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The following is a telepathic message I received this morning from my Pleiadian family, also known as “The Ring of 500″ who, I am told, are affiliates of The Pleiadian Council of Light. Please read with heartfelt discernment with the knowledge that telepathic channels can sometimes be garbled or misinterpreted by the receiver.

We are pleased, Jen, that you have invited us to share our views on the current state of the Universe with your friends and readers. We are The Pleiadian Ring of 500, Affiliates of The Pleaidian Council of Light. Our Ring of 500 consists of 250 pairs of Twin Flame Soul Mates. Our exact mission with the planet Earth is to bring our Twin-Flame energy to raise the vibrations on the planet and assist each and every incarnated soul on the planet to ascension, which is fast approaching. Although we don’t delve too much into politics, as we are spiritual beings, and we do not feel that politics or “financial affairs” are at all “spiritual,” we do understand what a large part these paradigms play in the “game of life” there on Earth. So, without further ado, we will share with you what we see from our “bird’s-eye view” of your planet.

First, allow me to introduce myself. I am Peter. I have been elected by your Ring-of-500 family to be the spokesperson for this particular communication. Reason being, it is my particular area of interest to follow the daily political and financial happenings and analyze their greater effects on our “ground crew.” I have an analysis team who helps me organize all of this information. We are constantly watching, reading, discussing, analyzing, and then reporting our findings to the Council of Light. Although it sounds like a hierarchical system, it’s really not. We consider ourselves a team of equals at all times, but each has volunteered to serve in their area of interest. Some of us have experience with politics and the financial system from “past” incarnate lives on Earth, and that is why we choose to follow, although we do not deem these categories to be “spiritual” in any way, shape or form.

Governance, of course, is necessary for order on your planet, but it currently is not handled in a spiritual manner that is good for the collective embodiment. The political world is skewed by closed mindedness that has plagued your planet for centuries now. This all goes way back to the shift of masculine energy and the movement of the patriarchs. By now, most of you know that these folks are not fully human. They only pose to be human. But they are driven by dark fourth-dimensional force to rule this planet, strip its resources, and enslave all of its inhabitants. This is why light beings have come from every inch of the Universe (billions of other galaxies) and incarnated on Earth as physical human beings – to assist in the awakening and ascension of this planet’s energy into the higher dimensional realms.

This dark force, which many refer to as “the Reptilians,” the “dark cabal,” the “Illuminati,” the “Elite,” and “the New World Order,” has been overwhelmed with the burst in population growth over the past century. Their answer has been, of course, to manufacture viruses and diseases to try to control the population, as there are so very few of them in comparison to the light workers who have descended en masse to overthrow their darkness and free this planet. They have also poisoned your food and water with things like arsenic and fluoride. Slow, silent killers that will eventually make human beings sick enough to pay a visit to the “doctor,” who is then paid by the dark forces to write you prescriptions for pharmaceutical medications that will only expedite yet another disease that will eventually kill you, but not before taking your money and the money of your health insurance company should you currently be so lucky to have one (Mexico and USA residents only; light workers in most other countries with health-care systems have secured national health care for themselves.) National health care is another story, of course, since there is a shortage of doctors in these countries to perform treatments and procedures that are perceived by their patients to be “much needed.”

Of course, this type of western medicine is all a façade. Once you ascend, there will be no need for this kind of “medicine.” You will all have the fifth-dimension capability to heal yourselves. Of course, first we have to get there. And this dark force is, of course, trying to stop it. The good news is that enough of you on Earth have awakened – almost on cue, even – to prevent them from exerting any further power over you. You now all have the power to free yourselves, and in many ways, you are already free.

The dramas that are being played out on floors of the global political arenas are just that – dramas. Certainly not reality at all. At this point, you should view these ridiculous displays of behavior as those of children playing “dress up” or “house,” as you called it when you were a child. Or, even better yet, view them as a comedy- of-errors type of stage play – for entertainment purposes only. You see, this dark force has many puppets playing their parts – puppets who don’t yet realize the game is over – and they have no intelligent guidance at this time. We’re sure you’ve noticed that their behavior is immature, irresponsible, and, at times, just plain insane. Quite embarrassing, to say the least. Many of us who have played our roles in the political arena in the “past” are quite embarrassed, that is for sure. It is also laughable at times, too. We can laugh now, because we know the majority of you view this behavior – especially that of the American political arena – as a complete farce and total joke and that the majority of you are not taking any of these political candidates seriously.

Yes, there are still quite a few who slumber, still and view these candidates to be “good potential leaders” of your country. No worries, though. Their numbers pale in comparison to those of the awakened. Fortunately for you, your Indigo children have served you well, for it is they who organized Occupy Wall Street, and it is they who sounded the spiritual alarm clock across your blue planet. Although some are still hitting the snooze button, the majority are stretching and yawning and throwing off the covers while select few have already had their morning coffee and have begun their necessary work. This is wonderful news for your collective.

Now, speaking of your “collective,” you may wonder:  what exactly do we mean by that? We are speaking of the consciousness of every inhabitant of your planet as a whole. As one. For you are all ONE. One collective consciousness. What IS consciousness? It is the combination of feeling and awareness that is collected from the emotional and logical (mental thought process) of each individual. Many of you (for too long now) have been operating solely from your minds rather than your hearts. Many of you think more than you feel and rely on logic more than emotion. This is a masculine energy effect. This is how masculine energy has dominated your various societies over several thousands of years. Your thoughts can be manipulated very easily, but your hearts…your hearts are your true center. No one – not even a fourth-dimensional dark force – can rob you of your heart-centered knowledge.

Eckhart Tolle has taught you that you are NOT your mind. That your mind is a tool. Like a calculator. Or a computer. It should only be used to help solve problems. Such as mathematical problems. Or scientific formulas. It can be used to reason, but many times this is abused, and you have probably talked yourself right out of heart guidance one too many times, which is why your planet is currently in the unhealthy state that it is in at this unfortunate moment.

As we said before, mind is easily manipulated. You are all highly telepathic beings. You have always been. But the messages coming in have not been benevolent. They have come from man-made religions, which are all controlled by the dark forces. They have come from your educational institutions – also controlled by these same dark forces. And they have come from your media who are – you guessed it – controlled by these same dark forces. When we say media, we are not just referring to “news media.” We are referring to ALL TYPES of media. Television programming, advertisements, movies, and, yes, even the music industry. All of those artists who have sold out to these dark forces for the money. They participate in the dark energy of greed, and they serve as puppets for the dark. You know who they are. They do not sing of anything that is not ego-centered. Their lyrics are full of hate and violence. Dark noise. That is all it is. And it is designed to control the minds of the people to keep them in that dark cycles of violence and abuse. And slavery. This is not art. It is not to be confused with art. Do not be sucked in by it. By ANY of it.

Our message to the masses at this time would be to take that time you sit and watch TV and put it to better use. Take a walk outdoors. Spend time in nature. Or use your talents. Paint, draw, write, tinker, invent. Whatever your hobby or favorite pastime is – go out and enjoy it. Unplug. Deprogram from the dark programming. Find yourselves. Find your heart centers. Shake off the dark. Breathe. Free yourselves.

Do not worry about the financial fiasco. Money is nothing. Unfortunately, at the moment, you’re all still stuck in “the game.” And it is best to view it like that game Monopoly. In order to stay on the board at the moment – to keep a roof over your head and food on the table – you must play the game. But your monetary system – globally – is currently of no more value than that Monopoly money. It is paper with numbers on it. And, in most cases these days, not even that much, given the overuse of electronic transactions.

What we say to all of you at this time is this: do not worry about the digits in your accounts. They mean nothing to anyone but the dark forces who still think their system – their monetary banking system – is real and viable. It is not. A new system is on its way. Several groups have come together behind the scenes to invent a new system. Only those that are founded on the principles of abundance for all will be considered. Pyramid schemes – Ponzi schemes – none of these types will be considered. There will be equal wealth for all. No one will ever go hungry again. For this is the way of the rest of the Universe. No other beings in this Universe starve on any level. No other beings in this Universe are treated as slaves. And none suffer from low self esteem. All are honored and loved and viewed as equal. There is a great peace that runs through the rest of this Universe, and planet Earth is being called home to that very same calm and reverent notion.

Many have referred to your planet as “Earth School” because of its current state of duality. It has been said that Earth is the only place in the Universe that light beings can go to experience the polarity energies of light and dark, and this is true. But this polarity has nearly destroyed your planet. And it has created a great deal of upheaval and unrest amongst the light beings, for the abuses they have suffered while on Earth in each incarnation has polluted their biomagnetic spheres and left them stuck in karmic patterns for which there has been little hope for escape. Or so they feel. This has proved to be very dysfunctional and unhealthy, not to mention disruptive, as it takes quite a bit of “rehabilitation” for a light being to overcome these abuses before they are able to move into a lighter state of being on another planet. Think of it as a “detox program.” This is what a light being must endure and successfully complete before it can move to another realm after it has spent time on Earth in the duality game.

This is all fully understood by every light being before it incarnates on Earth. That is why you are all often referred to as “the strongest of the strong” by many lightworkers there on Earth. It is like that show Fear Factor (which we find completely VILE, by the way). You are participating in something that you all know is going to not only be toxic to your physical bodies, but also to your own light bodies. And, still, you persevere, like soldiers going into battle (knowing the dangers and the consequences) for one honorable reason – to help this planet overthrow the darkness that has besieged her and tormented her.

And, the same way you watch contestants on Fear Factor, thinking “No WAY would I EVER do something like that,” half in awe and admiration and half in disgust, some light beings watch YOU the very same way. Yes, there are light beings who have never – and will never – incarnate into physical bodies for the very same reason you would never eat animal genitals or get into a tank full of poisonous snakes: it’s vile, disgusting, toxic and dangerous. And the consensus is the same: that person is either brave or stupid. Or, perhaps, both.

The majority of us, of course, view those of you currently incarnated on Earth as brave. Honorable. Wise. Intelligent. And, yes, even heroic. Because, unlike Fear Factor, this is not a “show.” This is a very necessary deed. And it is for the benefit of the entire universe. You are all there to clean up the toxins your planet throws out into the Universe. You are those very brave nuke workers who suit up and go down into the reactors, knowing the dangers, but you do it for the betterment of others. And that is the noblest thing any light being can do. For this, we admire you, we salute you, and we love you very, very dearly. That is why we see to it from our end that no harm will come to you. Especially during these tumultuous times as you watch all the “systems” crumble around you.

You are watching your governments self destruct. You are seeing monetary systems fall like the house of cards that they are. And you are seeing personal relationships all around you – and possibly even your own – fail. Fear not. These are necessary for the benefit of all. It may confuse you at this time. You may wonder, “how could this possibly be good?” But that is simply because you “think” you know no other way. Let us reassure you that you do. You know of MANY other ways. You know of many BETTER solutions. All you have to do is go within. Find your heart center. And remember who you are. For you come from many different galaxies throughout our Universe. You have all been “world leaders” at one time or another. Remember what we told you: you are the strongest of the strong. If you weren’t, you would not be there on Earth at this time. For THIS TIME is the most important time for the entire Universe.

We want you to think about something. Think about “the missing link” in Darwin’s theory of evolution. Why do you suppose there is a “missing link?” Some, of course, think it is because of creationism, and, in some ways, they would be correct. This, however, should NOT be thought of in a “religious” sense. When we say “religion,” we are referring to MAN MADE RELIGION. Those created by the patriarchy to control you and enslave you.

Now. Think of the many types of races on your planet. You are all “human beings.” All possess the same DNA. You all have red blood running through your veins. Although the pigment of your skin and physical structures and facial features are somewhat different, your human biological qualities are all pretty much the same. And you did not evolve from apes. As we can already anticipate the sigh of relief from the majority of the collective, we also anticipate the gasps to follow as we ask you to contemplate that you just might be created from the collective creation of other beings from other planets. Of course, this is not to say that “God” did not play a part of your creation, as the “God force” flows through each and every one of us. But we do ask you to contemplate at this time why there really is a missing link (and yes, there still IS a missing link because, as we told you, you did NOT evolve from apes).

Keep in mind that many of your “scientists” there on Earth are, like many others, “bought and sold” by the dark to report ANYTHING the dark sees as an opportunity to keep you believing in their religions and sciences. To keep you scared. To keep you subservient.

The truth is…your physicality was created by YOU. YOUR collective imagination and spirit. You are ALL ONE. WE are ALL ONE. And, together, with the help of the God force that keeps us united as one (collective consciousness) we have designed ourselves to be who we are and appear as we do in the physical world. Out of what, you ask? Consciousness. Imagination. And personal power. Yes, dear ones…we ARE that powerful.

Welcome to the TRUTH.

Now, we ask you…please…use your power to stand up…to speak up…and follow your hearts. FEEL. Leave the thinking and the mind games to the dark “cabal.”

YOU have the power to say no. YOU have the power to dismiss your “elected” officials who hold power and control over you. YOU have the power to defy “orders” from the dark. YOU have the power to stop all violence. YOU have the power to love. Now open your hearts, love, and ascend.

Peace to all of you.

I am Peter, affiliate of the Pleaidian Council of Light and The Ring of 500, and I represent the collective voice of your family from the stars. With utmost respect and love, I sign off and wish you all the very best as we watch over you with love and protection.


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Some days are most auspicious than others, giving you expanded opportunities to grow spiritually and reach your potential for this life. Likewise, certain series of days in a cycle - with their cumulative effect - help you to greatly accelerate openings and leave behind unfinished business. One of those times is Wesak season - here right now.

You may have never attended a Wesak, but your DNA holds a memory of what the ancient Masters taught about the path of enlightenment. That's because of what your ancestors learned and also because of memories in the mass consciousness of humankind. These things are not forgotten, even in the darkest of times.

Your true nature, after all, is divine. It is encoded within you to remember this and to awaken to your true self. Each person has his or her own timetable for enlightenment. Enlightened beings like the Buddha, the Christ, and Tapihritsa taught these things - in part by how they lived their lives. When you celebrate Wesak, you can connect tangibly with such beings, receiving their help with your own liberation. There are expanded spiritual energies present, and fewer veils between dimensions, helping you to access abundant blessings. You awakening can then move into a new phase.
The Call for Divine Changemakers

For you as a divine changemaker, it is natural that you have a very strong calling to awaken. You're probably feeling it right now. Tune into that feeling as you read, inviting your higher wisdom to speak to you about this cycle and how to best utilize it for your growth.

The Masters who previously walked the Earth taught the importance of love. Theirs was a simple message. In practice, however, centuries of fear-based conditioning obscures a true understanding of what love is. Therefore, it is not an easy task to shed the old conditioning and live as the Masters taught. It's not enough to simply want a loving world. You must become the love and be it with every aspect of your being. This you are learning in a process over time.

During Wesak season each year, it is easier for you to access the wisdom and blessings of the Masters. If you tune in energetically right now, most likely you can sense a subtle lightness of being. Since this energy resides alongside heavier energies and the chaos so typical of these times, you must still your mind and body to touch it. Trust that it is there, in any case. Take time daily to invite a tangible experience of this lightness of being - morning and evening if you can.

During Wesak celebration days and the season as a whole, place yourself in situations allowing you to connect with others on the path of conscious awakening. Spend personal time with such people, and if you can, join in on a group level.
Benefit of Group Connections

One loving person shines a bright light into the world. When two or more gather and focus on a loving world, a great magnification occurs. You can find even more benefit with a larger group, especially when your gathering is specifically focused on enlightenment and the Masters who showed humanity the path.
How to View Today's Chaotic Situation

Regardless of what's going on in your life right now, trust that there is a purpose to each day. Remember why you came and take advantage of opportunities as they arise.

Most likely, you are living with much more uncertainty and stress than ever before. The chaos and oppositional ways of being may be bringing up a host of negative emotions like anger, frustration, even hopelessness.

Still, there is a spiritually grounded way to view today's happenstance - so you can benefit from the Wesak season and the months ahead. If you could see the overall picture as spirit does, you wouldn't want to waste precious time or to miss opportunities presented only once.

Here are three suggestions that will help you stay on track.

First, when you feel discouraged by the lack of love in your world, remember that things are changing. The shift towards a more loving world has been in motion for a very long time. There is a quickening now - that's what you came for - to be at the forefront as a divine changemaker during these pivotal moments when a new type of existence is coming into being. The people who don't yet remember the love may seem in opposition to you, but this is not the truth. At the core of their being, they too are love. Keep coming back to this in your mind and do your best to be loving.
Second, as the pace of life picks up, remember to take time daily to focus on your connection with spirit. There are countless ways to do this, from meditation and intention setting to inviting spirit's view of life dilemmas. When you leave spirit out of the picture, you sabotage yourself. It's like preparing a cherry pie and putting it in the oven without the cherries. Your relationship with spirit needs to become such an integral part of your everyday activities that there's no separation. When you unconsciously put spirit in the background - thinking of it only after you have made a decision - you will miss out on the boundless gifts you could otherwise receive. When you change your fueling system to spirit, you change your present and your destiny.
Third, as you are reminded of the dysfunctional state of your world, remember the big picture of what's happening and where you want to be headed. Be thankful that you live in a time when secrets and injustices are coming to light. Be happy that you can be informed of problems faced by people and the planet. Only when you know about a problem can you shine your light on it. Only when you become aware that there is a crisis can you become a part of the solution. You can't solve all of the world's problems, of course. However, humanity's future on the Earth is being decided by how you and others live during these times of great change. It is being decided by choices you make each day to be kind and compassionate. Step out of your everyday routine for a few moments today and consider what kind of world you want to live in. Visualize it ... feel it ... breathe it into your cells. Anchor that image into your heart, focusing on it whenever you become discouraged with the status quo. All your light within to show you the way.

As you continue the journey of discovering your divine nature, we surround you with our love and blessings. We are The Council of 12.

Copyright 2012 by Selacia, Channel for The Council of 12 * All Rights Reserved *

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Calling in "The One"

It's springtime here in Northern California and I'm writing you
from Santa Cruz, overlooking a spectacular view of the pounding
waves of the Pacific Ocean. For me, it's the time of year when I'm
most generative, when I open myself to new possibilities for my

Thank you so much to those of you who sent in your words of
appreciation about my sharing of my own Calling in "The One"
journey to love on Thursday's LOVECAST event.
If you missed the event you can download it here.

The kind of love and support I have in my life today is something
that I am so thankful for and want everyone to be able to
experience as well.

Because, you see... seven years ago I didn't think that the life I
live now was possible.

I doubted I'd ever find the love of my life, and I deeply feared
that to have the intimacy I yearned for, I'd need to compromise in
some significant way... and that having a committed relationship
would end up costing me my spiritual growth and mission to
contribute to others.

I know that the fears and doubts I held back then are the same for
so many. They may be the same for you.

The thought of being alone forever is so devastating... and yet we
can sometimes be just as fearful of losing ourselves in a
relationship with another person, or we are afraid that once we
find our greatest love... that they will leave us or it will end in
a way that will break our hearts again.
With less than a week left before the start of our Calling in "The
One" Online Course next Thursday, I wanted to share with you how
these fears affected me all those years ago, and how I overcame
them to call in my own soulmate, Craig!

I want to share my story so you can see what has happened for me -
and what can also happen for you!

After nearly twenty years of disappointing romances, I wasn't
really sure if I'd ever find a partner to share my life with.
I'd created a great deal of success elsewhere in my life: I had
wonderful friendships and a great career.

However, I felt powerless to manifest the partnership I so deeply
longed for.

I was resigned to just wait and see what would happen, giving up a
little more hope as each year passed by.

One cold night in the Fall of 2005 everything changed.

I woke up at 4am filled with immense anxiety. It bordered on sheer
panic because I suddenly knew: if I didn't do something radical, my
opportunity to experience the great love I always desired could
completely pass me by.

Up until that moment I had wished for love, but I'd never before
committed to doing whatever it takes to fulfill the deepest
yearnings of my heart and soul.

Suddenly, everything became clear.

I realized that I'd always regret not taking a fierce stand to
create great love in my life.

That's when I made the commitment to engage the principles we teach
in the Calling in "The One" 7-Week Online Course.

I freed myself from the patterns that had been holding me back,
utilizing the principles outlined in the course, supported every
step of the way by the collective energy of the group.

I released limiting beliefs about myself, about men and about
relationships in general.

I caused an unprecedented breakthrough in my life.

I felt something new emerge and I began to stand in a place of

I met my future husband shortly thereafter via a series of
miraculous synchronicities.

We were married in June of 2007.

Not only are we a perfect match but the quality of relationship
that we share is that of the true spiritual partnership I'd always
dreamed of.

I highlight this aspect because I knew I deeply needed a partner
who would support and elevate my spiritual growth and my desire to
serve and spark transformation in others.

I needed to know that my love for my husband would not be pitted
against my desire to serve.

With Craig, my husband, I know that our shared love is in perfect
step with each of our missions.

My career literally skyrocketed after he came into my life as
did my ability to contribute to and impact others with my gifts.

He loves my passion and strength and has been endlessly supportive,
holding a loving space for me to thrive.

And because our missions call for a lot of travel, we've been able
to make our love and lives an adventure!

We were just recently in Australia where he met members of my family
he'd not yet met, and we were able to attend my high school best
friend's wedding.

After that, I was in Hawaii attending a transformational leadership
conference while he led a meditation retreat in California.

Then we took some time to breathe in the clarity and magic of Lake
Tahoe, skiing together this winter while continuing to run our
organization and tend to our teachings.

Now we're basking in the sunshine and breathtaking surf of Santa
Cruz, opening ourselves to the restorative and healing powers of
this sleepy beach town, and creating a sacred space for our work.

We do not share every little interest or passion (nor would we want
to!) and we make time for ourselves as well... yet these are the
everyday tangible ways our love has continued to strengthen me,
enliven me, and nourish me at the deepest heart and soul level.

I know it is the same for Craig. And so I am convinced that you
too can create this kind of miracle in your life.

It might not be travel and transformation for you - instead you may
deeply crave someone you can cook with, share your home with, or
who will love your children just as you do - and make your family
whole again.

We each have our own desires for what love will look, feel and
taste like for us.

I share the experience of my love with Craig so that you can see:
the key things I desired most (and feared were not possible) became
the foundations of our exceptional love and relationship.

What is it you desire most in love?
What would it mean for you to have that kind of partner in your

It's easy to say yes to our desire for love.

It's difficult to step forward in vulnerability and hope... and
actually transform, move and act toward love.

But today I'm going to say to you that if you truly desire your
Soulmate and you are ready to call him or her into your life... you
must step forward and do whatever it takes.

The good news is, it doesn't have to take much.
By joining us for our upcoming Calling in "The One" Online Course,
you can begin using and activating the great secrets of manifesting
love that elude so many people in our culture.

I promise you: it's just not the truth that "all the good ones
are taken," "marriage is a trap," "I'm not worthy," "I'm too
old," "I'm not attractive enough," etc!
While causing true love might be out of our hands, we can ensure
that we are not the obstacle to love taking root in our lives.

What's even truer is that we're much more likely to receive the
grace of love if we create the space within ourselves to receive
the love that we're seeking--and that is within our control.
Whether you feel ready to be in a relationship or not, Calling in
"The One" is about calling in your very best life.

When we feel like we're not "ready," it could actually be that what
we truly feel is we're not really interested in having the kind of
relationship that we've had in our past.

We need to rediscover our own center and anchor into the greater
truth of who we are and the life that we want to create.

We've created our Online Course to give you all the tools, training
and support you need to release and evolve the old patterns and
hidden barriers that have been holding you back and open up to
attracting and sustaining great love in your life.

Don't let another moment go by without taking a stand to live
your very best life and have the exquisite love that you came to
this world to experience and express.

Our course begins on Thursday, May 10.

Visit our Course Information Page << Register here To your future of love fulfilled, Claire P.S. Our team of certified Calling in "The One" coaches has generously volunteered their time to support our course community on their journey to love- join us, our coaches and a global community today! Find out all the details about our program here. Evolving Wisdom, LLC, 369-B Third Street, Suite 302, San Rafael, CA 94901, USA To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

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Pushing for Timelines

Dear Family,
Coming into the planet's annual electrical peak cycle for this May, the players are aggressively jockeying for optimum position in the field, devising their strategies, clawing their way through the 2012 Ascension cycle reality show, "Pushing for Timelines". We have groups "pushing" for their agenda and to cull as many people as they can to get on board with their future timeline that supports that agenda. In the larger overview, tempers are flared while engaged within heated ancient conflicts, as there are fresh pawns being thrust into the controller's game as an exercise to prove they can still throw their weight around, while attempting to intimidate others into being culled to enforce their dominion agendas. Do not let this frighten you or take you out of your personal power. Command your space! There are many more people (primarily within the Starseed gene pools) exposed to sleep state ET contact, ET type of dreams and other modes of communication and manipulation. (Please review March News section for Guidelines for Positive Contact) It is important to know IT IS YOU that must "command your space" and claim your sovereign right to State the Action of your Authority. (God Source and Christ Force, do not attack or manipulate, however, they Protect and Defend.)

Gridworker's are being called upon spontaneously to show up in various demographic areas of the planetary surface, alone or in groups, to act as environmental harmonizers, energy placement holders or set up "phase cancellations" to effectively transduce and emit neutralizing signals. When developed, Starseeds have the consciousness ability to neutralize artificial technology and replace it with organic code. (At this time in the planet fields, there is an aggressive use of the following Negative Alien and Grey technologies: static frequency fences, energy phasing distortions, soul imaging and capturing technology, holographic inserts and projections, black hole technology, opening hyperspace pockets (time/space ripping), aura harvesting and harnessing, electromagnetic pulsing and sweeping.) These sudden "grid" missions, (whether assigned at home in your bedroom, or out doing planet fieldwork) are being given to mitigate various large impacts made in the energy field of the planet. Gridworker's are sent where their specific expertise or "consciousness" genetic key is most beneficial.

If one is not clear who their authority is, and that ET's are not Angels or "God's" to be trusted, one can be manipulated to serve an alien agenda that is not in service to human Ascension and Sovereignty. Use 12D Shield boundary testing for all ET Communication, and learn to develop this skill if you are being contacted.

Whether we observe the World News with our outer vision, or observe the energy (consciousness) field with our inner vision, the fantastically surreal to paranormal, manifest as common daily events. Some of those events are hidden five pages deep in a brief article someone managed to get on the internet for a few hours. (Although some of this is disinformation to debunk UFO or other sightings, some of it indeed is accurate, until it is promptly removed into the "404 error pages" and photo shopped) Many of us cannot believe our "eyes" (I's) and are grappling with coming to "new terms" with our understanding of the nature of reality and our life. Our relationship to time and space is, fundamentally, at the energy physics level, changing. All the while there are still those totally oblivious to it all, and those watching on the sidelines, exclaiming "WTF?" We are in the end of times where those willing to pay attention are facing some of the most bizarre events, collective strange behaviors and distorted motivations ever witnessed on planet. (A penetrating insight and disturbing conclusion will be arrived at, when one delves into the matter by asking the question: Who is benefiting from ____ event?)

The propped up artifice of the collective ego mind is further fragmenting into multiple schisms and descending into its pit of despair and madness. We can choose to accept our responsibility to live during these times, as an empowered connected human, willing to face the truth, or descend into disconnection through the spiral of madness. We cannot be of this world, engaged with the chaos, and maintain our sanity. Our inner spirit is that which harmonizes our overall auric energies and will restore sanity through balancing our thoughts. We have to let go of everything, and Let God. Pray, meditate and 12 D shield daily to maintain your sanity and energetic balance.

Stay the course of the Organic Ascension Timeline by reclaiming your heart based, inner spiritual identity as a Sovereign and Free, God being. Protect your aura by 12D shielding your body and staying informed, aware and alert of your surroundings. Follow your heart and be willing to go beyond the shadow of fear, facing the truth, making the inner choice to serve God's plan of Freedom for All. Know with all of your heart which timeline you choose and commit to stay on that timeline, by continually affirming your dedication, and the consecration of your body, mind and spirit, to fully serve God's Organic Laws and Ascension Plan.

On Alert

For months now there has been a Guardian alert for those made aware that this May electrical peak is generally used for furthering false timeline agendas, of which the negative aliens have excelled at in the past. By relying on human "short term" memory, they have succeeded in propagating some of the most insidious crimes against humanity, repeatedly, by using the same seeds of human ego distortion and fear, and by manipulating the unhealed memories of human soul trauma. To the collective human fractured soul, deluding the masses with the ultimate goal in promoting the individual's desperate quest for status and worldly material success, along with the gaining of power and dominion, is like giving a crying baby a pacifier to keep it quiet. Over time, the pacification only lasts as long as the distractions, which keep getting bigger and bigger to stay effective, which ultimately lead to a human train-wreck of inner destruction. These crying babies in adult bodies, have been given a sociopathic mind along with a blood thirst for power, and run amok like they own the place, and the people in it. Like a two year old with its favorite toy, shrieking out, "MINE!!" This spiritual immaturity is very easy to manipulate and is easily dispensable, as there is no such thing as loyalty (or heavenly afterlife) in the hungry and distorted Reptilian brain. They consume one after the other like popping candy "m & m's". This False King of Tyranny rule is destined to fall, as the external power crumbles with nothing at the foundational core left to support it.


In the creational structure of Harmonic Universes there are two timelines per dimensional octave. So within our Harmonic Universe of 3D earth, within the three dimensions, we have six timelines. When we energetically evolve and move up in octave, being initiated into higher frequencies, we are exposed to more dimensional octaves, therefore more potential timelines. Within these dimensions of future timelines are "stations of identity", commonly called "soul", "oversoul", "higher self", which comprise body parts or whole spiritual bodies of our "forgotten" selves. These are spiritual energetic bodies that hold our intelligence matrices, our mind matrices, that make up our spiritual identity, and of which we are designed to reclaim during these "timeline collapses" transpiring during the Ascension cycle.

This is why those on the ascension path continually experience their energetic healing by meeting the cellular memories in the multiple timelines. (What? This emotional theme, again?) We have to move through the series of timelines in each dimensional octave and reclaim our identity while recoding and changing the obsolete or false reality from interfering with our continued spiritual growth. Like a tri-athlete running and jumping over the hurdles, we merge with these timefields and collect our spiritual bodies, to make it to the finish line. What is being accomplished with this process, especially now with Guardian Ascension Timeline, is that we have to move through all the artificial, inorganic time fields ( negative alien timelines with their false selfish agendas) in order to arrive at the GOD GATEWAY. Because the original plan was not achievable, it required our evolution through the time fields in the Harmonic Universes to be drastically sped up. Those serving the Law of One, are moving through extreme amounts of the future timelines, observing its collapse, in order to arrive at the Gateway Octave where the Organic and eternal light is overriding the artificial and replicated alien coding. False Timelines and False Software to control humanity was used to deter humans from their organic and natural ascension evolution. This is why this planet is called, "prison planet". Meanwhile the negatives desperately cling on to the artificial timeline programs to influence humans through fear to manifest into their enslaved future selves. (Some examples: Nostradamus Prophecy, Armageddon Software, Pestilence Programming, 911 Military Industrial Complex Revolution, any terrorist and cataclysmic inorganic event generated by the Aliens. None of these programs are sourced as "natural". )

By reclaiming our spiritual identity we then can begin to remember and rediscover our true divinity as sovereign and free beings. It is our spiritual identity, which is connected to God Source, that will lead us to safety and freedom throughout this maze of confusion. When you reclaim your spiritual body and its identity in an obsolete or inorganic timeline, you move though that timeline into the next dimensional octave timeline, to repeat the process.

As we move up the dimensional octaves (or scale) to higher frequency, we also become conscious of future time. Moving through octaves of dimensional frequencies is synonymous with moving forward in time. The Ascension cycle is the end of a 3D combined timeline, and the planet is moving into a higher frequency of future time, a future dimensional octave. This skips the planetary consciousness field, therefore human beings and their consciousness into future time fields and higher dimensional frequencies.

As many different people on 3D earth are existing at different levels on the scale of spiritual evolution, where their frequency resides and stabilizes, will determine their direction and future, whether they are personally involved in that decision or not. If a person is initiated into their soul bodies, (4D-5D-6D) and enters the frequency of the next Harmonic Universe, (by embodying their soul frequency), they will be exposed to another potential six timelines. The next Harmonic Universe, the parallel 5D earth, has these next six potential timelines, and those entities, with an agenda for 5D, are working for that agenda. (That would be the Nibiruan Annunaki Alien invasion and subsequent later timeline, Orion Zeta-Draco Invasion of 5D earth)

If a person is initiated into their oversoul (monad) bodies, (7D-8D-9D) they will enter the frequency of the next Harmonic Universe, and will be exposed to another six potential timelines. When exposed to these timelines, they will be activated with cellular memory clearing or remembering these timelines, in order to reclaim the identities that exist within those timelines. This is a direct pathway of the spiritual ascension process for all beings, to re-integrate all the selves. The oversoul Harmonic Universe, the parallel 7D earth, has the next six potential timelines, and those entities, with an agenda working in 7D, are working for that agenda. (That would be the beings known as the Ascended Masters, or Chohans serving the Orion Group Agenda.)

This natural and organic evolutionary event is being fought over in the multiple timelines with unaware 3D human beings caught in the middle. Knowledge protects while Ignorance Harms.

5D Timeline

This was the original Ascension evolution timeline for the 3D earth, which has now been aborted by Founder Guardians and the Starseeds who incarnated on 3D earth to serve the Sovereign Organic Ascension timeline, The Law of One. (All sovereign and future advanced races that have a basic understanding of the natural physics of creation, choose to live in harmony with each other, as within The Law of One.) As our current 3D earth evolved through time (therefore dimensional space), at the end of this evolution round (every 26,000 years), by moving into the next octave, the planet and its inhabitants would "ascend" to the next dimensional space. The next dimensional space, or Harmonic Universe, comprises 4D-5D-6D, which is the human soul matrix.(where the human soul identities and soul bodies exist) Together these three dimensions make up the next harmonic universe of the 5D parallel earth. At the end of this evolutionary round, ( which ends 12/21/2012) humanity merges into the next octave by living out all of the potential six timelines of the 3rd dimension, into "memory" completion, and the next series of future timelines open to commence in the next cycle. This would be the natural progression of an organic planetary and species ascension, if it had not been invaded and interfered with genetically and otherwise, intended to subvert human ascension (evolution). The Negative Alien agenda is to force the planet to serve another multiple species agenda, through imposing false replicated time fields, namely created under genetically "reptilian based" extraterrestrials, at the expense and life force of the human race and the kingdoms under human domain.

For these reasons the Negative Grey Aliens (Zeta-Dracos and their Black Sun Hybrids) and Annunaki Reptilians (Belial Sun Hybrids) have adopted the 5D Timelines as their personal agenda to harvest, interbreed and control humanity to serve their personal agendas, now and in future. One such false agenda is to promote that it is the natural progression of humans to live with Grey Aliens on the earth, as our masters. The Black Suns when attempting to appear "friendly" promote their high IQ and the sharing of technology as if it is beneficial for humanity, when its application is highly destructive to the natural organic evolution of the human race to reach its highest DNA potentials. Grey Alien technology is not our friend, it is designed to irresponsibly warp and rip our time fields, through black hole technology, while promoting rapid uses of forced artificial technology, like EMP Pulsing, to our military, that hurts and destroys our planet, and instigates war with the humans of our own global race. They also promote use of "supposed" healing technologies ("inorganic and artificial replicant matrices") that are designed to remove pain physically, or have physical results in other uses, however, the "technology" is intended to enslave the soul or implant the human body. They also project mirages and "pretty inserts" to keep an abductee calm while they gain control of the person's aura. In shorthand, this is externalized black magic and is ultimately harmful to the organic spiritual bodies and organic auric field. This creates interference with the person's ability to connect with their own spiritual source directly. It is this specific reason of spiritual interference, that there is a Founder Guardian intervention on planet earth. They were not born here on this planet, and there is a reason for that.

Negative Alien Base Headquarters

Because the planet is ready to drop and collapse timelines from the previous 3D cycle, there is a struggle to dominate upcoming events that would influence these future timelines to be solely in Negative Alien controls. These groups have infighting, and the two primary groups have infected their headquartered control mechanism in two major stargates and power vortexes on the planet. Black Suns have headquartered themselves in the 10th Stargate and lodged their technologies in Iraq/Iran and the power spots in Giza, Egypt. Most of them are Dark Angelic E.T.'s sourcing from Fallen Seraphim genetic lines, and this is why they chose that area of the planet, it was easier to invade from the genetic key level. Suns of Belial, the Nibiru-Annunaki reptilians of the NWO crews of the 911 Timeline Agendas, have headquartered themselves in the 11th Stargate of the United Kingdom and Stonehenge.

These are the creators of the teeth chomping technology of the Nephilim Reversal Grid (NRG). Comprising primarily of Fallen Elohim genetic lines, this reversal network was a rebellion to the hybridization attempts of Lyran-Elohim races, who were responsible in commissioning Nephilim races for genetic hybridization healing. The failure of that program, the banishment of Nephilim (The Giants) and killing of that race, resulted in Wars, and subsequently, the NRG was placed in the UK to reverse all hybridized genetics, especially any genetic material (like the Krystal DNA Matrix) that was designed to "unify" or "marry" genetics. This inorganic NRG structure has created terrible destruction to spiritual marriage from the energetic levels, as well, as the perpetration of relationship stigmas, dogma through patriarchal domination, and religious guilt. This structure and its mind control, removed "sacred marriage" and the "union of equals", as a potential for the majority of the human race, both males and females. The pain of stealing that natural spiritual energetic function has devastated and wounded humanity. This level of "unity" is repugnant to these alien races who want to remain the "pure bloods" of their self-imposed elitist status, such as the Annunaki Reptilians and Illuminati, who believe in pure blood genetic race lines. They propagate these beliefs through controlled Eugenic programs in the bloodlines, and orchestrate holocausts and blood sacrifices through wars, of undesired genetics. To achieve their ends, women must not be equals but breeders. The sick irony is that they further damage and warp the human genetic material by programming hate and race discrimination into the gene pool. This level of genetic manipulation is responsible for more human crippling's and genetic diseases, than anything else. These diseases and mutations are a direct mirror to collective humanities spiritual sickness.

The rest of the gates they fight over territory, as both of these Controller groups have territory conflicts in other areas of the planet. Recently there was a fight for territory between these groups involved in Peru, where the 5D Machu Picchu Gate and the 7D Lake Titicaca Gate and underwater bases are located. Additionally to prepare for the upcoming electrical peak, an agenda to use this period of time to utilize soul capturing and imaging technology to harness people, animals and earth body parts for their future timeline, was averted and delayed by Guardian Alliances.

Guardian Gridworker Update


Peru houses two major Stargates and their related vortexes, 5D Machu Picchu and 7D Lake Titicaca. Both of these areas have ET bases for benevolent and regressive ET's as well as human "shadow" military involvement with these bases. Mid-May 2012 is the electrical peak phase of the planet grid, of which the regressive have planned stages of events for the progression of their respective agendas. The benevolent also have their attempts to activate and communicate with their genetic carriers down here on earth,( i.e. starseeds and indigos) and many "first time" spiritual activations and paranormal experiences happen in this period of time known as the annual electrical peak cycle. The war over consciousness is fought in the dominance of controlling the space and the inhabitants of that space, through the "manipulation" of "timelines". (and the stealing of and use of energetic forces, such as soul bodies of those who are being enslaved.) As we are in the 2012 timeline, there are more open portals for communication as well as dissolving dimensional membranes which allow entities and creatures to surface and be in a space, here with us all on earth, that they were not existing here previously. Such are these times, and that makes for some surreal experiences, as timelines and dimensions "bleed-through". Those defending freedom and sovereignty for this timeline, and those fighting to enslave and cage humanity for their agenda, are basically "duking it out", in both human beings and ET beings and other creatures, such as clones and artificial intelligence.

Guardian Mission

Through received intelligence, the opening to complete a mission and the necessity required - an eradication of Grey Alien Technology being used in these technology and military bases impacting the 5D parallel timeline and the 7D Parallel Earth Timeline. What happens in this period of time in 2012 on 3D earth, creates the event horizon of probable destructive and deteriorating human "future's" in both of these Parallel Earth Planes. We have learned that the 5D Earth timeline was invaded by Reptilian and Grey Aliens who harvested Astral Plane Human Beings, and between the Zeta Seals and Axiom implants on their Soul bodies (and their lack of consciousness development), were reincarnated into Grey Alien Zeta bodies. Effectively what this means is that the Zeta propaganda to breed with humans takes a more sinister level of absorbing human souls left in the Astral plane to be used in Zeta (Grey Alien) bodies.

(The human soul has become trapped within these forms unable to reclaim its consciousness, powering Zeta timelines.) So some of the Grey Alien abductions are from future human beings that from this time period in 3D earth, (based upon the choices of our world government from about 1934-1936 and 1950's) digressed and reincarnated in the future 5D earth into Grey Alien Zeta bodies. These bodies have no ability to evolve, grow, procreate, have sensory abilities, or merge with the One Source Field. There are many factions of Grey Aliens, so please know that most of the benevolent ones have been human in the past, or have chosen peaceful evolution. There are both positive and negative repercussions of this digression, however, there is a specific mission to retrieve these human souls at some point, that are trapped in future Zeta bodies, by rewriting architecture and developing Guardian hosted programs to genetically heal this group. The 5D timeline of invasion and astral body snatching, has been aggressively promoted and supported in a variety of ways. What is reported:

1. The 5D invasion timeline is being promoted heavily for the agenda of the Orion Black Sun and Belial or Baal Group, which includes the Zetas and multiple Grey Alien and Reptilian regressive groups. They have digressed from emotive faculties and have zero emotion or sensory functions outside of their developed mental brain capacity, of which the IQ is significantly higher than an average 3D earthling at this time, but not in significant factors of overall intelligence, including emotional intelligence, sensory abilities and the capacity to remote view future timelines.

2. Human World Government military experiments and their related genetic mutations and the harm and destruction created in the earth field ( harm to various kingdoms, human, animal, natural, plants, etc.) have several timelines of probability that were met in this exact point in the timefield of EARTH 2012, and Guardian mission is to circumvent these future destructions, which are timeline trigger events and wars, from happening at the level these events actually take physical shape, which means if they do in current time - it is the point of no return in the future event horizon. Once something has been physically manifested and it's a trigger event, the sequence in the time field erupts, and once that happens, like reaching a critical mass, it is much more difficult to stop certain destructive events from occurring in the physical. (As without human consciousness participation, as the current issue exists with the majority of the human race at this time.)

3. Grey Alien technology has been artificially written into the various reversal field grid networks, as well as have manifested independent harm from their technologies of military weapons, genetic experiments, timeline programs, holographic inserts and mirages, human abductions, tagging/tracking and astral plane manipulation. A massive 5D base and 3D timefield connector point was in Lima, Peru, on the coast in the county of Mira Flores. Mira Flores is Spanish for "Looking at the Flowers". The flowers they were looking at, in this case, is the living lotus flower of a Christed, pure heart complex. This base was planning more aggressive technology usage with the upcoming electrical peak, and simultaneous 5D dimensional frequency activation coming into this 3D reality in May from the Machu Picchu 5D Vortex and its intersections with the 7D Phantom System Parallels. (This has been recently called a "Pleiadian Activation", this is not an organic Pleiadian activation, needless to say.)

This is what the Grey Alien Technology and Human Military Shadow Government were using as parts of this technology from this base located in Peru:

A huge square field of thousands upon thousands of technology in pockets of "hyperspace fields" that looked like "solar panels" in perfect rows, side by side, in square and rectangular shapes were being used as a soul capturing and energy capturing technology - 8 hours west of the Macchu Picchu, 5D vortex and Gateway. This field of energy capture directs massive amounts of current power to the Black Hole technologies (BHT) used all over the globe to instigate destruction. (Recently attempts to use black hole technology to weaken North American seaboards was instigated, and stabilized by Guardians.) These square-rectangles are artificial "tile e spheres" ( similar to embedded tv screens that refract light into images, so this is a refractive light and image capturing technology), while capturing soul, capturing animals, capturing nature, whatever levels of "capture", that would mirror an exact replica of the item/person/animal in a holographic projection into another phantom dimension. (This phantom dimension feedline influences to 7D phantom Arcturian intersections, as well as 7D logos/ planetary brain controls.) This "soul capture" creates a probable future timeline of that person/animal here on 3D earth "now" - as its replica parallel "clone" is leading it towards its own pathway of destruction into a phantom dimension of enslavement and eventual consumption by these negatives, in controlled artificial future timelines. This is exactly like understanding the computer technology of a "mirror site server". When one wants to have multiple copies (CLONES) of the same website content accessible in many countries, they will create a duplicate of the original site and replicate its projection onto many internet IP addresses (vector locations in time and space). This soul capture technology was doing exactly that. Whomever is not "soul connected", using their soul, or an innocent bystander (like an animal or mammal, such as the 900+ dolphins recently killed in Peru waters, and another 600 Pelicans that sacrificed themselves) a negative form projection of their genetic signature would be captured and projected into the siphoning device (into the phantom field) to simultaneous power and feed the operation of the BHT. This technology was getting upgrades and they were testing it in the field for about 60-90 days, testing it in 5D, 3D and parallels. The plan was to roll out a big BHT agenda - soul capture extravaganza agenda at the May 1st, Beast-Beltaine ritual and ongoing. The next generation of this alien technology being developed for use in this timeline was being designed for another purpose.

The next generation technology was to splinter the solar plexus, so that the soul body could not connect into the still point areas of the lightbody. This works like a reversal clamp with teeth, inside the solar plexus into a focal point where the soul and spiritual energy bodies actually embody in the physical biology. There is a point inside the solar plexus that functions with the heart and still point that needs to be open to "receive" the spiritual frequencies of its own soul body. If they are successful in blocking this solar plexus function, the person will not be spiritually activated in the coming months of 2012, and the soul can be captured and harvested without any resistance or fight from the person/being it actually belongs to. This way their "negative form clone" is safe and working for them in the parallel dimension, of which the person who has been captured will eventually meet his destiny to merge with that "clone" in the future lifetime. This would also create potential bodies for takeover to possession, depending on their future anticipated "needs."

Additionally these technologies manipulate time and space, and create spin offs of artificial realties and artificial timelines, which in itself create damage in the organic time and space fields. The design of this is called "looking glass" technology and it's a time travel system given to the military complex and is being used by both Grey Aliens and Human Military in this timeline. Since its inorganic technology, when they time travel many times what they see as probable events are limited to their current mental perception. Many do not know their limited mental perception is not the organic ascension timeline that trumps their artificial technology. Still, they do damage in the field and a consequence of subsequent actions, have been taken and are being monitored by Defender Guardian Forces.
Approximately Mid April, the main hub networks of the Mira Flores Grey Alien technology base was systematically eradicated of its ability to use its technology to harm and prevent the May 1st Beltaine Agenda. Retaliation was taken on team members, and some of us were taken low for those reasons. On April 22nd and approximate, all of us in the Guardian family network that had imprints, or compromises from the solar plexus BHT technology in the field, were given etheric surgery to general clearings, depending on what was required to regain the area of the still point back to its stabilized function to house the soul and higher spiritual bodies. Nausea, faintness, dizziness and stomach and head issues were a side effect. Some of us needed more recovery time than others, however our 12 D families are being monitored and supported and checked for these issues of energy body compromises. Some of us may need to continually check return of clones, body parts and energies that were snatched or stolen at this time, ( Mostly heavy duty gridworker's) however being aware of this issue during this time, will ensure your parts and energies will be "returned to rightful owner". Pay attention if you are asked to cooperate with this function as this makes it easier for the Guardian Mentor Band to help support your reclamation or healing as smoothly and quickly as possible.

7D Timeline Manipulation

The Negative Alien agenda based on 911 Timeline was dependent on these 5D events transpiring to power up their 7D phantom feedlines and subsequent timelines. This agenda is primarily the Black Sun Agenda, and involves the Draconians and Orion Groups not affiliated with certain groups of the Zeta. Approximately during the same time of the Mira Flores Base destruction, the holocaust timelines and the Hitler timelines were being aggressively harvested to use these opportunities to capitalize powering up the Armageddon scenario timefields. Hitler's day of birth is 4/20, while his double suicide was on 4/30. Hitler is a hero to the Neo Nazis who celebrate his manifestos and theology today, so to incite activity among genetic discrimination and hate crimes is always a favorite theme for the Dracs. The Dracs manipulated occultist knowledge with Hitler, and knowing that the genetic host for this 26,000 year cycle was the Hebrews, ( Melchizedek lines) they wanted all of them decimated. This group was key to manipulate Hitler, for their Black Sun Agenda, which is still in force with the NWO, such as the underground bases and development still underway at and around the Denver Airport. Hitler was given 7D planetary Logos codes, symbols and occultist power to manipulate logos forces, basically elements and lower forces to do his bidding, which was backed by the Catholic invaded Dracs. With this force of power, he was able to hypnotize the German masses into favoring his nationalist agendas, the same agenda being repeated in the USA governments now by different leaders still being manipulated by the same nationalist " Black Sun" Agenda through the NWO. All of this is designed to remove the liberties and freedom written by our Founding Fathers of the original 1776, United States Constitution.

Shadow Creature Field

Soul captures and their fragments of the many humans tormented in the holocaust timelines were genetically spliced into a humongous "shadow creature" which was banished and buried in the Earth Core by the Black Suns. These shadow creatures were once human, but were genetically spliced and collected as one mass body that was like a creature of genetic "Frankenstein". (Note the Nazi Doctors cruelty of genetic experiments and it will be lead directly to the Draconian mindset or cruelty in experimenting on life forms and crossing breeds to see what happens. This is called Eugenics. This is a Negative Alien thought-form) This served many purposes of suppressing the frequency in the earth, and keeping massive low frequency of excruciating pain, fear and torment in the earth body and earth plane, to be used for controlling demographic areas. This was a tool of genetic damage as keeping this genetic splice amalgamation creature was used as a type of DNA scrambling, with multiple fragments of the 12 layers of Human Angelic DNA the original 12 Tribe Angelic Genetics. Take millions of soul splinters belonging to millions of tortured human bodies and compress them together to operate within a negative form creature, and bind them to the earth elementals and crystals in the earth core, this is how this shadow creature was formed.

The genetically spliced creatures were taken from the earth core in the Bay of Mira Flores at the time all of this was transpiring with the Negative Alien base, as while this was happening there was an opening that could be used as a portal that could be transited through, like a "trans-gate". Somehow these creatures were hard to release because of the place in the earth core and inner earth timelines of which they were "stuffed" into. (Some of us may have been in the earth core in previous weeks, working with crystals and the earth core to prepare for this mass exodus) The primary energy and timeline being manipulated for these creatures was the holocaust timelines - so many of us may have sensed that we were active portals or guardians assisting in the transit of these traumatized creatures and soul fragments to be relieved or reconstituted. This resulted in a release from the earth and changes in the earth core frequency, subsequent earthquakes were settling from these changes, among other events. There was much grief as this was coming to surface to be released, so some waves of deep grief and despair from the earth fields were prevalent during these weeks, also.

New Probability

This Guardian intervention mission has dissolved some trigger events to surface new probabilities in the current timeline, which has commenced this week, right before the May 1st planned negative alien trigger events. We are starting something new now, a diversion from the past timelines that were active until a few days ago. This is a very positive event. There is a lot of surreal and unusual circumstances, some ET's have not a clue how this happened, do not know how it was accomplished, or where it came from. We have passive onlookers, bewildered, as well as those groups attempting to figure out what strategy to use next. The Guardians continue to reclaim the organic code and creational field, to secure the Sovereign Law and its realm on this plane, and to reclaim the artificial architecture used by the Grey Aliens. As gridworkers, we make adjustments as necessary meeting the current demands in the timeline as it presents itself.

I hope for those of you that read this mission update, it offers support and empowering context for your recent experiences in the field. There is nothing to fear, however, there is a large job for us to accomplish together. If we unite and support each other in the spirit of love, peace, compassion, and freedom, we will prevail to serve this planet and bring love to all of her creations. Much love is sent to our Starseed and Indigo community and all the blessed support to protect our gridworker teams. Thank you from all of my heart.

Stay in the luminosity of your Avatar Heart Path!

Love, Lisa

© 2012,...

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Significance of Wesak

The annual cycle of the Spiritual Festivals offers opportunity for people of all faiths to cooperate. Together, the three full moon festivals of Aries, Taurus and Gemini form a united spiritual approach by humanity to divinity.

The Wesak Festival has been traditionally associated in eastern civilization with the Buddha, divine intermediary between the highest spirtual center on the planet, Shamballa, and the Hierarchy. The Buddha is the expression of the Wisdom of God, the embodiment of Light and the indicator of divine purpose, cooperating at this festival with his brother the Christ, who represents the Hierarchy. The Buddha embodies the Principle of Light, and because of this illumination humanity was able to recognize the Christ, embodiment of the still greater Principle of Love.

Each year at the time of Wesak, two great streams of energy ~ one focussed through the Buddha and the other through the Christ ~ are fused and blended, and it is the task of world servers to precipitate this combined energy into the waiting world.

The Wesak Festival is indeed a great spiritual event, with a powerful effect upon humanity. Groups of aspirants can at this time become channels for the higher energies released through the medium of the two focal points ~ the Buddha, who represents the overlighting essence of subjective realities, and the Christ, representative of aspiring humanity.

This is symbolized in religious rituals where the priest acts as the focal point; here, however, the priesthood in this great ceremony of contact is not a separate entity. All can be priests, the single qualification being the capacity to align oneself and be en rapport with the Soul, and thus be able to cooperate with other souls.

Wesak is a time of unusual inflow of life and of spiritual stimulation, serving to vitalize the aspiration of all humanity. At the time of the festival, through the united effort of the Christ and the Buddha working in closest cooperation, there is opened a channel of communication between humanity and deity through which an approach can be made to Those Who guide our planet, so that aspirants and disciples are able to contact energies not otherwise easily available.

In mutual service to humanity, at Wesak the Buddha and the Christ bring about a linking that blends East and West, uniting the world's major religions in a shared holy day in which religious distinctions disappear. In the beautiful water ceremony of communion is portrayed the symbol of the new age which is upon us, the Aquarian Age, the age of the Water Carrier.

During the Wesak Festival the Buddha becomes the "absorbing Agent" of Will. He uses the magnetic power of Love-Wisdom to attract this force to Himself and hold it steady, prior to redirecting it. The Christ then ~ on behalf of the Hierarchy ~ becomes the "receiving Agent" of this potent energy and the groups of Masters Who work with the human and sub-human kingdoms (in response to His demand) become the "directing Agents" for the sevenfold expression of this force.

So around the Wesak Festival, expansions of consciousness are made possible that are not possible at other times. Those of goodwill are stimulated spirtually to take initiation, in order to penetrate more deeply and consciously into the mysteries of the Kingdom of God. These reveal more about the wonder of our divinity, and about the Plan to which humanity is conforming. Each year, the Wesak marks the beginning of a cycle for the New Group of World Servers, that comprise three-year cycles of crisis, tension, and emergence.

At the Wesak Festival we may honor the Buddha, as well as ourselves, as dedicated transmitters of the energy that can be contacted at the full moon in Taurus. Each year as we experience the Wesak more consciously, it's important to hold the space for the inflow and distribution of energies, through safeguarding.

The focussed interplay of many minds working together in meditation produces a unity of thought powerful enough to reach the Great Lives watching over and guiding our planet. And the combined aspiration, consecration, devotion and intelligence of the group carries everyone to greater heights than could be attained alone.

The greater the number of people who meditate at this time, the stronger the magnetic field of the group heart and its invocative, indrawing power. It's up to each of us to attune with ever greater clarity to the note being sounded ~ to quiet the mind and transmute individual desires that only cause confusion and chaos, into desire for the greatest good of all.

We know where we are aligned ... with the Source of all that is. That Source provides uniquely and cooperates with All who are tuned to Its note of Life.

Key Wesak Quotes
From the Books by Alice A. Bailey
(Print version, click here)

In 2012 the Festival of the Wesak full moon in Taurus occurs
on Saturday, May 5 at 8:35 pm PDT (03:35 UT Sunday, May 6).

Print version

Credit for information and synthesis:
"The Three Festivals of Spring " booklet and
"The Three Meditation Festivals of Spring" pamphlet,
both published by Group for Creative Meditation,
Meditation Mount, Ojai

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In This Issue
• Latest Goddess Light Teleconference
• Private Channels
• Featured Lightworker
Ansaluia My Friends in Soul!
Welcome to May! I hope you are enjoying this change of the seasons.

How are you feeling? Does it feel as if you’re in limbo or as if change is all around you? I have heard from a number of people about this and in particular I have felt it this time. For the most part, I feel in the flow and there is an ease to life. But with the last couple weeks, I have had a sense of feeling stuck. I found myself distracted and feeling frustrated by not getting things done. There was a part of me that said ‘enjoy the moment and just relax’. But the other side was saying I need to do this, this, this….

There are always times of great influxes of energy so the key is our reaction to these times. Do we get caught up? Do we allow ourselves to just feel? Do we follow whatever intuition comes our way? There is no right or wrong answer, but always allow for a flow of your energies and an ease, howsoever that may come to you. Believe in yourself. Allow love to flow within and around you, accepting self-love!

I am working on some new meditation CD’s. I’m so excited about them. One will be about the Chakras with balancing and infusing the Lightbody energies into each chakra. I could feel so much energy flowing just thinking about it! Then I’ve also been considering a series of 4 CD’s around the subject of Weight Loss. This is something that affects many people, myself included, so this is about working from a cellular level outward. Look for them in the next couple weeks.

I love to meet up with you on Facebook, so please check out my LINK TO GODDESS LIGHT PAGE I’m also on Twitter as Shelly Dressel. Then in YouTube at goddesslightshelly. Then lastly where I do channels twice a month. I’d love to hear from you!

For those of you who prefer Skype for the teleconference, it's finally working better!! When in Skype, please use the address freeconferencing.0075 This is a more secure link. You then click 'call' across the top and look for the keypad on which to then dial in the room.


Sending lots of love and joy~

I had my Aura Photo done again with my friend Lisa, here's an update of how I looked! (I love these!!)

Latest Goddess Light Teleconference:
Open Your Flow to the Universe
The questions have come up to me recently; why do we want to link to our divinity and who is God or where is God. To me, our divinity is God. We are God. So as we strengthen our alignment with our divinity and find a way to allow that into our lives, we are opening to God. The other reason why the Goddess is always working with this is because the more alignment we have with our divinity, the greater we are living our lives in what’s our best interest--- no matter what that may be for each person.
The Goddess began by talking about the energies and the changes taking place right now. She spoke of how there’s such a strong increase in the flow of lightbody and crystalline energies that we have even greater potentials and ability than ever before. That is what will assist people in manifesting what they want, in finding how to release and then be in a place of accepting.
She spoke of how our vibration is what our physical body is doing but it’s also influenced by our thoughts, our emotions and the spiritual & lightbody energies around us. By looking at this from the space of the All That Is, each of us had the ability to look from the higher perspective and open to greater potential.
Life is about living, about allowing, about dreaming, about manifesting, about it all coming together! The more that you find yourself in the alignment with your divinity, the greater ease you will have in your life. I invite you to be open to receive!!

There is soooo much available to you in my website! I'm in there every day and I hope you will take the time to explore everything that's available. It's so much easier to read now that the channel and the Q&A are separated. You can catch up on things more easily.

Private Channels
Testimonials:Here are some of the comments I receive from people about the channels they receive; some private, some the Goddess Teleconferences.

****I cannot believe how good I feel! It seems as if a huge weight has been lifted and I'm very excited about my potentials.

***I wish i could do this every week! When we work together I'm in a place I love to be!
There are different ways in which to receive a private channel. You can speak directly with the angels through the telepohone or Skype. Or you can communciate with Shelly, submit a list of questions or intentions and they will do the channel for you without you being present. Both formats offer a tremendous amount of potential for change. In most cases, either format can leave you feeling transformed.

Shelly has an ability to create a very clear link with the Angels, guides and God/ Goddess. She's very effective in her channeling whether it's about information, healing, you're present or remote. See what it'll bring for you!

There are packages available if you would like to sign up for multiple channels that would be spread over time or combine it with a meditation.

To schedule a private channel click here
Next Teleconference
Sunday, May 6, 2012
9:00 pm Eastern Time
Access code : 642149#
Click here for instructions on how to participate by phone, computer or skype.
Featured Lightworker
Featured lightworker: I believe we are all here in support of each other. For every expansion one person has, so do the rest of us. In this section I am sharing with you people who I’ve come into contact with that I think you may also enjoy. I will at times feature an organization or others who are even more well known. If you would like me to feature you and your work, please send me your information.

The Wesak Festival 2012
I’ve spoken of the Wesak festival every year around this time. In the past I’ve just gone with what the Goddess spoke about when it came up during the channel. This year, I kept hearing about the full moon in May and that it’s a ‘super moon’ and that this would have an impact on everything else, so I decided to do some research.

The Wesak festival has been described by many different individuals and there are many ceremonies around the world that seek to link with this experience. The Goddess of Creation has aligned with this energy many times in the past so that the many people that participate in our channels have access to the energies.

This is about a ceremony that takes place in a high valley in the Himalayan Mountains. This place has sometimes been referred to as Shamballa, Shambrahla and other names along that line. During this ceremony Buddha returns to earth as does Christ creating an alignment. As they create this alignment, it is always about opening to the greater energies of love and enlightenment. It is a very powerful time made more so this year for a variety of reasons.

Last November, 11-11-11, the earth opened to a huge influx of love energy. There was an immense shift that opened the heart center of the collective consciousness. Within this consciousness, many people began to awaken. This came in the form of asking questions about who they are, what their purpose might be, where they are going. There was another aspect of this that I keep calling the ‘truth’. I have seen this in the private channels I do, in the teleconferences, in my own life. Many people can no longer hide behind things they don’t believe in.

During the Wesak festival this year, the energy that began coming through last November will be grounded even more. Many of you have felt the sense of imbalance or the sense of ‘waiting’ or the sense of being in limbo even more strongly than usual during this past month. I think this too is an influx of energy. This is in part because all of this is available to us, but the Super Moon, will also have an impact.

The moon will appear to be about 16% bigger than usual during this full moon. This is an explanation from learning mind:

When a full moon occurs close to the perigee of the Moon (a point of its closest approach to the Earth) and its distance from our planet is much smaller than the usual one, then we can observe a “super moon” phenomenon.

To me, the sense I get from the Goddess and other energies is that it will amplify the energies of the Wesak which is about accepting love, allowing love and becoming empowered through acceptance of your own potentials.

I know the Goddess will speak of this during out channel on Sunday, so I hope you will join us to experience it for yourself!

Here are a couple of interesting sites you may enjoy to get more information about all this. I loved the above picture that I borrowed from souledout. It is a wonderful image of what is happening.
Soul Communication

A new way to transform your relationships
Follow Goddess Light

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If you want to support Goddess Light please consider making a donation.

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Crimson Circle Monthly Webcast

Crimson Circle Monthly Webcast
Saturday, May 5
Tune in to hear about the amazing France tour, Shaumbra news, and more!
1:00 PM - Shaumbra News with Geoff & Linda
3:00 PM - Adamus Shoud
(Mountain Time)
Absolutely Free of Charge!

Dear Shaumbra,

Please join us for the next Crimson Circle monthly webcast with Geoffrey & Linda Hoppe and Adamus Saint-Germain. Click this link to watch or listen to the online webcast.
CLICK HERE TO TUNE IN (login required)

If desired, you may also listen in on the Awakening Zone, or dial +1 (714) 583-6955 to listen live over your telephone.

We look forward to connecting with you on Saturday, April 7, on the Crimson Circle webcast!


NEW!! DreamWalker for Pets
How to stay connected to your pet after their transition, and how to invite them back for another incarnation

Based on the popular DreamWalker series from Adamus Saint-Germain, Geoffrey and Linda Hoppe offer in-depth guidelines for being with your beloved pet before, during and after their death transition process.

For pet lovers around the world, this special session will help you to make a sacred connection with your pet before, during and after their death transition. Instead of feeling that your pet is gone, you’ll continue to enjoy their presence and love in a new, multi-dimensional way.

$20 (Digital Download)

With Blessings,
Geoff, Linda and the Crimson Circle staff
Crimson Circle
P.O. Box 7394
Golden, Colorado 80403

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It is time to take action! It is time to take the destiny of our world in our own hands. Therefore we will meet in groups large and small, as individuals and couples, at the exact time of full moon this May. Millions of us will gather and visualize the liberation of our planet from the tyranny of the central bankers so that for the first time in our history we will have the chance to create our own destiny as free citizens of the Earth.
There is a plan, conceived by positive people in the military, supported by civil authority, to arrest the members of the banking Cabal for their crimes against humanity. Our visualization will support this plan, so that it manifests as soon as possible, as non-violently and smoothly as possible. We will support brave heroes that will carry out this plan. Something like this has never happened on this planet before. This is our chance to be a part of it!
Our mass effort on this day will be the trigger that will activate the plan so that it may come to its fruition. Our visualization on that day is our declaration of freedom and independence. Make this viral! Share it worldwide.
We will all be doing this visualization at the same time, the moment of full moon, which comes this May 5th/6th. Exact times for different time zones are:
8:30 pm PDT May 5th (Los Angeles)
9:30 pm MDT May 5th (Denver)
10:30 pm CDT May 5th (Houston)
11.30 pm EDT May 5th (New York)
4:30 am BST May 6th (London)
5:30 am CEST May 6th (Paris)
11:30 am CST May 6th (Beijing)
12:30 pm JST May 6th (Tokyo)
1:30 pm AEST May 6th (Sydney)
(Of course, if you can't do it exactly at this time, any time as close as possible will help too).
1. Relax your mind and body by watching your breath for a few minutes.
2. Visualize civil authority arresting central banking criminals such as Rothschilds and Rockefellers, and other members of this Cabal such as Henry Kissinger, etc. Visualize this process taking place worldwide peacefully and smoothly .Visualize the world finally being free from financial slavery, free from all evil dictators and corrupt politicians.
3. Visualize bright new future for humanity, with new and fair financial system put into place, with all debts canceled, prosperity funds for humanitarian projects released, advanced technologies introduced, ecosystem healed and human beings finally being free from all oppression.
Updates about the World Liberation Day.
Information on how the Law of Attraction works.

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As you are living your lives over the next several weeks, I invite you to do whatever it is you need to do so that you may be true to who you are. If you don’t know who you are then, begin by asking; “does this create joy within my heart as I take these steps or this action?” Another question you may ask yourself, “What is it that makes me feel happy when I contemplate doing it?”
The direction to help you find out what is soul driven is by following those things that assist you to feel happy, excited, content or expanded.
--- The Goddess of Creation

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In the jungles of Nepal is a young man named Dharma Sangha who has been living on nothing but air for the past six years. After refusing to shave his head as required to become a monk, he walked two hundred miles back to his village and found a hollowed-out tree in the jungle where he meditated.
Dharma Sangha wanted nothing but to listen to spirit and to stop consuming things of the Earth. He was bitten by poisonous snakes and caught on fire, yet he refused treatment, food and water. This enlightened soul is a Breatharian and today he speaks only when teaching his profound messages. Those whom he touches express the feeling of white light energy filling their soul.
Jericho Sunfire is a personal fitness trainer who went from being a professional rugby player in London to a Fruitarian, Liquidarian, Waterian, and finally a Breatharian. The fifteen-year process of Jericho's transition of living on nothing but the breath of air is something he shares with people through videos and books. You should see the amazing health of this man!
Some believe that an enlightened soul like Dharma Sangha incarnates only once every thousand years, but perhaps there are several on the planet today. Let's get a whisper on the people who are living on air, called 'Breatharians':

The reason that humans don't float through the air to reach the heavens is that they believe in gravity. The Breatharians are transcending the beliefs of mankind in order to release limitations and set the example for an evolving species.

Dharma Sangha feels the need to stop consuming from the Earth, and that energy is stronger than the need for anything else, including food and water. People would tell you that you would starve and die without food and water, so the world needed another person to illuminate the possibilities.

The message from spirit that Dharma Sangha spreads is that humans have been asleep and that an awakened soul can live on the light that moves the energy within. The process of living on air changes everything you have ever known, to inform you that there are non-truths embedded at the soul level.

Non-consumption aligns the essence of your being to the highest vibration to reverse aging, release disease, and form the deepest connection with the spiritual realms. Breatharians offer humankind a glimpse into the future to see that survival on the planet means that change must come. The Mother Earth is burdened beyond comfort, and everyone must awaken to the current reality.

Release limiting thoughts and the energy of control to experience a beautiful surrender to life without agendas.

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Greetings Masters, I am Metatron Lord of Light !
I greet you in a vector of Love, Unconditional Love. We gather this joyous moment to embrace you and to honor you. What an amazing year unfolds before you. Indeed it is a heralded time, that you have waited eons to participate within ! It is the year of the Ascension ! Take time to feel the joyous energy we send you, from all corners of the Omni-Verse, from every aspect of the Cosmos.
Dear Hearts, we are asked to speak this day on a myriad of fascinating topics. Of the Omni-Earth, the parallels of Earth, and that termed the Elemental Kingdom. We speak of thyme incredible vortex of Skellig Michael, and of the Firmament anchor of Newgrange. We speak of the land of the Goddess and Fae.

The Kingdom of the FAE

We begin with the Skellig Michael Vortex, of Ireland, and of the FAE. Masters, one of the delightful & differentiating aspects of experiencing Ireland is the remarkably unique visual interfacing with incredibly light and delightful beings, the Kingdom of the Fae, the Faerie and Devic.

Certain parts of the world have a somewhat differing type of elementals. Only the few vectors on the planet that project what may be termed the 'full-spectra energy field' have the full quality & quantity of the entire Fae Kingdom. Fewer still of these have the energetic lens that enables humankind to more tangible 'see' and interact with these beings.
Ireland, more than any other area on the planet, has the greatest variety and populace of the Faerie and Elfin Kingdoms, and that those in Ireland are far more interactive with humans. That is precisely why so many rich folklores of the Devic exist in Ireland.
There are indeed rich & diverse pockets of Devic Beings that timelessly inhabit the green hills and river valleys of Ireland. Although much of Britain and parts of Europe and your planet have similar pockets, the Devic Kingdom in Ireland is more tangible, more lucid, more fully expressed than most areas of your planet... and can thus be more vividly experienced.

As a result of the unique energies present, there is available in Ireland the experience of not only seeing the Devic in lucidity for confirming periods of time, there is also the absolutely awareness of a communication, a knowledge that they are interacting with you. And so we speak of the parallel, the concentric dimensional overlay and the realm of Etherium, matter, and antimatter, the realm of the Angelic, and the Devic.

Masters, the Ascension is not only occurring on the material Earth, but also its parallels. The alignment into the Galactic center is also causing a tremendous increase in the flow of charged ionic energy, that termed antimatter-plasma into the planetary poles.

The Parallels of Earth exist in the resonance of anti matter, and within antimatter is an enormous spectra of unimaginable energy. In 2012, there will be an expansion of dimensional parallels that allow for much greater perception of higher frequency fields. We share with you a great Truth that may confuse some of you, and that is that the interface of the Angelic Realm to the human material realm is the antimatter field, and the antimatter plasmic composition of that field is what you term the 'Parallel or Omni Earth'.

Indeed the interfaces from your etheric body via the chakric system are in a sense focal particle accelerators that have open cones into the field of antimatter. This is something that will become known to humans within the next few generations. You often refer to antimatter as dark matter. In truth and irony, that you term dark matter actually carries greater light and holds higher frequency than physical matter.
Only specific crysto-electromagnetic fields are capable of holding antimatter plasma, and indeed antimatter has varying layers or dimensions of intensity. Your developed Mer-Ka-Na field is indeed capable of holding this energy, and transporting you within it. And we add, that your core existence is in the realm thought of as anti-matter, indeed it is your home before entering into the duality of physical matter.

Pangaea - Pre Human Earth
Long before mankind entered upon the Earth, the Omni-Planet contained within it the natural forces, that termed the Elemental. These material aspects were full spectrum, not just as dense physical matter but rather the complete spectrum of matter and anti-matter... in which the conscious living aspects were projected & diversified, conscious in all manner of what is termed 'elemental' life. That then existing within the the five matrixial formats or elements : Air, Earth, Fire, Water and the fifth - Etherium.
You see, matter exists in spectrums, as does light.

In the earliest explorations into that termed the Earthplane, the soul of mankind entered into the plane in a nonphysical state, a thoughtform state in which mind had indeed the full capacity to mold & form matter and enter into physical matter in full consciousness.

Many souls found expression in what may be termed the elemental kingdom or better said the elemental matrix in those pre physical eras. That is why so many of you humans relate so powerfully to these Elemental Beings. For indeed many of you experienced first life within and without them in projected spectra-state within the elemental matrix.

There are indeed many humans who found beautiful expression in what may be termed elemental expressions as light beings of what is akin to the Faerie realm. Such life expressions were nonphysical manifestation of Divine Mind. Many associate this as being in LeMuria or Mu, but this is before the planet was in duality. This then in the pre-human earth of the original Firmament.

It is inaccurate, at best, to speak of this period in terms of linear time. Neither time nor space exists in the modality you think.

Certain periods are inserted as holograms and exist in parallel dimensions. All time is simultaneous, and both time and space are manifestations of light as congealed thought.

The closest approximation we will give as the period we speak would be 300 million years ago.
This epoch at a phase of the holographic earth where the land masses were very different from the present. The spin of the earth had a different axis and rotation. Time did not exist in fixed linear format, and spacial expression was far more fluid. Thought moved the consciousness instantly. Almost all of you entered the Earth at this time, this pre-human time. You entered as thought, and experienced the Earth, un-tethered to its grid or gravity. Experiencing the Earth somewhat as an adventure, a manifestation of thought. Traveling here and there instantly, and dematerializing at will. It was a time of non-polarity, before the Earth fell from the Firmament and became a University of Dulaity.

It was a different earth, an elemental earth of purity.

The physical aspects of the prehuman earth went through myriad periods of vast change. The oceans rose to much higher levels than your present seas contain. The land mass of the earth was for a period of time in one centering, that termed Pangaea, this long before continental drifting and separation. This long before Atlantis & LeMuria you see.

At his time did many choose expression in the projection of thought form and experience the Gardens of Earth through the elemental forces that define the earth. These expressions as beings of a semi physical, yet non physical nature allowed many to experience consciousness with realms of air, earth, fire and water. This is vaguely recalled in the forgotten lore of Faeries, Mermaids, Sprites, Dragons, Trolls, Gnomes and such.

Elementals & Divine Intelligence

That which we term the Devic Kingdom, are essentially projected aspects of the elemental, mineral and plant kingdom that find conscious dynamic expression through vehicles of electro-magnetic and crysto-electric energy.

Some Devic forms are more advanced than others. Those of the Fae possess divine intelligence, whilst others of the Devic realm are more like the lower fields of that termed the bird or winged kingdom, in terms of having awareness within a group-thought pattern as opposed to individual consciousness.

The higher intelligence of the Fae will more willingly interact with certain humans, while the majority are less drawn to close communicative interaction, and keep a certain distance...not unlike a sparrow or thrush in ones garden that will fly away if one gets too close.

Not all Devic forms are what you may think of as positive or benevolent in nature. Some are consciousness sourced from electromagnetic fields and as such both positive and negative are required to balance the electrical spectrum you see. Some view mankind as brothers, others do not. Some project the vibratory essence of supreme love, others are somewhat malicious and mischievous, from your perspective. Yet both are electrical l forms of bio-plasmic life, in a manner of speaking.

The Faerie Kingdom is light based elementals generally sourced of air. There are varieties of faeries that are water sourced and plant kingdom sourced. The plant sourced faerie is traditionally referred to in your folklore as pixies and brownies. Both having a very excited positive vibration, often creating a sensation in humans associated with delight and laughter. They are quite real, and exist all over the planet. The Kingdom of Fae tends to mass in areas of higher energy. In those places termed powernodes and sacred sites. But to be clear, such locales are termed sacred and powerful precisely because the dimensional veils are thin in these vectors. All variety of the Fae are particularly drawn to gurgling brooks, small cascades, pools, plants, mushrooms and particularly ferns & flowers.
The Elfin Kingdom

The Elfin Kingdom is Devic Beings that are projected from the earth. These include elves, gnomes, and trolls. The Elfin exist in forests and wooded greens, and aspects of the elfin are particularly associated with Greenman. In a true sense all of the elementals are inner related each aspect being somewhat dependent on the other, plants needing earth, water and light for example.
Edgar Cayce, among others spoke of having very real experiences and interactions with faeries, pixies and brownies throughout his childhood. The channel has shared of experiences on Skellig Michael with faeries and pixies, with prolonged visual contact. The visual being an aspect of the energy field at Skellig and other parts of Ireland in which dimensional fields are concentrated and overlapping in more tangible concentricity.
Dragons, Mer & Unicorns
Masters, what we tell you now may surprise many of you, but the host of etheric beings also includes that you may term the Unicorn, Mer and Dragon. These benevolent and fully conscious beings exist, and are as much a part of your Earth as humanity. They possess supreme divine intelligence and are extremely advanced. They are protectors of humanity and of the planet, and are awakening into greater role in the Cosmic Trigger.

The Mer oft referred to as Mermaids and Mermen are part of the elemental aspect of the Sea and Water Kingdom. These are keepers of the waters and possess Divine Intelligence. Many of you have experienced life in this capacity in the pre duality earth, as we have discussed. These beings are seen by and interact lovingly with the dolphin and whale. But let us be clear, dolphins and whales are physical and highly evolved beings , while the Mer of the higher levels within the elemental matrix, and are non-physical.

Unicorns are conscious 'Spirit' projections of both the animal kingdom and human thought, merged in the etherium aspect of the 5 elemental kingdoms. Your indigenous often interacted with evolved conscious forms of the animal kingdom as totems, including the bear, Wolf, Puma and such. The very process of interaction with the overlight group-spirit energy of these of the Animal Kingdom created a very real thought form intersection in which through the mutual intersection of energies, a communicating, very real energy emerged, in etheric form. These are not elemental energies, but exist as very conscious, self aware energies in the anti-matter or ethereal realm.
Because the Unicorn was so focally included in lore in areas of Britain, Ireland and Europe, these forms do indeed independently, consciously exist, particularly in the concentric field energies of Ireland, France and southwest England. This in the same manner that Buffalo Spirit, Eagle Spirit , Bear Spirit, Wolf Spirit and Jaguar Spirit (as well as others) exist in a tangible form in areas of the Americas....areas of sufficient power nodal energy to afford & offer full dimensional- lap spectra projection.
Thought forms do absolutely exist in myriad formats. Your Edgar Cayce once spoke of the thought form of a Shakespearian character, Cassius, attending one of his classes in Virginia Beach, in thought form matrix, quite independently conscious and seeking to learn. Imagine that! While these are not elemental in source, these exist in the same parallel dimensional frequency as elementals.
The Sacred Dragon

The Sacred Dragon are benevolent and fully conscious beings. These do indeed exist, and have existed on the planet long before humanity. They possess supreme divine intelligence and are extremely advanced. They are protectors of humanity and of the planet, and are taking a greater role in the Cosmic Trigger. These beings are Masters of what is termed earth-kundalini and as such are involved in engineering aspects of the aptly named dragon line-currents and ley lines which are in fact arteries of life force on your planet. They are now in a greater role, involved in the formation of new energy lines within the crysto-electromagnetic surge of the Cosmic Trigger, or crystallization expansion of the Ascension into and the Earth-Current Leys.
Have not your cultures throughout the ancient world had legends and stories of these beings, even religions in Asia devoted to their worship. These beings are extremely advanced, and fully conscious, and have existed on the Earth since the beginning. We tell you there are benevolent 'Angelic Dragons' are among the Ascended Masters.
Do not confuse these with the concepts in myth and lore of evil dragons who kidnap princesses into castles and caverns. Nor with sensational provocative theories of evil reptilian take overs of your planet.
Now, the mythology of your Arthurian stories in regard to fire-breathing dragons as evil beings that capture princesses are indeed myths and the descriptions are distorted and quite obtuse.

We tell you this while in ancient days, pre LeMurian, pre Atlantean phases of the earth, there were dragons that entered the Earthplane from Zeta Reticuli that were not benevolent. These were in fact battled and driven from the earth by the sacred benevolent dragon beings that still reside on your planet. Although much fewer in numbers, they have always existed here, and are great protectors of your planet, and work closely within the energies of the planetary kundalini force.
Now, there are also extra terrestrial beings of a reptilian nature that do indeed exist. Just as humans, some are benevolent and some are warlike. There have been periods in the earth's unfolding in which reptilian beings have attempted to enter the Earthplane, and not always for benevolent purpose. These are NOT the beings to which we refer.
Even yet the words, dragon, serpent and reptilian cause humans of the western world to shudder in fear and associate them with evil or dismiss them completely as mythological folklore. The metaphors of St George slaying the dragon or variations of this tale are seeded in the Church's reign to demolish paganism in their crusade to politically reign & dominate. Yet in many other cultures and religions, especially in Asia, the dragon was revered, and considered a source of wisdom, divinity and 'good-fortune'.
There is a Devic form of 'dragonesque' beings that exist in the elemental kingdom, but these are not the Sacred Fully Conscious Dragons of which we speak. Rather are they elementals that are a conscious form of the elemental realm , projections of the Fire element. The indigenous have often used Fire Devics in ceremony, assigning a 'Fire-Keeper or Fire-Spirit Talker to hold ceremony in vision quests and ritual dances. There are also fire elemental projections considered as etheric salamanders and fire-glyphs.
The fully conscious divine beings of which we now refer abide both in the inner earth, particularly in volcanic regions and others are drawn to magno-crystalline mountains in high elevations. These beings are not of the elemental electromagnetic kingdom, although they are closely aligned to the earth's electromagnetic and crystalline energies.

Some of these are massive in size up to 50 meters in length , and radiate a golden light . They exist primarily in higher parallel dimension, but do also bodily exist in your physical world. These are beings of golden light, and are actively involved in the energetics of your planet. They are guardians of certain of your interdimensional gates. They are indeed of divine intelligence, both etheric and physical.

Crystalline Beings

Many of you are aware of the consciousness with gems and crystals. Many of you work with Crystalline Beings. These are in the highest form of mineral elemental projection, and are of supreme intelligence. Crystals are conscious by geo-structure and nature within the projection of the Mineral Kingdom. Crystals and gems hold consciousness of a triadic nature, and are capable of being placeholders as transmitters and receivers in full Beingness. Crystals carry light, and light expands consciousness within the matrixial perfection of the crystalline form.
Areas of natural crystals project a unique elemental aspect, that appears as light orbs and flashing streams. Arkansas and Brazil are teeming with such projected aspects.
The Omni-Earth

We have spoken in many channels of the amazing qualities of the Living Earth. And we tell you that no matter how you live and love upon the Earth, you gain, you expand by exploring the majesty and wisdom of Gaia. The Earth, the Omni Earth is expanding in amazing ways in the expansion called the Ascension. It is an amazing time, and 2012 will incorporate marvelous changes in your scope and perception of the realities around you, that were previously much more difficult to perceive. You will not marvel about the grandeur of your planet until you experience its beauty. You will marvel at the brilliance truly contained within the Earth and delight in the vast libraries of knowledge within the multi-faceted , multi-dimensional Beingness of Gaia. For the Earth also exist as anti-matter...and the Parallels of the Omni Earth are teeming with life.

Crysto-Magnetic Plasma in Matter and Antimatter

We tell you that on your Earth, magnetic field lines emerge out of the North Pole, curve downwards, and enter the South Pole through your ovoid Magnetosphere. Inside your Earth, however, these field lines move upwards from the South Pole to join the North Pole. These fields of force are charged ionic plasma. These flows are both in the form of matter as well as antimatter. As such these occur within the parallel antimatter Earth and in fact define its composition. Antimatter plasma contains many charged particles including what may be termed anti-electrons and anti protons.
Within anti matter Bio Plasma occurs, and life forms of Bio Plasma teem within these fields.
So within and without your physical Earth are electromagnetic currents that operate somewhat in jet streams that flow in one direction on and above the earth and in the opposite direction in its subsurface interior.
Therefore there are current flows that are parallel to one another, flowing in opposite directions, within the ovoid of the Magnetosphere. These are somewhat analogous to your longitudinal lines and crudely recognized as Curry Lines. What is not understood or as yet recognized is that these also flow in antimatter plasma, anti magnetics, anti electrics, and are the very network of energy that connects your physical Earth to the anti matter Earth, the twin Omni's or 'Parallel Earths', through the flashing aspect of receiving micro black-holes (protons) and the projecting micro white-holes (electrons).
With the laminar flow of the vertical lines of longitude, the anti-matter plasma will create a network of currents. The primary vertical current induces other currents at right angles to it to form golden angle offshoots at 90 degree jets that extend directly and horizontally from the vertical currents. These are pulsed at even sequences according to the 'flash' of consciousness light units, which somewhat corresponds to the conceptual Planck scale in space-time theory.
There are certain points both within the matter-antimatter flash and planetary electromagnetic circuitry that form pressurized nodes. These nodes act as subatomic-particle amplifiers which project coherent helical streams of antimatter ions at specific vectors on the planet.
These are in essence anti matter vortexes that permeate into the physical earth and the Magnetosphere. These enter the EarthPlane at the latitudinal points between 49 and 52 degrees north and 49 and 52 degrees south.
The latitude of 51 degrees is a planetary geometrical vector that receives the jet stream helix of highly charged antimatter plasma into the physical realm at certain nodes. Skellig Michael, Newgrange, Stonehenge, Avebury, Banff, Lake Louise, Lake Baikal and Torres del Paine, Patagonia all occur at this latitudinal span. For that reason these areas are extraordinarily charged electro-magnetically, quite multidimensional in nature, yet retain an incredible balance. These areas are only capable of retaining the antimatter field because of the unique magno electrical resonance produced by the mineralogy of the area.
These vortexes spiral and intertwine with pulses of gravitons, positrons and anti-plasma and to form coherent plasmic helixes that occur in the zones of Ireland, Britain, Europe ,Canadian Rockies, Lake Baikal in Siberia, and southern Patagonia areas of Argentina and Chile. All of these points are near 51 degrees latitude. These energies collate and pool, due in large to the specific crystalline-magnetic mineralogy that exist in these magno crystalline areas. Indeed in 2012 the planetary energies are transferring into crystalline matrix. ( As we have told you, the human body is converting over ythe next generations into crytsalline aspect, converting from carbon base to silicate.)
As a result, the parallel Earth coexists more tangibly and overlaps more fully within these areas, and life forms of bioplasmic nature indeed exist there in great abundance. But let us be clear, these areas are in essence macro white holes. Tremendous energy, from antimatter is transformed to charged matter and exuded. The antimatter overlay that dually occurs in Banff does not intermingle with matter per sei; rather the two fields co-exist in separate dimensions. They somewhat coincide, but are indeed quite separate. Better to say that the antimatter field is far more easily experienced thru the subtle body within this area. And as such thru the Mer-Ka-Na which is greatly expanded therein. Do you understand?
The Angelic Field of the area is a direct result of this, and occurs in Bioplasmic matrix.
Bio-plasmic life is quite real, and in fact, as we have stated, your subtle body and your chakric centers tie into the plasmic sphere of antimatter, the Parallel Earth. It is a less dense form of life, and not usually visible to the naked eye. It operates at a much higher frequency, and extremely high life forms abound in this energy, and evolve faster within it.

Because of the unique mineralogy and gravity anomalies in Ireland, the etheric realm exists in extreme lucidity.

Ireland - The Emerald & Amethyst

Ireland contains some of the most powerful, sacred and re-generative energies on the planet. It is appropriately called the Emerald Isle because of its vibrant green hills and valleys, which indeed exude a tangible field of healing and well-being. Be aware that these incredible healing hues occur because of the life force generated in the lands.

Ireland is a very unique and very succinct frequency. There are several known locations of what is termed 'negative gravity' anomalies on what is termed the Emerald Isle. These 'lighten' the frequency and somewhat aid in its soft and gentle expression.

It is in fact the plant life, waters and sea that team with the incredible telluric energies and create the very soft, the 'Feminine' aspect so beautifully expressed in Ireland. These energies blend with the gravity anomaly vectors to transduce what would otherwise be a very intense energy, for it is indeed among the highest frequencies on the planet.

As such there are many locales of what is locally termed ' thin veils' referring to dimensional portals dotting the landscape in Ireland. Worlds and dimensions tangibly co-exist, and vividly so in Ireland. That is why the Kingdom of the Fae, the Devic realm of Faeries, Elves and Leprechauns are so illustriously recounted among Irish lore. This actual realm does indeed present itself with great and greater visibility precisely because of the higher concentration of life force present.
The Goddess
And so we will say that while the energy of the Green Ray, the Emerald Field is quite predominate, the Violet Ray of the Amethyst is equally present. The lavender granites and violet magenta quartz of the sandstones create an incredible field that invokes imagination, artistry, creativity and spiritual seeking.

All of these blend & meld harmoniously throughout Ireland to form a most benevolent field, a 'frequencial cocktail' of extremely high yet balanced energy in Ireland. The seeker can find balance and well being in this joyful resonance of life force.

It is an energy that empowers will and independence, but within a grounded humility of nurturing. It is that of the Powerful Goddess, in your vernacular. The strength that is caring.

Much of Although Ireland is similar in many ways to the lands of England, Scotland and Wales, it is a very different frequency in other aspects.

Ireland is granitic (35% quartz) and sandstone quartzite. There are also crystalline emanations from the metamorphic strata, dating back in linear terms over 1.7 billion years. All metamorphic structures are crystalline, you see.

It is important also to note, that the land mass of Ireland was on the same latitude as Egypt some 250 million years ago, as your geologists acknowledge, and much of the sandstone carries the same 'quartzitic' piezo-electric vibrational resonance as that of Giza and Aswan. And that is a sacred energy. There is in fact a harmonic oscillation, an axialtonal line and Leyline connecting Newgrange to Giza. Newgrange is also connected to the Toltec Mounds of the Crystal Vortex of Arkansas.

Skellig Michael

Now you ask about Skellig Michael. In truth, Skellig Michael is a Natural Temple, a power-node of terrestrial construct, one created by nature, by the Divinity of Earth. The structure of Skellig Michael is pyramidal in geometry and is particularly aligned with celestial energies. It is composed of violet sandstones, quartzites. Your geologists will know of this particular variety of quartz. It is a unique mineral that is the rock foundation and energy of many sacred places, many powernodes. This quartz variety can be said to carry the imprint of the human quest, particularly at Skellig.

Skellig Michael is on the 51st Latitude North, a very powerful energy band, which also is shared by Stonehenge, Avebury, Lake Baikal, and Lake Louise, Canada.

As we have previously shared, the Atla-Ra, the Atlanteans were very aware of all such nodes on the planet, in collaboration with the Sirian-Pleiadean Alliance. Just as Staffa Island is a generator of the Hebrides, (Iona as well as eastern Ireland), so does Skellig perform a similar energy generation and distribution in western Ireland. These 'feed' the earth currents of the area not only with telluric energies, but Cosmic or Celestial energies as well. These play a more important role than is currently recognized, though these were fully recognized in the Golden Era of Atlantis. (A time in which the Earth was in full dimensional aspect and those termed the Star Races inhabited the earth.)

Within Skellig is a Master Crystal of Violet Hue. It has been there since the Golden Age of Atlantis. It has never been de-activated, for it was originally and specifically placed where it remains, and will remain. It is a key point of refracting that energy you term the Ley, and it up-shifts into the sacred frequency of both the Mary and Michael Leylines. It energizes all of the Leys in Ireland and in Britain, France and Europe.

And so we will take the additional questions you have prepared.

Question: Can you speak about Newgrange, in County Meath of Ireland? It is said to be older than the Pyramids, and to be an astronomical calendar. Is it also a portal?

Lord Metatron: It is indeed a mega-portal. And we will say that the area of the portal includes more than what is Newgrange, also Knowth and all surrounding areas, including the stone circles and earthmounds, and indeed Tara.

The greater area of the Vortexial Portal of the Boyne River region in Ireland, is centered at the mound now termed Newgrange. However, the structure that is now Newgrange was predated by millennia. It was recognized by the Sirian Alliance for its unique energy, and other Temples have stood there as well, as on the surrounding circles and mounds that compose its complex land massif and energetic matrix. Newgrange is still energetically maintained by the Sirian-Pleiadean Alliance, for it is playing a major role in the planetary and Cosmic grids. It is an immense and vast stargate, highly 'engineered' . The Sirian-Pleiadean-Arcturian Alliance are energetic engineers that have assisted in balancing the energies of the Omni Earth since the time of the firmament. Although the Alliance works in other 'Universes' in your terms, they have focused on your planet because indeed, they are your genetic seed. Your planet, universe, your Galaxy is of course existing within and as a part of the greater Omni-Verse. Certain points on your planet have the rare energetics that enable them to be connecting points. Newgrange is one of these. It is a multi-faceted, multi-dimensional grid point. It is a portal that transcends dimensions and time. It is connected directly to the Crystalline Grid, and is also being fashioned to connect directly to the New Firmament which begins formation after the completion of December 21, 2012.


Now, on the topic of Newgrange, let us say that it is a complexity of energies that will be increasing in frequency in 2012, and continue in transition beyond into 2013 and forward.

The energy of greater Newgrange is complex. It is dimensional but not locational. All that is within, above and below this complex grid point will in 2013 be somewhat up-shifted and redefined. Newgrange is one of several 'libraries' and placeholders specifically located at certain vectors. It was never meant to be a tomb of Celtic Kings, rather it is a vast portal that both stabilizes the balance of the Earth and connects the Earth to frequencies that are essential to the New Firmament. In a manner of speaking it is a vast database that ties into Sirius, but in a different format, a different purpose than the Pyramids of Giza.

Newgrange and other such points are a continuum, a link between matter/antimatter, physical and angelic. Such portals are interfaces of a unique purpose, somewhat different from what you term Star-Gates. The transducing energies are not solid or separate, but seamless and continuous, gradually and imperceptibly blending the lesser dimensional frequencies (within its corridor) into the greater until it becomes harmonic. It has been activated into shift, and the first stage of the shift completes on the 12-21-12 and then begins its reactivation as a Firmament point in 2013.

Anchoring Point of the New Firmament

The earthen points of the New Crystalline Firmament, such as Newgrange, are held in place by a nexus, a series of inter-connected spirals of energy that carry conscious 'life-force' particulates of matter/non-matter between the layers of the Cosmos. These particles of intelligence maintain the cosmic purpose or "Codes" in complete integrity, balance and harmony.

The 'Akash, nexus particles are encoded and programmed to expedite transitions for the planned Ascension. This includes the up-shift in human DNA. More specifically, they are specialized coded energies that create new bridges. This is one of the ways in which the earth and all that is related to it expands. Newgrange is involved in the receival of these codes.

In the present and recent past, what differentiates 'greater' Newgrange is the balance. In your vernacular it is a Feminine Centre, but of supreme balance, that then termed as the Divine Feminine. Though not in the gendered application you might consider. (We will explain this further in this discussion).

In its very balance it interfaces all 12 dimensions, and thus a grounding stabilization occurs. Those metaphysicians prone to the delusional, to lofty, ungrounded, grandiose meanderings , as oft occurs in such paths, will find themselves re-centered in this nurturing energy blend.

The Michael Portal of Ireland
The unique matrix of Ireland has been re-formatting since the inital phase of the Cosmic Trigger in 2009 and will complete in 2012 on the 12-12-12.
Lord Michael began re-anchoring his presence in a triangulated portal within the core of Skellig Michael after the gateway event you call the 9-9-9. The process requires four years to complete.

The three pinnacles of the vortex vertice are Skellig Michael, Michaels Mound and Mont Michell in France. This is fed to a large degree by the energies of the supra portal at Newgrange. And this absolutely creates the format, the matrix of the unique energetic-cocktail of ionic forces within Ireland.
The enhanced thinned veil clarity that resulted within these pristine sites has facilitated many to have direct experiences with Archangel Michaels Divine Presence. A counterclockwise energy vortex is being crystallized and set into motion reconnecting the locations. The triangulation has formed what may be referred to as the Skellig Michael Triad Vortex and a great and greater spiritual light is thus disseminated throughout the entire area for hundreds of miles.
Special caretakers have been drawn to these areas to align, anchor and imprint within this divine energy. Many are called, it is the code carriers.
I am Metatron and I share with you these Truths. You are Beloved.
...and so it is.

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Tonight help Heal Mother Earth

Welcome to join us in the Mother Earth Network’s monthly global healing session for our beloved Mother Earth!
The session takes place Sunday, May 6th, 8.00 pm - 8.30 pm Swedish time zone (CET). Use to translate to your local time zone! During the healing session we will help Earth to activate and spread the female energy from her inner core, of which there is an enormous shortage, both in Earth’s and humanity’s energy systems.
Below you will find background information on the healing session, instructions on how to participate, links to the printer-friendly miniguide for the healing sessions, and the Facebook page for this month's healing session.
Thank you for your participation! Together we are creating miracles!
♥ Light, Strength and Love ♥
Maria Bertram & Manne Lindberg, Mother Earth Network
All energy in the Cosmos consists of the male and the female energy. These energies are the foundation of all development and create the polarities of expansion/regression, light/darkness, spirit/matter, heaven/earth, intellect/intuition and so on. The purpose of all development of consciousness is the balance between these energy polarities.
The knowledge of the male and the female energy is a timeless and all-embracing wisdom that applies for all living life in Cosmos, from small organisms to huge galaxies. This ancient and timeless wisdom has today been forgotten and suppressed, but fragments of it have been kept in different cultures all over the world. The most famous examples are the Taoists’ yin and yang, and the indigenous people’s worship of Mother Earth and Father Sky.
On the surface of the Earth, the female energy coming from the core of the planet meets the male energy coming from above. These two energies, in perfect balance, together create the Highest Divine Energy of Love, unconditional love.
Today there is an enormous imbalance, with way too much male energy on the face of the planet, which is the main reason for all the imbalances present on Earth today, such as imbalanced weather and natural disasters. This imbalance is due to mankind’s imbalanced lifestyle and aggressive technology, combined with all the mainly male energies from Cosmos flowing in over Earth preparing her for her entering into the New Spiritual Age.
The energy imbalance has created a very critical situation for Mother Earth and she goes through a tremendous amount of suffering every day. Together we can help her rebalance her system and ease her pain. A very long time ago the mission was given to humanity to help Mother Earth to balance her energy system. We are her keepers. She depends on us like we depend on her. We are ONE with Mother Earth. Humanity is now starting to regain this timeless wisdom.
This background information and the instructions for the healing session are based on channeled information from Mother Earth, nature spirits, ascended masters, other civilizations and the Divine Consciousness. A huge network of ascended masters, other civilizations in Cosmos, and nature spirits on Earth participates during the healing session.
These sessions have an enormous impact on the healing of Mother Earth, far beyond our imagination! The effect also increases exponentially with every new individual joining us! When we take part in the healing sessions to Mother Earth, we also receive the energy ourselves, which is tremendously beneficial for our spiritual transformation.
Sit down to meditate. Turn off your mobile phones, TVs, computers and other technical equipment. If possible, sit outside in nature. Make sure you're sitting comfortably and have full contact with the floor or ground (or if you're sitting on a chair - at least with your feet). Put your hands together as if you are praying, and let them rest on your knees. Take a couple of deep breaths, relax your whole body, and clear your mind of distracting thoughts.
Get ready mentally to be a channel for the Mother Earth energy, and focus your intention on channeling the energy from the ground. Read the prayer for Mother Earth. Visualize how a channel opens up from the Earth’s center and how the red glowing female energy starts streaming up and flowing through your feet, rear and hands.
Let the energy fill your whole body, then let it continue onward to the worldwide network of nature spirits, masters in the spirit world and cosmic civilizations that will spread the energy to the places on Earth where it is most needed at the time. Once you have opened up the flow of energy, just focus on being present in the now. It is individual how energy feels, but it works whether you feel anything or not.
Please note: Do not send white light to Mother Earth, and don’t channel light through the crown chakra to her, because she will then get more of the high frequency male energy that she already has a surplus of. What Mother Earth needs to heal herself today is the low frequency grounding female energy from Earth’s inner core.

Dear Mother Earth,
In humbleness, love and complete trust, we are asking you,
Please give us strength and guidance.
Please help us to channel energies from your interior,
to heal you completely, both your body and your soul.
Thank you for letting us humans live with you and take part in your abundance.
Thank you for your beauty and richness.
Thank you for all the miracles taking place on Earth every day.
Mother Earth, we are calling on you!
End the session by saying Thank you.

January 9th
February 7th
March 8th
April 6th
May 6th
June 4th
July 3rd
August 2nd
August 31st
September 30th
October 29th
November 28th
December 28th

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From this recent full moon to the next, on June 4, there is an inter-dimensional gateway open and energizing the power of our intentions exponentially. But just like all portals, this power is neutral. It is our conscious use of this power that molds our miracles into form. For this reason, we are being called to fully utilize this Now-moment awareness to create heaven on earth.
We are being guided to access this magnificent power to co-create a new earth reality simply by honoring our joy. It is here that we will find the support and instant results of our intentions, so it is important to stay connected with joy to gain the greatest results.
How do you access joy? By opening to your own Presence of course.
Hopefully you will find that this is easier to do now and that you have more of an ability to maintain it. Another aspect of joy is simplicity. You may be noticing that simplicity is calling you, begging you to notice its freedom and power. . . to let go of struggle and be playful. As we shed our preconceived notions of what we think we should be doing in our lives, we realize that often these thoughts and ideas are just too complicated and make us feel heavy and weighed down.
Success in the new earth paradigm will come through a Lightness of being. If it's complicated or requires too much energy, it is not the highest expression. In this case, simply be willing to release your expectations in exchange for a more refined version of will be glad you did! The energies of the New living field around earth are not complicated or difficult to navigate . . . the trick is unlearning complication and allowing ease.
If you can do this, if you can let go of the need to struggle, to work for every gain, and can get fully present with joy then you are in the fast lane to Awakening and soaring up the evolutionary ladder of human consciousness. Over the next couple of weeks use this portal to strengthen your power of Presence. Really focus on transforming yourself into an ambassador of Spirit/Soul/Source and you'll be attracting copious adventures, abundance and auspicious outcomes for your life and to the lives of all.
Wishing you the true gift of partnering with Presence

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Dear Friends ~ I feel this is a very good explanation of the Lightbody, taken from a
book called - " Why I Believe the Dead are Alive. "

The “thinking” of the soul-spirit is done in the intellectual mechanism of what is called the Light-Body, or the Pattern Body. This is the vehicle, operating at a higher frequency of atomic vibration that keeps the atoms and molecules of the physical body in one consistent pattern throughout the earthly sojourn. Remember, the molecules of every person’s physical body are completely renewed every seven years, but renewal or no; they always conform to the given design that keeps the physical organism recognizable from decade to decade. When the life-course is run, the business of “dying” is merely the process of this Pattern Body pulling out of the gross atomic body, and beginning to view life in its higher frequencies of Matter. Consciousness is carried in the mental equipment of this Light Body, or Design-Body, else none of us would ever remember what had happened to us on earth, after we got to “heaven."

THEY are emphatically not dead a person, of course, because there has never been any death. There is only
metamorphosis from one rate of atomic vibration to a higher rate of atomic vibration. Higher rates of atomic vibration can be aware of lower rates but rarely the reverse. In other words, people on the more tenuous octaves of reality can be consciously aware of what is transpiring on the grosser and lower rates, but when they manifest it, usually the earth-people have an attack of heebie-jeebies at the “supernatural”… is there anything particularly supernatural about your turning your radio to get an orchestra in Cincinnati on a “low frequency rate” but a statesman talking in Europe on a short-wave frequency? The analogy is pat.

We should see the Light Bodies of those who have made the metamorphosis ahead of us, realizing they are often moving closely about us. It is their invisibility, owing to the enhanced rate of vibration at which they are moving atomically in their vehicle-composition, which makes us regard them as “gone”. Their entire world of material reality is similarly composed of a vibratory frequency swifter than ours. So it is intangible to us. Not sensing it commonly, we contend it is ethereal. But we are constantly getting indications that it has a reality equal to our world of slower atomic frequencies, that we are visible to those inhabiting it although they are not visible under ordinary conditions to us. Conversely, they tell us that there are octaves of reality above theirs that are quite as uncomprehendible to them as theirs is uncomprehendible to us.

The layman thinks of the process as Spiritualism. It is only Spiritualism as we identify the necromantic activity by the religious cult of that name that openly accredits such phenomena in the religious manner. Those of us who have
approached such wonders along the secular route, as I myself have done as described in these pages, no more
consider the supernatural aspects of it as Spiritualism than the Spiritualists consider the super-natural aspects of radio, radar, or television as Spiritualism. What the Spiritualists seem to do truly in practice, is furnish opportunity for hoi poloi to form contact through mediumistic professionals with relatives who have moved their habitat into the higher atomic frequencies, and their “religious” services take on the pattern of Questions-and-Answers intercourse with those on the next immediate octaves of consciousness.
Is grandma suffering any more in her higher vibration, in result of the malady that carried her off?
Should Uncle John sell the house lot on the corner of Main and Third Street or hold it for a higher price in the autumn? Is the young man who has started to “go” with Betsy Jane serious in his attentions?
Fancy making a religious ritual of such personal trivia. And yet the Spiritualists have come closer to Truth in appreciating the literalities of the post-mortem state than any other sect distinguishing the modern religious scene.


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Full Moon in Scorpio on level 16: 01


Itis the phase of the Moon in Scorpio Moon is in opposition (180 degree aspect) with the Sun in Taurus. It is an intense energy, powerful magic helps us to reap the fruits of our work, a work begun with the New Moon in Scorpio from October 26, 2011. Full Moon in Scorpio that is the opposition between the Sun in Taurus and Moon in Scorpio degree 4:01 p.m. 4:01 p.m. Grade XII-VI active axis, an axis health but also the limitations, there is the enormous energy that can bring to the fore confronting suffering created by certain compromises but mistakes in love, work, career, karma, renunciation that generated dissatisfaction and repressed aggression. Activation of this axis may indicate the same time and work issues, service routines, but past health. The message of this immense energies to reorganize daily life in the practical details as well as routines to be solved is required of us as objectivity, clarity, clear plans to remove limitations.

In astrology, the opposition is a major interpersonal dynamic that shows a problem that requires a compromise between us and our partner or a group of people. It is an issue that brings instability, internal tensions which if creatively controlled and directed, we can channel the overwhelming urge to learn something new, to develop some talent.Powerful inner conflict can birth difficulties or behavioral disturbances, spiritual turmoil, volatility, lack of clarity of thoughts, nervousness, incompatibility with the environment, with others. However, in this moment of Full Moon, Pluto retrograde in Capricorn (who is also governor of the monthly energy) is our ally, is the energy that knows how to mediate conflict and by the Moon-Sun mediation and help us, we support in finding the best solutions. Pluto retrograde in House VIII relay works as a powerful energy converters, regenerators. Pluto is known to destroy and then rebuild and this time the full moon (a time of harvest) everything sprjina not on anything tangible will be destroyed and all that is in accordance with our destiny is rewarded.

Moon sextile Pluto in Scorpio produces a mysterious agree to the unconscious, is "drop" of energy that knows how to give lucid detachment, serenity, it creates a kind of magical about the unknown universe, about which we receive through intuition, thought, the idea of balancing personal life. Pluto trine the Sun in Taurus is a real reservoir of energy that fueled our full inner strength, find in us unsuspected resources that give us courage to act and change what needs to be changed. Jupiter in Taurus in conjunction with energy Sun in Taurus Moon in Scorpio opposes this means that we can quite easily make mosquito stallion. Generosity, faith, optimism, emotions can be amplified, the temptation is to do absolutely anything to win bunavonta other, enough conflicts can occur especially if the means are financial interests.Full Moon in Scorpio in house VI may indicate a certain instability and sensitivity to work, health problems, a vulnerability in the workplace that makes relationships with colleagues, bosses to be quite restrained. The best time to start a diet avoiding dietary excess can bring problems. All Full Moon in House VI suplimentre can make some income from work, improved working conditions, a project may reach completion, can reap the rewards of hard work at work. Full Moon in Scorpio is a time of profound emphasizing the hidden aspects of life, motivations behind the actions of our achievements. Scorpio is a water sign associated with the depth, darkness, power, control, sex, money, intelligence, covert operations, deep relationships. Scorpio is the detective who sees everything from a place of his choice, has a natural understanding of rebirth, transformation, death, regeneration. Scorpio governs the same time and "other funds" such as investment, money partner, bank loans, fees, legacies. This Full Moon in Scorpio can bring out the truth about areas of life ruled by Scorpio: deep relationships, sex, transformation, financial maneuvers. 
In the twelfth house, Sun in Taurus conjunct Lilith in Taurus shines unfinished business of the past confronts us with the ghosts that live in our subconstientientul, ghosts of things undone, unsaid words, all that heart and hand gestures have able to achieve them, gives them .. It is an important moment in which we meet with failure and frustration results of social, professional but those positive results of our work, even if I may say earnings, but what is most important now is making light of all methods used to achieve certain purposes, of power, fame, and the methods that have generated defeat, decay. . Very important at this time is to welcome you with a clear understanding of past experiences, we need courage, faith and compassion to realize that fear, sense of guilt, remorse about the past they can not be stopped but only understood, accepted, forgiven. 
In connection with the Full Moon in Scorpio is asteroid 2254 Requiem, an asteroid that has a strong connection with spirituality, prayer for the salvation of souls and the pain went but we split the things in our lives. Requiem in conjunction with the Full Moon can show us things, people, activities, relationships that have to give. We can now easily decide what to give. Requiem tends to cause an inclination to accept life situations and sometimes induces "a lack of action to change a state, a result". Requiem is associated with funerals. In this moment of Full Moon conjunct it afford not to be troubled by a problem and I feel that through this positive influence of Requiem. Faith, prayer is important at this time and can help us more easily to accept losses. It is a time of acceptance, termination of the struggle for peace. 
All Full Moon in Scorpio is in opposition to Asteroid 2102 Tantalus. In mythology, Tantalus is a mortal king who has done many bad things against the gods. He killed his son-servant that delicacy and a banquet in honor of the gods. He was punished by the gods for crimes of ugly, was imprisoned in Tartarus (hell especially) with the worst offenders. Tantalus was condemned to stand forever in a tank of pure water under a tree with fruit beautiful and inviting. Every time he tries to drink, this retreat, his hand whenever he wanted to take a fruit tree branches near the wind take it. He was confined in tartar and always being thirsty and hungry. 
In astrology, asteroid 2102 Tantalus means "to struggle", temptation, temptation, frustration, see something that is impossible to get, you always have something you want on hand but you can not enjoy this "something". Sun in conjunction with Tantalus (temptation, unrealizable desires) and Lilith in Taurus (temptation, hidden desires, fear, blind spot, karma related values) as opposed to the Moon in Scorpio accentuates all that torment, tempt us, is the our reach but we can enjoy them. As the water reaches Tantalus and the fruit often and we are punished we can not enjoy what is right next to us and that because of mistakes that we can now discover and accept. Tantalus is "temptation", Lilith is again "temptation" is expected "temptation to float in the air" these days.

Pluto, ruler of this Full Moon is in opposition to Eurydike asteroid (75). If we go back to mythology, found in Eurydike, a married woman of unique beauty with Orpheus (son of Apollo), the great musician of his time able to charm even trees and rocks with his songs. During their marriage, they predicted that their perfection is not long lasting relationship. One day, Eurydike was spied by Aristaeus, a son of Apollo, running away from him, she stepped over a snake and died from poisonous bites. Orpheus was disappointed, it was impossible to live without it, and descended into Hell to demand the release of his wife.This demand was unprecedented, his music sounds even charmed the heart of Hades and Pluto, god of the underworld, which eventually agreed to release Eurydike one condition, Orpheus not to look ago until it reached the ground. Orpheus agreed, but when you get close to the light, he returned to ensure that Eurydike is behind him, at that time, he lost a second time and finally his wife. Eurydike brings a state of dependency of people, the problems of conduct that are regarded as a matter of life and death, there in all this drama was born in another attempt to abuse us, to our problem. 
With Eurydike house Pluto in House II and VIII can be said that these dramatic problems related to money to a partner, associate, credits, intimate relationships. 
Mercury opposes Saturn brings fear and plenty of obstacles in comuncare but I would say that fear can totally change the message that we want to convey and hence may arise as problems. It is an astrological aspect working pessimism, doubt, bad thoughts. In conjunction with Saturn retrograde in Libra is the Vertex point home that has a seventh coloring partnerships. Vertex is a turning point in life, looks predestined meetings, meetings with destiny can not be avoided. Is a point showing the type of experience you have done with someone else, indicate predestined meetings, finding karmic. Vertex-axis electrical axis Antivertex is running as a gateway, an opening, a short meeting or time will change all ourlives. With Vertex in conjunction with Saturn retrograde in Librawe tested in our relationships but in those relationships that touches us, we have changed lives. Governor Saturn in Libra but of Vertex in Libra Venus in Gemini which these days was during the "shadow", crosses the Zodiac sign of Gemini grades over which apparently went retrograde return to starting on May 15, 2012. I could say that relations will be double tested as of this date.Venus in Gemini (relationships, the relationships, a love, intellectual value) is in conjunction with asteroid 3811 Karma (Karmic connections), this means it is time to balance relationships as both intellectual and communication. Karma here talking about "what should be done" to balance our actions, refer to the consequences of our past actions, consequences that often change our destiny, in other words are "what we sow" not to blame nobody but us. 
Full Moon in Scorpio can help us see all that is dark, dirty, unhealthy in our lives. Scorpio is characteristic verb "to like" reminding us these days as we can see that desire can be made and to be left "to die". Not coincidentally asteroid Requiem (prayer, memorial service, funeral) is in conjunction with the Full Moon in Scorpio. 

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WRITTEN BY A POLICE OFFICER - Everyone should take 5 minutes to read this.

In daylight hours, refresh yourself of these things to do in an emergency situation...
This is for you, and for you to share with your wife, your children, everyone you know.

After reading these9 crucial tips, forward them to someone you care about.
It never hurts to be careful in this crazy world we live in.


1. Tip fromTae Kwon Do:
The elbow is the strongest point on your body.
If you are close enough to use it, do!



2..Learned this from a tourist guide.
If a robber asks for your wallet and/or purse, DO NOT HAND IT TO HIM.

Toss it away from you....
Chances are that he is more interested in your wallet and/or purse than you, and he will go for the wallet/purse.


3.If you are ever thrown into the trunk of a car,
kick out the back tail lights and stick your arm out the hole and start waving like crazy..
The driver won't see you, but everybody else will.
This has saved lives.



4.Women have a tendency to get into their carsafter shopping, eating, working, etc., and just sit (doing their chequebook, or making a list, etc..


The predator will be watching you, and this is the perfect opportunity for him to get in on the passenger side, put a gun to your head, and tell you where to go.

If someone is in the car with a gun to your head


Instead gun the engine and speed into anything, wrecking the car.
Your Air Bag will save you.
If the person is in the back seat they will get the worst of it .
As soon as the car crashes bail out and run.
It is better than having them find your body in a remote location.



5. A few notes about gettinginto your car in a parking lot, or parking garage:

A.)Be aware:
look around you, look into your car, at the passenger side floor, and in the back seat.

B.)If you are parked next to a big van, enter your car from the passenger door.
Most serial killers attack their victims by pulling them into their vans while the women are attempting to get into their cars.

C.)Look at the car
parked on the driver's side of your vehicle, and the passenger side... If a male is sitting alone
in the seat nearest your car, you may want to walk back into the mall, or work, and get a
guard/policeman to walk you back out.


IT IS ALWAYS BETTER TO BE SAFE THAN SORRY. (And better paranoid than dead.)

6.ALWAYS take the elevator instead of the stairs.
Stairwells are horrible places to be alone and the perfect crime spot.
This is especially true at NIGHT!)

7.If the predator has a gun
and you are not under his control, ALWAYS RUN!

The predator will only hit you (a running target) 4 in 100 times; and even then, it most likely WILL NOT be a vital organ.. RUN, Preferably in a zig-zag pattern!

8.As women, we are always trying to be sympathetic: STOP
It may get you raped, or killed.
Ted Bundy, the serial killer, was a good-looking, well educated man, who ALWAYS played
on the sympathies of unsuspecting women.
He walked with a cane, or a limp, and often asked 'for help' into his vehicle or with his vehicle,
which is when he abducted his next victim.



9.Another Safety Point:
Someone just told me that her friend heard a crying baby on her porch the night before last, and she called the police because it was late and she thought it was weird.. The police told her
'Whatever you do, DO NOT open the door...'

The lady then said that it sounded like the baby had crawled near a window, and she was worried
that it would crawl to the street and get run over.
The policeman said, 'We already have a unit on the way, whatever you do, DO NOT open the door.'
He told her that they think a serial killer has a baby's cry recorded and uses it to coax women out of their homes thinking that someone dropped off a baby... He said they have not verified it, but have had several calls by women saying that they hear baby's cries outside their doors when they're home alone at night.



10. Water scam!
If you wake up in the middle of the night to hear all your taps outside running or what you think is a
burst pipe, DO NOT GO OUT TO INVESTIGATE! These people turn on all your outside taps full ball so that you will go out to investigate and then attack.

Stay alert, keep safe, and look out for your neighbours!
Please pass this on This e-mail should probably be taken seriously because the Crying Baby Theory was mentioned on America 's Most Wanted when they profiled the serial killer in Louisiana


I'd like you to forward this to all the women you know.
It may save a life. A candle is not dimmed by lighting another candle..
I was going to send this to the ladies only, but guys, if you love your mothers, wives, sisters, daughters, etc., you may want to pass it onto them, as well.


Send this to any woman you know that may need to be reminded that the world we live in has a lot of crazies in it and it's better to be safe than sorry..

Everyone should take 5 minutes to read this. It may save your life or a loved one's life

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SaLuSa - Fantastic Update

SaLuSa - Fantastic Update
26 April 2012 - Mogaly

Hello, lightworkers. This is SaLuSa connecting to you through a close friend. I have been so happy to witness Ikao's awakening, from afar. He has had very rapid success, and is now ready to go into heavy detail about many things confusing humans on the surface of Gaia. I will start by announcing that we will be having mass reunions, soon. Many humans on the surface of Gaia have had a full remembering of their life outside of earth, in the eternal. This means, a wave of remembering is soon to sweep across the whole planet. Not a single soul will be free of this remembering. It is mandatory.

That being said, if you find the truth truly unbearable, the appropriate measures will be taken to preserve your wellbeing, both physically and emotionally.
In the coming weeks, many events are to take place. Firstly, the arrests. You have heard oh so much about these arrests, and many of you doubt them. Why? There is no valid reason to doubt it anymore. Not only have there been record numbers of resignations in the higher decrees of the American financial field, but the paperwork is available for everybody to read. The plan itself is held solely within the higher densities, and it is impossible for any one person to know all of it. Because of this careful practice, this plan absolutely cannot fail. The plan is written into the structure that is your current reality complex.
Be at ease, gentle souls, there is nothing more to fear. There never was, but you were to experience existence as if there was, to see what it would be like. How was it? What did you learn? What would you do differently? these are tiny fragments of concepts towards what you will have learned upon the finally of this wondrous experiment. When you finally realize what reality truly is, you will be so happy to have your body. You will see. To have such direct control over matter is such a beautiful gift.
The difference between this life, and every other life you have ever had upon earth, is you will be bringing your material body back with you, to the higher densities. You will be returning the matter to light. Now, this MUST occur. Your body is not entirely of you. Your body is comprised of a very small fragment of Gaia's body. Gaia is ready to snap up into the higher densities, but your society is still so behind. That is perfectly okay. We have the pleasure and delight to finally be able to say that not even one single entity upon the earth is off track. Everybody, just keep doing what you are doing, with more and more love and light in your heart. Get ready for a monstrous quantum leap like you have absolutely never experienced. Nobody has ever experienced this. Never forget how truly amazing you each are.
What is going on on earth is unbelievably difficult. There are so many beings out there, who truly believed this would be a catastrophic failure. Not only has that been shattered, but your complete successes are so impressive, that entirely separate, unrelated universes are watching with a careful eye. So much has been learned from this experience, that not one single field of action will be unaffected by the information acquired. Consider yourselves the most successful beings in the 3rd density, because you have all done so incalculably well. To do such a task, only the mightiest of the `big guns' stepped up for the roll. That, folks, is all of you. Before long, you will each see you for who you truly are, and WHERE the lightships are in the sky. Don't think of petty flying saucers, those are shown in that form to show off, and not much more. We exist predominantly where the mind is. Out of location all together.
Pat yourself on the back, and truly love yourself, for you have done more for this universe than anybody thought possible. I will never be able to fully express how impressed with Humanity I am, and all of the Sirius Nation smiles in sheer awe of your actions. Congratulations, and we will be shortly welcoming all of you on an individual basis, to the Universal community.
This has been SaLuSa through Ikao, and I am absolutely astounded by each and every one of you. I love you all so very much

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A Secret Scrolls #123 to #126

A Secret Scrolls #123

A Secret Scrolls message from Rhonda Byrne
Creator of The Secret

From The Secret Daily Teachings

Our natural state of being is joy, and it takes so much energy to think negative thoughts, to speak negative words, and to feel miserable. The easy path is good thoughts, good words, and good deeds.
Take the easy path.

May the joy be with you,

Rhonda Byrne

The Secret... bringing joy to billions

A Secret Scrolls #124

A Secret Scrolls message from Rhonda Byrne
Creator of The Secret

From The Secret Daily Teachings

Write down all the great things about everyone you know. Make a huge list of all the wonderful things about you. Compliment people wherever you go. Praise every single thing you see. Be a ray of sunshine to everyone you meet, and make their day better for having seen you. Say "Thank you" at every turn. Walk, talk, think, and breathe appreciation and gratitude.

When you do this, your outer life will change to reflect your inner state of being.
May the joy be with you,

Rhonda Byrne

The Secret... bringing joy to billions

A Secret Scrolls #125

A Secret Scrolls message from Rhonda Byrne
Creator of The Secret

From The Secret Daily Teachings

You cannot bring what you want to you if you are feeling stress. Stress or any tension at all is something you have to remove from your system.

You must let the stress go - it is the only way you can bring what you want. The emotion of stress is saying strongly that you do NOT have what you want. Stress or tension is the absence of faith, and so to remove it all you have to do is increase your faith!

May the joy be with you,

Rhonda Byrne

The Secret... bringing joy to billions

A Secret Scrolls #126

A Secret Scrolls message from Rhonda Byrne
Creator of The Secret

From The Secret Daily Teachings

Remember, if you are criticizing, you are not being grateful. If you are blaming, you are not being grateful. If you are complaining, you are not being grateful. If you are feeling tension, you are not being grateful. If you are rushing, you are not being grateful. If you are in a bad mood, you are not being grateful.

Gratitude can transform your life. Are you allowing minor things to get in the way of your transformation and the life you deserve?

May the joy be with you,

Rhonda Byrne

The Secret... bringing joy to billions

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