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Gather Round The Violet Flame
Whilst I spin this tale
Of beings of light and glory
That ended up in jail

Upon this prison planet
Darkness claimed the throne
Light retreated from this space
The truth remained unknown

The existence of a realm
Outside of time and space
Where beings of love and light
Dreamed of a humane race

Magnificent though they were
They longed for even more
So they created space and time
And opened heaven's door

They filled the space with suns
And planets soon were born
They gazed upon the wonder
That they would soon adorn

All forms of life and matter
With everything in place
The stage was set the time was right
Thence came the human race

Free will was gifted to them
The choice was theirs to make
The path of light or darkness
Was up to them to take

I tell you now dear ones
Which ever path you choose
That all roads lead to home
Our love can never lose

With all my love
Light key

Written by Joseph Ayala


I've wrapped my wings around you
And whispered in your ear's
The time for change is coming
Indeed.., it's truly here.

It is from heaven, that I descend
To where the light is naught
I gather up the souls with hope
And share with them, this thought

It's from light that we all came
and into darkness fell
And on the earthly plane exist
But heavens where we dwell

You've forgotten who you are
And from whence you came
It's Heaven where you truly live
Not on this earthly plane

We've played the game of life and love
The wars we've lost and won
We lived and died a million times
So tell me.., was it fun?

What lessons have you really learned?
And to what., did you attend?

Graduation time is finally here!

I bid you.., now ascend..............................

Thank you dear Sylphs
The sky you make blue
Such wonderful beings
Your nature so true

All wispy and white
You sparkle with love
I know you arise
From heaven above

Oh Prime Creator
Send us your light
I pray for the dark
To fade into night

Return the dark souls
Whence that they came
Fill them with love
There's know one to blame

Please show them the light
Teach them to feel
Fill them with joy
Let their hearts heal

We forgive them Dear Lord
For all they have done
Its time they remembered

Written by Joseph Ayala

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An Observation

An Observation
The Masters

“It has been clearly stated that life lived by the average individual
is hypnotic; that is, the majority of men and women are not living
life as it was intended at all. Not one in a million feels free to
live what he inwardly feels he should live. He has come under the
world opinion of him self and this opinion is what he obeys, rather
than the law of his own being. In this respect and to this degree he
is living under an hypnotic spell. He lives under the delusion that he
is a mere human being, living in a merely material world, and only
hopes to escape it when he dies and goes to what he calls heaven. This
is not the determination intended in the Plan and Purpose of Life.
Obedience to one’s inner nature, the expression of Life as he
instinctively feels It ought to be expressed, is the very foundation
of the Life which the Masters reveal as the only True mode of Living.”

(Life And Teaching Of The Masters Of The Far East by Baird T.
Spalding, Vol.4, pp 196-197)

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Raspberry Pi too tasty as huge demand crashes sitesBy Adam Parris-Long | Yahoo! News

Demand for a new miniature computer designed to interest children in coding sent the websites selling the product crashing earlier today - just hours after it went on sale.

The Raspberry Pi runs from a Linux operating system.The Raspberry Pi – which costs just £22 - is being hailed as a revolutionary new device that could create a new generation of programmers.

It is a rudimentary open circuit board that, once connected to a monitor, mouse and keyboard, works as a conventional computer.

The operating system includes a version of entry-level computer language program “Scratch”, which was originally devised at the world renowned Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Using this, Pi is designed to get children into computing coding, a trend that was sparked by the BBC Micro and Sinclair Spectrum in the 1980s.

All proceeds from the project are going to charity as the circuitboard was created by volunteers headed by computer technician Eben Upton.

It triggered so much excitement that two websites selling the Pi crashed this morning. The websites of component companies RS and Premier Farnell were unable to cope with demand – although the sites appeared to be back up and running by midday. But the official Raspberry Pi website had to revert to a static site as high traffic levels overwhelmed it.

“We didn't realise how successful this was going to be,” said Mr Upton. “This means we can scale to volume. Now we can concentrate on teaching people to programme.”

“The £22 model on sale today [Wednesday] is actually the pricier version of Raspberry Pi - a stripped-down £16 model will go on sale later this year.”

The circuitboard can be plugged into older analogue television sets as well as digital counterparts and it harnesses power from mobile phone chargers.

Once the setup is complete users can boot up the open-source Linux operating system included on the inserted SD card. The Pi also contains an Ethernet port, allowing it to connect to the internet.

@YahooNewsUK on Twitter, become a fan on Facebook

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Greetings, I am Metatron, Lord of Light and I greet you all within this precise vector of timeless space. I embrace you in unconditional love.

The physical system in duality is a purposeful illusion. You are dreaming the dream of humanity. You are powerful spiritual beings wearing filters. You are Divine sparks of Creator source attending the University of Earth. And so you must accept this axiom, and from your viewpoint try to understand the greater realities that exist beyond your physical perceptions, and they are many.

The Nature of Time

And so we speak of Time.

Time and space are aspects of the same mechanism. Space, in a manner of speaking is congealed time held in a matrixial kinetic format within duality that allows for the separation and program of the purposed programmed illusion of sequential time metrics. Accordingly time is the inverse of space, in dynamic free flow. Both occur though the harmonic flash of consciousness units, through the mechanisms of the inward and outward pulse of matter to antimatter via black holes and white holes. The inward -outward Harmonic Flash is not only the point in which space and time merge into a homogenous foam , it is also the rate of consciousness unit perception that strobes attention of awareness into each simultaneous lifetime. This occurs at a magical rate called the Planck Number, occurring precisely at 10 to the power of -43 of one second. At this point time and space merge and become nonlinear and the Torus aspect comes into play. Space is inversed, turned back upon itself, and time units float in a nonlinear discontinuous quantized pool of what you term past, present and future. The space-time continuum dissolves, in a manner of speaking and become conscious energy units that are reformed into matter and antimatter, as they are pulled in and projected out in the harmonic flash via black holes & white holes respectively. .

This was reviewed in an earlier assay, and we will not review these phenomena in this discussion. Our focus is rather on your perception of time and the ability to enter the Mer-Ka-Nic point in which you can alter the past and future from the nonlinear NOW.

The Omni-Earth

The separation of your 'lifetimes', in your vernacular, are anchored to the Omni Earth in hologramic inserts or 'Time-Separation' programs. Through various mechanisms, the advanced human can enter into these and through Mer-Ka-Na enter the center of the over-soul where each time sequenced 'lifetime' is anchored like fiber-optic spokes. From this center point, you indeed are at the control panel to explore and change any aspect of any and all lifetimes in the nonlinear NOW.

While these time-programs are anchored to the Omni-Earth at specific points which often display multi-dimensional anomalies, one does not need to visit such earthen nodes to enter. Rather they are entered via Quantum Consciousness. This process is taught in the Metatronic Keys.

Question to Metatron: Are there areas within the Earth that naturally create time distortions?

Metatron: There are indeed. And we have spoken about this is previous assays. Time can be compared in certain ways to a computer program. Often your 'Windows' programs on your laptop and desktops can go into distortions of their programming and the desired separation of sub programs can intermingle creating mixes that twist and deform the conceived order. In this analogy we can say that both time and space as you perceive it are linear sub-programs of the earth grid reality projection. Time and Space can be said to be hologramic program insertions that allow the Quantum Omni-Earth to be tidily separated from simultaneous NOW reality into your focal, seemingly independent 'lifetime sojourns'.

So we tell you that just as your Windows can produce occasional anomalies in its desired separations of programs, so does the program of the Hologramic Earth Matrix of linear time have a flux that creates intermingle and distortion. That distortion occurs on several levels. The first is due to a gravitational flux that can rhythmically occur in the specific area or come in as a surge or rogue wave. When this occurs the very gravity distortion also affects the space-time continuum in the area, and creates a dimensional aperture field very similar to what occurs in the poles.

Points of Time Continuum Anomaly

All versions of the Omni-Earth coexist above the linear programming. But this axiom of Truth is initially very difficult for you humans to perceive or truly completely comprehend from the stance of the third dimension.

That is because the 3d density aspect of the human physical structure in duality manifestation operates within and as a result of the linear time 'program' that enables the Earthplane experience. You are therefore pre-indoctrinated to linear perception in Earthplane existence. This linear perception program determines to a great extent the 'normal' resonance patterns for the kinds of experiential probabilities that mankind selects, projects and perceives while 'growing' into greater consciousness from the base point of dense physicality. But we tell you that the source reality of which all lifetimes emerge is not 'written in stone', thus your experience is truly never predestined. You chose from an assortment of potentials the experiences you want to have. Both the Cosmos and all life contained within and without are always being created in the NOW moment.

And although your 3d preconditioning is linear, you not only have the ability to reach beyond physical programming, you also have the ultimate goal of doing so. While inhabited by human consciousness, the living physical body operates as an intense focus point for Earthplane experience. The aggregation of consciousness within the physical body on all levels focuses its own myriad network of sensory perception and communication, both on levels of the ordinary, and the extraordinary. In terms of the latter, you are therefore constantly perceiving in ways that you do not recognize with the 'ordinary' physical senses. There are vast arrays of colors, sounds, electromagnetic codes, and sensory feelings that you see & apperceive both on a cellular and crystalline level of chakric networks sourced in Quantum Consciousness that are geometrically and frequencially influencing you. This network is connected in harmonic oscillation to all others like it. But humanity is at this time vastly unaware of these extraordinary levels of interaction that take place between all spectra of bodies, crysto-electromagnetically and materially within biology. This interface occurs in Crysto Mer-Ka-Na light body and is more far reaching than humanity in masse realize. Yet the physical cells in biology can and do respond to each other, and their activity triggers even higher centers of crystalline light body consciousness that ties into and above linear time. Rather into multidimensionality.

Multi-Dimensional Time Holograms

So in this assay we are going to speak of Time and its nature in more than one context. We will speak of human perception of time as it relates to your lifetime-sojourn experiences and your ability to script and re-script both future and past. We will also touch lightly upon separation mechanics of hologramic time program inserts onto the earth, and their anchoring to certain points on the Omni-Earth.

Now, many points upon the earth contain magnetic and gravitational oscillations that create a time anomaly. Some are recognized, others are not. None are understood much less accepted as possible by your main stream academics as yet. Time is a sub program of light physics, and is in essence a created illusion. It can and is effected somewhat at anchor points by gravity, earth spin ratio, electromagnetics and celestial alignments. All of which are mechanisms of this phenomena.

Now, time as you perceive it, is simply that, a perception. We assure you that time truly does not exist in the linear manner that you believe, beyond duality. And even within the filtered lens of duality, there are certain areas of dimensional overlay that occur on your planet in which striking time anomalies can and do occur. You see there are many Earths that concentrically occur within the space that mankind perceives physical earth to occupy. There are frequencial mechanisms that connect these overlays of parallel dimension, and these create gateways to other timeframe subprograms and realities that coexist differently and more tangibly within these unique areas.

Simultaneous Time

To explain it in your present day computer analogy, Space and Time are sub-programs of digital-dimensional light. Space-Time then is a hologramic server that can simultaneously store many different files and sub files within its storage capacity. Just as there are locations within the stages of computer access that allow you to see all of the programs and files and navigate from one to the other, so there are location vectors on the Earth program that anchor the hologramic dimensional gateways that allow access into other metric/matrix files of reality and time formats.

So as you live this 'present' life in the perceived time of today, you also live all your existences at once. Time 'programs' are hologramic and these programs are manifolded and coded in certain areas, especially the polar regions. Gateways or multi program access occurs in them.

The area of the Crystal Vortex of Arkansas contains many overlays of myriad space-time energy dynamics. It is indeed a Crystalline Portal, but we will say an open-ended portal that is not just a wormhole in space to other points in the Cosmos, but indeed (and especially) a unique gateway to other dimensional aspects of what may be termed the hologramic Omni-Earth program. It may be termed a time-gate vector. It is one of many coordinate points on your planet that contain within it time code scripting. Such coordinate points are anchors that peg each reality to the physical worlds, the Omni-Earth. And so then, within this concentric overlay vector other time programs; other dimensional realms can be frequencially accessed more easily. The ancient adepts knew this, and certainly experienced to varying degrees by many of what you term as the indigenous.

Time Gate Vectors are not the only means to access other realities. Indeed this can be done myriad ways, including the crystalline energies of the phi resonance, in deep meditative states. But what is different in the Time- Gate Vector coordinate-points is that the Omni-Earth Time program itself is anchored, to use a simplified explanation, to certain aligned points that occur on your planet, within certain frequencial matrixes. These are very unique in purpose, and differ from areas such as Titicaca, Arkansas, Grand Tetons, Shasta and Roslyn that are primary Celestial Star Gates. In the former one access other realms, other epochs, other programs of terrestrial time, whereas in the latter one travels to other dimensions in Space. Do you see the difference?

Question to Metatron: Are you saying that Arkansas and other such 'Time-Gate Vectors' allow for or enhance the ability to travel in time?

Metatron: Yes. But let us be clear, it is better to say that all programs of hologramic times programs coexist more clearly, more tangibly within such points. That does not mean that when one walks into the Crystalline Vortex of Arkansas that you will disappear from the present and materialize into a future or past program, rather it means windows into other time-sequence frames are (more) accessible here. But we will indeed tell you that materializations can and do occur here quite intentionally and occasional by accident. We will tell you those more technological civilizations, both from the future and past in your terms, which understand the very real science of time travel chose such time gate vectors for entering other epochs for various purposes. Indeed this can has and does occur.

Time Travel

Time travel has occurred in both your future and past. Although there are instances in which people have temporarily passed into different time holograms, there are very few cases where the transition was permanent. Your Admiral Byrd did in fact temporarily view a very real passing into a different time epoch during his polar flight. Most of the flight disappearances that are so publicized over the Bermuda Triangle were not permanent transferals. Time disruption did occur, but the airplanes did not fully disappear into another epoch of time. Rather were they caused by related instrument malfunctions that created misdirection and radio silence, and the disappearances were simply crashes into the sea.

Certain of your governments working in classified tandem with covert corporations have already developed crude mechanisms of time travel. These are not yet at a truly manageable level, and the stress that results on the human 'tempornaut' is considerable, stress-aging the human body approximately 7 to 10 years on each journey. At present they are only able to move forward in time about 20 years, and are unable to navigate into the past. In time, when the apparatus utilized is converted from magnetic forces to crystalline bio-plasmic field this will be improved considerably, and time navigation will be deliberate and not by random mishap.

Optimal time navigation occurs in Mer-Ka-Na through a consciousness refined Bio Plasmic field, and while certainly aided in terms of time vector by crystalline apparatus, it is primarily operated by the light-consciousness quotient of the traveler. Many of you time travel in dream state quite often, and therein is the key to how it will be optimally done when you learn to be more lucid in expansive conscious states.

There are indeed Laws of Physics that apply to how time and space are navigated intra-dimensionally.

Eventually mankind will rediscover these laws. And when this takes place, the seeming boundaries between past, present and future will be better understood. As we have already explained duality experience in the third dimension contains programmed parameters that limit mankind's greater dimensionality perception.

It is indeed these 3d single lens filters that create the linear illusion of sequential unfolding of time. This then is precisely the reason mankind believes that one moment exists and is gone forever, and the next moment comes and like the one before also evaporates into the great elusive mist of the past. We tell you that everything in and on the Omni-Earth and indeed the Multiverse exists at once, simultaneously. The past, present and future only appear to those who exist within three-dimensional reality. And the programs that separate time-epoch files on the Omni-Earth can be navigated.

The Past is Not Fixed

The past and future as you 'believe it to be' exists as a series of electromagnetic receptors held in the crystalline portion of the physical brain and in the nonphysical mind within the ultra violet field. These electromagnetic codlings can be changed, and in fact are in constant flux. You script your destiny, and your destiny is not a linear one- way dynamic. Your creation of your past is just as important as the creation of your present and future. The past then, is quite malleable and no more fixed than your future. Now, your mental process and beliefs create your past, and there are as many valid versions of the past as there are of the future. We tell you that if the next generation were all to be taught from an early age that the Roman Empire ruled the world until the 17th century, indeed that past would become a reality, and evidence would be found to confirm it. Yet it would be a completely different past from which the older generation constructed. But BOTH would be true. Both would be separate yet valid files within the hologramic programs of time.

As humans in duality, you take it for granted that present action can change the future, but present actions can and do change the past as well. The past is no more detached or uninvolved from your present than the decisions you make today. We share a great truth for you to ponder, and that is that everything you do effects your past, and you can accordingly remove what you may term traumas and misactions that occurred years ago or lifetimes ago from your present stance. Furthermore, all of you are required to do so! The electromagnetic crystallographic portals within the human brain are forged and mantled totally and completely by each of you, and uniquely so. The probable past can be changed, and such changes are far from uncommon. These changes do happen spontaneously on a subconscious basis. You can now learn to do this consciously by entering Quantum Consciousness via Mer-Ka-Na.

The linear aspect of the past is rarely what you remember it to be. In fact you constantly rearrange your memory of the past with the experience of each new moment, each new occurrence. It is a constant metamorphosis from the instant of any given experiential event. Your hypnotherapists are aware that pseudo-memories of fictitious or altered past events can be implanted in the brains of humans through deep state inducement, and in a very real sense these memories and they way they effect the subjects present become quite real. So, it follows to reason that the future, present and past are always re-created by each individual as beliefs, attitudes and associations evolve and change. And take note that what occurs is a real-time actual recreation, not a metaphoric one. The changes you make are quite real. The small inner child is indeed still within the adult human as you progress in years. But that inner child is also dynamic, not molded into a permanent version that remains as it was. The child within the human constantly changes every day, as does the teenager, young adult and elderly you in your future.

Re-Scripting the Past

Accordingly, it is now incumbent on you as you enter the Ascension energies, to grasp the power of NOW, and realize that you can and must change the past, your individual past, from the stance of Now.. Within the NOW, you can convert to the Mer-Ka-Na and as such gain the controls of all within your multidimensionality. That is a sacred Universal Truth, and that Truth expands when you enter into it. It expands into power that allows you the fulcrum of co creation in the singular moment of NOW, above linear time and hologramic sojourns within time in the Omni Earth.

We tell you that personal issues and blockages can and do arise when appropriate evolvement of the past are stymied and not allowed to spontaneously take place. In some scenarios serious neurosis occurs precisely because an individual has not changed his or her past. For example, a lifetime may be chosen in which you a part of a catastrophic event that results in a traumatic loss of life. This may have been chosen for myriad reasons of growth. Perhaps, as one example, in sequential lifetimes the entity is far more appreciative of time spent with love ones because of having learned that life can seemingly end unexpectedly.

Yet such powerful traumas that were chosen for lesson in one life time are often so emotionally over-charged that they can and do bleed over and negatively affect other lifetime programs. This untoward over-bleed may express itself as an intense fear of flying or perhaps a fear of water from drowning, and such. Masters, you can enter into Quantum Consciousness and remove the negative, retain the growth lesson, and replace the event entirely with a positive alternative. You can change the past!

While it is incumbent upon you to truly understand that there was indeed a reason, that you have chosen to experience any trauma, it is also true that some of the traumatic or less desirable experiences simply have the purpose of showing you what can occur if you do not consciously create your own realities. If you hold a mental state of belief that the world is evil, or that you are undeserving, that very individualized mental projection will faithfully draw untoward experience into the physical reality in which your mindset manifested it. In all cases, however, you have the ability and need to draw the lesson, and then change, dissolve the past experience into a more positive one. This is requisite, and can be done consciously in Mer-Ka-Va and Mer-Ka-Na levels of consciousness.

The key again, is understanding that all realities are in flux. All can be altered.

Quantum Consciousness

Masters, Your realities in all sojourns are constantly in a state of fluidity. Nothing you have experienced is written in stone, but humanity has in large forgotten this truth. So we tell you that each scenario you experience is but one of many potentials from an immense menu of possibility. The ones you do not experience, in your terms, are just as valid as the ones you do. Accordingly you have the ability to go back at any vector thru Mer-Ka-Na Quantum Consciousness, to change any reality. If you have chosen (and all of you have) a particularly traumatic experience, you can alter it to one that is of your choosing. Always remember that the world is indeed formed holographically by your thought processes in actual image reflection of your own creation. When you truly understand that your physical experiences and environs are fully the materialization of your own structured mental creation and beliefs, then you hold the key to unlocking the door to scripting the future and indeed rescripting what you think of as the past.

This is manifested through intent and optimal use of your divine will. But this requires concentrated deliberation and focal effort. In the course of realizing your true power, free will is a double edged sword until wisdom and enlightenment is re-acquired. Using your free will haphazardly in less conscious lifetimes can and does make physical reality into something quite less than what it can optimally be in your sojourns. But again from over view, this also has the ultimate result through cause and effect of your greater growth. You are attending the 'University of Duality' on the Earth-Plane to learn how to responsibly create, and that involves the process of working out problems and challenges.

On a higher level, humanity remains aware of its true inner nature and divinity, and of its spiritual purpose and nonphysical source. But most of mankind has lost contact with this wisdom in 3d. You have focused so strongly upon the density of physical reality that it has become the only reality that you consider and thus empower.

Positive Process - The Multidimensional 'Law of Attraction'

In the present moment of awareness you can proactively program the mind to focus on positive. If you image positive visualizations about any difficult or untoward scenario your mind will project telepathic waves of energy for positive transition. As such you can learn to dissolve a negative thought or picture by replacing it with its opposite.

It is not sufficient however to merely repress negative thoughts, such as self-loathing, fears, angers, guilt, or resentment. Rather these must be recognized, confronted and replaced. By deep inward auditing of thoughts and feelings, you can take an inventory of your emotional field and tie it to erroneous belief systems. In fact the trial and error nature of cause and effect will ultimately lead you to such a clearing. Better sooner than later.

So through intent, learn to recognize negative patterns when dense or negative feelings occur. Then immediately replace these with a happier, joyful positive feeling. But herein, it is easy to misunderstand, and simply repress negativity in a wide sweeping dismissal. It is a far more complex scope to resolve, but none the less, can be resolved.

You see in some scenarios, the natural reaction to one who may attempt to dominate you is not inappropriate. It is wrong in certain cases to allow another's will to control you. You should not apologize when someone steps on your foot. In time you will learn that you can retain your integral integrity by reacting from a state of dis-passioned non-emotional reaction. And thus not become engrossed in a game of negative thought-form ping-pong. Your Mahatma Ghandi taught this through example. Becoming involved in duals of aggressive anger can quickly create energy fields so dynamically charged and enormous that they bleed into other lifetimes as well as negatively impact the present one. And accordingly these can and must be eventually cleared.

Now, your multidimensionality of simultaneous lives comes into an interesting dynamic here. In multidimensional overview, what each 'lifetime version of you' projects in terms of desires and system of belief is projected forward and that energy can and does bleed over into the full array of your multidimensional quantum field. This influences to varying degrees the 'Law of Attraction'.

For example, let's imagine that you are in a 'present' lifetime in which you are trying to create abundance. But in a dozen or so 'previous' lifetimes you were a monk or priest who took poverty vows and disassociated with 'materialism'. You believe in these other lifetimes that 'money is the root of all evil'. And so you have one aspect of you trying to create abundance, and a dozen versions rejecting it. The quantum physics of mass energy projection are clear. In this example there is a greater energy rejecting 'abundance' than there is trying to attract it. So the 'past' belief system must be changed from the soul level. The past lives must be re-entered in a state of Quantum Consciousness and replaced with a belief that 'money is not evil, it is energy and we can use it for positive sustenance. The monk lifetimes can still choose to live in simplicity but no longer believe that money is evil.

Past Life Trauma

As an example of past life traumas over bleeding, we share with you this example. The channel has some close associates who at times sense a great panic of claustrophobia and paranoia in large crowds. He is aware that this is due to the associates having a traumatic past life bleed of escaping the chaotic rampage of Athens with children in hand hours before the invading Turks destroyed the city. Literally leaving all behind and running in terror for their lives, with children in tow.

Now we tell you that many of the souls that were drawn into this experience in Athens, were pulled into the re-enactment because the trauma they felt when desperately attempting to escape the shaking earth of Atlantis along the land bridge that connected to the Yucatan created such an electrical charge in their multidimensional self that it became a recurring energy. Such is the power of extreme emotion and fear.

The Law of Attraction works in all of your Earthly sojourns. Any event can bleed over into another, and attract by its intensity, similar experience. This occurs both on an individual level and en masse. A mass trauma of negative charged emotion is exemplified by your world wars. Your WWII was indeed a recurring bleed-over of the Atlantean conflict between the Aryans and Poseidons. Your current wars in the Middle East are a recurrence of the Crusades.

At some point mankind will simply realize the waste and futility of such conflicts. You will in time learn that war will never end by hating war. Rather war will end by loving peace. Such is the power of love, it is far far more potent than hate.

This is a perfect example of past life trauma occurring and osmotically effecting the present in the simultaneous NOW. If that probable past is faced and deliberately changed, it can and will eliminate the panic disorder and the resulting neurosis. It does so by changing the past. When you re-script your past through Mer-Ka-Na access confrontation and change the experience of the past, the fear behind it is eliminated. It is as if the trauma never occurred, and that is exactly what happens. This is but one example. So irregardless of the specific details, all of you have traumas in the past that can and will be altered in order for you to gain the perfection required in enlightened co creation within Quantum Consciousness. Do not be dismayed, this is quite do-able, and in a subconscious level you have done it many times in dream state. We assure you it can consciously be done in the Mer-Ka-Na within the NOW state of Quantum Consciousness.

And precisely because the past, present and future exist simultaneously, there is no reason why you cannot react to an event and alter it whether or not it happens to fall within the limited scope of reality in which you normally participate. You have the ability to remove trauma from the past, and from an over view that is the final completing portion of the lesson and a part of why you chose the experience in the first place.

Time - Dimensional Portals

Now, the LeMurians who escaped the islands of Mu going into the inner realms of the Earth did not simply do so by spelunking. They did not suddenly find a cave and venture deeper and deeper into it until they stumbled upon a vast inner world chasm. Rather they entered into a different program of the Omni Earth precisely by gathering in a Dimensional-Time Gate coordinate portal and raising their frequency through intent and self-mastery in order to shift into another hologram. This process was also followed in a far more scientific protocol and technique by the Atlanteans of the Golden Era, and for different purpose. The LeMurians relied primarily on natural time gate vectors; whereas the Atlanteans had sophisticated devices and crystals that created time gates. Yet both required Mastery of the Self to raise the vibratory level to different frequencies.

Many humans have experienced the dimensional gate aspects of Arkansas, Shasta and the Grand Tetons, and have read of Guy Ballard's (Founder of the IAM Movement) exploits with the Beloved Saint Germaine and the Ascended Masters in the Etheric Light Cities above and inside these mountains. Although in truth, these light cities are neither above nor below in a directional sense, rather separate programs occurring in the same spaceless space, and accessed by Dimensional-Portals anchored to the specific energy matrix of these locations. These areas, these etheric light cities are key coding points on your planet. All of you will at some point spend time within them. Consider them graduate schools. There access involves the same mechanism as time gates. Well to visit these areas and exercise consciously what you already know how to do in subconscious dream states. Indeed you visit these areas quite often in dream states.


Dear Ones, Those of you that are only now beginning to explore the inner self, and are attempting to digest ideas that may initially seem unrealistic or grandiose in terms of the true nature of the Cosmos, of greater reality, and your true creative power,. As a result you may face conflicts with the status quo programming of the ego mind in 3d. The programming of duality mind will tell you that this is fantasy, and stir doubts that inhibit your movement to greater truth. Remember what you mentally accept, what your mindset believes, is projected into your reality manifestation.

So it may be appropriate for you to acknowledge that you do not consciously as yet realize the depths of your whole Beingness. So Masters widen your system of belief and adjust the mental parameters. When you do this your goals and indeed your challenges will automatically expand for greater good. The Truths we share with you in this moment can be used to embellish wisdom and expatiate your inner horizons toward an ennobling path of discovery, knowledge and wisdom. You will find that this is a direction that, when doubt is removed, empowers you on the homeward journey that your inner self has already paved for you. Discernment is always necessary, so listen closely to the inner voice, and do not allow fear or doubt of the ego-mind to block the divine inner guidance that will lead you home.

The ability to become unfixed in time, and indeed navigate within it, has a succinct utility that serves the integral healing of the whole self within multidimensionality. Certain areas on your planet make accessing the time holograms and multidimensional aspects somewhat easier. Grimes Point, Grand Tetons, Arkansas and Mount Shasta are among the most potent of these in North America. Globally, Titikaka, Roslyn, Montserrat, Giza, Minas Gerais Brazil, Gobi, Lake Baikal and Mt Fuji are among the most potent. This is due to the frequencial energies that are exuded within these portals. Yet it can be achieved in Mer-Ka-Na field at any point. No event is 'written in stone' nor predestined. Any given event can be changed not only before and during but after its occurrence. Conscious creationof your future and changing the past remains one of the final challenges for many of you, and no time is more potent than NOW.

I am Metatron and I share with you these Truths.
And so it is.

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The Company of Heaven has revealed to us that through the collective consciousness of Humanity we have reached a critical mass, a tipping point, that will enable us to utilize the celestial alignments that will take place this momentous year of 2012 to cocreate A Renaissance of Love on Planet Earth. Together, we will change the course of history.

Your I AM Presence has magnetized this information into your sphere of awareness because you have been preparing for a very long time to assist with this critical facet of the unfolding Divine Plan. As you read this article, know that you are joining in consciousness with Lightworkers all over the world who are focusing on this information with you. With new clarity and understanding, you will be able to move through these seemingly tumultuous times with joyous expectation and hope, instead of feeling fearful and overwhelmed. The Light of God is increasing on Earth in unprecedented ways, and Humanity is in the midst of the greatest shift of consciousness we have ever experienced.

We rode into 2012 on a colossal wave of Unity Consciousness. Now our new Planetary CAUSE of Divine Love, which was cocreated in 2011 through the unified efforts of Heaven and Earth, is destined to become the Order of the New Day on Planet Earth.

This transformation will not occur by happenstance, it will manifest through the conscious efforts of you and me and dedicated people all over the world. After all, WE are cocreating this Earthly experience. In order to accomplish this mighty feat, the Company of Heaven is calling all of us to a higher service. Listen to your inner guidance and respond to this vital Heart Call from your I AM Presence.

Contrary to what we are seeing in the media, Humanity has reached a critical mass of awakened consciousness. The chaos we observe around the world is a necessary part of Earth’s purging process. The obsolete, fear-based archetypes that have caused appalling pain and suffering for Humanity must collapse. This process is clearing the way, so that an Awakened Humanity can cocreate the patterns of perfection for the New Earth.

The people responsible for the atrocities we witness around the world consist of a minuscule fraction of the 7-billion people evolving on this planet. These wayward sisters and brothers of ours have absolutely NO POWER over the Light.

In Truth, every single day there are literally billions of people who turn their attention to a Higher Power and ask for Divine Intervention in their lives and the lives of their loved ones. These prayers are always heard, and they are always answered. As a result of Humanity’s heartfelt pleas, the floodgates of Heaven have opened, and the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth have come through the veil to meet us halfway.

For the past 25 years we have been anticipating the year 2012. There is a lot of speculation and misinformation circulating about what will happen during this auspicious year. Most of the sharings are fear-based and predicting things like devastating cataclysmic earth changes and the end of the world. Nothing could be further from the Truth.

We have already entered the initial impulse of the Shift of the Ages, and we have begun our ascent up the Spiral of Evolution into the 5th-Dimensional Realms of God’s Infinite Light. Now it is up to ALL of us to fine tune this natural evolutionary process, so that our global transformation will occur gently with the least amount of outer-world stress.

Humanity’s ability to cocreate a New Planetary CAUSE of Divine Love in 2011, and our ability to expand that Divine Love into the Order of the New Day on Planet Earth in 2012, has been greatly enhanced by the Love and Light flooding the planet from our sisters and brothers in the Company of Heaven and throughout our Solar System. One of the most powerful factors in this celestial assistance has come from our sister planet Venus.

Venus has always been considered the planet of Love. This is not just romantic hyperbole. Venus actually does reflect the full gathered momentum of our Father-Mother God’s Divine Love to all of the planets in our Solar System.

Every 104 years Venus’ service of bathing the Earth with Divine Love is greatly amplified through an event known as the Venus Transit. During this transit Venus passes between the Earth and the Sun, an event that lasts for 6-7 hours. As Venus crosses the face of the Sun frequencies of Solar Light exponentially expand Venus’ ability to radiate Love to the Earth. This increased influx of Divine Love is anchored in the core of purity within every electron of precious Life energy on Earth.

The Venus Transit occurs in two parts. After the first transit the Love of Venus builds in momentum within every particle of Life on Earth. This prepares every facet of Life on Earth for the amplified influx of Divine Love that will bathe the planet during the second phase of the transit. The second part of the Venus Transit happens exactly 8 years, minus two days, later.

The first phase of the Venus Transit which we are now in the midst of took place on June 8, 2004. Since that time, the Love from Venus has been building in momentum softening the hearts and minds of Humanity and greatly enhancing the awakening that is taking place around the world.

On June 6, 2012, we will experience the second phase of the Venus Transit. Due to the unparalleled awakening that has taken place on Earth since June 8, 2004, this influx of Light will catapult Humanity and our New Planetary CAUSE of Divine Love into position for an event that will establish a Renaissance of Love on Earth. With the God Victorious success of this impending event, Humanity will shift into a higher state of consciousness, a consciousness of Divine Love that will manifest as the Order of the New Day for Planet Earth.

This unprecedented event will take place during the 25th anniversary of Harmonic Convergence, August 11-16, 2012. This will be a vitally important step of preparation before the influx of Light that will bathe the planet during Earth's alignment with the Galactic Core of the Milky Way on the December 21, 2012 Solstice.

It is difficult for us to grasp the magnitude of what this will mean for the Earth and all her Life. But the Beings of Light have said that from that moment forth, the physical manifestation of the patterns of perfection for the New Earth will begin to externalize as a tangible reality. This will be the Heaven on Earth of our own creation through our I AM Presence. These patterns of Divine Love will reflect Humanity’s Oneness and the Reverence for ALL Life.

The Divine Plan

In order to accomplish this monumental facet of the Divine Plan, we are being asked by our Father-Mother God and the Company of Heaven to unite our hearts, our heads, and our hands during the global event that will take place August 11-16, 2012. There will be many diverse ways in which we can weave our Light into this Divine Plan. Pay close attention to the opportunities that are presented to you. Ask your I AM Presence for guidance, and ask that wondrous aspect of your own Divinity to clear the way, so that you will be able to fulfill your heart’s calling.

As you may know, the Hawaiian Islands are remnants of the continent of Lemuria. The initial impulse of Humanity’s fall from Grace took place on Lemuria aeons ago. Since Harmonic Convergence in August 1987, the Hawaiian Islands have played a critical role in reversing the adverse effects of Humanity’s fall from Grace and the healing of Mother Earth. Many of the people embodied at this time have links to Lemuria. They realize that they are here now to heal the atrocities that resulted on that continent when Humanity fell into the abyss of separation and duality.

The Island of Kauai is known as the Garden Isle. This island contains within its etheric records the Immaculate Concept or Divine Blueprint for the body of Mother Earth. This is the original pristine beauty that Mother Earth expressed prior to the fall. It is the verdant splendor that we have always referred to as the Garden of Eden.

Kauai’s etheric records also contain the archetypes for the Divine Potential of what Mother Earth will express when she Ascends into her rightful place on the 5th-Dimensional Spiral of Evolution and dons the seamless garment of her new Solar Reality.

For the facet of the miraculous Divine Plan that will take place August 11-16, 2012, our Father-Mother God and the Company of Heaven have asked us to organize a gathering of dedicated people from all over the world who will be willing to work with the Company of Heaven and to serve as surrogates on behalf of ALL Humanity. Together, these selfless volunteers will cocreate a mighty transformer through which the Light of God will flow to catapult Humanity and our New Planetary CAUSE of Divine Love into a frequency of Light that will establish a Renaissance of Love for all Life on this blessed planet.

Then, through the I AM Presence of every man woman and child, Humanity will shift into a higher state of consciousness establishing Divine Love as the Order of the New Day on Planet Earth.

This gathering will take place August 11-16, 2012, within the embrace and exquisite beauty of Kauai in the Hawaiian Islands. The vehicle that will be used for this gathering will be the 26th Annual World Congress on Illumination.

Listen to your heart; a Clarion Call is now reverberating from the Heart of our Father-Mother God invoking your assistance in this holy endeavor. Respond according to your inner guidance. Know that whenever you volunteer to serve as an Instrument of God on behalf of Humanity and ALL Life evolving on Earth, the floodgates of Heaven open to support you and to help clear the way for your participation.

It is critical that dedicated people from around the world be physically present for this important facet of the unfolding Divine Plan. All of you who have been preparing to serve in this wondrous way on behalf of Humanity and all Life on this sweet Earth will know who you are through the inner promptings of your heart. Trust this inner guidance. Your Light is needed NOW!

In addition to those who are inspired to be physically present in Kauai, there will be people who will join in consciousness from points of Light around the world. These dedicated souls will project the Light flowing through their Heart Flames into the Portal of Light where the selfless volunteers are physically gathered in Kauai. Through our unified efforts, the Love of God will expand on Earth a thousand times a thousandfold.

Every person will be in his or her right and perfect place. No facet of this Divine Plan is any more important than another. What IS important, is that we each respond to whatever our I AM Presence is guiding us to do. We must Trust and KNOW that if we are being guided to be physically present on the Island of Kauai, then our I AM Presence and the Company of Heaven will assist us in clearing the way. This is true whether we need assistance with time, energy, money, or courage to accomplish this facet of our Divine Mission.

The Company of Heaven has asked us to organize this monumental event in a beautiful, healing venue, so the selfless volunteers who make the sacrifice to serve in this way will truly experience a glimpse of Heaven on Earth. I want to assure you that this will be a life-transforming experience for you. In wondrous ways, your life will never be the same.

If you feel the heart call to participate in the 26th Annual World Congress on Illumination, all of the information you need to participate is posted on our website

If you do not feel the heart call to be physically present in Kauai, know that this is a global event and you can weave your magnificent Light into our Chalice of Light from wherever you are on the face of the Earth.

God Bless YOU, for your willingness to be the Open Door for the influx of Light that will lift Humanity’s consciousness and establish a Renaissance of Love for ALL Life on this blessed planet.

The Beings of Light will be guiding us step by step through the months leading up to the event in August. I will be sharing the information through my free e-mail articles which you can sign up to receive on our website

In addition to the guidance we will be receiving from the Company of Heaven, our I AM Presence will be guiding each of us individually through our own unique preparation. Ask for assistance, and remain in a state of Listening Grace at all times. This is an amazing opportunity for each of us to add to the Light of the world.

Additional Information about the 26th Annual World Congress on Illumination.

This sacred conclave will be a celestial experience for everyone involved. Each day, as we successfully fulfill one phase of the Divine Plan, the Company of Heaven will reveal the next phase of the plan to us. As we sojourn through the various activities of Light, under the Divine Guidance of our Father-Mother God and the Company of Heaven, our mission will be victoriously accomplished. The physical manifestation of the patterns of perfection for the New Earth will begin to externalize as a tangible reality, and the Light of God will catapult Humanity and our New Planetary CAUSE of Divine Love into a frequency of Light that will establish a Renaissance of Love for all Life on this blessed planet.

As I mentioned, this event will take place on the Island of Kauai in Hawaii. When you enter this portal of Light, you will resonate with the awesome radiance of the etheric records of the Garden of Eden, and you will begin to remember who you are and why you are on Earth during this momentous time.

The World Congress On Illumination is truly a life-transforming event that will provide you with the opportunity to meet old friends from around the world with whom you have been serving for aeons of time. Fellow Lightworkers will join hearts with you and support you in your monumental service to the Light.

The Divine Plan we are being called to fulfill will be accomplished through myriad activities of Light. We will be joined at inner levels by the Solar Logos from Suns beyond Suns, the entire Company of Heaven, the mighty I AM Presence of ALL Humanity, the Divine Intelligence that directs the Elemental Kingdom, and the Legions of Angels throughout infinity.

The entire Universe is supporting us in this holy endeavor. The Beings of Light have been given permission to assist us in miraculous ways, but the dedicated people on Earth are the predominant force bringing this Divine Plan into physical manifestation.

Our responsibility is enormous, but as we join our hearts together, we have the absolute ability to succeed God Victoriously.

Just for a moment, go within to the Divinity of your Heart Flame, and experience the overwhelming Gratitude and Love pouring forth from the Legions of Light in the Heavenly Realms. Feel the deep appreciation they are sending to you for your willingness to serve Humanity during this critical moment in the evolution of this sweet Earth. We are blessed beyond measure to be able to assist all Life evolving on Earth in this wondrous way.

All of the information you will need to participate in this unprecedented opportunity is available on our website

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Dolphin Attunement

Dolphins embody love, joy, bliss, the spirit of play, and are happy to be creatures here on Earth. Look at the following picture and ask for a Dolphin attunement! Remember the smile meditation in my last post? The Dolphins do it 24/7!


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Practicality First

I had a young man in his twenties coming to me for Reiki treatments. He said that usually he was very healthy and active, but all of a sudden had been extremely ill. He was tired all the time and could barely move. He wasn't able to go to work. I would do a treatment on him and he would feel better. But as soon as he went home, would feel worse. I did three treatments on him. Then he came in to my office very excited because he had found that the heater in his apartment had a gas leak, which was why he had been so ill. After getting it fixed he was fine and needed no more treatments.

I had a friend whose son was a truck driver. He began hearing voices in his head and thought he was going crazy. He could barely function to drive. He ended up having a truck cab fire and jackknifed his rig on the highway. He went to psychiatric care while the accident was investigated. Come to find out he had put an old used small refrigerator in the cab. It began leaking freon and eventually caught fire. The young man was most likely suffering from hypoxia from the freon. He suffered some brain damage in the long run.

I share these stories because over my sixteen years of doing energetic healing I have learned to coach clients on looking for practical solutions to their ill health first. Most times clients need to stop poisoning themselves with bad diets and habits. They also need to look for toxins and poisons in their environments. Energy healing can regenerate cells and help with increasing the love and spirituality quotients, but it cannot cope with continuing poisoning. It is especially valuable in injury situations. 

For some insight into types of toxins, read this:!what-you-can-do-first

Molds in the home are another issue that needs to be dealt with, as well as natural gasses such as Radon. High EMF from poor wiring is another issue.

Please be on the lookout for these things. Practicality first!

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Quantum Consciousness:

The Nature of Time Changing the Past In Mer-Ka-Na

Archangel Metatron via James Tyberonn



Greetings, I am Metatron, Lord of Light and I greet you all within this precise
vector of timeless space. I embrace you in unconditional love.

The physical system in duality is a purposeful illusion. You are dreaming the dream
of humanity. You are powerful spiritual beings wearing filters. You are Divine sparks
of Creator source attending the University of Earth. And so you must accept this
axiom, and from your viewpoint try to understand the greater realities that exist
beyond your physical perceptions, and they are many.

The Nature of Time

And so we speak of Time.

Time and space are aspects of the same mechanism. Space, in a manner of speaking
is congealed time held in a matrixial kinetic format within duality that allows
for the separation and program of the purposed programmed illusion of sequential
time metrics. Accordingly time is the inverse of space, in dynamic free flow. Both
occur though the harmonic flash of consciousness units, through the mechanisms of
the inward and outward pulse of matter to antimatter via black holes and white holes.
The inward -outward Harmonic Flash is not only the point in which space and time
merge into a homogenous foam , it is also the rate of consciousness unit perception
that strobes attention of awareness into each simultaneous lifetime. This occurs
at a magical rate called the Planck Number, occurring precisely at 10 to the power
of -43 of one second. At this point time and space merge and become nonlinear and
the Torus aspect comes into play. Space is inversed, turned back upon itself, and
time units float in a nonlinear discontinuous quantized pool of what you term past,
present and future. The space-time continuum dissolves, in a manner of speaking
and become conscious energy units that are reformed into matter and antimatter,
as they are pulled in and projected out in the harmonic flash via black holes &
white holes respectively. .

This was reviewed in an earlier assay, and we will not review these phenomena in
this discussion. Our focus is rather on your perception of time and the ability
to enter the Mer-Ka-Nic point in which you can alter the past and future from the
nonlinear NOW.

The Omni-Earth

The separation of your 'lifetimes', in your vernacular, are anchored to the Omni
Earth in hologramic inserts or 'Time-Separation' programs. Through various mechanisms,
the advanced human can enter into these and through Mer-Ka-Na enter the center of
the over-soul where each time sequenced 'lifetime' is anchored like fiber-optic
spokes. From this center point, you indeed are at the control panel to explore and
change any aspect of any and all lifetimes in the nonlinear NOW.

While these time-programs are anchored to the Omni-Earth at specific points which
often display multi-dimensional anomalies, one does not need to visit such earthen
nodes to enter. Rather they are entered via Quantum Consciousness. This process
is taught in the Metatronic Keys.

Question to Metatron:

Are there areas within the Earth that naturally create time


There are indeed. And we have spoken about this is previous assays. Time
can be compared in certain ways to a computer program. Often your 'Windows' programs
on your laptop and desktops can go into distortions of their programming and the
desired separation of sub programs can intermingle creating mixes that twist and
deform the conceived order. In this analogy we can say that both time and space
as you perceive it are linear sub-programs of the earth grid reality projection.
Time and Space can be said to be hologramic program insertions that allow the Quantum
Omni-Earth to be tidily separated from simultaneous NOW reality into your focal,
seemingly independent 'lifetime sojourns'.

So we tell you that just as your Windows can produce occasional anomalies in its
desired separations of programs, so does the program of the Hologramic Earth Matrix
of linear time have a flux that creates intermingle and distortion. That distortion
occurs on several levels. The first is due to a gravitational flux that can rhythmically
occur in the specific area or come in as a surge or rogue wave. When this occurs
the very gravity distortion also affects the space-time continuum in the area,
and creates a dimensional aperture field very similar to what occurs in the poles.

Points of Time Continuum Anomaly

All versions of the Omni-Earth coexist above the linear programming. But this axiom
of Truth is initially very difficult for you humans to perceive or truly completely
comprehend from the stance of the third dimension.
That is because the 3d density aspect of the human physical structure in duality
manifestation operates within and as a result of the linear time 'program' that
enables the Earthplane experience. You are therefore pre-indoctrinated to linear
perception in Earthplane existence. This linear perception program determines to
a great extent the 'normal' resonance patterns for the kinds of experiential probabilities
that mankind selects, projects and perceives while 'growing' into greater consciousness
from the base point of dense physicality. But we tell you that the source reality
of which all lifetimes emerge is not 'written in stone', thus your experience is
truly never predestined. You chose from an assortment of potentials the experiences
you want to have. Both the Cosmos and all life contained within and without are
always being created in the NOW moment.

And although your 3d preconditioning is linear, you not only have the ability to
reach beyond physical programming, you also have the ultimate goal of doing so.
While inhabited by human consciousness, the living physical body operates as an
intense focus point for Earthplane experience. The aggregation of consciousness
within the physical body on all levels focuses its own myriad network of sensory
perception and communication, both on levels of the ordinary, and the extraordinary.
In terms of the latter, you are therefore constantly perceiving in ways that you
do not recognize with the 'ordinary' physical senses. There are vast arrays of
colors, sounds, electromagnetic codes, and sensory feelings that you see & apperceive
both on a cellular and crystalline level of chakric networks sourced in Quantum
Consciousness that are geometrically and frequencially influencing you. This network
is connected in harmonic oscillation to all others like it. But humanity is at this
time vastly unaware of these extraordinary levels of interaction that take place
between all spectra of bodies, crysto-electromagnetically and materially within
biology. This interface occurs in Crysto Mer-Ka-Na light body and is more far reaching
than humanity in masse realize. Yet the physical cells in biology can and do respond
to each other, and their activity triggers even higher centers of crystalline light
body consciousness that ties into and above linear time. Rather into multidimensionality.

Multi-Dimensional Time Holograms

So in this assay we are going to speak of Time and its nature in more than one context.
We will speak of human perception of time as it relates to your lifetime-sojourn
experiences and your ability to script and re-script both future and past. We will
also touch lightly upon separation mechanics of hologramic time program inserts
onto the earth, and their anchoring to certain points on the Omni-Earth.
Now, many points upon the earth contain magnetic and gravitational oscillations
that create a time anomaly. Some are recognized, others are not. None are understood
much less accepted as possible by your main stream academics as yet. Time is a sub
program of light physics, and is in essence a created illusion. It can and is effected
somewhat at anchor points by gravity, earth spin ratio, electromagnetics and celestial
alignments. All of which are mechanisms of this phenomena.

Now, time as you perceive it, is simply that, a perception. We assure you that time
truly does not exist in the linear manner that you believe, beyond duality. And
even within the filtered lens of duality, there are certain areas of dimensional
overlay that occur on your planet in which striking time anomalies can and do occur.
You see there are many Earths that concentrically occur within the space that mankind
perceives physical earth to occupy. There are frequencial mechanisms that connect
these overlays of parallel dimension, and these create gateways to other timeframe
subprograms and realities that coexist differently and more tangibly within these
unique areas.

Simultaneous Time

To explain it in your present day computer analogy, Space and Time are sub-programs
of digital-dimensional light. Space-Time then is a hologramic server that can simultaneously
store many different files and sub files within its storage capacity. Just as there
are locations within the stages of computer access that allow you to see all of
the programs and files and navigate from one to the other, so there are location
vectors on the Earth program that anchor the hologramic dimensional gateways that
allow access into other metric/matrix files of reality and time formats.
So as you live this 'present' life in the perceived time of today, you also live
all your existences at once. Time 'programs' are hologramic and these programs
are manifolded and coded in certain areas, especially the polar regions. Gateways
or multi program access occurs in them.

The area of the Crystal Vortex of Arkansas contains many overlays of myriad space-time
energy dynamics. It is indeed a Crystalline Portal, but we will say an open-ended
portal that is not just a wormhole in space to other points in the Cosmos, but indeed
(and especially) a unique gateway to other dimensional aspects of what may be termed
the hologramic Omni-Earth program. It may be termed a time-gate vector. It is one
of many coordinate points on your planet that contain within it time code scripting.
Such coordinate points are anchors that peg each reality to the physical worlds,
the Omni-Earth. And so then, within this concentric overlay vector other time programs;
other dimensional realms can be frequencially accessed more easily. The ancient
adepts knew this, and certainly experienced to varying degrees by many of what you
term as the indigenous.

Time Gate Vectors are not the only means to access other realities. Indeed this
can be done myriad ways, including the crystalline energies of the phi resonance,
in deep meditative states. But what is different in the Time- Gate Vector coordinate-points
is that the Omni-Earth Time program itself is anchored, to use a simplified explanation,
to certain aligned points that occur on your planet, within certain frequencial
matrixes. These are very unique in purpose, and differ from areas such as Titicaca,
Arkansas, Grand Tetons, Shasta and Roslyn that are primary Celestial Star Gates.
In the former one access other realms, other epochs, other programs of terrestrial
time, whereas in the latter one travels to other dimensions in Space. Do you see
the difference?

Question to Metatron:

Are you saying that Arkansas and other such 'Time-Gate Vectors'
allow for or enhance the ability to travel in time?


Yes. But let us be clear, it is better to say that all programs of hologramic
times programs coexist more clearly, more tangibly within such points. That does
not mean that when one walks into the Crystalline Vortex of Arkansas that you will
disappear from the present and materialize into a future or past program, rather
it means windows into other time-sequence frames are (more) accessible here. But
we will indeed tell you that materializations can and do occur here quite intentionally
and occasional by accident. We will tell you those more technological civilizations,
both from the future and past in your terms, which understand the very real science
of time travel chose such time gate vectors for entering other epochs for various
purposes. Indeed this can has and does occur.

Time Travel

Time travel has occurred in both your future and past. Although there are instances
in which people have temporarily passed into different time holograms, there are
very few cases where the transition was permanent. Your Admiral Byrd did in fact
temporarily view a very real passing into a different time epoch during his polar
flight. Most of the flight disappearances that are so publicized over the Bermuda
Triangle were not permanent transferals. Time disruption did occur, but the airplanes
did not fully disappear into another epoch of time. Rather were they caused by related
instrument malfunctions that created misdirection and radio silence, and the disappearances
were simply crashes into the sea.

Certain of your governments working in classified tandem with covert corporations
have already developed crude mechanisms of time travel. These are not yet at a truly
manageable level, and the stress that results on the human 'tempornaut' is considerable,
stress-aging the human body approximately 7 to 10 years on each journey. At present
they are only able to move forward in time about 20 years, and are unable to navigate
into the past. In time, when the apparatus utilized is converted from magnetic forces
to crystalline bio-plasmic field this will be improved considerably, and time navigation
will be deliberate and not by random mishap.

Optimal time navigation occurs in Mer-Ka-Na through a consciousness refined Bio
Plasmic field, and while certainly aided in terms of time vector by crystalline
apparatus, it is primarily operated by the light-consciousness quotient of the
traveler. Many of you time travel in dream state quite often, and therein is the
key to how it will be optimally done when you learn to be more lucid in expansive
conscious states.

There are indeed Laws of Physics that apply to how time and space are navigated

Eventually mankind will rediscover these laws. And when this takes place, the seeming
boundaries between past, present and future will be better understood. As we have
already explained duality experience in the third dimension contains programmed
parameters that limit mankind's greater dimensionality perception.

It is indeed these 3d single lens filters that create the linear illusion of sequential
unfolding of time. This then is precisely the reason mankind believes that one
moment exists and is gone forever, and the next moment comes and like the one before
also evaporates into the great elusive mist of the past. We tell you that everything
in and on the Omni-Earth and indeed the Multiverse exists at once, simultaneously.
The past, present and future only appear to those who exist within three-dimensional
reality. And the programs that separate time-epoch files on the Omni-Earth can be

The Past is Not Fixed

The past and future as you 'believe it to be' exists as a series of electromagnetic
receptors held in the crystalline portion of the physical brain and in the nonphysical
mind within the ultra violet field. These electromagnetic codlings can be changed,
and in fact are in constant flux. You script your destiny, and your destiny is not
a linear one- way dynamic. Your creation of your past is just as important as the
creation of your present and future. The past then, is quite malleable and no more
fixed than your future. Now, your mental process and beliefs create your past, and
there are as many valid versions of the past as there are of the future. We tell
you that if the next generation were all to be taught from an early age that the
Roman Empire ruled the world until the 17th century, indeed that past would become
a reality, and evidence would be found to confirm it. Yet it would be a completely
different past from which the older generation constructed. But BOTH would be true.
Both would be separate yet valid files within the hologramic programs of time.

As humans in duality, you take it for granted that present action can change the
future, but present actions can and do change the past as well. The past is no
more detached or uninvolved from your present than the decisions you make today.
We share a great truth for you to ponder, and that is that everything you do effects
your past, and you can accordingly remove what you may term traumas and misactions
that occurred years ago or lifetimes ago from your present stance. Furthermore,
all of you are required to do so! The electromagnetic crystallographic portals within
the human brain are forged and mantled totally and completely by each of you, and
uniquely so. The probable past can be changed, and such changes are far from uncommon.
These changes do happen spontaneously on a subconscious basis. You can now learn
to do this consciously by entering Quantum Consciousness via Mer-Ka-Na.

The linear aspect of the past is rarely what you remember it to be. In fact you
constantly rearrange your memory of the past with the experience of each new moment,
each new occurrence. It is a constant metamorphosis from the instant of any given
experiential event. Your hypnotherapists are aware that pseudo-memories of fictitious
or altered past events can be implanted in the brains of humans through deep state
inducement, and in a very real sense these memories and they way they effect the
subjects present become quite real. So, it follows to reason that the future, present
and past are always re-created by each individual as beliefs, attitudes and associations
evolve and change. And take note that what occurs is a real-time actual recreation,
not a metaphoric one. The changes you make are quite real. The small inner child
is indeed still within the adult human as you progress in years. But that inner
child is also dynamic, not molded into a permanent version that remains as it was.
The child within the human constantly changes every day, as does the teenager, young
adult and elderly you in your future.

Re-Scripting the Past

Accordingly, it is now incumbent on you as you enter the Ascension energies, to
grasp the power of NOW, and realize that you can and must change the past, your
individual past, from the stance of Now.. Within the NOW, you can convert to the
Mer-Ka-Na and as such gain the controls of all within your multidimensionality.
That is a sacred Universal Truth, and that Truth expands when you enter into it.
It expands into power that allows you the fulcrum of co creation in the singular
moment of NOW, above linear time and hologramic sojourns within time in the Omni

We tell you that personal issues and blockages can and do arise when appropriate
evolvement of the past are stymied and not allowed to spontaneously take place.
In some scenarios serious neurosis occurs precisely because an individual has not
changed his or her past. For example, a lifetime may be chosen in which you a part
of a catastrophic event that results in a traumatic loss of life. This may have
been chosen for myriad reasons of growth. Perhaps, as one example, in sequential
lifetimes the entity is far more appreciative of time spent with love ones because
of having learned that life can seemingly end unexpectedly.

Yet such powerful traumas that were chosen for lesson in one life time are often
so emotionally over-charged that they can and do bleed over and negatively affect
other lifetime programs. This untoward over-bleed may express itself as an intense
fear of flying or perhaps a fear of water from drowning, and such. Masters, you
can enter into Quantum Consciousness and remove the negative, retain the growth
lesson, and replace the event entirely with a positive alternative. You can change
the past!

While it is incumbent upon you to truly understand that there was indeed a reason,
that you have chosen to experience any trauma, it is also true that some of the
traumatic or less desirable experiences simply have the purpose of showing you what
can occur if you do not consciously create your own realities. If you hold a mental
state of belief that the world is evil, or that you are undeserving, that very individualized
mental projection will faithfully draw untoward experience into the physical reality
in which your mindset manifested it. In all cases, however, you have the ability
and need to draw the lesson, and then change, dissolve the past experience into
a more positive one. This is requisite, and can be done consciously in Mer-Ka-Va
and Mer-Ka-Na levels of consciousness.

The key again, is understanding that all realities are in flux. All can be altered.

Quantum Consciousness

Masters, Your realities in all sojourns are constantly in a state of fluidity. Nothing
you have experienced is written in stone, but humanity has in large forgotten this
truth. So we tell you that each scenario you experience is but one of many potentials
from an immense menu of possibility. The ones you do not experience, in your terms,
are just as valid as the ones you do. Accordingly you have the ability to go back
at any vector thru Mer-Ka-Na Quantum Consciousness, to change any reality. If you
have chosen (and all of you have) a particularly traumatic experience, you can alter
it to one that is of your choosing. Always remember that the world is indeed formed
holographically by your thought processes in actual image reflection of your own
creation. When you truly understand that your physical experiences and environs
are fully the materialization of your own structured mental creation and beliefs,
then you hold the key to unlocking the door to scripting the future and indeed rescripting
what you think of as the past.

This is manifested through intent and optimal use of your divine will. But this
requires concentrated deliberation and focal effort. In the course of realizing
your true power, free will is a double edged sword until wisdom and enlightenment
is re-acquired. Using your free will haphazardly in less conscious lifetimes can
and does make physical reality into something quite less than what it can optimally
be in your sojourns. But again from over view, this also has the ultimate result
through cause and effect of your greater growth. You are attending the 'University
of Duality' on the Earth-Plane to learn how to responsibly create, and that involves
the process of working out problems and challenges.

On a higher level, humanity remains aware of its true inner nature and divinity,
and of its spiritual purpose and nonphysical source. But most of mankind has lost
contact with this wisdom in 3d. You have focused so strongly upon the density of
physical reality that it has become the only reality that you consider and thus

Positive Process - The Multidimensional 'Law of Attraction'

In the present moment of awareness you can proactively program the mind to focus
on positive. If you image positive visualizations about any difficult or untoward
scenario your mind will project telepathic waves of energy for positive transition.
As such you can learn to dissolve a negative thought or picture by replacing it
with its opposite.

It is not sufficient however to merely repress negative thoughts, such as self-loathing,
fears, angers, guilt, or resentment. Rather these must be recognized, confronted
and replaced. By deep inward auditing of thoughts and feelings, you can take an
inventory of your emotional field and tie it to erroneous belief systems. In fact
the trial and error nature of cause and effect will ultimately lead you to such
a clearing. Better sooner than later.

So through intent, learn to recognize negative patterns when dense or negative feelings
occur. Then immediately replace these with a happier, joyful positive feeling. But
herein, it is easy to misunderstand, and simply repress negativity in a wide sweeping
dismissal. It is a far more complex scope to resolve, but none the less, can be

You see in some scenarios, the natural reaction to one who may attempt to dominate
you is not inappropriate. It is wrong in certain cases to allow another's will to
control you. You should not apologize when someone steps on your foot. In time you
will learn that you can retain your integral integrity by reacting from a state
of dis-passioned non-emotional reaction. And thus not become engrossed in a game
of negative thought-form ping-pong. Your Mahatma Ghandi taught this through example.
Becoming involved in duals of aggressive anger can quickly create energy fields
so dynamically charged and enormous that they bleed into other lifetimes as well
as negatively impact the present one. And accordingly these can and must be eventually

Now, your multidimensionality of simultaneous lives comes into an interesting dynamic
here. In multidimensional overview, what each 'lifetime version of you' projects
in terms of desires and system of belief is projected forward and that energy can
and does bleed over into the full array of your multidimensional quantum field.
This influences to varying degrees the 'Law of Attraction'.

For example, let's imagine that you are in a 'present' lifetime in which you are
trying to create abundance. But in a dozen or so 'previous' lifetimes you were
a monk or priest who took poverty vows and disassociated with 'materialism'. You
believe in these other lifetimes that 'money is the root of all evil'. And so you
have one aspect of you trying to create abundance, and a dozen versions rejecting
it. The quantum physics of mass energy projection are clear. In this example there
is a greater energy rejecting 'abundance' than there is trying to attract it. So
the 'past' belief system must be changed from the soul level. The past lives must
be re-entered in a state of Quantum Consciousness and replaced with a belief that
'money is not evil, it is energy and we can use it for positive sustenance. The
monk lifetimes can still choose to live in simplicity but no longer believe that
money is evil.


Past Life Trauma

As an example of past life traumas over bleeding, we share with you this example.
The channel has some close associates who at times sense a great panic of claustrophobia
and paranoia in large crowds. He is aware that this is due to the associates having
a traumatic past life bleed of escaping the chaotic rampage of Athens with children
in hand hours before the invading Turks destroyed the city. Literally leaving all
behind and running in terror for their lives, with children in tow.

Now we tell you that many of the souls that were drawn into this experience in Athens,
were pulled into the re-enactment because the trauma they felt when desperately
attempting to escape the shaking earth of Atlantis along the land bridge that connected
to the Yucatan created such an electrical charge in their multidimensional self
that it became a recurring energy. Such is the power of extreme emotion and fear.

The Law of Attraction works in all of your Earthly sojourns. Any event can bleed
over into another, and attract by its intensity, similar experience. This occurs
both on an individual level and en masse. A mass trauma of negative charged emotion
is exemplified by your world wars. Your WWII was indeed a recurring bleed-over of
the Atlantean conflict between the Aryans and Poseidons. Your current wars in the
Middle East are a recurrence of the Crusades.

At some point mankind will simply realize the waste and futility of such conflicts.
You will in time learn that war will never end by hating war. Rather war will end
by loving peace. Such is the power of love, it is far far more potent than hate.

This is a perfect example of past life trauma occurring and osmotically effecting
the present in the simultaneous NOW. If that probable past is faced and deliberately
changed, it can and will eliminate the panic disorder and the resulting neurosis.
It does so by changing the past. When you re-script your past through Mer-Ka-Na
access confrontation and change the experience of the past, the fear behind it is
eliminated. It is as if the trauma never occurred, and that is exactly what happens.
This is but one example. So irregardless of the specific details, all of you have
traumas in the past that can and will be altered in order for you to gain the perfection
required in enlightened co creation within Quantum Consciousness. Do not be dismayed,
this is quite do-able, and in a subconscious level you have done it many times in
dream state. We assure you it can consciously be done in the Mer-Ka-Na within the

NOW state of Quantum Consciousness.

And precisely because the past, present and future exist simultaneously, there is
no reason why you cannot react to an event and alter it whether or not it happens
to fall within the limited scope of reality in which you normally participate. You
have the ability to remove trauma from the past, and from an over view that is the
final completing portion of the lesson and a part of why you chose the experience
in the first place.

Time - Dimensional Portals

Now, the LeMurians who escaped the islands of Mu going into the inner realms of
the Earth did not simply do so by spelunking. They did not suddenly find a cave
and venture deeper and deeper into it until they stumbled upon a vast inner world
chasm. Rather they entered into a different program of the Omni Earth precisely
by gathering in a Dimensional-Time Gate coordinate portal and raising their frequency
through intent and self-mastery in order to shift into another hologram. This process
was also followed in a far more scientific protocol and technique by the Atlanteans
of the Golden Era, and for different purpose. The LeMurians relied primarily on
natural time gate vectors; whereas the Atlanteans had sophisticated devices and
crystals that created time gates. Yet both required Mastery of the Self to raise
the vibratory level to different frequencies.

Many humans have experienced the dimensional gate aspects of Arkansas, Shasta and
the Grand Tetons, and have read of Guy Ballard's (Founder of the IAM Movement) exploits
with the Beloved Saint Germaine and the Ascended Masters in the Etheric Light Cities
above and inside these mountains. Although in truth, these light cities are neither
above nor below in a directional sense, rather separate programs occurring in the
same spaceless space, and accessed by Dimensional-Portals anchored to the specific
energy matrix of these locations. These areas, these etheric light cities are key
coding points on your planet. All of you will at some point spend time within them.
Consider them graduate schools. There access involves the same mechanism as time
gates. Well to visit these areas and exercise consciously what you already know
how to do in subconscious dream states. Indeed you visit these areas quite often
in dream states.


Dear Ones, Those of you that are only now beginning to explore the inner self, and
are attempting to digest ideas that may initially seem unrealistic or grandiose
in terms of the true nature of the Cosmos, of greater reality, and your true creative
power,. As a result you may face conflicts with the status quo programming of the
ego mind in 3d. The programming of duality mind will tell you that this is fantasy,
and stir doubts that inhibit your movement to greater truth. Remember what you mentally
accept, what your mindset believes, is projected into your reality manifestation.

So it may be appropriate for you to acknowledge that you do not consciously as yet
realize the depths of your whole Beingness. So Masters widen your system of belief
and adjust the mental parameters. When you do this your goals and indeed your challenges
will automatically expand for greater good. The Truths we share with you in this
moment can be used to embellish wisdom and expatiate your inner horizons toward
an ennobling path of discovery, knowledge and wisdom. You will find that this is
a direction that, when doubt is removed, empowers you on the homeward journey that
your inner self has already paved for you. Discernment is always necessary, so listen
closely to the inner voice, and do not allow fear or doubt of the ego-mind to block
the divine inner guidance that will lead you home.

The ability to become unfixed in time, and indeed navigate within it, has a succinct
utility that serves the integral healing of the whole self within multidimensionality.
Certain areas on your planet make accessing the time holograms and multidimensional
aspects somewhat easier. Grimes Point, Grand Tetons, Arkansas and Mount Shasta are
among the most potent of these in North America. Globally, Titikaka, Roslyn, Montserrat,
Giza, Minas Gerais Brazil, Gobi, Lake Baikal and Mt Fuji are among the most potent.
This is due to the frequencial energies that are exuded within these portals. Yet
it can be achieved in Mer-Ka-Na field at any point. No event is 'written in stone'
nor predestined. Any given event can be changed not only before and during but after
its occurrence. Conscious creationof your future and changing the past remains one
of the final challenges for many of you, and no time is more potent than NOW.

I am Metatron and I share with you these Truths.
And so it is.



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Smile Meditation

Do this as often as you can:

Close your eyes.

How do you feel?

Lift the corners of your mouth as if smiling. (You don't have to be happy to do this)

Now how do you feel?

Can you feel the change in your body? In every cell? And you don't even have to be happy to do it.

Simply raise the corners of your mouth and smile.

It changes everything.

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You are the Hologram of the Cosmos

In sixteen years I have not missed a day of doing Reiki on myself. This is the way of the healer - to heal self first. By healing self first, you heal the cosmos. You lift it up into new dimensions of Love. Our bodies are the holographic representation of the cosmos. We are the macro and the micro. That is how important we are. Oftentimes we are so busy healing and taking care of others that we neglect ourselves. Self is the most important being. Without our health and well being, we cannot be of service to anyone else. Please take the time every day for self-first service.
Much Love, DeAnne

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What Is Real Happiness?


        Happiness can be true happiness or deception, so we have to look into its substance and go beyond attachment.   True happiness will be of benefit and nourish ourselves and others.   Deceptive happiness brings temporary pleasure and helps us forget our suffering, but is not of lasting benefit and can actually be harmful, like gambling, smoking, or drinking alcohol.   When something causes us to suffer, if we look deeply into it, we may see that it is exactly what we need to restore our happiness.   In fact, suffering is essential for happiness.   We have to know the suffering of being too cold to enjoy and appreciate being warm.   If we look deeply into the realm of joy, we can see whether it is authentic or whether it is just covering up our suffering and anxiety.   Anxiety, the illness of our time, comes primarily from our inability to dwell in the present moment.

        Letting go is an ongoing practice, one that can bring us a lot of happiness.   When a Vietnamese woman who escaped her country by boat was robbed on the high seas of all her gold, she was so distraught that she contemplated suicide.   But on shore, she met a man who had been robbed of even his clothes, and it helped her very much to see him smiling.   He had truly let go.   Letting go gives us freedom, and freedom is the only condition for happiness.   If, in our heart, we still cling to anything  -  anger, anxiety, or possessions  -  we cannot be free.



The Heart of the Buddha's Teaching

Thich Nhat Hanh  ~

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What a fun day :D

Oh my! I have just purchased four of Chris Comish's books for my Kindle. I've read one already and was thrilled with it. What a Divine Being he is. I've shared his info with my like-minded friends, and one has already bought one of his books. I was already a long-time Reiki Master, so I started with the New Usui Reiki atunement. That was super powerful. I really loved it. I'll continue to do the atunements one by one as set forth in the book 28 Reiki Attunements. I'm also learning the Axiatonal Alignment system that was recommended. This has been a super fun day, all thanks to Chris. I'm going to look at more of the youtube videos by Chris as well. Woohoo, let's ride this rocket ship ;D

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I Am

I Am Whole as I Am

You are Whole as you Are

I see myself as Divine Perfection

I see you as Divine Perfection

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1st of March is Martisor day in Romania

10900546297?profile=originalMărţişor is the traditional celebration of the beginning of the spring , on the 1st of March. The day's name is the diminutive of March (in Romanian Martie), and thus means something like "little" or "dear March".

Mărţişor is the symbol of spring and also a celebration on the first of March. Its beginnings are still a mystery, but it is usually said that it originated in ancient Rome, because New Year's Eve was celebrated on the 1st of March (Martius), the month of the war god Mars. He had a double role: both protector of agriculture and of war, so the celebration signified the rebirth of nature. The duality of symbols is kept in the colours of the Mărţişor: white and red, meaning peace and war (it might also symbolize winter and spring).

Nowadays, men offer women a talisman object also called Mărţişor, consisting of a jewel or a small decoration like a flower, an animal or a heart, tied to a red and white string. A woman wears it pinned to her blouse on this day and up to two weeks after. Women also offer it to other women and only occasionally to men.

However, giving a little nickel tied to a red and white string is an old custom and was originally designated for both men and women.

It was believed that the one who wears the red and white string will be powerful and healthy for the year to come. The decoration is a symbol of the coming spring.

In some parts of Romania such as Moldova or Bukovina the symbol of spring was a gold or silver medal which was worn around the neck. After wearing the coin for twelve days, they bought sweet cheese with the medal, because it was believed that their faces would remain beautiful and white the entire year.

This custom can be found in all areas where Romanians live. Bulgarian neighbours also have an almost identical tradition on the 1 March, called "Martenitsa".

From: www.focusromania.com10900546694?profile=original

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Sharing a Thought


        Dear Friends  ~  When we are unwell, in pain or just not feeling well within, are usually the times when we take notice of our bodies.   When you think about it, why don't we take the time each day to quietly celebrate that we have good health, our organs work as they should, we can see things well to do our daily activities, and we have no pain?    I call that "recognizing well-being and giving thanks."    I know that people with disabilities are happy when they can perform tasks that we all take for granted, just everyday things.   And looking at their faces, I know they are quietly celebrating their achievements, within.  

        I think we should start an appreciation day for all of the things that we can do without any huge effort on our part, unlike others in our community who call doing the simplest of duties "little achievements."   I learnt that myself when I suffered a disability through unexpected illness, and life slowed down to a crawl!  and so did I !

What a learning curve that was!    At the time we may not realize it is a blessing in disguise that our lives have been halted by a debilitating illness, but at the time I looked for the lessons in it, and worked my way through.

        So, I think that recognizing good health or being able to accomplish whatever we need to, is worth celebrating.  Recognizing our well-being stops us from taking life for granted and makes us more aware how fragile life can be when we look around at the people in our community who may have to put a lot more effort into doing the things we don't think twice about!    Living in awareness of our Blessings makes our life richer.

Namaste  ~  Love


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Resolving Inner Conflict using Mantra


        Among the Vedic gods and goddesses, the elephant-headed divinity Ganesha is renowned as a remover of obstacles.   Ganesha's mantra, below, can help you resolve inner conflicts that you may be projecting onto external situations.   By helping you discern a state of mind that is creating disharmony between you and your partner (or between you and a friend or colleague), Ganesha produces order in the outer world.   The tangible effects often seem like a sudden, almost magical disappearance of obstacles.

        Ganesh is also known as Ganapathi.   'Gana' means "power" in Sanskrit, and 'pathi' means "spouse."  So, in one context, the literal translation of the name is "spouse of power."

        'Gana' can also mean "group" if used in another context.   Ganapathi, then, becomes "spouse of the group."   The power of this mantra will always be operational whenever people come together as a group.   There is a correlation here to the words of Christ, when he said, 

                 " Wherever two or three are gathered in my name, I will be in their midst. "

        Here is the mantra:

                                                   Om   Gum   Ganapatayei   Namaha

                                    ( OM  GUM  GUH-NUH-PUH-TUH-YEI  NAHM-AH-HA )

                                       " Om and salutations to the remover of obstacles

                                                        for which Gum is the seed. "




by  Thomas Ashley-Farrand

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