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The world peace invitation and release of technology

Category: News
The text below is the copy of the official invitation to the leaders of your governments through their embassies in Belgium.
These emails will start leaving the Foundation and will be forwarded to every ambassador in Belgium in the next two weeks.
We will publish the name of the country and the email address used so that you can follow the progress of your government’s response.
From now on it is up to you to see that the implications of this technology are understood in your country of origin.
The world peace invitation and release of technology

Following the meeting of the Keshe Foundation with the world ambassadors invited to Brussels on 21 April 2012, now our invitation goes to the nations of the world through their ambassadors and their leaders to attend a gathering on 6 September 2012 at the Keshe Foundation Center in Ninove, Belgium (or in any other place the nations may choose).
As your Excellencies have been aware, we invited representatives of every country to the first presentation of our technology on 21 April 2012. The ambassadors of some nations attended this meeting and others chose to ignore the call, due to pressure from other nations, and decided not to attend or withdrew at the last moment.
With this second invitation we directly and unequivocally invite the leaders of your nation to appoint qualified individuals who can take part in the upcoming meeting at the Foundation on 6 September on behalf of their governments.
The reasons for this invitation and the meeting are as follows:
On 21 September 2012 the Keshe Foundation will release the first phase of its space technology and the gravitational and magnetic (Magravs) systems it has developed, to all scientists around the world simultaneously, for production and duplication.

From that point on, international borders will cease to have any real significance. This is because, once the first flight system has been built and put into operation for the public, the time of travel for example from Tehran to New York will be about 10 minutes maximum.

The new airborne systems will enable every individual to make the same length of journey in the same time and at hardly any cost from any point on this planet. The craft will not be detectable with present radar technology.

The energy crisis will be resolved at a stroke, and once the technology is put into practice the powers that control energy supplies and through them the present financial structures will find their hands empty.

The world water shortage will be addressed and resolved by presenting this technology to the public soon after the release of our energy and space technology.
How we have done this?
For the past six years we have used the international patent system to make sure that every nation and major scientists around the world have a copy of our patents in their possession. (Please check the European patent and international servers downloads for number of downloads.)
Thus we have prevented any possible blocking of this technology by any individual or group and now most nations are in possession of our patents for energy generation, medical systems and space travel.
In this way the methods used in the past to prevent international development have been circumvented and now all nations have the same opportunity to work together to see that this technology is developed safely.
The principal point is that our technology is intended to be freely available to every government for the benefit of all its citizens. Through the systems we have developed every nation can have access to as much energy, water and food as they need, as well as to new methods of health care and of transport, all at very little cost.
According to its charter the Keshe Foundation and all its technologies are owned by the peoples of the world. The patents are the assets of every individual on this planet and cannot be claimed by any one person or organization or nation. This means that all income generated by the technology belongs to the nation that makes use of it.
We will release the list of countries invited to the meeting on 6 September 2012 and the full e-mail addresses of those who receive invitations, so it will be up to you as a government to make it known who from your nation will be attending this meeting.
By the time this email arrives at your embassies a copy will be posted on the Foundation forum and website so your citizens will be aware of the offer that has been made to you. Then it will be for you to make your response known to them, as well as to the Foundation, and we will gather the names of the delegates appointed and let your officials know where and how to meet.
Following this meeting, the presentation on 21 September 2012 will be the first step in the Keshe Foundation’s teaching program to share its knowledge and put it into the hands of the people worldwide. Once these new technologies and their benefits are known to the general public, the leaders of every nation will need to decide how they are going to implement them for the betterment of everyone.
At that point there will be two choices: either we all work together to change the life of everybody on earth for the better through the correct patterns of conduct, or the advanced nations of the world will see in the near future a flood of immigrants in tens of thousands flocking to the major cities.
We are prepared to present the technology to your representatives in any setting so that they can understand its implications and the changes it will bring about.
From now on, we can make sure that no child or adult will die of thirst or hunger and that no nation will be attacked by another, because the potential military applications of the new technology are so horrendously destructive that we will have no choice but to accept that fighting over the resources of the planet is a thing of the past.
There has been nothing wrong with protecting national assets, but now as the leaders of small regions of the Earth it is your responsibility to see that its resources are available to be shared, and that with the help of our technology everyone’s basic needs for energy, water, food and health care are met.
The Keshe Foundation takes no account of color, nationality, religion or political affiliation, thus our call is going out to every government to appoint a team of scientists to come and see our technologies at first hand. Then they can decide whether or not to make use of them. If you ignore this invitation your nation will soon have no choice but to follow the lead of the nations who have decided to develop them.
We call on your nation to start the process of world cooperation as soon as possible because once these systems are in operation, the frontiers that separate one country from another will have no meaning.
We have set the scene for a change of course for humanity and in the coming months we will see it through. In the near future people will come to realize that we are here to serve each other and not to be served, as all resources will be available to everyone at the same time and in the same measure.
M T Keshe
The founder and caretaker director of Stichting the Keshe Foundation

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The veils are lifting

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 7/10/12

Stampeding now towards progress is your people towards a new, better, safer, more peaceful, more productive, more caring, more determined, more rightful and more prosperous way of being. We have come this far with you, our dear brothers and our dear sisters, and we assure you that we will continue to walk the last mile with you. We will not stop and allow you to go on up ahead without us, without our guidance, without our assistance, without our protection, without our love, for we have traveled step-by-step and hand-in-hand with you for many eons of time and it was never our plan or intention to discontinue our journey with you, not even for one step or one day of time.

We will continue, dear ones, to travel ahead with you, only we will be far greater known and perceived by you instead of operating, assisting, guiding and leading you from beyond the ethers of your perception and senses. So many of you are now fully aware of our presence and understand very well who we are in relation to who you are, and this already for us has been a joyful reunion on many levels. To come together in a merging of dimensions is the next step, and it is a step that we eagerly anticipate, look forward to and plan for each day. We are so very close to rejoining you now that the cabal’s days are dwindling faster and faster now that the men and women on your front lines have moved forward and have stepped up their game and are now making arrest after arrest in such great numbers that as we behold these sites we shiver in anticipation of what is surely to happen next, which is our landings in your world to greet you face-to-face and commence our many projects to alter the course of your world and help raise her to the higher standards of an intergalactic community based on ease and pleasure, efficiency and safety, cleanliness and purity, love and friendship, cooperation, spirit, community and togetherness. These are the elements of a higher dimensional society, and these are the seeds that we, along with you, will be planting all across the new fertile soils of your new enriched earth.

We have so many surprises in store for you dear ones, and we can barely contain ourselves as we are so overjoyed for you and for us as well, as we have waited on and looked forward to this reunion with you, our very own families, for so very long. Many of you have been a part from your families for many lifetimes, not returning to us after each individual incarnation, but rather you took a detour and returned back here for another go around in the physical, all to acquire more wisdom, understandings and experiences here where the learning curve is much sharper than where we reside in the higher realms, where life is of a much more steady gradient, where sharp drop offs in life stations are not experienced and great upheavals do not present themselves, which in many cases lead to an advanced and accelerated learning process. This is why many of you have come here to this rocky rollercoaster you call Earth, for it is here where daredevils such as yourselves can make the most out of a short timeframe and accelerate your growth and maturity as an eternal spiritual being on a never ending quest for more knowledge, wisdom, experiences and pleasures in life, in love, in artistic expression and so many other avenues that you so love to journey.

For many of you, this particular avenue of your exploration will be coming to a close. It is a happy conclusion for you, it is a joyful conclusion, it is a successful and even a miraculous conclusion to your journey that has taken you so far from us in a way, but in actuality, we were never as far away from you as a step, as we have been with you every foot of the way. We would never allow you to journey alone if this is not what you wish for, and we will say to you that this is just what most of you have wanted. You wished for us to be there with you every step of the way, guiding you, nurturing you, looking after you, protecting you, as you wished for the sensation of traveling alone through a mysterious and sometimes dangerous and very unpredictable world, but you had the foresight to understand that it was best to have a lifeline, if you will, to have a backup plan, to make sure the concern of safety was taken care of, and you wished no harm to ever really come to you, your loved ones or friends, and this is what we have ensured you throughout your many different journeys into the physical.

Many of you now will be returning to us, and we look so forward to this special and wonderful occasion and say to you that even if this day came tomorrow, you have already succeeded in just about everything you have set out to accomplish, and although there is much more for you to get experience, to learn from, to triumph over, we say to you that you are all already winners and you are now playing with house money, as there is no way none of you can lose now. It is all a win-win situation. The arrests of the many members of the criminal cabal and their underlings is perhaps the greatest milestone for your people and all deserve their share of the credit, and with this accomplishment by you, many countless doors will now be opened for you and your people. Behind these doors are spectacular things, wonderful things, beautiful things, mesmerizing and enchanting things.

We do not wish to spoil surprises as we absolutely love the look on your faces when surprises are gifted of you, and we know how much you truly appreciate these gestures. So we will only say to you today that there is so much in store for you that there is no part of your lives that you may be unhappy with that you will not have the power and the opportunity to change completely to an alternative that will surely bring you greater joy, pleasure and ease of existence, an existence that has, at times, been very hard on you physically, mentally, emotionally and even spiritually, but we tell you all these aspects of yourselves have become so much stronger through your experiences here and every single moment, even if the moment caused you pain, was well worth the effort, and you will clearly see this when the veil is lifted in the near days ahead, a day that is growing so much closer every day now that you, the people of Earth, have stepped up and made perhaps the greatest decision you have ever made and will ever make, and that is to remove the elements of your world that have caused you so much pain, grief, destruction, destitution, hardship and struggle.

This is truly a remarkable achievement for you, and we wish you to enjoy this moment to its fullest as these arrests continue hour by hour and day by day. We will, until your media joins in the celebration, continue to share with you these admittedly very small and brief updates to these arrests, but as you hear these words from us repeatedly on a daily basis, we believe they will begin to sink in and many more of you will start to believe that these arrests are actually taking place, as they are, and we would never mislead you in any way, shape or form, especially in a matter of such great importance and significance as this.

We are, as we always have been, with you, right beside you and right above you, and we would not let any harm ever come to you as long as we can do something about it. We are your family and friends of the Galactic Federation of Light, and we will see you soon. Amen.

As channeled through Greg Giles.

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All dark areas on the planet must be cleansed by 2032 and as there is still energy from the wars held in the land here, unexpected weather conditions will occur, which will cause the old to be transmuted. All the guilt from that time will finally clear at the cosmic moment on 21.12.12 and this will fully return their self worth. Then this country can take its place to spearhead the move to enlightenment and ascension.
Germany handled the merging of East and West Germany in a fifth-dimensional way. Because of this the country has earned the role of Keeper of the Fifth-Dimensional Light for the planet and is working in alignment with Archangel Sandalphon.
Thousands of mature and wise souls have chosen to incarnate here since the Second World War, both to help mitigate old karma and to hold this higher light for the landmass of Europe.
Many scientists and technologists in Germany are working with Hilarion, Master of the Fifth Ray of Technology and Science to bring forward spiritual technology for the New Golden Age. Germany will lead the world in cellular light healing technology and freely offer it to
the world. It will transform people everywhere. Through this healing work, this country will be offered divine grace. In addition, this focus on healing will bring peace into the collective heart of Germany, so that the land and everyone in it will rise quickly into the fifth dimension, making the twenty-year transition period easier here than in many places.
There is much cosmic wisdom held by the trees in the Black Forest, and this will anchor and maintain higher energy in Germany during the changes. Many fifth-dimensional communities will form here, and after 2032 new Golden Cities will arise in this country.
If you would like to know more about the forecasts for your country see The Transition to the New Golden Age in 2032.

Greece is in the news every day as their old economic paradigm of corruption, bad management, greed etc is breaking down so that the new can come in. The harder the people hold onto the old, the more painful the transition will be for them.
If enough Greeks raise their spiritual frequency and start working in co-operation, supporting and helping each other, connecting with nature and expanding their abundance consciousness, their transition will be much easier.
Greece is very special for this is where the High Priest Poseidon of Atlantis with the help of the Goddess Athena constructed a cosmic pyramid at the fall of Atlantis. The entire construction was totally devastated by an earthquake many centuries ago and the Parthenon has been built on the site. Nevertheless, the energy remains, as does its connection with the constellation of the Pleiades.
Currently the dormant kundalini within the cosmic pyramid is waking up and this is profoundly affecting what is happening in Greece. The pyramid contains much ancient wisdom and a great knowledge of medicine and healing, much of which was received through their connection with the Pleiades, the healing planet. As it wakes up the Greeks will start to remember their ancient inheritance. Eventually, this country will be amongst those who lead the world in natural forms of health and healing. They will teach people everywhere how to make whole the mental, emotional, spiritual and physical bodies of people and animals through divine resonance. This will be achieved through herbs, music, crystals and other methods.
Whether the Greeks resist the transition and make life difficult or they embrace the next twenty years with grace, a great Golden City will arise here after 2032.
For more information see The Transition to the new Golden Age in 2032

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Saturday 6th October WEBINAR being issued to attune you to the higher energies available at the cosmic moment
Saturday 6th October FREE session in London, numbers limited
Sunday 7th October ANGEL AWARENESS DAY London
This will be our twelfth Angel Day and it is being celebrated across the world. It is wonderful that on every continent people are connecting to angels as they wake up to their light and their glory. This year in London is especially important because the angels are helping us to prepare London for the cosmic moment on 21st December as well as for our own ascension. This is because London is the Earth Star chakra of the planet so it has to be ready for the higher energies, so that all the fifth dimensional chakras of the world can open up. When that happens we will all be bathed in Source light at the cosmic moment. What happens in London is of vital importance for the world.
This year there is special high frequency energy entering the planet on 6th and 7th October so Rosemary Stephenson, the amazing sound healer who is organising the event, and I decided to take Bloomsbury Church on 6th to offer a two hour free session of music and meditation to help purify London. On Sunday we are holding a very special Angel Awareness Day. You will need a ticket for the free session and for Angel Awareness Day.
Angel Awareness Day 2012: 11.00 – 4.30
Friends Meeting House, London
£48 each ticket
Contact Rosemary Stephenson or

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Most of you have been walking between the limited 3rd and 4th dimensions, yet you are now in a cycle that is accelerating your awakening to such an extent that many of you are shifting more of your consciousness into alignment with the unlimited domains of your God Presence. This then shifts all of the energy that your mind has been using to support you living in limitation and separation to now support you creating a stronger foundation in Unity or Christ Consciousness on the 5th dimension. This expansion of your focus will allow you to remain attuned to your life on Earth without being empathetically bound into the pain and confusion that is still playing itself out on the 3rd dimension. You are divinely designed to be omnipresent and to live within a unified field of consciousness where there is no need to be anywhere other than where you are. This is what will make your ascension into the unlimited 5th dimension possible in this lifetime.
~ Ascended Masters Jeshua and Mary Magdalene
Shifting Realities ~~ Part 1
To sustain the 5th dimensional ascension frequencies that are waiting to unfold within your heart, mind and body, be willing to live each moment as though it has never happened before, for indeed that is the truth. Today is never yesterday and tomorrow never happens, so each moment is golden and it will never take place again. When you live in this kind of awareness and gratitude for each precious moment, life will take on new meaning and you will be able to stay connected with your Presence much more easily. In fact, it is only in being present that you are truly in oneness with your Presence!
As you continue to shift your attention into the mind and heart of your Presence, you may find yourself seeing and feeling everything within and around you with a renewed sense of joy in just being alive during these magnificent times. The air may feel as though it is lovingly caressing your body, the ground may feel more precious to your feet, and the exchanges you have with others, even strangers, may feel more loving and supportive.
Any dramas that are still being acted out in the world based on the illusionary fears of the ego will continue to wind down until they are no more. It is now vital to keep your attention on living as your Presence so its consciousness may unite with every cell and atom of your being. Your Presence is seeking to be fully embodied so you can ascend into the freedom of a new Golden Age.
Your Presence uses the etheric substances within your body to connect its consciousness with your mind, your heart and even into the most miniscule parts of your body. As this relationship becomes a more conscious part of your reality, you will be creating a much greater access to your creative potential to assist humanity in moving into a new Golden Age and you will be helping the Earth to move deeper into her paradise vibration.
We would suggest that you take some time in your meditations to align with your etheric energy body of light that is always around you. This is your bridge into the multidimensional consciousness of your Presence. Your etheric body is presently in the process of magnetizing and accumulating more light, mostly from the solar and photon energy that is now being released to assist you in moving into a greater alignment with the expanded energy field of your Omnipresent Self.
This increase in Light is also helping to shift the majority of humanity’s consciousness out of the 3rd and even out of the 4th dimensions which have been holding your Earth within the veils of illusion. Your 3rd dimension will soon exist solely within the paradise vibration that is still sustaining the natural world all around you. As your ascension progresses, your ego will no longer have control over your mind, your feeling nature, or your body. Ascending beyond the fear/duality matrix of consciousness ~ this shift in realities ~ is what the Great Shift of the Ages is really all about.
You are truly living in not only the opportunity of a lifetime, yet rather the opportunity of many lifetimes! As the memories held within the cells of your physical and etheric bodies move into greater harmonic resonance with your Presence, you will be given access to your higher dimensional capacities to create a next Golden Age.
This pivotal year of 2012 will continue to offer you opportunities that support your personal and planetary ascension. The internal confusion that has come from living in duality consciousness will be replaced with the clarity and joy of living in Unity Consciousness. Now is the time to step fully into your true unlimited Self, the Presence of the Divine that you truly are.
Founders of Ascended Masters Mystery School:
Kamala Everett and Sharon Rose

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A Special Celebration ~ The Torch Bearers of the New Earth Unite

The 25th Anniversary of the Harmonic Convergence Arrives!


Friday, August 17th through Sunday, August 19th in Mt. Shasta

Walking Terra Christa Mt. Shasta Harmonic Convergence Retreat August 17-19

August 16th through the 18th is the 25th anniversary of the Harmonic Convergence.  Since 1987 the planet has been infused with more light each year.  As we now are in the Golden Era and walking that pathway, each month brings us closer to fully realizing our full potential upon Gaia.  This year will be the last integration of these energies because 2012 is our year to fully bring the planet into the 4th dimensional reality and into the Golden Age.


  • FUN and JOY and MAGIC!!!
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We are now coming upon the Full Moon energies better known as a Thunder Moon on July 3rd, 2012 at 2:52 PM EDT, 11:52 AM PDT.  This moon is going to represent being put through a thunderstorm of turbulent energies fully being removed from our Being to allow us to continue to be in a Divine Space of Love Within.

This year of 2012 is extreme for many as we experienced the most powerful Wesak on this planet, with the Eclipses occurring, then the Venus Transit, and the most powerful week of the OM WAVE frequencies here in Mt. Shasta.  Every time we turn around something else is coming towards us to move our energies into the space that our Higher Selves has deemed appropriate for the coming Golden Age.

I pose a question to each of you and that is, “How are you feeling through these Earth and Sky transitions”?  What does not kill us will always make us stronger as my mother told me time again.  Our pathways are continually going to change rapidly and through many storms of creation to help us realize fully who we truly are.  And just when we think we have reached our destination, it changes again very quickly.  When we allow ourselves to be in the moment, then the transition does get easier but sometimes going through the process can be extremely powerful to our Mind, Body, and Spirit.

As many of you know that follow my work, in the past year I traveled to Mt. Shasta alone in my car with my cat driving some 3,000 miles to my destination.  My life has changed rapidly through that time period.  A male friend arrived in September to what he thought would be a vacation.  What a shock when both of us realized we needed to work together.  I remember the talks that I had with Lord Adama and St. Germain before I even considered embarking on such a long journey and for the rest of my life, and how they told me my life would be quite different.  Those moments I spent in New Jersey I was completely in another world, trying to stay grounded, and just the thought that I traveled just one year ago is mind boggling to me.

Mike and I have fully partnered, as each of you know, and my work has expanded deeply because of it.  I would never have been able to go this far without his support.  I found myself willing to let go of many elements in my pathway but others have been very challenging.  I always knew within myself that it was the right decision but without the help of the glorious Lady Masters this is a mountain that I would still be climbing.  And I am, but in a different way.

I am more grounded now than I thought possible.  It does not mean that I am not affected by the energies because being in Mt. Shasta literally changes you every day.  I am no exception even though I have traveled this pathway of light for almost three decades.  That seems so incomprehensible to me at this point.

So what I want to fully share is that going through each of these activations has deepened me even further.  You think that you are fully in a different space, you ground those energies, accept them within your Being, and then you are pushed off the cliff once again only to start all over.  This is what Wesak, the Solstice, OM Wave, Eclipses, and the Venus Transit has done for me.  My work is getting deeper and so much more than I ever realized I would able to attain.

The Rays of God are my cornerstone of my work and I knew that I never brought the Scientific Knowledge within me this lifetime so studying and researching was always a big task for me.  I am so intuitive that most of my work on that level came so easily until I had to study and teach the Rays of God.  It took me several years of teaching it to really grasp the concepts within me.  Now all of that has changed.

My wisdom from my I AM Presence is more prevalent than I ever imagined could occur.  The information coming from the Masters is going into a deeper level in order to assist individuals further in their pathway.  This Wesak was very powerful for me and the planetary activations that have followed have allowed me to grow deeper and deeper within the work.  That is the beauty of walking the Mastership Pathway ~ it continues and you grow.  It never stops and that is what I am learning presently within my personal and professional life.

Part of this shocks me as I never considered myself an expert on the subject of ascension or mastery as I was always learning the process as I went along.  I have been working on the levels of initiations for over a decade and have seen dramatic improvements within my life, my work, and the decisions I have made.  I have come to a new sense of myself with the help of Mike of accepting myself as a Lady Master which has empowered me beyond my wildest dreams.  I am finally able to say that I feel my inner power and not letting it rule my life in a negative way.  I have fully accessed my higher essence in my life on a 24 hour basis.  I have done so previously but I did not allow myself to stay in that state as I was worried of being in an “ego-centered” mode.

I realize now that it was all because of my past timelines that allowed this battle to continue within my Being.  I feel fully empowered, I a vulnerable, I love deeply, and share with others this love of my work and Spirit.  I have traveled far and wide to arrive in this space of beauty.  It was the journey to Mt. Shasta that changed me as I had to walk into an unknown territory not knowing if I could financially survive but yet totally trusted in the whole pathway that I chose.  I could not have done it without the many masters that have walked with me continually and I thank God that I have had the gift to speak to them on a daily basis about my life.

I previously thought I would ascend after arriving here and have had a close encounter with a choking incident this past winter.  My energies had increased so much that the light was taking over.  I kept hearing my mentor’s voice, Dr. Joshua David Stone, now known as Master Joshua, “Don’t do what I did. Your work is way too important.”  I went past the death wish and wanting to ascend, attracted a life partner to work and live with, am now living a life I never thought I would with a beautiful man, I look at the mountain every day from the house we now life in, and am in trust each moment.  I am living in a 5th dimensional world of Light and Love.  The challenges are still intense but we get through them in each moment.

I am happy to be considered a Leader for the New Earth sharing knowledge’s and gifts as we help others to open up into this amazing frequency of Light.  Until you fully accept your Divinity, set up your living space to reflect that level of frequency, can you really understand what it is to be in the Higher Essence within the physical body.

It is my divine pleasure to accept my destiny as I walk hand-in-hand with my partner of the Light, with all of the masters and all of my soul brothers and sisters joining us.

In summation it is our time to fully reflect on how far we have come, the challenges we have faced, and to feel the essence of our Divine Heritage to be fully embellished within our Beings.  We are the awakeners to awaken others unto their Divinity.  Walking as a leader unto the New Earth we must go through all the trials and tests of our spirituality by accessing our wisdom and knowledge, and then sharing it with others with love, joy, and in the presence of the God-Force that we are all part of – Uniting Each Other Unto One Another.

So whatever you are going through, now that others have walked before you, you are not alone, and the wisdom that you have within you will get you through the storm into the bright sunshine that is awaiting your arrival.  Be at peace in the moments that are most dear to your heart and always remember that life is a continual journey of Love.  Reflecting all those elements within will be shown to others as you create a pathway of learning, love, and acceptance.  All of this is not for naught as we are all healing together and fully coming into Oneness within and with each other.

Thank you for joining me on this miraculous journey; I am greatly honored.

In Expressions of Oneness,

Rev. Christine Meleriessee

Vibrational Master & Mentor of Ascension

Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden provide the highest quality of ascension material available presently which is an extension of the ascension work provided by Dr. Joshua David Stone with the latest up-to-date information from the Spiritual Hierarchy.  They provide weekly high vibrational calls and monthly Mastery Classes.

A Special Celebration ~ The Torch Bearers of the New Earth Unite

The 25th Anniversary of the Harmonic Convergence Arrives!


Friday, August 17th through Sunday, August 19th in Mt. Shasta

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Written by tombanetombaneNo CommentsComments Last Updated:July 8, 2012           

It was Oscar Wilde who said “The true mystery of the world is the visible not the invisible”, what the great playwright is that he could have been talking about the mysterious Boy King with his golden death mask — the boy king, Tutankhamun.

Tutankhamun, who passed away at the young age of nineteen, was a living god to the Egyptian people, but virtually unknown to those outside Egypt, until his huge horde of golden treasures was discovered in an obscure tomb in a forgotten section of the Valley of the Kings, by the intrepid archaeologist Howard Carter and his aristocratic benefactor, Lord Carnarvon of Highclere Castle.

In order to connect the boy king with the mysterious enigma of the Mayan calendar and the year 2012 (the 21st December 2012 to be precise), we must first re-investigate what is the real significance of 2012, and why have so many have speculated why the ancient Mesoamericans chose the year 2012 as their end time. The evidence for 2012 is clearly displayed in inscriptions cut into the rock at the Mayan Tortuguero temple in southern Mexico, as well as more famously in the western panel of the pyramid Temple of Inscriptions of the boy king Pacal in Palenque, central Mexico..

The Jade Death Mask of the Mayan King Pacal Despite the efforts of myriad archaeologists and scientists, no evidence has been found for 2012 in any other civilisation or ancient culture. It seems that 2012 was exclusively the preserve of the Mayan and Olmec cultures, that is, until now…. If we examine the sacred wall murals of the magnificent burial tomb of Tutankhamun, we can find the hallowed secret of 2012 hiding in plain sight, like Oscar Wilde said, ” …the visible, not the invisible”.

In order to fully understand this mystery, we first need to understand something of the ancient Egyptian beliefs of the afterlife and their burial practices. The Egyptians based their afterlife on the twin constructs of the ka and ba. The ba was the soul which resided in every creature. It held a sacred function in death, which was to make it possible for the deceased to leave his tomb and rejoin his ka and live forever. As the dead physical body could no longer do this, the ba, or soul, transformed into a bird with a human head that would fly out of the tomb into the treacherous underworld and onward into the afterlife. The ka was the creative spirit of a person and was believed to have lived on after the physical body had passed away. The ka resided within the body of the individual and therefore needed that body after death to take flight with the ba. This is why the Egyptians mummified their dead. If the body decomposed, their spiritual ka would die and the deceased would lose their chance to attain eternal life. If the ka did not undergo elaborate funerary rituals and was not given protective magic spells, it might become lost in the underworld, unable to escape into the afterlife, trapped between two worlds like a ghost. The ka and ba were guided in the underworld by twelve “good†genies in the twelve hours of darkness. Today, these concepts are almost unknown. The last vestiges of the ka and ba formed the word for the kaballah, the suffix allah meaning “to ascend”.

If we look at the western wall of the tomb of Tutankhamun, we see the twelve genies as baboons, as magic guardians for the ka and ba on their journey through the underworld for each hour of darkness. Above them is the scarab beetle standing on its hind legs in a solar barge with two upright gods representing the setting sun. To the right of it are three more gods and two goddesses, as guides in the underworld. On the eastern wall opposite are funeral bearers hauling the boy king Tutankhamun’s sarcophagus to rest — there are twelve disciples hauling it. What we now understand is that the sarcophagus is lying prostrate or horizontal and is thus dead, devoid of the life spirit or ka. The boy king’s ka is portrayed on the northern wall, where it is meeting the god Osiris, lord of the underworld. In ancient Egypt, hieroglyphs of the living were pictured standing up or aloft, while inanimate or dead objects were pictured as horizontal. This is also evidenced in battle scenes where vanquished soldiers are shown as lying down.   Now we can see the deeper meaning in the wall paintings of Tut’s tomb.

On the western wall are 20 aloft figures and the eastern wall there are 12 figures forming the year 2012- the first time this sacred number has been discovered outside of Mayan temples, in the Valley of the Kings, in Egypt six thousand miles away. But is there any proof that the ancient Egyptians were connected to the meso-americans like the Olmecs ? The answer is a positive yes! we also find that there were considerable trading links between the two civilisations, so much so, that in 1998 the remains of cocaine were found in the wrappings of an Egyptian mummy.

Besides the sacred number of 2012, if we look further there are even more connections between the ancient Mayans and the Egyptians waiting to be revealed in Tutankhamun’s tomb, the other walls display an intriguing cosmic cycle, these secrets are also encoded into the exquisite golden Death Masks of Tutankhamun and King Pacal, but they also reveal the reason why 2012 is so significant, an astonishing truth and an important warning for the future of mankind. The unanswered question is how could the ancient Egyptians be using a calendar system which looked forward in time starting with the birth of Jesus? This question is answered in the novel by Tom Bane- Masks of the Lost Kings.

“Masks of  The  Lost  Kings” features Suzy da Silva, a beautiful Brazilian archaeologist. Snatched from the cloistered environs of Oxford University, Suzy is swept into a maelstrom of deception and intrigue. She joins forces with astrophysicist Tom Brooking, crossing four continents to decipher the hidden messages in Tutankhamun’s tomb, the Holy Sepulchre and the mysterious Mayan Temple of Inscriptions to reveal an ancient truth. Together they risk their lives when they find themselves pursued by martial arts assassins and renegade Special Forces, literally fighting evil to uncover hidden knowledge so masterfully concealed and so precious that it had lain dormant for over three thousand years.

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Hypnotherapy can be used during pregnancy and childbirth to prepare a mother for birth and/or to attempt to treat a number of issues ranging from fears and minor health conditions related to the pregnancy, to the possibility of reducing or eliminating pain during labour. The use of hypnotherapy in childbirth is also sometimes referred to as hypnobirthing.

Hypnotherapy is the process of interactive therapy with a certified clinical hypnotherapist to determine and resolve the root cause(s) of any overwhelming fears, beliefs and attitudes. There are many basic hypnosis techniques that can be used throughout pregnancy and childbirth for the purposes of relaxation, sleep, physical comfort, preparation for childbirth and preparation for parenthood.

History In 1942, Childbirth without Fear was published; it was a book written by the English obstetrician Grantly Dick-Read that introduced the idea of using hypnotherapy for childbirth. The work was further developed by Jacqueline Vincent Priya, Michelle Leclaire O'Neill and later Marie Mongan and Kerry Tuschhoff in America.

Use During Pregnancy And Labour Hypnosis can also be used as a pain relief method during labor. Obstetrician Grantly Dick-Read first wrote about the phenomenon in the 1930s in his work on natural childbirth and since the 1980s a range of different techniques have been developed that utilize hypnosis in a natural childbirth.

Practitioners understand that during pregnancy and prior to birth, the use of hypnosis can significantly shorten labour, reduce pain and reduce the need for intervention. Practitioners also understand that babies born to mothers who have used hypnosis to relax and calm themselves will sleep and feed better.[citation needed] It is also used to reduce phobias or fears associated with childbirth.

Deployment England and Wales The use of hypnotherapy has become widespread among in obstetric units as an increasingly popular means of achieving a natural childbirth[citation needed]. In 2011, the UK's National Health Service (NHS) began an 18-month trial study on the effectiveness of hypnotherapy, involving 800 first-time mothers-to-be. Hypnotherapy for childbirth has been incorporated into the services provided in many NHS hospitals.

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Letting Go...

Message From Ann

I have done a lot of letting go in my life, and I'm sure you have too. Beings I've loved both two and four-footed ones have died. Relationships have ended. I once let go of an entire way of life when I quit avionics engineering to leap into the great unknown. In most cases, a great deal of drama was involved, all understandably human, and for the most part, between my ears.
When I got divorced years ago I wailed over what the relationship could have been but was not, only to find a new sense of freedom, love, and joy in every aspect of my life. I sobbed over letting go of a house I had loved, only to find the same make and model, four years later, with the improvements I'd dreamt of. I shook like a leaf when I left my stable career in engineering and watched the miracle occur as I lived one day at a time, slowly being guided into the reality in which I now live. After years of learning surrender the hard way, I've realized that letting go is sometimes the quickest way to open the door to new realities.
When my dearest husky wolf Bruno passed, a few years back, I let go far more easily than I might have imagined. To my great joy, he went home with me in spirit and has been around ever since. I did let myself grieve when the tears hit but they were few and far between because, in reality, the last year of his life was so hard on both of us, that his passing freed me up to enjoy the relationship with him in spirit in a far easier and more loving way. Likewise when a troubled friend died, I did indeed grieve and grieve deeply, but I also knew she was finally at peace and happier than she'd ever been. When my dear grandma, who was not only one of the most wonderful women I know but also a role model to me, passed, again I cried, but celebrated her freedom. In learning to let go of their human forms, I allow myself to relate to their new and beautiful reality in spirit.
Lately the urge to let go hit me in a big way once again. This time it was old beliefs first, followed by releasing a ton of old stuff. This year, finally, I have learned to let go of my lifetimes long pattern of needing to "save" and "fix" people. I'd still be there for my friends in a heartbeat. I have just stopped trying to "make" things happen for others, and have been more focused on some of my own goals and dreams lately. It has been marvelous!
With that shift, came a strong desire to weed out the closets once again. I prayed and asked God to show me where to donate things and a week later, a dear client told me she was collected for a wonderful charity that gives teachers free supplies! I loved it! It was just the thing I needed to motivate me to clean out my office and craft room. For those of you creative folks, you know how hard that is! We can use a scrap of ribbon and hang on to everything. However, I got ruthless, and got rid of everything I hadn't used in the recent past. I got rid of things I'd carried all the way from my "past life" when I moved out of my old home. I got rid of projects I knew I'd never finish. I got rid of office supplies that I once used but no longer needed. And with every box and bag that left my home, I felt a weight lifting. I was giving away perfectly good things, and amen, hallelujah, now they would be put to good use. I have more to go! It feels so good to get stuck energy in motion.
I think at times we cling to things because they do remind us of happy times. We cling to people because we don't know the relationships can transform or we can find better. We cling to old beliefs because they make us feel safe, but in reality, all they do is block our joy! Little children are the most perfect examples of those who can let go. They play with a toy until they are done, then move on to the next. They talk to someone until they're done then move on. They live in a state of amazing grace and flow with their hearts. They trust.
So as the angels say, its inventory time in our lives. See what you can let go of this week... maybe just one thing, one situation, or one belief. See how it makes you feel, and enjoy your newfound freedom!
Love and lightness, Ann

Ps - I do these newsletters on Monday and had no sooner finished this one when I hurd a thunk in the backyard. I went out to discover a dove who had flown into the window, dying on my patio. I gently picked her up and held her close to my heart as the heat and the love of God poured through my hands and tenderly released her spirit from her body. As I always do when I'm there at a transition, I felt a rush of love, a moment of Oneness, and the freedom of her soul and she released a body that no longer worked. Her spirit, once free, soared into the heavens, but not before she turned to thank me. I was moved, humbled, and reduced to tears by the purity and wisdom of one of God's sweetest creatures. Talk about letting go...

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Does anyone else feel like they are readjusting their molecules after a wild adventure ride in the cosmic amusement park? After spending two amazing months in Mt. Shasta, I am in the San Francisco Bay area again gaining perspective while letting the dust settle. It feels like a game attempt on my part to integrate the life-altering spring that we all have been through.

Archangel Gabriel keeps saying the veils are parting so we will be able to see more clearly. I can hardly wait. Mostly it feels like I have just surfed a big wave, got tumbled in the shore break and now I lay panting on the beach with water still lapping around my ears.

The power of this recent time of celestial events is immeasurable. New portals were opened into dimensions of experience where Truth prevails. The expansion of consciousness which transpired through the mighty Eclipse alignments opened new realms of awareness tempered and refined by Love and heightened frequencies of Venus. ~ Archangel Gabriel

Beginning with the 5-5-5 activation on the Full Moon May 5, the beautiful Wesak moon opened a portal for enlightenment of all beings on the planet. On my first weekend in Mt. Shasta, Tibetan Buddhist monks who had been traveling the world with ancient relics were there at the local center for Wesak to offer blessings to anyone who came to receive, even dogs!

There were many global meditations and gatherings that took place on that day to take advantage of this rare frequency. Numerically 5 is the number for rejuvenation on all planes and the birthing of new life. It is the number that carries the momentum of freedom, change, and new opportunities. All of these frequencies were greatly amplified by the Super Moon and the triple 5 day of May 5, 2012.
Total Annular Solar Eclipse in Mt. Shasta, May 20

The momentum toward the full annular Solar Eclipse on May 20 began building early in the small town of Mt. Shasta. This eclipse could be seen in its entirety from Mt. Shasta. It traveled across the Pacific from Mt. Fuji in Japan and contained a very powerful field of energy. People in interesting clothing began to gather, large crowds were expected as well known teachers held weekend gatherings. The local stores ran out of eclipse glasses early in the week and people became very creative. As the town of Mt. Shasta was filled with people, the place was buzzing with even more energy than usual. Because I did not want to take part in the events with many people, I found out that the path of the sun could be seen right from the front yard where I was staying. Several close friends gathered with me next to the creek to hold a meaningful ceremony on the lush green grass.

We had decided to make it a spiritual experience and created a large altar together. The altar reflected both the masculine and the feminine presence that the eclipse energy also promoted. There was a Balinese butterfly picture that had been used on many altars over the years to reflect the idea of transformation. Each of us brought sacred objects such as crystals, sage, and special clay from the San Diego mountains. I added three of the new Essences of Divine Light (more info later) that called to me. The first essence held the quality of purification for the Waters of the World. We had a bucket of the nearby creek water as a representation of all the waters. We acknowledged that our bodies were also mostly water and were grateful for the purification that we created at the beginning of the eclipse cycle.

At the totality we used the essence called Wisdom of Trees. This represented our alignment with trees in nature, the beauty and grounding that powerful symbol of life offers. At the end of the eclipse, we each took the Essence of Divine Light that unites Heaven on Earth as the powerful dimensional energies we are all experiencing move through us. On that special day, knowing that we were joining many others in spirit, it felt as though together we created a beautiful sacred space to receive as much as we could from the experience and offer prayers for the world.
More Eclipse Details

The first portion on the eclipse released old patriarchal patterns in the grids of the earth allowing the expression of the sacred male to be seeded. I could feel the balance that entered during the eclipse totality at the exact conjunction of the Sun, Moon and Pleiades. Feeling a strong affinity for the Pleiades, there was a connecting link within me that felt as though the opportunity came for all of us to plant seeds of Right Relations in every area of our lives. In the Mayan tradition, seeds of new consciousness are planted every 5,125 years at the beginning of a new Sun cycle. We all said powerful prayers for the Earth during the completion of the eclipse.

The wise and loving energies from the Pleiades have been traditionally honored by many native peoples as higher consciousness beings who have been bringing new dimensional energies to the Earth for thousands of years. They are associated with the pyramids in Egypt, with Lemuria and many of the sacred places around the world, including Mt. Shasta.

The feeling of being in a walking meditation lasted for days, and I was grateful to be in a beautiful, peacefully sacred place where I could spend time near water and big trees at the foot of Mt. Shasta. Dog sitting has the added advantage of offering a friendly companion who enjoys outings in Nature.

Spring is exceptionally beautiful in the alpine area of Mt. Shasta. Living on 5 acres of land, there is green to be seen from every window in the house. It was so nourishing after all the city time I have been spending the past few years. In the evenings I would sit on the balcony listening to the creek and smelling the amazing smells of spring flowers such as lilacs and rhododendron. There did not seem to be anything to do but learn how to BE in each precious moment. It felt as though I was in a near bliss state most of the time.

Make way in your life for new awareness and clarity to manifest. Clear away old thoughts of the way things were or should be, and allow the spark of a new Truth to be seeded in your heart. Nourish and feed this seed with your highest ideals and soul inspired desires. Remember WHO is listening.

When you prepare the fertile soil of your fields of energy, and set the seeds of the deepest truth into your being, all the forces of the universe come to assist your process of awakening into new life – the life that is based on your soul’s awakening of Joy and Clarity of Being. ~ Archangel Gabriel
Another Eclipse and Venus Transits the Sun

Astrologers say that Eclipses bring an interruption of the communication between the electromagnetic frequencies within our bodies and that of the earth. So there is an opportunity to reboot our system as a new calibration occurs. When our frequencies shift we can release old patterns from the past and step into a new life unencumbered. There is a chance to experience a completion and a new beginning simultaneously.

We had another opportunity for that experience on June 4 with a Eclipse of the Full Moon, which almost got lost in the power of the building energy when Venus transited the face of the Sun on June 5 in Mt. Shastawhere once again, clear viewing was possible. This event lasts for over 6 hours, during which time the ability of Venus to radiate Divine Love to the Earth was exponentially expanded by the frequencies of Solar Light. Divine Love is the frequency required by our cells to feed our newly expanded DNA. This allows the grounding the fifth dimensional energies within our beings and on the planet.

During the Venus Transit event I was fortunate to be surrounded by beautiful friends from the Sophia community around the world that gathered in Mt. Shasta to share the event. In 1912, Rudolph Steiner created sacred lyrical movements that create a connection between the Earth and the Starry Realms called Eurythmy (Greek for “good movement”). This beginning has advanced into an art form through this group so it creates a sense of heightened consciousness in one who is fortunate enough to have the experience. For three days I danced and sang in a sacred manner with this wonderful community of souls to anchor the power of the Venus Transit within our beings and on to the planet, seeding new life. This powerful connection brought together the Divine Love of the Christ Consciousness and the Divine Feminine with the forces of Nature in a sacred dance of life.
Quan Yin is in the House

Somewhat of interest is a persistent cough in the area of my new Thymus chakra since June 5. Yes, I did catch a chill from dancing blissfully barefoot in the grass in the place where the headwaters of the Sacramento River flow out of the sacred mountain. But trips to the acupuncturist proved that my systems were balanced and I am basically healthy. And it turns out I am not the only one who is experiencing on-going activity in this center. So if that includes you, it is time for us to bring Compassion into the Magnetic High Heart and allow ourselves to feel soothed. Quan Yin is said to be very active at this time on Earth, and the Goddess of Compassion is a powerful ally who can bring a soothing, healing energy into this place in your being.

We need all the compassion we can receive in order to stay centered during the Pluto-Uranus square energy that we are now experiencing. Here is a plug for all those amazing beings who have studied so long to understand the stars. Astrologers seem to have the most brilliant and clear information about the times we are living in. It is important to pay attention because they can really help us explain what we are experiencing on a personal as well as a global level. During the next three years of the Pluto-Uranus squares, part of the intensity of the ongoing waves is focused on Pluto’s need to tear down old structures so something new can be created. This is supported by the Uranus ability to assist us in letting go of whatever we have been holding onto that no longer serves us, even it feels as though the rug has been pulled out from under our feet. Once again, resistance is futile. In fact, those having the most difficulty are the ones who are in the most resistance.

In a different way, Archangel Gabriel also addresses these issues:

Veils part, light activates and new waves of growth set into motion. It is like plant growth. During the time of greatest sunlight, the plants do most of their growing.

This period of time after the portals opened during spring created a momentum of light activation that has been building in power. With the new realms opening in August during the Harmonic Convergence, the seeds that were planted and the activation in the Realms of Light now move into forward motion.
25-Year Commemoration of the Harmonic Convergence

This Harvest is very connected to the Harmonic Convergence commemoration on August 16th and 17th. The completion of a 25-year period that began in 1987 that has changed the face of the world as we have known it. Startling collapse of long-held structures (such as the Berlin Wall and the USSR), and a massive shift in consciousness have been the wellspring of these years. We have seen ancient predictions from many native prophecies, not just the Maya, come into being. And there is more to come. The future is up to us and we are at the decision point. Our focus and our seeding of the new era within our own lives will affect the world. People are gathering all over the world to assist in bringing the frequency of Light to establish a Renaissance of Love for all Life on the Earth. More information about events for this momentous time follows.

Open and receive this completion blessing from Archangel Gabriel:

Harvest time for the awakened human heart is upon you, as you reap all that was sown during the past 25 years, whether you were conscious of your work or not. Since that time the bountiful life of true ascending dreams in the form of pure Divine Love has been building to a crescendo. Like a gigantic waterfall the momentous wave of Christ light blesses the planet. It is time for your massive high heart to open and receive. You are closer than you have ever been and love is the answer to the next wave of experience that completes this momentous and historic year. When you receive from a grateful heart attuned to Divine Presence, veils part, doorways open and true creativity can begin. Prepare the way and veils will part. And so it is.

I look forward to being in communication with you all again. Mt. Shasta is a timeless reality, but now it feels like a very long time has passed while we circumnavigated the astonishing frequencies being downloaded. As we all surf the increasing flows of Divine Light, I will do my best not to wait so long to communicate.

Shanta Gabriel
July 4, 2012

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Greetings dear ones, for I AM Kryon of Magnetic Service.

It is wonderful to be with you all this night, this very night; this is the summer solstice, the longest day of the year, this is the closest the sun will come to you, and there is much spirit that comes this day or this night. This night will come a midsummer night’s dream, a dream that you've all been dreaming of, and wherever a dream is placed in the psyche of man that dream will come true. On this planet there is a dream of ascension, there is a dream of love, there is a dream of a new world, and when everybody dreams the same dream then that dream must manifest; and that dream is manifesting. In exactly six months from this very day, on the shortest day, all the planets will be in perfect alignment for ascension, just like on this day the sun is closest to your part of the world and you are being supported by the sun; on the longest night you will be supported by the planets.

The new world is coming dear ones and you will be supported by the energies of the planets, and this planet is being guided in a journey back to love. In exactly six months from now exactly one hundred and forty four thousand men and women will ascend to a new level of consciousness. They will go through a personal polar shift; they will move from negative to positive and they will create their lives purely out of positive energy, purely out of love, and the dark side will begin to recede. Those one hundred and forty four thousand people are here to support the second, third, and fourth waves of this new consciousness. This will take time, but the planets are here supporting you, and all of Spirit world is here supporting you. There is much focus about Mother Earth and this process of ascension that is happening. This will be a dream come true, and many, many things are happening in the Universe as you celebrate your summer solstice. This summer solstice will bring you love, energy and activation. You will be activating your upper heart chakra and opening up to the New World; to a new consciousness where the whole world is filled with love. This consciousness will be permeating every aspect of human life; every level of human society from the rich to the poor, through the working classes, the middle classes, and the ruling classes. It will be equal; all men and all women will be treated equally by the Universe. The hundred and forty four thousand will emulate this consciousness teaching those who want to love to love; be they rich or poor, no matter how exalted or how humble, those from the highest levels of society will be treated equally with those at the lowest levels. Those with the high consciousness will have as much opportunity as those with the low consciousness.

There is a another world coming dear ones. Allow your hearts to open for there is a voluntary return to the whole, and those that have been worshipping negative consciousness, suppressing and depressing consciousness, those who are taking power that does not belong to them will also be moving to new levels of consciousness, for them there will be no choice they will be shifted and cleared on automatic. It is thought that this is the planet of free choice, but all choices have to be made within a band of consciousness that operates at a certain vibration. It looks like they were operating at the highest consciousness but in truth they have been operating at the lower levels of consciousness. Your leaders or rulers were doing what they thought was right, but it has been meant to be that this planet has wondered far away from the Great Spirit and now everybody is on the return journey, heading homewards towards love and towards a new consciousness. On this planet opportunity presents itself and you will find out what it is like to return back to love and to the loving God.

Today on the summer solstice, a day that love conquers all, you have much more energy than usual. Allow yourself to use your energy to heal on the inside, bringing love and light into your heart and allow your hearts to expand and connect with your neighbours’ hearts, and allow love to flow from your heart to everybody’s heart in the room, and allow your hearts to connect through space and through time to the hearts of all the Kryon family, and receive love from everybody’s heart in the Kryon family into your heart, allow it to heal the hurt that stops the love flowing inside your own hearts. Allow yourselves to descend into your bodies, connecting with your physical bodies, and feeling whatever your feeling this night. Everybody has a dream... just think of your dream... feel your dream... feel whatever blocks your dream... feel what it is that stops your dream and allow the love that’s flowing through your heart from everybody in the Kryon family to flow into the hurt and the unconsciousness that stops your dream manifesting.

Just be with your feelings... let your feelings come and let them go... and come deeper and deeper and deeper into your bodies... just feel the hurt dissolving and your heart expanding and your dream coming closer and closer to manifestation... let the feelings come and let the feelings go... allowing your heart to expand more and more and more until your heart can feel and touch the Universe... allowing your heart to grow and to expand... allowing your mind to go to sleep, to relax, to chill out, and let your heart do its work... Just allowing for your heart to connect with the Universe, bringing universal love to your heart and to your body... and let the heart feel the heart of the Universe... and let your heart spend some time with the heart of the Universe, feeling the harmony of the universal heart... just allowing the love to flow... this connection will bring new feelings to your body so stay with that connection and keep feeling whatever you are feeling... if you are one of the hundred and forty four thousand let your dream of ascension manifest... let it manifest in your own heart... allowing for your heart to ascend to this new level of consciousness.

This consciousness is pure love and love is not always compatible with the way things are done here on Earth. Mass consciousness on the Earth plane is not a consciousness of love, but it is mass consciousness that everybody dreams of love. So allow the universal heart to teach your heart about love and about consciousness... allow for this connection to activate your cells and your DNA... and allow it to activate your upper heart... let the feelings come and let them go... as love comes into your heart what is not love will release... so let the love come in and what is not love let it go... if you don’t know how to do that just let the love teach you... love knows everything... love is knowledge and the love will teach you to love... it will teach you to let go what no longer serves you and the love will take you on a journey to the new consciousness... your mind also has to open to this new consciousness but your mind finds it very difficult to understand this new consciousness for the new consciousness is both four and five dimensional and you have a three dimensional mind... just allowing the love to flow from your heart into this new chakra between your heart and throat, the turquoise coloured chakra, will allow you to connect to the 4th dimension and will allow for the ascension of your mind... it will allow your mind to ascend to new levels of consciousness, so allow the love to flow through your heart into the upper heart chakra and then into your mind and allow the love to reconnect your mind to this new levels of consciousness.

There are many disconnections at these low levels of consciousness; so just allow the love to flow to your mind once again dissolving what does not serve you and allowing these new connections to be made and allowing your physical body to be lifted to new levels of consciousness and allowing your mind to move to the 4th dimension. This is the dimension where all your thoughts are love. Allow the love to flow through your heart into your upper heart chakra, into your mind, and allow your mind to connect to the 4th dimensional universal mind... and just knowing that once you do this you will never ever be the same again. Allow the magic of this mid-summer night to flow through your heart into your upper heart chakra and into your mind... just allowing the love to flow and allowing your physical body to ascend creating more and more space in your body... let the love light up the darkness and let Kryon channel the darkness back to the light... and just allowing the room to ascend to the 4th and 5th dimensions... just feeling the new consciousness all around you... like a fish in the ocean... being held in suspension.

Just allow the energies of the new world to hold you, to caress you and to love you... and be with your heart... feeling your heart... just relaxing more and more... go deeper and deeper and deeper, almost trance like... just feeling the energies of the new age and letting your body get used to these energies... allowing your energies to go higher and higher... higher than you have ever been lifted before... feeling and experiencing these new levels of consciousness... your energies are now flowing through the 4th dimension to the 5th dimension... and don’t let your mind interfere... hand your mind over to Kryon... and all these thoughts, the thoughts of doubt... and just allow your heart to take you to these different dimensions, healing and releasing whatever needs to heal and release... feeling what is in the way and handing these feelings that are 4th and 5th dimensional over to Kryon.

Just allowing yourselves to go higher and higher... higher than you ever been lifted before... allowing yourselves and your DNA to activate... your cells changing from negative to positive and allowing a utopian harmony to flow through your body... teaching yourselves and your DNA about utopia and harmony... just let the feelings come and let them go... going higher and higher and higher... just feeling the love... feeling these other dimensions... just let the feelings come and let them go... and allowing your body to drift into other worlds... to the other dimensions... and allowing this new world and this new age to activate within inside yourself... allowing for a new structure within your body... allowing this new structure to activate the masculine structure... this is a new way of the masculine being masculine and the feminine being feminine... just allow all these things to happen on the inside of you... and if you can allow this to happen on the longest day of the year... you’ll be able to allow this to happen on the longest night of the year.

Dear ones the new world is coming and this is what it feels like... it just feels like love... and just know dear ones you will never ever be the same again.

Go well and God bless, enjoy your ascension, for this is Kryon signing out. Thank you all.

The Audio for this channelling is available from:

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The Company of Heaven has confirmed that at long last Humanity has reached a tipping point in our shift into Unity Consciousness. This is enabling us to utilize the celestial alignments and the influx of Light that is taking place this momentous year to cocreate A Renaissance of Divine Love on Planet Earth. I would like to share some information with you that is being given to Humanity by the Beings of Light. This information reveals what this unprecedented opportunity will mean for all of us, and how the cocreation of a New Renaissance of Love will catapult Humanity and Mother Earth forward in the Light. Please go within to the Divinity of your heart, and ask your I AM Presence to reveal to you the Truth of this message and ask what your part is in this amazing facet of the Divine Plan.

2012 has transcended the expectations of dedicated Lightworkers who have been working toward this Cosmic Moment for the past 25 years. With the unprecedented influx of Light that has taken place so far this year Humanity, in unison with the Company of Heaven, is on the path to God Victoriously birth a Renaissance of Divine Love.

This will not occur by chance. It will happen through the conscious and deliberate efforts of you and me and dedicated people all over the world. Remember, we are cocreating this Earthly experience. In order for us to birth a Renaissance of Divine Love that will bless all Life on this precious planet, the Company of Heaven is calling each of us to a higher service. Please, listen to your inner guidance and respond to this vital Heart Call from your I AM Presence.

In order to fully understand the magnitude of what birthing a New Renaissance of Divine Love will mean for Humanity and all Life on Earth, the Company of Heaven wants us to remember how the first Renaissance transformed this planet. The first Renaissance originated a little over 500 years ago in Florence, Italy. It was part of a master plan to accelerate the return of the Love Nature of our Mother God, the Divine Feminine, which we have always known as the Holy Spirit. The Divine Intent of the first Renaissance was to awaken Humanity’s creative right-brain hemispheres which had been almost dormant since our fall from Grace aeons ago.

In the middle of the 14th century we were living in the Dark Ages and our affinity for culture and the arts was practically nonexistent. In order to stimulate our creative right brains, the Company of Heaven projected the wisdom of the arts into the mental and emotional stratum of Earth. As this sacred knowledge filtered into Humanity’s hearts and conscious minds art, music, dance, literature, and every other creative facet of the Renaissance elevated people to a level of culture and civility that we had not experienced since our fall from Grace.

The movement in Italy spread throughout Europe, signaling the end of the Dark Ages and the beginning of modern history. The Renaissance inspired civil liberty and a new internal order of culture and political development. It was the beginning of Humanity’s awakening and a crucial stage in the process of liberating the human mind from our fear-based, fragmented human ego’s paralyzing grip of fear and misinformation. In the midst of unrivaled, barbaric darkness, the Renaissance birthed a civilization of a higher order.

As our right-brain hemispheres were stimulated with new levels of creativity, more of the Love of our Mother God was able to flow into our lives. Much of the art painted by the great masters focused on some of the main players in the Piscean Age. Joseph, Mother Mary, and Jesus, who symbolically represented the Holy Trinity, were depicted in many of the Renaissance paintings. This focus of Humanity’s attention on the Holy Trinity helped to expand the Immortal Victorious Threefold Flame in our hearts.

The first Renaissance was a time of enlightenment and played a critical part in liberating the human mind. Individualism and self-empowerment rose up in the hearts of Humanity, and people pulled away from the oppressive control of the Church. The Renaissance person did not abandon his or her beliefs, but rather adopted new attitudes. Rigidly dogmatic concepts were challenged and cast aside. This marked a momentous turning point in history. There was a resurgence of the Human Spirit that made possible all of the great achievements of modern Humanity. It initiated an atmosphere that was favorable to new ideas, innovative accomplishments, and creative enterprises in every human endeavor. The most amazing part of all of this is the fact that this transformation was accomplished in the middle of the Dark Ages during a time when our human egos were totally manipulating our hearts and minds, a time when Humanity was truly asleep.

Now everything has changed. Even though there are still people on this planet acting as though they live in the Dark Ages, the vast majority of Humanity does not. During the past 25 years, miraculous Activities of Light have been successfully accomplished by Lightworkers around the world and unprecedented Divine Intervention has taken place. As a result, Humanity is in the midst of the greatest shift of consciousness that has ever occurred in any system of worlds.

Every man, woman, and child and every particle of Life on Earth have begun the initial ascent onto the 5th-Dimensional Spiral of Evolution. Millions of people on this planet are fully Awake. These precious souls are deliberately participating in the process of cocreating the patterns of perfection for the New Earth in the tangible world of form. Imagine what miracles we will cocreate by birthing a Renaissance of Divine Love in the awakened state of consciousness Humanity is now experiencing. The Beings of Light have said it is impossible for Humanity to fathom what will be accomplished with the birth of a New Renaissance of Divine Love, but they said it will be GLORIOUS beyond our wildest dreams!

A plan has been set into motion that will draw the focus of Humanity’s attention, which will in turn create a collective cup of Humanity’s consciousness. This will open a tremendous portal of Light through which the Light of God will flow to birth a New Renaissance of Divine Love for Humanity and ALL Life evolving on this sweet Earth. The vehicle that will be used for this global activity of Light is the 26th Annual World Congress on Illumination. This event will take place during the 25th Anniversary of Harmonic Convergence August 11-16, 2012, on the sacred isle of Kauai, in Hawaii.

During that sacred week, people in attendance will join in consciousness with Lightworkers tuning in from around the world, and together we will form a Chalice of Light that will envelop the entire Planet Earth. The collective cup of our consciousness will form the Open Door through which powerful 5th-Dimensional Frequencies of Crystalline Solar Light from our Father-Mother God will flow to birth a Renaissance of Divine Love. This vitally important facet of the unfolding Divine Plan will lift the energy, vibration, and consciousness of every person on Earth. This will move Humanity a quantum leap toward the consciousness of Oneness and Reverence for ALL Life, which is our Divine Destiny as Sons and Daughters of God. This event is a critical step of preparation before the unprecedented influx of Light that will bathe the Earth during the December 21, 2012 Solstice.

It is difficult for us to truly grasp the magnitude of what this will mean for the Earth and all her Life. But the Beings of Light have said that from that moment forth, the physical manifestation of the patterns of perfection for the New Earth will begin to externalize as a tangible reality. This will be the Heaven on Earth of our own creation through our I AM Presence.


There will be many diverse ways in which we can weave our Light into this Divine Plan. Pay close attention to the opportunities that are presented to you. Ask your I AM Presence for guidance, and ask this wondrous aspect of your own Divinity to pave the way, so that you will be able to fulfill your heart’s calling.

As you may know, the Hawaiian Islands are remnants of the continent of Lemuria. The initial impulse of Humanity’s fall from Grace took place on Lemuria aeons ago. Since Harmonic Convergence in August 1987, the Hawaiian Islands have played a critical role in reversing the adverse effects of Humanity’s fall from Grace and the healing of Mother Earth. Many of the people embodied at this time have links to Lemuria. They realize that they are here now to heal the atrocities that resulted on that continent when Humanity fell into the abyss of separation and duality.

The Island of Kauai is known as the Garden Isle. This island contains within its etheric records the Immaculate Concept or Divine Blueprint for the body of Mother Earth. This is the original pristine beauty that Mother Earth expressed prior to the fall. It is the verdant splendor that we have always referred to as the Garden of Eden. Kauai’s etheric records also contain the archetypes for the Divine Potential of what Mother Earth will express when she Ascends into her rightful place on the 5th-Dimensional Spiral of Evolution and dons the seamless garment of her new Solar Reality.

For the facet of the miraculous Divine Plan that will take place August 11-16, 2012, our Father-Mother God and the Company of Heaven have asked us to organize a gathering of dedicated people from all over the world who will be willing to work with the Company of Heaven and to serve as surrogates on behalf of ALL Humanity. Together, these selfless volunteers will cocreate a mighty transformer through which the Light of God will flow to catapult Humanity and our new Planetary CAUSE of Divine Love into a frequency of Light that will birth a Renaissance of Divine Love.

Listen to your heart, a Clarion Call is now reverberating from the Heart of our Father-Mother God invoking your assistance in this holy endeavor. Respond according to your inner guidance. Know that whenever you volunteer to serve as an Instrument of God on behalf of Humanity and ALL Life evolving on Earth, the floodgates of Heaven open to support you and to help pave the way for your participation.

It is critical that Lightworkers from around the world be physically present for this important facet of the unfolding Divine Plan. All of the Lightworkers who have been prepared to serve in this wondrous way on behalf of Humanity and all Life on this sweet Earth will know who they are through the inner promptings of their heart. Trust your inner guidance. Your Light is needed NOW!

In addition to those who are inspired to be physically present in Kauai, there will be people who will join in consciousness from points of Light around the world. These dedicated souls will project the Light flowing through their Heart Flames into the portal of Light where selfless volunteers are physically gathered in Kauai, Hawaii. Thus our unified efforts will expand a thousand times a thousandfold.

Every person will be in his or her right and perfect place. No facet of this Divine Plan is any more important than another. What IS important, is that we each respond to whatever our I AM Presence is guiding us to do. We must Trust and KNOW that if we are being guided to be physically present on the Island of Kauai, then our I AM Presence and the Company of Heaven will assist us in paving the way. This is true whether we need assistance with time, energy, money, or courage to accomplish this facet of our Divine Mission.

The Company of Heaven has asked us to organize this monumental event in a beautiful, healing venue, so the selfless volunteers who make the sacrifice to serve in this way will truly experience a glimpse of Heaven on Earth. I want to assure you that this will be a life-transforming experience for you. In wondrous ways, your life will never be the same.

If you feel the heart call to participate in the 26th Annual World Congress on Illumination, please go to our website for all of the information you will need, If you do not feel the heart call to be physically present in Kauai, know that this is a global event and you can weave your magnificent Light into our Chalice of Light from wherever you are on the face of the Earth. God Bless YOU, for your willingness to be the Open Door for the influx of Light that will lift Humanity’s consciousness and birth a Renaissance of Divine Love for all Life on this blessed planet.

The Beings of Light will be guiding us step by step through the remaining weeks leading up to the event in August. I will be sharing the information through my free e-mail articles which you can sign up to receive on our website In addition to the guidance we will be receiving from the Company of Heaven, each of our I AM Presences will be guiding us through our own unique preparation. Ask for assistance, and remain in a state of Listening Grace at all times. This is an amazing opportunity for each of us to add to the Light of the world.

This sacred conclave will be a celestial experience for everyone involved. Each day, as we successfully fulfill one phase of the Divine Plan, the Company of Heaven will reveal the next phase of the plan to us. As we sojourn through the various activities of Light, under the Divine Guidance of our Father-Mother God and the Company of Heaven, our mission will be victoriously accomplished. The physical manifestation of the patterns of perfection for the New Earth will begin to externalize as a tangible reality, and the Light of God will catapult Humanity and our new Planetary CAUSE of Divine Love into a frequency of Light that will birth a Renaissance of Divine Love for all Life on this blessed planet.

The entire Universe is supporting us in this holy endeavor. The Beings of Light have been given permission to assist us in miraculous ways, but the Lightworkers on Earth are the predominant force bringing this Divine Plan into physical manifestation. Our responsibility is enormous, but as we join our hearts together, we have the absolute ability to succeed God Victoriously.

Just for a moment, go within to the Divinity of your Heart Flame, and experience the overwhelming Gratitude and Love pouring forth from the Legions of Light in the Heavenly Realms. Feel the deep appreciation they are sending to you for your willingness to serve Humanity during this critical moment in the evolution of this sweet Earth. We are blessed beyond measure to be able to assist all Life evolving on Earth in this wondrous way.

All of the information you will need to participate in this unprecedented opportunity is available on our website

Precious Hearts, this is a YouTube video that will greatly assist in manifesting the patterns of perfection as we prepare to birth a Renaissance of Divine Love.

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Beloved Ones,

There is much seeming chaos taking place across the World as those who are awakening begin to ask questions and take responsibility for their own actions and deeds. It is a time of disillusionment for many and many are seeking answers for a better way. Tempers flare as each person goes through their own cleansing process, not understanding what is occurring on their Planet and in the Cosmos. It behooves those who stand as Light Beacons to maintain peace and calm no matter how intense the reactions in those around you.

Continue to practice your spiritual disciplines which uplift and inspire you to move forward in the attainment of your spiritual goals. Practice random acts of kindness and showing compassion to all. It is a most trying time for the masses of Humanity who are beginning to look around them and wonder what is really going on. The frequent weather changes and anomalies which leave no one untouched are not the usual expectation for so many and so the seeking for answers begins. You who are awake and aware must remember how it was for you in the beginning of your quest for clarity and answers to the enigmas of life.

Keep your sights set on your ascension and create the life you choose. There are endless possibilities and probabilities for each one of you. Choose that which aligns you with your Higher Self and your own Divine Plan and this will always keep you on the path most appropriate and right for you. If you are not feeling joy often, then what you are doing needs adjustment and the leaving behind of all that no longer serves your emerging Self and sometimes this deeper look within is not pleasant to endure. Keep in mind that you are not alone in this, Dear Ones, and this can bring more tolerance in all situations.

We take heart with joy at the great strides being made now by many of you. You are closer to your goal than you might think and so we counsel to keep moving forward one step at a time. Analyze your needs in each now moment and focus on the small details so that the way forward does not seem so long and overwhelming. You are, in fact, noticing acceleration in the passage of time in the linear sense and this will continue to become pronounced and apparent. Your spaceship Earth is moving steadily into alignment with Galactic Centre and this was predestined many great ages ago. These changes can be an exciting new and fresh start for so many.

Treat each other with respect, honor and integrity and all will be well. Reach for the stars that are the highest and the brightest, for these may well be your Planet of origin and much assistance can come through for you. The Universe is responding to your calls in magical and wondrous ways.

Until next week…

I AM Hilarion

Channel: Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana

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The New Holographic Matrices (Pleiadian High Council)

In your world affairs many are beginning to realize that the truth can no longer be repressed by the few who wish to dominate the land. A tide has turned and the current is too strong to swim against and many are losing the strength to resist the unyielding cosmic flow.

It is, however, with great honor and prestige that the mighty and the few who begin to rise to the surface now will be noticed for their glory in lieu of selfishness or greed. The story of the past can no longer precipitate the planning for the future, for the future beckons new perspective, new levels of consciousness that are rising to serve the planet as a whole.

The new stewardship of earth will be governed by those who have attained high levels of light and love within, those who emanate and radiate that light outward to restructure the very particles of matter in existence.

This new type of leadership is coming of age and all those who awaken to serve the new direction of the planet will be swept up in the momentum of the great upward spiral of evolution. Some of the changes will seem simple in nature, yet comprehensive in scope. Some will seem revolutionary.

The new stewards of the land are gearing up to lead the mass population to their destiny now, a destiny which has deep roots in ancient ways. These members of the galactic brigade for a new earth are seeded with the bio-genetic codes of the future and the once dormant receptors encoded within the strands of your deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) are now enlivened.

Activated by consciousness, these genetic triggers are timed by specific levels of electromagnetic frequencies which are now permeating the planet’s bio-sphere, emanating from earth’s central core and radiating from the new sun.

Adamantine Particles

The new earth is comprised of crystalline Adamantine particles that are restructuring the very form of matter as humanity awakens to the pure vibration of love. These particulates contain within them the intelligence of divinity in form; new ways of being and living in love.

All matter is composed of intelligent elementary particles responsive to consciousness. The particles of ages past held within them codes of survival mechanisms that resulted in polarity through separation consciousness. Adamantine particles have contained within them the encoded intelligence of harmony, wholeness, of resurrection and unity consciousness.

To access these intelligent codes one must give & receive pure love through the sacred vessel of the high heart. The high heart, directed & regulated by the thymus gland in the physical body, is the center for receiving and radiating the energy of love. This center must be fully charged, fully open and capable to surrender to the higher will to manifest spirit into form.

The higher will is the will of the highest good for all and is contained within the genetic blueprint of each and every incarnate. The purpose of the high heart is to map out the path of universal love for each and every living being through magnetic resonance.

The cocreation of divine love can only be accessed and magnetized through the purity of consciousness which is how those with pure heart will mold and restructure the new earth. What this means on a global scale is exponential, for the technological advancement of the species will be made available through these particles of pure intent for the purposes of global upliftment.

The restructuring process will be precipitated by a consistent flow of new intelligence that will permeate any lower existing thought forms contained within the grids of those holographic reality structures.

Those with pure intent will have access to this revolutionary intelligence contained within the advanced particulates of light and rendering much of the old planetary systems obsolete while serving to advance the species through higher intelligence.

Those with contracts to serve on higher planes of existence will in fact be anchoring the new vibrations of earth through the awakened DNA within their human biology. This will serve two purposes…. to fulfill contracts of service through the formation of information super-highways for galactic technology, and to form new holographic matrices for those preparing to embark upon the journey of ascended 5th dimensional living and being.

Many who have attained high levels of truth through the cleansing of toxic karmic debris will be serving in the final frontier. The final frontier is the code given to those who chose to bridge the gap between worlds, rather dimensions, as the examples and way-showers of the pure potentiality available through the matrices of universal love.

These way-showers will be stationed in visible locations as the pioneers of new earth. You who see clearly will be given tools to share your visions with the world. You who know the light and the way will be given the resources to implement those visions into form.

The time has come for those awakened warriors to take the first step in action of ascended living. The first brigade will lead by example and all who follow will continue to pave the way for the future of humanity. As the torch is passed along in service to mother earth and her inhabitants, the light will illuminate every dark corner and revitalize all in its path.

We serve as the council of light overseeing planetary affairs to propel the advancement of the human species through bio-genetic recoding.

Exciting times are upon you!

In gratitude,
Lauren C. Gorgo

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Shifting Realities Part I Sharon Rose

Most of you have been walking between the limited 3rd and 4th dimensions, yet you are now in a cycle that is accelerating your awakening to such an extent that many of you are shifting more of your consciousness into alignment with the unlimited domains of your God Presence. This then shifts all of the energy that your mind has been using to support you living in limitation and separation to now support you creating a stronger foundation in Unity or Christ Consciousness on the 5th dimension. This expansion of your focus will allow you to remain attuned to your life on Earth without being empathetically bound into the pain and confusion that is still playing itself out on the 3rd dimension. You are divinely designed to be omnipresent and to live within a unified field of consciousness where there is no need to be anywhere other than where you are. This is what will make your ascension into the unlimited 5th dimension possible in this lifetime.
~ Ascended Masters Jeshua and Mary Magdalene
To sustain the 5th dimensional ascension frequencies that are waiting to unfold within your heart, mind and body, be willing to live each moment as though it has never happened before, for indeed that is the truth. Today is never yesterday and tomorrow never happens, so each moment is golden and it will never take place again. When you live in this kind of awareness and gratitude for each precious moment, life will take on new meaning and you will be able to stay connected with your Presence much more easily. In fact, it is only in being present that you are truly in oneness with your Presence!

As you continue to shift your attention into the mind and heart of your Presence, you may find yourself seeing and feeling everything within and around you with a renewed sense of joy in just being alive during these magnificent times. The air may feel as though it is lovingly caressing your body, the ground may feel more precious to your feet, and the exchanges you have with others, even strangers, may feel more loving and supportive.

Any dramas that are still being acted out in the world based on the illusionary fears of the ego will continue to wind down until they are no more. It is now vital to keep your attention on living as your Presence so its consciousness may unite with every cell and atom of your being. Your Presence is seeking to be fully embodied so you can ascend into the freedom of a new Golden Age.

Your Presence uses the etheric substances within your body to connect its consciousness with your mind, your heart and even into the most miniscule parts of your body. As this relationship becomes a more conscious part of your reality, you will be creating a much greater access to your creative potential to assist humanity in moving into a new Golden Age and you will be helping the Earth to move deeper into her paradise vibration.

We would suggest that you take some time in your meditations to align with your etheric energy body of light that is always around you. This is your bridge into the multidimensional consciousness of your Presence. Your etheric body is presently in the process of magnetizing and accumulating more light, mostly from the solar and photon energy that is now being released to assist you in moving into a greater alignment with the expanded energy field of your Omnipresent Self.

This increase in Light is also helping to shift the majority of humanitys consciousness out of the 3rd and even out of the 4th dimensions which have been holding your Earth within the veils of illusion. Your 3rd dimension will soon exist solely within the paradise vibration that is still sustaining the natural world all around you. As your ascension progresses, your ego will no longer have control over your mind, your feeling nature, or your body. Ascending beyond the fear/duality matrix of consciousness ~ this shift in realities ~ is what the Great Shift of the Ages is really all about.

You are truly living in not only the opportunity of a lifetime, yet rather the opportunity of many lifetimes! As the memories held within the cells of your physical and etheric bodies move into greater harmonic resonance with your Presence, you will be given access to your higher dimensional capacities to create a next Golden Age.

This pivotal year of 2012 will continue to offer you opportunities that support your personal and planetary ascension. The internal confusion that has come from living in duality consciousness will be replaced with the clarity and joy of living in Unity Consciousness. Now is the time to step fully into your true unlimited Self, the Presence of the Divine that you truly are.

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Angels through Russell Forsyth

The human evolution could not go through a raising of consciousness without a focus on family. The family unit must heal from the past and cleanse the soul as a spiritual basis from which to climb the Tree of Life. It is not to say that all issues will be resolved, but taking steps toward acceptance is part of the energetic vacuum that is currently affecting the world.

The magnetic energy that draws the illumination to the family unit is part of the map that humankind must follow to find their roots. To know the past is to prepare for the future by gaining knowledge in the present. Information that flows around family and wisdom floats to the surface in a graceful movement of love energy.

Resolution is offered to everyone through knowledge, love, forgiveness, truth, and a rare opportunity to live life to the fullest. That opportunity is now and has been coming through time and ancestral heritage. You are the ancestor of future generations who will experience a foundation of life built by you. The life path of others depends on the choices you make today.

The beauty is that mistakes can be undone and happiness can be manifested at a soul level. The essence of your very existence knows peace, happiness, joy, and the connection to family.

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