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When our newly remembered divine gifts overwhelm us...

I know many are starting to expand their senses and becoming extra sensitive to one or more senses.
I see it with all the awakening ones I work with, which are starting to remember the Light Within Themselves.
One of the most experienced senses to develop first seems to be empathy (clairsentience)Feeling "extra".
Empathy blossoms and what a trip that is when it first turns up to the "extra" party.

They become like sponges, picking up feelings from those all around them.
They have to remember how to discern what is theirs and what is not.
Going out in public becomes something to be avoided at all costs.
But still it must happen,somewhat...
Eventually for me, I am now more comfortable with crowds.
I am learning how to keep myself at my own vibration and shielded so I am not drained by those around me.
But it has been baby steps for me...

Or they begin to see through the veil, and are seeing freaky-deaky stuff.
Which can be very frightening and overwhelming.
As our third eye begins to decalcify, it begins to "see".
At first it can be very overwhelming because the images can be hard to interpret, but eventually this becomes more integrated into who we are and the transition becomes smoother as our "vision" becomes clearer.

Sometimes they see an event but do not have any information to do anything about it, just see/feel something happening in the world.
This can be very difficult as our first instinct is to stop it but yet we don't have the information.
For me it has been a process of acceptance.
I have come to believe that an event is being presented to me which I just send love with the intent of healing and for the highest good of all.
I used to freak out about it but now I view it as an opportunity to send light to a manifested situation which needs healing.

Some hear more than they had in the past.
The sounds of bells, or music often accompany them.
Sounds divine, but if one does not know what they are hearing it can quickly make them think they are going crazy...
Clairaudience is enhanced's like our hearing has hopped on the steroid band wagon.

Sometimes too we hear messages from"others out there"...
Please know that there is NO consciousness, or entity "out there" that should bring ANY ANXIETY AT ALL to your heart(if they say the are Light beings) and IF they do, then tell them to bug off(hahaha)or to take a hike.
Surround yourself with White Light and reach out to your Source.
Only YOU give another the right to share your energy if you so choose, they MAY NOT take it from you.
I feel it is time we start to empower ourselves and nothing makes one feel stronger than to say "no" to something or someone that hurts us.

In fact all senses are being expanded, even our internal senses,so the experiences are endless.
None the less,it can all become overwhelming.
When this happens to me I try to get out in nature as soon as possible and just breathe.
Sometimes just breathing correctly and filling our bodies with prana will help us to center and once again move into our hearts.
Also try to drink water.
I imagine liquid Light filling me and helping me to once again find my center.
Or I take a marathon salted bath and just allow myself to be in a quiet space.

As we grow and expand in the Light of our selves and our Source,every day is different.
But it is another day that we are here.
And I try to keep reminding myself that this path might be very difficult as I reach further and further within...
But with the painful releases come the breathtaking expansion of my world and the ability to finally see what is real and what is not.
Including me.
Who am I and who am I not...?

It seems that everyday I get more and more comfortable being in my new self.
And I look forward to where this path is taking me with a ton of curiosity...what awesome thing, what miracle will happen today?
How will my Source show me how I am loved?
And how many can I share that love with others?
Challenging times indeed,when it's rough it's sooo dark, but when the Light shines it's so amazing.

Shine Bright my family.
We are all doing an amazing job.
And if these newly acquired gifts seem more of a curse that a gift,remember it is a sign your are expanding and growing in the Light.
You might surprise yourself at how much you start to enjoy these enhanced senses,once you understand them,this new way of being.
In fact, you might like it...a lot.

In Light and Love
: )

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