels, ascending to the
Planet A scenario are Star Beings as well and they have come not only to assist in that process of
Ascension for humanity and Mother Earth, but for their own next level of Ascension, for many of the
Star Beings have ascended previously to other levels.
This is why the Galactic Federation forces on the whole have a much higher comprehension and
understanding of Spirit and of the connections with the Divine. There will be those however, who
simply choose to go into the space ships who will be beamed up, not necessarily by Scotty, but who
nonetheless will be beamed out and view the process of earth changes and earth shift from their own
home planet vessels for they will often go to the ship that may contain their own Galactic Federation
brothers and sisters from their planet of origin.

Become Aware of Who & What You Truly Are
Bear in mind and remember that the Galactic Federation beings also have access to 4th dimensional
consciousness where they understand past lives, where they have been involved for countless
centuries and thousands of years in many lifetimes on this planet and on their own, as well as many
of the other planets of the Galactic Federation.
Therefore those who become totally aware of their being, of Who and What They Truly Are, will
remember their choice and their agreement to come from the Galactic Federation forces to be part of
the ongoing events of Ascension that have led to this particular point in the development of
consciousness, and there will be some who choose not to go back into the spiritual levels, but rather
choose to go back into the Galactic Federation vessels that surround the planet to wait out the events,
for they have already attained high consciousness and they know that they will come back onto the
planet to assist the many who will need assistance after the completion of the Ascension.
These are the ones that will be on the space ships. They are not improved humans; they are
Ascended Human Beings. They already have the capacity or will develop the capacity in these times
to flip in and out of the states of consciousness that are the higher states, but they will choose to join
their brothers and sisters on the Galactic Federation ships to await the shifts and changes on the
When this is done they will return to assist those many who remain to experience the events for
their own soul reason. That is also when the Galactic Federation forces will start to assist humanity
much more openly in the journey ahead, but this is another matter and another question. This
Awareness hopes that this answers the question this entity has presented.

Many Science Fiction Books are about Surviving Times of Catastrophe
QUESTIONER: It does. There's another one here that he has. "Can Cosmic Awareness elaborate
somewhat on the scenario of these entities being returned to a planet that has just experienced a pole
shift, such as whether there will be any provision for food, clothing and shelter, all of which sound
more like Earth B survival concerns, which further confuses me?" Your comments please?
COSMIC AWARENESS: This sounds like a Planet B scenario, for it is a Planet B scenario. The Planet B
survivors will be those who come through the tremendous destruction, death and chaos of a polar
shift, of a planet tumbling over on itself, and it will be extremely difficult, but it is their choice, for
those who will continue the Planet B scenario wish to experience such a disaster and hardship, for
they have as their goals survival.
Many of the survivalists who preach the rhetoric of survivalism in times of catastrophe are looking
forward to extreme events so that they come through them in order to have the grand adventure of
surviving and being able to boast that they are survivors. Many science fiction works are about such
cataclysms and the survivalists that have coped with them. There is a book called The Postman which
was also a film, which traced a future world where there had been a massive series of events and
after these events there was struggle to reorganize and restructure a new world, a new life.
These are survivalist dramas that many envision for themselves, and even though this Awareness is
speaking before the time of mass-upheaval, many anticipate this and indeed look forward to it.
Therefore, do not be confused. This is a Planet B scenario that you are speaking of, not a Planet A
scenario or a Planet A/B balanced harmonized planet, but truly Planet B. Does this answer this
portion of the question?

No Mass Destruction on Planet A
QUESTIONER: Yes it does. Thank you. Additionally, "If the location they've just been rescued from no

longer exists, example, it is under volcanic ash or underwater, what determines where they will be
returned and to what?" Your comments please?
COSMIC AWARENESS: The other matter this Awareness wishes to address here is his perception
that only a physically destroyed world will remain. On the Planet A scenario there will be no mass
destruction of this nature nor on the newly reconstructed Planet A/B scenario. Therefore, individuals
who were removed, who chose to await the shift from the spaceships above the planet will return to
those timelines where the death, destruction and upheaval did not take place in the same way, or
they will return after the reformation of Planet A/B into the new Planet A/B.
There will occur an event of such staggering importance and magnitude that many will find this
hard to understand and to believe, but nonetheless this Awareness will now present information on
the transitional period, the 3 days of darkness that will occur to Mother Earth's body during that time
of upheaval. Many know of an event that is referred to as the 3 days of darkness.

A Complete Dematerialization & Reformation of the Planet
What will occur is nothing less than the complete dematerialization of the planet and a reformation
of it back into a healthy and pristine state. Many will undergo a period of unconsciousness, where
they will be out of phase, where they will not be in a physical corporeal body, and where they will not
be on a physical corporeal planet.
During this 3-day period of darkness, they will be in a type of suspended animation, on a level of
vibration where they will not be affected by the extremities of the situation of transformation that
some will choose to actually experience-- those that are choosing to go to Planet B or who are
choosing to at least experience much of the upheaval-- but the most extreme upheaval will not be
experienced by those who will move forward to the new balanced and harmonized Planet A/B.
They will be placed in this form of suspended animation where their bodies will not be destroyed,
their planet reformulated, and much that would have been evidence of the catastrophes, even
evidence of a population much bigger than what will exist afterwards, will simply not be
It will not be recreated when the planet comes back into form and the new experience of balance
and harmony is initiated. Many will forget what has happened for along with the suspended
animation will be an altering of the memories that they have of the previous times. This is one of the
reasons why this Awareness is speaking what It speaks now. It understands that some will read these
words and not comprehend.

Your Memories of the Past May Be Altered
But those who read these words will be on a timeline where it is part of the intent to remember
what has occurred, or not. They may remember the events leading up to Ascension and many of the
answers given by this Awareness, many of the predictions made by It as well as others for various
timelines, but when they fail to experience the upheaval they will simply think that there was
continuity, that they did not have anything happen, but this Awareness says that in truth what will
have happened is that many will have been put into this suspended state, with their memories
Many who are readers of this newsletter and these words of Awareness have as part of their
purpose, the purpose of retaining certain memories, but not necessarily will they retain the
memories of the reformational period of time that will occur, and that for you it will be that you
remembered from the previous times much, but not necessarily all.
A majority will go to the new balanced and harmonized Planet A/B who are not Cosmic
Communication members, or those who read these words of Awareness will simply forget what once
was and have modified memories, for it is their choice to continue on the planet without carrying
huge grief, anguish, depression and despair. They are there to have the new experience, minus the
burden of remembering the death of loved ones or the destruction of their world.
For them the continuity will be such that they will look back and simply think, "Those crazies who
simply talked about Ascension and the end of the world in 2012 were wrong! Nothing happened!
Everything is fine! Everything is okay!" for it is their agreement to continue without that burden of
knowledge and memory they might have had, had they not agreed to go into this suspension of their
It will be something like going to sleep, having many dreams, waking up and not remembering the
dreams, but it will be much more. The planet will have been reformulated. For example, many of the
houses, homes, equipment, cars, etcetera, that would have supported a populace much greater will
no longer be there, and individuals will find themselves for example, in smaller cities than they once
were, but their memories will be they were always this size.
There will be no disruption. There will be no controversy. It will simply be that they are in the
same city that they have always been in, for they will not remember that the city that once housed
one and a half million is no longer needed and that which now houses 700,000 is right and correct
and has always been this way. This is an area of discussion that many may find even preposterous
reading these words, not remembering, and that is why these words will not be read or known to
those other than those who have an agreement to remember, to know, to awaken to who they really
are in the new world, and begin even more strongly their personal Ascension into higher states of
consciousness. But this is a slightly different matter. This Awareness is primarily speaking of the
experience the majority will have who continue on to the Planet A/B scenario.
For those who move to Planet A, they will have awakened to the higher truth of their own being,
their own consciousness: their own spiritual sources. They will not need to forget, for they have
transcended, and it is not necessary to undergo this type of process. As to those who choose to go
into the Planet B scenario, they are the ones who wish to go through the devastation and destruction
so they can play a new game of survivalism, of a separation from Spirit, of allowing corrupt ones to
still be their masters and to experience whatever timeline on the Planet B scenario they wish to
In the end it is all just different levels of consciousness that are being played with. Whether one has
reached a level where one can open up their consciousness to the highest levels of Ascension to have
the Planet A experience or if one has opened up to the level of consciousness to have the balanced
harmonious experience of Planet A/B or whether one chooses to have experiences of negativity,
death, destruction and despair and separation from Spirit; these are all simply roles to be played and
experiences to be had in the continual movement of consciousness as it expresses itself on the
earthly plane. This completes this answer.

Communications Between Planet A, Planet A/B and Planet B

QUESTIONER: A quick question: It's not likely then that there would be any type of communication
between Planet A, Planet A/B and Planet B, is that correct, because they are on different frequencies?
COSMIC AWARENESS: This is incorrect. Planet B will have as its new goals the experiences of total
separation from Spirit where one only has physicality as the measure and the goal. There would not
be high Ascended Masters at this time arriving on the Planet B timelines for the new goal would be to
take as long as it takes to return back to heightened levels of consciousness, millions of years
perhaps, and on those timelines in the future they may start to ask questions such as, "Is there
anybody out there? Do I have a different spiritual nature than what I have thought I had?"
In other words, the Planet B scenario will eventually bring forward the spiritual masters and
teachers to teach from within as has somewhat been the case with the present Ascended Masters on
the present Planet A/B. For Planet A/B, that which is the new experience, the plan is for
mass-Ascension the next time around. By mass-Ascension it is seen already that the purpose and the goal is
for all of civilization, all of humanity to finally step forward en masse as one mind into new
consciousness. This is something that lies thousands of years ahead, but to achieve this, many of
those who are from the higher levels of consciousness that have ascended through the Planet A
scenario have chosen already to assist on Planet A/B right from the beginning.
Therefore, there will be a flow of higher spiritual consciousness and beings of higher spiritual
consciousness into the fabric of the Planet A/B scenario to guide and to teach, and to help create a
new world. Also present will be highly advanced spiritually aware Galactic Beings that also have as
the goal to assist humanity to reach these new levels of consciousness that will eventually take that
which is the harmonized and balanced A/B scenario to full completion and full Ascension for all.
These will therefore necessitate the participation and involvement of spiritual beings such as the
Interpreter and his wife who already see and know that they too will still be on Planet A/B even
though they have ascended, that they will come back to assist, as many others will do, but the
difference is that they will be aware, as many will who have ascended, of Who and What they truly
are, and even though they will operate in the timework of the new planet A/B these enlightened ones
who have ascended. They will not be trapped as all have been in pure physicality for they will
supersede the rules and laws of physicality when they wish.
They will also participate in a way that does not contravene or counteract the new laws of
physicality that will come into place on the new Planet A/B. This means that there will be many
Ascended Masters, many Ascended Beings who will assist humanity in its journey forward and it will
be a gradual process, but no longer will the spiritual ones be crucified and murdered, no longer will
the truth be quashed and oppressed.
There will definitely be those at the beginning who may not be able to fully comprehend or receive,
but still the messages will start to go out that all are spiritual beings having a physical incarnation, all
are creator beings, all a spark of God, and this in a way is much different than the Evangelic
Christianized versions, the Judaic versions, the Muslim versions, even the Buddhist versions and all
other religious faith versions, and this is but the beginning, and it is inappropriate in this moment to
talk more on this matter.
All that this Awareness wished to do at this time was present these ideas at this beginning point for
those who read this to understand that you are all those who have this knowledge and awareness
and are ready to open and develop more than you were during the period of oppression and physical
domination by dark ones. But this again is another question that this Awareness looks forward to
answering in the future.
QUESTION: Thank you, that was excellent, and very helpful. It will be an exciting time.

A New Year, a New Dawn and a New Planet
COSMIC AWARENESS: This Awareness wishes to reiterate that those who will be receiving the
newsletter and the information of this Awareness in the time after the Ascension process is complete,
in the new year and the new dawn and the beginning of the new planet, are those who have
committed themselves from that spiritual level of their being to still being available on a physical
planet that will allow them to have experiences of dualism and polarity experiences of physicality,
but new opportunities to develop on this planet with a fuller and more complete awareness of the
truth of spirit participating in their lives in a way beyond simply religion and dogma and they are
ones whose purpose is to take the message and even spread the message in ways that they could
never do before.
It is not that this Awareness expects them to stand on soap boxes delivering their message, but rather
that they will bring them into their lives, they will have a certain memory of something deeper and
their lives will be radically different than what they once were. Therefore, this Awareness is aware
that the continuance of Cosmic Awareness Communications is guaranteed on those timelines where
this is to be the experience, and those who continue to be its members and the new members that
will come on board are doing so because they are already committed to continuance of their journey
toward fuller consciousness and awareness and the making available to the masses, to humanity, the
truths that have always been so, but have been rejected due to the domination of those in power who
are dedicated to the repression and suppression of the truth. This Awareness is complete.
QUESTIONER: That is excellent indeed. Thank you. Our next one is from RB. He would like to discuss
the Light Body. He asks, "Can Awareness please tell us more about the work done by the Light Body
in the 4th & 5th dimension at night while the body sleeps.
COSMIC AWARENESS: Basically, no work is done by the Light Body in the 4th and 5th dimensions
for the Light Body is the spiritual form, and therefore, when one sleeps and the middle self, the
identity of consciousness moves itself from the physical body, it is the Light Body. It does not need
therefore to work on itself for this Light Body exists at that higher level of consciousness. It is the
Light Body form that one truly is. The Light Body form is that which immerses itself in physicality in
the waking state, but a curious separation occurs whereby at night, when the consciousness is
somewhat asleep in the body during the day, it is allowed to escape the body, and it remembers its
totality, its Light Body form, and thus engages in activities in the 5th dimension or higher strata of
4th dimensionality.
When the process reverses itself and the Light Body descends back into physicality, a part of it does
go to sleep, although it is always there and available, but because the focus of consciousness during
the waking state is to have the physical experience and because the laws of physicality demand that
one forgets this spiritual connection, the Light Body is put on the back burner, if you will.
It still forms the template of possibilities for the physical body and form and it could transmute many
physical situations, but because it is asleep in the sense that it does not have the full awareness, the
consciousness that is available during the waking state is one that is limited and restricted and plays
in accordance to the rules of the game of physicality at this level of conscious awareness. Thus the
body cannot always create that which would be easily available to it if it were aware, if the middle
consciousness was fully awakened to itself during that state of somnolence that is wakefulness or the
time that is daylight for most people.
Ascension itself is the process of the Light Body consciousness awakening within physical reality,
awakening that sleeping consciousness in the human body to its total truth and its total being. When
it does so then it can operate from 5th dimensional consciousness in 3rd dimensionality. This is
when many miraculous things would be possible.
The Movie “The Matrix” Excellently Expresses this Theme
In many ways the film The Matrix, especially the very first of the trilogy expresses this theme in a
most excellent way. It is truly a story of the middle self consciousness awakening to the truth of Who
It Is and What It Is, and discovering that the reality that everyone takes to be concrete and
permanent is illusionary, and as Neo remembers this as he awakens to it, as he goes beyond the
challenges of belief and through the veil of forgetfulness, he finally awakens to his truest powers and
his True Being. At that stage he is no longer shackled by the rules of physicality and can supersede
them, even flying, as he does in the final scene.
This is what awaits humanity and for those who awaken in the body to the higher truth of their
being, of What They Really Are, of Who They Really Are, and at the time when this occurs, then those
who are truly aware they are the Light Body can reconstitute the body, can change the body, and they
can affect the reality around them. They are not subject to those laws and rules that others say are
immutable and inescapable. They are truly Ascended Beings who are having a physical experience in
total awareness of their True Being, their True Reality.

The Game of Life is Played in a State of Forgetfulness
QUESTIONER: "Why do we not have our full consciousness, does our low self take over?
COSMIC AWARENESS: The reason you do not have your full consciousness is because you agreed to
not have your full consciousness while you were having this unique physical experience in dualism
and materialism, this experience of the loss of power and the giving away of power to corrupt ones.
There are many, many realities and experiences to be had in the mind of God, and the physical
experience is only one, but it is relevant to those having this experience, and it comes complete with a
set of rules and laws, the procedures one uses to function in this physical reality so that one can have
the complete physical experience that the soul desires. Part of the plan is that one comes into this
reality and diminishes the level of conscious awareness it has, and the conscious memory of Who and
What It Is, Who You Are and What You Are.
It is so that one can have the fullest experience and much of that is based on the experience of
believing that you are a separated being, separate from God, from the Divine Spirit, separate from
your own soul, thus there is no encumbrance of such knowledge while one is having the total
experience of the physical life, whether it is a good life, a bad life, a joyous life or a tragic life.
It is simply the soul's desire to have this experience to learn and grow from, and as the soul always
knows it will return back into its Divine Essence, it is not seen as something detrimental. It is simply
seen as a sojourn into the physical game of dualism where certain dark ones have control, where one
will have the experiences one will have as they play the game.
It is a much better game if one does not remember the truth, for as soon as one remembers that
they are higher states of consciousness having a physical experience, then the game changes. If the
intent and desire of the soul was to have an experience of this peculiar and interesting game, why
would it wish to interfere unless that was the goal and purpose?
Ultimately it is the spiritual awakening and evolution in the physical state. The majority of entities
have come into this experience of physicality and dualism for the purpose of having these
experiences and they are not yet ready to awaken. Many lifetimes will bring the soul to a stage where
awakening occurs and Ascension happens, but mostly at this time, the majority are asleep and
abiding the laws of the game without ever realizing they can be transcended. It is simply the
agreement made in order to have the physical experience without the complete knowledge that at
the end of the game, at the end of the experience of a lifetime, all will be returned back to the soul
unless they choose not to return, but then that would be a different game.

QUESTIONER: "What can we do to energize and awaken our Light Body?"
COSMIC AWARENESS: What you can do mostly is to become conscious and aware that you have a
Light Body! Many know of the aura and the auric field, but this is also part of the Light Body. Kirlian

photography/aura photography can show this emanation of light and luminosity and color that
surrounds the body, and yet one sees this and does not think of this as the Light Body.
It would be appropriate to realize this is the Light Body, and as one seeks to grow into the Light
Body, one needs to finally realize they already are the Light Body, and that in the process of becoming
completely conscious of it, it would be helpful to affirm that you are the Light Body. The affirmation
may be, "I Am the Light Body. I am open to remembering and knowing this, that I AM the Light Body!"
Through such affirmations and others of one's own designing and through the proposal each night
as one goes to bed that one remembers one's True Being, one's Light Body as that which is one's
conscious state of being, then one can move oneself ever forward to the remembrance of this fact that
already is. This is the recommendation by this Awareness of how to truly gain a much greater
perception of the Light Body, a much greater memory and knowing of it as well.

QUESTIONER: Thank you, that was excellent. The next one is from Anonymous. "Several years ago
realizing I was about to be struck by a hard object coming quickly toward me, I was frozen on the
spot and could not move. I had the sensation of my body falling limp to the ground while I felt myself
being lifted up from it. Is this a normal or similar experience that others have when they are involved
with any physical disaster experience? Would you please discuss this? Thank you."
COSMIC AWARENESS: This is not always the way of it. This individual knew that she physically
could not get out of the way but she chose to remove herself, lifting her consciousness out of the
body, which then endured the blow. Many have this experience. Many have reported that they have
seen themselves from above at an accident site, or seeing their body from above an operation, for it is
their true state of consciousness, the middle self state of consciousness that is the consciousness, and
while many think that they are the body, they are only housed in the body, and under such extreme
situations where an accident may be unfolding and occurring or during an operation when the
individual is anesthetized, the middle self consciousness can leave the body.
It does so every night, but mostly this is not remembered, for the body has relaxed itself and gone
to sleep, but in triggered experiences like an accident or like this individual experienced, a heavy
object heading towards her and she could not avoid it, she chose to leave the body so that she would
not experience directly the pain and the shock of the experience.
Most, unfortunately, do not do this. Most are hit by the object, or have the accident, or simply go
completely to sleep being anesthetized during the operation and do not remember seeing themselves
from above. These ones find it very difficult to believe such stories and are closed to them. This is one
of the reasons they do not even have such experiences normally, for they are closed to such
experiences. But even those who are sometimes closed to them can have them nonetheless, and then
their whole philosophical understanding of reality is challenged. Those whose philosophical tenets of
faith are ready to shift and move may do so, while others may reject it-- but again, this a different
In the case of this individual she is conscious at a high enough level to have had this experience, to
have the middle-self consciousness jump out of the body to view it before unfortunately having to
return and face the music, so to speak, and experience the pain that will have occurred because of the
accident. This type of experience, while relatively common is not always the case for many.

QUESTIONER: Interesting. Carrying on, we have something by VB. It concerns the Universal Law of
Forgetfulness. The question, "In Part 2 of a "Segment from a Private Reading" from Awareness…
COSMIC AWARENESS: This Awareness intrudes for a moment. There is no Universal Law of Forget-fulness.
The Veil of Forgetfulness or the condition that exists on planet Earth at this time is one of
agreement. It is not a law. It is an agreement so that those aspects of the soul that are choosing to
have the physical experience can have the full experience of this particular reality set. It is not a
Universal Law at all, for such would insinuate that in all levels of reality this is so, but it is not.
There are many reality levels where consciousness is held, the higher states of consciousness
remembered; that this will be so for those who have achieved Ascension and choose to live on the
Planet A/B that is being born. They will have the higher level of conscious awareness and knowledge.
They will not come under the Veil of Forgetfulness. Thus, this Awareness needed to intercede on this
point. It is not a Universal Law. It is simply one of the rules that govern engagement on this planet so
that those doing so can have the unique experience of this particular game.
QUESTIONER: Thank you. So there's not one now, and there will not be one in the future, is that
Change The Rules and You Change the Game
COSMIC AWARENESS: This is so. This Awareness asks the energizer if she has ever played
COSMIC AWARENESS: Does the game not have rules and laws that govern the playing of it?
QUESTIONER: Yes it does.
COSMIC AWARENESS: And if one were to play Monopoly and suddenly use the rules for the game
Clue, or Stratego or any other game, would it be the same game?
QUESTIONER: No it would not.
COSMIC AWARENESS: Therefore, the participants in the game of Monopoly all have an agreement on
how to play the game and those agreements are followed until the completion of the game. Such is
life. Such is the physical game of dualistic material physical reality, or the game of life (not to be
confused with the board game Life). This is how it works.
It is simply that all put themselves on this planet and forget it is a game. They forget that they are
creator beings, and they forget that they are eternal in nature. They forget that they are part of a
Divine Consciousness that is extended from the God Essence, and the God Essence is infused in all.
After all, what fun would a game be, if you changed the rules as you go, if your intent was to have the
experience of that game?
One does not introduce the rules and laws of another game if they have set out to enjoy the game
of Monopoly, for it would not be Monopoly they are playing. Does this help understand this matter?

The Toxic Nature of Foods in Our Modern Society
QUESTIONER: Yes definitely. We have one from J of LNW. It concerns a book, Revolution of Biology
and Medical Science by Professor Kukuo Chishima. He writes, "The findings of Prof. Chishima
simplified the role of our food changing into our blood cells and our blood cells into our body cells.
According to modern medical science, the main role of the red blood cell is considered to be the
transfer of oxygen and carbon dioxide. In other words, a red blood cell carries oxygen to a cell and
carries carbon dioxide back from the cell to the blood. However, in reality it is not so simple.
He discovered that in our body, the digested food (which is organic matter) transforms itself into
the simplest life (like a red blood cell), and this simple life transforms to a higher stage of life-- a body
cell. The red blood cells are the pre-cell stage of our body cells produced from the food we intake."
Could you comment on that please?
COSMIC AWARENESS: This is so. The body does acquire from the foods that are eaten the basic
building material for the construction of the physical body at all levels and all stages. As the food is
absorbed through the digestion, it breaks down into the chemical components needed to create the
blood. The blood then is used to build the cells of the body as the information suggests.

What is not followed up on after the point of cells being made, is that the process in actuality
continues, and that from the life cells of the body, other cells that are non-corporeal, not
physical, are then produced. These are cells of the Light Body. The Light Body process is two-way
in a manner of speaking.
The physical creates through the energetics of the digestion of food, the building of blood cells, the
building of body cells, the energies to also help the maintenance of the Light Body and the creation of
the Light Body, in a manner of speaking. This is a two-way street and thus the Light Body, which is
already in existence, can also stimulate the growth of the body cells and organs and all parts of the
body can infuse the blood with the properties of life itself, and can even go back into a lower state
where foods taken in can be energized for maximum effect and efficiency.
It is also for this reason why food is so important to the whole process. Modern society engages in
the practice of eating basically dead food or highly toxic food. This creates a problem at the digestive
level, for the colon, the small intestine, the large intestine, the bowels and other organs of digestion
are affected by the food one eats.

The Problem with Dead Contaminated Toxic Food
Thus if one eats dead food, contaminated food, toxic food, de-energized food, then one is not
absorbing from living fresh organic food the substances needed for health and vitality, for the
creation of healthy blood cells and healthy body cells and in a way, although this does not affect the
Light Body, it does create a difficulty in that step between the physical organism and the non-physical
organism that is the Light Body.
Thus it would perhaps be more accurate to say that as one eats good food, the Light Body has a
stronger affinity and assimilation into the body and there is greater access to the Light Body. It
is not so much that the eating of food creates the Light Body, but makes the bond between the
physical body and the Light Body a greater, stronger bond; and when food that is eaten is not of
a great quality, as is the norm for most in North America, especially in the United States of
America at this time, then the capacity and capability of finding the spiritual body, the Light
Body, is greatly affected and even diminished.
When one eats fresh food, live food, real food, minus the toxic sprays and chemicals that are now
used profusely in America and the world-- for America is not alone; this is occurring around the
world, and is part of the plan of the Powers That Be to prevent spiritual awakening-- individuals do
not derive full benefits from this food. In fact, it is quite the opposite.
They eat poison, they eat junk; they eat food that is detrimental to them-- rancid, rotting, toxic, bits
and blobs of the food unseen that would never be consumed if they could see the parts of the
animals' bodies that were being used to provide the meat. Furthermore, such is the lack of awareness
on this matter that the majority think that when they eat the food they eat without question, without
knowing, that they are doing the right thing.
There are many ways of thinking about health now that are so wrong and erroneous, but still totally
accepted, that they have become a true problem.
For example, low fats are considered as being healthy foods, but they are denatured foods. They
are chemically altered foods. They are genetically modified foods, and they are not at all healthy
foods. And yet such is the present belief that to eat the foods that provide high levels of fat, such as
butter, milk and cream are considered as not only being bad for you, but are taboo now, for such has
been the brainwashing of society that only those foods that are being told to the populace as being
good for you are accepted, and yet they are not good. They are not the foods that will increase health
and vitality and give the body a chance to have good digestion, good absorption, and good nutrients.

Most of the Food Available in Supermarkets is Not Fit for a Human Being

Thus, in the end it is crucial to be aware of such matters and to understand that the Powers That Be
have intervened to the point where most of the food that is sold in the supermarkets and bought in
the fast-food places and is consumed regularly around the world is not food that is fit for a human
being, but rather is food that will imprison and debase and deter one's spiritual growth and
A final matter this Awareness will speak on is the matter of cleansing the colon. It is important to
understand that by ingesting such foods that create such problems, such buildups of plaque and
mucus and parasites, that the actual digestive tract is severely compromised. This again prevents the
absorption of the nutrients of the food that would build up the blood, and this not only takes oxygen
from the body's system, but also takes carbon dioxide away that lends itself to the process of building
body cells, and lends itself to the process of creating a strong bond to the Light Body—all of this is
seriously impaired and limited because of a blocked or plugged colon, a coated bowel and intestines
that cannot absorb food.
Therefore, as this Awareness has done in the past, It recommends that individuals cleanse this
system regularly through those cleanses available that help clean out the system. There are
herbs available to help cleanse the small intestine. Colonics or colonic hydration is something
that could benefit many with blocked colons and intestines.
This is of course something that for many is taboo, and they are uncomfortable with the thought of
using colonics, and yet as the intestines are cleansed and the bowels cleared, the food that one takes
in can be truly absorbed instead of being stored as fat, as is now the case, hence many have extreme
obesity and are overweight, even though they are eating all of the right foods.
Ironically, even though they think they are eating the right foods, because they do not realize how
the system works, how digestion is important, how the colon is the most important area to bring
health and well-being to, they are doing themselves a great disservice and then to avoid concepts of
colon cleansing or parasite treatment etc, as being distasteful to them simply promotes further their
unhealthy lifestyles.
This Awareness does ask that individuals who are not upset with such thoughts as colonics,
consider this also, for to cleanse the intestines, to remove the layers of material that block proper
absorption will do much to restore natural health and well-being. Using herbs and cleanses that are
available will also help, and this would allow the proper absorption of good nutritional organic and
fresh food, and would bring much greater health and well-being and promote the absorption of the
nutrients into the body, the creation of the cells of the body, and even promote a spiritual connection
to the Light Body. This Awareness is complete.

QUESTIONER: Thank you. His next one, "The bone marrow is not the main organ producing blood.
The blood production normally happens in our intestines; but by fasting, the bone marrow changes
into blood cells in order to maintain the needed number of the red blood cells. This is a compensatory
blood production or reverse transformation. Modern medical science has misunderstood this
important phenomenon." Is there any comment on that one?
COSMIC AWARENESS: This Awareness supports this and confirms this to be so. It is also similar to
the fat that is stored in and around the body that is created for the purpose of providing energy when
the body might need energy. It too is reconverted back into energy when needed. The body is a very
complex self-regulating organism if it is allowed to be in its most natural condition. When one
introduces toxins and poisons as a regular diet to the body, the body is thrown into states of
confusion. When fasting, which often was a normal situation in times when there was not the gross
abundance of fast foods and prepared foods and food generally, this was not the case.
Humans of those periods when food was not available naturally fasted because they had no choice, and
their bodies generally were much healthier, not only for the fasting, but for the fact that none of their
foods were contaminated, sprayed, poisoned, genetically modified, irradiated, etcetera. The body has the
capacity to heal itself when provided with the natural materials needed.
The production of the red blood cells in the marrow is as suggested in this report, but also the
body itself has the capacity to produce what is needed when it is needed, if it is in a healthy state. It
has the capacity to rid itself of toxins if it is allowed to, and is assisted by such techniques as colonics
and supplements and herbal remedies and fasting, etcetera. The body is a most magical organism and
one that is a true work of art.

QUESTIONER: Here is one from PMR. It is about beings associated with suns and stars. "I have a
question for Awareness that I do not think was ever asked. There has been plenty of discussion about
beings on other planets, but I am wondering if there are beings associated with the suns/stars, i.e.,
are there beings that live, for example, on our solar system's sun."
COSMIC AWARENESS: This question has been presented in the long history of Cosmic Awareness
Communications, and this Awareness has spoken on this previously. Indeed, there are other levels of
consciousness or other beings that exist on those planets and suns that are considered by scientists
as uninhabitable and inhospitable to human life.
As there are many levels of consciousness and many forms of life that exist not only on the
spectrum of vibration that is associated with physicality, then it is possible to have life on other
planets. It may simply not be in the physical range of life as known on this physical planet. Thus there
are beings that live on the sun, and on Venus, Mercury, Mars and Jupiter, etc.
This is about levels of consciousness, and the human assumption is that human life is the only life
there is. Humans do not even regard other sentient beings that coexist with them on their own planet
such as the dolphins and whales. Even animals that are not sentient in the way humans are sentient
have sentience. Even the trees have spiritual consciousness and awareness. The rocks and minerals
in the planet all have consciousness and could be considered to be beings of consciousness.
Therefore, the planets other than earth; the suns in other galaxies and universes all have other life
forms that are in existence, other beings of consciousness that are alive. It is simply not physical life,
as it is known by the humans on Mother Earth at this time.
QUESTIONER: I see. Do they have a purpose?
COSMIC AWARENESS: Indeed they have a purpose, just as every human has a purpose. The purpose
is to have an experience. The soul is seeking experience to understand itself within the confines of
the situation it find itself alive in. They are simply different games being played in consciousness, if
this helps to explain the matter.

Beings That Exist in the Energies of the Sun
QUESTIONER: Yes it does. Thank you. His final part is, "I am not sure that this is possible as I
understand the suns to be portals or magnifiers of the Light Energies." Is this true?
COSMIC AWARENESS: On one level they are indeed portals, but as portals exist on this planet and
there are humans existing on this planet, then one can see that it is possible to have portals existing
on a planet and still have life available as well, especially if life is at different vibrational rates than on
this planet, where the sun is not simply as it is physically seen and understood as an inhospitable
place where one could not live in such temperatures. For those who live in the energies of the sun, it
is a much different matter. They are not affected by that which physical beings would be affected by,
which is a perception of outstanding heat. This simply is not in their realm of perception or
They live in a milieu of whirling energies that provide to them their nourishment and their living
ground. It is so different than the physical experience that is had by physical beings that unless a
human can transcend this belief that physical life is the only level of life there is, it would be
impossible to understand the life of a being on Sol or within Jupiter. Does this make sense to you?
QUESTIONER: Yes it does. Thank you. Is there a closing message?

Settling Down into the New Reality
COSMIC AWARENESS: There is a closing message available. On this first issue of this new time, this
new millennium of experience on the new Planet A/B, this Awareness says that It will be available to
continue the work of bringing awareness and enlightenment into the framework of an individual's
life. This is always the commitment of this Awareness, and It wishes to reconfirm this fact and this
commitment at this time.
Even though tremendous events have unfolded and are now complete, that does not mean that
many will still be having the experiences that are the result of the unfolding events that have
occurred, and that have been part of the human experience. Now this Awareness will be able to once
again settle down, for the pressing times that were upon all have passed and there is that time now of
settling down into the new reality, and it will be an interesting journey.
Many will start to find that those principles that this Awareness has discussed in the past are
becoming more real to them, and even though they still live in a physical world experiencing a
polarized and dualistic reality, this does not mean that they are as limited or as confined as they once
were, for there are new operating rules, new rules of the game that are now available, for it is a new
game, and this Awareness will be available in the times ahead to help one and all to start to figure out
this New Age. This Awareness is complete for this first issue of this new time, this new Planet A/B.
QUESTIONER: Thank you. That was extremely excellent.

(The Law of Gratitude is given)


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Etheric Archon Grid

After the successful opening of the Portal on December 21st, the etheric Archon grid is the main factor delaying the Event. If the Event was triggered, the etheric Archons would influence everyone involved: the surface Light forces carrying out the Event, the general population as well as the Cabal and all this would turn the Event into a disaster.

Etheric Archon grid must be removed to a great extent for the Event to happen. For the Light forces to be more successful in removing the etheric Archon grid, more awareness of its existence is needed among the general population.

Etheric  Archon grid is present in a thin layer that extends 8.6 miles upwards into the sky from the surface profile of our planet and also 8.6 miles downwards from the surface profile into the Earth’s crust. The backbone of the etheric  Archon grid is a network of etheric hyperdimensional black hole wormholes which contain billions upon billions of reptilian and amoeba-like entities. When the Light from the Galactic central sun hits the wormholes, they cough up those entities who in turn begin to attack any Light beings they can find, those in incarnation and those on the non-physical planes. This is the reason of energy attacks that many lightworkers and light warriors are experiencing. The non-physical Light forces can remove the released negative entities after some time and teleport them into the Galactic central sun, but until then usually some damage is done already. Again, if more awareness is present about what is really going on, the Light forces will be more effective in protecting us and removing those negative

The etheric  Archon grid is controlled by a very small group of etheric Archons who give their orders to millions of etheric Draconians (sector commanders), those to billions of reptilians (warriors) and those to amoebas (semi-conscious elemental beings that just obey orders without questioning).


The Archons control the grid with advanced etheric technology. The whole etheric plane within the 17.2 mile layer controlled by the Archons is permeated with strong electromagnetic field chambers that can distort space-time structure according to the program of the etheric mainframe computer program which directs the flow of etheric energies worldwide in a way that controls humanity the most. These chambers detect all positive thoughts and emotions and if these are too powerful, the chambers  send a signal to the etheric mainframe computer which then tightens the grid of distorted electromagnetic field around the person experiencing positivity, effectively shutting it down. If this is not enough, it activates additional ELF chambers with a low frequency infrasound hum that suppresses the person, with additional electric pulses sent into the solar plexus chakra to shortcircuit the kundalini energy, shutting it down. This is sometimes combined with strong electromagnetic fields around the third eye chakra, disorienting the mind and making the person sleepy or almost drugged. Along with that, strong negative thoughtforms are projected, constantly bombarding  the mind of the person.



Etheric Archon grid   must be removed to a great extent for the Event to happen. For the Light   forces to be more successful in removing the etheric Archon grid, more   awareness of its existence is needed among the general population.


Etheric  Archon grid is present in a thin layer that   extends 8.6 miles upwards into the sky from the surface profile of our planet   and also 8.6 miles downwards from the surface profile into the Earth’s crust.   The backbone of the etheric  Archon   grid is a network of etheric hyperdimensional black hole wormholes which   contain billions upon billions of reptilian and amoeba-like entities. When   the Light from the Galactic central sun hits the wormholes, they cough up   those entities who in turn begin to attack any Light beings they can find,   those in incarnation and those on the non-physical planes. This is the reason   of energy attacks that many lightworkers and light warriors are experiencing.   The non-physical Light forces can remove the released negative entities after   some time and teleport them into the Galactic central sun, but until then   usually some damage is done already. Again, if more awareness is present   about what is really going on, the Light forces will be more effective in   protecting us and removing those negative entities.


The etheric  Archon grid is controlled by a very small   group of etheric Archons who give their orders to millions of etheric   Draconians (sector commanders), those to billions of reptilians (warriors)   and those to amoebas (semi-conscious elemental beings that just obey orders   without questioning).


The Archons control   the grid with advanced etheric technology. The whole etheric plane within the   17.2 mile layer controlled by the Archons is permeated with strong   electromagnetic field chambers that can distort space-time structure   according to the program of the etheric mainframe computer program which directs   the flow of etheric energies worldwide in a way that controls humanity the   most. These chambers detect all positive thoughts and emotions and if these   are too powerful, the chambers  send a   signal to the etheric mainframe computer which then tightens the grid of   distorted electromagnetic field around the person experiencing positivity,   effectively shutting it down. If this is not enough, it activates additional   ELF chambers with a low frequency infrasound hum that suppresses the person,   with additional electric pulses sent into the solar plexus chakra to   shortcircuit the kundalini energy, shutting it down. This is sometimes   combined with strong electromagnetic fields around the third eye chakra,   disorienting the mind and making the person sleepy or almost drugged. Along   with that, strong negative thoughtforms are projected, constantly   bombarding  the mind of the   person.


Apart from all that,   every person in incarnation has an energy amoeba parasite attached to the   solar plexus area, which tries to control the emotional life of that person. It   also connects with amoeba parasites in other persons, orchestrating   conflicts.


Etheric Archons   transmit data from the etheric mainframe computer into the physical Black Box   which is in possession of one of the main Italian black nobility families and   is connected with the physical mainframe computer of the Cabal (»the Beast«)   and then linked to mainframe computers inside NSA. Although the Light forces   have managed to put a computer virus into the Black Box, this virus has not   been as successful as we have hoped.


Etheric Archons are   very allergic to a few things. First to the energy of Love, especially to   Love between a man and a woman. When they see a happy couple, they want to   destroy the Love between them, because that Love gives the power to the non-physical   Light forces to remove the etheric Archons and their minions.


Second, they are   allergic to healthy sexual energy. They suppress this energy in the human   population, and when they are not successful in suppressing it, they pervert   it. Sexual energy is the life force itself and when they succeed in   suppressing it, they get a sheeple population on the surface of the planet   that can easily be controlled.


Third, they are   allergic to energies of positive ET civilizations and energies of the Ascended   Masters. They try to suppress, distort and manipulate these energies whenever   possible.


Etheric  Archon grid is present around this planet   for the last 26,000 years and was greatly reinforced during Congo Archon   invasion in 1996 when it was strengthened by many reptilian entities from our   Galaxy and from the Andromeda galaxy as well. In late 1995, Archons became   afraid that the Galactic Confederation will make real contact with the   surface population of this planet and they reinforced the grid to prevent   that. Most of those reinforcements have already been cleared away into the   Galactic central sun and there are special plans created by the Light forces   that I am not yet allowed to speak about, for those reptilians   remaining.


I am not describing all   this to frighten you, but to bring awareness into a situation that is   happening to many people right now so that we can transform it.


Goddes Vortex   technology, combined with our awareness, will dissolve the etheric Archon   grid. I will dedicate a separate blog post to the Goddess Vortex technology,   describing it in detail.


I have recieved   instructions to create something called the Archon Patrol. It will be a   facebook group where members will report Archons’ influence and energy   attacks upon them and other members of the group will send them healing and   support. This is how we will maintain the awareness of the situation. Hereby   I am asking the right person to step forward to create and moderate the   Archon Patrol facebook group and I will give him/her further instructions.


Apart from that, I am   also asking people with advanced expertise in healing of post-traumatic   stress, in soul retrieval, in energy protection and in exorcism (negative   entity removal) to contact me at,   detailing their area and level of expertise. We are creating a core group   team to finaly start dealing with the situation.


The Pleiadians have   asked me not to release the Ascension plan until the etheric Archon situation   is properly adressed. I apologize for the inconvenience.


Anyway, Victory of the   Light!

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Divine Resonance Chanting by Madisyn Taylor

  By using your breath and your voice with Chanting, you raise the level of your own vibration to a higher spiritual state. In many cultures and civilizations, chanting, a form of vocal meditation, has endured through the ages. Practiced by many people around the world seeking greater health, a sense of well-being, enlightenment, and a connection to the divine, chanting unites the mind, body, emotions, and breath through vocal sounding. This unification can open and nurture your creativity, lower stress levels, and teach you to become fully alert and in the moment. Some people are naturally drawn to chant while others feel awkward using their voices in such a way. Singing along with recorded chants before chanting on your own can help dispel any nervousness. However, the chanting that will resonate most deeply and beneficially for you is the chanting you do for yourself. There are many different chants. They can be composed of names, words, sounds, syllables, or even sections of text. What you chant is less important than your willingness to focus fully on the act of chanting itself. To begin, sit comfortably with a straight back and take a series of long, deep breaths to open and flex your lungs. Then, take another breath, and with resonant tones direct your breath outward in the form of sound. Simple syllables like ‘oh,’ ‘ee,’ or ‘mm’ are easy to remember. Chanting lets you raise the level of your own vibration to a higher spiritual state. You can chant as an invocation or to set intention. Reciting even the simplest chant can bolster a flagging spirit, hone the mind, and produce natural painkillers within the brain. While chanting, you may feel energy surging through your physical body or joy entering your heart. Chanting can liberate and ground you simultaneously because it allows your soul to soar freely while compelling you to focus on the here and now.

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Nama sika; venia benya I AM the one, I AM the whole

I greet you, beloved family. I invite you to allow your energies to not only flow freely through you as the person, but allow yourself to just feel as if you are truly coming into your own or as if you are truly coming into yourself.

There is so much that’s taking place upon the earth right now. A lot of this has to do with the transformation; it has to do with the ascension of the earth as it’s moving into the next levels or dimensions that are available. It has to do with the energies of the season, the energy of the holidays that are taking place right now. It has to do with each person on their own private journey or personal journey of awareness.

I’m gathering the energies of all who are here and considering how much to say now and how much to say as we move into the energies of this journey. Each time that we come to the end of one of your calendar years, we take it as an opportunity to consider the past year. We also take it as an opportunity to consider what would you like to put forth for the coming year. And so I feel a lot of those energies within and around each one of you.

But I also feel as if there is a lot of questions or as if there are a lot of thoughts and considerations about all that’s taking place. So for this moment, I invite everybody to close your eyes for just a moment, feel as if you take in a deep breath breathing down within yourself and for this moment just consciously let go whatever it is that may be hanging over you, whatever it is that may be keeping you distracted and allow yourself to just let it go, let it go, let it go, and instead take this as an opportunity to just breathe in the peace, breathe in the love, breathe in the balance. There we go, now there’s a much more cohesive energy as I’m picking up everyone’s energy. Let us say one last time. Nama sika; venia benya.

Alright, in this way you’ve allowed yourself to once more let go of the distractions and breathe in and allow yourself to take in balancing and focusing within yourself.

Okay, so, as I spoke during the last time that we got together I mentioned how there is a complete blending of the magnetic and the crystalline grids. So this time as you let go your physical body and allow yourself to expand, allow yourself to just feel as if you release your physical body and your consciousness moves into the crystalline grid.

If you find yourself within this pathway, take a moment as if you are looking around. Open up to feel the energies that are here. As you stand upon this place or as you stand within this energy, you may feel the deeper tones and some of those tones are the magnetic grid. You may also feel as if there is a higher, lighter tone and vibration that is available to you also within this space. All of this allows you to be able to find what most resonates with you.

This pathway is going to become even more a part of your everyday functional life. I invite you to shift the energies. As you do so, allow yourself to move into the soul plane. As you find yourself within that space have a sense of looking around. It may be as if you immediately come up within your I Am presence or it may be as if you see yourself as if at a distance and you reach out allowing yourself to blend with that energy so that you may merge with your I Am presence.

As you do, so take a moment to simply feel what it is to be reunited with all of your entirety. Take a moment and feel the energies that are here in support of you. Feel the unconditional love that is you for yourself. And you take a deep breath in and you breathe out.

I the Goddess move in and amongst all of you. As I do so, I reach out to embrace your energies and as I merge with you, as I embrace you in this moment, you may feel yourself shifting into the energies of the All That Is. Feel what this place is as you move through it.

The All That Is has also moved through a transformation. Within this transformation you may find yourself not only shifting and experiencing a new perception but you may find that you can see more of what’s around here.

You each have very unique gifts. You each have an opportunity to experience life with more perception and with greater sensitivity and as you take this in, whatsoever it may mean to you, allow yourself to open up.

I have heard from people again and again that they are waiting for their gifts to unfold. That they are waiting for their third eye to open up, that they are waiting to really feel things inside. That they are waiting to actually manifest all that it is they want have.

This is a time to allow that to come in. So the first thing I invite you to do as you look around the All That Is, have a sense of creating a space or creating an energy that represents what you’ve been seeking to have for yourself.

As you do this, there are those that I see have an image of themselves as they manifest. There are those that I see have like a scroll with lists of what they would like to have. There are others that have this non-physical; just pure energy form of what it is that they seek to have. Be open, allow yourself to experience whatever it may be.

The first thing that I would like for us to do as we are implementing this status, is to ask yourself, do you feel the energies that are within and around here? I hear some people say yes, others no, others maybe a little bit.

As you experience what this is, take a moment to acknowledge that perhaps for you, in the past, you’ve been unable to feel or sense the energies for whatever the reason. It’s an old pattern that has been around you. Now, we’ve worked with this, you have released it and you’ve open to new energies and new potentials. I therefore invite you as you’re asking yourself this question to consider. Is it a habit or is there a resistance that moves even deeper within you?

So often you’re in a pattern or you have a habit of thinking or acting in a particular way and it’s just automatic that it comes up for you or you experience it. But in this moment, peel away the layers; peel away anything at all that may be surrounding you or that may be keeping you enclosed so that instead you open up. You open up and feel the wash of energy as it moves through you. I immediately hear people saying, “Told you, it doesn’t work, still not feeling, what’s going on?” And that analytical aspect of you immediately puts up the resistance.

This time, as we go inside once more, and as I invite you to peel away the layers, allow your focus to go directly within your head center and directly within there, that link to your third eye and allow yourself to just consciously open up, and any thoughts or any beliefs or anything at all that’s a part of your mental body ,consciously link with it and let it go.

Feel, how light and free that makes you feel. Open to acknowledge that this is different or that this is unique and then again allow yourself to open up, allow yourself from within this space of the All That Is, from within this space of expanded dimensions that you are allowing a permanent and complete transformation to take place.

As you allow your focus and your consciousness to move further, take a deep breath in and I infuse the energy and awareness that it may move through you at every level and it moves into every cell within your body. Open to experience what this is to you.

Now, as you look around become aware of your expanded perception. Become aware of the ways in which you are taking in these energies. And now you can see it too, you can see it for yourself.

The next thing that I invite you to do as you are expanding your energies, is to take in your thoughts, take in your beliefs, to take in what you believe to be a reality. There are times in which people put forth what they believe is a potential and what they want it to be and the whole time it’s like there is an anchor that’s behind that that is putting on the brakes and that’s slowing things down, and that’s keeping people in that space of lack or that space that’s holding them back.

So you reach inside, you open to your belief system and here with this space of the All That Is I had a sense of a number of you creating these lists again and having a number of different beliefs that in your everyday life your unconscious, that they are having an effect upon you, but here in the All That Is, is a sense of people noticing things that they don’t normally become aware of.

Allow yourself to link with these energies of your beliefs so that you can transition, --whew-- letting go, shifting away from you, anything at all that may be holding you back.

As you let go, these old beliefs, you open to feel even more so the potentials and the opportunities that are available to you and that’s what we are seeking to have this evening. We are in the midst of an extended focus of the ascension of your planet and as a result of that it’s a very powerful time for you to make changes if you so choose within your life. Now, I know that people will be listening to this later. You can still tap into these energies and draw that time-space reality into whatever it is that you may be.

On December 12 of this year there was an opening of an immense portal that allows for this cosmic energy, new energy, crystalline energy to be able to move freely into and around your physical earth. These portals are there, they have been throughout the millions of years in which your earth has had active inhabitants. But again, what becomes a difference is that the Earth is set up to now integrate this expanded portal and as the earth itself continues to expand, allowing for the higher lighter dimensions to interact freely with everybody who’s upon the earth, it brings with it that universal light and awareness.

Last year, 11-11-11 was the opening of the heart center or the heart of the earth. This year, 12-12-12 was the opening of the consciousness and the dimensions of the earth. And as the consciousness is much more fully integrating within this space it’s allowing for the collective consciousness those people that as yet are aware of everything that’s happening to be able to move up or move into what this may be for them.

I bring that up because there will be many times, especially in the next year, in which there will be, what do you call it, awkwardness or a feeling of imbalance. But there will be many people that will notice more so than usual this shift and this transformation of energy.

I invite you to be aware of what’s going on so that you yourself may stay in that flow of the light, in that flow of this higher vibrational energy so that it works more for you, so that it helps you to have a greater access to this universal light.

We stand here in the midst of this energy, the culmination of so much, so much that you as humanity have done, so much that we as the Angels of Light and the God-Goddess, all of us on this side of the veil and all of you where you are in life, it all blends together.

As you begin to live your life within this space become aware that you will feel things in a different way. Become aware that you may still have the same experiences on a day-to-day basis, but more so than ever you can stay apart or stay aside for many of the things that would pull you down or pull you back.

So as you take a deep breath in and as you look around you become aware of the shift that’s taking place in the All That Is. As if opening up you see in front of you, the energies of Sananda. As he comes forward he would like to share some words with everyone and then I will be back in a few moments.

Sananda Speaks:

Greetings beloved family, this is a time of joy, this is a time of celebration. Let that joy wash over you, let the celebrations begin. Let’s party, let’s dance, let’s chat, let’s do everything that is a part of the human experience that has to do with celebration, because now is the time.

I Sananda, as most of you know and the over soul, I manifested as Jesus, Buddha Mohammed, Krishna and several others that had to do with the spiritual or the religious consciousness of the earth. This has been an amazing transformation that has taken place throughout the thousands and millions of years in which people have inhabited the earth. Think back to the many, many indigenous people in the various parts of the world, who communicated with the land, who were in alignment with the seasons and who recognized that there was a greater presence that guided them in their everyday life. Did they call it God? Perhaps some did, but they had their own words or their own expression for what that meant.

Think back to the time of the Mayan when they were creating the calendar that everyone refers to. It was created by the people upon the earth in alignment with those of us in the universe. It was put forth to put a structure, an energetic structure that people could tap into. Think back to the origins of whatever the religion is that you may follow in your everyday life. Consider how it gave you a sense of awareness, a sense of structure, a sense of how you wanted to live your life. How you were going to express it in this lifetime?

Allow yourself to let the focus come back at this time, into that lifetime as Jesus and I bring that up as one experience but you can follow Mohammed, Abraham, Krishna all these other energies of light and you will recognize that there was a point in time in which people were seeking something. They were seeking answers. They were seeking something more than who they were or what they were and in the seeking of that they manifested my presence in one form or another.

It makes me smile, because so often as people pray to me, as they seek changes, I hear again and again, “My prayers are unanswered”, “I’ve wanted something and it hasn’t happened” and yet there are so many different levels, in which the awareness comes into and around you. Be aware that there are many, many, many, who are here for you and so allow your focus and allow your attention to move into that time of the Christ light and the Christ energy.

Whenever we come here, the initial perception that people have is of the heaviness of the energies. You’ve become so attuned to the light fine vibration in which you live that you forget that you had other experience, and you forget, what was going on when you called forth, inviting us to come down once more.

So here we are. Look around; ask yourself where were you in this lifetime. Were you a part of those involved in living the life of Christ? Were you a part? Were you a part of those who were oblivious, who didn’t know what was going on? Were you a part of those that actively fought against the change that was taking place?

I bring this up so that you may become aware and remember what it was like when my energies came into the earth. Feel the power and the energy or the essence that I consciously brought with me and that I consciously brought into this time. I was aware. I knew what would be going on and I was therefore prepared.

A you consider the many stories, as you consider how things have evolved during this time, in the reality of the situation much past without any conscious awareness until sometime later and until some extended awareness. But that’s okay; it was all exactly as it needed to be.

So feel that Christ light of the time in which I walked the earth as Jesus and recognize the transition that took place as that opened up and integrated another strand of energy and another strand of consciousness into everything that was already here.

Allow yourself to come back into this now moment in which you live. I feel people taking a deep breath as if, Oh boy, good to feel, good to feel the light again, good to feel the flow of the energy once more.

As you allow yourself to be in this moment, you may become aware that even though there is an immense light that is now coming into the earth and that will be illuminating everything upon the earth, there will still be those in resistance. There will still be those that are completely unaware. There will be those that continue to follow that pattern of humanity.

There is one exception, as the vibration of the earth is more fully seeded within this fourth, fifth, sixth dimension, there are dimensions in which it begins to become incompatible to have that turmoil.

Sometimes there are things that become more acute; there are things that become more to people’s awareness, whenever there is a big transformation taking place. This is in part what happened this week in the United States. So I take this time, flowing my love, my compassion to everybody involved in that situation, but I also recognize that that’s taking place in other parts of the world in one form or another and it has been for years and years.

So join with me in this moment of consciousness, in this moment of awareness. That we all breathe in that light, that energy of the universal love, compassion and awareness and allow it to flow through your consciousness and then send it out, that it may flow throughout the world. That it may bring with it, compassion that people who feel such pain, who feel such disconnection can feel instead compassion of awareness and compassion of love.

If there are things that take place upon your world or within your world, allow yourself to acknowledge or feel whatever that emotion may be in that moment. But remember to move, remember to bring in flow, remember to allow yourself to move through whatever those emotions or whatever those energies may be so that you may more fully live the life that you are seeking to have. And you do so because you create changes in your own life; you create that expansion and that awareness that moves through the collective consciousness which in turns shifts the foundation.

There is even more of that brilliant universal light that is coming through right now. As if you are open to bask within it, I invite you to do so. Feel it wash over you, sense it as it moves through you, allow it to clear out anything that no longer works for you and instead let yourself become much more conscious and aware. Let yourself embrace the gifts that are yours. Allow yourself to experience life as you live within the light. First and foremost of your own divinity, and then all the universal light that is moving through this space and your earth.

I have a sense of walking through. I embrace each one of you. I affirm with you, your gifts and your ability. I share love, compassion and awareness with you. You are never alone. Not only I am always with you but God-Goddess and all the other Angels of Light are here with you to.

So with that I will shift over allowing the Goddess to once more continue this journey.


The Goddess Speaks:

Especially at the end of Sananda’s words to you there was such a blending of not only my energies with his but the other beings of light that are all here for you. When we have these other energies that come and speak with me they do so with the intention of amplifying the energies and bringing with them that part or that aspect that takes things into a different place for those of you upon the earth. I recognize that there is so much that is happening and I salute you, I support you.

The veil that separates consciousness is in many cases no longer in existence. For those who are living a more of the third and fourth dimensional lifestyle it may be as thick as it ever was. But for those of you who have been seeking to integrate your divinity, those of you who have worked so consciously with this light, bringing in the light, bringing in the new focus, bringing in your alignment with all that it means to you, the veil is non-existent. The veil is what kept you from your divinity. It’s what kept you from having the knowledge and the awareness of other lifetimes. You now have access to your I Am presence in a greater form than you ever have before. So breathe that in, experience that. See what that is for you.

As I walk and talk with each one of you, I can feel the energies of celebration as everybody comes together. I invite you to celebrate your life. Celebrate that you are here with me and with all the others that are present. Celebrate that you are open to the flow and that you accept allowing in your greater truth, your greater awareness and all the opportunity that goes with you. Celebrate your accomplishments of the past year.

I hear you. There are always those that say, “It was a really tough year, I’m not quite sure if I accomplished anything”. The fact that you are here and a part of this journey, and I know how strongly I’m feeling your energies tells me that you have accomplished more than you think you have. Your energy and vibration is consistent with everything else who is here, with everything else that is taking place. So believe in yourself, accept yourself and allow for that belief to be at the forefront.

It feels as if it’s so much that I would like to talk with you about, it feels as if there is so much celebration that is here present and ready for you to enjoy and I’m also feeling that drawing back into the earth. So recognize that everything we tapped into tonight is going to continue to infuse within and throughout your earth, within and throughout you. Take a deep breath and allow that to move through your consciousness.

I still invite you to come together as a group and within that group have a sense of the hologram of the earth. The hologram moves up and as you look at it, really look with your inner eyes, really look with your senses and expansion, because now the hologram itself is changing as it reflects the different levels of perception and awareness.

I invite each one of you to infuse within the hologram your alignment to the universal light, your expansion and acceptance of yourself with all your gifts wide open. I invite you to infuse within the earth or within the hologram whatever intention it is that you put forth as we move into these expanded dimensions.

All of that swirls through the hologram. It is as if it rotates, it emanates light and that hologram itself then shifts moving down. It moves out from the All That Is, it moves through the crystalline pathway and as you perceive the hologram, become aware of all the various dimensions and levels of consciousness that that hologram moves through tweaking, clearing, shifting, allowing for this more balanced and focused awareness to move through this space and as it does so it then goes down within the center of the earth, it aligns with those crystalline energies, anchoring there and then it comes up moving out until it comes up onto the surface of the earth. You may feel it within your physical body. You may consciously send it into particular places. It is yours and it is available to you.

As it moves through, we consciously send that flow of compassion and awareness that it may go throughout creating a greater ease and creating a greater balance so that people can feel the compassion and the awareness, so that people can recognize that everything comes from that same source energy and that everyone is align.

We infuse that as it integrates throughout all the collective consciousness, throughout all the many layers and dimensions, --whew-- and then you allow your focus to once more come back up within you in the All That Is.

Have a sense of letting go this space. As you let go this space you can once more feel yourself as you merge in the soul plane with your I Am presence. Perhaps as you look around, you may see some of those other energies or lifetimes that are here in support of you.

Allow for that consciousness to move with you. Coming back allow your focus to once more shift, as there is that flow you move through the crystalline grid and you feel yourself as that conscious energy is once more moving down through your physical body. You may feel it as it comes into your head center; through all your energy bodies you feel it as you anchor it within your heart center. You send it all the way down moving through your physical body anchoring it into the earth. And as you feel that anchoring in the earth, it moves up within you, it comes back up once more within your heart center and you can feel yourself coming back, coming back and feeling your expanded consciousness. Feeling good recognizing that you are in that greater alignment within yourself.

As we step into this next beautiful, exciting, expansive place in our existence, may you feel comfortable and feel that sense of all that is you, of all that is here, of all that is taking place. This is a magnificent time to be here, present upon the earth. You’ve been working for years for this timeframe to be prepared for it. Just as with that last caller or this one caller, you are prepared. No matter where you are in your life, you are prepared and you will have whatever the experience is, that is your own. You will wake up on the 21st, you will wake up on the 22nd, and on many levels it will all be as if it’s the same but do recognize that it is not. There are so many energies, and just as Sananda came through speaking of the Christ light and the white light and the universal light allow that to become a part of you in your everyday life.

Know that I am ever with you and within you.


Shelly Dressel channeling the Goddess of Creation. All rights are reserved. You are welcome to share this channel, but we ask you not take any portion of it out of the body of the channel and to retain this copyright message. For further information please check out our website:


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