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The higher selves - the god selves of many who are now waking
up now to remember their selves, placed a seed of themselves--an
etheric crystal dust memory of themselves in the Core of Mother
Earth. This essence of themselves contained a time code that
would awaken to remember their divine mission on Mother Earth
at this time. Those who are waking up now to that mission are
those who came to Earth to be a part of this COSMIC MYSTERY
SCHOOL OF THE OMNIVERSE. This is the team that was created
Quantum Journey of Ascension
by Kuthumi, Merlin, Djwal Kuhl, Madame Blavatsky and El Morya
over the past several eons. These are entities whom have chosen
to be a part of the most glorious event that has been experienced in
this COSMOS. We have had a Merlin, a Mary, a Goddess Hathor,
a Zeena Warrior Princess, a Kuthumi and a Djwal Kuhl awaken
to their identities so far during our classes. This awakening is
one of the main process that THE TEACHERS of this class are
Now it is time for the rise of the Divine God Plan--the Divine Blue
Print to become perfect once again. We have known this Divine
God Plan as Atlantis. It was originally called Ajaho. This was the
perfect model of the divine plan that was created by Sun Alcyone.
The spark of Source was united with the Universal and Cosmic
Consciousness and breathed out into the Galactic Consciousness.
That perfect creation from about 20 million years ago is finally going
to be completely restored.
Mother Earth is the entity who maintained her original divine
selfhood deep inside of her CORE. Sunat Kumara has maintained
the divine essence of the Entities who are awakening now to
their complete selfhood. This etheric liquid light core contains her
spiritual essence and ours. Students in this Course will learn to
completely merge their physical body back into oneness with
their spiritual body. This zero point balance prepares the body for
When Mother Earth came into this galaxy, there was an etheric
sphere placed around her. This etheric sphere has always
contained the original etheric substance that was contained in
Sun Alcyon’s original creation of Ajaho. The essence of this Divine
Plan was maintained for Mother Earth to grow from. This was her
complete self-- her spiritual and physical self. So, her spiritual half
is deep within her and her complete self is a sphere around her.
We are the same. We also have a spiritual half. Our etheric self
is deep in Mother Earth’s core and our spiritual self grows around
our body as we remember to expand outwardly into our MERKABA
Quantum Journey of Ascension
LIGHT BODY. As Mother Earth must merge back into her entire
matrix of the galactic, universal and cosmic, so do we.
Mother Earth has merged and collected the complete breaths of
consciousness, or streams of light and sound, from the etheric
matrix of Sirius and her Alcyone Sun’s frequencies of Aquarius.
In the original Aquarius Galaxy, there were three starry families
involved in the AJaho project. Sun Alcyone and Source were the
creators, and the co-creators were entities who formed the Blue
Sirius system. These entities were BLUE DOLPHONOID Entities.
These entities moved a part of themselves into a new home base
where they could hold the frequencies of consciousness of those
from the Dolphonoid Family, and yet be in the Mother Earth Realm.
Those entities formed the Aquafarion realm. It is the frequencies of
these realms of the Aquarius Galaxy, the Sun Alcyon and other
Galactic Suns, and Aquafaria that are streaming down to Mother
Earth to raise and align the Earth’s matrix back into their spiritual
and physical oneness. This new self hood will be found as we
merge together all of our selves that we have been in past millions
of years into one grander new reality.
This entire Cosmos was created by our higher selves- our god
selves- our monadic selves and our god seed selves. Those
selves are now ready and able to merge into oneness with our
consciousness as we raise our consciousness to theirs. This
course prepares us to merge into this oneness of consciousness.
The physical body is prepared for ascension by igniting the Source
Spark in the physical body, aligning into all of the frequencies of all
five spheres and igniting the flame into oneness. The physical body
must merge with the golden crystal body in the Earth’s Core. The
physical body cannot enter into the spiritual realm of ascension until
it has invited in the spark from Source into every cell in the body.
The cells in the body contain the memory of all that has ever
happened on this Earth’s Matrix. These pearls of wisdom must be
ignited by the Spark of Source - the creator of all. This creation
Quantum Journey of Ascension
belongs to Source and must be returned to Source. We do this by
collecting everything from all experiences in this World
Consciousness and bringing this memory into a Crystal Sphere,
in order to build a pearl of wisdom. We hold this crystal sphere
in our hands in front of our body. Inhale all thoughts, memories,
experiences of everything that you have experienced or seen
experienced by others-- even if it was from T.V., a movie or
a textbook.
Next invite Source to ignite his spark in this pearl of wisdom. That
spark will ignite a tiny flame inside of the cells in the body related to
those experiences. Once that flame has been ignited, Source can
pull those memories out of the cells and take the flames of creation
to reprocess into a new pure frequency of creation. This is the
most important responsibility of all who are a part of Mother Earth’s
Matrix. The Ascension cannot be complete until all who are with
her do this. When this energy of the speed of light spins and the
rings of heliotalic light spin, the body can be lifted into a funnel of
light with the help of starry family, for complete rennovation into the
original 12 D Christ Body. Some of us will be rising into the 24th,
36th or 48 DNA structure because we are on a Galactic or Cosmic
Next the body will be prepared to move to the Cloud Cities,
Aquafaria or return home to the original planet they came from.
Each will find their unique mission that they are here for. Some will
return to the Islands of Light to teach those who are being raised
from their dreaming state on the Earth. The Island of Light project
that we are working on with Zorak is an Island of Light preparing for
the new Star System. The Golden Galaxy is a natural part of that
process. We must first base our new modality, our new harmonic
convergence, our new tone of home on the Star Dust Structure.
These will be the first wave who prepare the perfect - the god
world- the Atlantis model for those from Earth to create their new
world from. Those of us on the first wave will remember white
magic as if it were beginning math. It will be a natural part of us
Quantum Journey of Ascension
once more. We will remember how to create mansions with our
breath of consciousness.
This will be the beginning of the Islands of Light where everyone
from Earth will eventually move up into as the Earth has already
risen into this new reality, so will all of those upon her finally
rise into their higher selfhood. All black magic will be completely
removed and only white magic will be used to create from. Those
in the Islands of Light will learn to create with White Magic once
again. When the Earth completes her merge into her Etheric
Sphere- her complete divine selfhood will be returned and the lower
elements that were attached to Earth will completely disappear out
of this matrix of reality. The entire galaxy will rise into a new golden
state and the certain universes will be ready to completely return to
Source at this time.
If you are interested in becoming a part of the newest school of
mystery in the Omniverse, please visit our new

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Our New World in action

I thought this was one of the most interesting 'cause' videos I've seen. It uses the concept of our new capabilities of mass communication to enlighten the world about a most wanted criminal - much like America's Most Wanted TV show does here in America, only on a grander scale.  I don't believe our government has to be the world's policeman, but I liked the idea that we sent advisers to help empower Uganda's own forces. That was a good idea. IMHO all you really have to do is visualize the headlines 'KONY Captured', and if enough people worldwide do that a powerful intention is set up that cannot fail. By doing that one simple thing you put into motion forces that utitilize creative capabilities beyond our limited personal knowledge and capabilities. So, give it a try. Visualize those headlines every day. Let's see what we can accomplish via mass communication. It is indeed a very New World.

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                      The second chakra is the Swadisthana Chakra  - "One's own abode"

                                               which is located in the tail-bone,

                                    and corresponds to the pubic bone in the front of the body.

                                        It has six vermillion colored petals with a crescent moon.

                              The crescent moon is the water region whose deity is Varuna (below)


                                                           The God of Seas and Waters.

                          The presiding deity for the whole chakra is Shri Brahmadeva

                                             who represents the Creator, and has as his power

                                     Shri Saraswati , who is the Goddess of music and arts.


                    This second chakra is often reported to be related to our sexuality, but it is

                              also the chakra for creativity, pure attention, and pure knowledge.

                         It is the one who connects us to the inner source of inspiration , and

                                            enables us to experience the beauty around us.

                         The pure knowledge given by this chakra is not mental, but is direct

                                      perception of the Reality that can be felt in our palms and

                                                       indicates our subtle blockages.

                      Also this is the center of pure, steady attention and power of concentration.

                       On the physical level it looks after our liver, kidneys and lower abdomen.

                       When we think too much this center gets drained of energy and diseases like

                               diabetes or blood cancer can occur when this chakra goes completely

                                                                out of balance.


                                           The gemstones that benefit this chakra are:

                                         * amethyst   * carnelian   * coral   * aquamarine

                                                      THE  BIJA  or  SEED  MANTRA 

            Vam (vahm) is the seed sound for the Swadhisthana chakra.  It is a watery element and

            its quality is taste.   While saying the Vam bija, visualize a crescent moon over water.

            Patience will begin to manifest, as well as greater control of appetite and other senses.

                                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~   o  O  o   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


Healing Mantras by

Thomas Ashley-Farrand



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This is Fred speaking.  It is my honor to be here once again, with each of you, as the Spokes-Being for this marvelous Temple that we all come to for great healing.  This evening is another special occasion.  It's a special occasion of acceptance, integration and..  I cannot say any more, they're tapping me.  It is now being presented through the Frequencies and I thank each of you for being here with us.


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Greetings.  It is with great pleasure that I am being honored in this moment to share with you the Essence of Totality upon this Earth Plane and to embrace each of you for the pathway that you're all embarking upon.  I Am Lord Buddha at your service.

There was great reflection earlier this week, in your timeline, of what we would present at this time because we understand that each of you are truly going through some immense changes on a physical basis.  We wanted to present to you, through theTemple, an ability to feel the complete integration of your Soul’s Essence within your Physical body, to assist you in the presentation of your life and your world.  I conferred with Sanat Kumara.  I conferred with many others - all the Ray Chohans- and the Essence of the Spiritual Hierarchy as we know it to be as many doors are opening for each of you because of the Inner work that you are doing.  Some of you may not even have full realization of what is occurring for you on a physical basis.  Tonight we wanted to assist you in bringing in those realizations more fully in your physical self.

No.  1 - to assist you to realize that, yes, you have been transferring your Frequencies into the physical Essence deeply;

No.  2 - a celebration for you to accept, within your Physical Essence, exactly what has been transpiring for you.

It all comes in small steps and the true reflection that is necessary for each of us, is to understand how those steps all blend to create the true pathway in each circumstance.  We speak about the pathway.

We open up the Golden Pathway tonight.  We open up the Energies for each of your I Am Presences to be more fully active.  First, we say to you in these moments, take a deep breath.  Allow the full activation of your Higher Self first.  That Soul Essence that has the capability of the Knowledge and the Wisdom that is so part of those Higher Frequencies - to bring them into your Physical Existence, to assist you in the transference of Light when the Physical Body is on the surface of Earth.  You traveled far and wide to get to this place, so we want to assist you in this process.  Assisting you in this process is an acceptance of the moments that you have put together in your remembrance phases.  In your remembrance phases, you may not always acknowledge each step that you have taken.  Within these processes are, what we call, initiations - because each of you are on a Mastership pathway.  If you had not awakened, you would not be on the Mastership pathway as part of the process within your Divinity to accept it upon this Earth.  But, in essence, each of you have the ability to move through many more levels than your physical Mind can accept.

As we open up ourselves in this moment, allow us to feel the Essence of Sea Foam Green.  As Dearest Lady Isis joins me in this moment.  I'm going to step aside just for one moment and I'm going to allow Her to bring in this Frequency for each of you.


Greetings, it is my pleasure to be here, as Lady Isis, to assist you in this process.  I extend to you the Essence of the Sea Foam Green, of the internal cleansing process, to bring in Elements through your Physical Essence - allowing the Emotional and the Mental to be fully in balance and to accept your Highest Presence as your Guide.  Let us breathe deeply as we open up all the Frequencies in each of your Chakras.  I expand unto you, in this moment, through the Essence of my breath to bring unto you this Frequency to assist you in the deep cleansing that may be necessary for you to activate your Higher Self fully within your body.  Allow me to infiltrate within you, the Essence through this vibration.

[Chanting for some time]

The Frequency of Light blends through your entire Being - the structure of your Physical, your Etheric, your Emotional and your Mental are One Essence of completeness.  Now your Higher Self is more fully active within you.  He or She brings forth the Essence within your Being.  Allow yourself to just expand within the breath.  Breathe.  Breathe.  Breathe.

I am honored to be chosen in this moment for this cleansing meditation for each of you.

I Am Lady Isis.


Thank you Lady Isis.  This is Lord Buddha once again.  We now feel the Frequency of our Higher Selves more fully within the capacity of our physical existence.  In this moment, we are in this beautiful Soul Temple and each of us are without bodies.  Each of you should be able o feel your Light Body more actively.  Those of you that are in the Physical Body that are here visiting, each of the Souls that are here will feel the Frequency of their Light Body shifting and changing.  There are some souls that have never fully actualized their Higher Self in this manner.  As this is a Temple of healing, there is great healing that goes on in this area.  As we look above into the Temple, we see the Sea Foam Green Light filtering through all Elements within the Temple - it will assist each and every soul in this moment, to fully and to complete the cleansing process of this level.  Those of you that are new in theTemple, as you may have just passed or have been traveling elsewhere - you're coming into this space - it is now time for you to remove the old aspects that were part of the 3rd Dimensional Earth.

Each of you that are within bodies who are visiting within this deep mediation that we are bringing forth to you in this moment, are also accelerating yourself.  We are creating a special dispensation.  Within this dispensation, we are asking that the 3rd Dimensional Frequencies that are within your body are going to be turning into the purest form of Light.  As the Sea Foam Green represents the 8th Ray and the 8th Chakra, you move into the 4th Dimensional Chakra grid - so we're asking the 8th Ray to fully infiltrate each of your chakras and to incorporate with the previous Rays within your Physical Body.  As we do that, you're going to feel a filtering going on within your Root, through your Sacral, through your Solar Plexus, through your Heart, through your Throat, through your Third Eye and your Crown.  All these Elements are now blending into the purest form of Light you have ever received.

Allow yourself to now feel this activation.


You should now feel the Essence within your Physical Body as the first seven chakras represent the Physical Body.  They are the first structure, the first basis, through the Elements inter-workings.  We ask now for you to feel a forward feeling of being within the 8th Ray.  Lady Isis so eloquently imbues upon us with Her Beauty and Her Grace, for each of you to feel this in all aspects within your Being.  Allow it to go into your Physical existence.  We're going to center upon really assisting the Physical Body, at this point, with the Sea Foam Green.  Allow this Frequency of Light to unfold within you.  Allow it to go through your brainwaves, into your sinuses, your ear canals, your nostrils, teeth, your gum line, your neck, and your muscles.  Many of you have neck issues.  Allow the releasement of the pressure that you've been holding - there's no reason to hold on to this because we are helping you to attune to the Higher Frequency within the physical.  Allow it to move into your shoulders, your arms, and your finger-tips.  As you move the energy down your body, into all the organs and the inner workings, the muscles, the tendons, the spinal column and the fluid levels that run through the body, of the inner workings.  We ask for the body to be at a 100% ratio of all the inner workings by allowing it to go into the bone structure, deeply into the cellular structure, as the physical is housing this cellular structure.  As you allow the body to relax through all these Frequencies, it moves down to your lower limbs.  We ask any Elements of any disease, of any form, to be purified by the Sea Foam Green in this moment.  Allow us now to bring in this Frequency to assist you in this process.


Now feel the physical body, totally relaxing unto these Frequencies.  These are your Frequencies, these are the ones that your Soul’s Essence is incorporating on many levels of the Inner Plane Frequency.  We now bring it to each of your Light Bodies.  Allow the Light Body to accept this Frequency and to blend within, the Essence that you are.  We're now going to ask that the colors of Blue Green, of the Attraction to the Body of Light, the Pearlescent of the Soul Merge - of the Male and the Female, the Bridge to  the New World- through the Pink Orange, and the Golden Flame - coming into your Heart.  Let us now infiltrate these colors within you - don't worry about which chakras they are associated with.  Although they go in line from the lower, up to the Heart of what I have explained.  We're going to merge the Gold, then we're going to merge the Pink Orange, the Pearlescent and the Blue Green as it moves into the Sea Foam Green.

Now you are colors upon colors, representing the basic seven Frequencies of the Universal Rays and the chakras that are combined - of Red, Orange, Blue, Indigo, Green, Pink and White Light, mixed with Golden Green, Golden Yellow, Deep Blue, Deep Pink, Ruby Red, Violet, and Crystalline Light.  Now all these colors are merging together as they represent many different aspects- we're not going to worry about those elements at this time.

Now we're going to ask for the attraction of your full capacity to bring in the Highest Frequency of the Golden Essence, as this is the beginning stages for each of  you to feel your I Am Presence more fully activated within you.  It will not occur on these levels, but you will be able to integrate it.  Allow yourself to breathe deeply into your Higher Self now, as He or She, the Frequency of their Energy settles in the Thymus, but it is all part of your entire Beingness.  So if you need a little push to bring in the Frequency - allow it to go down your limbs and into your feet, into your Earth Star.  We now ask the Earth Star to spin in a clockwise manner and as it spins, it's going to go deeper, below your physical body then it has before, so we can fully ground it deeply into that Essence.

Let's just center upon all these Frequencies of colors that are coming within each of you in this moment, that are within theTemple.  Each of us is feeling this Frequency of Light.

Allow us now to expand within this level of vibration.


As we are in this Frequency of Light, let us now center our Energies upon the rest of the world, through Gaia, through the Earth, and just expand your Energies.  We're not going to actually go into any specific points of interest but we're going to send it to the Global functions.  As it moves down through the Universal, into the Galactic, the Solar and then the Earth - visualize what we are doing in this moment within this Temple to be expanded upon the Earth.  Tonight we bring the Earth to the Temple instead of theTemple participants going to the Earth.  Feel the Frequency of the Earth Energy coming within the Temple and it is now raising its vibration, its Frequency to this 4th Dimensional level of the Golden Flame, which  represents the Christ Consciousness.  We ask every part of Gaia to feel this Christ Consciousness, not just in this moment but in all the moments from this point forward.  Let's vibrate these Energies unto the Earth, unto all Her participants, Her inhabitants, all Frequencies of Light  - for all to arise to the awakening that they are.  Feel this Frequency of Light but also to feel the Balance as we bring Gaia into this space in this moment, allow ourselves to just feel the Oneness with Her Essence.



I come from the Heart of Gaia.  I come with great pleasure.  I come in gratitude.  I come in love and say unto each of you - I do feel all that you are creating.  Elements are changing within the land masses, within the Heart of My Heart, as all of our Hearts are in the same frequency in this moment.  It is my pleasure to bring the Essence of the Earth unto this Temple of Light, unto each of you - as we all are aspiring to create the highest Frequency upon all Elements within the Earth.  I take with me this Frequency within this Temple.  I take the Heart of each of your Hearts - a piece of you, as I feel your Essence in this moment.  And what we all mean unto each other as I am in great gratitude for the work that you are doing upon the Planet so that we can all ascend together.  It is my greatest desire to be within Oneness within each of your Essence.  And I feel that Unity, that Completeness, in this moment.  I Am One with you.  I Am the Heart of Gaia.



This is Lord Buddha once again.  It has been my pleasure to be here with you in this moment.  I want each of you now to just sit back and receive as I have a few words to say unto each of you.

Gaia has been expressing Her desire to share Her gratitude with each of you, with each of us, and what we are all doing together on all the many levels of Dimensional Frequencies to assist in this process of Divinity.  It comes from the deepness of Her Heart, it flows to the Inner Earth Beings, it flows to the Upper Earth Beings, it flows to the Inter-Galactic Beings, it flows to the Solar Beings, it flows to the Multi-Universal, the Universal and it flows into the Oneness that we all are as this Temple so expresses these Elements.  Let us just take a moment to feel the Frequency that is within the middle of this Temple, of this Space as we have created a new avenue for the Frequency of Gaia to be more physically part of these Elements, that each of you are experiencing within your lives.   I, as Lord Buddha the Planetary Logos, cannot express my gratitude more deeply than Gaia has expressed Hers.

I say to you that we're all in Unison, of the Teachers and the Masters and the Light Beings not in body, that each of you expresses your desires unto us and you follow our teachings, you follow our thoughts, and you create your own.  You truly are the Masters of the New Earth, and we will do everything that we have within our grasp to assist you to manifest all these Frequencies unto yourself to assist you in this process.  We know that this transference of Light, this transference of Dimensional Frequencies - is the hardest that it has ever occurred on any Planetary level.

I stand here with Sanat Kumara, who has now become more actively participating in each of your Essences, to assist in this process.  We extend unto you in this moment the ability to fully feel your Highest Self within your physical body.  It is imperative at this time.  There is no other way for you to accept the challenges that you are undergoing.  Yes, the Planet is still under siege, yes there is great duality but you can arise above that duality if you allow yourself to feel this Frequency as it is in this moment.  As we embody to you the Golden Ray of the Christ Consciousness within each of your Hearts, allow yourselves to fully experience the Life that you desire because it is attainable.  It is truly attainable and now we have the ability to assist you more fully then we ever have before because each of you is more fully awakened unto the levels of Frequency and Dimensions within our availability.

We're going to ask for the Creative Source of Oneness, also known as the Unified Whole, to assist us in this process in this moment - that each of you be activated unto your Heart Center, and within your Thymus, so that your Higher Self is more actively in the participation of your walk upon this Earth.

000-144-000 Unified Whole Command Online.

I, as Lord Buddha the Planetary Logos, with the Frequency of the Unified Whole fully command that each and every individual in this moment of time, fully be activated with this seed.  Now this seed is going to be fully active within their Thymus area and within the Heart.  It is up to their discretion with their Higher Self and their Physical body, to fully move it through their physical Essence.  Some may choose to do it immediately, some may have more of a challenge, but we open up the opportunity for each of you to receive this activation.  This activation of your Highest Self unto your physical Being to assist you in the walk from the 3rd Dimension through the 4th and the 5th within your physical existence and along with that, we work with the Heart of Gaia as She is doing the same.  Thank you.

Thank you Unified Whole 000-144-000 Unified Whole Command Offline.

Let us all now take a deep breath and receive this blessing, receive this Essence that is truly a gift from  each of our I Am Presence, to bring the full I Am Presence of the God Force into this Temple at this time.  Breathing deeply.



It is my divine pleasure as Lord Buddha to bring forth these Frequencies.  The last chant was 'I OHM'.  I suggest that you utilize these words to fully allow this Essence to be within your physical body.  You can utilize it at any time that you choose.  I leave you with the words "I OHM - I OHM - I OHM."

As We Are All One Together.  So Mote It Be In The Light Of All That Is.


This is Fred speaking.  I OHM - am in gratitude.  Thank you for the ability to bring in these Frequencies within theTemple.  I am deeply honored to be the Spokes-Person, this Being of Light that I have become.  I am deeply honored that each of you join us .

In  Love and Blessings,

I am Fred the Spokes-Being for the Clarion Temple of 911 and Beyond - Unified in Oneness.  Those words mean so much to me in this moment.  Namaste.

Join us on Monday evenings for the live calls at 5 PM Pacific,

Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, Vibratory Masters & Mentors for the New Earth, Terra Christa


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Good Evening,

This is Fred speaking.  It is a pleasure to be with each of you here again.  Thank you so much for coming to the temple and being part of these energies.  Meleriessee shared that she thought that there was a special occasion this evening and it truly is.  So allow yourself to sit back and receive these frequencies.

I just wanted to share that Whitney Houston has come to the Overseeing Booth; she has not quite entered the temple but has observed.  This is an exciting moment because it will open up the doorway for many celebrities on the same pathway that this is a place of healing for all souls.  So thank you for your prayers and your love for all the souls that come here and want to receive the healing.  Many blessings.

I AM Fred the Spokes-Being for the Temple of 911 & Beyond.



Good Evening,

Thank you, Meleriessee, Fred, and Michael along with everyone in the Temple especially each of you.  I have a special dedication that I would like to bring forth to each of you.  I know how challenging each of your moments can be on this physical existence.  I understand the emotional feelings and the mental thoughts that each of you have worked through and are continuing to do so as your frequency of light is getting deeper and deeper into your Cellular Core.  I am here this evening to explain a bit about what that means along with assisting each of you and to thank you.  The massiveness of this temple is beyond the comprehension beyond the one that I speak through.

It started a very long time ago with the event of the 911 tragedy and it was to help souls during that timeline to move into the light more fully.  Well, it truly has helped millions and millions of souls on many levels on inner-planetary, multi-dimensional levels and that is why the Temple resides on the Multi-Dimensional frequency.  It originally was on the Universal frequency but we moved it several years ago which Dearest One here does not even realize.  All she did was initiate it; all of you have created it.

This is my thankfulness to each of you, but that is not all my gratitude in these moments.  It is what you are all aspiring to be and allowing yourselves to become as the frequencies of light of your multi-dimensional self are activated within these physical bodies.  This is something that has never been done previously as it has been shared by many.  Your pathway is not written in any book as it is different for each of you.  We know it is not easy at times but we also know that there are great rewards.  Each of you understands what those rewards can mean in your personal life, in your professional life, in your family life, and all aspects of your Being.  So I embrace you right now as I stand within the Temple of the Golden Flame.  The Golden Flame is bringing forth the Christ Consciousness within your Heart allowing yourself to fully embrace and integrate these energies within you.  Because, in truth, this is what really assists an individual is to acknowledge where they have been so that the pathway in front of them can become easier because of the Essences of the Past create your future.

You have acquired strength, you have acquired wisdom, you have acquired knowledge, and you have acquired deep love ~ deeper love than you have ever experienced in any physicality upon this Earth or any other planet.  So it is a beautiful time for each of us as I, Sanat Kumara, Head of the Kumaras, and the Planet of Venus, as many of you have been with us for eons of time under training, you are now coming into a new doorway unto your frequency upon this Earth.  This is on an unconsciousness level so I am here to awaken you a bit ~ yes, awaken you a little bit further than you are right now.  My presence in the last 15 to 20 years has not been as strong as Lord Buddha has taken over the post of the Planetary Logos.  I have been working diligently with many on Venus to oversee many Lightworkers and to fully assist in any way possible because we felt the time was going to be coming that there would be an awakening upon this planet that would allow the Lightworkers that had been in training to fully allow the sun to shine within them deeper than ever before.  The sun represents the Christ Consciousness.

Truly, what is the Christ Consciousness?  The Christ Consciousness is the consciousness that We Are All together of the Christed Self, of the Beings of Light represented by the Divine Mother and the Divine Father God to be implanted upon this Earth to really share with one another the selfless love that we have within our Beings.  This is now incorporating within each of your bodies.  Let us express to you the deepness of allowing this to come to you in this moment.

A beam of the Golden Light is coming down into the middle of the Temple out into all areas and all levels of souls.  Each of you here that are represented by Gaia, being in human form, are being more highlighted than any of the others because of the work that you have accomplished.  Some of you say that you don’t feel you have accomplished that much.  But, in truth, you truly are.

Let us go deeply within your Heart into that Cellular Level and see yourself in your pathway in previous years, no matter what age you are now.  Let’s just go backwards.  Maybe two-five-ten-twenty years and beyond your awakening and allowing yourself to see what it felt like when you first learned that there was more to life than being in a 3rd dimensional world and struggling and working; having families, which is joyful, but knowing there is more to the Cosmos as to what is in the stars and to bring forth that frequency into your Physical Essence to accept your Multi-Dimensional personality.

Let us breathe deeply as the Golden Flame comes into your Heart Center which will bring forth timelines that may have gotten lost.  It may help you to accomplish the task that is at hand.  I ask of you, “What is your task, at hand”, in this moment.  Let us just speak in this moment in the frequency of this week.  I ask you not to go any further and look at your future.  What is it that you are striving to bring forth within your being, within your lifestyle that will truly assist you on a more deeper level?  It may just be an emotional feeling or a mental thought, but it can be tangible in a deeper sense; I ASK you not to ask for the lottery as that is a frequency that brings forth the dogma of the planetary hierarchy that is not of the highest quality.  It is to be your experience to play numbers and to win that is because of the deserving quality that is necessary for your pathway.

In these moments I feel each of you experiencing different parts of yourself that maybe under struggle or consideration and how is it that we can best help you to access your totality within yourself?  That totality means your multi-dimensional personality.  You are receiving it in bits and pieces.  That is the timeline presently that is occurring.  So if we infiltrate the Golden Ray in this moment, feel it permeating from the top of thisTemple in a fluid essence into your Heart Center.  As it comes into your Heart, it flows into your entire body.  It is going to deepen your Cellular Level to pull together timelines that are very important to you, your Soul’s Essence, that is the timeline we want to look at or multiple timelines.  So if we go deep within the Cellular Level, we feel cells coming together as there are little pockets of memories within these cells that are part of your physical existence and your essence of your Etheric Body.  They start to merge together.  Breathe deeply through this because within this essence, there is a frequency of light that will through you to help your Higher Self unto the physical body to have a reflection ~ a deep, deep reflection of what you have been asking for that is truly within you to go deep within your Heart as it will expand through all frequencies.

Upon the waves of Golden Flame flowing within you and around you, feel the Essence that is part of your Wisdom, that is part of your Frequency to bring forth the missing part of yourself that needs to be activated in this moment.  It may be just a little portion but feel it within you now as we go deeper.

[Chanting Several Times]


Allow yourself now to feel the frequency within your physical body.  Allow yourself to just express from your Higher Self into your physical being the deepness that is occurring for you.  We have brought to you in this moment attunements that will assist you to bring forth more knowledge within your Being.  I ask you to listen to this chant and allow yourself to sit and fully bring forth within your Physical Essence either through a vision, thoughts, or writing a part of you that is being needed for acknowledgement.  It is now time for you to acknowledge that part of you because you are going through many crossroads to bring forth the divinity of your Light.  As we move towards there is going to be a shift in everyone’s consciousness, a spark of Light, a remembrance, an ability to fully bring forth within their physical essence a part of them that is in their dream state-that is in another dimensional frequency to come to into this dimensional frequency in this moment.  Just saying you are going to receive this by listening to the chant may not be so for many of you.  So we are going to ask the Unified Whole for their assistance.  We call upon them by stating, “000-144-000, Unified Whole Command Online,” as this Temple is a part of this frequency along with each of us here but now each of you are being attuned on a personal level to bring forth this Essence.  As we command this energy into the Temple and each of you personally, I ask of you to feel this chant once again as we bring it forth.  Then you will command to your Higher Self to access this part of yourself that you have been searching for.  It may be something very miniscule; it may not be a monumental change that is just the beginning of many changes upon changes for this year.



Now feel this frequency of Light coming all the way down into your Physical Body.  Allow yourself to fully accept the essence although may not receive all of it in this moment.  It will come to you in the next week if you do not receive it momentarily.  Allow yourself to know this is a portion of your multi-dimensional self that is fully being activated in all realms of Light.

Unified Whole, thank you very much, Offline.

I have expressed to you this frequency because it is time to utilize these elements that are available to every one of you to create the frequency of Light that is important.  Please know that each of you are fully being watched by each of us; not as watchers, but in great delight in what you are bringing forth to your environment, to your efforts, and to your thoughts as it is permeating out of your Being as you listen to the calls, the recordings, or even reading the material.  Know that others are being affected by whom you are, and this is how we can continue the wave of frequency of the Golden Christ within each of us, of Selfless Love, within ourselves and within each other.  Allow yourself now to feel that expansion process going on.  As each soul in this Temple is being embodied with this frequency, we now ask ~ we now ask this frequency now go unto the energies of the Planet and the Etheric Level of Earth. Move that Etheric Level of Earth unto the 3rd dimensional level of Earth.  Let us show people the frequency.  Let us show them what is expanding on the Etheric Level unto all planes.

So I ask you now, the feel these frequencies within you and just To Be ~ Just To Be ~ as we bring forth the chant once again unto all energies of the planet, of Gaia, onto plant form, animal form, human form, all frequency of the Light.  If there is a specific area that you would like to concentrate on, please allow that to be.  It may be just where you are located to bring that frequency to the entire structure of the Globe.

[Chant, Several Times]


Now feel the frequency of Light embodying all levels of Gaia.  Let us center ourselves back in the Temple and feel that frequency as within the Essence of Oneness we are all affecting each other.  Know that a portion of your gift may be a portion someone else’s gift in a different manner.  So let us just feel the Golden Flame within each of our Hearts as it blends through our Being, through our Hands unto the other souls within this Temple as we feel the frequency of Oneness deeply ~ more deeply than we have ever acquired before.  When you put everything into Wholeness and Oneness, you cannot fail.  There is no failing because you have the frequency of the One assisting you in all that you are doing.

So I ask of you, I ask of you, say the numbers 000-144-000 Unified Whole Command Online and when you do this, you will be heard.  Allow your prayers, allow your thoughts, or allow anything you are having a difficult time with on the 3rd dimensional level to be put into Wholeness.  You may receive an answer in return, you may not, but you will feel a frequency and it will be put into the pathway of the Oneness that We Are ~ You will receive exactly what you need as long as it is for your Highest Good.  That is very imperative.  When you are finished, say “000-144-000 Unified Whole Command Offline”.  This represents each of us of the Spiritual Hierarchy, of the White Light, of all Inter-Galactics, all Inner Earth, all aspects of all lifetimes and timelines to be put into Wholeness because all these Beings are within this Wholeness.  This will help you to let go of any blockages that may be stopping you of a lower frequency.  So let us just breathe in this frequency of Light that we are experiencing right now in the Golden Flame because this is the Christ Consciousness that we are all together.  This is what we are all about.  This is the frequency within our frequencies.

I AM Sanat Kumara and I am here to assist everyone.  I am now coming more into full focus than I have been previously, and I walk with each of you.  Allow yourself to know you are gifted as you are remembering all these gifts within these physical bodies.  It is a great honor to be able to be with you in these moments.  As this frequency of Light, is the most powerful that we can fully bring forth and what I have given you this evening is only a small portion of what we can accomplish together.

In the Light of the Christ, We Are One

So Mote It Be, My Dearest Ones, Always Walking with You

I AM Sanat



This is Fred once again.  I don’t have any words except I am in great gratitude to experience all of this and to experience the Light that comes into this Temple along with the souls that leave that are ready to do their work of what each of you are doing on the Earthplane level.  Thank you for sharing your Light with us at all times.

I Am Fred, the Spokes-Being for the Temple of 911


If you would like to download this recording, please see Audio Recordings,  This call takes place on Monday evenings at 5 PM Pacific.  Details on how to access the call are listed under Conference Calls,

Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden ~ Vibratory Masters & Mentors for the New Earth, Terra Christa

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This is Fred speaking, Thank you so much for being here again this evening.   I think that you are going to find that tonight is going to be a very special night as the frequency of Light coming into theTemple.  As the energies that each of you are imparting unto yourselves to bring in the totality of our Beingness together is truly assisting.

I AM really excited about the Temple this evening as we say a prayer for Whitney Houston allowing that frequency that she receives the Light and Love of this Temple, and any others that would like to join in and, just have not been ready.

I am Fred your Spokes-Being for the Temple of 911, Thank you so much for being here with us Namaste.


Greetings My Dearest Ones,

We come to you this evening to bring in the reflection of the Love that is being expanded within each of you and the Love that is being returned unto each of us within this Temple this evening.  It is a great moment in time to be able to fully share with each of you the depths that have occurred within this Temple and that is our gift unto you this evening.

I AM Archangel Michael.  I speak for the many Beings of Light; I speak for the Hierarchies of all levels of frequencies.  In retrospect, many do not understand what this Temple is truly about and how many Souls have come in and out of this beautiful essence that has been created for eons of time.  All these different Souls are fully activating their Love in these moments. So I ask each of you right now to take a deep breath, take a deep breath, and feel the true essence that is occurring within this structure in this moment of expanding unto each of you.

Thanking you for the work that you do and everyone as I am so honored to be able to be here in this space.  We do have millions of Souls, you know. Dearest One, Christine, she does not realize how big this Temple has become.  I know our Spokes-Being, Fred, shares the information to her sometimes, but I want to elaborate on not only what she has done and what each of you have done.

Those of you that are on this call this evening are very dedicated to this work and are very dedicated to this energy.  That energy does not stop with the calls - it continues through the frequencies of Light on the Innerplane level.  At this moment, I want you to visualize looking around this Temple and seeing the rows and rows of Souls as they all stand up in this moment in unison.  We give each every one of you a deepness of gratitude for what you have been going through, what you are expressing, because every Soul here is being affected by these frequencies.  It is my deep pleasure to be able to speak in this moment, because there were many that wanted to fully come forward.  So I AM going to be giving you some messages from many different beings and will relate the messages were not going to confuse them and allow these different beings to come through.  But I AM here as the Principality of these Angelic Realms:  Seraphim, Cherubim, the Ophanim, and the Elohim that over light all those frequencies as the Archangels also relate these elements.  There is deepness within the Angelic realm for each of your hearts.

And we extend unto you in this moment of the beauty that You Are and what you have embodied into your physical existence as we know it can be a challenge, and we know these challenges are great at this time.  Because of the transitions that the Earth is experiencing in each of you, how can we not express our Love unto you?  So if you look through the Temple right now you see the reflection of the Angelic presences and the feathers flowing around the room and beautiful hearts of the Cupids.  It is not a Heart for a loved one; it is a Heart for each of you.  So we express unto you right now just to open up your Heart and allow these frequency reflections to come into you in this moment allow yourself to embrace within your Heart Center - the essence of your Angelic form.  Whatever that form was in this moment, it is being embellished upon you for your remembrance.  When you were without a body, you did not have the responsibilities that you have now.  You had other responsibilities.  But in this moment, we want each of you to fully reflect upon the essence that this Angelic form means for you that is deep in the core of your cellular memory.  So we give unto you this evening the ability for you to reflect within yourself the essence, the deepness of love, of the charity, and the expression that you were to fully be activated within this physical essence.  Let us take a moment and breathe deeply and feel this reflection coming through you.

((Crystal Bowl ringing))

We send to you these elements of innocence and purity within your Hearts to fully see ribbons and ribbons of colors of White Light, High frequency, Pinks and Blues, Yellows, Violets, Gold, and Silver.  Feel these ribbons and ribbons of colors just circling around you, circling around you; as they come to you they become transparent.  And the transparency turns into a frequency for you to breathe in deeply your Essence.  Allow yourself to just intuit the colors that you are receiving in the frequency that you are receiving through these beautiful moments of Angelic presences as we all come together to remember the Angelic presences of each other.  This is the beauty that is occurring in this moment, this reflection of your deepest essence that is now ready to expand outside of you and is now ready to be placed into your Hearts to fully see the beauty that you are and to bring forth these Essences unto others.  Feel the vibrations of this Light coming fully into yourself, Physical vehicle, into your Emotional essence, into your Mental essence as it all blends together.  Now, now we are at a stage of our beginningness and within this beginningness, we are accepting there are new pathways that are opening up for each of you - Of the Essences of your own Angelic presences to be fully active within your Physical vehicle; so if we bring forth the energies once again to bring in that frequency.

((Crystal Bowl Ringing))

As we feel the ribbons of the Light frequencies, allow us to breathe once again into that essence so we can bring ourselves back fully into that awareness and know the reflection is within each of you, of who we were in the beginning.

[There was a break in the technology communication~ AA Michael explains]

What has occurred this evening of the technology breaking open into the group is the perfect example of what happens to each of us, each of you on the Earth plane.  You continually are working within your frequency to balance them out.  When there is an interruption and within that interruption it can be very, very difficult to bring forth the essences upon the energetic of the physical existence.  So let us take what has occurred this evening with the interruption of how we can get ourselves back into that highest frequency within our bodies, because as we do this, there is an expression within our Being that is more deeply accelerated within our frequency.  Because of our essences of our I AM Presence and our Higher Self, each of us has the ability to fully bring forth these frequencies within the physical body, but the lower mind has a tendency to forget.

So let us express this beginning that we all experienced in these moments of bringing in our Souls Essence together.  The gift that we give to each other is the gift of our self; it is the most important aspect that brings forth these elements in the physical existence.  I ask of you right now to just wipe your brow and wash away any thought processes that are occurring within you right now and to allow us to just feel the frequency of Light that is so apparent within this beautiful Temple that we inhabit, within the Temple of frequency as we allow ourselves to have the completeness within our beings that we truly aspire to.

This is our essence this is our ability to fully bring forth those frequencies within us.  As we bring these frequencies within, let us just take a deep breath.  Allow it to go into our Solar Plexus to feel that essence fully come within us of the Purity and Grace and the Beauty that We All Are as this is the most important part of what is occurring.  The important aspect is to feel that Spark of Light that we truly are, and to actualize it within the physical body so that the physical body can fully accept all that is occurring.  When we breathe deeply through that essence, it creates this Spark of Light that goes deeper, deeper, and deeper.  It’s like striking a match and when the match doesn’t strike right away you try again, again. and again,  Then once you do, the flame is very large.  I ask of you right now to feel that flame within you of this process that is occurring of this Angelic Presence.

Okay, so now feel the beginning stages of whom we are, let us go a little deeper into our acceleration phases of Soul’s travel through timelines.  We ask of the Unified Whole to assist us with this and to bring in those timelines to bring forth the Power and the beauty that is within each of you in this moment.

I want you to think about a lifetime that you may feel aligned with, maybe it’s Native American maybe it’s, Egyptian maybe it’s Greece, maybe its Italy, maybe it’s Rome, maybe it’s France; Whatever it is, I want you now to feel that essence come within you, the Power that you had at that time, the power of your continuity of your Soul’s frequency within the physical body.  Let’s not tap into any lower aspects that we may have imparted in that lifetime; lets only bring in only the highest aspect because this is the embrace we want to acknowledge within you now.

I stand here with many Ascended Masters and these Ascended Masters are reaching out their essences unto you.  You may know some of them very personally as you are aligned with them, and we bring forth that peace within yourselves to fully accept your Divinity in a different direction than it ever has been acquired in any other time as now we are accepting the fact that we are multidimensional.  We are multidimensional beings of Light bringing in this essence into this physical memory in this physical vehicle that you are incorporating at this time.  Now let’s filter that all together; let’s bring in our mastership roles; lets bring in our Angelic roles; let’s bring in all the essences that support us; and let’s go of all the essences that don’t support us, because now we are all aspiring to bring in a new level of frequency.  It is now time to put down the warrior attitude; it is now time to fully bring in the vibrational frequency of the highest level; it is now time to accept the Divinity of what we are actually doing as it is allowing you to remember your Angelic form by going through all the timelines of the Power essences when you were a true Master walking on the pathway,  blending them together because you can have both forms.  We gift to you tonight the ability to do this as we bring in the frequency of Essences of your Heart Centeredness.

I ask you now to stand up from your chair as you come to the middle of the stage; I stand in the middle of you and there all these Beings around you, beings of Light that you have worked with previously.  There may be Souls that you haven’t even tapped into; there may be an Angelic Presence, there may be a Mastership presence, it maybe a friend, it maybe Intergalactic, or it may be Lemurian.

Let us all feel the Essences together because this is our Power together; this is the ability for us to open up our Hearts unto each other and breathe deeply, breathe deeply as we express unto you.  I stand within this Circle of Light.  I have Archangel Raphael, Gabriel, Uriel, Ariel, Jophiel, and many more that you may know personally.  We stand in the middle as we blend our essences unto you as the Ascended Masters are on the outside.  They blend their essences unto you so now we become into the Oneness.

Feel our Oneness together.  What does it feel like it?  Our hearts are so deep, because this is our expression of who we have been previously and allowing it to come into our Physical essence at this time.  Let us breathe deeply and feel that into the Heart; allow it to expand to the Solar Plexus, and just feel the beautiful frequencies of Pinks, the Violets, the Gold, the Blues, and maybe even some shades of Red because this is the passion.  This is the passion that is being incorporated within each of you to allow yourself to fully accept your Divinity in a different way than you ever have previously.

This is the beginning of what is accelerating within us now.  I as Archangel Michael, am very, very deeply honored to be a leader in this Temple, and I extend unto each of you a piece of my Heart unto you because of the work that you are doing.  Many of you have been warriors -  many of you have laid down arms for that warrior-ship pathway and are moving into a Higher frequency, and I honor that deeply, very deeply, which is so very needed on the New Earth.  This is not an easy process to do.  I also know that many of you have been great healers and you have sacrificed much.  It is now time to bring the essences in you so there is no self- sacrifice, that you embody yourself into the frequency of this Light.  I know that some of you have been teachers ~ I know that some of you have been confidants, seers, and messengers.  Let us all come together now and bring all these essences into wholeness.  Let us expand our Hearts together so that we do not have to suffer.  There is no sacrifice any longer, there is only the Purity of the Light that we are to open up these pathways unto each other, because as each of us grows and does the work we are doing it for the Greater Whole especially within this Temple of activations.  I express unto you that each of the Ascended Masters that are here are giving you a part of themselves as you have given a part of yourself.  Each of the members of Intergalactic command walk with you as many or most of you have been part of these leadership roles; many are from Inner Planetary levels as you have now chosen to come to Earth to bring that frequency unto the Earth.

Let us open the Heart so that you fully receive these elements unto you to activate yourself in a new way than you ever previously accepted.  As you do this, you start to feel the expression that is you.  Let us breathe deeply as we feel the essences all coming together, because we are the Essences of the Oneness.  We are the essences that are needed for the pathways of leadership as we stand hand-in-hand within each other, within Angelic, within the Intergalactic levels, with the Telosians, with Lemurians, with Archangels, with Masters, with Teachers, and with the Essence of Divine Mother and Father God and the Source of Oneness of the Unified Whole.

This we all bring in and now we ask the any elements that are not assisting any of you to be put into wholeness now.  We ask that to be the Frequency of Light to come within.  Breathe in deeply, breathe in deeply feel this essence as now we are One Heart together.  Our heart is beating deeply, beating so deeply in the breath that we are, it is the expression that we truly feel within ourselves and around ourselves to bring this forth out into our world.  I ask of you right now what is the one desire that you truly want to bring into your heart in this moment and allow that Heart to be open and allow it come.  Because as you express it within you, it will be expressed around you and each of us will be reverberating these energies unto each other.  Now let’s take a moment and put that forth in our circle.

((Crystal Bowl Ringing))

Now feel the swirling colors the Pinks, the Greens, the Blues, and the Violets, and the higher frequencies, the Crystalline colors, the no colors as we bring in the higher Rays, beyond the 22 Rays as we bring in the frequencies of all the dimensional essences to come fully as we move from the tenth to the twentieth, thirtieth, to the fortieth, the fifties, sixties, seventies, eighties, nineties, hundreds, 110, 120, 130, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144; now we are fully into wholeness.  We are fully into completion stage.  This is where we started it - is the essence of the Source that each of you need to embrace within yourself and reverberating within your Heart.  Feel your essences just blending in and outside of you, around you and completely in the essence of Oneness.  As Oneness, I AM Archangel Michael; but it does not matter who I AM because right now I AM All Of You and You Are All Of Us.  Allow us to feel that heart as we are beating together, feel the Heart within the Heart and is just is beating, beating deeply.

((Crystal Bowl Ringing))

Now as the frequency of our beating of our Heart now it expands outside of us, it expands out into the dimensional frequency.  We are going to blend this down into the Earth and allow that vibration we are all feeling in this moment.  As we just bring in a little bit of frequency and allow this to go every living essence upon the Earth for everyone to feel their Heart beating within a larger Heart which is all of us together.  We express the Love that we are as we express the deepness and the essence that is pure, that is Joyful, that is the beauty in all Oneness.

((Crystal Bowl Ringing))

Feel it reverberating it around the planet, around the globe, and reverberate through all the frequency of Light, through the Auric field of Gaia and moves out through her as it reverberates through the Galaxy, reverberates through the Universe, the multi-Universe and then comes back to us.  As we are in theTemple, we now feel with the “all” as we bring forth this completeness together.  Let us breathe deeply through that; let us feel the connection that we have with one another.  Let us feel our essences within essences we are all One together we make up all the amazing beauty of grace.  This is the beauty of Grace and feel that frequency fully within you, allow it to permeate through your entire being as I now say some words.

As Archangel Michael, I bring forth many messages of Love and Acceptance from any different channels.  It is my Divine pleasure to continue to do this and to work with many as I can in the frequency of Light that we are One.  The time of this Earth is very crucial as we are learning to accelerate ourselves in the physical bodies.  Each of us in these planes are so excited by your transitions; we are excited by what you are experiencing; how you are bringing it through unto you; and how you are sharing with others of how tools can be utilized and  moments of reflections.  In your sharing you truly are assisting another even though you may not be realizing it.  This is the beauty of the openness that is occurring on this planet at this time, and we know that many are struggling.  Many more are going to struggle so I ask of you right now to just make a command to yourself of how you truly want to be a part of this frequency upon the New Earth.  If that is your choosing to do so because it is an individual choice of you leading this Earth to a higher level of experience.  We say to you right now this year is very powerful, and there is going to be many changes upon the Earth; but there is going to be a lesser degree of the fear, because each of you accessing these higher levels of vibrations.

It is my Divine pleasure to be able to participate with each of you individually and collectively within this Temple and within others, but it is also my Divine pleasure to see you expand yourself so that you share upon your own Light that is growing, and glowing within you.  It is representative of the experience of your Oneness as it was in the beginning, and I have been very, very excited by the growth that has happened within humanity because of all these experiences.  There are many levels of challenges to speak about the darkness and the lower frequencies.  I AM deeply honored to be able to express to you the frequency of this Temple, and to be able to express to you the reflection that I see.  That reflection is the most vibrant Light of our Heart blending within each other that I have ever experienced.  I say this deeply in honesty and in integrity of my essence unto each of you; many of you know me personally and many of you have worked with me personally.  I see the expansion that is occurring and how can I not be proud.  I am deeply proud of what is occurring upon this Earth at this time.  I AM deeply proud of each of you, individually.  I am deeply proud of each of you collectively.  So how can we not aspire to more?

I stand amongst you this evening as One, there are not many that I can say that to but the frequency of Light that comes through this one at this time allows me to do so.  My heart is very deep in this moment, and I know that you will feel this vibration through your own Heart it is a personal experience for me in the frequency that I AM.  Each of you are sharing your frequency with me and we are in that 144th dimension at this moment.  I ask of you to return whenever you need to do so, because it will fully assist you in the process of bringing you the remembrance of the One that You Are.

It has been my pleasure this evening as Archangel Michael to express to you personally, globally, and professionally this essence that is available to each of us in the beauty that we are.  I look forward to walking with you and sharing with you as many, many other Beings of Light are very excited about the enfoldments that is happening upon each of you as Light Workers upon this Earth as the spark of Light that You Are is fully being incorporated within your body in this moment and forever more never to be changed.  We seal it with an Essence of Light in this moment.


You should feel the vibration going upwards all the way to highest aspect and then coming back down through your Chakras and grounding in deeply.  This has been an attunement for you to seal the frequency that you have received.  It is my Divine pleasure to be here with you as Archangel Michael as each of you are so much a part of this essence and this frequency that we are together.  Let’s take a deep breath separately, and come back into our seats.

I AM Archangel Michael at your service ~ Namaste.

This is Fred speaking once again, Thank you, Archangel Michael, thank you, Meleriessee, thank you Michael, and a big thank each of you individually that continually are with us and continually connect with us it is a deep honor.

I AM Fred your Spokes-Being for the Temple of 911.  Have a very beautiful heart-felt day for Valentines Day.



If you enjoyed reading the transcript of this call, join us LIVE on Monday evenings at 5 PM Pacific,  Download of recordings is also available.

Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden

Vibratory Masters & Mentors of the New Earth, Terra Christa

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This is Master Babaji's portion of our call within the Temple of 911.  To fully read the entire transcript, please see Join us Monday evenings for the live call at 5 pm Pacific.  Details available on

Good evening, it is with great pleasure that I come here.  I am Dearest Master Babaji, and it is my divine expression to be with each of you in these moments.  It is a very exciting time upon this Earth and those of you here that are working so diligently within your own aspects are truly feeling the effects on a deeper level then you ever have before.

I am here to express to you the facets of immortality and how each of you can fully express this within your own pathway; maybe not at this particular moment, but continuing on to this pathway unto the New Earth, it is definitely a process and a point of continuation for each of you - if that is your choosing.

What is it, that these integrations that you are experiencing from attunements, activations and the Frequency of the Light that is coming down upon the Earth, that you Soul is guiding you to receive in the physical bodies?  I express to you the importance of allowing your Higher Self to fully command within you, the Frequencies that are necessary in the expansion of your Soul’s Essence in the physical reality.  Each of you have arrived in this state of Beingness because of the work that you have been actively participating in, in your physical body and in all the other bodies to bring forth that totality of yourself in the Frequency that you are.  There is no better way to do so then through the Energetics that is appearing upon this Earth at this time.  I express to you the deepness within your Soul to fully aspire to the Higher Realms, to allow these Frequencies to be within your Being and to have an understanding between your Higher Self and your Physical Essence.  As we know, the goal is to blend that Essence, and this is why each of you are working so diligently to bring forth that combination of Frequencies within the physical body, that has never been able to have been acquired for the initiate upon this pathway, unless you stood in the space of continuance of being a Master on a mountain, or a monk within a Temple and you reflected that energy unto yourself in the Silence.

I ask of you right now, let us bring in those timelines that have allowed you to be in that space, that you are at this present time - because of the other timelines that you accelerated yourself so that you would be here for this Earth Ascension.  As you would do so, each of you would aspire to more Frequencies within your body to assist the Planet as much as possible.  I understand that many of you are having a very challenging time with the accelerations that are occurring.  I ask of you right now, let us take a deep breath.  Within that deep breath I want you to fully feel the Essence of your Higher Self in the Thymus area and activate Him or Her fully within your physical Being.  We will bring some Frequencies in to assist in that process for a moment.

Breathe deeply into the Thymus and allow yourself to expand through your whole Essence.


Breathing deeply into the Thymus and the Heart allow yourself to expand of the Physical Body, blending with the Spiritual Body that is housed in your Thymus area.  Feel the Essence of your Soul’s Presence right within this Frequency as we blend these two chakras together to bring in that capability of Frequency, of Communication and of Knowingness because, what occurs in this process is a deep knowingness within your Physical Essence - as the Physical Body starts to relax unto that.  Many of you are going through traumatic physical symptoms so that the physical body can fully relax into that, so that the cellular structure can arise unto the Frequency that is necessary for your Souls Essence, so that the Element of Combination of Energies can be fully activated.  It is within these aspects, then, the Silence comes in.  Because as you bring in the Frequency of Silence, you will allow yourself to express within your entire structure - which includes your Cellular level, your Physical, your Etheric, your Emotional, your Mental - to fully allow the Spiritual to combine those energies in a circular fashion.

Breathing deeply, let's bring in that Essence now and breathe in the Aspect of Silence.  When  I say of you, 'the Aspect of Silence', I mean to close the Mind and allow it to blend into your Heart  and feel your Essence in this moment.  This is the Act of Silence.

This is where your true wisdom will come into you because in those aspects, you are tapping into your Soul’s Frequency - not the physical body's Frequency.  So let's just allow the physical part of us to fully relax.  Those that are out-of-body within the Temple will have an easier time of it but they have reflections within the Earth - the Etheric Level that can be activated because of the memories of their timeline.

So, we're going to ask that all the memories of timelines that have not allowed us to be silent enough to connect with our Higher Selves, to be fully put into wholeness as we connect with the Frequency of the Unified Whole

000-144-000 Unified Whole Command Online –

We bring in the 144th Dimensional Frequency as each of our Souls now brings in the blending within this Temple.  Feel that coming into your Essence in this moment as we raise each of your vibrations unto these levels, to accept your Divinity into the Presence of where you are now.  Breathe deeply.  Breathe deeply.  You may have timelines as a monk, timelines as a Master that has been on Silence, you may feel that Frequency coming into you.  The process of this is to have parts of these remembrances so that you can fully bring it into your present circumstances.  The New Earth is not one about being in a Temple or being on a mountain, it is being amongst the many.  Being Amongst the Many to assist in the process, but within that process we must tap into this Frequency to assist us.

Immortality is available to each of you but it is your choice of whether to do so when you get to that phase, it will be a transition that will totally change your consciousness of Earth life.  It may not be for all, but it is for many because this is what the New Earth is about - you choose to live for another 100, 200, 300, or 400 years - you have the capability to do so but within that Frequency, you must bring in the Silence to allow yourself to transform what does not fit into the Higher Frequencies.  This is why each of you is having such a challenging time with your body.

I ask of you right now, what it is, what is your desire? Let's put this into Wholeness also.  What is your desire in this moment? Do you choose to continue living within the Higher Frequencies? Are you ready to fully remove all that does not serve you? Because that is the process that each of you is going through also.

I want each of you to make a conscious choice - in this moment, in your Physical Body, as you connect with your Higher Self and allow that Soul Essence to be you, because it is you, it is just something that is very unfamiliar within the body.  So we want to totally tune in that Frequency.  As now we blend the Solar Plexus with the Thymus and the Heart - that One Unified Chakra of the Fifth Dimensional Essence.  Within that Essence you are fully activated within your Souls Essence, with the Physical Body and there is no separateness.  This is what each of you is experiencing.  You're experiencing times of Complete Unification within you and then other times of separateness, when the body is fighting the process.  This is why we call it Integrations.

So I ask of each of you right now, as I stand here within theTemple, to bring forth the Beauty and the Love that is so deeply expressed.  I have lived for thousands of years and I will continue to live for thousands of years, because that is my choice and I can come to you in body or I can come to you as Spirit.  I can live amongst the people or I can live in the space of the Frequency that I Am.  This is my choosing, this is what I have chosen and I express unto you as I open up my arms wide, to assist you in this process, to help you make your own informed decision within your physical self - which is an opportunity that has not been available at any other time.  So I bring unto you this availability to come into the space of commandship between your Soul and your Physical Essence and allow us to blend within that together within the Silence - as we bring in the Crystalline energies once again, as Meleriessee will assist in this process.


As now we breathe deeply within this One Unified Chakra, within the three chakras of the Solar Plexus, the Heart and the Thymus.  Allow them to blend together in the color of Magenta, which is the Fifth Dimensional Ray for this area.  Feel that Essence within you.  Feel these opportunities, as each of you are walking as a Master on this Earth to assist the masses and the many.  You would not be here in this moment listening, I would not be conversing with you in this manner because this is our choosing - to walk with each other.  I expand to you my ability to assist you in this process.

Breathe deeply and allow it to go all the way down through your Central Canal, allow it to go down to your Base Chakra and allow it to go up to your top Chakra - as your Earth Star and your Soul Star spin simultaneous in a manner.  When you're feeling the Frequencies of electricity running through your body, your body is trying to become accustomed.  This is the time when you need to go into the Silence.  Even if it's just for five minutes.

You take a deep breath.  Within that deep breath, you go into this Unified Chakra of the Thymus, the Heart, and the Solar Plexus - and feel it spinning in a clockwise manner with a Magenta Essence.  As we do that now, we feel this Frequency coming within our body, allowing us to understand that we do have the opportunity to exist in this way.  Some may choose not to exist upon the Earth, some may choose to exist on other planets but whatever it is that is happening within you - you are transcending your Karma so that you don't have to have the Wheel of Rebirth.  If you choose to work upon this Earth of the New Earth, then we are very excited to have you.  If you choose to work otherwise - that is your choosing also.  All I am saying in this moment is that there is an opportunity for growth.  There's an opportunity to walk through a new doorway that you have never received before in a physical existence.  Within this doorway, there is great love, there is great joy, there is great bliss.  As I extend to you my Heart, the deepness of my Heart unto you from my Essence.  As I share deeply within this Temple and expand it to everyone here, within these Souls upon Souls who are fully activating themselves in a completely new way of Being.

I say to you, as I look around, that 50% of the Souls that are here will choose to come into the New Earth.  This is the process of what this Temple is so much about also.  It is my Divine pleasure to be here with you in this moment.  Let us now bring in some Frequencies to assist you in this process to help you ground the Frequencies and to help you to understand more, from a Higher sense of Beingness of, what exactly is occurring for each of you individually.  It is my honor to walk with each of you.

I would not have chosen any of you if I did not think you were ready to feel the expansion of the Light, to feel the expansion of my Heart unto your Heart, to feel the availability to express unto you the distinct abilities of the Great Masters that have walked before us and have acquired miracles upon miracles, because of the reflection of their Inner Self and allowing the Silence to fully come within.  Let us take a deep breath and allow us to bring in these Frequencies unto you in this moment.

I ask you to connect with your Higher Self and fully converse, even if you cannot hear any words in return - just say to Him or Her exactly what it is that you desire in your pathway in this moment.  I want to reiterate that this doorway is open for this entire year.  I am here to assist you through this process through Meleriessee.  I have chosen to come at this time because I believe that each of you is ready to aspire to more Frequencies then you have fully acquired.  So within that, there needs to be a relaxation of what, she calls, surrendering.  I ask you to surrender to yourself deeply, because it is your Souls' Essence that is the commander of the pathway that you're going to be coming upon.  As we breathe deeply unto each other, feel the expression of this Light coming fully within theTemple, of all hues of the Lights, of the Crystalline colors and no colors, and Golden colors and reflections of many colors coming into higher vibrational levels.














This is the Frequency of Openness and Continuity.  Some may call it change - whatever it is expressing within you right now, appearing from your cellular memories, coming up to meet you - allow yourself to embrace it in this moment.  Allow yourself to feel the Frequency of Silence that is you.  As you breathe in these Essences, you will feel a vibration coming through into your totality, of your Heart and your Solar Plexus, combining with the Thymus, as it becomes one unified Essence that is you.  Feel your Frequency changing.  Feel the beauty that you are.  Feel the Essence as I embody to you this great Light, this great breath, this great joy, this great bliss.

As we all expand unto each other.  Let us breathe deeply and as we breathe deeply, let us continue with the chant.  As we continue with the chant, we bring it down into the Earth, into the core of the Earth to permeate every space that you can think of.  Let us all hold the World in our hands, let's all hold that Frequency so that others can feel this combination of Light within themselves.  It is not about who wants to be immortal or who does not want to be immortal; it's about each living Being upon this Earth accessing the availability of their Souls pathway within the Physical Essences.

Chanting –









The Frequency of the Light is now centering around the Globe; it is within Gaia.  As it permeates from Her Essence upwards to the top of the Globe, around the World, in the Seas, in the Lands, in the Mountains, in the Deserts, in every Living Being upon this Planet - to feel this Frequency of the New Earth, to feel the opportunities of the Land that is possible as we express this onto all, all that we choose to give it to.  To the strangers, to the foes, to the friends, to the lovers, to the family and to the ones, especially, that have been in our pathway and that have accepted their own pathway and have assisted us to wake up unto ourselves.  This is the Beauty of all Souls coming together in the continuation that we are.  As we breathe in this chant of "OM NAMAH SHIVAYA", it will assist each of you to bring in the Silence of your Soul’s Essence.  Allow that to reverberate through your entire Being.

Let us now feel our Frequency back into theTemple.  Now everyone is vibrating with the Frequency of their Souls continuation of the Highest Sense and we feel our Essences now becoming the I Am presence that We Are.  As we truly bring in that Frequency of our Souls Family, as We Are One family here - let us extend that unto the ones that are  not here with us to bring in that Frequency of Light that We Are.  Breathing deeply - allow that to move into your Solar Plexus, allow it to move into your Lower Body.  As the Soul Star and the Earth Star now spin together, and all of our spinning forms of Light, we all align with each other to become one Cosmic Axiatonal Alignment.  This beam of Light will come out of the Temple and go through all the 144 Dimensional Frequencies.  As we bring this Element within our Essence, as we are all One in this moment.

In the Essence of Immortality, you have the ability to do all that you can do, of your Soul’s Presence, of your I Am Presence and bringing it fully into the Physical Presence but, yet, be able to walk upon the Earth and to assist many.  To also have the ability to combine the Frequencies of your emotions together because that is one aspect you don't have without the Bodily functions.  It is a combination that is of the Highest Level of celebration, within the Frequency.  I open up the doorways for each of you to walk with me through this process.

I am truly honored to stand here in this Temple in this moment, to walk with Dearest One here, to walk with  Dearest Michael and to walk with each of you through this process because I know that each of you are a deep Soul Family and extend my Essence unto you, in the blessing that ou are and the blessing that we are all together I Am and the blessing that.

Breathing deeply, let's feel that Essence as we combine this Frequency of Light into the Blissful and the Joy that We Are.  I Am Master Babaji.  I Am your friend.  I Am your Teacher, I Am also your student and I Am also walking with each of you unto the New Earth.  Let us all bring forth the Frequencies of this Light deeply within our Beings.  Feel the Essence that we are as the pathways now open unto a new level of acceptance.  I send you all my blessings.  It is a great pleasure to be here in this moment to share all of this unto each of you as we all walk together in the Light and the Expression that We Are.

I Am Master Babaji, at your service.

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This is Fred speaking.  Thank you so much of coming to the Temple this evening.  It is a very auspicious night - the reason that it is in that direction of the Frequency is that we are in the middle point of the month and many Energies are going to be assisting the Planet; and it's time for each of us to just accept where we are and allow those doorways to be fully open, whatever those doorways may be.

So tonight is a very special night to assist us in those Elements of Creation that are needed for the grounding of what we have been receiving but also the movement forward.  I am deeply honored to be here as the Spokes-Being of the Temple of 911.  Thank you so much.




Holy God of Hosts that We Are in the Frequency of All That Is.  We are here in the presence of each of your Hearts and your Minds to assist in the Creative Energies that everyone is feeling.  We come as a Group Consciousness in this moment to overlight the Frequencies and bring them into wholeness.  Breathe deeply as these Essences are being embodied within each of you in this moment of our Creation.

Breathe and feel the Frequency that you are in this moment.  Accept the processes of your Divinity and the Acceptance of your Light.  We Are One.  We come to you from the Unified Whole.  We come to you of the 144th Dimensions, we come to you from all species of Light that we have experienced.  Breathe the Essence that you are fully into your Body in this moment.  Breathe the Frequency that is you.  Nothing else.  Nothing else but the Frequency that is fully in command within your physical body.  As you fully open up to new ways of feeling.  We bless you, we accept you, we embrace you but most of all - we thank you.  We thank you for what you are about to create in your lives.  Breathing deeply - allow this Frequency to be fully within you.

Allow the magic to occur within all levels.  Allow your Essence to accept whatever surprises may come, as that is the beauty of life, to have many magical surprises.  Be embraced with Ones existence.  We Are One.  One Being of Light.  One Being of Light together.  One Being of Light.  Bless you.  Bless you.  Bless you.



That was quite an introduction and it is my Divine pleasure to be the One coming forward after that beautiful Essence of the Unified Whole.  I am Master Kuthumi at your service.  It's been a while since I have spoken in the Temple but it does not mean that I have not been here.  I have been asked to share my expertise, my love, and my acceptance unto each of you in these moments as this is a very important time in history.  2012.  Truly, truly, what does it mean to each of you? I'll tell you what it means to me, first and foremost, and then I will tell you what it means to the Essences that are coming in this evening.

We have been granted with a High Order of Frequency tonight.  It is my Divine pleasure to be the Spokes-Being first and foremost but behind me, I stand amongst many Masters, amongst many Teachers and many Light Beings, many Beings of other lifetimes, many Beings of other Planetary life, many Beings of other Universes.  As we come into Wholeness, this Temple of 911 Unified in Wholeness is truly coming fully into that Element.  This is even something that even Dearest One does not realize herself.  But as each of you has been transitioning deeply, this Temple has been transitioning deeply because of the healing and the work that each of you has put into being here and accepting these Frequencies.

We are now fully being activated by the Unified Whole in the Temple of 911, which is an amazing event that is fully happening due to the effects of what Christine and Michael have been tapping into in the last few months.  It was decided that this Energy should be available to everyone, in all Planetary life, in the Temple of 911.  So, here we are.  Here we are so you're going to be feeling many more Energies then you have been previously, and it is my honor to be here as the first SpokesBeing - to bring forth this Frequency first and foremost.  And we thank the Unified Whole for bringing all of us into Wholeness, into Oneness, because this is what we truly want to  bring forth in the New Earth Energies.

Each of you are in training for those times when you are going to be assisting many others in the Frequencies that you are experiencing.  They may not be the same as what is coming through, through Dearest One here, but they will truly be an extension of what you have been feeling and bringing forth.  So allow the gifts to be opened.  Allow the doorways to be shown to you.  You may have to search a little bit.  You may have to reach out a little bit but, once those Elements are put into place, working with the Unified Whole can only assist you.

So I've been asked to bring forth the command, to each of you, to assist yourself in all the diverse parts of your life - personal and professional, to assist you in the Frequency.

So we call upon 000-144-000 Unified Whole Command online.  And that's it.

You work with the Unified Whole, in the Consciousness of the Oneness and you shall receive exactly what you need, without any interference on any levels of Frequency.  So that is the beauty of tonight as this Command is now being activated within this Temple.  We know that it has been used previously in this Temple but not in this manner.

So as we look around and we see the Souls that are here - you may see some Souls that you've never seen before.  Many, many are coming to aspire to the Temple of 911 -they have heard about it because many souls are healing and rebirthing themselves into all levels of existence.  I want to thank Dearest One here for creating this beautiful Temple of 911.  It is now only going to grow, extensively.  Our Spokes-Being of the Temple, Fred - he is also accelerating himself and he will be showing himself in more of a higher presence then he ever has before.  Congratulations Fred.  And congratulations to each of you.

As you have aspired to more Frequencies of Light within your experiences, you're going to be seeing yourself growing deeper and deeper then you ever thought possible.  Most of you have been on these calls for an extended amount of time, listened to the recordings or even read the material - how has it affected you? I want you now to reflect upon yourself on what these Frequencies are actually helping you with? I'll tell you, one aspect is allowing yourself to open up into the Essence of your totality in the physical existence, which you never had previously.  This is an amazing gift to receive at this time.

Many are aspiring to greatness in 2012 and there are many teachers out there, and many healers, and many Lightworkers that are doing fabulous work.  This we all know.  This is where the Essence of communication comes fully into play, because each of you are coming together in this Soul Family, in this group of Beings, to come together to communicate and to receive communication.  It is our divine pleasure to work with you personally and this is another gift that is received through these transmissions.  As the Light Frequency comes through Dearest One here and embodies through the voice - it assists each of you to open up yourselves more fully then you ever have.  If you have been feeling this, and I'm sure most of you have - this is one of the reasons it occurs for you, because now there is an open communication that possibly was not there previously.

Tonight we're going to experience this communication opening up even wider.  As each of you are conduits of the Light Frequencies, it's only going to assist others that you come in contact with.  This contact can be in many forms, it can be through voice, it can be through physical connection.  It can be through dream state, it could be through altered state, it could be through communication through the internet, it could be writing, it could be voice through the phone.  However you choose to communicate - that Frequency is coming through to you.

I ask each of you right now to just take a moment and center within your Solar Plexus.  As you center within that Solar Plexus the communication is only going to come a deeper core of your Elements to assist you in bringing forth the wisdom and knowledge that you have been searching to do for others.  Each of you is here for a Divine reason.  Do you understand what that Divine reason is? Maybe you do or maybe you don't? Maybe in the Essences that you are, the Frequency can be blocked and you're not quite sure how to fully intuit what it is that you are gathering in your wisdom and knowledge? In the year 2012, we're going to be more in vibrational work - more than we ever have been before.

So I ask of you just to breathe deeply as we bring forth the Elements of the Bowl.


Feel the Essence that is coming within you as you connect to the Unified Whole Essence that you are.  This is Oneness.

When Christine renamed this group 'Unified in Oneness', it was by no mistake because she was transmitting within her a Frequency of what this Temple could be, for many.  Each of you are part of that Oneness in a Conscious state - all of us are part of it in the Unconscious, but if you allow yourself to bring it forth into the Conscious state, you will bring forth an acceptance within you that you fully had not realized at any other time.

I am here to extend my hand to each of you.  I've been asked by the Hierarchy, by the Councils of God, to personally come more fully into each of your lives because we have been looking at each of you, we have been sharing what we are experiencing through your Essences and we are seeing great changes within each of your individual selves.  It is now time for you to acknowledge that Essence that is fully being embodied within you, if you don't already do so or have done so.  It is now our time to shine together.

So as a Teacher of the Teachers, of the guide of many leaders of this world, I extend to you my Frequency in how to really interact in the outside world.  There are great changes happening within this world.  There are Elements within each of you that can be handled easily or not so easily.  So we ask all that to be put into Oneness, into Wholeness this evening so that your interaction with other individuals is fully put into wholeness, so there is no confliction that occurs within your physical body.  Because each of you are conduits of Light and within these conduits of Light, you're assisting others - even though you may not be aware that you've been doing so.

So as the breath within the Solar Plexus expands within you, you feel these Frequencies moving out of you and through your body.  Allow them then to focus into your Full Body system and I say Full Body, because we want to think of it as one Light Body.  You have activated the Light within you and if you have not, think it and it shall be.  In this moment, all of your Light Frequency is of the Highest Source that you ever thought possible.

You are bringing in your Soul’s Essence and you are feeling the extension of your I Am Presence unto many Souls, unto each other.  There is one special gift that needs to be acknowledged within you right now, I'm going to ask each of you to feel this Frequency within you - it may not be an active thought, it may just be a feeling, but allow that to be fully embellished within your physical, your cellular - feel it in your cells, feel it in your Frequency - that runs through your veins, that runs through your bloodstream, your spinal column, and all those inner workings of the physical body.

Let us take a moment, as right now there is a deep reflection within each of us and within that reflection - see a beautiful mirror of Crystalline Light.  This beautiful mirror of Crystalline Light shows you exactly what you need to accept - it is a gift; it is a wisdom; it is a knowledge; it is a tool.  Whatever it is, it is yours to give unto yourself and then to share with others.  Breathe deeply into the Solar Plexus and you feel that inner power, working within you.  Feel that Frequency running through your veins as you accept this gift more fully.


Breathing slowly through that Frequency, allow it to go through the rest of your body.  Allow it to go into the deepness of your Soul, into all aspects of your Being as it fully needs to receive this Frequency.  Feel the grounding occurring within you because it is a portion of your Soul’s Essence that has been forgotten and it now about to be remembered and activated within your life, in the present moments.  This activation will occur in the next couple of weeks, by the Full Moon.  Allow this to be fully within you.  It may be something that you want to write about or think about or feel, but it is something that you need to share with another and it does not necessarily have to be in words, it can be in light frequency, it can be in a vibration, it could be a feeling, it can just be an acceptance.  It may be a frequency that you just send out into the environment or send it out to loved ones.  As you walk through your days you will see this ability to fully focus within you more fully then it has before.

There is a correlation of Frequency that is occurring upon the Planet right now, to allow this to be so.  It is my divine pleasure to give you this guidance to receive.  Each of you are being reared to be leaders, to be teachers, to be healers, and maybe you do not know what it is - allow it to come to you from your Highest Self.  That is the only way that you can receive it.  It cannot be received in the Mental mind, so let us clear the Mental mind in this moment.  Allow us to put that into Wholeness - of any thought forms that may be stopping you.  We ask for the Unified Whole Command to assist in this process.  Let's take a deep breath.

Feel those Frequencies change within you.  Now allow yourself to feel this wisdom and this knowledge and this gift that has been locked away deep within you and now is ready to arise outside of you.  As you look at this gift, you feel its Essence.  It truly has an Essence within you that has been part of your Frequency for a very long time, but now is the time for it to be acknowledged.  It is now a birthing of a gift - a gift of your teaching, a gift of your being a leader for the New Earth.  You have been told many times in these calls, that you are being accepted as a leader of the New Earth Hierarchy, to stand with all levels of Creation, and today is a day of a peak of this Element within you.  Let it come.  Let it come.  Let it come within you.  I step aside as we bring in some Frequencies to assist.



The dawning of a new day, the dawning of a new moment


Allow yourself now to ground those Frequencies within you that you have just received.  It is a bright star, it's a Frequency coming to you, as it is the gift of your Heart, it is the gift of your Essence, to open up to many other gifts - it is just a moment in time that will cause a domino effect of the Light Frequencies to move each other.  Breathe deeply as you feel this into your Physical, your Emotional, Etheric, Mental, and your Spiritual body - as one Light Body.  Remember that Frequency of One Light Body, this is allowing you to accept it, within your totality that you are.  Breathing through that.  Breathing through the Essences.  Allow it to ground deeply through your feet and center it outside yourself, because this is a beautiful gift that has been received on this day.

It is now time for you to look at yourself more deeply then you ever have.  It is not one where you look at yourself to clear, to release - it is one for you to embrace.  Embrace the moment because, as Master Kuthumi, I am here to extend this unto you - that each of you have something to give unto this world.  It is now time for you to acknowledge even just a little part of it.  Let's breathe deeply through that Essence.

We now ask that these Frequencies of Light go down into the Earth, into others and for them to arise unto this occasion.  Allow them to feel these Frequencies of Light.  So when the Frequency of Light becomes forward, we'll fully be activated in the next couple of weeks.  Allow this light frequency to run through all Beings of the Earth.  As Gaia now feels Her own Essence changing as each of our Essences changed unto this Land.  It is a beautiful time for us to acknowledge these parts of ourselves.

Breathe deeply as now we feel that Essence within us.  Bring it back into our Physcial bodies and please know, there may be Elements that do arise from this.  Those old parts of yourself that have kept those stipulations in front of you for you not to accept these gifts - that is no longer necessary.  It is now time for us to accelerate ourselves upon the power and the greatness that we have within ourselves, to come together in the Oneness upon this Planet, to assist the Frequency of Light unto the New Earth.  But we must feel it within ourselves first.

That is why I am  here to assist.  I ask of you to give to me anything that you do not need, that is not serving your purpose in this moment.  As I extend my hands out to you - everyone in the Temple right now - it shall be released.  The Light formations, unto the Higher Planes of existence.  Breathing deeply as that occurs.  What is left is the purest form of Light that I have ever seen in a group of people in my whole entire existence.

As we now become the Frequency of Light that we truly are, we now fully accept that we do have a purpose and that  purpose is in the infiltration of our Highest Essence in to our Physical Body.  Until you do that, you cannot feel it more deeply.  Please put your mind aside.  Please put the thoughts that stop you from embracing this Frequency of Light that we are all together.

It is my divine pleasure to here with you as Master Kuthumi.  As I see these Elements all changing quickly with each of the Souls within the Temple of Light.  I am here to assist in the love and wisdom, in the hearts of the many, because that is where the truth of our wisdom lies.  Allowing this Frequency to come fully within your bodies, allowing us to create the divinity that we deserve to have at all times.

It has been my divine pleasure to be the Spokes-Being for this moment for this Frequency of Light unto the New Wave of your existence.

So Mote It Be In The Light of the Christ.  I Am Kuthumi at your service.


Greetings.  This is Fred speaking once again.  Thank you Master Kuthumi.  Thank you deeply for sharing parts of myself and sharing to everyone in these moments.

Join us in the Temple if you so choose, to feel these Light Frequencies more fully, to help them come forth into your physical existence.  It is also my honour to be here as the Spokes-Being.

I am Fred for the Temple of 911 and Beyond.  Namaste.

For additional information on how to attend this call or the Cosmic Oneness or New Earth Circle of Light, please see,  The audio recordings are also available for download and no one is turned away,  We hope you will join us on the calls live.

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When we interview scientists and other authorities in behalf of our readers, we normally send them a list of questions. But Jacob Liberman wanted our talk simply to flow like a river, taking whatever direction it wanted to take. No list!

So I threw my list away, but I still asked him the first question: ''What was it that caused you to devote your life to color therapy?''

''It's not therapy,'' Jacob insisted. ''It's not about fixing anything. It's about learning how to embrace our lives more fully.'' Then he told me his story of how it all began:

In 1976, I had a profound healing experience. I was a practicing optometrist and had worn glasses for 9 to 10 years. Without them, I could not see the Big E on the charts.

Jacob LibermanThen one day, in one of my meditations, I had an out-of-body experience. I saw myself in the room, and what I was observing was absolutely crystal, crystal clear. But the most profound aspect was that I realized I was observing myself holographically – from every point in the room. I was ''seeing'' all aspects of myself at once.

And when I came out of the meditation and opened my eyes, my physical vision was just as clear as it had been in the out-of-body experience. Totally clear. I could see license plates, street signs, billboards.

So I went to my office and gave myself an eye examination, thinking my prescription must have lessened.

I was doing research at the time on a new technology, and in connection with this I had an automated projector that showed so many visual acuity charts, I could never have memorized them. And on all of them, I could see right down to the bottom of the chart.

So then I went through the procedure an optometrist uses to determine one's correct prescription — all the lens changes and so on. And when I was through, the prescription I came up with was the exact same one I had with my glasses. I asked myself, How could this be? And the answer came to me like a revelation.

First, let me add that I've never had a pair of glasses on my face since then, yet I recently had my eyes examined, and the prescription is still almost the same as it was twenty-five years ago.

The revelation I'd had was this: We don't see with our eyes.

I felt so expansive. I felt as though I had become the sky. It was the opening of the concert of my life.

The Concert of Life: A Little Light Music

Jacob Liberman went on to describe how his revelation affected him over the next years.

I began to see things that I hadn't even known existed. I saw auras around everything that had a life source in it, not just people, but mountains, trees, water.

human auraAnd I started seeing this Light that seemed to surround and connect all entities that were breathing with Life. I spent the next years observing this Light, and I ''saw'' something I had never heard of before. Everybody says, ''The body gives off an aura,'' but I saw that it's the opposite. It is the aura that gives rise to the body. I saw that this subtle, energetic emanation was the very Web of Life, the physical body's interconnectedness with All Things.

I began to realize the relationship between Light and Life, and specifically within the human system. It's not just plants that take in light and ''digest it'' for nourishment through photosynthesis. This thing we call Light, I saw, has the same relationship with all Life as with plants. It is our own, formless Source.

How We Become De-Lighted

Jacob described how his experiences of seeing Light and auras eventually led to his work. ''I saw that this Light was sometimes very big, very bright,'' he said, ''and sometimes, it was small and dull. Sometimes it even seemed to disappear.''

I spent years sitting with people, quietly observing, and I saw that every time we ''think,'' this light diminishes to almost nothing. This light around us is our precognitive aspect, it tells us what is about to arrive. It is our in-touchness with Life. And as soon as we go into the intellect, it disappears.

So I got introduced to Syntonics, which is the therapeutic application of different frequencies of light by way of the eyes. My idea was to use this for diagnosis, then try to fix whatever was revealed. But after working with thousands of people, somewhere in my journey, my ideas dropped off. I stopped thinking I knew what people needed. Instead, I allowed them to share with me their experiences as they looked at colors.

What I discovered is that everyone sees something different. Color is not an objective thing, it is a subjective experience created within the consciousness.

So as people looked at colors, I would ask them how they felt. And everyone responded, but each response was individualized. With almost everyone, they were receptive to some colors, which seemed to give a pleasant feeling, and unreceptive or even allergic to others. With the allergic responses, people would recoil and show other signs of bodily stress. Subjectively, ''It doesn't feel good.''

Allergies and Addictions Come to Light

Jacob Liberman began using biofeedback equipment like that used in a lie detector test to monitor the body's responses. Using this instrumentation...

I saw that, even when they were not aware of it consciously, people were definitely receptive to some colors and ''allergic'' to others.

Now, here's where all this is leading. When we experience unreceptiveness, or body perturbation – when we encounter something in life that we have never fully assimilated – we avoid it by going into the intellect!

This behavior, I believe, is the cause of everything we refer to as ''addiction.'' Addictions are behaviors and substances we use to avoid having this ''it doesn't feel good'' experience.

But with color, we can relive the experiences subconsciously, Jacob explained to me, because color bypasses the conscious mind. The conscious mind has no defense for color, so it goes right to the heart of the matter.

People would look at certain colors that triggered these kinds of avoidance responses, and sometimes they would break out in a cold sweat, shaking. But if we introduced the colors slowly and gently, they could begin to have memories. Some of these memories were from earlier experiences in this life. Some were from past lives.

So I saw that the colors, or frequencies of energy, that people are unreceptive to possess the same energetic makeup as their unresolved past experiences.

How is this possible? Jacob says...

It's because the relationship between ourselves and what we call light is a mirror image of our own internal makeup.

When the physicist looks at a photon, he notices that it behaves as we have always described God: it is omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent!

Quantum physics states that nothing exists without the observer, and the form of what is observed is dependent on the observer's point of view. In other words, our life experiences are a mirror image of our present view of the world.

So what we see, for example in another person or situation, is a mirror of our own makeup.

We are each other's homeopathic remedies. Continuously attracting into our lives an exact mirror image of what we are putting out. So Light is Nature's perfect homeopathic remedy, because it is the formless expression of what we experience as form.

As the renowned physicist Dr. David Boehm said: ''All matter is frozen light.''

Reliving the Movie of Your Life

In neurolinguistic programming there is a technique known as the Trauma Cure. Using this technique, the writer has watched scores of clients totally disappear phobic responses in as little as 10 minutes. The Trauma Cure is based upon having clients watch a movie of the original traumatic experience. They do this from what NLP refers to as ''double dissociation'' – imagining that they are watching themselves watching the movie. So it doesn't even matter if the conscious mind remembers the experience or not.

I have even found that the Trauma Cure, used over and over, is effective with post-traumatic stress syndrome in Vietnam veterans.

Jacobs approach is a similar – and much simpler – technique of ''watching the movie'':

When the intellect sees something it recognizes and fears, it runs. And where it runs to is wherever we have found that helps us to avoid the feared experience. We may run to overwork, alcohol, cigarettes, meaningless talking, anger – whatever it is that helps us avoid the fear.

When people re-experience unresolved events that are ''stuck'' in their energy fields, and they do this in a safe space, they feel as if it's for the first time. Because they are doing it in an environment that is safe and caring. So they gain an authentic security about their ability to survive the situation.

In Jacob's approach, instead of the movie, you view colors, energies.

And since some of these colors duplicate the energetic form of the experiences we have been running away from, the experiences we have failed to assimilate, our reaction to them is the same as though we were re-experiencing the original trauma – but with a difference. When we use color correctly, the conscious mind does not block out the experience. It does not need to run away.

So we use this application of color safely, gradually, building up slowly over time, until the habitual reactivity begins to dissipate, and dis-ease becomes ease.

If we can get comfortable with what used to make us uncomfortable, our whole life changes. And because color is non-invasive, it helps us to desensitize to the unresolved issues in our life.

Facilitation 101: How Can We Help?

The key to how desensitization works, Jacob said, is that although we are, in a sense, re-living the traumatic experiences that have become the limits of our personal growth, we are re-living them in a totally different space. We are not all alone, this time. We are not helpless this time. This time, there is no real danger. And in that safe space...

Our own inner Self knows how to heal us. The facilitator's job is not to heal, but to be. Just to be with the other person. For – by the very nature of reality – whatever our clients are going through is something we also need to experience.

So when people are going through things, I close my eyes and just allow myself to be there, noticing what is going on inside me. Not interfering. When we truly succeed at just being Present, healing takes place by itself and we experience our own strength.

All of us are connected. Therefore, when a person in one of my workshops is touched, he or she becomes the light machine or remedy for the group.

I don't try to explain to people how this all works, why they are experiencing whatever they are experiencing. I prefer to let them tell me. In so doing, they experience the revelation that each of us is observing and experiencing something totally unique.

After experiencing the colors, people share, and the sharing goes wherever it needs to go. It's about ''seeing the Light'' – seeing something about ourselves. By embracing a spectrum of light we previously avoided, we find ourselves embracing more of Life.

Light Checks In, But It Also Checks Out

Everyone thinks that we see by virtue of light that enters our eyes. But just as the aura creates the body, and not the other way around, we create our visual experience by projecting light out of our eyes. ''It's true,'' Jacob said, ''that 98% of the light that enters our bodies goes in through the eyes. But the actual experience of vision is mostly projective.''

In his book Light: Medicine of the Future, Jacob shares his experiments demonstrating that light is emitted from the eyes, not just ingested by them.

He discovered that each person emits a signature of light from his or her eyes, little slivers of energy. He feels that the colors that are being emitted seem to have something to do with the experiences that person attracts into their life.

Here are two examples of what has just been said:

  • If someone has been keeping something inside that needs to be said, you might see a lot of blue light coming out of their eyes. Blue is the color of the throat chakra, the color of ''speaking your piece.''
  • Similarly, with someone who has spent a lot of time creating balance, and who is not avoiding things, you might see a soft, full-spectrum light coming from their eyes — a kind of pastel rainbow.

Liberman's Approach: The Nuts and Bolts

In his programs, Jacob said, people work in groups. He feels that this is extremely important, because it creates the ''safe space'' we talked about earlier. So people are experiencing what the colors bring up for them with the support of knowing that they are not alone in the world.

We show all the colors very briefly, one at a time, and then we do it over and over again, each time for a slightly longer duration per color. We go very slowly. I have found that this is the most important piece of the puzzle, to go slowly.

So basically, people come together once a week, to share this experience with color and and see where it takes them.

And the facilitator's job is just to be there, to allow. This is what creates the safety, the space for people to allow their own feelings to surface and dissipate. The heart of this work, of my work, is Presence and non-doing.

Life as Light Machine: Practicing Presence

A light machine that projects colors of a preset sequence and duration, such as the instruments Jacob Liberman uses in his work, can ''catalyze our experience of life,'' as he says.

But at a certain point, Life itself becomes our light machine. As we allow ourselves to be present with all of Life, self-healing occurs.

Light can assist us in developing this state of Presence so that eventually we embrace what we previously avoided, and in this experience Life becomes our healer.

We become our own Light, and subtle revelations start to happen. Mystical experiences. Just last night, I was out with my wife. We'd seen a movie, and I was sharing with her about the movie. And I had a sudden experience of realizing how much I love my present state. That no matter what happens, I can access this state in my life every day.

So light, color, is a beautiful tool, helping us to open up. But once we become more aware, awareness itself is curative.

Enlightenment and the Process of Growth

It's common knowledge now that a child who is physically abused may thrive, whereas a child who is not touched at all becomes stunted or even dies. When growth stops, Life stops. And to grow, we need perturbation, stimulation. If we think that we are enlightened, are we not simply saying that nothing touches us, nothing perturbs us? And all this means is that we are no longer growing. Life is growth. Experience is change.

As we have said, Jacob Liberman feels very strongly that the facilitator's job is simply to allow, to be present, to empower others to access the healer that lives within each of us.

The goal is not to become a guru, to become a being that people look up to because we are so enlightened. When we are truly clear, we have the humility to recognize that we are not ever ''enlightened.'' We have moments of clarity, moments of enlightenment. The goal is humility and ordinariness. The goal is to allow in the perturbation that causes our growth.

''Practice being Present with Life as it shows up,'' Jacob said, ''and Life itself becomes the healer.''

Dr. Jacob Liberman is considered a pioneer in the therapeutic use of light and color and the art of mind/body integration. He has written Light: Medicine of the Future (Bear & Company Publishing, 1991) and Take Off Your Glasses and See: A Mind/Body Approach to Expanding Your Eyesight and Insight (Crown Publishing, Paperback Reissue Edition February 1996). His newest book, Wisdom from an Empty Mind (Empty Mind Publications) will be out by May 1, 2001. You may visit his website at

In addition to his extensive lecture and seminar schedule, he is a therapist and educator. He lives in Hawaii with his wife, Claudia.
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The heart of the Mother of Creation is appearing on the planet through the Rose Ray and being anchored through Mother Mary and Shekinah. It is through the sacred heart of Mother Mary and the Holy Spirit of Shekinah that the Rose Ray along with the Blue Ray is assisting in restoring the God essence to fully manifest into form for humanity. This enables the Mother of the World's heart to return to transform human suffering, resurrecting the Christ body and the Divine Original Blueprint. 333

Rose Ray

The Rose Ray carries the Divine love of Creation through the Mother's Heart and acts as protection from lower, dark energies, while raising vibrational frequency. It works at a deep cellular level of healing of Divine love that will amplify all of your spiritual gifts and sacred work. It will transmute lingering damaged genetics, attuning you to the Christ template. 44.
Mother Mary Orders Clans

The sacred seals of the Mother Mary Orders are being activated within you that it is now safe and time for the Christed female to re-emerge; all women and men who are ready to carry the frequency of the Holy Grail Codes are to awaken. The grail codes within the Rose Ray from the Order of Mary impart an alchemical process of divine ancient power and love. They awaken the angelic DNA Codes of cellular regeneration and transcendence through the Holy Spirit Shekinah via the rays of creation.

Mother of Creation is calling you through:

Mother Mary Order and the Rose Ray
Sisters of the Sacred Rose
Shekinah Order
Holy Lineage of the Mother
Order of Mary Magdalene

Many of you carry the Creator codes from the offices of Christ that became the disciples of the Mary clans. In the Creator Codes are the angelic DNA that manifested as the ancient Lemurians, Atlanteans and Egyptians, dolphins, whales, mermaids, fairies and more of the sacred lineages. These holy strands of Divine DNA are awakening now to create a synergy of Source Creation power to provide all that your energy fields and crystalline bodies need to be a Christed ascended being to carry the new Earth.

This holy ascension mastery activation of the sacred seals can only be awakened and accessed through the sacred heart or higher heart and through a purification process of your body and being. Many of you have been going through this transcendence and transmutation process for some time and these are the final pieces to your ascension.

The Rose Ray anointing dispensation through the Blue Ray provides this process for you to awaken to the Creator Codes. This is not the only dispensation, for there are other ways and systems that are awakening your Christed self. The Language of Light through the Mother's Frequency is a prophecy that would take place at the end of the cycle of time that would bring the new man of light. It is also the angelic language of the angels that creates healing miracles and transcendence for the embodiment of your Divine original blueprint.

The Rose Ray anointing and the Language of Light are a powerful synergy when used together and open the gateways to the higher heavens to prepare the body and being for the new Earth. 22

Rose Ray at Cathedral Rock Sedona AZ

The Rose Ray and Mother Mary's sacred heart are manifesting in real life in physical form so you will know that you have stepped into the new Earth and it is time for this reawakening. This is happening by visitations by the Mother Mary, sacred divine feminine, and seeing the Rose Ray of Creation physically on Earth.

How to Experience the Rose Ray

Go to your higher heart and call on the "Rose Ray Mother Mary Shekinah Dispensation" for she knows you and will come into your life with blessings. The Mother's heart lives within you and wishes to be reawakened, for as you accept her divine love and essence, you anchor this healing to the world. You become the emissary of her divine love, raising the frequency of the planet that activates the sacred codes of life.

Mother Mary Rose Ray Visitations

The Mother Mary Visitations occurred on Christmas Eve 2011 to anchor the Rose Ray of the Sacred Heart through the Holy Spirit of Shekinah. This is bringing the Mother of the World's heart to transform the sadness of human suffering that awakens the essence of God in human form the Angelic Human DNA and Christ embodiment.

It was unexpected as I sat down with a friend as we intended on meditating to the Christ Consciousness on Christmas Eve. We both started bawling together as Mother Mary came and we were not able to speak for two hours as she bathed us in the most incredible Rose Ray and Holy Spirit Light. As we both came to and looked at each other, we thought only a half hour had gone by. We then blurted out simultaneously, "Mother Mary!"

Since the Mother Mary visitations, others who have experienced her divine Love of the Rose Ray have had miraculous physical, spiritual and emotional healings. To spread her divine love, the Rose Ray Miracle Water was placed at the Mother Mary Altar, Cathedral Rock vortex in Sedona, AZ, to purify the Earth and heart of humanity. On one of the visits to the Mother Mary Altar, she asked for pictures to be taken as they would be transmissions and testaments of the Rose Ray Heart. Below and above are just some of the many amazing photos that were taken.

The Lady of Guadalupe

Mesoamerica, the New World, 1521: The capital city of the Aztec empire falls under the Spanish forces. Less than 20 years later, 9 million of the inhabitants of the land, who professed for centuries a polytheistic and human sacrificing religion, are converted to Christianity. What happened to precipitate such an upward conversion?

December 9, 1531: Juan Diego hears music and a woman's voice calling to him. At the crest of the hill he sees a radiantly beautiful woman, who reveals that she is Our Lady, the Mother of God. She instructs Juan Diego to go to the local bishop and tell him that a temple should be built in her honor at the base of the hill.

Juan Diego proceeds directly to Tlatelolco and the palace of Bishop Juan de Zumárraga, a Franciscan friar. The bishop receives him, but is reluctant to believe Juan Diego's story. A discouraged Juan Diego returns to Tepeyac Hill, and admits his failure to Our Lady. She directs him to again go to the bishop, and repeat her request.

December 10, 1531 (Sunday): Juan Diego returns to the bishop's palace. The bishop questions him for a long time, and finishes by telling Juan Diego that he needs a sign to believe that Our Lady sent him. On his return to Tepeyac Hill, Juan Diego tells her of the bishop's demand. She promises to fulfill it the next day when Juan Diego visits her again.

When Juan Diego arrives before the skeptical Bishop Zumárraga, he opens his tilma and the roses fall to the floor. However, Juan Diego has more than roses as a sign, for a portrait of Our Lady appears on the coarse fabric of the tilma. The bishop and his whole household are filled with amazement. The Bishop and people fulfill Juan Diego's request, and build a temple dedicated to Our Lady of Guadalupe. The roses are a miracle as these flowers did not grow in that region or climate nor could roses grow in one day.

Fast forward to 2011-2012: It is my belief that Mother Mary apparitions and visitations are representative of the Divine Mother of creation returning to us, this time in the form of Rose Ray energy rather than roses. We are ready. For such a long time, this energy was withdrawn from Gaia/Earth in order to protect Itself for the right time to return. As we on Earth become more and more Heart-centered, this Rose Ray of Creation is being made evident. The Rose Ray Violet Flame is a great cleanser and transmuter at the core level, restoring us individually therefore collectively into the limitless perfection and limitless abundance of God. ---
Shekina Rose 44

Goddess Tree at Cathedral Rock AZ where Mother Mary Annointing Event will take place for Rose Ray initations
Click Here for Details

The Blue Ray Beings are an ultra-sensitive, empathic soul group like the Indigos that came from many different ascended planets and light realms to enlighten the genetic code of humanity and raise the God consciousness on Gaia.

Find out if your from the Blue Ray Here:
"Shekinah", a Hebrew word in the "Language of Light", is a mentor of the Blue Ray. Shekinah is the lost aspect of the sacred Divine Feminine of Creation that is the embodiment of God, the ascension process. BlueRay is the soul group consciousness of the highest aspect of all Blue Rays. Together we give you these transmissions.

Click here to add me for free upcoming Blue Ray Transmission

"Number sequences that appear embedded in this channel are given to Shekina Rose by spirit to activate this transmission." for more information on the new Earth Codes click here:

Shekina Rose of permission is granted to copy and redistribute this article and videos on the condition that the URL is included as the resource and that it is distributed freely and on a non-commercial basis. E-mail:

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Returning Home written by Emzart

You walk now, or more appropriately wake now, between two worlds. In your morning slumber induced confusion, you are unaware of that which is real; the dream from which you leave, or the reality to which you awaken. In this emerging paradigm the choice, as it always has been, is yours. You can close your eyes, refusing to leave the dream, for your past experiences have led you to believe that your dreams are far more wonderful than the realities to which you awaken, repeatedly stroking the snooze button to feed your denial, or, you can excitedly shake the cobwebs from your minds which have been far underutilized for far too long, and open your eyes and your heart to the new to you, and only reality which has ever existed; a world of peace, prosperity, abundance, love and harmony for one and for all, for once and for all. For those brave enough to venture from the comfort of their warm covers, a new and exciting reality will welcome and reward you. What you are unaware of, is the reality that the dream from which your conscious now awakens has been a recurring nightmare, so long repeated that you have become comfortable and complacent in the acceptance of this illusion.

What comes to you, comes to you only upon the issuance of your invitation. This once bottled Genie, is here to grant to you your every wish come true, and waits only upon the verbalization of your desires to do so. It is not important that you believe it plausible, it is only asked that you believe it possible, and then allow your focus to reside with this chance.

Think not to hard, for the truth will surface freely from your heart not impeded by your mind so long seeded, by fear and despair.

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Returning Home written by Emzart

I have now been returned to my default settings, to a place of peace and serenity, to a place of security and warmth; an innate knowing that all is well, and progressing according to the plan of our loving creator. I do not make these claims to tout or to promote myself as special or unique, although I AM, and each of us are. I instead make this claim with a joyous and grateful heart, for in this knowing, I now have focus for the dreams and blessings which I wish to amplify for each of you throughout this loving Universe. True joy does not come to us when our individual needs are met; true joy surfaces when the needs of all are met. So now when I play with my magical cat named FIVE, I hear in my heart this message repeated, “Play time is Pray time.” As we play, with not a care in the world, we send to, and amplify our love to all. When we play, we say to all, that we wish you a life where all needs and desires are met, we wish for you to never have cause to worry of health, sanitary conditions, or security and safety for your loved ones. We wish for you the freedom of mind, body and spirit, which clears the path to that which makes your heart sing, for in these moments, creativity inspires and crafts a world filled with smiles. As we play, we wish to erase from the collective consciousness every moment of discord, disease and disharmony. And most importantly, we wish for you to know that you each have these same powers and many more.

In these final days of not knowing, these final days of believing in that which your spirit knows, but your eyes have yet to witness, be at peace. The wait is over, you are here. Be not fooled by the mirrors and smoke perpetrated and manipulated by those whose unawareness keeps them locked into the illusion of man’s grandeur, for your greatness cannot be defined and constrained by your current and limited form and perceptions. The truth which cannot be hidden nor obfuscated by trickery, is that you are perfect and divine, with the innate and inherent abilities gifted to and granted by GOD to you to craft in your minds eye, your life and the world surrounding you, perfection, harmony and abundance, for one and for all, for once and for all. Of mans greatest illusions must rank the concept of winners and losers. To believe that one must lose for one to win, is to disconnect from our divine source and buy into an illusion, which creates of us all, losers. There can only be one winner, and it can only be all of us, united as one. We have walked away from the wisdom of the natural world, opting for pride of authorship over a life of ease and abundance provided by living within the web of life, only to find ourselves pained, lost and longing for the feelings of joy which can come only from a knowing of our place in the world, and a connectedness to our source. We are drugged, numbed and polluted, like the rivers and streams which wish for nothing more than to deliver to our bodies the fresh waters which can flush from them the accumulated wastes of our unnatural attempts to regain our youthful and joyous freedoms. “We are born fully knowing, taught to forget, and lost till we remember.” The light now penetrates the darkness; It is time to remember, and in remembering, we instantly flush from our bodies, and our beautiful hostess Gaia, every accumulated pollutant and blockage to the flowing of our knowing. We have been taught to work hard and that nothing comes easily, yet nothing is further from the truth, and no delusional thinking greater at creating losers of us all. Our Mother, our teacher our beautiful Planet Earth, whose patience with her petulant children is beyond comprehension, wishes to care for us and provide for us in every way, yet we have refused her gifts, and abused her resources. These times are over now. The light now shines into the dimness of our arrogance, the spotlight firmly fixed upon us, as the stage is set for the glorious showcase of our reemergence, as beings of light and love. Please now, believe in yourselves. All the wisdom that you have assumed of those with greater educations, with more fame and framed degrees upon their walls, has ever been, and shall ever be yours. The perfect foods and exceptional health and happiness that science promises you, are yours without fee or debt, by simply living simply, in harmony with the natural world. The safety, security and serenity you wish for your children, is theirs forever. Not from the creation of weapons of war, and formations of armies shall this come, but from your willingness to sincerely wish upon those whom you know the least and fear the most, this very same, safety, security and serenity. The greatest gift that you can give to yourself and to your family, is wishing abundance upon another. We have been taught to fear, to doubt and to mistrust ourselves and others. Rediscover now, the truth that you knew without doubt on your journey through the birth canal; you are beautiful, loved, cared for and entitled to all of life’s treasures. Find your roots, reconnect to the Earth and respect yourself. You are enabled this opportune life by a body granted and built of the Earths treasures that your soul has housing to experience the physical pleasures of touching another. You each, have a responsibility to show to those still unaware of their destinies, that fear serves no purpose, and that life as a butterfly will be far more wonderful and freeing, than life as a caterpillar. Honor yourselves, help your neighbors, love your Mother, and when your time here is done, return to the Earth a “body of work” that you, and she, can be proud of.

Banished forever from my sight,
the destructive effects of terror and fright.
No longer believing that might equals right,
I choose to live, and never to fight.
The lone truth discovered in this hour?
Love is the World’s lone Superpower.

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Update from Dharma Sangha

A new teaching from Dharma Sangha is here:


१. बोधी श्रवण धर्म संघमा आवद्ध सम्पूर्ण संघहरु , पदाधिकारिहरु तथा शिष्वत स्वीकार गरि यस सत्य, धर्म , गुरुमार्गको तापोभूमिमा गुरु शरण पर्नु भएको सम्पूर्ण शिष्यहरूलाई समयको आत्यन्तिक बोध गर्दै आजको मितिमा यो संदेश प्रवाह गरिरहेको छु |

bodhi shravan dharma sanghamaa aavaddha sampurna sanghaharu, padadhikariharu tatha shishvat svikar gari yas satya, dharma, gurumaargako taapobhumima guru saran parnu bhaeko sampurna shishyaharulaii samayako aatyantika bodh gardai aajako mitima yo sandesh pravaha gariraheko chhu.

1. The Guru, accepting all the engaged Sanghas, Officers and surrounding disciples in Bodhi Shravan Dharma Sangha, and having taken refuge in this Truth, the Dharma, the GuruMarga’s (GuruPath) sphere of ascetic practice; I, understanding the extremity of the time, am conveying this message on today’s date to all the disciples.

२. सर्वप्रथम संघहरुले साँच्चै बोध गर्नु पर्ने कुरा सत्य, धर्म, गुरु को हुनुहुन्छा ? गुरु मार्ग भन्नाले के बुझिन्छ ?

sarvaprathama sanghaharule sancchai bodhi garnu parne kura satya, dharma, guru ke hunuhuncha? guru maarga bhannale ke bujhincha?

2. First of all, the Sanghas must have a real understanding such as what is Truth, Dharma, and the Guru? What is meant by GuruMarga (The GuruPath)?

३. सबै संघहरुले एक भावना आन्त :स्थलमा राखेर गुरुलाई सर्व स्वीकार गरि मैत्री भावनाले परस्पर हुनु पर्दछ अथवा गुरु र शिष्य बिचको सम्बन्धलाई गाँस्ने आस्था , विश्वास र श्रद्धा जस्ते सेतुहरुलाई आत्मासात् गरि सर्वसमर्पणको भावले गाँस्नुपर्द्छ |

sabai sanghaharule ek bhavanaa aanta: stalamaa raakhera gurulai sarva svikaara gari maitri bhavanale paraspar hunu pardcha aathava guru ra shishya bichko sambandhalai gaansne aastha, vishvas ra shraddha jaste setuharulai aatmaasaat gari sarvasamaparnako bhaavle gansnupardcha.

3. All Sanghas must join together with the essence of complete surrender being of one spirit within, keeping to the point, completely accepting the Guru, reciprocating the Maitri feeling; in other words, the connection between the Guru and disciple is joined together with faith, trust, and devotion acting as assimilating links.

४. जो हुन नसक्दा गुरुधर्म प्रति नै प्रश्न लागि रहेछ |

jo huna nasakda gurudharma prati nai prashna laagi rahecha.

4. For those who cannot be this way, questions concerning Guru Dharma (the Guru’s teaching) keep on arising.

५. यो अति संवेदनाशील सम्बन्ध र समयलाई भाबदुष्टि गर्दै अबको समयदेखि सम्पूर्णरुपले संघको समस्त जीम्मेवारी गुरु स्वयंले लिनु हुनेछ |

yo ati sanvedanaashiila sambandha ra samayalai bhavadushti gardai abako samayadekhi sampurnarupale sanghako samasta jimmevaari guru svayanle linu hunecha.

5. The Guru himself will take complete responsibility for all the formations of the Sangha from now on as these relationships are extremely sensitive and at times there are bad feelings.

६.गुरुले संघ विस्तार गरेर धर्म फैलाउनु हुने हो, मान्छेको भीइ होईन, अत्यथा गुरु धर्म माथि वा लाग्ते प्रश्न कहिल्यै उत्तरित हुने छैन |

gurule sangha vistaara garera dharma phailaunu hune ho, maancheko bhii hoiina, atyathaa gurudharma maathi vaa laagte prashna kahiilyai uttarit hune chaina.

6. The Guru expanding the Sangha, the Dharma will be spread, not a crowd of people, otherwise the Guru Dharma cannot be assimilated and arising adharmic questions can never be answered.

७. आजको यस क्षणसम्म भन्नैपर्दा हरपल हरसमय गुरुबाट यहि वचन र संदेश निरन्तर प्रवाह नभएको पनि होर्हन |

aajako yas kshanasamma bhannaiparda harapala harasamaya gurubaata yahi vachan ra sandesh nirantar pravaha nabhaeko pani hoiina.

7. That which has been spoken today until this point,

every second, every time, was not able to be steadily conveyed, even this very speech and message from the Guru.

८.वर्षी बित्यो सत्य गुरु तपईहरुको समू छ |

varshai bityo satya guru tapaiiharuko samu cha.

8. Years having gone by, the True Guru is in front of you.

९. तर बिडम्बना मा देख्दैछु |

tara bidambanaa ma dekhdaichhu.

9. But I am seeing the irony.

१०. क्लेशले लिप्त भएको चित्ताहरुको दशा, नाम, यश, कुतिको निमित्त लयलित भावहरु अहंकारलाई पोषण पुग्ने आचरण र भाव भड़ीगमाहारू |

kleshale lipta bhaeko cittaharuko dashaa, nam, yasha, kutiko nimitt layalita bhaavaharu ahankaaralai poshna pugne aacarana ra bhaav bhangimaharu.

10. There are states of mind indulging in defilement where behavior and sentiments are displayed with jealous feelings feeding the ego for the sake of status, name, fame, and reputation.

११ . सत्य गुरु मार्ग रुप लिर्ह गुरु आउँदा पनि नदेख्नेहरु युगों पछि सत्य धम्मको देशना हुँदा पनि नासुन्नेहरु |

satya guru maarga rupa lii guru aaunda pani nadekhreharu yugon pachhi satya dhammale deshanaa hunda pani naasunneharu.

11. The Guru who comes embodied as the True GuruPath is not even able to be seen, and, after ages, the preaching of the True Dhamma is not even heard.

१२. संघ भनेको ज्योति सरह तेज, प्रकाशवान, एक रुप एक भावना हुनु पर्दछ, क्लेश भेदभाव र मतभेद रहित |

sangha bhaneko jyoti saraha tej, prakashavaan, ek rup ek bhaavana hun pardcha, klesh bhedabhaav ra matabhed rahit.

12. Being called Sangha, one must be as a beacon of light, of one form and one feeling, without defilements, favoritism and discord.

१३. गुरुको आफूनो धर्म छ, शिष्यहरू प्रति, संघहरु प्रति, अस्तित्व प्रति र गुरुहरु प्रति, गुरुले वचन गरिरहँदाकों क्षण अस्तित्वगत हुन्छ, त्यसको गहनता र जटिलता बुझ्नु-नबुझ्नु आफूनै हातमा छ |

guruko aaphuno dharma cha, shishyaharu prati, sanghaharu prati, astitva prati ra guruharu prati, gurule vachan garirahundaako kshana astitvagat huncha, tyasko gahanataa ra jatilataa bujhnu-nabujhnu aaphunai haatamaa cha.

13. The Guru has his own duty, towards the disciples, towards the Sanghas, towards all existence, towards the gurus; when a speech is given by the Guru it is a foundational moment: the intensity and complexity of understanding or not understanding depends upon one’s own interest.

१४ . गुरु समीप आईपुग्दा कस्ते अवसत्या हुनु पर्दछ चित्तको ?

guru samipa aarhapugdaa kasto avastya hunu pardcha cittako?

14. The Guru having approached near, what state of mind must one be in?

१५. के उद्देश्य र लक्ष्य लिनु पर्दछ ?

ke uddeshya ra lakshya linu pardcha?

15. What purpose and aim must one have?

१६. कस्तो तत्वको खोज र आशा राख्नु पर्दछ ?

kasto tatvako khoj ra aashaa rakhnu pardcha?

16. How must one hold onto the quest and hope of the Essence?

१७. संघहरुले गुरुको गरिमामय, अलौकिक शान्त, शीतल तथा विरोधाभाषी उपस्थितिको बोध गनु सक्नु पर्दछ |

sanghaharule guruko garimaamaya alaukik shaant, shiital tatha virodhabhashi upasthitiko bodh garnu saknu pardcha.

17. The Sanghas have to be able to realise the Guru’s dignified, celestial, peaceful, calm and seemingly controversial presence.

१८. आफूनो संसारिक तर्क, विशलेषण, धूर्तता, डु :ख, पीडा, तुच्छ बुद्धिमत्तालाई नकारेर गुरुको उपस्थिति र वचनलाई पूर्ण निष्ठा र आस्थाल सर्व स्वीकार गरि श्रवण गर्नु पर्दछ, गुरुसंग भेट हुंदाको क्षण, समयको मुल्याड़ाकन र आत्मबोध कुनै एकाध सच्चा शिष्य वा संघलाई होला, तर प्रायजसो म देख्दैछु: शिष्य संघहरुलाई स्वयं आफैलाई थाह छैन, उ कहाँ छ ? कुन अवस्था र स्थानमा छ ?

aaphune sansarik tark, vishaleshana, dhurtata, dukha, pida, tuccha budhhimattalai nakarera guruko upasthiti ra vachanlaii purna nishta ra aasthala sarva svikaar gari shravan garnu pardcha, gurusanga bhet hundaako kshana, samayako mulyaadakan ra aatmabodh kunai ekadh saccha shishya vaa sanghalaii hola, tara prayajaso ma dekhdaichhu: shishya sanghaharulaii svayan aaphailaii thaha chaina, u kahan cha? kun avastha ra sthanma cha?

18. With absolute dedication and faith, one has to completely accept and heed the Guru`s presence and eloquence by denying one`s own worldly logic, analysis, deceptiveness, sorrow, suffering, and mean intellect. There are hardly any true disciples or Sangha who are aware of the self and the value of the time at the moment of meeting with the Guru. But, as I see often, disciples or the Sanghas do not know themselves personally: where they are, or which state and position they are in.

१९ . कसको अगाडि छ र के गर्नु पर्चा ? के बोल्नु पर्दछ ? कुन विषलाई जोड दिनु पर्दछ ? इत्यादि |

kasako agaadi cha ra ke garnu pachi? ke bolnu pardcha? kun vishalaii jod dinu pardcha? ityaadi.

19. How is one to proceed, and what to do afterwards? What ought to be said? Which subject ought to be stressed and so forth.

२०. तर फेरी पनि गुरुलाई विश्वास छ, तपईहरु सत्य गुरु सामु सत्य संघको रुप अनुसरण गर्नु हुनेछ र भ्रमको भाव सागरबाट मुक्त हुनु हुनेछ |

tara pheri pani gurulaii visvaas cha, tapaiharu satya guru saamu satya sanghako rup anusaran garnu hunecha ra bhramako bhaav sagarbaata mukta hunu hunecha.

20. But again, believe the Guru and you will follow the form of the Real Sangha in front of the True Guru, and you will be freed from the worldly ocean of illusion.

२१. अन्यथा अर्को विकल्प छैन | दुई मा एक सत्य मार्ग कि भ्रम ? संघ विस्तार गर्नु नै छ | धर्मलाई शिखरको उत्कर्षमा पुग्नु नै छ |

anyatha arko vikalpa chaina. dui maa ek satya maarga ki bhrama? sangha vistaara garnu nai cha. dharmalaii shikharko utkarshama pugnu nai cha.

21. Otherwise there is no other alternative. The Sangha is expanded only on one out of two paths: is it the True Path or the False one? Only the highest standards will fulfill the Dharma.

२२. तर शुद्धता र तत्व सहित संख्यात्मक रुपले नभएर तत्वलाई जीवन्त राख्दै गुणस्तर रुपले |

tara shuddhata ra tatva sahit sankhyatmaka ruple nabhaera tatvalaii jivanta rakhdai gunastara ruple.

22. But Purity and Essence are not with a quantifiable form, it is the quality of their form that keeps the Essence animated.

२३. जसको निमित्त तपईहरुलाई यो शीलहरु आताम्सात गरि बोध गर्नको लागि दिइरहेको छु |

jasko nimitt tapaiharulaii yo shiilharu aatamsaat gari bodh garnako laagi diiraheko chhu.

23. To this end, I have been giving all of you these precepts to assimilate and understand.

11 Maitri Sheel

Ekadasha Maitri Sila


Sheel 1

१) नाम, रुप, वर्ण, वर्ग, आस्था, समुदाय, शक्ति, पद, योग्यता आदिको आधारमा भेदभाव कहिल्यै नगर्नु तथा भैतिक, अध्यात्मिक भन्ने मतभेदहरु त्याग्नु |

naam, rup, varna, varga, asathaa, samudaaya, shakti, pad, yogyataa aadiko aadharma bhedbhaav kahileyai nagarnu tatha bhaitik, adhyatmika bhanne matabhedharu tyagnu.

1) Never discriminate on the basis of name, appearance, complexion, class, belief, community, power, position, or qualification; even discard differentiating between the concepts of material and spiritual.

Sheel 2

२) शास्वत धर्म, मार्ग र गुरुको पहिचान गरि सर्व धर्म र आस्थाको सम्मान गर्नु |

shasvat dharma, maarga ra guruko pahican gari

sarva dharma ra aasthaako sammaan garnu.

2) Having become acquainted with the Eternal Dharma,

the Path, and the Guru, respect all religions and beliefs.

Sheel 3

३) असत्य, आरोप, प्रत्यारोप, अवमूल्यन तथा अस्तित्वहीन वचन गरेर भ्रम फैलाउन त्याग्नु |

asatya, aarop, pratyarop, avamulyan tatha astitvahin vachan garera bhrama phalaun tyagnu.

3) Forsake lying, allegations, counter-allegations, belittling and spreading falsehood through baseless gossip.

Sheel 4

४) भेदभाव तथा मतभेदको सीमड़कन गर्ने देशना वा बाटोलाई त्यागी सत्य मार्ग अपनाउनु |

bhedbhaav tatha matbhedko simangkan garne deshan vaa baatolaii tyagi satya marga apanaunu.

4) Forsaking philosophies or ways that make boundaries of divisiveness and difference of opinion, take up the Satya Marga - The Perfect Path.

Sheel 5

५) जीवन रहुन्जेल सत्य गुरु मार्गको अनुसरण गर्दै पाप कर्महरु त्यागी गुरु तत्वको समागममा सदा लीन रहनु |

jivan rahunjela satya guru maargako anusaran garde paap karmaharu tyagi guru tatvako samaagamamaa sadaa lina rahanu.

5) Following the Satya GuruMarga - The True and Perfect GuruPath - throughout life, renouncing evil actions, always remain intent in union with the Guru Tatva [1] - The Guru Essence.

Sheel 6

६) आफुले प्राप्त नगरेको तत्वलाई शब्दाचालको व्याख्याले सिद्ध गर्न नखोज्नु तथा भ्रममा रहेर अरुलाई भ्रमित नपार्नु |

aaphule prapta nagareko tatvalaii shabdaacaalako vyakhyale siddha garna nakhojnu tatha bhramamaa rahera arulaii bhramita naparnu.

6) Not having reached Enlightenment oneself, do not seek to prove what it is with clever words; and, while still in confusion, do not make others confused.

Sheel 7

७) प्राणी हत्या, हिंसा जस्ता दानवीय आचरण त्यागी सम्यक आहारा गर्नु |

prani hatya hinsa jasta danviya aacarana tyagi samyaka aahaaraa garnu.

7) Renouncing such demonic conduct as killing sentient beings and violence, consume wholesome food.

Sheel 8

८) राष्ट्रिय पहिचानको आधारमा मानिस वा राष्ट्रिप्रती संकीर्ण सोच नराख्नु |

raashtraya pahicaanako aadharamaa manisa vaa raashtrayati sankirna soc naaraakhnu.

8. Do not hold narrow-minded opinions about people and countries on the basis of national identity.

Sheel 9

९) सत्य गुरु मार्गको अनुसरण गर्दै आफू लगाएत विश्वलाई लाभान्वित गर्नु कर्म गर्नु |

satya guru margako anusaran gardai aaphu lagaaeta visvalaii labhaanvita garnu karma garnu.

9) Engaging oneself in the pursuit of the Satya GuruMarga - The True and Perfect GuruPath - perform actions that benefit the Earth.

Sheel 10

१०) सत्यलाई उपलब्ध भई गुरु मार्ग रुप लिई समस्त जगत प्राणीको निमित्त तत्व प्राप्त गर्नु |

satyalaii upalabdha bhai guru marga rup lii samasta jagata praaniko nimitt tatva prapta garnu.

10) When one realizes the Truth, the GuruMarga - The GuruPath - takes form, so achieve Enlightenment for all Sentient Beings.

Sheel 11

११) चित्तको उच्चतम र गहनतम अवस्थामा रहेर अनेर्कै शीलहरुको आत्मबोध गरि सम्पूर्ण बन्धनबाट मुक्त हुनु |

cittako uccatama ra gahanatama avasthaamaa rahera anerkai shiilaharuko aatmabodh gari sampurna bandhanabaata mukta hunu.

11) Staying in the highest and deepest state of Chitta - Pure Awareness, assimilating within the Self these Precepts, be free from all bondage.


२४. संघ भनेर नामाकरण गर्नको निमित्त अन्तत : संघहरुमा यो शीलाहरुको सुगन्ध हुनु पर्दछ, अन्यथा यसलाई संघ भनेर नामाकरण गर्न सकिदैन |

sangha bhanera naamaakaran garnako nimitt antata: sanghaharumaa yo shiilaharuko sugandha hunu pardcha, anyatha yaslaii sangha bhanera naamaakaran barna sakidaina.

24. For the Sangha finally to be called by this name, the essence of these precepts must be in the Sanghas, otherwise, the Sangha as such cannot be observed to be called by this name.

२५. संघहरुले सत्य धर्मको मार्गको अनुसरण गर्दै गुरुमार्गको शील पालना गरेर गुरु, धर्म, संघ प्रति दायित्व र कर्तव्य पूर्ण निष्टका साथ पूर्ति गरेर क्लेश मुक्त सैत्रीको संघ विस्तार गर्ने प्रण गर्नु पर्नेछ, त्यस संघहरुलाई केवल यो बरु मार्गले अंगीकार गरि स्वागत गर्ने छ, संघ बिस्तार र धर्म विस्तारको निमित्त अधिकार सम्पन्न गरि गुरु स्व्यम्बता प्रमाणित धम्मपत्र प्रदान गरिनेछ |

sanghaharule satya dharmako maargako anusaran gardai gurumaargako shiila palana garera guru, dharma, sangha prati daayitva ra kartavya purna nishtakaa saatha purti gari klesha mukta maitriko sangha vistaara garne pran garnu pardcha, tyas sanghaharulaii kevala yo guru maargale angikaara gari svaagat garne cha, sangha bistaara ra dharma vistar ko nimitt adhikar sampann gari guru svyambata pramanit dhammapatra pradan garinechha.

25. To cultivate the precepts of the GuruPath, the Sanghas adhering to the path of True Dharma accomplish their responsibility and duty towards the Guru, the Dharma, and the Sangha with complete dedication. To expand the Sangha of Maitri free from defilement, one has to be determined; none other than by embracing this path will the Sangha be welcomed. For empowering the authorisation of the expansion of the Sangha and Dharma, the Guru is delivering the Dhamma letter certified by himself.

२६. त्यस धम्म पत्रको अवधि प्रत्येक तीन महिनामा पुन: प्रमाणित गरिनु पर्दछ, तथा आस्था विश्वास र श्रद्धाको अति सम्बेदनशील सेतुले जोडिएको यो धम्मपत्र जोति बलियो छ, त्यति नै कमजोर पनि हुन सक्छ |

Tyas Dhamma patra ko avadhi pratyek tin mahinaamaa puna: pramaanit garinu pardcha, tatha aastha vishvaas ra shraddhako ati sambedanashiila setule jodieko yo dhammapatra jati baliyo cha, tyati nai kamajora pani huna sakcha.

26. This Dhamma Letter’s period is to be certified after every third month and this Dhamma Letter is expressing itself for uniting the extremely sensitive bridge of faith, belief and devotion, to the extent that it can also be weak.

२७. सबै संघहरु स्वयंमा निर्भर छ | जसरी सताकर्मा गरेर गुरुमार्गको अनुसरण गरेमा बन्धनबाट मुक्त हुन सकिन्छ त्यसरी नै विपरित गएमा टीक विपरित परिणाम पनि भोग्नै पर्ने हुन्छ |

sabai sanghaharu svayanmaa nirbhara cha. jasri sataakarmaa garera gurumaargako anusaran garemaa bandhabaata mukta huna sakincha tyasari nai viparit garemaa tik viparit parinaam pani bhognai parne huncha.

27. All Sanghas depend upon themselves. Just as by doing virtuous deeds by following the Way of the Guru one is able to be freed from bondage, in the same way by doing the opposite, one experiences the exact opposite result.

२८.. भन्नै पर्दा सत्य धम्मको शीसनमा गल्ति शब्द नै अटाउँदैन तर केवल गुरु धर्मको कारण आज फेरी यो अवसर पाउनु भएको छ, गुरुलाई विश्वास छ यो अवसरको पूर्ण लाभ संघहरुले लिनु हुनेछ साथै संघहरुलाई अबका सारा संघ विस्तार, निर्माण कार्य, प्रचारप्रसार तथा सनदेश सूचना प्रवाहको सर्वाधिकार यसै हलखोरिया केन्द्रीय कार्यालयमा निहित गर्दै सम्पूर्ण कार्यहरु एकलैटी हलखोरियाको कर्ययोचना तथा गुरु वचनबाट मात्र गर्ने गराउने यहि मिति २०६८ /१०/१४ गति देखि समस्त संघहरुलाई जानकारी गराउँदछु |

bhannai parda satya dhammako shisanamaa galti shabda nai ataaundaina tara kevala guru dharmako kaarana aaja pheri yo avasar paaunu bhaeko cha,gurulaii vishvas cha yo avasarako purna laabh sanghaharule linu hunecha saathai sanghaharulaii abakaa saaraa sangha vistaara, nirman kaarya, pracaaraprasaar tathaa sandesh suchanaa pravaahako sarvaadhikaar yasai halkhoriyaa kendriya kaaryalayamaa nihit gardai sampurna kaaryaharu ekdlaidi halkhoriyako karyayocana tathaa guru vachanbaata matra garne garaaune yahi miti 2068/10/14 gati dekhi samasta sanghaharulaii jaanakari garaaundachhu.

28. Having said that, in the True Dhamma’s supremacy wrong words cannot be supported at all, but only because of the Guru Dharma is this opportunity obtained again today. Believe the Guru and the Sangha will get the complete benefit of this opportunity. Also, with this, I am informing all the Sanghas that from this date of 2068/10/14 (2012/1/28) onwards, reserving all the rights of the Sanghas’ present expansion of each Sangha, construction work, promotion and advertising, and spreading messages and notification in Halkhoriya`s central office, all such works are to be performed by the workers of Halkhoriya alone and only from the statement of the Guru.

|| सर्व मैत्री मंगलम अस्तु, तथास्तु ||

sarva maitri mangalam astu, tathaastu

May all be loving and calm, so be it.


[1] Tatva तत्व (n.) base, center, centre, core, element, essence, gist, heart, heart and soul, inwardness, kernel,marrow, matter, substance, sum, the gist, metempirics (The concepts and relations which are conceived as beyond, and yet as related to, the knowledge gained by experience)

When Tatva is used with the verb “prapta garnu” to achieve, it indicates Enlightenment.




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Heal with the Heart

Artist: Isha Lerner

As you look upon this card, may your heart be opened and filled with Joy and Love for the Self who is the almighty I Am God.

Be in Peace Divine Brother and Sister Selves.


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Chakras and Their Presiding Deity


                                              Each of the Seven Chakras has a Presiding Deity  -

                                The first chakra is the base chakra, known as the Muladhara Chakra

                                                  And the presiding Deity is Lord Ganesha  -

                                       'Mula' means root or origin  -  a reference to the Kundalini

                                               which is the Root of the Tree of Life, and the

                                                                Origin of the Creation.

                                             'Dhara' means support  -  thus, Shri Ganesha is

                                                 the supporter of the Kundalini, His Mother.

                                 This indicates that Innocence, the quality of Lord Ganesha, is

                                                          necessary for spiritual ascent.


                                  Shri Ganesha is the personification of Innocence and Wisdom,

                                                       the Deity of Auspicious beginnings,

                                    the remover of obstacles to enterprises and spiritual ascent.

                                                       He is the Supporter of His Mother,

                                                             the Kundalini Shakti.


                                                 HIGHLIGHTS  OF  MULADHARA  CHAKRA

                                                  **   It has four petals or sub-plexuses.

                                                  **   It radiates the color red.

                                                  **   It affects the adrenals, kidneys.

        The gemstones for this center are ruby, garnet, diamond, pearl, smoky quartz and bloodstone.


                                                    CHAKRA    BIJA   or  SEED   MANTRAS

       Gender-neutral bija mantras for the individual chakras help activate those chakras and prepare them for the handling of energy that is processed and used at that specific site.   For instance, the seed sound Ram for the solar plexus chakra will produce smoother functioning of all the organs related to digestion.

        LAM  (lahm)  -

        Seed sound for the Muladhara chakra, located at the base of the spine.  It is ruled by the Earth element and has the quality of smell.   When a seeker meditates on Lam, a mystic fragrance is said to appear as an indication of spiritual progress.

                               ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~    o  O  o    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

~~* I will share each chakra daily  ~  Namaste  ~  Tara Mary *~~


Bija Mantras taken from Healing Mantras

by Thomas Ashley-Farrand  -

Presiding Deity of the Chakras taken from -

Your Seven Energy Centers  by

Elizabeth Clare Prophet  ~

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.You are spinning!

HEAVEN #4119

You Are Spinning,

March 5, 2012

God said:

The world is a-changing, and you right with it. You are riding an escalator of change, an escalating escalator of change. It may seem to you that you are not changing, and, yet, in world terms, you are moving fast. Do you feel it?

You who are Silence and Stillness are moving fast. You are propelled. You are spinning at a new speed. No more ruts for you, beloveds, for spin you will. You are spinning closer to the Sun. You are riding on the rays of the Sun. You perch on the Moon, and you wave. Stars flash before you. You are entering the Realm of No Time and No Place which means, in fact, that the pull of gravity is less.

You have always been Heaven-bound, bound for Heaven is what I mean. And now you are zooming to Heaven. You are gaining the speed of light, for light you are.

Everything is speeding up. No longer do you have a choice about keeping up. You are right on the mark. Willing or unwilling, you are on the fast track. You are keeping pace with Me. You are beginning to sense what you are onto and with Whom you travel. You are My entourage. I am the Pace-Setter, and you sprint across the Universe with Me, and you keep up.

You will get used to it, yet, it will not be ordinary. You will know extraordinariness. You will know how extraordinary you are. You will have awareness of everything, and still you may not be able to settle down. You will be unsettled. Of course, you had thought that settledness was to be attained to. Calmness and settledness are not the same.

You are on a road to Adventure, and what is adventure but a trip to where you believe you have never been before, and so adventure is the Unknown, and that means that boundaries do not apply. They no longer exist, those safe bed-rails that you held onto and that kept you in place. The boundaries kept you back. No longer will you equate boundaries with safety, for you will fathom that boundaries lock you in. No longer can you hang on to the bed-rails. You are flying through spacelessness. There is nothing to hold onto. Now, with all the room in the world and beyond, love will lead the way.

No longer will you tiptoe on the path of love. No longer will you play hopscotch on the sidewalk. You are riding the rays of the Sun, and you blend in quite nicely. How bright you are in the Sun. How many-rayed you are becoming. Soon you will see the light you are and the light that the seeming others are. You are a bright ray of light straight from My heart. You are lighted. Your heart is lighted. The world is becoming light, for the world is reflected in your light.

You haven't abandoned the world, and the world has not abandoned you. You are in tandem.

You know those pictures of planets where the planets are encircled? Earth is encircled by you. You are the circle of life, and you embrace the world and all of life. You love all the creatures. They are in your heart. You love all the human beings who are getting to know all their Divinity. Nothing stays the same when you are changing,

Your name now is Light. It is your True Name. Light does not stay still. It emits. You are Light. The Earth is bathed in your light. And you are spinning on your axis.

Thank you for including this link when publishing this Heavenletter elsewhere. 
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