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Every Step Counts




                Some days we may feel like we're just plodding along, doing those mundane things in life
                       inbetween those days we relish when we feel like we're flying without wings!!

           I just found a paragraph in my book that describes how every step along our path is important:

            " If we wish to split a large rock, we may have to strike it with a hammer twenty-one times.
              The final blow that achieves success is dependent on the twenty unsuccessful attempts.
              Although no progress may be perceived until the final victory, all of our efforts to that point
              are essential. "             ~ Pathways to God

              When you look back on your life you can see how one circumstance led to another, and then
                    perhaps after experiencing some bleak times, we finally reach clarity and direction.
            That is what opposites are all about! They are all important in awakening us to what we already
                         know, but just forgot! Breaking through density to finally see "the light."
                                                           And life continues..............

                           Living in a state of gratitude and acceptance for all of our experiences.


              by Tara Mary  ~ 

              Love and Blessings  ~

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Angel Wisdom ~ Trust Your Heart


                                             Love is a basic building block of life

              Love is the heart of the matter. Your heart chakra (located in the center of your chest)

                               is the center within your physical body that is attuned to love.

              Sometimes the heart gets blocked because you have felt the need to protect yourself,

             however it is now time to open this energy center and let the light in to heal any places

                   that are in the dark. It is safe for you love and be loved with all of your heart.

                         Your angels will stand by your side with perfect protection and guidance

                               to help you discern what feels right and good and what does not.

             Your angel guidance is to look at your life, the people in it and any situation that does

                                         not feel good to you and respond from your heart.

            Act upon those things that you feel are worthy of your time and energy and let the rest go.

             Learn to develop and trust your intuition and ask your angels to help you discern the best

                      possible outcome for all involved. They will help to prompt and guide you and

                                                  you can serve the Universe in great ways.



                            "I open my heart and trust the feelings and sensations I receive."

                Have a blessed day and know you are loved and supported, always, the Angels

     Thank you, Mahalo, Merci, Gracias, Vielen Dank, Grazie, Спасибо, Obrigado, 谢谢, Dank, 謝謝,                      Chokran,Děkuji,Kiitos

       Article Copyright ©2012 by Sharon TaphornAll rights reserved.

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What Is Real? a message from Owen Waters

What is real? What is there to hold on to?

One of the main reasons for experiencing life on Earth is to discover what is real.

We spend our lives coming here, going there, trying this and trying that. We acquire physical things and eventually let them go. Life’s experiences pass by like so much water under the bridge.

One constant in all of life’s ever-changing realities is the inner observer. This aspect of your inner self is present in all of life’s experiences, watching, learning, remembering. However, when you go even deeper than this, you reach the underlying basis of all consciousness, the awareness that, simply, you exist.

This fundamental awareness can be summarized in two words: “I am.”
The great “I Am” presence

You are one individual viewpoint of the great I Am, the consciousness of All That Is, the all-inclusive and all-embracing Infinite Being.

Consciousness is reality. Experiences may change from minute to minute, but underneath the flow of experiences lies that constant awareness, the sense of being that says, “I am.”

Life is about experiences which unfold at different locations in space and time. Space, however, is merely a construct of the Creator’s consciousness. The concept of space was created to allow an infinite variety of viewpoints to exist.

Time is also a construct of consciousness. Time enables change within space, making events and experiences possible.

Is physical matter a construct of consciousness? Matter is composed of energy, and energy, like all things in life, is a construct of consciousness.
The definition of energy

Energy is compressed consciousness.

Each unit of energy is formed by counter-rotating vortices of Intent. These vortices push together to form a tiny sphere of compressed consciousness within their center, which becomes a particle of living energy.

Intent and Love in motion are the original, fundamental principles used in Infinite Being’s creation of the universe. Like thought and feeling, these aspects of being operate as complements to each other, and yet each one can be defined as an underlying, fundamental principle. When intent, the principle of thought, and love, the principle of feeling, are set into motion, then one invokes the other. The same complementary action occurs in electromagnetism when electricity is set into motion. The electrons – particles of compressed, original Intent – invoke a complementary magnetic field within the fabric of space.

The fabric of space is created by the Love aspect of the Creator. Love is the aspect of Infinite Being which provides the supportive matrix upon which all else is built. From the point of view of physics, the fabric of space would be defined as pure, inert, magnetic energy. Or, at least, it would be if physics had gotten around to defining it yet. It used to be called the aether, but its properties were not fully understood at the time. Physics, for the most part, does not currently believe in the aether, does not currently believe in a Creator of the universe, and, as a result, has no idea why particles of energy exhibit signs of consciousness.
The original Creation

Before the original Creation occurred, Infinite Being formed an expression of itself which was to become the Creator of the universe. Then, as the One Creator, it focused its Intent, expressed its Love, and brought these two aspects of Itself into motion. All of the universe was built upon these underlying principles, which make possible the facets of Creation such as time, space, energy and matter.

A universe in motion makes possible the changes we call experience. But if life is constantly changing, then what is there to hold on to? What is unchangingly real?

Unchanging reality is to be found beneath those fundamental aspects of the Creator’s Intent and Love in motion. Infinite Being is the underlying reality. Infinite Being is all that is, it never changes. Being is pure potential, whereas doing is the acting out of that potential.

The underlying reality of Infinite Being is complete beingness. Infinite Being is real. It never changes. It always is; just is.

How do you connect with reality? By meditating, by using the affirmation, “I am Infinite Being,” you can build your connection daily to the true reality which lies within you.

When you make spirituality your number one priority at the start of each day, then daily meditation becomes a habit, something which occurs with ease. By building that inner bridge to reality, you are empowering your own potential and also helping to shift the global mind towards enlightenment.

Courtesy of Owen Waters,

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Angel Wisdom ~ Self-Acceptance


                                                               Love who you are  ~

            Be happy and love who you are right Now! Love all of your perfections and imperfections,

               for you are absolutely perfect right now to help you accomplish your life's mission.

           You will know when you are accepting yourself because you will feel great just as you are.

                          Angel guidance reminds you there is something for everyone in this

                                      magnificent Universe and you are just as deserving,

                         powerful and loving, just as the angels and guides who watch over you.

           Self-acceptance is an agreement with yourself to appreciate, validate, accept and support

                 who you are at this very moment, even those parts you'd like to eventually change.

                         This is important...even those parts you'd eventually like to change.

                                   Yes, you can accept or at the very least, be okay with,

                                    those parts of yourself you want to change some day.

                    And when you feel the time is right for change, embrace the changes you choose

                                         to take and offer gratitude for those that are leaving.



                                            "I bless and appreciate every aspect of myself."

                          Have a blessed day and know you are loved and supported, always, the Angels


Thank you, Mahalo, Merci, Gracias, Vielen Dank, Grazie, Спасибо, Obrigado, 谢谢, Dank, 謝謝, Chokran,Děkuji,Kiitos

Article Copyright ©2012 by Sharon TaphornAll rights reserved.

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Service Is Its Own Reward


                                                  Service Is Its Own Reward

A true World Server strives to have a mind that is balanced at all times. This requires keen enthusiasm for disinterested, selfless service: Be kind to all. Love all. Serve all. Be generous and tolerant towards all.

This is the way to purify both heart and mind, and to help forge the path to world enlightenment.

By performing acts of service, the heart is purified. Egoism, hatred, jealousy, the idea of superiority, and all similar qualities become purged and disappear; humility, pure love, sympathy, tolerance and mercy are

developed in their place. The server comes to feel oneness and unity, in touch with all life.

The person who serves the world also serves the self. Only by first reforming oneself can the whole world

become reformed. The greatest service that can be rendered is to impart knowledge of truth, as the basic

cause of all human suffering is unconsciousness.

True service also purifies the mind, and can be a tool for self knowledge. This practice requires non-attachment to
outcome and that all actions be dedicated to the highest good, with the awareness that all of life is good.

There may be a divine call for a certain kind of work, and if that happens, one can learn to recognize it in the moment. Though people are generally elated by success and depressed by failure, there must not be any

attachment to outcome or even to a particular form of work.

Many people have core pictures giving them polarized attitudes about their work; they are attracted to some

kinds of work, and dislike others. It is not a person’s true calling to seek success or failure, but rather to focus attention on completing the immediate task at hand to the best of one’s ability. Work itself cannot bring misery, but having attachment or identification to work brings in all sorts of worries, troubles, and unhappiness.

If we work for the fulfillment of divine purposes and do not expect any fruit ... if we do everything as

worship of the divine... if we work in unison with Divine Will for the welfare of the world ... then the

moment egoism comes in, the free flow of energy will be noticeably blocked. Being neutral in the way

we approach and do our work, as our work becomes worship, we will become as free as a bird.

When we give up ego and work merely for the sake of humanity, then even eating, walking, talking, sleeping, breathing and answering calls of nature become joyous activities. Great joy exists in approaching work this

way because there is no personal investment in it.

How is this freedom accomplished? When we perform any action, it's important to go inside and become

centered. In this space of equanimity of mind, it is possible to understand the fundamental principles that

govern all we do, and many of the outside forces become clearer and more manageable.

There is certainty in the practice of right work. Even a small amount of service to the community or to the

poor brings forth its own rewards and advantages. Then, we will again be propelled to do some more good

actions by the forces of our impressions of the original action. 

This is a key detail of the way that service evolves.

While the unconscious cannot conceive of doing work without some personal gain, the World Server attains

inner spiritual strength and power by performing selfless motives and practices. Gradually, as we serve society,

the glory and splendor of unselfish work is understood. This practice requires great patience as the old ways of selfishness must be destroyed.

Non-attachment is dispassion or indifference to the sensual enjoyments. This occurs in the mind.

The “I” and “mine” are "poisonous fangs of the mind serpent" which must be removed in order to tame it.

There cannot be bondage to material things like the body or possessions. The binding link ~ the mind ~ can

and must be mastered and controlled.

As we work, the mind will grow to see things in more creative, abstract ways. This nurtures detachment as humanity is lifted by the higher energies, and in the process of doing the work, we will come to no longer pay attention to old worries and difficulties. Self-knowledge evolves as one becomes less self-centered.

When we realize that in our work we do not answer to the boss outside but rather to the God who has

ordained us, there can be no more bondage to office mates and employer. The external work may still appear

to be the same, yet ...



                                                                      We Are Free!

                             Service can be briefly defined as the spontaneous effect of soul contact.

                               This contact is so definite and fixed that the life of the soul can pour

                                     through into the instrument which the soul must perforce use

                                                              upon the physical plane.

                                  It is the manner whereby the nature of that soul can demonstrate

                                                            in the world of human affairs.

                                                  Service is not a quality or a performance;

                                it is not an activity towards which people must strenuously strive,

                                                     nor is it a method of world salvage.

                           This distinction must be clearly grasped, or else our whole attitude to this

                             momentous demonstration of the success of the evolutionary process

                                                           in humanity will be at fault.
                                                        Service is a life demonstration.


Synthesis is from
Science of Yoga, Volume 1: Karma Yoga
by Swami Sivananda, Sivananda Press, Durban, South Africa


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The Daily Oracle ~ Oneness



                                        The Daily Oracle  ~  With Darity Wesley  ~  Oneness


The energies and directions are continuing to evolve around stepping into our true selves,
becoming authentic and being in our essence, joining in Oneness.

The Oracle directs you to be contemplative today. Now is a good time to contemplate the shift
of the latest Solar Eclipse, your connection with All That Is, and all life and its flow. Look outside
yourself, look at the trees, the rocks, the water, the clouds, the sky, the birds, the flowers – even
the cars, the airplanes, the buildings, the people, the world around us – take your separation
blinders off and see it is all connected – the planets, the stars, the galaxies, the cosmos.

To be true to yourself is to honor that you are an expression of that energy. Your form is not separate—
it only appears to be from your perspective—looking out through your eyes. It is only your form for this
particular journey. It is not who you are. You are the witness, you are the essence that hears what you
have to say to yourself, you are that presence, that being. Pull this level of understanding firmly, deeply,
into your essence, grounding Oneness, grounding unity consciousness. Just remember that there
will be those who do not understand and it is okay, we love them – not everyone will comprehend.
It is the true ones, the ones of integrity and authenticity, the ones who understand that will indeed
change this world. You are a wonderful part of this and I honor you completely.



                                                                 Let your mantra be:

                                                  I AM one with All That Is…And So It Is!!!


Note: This Oracle is from OM-Times Magazine Oracle by Darity Wesley © 2011 Darity Wesley

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Greetings All ! I am Metatron, Lord of Light, and I greet you this moment in Unconditional Love !

Dear Ones, that you term the Ascension can be defined as the transition to Crystalline dimensional expansion.

Masters, 2012 is just the beginning, for the crystalline energy is amazingly robust and effusively dynamic. This benevolent energy is indeed a force of omnipotent ubiquity that has not been seen on the planet in many millennia. It is a powerful combination of telluric, hyper-dimensional and cosmic forces that are capable of shaking the earth and opening dimensions. It is also capable of up shifting your frequency. All of these are in fact occurring, and exponentially so, as there are dynamics of crysto-magnetic physics at play that are beyond your current scientific comprehension.

The final completions of the Crystal Vortex of Arkansas are extremely important to the Crystalline Transition of the Earth. And the crystalline transition is tantamount to the 2012 Ascension. On the 12-12-12 the Crystallization of the planet will complete.

Sacred Contacts
That is one of several reasons why so many of you will be drawn to Arkansas for the final Triple Date Portal gathering, the 12-12-12. For those of the Atlantean Law of One, the completion is part of a sacred oath that the Crystalline Energy will one day return...and never again be allowed to fall into the wrong hands. Presence in the Crystal Vortex for many is a soul contract, and many of the Law of One will feel & answer that call. We will also tell you that several of the featured speakers at the 12-12-12 including John Van Auken, Graham Hancock, Dr Semir Osmanagich, Tyberonn and John Jenkins were highly esteemed senior members of the Atlantean scientist priest, the Atla-Ra of the Law of One.
All of their presence will add an immediately recognizable energy of sacred 'reunion', and that will be sensed and felt among all of the Atlanteans of the spiritual Law of One. And indeed several of these will be meeting for the first time, and will share the cognition very deeply. All who gather will feel a sense of exuberance, the magical knowing that what was promised millennia ago, will finally occur....the re-emergence of the Crystalline Energy.
Arkansas Was an Atlantean Colony
Just as the Magnetic Master, Kryon channeled a decade ago, evidence of Atlantis is indeed in Arkansas. Arkansas, because of its crystal deposits was logically and absolutely an Atlantean colony. Crystals were seeded, programmed and coded. There remains in the vast chasms below the surface of Arkansas, ancient structures of the Atlantean era. Some of which remain inhabited by the 'blue-skinned' race.
Although the incredible crystals beneath the lands of Arkansas have been dormant for over 14,000 years, we tell you that they are awakening...and within the next 3 to 4 decades, Arkansas will be globally recognized for its unusual and brilliant crystalline energy. Many Master souls of the Atla-Ra and indeed Masters of the Sirian-Pleiadean Alliance will purposefully choose to reincarnate in the Crystal Vortex, and in fact have begun doing so now.
These are the Crystal Children, and Arkansas and Brazil are drawing them in the thousands. They will innately understand the importance of these two regions, and will thrive within, and play leading roles in the appropriate utilization of these potent energies of the Arkansas and Brazilian Crystal Vortexes. By the 23rd century, magnificent Crystalline Temples will have been built around the Crysto-Sun Disc of Pinnacle Mountain, and the Temple Crystal locations of Mount Maga, Wilhelmina and Eureka Springs. And while 3 centuries may seem a long time to you, it is present and will manifest within a flash from your nonlinear aspect.
So accordingly the activity of the Crystal Vortex is surging.

This will increase throughout 2012 and continue through 2038.
Arkansas is emerging as one of the most important and powerful vortexial portals on the planet. It is the northern hemisphere source of the Crytsalline field. Arkansas is not only the largest singular deposit of natural quartz crystal in the world; indeed it contains a unique quality of crystals, coded to awaken at this time, coded with the energy of the 'Law of One'. In 2012 and forward the crystals will begin emitting a frequency that benevolently interacts with the Human Aura in creating an enahnced gateway of multidimensionality within Mer-Ka-Na.

Sound Fields- Crytsalline Standing Wave
Long ago the ancient Mystery Schools of Atlantis contained a section of the Atla-Ra that programmed crystals with light & sound frequencies. The Crystals emitted a hertzian vibration field that were extremely beneficial. These were used for balancing the human field, enhancing health, healing dis-ease, and for awaken into higher dimension. Some were also able to and open an inter-dimensional channel to other 'worlds' and especially to the Divine Self.

In 2012, the Master Poseidon Temple Crystals are initiating a pulsed hertzian field that is capable of living 'form'. This tangible energy interacts by induction with the human aura, and produces something of an altered state. The benevolent effect is akin to deep chanting, but understand that the waves produced are conscious, living, through the crystalline 'conscious spirit' of sound and light. The living energy is similar to that of an elemental field, but of higher resonace. It is more accurately defined as the consciousness of crystalline color and sound. It is projected from the 'living' crystals, you aspect emanation of the crystals themselves.

It is indeed the eventual recognition of this field that will motivate the construction of the Crystal Temples. The effect is myriad and prolific, and will powerfully influence the inner self, the higher emotions , higher harmonics of humanity within its energy reach. It is occurring now, and will progress from the 12-12-12 over the next seven years, forming a standing wave.

This energy is Atlantean Atla-Ra technology and still exists in some of you ancient Temples in Egypt, Peru, Central America, Java, Cambodia and in Newgrange in Ireland. All of your ancient Pyramids built to Phi, contained in their original construct such standing waves within specific and relatively narrow hertz bands.

The Crytsal Bowl Effect

In a very real sense, the triangulated within oval vortex of the Arkansas crystalline field, will become what you term, a crystal bowl. Within the bowl will be similar, somewhat fixed hertzian wave- range, yet varying pitches or notes. The differing 'keys' determined by the indigenous mineralogical energies. For example the area of Magnet Cove, will have a differing tonal resonance that that of Crater of Diamonds, or the Radium Waters.

The same will occur in 2012 around the Crystals of Sound and Regeneration in Brazil, in Bahia and Minas Gerais, respectively.

The crystalline standing wave will in time axialtonally join Arkansas to Brazil, and then envelope, bathe the planet. The effect will be the lessening of the 'arc-swing' of duality, by bridging right & left the hemispheres of the brain. The standing wave, when combined with meditation, moves through the prefrontal cortex of the brain, stimulates the pineal, and takes one into higher consciousness.

There have always been certain places on the planet that became recognized as sacred. Stone Circles, Temples, Pyramids and Cathedrals were placed in these areas by the ancients. In the last two decades, your academics have been involved in studying ancient monuments, and have credible evidence that certain ancient monumental structures around the Earth have several common features. One of the most compelling is around standing waves. We tell you many of the structures were planned architecturally and designed acoustically to enable specific sound waves and frequencies that effect your energy field. These can indeed stimulate the pineal in humans of sufficient light-quotient and thus enhance multi-dimensional experience. We tell you that it is not simply the structures; indeed the structures are dependent to a large degree on the vector of placement and the mineralogy of the site. In fact, identical structures built in differing location will have different tonal frequencies, if the geological matrix, latitudinal placement and mineralogy differ significantly.

The 144 Grid Completes on 12-12-12

In 2012, on the 12-12-12, the Crystalline Grid completes. The 12 dimensional fields join, with the dimensions 5-12 in crystalline format. As such all crystals on the planet amplify and harmonize.

Those of you that work with Phi Crystals will be able to sense a great and greater leap within their energy resonance. Utilization of the Phi Crystal into thought amplification will remarkably increase.

The quartz deposits in Arkansas begin in the area of Little Rock and extend in a massive western curve for over 170 miles, with a width of 35-40 miles.
Arkansas also contains unique combinations of magnetic minerals, radium charged aquifers and a diamond deposit, which work synergistically with the quartz. Because of this blend of energies, the Crystal Vortex of Arkansas is the most powerful in terms of the potency and utility of its vortexial-portal field. This is why the Atlanteans were especially attracted to the area, and why the Sirian-Pleiadean Alliance still retain underground bases in the area. It is rapidly completing, and is on path to soon become the Trigger of the Ascension.
Crystal Caves
Masters, beneath the surface of the central region of Arkansas rest enormous beds of exquisite crystals the size and beauty of which are visually stunning. Some of these quartz points are over 40 meters in length, seeded by the early Atlanteans. There are crystal caves beneath Arkansas that are esthetically mesmerizing exuding symmetry and inner light that is sublime. These 'Master Crystals' are beyond the reach of your mining concerns, and that is purposed. These crystal entities are very ancient and have been in a dormant mode for millennia. They were programmed with specialized attributes by the Sirians & Atlanteans, and are now in joyous modes of re-activation. These awakenings are releasing efficacious dynamics and energies that spawn unusual phenomena as they reboot, none of which will be malevolent, quite the contrary. Indeed they are a gift of immaculate proportion and intricate value.
An Omnipotent & Benevolent Power Source
Dear Ones, we again tell you that Crystalline Energy is an omnipotent power source that has implications far beyond humanities current understanding. Crystalline structure is formed by an essence of frequencial light resonance that is multidimensional and coherent, existing in matter and antimatter. It is the Metatronic divine template that sources all creation manifestation, and forms the very matrixial composition of every plane of existence. It is the enzyme of reality transduction and the vitality spring of the Divine Thought that forms the Cosmos itself.
Crystals are great receivers and transmitters and a strong communication network occurs between Master Crystals and indeed Crystal Vortex-Portals. The two most powerful Crystal Vortexes on the planet are indeed Arkansas and Brazil. As such the connection of the Arkansas vortexial portal to the Brazil vortexial portal is extremely important in the Ascension and global crystal network.
Two Master Temple Crystals are located in Brazil, in Bahia and Minas Gerais. The former is Atlantean seed, the latter LeMurian seed crystal. The energies of both are maintained and reactivated in Brazil and connected to the 'Law of One' Crystals in Arkansas. Keep in mind that while LeMuria is acknowledged as a civilization of great spirituality, there were thousands of years in which Atlantis harbored far greater frequency and enhanced levels of spiritual mastery that greatly exceeded that of LeMuria. Atlantis fractured into a polarized society before its demise, but many of the most important crystals were protected, uncontaminated and stored before they fell into misuse and destruction. The greater of these are stored in Arkansas and Brazil.

The Platinum Crystal & the Golden Sun-Disc
The intricate rebooting of the Crystal Vortex is nearing consummate integration, but will not be fully completed, fully networked in a global aspect until the 12-12-12. .
On the 11-11-11 the Platinum Crystal was activated, it set forth an enormous crysto-wave pulse that intertwined with the energies of the Blue Crystal of Knowledge and the Emerald Crystal of Healing...both located by design in the Arkansas Crystal fields, by the Atlanteans of the Law of One. These energies will then trigger into Global span, on the 12-12-12 the Crysto-Golden Sun Disc located beneath sacred Pinnacle Mountain near Little Rock.
The Sun Disc activation is a significant event that will be felt across the Earth and Indeed the Cosmos. The Crysto Golden Sun Disc was put in place by the Sirians in alignment with 11 other locations across the planet. It originally weaved the energies of the areas of the Arkansas Crystal Vortex, the crystalline, the magnetic and the radioactive living waters. In addition to the Sun-Disc, there were Pyramidal Structures used to refine the energies of the vortex.
The complexes of the Toltec Pyramidal Mounds (near Little Rock, Arkansas) were the last constructs of these and still remain visible today. The end result was a complex energy generator stream capable of myriad benevolent function.
The capabilities varied from energy feeds to the Atlantean hyper tunnel system, the Crystalline Satellite (Second Moon of Atlantis) as well as feeding refined energies to the crystal poser system that powered Atlantis. The vortex was essentially de-energized in its true function after the demise of Atlantis.
It has in the past decade been prepared for its activation, or rather re-activation. The sacred codes for the reprogramming are within the Akashic Field, the Crystalline Paradigm, within the sacred conscious library of MAX, the 13th Crystal Skull of the Pleiadean-Sirian Alliance. MAX will indeed be in the Crystal Vortex for the final re-programming on the 12-12-12.
Spiritual Emergence in Crysto-Magnetics
The new emerging Crystal Vortex of Arkansas will be far more powerful and serve a different function than it did in the Atlantean era. This is because the Atlanteans placed the aforementioned three Temple-Crystals in Arkansas before the tsunamis inundated Poseida. The purpose and potency of these Temple-Crystals have created resonance that is far more 'spiritual' in aspect and effect. The addition of these three to the huge natural crystals will add their succinctly specialized conscious programming's of knowledge, wisdom, healing and multidimensional awareness. And while their sheer natural attributes are quite capable of shaking the grounds and bending the space- time continuum far more powerfully than the famed Fire Crystal beneath the Sargasso Sea in the area of Bimini, their regulation into refinement via the Sun Disc and Pyramidal controls will insure that they are kept in optimal benevolent purpose and balance.
It is the magnetics of this location in Arkansas, in fact, that has held these crystal energies in balance. That is why the Atla-Ra specifically selected this area in Arkansas for their storage, and seeding. You have no idea of the energy these are capable of generating. You see it is the use of magnetic energies along with etheric light, light above and below the visible spectrum, light you refer to as ultra violet & gamma that is used to both subdue and amplify crystals. An etheric gateway has existed over this area for the past 20,000 years, and a gateway of high frequency light is able to be focused into this area. This capability is sharpening.
Tunnels & Electrum Gold
A vast network of hyper dimensional tunnels networks the areas below central and NW Arkansas. These lead to enormous chasms and crystal caves. Some of these are still in dynamic utility. The ability to detect these tunnels & chasms will not be within your scientific capabilities for many more decades. And that is because they exist in what may be termed intra-space within a frequency of parallel hyper-dimensionality. Yet those humans of sufficient light quotient indeed can sense them, and indeed their energies do intermingle with and code the natural beds of quartz in Arkansas.
But there is still more to the energy. A very rare form of the noble metal gold is present at deeper levels within the beds of quartz crystals below Arkansas. It is a form of unique, crystalline electrum. Much of this rare form of gold electrum was mined and exported from your earth. The deposits in Arkansas were not. These have been purposely guarded and protected in order to serve a great and greater purpose in the unique properties of the Crystal Vortex. Your geologists are well aware that gold often occurs in crystallized quartz, but have not as yet explored the unique fields, uses and energy that octahedronal crystalline gold electrum provides.
The Great Atlantean Temple Crystals placed below the lands of Arkansas are actually an alloy conglomerate of quartz, silver and gold. These were manifested through Arcturian technology. The frequency of crystalline electrum gold is capable of combining with specific types of high frequency quartz to enable the 'bending & molding' of dimensional fields through an electro-alchemical process that transforms atomic structure. Dimensional access tunnels were often created in this methodology by the Atlanteans to create wormholes or dimensional tunnels within the Earth's mantle that could be accessed at a higher frequency.
Many of these hyper dimensional tunnels were laid into place along the flows of existing leylines of natural telluric currents that flow on the Earth. Tectonic shifts have damaged many, but not all of these. Some of these were simply deactivated. There are higher dimensional beings, from the Sirian-Pleiadean Alliance and the benevolent Ashtar Command Legion that have been given the task of protecting, repairing & recoding many of these currents, dimensional tunnels and crystals over the past three decades. Some of you such as the channel, work with them, and is why you are heavily drawn to be in this energy
Ley lines and great crystals were de-energized at periods when the people of Earth went into the periods of consciousness decline, in the sad wake of Atlantis. This was done without damage to the crystals. The reactivation process of portals, crystals and hyper dimensional matrixes has been taking place since 1987, and will continue over the next year through 2012, when it will be completed.
The Law of One
You're very atomic structures are composed of perfectly aligned geometries, crystalline geometries, knitted into place with the thread of electro-magnetics. Electricity and magnetics are components of light. Your spectrum of visible light is but a candle in comparison to the magnificent geometric light of the higher spectrum. The crystalline aspect of Arkansas is not limited to the quartz. The energy of Arkansas is on higher dimension that of a multidimensional octahedron that has formed itself to the levels of the ninth through the twelfth dimensional fields. The energy is transformed from the hexagonal of quartz to the octahedron of gold quartz and diamond. Diamonds project both an octahedronal and dodecahedronal geometry, and the kimberlitic volcanic pipes in Arkansas that yield the energy of diamond, transform the cube to the octahedron. The hexahedron cubic is enclosed in the octahedron. The quartz Crystals of Arkansas are imbedded with the energy and wisdom of what is referred to as the Atlantean Law of One.

The Master Crystals placed there have frequencially transferred this vibration to the quartz indigenous to the area, and as we have explained, the Masters Crystals contained a higher dimensional alloy of gold conglomerate that has been received energetically by some of the natural occurring beds. The crystals from the McEarl mine carry this unique harmonic. These are especially potent. All crystals are alive, in a real sense, and have an ordered consciousness, and self-awareness, but each carries unique and specific blueprint patterns. This pattern is greatly varied according to the geology and astrological energies of the vector. Therefore seemingly identical gems and crystals can be quite different in their energetic projections according to the location in which they occur.
Tri-Helix Vortex
The Arkansas vortex is quite unusual in its movement. Most vortexes in the northern hemisphere of your planet spin in either ovaline or circular counter-clockwise flows. The crystal vortex of Arkansas has a very unique, very specialized ' to and fro' vortexial motion. Moving approximately one-third of its circumference counterclockwise, and then rapidly reversing back in clockwise motion. This occurs in 3 separate arcs of 120 degrees. The forward and backward shift of this vortex is most unique, and is purposed in generating greater upward thrust of the crysto-magno-hydro energies. The energy of Arkansas has three succinct telluric forces that contribute to its tri-helixed field. These are the magnetic, centered in Talimena Ridge, Crystalline apexed in Mount Ida and the radium hydro- energy centered in Eureka Springs. These make up the 3 discreet arc- gyros, which are regulated and tri-helixed through the Pyramids below Toltec Mounds and coded in the Sun Disc below Pinnacle Mountain in Little Rock. The unique pattern of the vortex generates the energy into incredible thrusts with both a receiving and transmitting manifold.
The geology of the area is extremely unique, more so than even your geologists recognize, and is precisely why the Atlanteans colonized and developed the area. It is why there are underground bases of the Sirian-Pleiadean Alliance in the area. The area is a rare mineralogical collation of natural quartz crystals, diamonds and magnetic lode stone. Pyramids to coordinate the natural projections of these energies and intricately intertwine their energies have existed in Arkansas for over 25,000 years. Remnants of the last 'surface' pyramid still exist in Toltec Mounds (State Park) just south of Little Rock. The Sirian-Pleiadean Alliance have maintained an enormous sub terranean Pyramid below the Toltec Mounds since Atlantean times. It is among the reasons so many crafts are sensed over the Crystal Vortex. Three such bases are in the Arkansas area.
Last year, on the Triple-Date-Portal of the 11-11-11 the last of the thee Atlantean Temple Crystals, the Platinum Crystal of Interdimensional Communication activated from its long dormancy and joined with the Emerald Crystal and Blue Crystal of Knowledge to finalize the combined components of the NEW ARK Crystal Vortex. The three Atlantean Wisdom & Healing Crystals that once beamed magnificent light and celestial energy in the Temple of Healing, the Temple of One and the Temple of Knowledge on Poseida were placed in dimensional lock in the Atlantean Crystal Fields of Arkansas. The first of these was awakened in 2008, the second in 2009. In 2012 these further activate and align with the awakened Temple Crystals held in Brazil, Mount Shasta, and Lake Titicaca.
The Platinum Crystal is a nurturing (feminine) energy of the Platinum Ray and facilitates balance between dimensions and energy sources. It provides an optimal communicative reception between what may be termed inter and intra consciousness planes. It also serves to form a cohesive interface between the duality planes and the integral planes. It lessens the arc of duality.

Final Transition Process
On the 12-12-12 the Crystal Vortex will be surged into Global function. This will be triggered by a Cosmic Force generated through the 144-Grid, initiating an activating pulse from the Emerald Crystal beneath Mount Maga in Arkansas. The Platinum Crystal will then instantaneously reboot into flow with the 3 telluric energies (radium waters, crystals & Magnetics) and the two other Master Temple Crystals, the Emerald Crystal of Healing and the Blue Crystal of Knowledge. This will immediately send a communicative wave pulse to the Golden Crysto-Sun Disc and a recoding will occur that will be fed to the Toltec Pyramid regulators. For the first time in 20,000 years, the vortex will be regionally complete.

Masters, truly all that remains in 2012 is the Globalization of the Crystal Network with the 12-12-12 activations of the Bimini Fire Crystal, and the Crystal of Thoth below Lake Titicaca. This will incur the final rebooting of the 144-Crystalline Grid and the 12 Golden Sun Discs. The trigger will be the 12-12-12, in the Crystal Vortex of Arkansas. ...the rebooting will finalize on the 12-21-12.
And we tell you without the 12-12-12 there would not be a 12-21-12.

The graduation of your planet, that termed the Ascension, is in effect the critical-mass that will allow for the conversion of this Earths receival capacity template from, in your vernacular, analog to digital, from black & white to color. An incredible transformation is only a breath away, literally. The Crystalline Conversion thru the antennae of the 144-Crystalline Grid is about to vastly increase the earth's dimensional reception from 3d to 12d and beyond. It is akin to your television changing from the archaic antennae to satellite reception. It is the Crystalline Age, the wind beneath the wings of the Ascension. The fulcrum apexial points are the Cosmic Triggers and the Triple Date Portals.

But release the fear Dear Ones, this time of the Ascension, in this New Crystalline Era, the mega power crystals will not be taken from you and misused as occurred in the sad demise of Atlantis. Indeed they will never again be used for any purpose other than the highest good. Be assured of this! It is a sacred oath that will indeed be kept. For you are the family of the Law of One returning to keep this promise. It is why so many of you are drawn to the completion in the Crystal Vortex, for indeed many of you feeling the call were among the revered Scientist Priest of the Law of One, the Atla-Ra, that relocated the Temple Crystals .

While many of you have carried guilt for the loss of control of the crystals, it was indeed the deceptions of the Sons of Belial, the militaristic Aryans of Atlantis that schemed and took the controls from Poseida that led to the destructive forces and deluge. The guilt some of you carried for millennia, and yet carry today indeed is misaligned. It is time to release this. The clarion call is beckoning.

You of the 'Law of One' took an oath that the Master Crystals would never again be misused, that you would not allow them to fall into the wrong hands. Dear Ones, it is a promise kept. Their sacredness and benevolent purpose has manifested. You have waited a long, very long time for this completion. It is a contract nearing fulfillment, and you are to be commended. Indeed you made this happen! The Crystalline Transition, the heralded Ascension will occur. It is happening now!

I am Metatron, and I share with you these Truths. You are beloved!

And so it is

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Einstein's Insight into Human Nature

A man is but the product of his thoughts. What he thinks, he becomes. --Mahatma Gandhi

Einstein's Insight into Human Nature--by Michael Michalko, Original Story, May 23, 2012

Detailed descriptions of Albert Einstein’s thinking process were discovered in his correspondence with his close friend Maurice Solovine, who was a student of philosophy. One day Solovine suggested reading and debating the works of great authors. Einstein agreed enthusiastically and soon mathematician Conrad Habicht became involved in what was to be known as the "Olympia Academy." Often their meetings, held in Einstein's flat, would last until the early morning hours where the three discussed issues while eating hard boiled eggs and smoking pipes and cigars.


Among the topics that intrigued them was thinking and believing. How do we think? Why do we believe what we believe. Einstein intuitively knew that thinking is speculative and how personal beliefs and theories distort what we observe. Once he observed jokingly, “If the facts don’t confirm your theory, change your facts.”


Einstein explained that psychologically, our beliefs and axioms rest upon our experiences. There exists, however, no logical path from experience to an axiom, but only an intuitive connection based on our interpretation of the experience, which is always subject to revocation. These interpretations shape our beliefs and perceptions which determine our theories about the world. Finally, our theories determine what we observe in the world and, paradoxically, we only observe what confirms our theories which further hardens our beliefs and axioms.


At one time, ancient astronomers believed that the heavens were eternal and made of ether. This theory made it impossible for them to observe meteors as burning stones from outer space. Although the ancients witnessed meteor showers and found some on the ground, they couldn’t recognize them as meteors from outer space. They sought out and observed only those things that confirmed their theory about the heavens.


We are like the ancient astronomers and actively seek out only that information that confirms our beliefs and theories about ourselves and the world. Religious people see evidence of God’s handiwork everywhere; whereas, atheists see evidence of the absence of God everywhere. Conservatives see the evils of liberalism everywhere and liberals see the evils of conservatism everywhere. In fact, you do not need to watch and listen to either Fox or MSNBC because you already know what their position will be on any given political issue.


Many of us are taught that belief is the result of reasoned thought which informed you and then you chose to believe or not believe. But actually, your beliefs are shaped by your subjective interpretations of your experiences. When you are thinking something, you have the feeling that the thoughts do nothing except inform you, and then you choose to do something and do it. But actually, the way you think and what you think is determined by your theories about yourself and life. Thought controls you more than you realize.


What is that object resting on the woman’s head? When psychologists showed this sketch to people in East Africa, nearly all the participants said she was balancing a box or a can on her head. When nomads were shown the sketch they described a family sitting under a tree. Westerners place the family indoors and interpreted the rectangle above the woman’s head as a window through which shrubbery can be seen. Different cultures interpret the picture differently because of different kinds of experiences.


We automatically interpret all of our experiences without realizing it. Are they good experiences, bad ones, what do they mean and so on? We do this without much thought, if any, to what the interpretations mean. For instance, if someone bumps into you, you wonder why. The event of her bumping into you is neutral in itself. It has no meaning. It’s your interpretation of the bumping that gives it meaning, and this meaning shapes your perception of the experience.

You may interpret the “bump” as rude behavior. You may interpret her as being deliberately aggressive, or you may feel you are of such little consequence that you’re deliberately unnoticed and bumped around by others. Or you may feel the sidewalk is poorly designed for the amount of foot traffic forcing people to bump into each other, or perhaps you will take it as an example of your own carelessness. Or you may choose to use the experience as a political example of feminist aggression, or you may interpret the bump as her way of flirting with you. Your interpretation of the experience determines your perception.


Imagine that a group of curious bees land on the outside of a church window. Each bee gazes upon the interior through a different stained glass pane. To one bee, the church’s interior is all red. To another it is all yellow, and so on. The bees cannot experience the inside of the church directly; they can only see it. They can never touch the interior or smell it or interact with it in any way. If bees could talk, they would end up arguing over the color of the interior. Each bee would stick to his version, not capable of understanding that the other bees were looking through different pieces of stained glass. It’s the same with us when we end up arguing with someone about a theory or a belief. Both individuals are looking at the subject through their stained glass interpretation of experience.




This article is reprinted here with permission. Michael Michalko is the author of Thinkertoys: A Handbook of Creative Thinking Techniques. His newest book Creative Thinkering: Putting your Imagination to Work has just been released and is now available at most major bookstores and on his site,

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Man dies, comes back to life, what he saw


This man goes to hell and has been allowed back to tell us what it was like. Some may laugh, but at the end of the day, this is just one of thousands of people we know about that have been through the same thing.


Give it a watch and make your own mind up.


11 yr Old Went to Heaven and Back, and Tells What He Saw!



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CNN Slowly Leaks Out 2nd Sun Brown Dwarf Star in Our Solar System Lies About Distance Much Closer

PLANET X / BROWN DWARF STAR / 2ND SUN / RED KACHINA / RED PURIFIER / TYCHE / HERCOLUBUS / WORMWOOD / NEMESIS / DESTROYER / MARDUK / DARK STAR / NIBIRU - is estimated to be 4 times the size of Jupiter, or 44 Earth's wide, or the size of 5200 Earths with a debris tail over 5 million miles long on an orbit around our Sun. This massive object is following close behind Comet Elenin and is expected to show up shortly afterwards possibly in 2012-13.


Two suns' spotted in China defy explanation


Two Suns in New York


Two Suns in Bangkok


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Man played music '40,000 years ago'

Man played music '40,000 years ago'

Music was flourishing in Europe many thousands of years before the birth of Mozart, Brahms and Beethoven, scientists have learned.


The great composers' earliest ancestors were playing musical instruments and showing artistic creativity more than 40,000 years ago, a study has shown.


Evidence of the musicians was unearthed in Germany in the form of primitive flutes made from bird bones and mammoth ivory.


A new system of fossil dating confirmed the age of animal bones excavated in the same rock layers as the instruments and examples of early art. The bones, probably the remains of meals, bore cuts and marks from hunting and eating.


The finds, described in the Journal of Human Evolution, are from Geissenkloesterle Cave in the Swabian Jura region of southern Germany. They show that the Aurignacian culture, a way of living linked with early modern humans, existed at the site between 42,000 and 43,000 years ago. It suggests that some of the first "modern" humans to arrive in central Europe had a musical bent.


Professor Nick Conard, from Tubingen University in Germany, who took part in the excavation, said: "These results are consistent with a hypothesis we made several years ago that the Danube River was a key corridor for the movement of humans and technological innovations into central Europe between 40,000 to 45,000 years ago.


"Geissenkloesterle is one of several caves in the region that has produced important examples of personal ornaments, figurative art, mythical imagery and musical instruments. The new dates prove the great antiquity of the Aurignacian in Swabia."


The results indicate that modern humans entered the Upper Danube region before an extremely cold climatic phase around 39,000-40,000 years ago. Previously, experts had argued that modern humans only migrated up the Danube immediately after this event.


Prof Tom Higham, of Oxford University, who led the team which dated the bones, said: "Modern humans during the Aurignacian period were in central Europe at least 2,000-3,000 years before this climatic deterioration, when huge icebergs calved from ice sheets in the northern Atlantic and temperatures plummeted.


"The question is what effect this downturn might have had on the people in Europe at the time."


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Pay-It-Forward Chain Reaction at a Restaurant
posted by mbeal10 on Feb 14, 2010


My four grown children were all home visiting this weekend so we decided to go out for brunch. The centre of attention was my toddler granddaughter. She had never had pancakes before so we were excited about her trying them.



We always try to make our family meals special so this time we decided to order every kind of pancake they had and asked that they be served on one big family-style platter!


We each took turns digging in and also feeding it to the baby, who loved them. There was a lovely environment at the table and lots of smiles. As I was looking around the table, enjoying this wonderful scene, a gentleman at a nearby table caught my eye.


He was eating his breakfast alone quietly, in the corner. He frequently looked over and smiled as my granddaughter continued to entertain us all. Suddenly, I had a great idea.


I dug out a smile card from the reserve that I always carry with me and snuck up to the waitress. I explained to her that I wanted to pay that man’s bill anonymously and that instead of the bill could she please give him the smile card.


Our leisurely breakfast was still going on after the gentleman had left. The waitress came over and told us that he had passed the smile card on and paid for another table before he left. How great!
Not only that though, the waitress then came back later and told us that the second table had now paid for someone else and passed the smile card on too!


I couldn’t believe it when the waitress came back and told us that the third table had done the same thing.


What was really amazing though, was that by the time we left, half the room had ended up paying for a different table! Isn’t that great?



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Turning Fear Into True Compassion

Turning Fear Into True Compassionposted by sathsath on Mar 18, 2010

This is a true story that happened to my friend Rekha...

Rekha maintains an exercise regime that includes a brisk walk every morning around some gardens in our neighbourhood. One morning, she was walking earlier then usual, daybreak was only just beginning to set in and it was still relatively dark.

As she was walking, a cyclist came up to her, snatched her handbag (containing her keys, phone and credit cards) and sped off with it! She ran after him shouting "thief - thief". A man further ahead must have heard her, or seen what had happened. He was washing a car and had a bucket of water with him. He grabbed the bucket and threw the water on to the cyclist.

The cyclist, caught off guard, drove off the pavement and his bike fell over. The other people in the park rushed over and surrounded him. My friend Rekha was worried that the people would try and beat him up, as often happens in India, and so she pleaded with them not to hurt him.

She bent down and asked the man why he did this to her? He was extremely repentent and explained that he was the son of a poor farmer and that this year their crops had failed. He said that the money lenders had threatened to beat up his father and hurt their family if they didn't pay on time. He said that he was absolutely desperate and didn't know what else to do. He was very sorry.

Rekha was deeply moved by this story. She could see that boy was young and he was so skinny and bonny. She looked into the boy's eyes and said that she forgave him. She then pulled out some money from her handbag and gave it to him. She told him that stealing was wrong and that he shouldn't do it again. He said he wouldn't. He said he was from a good family and well brought up and that he had made a terrible mistake.



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posted by on Jan 1, 2011

A 15 Year Blessing From A Homeless Person

This is a story that happened 15 years ago but it has always stayed with me since then.
On the way back from work every evening, more often than not there would be a homeless man standing at the exit of the freeway. He looked to be in his late 40's but was probably a lot younger. He had shoulder length straight black hair a short beard, and he was of average stature.


His eyes were what struck me the most about him, they were brown and they had a sparkle. Like an inside light that was beaming out of his eyes. His eyes, I thought, represented the man in general. People say they can tell a lot from a person’s eyes. It was certainly true in his case. He always waved at every car, he was always happy and smiling and sometimes almost dancing.


Every day after work I would remember to gather any spare change, and put it aside to give to him if I saw him. A feeling of joy would come over me every time I saw him, as I came off the ramp. He had that effect.
I’d quickly roll down my window and give him the coins. Occasionally the red light would be on for a minute and we would ask each other about our day. His answer would always be the same, “I’m blessed!”.


I knew what his answer was going to be every time, yet I would still ask. It amazed me that even in his situation of being homeless he was so positive, and his answer would remind me of how blessed I was. A single mother of four amazing kids, with a place to call home and with a job to provide for my kids.


Then one day I was called into my boss’s office and was told that I was being laid off due to the economy. A feeling of worry engulfed me, and for the rest of that day all I could think of was “how am I going to provide for my kids, how am I going to pay rent, what am I going to do?”


Needless to say that on my way home that day I was very sad and upset. I didn’t remember to look for my spare change and keep it ready like I usually did. I wasn’t feeling the joy as I got off the ramp where the homeless man would be. Yet there he was as always, as I turned the ramp. He set his eyes on me, while still smiling and waving at others.

I’d hoped to catch the green light, but I missed it. While I was waiting for the red light to turn, he strolled over to my car. He had a big smile he looked me straight in the eyes and said “today I will give you a dollar”. He then reached into his pocket and pulled out a dollar bill. I was blown away. I burst into tears. I wanted to jump out of my car and hug him!


You see that day he gave me more than a dollar bill, he taught me a valuable lesson. No matter what material things are taken from you, no one can take away your choice to be joyful. My ride home was smooth sailing, I had lost my job, had no savings, but I knew I was blessed!


Every time I’m faced with challenges, I think of the homeless man’s valuable lesson and remember that I am blessed.


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About Love

“In the sphere of duality, the highest attainment which you could achieve as an individualized unit of consciousness was the state termed "Unconditional Love". Now we shall leave even that behind, as we move into the realm of "All-Encompassing Love", where love simply is - all pervading, inside outside, everywhere. It is the glue which holds our Star together. Where there is no more "'I' love 'you'," for we are no longer living under the illusion of separation, but where love - simply is... It is the foundation of everything.” 
- From EL*AN*RA, the Healing of Orion, by Solara

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Upcoming Universal Power Surge
May 26th – June 7th
I am writing to alert you of a massive Universal Power Surge that will be starting at 10:30 am PDT on May 26th and ending at 9:00 pm PDT on June 7th. This is the first of many Universal Power Surges that will occur as the Source activates the Spiritual DNA for each successive developmental stage in the manifestation of the Source Perfected Universe.
Power Surges are times of unparalleled opportunity to work with the Source to build Heaven in yourself, in your life, and in the world. They are times to support your Suit (spiritual body/mind) in adjusting to the powerful spiritual changes that occur during such a transition. They are also times when your good work as a Heaven Agent contributes to the creation of Prototypes that can help others struggling to advance and Connect to the Source to follow in your footsteps.
This Power Surge is bringing in the miracles that enable you to Become Love in Action. By Becoming Love in Action, you are able to enter into The Heaven Experience – an experience of Connection and Communion with the Source that is, at its height, the highest level of happiness possible. Once you are in The Heaven Experience you are eligible to enter into The Materialization Economy and begin building the Total Abundance that is needed for you to live The Heaven Experience in both your Inner and Outer Life.
While it is possible for very advanced Heaven Agents to ride the Wave of the Power Surge and achieve some of these objectives, most Heaven Agents need some level of Source Support to be able to work with the Power Surge effectively. In order to provide the Source Support that is needed, I have brought forth a Source Creation – The Heaven Experience Intensive. This At-a-Distance Intensive provides you with the training and The Heaven Experience Intervention that enables you to accomplish all that it is possible for you to accomplish during the Power Surge. How much Source Support is needed is determined individually.
To read more about the Power Surges and Heaven Experience Intensives, you can go to:

Wishing you Heaven,
Sherry Daniel, Ph.D.
Director of The Miracle School

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A Vision for Conscience

A Vision for Conscience

We see a world where we have all realized that what we think, say, and do has an effect on everyone and everything else; where those of us who previously caused harm to another, supported people or institutions who harmed others, or brought destruction to the land, fully see that what we have done has affected the world around us.

We see a world where we no longer distance ourselves from the feelings of those we've hurt, or the Nature we've uncaringly disrupted, and in doing so, our consciences have awakened. Now we know to never harm again; we know, without doubt or equivocation, that what we do, either consciously or unconsciously, to others always comes back to haunt us in return. And, as a result, each and every man, woman, and child who walks this Earth now honors and respects everyone else. We treat others as we would want to be treated because we have developed a conscience.

As you line up with this Vision, it becomes your Vision too!
You can align with this Vision
by double-clicking the "YES!" Button below.


Clicking the YES Button will also show you the Total Alignments to date.


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