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Ashtar Command transmission through Cmdr. Lady Athena
Ashtar-Athena SherAn.

With regard to the many questions that we receive regarding the possibility of a mass physical landing by extraterrestrials on Earth, there are several answers, yes---no---and as the need arises.

More than likely, many of these messages about massive, planned landings by extraterrestrials may be originating from agents for the fallen ET races and their on planet agents, serving to promote their take over, disinformation and confusion creating agendas. Bear in mind that there are nations on Earth that have long had access to alien technology. They have also been flying their own ufos for decades. Some have staged phony abduction scenarios utilizing robotic aliens, real enough in appearance to fool anyone. Why? To create fear in the public mind so that they can then be controlled. Those of hidden agenda have even planned to stage their own version of the ascension, return of a "christ-like"figure or rapture. However do not worry as their plug has been pulled and they are rapidly short circuiting now.

It has been cautioned by several reputable sources (such as Dr. J.J. Hurtak in The Keys Of Enoch) that the first ones to come and actually attempt a mass landing may more than likly be those with negative alien agendas. Thus we counsel your exercising wise discernment before giving your permission for involvement with any extraterrestrial contact.

There is no need to give your power over to anyone...for in truth the Human being has the greater advantage and position for having under taken this difficult Earth training. Humanity is also undergoing a collective test of temptation in the form of extraterrestrial contacts. Will Earth Humans heed, follow and give homage to space demi-gods, or be true to the Living God who dwells within them?

A big red flag to note is whether an alien or off planet group of aliens claims that they can come and "set those of Earth on the right track" (since allegedly Humans have botched the job so badly in managing their planet.) That approach is both judgmental and demeaning of Humanity's dignity and right to learn self governance through making errors. These errors create ramifications which require their own rectification.

Another red flag is if such off planet ones claim to have the means to replace Earth's political leaders, overthrow any government, or tempt through supposedly backing any "get rich quick" financial schemes, or offer promises of advanced technology. It can be observed that 99.9% of the time such schemes are promoted only by the dark ones. These promises of "unlimited funds coming to you to do your light work" only cause many Lightworkers to sit back passively and wait, thereby wasting valuable time.

If you are wise, you will insist that any one who attempts to contact you prove that they are who they claim to be...seeing that they use the Confederation protocols and greetings. Observe if they come in loving humility and respect, honoring your free will and right to self direction-- major indicators of those of positive intent.

Carefully examine their statements. Do you sense any hidden agenda, one demeaning you in any manner? Is their agenda one of pandering to your ego by attempting to ensnare through promising material gain, power, advanced knowledge or "secret" technology? Beware; agents of darkness always attempt to distract you from Spirit to focusing upon material form. Do they honor and respect your Divinity and right to freely live your life on your planet as you choose? Do they violate your free will in any manner? Do they threaten, engender fear, or attempt to manipulate you in any manner whatsoever? If you carefully examine and sincerely ask for Spiritual discernment it will be made clear who you are dealing with.

Some of these lower astral races and their Earth agents are pretty clever in that they even claim that Ashtar is supporting some of these purely material schemes...which we assure you HE IS NOT. Name dropping in an attempt to provide validity to their schemes is another clue. What advanced Ascended Master ever supports a get rich quick scheme of any kind? We don't even use money on other planets, nor will Earth in the fifth dimension.

Know this, that only a Human being, embodied on Earth has legal operational authority on Earth. Even God (Elohim) the Creator God/s--as Spirits are not able to legally operate on Earth. All dominion and authority on Earth was given only to Earth-man. Even God the Creator had to come and be born as His Son, Jesus / Yeshua in order to operate legally on Earth No spirit being without a Human body has legal operational authority to dictate what is to be done on Earth. That most certainly includes those from other planetary civilizations. We can intervene only to prevent total global destruction of a nature that would also jeopardize life upon our spheres.

As for the political and financial arenas on Earth---these are the training grounds whereby Humans learn how to develop into masters. Mankind learns how to Divinely wield personal power, through the Earth system's business, leadership, political, financial and other arenas. Testing involves overcoming the ego's tendencies towards amassing power, wealth or technology for selfish purposes. Human beings are on Earth to develop into Christ Conscious Masters. not to have anyone from outside rectify their miss creations during their learning process for them....thus depriving them of learning from their own trials and errors.

Above all, in any off planet contacts make certain that these ones state their identity, intention and whom they serve. Observe if they acknowledge that they have come in the Name and Authority of Jesus, Our Most Radiant One and the Office of the Christ...with the evidence to back it, by strictly adhering to the protocols of the Order of Melchizedek! No genuine being of Light will ever have any hesitation in providing an affirmative reply to any of the above diplomatic protocols.

Ongoing information from Ashtar and the Command has been posted on a regular basis within our forums. This stream of current information is communicated as well through Cmdr. Lady Athena's weekly BBS radio shows in addition to her numerous articles, e-mails and phone contacts with commanders from all over the USA and abroad.

Through these and other means we of the Ashtar Galactic Command continually offers sound guidelines to assist Humanity's not falling prey to those of dubious intent. We rarely issue directives to focus upon outer phenomena occurring within the third density skies. Our directives ever emphasize who and what you are as embodiments of Divinity, living eternal lives, here and now. Our counsel is for you to look to no outer source for guidance, but rather to develop your own inner contact in accessing Divine Source.

As pertinent information from the Ashtar Command or from Ashtar, himself, is received, it is immediately made available to our ground crew. No information regarding any planned mass landings by the Ashtar Command has officially been issued, nor is there at present any need for such. (There again, there are certain areas of the world where there have been landings occurring for decades, sometimes many, and mass sightings continue daily, world wide. These generally occur where no fear is engendered and there are no attempts to cover up, deny, threaten, nor harm the contactees or those visiting from other worlds.)

Although individual interactions with the Confederation Fleets of the Ashtar Command and others, and landings in various parts of the world have been ongoing on since your initial seeding here....a mass landing of united Confederation Fleets is not planned at this time. We are however always working with receptive individuals via telepathic rapport, tele-thought transmission of pictograms of Light (the Language of Light) inspiration, or tensor beam transmission and only from the highest Soul level a receiver is able to come into attunement with.

Through means of consciousness expansion, or what is sometimes termed Soul travel, or Soul viewing all of you here on Earth assignment spend much time with us, within the Ashtar Command fleets...aboard ship. These other worldly experiences are most frequently registered and stored at other than your normal consciousness level. Not remembering exactly what you are doing on other levels in no manner affects your usefulness in serving your missions. Remember too that YOU Earth Volunteers are also the landed Extraterrestrials!! You celestial Emissaries form part of what has been termed the "externalization" of the Hierarchy and the "reappearance" of the Christ. There also exist several thousand extraterrestrials from other worlds physically living on planet Earth at this time. Begin to think of yourselves in these terms instead of waiting for others to land here from elsewhere, or to come to save you from the results of your own choices, of thinking, believing and acting. That is wishful and fanciful thinking and not the manner in which an educative system functions. Accepting responsibility for the results caused by your own actions is part of your training in self governance and mastery here on Earth. It is left to you to learn and to self correct.

The Human physical level reflects only 10% of your expression. There is also the vast 90% of your multi-dimensional expression where you do the majority of your "real" work...the area that most are entirely unaware of on at a conscious level. Always remember that you have volunteered to be the ground based representatives of the Confederation fleets.

PLEASE NOTE: Again we reemphasize that the Ashtar Command is NOT directly involved with the political nor the financial arenas of Earth life. Nor are we concerned directly with any governmental agendas whatsoever. We are NOT backing any financial funding schemes! We never abduct, implant, nor manipulate.
We are here to assist Humanity in it's restoration to the Divine Plan, it's ascending into the next dimensional globe of manifestation, it's Spiritual transformation and graduating to higher octaves, and the Earth's eventual admittance into the Confederation Of United and Peaceful Worlds.
Our focus is Spiritual, educational, protective and supervisory with regards to Earth. Within the cosmos we add to the aforementioned; administrative, and pro-actively directive. Please review the posted article on "Ashtar Command Task Overview".
While you may desire new and more psychically titillating information, such is not to be the case. Our task is but to remind you of the Divine Principles, protocol, and directives governing the Spiritual maturation of your planetary life wave. The information that has been available to you for the last two thousand + of your Earth years, and even prior to the seeding of your current Adamic root race.
We of the Ashtar Command with regard to Earth, operate in 50 year time-phase cycles. Our most recent 50 year update was already issued around 1997. Earth is one of a myriad of worlds that come to the end of a major cycle of root race unfoldment. This involves the decline and dissolution of existing systems. Catastrophic purification and upheaval upon all levels serves to transform and renew, replacing the existing consciousness program with a new and updated version. This is your current state of affairs.
The Earth, and the current times are neither unique, nor unusual in this process. What is extraordinary however has been the rapidity of your planetary movement from the third, through the fourth and now into the fifth dimension. The Human species is rapidly transcending the codes of limitation and becoming super Hu-Man. As Adamic Light beings radiating the full spectrum of Divine Light and Sound are destined to form a newly emerging collective of Galactic Christ Consciousness.

Blessings in the Light of Our Most Radiant One, Adonai

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