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Researchers Close to Matrix-Style Learning

Researchers Close to Matrix-Style Learning


9th January 2012

By Madison Ruppert

As every week passes, the world becomes more like a science fiction film. Some of these developments are nothing short of disturbing, especially for people like me who are concerned with just how this technology will be used.

Yet there is also a bright side to these emerging technologies. Not all of these developments are negative and many could actually improve the lives of many people across the world and perhaps better all of humanity.

Unlike the ominous threat assessment technology which seems like it was ripped straight out of the pages of Philip K. Dicks short story Minority Report, scientists recently published research that appears to be almost exactly like the technology seen in the popular science fiction film The Matrix.

No, this isn’t insects that burrow under your skin or robots that harvest energy from human beings, this is the ability to “learn high-performance tasks with little or no conscious effort,” according to the National Science Foundation.

I don’t know about you, but I would love to be able to pick up Mandarin Chinese without having to spend years in a classroom, and I doubt many people would argue that such an advancement would be unwelcome.

Early last month, research was published in the prominent journal Science which suggests that it very well might be possible to use emerging technology to learn such diverse tasks as playing a piano to hitting a curve ball.

This is much like in The Matrix when they need to learn how to fly a helicopter at a moment’s notice so they simply load up a program and – bam – they know how to perfectly pilot a helicopter.

Boston University, in the United States, along with ATR Computational Neuroscience Laboratories in Kyoto, Japan, both conducted experiments which found that functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) technology could be used to induce brain activity patterns which match a previously known target state.

This is done through the person’s visual cortex, and the decoded fMRI induces a state of brain activity which mirrors a known state which can improve performance on visual tasks.

While this sounds somewhat hard to grasp, it really isnt once you understand it.

The subject’s brain patterns are modified by the fMRI to match the previously established patterns of someone like a high-performing athlete.

Another promising aspect of this research is that it can be used to modify or recuperate from an accident or debilitating disease.

At this stage this research is purely preliminary, but according to the National Science Foundation, researchers say such possibilities may exist in the future.

The key is that adult early visual areas of the brain are plastic enough to actually allow learning through visual perception.

When they speak of plastic, they do not mean it literally, but instead are speaking of neuroplasticity, a concept which describes the ability of the brain to change and adapt as need be.

Neuroscientists have discovered that images build up in a person’s brain in a gradual manner, first appearing simply as lines, then edges, shapes, color and motion in these early visual areas of the brain.

The brain then fills in more detail in order to make a clear picture appear of whatever object or objects the individual is observing.

Based on these findings, researchers studied the ability of the early visual areas to create improvements in visual performance and learning tasks.

Some previous research confirmed a correlation between improving visual performance and changes in early visual areas, while other researchers found correlations in higher visual and decision areas,” said Takeo Watanabe, director of Boston University’s Visual Science Laboratory.

However, none of these studies directly addressed the question of whether early visual areas are sufficiently plastic to cause visual perceptual learning.

That is, of course, until this most recent research emerged which displays a new learning approach which could create long-term improvement in the many tasks that require visual performance.

A post-doctoral fellow at Boston University named Kazuhisa Shibata designed a new method which uses decoded fMRI neurofeedback to create a specific brain activation pattern which corresponds to a pattern which is evoked by a specific visual feature in the brain region they are focusing on.

A crude example is if fMRI activity was used to monitor brain activity while someone played piano, then the resulting activity patterns were decoded and used to induce the same activity pattern in a different individual.

The researchers studied if repeating this activation pattern could actually improve the visual performance on that particular visual feature.

Boston University’s Watanabe developed the idea for the research project alongside the director of the Japanese ATR lab, Mitsuo Kawato, and an assistant in neuroscience at Massachusetts General Hospital named Yuka Sasaki.

Watanabe describes just how exciting and astounding this emerging technology is in saying, “The most surprising thing in this study is that mere inductions of neural activation patterns corresponding to a specific visual feature led to visual performance improvement on the visual feature, without presenting the feature or subjects’ awareness of what was to be learned.”

Thats right; you could actually improve your visual performance on a certain visual feature without even knowing it!

That is what Watanabe means when he mentions, “performance improvement … without presenting the feature or subjects’ awareness of what was to be learned.”

Watanabe makes this almost unbelievable finding even more clear in saying that they, “found that subjects were not aware of what was to be learned while behavioral data obtained before and after the neurofeedback training showed that subjects’ visual performance improved specifically for the target orientation, which was used in the neurofeedback training.”

The director of the ATR lab, Mitsuo Kawato, said that in principle, this technology could be used as “hypnosis or a type of automated learning,” while pointing out that at this point their research is only in the preliminary stages.

In this study we confirmed the validity of our method only in visual perceptual learning. So we have to test if the method works in other types of learning in the future. At the same time, we have to be careful so that this method is not used in an unethical way,” Kawato said.

I find it encouraging that Kawato is considering the ethical implications even at this early stage, as there are many dark ways I can see this technology being used, but even more potential positive ways exist.

Currently, even in these relatively crude stages of the technology, it can be used to “for various types of learning, including memory, motor and rehabilitation,” according to the National Science Foundation.

Hopefully Kawato and the other researchers will keep in mind the possible unethical ways in which this technology could be used, such as military and intelligence applications, and instead make sure that it is used for the betterment of all mankind.

About the Author

Madison Ruppert is the Editor and Owner-Operator of the alternative news and analysis database End The Lie and has no affiliation with any NGO, political party, economic school, or other organization/cause. 


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Trends, Statistics and Matching Sightings for the Tag "video"
The following sightings are tagged with "video". Select a row for details about that sighting.





08/30/2012 08/28/2012 bright star like object brightens considerably ejects object then circled by other object Upland, California
08/28/2012 08/27/2012 Glowing Object In Sky Decatur, Illinois
08/19/2012 08/18/2012 bright white sphere basketball size Kirkville, New York
08/19/2012 08/18/2012 Redish Orange Orb seen in SE Sky Near Hopkins Airport Brook Park, Ohio
08/18/2012 07/28/2012 Seen 10 red-orange lights following the same flight path Utica, Michigan
08/18/2012 08/18/2012 Was stargazing, witnessed small orange light grow brighter, changed direction Sevierville, Tennessee
08/15/2012 08/08/2012 saw object, got video vanished into"portal"? Couldnt see w/ naked eye. video tells all! Chandler, Arizona
08/13/2012 08/09/2012 Outside with my son observing the moon through his telescope and noticed and object Bay Shore, New York
08/12/2012 07/26/2012 Short sweeping light shinig on stationary object surface Brenham, Texas
08/12/2012 08/11/2012 2 redish/orange fuzzy objects seen as I was leaving for work (pa state prison guard) Hunlock Creek, Pennsylvania
08/11/2012 08/27/2011 Saw the object while watching footage from International Space Station August 2011. Missouri
08/07/2012 07/29/2012 Streak across the sky St Augustine, Florida
08/07/2012 08/07/2012 Looked outside my window and saw the bright cirlcle. It was moving a bit but not going anywhere. It disappeared and reappeared. It effected my sleeping because of fear. Stockbridge, Massachusetts
08/06/2012 08/04/2012 Brilliant White, star-like but immense in size, hovered and emitted a red orange beam, moved towards us then retreated. Cabot, Arkansas
08/04/2012 08/03/2012 Two large glowing red-orange orbs that looked like huge meteors Tacoma, Washington
07/27/2012 07/27/2012 Crazy pulsating orb observed with digital night vision monocular Calgary, Alberta
07/27/2012 07/26/2012 Orange star like object, Maniago Italy Maniago, Friuli-Venezia Giulia
07/26/2012 07/19/2012 3 brilliant red orange objects flying in check mark pattern Blue Springs, Missouri
07/24/2012 07/24/2012 Like a star of different colors Victorville, California
07/22/2012 07/22/2012 Black sphere flew from South to North Chicago, Illinois
07/22/2012 07/15/2012 was filming sunset and noticed objects on replaying video Owego, New York
07/22/2012 07/21/2012 orange light reapeared in same spot multiple times but went different direction each time Vernon, British Columbia
07/18/2012 06/18/2012 DAYTIME UFO Beverly Hills, California
07/15/2012 05/31/2012 Black Boomerang roughly 10 miles wides orbiting lunar surface and changing direction Lemon Grove, California
07/15/2012 07/13/2012 Large Chinese Lantern Shape crossing over all of St. Louis in Minutes Missouri

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Greetings dear ones for I AM Kryon of magnetic service.

Once again it's beautiful to be here in Riga, in Latvia. The weather is much warmer this time and life is beginning to happen. The spring feeling is here and the love begins to flow.

Once again, we are approximately six months away from the 21st day of December 2012 and many changes are coming to all of you, without exception, on a personal level on a European level and on a global level. All the changes are for the good; they might not look good in the moment but the love will come. Many people in power will begin to lose their power and the vacuum they'll leave will be quickly filled with people moving to a more loving and caring reality. We are entering into a new phase of evolution and evolve is love spelled backwards and forwards.

Evolution means that things will change permanently and always for the better as opposed to revolution. Revolution means to go round and round in circles, from one despot to the next, one crazy government to the next. And human consciousness is changing; the lights are going on all around the world. Hearts are opening and love is flowing; the love is flowing towards a fairer and more honest society. There are those who want the status quo, but the status quo will lose this time; there are too many things in the favour of new consciousness. The secret to the shift is to be at peace and let the evolution happen on the inside of you. The more energies that you allow to flow through you towards your inner world the more harmony and peace will come to you and your world.

It is for you to take care of your personal world and your personal life and let the big picture change. Many of you are becoming quite proficient at healing yourselves and others and the information and the knowledge about healing is going to become clearer; you'll understand yourselves much better and understand the art of manifestation, you'll understand why your relationships don't work and you'll be given the knowledge to make them work.

The love will flow. The love is already flowing for many people and love will become mass consciousness. Your world is going to change in a very big, big way. And those that stand in the way will be swept away as if they're trying to stop a river in flood.

The lights are going on inside of many, many, people's hearts all around the world. The second wave of people is waking up and becoming more and more conscious. Men around the world are really realising that the government is what it says it is: Unconscious men and women in power governing and controlling the minds of others, moving the money of the poor into the hands of the rich, without love or integrity. And this also will get worse before it gets better. And the worst it gets the clearer it will be to see, and all will see this game, and all will slowly but surely begin stop playing the game. Society as you know it will begin to crumble as if a snake is changing its skin. Society will dissolve and transform into a different way of being; there will be an explosion of consciousness unparalleled in human existence, and the new age will be dawning.

This will take time, a few years perhaps, but there will be those here on Earth who'll lead those in the dark into the light, those who understand the way and the path. Consciousness will flow from one man's heart to the next, like a pebble in a still pond radiating love and consciousness, supporting each other and working with each other. The old world has been about separation, conquer and divide, and this energy will slowly but surely release, and the new world will begin to take place, a world that you cannot imagine at the moment. But nonetheless this world filled with love will come, for this is your essence, your essence is love, and you are beings of love, light and vibrations. Slowly but surely your human body will begin to change vibration and you'll shake away the old negative energies, and all that will be left is love. You'll become whole and complete and the love will flow. Once you're whole and complete you are Christ Conscious, a fourth-dimensional being, and expect other shifts of energies to come. A world of your dreams; one thing is for sure, you will never ever be the same again. Life will become soft, and gentle and loving and you'll all become powerful, loving and unafraid. You'll be totally fearless, without fear you'll create a society based in love, almost utopian. It will be another world and each human being will go step by step addressing their own consciousness and their own problems.

The new world is coming and you are all being supported by spirit and your sprit guides. Your connection to father sky will become more and more intense. You'll connect both to the universal mind and to the universal heart. And the heart and the mind will work in unity. You'll be loving and living, living and loving. Things will begin to go your way and the past will be gone, dissolved forever. As this new phase of planet Earth begins some will be sour but they will soon get over their sourness when they begin to see the new world manifest.

So allowing your hearts to open a little more than they already are… allow love to flow from your heart into everybody's heart in the room… and allowing your heart to expand and letting your love flow around the world… closing your eyes and going deeper and deeper into your bodies… scanning your bodies and feeling your bodies… just observing your feelings, your emotions, and let your feelings and emotions let them come and let them go…

And now let's take your bodies on a journey into the future and into the new world… on a journey to experience the new world… where you can activate your heart and your mind… and help you understand the new world and what is like… at the same time dropping deeper and deeper and deeper in your bodies… just allowing your vibrations to go higher and higher… and allowing the vibrations of mother Earth to go higher and higher… just allowing the feelings in your bodies to come and let them go… and allowing the love to flow… just like the Daugava flows through Riga… sometimes more and sometimes less… but always, always, always flowing… for as long as you can all remember… the Daugava’s always flowed… and the love has always flowed here in Latvia.

So feel your country and feel your land and let your country and your land speak to you… and let those who have walked before you also speak… your Pagan ancestors… for they to flow through your cells and your DNA, they flow through your blood line… they knew how to live with the Earth and they knew how to live through long, hard, cold winters… and they knew how to survive. Let this energy speak… for they are here to bring the Earth to the sky… they are here to bring Latvian wisdom to the world. Before the dawn of Christianity these peoples knew their God; they didn't think about of God or believing in God, they knew their god and they trusted their Gods… let them bring this trust and this knowing to your bodies… let them bring their knowledge and their wisdom to you… their healing skills… and let the vibration of this old knowledge and old wisdom flow through your hearts to the tips of your toes… to the top of your head… to the tips of your fingers… and beyond your physical bodies… and into your auras… releasing what no longer serves you… and just be in the company of your ancestors… your ancestor that were whole and complete… that knew the way forward and that knew the cycles of life… that knew the ebbs and flows of the sea and the sea shore… that knew the cycles of the sun, the moon, the stars and the planets… they were much more wiser and knowledgeable than we are today… they could live with the Earth… live with their hearts open and allow consciousness flow through them.

Their energy is here this night, this very night, to speak with love, with honour, and with dignity… you in this room are the ones who stand upon these people's shoulders… and it is them that bring this message to you, through Kryon: The message is to live your life with simplicity, don't be seduced by the material world, it is to love each other, to love the spirits of the trees and your forests, for in turn these spirits will love you and they will bring consciousness beyond your wildest dreams… You will once again come to love the Earth… we know that the Earth plane is changing… but, it’s still your home… don't hurt your home, love your home, and love all that are in your home… that are under your feet, that hold you and guide you, and let you feet connect deep into the soil… your time will be different than ours, but your consciousness is lower than ours and this is due to change… we know first of all that your consciousness will reach our level of consciousness… we were always whole and complete… we wouldn't allow parts of our communities to move low levels of consciousness… our Kings loved their people… our Shaman loved their people… there was no hierarchy, we were all equal… we all loved each other, we all held each other and we all supported each other… our hearts are were connected and we knew we were all interconnected… anything else is a lie it’s not the truth… then came peoples from the South, they brought in another God, they broke our people and stole our lands… but we understand that the loving God, our God, had another plan than the one we imagined… our essence is in your heart and our lands will be returned to us through your hearts… and love will once again flow as it used to… human beings will once again have integrity in their hearts, and will no longer have leaders that speak constantly with forced tongues. Our leaders were always like butterflies… they’d always gone through the process of metamorphosis… your leaders are like caterpillars, eating up every single thing that possibly can… doing whatever they can to keep your consciousness low… this was never part of our consciousness… our leaders were always the sage, the wise ones, the old ones that had walked their path and had become whole and complete… we could see this in their eyes… we, their people, revered our leader's consciousness… we honoured and respected our leaders… for our leaders were worthy of honour and respect… and we know that this kind of leadership is returning to this Earth… loving and conscious men and women will lead this planet back into consciousness… what is happening at the moment, we see that it is unconscious men and women that are leading this planet… and leading it deeper and deeper into an unconscious world… when you go past the winter solstice this will begin to change… the people of this world will realise that they have been tricked, mass consciousness will begin to understand the failure of their leaders… they'll begin to understand that the Roman Empire still exists… but it’s hidden and it controls the masses in secrecy… but the masses will become more and more conscious, to such a point where that they can’t be fooled… and to such a point where they will not give their power away… there is no room for fear in the new age, it will not exists, and neither will unconsciousness… you will find your path back to the Great Spirit… and you will be on your path back to love… and you'll recognise the journey of life… we realise that you will be in different dimensions but we had the fourth dimension many aeons ago… we were whole and complete, we lived with love, we lived with sun and the moon and the stars, with the planets… and with the Earth beneath our feet… we could walk in the coldest of winter months naked… we could sleep on the snow and the ice naked, for our connection to Earth kept us warm… kept us loving and kept us free… we were wild, we were free… are hearts were crazy and beautiful… wouldn’t you just love to share something like that?

Our bodies were physical and young, without aches and pains we lived our lives, we loved our lives… we were loving and passionate about our lives and we loved our Gods and our Gods loved us… but we knew the day had come that we had to move to another world and to make way for another consciousness… but the time is coming when our consciousness returns and we are incarnating once again… and we will change the world, we will make it what it once was and we will move from that fourth dimension to the fifth dimension… creating this world of love, of passion, and of joy… for I am a great Pagan Warrior and my name is Thor… and I bring love and I bring thunder to this world… and, as we speak, me and my people are incarnating back into this world… we look forward to the joy and the fun of bringing the new world down from heaven to Earth… I love you all… I love you just the way you are… I love in your pain and in your sadness… and I love what you've done for this Earth… and you will come to love us… for we are the warriors of the new world and we are flowing through your spirits on our return journey back to this Earth… one thing’s for sure, you will never ever be the same gain… we have been speaking on behalf of Kryon… and to let you know what is happening in this new age… so allow your hearts to open even more than they already are… staying loving and connected with each other… for your physical bodies are descended from ours, and you carry our knowledge and our wisdom… this Knowledge and wisdom is being activated in your physical bodies… and you'll begin to wake up to new knowledge and new wisdom… a new state of being…

This is the mighty Thor signing out, I am handing back to Kryon… so once again just allowing your energies to rise higher and higher… higher than you ever been lifted before… we’re allowing the energies of Mother Earth to rise higher and higher… and just allow your energies to go higher and higher… healing and releasing… merging and flowing with the love… and allowing your upper heart chakra, the chakra between your throat and your heart, to connect and to open… allowing this new age activation to flow through the chakra into your cells and your DNA… allowing your body to awaken to the new age… feeling loved and safe and secure… just let the feelings come and let them go… and now you are now at 80% of it will be like in 2012… and the energies are rising…

And now moved from 85% towards 90%... just allowing your energies to go higher and higher… feeling the flow of energy through Mother Earth… and from Father Sky through your crown chakra… allowing yourselves and your spirit to move into the future… allowing your mind to activate to fourth and fifth dimensional levels… you mind and your heart… and just knowing that you'll never ever be the same again… and moving now to 95%... and in the next few moments it will be 100%... and just allowing your bodies to feel whatever it feels…. and this is that would feel like on December 21, 2012… just allowing the energies flowing through your bodies… healing and releasing… and just knowing that you will never ever be the same again… and just take some time to be at this level of energy… and allowing yourself to travel through time and space… you'll be guided through the fourth and fifth dimension… allowing your bodies to wake up at to energies… and let the feelings come and let them go… continuing on your journey to wherever you belong.

Go well and God bless Dear Ones for this is Kryon signing out.

Thank you all.

Copyright © David Brown

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The Big Picture - You Are Not Alone

a message from Kryon channeled by Lee Carroll
Wednesday, 1 February, 2012 at Patagonia (posted 28 August, 2012)
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Greetings again, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. Once again we discuss with you that the magnetics are changing and not in a simple way. It's not in a way that your science will see, but a profound one that affects your very DNA. It is the end of what you would call the adventure. It is the beginning of what we would call the grand adventure. This channelling will be packed full of information that some of you have heard before and some have not.

My partner has been giving these messages for 22 years so that we could sit here together now and talk about possibilities. I wish to give you yet again the history of Earth and the history of humanity in a simple way that is not complex. It will be something that you can see in a capsulated form, a condensed form, and you will understand it better.

Thirteen billion years ago, all of this began. My partner told you today that the Cave of Creation existed when the earth was formed. It is a quantum event. It [the Cave of Creation] was there. You were there. I [Kryon] was there. We watched the earth form and we saw the potentials begin to exist. And here, dear ones, is information you really need to know: You didn't sit around just watching this planet develop. How do I say this to you? Don't you find it odd that all of Human civilization has seemingly happened in the last moment of Earth's existence? All of those billions of years, the development of life on Earth, the many times life started and stopped, yet Humans were not here. Don't you find it odd that your development was at the last possible moment of this? Large mammals were here millions of years ago, but you were not. Your science does not see this as odd, for they have nothing to compare it to. Instead, they just look at it as the way things took place. We call it planned synchronicity.

In order for me to give you this information properly, I have to give you yet again the creation story. You weren't just watching back then. Every single one of you was participating somewhere else. This is not the first planet you have been on, but then you knew that, didn't you?

However, this information about other existence is not in your current Akashic history, for the DNA Akash is Earth-based only. So any remembrance is supposition and intuition and that which you would get from the Higher-Self and not your DNA. Your DNA is Earth-based DNA with one change, and that is where we get into the creation story yet again.
The Overview

Now let me take you back only a billion years. You are in this galaxy back then, and we admonish you not to look out of this galaxy for any of your history. Each galaxy has its own spiritual plan and that affects each galaxy's physics. That is why science is able to see different kinds of physics in the Universe and they don't understand why. Stay in your galaxy for this examination. At this point, if I told you that consciousness defines physics, you might not understand. So let's just leave it at that.

Let me take you to a planet that is going through what you're going through. Four billion years ago, yours was simply cooling off. Life hadn't really begun as you know it. Oh, the seeds were there, but that's all. Life as you know it really hadn't begun at all. But other places in the galaxy, there were already sophisticated groups taking hold that were Humanoid – Human types. They look like you, for this is the plan. That was four billion years ago when life began on their planet, very different than your time line.

A billion years ago, they went through a change and they went through a shift, and they had free choice. Back then, they were the only planet that did in their time, and eventually they went through a metamorphosis of consciousness.

Exponentially it seemed they changed, and it took only a thousand years to go from full corporeal to an enlightened form. Only a thousand years and they became mostly quantum thinkers. Life was divine and defined separately and differently for them, for they had discovered the quantum parts of life within them. Everything changed. They didn't die, and according to the plan, at a certain point in time in their futures, they would then "seed" another planet with their evolved DNA. When that planet was ready, they would seed their knowledge of light and dark and divine intuition, and so they did so, on a planet very far from yours. It was a planet in the Seven Sisters constellation that became what you now know as the home of the Pleiadians. This, then, was the beginning of the Pleiadian civilization. That is how the Pleiadians started, from others who seeded them with the DNA of awareness.

Millions of years later, you had Humanoid forms moving into ascension within the Seven Sisters. I'm giving you the history of the galaxy, not the history of life. It's the history of divinity, all being affected by the center and all in an entangled quantum state. All this was with free choice.
Your Story

Several hundred thousand years ago, Humans began to form into the Human that you recognize today. That's just yesterday. Don't confuse this with Human development. You have had that going on for a very long time. But the DNA that is within your body is not the DNA that developed naturally on the planet. Yours is outside of the system of Earth-based evolutionary processes, and the scientists are starting to see this. The "missing link" that they speak of is not Human.

So again, we tell you that the ones who came to help seed you approximately 100,000 to 200,000 Earth years ago were the Pleiadians who had gone into graduate status and who had changed consciousness. They had become quantum with free choice, and you have parts of their DNA within you.

New information for you: The seeding process was not a one-time event. This is why we give you these large sections of time where the Pleiadians worked with you. It was done over time and in many places. It was not all simultaneous, and this was for reasons that will remain unknown to you for now, but will later explain why you will find other Human types that now are extinct. Now you only have one Human type, and that is counterintuitive to all mammal development on the planet. This was a design, and it took more than 100,000 years to create this for humanity as you know it.

It's your Human bias that has the creation story of the knowledge of light and dark being given to Humans in one day in a garden involving a talking snake and other mythology. Spiritual logic should tell you that these stories are simply metaphors of a real truth, that indeed there was a major shift of consciousness, but over a longer period of time and not instantly. The same mythology has the earth created in seven days. However, this only represents a numerological truth [7 is the number of divinity], meaning that there was a divine design in the creation of the planet. It's time to start using spiritual logic within the teachings you have about spiritual history, for the revelations will be wonderful and lead to fuller understanding.

Now, what really is in your DNA? It's the Pleiadians' code, and it's the ones before them, and even the ones before them. You can't remember it, for that is not the set-up. The system is that your Akashic record is only from Earth, but your "divine remembrance" will take you back to the beginning, where system after system after system created that which you see as the divinity within the galaxy and the Universe.

Who are they? They're your "divine" parents. They're the seed divinity in you and they visit here. They're not all Pleiadians, did you know that? Instead, they're from all over the galaxy. You see, they also represent the seeds of the Pleiadians, and they keep you safe. You wouldn't have it any other way, would you? "Safe from what?" you might ask.
The Bubble of Safety

Your Universe is teeming with life. Only a relative few planets over millions of years have made it to a place where they have "creator DNA" in their corporeal bodies. Some were seeded and never made it. Some are now dead. Some are technically advanced, but have no spark of divinity at all. So while a planet is "deciding," it is kept safe from other life that might interfere.

You're surrounded by divine beings who keep you safe and will continue while this planet of only free choice – the only one at the moment – makes its decision. You're turning the corner of consciousness and they all know it, for they've all been through it and they remember it. Oh dear ones, consciousness is volatile! You've seen it change so slowly, but it's about to change faster. It's not going to take generations and generations as in the past. Instead, you're going to see real-time changes. Humans won't wait to have children for them to grow up and have children.

Keeping you safe is done quantumly and at a 3D distance. But you have to ask the question, "With all this life in the galaxy and how old they are [potential for advanced science and travel], why don't the ETs just land and announce themselves? They have been here for hundreds of years!" The answer is proof of what we say. They know that you are "hands off" and they only come and go with marginal disturbance to Earth.
Faster Consciousness Shift

You think science has gone fast in the last 100 years? Watch what happens with a consciousness shift. The old energy on the planet is going to fight to the death. Many will check out. That is to say that many will die who cannot cross the bridge of consciousness. As the earth takes on a new energy, the old energy will not seem appropriate. Human nature has shifted greatly in the last centuries. You see that, do you not? How many of you are saying, "Well, after lunch we're going to sacrifice a virgin to the volcano?" You laugh and say, "Well Kryon, that's something they did in the old ages." No it isn't! In terms of a civilization timeline, it's something you did yesterday. But you're not doing it today, are you? So how do you see that? What is your perception of that specific procedure? You would say, "It's barbaric, unconscionable, out of integrity of Human Beings, and no longer acceptable."

How many years ago did a technically advanced civilization on your planet gather and cheer to watch Humans be devoured by animals or fight to the death? Measure the time and you will realize that it wasn't that long ago. Their theatres are still standing! So, how do you feel about that?

There's going to come a time when you look at this planet and war will be exactly like these examples. The idea of killing another Human Being for any reason will seem barbaric and not appropriate for any Human to do. Many will laugh at this, since they will say, "That's naive, Kryon. It's Human nature, and it's a survival instinct." That's what's going to change, dear ones. You are about to experience a quantum renaissance of thinking. This is difficult to explain, but Human Beings are missing something that's intrinsic, something that should be there and you're not even aware of it. It's missing, but you don't know it since you never have had it.New Intuitive Inheritance

Let me point something out. Those of you who know about the animal kingdom stand amazed at something called "animal instinct." A prairie mammal will drop a baby and that calf will come out of its mother aware. Within hours, it will be running with the herd. It will instinctively know who its enemies are, what plants are poisonous, and where the water is. It even knows the "language" of the herd. Don't you find that interesting? The Human child has zero instinct, except where to find immediate milk, and has to learn everything from nothing. It must learn how to eat, how to hold things, where the danger is, and language! Humans come out with nothing and they start over – every single time. You don't know this is odd, since it's all you ever had. You will say that that's because of the complexity of the Human brain. No, it isn't! It's because you weren't ready for it to be any different, and this is what's changing.

I want you to envision something with me. A Human baby is born and it knows everything at an instinct level. It's walking and talking within two years; it has wisdom and it doesn't have to be taught everything. It learns to read and see languages within months because it has what we would call quantum Human instinct. This baby has something that you don't even recognize you should have!

Now, tell me, if this happens can you see what might happen to the Human race? Exponential advancement in wisdom. What the parents have learned will pass to the child at birth, more than Akashic inheritance or chemical inheritance. This will be the inheritance of wisdom and instinct. And we've never talked about that until now. But we will again.

It's a quantum event. The creation story had you seeded by the Pleiadians more than 100,000 years ago. That's who they are, for they went through this. They have the same attributes of their history that you do, yours. Did you know that the creation stories on your planets are all similar? Even your major religions have a spiritual event taking place in your history, where Human Beings who look just like you received the knowledge of God. Notice: It's not ones who are cavemen, but instead ones who look just like you [modern Humans]. In your religions, it took place in a metaphoric garden, which is the earth, and Humans were given the knowledge of polarity [light and dark]. That's what the Pleiadians did all over the earth.

The Lemurian energy is the one seed-group that was totally isolated. You might even say it's the one where the Pleiadians came first. Because Lemuria was a mountain island [Hawaii], it survived in a form that was purer than others. Even the most remote groups on the earth had room to spread out [land], and that created variety of thought. But Lemuria was the same for thousands of years, making it one of the most long-lived civilizations in history and almost totally lost to science. We have given you their history before.

Therefore, the Lemurians carry the oldest Akash for an old soul and part of the system of spiritual seeding back then was that it was an avenue for only new souls to come in. Only a few of the Lemurian priests had a past-life in Lemuria, and most were women. Almost all the Lemurians were new to the planet. This was a major Earth-soul creating process, which is only now having results.

Dear ones, this was your fifth time to work the "enlightenment puzzle." You had four other opportunities that didn't get past this stage. However, this one has a potential that will survive. It's 2012 and the energy of it coordinates with the Galactic Alignment. This time fractal was seen as a major potential and even the prophecies of the ancients saw you going through this. Now you are beginning to do it. Even 50 years ago, this potential was not solid, for your fifth time might have been your last, for the old energy is strong and the idea of Humans destroying everything was a real possibility. Those who read this know what I'm talking about. Now even that has changed, if you noticed.
The Future

Some have asked, "Well Kryon, what is the future going to be like? What kinds of science will we have? If this is all true about our evolvement, what can we expect?"

I want to go back to your great grandparents for a moment. How would you explain the Internet to them when they had no concept of the computer? How do you explain a fast car to someone who has not invented the wheel? What is a runway-control system used for when there is no Human flight yet?

I cannot explain what's coming, since you do not have the concepts of what will happen in between now and then. Imagine information that occurs where if one knows it, all know it. Can you imagine quantum instinct? What is learned by one Human Being is learned instantly by all. If you can even start to imagine such a thing, you have an inkling of what is coming. It doesn't change choice. It changes wisdom.

There'll come a time when physics and science meld with consciousness. It is then that you'll realize that what the Creator gave you comes in a perfect package. It's not in boxes where Humans separate it and study in different buildings, but one that comes together where all things relate and fit nicely inside a puzzle of energy.

It may take a thousand years, as it did to the ones who seeded the Pleiadians and those who seeded the ones before them. We speak in odd terms here, using Earth years. We also have not defined how long "crossing the bridge to enlightenment" is or how long "crossing the bridge to quantum existence" is. But in general, the civilizations of the past took 1,000 Earth years to go from old energy to new. But it took many times that to go to a quantum corporeal existence. Don't try to figure it all out, since your process may be faster or slower. We just give you this information to show you that it's slower than you like. But this is the beginning.
You Are Your Own Seeds

The earth was waiting for you. The cave of creation, the crystals, were all ready for you. The potentials of each life were there, for your soul energy was upon them. But make no mistake, your soul energy was invested in the ones who seeded you and in the ones who seeded them. They are you. This is confusing in 3D, for many of them are still watching you, but since you have part of their quantum DNA, part of you is still with them. Don't try to analyze this quite yet.

You didn't sit around watching the earth being created, dear ones. You were busy doing on other planets what you are doing here. There is no remembrance of that, only potential instinct. The ones who sit in the room and who listen to my voice or read these words have all gone through this before.

So, dear Human Being, in closing I say these things to you: You sit in a perfect place. You sit next to others who have been through what you've been through. It is time to solve the petty problems of humanity, of walking from place to place with aches and pains of your body. It's time to solve the uncertainties of the psychology [mental anguish], for these things will not serve you. You're turning a corner, a slow one to some, that will one day be looked at as the major shift of humanity for the earth. This is the beginning of it.

Let me take you forward 100 to 200 years: Let's sit in a room together. You're going to look different. Things will be very different, but you'll be here because that's what you do. [This is Kryon's description of you in your next lifetime or beyond.] Sometimes the Human Being asks, "How many lifetimes do I have left?" [Kryon smile] You should instead be asking, "How many Earth-lifetimes do I have left?" [Kryon bigger smile]. How many times can you do this, dear ones?

The system's goal is to raise the vibration of the galaxy and be surrounded by planets that have ascended and passed the energy to one another. Soon you'll do the same for others and, you guessed it, you'll do it again there. Right now, life is beginning on another planet far from here. Another Cave of Creation is starting to be formed. It's getting ready for you! [Kryon laugh] Are you tired yet? Dear family, you are eternal and there's a system, and it's beautiful. When you are not here, you understand it fully and participate without question.

You stand at a point of change. Go from this place and understand the profundity of this time. Pay attention to the changes in the sky for they have been foretold [the weather]. Do not fear the change before you.

You're never alone.

And so it is.


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September 1, 2012
The first thing I want to do as I share this amazing information with you is to thank those of you who physically attended the 26th Annual World Congress on Illumination in Kauai and expended your time, energy, and money to serve as Instruments of God on behalf of Humanity and all Life evolving on this sweet Earth. I also want to thank the millions of people around the world who added your Light to this awesome facet of the unfolding Divine Plan from wherever you were on the Planet. The Company of Heaven wants all of you to know that for your selfless Divine Service your name is being written in the Book of Lifefor all Eternity.
It is impossible to express in words the magnitude of what your willingness to be an Open Door for the Light of God that is flowing into Earth at this time means for Humanity and the Ascension process we are all in the midst of, but the Company of Heaven has given us a brief biography of YOU. Please take these words into your heart and contemplate the Truth of who you are.
The most important factor in Earth’s Ascension process is YOU. Your willingness to be an Open Door for the Light of God is the key to the fulfillment of the Divine Plan. You are a magnificent, multifaceted, multidimensional Child of God. You are a reflection of our Father-Mother God and ALL that our God Parents have is yours. You are a radiant Sun expressing ALL of the various frequencies of Divinity pulsating in the Causal Body of God. You have volunteered to be an Instrument of God, and you are participating in the greatest shift of consciousness ever experienced in any system of worlds. Together we are cocreating a new octave of Godhood. Your service to the Light is expanding the Body of God without measure, and you are lifting every particle of Life ever breathed forth from the Core of Creation into the Dawn of a New Cosmic Day.
And so it is.

Since the birth of 2012, we have been moving forward at warp speed. We experienced monumental influxes of Light through the New Year, the Vernal Equinox, the Solar Eclipse, the Lunar Eclipse, the Venus Transit, the Summer Solstice, the Olympic Games, and the celebration of the 25th Anniversary of Harmonic Convergence. Each one of these opportunities gave Humanity the ability to greatly enhance the Light we are adding to the world. Together we cocreated a tipping point that allowed Lightworkers around the world to join forces with the Company of Heaven to birth a Renaissance of Divine Love that will change the course of history for Humanity, the Earth, and all Life evolving upon her.
The vehicle that was used for this multidimensional event was the 26th Annual World Congress on Illumination which was held in Kauai, Hawaii, August 11-16, 2012. I would like to share with you the events that took place during that vitally important facet of the unfolding Divine Plan.
On Saturday morning, August 11th, we were greeted by an exquisite double rainbow in Kauai. This gift from the Company of Heaven appeared in the sky for several minutes then it faded away and appeared again a few minutes later just to let us know that it was not by chance that we were being blessed by this Heavenly manifestation. The World Congress on Illumination (WCI) began with the Opening Ceremonies on the evening of August 11th. There were approximately 700 people in attendance from more than 20 countries. We were blessed with the music from the Goddess Chant Choir of Kauai and a sacred hula from the Auana Hula Dance Group of Kauai. A Kahuna high priestess and her Kahuna brothers performed a Divine Ceremony that opened the portal of Kauai to new breadths in preparation for the influx of Light that would take place during the week. Information was shared from the Company of Heaven that revealed the Divine Intervention that has taken place during the past 500 years, and the quantum shifts we have experienced since the initial impulse of Harmonic Convergence which occurred August 15th, 16th, and 17th in 1987.
As the Opening Ceremonies progressed step-by-step, the I AM Presence of those in attendance and those joining us in consciousness from around the world cocreated a Chalice of Light that enveloped the entire Planet Earth. This Chalice projected a multidimensional pillar of Light that Ascended from the Heart of Mother Earth into the Core of Creation which is the Heart of our omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent Father-Mother God, the Cosmic I AM, All That Is. The I AM Presence of every person involved and the Company of Heaven made the heart commitment to sustain this Chalice of Light as an Open Door through which the Light of God would flow throughout the conference.
August 12th was the Closing Ceremonies for the Olympic Games which had been building in momentum for the past 17 days. During that period of time, dedicated Lightworkers all over the world used that collective focus of Humanity’s attention to download patterns of perfection from our newly activated Planetary Cause of Divine Love. Because we are One and there is no separation, we had the ability to set the Divine Intention for the energy, vibration, and consciousness that was released by the people focusing on the Olympic Games. We invoked the I AM Presence of every man, woman, and child and asked that the thoughts, words, actions, feelings, and beliefs associated with the Olympic Games be purified by the new frequencies of the 5th-Dimensional Solar Violet Flame and utilized to transmute the human miscreations causing all of Humanity’s pain and suffering. We asked that this intensified purging transmute these patterns of imperfection cause, core, effect, record, and memory back to Humanity’s initial fall from Grace.
Due to the urgency of the hour, our Father-Mother God have given the Company of Heaven permission to amplify our efforts a thousand times a thousandfold whenever we are adding to the Light of the world. That means that every invocation we make now has the power of 1,000,000 people invoking the same thing. Just imagine! With that Divine Intervention it is easy to see why the prophets and seers of old foretold of a coming time when our transformation would take place in “the twinkling of an eye.”
During the activities of Light at the WCI on August 12th, we utilized the collective energy, vibration, and consciousness of the billions of people who had in one way or another focused their attention on the Olympic Games. In unison with the Company of Heaven, we invoked the most intensified cleansing with the new 5th-Dimensional Solar Frequencies of the Violet Flame that Cosmic Law would allow.
Following that unprecedented cleansing process, Archangel Michael directed his Legions of Power and Protection to utilize the Infinite Light of God to seal the spaces where these grossly mutated patterns previously existed. This cleared the way for an activity of Light that was orchestrated by the Mighty Elohim who are the Builders of Form, and the Directors of the Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and Ether Elements. These Beings of Light worked with the I AM Presence of every man, woman, and child on Earth and cocreated a fluid field of unmanifest Divine Potential upon which the patterns of perfection for our New Renaissance of Divine Love could be encoded for all Humanity.
Another activity of Light that took place on that sacred and holy day involved a special consecration of the waters of the world. With the assistance of the Directors of the Water Element and the precious Undines who reflect the Divine Intelligence within all water, the maximum Healing properties that the waters of the world were capable of receiving were encoded into every molecule of water on Earth.
On August 13th, Alpha and Omega, the representatives of our Father-Mother God from our Central Sun, directed some of the Planets surrounding the Earth to anchor stabilizing shafts of Light into the Sun of Even Pressure in the Center of the Earth. The intent of this Divine Intervention was to brace the Earth in a forcefield of protection that would prevent us from experiencing an orbital shift as we received the new and extremely powerful Solar frequencies of the Flame of Transfiguring Divine Love from the Heart of our Father-Mother God. It was revealed by our God Parents that this new 5th-Dimensional Solar frequency of Transfiguring Divine Love was the critical Essence of God that was necessary in order for us to birth a Renaissance of Divine Love on Planet Earth.
In 2001 the very first frequencies of Transfiguring Divine Love were secured in every person’s Heart Flame by our Mother God who is the Feminine Aspect of Deity that we have always known as the Holy Spirit. At that time, we were told by the Company of Heaven that particular frequency of Love was the mightiest force in the Universe. Now, through the unified efforts of Heaven and Earth, the Flame of Transfiguring Divine Love was Ascending into higher frequencies of Crystalline Solar Light. This would enhance the fluid field of unmanifest Divine Potential that was necessary in order for us to birth a Renaissance of Divine Love.
On August 13th, after the shafts of Light from the other Planets in our Solar System were secured in the Sun of Even Pressure, we were joined in the Heavenly Realms by our Loved Ones who have crossed over to the other side and who are now assisting us and Humanity with our Ascension in the Light.
During an activity of projected consciousness, these precious souls escorted those of us who were gathered in Kauai into the Realms of Illumined Truth where we were greeted by Archangel Michael and his Legions of Power and Protection. These magnificent Beings of Light then escorted all of us into the very Heart of our Father-Mother God. Held in the embrace of our Father-Mother God’s unfathomable Love, the new 5th-Dimensional Solar frequencies of the Flame of Transfiguring Divine Love were anchored in each of our Heart Flames by our I AM Presence.
Once this was God Victoriously accomplished, we were escorted back to Earth by Archangel Michael and our Loved Ones on the other side. As we descended into the atmosphere of Earth, we magnetized the new Solar frequencies of Transfiguring Divine Love from the Heart of God. Then, on the Holy Breath, we secured this Sacred Fire into the Heart of Mother Earth. Mother Earth then breathed the Solar frequencies of Transfiguring Divine Love out through her Crystal Grid System. The I AM Presence of every person on Earth then breathed this Sacred Fire into his or her Heart Flame and permanently secured this unique expression of Divine Love in the 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Heart Chakra of every person on Earth.
The Crystalline Solar frequency of Transfiguring Divine Love is the vibration that will initiate the Divine Alchemy that will transform our physical, etheric, mental, and emotional bodies from carbon-based cells into Crystalline-based Solar Light Cells of Infinite Perfection. This transformation will perpetuate our Ascension process and lift us into the frequencies of vibration that will transcend the pain and suffering on Earth.
August 14th, was our day to traverse Kauai north, south, east, and west expanding the newly anchored Solar Flame of Transfiguring Divine Love and further opening the portal of Light through which our new Renaissance of Divine Love would be birthed later in the week.
We began the day with an activity of Light that expanded the forcefield of protection that had been placed around the Pineal Gland of every person on Earth during the global events that took place on November 11, 2011 - 11:11:11. This would allow every person to experience the new Solar frequencies of Transfiguring Divine Love with the least amount of cellular stress on our bodies. After that was accomplished, we invoked the Elohim and the Directors of the Elements of Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and Ether to prepare the Elemental Kingdom of Kauai and the rest of the Earth to receive the powerful patterns that would be encoded in Humanity’s RNA and DNA structures when we birthed a new Renaissance of Divine Love.
After our morning activity of Light was complete, the attendees at the WCI listened to their hearts and spent the rest of the day traveling around Kauai communing with the Elemental Kingdom and expanding the Light within our Chalice.
August 15th is celebrated in the outer world as Mother Mary’s Ascension Day. On that holy day Mother Mary joined our Mother God and the Feminine Aspects of Deity throughout the Universe in an activity of Light that helped to heal the schism between the people who are struggling and suffering on Earth and those who are awakening and moving into the Light. The way to most effectively heal this schism is for those of us who are awakening and moving forward in the Light to extend a helping hand to our brothers and sisters who are so buried in the pain and suffering of their lives that they cannot see the Light. Jesus said we must be our brother and sister’s keeper. That statement was not just religious rhetoric. It was a profound Truth that is a necessary factor for our successful Ascension in the Light.
The final step of preparation for birthing a Renaissance of Divine Love on Planet Earth took place that afternoon. In a powerful activity of Light involving our I AM Presence and our 5th-Dimensional Body Elemental, our Father-Mother God and the Company of Heaven assisted every person on Earth to begin the Divine Alchemy of transforming our carbon-based planetary bodies into Crystalline Solar Light Bodies of Infinite Perfection. After that phase of preparation was complete, all was in readiness for our Father-Mother God and the Legions of Light throughout Infinity to birth a Renaissance of Divine Love into the newly created fluid field of unmanifest Divine Potential on Earth.
August 16th was the final day of the WCI and the day that our new Renaissance of Divine Love would be birthed on Earth for the benefit and enlightenment of Humanity and all Life evolving on this blessed Planet. Once again, as the Sun rose in the sky that morning we were blessed with a magnificent double rainbow.
Our Closing Ceremonies began with a sacred activity of Light that was conducted by the Kahunas. This event expanded the portal in Kauai into higher frequencies of Light than Earth had experienced since our fall from Grace aeons ago. Then our wonderful musicians blessed us with songs and music that opened our hearts to full breadth.
When the energy, vibration, and consciousness of Humanity and the Earth had been raised to the highest possible frequency, the Company of Heaven in unison with the I AM Presence of every person on Earth began the Divine Ceremony that would birth a Renaissance of Divine Love on this blessed Planet. During that Cosmic Moment, all Creation was focused on this tiny planet. The Sons and Daughters of God from every Ascended level of Being projected their Love to Earth through the Divine Matrix of our omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent Father-Mother God, the Cosmic I AM, ALL That Is.
Since the influx of Light from the various activities of 2012 had allowed the patterns of perfection for our New Planetary CAUSE of Divine Love to be downloaded onto the Twelve Crystalline Solar Strands of Humanity’s RNA/DNA structures, ALL was in readiness to receive the awe-inspiring Gift of Divine Love from our Father-Mother God’s Divine Matrix. In Oneness with the I AM Presence of every person on Earth and the entire Company of Heaven the I AM Presence of those in attendance in Kauai affirmed:
“I AM the Cup, The Holy Grail, through which the Love of God now lifts every particle of Life evolving on this precious Planet. I AM my I AM Presence, and I invoke my Father-Mother God to release the Love flowing through their all-encompassing Divine Matrix. Beloved Ones, project this Love into the Heart Flame of every person on Earth, and direct every person’s I AM Presence to expand this Love until it envelops the entire Planet Earth.”
The Earth became a blazing Sun of Divine Love pulsating in our Solar System. Then, on the Holy Breath, Mother Earth magnetized the Love of God that was flowing through the Divine Matrix and projected it into the Sun of Even Pressure in the Center of the Earth. As the Love of God merged with the Divine Momentum pulsating in the Heart of Mother Earth, she breathed this unfathomable influx of Love into her Crystal Grid System to embrace all Life.
Our Mother God then invoked the 5th-Dimensional Solar Archangels of Transfiguring Divine Love from the very Core of Creation and asked them to traverse the Planet north, south, east, and west. In response to our Mother God’s Call, these selfless messengers of God entered the aura of every man, woman, and child in preparation for an Activity of Light that would bathe the Planet in previously unknown 5th-Dimensional Solar Frequencies of Crystalline Transfiguring Divine Love. On the Holy Breath, this wondrous Love penetrated into Humanity’s Crystalline Heart Flame, and the I AM Presence of every person became an Open Door inbreathing, assimilating, expanding, and projecting this forcefield of Love throughout the Earth to envelop Humanity, the Elemental Kingdom, the Angelic Kingdom, and the entire atmosphere of Earth.
After this forcefield of Divine Love was secure, Archangel Michael and his Legions of Power and Protection descended into the atmosphere of Earth to anchor mighty shafts of Light throughout the Planet which would brace the Earth and create a forcefield of protection. The Divine Intent of this intervention was to prevent any outer-world cataclysmic events from taking place during the unprecedented influx of Light the Earth would experience as we birthed a Renaissance of Divine Love.
These extremely powerful shafts of Light were first secured through the countries of the Lightworkers who had selflessly volunteered to travel to Kauai to form the transformer through which the Light of God would flow to birth a new Renaissance of Divine Love. Those countries were Argentina, Aruba, Australia, Belgium, Bolivia, Brazil, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Canada, Cyprus, Germany, Honduras, Israel, Mexico, New Zealand, South Africa, Sweden, the Netherlands, the Netherlands Antilles, the United Kingdom, and 32 states in the United States of America.
After that facet of the Divine Plan was complete Archangel Michael directed his Legions of Light to reinforce the vulnerable places in the body of Mother Earth that have been created by an unaware Humanity. This included the wounds created through nuclear testing, drilling for oil, mining, fracking, and every other atrocity we have inflicted on this precious Planet. Archangel Michael’s Legions then reinforced the cracks, faults, fissures, and tectonic plates in the body of Mother Earth.
Once the Earth was secure, our Father-Mother God breathed into their Divine Matrix the patterns of perfection from their Causal Body that would birth a new Renaissance of Divine Love. This wondrous influx of Light flowed through the portal in Kauai and into the mighty transformer that had been formed through the unified Heart Flames of those gathered in Kauai. The Lightworkers in Kauai then projected this awesome Light into the Heart of Mother Earth who in turn breathed it through her Crystal Grid System and into the mental and emotional strata of Earth.
As these precious patterns of perfection expanded through the mental and emotional strata of Mother Earth, the I AM Presence of every person on this Planet encoded these patterns onto the newly activated Twelve Solar Strands of Humanity’s RNA and DNA structures, thus God Victoriously birthing a Renaissance of Divine Love in the physical world of form on Planet Earth.
Now, moment by moment the I AM Presence of every man, woman, and child on Earth is permanently integrating these patterns at an atomic cellular level into our mental and emotional realities. Step-by-step the sacred knowledge contained within our newly birthed Renaissance of Divine Love is filtering into every person’s conscious mind and feeling world. The predominant frequency of vibration reverberating through this Renaissance of Divine Love reflects Humanity’s Oneness with ALL Life. It also contains the patterns of perfection that will allow us to express Reverence for ALL Life with every thought, word, feeling, action, and belief we express as Beloved Sons and Daughters of God.
The Solar Flame of Transfiguring Divine Love reverberating within the patterns of perfection in our newly birthed Renaissance of Love is a perpetual vibration from our Father-Mother God’s Divine Matrix which embraces every particle of Life throughout the whole of Creation. This Love is the pulsation from which every other attribute of God emanates. It is eternal and cannot be destroyed or diminished. Whenever the Solar Flame of Transfiguring Divine Love is invoked, it will enhance and alter the very fabric and texture of our Father-Mother God’s Divine Matrix which positively affects every particle of Life from all time frames and dimensions.
Our newly birthed Renaissance of Divine Love is now healing the illusion of separation and duality within the hearts and minds of Humanity. It has begun the process of rejuvenating, revitalizing, and making whole every particle of Life evolving on this Planet. As we tangibly experience the patterns of perfection from our Renaissance of Divine Love, we will KNOW and ACCEPT the profound Truth that we are One with ALL Life.
We were God Victorious in this holy endeavor and now a Renaissance of Divine Love is in the process of reclaiming this Planet. At long last, the Love of God has once again taken full dominion of Earth. Humanity will now joyously cocreate the Heaven on Earth that is our Divine Destiny. And so it is!

Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

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We Were God Victorious!!

by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

September 1, 2012

The first thing I want to do as I share this amazing information with you is to thank those of you who physically attended the 26th Annual World Congress on Illumination in Kauai and expended your time, energy, and money to serve as Instruments of God on behalf of Humanity and all Life evolving on this sweet Earth. I also want to thank the millions of people around the world who added your Light to this awesome facet of the unfolding Divine Plan from wherever you were on the Planet. The Company of Heaven wants all of you to know that for your selfless Divine Service your name is being written in the Book of Lifefor all Eternity.

It is impossible to express in words the magnitude of what your willingness to be an Open Door for the Light of God that is flowing into Earth at this time means for Humanity and the Ascension process we are all in the midst of, but the Company of Heaven has given us a brief biography of YOU. Please take these words into your heart and contemplate the Truth of who you are.


The most important factor in Earth’s Ascension process is YOU. Your willingness to be an Open Door for the Light of God is the key to the fulfillment of the Divine Plan. You are a magnificent, multifaceted, multidimensional Child of God. You are a reflection of our Father-Mother God and ALL that our God Parents have is yours. You are a radiant Sun expressing ALL of the various frequencies of Divinity pulsating in the Causal Body of God. You have volunteered to be an Instrument of God, and you are participating in the greatest shift of consciousness ever experienced in any system of worlds. Together we are cocreating a new octave of Godhood. Your service to the Light is expanding the Body of God without measure, and you are lifting every particle of Life ever breathed forth from the Core of Creation into the Dawn of a New Cosmic Day.

And so it is.


Since the birth of 2012, we have been moving forward at warp speed. We experienced monumental influxes of Light through the New Year, the Vernal Equinox, the Solar Eclipse, the Lunar Eclipse, the Venus Transit, the Summer Solstice, the Olympic Games, and the celebration of the 25th Anniversary of Harmonic Convergence. Each one of these opportunities gave Humanity the ability to greatly enhance the Light we are adding to the world. Together we cocreated a tipping point that allowed Lightworkers around the world to join forces with the Company of Heaven to birth a Renaissance of Divine Love that will change the course of history for Humanity, the Earth, and all Life evolving upon her.

The vehicle that was used for this multidimensional event was the 26th Annual World Congress on Illumination which was held in Kauai, Hawaii, August 11-16, 2012. I would like to share with you the events that took place during that vitally important facet of the unfolding Divine Plan.

On Saturday morning, August 11th, we were greeted by an exquisite double rainbow in Kauai. This gift from the Company of Heaven appeared in the sky for several minutes then it faded away and appeared again a few minutes later just to let us know that it was not by chance that we were being blessed by this Heavenly manifestation. The World Congress on Illumination (WCI) began with the Opening Ceremonies on the evening of August 11th. There were approximately 700 people in attendance from more than 20 countries. We were blessed with the music from the Goddess Chant Choir of Kauai and a sacred hula from the Auana Hula Dance Group of Kauai. A Kahuna high priestess and her Kahuna brothers performed a Divine Ceremony that opened the portal of Kauai to new breadths in preparation for the influx of Light that would take place during the week. Information was shared from the Company of Heaven that revealed the Divine Intervention that has taken place during the past 500 years, and the quantum shifts we have experienced since the initial impulse of Harmonic Convergence which occurred August 15th, 16th, and 17th in 1987.

As the Opening Ceremonies progressed step-by-step, the I AM Presence of those in attendance and those joining us in consciousness from around the world cocreated a Chalice of Light that enveloped the entire Planet Earth. This Chalice projected a multidimensional pillar of Light that Ascended from the Heart of Mother Earth into the Core of Creation which is the Heart of our omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent Father-Mother God, the Cosmic I AM, All That Is. The I AM Presence of every person involved and the Company of Heaven made the heart commitment to sustain this Chalice of Light as an Open Door through which the Light of God would flow throughout the conference.

August 12th was the Closing Ceremonies for the Olympic Games which had been building in momentum for the past 17 days. During that period of time, dedicated Lightworkers all over the world used that collective focus of Humanity’s attention to download patterns of perfection from our newly activated Planetary Cause of Divine Love. Because we are One and there is no separation, we had the ability to set the Divine Intention for the energy, vibration, and consciousness that was released by the people focusing on the Olympic Games. We invoked the I AM Presence of every man, woman, and child and asked that the thoughts, words, actions, feelings, and beliefs associated with the Olympic Games be purified by the new frequencies of the 5th-Dimensional Solar Violet Flame and utilized to transmute the human miscreations causing all of Humanity’s pain and suffering. We asked that this intensified purging transmute these patterns of imperfection cause, core, effect, record, and memory back to Humanity’s initial fall from Grace.

Due to the urgency of the hour, our Father-Mother God have given the Company of Heaven permission to amplify our efforts a thousand times a thousandfold whenever we are adding to the Light of the world. That means that every invocation we make now has the power of 1,000,000 people invoking the same thing. Just imagine! With that Divine Intervention it is easy to see why the prophets and seers of old foretold of a coming time when our transformation would take place in “the twinkling of an eye.”

During the activities of Light at the WCI on August 12th, we utilized the collective energy, vibration, and consciousness of the billions of people who had in one way or another focused their attention on the Olympic Games. In unison with the Company of Heaven, we invoked the most intensified cleansing with the new 5th-Dimensional Solar Frequencies of the Violet Flame that Cosmic Law would allow.

Following that unprecedented cleansing process, Archangel Michael directed his Legions of Power and Protection to utilize the Infinite Light of God to seal the spaces where these grossly mutated patterns previously existed. This cleared the way for an activity of Light that was orchestrated by the Mighty Elohim who are the Builders of Form, and the Directors of the Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and Ether Elements. These Beings of Light worked with the I AM Presence of every man, woman, and child on Earth and cocreated a fluid field of unmanifest Divine Potential upon which the patterns of perfection for our New Renaissance of Divine Love could be encoded for all Humanity.

Another activity of Light that took place on that sacred and holy day involved a special consecration of the waters of the world. With the assistance of the Directors of the Water Element and the precious Undines who reflect the Divine Intelligence within all water, the maximum Healing properties that the waters of the world were capable of receiving were encoded into every molecule of water on Earth.

On August 13th, Alpha and Omega, the representatives of our Father-Mother God from our Central Sun, directed some of the Planets surrounding the Earth to anchor stabilizing shafts of Light into the Sun of Even Pressure in the Center of the Earth. The intent of this Divine Intervention was to brace the Earth in a forcefield of protection that would prevent us from experiencing an orbital shift as we received the new and extremely powerful Solar frequencies of the Flame of Transfiguring Divine Love from the Heart of our Father-Mother God. It was revealed by our God Parents that this new 5th-Dimensional Solar frequency of Transfiguring Divine Love was the critical Essence of God that was necessary in order for us to birth a Renaissance of Divine Love on Planet Earth.

In 2001 the very first frequencies of Transfiguring Divine Love were secured in every person’s Heart Flame by our Mother God who is the Feminine Aspect of Deity that we have always known as the Holy Spirit. At that time, we were told by the Company of Heaven that particular frequency of Love was the mightiest force in the Universe. Now, through the unified efforts of Heaven and Earth, the Flame of Transfiguring Divine Love was Ascending into higher frequencies of Crystalline Solar Light. This would enhance the fluid field of unmanifest Divine Potential that was necessary in order for us to birth a Renaissance of Divine Love.

On August 13th, after the shafts of Light from the other Planets in our Solar System were secured in the Sun of Even Pressure, we were joined in the Heavenly Realms by our Loved Ones who have crossed over to the other side and who are now assisting us and Humanity with our Ascension in the Light.

During an activity of projected consciousness, these precious souls escorted those of us who were gathered in Kauai into the Realms of Illumined Truth where we were greeted by Archangel Michael and his Legions of Power and Protection. These magnificent Beings of Light then escorted all of us into the very Heart of our Father-Mother God. Held in the embrace of our Father-Mother God’s unfathomable Love, the new 5th-Dimensional Solar frequencies of the Flame of Transfiguring Divine Love were anchored in each of our Heart Flames by our I AM Presence.

Once this was God Victoriously accomplished, we were escorted back to Earth by Archangel Michael and our Loved Ones on the other side. As we descended into the atmosphere of Earth, we magnetized the new Solar frequencies of Transfiguring Divine Love from the Heart of God. Then, on the Holy Breath, we secured this Sacred Fire into the Heart of Mother Earth. Mother Earth then breathed the Solar frequencies of Transfiguring Divine Love out through her Crystal Grid System. The I AM Presence of every person on Earth then breathed this Sacred Fire into his or her Heart Flame and permanently secured this unique expression of Divine Love in the 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Heart Chakra of every person on Earth.

The Crystalline Solar frequency of Transfiguring Divine Love is the vibration that will initiate the Divine Alchemy that will transform our physical, etheric, mental, and emotional bodies from carbon-based cells into Crystalline-based Solar Light Cells of Infinite Perfection. This transformation will perpetuate our Ascension process and lift us into the frequencies of vibration that will transcend the pain and suffering on Earth.

August 14th, was our day to traverse Kauai north, south, east, and west expanding the newly anchored Solar Flame of Transfiguring Divine Love and further opening the portal of Light through which our new Renaissance of Divine Love would be birthed later in the week.

We began the day with an activity of Light that expanded the forcefield of protection that had been placed around the Pineal Gland of every person on Earth during the global events that took place on November 11, 2011 - 11:11:11. This would allow every person to experience the new Solar frequencies of Transfiguring Divine Love with the least amount of cellular stress on our bodies. After that was accomplished, we invoked the Elohim and the Directors of the Elements of Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and Ether to prepare the Elemental Kingdom of Kauai and the rest of the Earth to receive the powerful patterns that would be encoded in Humanity’s RNA and DNA structures when we birthed a new Renaissance of Divine Love.

After our morning activity of Light was complete, the attendees at the WCI listened to their hearts and spent the rest of the day traveling around Kauai communing with the Elemental Kingdom and expanding the Light within our Chalice.

August 15th is celebrated in the outer world as Mother Mary’s Ascension Day. On that holy day Mother Mary joined our Mother God and the Feminine Aspects of Deity throughout the Universe in an activity of Light that helped to heal the schism between the people who are struggling and suffering on Earth and those who are awakening and moving into the Light. The way to most effectively heal this schism is for those of us who are awakening and moving forward in the Light to extend a helping hand to our brothers and sisters who are so buried in the pain and suffering of their lives that they cannot see the Light. Jesus said we must be our brother and sister’s keeper. That statement was not just religious rhetoric. It was a profound Truth that is a necessary factor for our successful Ascension in the Light.

The final step of preparation for birthing a Renaissance of Divine Love on Planet Earth took place that afternoon. In a powerful activity of Light involving our I AM Presence and our 5th-Dimensional Body Elemental, our Father-Mother God and the Company of Heaven assisted every person on Earth to begin the Divine Alchemy of transforming our carbon-based planetary bodies into Crystalline Solar Light Bodies of Infinite Perfection. After that phase of preparation was complete, all was in readiness for our Father-Mother God and the Legions of Light throughout Infinity to birth a Renaissance of Divine Love into the newly created fluid field of unmanifest Divine Potential on Earth.

August 16th was the final day of the WCI and the day that our new Renaissance of Divine Love would be birthed on Earth for the benefit and enlightenment of Humanity and all Life evolving on this blessed Planet. Once again, as the Sun rose in the sky that morning we were blessed with a magnificent double rainbow.

Our Closing Ceremonies began with a sacred activity of Light that was conducted by the Kahunas. This event expanded the portal in Kauai into higher frequencies of Light than Earth had experienced since our fall from Grace aeons ago. Then our wonderful musicians blessed us with songs and music that opened our hearts to full breadth.

When the energy, vibration, and consciousness of Humanity and the Earth had been raised to the highest possible frequency, the Company of Heaven in unison with the I AM Presence of every person on Earth began the Divine Ceremony that would birth a Renaissance of Divine Love on this blessed Planet. During that Cosmic Moment, all Creation was focused on this tiny planet. The Sons and Daughters of God from every Ascended level of Being projected their Love to Earth through the Divine Matrix of our omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent Father-Mother God, the Cosmic I AM, ALL That Is.

Since the influx of Light from the various activities of 2012 had allowed the patterns of perfection for our New Planetary CAUSE of Divine Love to be downloaded onto the Twelve Crystalline Solar Strands of Humanity’s RNA/DNA structures, ALL was in readiness to receive the awe-inspiring Gift of Divine Love from our Father-Mother God’s Divine Matrix. In Oneness with the I AM Presence of every person on Earth and the entire Company of Heaven the I AM Presence of those in attendance in Kauai affirmed:

“I AM the Cup, The Holy Grail, through which the Love of God now lifts every particle of Life evolving on this precious Planet. I AM my I AM Presence, and I invoke my Father-Mother God to release the Love flowing through their all-encompassing Divine Matrix. Beloved Ones, project this Love into the Heart Flame of every person on Earth, and direct every person’s I AM Presence to expand this Love until it envelops the entire Planet Earth.”

The Earth became a blazing Sun of Divine Love pulsating in our Solar System. Then, on the Holy Breath, Mother Earth magnetized the Love of God that was flowing through the Divine Matrix and projected it into the Sun of Even Pressure in the Center of the Earth. As the Love of God merged with the Divine Momentum pulsating in the Heart of Mother Earth, she breathed this unfathomable influx of Love into her Crystal Grid System to embrace all Life.

Our Mother God then invoked the 5th-Dimensional Solar Archangels of Transfiguring Divine Love from the very Core of Creation and asked them to traverse the Planet north, south, east, and west. In response to our Mother God’s Call, these selfless messengers of God entered the aura of every man, woman, and child in preparation for an Activity of Light that would bathe the Planet in previously unknown 5th-Dimensional Solar Frequencies of Crystalline Transfiguring Divine Love. On the Holy Breath, this wondrous Love penetrated into Humanity’s Crystalline Heart Flame, and the I AM Presence of every person became an Open Door inbreathing, assimilating, expanding, and projecting this forcefield of Love throughout the Earth to envelop Humanity, the Elemental Kingdom, the Angelic Kingdom, and the entire atmosphere of Earth.

After this forcefield of Divine Love was secure, Archangel Michael and his Legions of Power and Protection descended into the atmosphere of Earth to anchor mighty shafts of Light throughout the Planet which would brace the Earth and create a forcefield of protection. The Divine Intent of this intervention was to prevent any outer-world cataclysmic events from taking place during the unprecedented influx of Light the Earth would experience as we birthed a Renaissance of Divine Love.

These extremely powerful shafts of Light were first secured through the countries of the Lightworkers who had selflessly volunteered to travel to Kauai to form the transformer through which the Light of God would flow to birth a new Renaissance of Divine Love. Those countries were Argentina, Aruba, Australia, Belgium, Bolivia, Brazil, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Canada, Cyprus, Germany, Honduras, Israel, Mexico, New Zealand, South Africa, Sweden, the Netherlands, the Netherlands Antilles, the United Kingdom, and 32 states in the United States of America.

After that facet of the Divine Plan was complete Archangel Michael directed his Legions of Light to reinforce the vulnerable places in the body of Mother Earth that have been created by an unaware Humanity. This included the wounds created through nuclear testing, drilling for oil, mining, fracking, and every other atrocity we have inflicted on this precious Planet. Archangel Michael’s Legions then reinforced the cracks, faults, fissures, and tectonic plates in the body of Mother Earth.

Once the Earth was secure, our Father-Mother God breathed into their Divine Matrix the patterns of perfection from their Causal Body that would birth a new Renaissance of Divine Love. This wondrous influx of Light flowed through the portal in Kauai and into the mighty transformer that had been formed through the unified Heart Flames of those gathered in Kauai. The Lightworkers in Kauai then projected this awesome Light into the Heart of Mother Earth who in turn breathed it through her Crystal Grid System and into the mental and emotional strata of Earth.

As these precious patterns of perfection expanded through the mental and emotional strata of Mother Earth, the I AM Presence of every person on this Planet encoded these patterns onto the newly activated Twelve Solar Strands of Humanity’s RNA and DNA structures, thus God Victoriously birthing a Renaissance of Divine Love in the physical world of form on Planet Earth.

Now, moment by moment the I AM Presence of every man, woman, and child on Earth is permanently integrating these patterns at an atomic cellular level into our mental and emotional realities. Step-by-step the sacred knowledge contained within our newly birthed Renaissance of Divine Love is filtering into every person’s conscious mind and feeling world. The predominant frequency of vibration reverberating through this Renaissance of Divine Love reflects Humanity’s Oneness with ALL Life. It also contains the patterns of perfection that will allow us to express Reverence for ALL Life with every thought, word, feeling, action, and belief we express as Beloved Sons and Daughters of God.

The Solar Flame of Transfiguring Divine Love reverberating within the patterns of perfection in our newly birthed Renaissance of Love is a perpetual vibration from our Father-Mother God’s Divine Matrix which embraces every particle of Life throughout the whole of Creation. This Love is the pulsation from which every other attribute of God emanates. It is eternal and cannot be destroyed or diminished. Whenever the Solar Flame of Transfiguring Divine Love is invoked, it will enhance and alter the very fabric and texture of our Father-Mother God’s Divine Matrix which positively affects every particle of Life from all time frames and dimensions.

Our newly birthed Renaissance of Divine Love is now healing the illusion of separation and duality within the hearts and minds of Humanity. It has begun the process of rejuvenating, revitalizing, and making whole every particle of Life evolving on this Planet. As we tangibly experience the patterns of perfection from our Renaissance of Divine Love, we will KNOW and ACCEPT the profound Truth that we are One with ALL Life.

We were God Victorious in this holy endeavor and now a Renaissance of Divine Love is in the process of reclaiming this Planet. At long last, the Love of God has once again taken full dominion of Earth. Humanity will now joyously cocreate the Heaven on Earth that is our Divine Destiny. And so it is!

Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

New Age Study of Humanity's Purpose

a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit educational organization

FAX: 520-751-2981 Phone: 520-885-7909

New Age Study of Humanity's Purpose, PO Box 41883, Tucson, Arizona 85717

This article is copyrighted, but you have my permission to share it through any medium as long as it is not altered and the proper credit line is included.

©2012 Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

The information in this monthly sharing is being given to Humanity by the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth. The Divine Intent of these celestial sharings is to encourage, empower, uplift, and inspire Humanity by allowing us to see the bigger picture during these wondrous but often challenging times.

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Canalizado através de Natalie Glasson

Bem-Vindos, meus queridos amigos, enquanto nos reunimos como um para compartilharmos a nossa luz e o nosso amor com todos. Nossa comunicação para esta semana se estende do Templo da Misericórdia, nos planos internos do universo do Criador. O Templo da Misericórdia é o ashram especial sagrado que foi restabelecido para auxiliar as almas a aceitarem e a ficarem acostumadas à Onda Eterna do Amor Transformador que está fluindo continuamente para e na Terra, para assegurar que o poderoso coração do Criador ancore na Terra em preparação para 2012. A energia de 2009 é a Onda Eterna do Amor Transformador; é uma energia que deve ser integrada em seu ser, corpo, mente e alma para lhes permitir que avançam com maior tranqüilidade, alcançando os objetivos de sua alma na Terra. O Templo da Misericórdia, que foi reaberto em 29 de Outubro de 2008, para auxiliar as almas nas transições e fluxos de energias que ancoram na Terra, é agora um lugar popular de reunião nos planos internos para as almas na Terra em corpos físicos e aqueles do universo do Criador. Enquanto nos reunimos hoje, não somente desejamos lhes lembrar das maravilhosas energias e possibilidades do Templo da Misericórdia, mas também desejamos lhes auxiliar em um profundo processo de cura que se concentrará principalmente em remover e dissolver o medo. A ancoragem do amor tem causado trauma e confusão para alguns, mas agora desejamos auxiliar a banir todas as influências negativas desnecessárias para auxiliá-los na abertura para a verdade, para o amor e a abundância do Criador. Nós esperamos que vocês aceitem os nossos esforços e as nossas energias de cura, enquanto as compartilhamos com vocês agora.

Nós somos uma reunião de Trabalhadores da Luz. Nós mantemos uma grande abundância de amor em nossas almas. Esta energia intensamente amorosa de elevada vibração se expande de nossas almas e de nosso círculo. Nós estamos mantendo a energia do amor do coração do Criador em nosso círculo, de modo que vocês possam experienciar esta energia sagrada, purificadora e incentivadora.

Nós estamos no Grande Salão do Templo da Misericórdia; ele é semelhante às construções mais antigas no estilo de catedral e é maravilhosamente decorado e foi construído de pura luz branca. Assoalhos polidos, paredes em pedra e janelas em profusão, são vislumbrados com pura luz branca. Os cristais são colocados para emanar a vibração, cor e qualidade mais apropriada da luz do Criador. Eles brilham suavemente, de modo que aqueles que visitem possam ficar ao lado de grandes cristais, de inúmeras formas e tamanhos, aceitando a energia afetuosa como exaltação e alimento para a alma.

Desejamos agora que nos conheçam. Nós somos um grupo de sete e formamos um círculo de luz que está esperando por vocês para experienciarem. Nós somos o Arcanjo Miguel, Lady Nada, Avatar Sai Baba, Lady Amora, Mestre El Morya, Lord Melquisedeque e o Mahachohan Saint Germain. Juntos, estamos ancorando as energias femininas e masculinas, as energias dos mestres ascensionados e as energias angélicas, as energias da vontade e as do coração, da alma do Criador, a pureza do nível planetário e do nível cósmico como uma, em nossa fonte intensa de luz. É uma síntese de energias, de luz, de amor e de sabedoria que removerão poderosamente o medo, a dúvida e a incerteza, de modo que vocês possam aceitar o coração e a mente do Criador em sua alma, a fim de intensificar a presença, a expansibilidade e a influência da sua alma em sua realidade física na Terra. Nossa energia associada cria uma maravilhosa poção de cura para vocês beberem em sua alma como alimento e elevação na vibração de sua energia. Inúmeras cores, energia, qualidades e vibrações existem em nossa luz. Quando vocês entrarem no núcleo de nossa criação, atrairão para vocês as energias mais apropriadas para auxiliarem no avanço da sua alma. É também um lugar onde vocês também podem estar com as nossas energias, permitindo que a influência da sua alma se intensifique e a presença do Criador traga tranqüilidade, paz e clareza.

Antes que os convidemos a experienciar as nossas
enerrgias, nós desejamos explicar com maior profundidade, o significado e o propósito de nossa luz de cura, que lhes é trazida com o tempo divino do Criador. A energia criou a mudança na Terra. É como se muitas feridas estivessem abertas e que tivessem sido preservadas e não completamente curadas. A energia estagnada, armazenada dentro destas feridas, está agora fluindo na atmosfera. É como se todas as muitas preocupações e dúvidas criadas nas mentes da humanidade, referentes ao dinheiro, doenças, pobreza, guerra e dor, estivessem agora se manifestando. É como se a Terra e a humanidade estivessem clarificando todas as toxinas, para se tornarem purificadas e curadas novamente, o que permitirá que a realidade do amor, ancore. Naturalmente, o processo de liberar e de interagir com estas energias, pensamentos e emoções negativos manifestados, pode causar muito stress e dor, mas desejamos auxiliar a todos vocês a permanecerem conectados à energia de sua alma, compreendendo que verdadeiramente vocês são um ser de amor. Vocês não têm que aceitar as influências negativas de outros, mas podem manifestar a sua energia positiva e amorosa em tudo o que fizerem, permitindo-lhes a somente experienciar o amor, aceitando que as energias podem se desintegrar, mas elas lhes permitirão aceitar as novas vibrações mais elevadas, que estão entrando em sua alma e em sua realidade. Lembrem-se de que vocês escolhem a realidade que desejam viver. Permitam que a sua escolha da realidade seja constantemente focada no amor, no êxtase e na paz. Permitam-se a aceitar a nossa energia de cura, ainda que isto somente lhes permita afastar um momento de sua realidade e se concentrar em seu ser, trazendo paz, harmonia e bem estar a sua existência.

Se desejarem experienciar a nossa energia de cura dentro do Templo da Misericórdia, afirmem simplesmente esta invocação:

"Eu invoco agora os meus anjos pessoais para que me envolvam em uma bolha protetora de luz e lhes peço que assegure a minha proteção em todos os momentos e que me auxiliem a me tornar consciente, receptivo e sensível à energia de cura que eu estou prestes a experienciar."
Imaginem os seus anjos pessoais os envolvendo em uma bolha de luz que envolva a sua aura. Permitam sentir, compreender ou se conscientizar da cor da luz que os envolve. Imaginem uma pura luz branca descendo como um grande e brilhante cilindro ao redor do seu corpo e da sua aura. Vocês podem sentir a luz branca pulsando dentro de sua aura, elevando a vibração da sua energia, preparando-os para a sua visita ao Templo da Misericórdia.

"Meus amados guias angélicos, eu lhes peço que me transportem seguramente ao Templo da Misericórdia. Eu desejo visitar o Grande Salão dentro do Templo da Misericórdia, onde a cura está sendo oferecida por muitos seres de luz. Obrigada."

Permitam que a luz branca se funda em cada aspecto do seu ser e da sua mente. Então, se permitam a se conscientizarem do seu ambiente. Vocês estão na extremidade do círculo criado para a cura. Reservem um momento para reconhecer o seu ambiente. Enquanto estão posicionados fora do círculo, vocês podem ver o Arcanjo Miguel a sua direita e a Lady Nada a sua esquerda.

"Eu lhes honro e lhes agradeço por me permitirem experienciar este banho de cura para remover o medo, a dúvida e a negatividade. Eu estou preparada para entrar no círculo de cura para aceitar o amor e a luz que se expandem de suas almas. Que assim seja."

Arcanjo Miguel e Lady Nada se voltam de frente para vocês, criando uma entrada para vocês no círculo. Vocês podem ver que uma grande bola ou fonte de luz existe dentro do círculo. Quando estiverem preparados, avancem e caminhem para o centro do círculo, ficando à vontade enquanto escolhem uma posição confortável. Tomem algumas respirações profundas. Permitam-se a relaxar e a aceitar a luz em que vocês estão agora. Ela está curando, nutrindo, purificando e elevando. Concentrem-se na luz e estejam conscientes de como ela influencia e afeta o seu ser. Vocês deveriam sentir um grande sentimento de paz e um foco absolutamente claro que lhes permite a conexão com os seres de luz, criando o círculo de luz, permitindo que a energia de sua alma resplandeça graciosamente do interior do seu ser.

Afirmem: "Eu aceito que a energia impulsionadora da luz, da cura, da elevação, e da purificação, fluam continuamente para mim do Arcanjo Miguel, de Lady Nada, do Avatar Sai Baba, de Lady Amora, do Mestre El Morya, de Lord Melquisedeque e do Mahachohan Saint Germain.

Como foi afirmado anteriormente, vocês receberão as energias, as cores e as qualidades que são mais necessárias em sua vida agora. Estejam conscientes destas, aceitem-nas, mas se concedam um tempo para contemplar as energias, permitindo-lhes compreender as energias que são necessárias para serem integradas em sua alma e em sua realidade agora. A luz que vocês recebem os auxiliará a compreender mais sobre a sua alma, o seu propósito e evolução na Terra. Este é um processo extraordinário de cura para vocês, permitindo-lhes a aceitar e a trabalhar junto aos seres de luz presentes.

Permaneçam dentro desta luz pelo tempo que desejarem ou sentirem ser apropriado. Quando estiverem preparados para retornar a sua realidade, peçam que a sua mente, o seu corpo e a sua alma, retenham a luz que vocês estão experienciando agora. Vocês podem invocar os seus guias angélicos para transportá-los novamente a sua realidade. Então, simplesmente, conscientizem-se do seu ambiente. Para completar a meditação, vocês podem desejar compartilhar as energias que receberam, com a Mãe Terra, imaginando um bastão de luz, estendendo-se de sua alma à área do seu tórax, descendo pela sua coluna espinal e para o centro da Terra, fundindo-se na alma da Mãe Terra.
Nós esperamos que façam uso desta grande operação de cura que estamos colocando em processo, para permitir que toda a humanidade comece a se desfazer da negatividade e desperte para a luz do Criador.

Que muitas bênçãos e muito amor sejam compartilhados com vocês agora,

Arcanjo Miguel, Lady Nada, Avatar Sai Baba, Lady Amora, Mestre El Morya, Lord Melquisedeque e Mahachohan Saint Germain

Tradução: Regina Drumond
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Alone, we are stars that twinkle ...
Together, they compose the body of this light
We bring love into memory and achievements
our walks ...
Why be afraid?
It's time to "Listen" to our
personal vibrations ...
Each ... listen to your sound!
Feel your Light!
Realize the truth that inhabits your heart.
Feel your purpose through the ages ...
Be still!
"Listen," the stars ...
The universe is there ...
Deep inside you!
Each star, each star, each moon, each sun ...
has its place.
There's more life, more organization than
suspect ...
It's time to show the world his light.
Of vibrating your sound ...
It's time to contribute to the greater plan!
For a better world ...
Rites of passage are movements
silent renewal and transformation.
Indulge in your heart.
He knows the way ...
Let the light penetrate ...
Inspire the strength that comes from the cosmos, lift the
head and walk, guided by the truth.
Be full, happy because you are ...
"God's beloved Son."
Let Light and Love Power
Restore the Divine Plan
on Earth!
So be it. So it is.

Peace, Light and Joy Always


Sozinhos, somos estrelas que cintilam...
Juntos, compomos o corpo de luz deste
Trazemos na memória o amor e as conquistas
de nossas caminhadas...
Porque temer?
É chegada a hora de "Ouvir" as nossas
vibrações pessoais...
Cada um ... ouça o seu som!
Sinta sua Luz!
Perceba a verdade que habita seu coração.
Sinta o seu próposito ao longo das eras...
"Ouça" as estrelas ...
O universo está aí ...
Bem dentro de você!
Cada astro, cada estrela, cada lua, cada sol ...
tem seu lugar.
Há mais vida, há mais organização do que
suspeitamos ...
É hora de mostrar ao mundo a sua luz.
De fazer vibrar o seu som ...
É hora de contribuir para o plano maior!
Por um mundo melhor ...
Rituais de passagens são movimentos de
renovação e de silenciosas transformações.
Deixe-se levar por seu coração.
Ele sabe o caminho ...
Deixe a luz penetrar ...
Inspire a força que vem do cosmos, erga a
cabeça e caminhe, guiado pela verdade.
Seja pleno, feliz, pois você é ...
"Filho amado de Deus".
Que a Luz o Amor e o Poder
Restabeleçam o Plano Divino
sobre a Terra!
Assim seja. Assim é.

Paz, Luz e Alegria Sempre
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22nd March 2012

By Science Daily

Earlier evidence out of UCLA suggested that meditating for years thickens the brain (in a good way) and strengthens the connections between brain cells. Now a further report by UCLA researchers suggests yet another benefit.

Eileen Luders, an assistant professor at the UCLA Laboratory of Neuro Imaging, and colleagues, have found that long-term meditators have larger amounts of gyrification (“folding” of the cortex, which may allow the brain to process information faster) than people who do not meditate. Further, a direct correlation was found between the amount of gyrification and the number of meditation years, possibly providing further proof of the brain’s neuroplasticity, or ability to adapt to environmental changes.

The article appears in the online edition of the journal Frontiers in Human Neuroscience.

The cerebral cortex is the outermost layer of neural tissue. Among other functions, it plays a key role in memory, attention, thought and consciousness. Gyrification or cortical folding is the process by which the surface of the brain undergoes changes to create narrow furrows and folds called sulci and gyri. Their formation may promote and enhance neural processing. Presumably then, the more folding that occurs, the better the brain is at processing information, making decisions, forming memories and so forth.

Rather than just comparing meditators and non-meditators, we wanted to see if there is a link between the amount of meditation practice and the extent of brain alteration,” said Luders. “That is, correlating the number of years of meditation with the degree of folding.”

Of the 49 recruited subjects, the researchers took MRI scans of 23 meditators and compared them to 16 control subjects matched for age, handedness and sex. (Ten participants dropped out.) The scans for the controls were obtained from an existing MRI database, while the meditators were recruited from various meditation venues. The meditators had practiced their craft on average for 20 years using a variety of meditation types — Samatha, Vipassana, Zen and more. The researchers applied a well-established and automated whole-brain approach to measure cortical gyrification at thousands of points across the surface of the brain.

They found pronounced group differences (heightened levels of gyrification in active meditation practitioners) across a wide swatch of the cortex, including the left precentral gyrus, the left and right anterior dorsal insula, the right fusiform gyrus and the right cuneus.

Perhaps most interesting, though, was the positive correlation between the number of meditation years and the amount of insular gyrification.

The insula has been suggested to function as a hub for autonomic, affective and cognitive integration,” said Luders. “Meditators are known to be masters in introspection and awareness as well as emotional control and self-regulation, so the findings make sense that the longer someone has meditated, the higher the degree of folding in the insula.”

While Luders cautions that genetic and other environmental factors could have contributed to the effects the researchers observed, still, “The positive correlation between gyrification and the number of practice years supports the idea that meditation enhances regional gyrification.”

Other authors of the study included Florian Kurth, Emeran A. Mayer, Arthur W.Toga, and Katherine L. Narr, all of UCLA, and Christian Gaser, University of Jena, Germany. Funding was provided by several organizations, including the National Institutes of Health. The authors report no conflict of interest.

Story Source:

The above story is reprinted from materials provided by University of California Los Angeles. The original article was written by Mark Wheeler.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Eileen Luders, Florian Kurth, Emeran A. Mayer, Arthur W. Toga, Katherine L. Narr, Christian Gaser. The Unique Brain Anatomy of Meditation Practitioners: Alterations in Cortical Gyrification. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 2012; 6 DOI: 10.3389/fnhum.2012.00034


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The following is the 9th message that we received in Avalon (England and Scotland) this past June/July 2012 over Solstice. You can find our other messages on our website at under the "Articles for Personal and Planetary Transformation" link. It might be a good idea to read them in order as each message builds upon the previous one. We are sharing this message here with you just as we received it, in present time, with very little editing. We do this for a very important reason. We know that the messages that we receive are not just for our groups, but are for others as well. The Star Elders and all the others that joined us, assure me that the message and the corresponding energy will be transmitted to you as you read them. So as you read this, you might want to imagine that you are with us. Also, always view the photos on the website that we share, as photos also hold some energy of the sites.

I am feeling Joseph of Arimathea (very vaguely) and Archangel Michael. They are conveying a message . . . The cutting down of the Holy Thorn tree signifies the end of an age. (More about the 2000 year old Thorn Tree planed by Joseph of Arimathea and the new one planted to replace it go here ) Even though the person who cut down the tree was doing something malicious and appalling, the cutting of the tree was a symbol. The new tree that is now growing will signify the birth of a new age. The spirits here recognize that we are tired - not just today or this week - but soul-tired for hundreds and thousands of years waiting for the new world to arrive. The old tree is just barely hanging on. It is trying to sprout down at the base here. That is much like humanity hanging on to this age. We need to hang on to this age until the foundation has been solidly built in the future - just like the little new tree beginning to grow.

We didn't come here into the Earth plane - in this life - for the world in which we presently live and where we have always felt somewhat out of place. We came here to Earth at this time for the new world that is coming. We knew it would take a lot of our energy to make that new world manifest. But we came, and we are courageous. We do pilgrimages across the seas, across the land, across the mountains. We spread out our energy like a fish net. We do this so our energy will help this new dimension appear.

It is Joseph of Arimathea. He is saying "So appreciate how weary you are, because it means that you have worked really hard." He appreciates and can relate to this tiredness . . . the tiredness of today, the tiredness we felt even when were born, even the tiredness we have had in past lives. He is saying "You know, it took many lives to get to this point." This is a huge project that is about to come to fruition.

Appreciating the fact that we are tired means we have worked hard. And the opposite fact will also be true when we reach the other side. I really like this part! Our hard work will not go unnoticed or underpaid. We have sacrificed a lot in our lives. We (and those reading this) will receive great blessings because of the sacrifices we all have made in this lifetime. When we enter the new Paradise, blessings will be given to us. Joseph of Arimathea is sending appreciation to us, similar to the stones seeing us at Stonehenge yesterday. There is an appreciation, or recognition. He sees us, and he recognizes us. He is just asking us to appreciate our tiredness as a good sign, because the soul tiredness means good work has been done.

Now it looks like Archangel Michael and his helpers are going to lift some of the tiredness from us. We are going to let them, right? ("Yes" and laughter from the group) They are going to ask permission anyway, but I know all of us are ready to let go of some of this heavy burden. This releasing is part of the process of letting go of the old world and placing one foot in the new world - much like how we are standing between one Thorn Tree that is dying and another tree just beginning to live.

Group Member Lea: Can tiredness includes grief?

Aluna: Oh yes. Grief and any aspects of a negative ego can be linked to tiredness. Anger makes us tired. All of the negative ego characteristics wear us out. Oh . . . thank you. You triggered something. Thank you. The Star Elders are saying, "Yeah! They are getting it."

There is a lot that goes on inside us that does not belong in the next world. So the Star Elders and Archangel Michael are going to start lifting that negative stuff off of us here and sending it down to the core of the Earth for recycling. All that negative energy will be recycled and used for creating something that is at a higher frequency, or higher bandwidth, than where we presently stand. All the things that weight us down and make us tired will be removed and recycled: old programs, old memories that include all the sacrifices, all the having to make a choice between Spirit and the world. Do we do this for Spirit or take care of ourselves; make ourselves abundant or work to make the world abundant? (We ask to have this process done daily for us.) All of us in this circle have sacrificed one way or another over and over again. We have given and given and given. This is why there will be great blessings for us when we make the shift. Hopefully, some of us will get a vacation, or a day off. (Aluna raises her hand - laughter breaks out in the group)

Also, the Star Elders are working on our necks and shoulders and our backs because we have been carrying a lot. I don't quite know where we picked up this soreness, because I didn't see us picking it up. But it has been affecting us physically, so they are working on our necks and shoulders, and other part of our bodies as well. So feel yourself right now. Are you feeling just a little bit lighter? Maybe not quite so tired? I can breathe a bit deeper.

Well, we have been working in quiet for a long time. We have been working behind the scenes, unnoticed and invisible. We have been the conscious army that has been working behind the scenes for a long time in the quiet of our homes and in our little groups. It is nice that they know we are here, and they have recognized us.

I talked to quite a few people in our group, and we all felt as though we were somewhat invisible to the rest of the crowd at Stonehenge - as if we were in a bubble. Yes. I think that yesterday we were in a slightly higher frequency than most of the crowd, so we matched the stones enough that they could speak to us, while everybody else just saw them as rocks. And we got a little taste of their energy. Maybe it was enough, because last night was pretty intense. It is good to pace ourselves, even though most of us would rather sacrifice ourselves and leap and make the big jump right now. However, it is important that we do pace ourselves, take care of ourselves and rest. Yet we don't want to miss an opportunity at the same time.

I just got a strong hit that the world out there is "cooking" like crazy. I am going to email a couple of friends tonight to see if I can get some feedback. When we are traveling we can lose sight of what's going on in the world because we are in a bubble: we are on the road, or we have been hiking outdoors all day. So my question is . . . is this something planetary that we are feeling? Or are we holding a space and this energy here in Avalon? Some groups right now may be holding space in the Mayalands and Egypt. There are groups everywhere that are doing things over solstice and equinoxes.

Okay, I am going to look again and see what the Star Elders are doing. Yes, they are just brushing stuff off of us. They are brushing off the things that it feels like stuck to us - things that people put on us or things that we collected. We are somewhat like vacuum cleaners for the Universe: we want to clean up the mess, and things have stuck to us. The Star Elders are cleaning all that off, as well. If it is okay with us, Archangel Michael wants to go through our ancestral histories and cut cords and ties that bind us to the past. (From the Group: "Yes!")

Only the corrupt cords, only the destructive cords will be cut. They are why we have genetic connections that may hold us back. Some past memories hold us back and keep us from living with our arms wide open. "Living with arms wide open" means we are willing to rip our hearts open - be that raw and sensitive - and let out our energy. When we were burned at the stake or had our heads lobbed off; after a while, sooner or later in a life time or two, we started holding back. The time is coming soon where we will be asked to be quasars, huge bursts of energy, to let it all out - to live with arms wide open.

Today is the day when we begin to regenerate. There are two ways we evolve, or come into incarnations: one is through a spiritual line, and one is through a genetic line. The spiritual line of evolving, or incarnating, has nothing to do with our genetics. The Star Elders are going to cut cords in our ancestral past, and they are also going to look at our spiritual paths. We flip-flop around different cultures all over the place in spirit. However, our genetic line also has a hold on us. The Star Elders have told me this before, but I don't quite understand how it works because we are linear, and it doesn't make sense from a linear perspective. So they are going to cut any spiritual line where we might have felt harmed, hurt or abused. They are going to cut these kinds of memories free, because if we have such memories, we will not have the quasar-like burst of energy it takes to help the Earth and our dimension jump to the next frequency.

So, all of the past is falling off of us now and going down into the Earth. The Earth here is accepting it lovingly and transforming it into something that can be reused in a more positive manner. Notice how you are feeling now. Do you feel a little bit lighter? A little more energized? A little more awake? Okay. I think that was it. That's all they wanted us to do today.


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The following is the 10th message that we received in Avalon (England and Scotland) this past June/July 2012 over Solstice. You can find our other messages on our website at under the "Articles for Personal and Planetary Transformation" link. It might be a good idea to read them in order as each message builds upon the previous one. We are sharing this message here with you just as we received it, in present time, with very little editing. We do this for a very important reason. We know that the messages that we receive are not just for our groups, but are for others as well. The Star Elders and all the others that joined us, assure me that the message and the corresponding energy will be transmitted to you as you read them. So as you read this, you might want to imagine that you are with us. Also, always view the photos on the website that we share, as photos also hold some energy of the sites.

(Not far from Glastonbury Abbey is a little chapel called Magdalene Chapel. However, in prior years when I had traveled there, the Chapel doors were always closed. Thanks to our friends Bea and David (a.k.a. The Bards of Avalon), who know the caretakers of this chapel and who were able to arrange to have the Chapel open this afternoon. David and Bea also provided our group with a beautiful ceremony consisting of song and sacred sound.)

Aluna: All the guides and guardians that have been traveling with us up to now are sealing the energy that we have received thus far so that when we leave Glastonbury, we will be able to carry this foundation energy with us. More is coming, and we have been prepared for this. The guides and guardians are encircling us now: they are protecting us; they are enfolding us in a beautiful light-like a womb. It is as though we are in the womb of the Great Mother. This Great Mother is our vision of a new world. All the energy that we have collected, the insights, knowledge, wisdom and truth are going to incubate in this creative womb of the Great Mother. Perhaps that is why a lot of us have been feeling "watery," or wobbly, and half out of our bodies, because we are not in our new bodies yet. We are still transitioning from the old body to the new body.

We are all here together inside the creative womb of the Great Mother, along with all the other light workers across the planet (and those reading this). The Great Mother is going to carry us to term in her body . . . this body of light, this body of purity, until we reach the other side - the New Earth. The Star Elders are saying that we are receiving this divine assistance now because we are sensitive, and that if we had to feel everything that other people needed to feel right now to wake up, it would be too much for us. We know that the energy has been growing stronger, and we started asking for a break. We have been asking for this protection - this enfoldment of energy - that will cushion us from the outside world.

The side effects of this cushioning may be that we might not be quite in touch with what is going on with other people around us, as we saw when we were in Stonehenge. Quite a few of our group were saying that they felt invisible, as if the tourists couldn't even see them. We could connect with the stones, but it seemed as if no one else could see us. That is part of the protective cushioning. If we are by ourselves, the cushion might feel a bit isolating. The Star Elders say, however, that if we gather in like-minded groups, there will be a great support in the many that we are. As we get closer to being birthed into the new dimension, we are going to find that it will be less and less tolerable to be by ourselves and more comfortable to be with each other in groups. We feel better and stronger and more present when we are around like-minded family.

The solstice (June 20th 2012) was the hinge between what was and what will be. Mother Mary and Mary Magdalene are sending their love and gratitude to us for having the courage and being tenacious in our purpose of maintaining the light in ourselves and the spaces around us. They are sending us love and support. They are also saying that we are part of them. They don't want us to place them or Jeshua etc. . . . on a pedestal, or see them as more elevated or advanced than we are, because this takes away our power. They want us to imagine them as our buddies, as I do with the Star Elders. They are walking beside us now. They are walking with us, enfolded with us in the giant womb of the Great Mother. We will walk into this new world together as one.

So the guides and guardians are going to seal this energy in Great Mother's creative womb - if that is okay with each one of us. Each one must give inner permission for them to provide this for us. If for some reason we don't like the way it feels later on, we can ask them to remove us from this enfolding, protective energy, and they will undo so in an instant. Nothing is done to or for us without our permission. We can ask to be removed anytime if being in this energy becomes too comfortable or too peaceful. I don't know; some of us are addicted to our misery [laughter] . . . we can be addicted to all kinds of things. Or if, as part of our service, we may need to be outside of the cushioning womb at different times, that is OK as well. It is all up to each one of us. We are in creative charge here.

This womb is growing quickly, and it looks really huge right now - like the great Pacha Mama, the Earth Mother - only with a Mother Mary / Mary Magdalene overlay of love and support that is truly beautiful. I can see droves of beings who are being called into this creative womb now. This womb is somewhat like a spaceship to a new dimension. Does that make sense because it sounds rather crazy as I say this? Again words are not a true depiction of the energy I am seeing.

Although at times (as in Stonehenge) we might feel invisible when we are out in the world, but remember like frequency attracts like frequency. Because of this we will know that those people whom we attract into our lives appear for a reason. If, however, we can't connect to someone, it means that we are not of the same frequency. In that case, we just remember this point without judgment and simply realize that we are at a different frequency. There is no judgment because there is no higher or lower than - just different frequencies . . . that is all.

A long time ago the Star Elders showed me that when we come to the shift of the ages there will be different ways that we will all enter this new world. Some ways will be through light or through sound or color, but all this is frequencies. No matter how we enter the new world, however, we all will know where to go and how to get there. We all will be at the right place at the right time.

I haven't seen this protective womb concept before; it's new to me and I find it exciting. This cushioning womb is for those of us who are sensitive and empathic, etc. . . . because it will give us some protection from the intensity of the energy that is coming. The energy has to get stronger on the planet to wake up all those people who have been in service to us - the ones that have cooked our food, have cleaned our rooms and have made this world work for us - while we followed our spiritual path and made a trail for others to follow. It will take a lot of energy to jog them awake, but this energy might push us to the edge. So the Star Elders want us to remember the peace and protectiveness of this Magdalene Chapel, how it feels in here, yet how we still can feel the world outside while we are safe in here. Anytime the world gets too intense, we can come back to this place where we are at right now. Does that make sense? It is a safely zone inside of you now.

Now we give back a little. . . We send our love and blessings to all the amazing beings who previously have walked this path for us, who have held this vision before us, who have held this light to keep it alive. The baton is being passed to us now as we travel into a place far, far away where no one has ever gone before (laughter). Even the Ascended Masters and the Star Elders don't know what is on the other side of this time because they all have come from the giant 104 thousand year cycle that is ending. So it is going to be a fun surprise for all of us. But the Ascended Masters and the Star Elders want us to feel safe and secure on this passage. It is a lot like being on a boat that is taking us to Avalon. We don't have a map, and there is only the mists before us and the great unknown. We have to trust that the future is there, because really it isn't there. It is only a dream a vision until we hold the vision and focus strong enough to make it manifest. We are creating the new world.

So this is the place where we are now. We are going through the mists right now, and that is why we are feeling all fuzzy, stressed and a bit wonky. This is what the Ascended Masters and the Star Elders are telling us. Words cannot express how much love they are sending us. It is amazing. And they are sending us support and courage. They are strengthening the center point (the inner foundation or orientation point) inside of us that will enable us to act on what is right in each moment no matter what. They are helping us with this, as well, and cushioning us in nice, soft energy that will be like a buffer between us and the outer world until everybody catches up. No one will get left behind. Everyone goes. We are one. All of us, everyone on this planet, have been in service to one another, whether we have realized it or not. We discovered this truth in Well's Cathedral when we realized that light workers, not the church, have always been in charge; and we all, on some level, have planned this from the very beginning.

We sealed this energy with a "Heart and Spirit" spray. (Aluna went around the group and sprayed everyone with this essence.) And I would like to thank Bea and David for gaining us admission to this sacred place.


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Address of January 1, 2012: Arrival of Aquarius
by Archangel Gabriel

Greetings to you all, dearest friends on this Planet Earth! Yes, you are all my friends, because you are all spirit, we are all from the same source, so we are friends, we are family – although the illusion of separation is so dominant on your planet. This illusion of separation is the root cause of all the suffering you are experiencing. If you were all to obtain the consciousness of Oneness, there could be no crime or war, no wrong-doing, no violence against any living being, no hunger and no poverty, as you would understand that hurting another, taking from another, would be like hurting yourself or taking from yourself.

What I am suggesting might seem like paradise or Utopia, but there are many planets in this universe, even in your galaxy, where this is common practice. I do not come to you to accuse you of having fallen so deeply into this illusion of separation, but to help you to arise from it, and to give you a vision of where mankind is heading. Because, dear friends, now is the time to do so – it is time to wake up, to expand your consciousness, and with this expansion of consciousness, to have a greater understanding of who you are, of what you are and of why you are here – and this includes understanding that you are less individual, less separate than you have thought and believed for thousands of years.

While those of you who read this may have an understanding of what it is to be a soul, a part of mankind and of the creation – incarnated here on earth to learn and to grow -, very few have been able to internalize this, i.e. this may be in their minds, a mere thought, but not part of their active consciousness. However, this is about to change, as you are beginning to enter into the Age of Aquarius. As there is a lot of controversy about what is going to happen during this year that has just begun, allow me to shed some light on this issue: First of all, December 21, 2012 is not the end of the world, there is not going to be any global destruction. Secondly, regarding the widespread discussion of when the age of Aquarius begins – as there are theories that it began in 1844 or 1991, or that it may begin in 2200, 2442, 2600 or 3573, while many believe it to be on December 21, 2012, arguing that this is when the Mayan calendar ends – it seems to me that there is an interesting mixture of calendars, as well as astrological and astronomical theories that add to the confusion.

All I can tell you is that indeed a new era will begin towards the end of this year. We have been labeling this new era the Age of Aquarius, as this seems to be the common term among those that believe in a shift in consciousness. What truly matters is less what you call it, rather that you know what is happening.

Allow me to resume: Planet Earth is about to shift its main vibrational frequency. This will bring about some very significant changes for mankind, mainly as far as consciousness is concerned. It is not by some random error of nature that humans use only a small percentage of their brain during their lifetime, although some scientists dispute this. This lack of use is by design, as soon you will be able to use the full capacity. But I must add that the brain is not what makes you think – thinking is a process that takes place in your mental energy field, while the brain acts more as a processing link to your physical body; it is much like an antenna for your thoughts. Yes, it controls your physical functions like heartbeat and breathing, but it is also is the connection to your mental energy body.

As humans are currently quite limited in their awareness, it is understandable that only a small percentage of the brain is used. But, as mentioned above, this is about to change, as the vibrational change of Mother Earth means that mankind will experience a shift in consciousness – not just a shift in the sense of a change, but also as a great expansion. As such, abilities that are currently restricted to a few, such as telepathy and other extrasensory perception skills, will become very common. Time will cease to be strictly linear and you will learn to “stretch” and “squeeze” time; some of you may already have had some experiences in that area. But the most significant benefit will be an increased sense of Oneness.

This returns us to the starting topic of my address today. Allow me to add some advice for this year, due to the special nature of this day and this year that we have just begun. First of all, let me remind you that a good light protection, like the triple light protection by Emmanuel, is even more important now. I urge you all to apply such protection at least every morning and every evening, and before any situation that might influence you energetically, such as any spiritual work, a visit to the supermarket, etc. – having more light within not only prevents lower energies to influence you, but also helps release energies already present, thus helping to prevent them manifesting physically as the symptoms of disease. You may notice that you are less likely to be infected by viruses the more you fill yourself with light and it is easily done in a few minutes every day. The benefits are so great, with such little effort, that everyone should be doing this.

Also I need to point out that while 2011 was a challenging year for many, 2012 brings the “final exams”, the final tests, to ensure you are all well prepared for what is to come. So do not be surprised if there is a global economic collapse, further severe natural and man-made disasters; although mankind has seen quite a few during the last years, the peak of the transition is about to arrive, so be prepared. How? Primarily, on an individual level, with the light protection, further lightwork, meditation – and furthermore, it is wise to begin to speak up, as you may intuitively feel who you can talk to and help them on their path as well, i.e. don’t keep your knowledge to yourself. There is no need to become a missionary – just carefully observe your surroundings, your fellow human beings, and when they are in need, provide assistance in form of advice or whatever else they may truly need.

This year will teach mankind solidarity and tolerance. The sooner each and every individual, like yourself, embraces this lesson, the sooner all of mankind will too, and they will pass this great lesson without having to be reminded of it over and over again, with repeated opportunities to demonstrate that the lesson has been learned. While 2012 will bring many challenges, and some very important lessons need to be learned, there is no need to fear this year, as it marks the entry into a new era, and as such provides reason to look forward to it, with great joy.

As mentioned above, there is no need for suffering – all human suffering is man-made. Accept who and what you are, and this world will change – literally. Now, this is no longer an esoteric Utopia – it is the beginning of the new era, at your doorstep. It is a great privilege to be incarnated at this time; many souls wish to be here now – which explains the historic high of human beings on earth. Embrace life, above all your own, and respect all other life as you do your own. Be blessed. Amen.

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4.1 – Lightwork: Light Protection Emmanuel

4.1 – Lightwork: Light Protection

Before any spiritual work, Light Protection should be carried out. There are many different methods and exercises. Here I want to show you a simple and very effective method, which is recommended especially in this time of transition, as many dark forces try to lure human beings to abandon their path or at least hinder them in their spiritual work. This is a threefold Light Protection – an exercise consisting of three parts.

We begin by turning to our guardian angel and spirit guide and thank them for the help they have provided. Now we ask our guardian angel to protect us during our spiritual work, to render dark forces powerless, and to support us during our spiritual work. We also ask our spirit guide to lead and assist us.

We become aware of the spark of divine light in our heart, which is our connection to God and our soul. We let this spark grow to a flame that gets bigger and bigger, and finally it becomes a small sun that fills our entire material body. It expands out through our entire aura, our soul, and enlightens it. Filled like that with light, darkness has no room inside of us. This light shines out far into the countryside and is a sign for other astral beings that light work is being exercised, and they rush to stand by your side.

Finally we ask for a beam of light from God which comes to us to form a protective and cleansing sphere. We are sitting in the middle of this sphere and within this sphere thoughts become pure, and all darkness and impurity stays outside. This is a cleansing of your thoughts and energies to keep darkness outside, because darkness has no room inside harmony and light. This is not the creation of a protective wall, instead it is a cleansing, harmonizing, enlightening, as well as raising of energies within the light sphere.

It is advisable not to imagine a protective wall, as such a wall symbolizes resistance. However, resistance gives strength and power to that what you want to avoid by resisting, thus causing the opposite effect of what you are trying to do. A protective shield is a temptation to the dark forces, to find weaknesses in your shield. It is important to realize that it is vital to accept the existence of darkness, and to fill yourself with light, as this is the only way you can truly protect yourself. Remember, where there is light, darkness has no room. Any darkness trying to reach you will only be enlightened, thus posing no risk to you, as it is no longer dark. Fear not the dark – just give it light. Darkness is part of creation just as you are, it is energy at a very low level, therefore do not fight it, but realize that being in and of the Light means darkness cannot harm you. Thus, practice being in Light frequently. This not only protects you, but brings you closer to your true self, as in essence you, your soul, are pure divine light.

This exercise can be completed within a few minutes, or can be expanded as a preparatory exercise for meditation. It is advisable to complete this exercise before any spiritual work, like meditation, light work, healing, and other work that is of spiritual nature. For a general protection from dark influences during this time of transition, it is recommended to complete this exercise at least once daily in the morning, and for optimum protection in the evening before your night rest so that it is also under the influence of light.

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through John Smallman ~ 8-28-12
The apparent interminability of the waiting
We are all one. You know that. It means, among many other things, that we in the spiritual realms are constantly aware of you doing your best to awaken yourselves and all of humanity from the illusion. It is a difficult and sometimes exhausting task that you chose to take on, and we honor you dearly for your courage and your persistence. You are succeeding! It just seems that it is taking far longer than you expected to achieve fulfillment of that undertaking, and so it has become a chore for you, whereas when you agreed to do it you engaged with it with enormously high hopes and incredible enthusiasm.
And those hopes and enthusiasm were, and remain, totally justified. In the illusion the lack of a sense of the divine energies, the faintness of their essence, the apparent interminability of the waiting, and the lack of vitality many of you are experiencing is very draining. You knew that you would have these kinds of draining experiences before you incarnated, but when you look at the picture from afar, as you were doing, it is impossible to imagine such contingencies in any meaningful way. The experience is the experience. Until you have had it, you cannot possibly understand or truly imagine it. And that is another reason why you are so honored and respected in the spiritual realms. It took enormous amounts of courage to accept this challenge, and you have measured up to it brilliantly.
We are constantly offering you encouragement and assistance as we watch you struggling with the ostensible reality of the illusion – sometimes it almost succeeds in convincing you that the illusion is reality, and that anything apart from it is fantasy. But, however low your spirits may sink, the power of God’s Love within you will always enable you to rise up, see beyond the illusion, and fulfill your divine assignment. You are doing magnificent work, your success is inevitable, and you know this no matter how many doubts you may have. So keep plodding on, while focusing all your attention on the awe-inspiring outcome that awaits your awakening. Truly, you are not plodding . . . you are soaring!
It may well feel that your wings are clipped, even that you are running around like chickens with their heads cut off, confused, achieving very little, and struggling just to arise in the morning; whereas, in truth, you are doing precisely what you entered the illusion as humans to do. You are acting as conduits through which a rising tide of divine energy is flowing constantly and bringing to human consciousness an awareness of God, of the Source of all being, of which each and every one is an inseparable, essential, and eternal manifestation.
This growing and intensifying awareness of a Source — that which created all that exists — is astonishing many who had, for any number of convoluted reasons, concluded that human life was but a passing and purposeless moment in an haphazardly decaying, uncertain, and unresponsive universe. To discover that they no longer believed that human life was a one-time affair that occurred as a result of a highly unlikely amalgamation of carbonaceous compounds was a stunning realization – initially totally unacceptable to them – which they only reluctantly but eventually embraced.

So, to reiterate: you are the conduits through which God’s Love flows abundantly and constantly to assist all to awaken. What you are doing can only be done by you; you have no understudys; no one can replace you . . . and of course no replacements will be necessary because your success is the Will of God — Whose Will will be accomplished — and you were chosen for this task because of your incomparable abilities to bring it to fruition.
So, relax, meditate, take time out alone regularly throughout the day. It is not necessary to take yourselves off to a quiet space; just switch off your mind to the distractions surrounding you – and remind yourselves that you are always overlighted by God’s Love which supports and protects you in every moment. While what you are doing is absolutely essential, nevertheless, all is always divinely taken care of — and your success has already occurred!
With so very much love, Saul.
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Julian Assange video

I find this good clip from Julian Assange and I say thank you to him, he is not the problem if others are not telling the truth, it is their problem. 

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(Apologies to anyone reading this, for putting this as a blog... but there was not enough space in the comment box) although the quote below taken from Mona Rolfe's book may be of interest to some)....


Hi Leo,

I wanted to write before you are off as it were.  I was very moved by your wonderful comments, and they mean a lot.  As someone who, since November 1982, has always wanted to be a spiritual writer, and although told back in 1983 this was a part of my life's journey...I have been somewhat slow!  I am always saying to my guides that I want to write on a much more deeper level, but I am only able to do the type of writing which I do now.


Also, apart from a few people... it is with the rise of these spiritual sites that I have been able to put writings on.  Although there are many times on Shamballa, where I have thought, should I put this piece or that piece on.  There are so many spiritual postings put here all the time.

From 1983, it has also been a great passion to read the Akashic Records.  I first read Grace Cook's book The Illumined Ones, from her teacher White Eagle, and it related to two past lives, one as a Red Indian and the other as a woman in Egypt.  Knowing such information could be brought from times long gone, to be able to be read then, was to me, fascinating.

I also do love to read those special books, which, when you read, not only do you have that special affinity but it resonates deeply within.



For instance, going back to Initiation by the Nile with Mona Rolfe !! her chapter The Work of Amen Emaht, also known as Amenemhet 1 - 12th Dynasty 2000 - 1970 B.C......  When I read this, as for me, all her writings, I am taken back to that time, having such an affinity and love as it were, that the words speak to my soul.  She says for instance.... sorry - I have got carried away as usual....


...... "When Oneferu was still but a young man, deep in reverence and looking to all for godliness within the temple walls, there came to him one morning a young man, one of ancient lineage, of culture, whose education from his cradle had prepared him for a place of truth and trust.  His face was round, as the faces of the ancient Egyptians were, the head was well set upon the shoulders, the neck somewhat thicker than that of man today.  The ears were well set back on the head, the eyes piercing, deep clear blue, the skin ruddy, almost brown as if it had been coloured by much sunshine, but so was the skin of the ancient Egyptian.  His hair was coarse;  straight, jet-black, cut close to the head in the front where it fell on the forehead as a frame and straight from the lobe of the ear round the back of the neck to the ear again.


He worse the white tunic of the youth of a great household, a tunic which was looped upon the shoulders by the Zodical sign of his birth and his Sun sign upon the left engraved in silver, which was a rare and precious metal, and round the brow a band of coloured linen in the centre of which, over the third eye, was fixed a stone.


The stone showed the priest Oneferu the descent of this young man from the moment that his great grandfather had left the side of the Father-Mother-God to come to earth.  The name of the young man was Amen Emaht, Amen being the name of the temple in which his forbears had served, and Emaht his family name, a name by which he would be called by his family and his fellows.

He came barefoot; he knelt before the highpriest and offered him service.  The highpriest called for the oils of the annointment and he annointed the young man with the oils required for the service of kings, for in a very short time this young man became King of Egypt.

We hear of him in history as Amen Ra, and by other names which have almost the same meaning;  but it is good that we should remember this one by the name by which he was known so many thousands of years ago in the temple.


It was at this moment that the separation of the physical from the spiritual worlds became a thing of completeness.  Until then the Hierarchy of Heaven had descended by the command of the Father-Mother-God from time to time to enter the temple and to leave power and their benediction there.

But the time was coming when man's descent into matter must be deeper than it had ever been before, and if the Hierarchy bring into the precincts of the temple the glory and the power direct from God, the hardening of the acceptance of the way of life in the physical world cannot be as complete physically as our Father-Mother-God would have it.  Therefore, it is at this moment that we contemplate the withdrawal of the spiritual Hierarchy so that their power could only be accepted by the ministering hightpriest healer and given forth by him where he was called upon to give it.

We are preparing for the coming of the Spiritual Hierarchy into earth again.  We must therefore approach their coming with a certain measure of understanding by awakening the ancient memory of the great void left in the temple when they withdrew.

That occurred in the Temple of On which later became the Temple of Isis under the guardianship of the Master-Initiate Oneferu, and with the acceptance of Amen Emaht the First, for there were other Amen Emahts.  But it is Amen Emaht the First who was the great one, much blessed by the Father-Mother-God."


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The need for human compassion was high on my mind and focus,when I decided to create a video with this theme in mind.
Before long though I began to realise my dear beloved Ashtar's influence and input as I adjusted and re arranged the format.
The images here are from google,but the words passed to my mind come from the Commander in light.
Be in peace and bring forth compassion for mankind.

Musical arrangement by Eamonn Karann

by ireneaura


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